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Inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Hydradenitis

The occurrence of hidradenitis under the arm is associated with the development of an inflammatory process in the ductal glands. The disease can occur in young people, children during puberty, in pregnant women. In older people, the disease is rarely diagnosed, due to a decrease in hormonal activity, the production of natural enzymes. The disease is accompanied by abscesses resembling the appearance of the mammary glands in dogs, so the people quickly dubbed hydradenitis " bitch udder».

Timely treatment allows you to eliminate the disease without surgery, but even quick therapy does not guarantee that unpleasant symptoms will not recur.

Features of the disease

Hydradenitis is an inflammation process sweat glands, often caused by staphylococcus bacteria. The defeat of the sweat glands also captures the apocrine glands, which are responsible for normal sweating and giving a unique natural aroma to each person. The occurrence of the disease in the armpit is the most common place of occurrence. Hydradenitis may appear in the inguinal zone, near the navel, on the external genitalia.

Hidradenitis does not differ by gender of patients and can equally occur in both men and women. In addition to the sweat gland, the apocrine gland is affected, which is responsible for natural pheromones (individual human smell). The apocrine gland begins to form precisely during the puberty of a teenager, and ends up functioning normally after 50 years, so hydradenitis cannot occur in children and the elderly. trigger Infection is always the cause of the disease. The main difference between hidradenitis and other types of dermatological purulent formations (for example, boils) is the absence of a root from dead cells.

Video about the relationship between hydradenitis and deodorants:

Types and classification

Hydradenitis can occur in varying degrees severity, which completely depends on the time of the patient's visit to a dermatologist or surgeon. According to the severity of the course of the disease, hydradenitis can be divided into the following stages:

  • initial when the process of blockage of the sweat gland has just occurred (swelling, redness, itching and soreness);
  • middle when the inflamed "nodules" grow, and the pain intensifies;
  • heavy the degree when the pathological process is characterized by the appearance of purulent abscesses with blood.

The main factors for determining the tactics of treatment is the generally accepted classification not only according to the severity, but also according to the form of the course.

Purulent form (acute process)

The form is characterized by the rapid development of the inflammatory process as a result of blockage of the sebaceous, sweat and apocrine glands. The appearance of abscesses in this form is often the result of insufficient hygiene of the axillary region, skin trauma during depilation.

The course of the disease is identical to the manifestations of the common cold with malaise, fever, which are later joined by soreness in the armpit area. The purulent form poses a serious danger to the life of the patient in the absence of proper treatment.

Chronic (recurring) form

For the development of the chronic form, a long course of the acute process is characteristic. The disease may contribute purulent abscess, which was not fully completed. The chronic form has several stages of development:

  • I stage(formation of dense nodular formations under the skin, the appearance of pain);
  • II stage(an increase in nodes, the beginning of their mobility, a change in skin color to a red-blue tint);
  • III stage(the formation of a purulent viscous composition that breaks the granuloma (capsule) and comes out with blood).

Important! Having correctly determined the stage and development of the disease, the doctor can quickly build the necessary treatment tactics. During treatment acute form hidradenitis speed is important, because protracted acute process always leads to the formation of a chronic disease.

Reasons for the development of the disease

In surgical dermatology, the main cause of the disease is called a regular humid environment due to excessive sweating of the patient. Any organic fluids in the human body become a favorable environment for the reproduction of harmful and conditionally harmful bacteria. Harmful microorganisms clog the sweat glands and provoke the occurrence of an acute inflammatory formation. In addition to staphylococcus, hydradenitis can be caused by bacteria of the streptococcus group and others. More often, hydradenitis occurs with the following factors:

  • weakened immunity of the patient;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • diseases of the thyroid or parathyroid gland;
  • chronic dermatological diseases;
  • excess weight or obesity;
  • anomalies in the development of sweat glands:
  • changes in the work of the central nervous system;
  • lack of diet;
  • taking drugs that suppress the immune system;
  • starvation or improper diet;
  • chemotherapy for cancer;
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • inaccurate shaving of hairs in the armpit area:
  • skin trauma;
  • poor quality hygiene products;
  • allergic reactions to personal hygiene products (gels, oils, shaving foams, etc.).

There are a lot of factors under which hydradenitis can occur. If the patient is at risk, is overweight or has other diseases that contribute to the development of purulent growths in the armpit, then his chances of getting chronic hidradenitis are quite high.

Signs and features of the course

In the acute and chronic course of hidradenitis, some signs of the disease can differ greatly in severity and in the nature of the manifestations. Inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit is accompanied by the following conditions:

  • the occurrence of a small nodule and pain;
  • an increase in the nodule up to 2 cm;
  • reddening of the skin;
  • the appearance of new nodules;
  • the formation of several nodules in one affected area;
  • puffiness;
  • the appearance of swelling and pus;
  • fever (sometimes up to 39-40 ° C);
  • a feeling of severe itching mixed with pain;
  • stiffness of movements.

Important! severe inflammation may be accompanied by the release of pus with bloody inclusions from bursting capsules of nodular formations. The danger of a prolonged course of the inflammatory process can turn out for the patient severe sepsis(spread of pus through the bloodstream) and intoxication.

Hydradenitis during pregnancy

Even in the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman's hormonal background changes, immunity naturally decreases, and general weakness appears. The appearance of a disease of a bacterial or viral nature can overshadow the course of pregnancy. The main causes of hidradenitis in pregnant women are considered to be frequent colds or herpetic virus (any herpes virus). It is important for women to observe thorough hygiene of the armpit area, try to use only proven personal hygiene products, refuse to shave with machines or epilators and fight unwanted hairs with soft depilatory creams.

Any potentially traumatic shaving techniques can cause hidradenitis. The resulting hydradenitis always proceeds with severe symptoms, and therefore, if the first signs of the development of the disease occur, you should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist, a dermatologist and a surgeon. Taking antibiotics during pregnancy is prohibited, but when the threat to the life of the mother outweighs the harm to the fetus from active substances drug, then begin rapid treatment.

Diagnostic methods

Dermatologists and surgeons are engaged in the identification of hidradenitis. Before treatment, it is important to determine the nature of the course of the disease, the form and features of development. There are the following diagnostic methods:

  • questioning the patient about complaints;
  • visual inspection of the armpit area;
  • palpation of seals and pressure on nodules;
  • determining the appearance of the disease;
  • blood sampling for biochemical research;
  • test sampling of purulent material;
  • urinalysis (if necessary).

Important! The purpose of diagnosis is not only to determine the nature of hidradenitis, but also to separate it from other types of diseases, such as lymphogranulomatosis, chronic lymphadenitis, furunculosis or tuberculosis. If the primary data on the disease is not enough, they may prescribe additional methods research (for example, ultrasound).

Despite some differences in different forms hidradenitis, treatment tactics are not significantly different. official medicine involves the following types of treatment of the disease:

  • medication;
  • operational;
  • physiotherapy;
  • folk methods.

It is important to choose the right drugs for local and internal use to quickly relieve the unpleasant symptoms of hydradenitis.

Treatment with drugs

Medicines can be administered as intramuscular or intravenous injections or in tablets. For successful treatment several targeted medications are prescribed at once, which correspond to the form and stage of the course:

  • Antibiotics. Tetracycline and macrolide class drugs are prescribed, which have a depressing effect on the development of the inflammatory process (Ceftriaxone, Summed).
  • Hormonal remedies. Hormones prevent the development of inflammation in the various stages their appearance and are introduced into the lesion itself (Prednisolone).
  • Immunomodulatory drugs. Used to enhance local immunity(gamma globulins). Contraindicated for pregnant women, as they can lead to miscarriage (Viveron, Immudon).
  • Antiseptics. Appointed to disinfect the skin of the armpits from harmful microflora (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Iodinol).

Any drug treatment should be prescribed by specialists. With self-treatment of hidradenitis, you can not only not cure the disease, but also aggravate the course of the disease.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is required for purulent separation with incision of the nodule and installation of drainage. Manipulations help eliminate inflammation and prevent the risk of residual purulent fragments. After wound healing, special therapy with antibiotics and disinfectants is carried out.

Important! Successful and timely treatment help the patient quickly recover from inflammation, eliminate the risk of unwanted repetitions. Of course, with absolute observance of the rules of hygiene and the treatment of concomitant diseases, which one way or another could contribute to the development of hidradenitis.


To speed up the recovery process, doctors prescribe physiotherapy, which includes the following procedures:

  • UHF procedures;
  • photochemotherapy;
  • magnetic laser therapy;
  • infrared therapy.

All procedures are aimed at postoperative treatment of scars, healing of damaged pores, and alleviation of the general condition of the patient.

Folk methods of treatment

Treatment of hidradenitis folk remedies can be carried out at the stage of completion of the disease to speed up the healing process. For example, decoctions of chamomile, linden, yarrow will help relieve tension from damaged skin, and an infusion of thyme or sage will create antibacterial protection. Well-known folk methods of treatment here will not become a panacea for the inflammatory process.

Herbal infusions and compresses will help to quickly restore the skin after surgery, become additional natural antiseptic preparations for the treatment of armpits.

The doctor talks about the treatment of hydradenitis

Illness lifestyle and diet

It is recommended to combine moderate physical exercise With breathing exercises. So the body is saturated with oxygen faster, resistance to various bacteria increases. Right image life helps to strengthen the immune system. With purulent hydradenitis, compliance special diet And healthy lifestyle life is extremely important. Alcohol and tobacco should be excluded, since during the decay harmful substances(alcohols and resins) their components come out with sweat through the pores. Intoxication does not contribute to a quick recovery.

The dietary table of a patient with hydradenitis should include fresh fruits, vegetables, greens. In the winter season, you should drink vitamin complexes for general tone. important products during the illness are:

  • dairy products;
  • nuts and cereals;
  • flour products;
  • meat and fish of low-fat varieties;
  • vegetables fruits.

Additionally, the correct drinking regimen. The volume of liquid must be age norm. For example, it is important for an adult to drink about 2 liters of fresh water per day. This allows you to quickly remove the infection and the body, contributes to a speedy recovery.

Prevention and complications

The basis of all preventive measures is the observance of hygiene standards and rules for the care of the armpits. The main measures include the following:

  • organization of daily hygiene care;
  • wearing comfortable clothes;
  • treatment of hormonal disorders;
  • prevention of obesity, diabetes;
  • selection of high-quality cosmetics for the armpit area;
  • soft shave.

In chronic hydradenitis, it is important to additionally treat the armpit area with boron or camphor alcohol. Especially if the skin is traumatized during shaving. Worth adding a trick vitamin complexes in the cold season, clothes according to the weather in the hot months. It is necessary to exclude colds, other infectious diseases, which may lead to the development of hidradenitis or its complications. Specific risk factors include:

  • hit purulent infection into the central bloodstream (sepsis);
  • development of purulent hydradenitis;
  • the spread of inflammation to other parts of the body;
  • the appearance of putrefactive phlegmon (skin formation with pus without pronounced boundaries);
  • development of lymphadenitis.

Any inflammatory process in the body, it is important to eliminate quickly and efficiently, because the development of complications against the background of a spreading infection can have serious consequences up to the development serious illnesses brain and central nervous system. Hydradenitis under the arm has vivid symptoms (pain, swelling, discomfort in the armpits, fever), so the development of the disease can be recognized even before the formation of a purulent form of the disease. Prevention and attention to own body will protect against many dangers including hydradenitis.

Question answer

How to get rid of armpit pain?

If the pain arose suddenly, and it is not possible to see a doctor today, then you can resort to taking Ibuprofen (one of the safe drugs) or attach cold compress. With hydradenitis, the pain can be severe, so the time to see a doctor is usually found.

What means can be used to remove inflammation?

The use of only one folk methods for any form of hydradenitis will only aggravate the general condition of the patient. Traditional medicine methods will be effective along with traditional drug treatment. After proper treatment, to accelerate healing, you can make compresses with a decoction of chamomile, celandine, succession.

What can become inflamed under the armpit?

Hidradenitis occurs as a result of inflammation of the sweat gland with spread to the apocrine glands. It is their blockage that leads to inflammation, followed by the formation of purulent nodules.

Most common causes local painful seals in the armpit are adenitis (inflammation of sweat glands and sebaceous glands), boils (inflammation of hair follicles) and lymphadenitis (inflammation lymph nodes). It is possible that the discomfort is associated with the use of antiperspirants.

Sweat glands - simple tubular glands, found in almost all areas of the skin, with the exception of the red border of the lip, glans penis and inner leaf foreskin. Their total number is about 2-2.5 million. The skin of the pulp of the fingers and toes, palms and soles, armpits and inguinal folds is especially rich in sweat glands. The secret of the sweat glands - sweat - contains 98% water and 2% solid residue of organic and inorganic substances.

With sweat, products of protein metabolism (urea, uric acid, ammonia, etc.), some salts (sodium chloride, etc.) are excreted. According to the nature of secretion, sweat glands are divided into merocrine (excrete sweat into the excretory duct without destroying the cytoplasm of secretory cells) and apocrine (partial destruction of the cytoplasm of secretory cells). The latter are found in the skin of the armpits, the area anus, external genitalia. The secret contains them a large number of proteins and has a strong smell.

Adenitis is a swelling of the glands: cervical or in the groin, under the armpits, under the jaw. Usually affects patients with scrofula, tuberculosis, syphilis, or those with a predisposition to these diseases due to heredity.
Hidradenitis is a purulent inflammation of the sweat glands. It usually occurs in the armpits (the so-called bough udder), much less often - in the genital area in men and in women - in the nipples and navel. People who suffer from sweating are more likely to get sick. Dermatitis (eczema, diaper rash), weakening of the body, minor skin injuries (for example, when shaving hair in the armpit), non-observance of personal hygiene rules, which create conditions for the penetration of pyogenic microbes (staphylococci, more often aureus) into the ducts of the sweat glands, predispose to the disease.

The disease proceeds for a long time, often with exacerbations, can acquire chronic course. With hydradenitis, at first in depth subcutaneous tissue one or more dense, painful, pea-sized nodules appear, which quickly increase to size walnut. At first, it is covered with unchanged skin, and then its surface becomes uneven, purple-red.

When the infiltrate melts, fluctuation appears and creamy pus is released through the resulting small hole. The duration of the development of the infiltrate is 10-15 days. Inflammation often extends to the subcutaneous adipose tissue. The skin over the inflamed gland turns red. Along with severe pain sometimes there is a chill, general malaise, body temperature rises.

If the glands are swollen and pain appears in them, then you should carefully lubricate them with iodine ointment or ichthyol and tie them up. In no case should such diseased glands be rubbed, it will become even worse. Along the way, you need to take care of strengthening the body - salt baths, fish fat, more nutritious table.
If the disease does not go away and an abscess on the gland is clearly indicated, then it is necessary to call the doctor to open it. It is dangerous to open an abscess yourself, it can cause infection and death.
You can rub the cloth with a simple gray soap, tie it on a swollen gland, and cover it with something warm on top. During the day, you can not tie the cloth, if you do not go out into the cold, but only tie it warm.

As a treatment, specialists prescribe antibiotics, sulfonamides, nitrofurans, autohemotherapy

With recurrent forms - specific immunotherapy, fortifying means. Local use dry heat, UHF. A good effect is given by chipping the infiltrate with an antibiotic solution in novocaine. In the treatment of hidradenitis, X-ray therapy is successfully used. Further development purulent inflammation may lead to the formation of an abscess. In this case, immediate surgical intervention(opening an abscess with a small incision), which will avoid the spread of purulent inflammation and the development of serious complications - lymphadenitis, sepsis, phlegmon.

In order to prevent exacerbation, patients with hidradenitis should be excluded from the diet of alcohol, spicy seasonings, limit sweets; it is recommended to include in food foods rich in vitamins A C, E and iron (carrots, cabbage, apples, berries, rose hips, etc.). Important conditions prevention of hidradenitis - compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and the treatment of sweating.

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Better understand what kind of disease it is and how to treat it will help short description structures of sweat glands - they belong to the appendages of the skin and, depending on their functions, are divided into eccrine and apocrine. The first are located over the entire surface of the body and secrete transparent sweat.

Eccrine sweat glands are activated when heated human body, at this moment they begin to work hard, releasing sweat, thereby physiologically cooling organs and tissues due to the evaporation of water.

Apocrine glands are located in the armpits, around the anus and in the inguinal folds, unlike the eccrine glands, they have a much wider duct. They emit whitish-colored sweat, which has a pungent odor and contains a large amount of fats and biologically active substances.

The sweat secreted by the apocrine glands serves as an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. With blockage of the duct and the development of an inflammatory process in it, hidradenitis develops.

Hydradenitis - what is it?

Hydradenitis is an acute inflammatory process purulent nature flowing in the ducts of the apocrine glands. Most often, the glands located in the armpits are affected, but an inflammatory process may also develop in the groin, anus, and around the nipples in women (see photo).

Inflammation of the apocrine glands is not found in pediatric practice, since they begin to work only in puberty. In addition, with age, the functioning of these glands gradually decreases, so hydradenitis in the elderly practically does not occur.

The disease can develop in both men and women, but the fair sex suffers from hidradenitis much more often.

Inflammation of the sweat glands is possible only if the human body is weakened, there are pathogens(in particular staphylococcus) and there are microscopic damage to the skin.

Predisposing factors for the development of the disease are:

  • Use of talc-containing deodorants;
  • Abuse of alkaline soap, as a result of which the natural lipid barrier of the skin is disrupted;
  • Hormonal imbalance of the body (women are most susceptible to the development of armpit hydradenitis during menstruation);
  • Shaving armpits;
  • Excessive sweating - occurs during increased physical exertion, stress, due to hormonal disorders;
  • Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Chronic or autoimmune diseases;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Poor unbalanced diet;
  • Pregnancy in women.

Hydradenitis under the arm, photo

photo initial stage hydrodenitis under the arm

The main cause of hydradenitis under the arm is injury to the skin, rubbing this area with rough seams of clothing, and increased sweating.

At first, the patient complains of a spherical painful induration armpit, which gradually increases and acquires an oblong shape that looks like a nipple. Because of this association, in the common people, hydradenitis is called "bitch's udder."

The disease is most common among women, as they pay special attention to the aesthetic appearance of the armpits (removal unwanted hair, antiperspirants).

The clinical picture of the disease develops gradually, over several days. Depending on the location of the inflammatory process, the skin at the site of the lesion of the gland becomes hyperemic or slightly cyanotic.

On palpation of the inflamed area, a rounded seal is felt, sharply painful to the touch. As you progress pathological process an oblong infiltrate filled with pus is formed. All these symptoms are accompanied by signs of general intoxication of the body:

  1. An increase in body temperature to 38.5-39 degrees;
  2. weakness;
  3. Headaches and dizziness;
  4. nausea;
  5. Lethargy, drowsiness.

The opening of hidradenitis can occur on its own, as soon as the abscess is fully formed and matures. When this happens, a large amount of pus mixed with blood is released from the affected area, and the rod is absent.

After opening the cavity and discharge of pus, the patient's condition improves: body temperature returns to normal, pain subsides, weakness and other signs of intoxication disappear.

Symptoms of hidradenitis in the groin are accompanied by pain when walking and any change in body position. The patient cannot sleep, it is normal to go to the toilet, carry out elementary hygiene procedures and dress up.

Treatment of hidradenitis under the arm should be started as early as possible, preferably at the stage of seal formation. With timely medical care and proper treatment, the infiltrate can resolve at the initial stage.

When pain and a small nodule appear in the armpit, the doctor prescribes local treatment. The affected area and the skin around the infiltrate should be carefully treated with alcohol several times a day - this will destroy the pathogens present on the surface of the skin and will prevent the spread of the pathological process to sebaceous glands.

Twice a day, a compress with Dimexide is applied to the site of the lesion. During treatment, the patient should exclude increased physical activity and stress, monitor personal hygiene, eat light, protein-rich meals.

With the development of purulent hidradenitis, antibiotics cannot be dispensed with. A drug prescribed only by a doctor, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's body, the severity of the course of the disease, age and other factors.

Treatment lasts at least 7 days, it is categorically unacceptable to stop the course on your own upon improvement or opening of the abscess. To accelerate the maturation of the abscess, it is recommended to apply bandages with or.

If a clear abscess appears at the top of the seal, but does not open on its own, then the patient is cleaned of the cavity in an operative way. Under local anesthesia, an incision is made and pus is released, after which the cavity is washed, drainage is installed and applied. sterile dressing. A scar is subsequently formed at the site of intervention.

With the development of hidradenitis in the groin in women, treatment, at the stage of infiltrate formation, is carried out by using physiotherapeutic procedures - heating, ultraviolet rays, electrophoresis.

It is forbidden to carry out thermal procedures on your own, as this can cause the development of sepsis and other dangerous complications.


If hidradenitis is ignored and there is no proper treatment, the disease takes chronic form currents with involvement in the process of adjacent lymph nodes and sebaceous glands. IN severe cases hidradenitis is complicated by sepsis.

Hydradenitis, which doctor should I contact?

At the stage of infiltrate formation, a dermatologist is engaged in the treatment of the inflammatory process in the apocrine glands. When forming a purulent focus, the patient cannot do without consultation and intervention of the surgeon.

In addition, it is very important to find out the nature of the occurrence this disease which may require consultation narrow specialists– rheumatologist, oncologist, endocrinologist.

A very common problem, which in medicine is known under the term "hydradenitis". The disease is accompanied by the accumulation of pus in the area of ​​the affected gland, as well as constant discomfort, pain and swelling.

That is why many people are interested additional information about why inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit develops. Symptoms, treatment and possible complications This is information that you must be familiar with.

Hydradenitis: general information

Hidradenitis is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the sweat glands. The glands located in the armpit area are most susceptible to the inflammatory process.

Hidradenitis does not develop in children of preschool and younger school age as well as in elderly patients. According to statistics, 85% of patients with inflammation of the sweat glands are women aged 16 to 55 years.

Inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit: causes

Of course, for a start it is worth understanding the causes of the development of the disease, because it is on this that the therapy scheme chosen by the doctor largely depends.

In most cases, inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit is associated with the activity of pathogenic bacteria. According to statistics, most often the role of the pathogen is played by Staphylococcus aureus. Most often, microorganisms penetrate the gland from the outside, through its duct. This often happens with various skin injuries, for example, during epilation, or shaving, as well as as a result of constant friction of the skin against tissue.

By the way, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) is also potentially dangerous. The skin in the armpits is constantly getting wet, the tissues are macerated, which leads to a weakening of the barrier functions. Pathogenic microorganisms under such conditions, it is much easier to penetrate the sweat gland or deep skin layers.

Infection, by the way, can enter tissues not only from external environment. The infection is often spread throughout the body along with the flow of blood and lymph. Of course, this only happens against the background of a weakened immune system.

Main Risk Factors

Undoubtedly, inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit is associated with the activity staph infection. However, the likelihood of developing the disease is much higher if the body is severely weakened.

That is why it is worth studying the risk factors:

  • diabetes mellitus (accompanied by serious hormonal disorders and weakened immunity);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • the presence of HIV infection, as well as other immunodeficiency conditions;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • helminthic diseases (invasion of pinworms, ascaris, etc.);
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • anemia (tissues do not receive enough oxygen, which weakens their barrier functions);
  • adherence to a strict diet (this depletes the body, making it more susceptible);
  • improper nutrition (again, leads to the development of beriberi);
  • obesity (overweight people often suffer from hormonal disorders and excessive sweating);
  • severe hypothermia (local or general);
  • pregnancy period (associated with hormonal changes).

All these diseases significantly weaken the body's defenses, negatively affect the state of immunity, and make the skin more susceptible to infection.

By the way, the inflammatory process can develop against the background of allergic reaction caused by the use of low-quality cosmetics: antiperspirants, washing gels, etc.

Inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit: photos and symptoms

As a rule, the development cycle of hidradenitis takes about two weeks. Symptoms of inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit depend on the stage of development of the disease:

  • First, a small nodule appears in the armpit - its diameter does not exceed 1-2 cm.
  • Gradually, the neoplasm grows. Appears severe itching, and then pain, which causes a lot of inconvenience to a person.
  • Small black pimples form around the nodule - these are sebaceous glands, the ducts of which are clogged with a horn plug.
  • The inflammatory process and the formation of pus is associated with stagnation of blood - as a result of which the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhydradenitis acquires a reddish color, sometimes with a blue or purple tint.
  • Appear and general symptoms intoxication. Patients complain of weakness, nausea, joint pain, body aches. The body temperature rises.
  • Tissues in the armpit swell, which leads to squeezing nerve endings. Patients suffer from sharp, shooting pain that occurs during movement in shoulder joint.
  • Purulent masses continue to accumulate in soft tissues. Often, white or yellowish pus can be seen under the skin.
  • In the absence of therapy, the abscess is often opened either arbitrarily or as a result of some kind of injury.
  • After opening hidradenitis, the patient's condition improves - fever and pain disappear. Nevertheless, it should be understood that the focus of inflammation remains, and in the absence of therapy, the likelihood of a relapse in the near future is very high.

If you have these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can clean the tissues from pus and make effective scheme medical treatment.

Possible Complications

Inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit responds well to therapy. However, the possibility of complications cannot be ruled out.

Sometimes purulent process spreads to neighboring soft tissues, which can lead to the development of an abscess, or phlegmon (a large abscess with a dense membrane). If the abscess is not drained in time, it can open on its own. In this case, purulent masses spread to nearby tissues and often enter the systemic circulation. Most dangerous complication hidradenitis is sepsis (infection of the whole organism is observed).

According to statistics, such complications, as a rule, develop in the absence of therapy. Patients with a severely weakened body and diseases of the immune system are at risk.

Diagnostic measures

You already know about the causes, symptoms of inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit. If you notice the above violations, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to draw up an effective and safe treatment regimen.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit is rarely associated with any difficulties. It is enough for an experienced doctor to examine the skin in the affected area and listen to the patient's complaints.

Of course, in the future, additional research. For example, a blood test is informative: an increase indicators of ESR, as well as an increase in the number of leukocytes indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. In addition, samples obtained from the sweat gland are used to bacteriological culture. So, the doctor has the opportunity to accurately determine the type of pathogen and select the appropriate medication.

If there are frequent relapses, the disease is difficult to treat, then the patient is sent for an immunogram - this allows you to check the functioning of the immune system.

Conservative treatment

Since inflammation is associated with the activity of bacterial microorganisms, the treatment regimen necessarily includes taking antibiotics. Erythromycin and Doxycycline, Tetracycline are effective. Therapy lasts at least two weeks.

Affected tissues, as well as the skin around the abscess, need to be treated 2-3 times a day antiseptic solutions. This will help prevent further spread of bacteria. Solution suitable for disinfection salicylic acid, iodine tincture, brilliant green, alcohol. Also, inflamed tissues are lubricated with Vishnevsky ointment or Levomekol.

If during the tests it was possible to confirm the presence of a staphylococcal infection, then specific therapy can be carried out, in particular, the introduction of staphylococcal gamma globulin. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also used to help cope with pain and fever.

Precautionary measures

It must be understood that infections (especially if we are talking about staphylococcus aureus) can quickly spread to neighboring, healthy areas of the skin. That is why the area of ​​​​hydradenitis must be covered with a dry bandage.

Baths will have to be abandoned for a while. You can only take a shower, having previously sealed the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation with a bandage with a plaster. The skin around the abscess should be treated several times a day with antiseptic solutions.

Treatment of inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit must be supplemented with a proper diet. Meals should be light, but high in calories. In the daily menu, be sure to include foods rich in phosphorus and iron. Will be useful various berries, blackcurrant, dairy products, nuts, liver. Experts recommend drinking fresh fruit juices. Fish and lean meat will be useful, but boiled. From sweets, spicy and fatty foods, alcohol must be abandoned.


Medical treatment inflammation of the sex glands in the armpit is necessarily supplemented by physiotherapy procedures. UHF and infrared radiation are considered effective. In addition, local UV therapy, laser therapy and magnetotherapy are sometimes performed. Sometimes patients are prescribed electrophoresis with codeine or dionine. Similar procedures, as a rule, are carried out after the inflammatory process has been stopped with the help of medicines.

Surgical intervention: indications and features

Sometimes it is necessary to let the abscess mature, after which the doctor will be able to open it and clear it of purulent masses. Warm, wet compresses are not suitable for this, as this leads to maceration of the skin. Sunbathing is suitable for warming up (in the warm season). You can warm up a terry towel with an iron, which is then applied to the skin in the armpit area.

Warming up abscesses allows you to achieve their maturation and softening. And after that, as a rule, hydradenitis needs to be opened. After tissue incision, the doctor first of all evacuates the purulent masses, after which he carefully removes the infiltrated fatty tissue.

If there are constant relapses, and the cleansing of abscesses and drug therapy do not give the desired effect, the patient needs more radical treatment. First, the hidradenitis area is opened and cleaned, but the wound heals in open conditions. The patient takes antibiotics all the time. After the inflammatory process subsides, a complete resection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue is performed. Of course, after this, plastic is needed to help close the defect.

Folk methods of treatment

Treatment of inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit with folk remedies is also possible, but prescriptions can only be used with the permission of a doctor.

  • Cabbage has anti-inflammatory properties. Fresh cabbage leaf should be applied to the affected skin, fixed with a bandage and left overnight. To achieve a greater effect, the sheet can be smeared with a small amount natural honey.
  • Aloe Vera can also help fight inflammation. Rinse mature leaves thoroughly, rinsing boiled water, cut lengthwise and apply to the affected skin with the fleshy side. The compress should remain on the skin for several hours. Aloe has antibacterial properties. Moreover, the leaves of the plant draw pus out, accelerating the maturation of the abscess.

How to avoid illness: prevention

The disease responds relatively well to therapy, at least, reviews testify to this. Treatment of inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit in most cases ends in complete recovery. But following some recommendations will help prevent the development of hydradenitis:

  • It is important to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene, especially if you suffer from excessive sweating.
  • Remember that the infection can be introduced during epilation, or shaving the armpits.
  • It is better to give preference to fairly spacious clothing made from natural fabrics (constant friction in the armpits is a risk factor).
  • Responsibly treat the choice of cosmetics and deodorants.

Of course, do not forget about strengthening the immune system. Proper nutrition, physical activity, periodic intake of vitamins - all this will help increase the resistance of skin tissues and different types infections.