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How to open a baby food business? Baby food production as a business

Market baby food is growing steadily. Due to the increase in the birth rate in Russia, the demand for such products last years increased even more. At the same time, a considerable amount of goods is presented from foreign manufacturers. It is quite possible to establish a business for the production of baby food and offer the consumer a domestic product at affordable price while maintaining high quality.

Varieties of baby food

In this direction, the following products are distinguished:

  • Milk formulas
  • Canned meat and fish
  • Fruit and vegetable purees
  • Juices, teas
  • Yoghurts, children's curds.

Depending on the product, you will need the following types raw materials:

  • For milk mixtures - skimmed and whole milk, sour cream, cream, cow's butter, powdered milk.
  • For cereals - cereals.
  • For canned fish and meat - poultry, meat, fish.
  • For fruit vegetable puree- berries, fruits, vegetables.

Equipment and technologies

The manufacture of such products involves certain stages: acceptance of raw materials and their analysis, preparation of raw materials, crushing, mixing, dosing, packaging and subsequent packaging.

Each individual food for children is distinguished by its own nuances of production.

Milk formulas . If we talk about adapted mixtures, then they consist of casein and whey proteins. Partially adapted are produced using dry cow's milk. There are low lactose formulas without milk sugar. For their production, a dry low-lactose mixture and sugar are used, as well as trace elements and vitamins.

Dairy baby products will require a production line consisting of the following equipment:

  • Separators for separating cream depending on the percentage of fat
  • Normalizing baths to create right size moisture
  • Vacuum deodorizers to eliminate odors
  • Homogenizers-plasticizers - to create a uniform oil structure
  • Long pasteurization baths
  • Vacuum evaporators.

Vegetable and fruit purees, juices

For the manufacture of such products, first of all, it is necessary to prepare raw materials, eliminate rotten, low-quality fruits. Then the skin, seeds and other unnecessary parts are removed. Next, the raw materials are washed, crushed, boiled and sealed. In a special wiping unit, the raw materials are crushed to a mushy state. Then they are mixed according to the recipe, air is removed from the mass, heated, sent to a sterilized container and carefully closed.

Equipment for the production of vegetable and fruit purees, juices:

  • Fruit Washing Machine
  • Steam-thermal installation
  • Wiping unit
  • Crusher
  • Blancher.

Fruit purees are the most popular product for children under 2 years old.


Baby cereals also go through several stages before becoming a finished product. First you need to clean the grain from various impurities. Then the raw material is passed through special sieves for sieving. Millet and semolina are pre-treated with steam in a screw installation. Then, in the mill, the groats are carefully crushed and sieved.

The product is dosed according to the recipe, the necessary components are added (fruits, vitamins, sugar, milk powder, various types of cereals). Next is packaging.

For the manufacture of baby cereals, the following installations are used:

  • Grain dryer
  • sifter
  • Grinding plant
  • Dryer
  • Aspirator to remove excess impurities.

Meat and fish baby food

For the production of such products, it is first necessary to carefully process the raw materials, clean them from extra organs, bones, lived, etc. The fish should be thawed and also remove unnecessary components.

Then additional components are prepared: seasonings, vegetable raw materials, butter. All this is crushed, rubbed several times, filtered, homogenized and subjected to deaeration. Then the product is packaged and sterilized at a temperature of 120C.

Making canned meat and fish for children will require the following equipment:

  • Defrosting plants
  • Meat cutting machines
  • Meat grinders
  • Machines for butchering chickens
  • Mixers
  • Blanchers
  • Refrigerators.

Also, for the production of any types of baby food, auxiliary equipment will be required.

  • Autoclave
  • seaming machine
  • Filling machine
  • Pump
  • tanks
  • labeling machine
  • trolleys
  • Belt conveyor
  • Tanks for receiving raw materials
  • Loaders
  • And other.

The production of baby food will require considerable investment

How to open a factory?

Such a business is too complicated for a beginner, so you should start with the production of those products that are distinguished by simple technology and a considerable shelf life. For example, fruit and vegetable purees, as well as milk formulas, can be stored for quite a long time, and they are very popular among new parents.

Sales channels

Currently, the market is quite saturated with various manufacturers. Therefore, try to surprise the consumer with something new. Perhaps it will be canned food for children 2-4 years old who are learning to eat on their own. For them, you can make meat and fish dishes not in the form of mashed potatoes, but in the form of small pieces. Currently, few manufacturers offer this type of canned food.

Also pay great attention packaging and advertising. If you prove the worthy quality of your product while offering reasonable prices, the consumer will certainly pay attention to your products.

Business plan for the production of baby food is devoted to the justification of the economic efficiency of creating an enterprise for the production of baby food.

baby food market actively developed until 2009, but the increase in food prices during the economic crisis led to a reduction in volumes. In 2010 there was an increase Russian production among baby foods. The increase in the consumption of products intended for feeding children is a consequence not only of an increase in the birth rate, but also the result of a change in the lifestyle of women. More and more parents stop wasting time on food preparation by buying ready mixes, canned food and instant cereals.

The segment of fruit and vegetable juices accounts for more than half of the baby food market. This can be explained by the fact that among consumers there are buyers different ages and not just children. Other market segments account for a smaller volume, since they are only included in the diet of children. The smallest volume falls on the segment of powdered milk mixtures and powdered milk. The Russian market has a large share of imports in the segment of canned meat and fruits and vegetables, as well as in the segment of powdered milk formulas. The smallest share of imported products falls on the segment of juices, liquid and paste-like dairy products.

The profitable part of the business plan is based on the conducted marketing research "Baby food market", which ensures the relevance and reliability of the initial data. The format of the explanatory note (report) corresponds to guidelines ministries Agriculture and the requirements of Rosselkhozbank OJSC. The business plan is accompanied by a financial model (in MS Excel format) that takes into account all aspects financial planning and meets the standards of leading banks.

The goal of the project is to develop the food industry and organize the processing of agricultural products.

Type of project - organization of production on the basis of purchased equipment, construction of warehouses and production facilities.

Way to achieve the goal - Mastering modern technologies production and processing of agricultural products, ensuring the profitability of production and increasing employment.

We offer to update the data according to your conditions free of charge. The update period is 5 working days.

Baby food production concept

Baby food production
Plant capacity *** tons per year
Consumers - the population of the project implementation region and neighboring regions
Sales of products through chain stores, wholesale and retail markets, pavilions, convenience stores

Product consumers

Individuals (divided by income level);

Ready-made business plan for a baby food workshop

Based on up-to-date information on the state of the industry
Complies with the standards of Russian and international banks
Includes full financial model for the further implementation of the project
Considers impact federal programs agricultural development

Funding Scheme

The total cost of the project - *** million rubles
Own funds - 50%
Borrowed funds - 50%
Loan amount - *** million rubles
Interest rate - 14%
Loan security - pledge in the amount of *** RUB.

Evaluation of the economic efficiency of the project:

Payback period (PBP) - *** years.
discount rate accepted (D) - 18%
discounted payback period (DPBP) - *** years
net present value (NPV) - *** rub.
internal rate of return (IRR) - ***%
return on investment index (PI) - ***
project break-even point (BEP) - ***%
term of repayment of borrowed funds (RP) - *** years.
loan debt coverage ratio (minimum) - ***

The report contains 59 pages, 22 tables,4 drawings

1.1. Project Goals
1.2. Project financing
1.3. Project economic efficiency indicators
2.1. general information about the project
2.2. Product Description
2.3. Baby food production technology
2.4. Characteristics of the purchased equipment (machinery)
2.5. Environmental issues of production
3.1. Volume and dynamics of the baby food market
3.2. Domestic production and main producers
3.3. Export and import
4.1. Market of raw materials and materials
4.2. Potential market capacity
4.3. Marketing strategy project
5.1. Organizational and legal form of project implementation
5.2. Main partners
5.3. Project Implementation Schedule
6.1. Conditions and assumptions adopted for the calculation
6.2. Initial data
6.3. Tax environment
6.4. Product range and prices
6.5. Production Plan
6.6. Nomenclature and prices of raw materials and materials
6.7. headcount and wage
6.8. Overheads
6.9. Capital expenditures and depreciation
6.10. Product costing
6.11. The need for initial working capital
6.12. Investment costs
6.13. Calculation of profits, losses and cash flows
6.14. Sources, forms and conditions of financing
6.15. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of the project
7.1. Sensitivity analysis
7.2. Break even
7.3. Project risk assessment
Annex 1. Production technology
Annex 2. List of purchased equipment
Annex 3. Headcount
Annex 4. Organizational plan
Annex 5. Tax environment
Annex 6. Calculation of prices for resources
Annex 7. Overhead
Annex 8. Calculation of net profit
Appendix 9. Project Financing and Debt Service Schedule
Annex 10. Risk assessment

List of tables

Table 1 Product range and prices as of August 2012
Table 2 Production plan
Table 3 Number of staff and wages
Table 4 Capital costs
Table 5 Structure of production costs
Table 6. Investment costs
Table 7 Project performance indicators and calculation parameters
Table 8 Breaking Changes risk assessment parameters
Table 9 Probability of occurrence of operational risks
Table 10 Probability of occurrence of risks of capital investments
Table 11 List of purchased equipment and inventory
Table 12 Headcount and wages
Table 13. Plan for the introduction of personnel in the first year of the Plant
Table 14 Stages of project implementation
Table 15 Tax environment
Table 16 Calculation of prices for resources
Table 17 Overhead
Table 18 Calculation of net profit
Table 19 Project Financing and Debt Service Schedule
Table 20 Change in the discount rate and payback period of the project
Table 21 Price changes finished products and production cost
Table 22 Changes in prices of finished products and production volumes

List of drawings

Figure 1. Structure of fruit imports
Picture 2 Fruit puree production line
Picture 3. Fruit filler production line
Picture 4. Fruit curd production line

Characteristics of products, raw materials and semi-finished products.fruit preserves are one of the types of long-term storage products for baby food. Food canning makes it possible to smooth out seasonal fluctuations in the consumption of fruits and vegetables, to provide the children's population in the northern and remote regions of the country with vitamins and mineral salts that are not synthesized in the body.

Fruit preserves account for over 80% of the output of canned baby food. The widest range of puree-like canned fruits, which in nutritional value are almost as good as fresh fruits, and even surpass them in digestibility.

They produce natural mashed potatoes, without any additives, and mashed potatoes with the addition of sugar 5 ... 18%, depending on the acidity of the fruit. According to the requirements of the standard for canned fruits and berries for baby food, natural puree from apples, pears and mixtures of fruits in finished product should contain soluble solids 10 ... 12%, organic acids (for malic acid) 0.2 ... 0.6%. Fruit puree with sugar should contain up to 14% (apple) or up to 24% (blackcurrant) soluble solids.

The quality of the finished product is characterized by organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators and safety indicators. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation approved the safety criteria established for canned baby food. The results of the analyzes must confirm the absence of toxic elements, nitrates, mycotoxins and pesticides.

The main raw materials for the production of fruit purees are apples, pears, apricots, plums, raspberries, black currants, rose hips and other fruits and berries. The composition of some types of canned food includes milk, semolina or rice groats, semi-finished products of tropical fruits with sugar (bananas, mangoes, etc.). Puree-like canned fruits can be produced fortified with the addition of ascorbic acid in an amount of 0.05%.

Raw materials used in the production of canned food for children are subject to increased requirements in terms of organoleptic indicators, chemical composition, technological and consumer properties. Raw materials should be grown in ecologically clean areas, with careful control of the content of pesticides, radionuclides and salts. heavy metals. Each batch of raw materials must be accompanied by a certificate indicating the type of pesticides with which it was treated and the date of the last treatment.

The use of semi-finished products containing any preservative substances is not allowed.

Features of production and consumption of finished products. In the production of canned fruits, it is important to preserve the nutritional and biological values, as well as the taste of products for children. It depends not only on the quality of raw materials, but also on the technology of its processing. The applied methods and modes of processing of raw materials can have both positive and bad influence on the quality of the finished product.

Modern production of canned baby food on an industrial basis allows the use of advanced technologies for gentle processing of raw materials, ensuring product safety and maximum preservation of values. In the production of canned fruits, these indicators significantly depend on the performance of the operations of sorting raw materials by quality, washing, grinding, deaeration and heat treatment.

sorting quality is carried out with particular care. Remove fruits with a damaged surface, immature, rotten, moldy, as well as foreign matter. As a rule, sorting is carried out on a sorting conveyor conveyor.

Washing of raw materials is carried out in order to remove contaminants, pesticides, impurities and microorganisms. The fruits are washed in a clean running drinking water. The quality of the washing is controlled by the microorganism contamination of the washed raw materials, which should not exceed the maximum allowable rate.

Grinding used to destroy the integrity and internal structure of raw materials and semi-finished products in order to form a given shape and size of pieces and particles of the product, ensuring its effective subsequent processing, the most complete extraction useful substances from the intracellular space, as well as easy and quick digestibility of the product when it is eaten. The main grinding methods are crushing, rubbing and homogenization. When grinding, the risk of stimulating oxidative processes increases, since as a result of the destruction of cell walls and contact with air, the activity of oxidative enzymes present in fruits is activated. Therefore, grinding is preferably carried out in an atmosphere of water vapor or inert gases (carbon dioxide or nitrogen) in order to protect the biologically active and nutrient substances of the raw material from oxidation and destruction.

Deaeration- the operation of removing air from the crushed product. Air causes the destruction of ascorbic acid, oxidizes polyphenols and dyes. It leads to a change in color and worsens organoleptic characteristics.

heat treatment fruit raw materials are used for the purpose of its blanching, boiling, heating and sterilization. The temperature value and the duration of heat treatment are selected from the condition of the minimum negative impact on the product.

Canned fruits occupy an important place in the nutrition of children, as they contain a significant amount of sugar, organic acids, as well as protein, amino acids, pectin, polyphenolic and coloring substances and vitamins, especially vitamin C.

Stages of the technological process. The production of fruit preserves for baby food consists of the following main stages and operations:

– preparation of fruit raw materials: quality sorting, calibration, washing, removal of stalks and seeds;

- crushing fruits, boiling, cleaning and rubbing the crushed mass;

– preparation of sugar syrup and other additives;

- dosing of prescription components and mixing of the prescription mixture;

– homogenization, deaeration and heating of the prescription mixture;

– washing, sanitizing, accumulation and supply of empty cans;

– packaging of the final semi-finished product in cans, sealing the cans, checking for tightness and sterilizing the product;

– cooling, washing and drying of cans after sterilization, labeling and packing of cans in a shipping container.

Characteristics of equipment complexes. The line starts with a complex of equipment for the preparation and processing of fruit raw materials, which includes washing machines, a sorting conveyor, machines for removing stalks and pits, a fruit crusher, a crushed mass pulping machine and mashers. The line includes auxiliary complexes equipment (not shown on the machine diagram) for the preparation of sugar syrup and the preparation of cans.

The leading set of equipment for obtaining a ready-made formula mixture and packing it into cans includes dispensers of prescription components, a container with a stirrer, a homogenizer, a deaerator, a heater, a machine for packing a semi-finished product into cans and a capping machine. The final set of equipment includes a sterilizer, machines for washing, drying, labeling and stacking cans filled with product.

On fig. 4.2 shows the machine-hardware diagram of the line for the production of canned fruit for baby food.

The device and principle of operation of the line. Box pallets with fruits are fed by a conveyor 1 to tipper 2 and load the fruits into the drum washer 3 for the first wash of fruits and vegetables with a solid structure. The raw material is placed in the rotating drum of this machine and is progressively moved due to its inclination. The first two parts along the length of the drum are in a tub filled with washing water. The third part of the drum with the product is rinsed with water using a shower device.

Further washing of fruits is carried out in two unified conveyor machines 4 And 5 installed in series. The raw material enters the machine bath, filled with water, intensively mixed due to water seething, which is created by air blowing by a compressor through a bubbler located at the bottom of the bath. The washed fruits are taken out of the bath by an inclined conveyor, in the upper part of which they are rinsed clean water from the shower device. Fruits with a soft structure are usually washed in machines. 4 And 5 bypassing the car 3 .

Washed berries and stone fruits are destemmed in a machine 6 . The working bodies of the machine are rubberized rollers arranged in pairs and rotating in different directions. The rollers are installed with a small gap between them, into which the fruit cannot get, and the stalks are retracted and torn off.

Fruit sorting by quality is carried out on a sorting conveyor 7 . Then the fruits are loaded by a conveyor 8 into the punching machine 9 . In it, the fruits are loaded into the nests of the matrices and move towards the punches, reciprocating in vertical plane. The bones from the fruits knock out the punches at the moment the dies stop and they fall through the holes of the dies into the drum. From where they are taken out of the machine along the tray. The peeled fruits fall into the unloading tray when the matrices pass through the drum.

The first stage of crushing fruits is carried out in a crusher 10 having a grater-type cutting device. Crushing fruit raw materials allows you to get a total mass consisting of particles various shapes with sizes no more than 3 ... 4 mm. As a result of crushing, cell tissue and facilitates the release of juice, the crushed mass acquires a fluid liquid-like consistency, convenient for pumping, mechanical and heat treatment product

Rice. 4.2. Machine-hardware diagram of the line for the production of canned fruit for baby food

The crushed mass is sent for boiling into a thin-layer heat exchanger 11 with cleanable heating surface. The processed product is heated in the annular gap between the rotating drum and inner surface steam heated housing. When passing through the annular space, the product is mixed by the drum knives, which impart turbulent motion to the product and remove the adjacent layer of the product mass from the heating surface.

Boiling in duration takes an intermediate place between blanching and boiling, which provides a thermal effect, in which the inner layers of the product are processed to soften the tissue and violate the integrity of the fetus.

To remove seeds, bones and coarse tissues, the boiled mass is processed in a rubbing machine. 12 equipped with sieves with a hole size of approximately 3 mm. At the next stage of grinding, the fruit mass is pumped with a pump 13 to the second wiping machine 14 . To obtain a finer grinding and reduce the amount of waste, the rubbing is usually carried out in two or three stages by successively passing through the first sieve with a hole diameter of about 1.5 ... 2.0 mm. The second - 0.8 ... 1.0 mm and the third - 0.4 ... 0.5 mm.

The recipe mixture is prepared in a cooker with a stirrer 15 , into which the fruit mass, sugar syrup, sugar and other necessary components are dosed in the recipe ratio.

Further grinding of the recipe mixture is carried out in a plunger homogenizer 16 , in which you can get a homogeneous finely ground product with fruit pulp particles of 0.1 mm or less. Air is removed from the product in the deaerator 17 .

Ready puree product through a screw heater 18 loaded into the receiving hopper of the filling filling machine 19 . Empty cans are fed into the same machine, washed and carefully sanitization. After filling with a dose of the product, the jars are subjected to control on the inspection conveyor 20 , sealed in a steam vacuum machine 21 and sent to the hydrostatic sterilizer 22 . Fruit preserves with a pH below 3.8 are sterilized at 100 °C or pasteurized.

Banks then enter the machine 23 jar washer and dryer, labeling machine 24 and car 25 for stacking jars in boxes.

Every parent wants to give their child the very best. This is especially true for food products. I want to give my child only high-quality products. Despite the huge variety of companies involved in the production of baby food, choosing cereals, mixtures and purees for a child can be very difficult.

The main manufacturers of formulas for artificial feeding

On sale today there is a huge amount of mixtures for children on artificial feeding, they differ in age restrictions, composition and presence of vitamin supplements in them. Manufacturers in the struggle for their position in the market have created mixtures for premature babies, children suffering from constipation or regurgitation. Consider the most popular manufacturers of mixtures.

  • "NUTRICIA" (Nutricia) - a Dutch manufacturer produces mixtures enriched with vitamins for children from birth "Nutrilon", "Nutri-Soya", for children suffering from intolerance to cow's milk protein, "Nental" and "Pippi-Junior".
  • Bellakt is a Belarusian company. Often the company's products are received by pregnant and lactating women in public clinics. There are mixtures that are suitable for mixed feeding and all ages.
  • FRIESLAND NUTRITION (Friesland Nutrilon), a company based in the Netherlands, has long and successfully been engaged in the production and manufacture of various mixtures and substitutes breast milk, such as "Enfamil", "Frisolak", "Frisosoy", "Frisomel", "Frisopre", etc.
  • "Nestle" (Nestlé) is a huge corporation for which the production of mixtures and baby food products is only one of many industries. This brand is popular among Russian mothers. These are mixtures of "NAN" (Nan), "Bona", "NESTOGEN".
  • "Istra - Nutricia" - Russian company, produces mixtures "Malyutka", "Bebelak".
  • "Bibikol" ( New Zealand) - the plant is engaged in the production of mixtures "Nanny" and instant goat milk "Amalthea".
    For your convenience, we have tried to list the most common manufacturers of infant formula. It is important to remember that with all the variety of products in stores and pharmacies, pediatricians do not recommend changing the mixture often. If the product you currently feed your child is suitable for you, and the baby does not have problems with allergies and rashes, it is better to use this mixture in the future.

The main producers of cereals for baby food

In this section, we have tried to compile a list of the main producers of cereals in the market of our country. We hope that having studied this list, it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of porridge for your child.

  • "Agusha" - milk and dairy-free cereals. All species contain salt and fructose.
  • "Grandma's basket" - there are dairy and dairy-free with prebiotics.
  • "Baby Premium" - hypoallergenic dairy-free and dairy, there are cereals for afternoon snacks with a variety of additives.
  • "Bellakt" - dairy and dairy-free, made on the basis of puree.
  • "Karapuz" - milk, dairy-free and liquid cereals of various tastes.
  • "Baby" - a proven domestic manufacturer offers 18 types of cereals, dairy and non-dairy.
  • Nestlé - dairy-free porridges for the first feeding, Pomogayka porridges with probiotics, milk porridges with bifidobacteria, Shagayka porridges with pieces of fruit for older children.
  • "Nutrilon" - dairy and dairy-free cereals, there are hypoallergenic types.
  • "Semper" - dairy-free and milk porridges, there are for morning and evening reception.
  • "Naturbalance" - dairy, dairy-free and liquid cereals.
  • "Frutonyanya" - dairy-free, dairy, liquid with prebiotics, porridge-puree.
  • "Heinz" (Heinz) - dairy-free, milk porridges, there are low-allergenic ones, for older children the line "Delicious porridges" has been released, they are thicker and contain pieces of fruit and berries.
  • "Hipp" (Hipp) - dairy-free and dairy types of cereals, biorice broth, there is porridge before going to bed "Good night."
    Each of the manufacturers on the box indicates the age at which this product can be administered. However, before offering porridge to a child, you should consult a pediatrician.

    The main producers of baby purees

    Very useful product for a growing organism - baby puree. With proper manufacture and packaging, mashed potatoes contain a lot of useful substances. Almost all products in the store meet quality standards and have passed many checks. Let's consider the most popular manufacturers of baby puree, and give survey data on which product the inhabitants of our country prefer for their children.
    "Heinz" and "Gerber" occupy a leading position in the ranking of manufacturers, are famous for environmentally friendly ingredients and high quality products. The main part of the product range is produced at factories in Russia. Reviews for this product positive. Many consumers are unhappy with the high price.
    "Unimilk" - the plant - is the leader among domestic producers, although the sales of the manufacturer's puree lag behind foreign competitors.
    “Wim-bill-dan” - reviews about the puree of this manufacturer are contradictory, some parents are satisfied with the product, others are categorically not, although no serious violations were found when checking the quality of the product.
    "Simva" - the Russian manufacturer has earned a lot positive feedback about the quality of your product.
    Purees are in high demand. domestic production"Agusha", "Frutonyanya", "Tyoma", "Grandmother's basket" - takes first place in the rating of mashed potatoes for children's nutrition early age.

    Russian manufacturers

    Despite the fact that many foreign manufacturers open enterprises for the production of food for children in Russia, domestic enterprises are not inferior to competitors and offer their high quality products.
    One of the most popular domestic producers is Agusha. For the manufacture of food, equipment from Italy is used, permanent system quality checks.
    In addition to popular brands of baby food, there are many more domestic manufacturers, including large factories, whose products are loved by the inhabitants of our country: Tyoma, Malyutka, Babushkino Lukoshko, Frutonyanya, Spelenok, etc.

    Baby food "Baby"

    "Baby" is familiar to our mothers, since many people themselves grew up on the products of this manufacturer. Today, the range of products offered by "Baby" is much wider than in Soviet times.
    For newborns, the "Baby" mixture comes in several types, suitable for various types digestion of the child's body. The age range of the manufacturer is divided into three groups.
    For the first feeding "Malyutka" offers cereals that do not require cooking. 4 types of low-allergenic dairy-free porridges and 12 types of milk porridges with fruit additives.
    The plant producing baby food "Malyutka" is located in the Moscow region. The quality of the manufacturer's products is beyond doubt. And numerous studies and tests confirm this fact.
    Malyutka is a manufacturer of nutrition for young children, which has proven its position in the market with many years of work and consistently affordable prices.

    Conclusion: It is highly recommended that you consult with your pediatrician before making decisions about which baby food brands are right for your child, and follow the recommendations for eating and storing products.

There are more and more children, and parents have less and less time. In the context of a global shortage of free minutes for both dads and moms, the question of feeding babies is acute, which should be based on a balanced, healthy and delicious food. As the child grows up, the need to provide a variety of meals is added to this list.

Of course, many mothers, at the birth of a baby, put aside all their affairs and begin to deal only with them, which is very correct. However, in this case, it is problematic to give the child everything necessary in terms of nutrition. You will have to cook often, choosing environmentally friendly and safe products(for example, for vegetable purees), which in today's reality is not easy to do.

That is why there is a need for complementary foods based on ready-made baby food, which every year becomes more and more diverse and, in addition, is enriched with vitamins and minerals necessary for a growing body.

This state of affairs can be very attractive for the organization. own business. The production of baby food today is an interesting and profitable niche with a competent approach and high-quality implementation.

What to produce: the choice of product type

Before you start drawing up a business plan, you need to decide on the segment in which you plan to work. There are two of them on the baby food market:

  • complementary food products are, in fact, all kinds of mashed potatoes and cereals;
  • mother's milk substitutes, which are as close as possible in composition to women's milk and are suitable in the event that breastfeeding for some reason is not possible.

Complementary foods are in the greatest demand, occupying about 80% of the total market volume. They are in demand by all groups of babies (and those who were fed naturally, and those who were bottle-fed). Therefore, the preferred choice is the production and sale of baby food for complementary foods. Despite the rather large offer, there is room for new manufacturers in this segment. Demand is sure to be found if consumers like the products.

Production range: choice of food group

Children aged 3-4 months and up to approximately 3 years are recommended to provide the most natural and healthy diet. That is, feed them with cereals, mashed potatoes, meat and fish dishes brought to a special consistency. It is especially important to follow these rules if the child is under one year old.

Then more familiar food is gradually introduced into the diet, cooked in fairly large pieces and resembling what mom and dad eat. However, this does not mean that healthy nutrition for a baby should be boring and monotonous. This is where manufacturers come to the rescue, offering a wide selection of diverse and at the same time adapted to children's body products.

What kind of complementary foods to produce? There may be several options:

  1. Dairy products, including sour milk (yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.).
  2. Vegetable and fruit mixes. Among them are mixed juices, purees, canned vegetables and cereals, etc. They can be of three types: finely and coarsely ground, homogenized. Suitable for babies from 3 months.
  3. Grain mixtures. Not only cereals, but also instant cookies (yes, this happens), and even pasta. Can be given to children after 4-5 months.
  4. Meat and fish mixtures may also contain vegetable, vegetable components and dairy products. They differ in the content of meat / fish and in the degree of grinding. Homogenized is allowed to feed children from 5 months, puree - from 7, a child older than 9 months - coarsely ground.

Depending on the opportunities, mainly financial, it is possible to establish the production of baby food of all the above types. Or stop at canned vegetables and milk, and as the business develops, add the manufacture of fish / meat mixtures to the proposed assortment of baby food.

Raw materials for production: what and how much

The most important thing in feeding a child is to ensure that his body receives enough nutrients, minerals and vitamins, as well as to prevent the ingress of low-quality or unsafe products. Manufacturers should take this into account. The business plan for the production of baby food includes a careful selection of suppliers of raw materials.

Products for the preparation of mixtures must be grown in environmentally friendly conditions, without pesticides and antibiotics, and also be protected from possible contamination by bacteria and fungi during transportation. This will have to be closely monitored both by the supplier (therefore, it must be verified and conscientious), and by the manufacturer itself, that is, you.

To organize the production of baby food of the above types, you will need the following types of raw materials:

  • vegetables and fruits - apples, carrots, pumpkins, plums, apricots and peaches, cherries, currants and some others are especially popular;
  • dairy products - whole, fat-free, dry, cream, sour cream;
  • cereals - cereals and flour from them (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, wheat);
  • meat and fish - poultry, beef, pork, cod, pike perch, hake, tuna, etc.

As for the cost, prices fluctuate depending on seasonality and a number of other factors. On average, you can bring the following costs per kilogram various kinds raw materials (when buying in bulk):

  • vegetables - up to 15 rubles;
  • fruits and berries - up to 50-60 rubles;
  • milk - 13-15 rubles per liter;
  • grain - from 5 to 15-20 rubles;
  • fish - from 75 to 200 rubles;
  • meat and poultry - up to 300 rubles.

At the same time, the cost of a kilogram of baby food today averages at least 500 rubles. That is, the business is able to bring considerable profit, even taking into account the high prices for certain types of fruits, as well as meat and fish products.