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Prevention of head lice in children and adults. Drug prevention of head lice in children. Sanitation for head lice infestation

Prevention of head lice in all families should be carried out constantly and there is nothing difficult in observing these measures. Special attention prevention of infection should be given to those people whose work involves the contact between the lifestyles of vagabonds and other asocial individuals. The spread of lice depends on several factors, such as lack of constant personal hygiene, poor living conditions, poor nutrition, which negatively affects the body's defenses. No one can give a complete guarantee of preventing infection, but the risk of head lice can be reduced tenfold if you adhere to the following measures:

Pregnant women are at risk of getting lice. Their immunity is reduced and their hormonal background, so any infection develops easily and quickly. Expectant mothers should always pay more attention to their health, and in order to prevent the appearance of lice, comb their hair every time after visiting public places.

Preventive measures include washing your hair. tar shampoo or shampoo with added oil from tea tree in the amount of a few drops.

Preventive measures to prevent head lice in children

Prevention of head lice must always be carried out in any children's institutions. A health worker should not allow children with lice into kindergarten or school, and if they are identified, they should carry out a whole range of measures in accordance with sanitary rules. An infected child is admitted back into childcare facility only with a certificate from a dermatologist or infectious disease specialist.

) represents parasitic disease skin, hair, which causes head louse. We will talk about it in more detail today in this article.

  • head;
  • beard;
  • brows.
  • back of the head;
  • whiskey;
  • near the ears.

The insect feeds through a sharp proboscis 2-3 times a day. It sucks out several mg per day. blood. After saturation, the color of the louse changes from gray to reddish. Lice crawl along the surface of the hair quite quickly due to the structure of the legs.

This video will tell you about the features of head lice:

At-risk groups

  • lack of personal hygiene skills (they can use the same comb, toys, bed);
  • children's promiscuity when choosing friends (children from good families often make friends with children living in poor sanitary conditions);
  • high frequency of contact with other children;
  • tendency to close contacts (games, hugs).


Head louse most often occurs in children, adults with long hair. It is transmitted through hats, personal hygiene products (combs, hair ties). The cause of head lice is insufficient hygiene in a certain team. Head louse does not carry infections like...

IN children's team The spread of the disease occurs at lightning speed. Lice infect not only children who do not follow the rules of personal hygiene, they also settle on the hair of clean children. Head lice can be transmitted not only through close body contact, but also through:

  • through combs, towels, pillows;
  • when bathing in baths, baths;
  • when wearing other people's hats.

Symptoms of head lice

  • hair tangling;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Patients may experience swelling lymph nodes. When infected with head lice in children, the following symptoms are observed:

  • anxiety;
  • restlessness;
  • the appearance of scratches and crusts on the skin;
  • formation of tangles (in very difficult cases).

Read below about the algorithm for examining children and adult patients for head lice.

This video will tell you about the causes of head lice:


Thanks to the presence of bright clinical signs Diagnosis of head lice is quite easy. The main diagnostic method is a thorough examination of the patient. When viewed, finding an adult is sometimes quite difficult, but finding nits is easy.

It is very important to look for nits in the hair, they indicate the development of the disease. Initially, the eggs are attached at the base of the hair, and as the hair grows, they move to the ends. To more easily identify head lice, the doctor can use a special magnifying glass. It is easier to detect lice that have drunk blood in the hair, because after saturation they change their color to bright red.


Treatment of head lice is carried out using many drugs produced in the form of shampoos, aerosols, and ointments.

  • During treatment of this disease It is important to follow the instructions for the medications, because all lice remedies are very toxic. That is why their use is prohibited during breastfeeding, during pregnancy, for children with allergies, diseases of the respiratory system.
  • After treatment with any of the lice remedies, nits should be combed out of the hair. For this purpose, a metal comb is used. You can also select nits manually, but this process takes a lot of time and effort.
  • In addition to killing lice through various means It is necessary to process personal linen. They boil it and iron it.


  • "F-PAR."
  • "Pair plus."
  • "Mercury ointment."
  • "Lauri."
  • "Spray-Pax".
  • "Veda-2".

Among the classic drugs are:

  • boric ointment;
  • benzyl benzoate suspension;
  • metal combs.

We will tell you about folk remedies for the treatment of children and adults from pediculosis at home below.

Traditional methods

Among traditional methods against head lice, the following are distinguished:

Prevention of the disease of head lice consists in observing the following principles:

  • Maintain personal hygiene.
  • Regular checks of hair condition in children.
  • Maximum exclusion of close contacts with unscrupulous people.
  • Avoiding the use of other people's towels, bed linen, and hats.
  • Use only your own comb.
  • Regular body washing.
  • Applying essential oils of tea tree and lavender to the back of the head, behind the ears.


The affected areas of the skin often peel off, causing dandruff. Red crusts appear on the scratched areas. With absence timely treatment may arise , .


If treatment is started in a timely manner, then the prognosis for this disease is quite good. You can get rid of lice different ways. Treatment of head lice with folk remedies takes a lot of time. If applied modern drugs to combat head lice, they can be destroyed literally in one day.

Even more useful information about the treatment and prevention of head lice is contained in this video:

It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. This applies to the case of lice and nits, where the consequences of such infestation can be aggravated by diseases such as pyoderma and typhoid. Today, prevention from lice and nits is a simple procedure, because there are various medicines and remedies for this.

Preventing lice and nits at home

Prevention against lice is the best option to prevent the spread of lice and serious forms of its complications. What is the prevention of lice and nits at home, what basic measures exist, and traditional methods protection against pediculosis.

Causes and symptoms of pediculosis

  • 1. In close contact with a person infected with lice.
  • 2. Through use individual funds hygiene: hairpins, combs, bows and hats.
  • 3. When visiting institutions such as swimming pools and gyms.
  • 4. In children's camps, boarding schools and other institutions where sanitary conditions are not met.

It is important to know! The main symptom of pediculosis is severe itching scalp, which constantly bothers me.

If you examine the head, you can find dry crusts of the epidermis, wounds with inflammation and even nits. Accumulations of nits have the form of white capsules, but their appearance can be detected no earlier than 2-3 weeks after infection with lice. If an adult hits the head healthy person, then she lays the first nit no earlier than 2-3 days later. Over the course of 7-10 days, a young individual appears. Immediately after birth, the young larva is ready for active feeding. At the first sign of head lice in a child or adult, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin appropriate treatment.

Lice Prevention Measures

Prevention of lice in children and adults is divided into two types: passive and active measures. The fundamental preventive measures are the following:

  • As much as possible, avoid communication and close contact with people who live in unsanitary conditions. In addition, these may not necessarily be people living in unsanitary conditions, therefore, at the first signs of pediculosis in a person, it is important to avoid contact with him.
  • Refuse casual sexual relations with a person who has signs of the disease. You can get infected from such a person not only with head lice, but also with pubic lice.

Pubic louse can grow on the pubic area, on eyelashes, in armpits, while the head louse settles only on the head

Tips for holding proper prevention pediculosis:

Preventive medications

There are a number medications, which are intended directly for the prevention of head lice. Such medications are available in the form of shampoos, lotions and sprays. Basically, such products contain insecticides that adversely affect insects. Insecticides are quite toxic, so their use for children is dangerous.

Interesting to know! Preparations that have non-toxic properties are less effective than those based on insecticides.

For children, it is recommended to use drugs without dangerous insecticides that have no contraindications and do not affect the health of the child. Insecticides intended for the treatment and prevention of pediculosis are:

  • Shampoo "Parasidosis". Suitable for adults and children over 5 years old. The drug is not very convenient to use, but is a success among both adults and children.

  • Shampoo "Pedilin". Allowed for use by children over 2 years of age. The product has side effects and can cause allergies. Should be used with caution, especially for children.

Shampoos for prevention are used 1-2 times a week. If shampoos are toxic, then sprays are absolutely safe, despite their low efficiency rates.

  • Spray "Roshtov". The drug is used both for the prevention and treatment of pediculosis. Sprays are based on essential oils And plant extracts. They can be used by children from one year of age, as they are safe. development is excluded side symptoms in the form of an allergy.
  • Spray "LaysGuard". The main purpose of the product is the prevention of lice and nits. Safe for use by children, and is used to treat the head, clothing and hats.

Sprays are applied directly to the hair. Their effect lasts up to 24 hours, so they must be used before leaving home.

Traditional methods of prevention

In addition to modern effective means For prevention against lice, there are also old folk methods. They are simple, affordable and no less effective than the above. Let’s find out in more detail what a folk remedy for lice prevention is.

  • Braiding hair and wearing hats. You can protect your hair from lice by braiding hair or wearing headwear in the form of scarves, scarves or special hats. This is what kindergarten teachers do today, which allows them to protect themselves from lice infection.

  • Repellent folk remedies. These include the following products: tea tree oil, hellebore water, tansy, and lavender. You can also use the juice of onions and garlic, but do not forget about the persistent smell of these vegetables on your hair.

  • The use of an iron. To protect yourself from lice, you need to bed sheets After washing, iron with a hot iron.

By choosing any of the above methods, you can avoid the appearance of pediculosis and the development of other serious complications.

Everything you didn’t know about head lice (video):

Features of pediculosis prevention

In order to reduce the number of outbreaks of pediculosis among children in kindergartens, it is required to carry out privately appropriate preventive actions. These measures include:

If the incidence increases, the following measures must be taken:

  • isolate sick children;
  • find the child who became the source of infection;
  • Carry out periodic examination of all children for signs of head lice;
  • carry out wet cleaning and disinfection of the kindergarten;
  • consult with parents about the prevention of lice at home;
  • accept a child into kindergarten is possible only after having a certificate of his recovery.
Interesting to know! It is in kindergartens that outbreaks of pediculosis are most common, both in private and in mass manifestations.

Most often, it is the children who “bring” home lice and nits from kindergartens, schools, as well as from summer camps and various circles.

What shampoos are suitable for children

Head processing medicated shampoos- an ideal prevention option for both adults and children. Such types of shampoos as “Veda”, “Nix”, “NOK” and “Biosim” are suitable for children.

These shampoos are used as follows:

  • first you need to lather the child’s head with shampoo;
  • leave the soapy head for 15-20 minutes, looking after the child so that he does not take shampoo in his mouth;
  • Rinse off the shampoo under running water.

One treatment will require about 5-7 ml of shampoo. The sense from the use of shampoos for the prevention of pediculosis will be if these funds are used not periodically, but regularly. This will prevent illness not only for your child, but also for the family as a whole. In conclusion, it is important to note that even if the chosen remedy is not effective, preference should be given to other drugs, but in no case should the disease be left to chance.

Prevention of head lice involves a set of measures that minimize the risk of possible infection. Lice, like any other disease, is better to prevent than to waste time on treatment, which can only harm the body.

Pediculosis is a disease that can cause typhus and pyoderma. Modern conditions life allow you to create favorable conditions for prevention, unlike those times when this caused a number of difficulties. The spread of lice in the past was very rapid, so it took a lot of effort to eliminate the problem.

What should be the prevention of head lice in children? What features can be identified? What do parents of a child need to know to minimize the risk of developing an unpleasant disease?

Briefly about the main thing

The main factors influencing the rapid spread of lice in children are large cluster people and prolonged stay in unsanitary conditions. The above conditions are most typical for people in field conditions. For example, wars, concentration camps, prisons. A similar situation is observed in 3rd world countries, ghettos, etc.

As world practice shows, lice can create or find favorable conditions for rapid spread in schools and kindergartens. For this reason, the prevention and treatment of pediculosis has now become particularly important.

Parents should remember that lice are transmitted from child to child. The proportion of infection in the case of the transfer of headwear or objects of common use is a small percentage. Prevention of lice should begin at home. It should be based on the understanding that lice can only get into the house with other people.

Preventive measures should be aimed at avoiding close contact with those people who may potentially be infected. This statement is very relevant for children. It is necessary to comply with all preventive measures aimed at fulfilling professional responsibilities, which may be associated with the need to constantly stay in places where there are often large concentrations of people infected with lice.

A high degree of infection of children can be observed in kindergartens, boarding schools, schools, and summer camps. In this case preventive measures must be the most thorough.

Ways to fight

The nature of pediculosis prevention can be either passive or active-preventive.

Lice in children

In order to reduce the risk of infestation with body lice, you need to keep your child’s clothes clean, wash and change them periodically. We must not forget about the condition of underwear, which must be changed as often as possible.

Particular attention should be paid to those who constantly travel. If you spend the night in bad hotels or hotels, then there is a high probability of infection through the bed. Lice may remain from previous guests, and this must be kept in mind. Infection can occur not only through bedding, but also through a towel. The precedent described above can only be observed in the worst hotels.

If your profession requires constant contact with patients, then it would be advisable to follow the following recommendations:

There are several simple ones, but no less effective advice, which are used to prevent lice. ethnoscience is not fraught with side effects, while maintaining high degree efficiency. Eg:

  1. If your hair is long, then it is advisable to braid it and cover it with a scarf. This is relevant for those who are in close contact with strays and children. The hair is securely hidden and cannot come into contact with other people's hair. Risk of transmission is reduced.
  2. Lice can be repelled. You can use tea tree oil for this. hellebore water, tansy decoction. Garlic - universal remedy, which has a powerful repellent effect. Its only drawback is its pungent smell.
  3. Regular use tar soap or shampoos based on it.
  4. Steam treatment of items after washing.

Among others folk remedies, cranberry juice, St. John's wort, and lemon juice have a good effect. But in practice these tools are used infrequently.

A lice prevention complex may include shampoos. They can be used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. To achieve good preventive effect Shampoo should be used 1-2 times a week. In the case of primary infection, the frequency should not change. This will eliminate the first generation, and subsequent processing can completely destroy all insects.

Preventative treatment is best for children. Parents cannot know with whom and when the child will have contact. With regular treatment, head lice can be stopped. When bathing a child, leave the product on the head for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off.

Of all the troubles caused by lice to humans, the most insignificant are the painful sensations from bites. Usually this is a change skin, muscle pain is also often observed, allergic reactions, lethargy, increased body temperature.

Immeasurably more dangerous consequence lice can cause a person to become infected with pathogens of severe diseases: epidemic typhus, epidemic relapsing fever, Volyn fever. History shows the terrible scale of such disasters. For example, Napoleon's army, moving towards Moscow, lost about a third of its strength from epidemics, among which typhus dominated. Kutuzov's army lost three-fifths of its strength from the same reasons. Over the years of global and civil war Two million people died from typhus in Russia.

The modern system of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance practically eliminates the emergence of such epidemics in our country. However, relapsing fever still occurs in some countries in the Middle East. South-East Asia, North Africa and Latin America.

Lice are generally not repelled by known repellents. Moreover, they suck blood even through the skin on which substances that are poisonous to them are applied.

Lice can neither jump nor fly. They spend their entire life on humans, at all stages of which (except for the phase of egg development) they feed on blood. During the day, the louse crawls from place to place several times, covering about 10 cm in one minute, and sometimes up to 35 cm. In the search for a new owner, the sense of smell plays a major role.

Lice do not tolerate fasting well, the worse the temperature is environment. At 28-30 degrees, hungry lice die within 2 days; at 10-20 degrees they survive for 7 days. This feature is often used to de-shrink clothes and linens, for which they are placed in a closed box or rubber bag for 2-3 weeks.

Has a negative effect on lice and heat. At 55 degrees they die within 30 minutes. However, they tolerate the cold well and even at minus twelve degrees they do not die immediately.

Lice are highly resistant to the lack of oxygen and can stay under water for up to two days. This creates the possibility of a person becoming infected with lice even in a swimming pool. Usually lice spread by simply crawling onto new victim in close contact between people or through things.

The female begins to lay eggs (so-called nits) at the age of 1-2 days. She lays from 3 eggs per day (pubic louse) to 14 eggs ( cootie). The eggs that are laid are immediately attached with a sticky secretion to a hair or thread of clothing. This secret is so resistant to chemical reagents that many of them are more likely to destroy hair or clothing than dissolve the adhesive substance.

It is impossible to completely eliminate the possibility of lice infection, because just one female brought into the house is enough for the whole family to be affected within a month. And acquiring such a “guest” is not at all difficult: lice have been observed more than once in public transport, crawling across the backs of the seats from yet another sleeping homeless person.

Be that as it may, if you find lice, do not be alarmed or despair. Getting rid of them is not that difficult, although it does require some skill and patience. The easiest way to treat clothes and linen. It is enough to boil them for 15 minutes (if they allow boiling) or soak for 20-30 minutes before washing in a 0.15% solution of karbofos. You can also use the Carbozol aerosol, then put the clothes aside for a few days and then wash them. It is recommended to repeat the treatment after a week.

Very good effect also gives clothes a hot iron, since at 100 degrees Celsius even lice eggs die within 30 seconds.

To eliminate lice on the human body, the drugs “Nitifor” and “PARA Plus” are used. Particularly easy to handle last drug, produced in aerosol form by the French laboratory SCAT. One treatment with this drug is enough to achieve optimal results. And you should always remember: body and linen hygiene is the most important condition conservation