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Miramistin for women: what diseases will this remedy help with? Miramistin (solution) - the product has an antiseptic effect

Miramistin- Russian medicinal antiseptic drug new generation. It has a wide spectrum of action and is ideal for the prevention and treatment of all kinds of infections - bacterial, fungal and viral. Miramistin has proven itself in the individual prevention and treatment of colds and infectious diseases, as well as sexually transmitted diseases.

The drug is distinguished by its pronounced activity against a number of microbes that cause sore throats, wound suppuration, fungal diseases. Herpes in the intimate area is particularly dangerous in pregnant women, as it causes severe generalized infection of newborns."> herpes, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.

The preventive activity of Miramistin manifests itself regardless of the localization (place of concentration) of pathogens.

History of the creation of the drug Miramistin

Miramistin as medicinal product was developed in the 70s of the last century as part of the All-Union program “Space Biotechnologies”. The goal of the program was to create antiseptic for treating the skin of astronauts and equipment at orbital stations to combat microorganisms, pathogenic fungi, viruses, for the growth of which favorable conditions are created in confined spaces of the stations. The research was carried out by scientists from Moscow, Kyiv, and Simferopol. After the collapse of the USSR, the unique developments obtained remained unclaimed, but the developers did not let them “die.” After carrying out appropriate tests in 1991. Miramistin was registered as a means of individual prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Further studies of the properties of the drug became the basis for expanding the indications for its use: surgery, traumatology, burn practice, obstetrics and gynecology, urology, ENT practice, dentistry, for which the necessary permits were obtained.

The production of Miramistin and its introduction into Russian clinical practice was carried out thanks to private investment.

Dosage form of Miramistin

Solution for local application.

Composition of the drug Miramistin

Active substance - miramistin ®;

Excipient: purified water.

Description: colorless, transparent liquid, foaming when shaken.

Pharmacological group


Pharmacological properties of Miramistin

Miramistin - has a pronounced bactericidal effect against gram-positive and gram-negative, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in the form of monocultures and microbial associations, including hospital strains with multiresistance to antibiotics. The drug is more effective against gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp.. Streptococcus pneumoniae, etc.), acts on pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases (Chlamydia spp., Treponema spp., Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae), as well as on the prevention influenza, medical antiseptics are actively used.">herpes viruses, human immunodeficiency, etc. antifungal effect for ascomycetes of the genus Aspergillus and genus Penicillium, yeast fungi (Rhodotorula rubra, Torulopsis gabrata, etc.) and yeast-like fungi (Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida krusei, etc.), dermatophytes (Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton verrucosum , Trichophyton schoenleini, Trichophyton violacent, Epidermophyton Kaufman-Wolf, Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum canis, etc.), as well as other pathogenic fungi, for example, Pityrosporum orbiculare (Malassezia furfur), in the form of monocultures and microbial associations , including fungal microflora with resistance to chemotherapy drugs.

Benefits of Miramistin

  • high antimicrobial activity, simultaneously acts on the Medical antiseptic Miramistin is effective in the fight against bacteria, viruses.">bacteria, fungi and viruses;
  • wide range clinical application: from processing sunburn before treatment of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Miramistin reduces the resistance of Miramistin. It is believed that modern microbiology knows no more than 10% of the types of microorganisms existing in nature: more and more new genera and species are described every year. "> microorganisms to antibiotics;
  • stimulates local immune reactions;
  • has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect;
  • effectively prevents infection of wounds and burns;
  • has pronounced hyperosmolar activity, as a result of which it stops wound inflammation and absorbs purulent exudate;
  • does not damage granulations and viable skin cells, does not inhibit marginal epithelialization;
  • enhances regeneration processes and reparative activity in the wound;
  • has pronounced cleaning properties what's playing important role in preventive measures.
  • does not have a local irritant effect or allergenic properties.
  • convenient and easy to use;
  • available without a prescription.

Indications for use of the drug Miramistin

  • Miramistin is used for prevention and treatment in the following areas of medicine:
  • Surgery, traumatology: prevention of suppuration and treatment of purulent wounds, purulent-inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Combustiology: treatment of superficial and deep burns of II and IIIA degrees, preparation of burn wounds for dermatoplasty.
  • Dermatology, venereology: treatment and prevention of pyoderma and dermatomycosis, candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes, mycoses of the feet.
  • Otorhinolaryngology: complex treatment acute and chronic otitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis.
  • Dentistry: treatment and prevention of infectious diseases inflammatory diseases oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontitis. Hygienic treatment of removable dentures.
  • Obstetrics and gynecology: prevention and treatment of suppuration of postpartum injuries, wounds of the perineum and vagina, postpartum infections, inflammatory diseases (vulvovaginitis, endometritis).
  • Urology: complex treatment of acute and chronic urethritis and urethroprostatitis of specific (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea) and nonspecific nature.
  • Individual prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, genital candidiasis, etc.).

Contraindications to the use of the drug Miramistin

Individual intolerance to the drug.

Product effectiveness

The preventive effectiveness of Miramistin, confirmed by numerous laboratory studies, is close to 100%, provided that the timing of application and processing technique are observed.

The results of numerous laboratory research showed that Miramistin can be successfully used in various fields of medicine.

Being an excellent remedy for the treatment of wounds and the prevention of purulent-septic processes, Miramistin is used in surgery and traumatology.

In combustiology, Miramistin is used to treat burns varying degrees- superficial and deep (it accelerates tissue regeneration, improves the engraftment of transplanted tissues.

The drug is also widely used in otorhinolaryngology, dentistry, dermatology, venereology, urology, obstetrics and gynecology. Experts note the good therapeutic and preventive qualities of Miramistin and the absence of side effects. Possessing pronounced preventive properties, the drug prevents the development of a variety of complications. According to the data clinical trials the use of the drug can significantly reduce the number of postoperative complications and speed up the recovery process.

Miramistin is highly effective medicine prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Laboratory tests of Miramistin showed high activity against Treponema pallidum, gonococcus, Trichomonas, chlamydia, herpes virus and human immunodeficiency, fungal infections (Candida genus and many others). Prophylactic use Miramistin tens of times reduces the risk of getting gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, genital herpes and other infections.

Miramistin is an antiseptic that was developed in our country and is capable of fighting various microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. The drug can also stimulate the immune system. Miramistin is included in the RLS (medicine register) of Russia and is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Operating principle

The active ingredient is benzyldimethylammonium chloride, which belongs to the category of surfactants. The compound was developed in the late 1970s in the Soviet Union. It was supposed to be used for disinfection spaceships during long flights. However, in the early 1990s, the drug became available to the general consumer.

Miramistin has three main types of action:

  • Antiseptic
  • Immunostimulating
  • Accelerate wound healing

The mechanism of the antiseptic effect of the substance is based on the fact that it affects the lipid walls of microorganism cells. In this case, the permeability of the walls is disrupted and the microbes die. The drug is not toxic to the cells of the human body.

The immunostimulating effect is associated with the ability of the drug to increase the activity of phagocytes and macrophages.

The positive effect on wound healing is explained by the fact that Miramistin can serve as an absorbent substance that removes pus and fluid that occurs during inflammation of wounds. At the same time, the product does not irritate healthy tissue and does not interfere with the growth of new tissues.

The drug is active against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, spore-forming bacteria, and pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea. Capable of successfully combating hospital strains of bacteria resistant to a wide range of antibiotics. Moreover, the drug is most effective against gram-positive bacteria - streptococci and staphylococci. It also shows activity against fungi - dermatophytes, actinomycetes, pathogenic yeast fungi. There is reason to believe that he is active and against various viruses– herpes virus and HIV. Some studies suggest this.

One of useful qualities Miramistin is that when used externally it does not penetrate the skin. This means that it does not enter the circulatory system and does not accumulate in the body.


There are only two forms of the drug - spray solution and ointment. Miramistin is not available in the form of cream, gel or tablets.

Miramistin solution consists only of the active substance and water. Several types of bottles are available - with a capacity of 50, 100, 150, 250 and 500 ml. Miramistin volumes of 150 ml, 100 ml and 250 ml can be supplied with a spray nozzle. Bottles of 50 ml and 100 ml can be equipped with a urological applicator. The concentration of the active substance in the solution is 0.01%.

1 g of ointment dry matter contains 5 mg of Miramistin.

The ointment also contains:

  • proxanol 268
  • macrogol 400
  • macrogol 1500
  • macrogol 6000
  • disodium edetate
  • propylene glycol
  • purified water


It is used to disinfect tissues, skin and mucous membranes located on the surface, as well as to prevent their infection by pathogenic microorganisms.

The scope of application of the drug is quite wide. It is used in the following areas of medicine:

  • Traumatology
  • Surgery
  • Obstetrics
  • Gynecology
  • Venereology
  • Dermatology
  • Dentistry
  • Otolaryngology

Diseases for which Miramistin is used:

  • genital candidiasis
  • genital herpes
  • gonorrhea
  • trichomoniasis
  • mycoses
  • syphilis
  • streptoderma and staphyloderma
  • trophic ulcers
  • frostbite
  • second and third degree burns
  • fistulas
  • urethritis
  • urethroprostatitis
  • postpartum infections
  • tonsillitis
  • sinusitis

Contrary to popular belief, Miramistin is not very effective for hemorrhoids. It can only be used in the treatment of complications associated with this disease - for example, cracks in anus. However, it does not affect main reason diseases – varicose veins veins He is also unable to shoot pain syndrome which is accompanied by hemorrhoids.

Both ointment and spray are used for children, especially in the treatment of infections of the upper respiratory tract. However, it is not recommended to use the drug for children under 3 years of age.

Mode of application

For urethritis and urethroprostatitis, 5 ml of solution is injected into the urethra.

When preventing sexually transmitted diseases, up to 10 ml of solution is injected into the vagina for women, and 1 ml into the urethra for men. This procedure should be carried out no later than two hours after sexual intercourse.

To treat otitis, inject 2 ml of solution into ear canal. You can also instill two drops of the drug into the passage 2-3 times a day.

For inflammation of the oral cavity - stomatitis and gingivitis, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with a solution of 10-15 ml 3-4 times a day.

At various types respiratory diseases - pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, it is recommended to gargle with a solution. It is recommended to use 10-15 ml of solution per rinse; the procedure should be carried out six times a day. Also when respiratory diseases To treat cough, you can inhale the solution. For this purpose, the most suitable device for inhalation is a nebulizer. Inhalations should be done 3 times a day. For one inhalation, 4 ml of solution is required.

The drug can be used to treat a runny nose. To do this, it is recommended to bury it in the nose. However, it should be borne in mind that the medicine may have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

Instructions for using the spray for colds

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is also recommended to irrigate the oral cavity using a nozzle. To make a sprayer from a bottle, you need to remove the cap from the bottle, attach the nozzle to the bottle and activate it by pressing. One press releases 3-5 ml of solution. A similar procedure must be done in case of acute pharyngitis or exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis.

Children 3-6 years old undergo the procedure with one click on the nozzle, children 7-14 years old - with two clicks, children over 14 years old and adults - with 3-4 clicks. The procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a day. The duration of the course is 4-10 days and depends on the severity of the disease.

It is best to start treatment when the infection has not yet spread - in this case it will be most effective.

Instructions for use of ointment

When treating burns and wounds, the ointment must be applied in a thin layer to the surface of the wound or burned area of ​​skin. The wound must be covered with a bandage. It is recommended to apply the ointment once a day.

When treating deep infections, Miramistin therapy should be combined with the use of antibiotics.

During treatment skin diseases, such as ringworm, the ointment is applied to the affected area twice a day and covered gauze bandage. However, drug therapy must be accompanied by the use of antifungal agents.


The medicine is considered relatively safe. The main contraindication is individual intolerance to the main component of the drug. For an ointment, intolerance to its auxiliary components may also occur.

It is worth noting that the drug has been used relatively recently and therefore sufficient information has not yet been accumulated indicating its side effects and degree of security. Therefore, the use of Miramistin during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not recommended. If there is an urgent need to use the drug during these periods, then treatment should be carried out after consultation with a therapist.

The same can be said about the use of Miramistin to treat children. To date, there is no sufficient evidence base on the safety of the drug for children. Therefore, the manufacturer does not recommend using it to treat children under 3 years of age. If such a need arises, then it is best to consult a pediatrician.

Unfortunately, the instructions for use of Miramistin do not describe possible consequences receipt of the drug in digestive tract. But when gargling with this remedy, this is inevitable. It is clear that an adult will not intentionally swallow the medicine, but if a child uses it, a similar situation may arise. And this is another reason why using Miramistin for children may be unsafe.

Side effects and interactions with other substances

The drug has few side effects. Sometimes a burning sensation may occur when applied to the skin. However, this phenomenon usually passes quickly. It cannot be a reason to discontinue the drug. Avoid contact of the drug with the eyes. For the treatment of eye diseases, Okomistin drops containing the same are produced active substance.

Miramistin did not have any negative interactions with other drugs. With the simultaneous use of other antibiotics, Miramistin can enhance their effect. Anionic surfactants (soap solutions) can reduce the effect of the drug.


Structural analogues of the drug on this moment A little. This:

  • Miramistin-Darnitsa
  • Okomistin eye drops
  • Septomirin

Among products that have a different composition, chlorhexidine is very close to Miramistin in terms of action and range of application. The price of Miramistin is higher, but it has fewer contraindications. In addition, Miramistin has not been used for so long clinical practice, which means that fewer microorganisms have managed to develop resistance to it.

Among domestic drugs one of the most popular is miramistin. It is used in the treatment of many diseases and as a prophylactic. Is miramistin as wonderful as is commonly believed - find out from this article.

Miramistin is a medicinal product that is aimed at treating and preventing fungi, viruses and bacteria, while it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. When and how to use this antiseptic - read this article.

Miramistin - instructions for use

Miramistin refers to antiseptics broad action and can be used in the treatment of both childhood diseases (ARVI, stomatitis, chickenpox, thrush) and diseases that occur in adulthood.

Surprisingly, miramistin is used in almost all branches of medicine. In surgery, this drug is used to treat the following diseases:

  • purulent-inflammatory processes of soft tissues
  • erysipelas
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases of the joints
  • peritonitis

Miramistin and in the dental field, in particular, in the treatment of stomatitis and periodontal disease.

Miramistin and at infectious diseases:

  • cold
  • flu
  • angina

In addition, the drug has found its application and in the cosmetology field. For example, after visiting a salon and conducting such cosmetic procedures How:

  • piercing
  • treatment acne
  • after beauty injections

Used this medicine and in the treatment of delicate diseases that sexually transmitted. This is the treatment and prevention of the following infectious diseases:

  • syphilis
  • HIV and AIDS
  • gonorrhea
  • chlamydia

Video: Miramistin - instructions for use

Miramistin: composition of the drug

When purchasing any drug, you must pay attention to its composition, because often manufacturers can use many excipients, which cause allergic reactions or individual intolerance. As for Miramistin, it the composition is considered safe:

  • benzyldemithyl or ammonium chloride, is the basis and main component for the production of antiseptics, including miramistin. This active substance in the form of a solution, which, depending on the nature of the disease, is used both locally and externally
  • monohydrate is an anhydrous substance in the form of a clear oily liquid produced from sulfur. Used in the chemical industry as well as in the medical field
  • purified water

Miramistin: instructions for children

This drug is safe for children, but it is important to know at what age, for what diseases, and in what doses to use it in children. It is also important that Miramistin produced in various forms:

  • spray
  • solution

The use of miramistin is very common in the form of a spray, especially during the cold season, when children's health becomes more vulnerable to viruses and colds.

During this period, it is advisable to take various preventive measures: increase fruit consumption, dress the child warmer, introduce vitamin complexes, and of course, use Miramistin, to prevent infectious diseases.

Important: Before using Miramistin, ask your treating pediatrician about the details of using the product so that the product brings maximum benefit.

Miramistin for children under one year old

Majority women's forums and sites claim that Miramistin can be used for all infectious diseases, and also that the drug is completely safe for the treatment of the nasopharynx and, especially, sore throats in infants.

In the instructions for use of miramistin you will read that the medicine can be used only when the child reaches three years of age, but in some cases doctors recommend starting use from a year, and extremely rarely from eight months.

It is advisable to use Miramistin for infants, as well as for babies up to one year old during treatment for thrush. To do this, rinse oral cavity weak solution baking soda and then apply a small amount of Miramistin per pacifier and give it to the baby.

Do not be alarmed if your child is prescribed miramistin up to three years of age, it is safe and harmless means for the child's body.

How to use Miramistin spray?

Throat diseases are common among both adults and children and can be caused by illnesses such as a cold or even a more serious sore throat. In this case sprays are an essential medicine to treat sore throat.

To use Miramistin spray, you need to press the spray bottle 3-4 times, directing it to the area of ​​the sore throat.

Adults should carry out this procedure 4-5 times in a day. Children aged from 7 to 14 years old, double pressing the spray 3-4 times a day. Children aged from 14 years old- three or four times by pressing the spray nozzle 3-4 times a day.

Such therapy must be carried out from 3 to 10 days. After consultation, the doctor may extend the course of treatment.

How to use Miramistin ointment?

Used in the treatment of:

  • burns
  • purulent wounds
  • other dermatological skin lesions

The use of ointment has its own characteristics:

  • Before applying the ointment, it is necessary to treat the affected area
  • after applying the ointment for a wound or burn apply a gauze bandage
  • cases are allowed when the drug is applied directly to the bandage, and then to the site of the lesion
  • when conducting burn treatment the degree of burn must be taken into account. For the first degree of damage, the ointment is applied once a day. In the second degree of damage, the ointment can be applied 2-3 times a day
  • For treatment purulent wounds the ointment can be used simultaneously with taking antibiotics. It all depends on how deep the purulent lesion has spread

Important know that daily norm ointment should not exceed 100g.

How to use Miramistin solution?

Miramistin solution is most often used in the treatment of stomatitis and periodontal disease. For these diseases, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with a solution in a volume of 10-15 ml. You need to rinse 3-4 times a day.

The solution is also ideal for treatment purulent otitis, To do this, it is enough to instill 2 ml. solution into the ear canal. In addition, prevention and after treatment of sinusitis: After removing the pus, you just need to rinse your sinuses with Miramistin.

Video: Miramistin for acne

Use of miramistin during pregnancy

Is it possible to be treated miramistin during pregnancy? This question is often asked at receptions in antenatal clinics by women in interesting position. In the instructions for use of the drug no contraindications for use by pregnant women.

At the same time, every woman should understand that due to multiple changes in a woman’s body, the drug should not be taken without a doctor's prescription.

During pregnancy, the use of Miramistin should be discussed with a doctor.

Miramistin will in no way affect the health of a pregnant woman and the development of the fetus if you do not self-medicate and consult your doctor, who will recommend the optimal form of the drug in the required dose.

Miramistin for the nose

Miramistin for the nose is often prescribed for diseases of the ENT organs. The peculiarity of the drug is that it is effective against many bacteria and infections, and at the same time it acts exclusively locally, without being absorbed into the blood.

It is advisable to instill Miramistin into the nose for sinusitis, runny nose, and for the prevention of infectious diseases. To do this, use a convenient form of the drug in the form of a spray.

Thus, as part of complex therapy in the treatment of sinusitis, rinsing is performed. maxillary sinuses 10 ml of 0.05% miramistin solution. As for the runny nose, Miramistin should not be used as the main medicine. You can put this drug in your nose in combination with the use of other means, since miramistin itself will not bring a significant result - it does not relieve inflammation and will not constrict blood vessels to improve breathing.

Inhalations with miramistin

Inhalation with the drug miramistin is used to treat respiratory diseases. In order for you to carry out this procedure, you must have ultrasonic nebulizer— it breaks the substance into small particles that will not cause burns or irritation to the mucous membrane.

If you have no ultrasonic nebulizer or you are afraid to carry out the procedure yourself, such a procedure can be carried out in a hospital hospital with the help of a specialist.

Inhalation should be carried out with miramistin solution without dilution with water. The procedure should not take longer 15 minutes. Such treatment should be carried out at the first symptoms and suspicions of ARVI. As soon as the infections pass, you can stop inhaling.

Miramistin inhalation is advisable for diseases of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract

If you still don’t have a nebulizer and it is not possible to visit the clinic for inhalation, moisten a gauze swab with Miramistin and lubricate the nasal sinuses. But do this procedure with extreme caution so as not to irritate the mucous membrane.

Miramistin inhalations should be carried out 2-3 times a day, taking into account the use of a 0.01% solution per inhalation.

Miramistin after sex, casual relationship

In order to prevent unwanted infections, after casual sexual intercourse, as well as as preventative measure After sex, you need to do the following:

  • after sex you need to urinate
  • rinse the genitals under warm running water
  • administer Miramistin solution into the vagina, and also treat the external genitalia with the solution
  • After such prophylaxis, if possible, do not urinate for two hours.

To prevent STDs, use Miramistin

Treatment with miramistin in gynecology

The drug Miramistin has also found its place in the gynecological industry. Often the drug is used for:

  • vaginal pathologies
  • fungal infections
  • during and after childbirth

Enter medical drug in the vagina you can use:

  • cotton or gauze swab
  • douching with solution
  • electrophoresis. With this procedure, the drug is delivered to the affected area using electric current. People seek this procedure to treat pelvic diseases.

The use of Miramistin ointment is also popular, especially if there is complications after childbirth. The ointment is applied for suppuration and postpartum injuries.

Douching with miramistin

Douching- This is essentially washing. Depending on the disease, douching can be performed in the oral cavity and nasal sinuses. This may include vaginal rinsing and anal douching. For this no need to visit the hospital- Douching can be done at home.

For douching, the required dose of miramistin solution is drawn into a syringe and sprayed into the vagina, anus or nasopharynx

To do this you will need a regular bulb-syringe and miramistin solution. The solution must be poured into a bulb (the doctor should tell you in what proportions) and gradually injected. After administration of the drug it is necessary lie down for 15 minutes. Douche twice in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening before bed.

Miramistin for thrush

Of course, representatives of the fair sex are interested in the question Is it possible to cure thrush with miramistin? Thrush is delicate issue which torments about 70% women all over the world. But now this problem has become more solvable, because a huge number of antiseptics have appeared that help not only cure fungal infection, but also prevent the appearance of thrush.

At the first symptoms of thrush, you can make your own gauze swab, moisten it in a solution of miramistin and treat the genitals.

Depending on the nature and extent of the disease, Miramistin can be used in combination with other drugs, of course after doctor's appointment. This complex use will allow you to quickly eliminate an unwanted disease.

Is it possible to wash eyes with miramistin?

Perhaps today Miramistin is one of the best antiseptics, which are used in treatment eye diseases. The drug is used to treat eye diseases such as:

  • conjunctivitis
  • purulent conjunctivitis
  • chemical eye damage
  • blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid)

Okomistin - miramistin in compact packaging for eye drops

For such diseases it is necessary to dig two eyes at the same time, even if upon visual examination it appears that only one eye is affected. the procedure must be performed two to three times a day. After the first day of using the drug You will feel the result– itching, burning, redness will disappear eyeball will become significantly smaller.

You can also use Miramistin if you are planning surgery to remove cataracts and cataracts. It is necessary to start using the drug three days before the operation and after the operation about ten days continue digging.

Miramistin analogues

If you don’t have miramistin in your home medicine cabinet and you urgently need an antiseptic, then its analogues will come to the rescue - drugs with a similar effect, and some even completely correspond to its composition. We bring to your attention cheap analogues of miramistin and drugs that are very similar to it:

  • Chlorhexidine is a good antiseptic that can be found in any pharmacy. The price of the product is very affordable - 15-20 rubles. per bottle
  • dekasan - inexpensive remedy, which has no contraindications or side effects
  • Okomistin is an absolute analogue of Miramistin under a different name. The manufacturer of Miramistin bottled the product into a convenient bottle for eye drops, but in essence it is the same Miramistin

More expensive analogues miramistina:

  • Octenisept is an antiseptic with a bunch of contraindications, not recommended for children and pregnant women. The price of the bottle is about 800 rubles.
  • Protargol - a silver preparation, can also be produced under the name "Sialor"

Miramistin and chlorhexidine: what is the difference?

Speaking about these two drugs, it should be noted that although both are antiseptic That's where the similarities end. This is absolutely different drugs, which are similar only in their action, therefore they often replace each other.

Miramistin and chlorhexidine are not the same thing

First of all, it should be noted that the composition of the drugs is completely different. The active ingredient of chlorhexidine is chlorhexidine bigluconate, which is also active against bacteria and infections, but the effect of miramistin is much broader.

In addition, chlorhexidine has an unpleasant bitter taste, and when it gets on the mucous membrane it causes a burning sensation. It is also important that miramistin is safer, therefore it is more often prescribed by doctors.

Miramistin: reviews

Having analyzed the reviews on the use of Miramistin, we can say with confidence that This universal remedy . Our compatriots actively use it for acne, infectious diseases, and as a preventive measure.

Miramistin - a universal remedy

The only disadvantage of the drug many consider its price, but if you think about it, how can it be fabulous good remedy give for free? In addition, the price of Miramistin is not that high - 280-300 rubles. At the same time, do not forget that a large bottle will last for a long time.

Miramistin- an antiseptic that must be in your first aid kit. With its help you can solve many problems and prevent many diseases. But one should not overestimate the remedy and consider it a panacea - the main and only effect of Miramistin is disinfection.

Video: Miramistin - a safe and effective antiseptic

Statistics for today asserts that the number of people with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is growing steadily. For example, in our country in 2011, 653 thousand HIV-infected people were registered. More larger number people who have other sexually transmitted infections, this is clearly demonstrated by the huge queues at skin and venereal disease clinics. All these problems could have been avoided, firstly, by using contraception, and secondly, by timely prevention of STDs, if unprotected sexual intercourse did take place.

It is to the second point that attention is so actively drawn specialists, because very often the significance preventive measures completely undeservedly belittled. Meanwhile, properly carried out prevention can literally save lives. What does it consist of, what means are best to use and how to implement it correctly?

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find a lot disinfectant solutions, with the help of which prevention can be carried out. Not only their price tags differ, but also their effectiveness. Thus, miramistin is considered the most effective and safe today, and is in no way inferior in quality to its foreign analogues. It is he who, in the smallest concentration, is capable of destroying HIV, while others disinfectant solutions cope with this task only in fairly high concentrations. Miramistin is also able to effectively fight herpes viruses that are resistant to acyclovir. Moreover, it has been proven that against specific pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis), Miramistin has a more pronounced microbicidal effect than some other disinfectants. It is important that this drug does not damage the mucous membranes of the external and internal genital organs, while simultaneously activating the work local immunity, relieving inflammation and stimulating regeneration processes. He for a long time remains active, fighting infection. It has also been proven that this remedy helps reduce deadlines antibacterial therapy, increasing the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to antibiotics.

What specific diseases can it protect against? Miramistin? This list is quite impressive thanks to the wide antimicrobial action drug. He destroys many pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses, often even those that are resistant to some antibiotics. Thus, when used in time, Miramistin will prevent infection with genital herpes, HIV, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, syphilis, gonorrhea, and genital candidiasis.

However, complete protection against these sexually transmitted diseases diseases possible subject to proper use of miramistin. It is very important to remember that the maximum effect of the drug can be obtained by using it in the first two hours after unprotected sexual intercourse has taken place. The sooner you use miramistin, the greater the likelihood that pathogenic bacteria or viruses will not penetrate the tissue and cause infection. The later the prevention was carried out after sexual contact, the higher the chances of getting sick.

To prevent STDs Suitable solution for topical use is 0.1% in bottles of 50 and 150 ml. It comes complete with a urological applicator and a spray nozzle, with which it is very convenient to administer the solution. Required external genitalia, pubic area and inner surface thighs should be washed with soap, rinsed thoroughly, and then treated with gauze or a cotton pad well soaked in miramistin solution. Women should inject 5 to 10 ml of Miramistin into the vagina using a spray nozzle. IN urethra through a urological applicator, 1.5-3 ml of solution is injected into men, and 1.5 ml of solution into women for 2-3 minutes. At the same time, the mouth of the urethra must be pressed with your fingers so that the solution does not leak out prematurely. It is also recommended not to urinate after these procedures for at least a couple of hours.

Prevention of infections miramistin after anal sex can be carried out by both men and women. Men treat the penis in the manner described above, and women squirt Miramistin solution into the vagina, treat the entrance to the vagina and external genitalia. In this case, Miramistin acts as a disinfectant after anal sex and destroys all bacteria, viruses, fungi that enter the genital tract during the change between anal and traditional types of sex. It is not customary to treat the rectum directly with miramistin, since it is difficult to do on your own, although it is absolutely effective. Therefore, during anal sex it is traditional effective means A condom remains a protection for a woman; if there is none, it is mandatory to squirt Miramistin into the rectum after treating the genitourinary organs.

After use solution a slight feeling may be felt, it usually goes away within 15 seconds, allergic reactions to the drug develop extremely rarely. If necessary, miramistin can be used by pregnant and lactating women. It is believed that the active substance is practically not absorbed from the surface of the mucous membranes. Also, several studies have not revealed any toxic effects of miramistin on the embryo.

Some people have a question: “is it necessary to carry out prevention of STDs with miramistin, if a condom was used during questionable sexual intercourse?" Today it is already known that a condom does not protect against some sexually transmitted infections, in particular treponema pallidum- the causative agent of syphilis can penetrate through microscopic pores in latex. And of course they won’t protect against infection birth control pills, spermicides and other contraceptives. Therefore, if unreliable sexual contact occurred with a condom, it is better to play it safe and use Miramistin to completely protect yourself - it will not be superfluous. However, do not forget about the expiration date. The solution can be stored for no more than 3 years. But even if you managed to prevent STDs with miramistin in the first two hours, it is still highly advisable to consult a venereologist within two weeks after sexual intercourse, the safety of which you doubt.

Video about miramistin and sexually transmitted infections

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– an external universal remedy against infections, viruses and fungi. The drug has a wide spectrum of action, thanks to which it has earned its recognition in the pharmaceutical market. The unique medicine has virtually no contraindications and is safe for humans.

Miramistin fights many types of bacteria and infections

Release form and composition of Miramistin

The drug is released in liquid form and ointments. The solution is packaged in a plastic opaque bottle with a spray nozzle for external treatment of 100, 150 and 200 ml or a syringe bottle of 50 and 100 ml. For hospital use, there are 500 ml plastic containers. The lids are removable, which is convenient for rinsing your mouth or throat.

Liquid is colorless and odorless. Foams abundantly and thickly when shaken (as seen in the photo).

  1. The solution (spray, aerosol) contains 0.01% miramistin or 100 mcg per 1 ml.
  2. Miramistin ointment is used for external use. Aluminum tubes contain 15 or 30 ml of white ointment.

Miramistin foams when shaken

In addition to the hydrophilic base, 1 g of the ointment contains:

  • Miramistin – 5 mg;
  • disodium salt – 5 mg.

Included cardboard box with instructions for use.

Price and analogues

How much does Miramistin ointment cost? From 80 rubles. The cost of the solution is from 200 rubles. The price may vary depending on whether there is a sprayer or not.

The medicine can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Analogues of the drug for children and adults according to pharmacological properties:

  • Rotokan - about 40 rubles;
  • Chlorhexidine – up to 20 rubles;
  • Chlorophyllipt - up to 150 rubles;
  • Furacilin – 70-80 rub.

Rotokan is similar in action to Miramistin

Indications Miramistin

The properties of the drug have found application for treatment and prevention in almost all areas of medicine:

  1. Venereology. Prevention of syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes.
  2. Gynecology. Fights fungi of the genus Candida, inflammation, purulent formations. Miramistin is used to lubricate ruptures after childbirth.
  3. Urology. Eliminates urethritis, specific and nonspecific prostatitis. Also practiced in urology for prevention.
  4. Surgery. Postoperative sutures And infected wounds, bedsores and ulcers, fistulas, burns and frostbite - any skin lesions should be treated with a spray or ointment.
  5. Dermatology. Rashes, pimples, ulcers, scratches, as well as fungal infections of the skin, streptococcal and staphylococcal lesions.
  6. Dentistry. Inflammatory processes mucous membrane and gums, disinfection of dentures.
  7. Otolaryngology. For inflammation in the throat and ears, Miramistin is used for rinsing and instillation. Laryngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, otitis and even conjunctivitis are treated with a solution of the drug.

Miramistin can be used to disinfect hands and treat minor skin injuries.

You can rinse your mouth with Mirimistin

pharmachologic effect

Miramistin – antiseptic wide range. Interacts with the bacterial cell membrane, destroying it. Systematic drug invasion kills pathogen. The peculiarity and safety of the product is as follows - it is absolutely powerless in relation to cells human body. Their unique structure differs sharply from the structure of viruses, fungi and infections.

Destroys gram-positive and gram-negative cells:

  • streptococci and staphylococci;
  • gonococci;
  • spirochetes;
  • salmonella;
  • Escherichia;
  • shigella;
  • chlamydia;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Herpes, candidiasis, and influenza are also sensitive to the composition of the drug.

Miramistin fights chlamydia and other bacteria

Instructions for use of Miramistin

Two forms of release allow you to treat skin, mucous membranes, open wounds. The treatment methods are not much different from each other. For example, the frequency of changing compresses with ointment or solution is the same.

How to use the spray (aerosol)

The screw cap of the aerosol allows the solution to be used in the form of lotions, rinses and compresses.

Skin problems

Pimples, scratches, small domestic injuries You can spray the spray pointwise. Just 1 click on the aerosol is enough. Use daily after hygiene procedures until complete healing.

Miramistin spray can be applied to problem areas of the skin

Open wounds on the skin

A gauze compress with Miramistin solution is applied to painful lesions. Change with each dressing, several times a day. fistulas, postoperative wounds with drainage require placing gauze swabs with the drug into the cavity.


The annotation states that the solution in pure form injected into the urethra 2-3 times a day, up to 5 ml at a time. Course – 7 days.

Prevention of STDs

Within 2 hours after sexual intercourse, you should thoroughly wash your genitals and wipe them with a swab containing Miramistin. In addition, women need to douche with a solution - a one-time injection of 5-10 ml of medication into the vagina. For men, up to 1.5 ml of the drug is injected into the urethra.

Female inflammation

In gynecology, for candidiasis, genital tract infections, and vaginitis, tampons with a solution or douches are used.

Tampons with Miramistin are used to treat female problems

For 1 week, tampons are placed daily before bed. A cotton-gauze turunda is generously moistened with the solution and inserted into the vagina for 15 minutes. During the first 10-15 seconds there is a burning sensation, it is not dangerous and goes away immediately. Do it in a lying position after the session intimate hygiene 1 per day. It is better to repeat at the same time.


No more than 10 ml of solution is injected into the vagina in a standing position. Repeat once a day for a week.

After the procedure, excess medication leaks out, which is uncomfortable for the woman. Use sanitary pad after the procedure. With many women's diseases(including candidiasis) wearing them around the clock is prohibited due to the “greenhouse” effect, the proliferation of microbes from overheating. Wear it for no more than an hour until excess moisture is absorbed.

To get rid of excess medicine, you can use a pad

Prenatal and postnatal prevention

A week before giving birth, pregnant women are advised to spray their genitals with a spray after each shower session for preventive purposes. Reduces the risk of infection to the mother or child at the time of birth.

In a hospital, a woman in labor changes tampons with solution every 2 hours for a week to avoid infection and to treat microtraumas and ruptures.

IN postpartum period Miramistin is necessary for intimate hygiene. In the first 7-14 days after childbirth (depending on the degree of injury to the birth canal), a woman is advised to irrigate her genitals with a spray every time after hygiene procedures.

ENT organs

For tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, gargle with Miramistin 4-6 times a day until complete recovery.

Otitis is treated with drops. 1-2 ml of liquid into the sore ear.

Miramistin drops treat ear diseases

After cleaning the maxillary sinuses from purulent accumulations, the drug is suitable for regular rinsing.

For stomatitis in infants, the mucous membrane is lubricated locally up to 3 times a day.

For hemorrhoids

In exacerbations of hemorrhoids with cracks and bleeding, Miramistin has a disinfectant effect. Use after every trip to the toilet on washed skin.

How to use the ointment

Miramistin in ointment form is used only cutaneously. Rarely - on the mucous membrane (cotton-gauze turundas for the nose for sinusitis) or into the wound cavity (soaked tampons).

  1. For burns, dermatitis, and mycoses, the skin is treated locally: a thin layer is applied to an area of ​​the body and secured with a sterile gauze bandage. The procedure is repeated several times a day. Wounds of a large area or with deep infection are treated with ointment paired with an antibiotic for a course of the same duration.
  2. A tampon with ointment is inserted into purulent wounds, fistula tracts, and open deep wounds. Change several times a day along with the bandage.
  3. At nail mycoses the horny plate is completely removed, and then compresses are made from ointment.

After removing the nail, apply a compress with Miramistin

The duration of treatment depends on the speed of recovery. For example, ringworm is treated in combination with antifungal agents for a month or more. The dosage is not indicated, since the amount of ointment or solution depends on the area of ​​the body being treated.

Contraindications and side effects

The product is completely safe and has no contraindications. The exception is hypersensitivity to a component of the composition. Side effects rarely include a burning sensation in the area where Miramistin is applied lasting up to 15 seconds.

After applying Miramistin, a slight burning sensation may be observed

The drug is not prohibited during lactation and pregnancy.

No cases of overdose have been recorded.

Chlorhexidine or Miramistin - what is the difference and which is better?

Chlorhexidine is a water-based antiseptic known since Soviet times. The drug is odorless, transparent. Its cheapness made it more popular than Miramistin, which is not entirely justified by its properties.

  1. Bacteria and viruses. Chlorhexidine fights bacteria and infections due to the chlorine in its composition. It is powerless against viruses and fungi, unlike Miramistin. That is, it cannot be fully used for the prevention of STDs. Thrush and genital herpes will remain untouched after treatment. Nevertheless, venereal diseases the solution prevents worse than analogue, which is more expensive.
  2. Gynecology. To solve gynecological problems, the solution is available in the form of suppositories for women under pharmacy name Hexicon. They can help with thrush.
  3. Skin problems. Skin viruses, allergies and dermatitis are a contraindication to a chlorine-containing solution. Miramistin, on the contrary, is designed to solve such problems.
  4. Childhood. The completely safe composition of Miramistin is not limited to pediatrics. For children under one year of age, liquid is indicated no more than 3 times a day. Therefore, it is universal for treating the whole family. The drug with chlorine is allowed only from 12 years of age.
  5. Side effects and contraindications. Miramistin is beyond competition when we're talking about about contraindications or side effects. Its counterpart, on the contrary, has an impressive list of warnings. This can be explained by the fact that the latter is absorbed into the skin and interacts with the human body. Miramistin local action. That is, the drug remains on the surface of the lesion and does not enter the body.
  6. Antiseptic properties. Doctors say that the main pharmacological task of Chlogexidine is the treatment of wounds on the skin of a domestic and surgical nature. The solution copes with this better than other analogues.
  7. Pregnancy and lactation. Infancy, bearing a child and feeding are another contraindications for Chlorhexidine, which makes it inferior to its analogue.

Chlorhexidine is cheaper, but less effective than Miramistin

Which is better to choose? Miramistin is definitely stronger, more versatile and more reliable due to its wide spectrum of action, which proves its use in many areas of medicine. So far it is losing only in price. About 10 times more expensive.

Only a doctor can correctly identify the priority remedy. Depending on the symptoms, concomitant diseases and diagnosis, a prescription for therapy emerges.