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At what month do you give your baby an apple yolk? How to introduce yolk into complementary foods for an infant and go this route without allergies

Many mothers are interested in the question: is an egg healthy, how to introduce the yolk into complementary foods for your child? After all, upon reaching the age of 7 months, the baby’s menu is replenished with this useful product. It is quite severe, doctors consider it a strong allergen, so it must be used with extreme caution to feed your child. The benefits and harms of yolk for small child are on the same level, let us consider this issue in more detail.

The benefits and harms of food products for the body

The benefits of egg yolk for humans in general are definitely great. This product is a huge treasure trove. useful substances, its main components are vitamins A, D, B, various amino acids, fats, phospholipids, trace elements, iodine, iron, folic acid. Among useful properties the following can be distinguished:

In terms of nutritional value, eggs are close to salmon and sturgeon caviar.
  • Thanks to a complex of vitamins, which are one of the main components, eating eggs improves hair and nail growth, and normalizes thyroid function. Used for strengthening bones, improving vision;
  • increases the absorption of saturated and unsaturated fats, digestive processes are normalized;
  • Thanks to the complex of microelements, hematopoietic functions are significantly improved.

But among the many advantages in feeding a small child, it can bring such Negative consequences , such as allergies, disorders of the digestive system. develop from the smallest amount that enters children's body. Therefore, this product should be introduced very carefully; it is better to first consult with a pediatrician and take allergy tests (especially if one of the parents is allergic to this product).

Chicken or quail - which eggs are better for a child?

Quail and chicken eggs differ from each other not only appearance, but also in composition

Quail eggs contain cholesterol and are considered more tasty than chicken eggs.

One more a big plus is that quails don’t get sick infectious diseases and salmonellosis.

They are considered strong immunomodulators and are used in the diet of people suffering from anemia, chronic bronchitis, hypertensive patients. Read about it in the article at the link.

This product is considered dietary and must be present on the menu of a small family member in sufficient quantities. Regular use this product helps improve digestion processes in the body, this fact is very important for children, since they digestive system unstable.

It is also hypoallergenic; quail egg white contains a specific substance, ovomucoid. For medical purposes, its extract is extracted and used to produce anti-allergy drugs. You can find out what they are from the article at the link.

Thus, it is better to try the first feeding of a child with yolk from this type of egg.

Algorithm for introducing complementary foods to infants

All young mothers are interested in when to introduce yolk into complementary foods, in what volume and frequency? You should always start with a small amount to establish how the child’s body will react to New Product. It is not recommended to exceed the permissible doses, even using quail eggs.

At what age, in what quantity and how often can you give it to a child? this product, can be seen in the table below.

Koroleva E.P., nutritionist, clinic “ Healthy family”, Ufa

For the first feeding of a child 7-9 months old, it is necessary to use a quail egg. It is this that is less of an allergen compared to chicken.

Quail is superior to chicken in terms of amino acids, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins.

How to introduce yolk to a baby? Recommended to be mixed with formula or expressed milk breast milk. Read about it at the link. Protein is strictly prohibited for children under one year of age., since it is difficult to digest in a child’s stomach. You also need to remember that if your baby has problems with bowel movements ( frequent constipation), then it is better to wait with its introduction.

Proper preparation of yolk for complementary feeding

Eggs must be fresh and stored only in the refrigerator. If the mother opted for chicken, then they must be hard-boiled for at least 15 minutes, then thoroughly cleaned of protein, mixed with a small amount of formula or breast milk.

Give for the first time on the tip of a teaspoon, observe for 3 days, if there are no allergies or other side symptoms, then you can continue to eat in peace.

To introduce complementary foods, it is permissible to use only fresh eggs

It must be remembered that this product, like the other, is not recommended to be administered when the baby is sick or if the general condition, teething, before or after vaccination.

It is recommended to introduce each subsequent new component into the diet no earlier than 2 weeks after the introduction of the last one. Upon reaching the age of 12 months, the whole testicle can be given, including protein. The norm is 1 piece 3-4 times a week.

If your baby is prone to allergies, it is better to use quail eggs. But here you also need to be careful with the dosage, since exceeding the norm will provoke an allergic response from the body. The question often arises – 10 minutes will be enough.

It is strictly forbidden to give your baby raw eggs, as you can become infected with salmonellosis.(this does not apply to quails). The doctor prescribes raw consumption only when strictly necessary, for example chronic diseases lungs (they contain substances that help with ventilation of the lungs). It is given as the well-known “mogol-mogol” (yolk beaten until white with granulated sugar).

Must only be used fresh eggs, which were stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Before boiling, the egg must be rinsed well under running water. warm water. How to introduce the yolk into ready meals? It’s very simple, it goes well with almost any product: cereals, soups, vegetable stews, etc.

4 best recipes for baby food

1 For very young children (up to one year old) this product is better use with vegetable puree soups, for example, or porridge.

2 If the child is over a year old, then you can cook a diet omelette. To do this, you need to beat 1 chicken or 3 quail eggs, add a little salt and milk, pour everything into silicone molds. Bake at 180°C for 20-30 minutes.

3 You can also cook cutlets with quail or chicken eggs. To do this, you need to take minced meat (veal, turkey, rabbit meat), add salt, add a little bread and milk, mix well.

Boil hard-boiled eggs. Take some minced meat, wrap an egg inside, steam or cook in the oven. You can serve mashed potatoes as a side dish.

4 Salad from fresh vegetables : Wash vegetables and lettuce leaves well. Finely chop cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, add halved eggs (hard-boiled). Season with salt olive oil. You can also add boiled chicken fillet here.

Sorokin Yu.O., pediatrician, Children's Clinic No. 4, Izhevsk

When introducing this component to an infant, you must be guided by the following: artificial children are allowed a quarter of quail from the age of 7 months.

Children who are staying at breastfeeding– the same amount, but not earlier than 8 months.

Interesting and delicious recipes for one-year-old children you can see.


  1. When starting the first complementary feeding, the yolk must be introduced according to medical indicators. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, microelements, amino acids, which are very necessary for a small growing organism.
  2. It is recommended to administer with great caution so as not to cause allergies.
  3. The benefits of quail eggs are several times higher than those of chicken eggs. It is hypoallergenic and does not cause salmonellosis.
  4. Children under one year old should not be given protein.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to feed your baby raw eggs.
  6. Chicken must be cooked for at least 15 minutes, quail - 5 minutes.
  7. For children who are on artificial feeding, it is recommended to introduce this product from 7 months, and for those feeding on breast milk from 8-9 months.
  8. Do not exceed the permissible dose when feeding a baby.

The most important thing is how to introduce yolk into complementary foods for your case, it is better not to see a pediatrician; it is not recommended to start this process yourself, as you can harm your own child.

Fruit or vegetable puree is complicated by allergies, then yolk enter very carefully.

Chicken eggs should only be fresh. Before cooking, be sure to wash the egg well and check it for freshness. To do this, place the egg in cold water: If it floats or stands upright, throw it away without regret. You need to boil the egg for 10-15 minutes. To kid You can only give a hard-boiled egg.

The yolk must be carefully separated from the white, which is contraindicated for up to a year. Rub it yolk with or dairy. Let's give it to the baby yolk in the morning before the main feeding. The first portions of the yolk should be on the tip of a teaspoon. During the day, watch your body's reaction. If everything went well, the next day you can increase the portion slightly. So gradually, by the age of one year, the child can be given half the yolk.

The introduction of yolk into a child’s diet provides the growing body with proteins, fats and vitamin A. The yolk contains almost all the necessary minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus.

If the child yolk you don’t like it and he tries to spit it out, disguise it yolk into other products. It can be given for lunch, mixed with vegetable puree.

Video on the topic


The yolk must be carefully separated from the protein, which is not given to children under 1 year of age, as it is difficult to digest and can cause allergic reactions. After the yolk is boiled and separated from the white, it is well ground with a small amount of expressed breast milk or an adapted formula. Then, over the course of several days, you can increase its amount, first to 1/4, and then to 1/2 yolk per day. The yolk can be given along with vegetable puree or porridge.

Helpful advice

How to give yolk to a baby? The most important thing is that the eggs should preferably be homemade; start complementary feeding with 1/4 of a teaspoon, after mixing the yolk with breast milk if you have a baby. If not, add some milk mixture. Infants are given the yolk from 8 months, and artificial ones from 7. Boil the egg for at least 1 minute.


  • yolk for baby

Egg yolk is the source of most of the irreplaceable sources necessary for the full development of a child. The composition of egg yolk includes protein, amino acids, fats, phospholipids, choline, iron, copper, colbate, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin D and many others useful components.


Introduce eggs into your child's diet yolk necessary gradually. The initial portion should be? yolk for 3 days. Giving yolk need in the morning in order to observe the body’s reaction to a new product. Pay attention to the condition of the child's skin. The main thing is that redness, rashes, spots and blisters do not appear. If allergies do not appear, can you increase the dose to? yolk

Egg yolk is one of the components of complementary feeding for infants.

Chicken yolk for babies

Chicken yolk contains:

1) irreplaceable fatty acid, necessary for normal development and complete differentiation of metabolism, nervous system and vision, affecting intelligence and memory;

2) important minerals: zinc, iron, iodine, phosphorus, manganese and potassium, which affect the growth of bones and teeth, normal function thyroid gland and hematopoietic organs;

3) vitamins (groups B, A, PP, D) - vital for the functioning of all organs and systems of the child’s body.

When to give egg yolk to a baby

According to the timing of the introduction of complementary feeding, which was developed by the World Health Organization - egg yolk introduced into the child’s diet from 7 months. Previously, this product was one of the first courses of complementary feeding, which was introduced to infants from 3-4 months of life. But today, most experts believe that yolk should not be given to children under 6 months of age, due to the high fat content in its composition (23%) and instability of the liver, so it is a rather heavy product. With him early introduction in the diet in the future the child may experience functional disorders in the form of gallbladder dysfunction and irritable bowel syndrome. If the baby has a tendency to develop allergic reactions- the introduction of the yolk is delayed until 8-9 months.

The yolk is administered along with formula or breast milk or added to vegetable puree or porridge.

The egg is hard-boiled (15-20 minutes), separated from the white, and a paste is made from the yolk, which is mixed with any liquid (mixture, milk).

It is necessary to introduce this product into the diet gradually - starting with the baby and monitoring the baby’s condition throughout the day. If there are no allergic reactions, you can give your baby about a quarter of a teaspoon of the new product. Then the portion is slowly increased to a quarter of a yolk twice a week, and from 11 months it is gradually increased to half a yolk. Egg whites can be given to a child only after one year. When cooked, some of the allergens from the egg yolk are inactivated, but the body may react to the introduction of a new product in the form of an allergic reaction - in this case, it is better to exclude the yolk from children's diet for a year and a half.

Quail yolk for babies

Quail eggs are considered more useful in their qualitative composition (contain more essential amino acids– histidine, glycine, lysine and threonine), and are less likely to develop allergic reactions. Therefore, you can start complementary feeding with them. But it is important to monitor the single dose - the amount of yolk; it should not be large, because allergies sometimes occur to quail eggs.

Quail eggs need to be cooked no less carefully than chicken eggs.

It may be early or late, but all mothers are faced with a situation when it’s time to start feeding their baby. Time passes, the child grows every day, and his body requires new foods, vitamins and microelements. Along with the introduction of complementary foods, a number of questions arise about when and what you can start giving your baby. The question of how to introduce yolk into a baby’s diet, how healthy and safe it is, is especially pressing. Therefore, today we will talk about the benefits of egg yolk, who should delay introducing it, and at what months you can start giving the yolk to your baby.

Benefits of egg yolk

The yolk contains a number of substances that are not only useful for each of us, but also vital for the normal development of the baby. It contains:

  1. Fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on vision and memory. They cannot be produced by our body, so we must obtain them from outside.
  2. Lecithin, which increases the resistance of cell membrane walls.
  3. Microelements – phosphorus, calcium, potassium. They not only contribute to normal metabolism, but also ensure the formation bone tissue and improve your baby's teeth.
  4. Vitamins, including not only the B complex of vitamins, but also vitamins A, D, E and PP.

However, all these advantages can be considered as such only if you introduce complementary foods according to all the rules and in due dates. Otherwise, you can put a strain on your baby’s liver, because egg yolk is one of the heaviest foods for a child’s body.

When can you start giving yolk to your baby?

More recently, doctors allowed complementary feeding to be introduced to a child as early as three months, and sometimes they even recommended giving the baby the yolk first. But that's all behind us now. Today and moved to more late date, and they were allowed to try the yolk only from 7 months. It is at this age that the intestinal microflora is already approaching the fully formed stage, and the baby’s stomach can cope with heavy food. Just remember that egg yolk is an allergen, and if your baby suffers from allergies, then it is best to postpone familiarization with this product for at least a couple of months.

It is also worth understanding that not all children will happily eat an egg; many babies outright refuse the yolk. So don’t insist, try this dish a little later, in a couple of weeks. Ideally, the yolk should be introduced into complementary foods before the age of one year. But this is only if the baby is healthy and likes this product.

How to give yolk

If everything is clear with the question of when you can give egg yolk to a baby, then with the question of how to give it to your baby, everything is not so clear. We can definitely say that children under one year of age can be given egg yolk only in boiled form, and without white. There is also a norm heat treatment: A chicken egg should be cooked for at least 20 minutes, and a quail egg for at least 5 minutes.

Like many other products, the yolk should be introduced gradually. First, give your child a few grams of yolk and watch his reaction. If your baby doesn't develop a rash or a tummy ache within a few hours, you can offer him a little more yolk the next day. When the baby turns one year old, he will be able to eat half a chicken yolk or a whole quail yolk.

In order for the baby to like the yolk more, it should not be given in dry form. It is better to resort to small tricks and present the yolk to the baby as follows:

  1. Dilute the grated yolk with milk (breast milk is possible).
  2. Add the adapted mixture to it.
  3. You can offer the yolk to the baby along with mashed potatoes.

After the baby gets used to this product, you can give it already at pure form. Just don’t forget that salt is not the healthiest product, so you shouldn’t add salt to the yolk.

The child should only eat fresh food. You can check the egg for freshness as follows: put the egg in cold water, if it sinks, then the egg is fresh; if the egg is half in water, then it is about a week old; if it floats to the surface, then the egg is lost and should be thrown away immediately.

It is also worth remembering that homemade eggs are very fatty and high in calories. Therefore, it is better to purchase eggs for the first complementary feeding from a proven poultry farm, which carries out quality control.

Yolk and allergies

Unfortunately, an allergic reaction to yolk occurs quite often. And it’s all because of animal protein. However, as nutritionists assure, quail eggs have the least allergic effect, which are increasingly recommended to be given to children.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to understand a little more about how and when an allergy to yolk manifests itself.

Usually, an allergic reaction cannot be seen immediately after eating the yolk, but only on the second day. Therefore, it is best to give your baby this product only after you are sure that the previous portion did not cause harm. Doctors advise introducing yolk into the child’s diet gradually, and giving it no more than 3 times a week.

You can see an allergic reaction like this:

  1. The child's facial skin began to peel off.
  2. Skin color has changed.
  3. Swelling appeared in the mouth area.
  4. The structure of the child's stool has changed.

If you see at least one of the above symptoms in your baby, postpone getting to know the egg for several weeks or even months.

If you still decide to give a quail yolk to your baby, then know that, despite the small size of the egg, it contains much more useful substances than a chicken egg. The only thing is, don’t give your child eggs fatty foods. In this way, you will greatly overload the baby’s liver and he may develop serious problems with health.

Eggs are very useful product, rich in microelements and vitamins. Therefore, children from 7 months must eat them. Just try to follow all the rules for introducing yolk into your child’s diet, monitor the quality of the product and the baby’s reaction.

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As you know, egg yolk is approximately 20% saturated fat, which creates a serious burden on the baby’s liver. The question arises: how to give yolk to a child without causing undesirable consequences? Modern pediatricians and nutritionists recommend giving yolk to children no earlier than 9 months. By this age, the child’s body has already become relatively strong and is able to cope with this food. And the egg yolk, in turn, can replenish its reserves of vitamins D, B2, A and B12, folic acid, selenium, lecithin, iron, iodine, as well as essential amino acids.

As complementary foods, children are given egg yolk along with formula or breast milk.

  1. Boil the egg itself directly
  2. Next, we make a paste from the yolk, which we mix with one of the above liquids.

In addition, this product for a child can be added to porridge or vegetable puree (as they appear in the child’s diet).

The product should be given gradually. At first, just one crumb.

Remember: before giving complementary foods the next day, you need to carefully examine the little one. If no allergic reactions occur, the baby can be given about a quarter of a teaspoon of the new treat.

And only after one year can you give a whole egg yolk to children. At the same time, you can give your child egg whites. But remember that it is an allergen, is poorly absorbed, and energy value is quite small.

How much yolk should I give to children?

Of course, you shouldn’t give your little one a new and rather fatty treat every day. Twice a week will be enough. After all, despite the fact that during cooking some of the allergens from egg white and the yolk is removed, the young body may not respond to the new food in the best way. If this does happen, it is better to completely exclude the “culprit” from the children’s diet and turn to it only at one and a half years.

If you decide to give your child an yolk, it is better to use quail eggs. They will help out even when the usual chicken yolk It is contraindicated for children (it provokes an allergy directly or to the protein itself).

In addition, quail eggs contain a lot of useful amino acids - glycine, histidine, threonine, lysine and tyrosine. They also contain enough B vitamins, potassium, iron and phosphorus. But there is no cholesterol at all.

Another undoubted advantage of this dish is that quails are not prone to salmonellosis and infectious diseases.

IMPORTANT! Read the large and detailed menu for children and adults.

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You already know how much yolk to give your baby. However, the existing norms of complementary feeding for babies cannot be transferred “onto the shoulders” of quail eggs without thinking.

Despite being significantly smaller than that of chicken eggs, sizes, you shouldn’t “overdo it” with them; you need to give the product carefully.

If the child is not yet a year old, the maximum allowed is half a yolk. And only then can you give the little one a whole egg (along with the whites).

At the age of 3 years, their number should not exceed three.

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