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Introduce egg whites to a child. When and how. Introducing eggs into baby's complementary foods

Chicken eggs contain many substances that are beneficial for children.

Every mother wants the best for her baby. And, of course, a mother who is starting complementary feeding is very concerned about the safety of a particular product. Eggs are not the easiest choice for your digestive and immune systems, but they do contain nutrients that are hard to find substitutes for.

Is it possible to give chicken eggs to a child? In the absence of allergies, of course, yes. But the age at which they are added to the children's diet is important.

Introducing yolk into complementary foods

Eggs are considered safe for the first sample childhood 6-7 months By this time, the child, as a rule, eats pureed vegetables and fruits with might and main, and is not averse to trying something new. Chicken eggs should be introduced into the baby's diet carefully, starting with the yolk.

For the first time, the yolk, like other new foods, should be given in the morning in order to be able to observe the baby’s reaction to unknown complementary foods throughout the day. Usually mothers know that New Product for the first time it is tasted in a minimal amount, on the tip of a spoon, and eggs are no exception. During the first week, continue to give the minimum from the yolk, and starting from the second week, give a little more.

So, gradually increasing the dose, provided that the baby does not show signs of an allergic reaction or intestinal disorder, in two to three weeks you can reach a quarter chicken yolk. After about a month, it is permissible to offer half the yolk of a chicken egg, and by the age of one, the child can eat the whole yolk, but no more than three times a week.

Chicken yolk contains 26% fat - it is heavy food for the stomach small child Therefore, the yolk should be introduced into the diet gradually and extremely carefully.

It is advisable to mix the egg yolk offered to the child with already familiar food: vegetables or porridge. This way there is less risk that the child will refuse to try unfamiliar food or spit it out. Sometimes it is recommended to dilute the yolk breast milk or formula milk - depending on whether you are breastfeeding or artificial feeding Baby.

Protein in complementary foods for children

At first, the eggs should be given on the tip of a spoon.

Often, when interested in the topic of when to give chicken eggs to children, parents mean a whole egg. But in the case of baby food, not everything is simple. Considering different composition yolk and white, it is recommended to offer chicken protein no earlier than 10 months, starting with the minimum dose and gradually increasing to half and then to the whole egg. This is due to the fact that egg white is a strong allergen, the body of a small child is not always able to cope with it.

By the age of one year, the baby is already stronger, the risk of allergies decreases. However, it is better for parents of children prone to allergic reactions to refrain from introducing chicken protein into complementary foods for a longer period.

How many eggs can a child

How many eggs per week can you give your child? Pediatricians believe that it is definitely not worth feeding eggs to babies every day. It is optimal to treat your child to chicken eggs 2 times a week.

Approximate age for introducing chicken eggs into the diet:

  • 6-8 months - strictly yolk, 1/4;
  • 8-10 months - 1/2 yolk;
  • 10-12 months - 1 yolk, add white;
  • After a year - 1/2 of a whole egg;
  • By 2 years - 1 whole egg.

Eggs should only be given to young children in hard-boiled form. After a year, it is allowed to offer steamed omelettes and casseroles to babies. Fried eggs, however, like any other fried food, in baby food best avoided. It is strictly forbidden to give children soft-boiled or raw chicken eggs - due to the high risk of salmonellosis infection.

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How to introduce yolk into the diet of a small child? Is this product really necessary if there are mixed reviews about it in nutrition? What are the rules for introducing yolk into complementary foods? We will try to give answers to all these questions in this article.

Is egg yolk healthy?

The yolk of an egg contains a number useful substances necessary for full development child's body:

  1. microelements: calcium, phosphorus, potassium (ensure proper development bone tissue, child's teeth, contribute to the formation correct exchange substances)
  2. lecithin (strengthens the walls of cell membranes, thereby increasing their vitality);
  3. vitamins A, PP, E, D, group B complex (strengthens the baby’s body, increases his immunity, promotes the development without pathologies of all vital systems)
  4. irreplaceable fatty acid, which are not produced independently and enter the body exclusively with food (strengthen the nervous system, have a beneficial effect on memory and vision)

Despite the fact that this ingredient has a rich composition of useful substances, it is quite high in calories and heavy for the child’s body. Early complementary feeding is fraught with increased stress on the liver, which can subsequently cause serious illnesses.

When can it be given to a child?

The times when pediatricians recommended starting complementary feeding at 3 months and giving the baby the yolk first are gone. Today, doctors advise offering this product to a child no earlier than 7 months, when the microflora is already more fully formed and can digest such a heavy product as the yolk. If your baby has food allergies, it is better to postpone complementary feeding for at least 1-2 months.

Children under one year old are quite selective in food, so the baby may simply refuse a new product. Forcing and force-feeding is not a solution. In this case, you should postpone this type complementary foods for a few months and then try offering them again. It is advisable to introduce yolk into the diet of a healthy child before he is one year old. From how many months you can do this depends on the health of the baby and its physiological characteristics.

How to give the yolk?

Children under one year old can only be given a hard-boiled yolk, and the white of the egg should appear on the child’s menu much later. For children over 7 months of age, a chicken egg needs to be boiled for at least 20 minutes, and a quail egg for 5 minutes after boiling. This approach allows you to protect your baby as much as possible from salmonellosis, a serious disease transmitted primarily through eggs.

It is noteworthy that this disease transmitted only through chicken eggs: the Salmonella molecule is too large to pass through the cells of a quail egg shell, so in this regard they are more secure.

For the first time, you need to give your child yolk in a very small amount (just a few grams is enough). If an allergy does not manifest itself, you can gradually increase the dose to a quarter of a chicken egg or half a quail egg. Children after one year can already be given half a chicken yolk or a whole quail yolk.

You can add yolk to infants in complementary foods diluted with milk or a mixture. If the child is on breastfeeding, you can use breast milk. In this form, the yolk will be more easily accepted by the baby’s body.

You can also offer it to your child along with potato or any other puree. When the baby gets used to this ingredient and its food system adapts to it completely, it will be possible to give the yolk in pure form(children after one year). There is no need to salt it.

Important! The baby's complementary foods should contain only the freshest ingredients. High Quality. To check the quality of an egg, you need to lower it into water: a fresh one will sink instantly, a product 5-7 days old will float to the surface halfway, the egg will Bad quality– will instantly appear on the surface.

To protect your child from salmonellosis, it is recommended to choose products from poultry farms where egg quality is monitored. Homemade eggs are not suitable for baby food because their yolk is fattier and higher in calories.

About allergies

Egg allergies are not uncommon. The reason for this is animal protein - one of the most powerful allergens. In pediatrics, there is an opinion that quail eggs are much less dangerous in this regard. This does not mean that allergies and quail eggs are not related to each other, they are simply much less likely to cause allergic reactions.

An allergy to yolk usually does not appear immediately, but on the second day. Children aged 8-12 months should not be given this product more than 2-3 times a week. After the first acquaintance with it, you need to wait a couple of days and again offer the child as much yolk as he ate last time. The dose can be increased only when the likelihood of an allergic reaction is completely excluded.

Allergies can manifest as changes in skin color, peeling of the skin on the face, and swelling in the mouth area. Parents should also be alert to changes in stool structure. At the slightest suspicion, the child is not given any more yolk, and introduction to it is postponed for several months.

Egg yolks must be introduced into the menu for babies with extreme caution, just like, for example, fish. It cannot be combined in one dish with fatty ingredients, since in this case there will be an increased load on the child’s liver. Quail eggs are more suitable for children under one year old. Despite their small size, they contain twice as much nutrients than chicken, they are less likely to cause allergies and do not become a source of salmonellosis transmission.

Eggs are among the top ten healthy products nutrition, so excluding them from the baby’s diet is not recommended. Proper introduction of them into complementary foods will enrich the child’s body useful vitamins, amino acids and minerals without harming it. Compared to white, yolk is less likely to cause an allergic reaction, which is why it is introduced into the baby’s menu much earlier.

Eggs are considered one of the healthiest foods. They are especially useful for older people and children. Their presence in the diet of babies contributes to the harmonious and proper development child, improves blood composition, strengthens bones and vital important systems body. However, do not forget that it is chicken eggs that often cause allergies. Today we will tell you how to correctly introduce this product into your baby’s menu in order to get the most out of it. maximum benefit and avoid health problems.


The energy value of 1 chicken egg is 75 calories, a significant part comes from the yolk - 60 calories, and the rest from the white. Compound:

  • Amino acids. A group of essential elements on which muscle cell formation and activity depend metabolic processes, condition of nails, hair and skin.
  • Vitamins: retinol, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, tocopherol and calciferol.
  • Minerals: potassium and calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and many others.
  • Choline - it is found in yolks, a strategically important substance that ensures the functioning of the brain.
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
  • Enzymes, including diastase, protease and others.
  • Cholesterol. By the way, it has already been proven that its level in the blood depends not only on the foods consumed, so today eggs have been rehabilitated and are no longer considered potential dangerous product, increasing the concentration of cholesterol in the body.

Dietary eggs, fresh from chicken, have the greatest benefit.

Important! Although this product is considered high-calorie, its consumption does not lead to weight gain, since its basis is proteins, not fats.

The benefits of chicken eggs

An important criterion for assessing the usefulness of products is their digestibility. Eggs are digested almost completely - in a volume of 97–98%, which means that after eating them the body is not clogged with toxins and waste. Valuable product has a lot of advantages:

  • contains a complex important substances, the totality of which ensures the growth of muscle cells, the proper functioning of the central nervous system and other body systems;
  • due to the high content of vitamin D, chicken yolk is recommended to be given to children as a preventive measure for rickets;
  • due to the high iron content in the yolk, eggs are indicated for children prone to anemia;
  • lecithin present in the product helps normalize liver activity;
  • chicken eggs render positive action on the brain, their use helps strengthen memory, which is important for schoolchildren, as well as children exposed to intense stress;
  • found in egg yolks special substance- lutein, it strengthens vision, is useful as a preventative.

1 chicken egg contains a quarter daily norm essential acids. Also this product has very important element- niacin, which provides nutrition to the brain and is also necessary for the production of certain hormones. According to the content of one of the special necessary for the child elements, vitamin D, eggs are second only to fish oil. They also have other benefits: they increase immunity, help improve attention and ability to concentrate, and make the skeletal system stronger.

IN early age The yolk is more useful, since the white can cause allergies. But egg shells can be used to treat allergic reactions - to do this, it is enough to crush it and give it to the baby in a minimal amount. Of course, it should be boiled first to get rid of germs.

Chicken eggs in the diet of babies

Doctors have differing opinions regarding the introduction of eggs into the diet of babies. Some doctors believe that it is better to do this from 3 months; this point of view is held mainly by adherents of old traditions. In accordance with WHO recommendations, the optimal period for supplementing a child’s menu with egg yolk is from 6 months (breastfeeding) or from 5 months (for babies who eat adapted formulas).

Important! If one of the baby's closest relatives suffers from an allergy to eggs and products containing them, it is better to postpone introduction to this product - it should be offered no earlier than the baby is 8 months old.

In addition, you will have to carefully monitor your daughter or son’s reaction to eggs. Since allergies are mainly caused by egg whites, it is customary to give babies the yolk. Our recommendations:

  • the first portion - no more than 1–2 g of protein (at the tip of a knife);
  • to give the product a creamy consistency, you can express a few drops of breast milk; if you don’t have it, replace it with an adapted formula;
  • Children can only be given the yolk of a hard-boiled egg;
  • The portion should be increased gradually so that the baby gradually gets used to the new product.

The maximum volume is 1/4 yolk for a baby up to 8–9 months of age, later it can be increased to 1/2. Subsequently, when you are sure that the baby accepts this product normally, add it to the ready meals- first and second. Do this regularly - every 3-4 days. After a year, you can prepare an omelet or casserole for your baby.

Precautionary measures

Dirty eggs may contain dangerous bacteria- salmonella. When hitting human body they provoke inflammatory diseases, including such dangerous ones as typhoid or paratyphoid. To avoid such problems, doctors advise be sure to wash eggs with soap and boil them for 10 minutes or more. It is strictly unacceptable to offer them raw to children. A child can eat eggs no more than 3-4 times a week.

Egg dishes for kids

Omelette with spinach

Ingredients: a small bunch of spinach leaves, 2 eggs, 0.5 cups of milk, salt to taste. You will also need a little butter and water. The dish is designed for preschool children aged 5 years and older.

Rinse the spinach leaves under running water; cut off the hard part of the stem. Cut the greens into small squares, then simmer in a frying pan, preheat it and add a small piece of butter and 1.5–2 tablespoons. spoons of water. Beat the eggs, pour them into the spinach, then cover with a lid and wait until the omelet is ready.

Egg casserole

Ingredients: 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 glass of milk.

The good thing about the proposed casserole is that it turns out tender and airy. Dissolve the sugar in the milk, then add the eggs and beat until a homogeneous mixture is formed, and then place it in a saucepan with cold water(something like a water bath). Place it in a cold oven - remove it when the casserole becomes thick.

Are eggs good for a baby? How will the baby’s body react to egg white or yolk, and when can you give your baby a whole egg? Which eggs do you prefer - chicken or quail? How many eggs can a child be given before one year of age, after one year, or at two years of age? We tried to find answers to these and other similar questions that concern many young parents.

Eggs are good for a child, but they need to be introduced into the baby’s diet gradually.

The nutritional value of chicken eggs is great, so it is not surprising that parents would like to include them in their baby’s diet early. The animal proteins contained in the product are in demand by all major systems of our body. The condition of muscles, blood vessels, and heart function depend on them. It is known that eggs contain:

  • trace elements and minerals, such as iron and phosphorus, calcium and magnesium and others;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, D, E and K;
  • amino acids;
  • antioxidants.

All these substances have different effects on a growing organism. Judge for yourself - thanks to them, the little man has:

  • bone mass is strengthened;
  • work is returning to normal thyroid gland, liver and kidneys;
  • the brain and all groups of cells are formed;
  • memory is strengthened;
  • digestion improves.

What eggs are allowed and not allowed?

In addition to chicken eggs, quail eggs are also freely sold in stores. The former are more common because they are cheaper, but the nutritional value of the latter is much higher. If you compare the amount of vitamins and minerals contained in these products, it is striking that there are much more of them in quail eggs. By the way, children eat quail eggs more willingly - they are smaller in size, and their shell color is unusual.

Quail, hatching eggs, creates a temperature for them of 42°, while for chicken eggs the temperature is 38°. It turns out that quail eggs warm up more, which means infectious bacteria there will be less in them, which is why they are considered safer.

But parents, if desired, can buy eggs of other birds - turkey, duck and goose. These are exactly what pediatricians do not recommend giving to children as complementary foods. True, the reasons for this attitude are different:

  • Turkey eggs contain more cholesterol, but they contain noticeably less nutrients;
  • Duck and goose eggs are more allergenic than egg, and also holds more fat, which is undesirable for babies. These eggs can be given to children after six years of age.

Chicken eggs, as well as quail and guinea fowl eggs, are good for your child.

Guinea fowl eggs nutritional properties equivalent to chicken and quail. It means that this product can be introduced into the baby’s diet at the same age and in the same proportions.

When to introduce eggs into complementary foods

Doctors do not recommend adding an egg to a baby’s menu too early. Until six months, everything that a growing body needs is obtained through breastfeeding - mother's milk according to its characteristics it is truly unique product. So from how many months is it possible, in this case?

Pediatricians advise mothers to give their baby additional complementary foods:

  • in the sixth – seventh month, if he is breastfed;
  • in the fifth month for artificial babies, because essential vitamins and they require significantly more minerals.

Eggs can be introduced into a child’s diet after he or she reaches seven months of age.

It is at this age that eggs are introduced into the baby’s diet. But a reasonable question arises - how to give an egg to a child, because it consists of white and yolk, what should follow what?

If one of the baby's parents is allergic to eggs, it would be better to delay introducing this product into complementary foods for at least 8 months. You should also consult your pediatrician in advance.

Which comes first - white or yolk?

You need to start from two facts.

  1. The yolk contains the main beneficial components, so it is added to complementary foods first.
  2. Protein is more allergenic; it may cause a rash to appear on the baby’s body or the skin may turn red. When answering the question of when a child can be given egg whites, doctors recommend postponing this point until nine months.

But even starting with the yolk, parents still need to exercise reasonable caution - the baby’s immune system can also react negatively to the yolk. For the first time, a baby should be given very little, literally a grain, five grams, no more. Later it will be possible to increase this volume to a quarter of a teaspoon, but it should also be diluted with water or breast milk, making a kind of egg puree for the baby.

The yolk contains more nutrients and fewer allergens, so it is better to start introducing eggs with it.

The first complementary foods are usually given in the morning, at the second feeding, so that during the day you can track the baby’s reaction to the new product. Any redness or rashes on the skin will alarm signal. This does not mean that eggs cannot now be given, you will just have to postpone the introduction of this product for another month or two, until the immune system the baby will not be fully formed.

Eggs are only introduced into complementary foods healthy child . This product should not be given to children who are unwell or have recently had an illness.

The older the baby gets, the more product he can eat. These are the standards that pediatricians recommend to adhere to when feeding small children chicken eggs.

If you decide to treat your baby to quail eggs, although they are more expensive, then in this case, given the smaller size and reduced risk infectious diseases, the norms are prescribed as follows.

Whatever eggs you decide to give to your baby, you must cook them properly, since babies should absolutely not eat any eggs raw.

How to cook eggs

IN at different ages For kids, you have to prepare various egg-based dishes. A child will be able to eat raw eggs when he is already a schoolchild, i.e. after 7 years, and before this age the product must undergo mandatory heat treatment. In this case, the risk of salmonellosis is immediately eliminated.

  1. To prepare an egg for a baby, you simply need to hard-boil it, after which the yolk can be separated from the white without any problems. Having taken the required portion of the yolk, it is mixed with breast milk or added to porridge or vegetable puree as one of the ingredients.
  2. For older children, you can cook scrambled eggs by adding vegetables, ham or cheese to the dish.
  3. The egg is served as a separate dish or included in a vegetable salad. The boiled product is also placed on sandwiches, crumbled into cold soup, or used as one of the ingredients in baked goods.

Only suitable for a small child boiled eggs, and older children can make scrambled eggs.

A chicken egg is boiled for 10 minutes, a quail egg - no more than three. Do not stand longer, otherwise the cooked product will become “unappetizing” appearance. It is advisable to wash the eggs before boiling.

Meal options

Most often, children are fed the following types dishes.

  1. Egg omelette. Take boiled milk, one chicken egg or a couple of quail eggs. For infants, the omelette is baked in the oven or steamed. For older children, omelette is made in a frying pan.
  2. Curd pudding. For cooking you will need grated cottage cheese, sugar and an egg. All this is mixed, then cooked either in the oven or in a slow cooker. Cooking time – 20 minutes.
  3. Homemade baked goods. You can bake scones and muffins at home using eggs as one of the ingredients.

Benefits of eggshells

IN folk medicine there are recipes that use eggshell. But since the shell itself contains a lot of calcium, which the growing body needs, in cases where the baby suffers from food allergies and cannot eat eggs, doctors recommend giving him shells for food in order to saturate his body with calcium. The shell is first prepared to the desired state.

Eggshells are no less beneficial for children than the contents of the egg.

For this:

  1. Take homemade (not store-bought) eggs with white shells, which you then thoroughly wash with a solution of baby soap.
  2. Take the contents out of the shell and remove the inner film.
  3. Leave the shells for a couple of hours to dry.
  4. Grind the shells to a powder state. To do this, use a regular mortar and pestle, no blenders or coffee grinders.
  5. Pour half a tablespoon of powder with the juice of squeezed half a lemon, then mix. Chemical reaction will form foam, remove it without ceasing to stir the solution.
  6. Let the composition sit for half a day in a dark room at room temperature.

In the end you will get food supplement, hypoallergenic, which can either be added to other dishes for babies, or used as a separate one, completely permitted by medicine, medicinal composition. The drug must be stored in the refrigerator.

Take it once a day in portions, the volume of which depends on how many months or years old the child is:

  • up to six months – one gram;
  • from 6 months to a year – two grams;
  • from one to two years – 4 grams;
  • up to 7 years – half a teaspoon;
  • up to 14 years - one tablespoon.


So, finding out at what age eggs can be given to a child, we came to the conclusion that it is advisable to start introducing them into complementary foods no earlier than 6 months if the baby is on breastfeeding, and a month and a half earlier if he is on breastfeeding. artificial nutrition. The specific timing of when to give depends on the baby’s health condition. If he urgently needs additional vitamins for balanced nutrition, then the deadlines are allowed to be shifted.

Eggs are introduced into the baby’s diet, observing all the required complementary feeding rules, and checking the baby for an allergic reaction.

No matter how many months or years you serve eggs to your children, the product should only be boiled or fried, i.e. heat treatment.

Are eggs good for a baby? How will the baby’s body react to egg white or yolk, and when can you give your baby a whole egg? Which eggs do you prefer - chicken or quail? How many eggs can a child be given before one year of age, after one year, or at two years of age? We tried to find answers to these and other similar questions that concern many young parents.

Eggs are good for a child, but they need to be introduced into the baby’s diet gradually.

Why are eggs so healthy?

The nutritional value of chicken eggs is great, so it is not surprising that parents would like to include them in their baby’s diet early. The animal proteins contained in the product are in demand by all major systems of our body. The condition of muscles, blood vessels, and heart function depend on them. It is known that eggs contain:

  • trace elements and minerals, such as iron and phosphorus, calcium and magnesium and others;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, D, E and K;
  • amino acids;
  • antioxidants.

All these substances have different effects on a growing organism. Judge for yourself - thanks to them, the little man has:

  • bone mass is strengthened;
  • the functioning of the thyroid gland, liver and kidneys is normalized;
  • the brain and all groups of cells are formed;
  • memory is strengthened;
  • digestion improves.

What eggs are allowed and not allowed?

In addition to chicken eggs, quail eggs are also freely sold in stores. The former are more common because they are cheaper, but the nutritional value of the latter is much higher.

If you compare the amount of vitamins and minerals contained in these products, it is striking that there are much more of them in quail eggs.

By the way, children eat quail eggs more willingly - they are smaller in size, and their shell color is unusual.

Quail, hatching eggs, creates a temperature for them of 42°, while for chicken eggs the temperature is 38°. It turns out that quail eggs warm up more, which means there will be fewer infectious bacteria in them, which is why they are considered safer.

But parents, if desired, can buy eggs of other birds - turkey, duck and goose. These are exactly what pediatricians do not recommend giving to children as complementary foods. True, the reasons for this attitude are different:

  • Turkey eggs contain more cholesterol, but they contain noticeably less nutrients;
  • Duck and goose eggs are more allergenic than chicken eggs, and also contain more fat, which is undesirable for babies. These eggs can be given to children after six years of age.

Chicken eggs, as well as quail and guinea fowl eggs, are good for your child.

Guinea fowl eggs are nutritionally equivalent to chicken and quail eggs. This means that this product can be introduced into the baby’s diet at the same age and in the same proportions.

When to introduce eggs into complementary foods

Doctors do not recommend adding an egg to a baby’s menu too early. Until six months, everything that a growing body needs is obtained through breastfeeding - mother’s milk is a truly unique product in its characteristics. So from how many months is it possible, in this case?

Pediatricians advise mothers to give their baby additional complementary foods:

  • in the sixth – seventh month, if he is breastfed;
  • in the fifth month for artificial babies, since they require significantly more essential vitamins and minerals.

Eggs can be introduced into a child’s diet after he or she reaches seven months of age.

It is at this age that eggs are introduced into the baby’s diet. But a reasonable question arises - how to give an egg to a child, because it consists of white and yolk, what should follow what?

If one of the baby's parents is allergic to eggs, it would be better to delay introducing this product into complementary foods for at least 8 months. You should also consult your pediatrician in advance.

You need to start from two facts.

  1. The yolk contains the main beneficial components, so it is added to complementary foods first.
  2. Protein is more allergenic; it may cause a rash to appear on the baby’s body or the skin may turn red. When answering the question of when a child can be given egg whites, doctors recommend postponing this point until nine months.

But even starting with the yolk, parents still need to exercise reasonable caution - the baby’s immune system can also react negatively to the yolk.

For the first time, a baby should be given very little, literally a grain, five grams, no more.

Later it will be possible to increase this volume to a quarter of a teaspoon, but it should also be diluted with water or breast milk, making a kind of egg puree for the baby.

The yolk contains more nutrients and fewer allergens, so it is better to start introducing eggs with it.

The first complementary foods are usually given in the morning, at the second feeding, so that during the day you can track the baby’s reaction to the new product. Any redness or rashes on the skin will be a warning sign. This does not mean that eggs cannot now be given, you will just have to postpone the introduction of this product for another month or two until the baby’s immune system is fully formed.

Eggs are only introduced into complementary foods for healthy children. This product should not be given to children who are unwell or have recently had an illness.

The older the baby gets, the more product he can eat. These are the standards that pediatricians recommend to adhere to when feeding small children chicken eggs.

If you decide to treat your baby to quail eggs, although they are more expensive, then in this case, taking into account their smaller size and reduced risk of infectious diseases, the following standards are prescribed.

Whatever eggs you decide to give to your baby, you must cook them properly, since babies should absolutely not eat any eggs raw.

How to cook eggs

At different ages, children have to prepare different egg-based dishes. A child will be able to eat raw eggs when he is already a schoolchild, i.e. after 7 years, and before this age the product must undergo mandatory heat treatment. In this case, the risk of salmonellosis is immediately eliminated.

  1. To prepare an egg for a baby, you simply need to hard-boil it, after which the yolk can be separated from the white without any problems. Having taken the required portion of the yolk, it is mixed with breast milk or added to porridge or vegetable puree as one of the ingredients.
  2. For older children, you can cook scrambled eggs by adding vegetables, ham or cheese to the dish.
  3. The egg is served as a separate dish or included in a vegetable salad. The boiled product is also placed on sandwiches, crumbled into cold soup, or used as one of the ingredients in baked goods.

For a small child, only boiled eggs are suitable, but older children can make scrambled eggs.

A chicken egg is boiled for 10 minutes, a quail egg - no more than three. Do not wait longer, otherwise the cooked product will acquire an “unappetizing” appearance. It is advisable to wash the eggs before boiling.

Meal options

Most often, children are fed the following types of dishes.

  1. Egg omelette. Take boiled milk, one chicken egg or a couple of quail eggs. For infants, the omelette is baked in the oven or steamed. For older children, omelette is made in a frying pan.
  2. Curd pudding. For cooking you will need grated cottage cheese, sugar and an egg. All this is mixed, then cooked either in the oven or in a slow cooker. Cooking time – 20 minutes.
  3. Homemade baked goods. You can bake scones and muffins at home using eggs as one of the ingredients.

Benefits of eggshells

In folk medicine, there are recipes that use eggshells. But since the shell itself contains a lot of calcium, which a growing body needs, in cases where the baby suffers from food allergies and cannot eat eggs, doctors recommend giving him shells as food in order to saturate the body with calcium. The shell is first prepared to the desired state.

Eggshells are no less beneficial for children than the contents of the egg.

For this:

  1. Take homemade (not store-bought) eggs with white shells, which you then thoroughly wash with a solution of baby soap.
  2. Take the contents out of the shell and remove the inner film.
  3. Leave the shells for a couple of hours to dry.
  4. Grind the shells to a powder state. To do this, use a regular mortar and pestle, no blenders or coffee grinders.
  5. Pour half a tablespoon of powder with the juice of squeezed half a lemon, then mix. The chemical reaction will form foam, remove it without ceasing to stir the solution.
  6. Let the composition sit for half a day in a dark room at room temperature.

As a result, you will receive a hypoallergenic food supplement, which can either be added to other dishes for children, or used as a separate, completely approved by medicine, medicinal composition. The drug must be stored in the refrigerator.

Take it once a day in portions, the volume of which depends on how many months or years old the child is:

  • up to six months – one gram;
  • from 6 months to a year – two grams;
  • from one to two years – 4 grams;
  • up to 7 years – half a teaspoon;
  • up to 14 years - one tablespoon.


So, finding out at what age a child can be given eggs, we came to the conclusion that it is advisable to start introducing them into complementary foods no earlier than 6 months if the baby is on breastfeeding, and a month and a half earlier if he is on artificial nutrition. The specific timing of when to give depends on the baby’s health condition. If he urgently needs additional vitamins for a balanced diet, then the dates can be shifted.

Eggs are introduced into the baby’s diet, observing all the required complementary feeding rules, and checking the baby for an allergic reaction.

No matter how many months or years you serve eggs to your children, the product should only be boiled or fried, that is, undergo heat treatment.

Source: https://prochado.ru/kormlenie/produkty/kogda-mozhno-davat-rebenku-yajtso.html

How and at what months can an egg be introduced into a baby’s complementary foods?

The egg is a storehouse of protein, which is so necessary for the baby for the development and formation of many organs and systems. That is why parents are interested in when they can give their child an egg.

Characteristics of a chicken egg

This product consists of protein and yolk. Protein contains many amino acids involved in human growth and development. The yolk protects the heart with the help of monounsaturated fats, maintains cholesterol levels in the blood due to its content polyunsaturated acids mega 3 and 6.

Interestingly, the body does not produce these acids on its own, but receives them only from food. Chicken eggs also contain B vitamins, which are involved in the formation nervous system and playing important role in metabolism.

Thanks to unique composition chicken eggs must be included in the menu for feeding infants.

However, this product is an allergen that can cause the baby’s body to react to such complementary foods. In most cases, it is the protein that causes the allergy. In such a situation, it is recommended to introduce a quail egg into complementary foods, which has the same beneficial features and boasts higher levels of amino acids, phosphorus, potassium and iron.

It should be noted that an egg is a heavy product for a baby, which is difficult for his digestive system to handle until the age of 6 months. When asked about the possibility of introducing it into complementary foods infant There are two different opinions.

  1. Russian doctors claim that an infant under 6 months should not include this product in the nutrition menu, since it digestive system has not yet been fully formed. At 6-7 months, you can only introduce the yolk, as it is much easier to digest than the white.
  2. European pediatricians recommend giving eggs from the age of three months, since useful elements This product improves milk absorption and helps avoid regurgitation.

Many pediatricians reject the European theory, since such a heavy product is difficult for the body of a small child to digest, causing him a lot of inconvenience and sometimes suffering.

Among side effects Eating eggs can cause constipation, bloating, diarrhea, colic, skin rashes all over the body, and itching.

How to add yolk

For the first time, you need to introduce the yolk into your baby’s diet in small grains, after kneading it in milk or formula.

It should be given to the baby in the morning, before the main feeding, so that the child will then be under the supervision of the parents. After adding yolk to complementary foods, you should constantly monitor the baby’s well-being.

If after consumption an allergy appears in the form of a rash on the body, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, you need to stop adding the egg.

Such an allergy shows that the digestive system has not yet formed before the required level, and now only after a month can we make another attempt to introduce this product into complementary foods.

If after the supplement the baby’s body does not show any reaction, after the third day of its use, you can increase the size of the dose of chicken or quail yolk by a few more small grains.

The dose should be increased gradually so that by the age of 12 months the child consumes no more than half the yolk.

Adding Protein

One of the most valuable components Eggs are protein, but it is precisely because of this that children develop allergies in half of the cases. Therefore, there should be no protein in the diet of children with allergies. At what time can it be introduced into the diet of children who are not susceptible to allergic reactions?

If the baby tolerates various complementary foods well, protein can be added to his food at the age of 12 months. It must be added in the morning in the same quantities as the yolk, kneading it in milk or mixture and gradually increasing the dose.

But this can be done if there is no allergy. By about 15 months, infants should be offered half a chicken or quail protein.

On average, it turns out that by this age a child should consume half an egg, and a whole one only by 2 years.

To minimize the appearance of symptoms caused by allergies, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations for adding eggs to complementary foods.

If you do not want your child to suffer from an allergic reaction, under no circumstances should you:

The egg is an indispensable product for the development of infants.

However, to avoid allergies, you need to know exactly how much protein and yolk you can add to your baby’s menu, and these dosages can only be selected by a doctor during an individual consultation.

The pediatrician will also tell you at what age you can give this product to your baby, depending on the formation of his digestive system.

Source: https://grudnichky.ru/pitanie/kak-vvodit-yajco-v-prikorm-rebenku.html

At what age can a child be given chicken and quail eggs as complementary foods? When can you give the white, yolk of an egg to a child, a whole egg, soft-boiled? How many chicken and quail eggs can a child under one year old, one year old, one year old and 2 years old eat per day, per week?

Is it possible to give eggs to a child and at what age?

When new parents start adding new foods to their baby's diet, they are often confused. With vegetables everything is very clear. But eggs, which are considered allergenic, can sometimes raise a lot of doubts.

What number of yolks is allowed to give to a baby? Can it occur after taking allergic reaction? And what benefits do eggs bring? You will find answers to all these and more questions in this article.

Introducing egg yolk into baby's complementary foods?

No doctor will give an exact answer to this question. This is influenced by two factors: the quality of the product and the health of the baby. If you decide to include chicken yolk in your baby’s diet, try adhere to the following rules:

  • The first intake of chicken yolk usually occurs in babies from 6 months. And if you have allergies from 7 months. Give him just a little at first, increasing the dose with each dose.

Introducing yolk into the diet

  • Introduce your child to a product that is new to him, preferably during the day, after morning walk in the fresh air.

IMPORTANT: When you give your baby the yolk for the first time, try to see if it caused an allergic reaction. Be extremely careful: after all, the reaction of the child’s body to this kind of products, as a rule, occurs over time. Rash and other manifestations of allergies, if they appear, only a couple of days after consuming the product.

  • Give the yolk to your child a couple of days after he tries it for the first time (unless, of course, there is an allergic reaction). If the baby’s body reacts poorly to this complementary food, exclude the yolk from the diet for several weeks. Maybe even for a month.

The most important thing in this matter is the approval of the pediatrician. Consult your doctor, perhaps he will tell you exactly what to do in such a situation.

Introducing egg whites into baby's complementary foods?

The egg white is considered the most valuable thing in an egg. But if the yolk is in in rare cases provokes an allergic reaction, then chicken protein very often provokes severe allergies. Therefore, if your child is allergic, you should not start introducing protein into baby food at all.

If your baby’s body reacts to this product without deviations, then you can offer it to your baby from one year old. Introduce new complementary foods with a few grams.

Introducing yolk into complementary foods

Soften the product grains in mommy's breast milk. Gradually increase this dose, but only if the baby does not have an allergic reaction. At approximately 15 months, the baby should consume 1/2 of the protein.

Introduction to complementary feeding of the whole egg

A baby who is 6 months old is not enough useful components, which are in mother's milk. It is generally low in protein and mineral salts. In addition, the baby’s gastrointestinal tract has already prepared for the consumption of other foods, which, due to their composition, are considered coarser than ordinary milk or formula.

What does this mean? It's probably time to include additional complementary foods in the children's diet.

  • Introduce chicken eggs into your child's diet at about half a year of age. Of course, if your baby does not have allergies in his family.
  • If you have such relatives, postpone your first acquaintance with this product until later in life.

The views of many modern pediatricians differ slightly from the above advice. Some famous doctors, even Yakovlev Ya.Ya. It is believed that a baby’s first encounter with a chicken egg should occur at least 1 year of age.

What is this connected with? Yes, the fact is that nowadays there are a lot of children who have an allergic reaction to this particular product.

Quail eggs: benefits and harm for children

Baby food is considered one of the important components of the normal development of a child. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the preparation of the diet responsibly.

A necessary and important component is a quail egg. Pediatricians say that quail eggs can be given to every child without fear.

Quail egg for a child

It is believed that this product improves brain performance, the baby’s memory, and attention. But if your baby is allergic to chicken eggs, they can be replaced with quail eggs.

  • Quail eggs significantly improve the baby’s vision and strengthen his immune system.
  • They provide the growing body with calcium.
  • Children who eat quail eggs stop getting tired, begin to study better, and become more active.
  • The product contains all useful ingredients.
  • Due to the presence of vitamin B 12, these foods can be replaced meat products. At the same time, they provide an opportunity to get necessary substances for the child's body.
  • Eggs render positive influence, are considered a medicine that helps with bronchial asthma.

As for harm, it all depends on certain factors. The doctors It is not recommended to give quail eggs to children in the following cases:

  • In case of individual intolerance
  • For kidney or liver disease
  • If you are allergic to this component

At what age and how to introduce a quail egg into complementary foods for a child?

A child's introduction to this product should occur at approximately 7 months. The first dose should be no more than 1/4 of the portion. If you decide to introduce a quail egg into your baby’s diet, carefully monitor your child.

Quail eggs for baby

If after consumption the baby does not have an allergic reaction, then you can increase the proportion.

  • First, choose a quality product. You can alternate it with a chicken egg.
  • The most allergenic part of a quail egg is the white. But the yolk is considered less allergenic. Therefore, start giving the yolk first.

At what age can a child be given a soft-boiled egg?

You can give soft-boiled eggs to your baby only in the following cases:

  • If your child is already 7 months old.
  • If you know for sure that the product you have chosen is considered completely safe and fresh.
  • If you have no doubt that the chicken or quail that laid the egg was not sick.

Often, soft-boiled eggs can cause illness in a child. In addition, raw chicken protein is quite poorly absorbed by the child’s body.

Should I give my child a soft-boiled egg?

Egg white that has undergone heat treatment has high degree digestion, when compared with other similar products.

How many chicken and quail eggs can a child under one year old, one year old, one year old and two years old eat per day, per week?

Chicken eggs are given as follows:

  • Give half a hard-boiled egg every other day from 1 year to 3 years.
  • You can give one whole egg to your child after he turns 3 years old, also every other day.
  • When your child turns 3 years old, you can include an omelet in his diet.

Number of eggs for a child

Quail eggs are given as follows:

  • Introduce the yolk of a quail egg into the baby's diet from 7 months. Give every 2 days. But only if he is not allergic.
  • 14 days after the first dose, you can give your child a whole yolk. Save this dose until your child is 12 months old.
  • During this period, hard-boiled quail eggs are considered an excellent preventive measure against rickets.
  • After 12 months and up to 3 years, increase the portion to 1 yolk. Give every 2 days. At the same time, over time you can add protein to your diet. You can boil or cook a delicious omelet.
  • Doctors advise giving children from 4 to 7 years old up to 3 quail eggs a day, every other day.

Is it possible to give a child chicken and quail eggs with atopic dermatitis?

Anatomical dermatitis in children, as a rule, appears at 3 months:

  • slight redness occurs in the cheek area
  • rashes
  • peeling
  • dry skin

If you discover this disease in your baby, try to contact a doctor in time, who will prescribe the right treatment. If you don’t do this, the damage to the baby’s skin will spread over the surface of the entire body and become stronger. After them, lesions will appear, expressed by redness, cracks, and compactions.

Eating eggs for atopic dermatitis

The disease is almost always accompanied by severe itching. Atopic dermatitis can occur in waves: exacerbation is usually followed by remission. Problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract may also appear, for example, bloating, belching, bad stool accompanied by mucus.

In small children atopic dermatitis and its manifestations usually occur in the area of ​​the knees, elbows, and facial skin. In older children, the disease mainly occurs in the popliteal area, on the side of the neck, on the arms, and face.

Eggs are considered allergenic foods, therefore, they can cause allergies. What does this mean? If your child's disease was caused by a chicken egg, then you will have to children's diet Also exclude quail eggs, as they contain similar components that cause allergies.

Is it possible to give a child chicken and quail eggs if he has a rotavirus infection?

Rotavirus infection is a disease that first begins with a common cold, ending with a disorder digestive tract. Diet during this illness in children makes it possible to completely restore the child’s body.

As a rule, children suffer from this disease more often than adults. Transmitted infectious disease through the air. Symptoms of the disease can be relieved medications, which are prescribed by a pediatrician.

Eggs with rotavirus

IN initial stage the disease manifests itself as follows: the child experiences vomiting and indigestion. Doctors advise feeding children 6 times, in small portions, so that the symptoms do not intensify.

Is it possible to give a child chicken and quail eggs for diarrhea and constipation?

Eggs with diarrhea

People commonly call diarrhea diarrhea. This pathological manifestation intestines caused by infection, malnutrition, stressful condition and other factors. In this case, the pediatrician prescribes to the child special diet. It all depends on the causes of diarrhea.

Eggs are considered necessary foods during diarrhea. After all, they are a valuable source of nutritional components. In eggs you can find amino acids, vitamins, and so on.

If you have diarrhea, give your child a hard-boiled egg. Because it will help bind your baby's stool, making it more stable.

Eggs for constipation and diarrhea

Eggs for constipation

Difficult, slow bowel movements are often considered a symptom of another disease or a sign of a malfunction in the child’s body.

If you want to cure constipation in a child, first find the cause of it. Contact your pediatrician. However, if you want to improve your child’s well-being, you can give him raw eggs in the morning on an empty stomach.

At the same time, make sure that the product is fresh. It is better to buy eggs from the nearest farm where chickens and quails are bred.

Is it possible to give a child chicken and quail eggs if he has allergies?

Eggs - important products in baby food. Many young parents wonder: is it possible to give these foods to their children during allergies? Here the situation depends on the state in which the baby arrives and how he feels. Be that as it may, adding such ingredients must be done before your doctor approves.

Practicing pediatricians say this - small children who have allergies can only eat quail eggs. Inject them very carefully, preferably under the supervision of a professional doctor. After all, they, as a rule, are often considered to be provocateurs of cross-allergy.

Is it possible to give a child raw chicken and quail eggs?

Doctors strictly prohibited feed babies raw eggs. It’s a shame, but, for example, quails are highly susceptible to pullorosis, a disease caused by Salmonella bacteria. In older representatives, the disease is hidden, and people do not often notice it right away.

Raw eggs are prohibited for children

If the quail meat and eggs have passed heat treatment, then the risk of salmonella disease is significantly reduced.

Can children eat duck, goose and guinea fowl eggs?

Caesar eggs are introduced into a child's menu at the same age as chicken eggs.

As for goose and duck eggs, it is advisable to introduce them into the baby’s diet after he turns 6 years old. Why? The fact is that such products are considered “heavy” food. Their characteristic features such:

  • Goose and duck eggs are quite high in calories
  • They are slowly absorbed by the child's body

How does an allergy to chicken and quail eggs manifest in children: symptoms

An allergy to eggs in children occurs due to the child’s body reacting to a foreign substance. This substance secretes antibodies - immunoglobulins.

They provoke the body, as a result of which chemical components - antihistamines - are released. Then symptoms of the disease appear.

Allergy to eggs

An allergic reaction to eggs causes:

  • Reaction to skin, for example, hives, swelling, itching, redness.
  • Pain in the abdominal area, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Runny nose, wheezing, difficult breathing with whistling.
  • Increased heart rate, low blood pressure (but this is only in older children and schoolchildren).

The egg is required product for a child. But the process of introducing the product into the baby’s complementary foods, as well as the further process of eating eggs by the baby, should be treated extremely carefully.