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Severe eye swelling causes. Bags after cosmetic procedures. Swelling under left eye

The delicate skin of the eyelids loses elasticity and firmness with age. Anatomical features- the absence of sebaceous glands, thin fiber, lead to noticeable age-related changes. Edema under the eyes is formed due to an excess of fluid in the tissue, with various metabolic disorders.

Causes of swelling under the eyes

The causes of puffiness of the eyes are very diverse - from the wrong lifestyle, to diseases. internal systems organs:

  1. If swelling of the eyes is accompanied painful sensations when you press on the eyelids and the temperature rises, it inflammatory process requiring medical attention.
  2. Morning formations under the eyes are not always the result of evening tea drinking. Maybe it's a sign of disease internal organs - genitourinary system, cardiovascular.
  3. Allergic reaction to cosmetics, food products, insect bites are manifested asymmetrically, swelling and redness, itching.
  4. After surgical interventions on the face, including anti-aging plastic surgery, it leads to the accumulation of fluid in the upper and lower eyelids.
  5. At a very young age, even in a child, expressive edema can be observed due to abnormal structure adipose tissue around the eyes;
  6. Age-related changes - over the years, fiber becomes thin, skin tissues lose elasticity, and interstitial fluid accumulates as a result of a slowdown in metabolism.
  7. Improper or irregular facial care - the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics for makeup, lack of moisturizing and nutrition with gels, creams.
  8. Sleep/rest disturbance wrong position face in the pillow leads to rapid aging of the skin of the eyelids and morning puffiness;
  9. Excess salt is one of the main reasons for the accumulation of excess fluid, fast foods, snacks, pickled foods contribute to the swelling of the eyelids.

Ways to treat swelling under the eyes

Treatment of edema under the eyes is a set of measures aimed at strengthening the muscles and blood vessels, restoring the normal outflow of fluid.

  • If it swells under the eyes, it is worth reconsidering the lifestyle - nightly entertainment, alcohol, lack of sleep are immediately reflected in the thin epidermis of the eyelids.
  • Proper nutrition contributes to the acceleration of metabolism, the removal of intercellular fluid.
  • Various masks, compresses, lotions will help to remove swelling at home, be sure to remove cosmetics before going to bed, regularly nourish and moisturize the skin of the eyelids. Most Effective ready means are products containing hyaluronic acid, extracts of snails and leeches, plant extracts.
  • Starting the morning with a glass of clean, quality water can improve performance excretory system, accelerate metabolism. Fluid intake of at least 2 liters daily. The last appointment is before 8:00 pm.
  • Aesthetic medicine - Plastic surgery or beauty injections, such methods have contraindications, it is necessary to consult various specialists for surgical intervention.
  • Effective massage and exercises from edema, simple gymnastics will also prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Five minutes a day is enough to forget about bags under the eyes forever.

Each movement is performed eight/ten times:

  1. Open your eyes as wide as possible, holding for a second, relax your muscles;
  2. Looking up, tighten the lower eyelid, while the upper one remains motionless;
  3. “Outline” with the eyes a circle, a rectangle, a figure eight, changing directions (left-to-right and right-to-left), at first slight dizziness is possible;
  4. Having fixed the palm on the forehead, try to raise the eyebrows up, straining upper eyelids, it is important that the forehead muscles remain motionless.

Massage is performed in the evening after removing make-up, driving in with light counterclockwise movements, evenly distributing the gel or composition vegetable oils. Many people have this problem, but fixing it at home is quite easy.

Video: How to get rid of swelling under the eyes at home

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause oncological diseases. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Home remedies for puffy eyes

Getting rid of edema is easy thanks to effective homemade recipes. The elasticity and elasticity of tissues increases, swelling is removed. Folk remedies activate collagen synthesis, strengthen thin vessels, and normalize lipid levels.

Mask for edema from parsley

Result: you can quickly remove swelling under the eyes, reduce the number of mimic wrinkles thanks to an effective remedy.


  • 3 sprigs of parsley;
  • Art. a spoonful of sour cream.

Preparation and method of application: crush the greens in a mortar, add chilled sour cream. Apply to cleansed skin of the eyelids, leave for fifteen minutes. Then wipe with a damp sponge. Repeat the procedure three/five times a week.

Coffee puffiness mask

Result: home composition will relieve puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.


  • 5 gr. instant coffee;
  • 10 ml of yogurt.

Preparation and method of application: stir aromatic granules in warm coffee until dissolved, cool the mass in the refrigerator. Apply a thick layer on the eyelids, leave for twenty-five minutes. Then gently, without stretching the skin, remove with a damp cotton pad.

Mask for edema with starch

Result: remove excess fluid, tighten the contour of the eyelids proven skin care recipes.


  • 10 gr. starch;
  • 5 drops of sandalwood oil;
  • ampoule of retinol.

Preparation and method of application: add wood ether to the potato powder and liquid vitamin A. Distribute on wet eyelids, in a continuous layer without gaps. After ten minutes, you can clean up the leftovers.

Tea compress

Result: a proven lotion from tea will help remove bruises and bags under the eyes, and it is also refreshing and rejuvenating due to the tonic properties of the drink.


  • 15 ml green tea;
  • 5 ml of almond oil.

Preparation and method of application: after brewing a concentrated drink, insist for about half an hour, introduce moisturizing, stone oil. After wetting cotton pads, put on the area of ​​​​the eyelids. After resting for twenty minutes, remove the compress.

ice compress

Result: cryo procedures strengthen blood vessels, improve lymph flow, restore muscle tone.


  • ampoule of pantothenic acid.

Preparation and method of application: after squeezing berry juice with a press, add vitamin B5. Pouring into two forms of cosmetic liquid, put in the freezer. In the evening, after removing make-up, hold the finished cubes counterclockwise, describing a circle around the eyelids. It is impossible to apply more than three seconds to one point, so as not to supercool the tissues. Cryo procedures are recommended to be carried out five/seven times a year, in ten-day courses.

herbal infusion

Result: folk remedies for edema saturate the epidermis with vitamins, minerals and acids.


  • 10 gr. collection, chamomile, plantain, thyme;
  • 15 drops of rosemary essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: pour dry herbs with boiling water, leave for about half an hour, lead rosemary oil. Moisten cotton pads or cosmetic sponges, put compresses on the eyes (closed eyelids). Enjoy the action of the composition for twenty / thirty minutes, blot the unabsorbed liquid with a paper towel.

Potato mask

Result: natural remedy removes excess fluid from edema, smoothes wrinkles, tightens the upper eyelid.


  • potato;
  • 5 ml mango butter.

Preparation and method of application: after peeling the root crop, grind until smooth in a blender, combine with nourishing oil. Put circles cut out of napkins on your eyes, spread the potato mass on top. The duration of the caring session is from ten minutes to half an hour. After removing the wipes along with the contents, apply the gel with the extract of the snails.

Video recipe: home mask under the eyes from swelling and wrinkles


cucumber mask

Result: anti-aging recipe promotes deep hydration, accelerates cellular metabolism.


  • half a cucumber;
  • a teaspoon of rice oil.

Preparation and method of application: grind the cucumber pulp on a grater, add the rice product. After removing makeup, put one layer of decoupage napkins on the eyelids, on top - with a dense layer of cosmetic mass. The mask works for twenty / thirty minutes, repeat the procedure three / five times a week.

pumpkin mask

Result: using masks for swelling under the eyes, it is easy to remove liquids, restore and saturate the epidermis with minerals and lipids.


  • 15 gr. pumpkins;
  • 10 ml of kefir;
  • 3-4 drops of patchouli essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: bake pumpkin, mash to a puree consistency, add spoiled milk and fragrant liquid, cool for half an hour in the refrigerator. Put a paper napkin on the eyelids, evenly distribute the nutrient mass in a circle on top. After twenty minutes, remove the composition, apply the gel with hyaluronic acid.

Mint leaf mask

Result: the rich composition of the plant whitens and cares for the epidermis of the eyelids, refreshes and tones.


  • 10 sprigs of mint;
  • 5 ml sour cream.

Preparation and method of application: squeeze juice from fresh leaves using a press, stir with sour cream, cool for five minutes in the freezer. Apply under the lower eyelid with driving movements, leave overnight. wipe in the morning green tea and moisturize with jojoba oil. Use on face twice a week.

Milk mask

Result: nourishes and whitens dark circles, strengthens the vascular network.


  • 15 ml of milk;
  • 10 gr. cottage cheese.

Preparation and method of application: mix fresh, fat cottage cheese with milk well, fashion circles from the mass. Put them on closed eyelids, pressing them well to the surface. After waiting twenty minutes, you can finish washing with a decoction of chamomile.

apple mask

Result: copes with age-related changes, removes toxins and oxidants, reduces the number of photo and mimic wrinkles.


  • apple;
  • a teaspoon of starch;
  • yolk.

Preparation and method of application: grind the corn powder with the yolk until a dough consistency is obtained, add fresh fruit puree. Apply to the lower eyelid, in a dense layer without gaps, leave for half an hour. After removing residue, moisturize with borage oil.

Chocolate mask

Result: skin care around the eyes will help eliminate traces of fatigue, insomnia. cosmetic has a long-lasting lifting effect.


  • 10 gr. bitter chocolate;
  • 15 ml cream.

Preparation and method of application: after melting the dessert in a water bath, heat the milk cream separately. Having combined the components, distribute with a brush in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. After waiting about fifteen minutes, carefully remove the nourishing mask.

Lifting mask

Result: Japanese beauties who use natural recipe for beautiful, well-groomed eyelid skin.


  • 10 gr. rice flour;
  • 10 ml cherry seed oil.

Preparation and method of application: rice powder, diluted herbal decoction, inject moisturizing fluid. After removing make-up with a micellar product, spread the mass counterclockwise on the lower and upper eyelids. After resting for eight / ten minutes, carefully remove, without stretching the epidermis, with a damp cotton swab.

Nourishing mask

Result: quickly cope with the resulting swelling under the eyes in the morning, restoring, home remedy.


  • 3 strawberries;
  • a teaspoon of coconut oil.

Preparation and method of application: crush fresh or frozen berries in a mortar, add dense nut oil. ready mix chill for two minutes in the freezer. After distributing into halves, put on thin, paper napkins, press to the eyelid area. After seven minutes, after wetting the epidermis, moisten with gel.

Moisturizing mask

Result: restores the content of lipids and collagen, improves lymph outflow, accelerates blood circulation.


  • 5 gr. shea butter.

Preparation and method of application: after dissolving the gelatin granules in warm fruit tea, add African oil. With a brush, distribute the gel-like composition on the lower eyelid, forming as many layers as possible. After half an hour, carefully remove the frozen semicircles.

Video tips: How to quickly remove swelling under the eyes at home

Puffiness in the eye area can occur for a variety of reasons: from simple lack of sleep and excessive consumption of salty foods to serious problems with health. Edema under the eyes appear not only in women, but also in men. However, due to their nature, men tend to ignore this. However, swelling of the eyelids may indicate the presence of problems in the body. In the article we will tell you what are the causes of edema. When required drug treatment and when you can get by with home remedies. We will also talk about prevention methods.

The skin around the eyes has its own structural features, therefore it is prone to the appearance of edema. This is affected by:

  1. Excess skin on the eyelids and loose subcutaneous tissue form a large space and poorly retain tissue and interstitial fluid.
  2. The vascular network has a dense branching - this creates a large blood flow, which in itself provides swelling.
  3. The skin has little collagen, elastin fibers ( connective tissue).
  4. Subcutaneous adipose tissue absent.
  5. Fat tissue presses on the eyelids.
  6. The eyelids are in the mode of constant work - blinking, squinting.
  7. The skin on the forehead, nose and cheeks adheres tightly to the bones. If fluid accumulates in them, it passes into the free space (the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids and under the eyes).

Household causes of puffiness

Swelling under the eyes can occur due to the influence of simple everyday factors. Let's consider the main ones.


  1. Fluid intake at night. It can be tea, coffee, milk or water. The kidneys are not able to cope with the load, so excess fluid disperses through tissues.
  2. Excessive consumption of salty, smoked and spicy foods. Salt retains fluid in the body, interfering with its normal excretion.
  3. Any amount of alcohol leads to edema.
  4. If you drink too little liquid during the day, the body begins to make reserves in the tissues. Therefore, it is important to observe the drinking regime - consume at least 2 liters clean water per day.


  1. With strong nervous shocks, a person can burst into tears (more common for women). Tear fluid is released in large quantities, which causes blood flow and swelling.
  2. Poor sleep - lack of sleep, insomnia, frequent waking up at night affect the condition of the eyes after waking up.
  3. Sleeping without a pillow or on a pillow that is too low leads to impaired blood circulation and lymph outflow from the head.
  4. If during the day the eyes are heavily overstrained (for motorists, for people working at a computer), they do not have enough oxygen. As a result, edema appears.
  5. If the mucosa is damaged by a foreign body, smoke. Annoying factors provoke active work sebaceous glands.
  6. Smoking. organism smoking person clogged with various toxic chemicals that cause hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of tissues.
  7. Injury to the eyes, bruises of the forehead or bridge of the nose. They can lead not only to puffiness, but also to provoke an inflammatory process in the eyes.
  8. Changes in the structure of the skin with age.
  9. Features of the structure of the eyes - an excess of fatty tissue. Usually inherited.

For women:

  1. Abuse decorative cosmetics, untimely removal of it from the face.
  2. Incorrect application of moisturizer - application to the eyelid area and under the eyes. Creams contain a large amount of water, so the thin skin of the eyes is oversaturated with moisture.
  3. Abuse cosmetic procedures such as Botox injections. They cause impaired lymph flow.
  4. The menstrual cycle, namely its end, provokes fluid retention in the body. This is due to the action of estrogen.
  5. Pregnancy. This condition is characterized hard work kidneys, they hardly remove excess salt and water from the body.

Diseases of the body that cause edema

Strong, pronounced swelling, or swelling of the entire face - this is an occasion to think about the presence of diseases of the body.


Allergic reactions are short-lived. They disappear after cessation of contact with the allergen. Appear:

  1. swelling of the eyelids, face;
  2. itching, pain in the eyes;
  3. redness of the eyes;
  4. sneezing
  5. nasal congestion;
  6. runny nose.

If contact with the allergen is not excluded, these phenomena will be observed constantly. For example, if you are allergic to cosmetics. To reduce the manifestation of the reaction, you need:

  1. take antihistamines;
  2. use a corticosteroid drug (in severe cases);
  3. undergo immunotherapy with small doses of the allergen.

Eye diseases

various inflammatory and infectious processes in the eye will immediately cause:

  1. swelling and swelling of the eyelids;
  2. itching, redness;
  3. swelling in the nose.

Usually one eye is affected, sometimes both.

Inflammatory processes

If structures and tissues close to the eyes become inflamed, this will cause puffiness. For example:

  1. Inflammation of the left sinuses of the nose will cause swelling of the left eye.
  2. Inflammation of the teeth and gums will also cause swelling on one side.

In addition, swelling of the skin around the eyes is caused by inflammatory processes:

  1. conjunctivitis;
  2. phlegmon;
  3. inflammation of the lacrimal gland;
  4. inflammation of the nerve of the face.

In general, these diseases can pose a health risk. The vascular network on the face is very branched, so the infection can easily spread through the tissues and enter the brain. Doctors immediately prescribe antibiotics. If there is no pus, physiotherapy procedures may be recommended:

  1. dry heat;
  2. magnetotherapy;
  3. laser.


kidney disease

Kidney diseases entail such consequences in which this organ ceases to cope with its function. As a result, there are not only swelling under the eyes, but also swelling of the entire face. Such edema is called "free floating". This means that they can move if the person changes body position. Over time, swelling can go to the legs, abdomen, lower back.

This type of edema is the worst to treat. Therapy includes:

  1. taking antispasmodics;
  2. diuretic drugs;
  3. cytostatics and uroantiseptics.

Intervertebral hernia

If in cervical region of the spine, a hernia has formed, a unilateral swelling of the face will appear. In addition, there is:

  1. headache;
  2. goosebumps;
  3. dizziness;
  4. muscle weakness;
  5. the sensitivity of the nerves is disturbed;
  6. pain and limited movement in the cervical region.

Edema on the face can be the main symptom of the disease, because. it is asymptomatic. Treatment includes:

  1. conducting special gymnastics;
  2. movement restriction;
  3. surgical methods;
  4. manual therapy, massage;
  5. taking medicines in the complex.

Liver disease

For liver diseases, the appearance of puffiness on the face and hands (especially on the fingers) is characteristic. There are also symptoms:

  1. bitterness in the mouth;
  2. nausea;
  3. heartburn;
  4. pain in the right side;
  5. yellow tint of skin and sclera.

The liver has the ability to repair itself. Therefore, the disease does not make itself felt for a long time. However, this process cannot last a lifetime. Hepatoprotectors and choleretic drugs are prescribed as treatment.

Vitamin B5 deficiency

The lack of vitamins in the body provokes:

  1. headache, migraine;
  2. fatigue, weakness;
  3. insomnia;
  4. depression;
  5. numbness of the toes;
  6. muscle pain.

Therapy consists in taking vitamin-containing preparations. As a preventive measure, sufficient consumption of green vegetables, buckwheat, hazelnuts, milk, eggs and oatmeal is shown.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Concomitant signs of heart disease are swelling in the eyes and legs. In addition to swelling under the eyes, there is cyanosis and pallor of the skin. The outflow of blood from the face is impaired, so the edema is usually unilateral. People with diseases of the heart and blood vessels should be constantly under the supervision of a doctor.


To exclude the possibility of serious illness, with frequent edema, you need to consult a doctor. The survey includes standard studies:

  1. blood and urine analysis;
  2. biochemical research;
  3. x-ray and tomography of the brain;
  4. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Further examination is scheduled if necessary. Treatment depends on the diagnosis. However, therapy does not always help to cope with swelling under the eyes. In this case, you can try to improve the appearance yourself.

How to deal with swelling under the eyes

There are many ways to improve the condition of the skin around the eyes. You can use both cosmetic procedures and try some recipes of traditional medicine.

Cosmetic methods

The main disadvantage of these procedures is the need for multiple repetitions. To reduce swelling, carry out:

  1. Mesotherapy. The essence of the method - injected under the skin various drugs. It can be vitamins and amino acids, as well as homeopathy. Carry out a course of 8-10 procedures
  2. Cryolifting. Short cold spot effect on the skin. As a result, skin cells are brought to stressful condition. They begin to work actively and remove excess fluid.


There are many creams on the market specifically designed for the skin around the eyes. They contain various components. Some are equipped with mesoscooters to improve the effect. When buying a cream, it is important to pay attention to the composition in order to exclude components that can cause allergies.

The most effective means containing:

  1. caffeine;
  2. horse chestnut;
  3. hyaluronic acid;
  4. collagen and elastane;
  5. vitamin K and whitening pigments.

The very process of skin care around the eyes is very important. You can't sleep with makeup on. You need to wash your face only with the use of special tonics and lotions. Soap must not be used. To moisturize, use only a special cream, which says that it is intended for the area around the eyes. You can’t use a regular face cream, because. it will cause more swelling.


Be sure to limit the consumption of salty and spicy foods. You should also normalize the drinking regime - drink at least 2 liters of water in essence. Don't eat dinner too late and don't drink anything before bed.

Exercise and massage

Can be done daily special gymnastics:

  1. cover your eyes;
  2. on outer corners eye set index fingers;
  3. press your fingers so that wrinkles do not form under them;
  4. close your eyes, holding for 6-10 seconds;
  5. relax;
  6. perform 10 times.

Traditional medicine recipes

To get rid of swelling under the eyes, you can use herbal tea lotions. Sachets are sold in pharmacies. The following methods will also be effective:

  1. Contrasting patches. The essence of the procedure is the alternation of hot and cold compresses. You can do it with water, or you can make an infusion of herbs. Moisten a cotton pad or gauze first in a hot infusion, hold for 10 minutes. Then cold. With a tendency to edema, repeat several times a week.
  2. A decoction or mask of parsley. The herb contains many minerals and vitamins, so it effectively fights edema.
  3. Compresses from a solution of soda (one spoon per 100 ml of water). Keep 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse eyes frequently with cool water.
  5. You can lower your face cool water without closing your eyes. Do 3 sets of 10 seconds.
  6. Prepare a mixture of mashed potatoes, parsley root and cabbage. Put the mass on a napkin and apply to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Compresses with vitamin E. Add a few drops of vitamin E to cool water, moisten cotton pads and apply to the eyes.


If swelling under the eyes is caused only by physiology and does not have a pathological basis, it is necessary to prevent their occurrence. For this you should:

  1. lead healthy lifestyle life;
  2. eat more vegetables and fruits;
  3. sleep on your back, do not use a low pillow;

Many are faced with the problem of swelling of the eyelids and nearby areas. Feature of the eye area: thin skin, lack of sebaceous glands, a large number blood vessels and capillaries. Hormonally, this zone is associated with the adrenal glands. Since the fluid balance is normal under the condition correct operation of all systems, any failures can lead to swelling. For effective treatment it is important to identify and eliminate the causes of swelling under the eyes.

Puffiness in the eye area can provoke the following pathologies and conditions:

  • Diseases of the genitourinary system. The most severe swelling is observed in the morning, after sleep.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Swelling appears in the evening in the lower eyelid.
  • Dysfunction thyroid gland. Most often there is a symmetrical swelling.
  • Allergy. In addition to swelling, there is increased irritation of the skin around the eyes, redness.
  • Hormonal disorders. Both the lower eyelid and the upper eyelid can swell.
  • Mechanical damage.
  • Overwork, stress.
  • Excess salt in the body.
  • Age-related anatomical changes.

The cause of swelling under the eyes can be life factors, such as tears at night, the use of inappropriate cosmetics, prolonged eye strain, and overeating. These swellings are temporary and can be managed at home.

Methods of treatment

You can quickly remove swelling under the eyes if the problem does not wear chronic nature. With cardiac or renal pathologies, it is necessary to deal with the root cause of pastosity (swelling).


Light massage - effective method fight against mild swelling. It enhances the blood supply to problem areas, provides an influx of oxygen and useful elements. The procedure stimulates the work of muscle and lymphatic system improves metabolic processes in the skin. Fingertips should massage the area around the eyes. Movements should be light, directed to the temporal part.


Various compresses and lotions are the most popular and effective folk remedies for swelling under the eyes.

  1. A compress with black or green tea will help you quickly get rid of swelling.. Due to the high content of tannins, caffeine and tannins, tea has a tonic effect, activates blood circulation, promotes the removal of fluid from the body. It is necessary to moisten a cotton napkin or cotton pads in a weak warm tea leaves and apply to the area around the eyes for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Infusions from herbs such as chamomile, coltsfoot, parsley, mint and nettle have an antiseptic, soothing effect, relieve redness, and improve skin function. They can also be used for compresses. To prepare the infusion, pour a tablespoon of vegetable raw materials with boiling water (220-250 ml) and strain after 2 hours.

Contrasting lotions

One of better ways remove swelling - contrasting compresses from decoctions of herbs.

For cooking, you can use a collection of medicinal herbs, which includes: chamomile, lime blossom, sage, oak bark, parsley.

The crushed components are mixed in equal parts. Two teaspoons of herbs need to pour 100-120 ml hot water. Keep in a water bath for 7-10 minutes, strain after cooling.

Divide the broth into 2 parts, one of which should be warm, with a temperature of about 37 degrees, and the second should be cooled to a temperature of 5-7 degrees. Moisten cotton pads in a warm solution and apply to the eyes for 1 minute, then repeat with a cold decoction. Continue the procedure for 15 minutes. This will help remove redness, puffiness, smooth fine wrinkles. The effect is achieved through great content trace elements and vitamins in herbal preparations.



Ice cubes - good way deal with morning puffiness around the eyes.

It is better to freeze not plain water, but herbal infusion or saline solution.

frozen vegetables

Another recipe for eyelid edema is an express compress of frozen vegetables. Cut vegetables into thin slices or grate, making gruel and freeze. If necessary, wrap vegetables in gauze, keep on eyelids for 7-15 minutes.


Very often, puffiness is a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle or poor diet.. In order to prevent pathology, you should eat food rich in vitamins and trace elements, with sufficient fiber content. Eliminate, as far as possible, fatty, smoked, fried foods. Eat less salt.

It's also important to remember that alcohol consumption and lack of sleep almost always cause swelling.

Many people are often worried puffiness around the eyes and bags under the eyes. Puffiness under the eyes may be a feature anatomical structure face, but mostly puffiness under the eyes, are caused by the following reasons:

– diseases of cardio-vascular system;
- kidney disease;
- excessive consumption of fluids and salty foods before bedtime;
nervous exhaustion;
allergic disease;
- age-related fat changes.

The structure under the eyes is a "cushion", they consist of cubes of fat, between which there are partitions of connective tissue. The septa move the muscles of the eyes, and the skin of the eyelids is very thin and easily deformed, so small accumulations can form, hence bags under the eyes. With age, the skin of the eyelids sags, and the bags under the eyes fall, this is especially intense when stressed and tired, during sleep. Puffiness under the eyes may be due to a genetic predisposition, which explains the occurrence of bags under the eyes in children and adolescents.

To remove bags under the eyes and reduce swelling of the eyes, first of all, consult with specialized doctors. But you can prevent swelling and improve general state eye, if you follow the following recommendations:

1. Sleep with your head slightly above your body.

2. Eliminate spicy and salty foods from your daily diet, avoid drinking alcohol, especially beer.

3. Smoking greatly affects the appearance of bags under the eyes, so this habit should be abandoned.

4. If swelling is the result of age-related changes, use folk remedies: cool compresses with a decoction of sage, dill and chamomile. A cool brew of green tea is well suited, which must be wrapped in gauze and applied to the eyes for 10 minutes.

5. Quickly remove bags under the eyes cool eye gel

6. Wash your face with cool water (18-20 C).

7. Perform daily massage of the eyelids and special exercises - exercises for bags under the eyes. Acupressure helps to effectively use cosmetics, therefore it is recommended when applying it on the eyelids. To make the cream absorb faster, moisten your eyelids lightly with water. It is solvent and transfers nutrients quickly and easily.

Exercises for bags under the eyes

1. Close your eyes and begin to rotate them in a circle, first to the left, then to the right. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

2. With your eyes closed, look up and down 6 times.

3. Look at one point for 30 seconds, then blink quickly and repeat the exercise 3 times.

4. With open eyes, look left, down, right. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

5. Now look at the moving point away for 1 minute, then at the point as close as possible to yourself for 1 minute.

6. Finish the set of exercises for bags under the eyes. Close your eyes and sit in silence for 5 minutes.

Eyelid massage

Eyelid massage promotes blood circulation in small vessels under the skin and protect against premature appearance wrinkles around the eyes.

1. Cleanse your face and eyelids.

2. Dip your fingertips in olive oil and lightly massage the orbicular muscle of the eye from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.

3. Close your eyes and "run" your fingertips over your eyelids, as if playing the piano.

4. Lightly press the fingertips to the closed eyelids. At this moment, open your eyelids, as if resisting and feeling the tension. At the same time, raise your eyebrows, as if pulling the skin of the eyelids to the forehead.

5. Close your eyes and lightly stretch your eyelids with your fingertips.

Regular use of eyelid massage improves visual acuity and reduces bags under the eyes.

Recipes for swelling of the eyelids and bags under the eyes

Cucumber juice compress for swelling under the eyes

recovery compress for the eyes | cucumber | swelling under the eyes

Grate a fresh cucumber and squeeze out the juice. Pour into small molds and place in the refrigerator. Prepare and 2 gauze bandages. Soak first in rose water and then in cold cucumber juice and place on your eyes for 10 minutes. The compress is recommended to be done 2 times a day for swelling under the eyes. cucumber juice refreshes the eyes. Then apply a nourishing cream in a thin layer.

20 minutes | Ofigenka.com | 2010-08-27

Tea compress for swelling of the eyes

therapeutic compress for the eyes | green tea, black tea | swelling under the eyes

This tool helps to quickly get rid of bags under the eyes. On closed eyes apply for several minutes cotton swabs soaked in cold brewing of green or black tea (it is pre-cooled in the refrigerator). You can also put green or black tea bags on your eyes, first dropping them in boiling water and then cooling them in the refrigerator. After the compress, a little nourishing cream is applied to wet skin.

15 minutes | site | 2012-09-26

Mint compress for bags under the eyes

With bags under the eyes and swelling of the eyelids, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of peppermint leaves 250 ml of boiling water, then boil over low heat for 5 minutes and let it brew in a sealed container for 30 minutes. Then the mint infusion is filtered, cotton swabs are moistened in it and applied to the eyes for 10-15 minutes. After the end of the procedure, the skin around the eyes is lightly lubricated with a nourishing cream.

30 minutes | site | 2012-09-26

Contrasting compresses with sage or chamomile for the eyes

therapeutic compress for the eyes | sage, chamomile | swelling under the eyes

1 st. a spoonful of sage leaves or chamomile flowers pour 200 ml boiled water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, then infused in a sealed container for 45 minutes and filtered. Half of the infusion is allowed to cool and cooled in the refrigerator, and the other half is heated. Then moisten cotton pads alternately in cold and warm infusion and apply to the eyes. Warm compresses hold for 20-30 seconds, cold - 3-5 seconds. The procedure is repeated 5-6 times, ending with a cold compress, after which a nourishing cream is applied to the eyelids and skin under the eyes. Carry out the procedure every other day.

1 hour | site | 2012-09-26

Eye compress with parsley infusion

1 st. a spoonful of chopped parsley is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 15-20 minutes and filtered. Cotton swabs are moistened in a warm infusion and daily for a month in the morning and evening they are applied to the eyelids and skin under the eyes for 10 minutes.

30 minutes | site | 2012-09-26

Eye compress with chamomile infusion

1 st. a spoonful of chamomile flowers is poured into 200 ml of boiled water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, allowed to infuse for 45 minutes and filtered. Cotton pads are moistened in the infusion and applied to the eyelids.

1 hour | site | 2012-09-26

Compress with a decoction of horsetail against eye fatigue

therapeutic compress for the eyes | horsetail | swelling under the eyes

1 st. a spoonful of horsetail grass is poured into 250 ml of boiled water, heated in a water bath for 30 minutes, then cooled at room temperature and filtered. In the cooled broth, cotton pads are moistened and applied to the eyes for 15 minutes. These compresses relieve swelling and eye fatigue.

30 minutes | site | 2012-09-26

Ice compress with ice cubes for the eyes

cooling ice for eyes | herbs | swelling under the eyes

Pieces of ice are placed in plastic bags and applied for 5 minutes to swelling under the eyes. You can apply ice cubes from a frozen infusion of herbs (chamomile, parsley, mint, etc.) or brew tea bags in boiling water, then freeze them in the refrigerator and apply to the eyelids. This compress quickly relieves swelling under the eyes.

30 minutes | site | 2012-09-26

Potato eye mask

Around the eyes and on the eyelids put thin slices of raw potatoes for 10-15 minutes. It perfectly relieves fatigue, inflammation and puffiness, refreshes the skin around the eyes.

5 minutes | site | 2012-09-26

Potato mask against edema

refreshing eye mask | potatoes | swelling under the eyes

Grate one raw potato on a small plastic grater, and apply the resulting mass on the skin under the eyes for 10-15 minutes. Then the mask is removed with a cotton swab moistened with cold tea, and a nourishing cream is applied.

10 minutes | site | 2012-09-26

Potato and parsley mask

refreshing eye mask | potatoes, parsley | swelling under the eyes

Finely grated potatoes are mixed with chopped parsley, the mixture is wrapped in gauze and placed on the eyelids and swelling under the eyes for 10-15 minutes. Then the skin is lightly lubricated with a nourishing cream.

10 minutes | site | 2012-09-26

Milk and potato mask

refreshing eye mask | potatoes, milk, flour | swelling under the eyes

Mix 1 teaspoon of grated raw potatoes and wheat flour, add 1 teaspoon of milk and stir well. Spread this mixture on gauze and apply a mask for 10-15 minutes on the skin under the eyes. Remove it with a cotton swab dipped in cold tea leaves.

10 minutes | site | 2012-09-26

cucumber eye mask

toning eye mask | cucumber | swelling under the eyes

This is a proven folk remedy for swelling of the eyes, perfectly toning the skin. cut pieces fresh cucumber applied to the eyelids and skin around the eyes. The mask is kept for 10-15 minutes.

5 minutes | site | 2012-09-26

Parsley mask

toning eye mask | parsley | swelling under the eyes

Fresh parsley is carefully chopped and applied to the eyelids and skin under the eyes. Top cover with cotton swabs moistened with cold boiled water. The mask is kept for 20 minutes.

5 minutes | site | 2012-09-26

Sour cream eye mask

therapeutic eye mask | sour cream, tea, Castor oil| swelling under the eyes

To one teaspoon of fat sour cream, add 15 kael of castor oil or burdock oil and half a teaspoon of strong tea (green or black), stir well. The mixture is applied to the wet skin of the eyelids with a cotton swab dipped in tea. The mask is kept for 20-30 minutes, removed with a damp cotton swab.

15 minutes | site | 2012-09-29

Milk compress for redness of the eyes and eyelids

therapeutic compress for the eyes | milk | swelling under the eyes

For milk compress take two cotton pads and soak in warm milk, apply for 10-15 minutes on the eyelids, lie down and relax.

5 minutes | site | 2012-09-29

Rose water compress

therapeutic compress for the eyes | rose water | swelling under the eyes

In case of hemorrhage in the eyes, two cotton pads are moistened with rose water, which is made from the infusion of rose petals (rose), and placed on the eyelids for 20 minutes. The compress is suitable for eye fatigue and swelling of the eyelids.

5 minutes | site | 2012-09-29

Compress with infusion of cornflowers for the eyes

therapeutic compress for the eyes | cornflower flowers | swelling under the eyes

Infusion of cornflowers relieves irritation and allergic reaction promotes skin regeneration. 1-2 tbsp. spoons of marginal blue cornflower flowers are poured into 200 ml of boiled water, heated in a sealed container in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled at room temperature for 45 minutes and filtered. Cotton pads or gauze pads moistened with this infusion are applied to the eyes for 10-15 minutes.

1 hour | site | 2012-09-29

Compress with birch decoction for swelling and irritation of the eyes

therapeutic compress for the eyes | flowers of cornflower, birch | swelling under the eyes

1 st. a spoonful of birch buds or leaves is poured into 250 ml of boiling water, simmered for 10-15 minutes, allowed to cool at room temperature and filtered. Compresses are made from this decoction for tired and sore eyes.

30 minutes | site | 2012-09-29

Mint compress for eyes and eyelids

therapeutic compress for the eyes | mint | swelling under the eyes

For swelling of the eyelids, mint compresses are recommended. 1 st. a spoonful of peppermint leaves is poured into 250 ml of boiled water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, allowed to infuse for 45 minutes and filtered. Cotton swabs are moistened in mint infusion and applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes. With tired, inflamed eyes, cotton swabs soaked in warm mint infusion are applied to the eyes 3-4 times for 1-2 minutes.

1 hour | site | 2012-09-29

Tea compress for the eyes when working with a computer

therapeutic compress for the eyes | tea | swelling under the eyes

With reddened or swollen eyelids, inflamed tired eyes, cotton pads are moistened in a cooled strong tea brew and applied to the eyes. Hold for 10-15 minutes (you can change them several times), then apply eye cream. Strong green tea compresses help tired eyes after working on the computer.

15 minutes | site | 2012-09-29

Fennel potato poultice for tired eyes

therapeutic compress for the eyes | fennel, potatoes | swelling under the eyes

Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped fresh fennel and grated raw potatoes. The mass is wrapped in two gauze napkins and put on the eyes for 10 minutes. Great for relieving eye fatigue.

15 minutes | site | 2012-09-29

Chamomile flower compress for severe eye inflammation

therapeutic compress for the eyes | chamomile | swelling under the eyes

If you have severely inflamed eyes and swollen eyelids, then such a compress will suit you. Pour chamomile flowers into small linen bags and dip them in boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Allow to cool slightly and apply warm to the eyes. The compress has a calming effect and relieves irritation. With regular use 2-3 times a week, it also prevents the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. With inflamed reddened eyes, you can also make lotions from the infusion of a chamomile flower, putting a napkin soaked in this infusion on your eyes for 3-5 minutes.

15 minutes | site | 2012-09-29

Compress with birch infusion

therapeutic compress for the eyes | birch | swelling under the eyes

Birch infusion is made from birch leaves and 200 ml of cold boiled water. 1 st. pour a spoonful of leaves with water and leave for 8 hours, strain. Wet cotton swabs and apply on eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

8 hours | site | 2012-09-29

Eye compress with eyebright herb infusion

therapeutic compress for the eyes | eyebright | swelling under the eyes

This compress is good for inflammation of the eyelids and lacrimal sacs. 1 st. a spoonful of eyebright grass is poured into 200 ml of boiled water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, insisted for 45 minutes and filtered. Moistened swabs are applied for ages for 10 minutes.

1 hour | site | 2012-09-29

Compress with linden infusion for swelling around the eyes

therapeutic compress for the eyes | linden flowers | swelling under the eyes

With tired eyes and swollen eyelids 1 tbsp. pour 200 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of lime blossom, insist in a sealed container for 30 minutes and filter. In this infusion, moisten a gauze napkin, wring it out slightly and apply it to the eyes for 3-5 minutes. It also smooths out shallow wrinkles around the eyes. lime infusion can be used to wash the eyes with redness of the eyelids.

40 minutes | site | 2012-09-29

Compress with infusion of parsley for irritation

therapeutic compress for the eyes | parsley | swelling under the eyes

With irritation, dull eye color, compresses and washings with infusion of parsley are useful. 1 st. a spoonful of finely chopped parsley is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 15-20 minutes and filtered. Warm infusion wash the eyes and make compresses.

25 minutes | site | 2012-09-29

Sour cream mask with parsley for swelling of the eyelids

therapeutic eye mask | parsley, sour cream | swelling under the eyes

1 teaspoon of finely chopped parsley is mixed with 2 teaspoons of sour cream and applied to the eyelids and skin under the eyes for 20 minutes. Then wash off with cool boiled water. This mask is recommended for swelling of the eyelids and eye fatigue.

5 minutes | site | 2012-09-29

Baths of eyebright herb or fennel

medicinal infusion for the eyes | eyebright, fennel | swelling under the eyes

3 teaspoons of eyebright herb (or fennel) are poured into 400 ml of boiling water, infused for 20-30 minutes and filtered. Cooled to room temperature, the infusion is poured into an eye bath. Eyes with inflammation are washed for 30 seconds alternately.

40 minutes | site | 2012-09-29

Baths from the infusion of cornflower flowers

medicinal infusion for the eyes | cornflower flowers | swelling under the eyes

1-2 tbsp. spoons of marginal blue cornflower flowers pour 200 ml of boiled water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, let it brew for 45 minutes and filter. The infusion is used to wash tired, inflamed eyes, with redness of the eyelids.

The attractiveness of any woman is often due to the expressiveness of the eyes and when problems appear around the eyes, this is frustrating and worrisome.

As a rule, swelling under the eyes occurs due to accumulation in the interstitial space a large number liquids. Moreover, both centuries, and only one of them, can swell.

Often the causes of puffiness are very banal - a lot of liquid was drunk at night or a lot of tears were shed. However, in some cases, swelling can be a very telling sign of certain diseases. We will talk more about this symptom today.

Causes of swelling under the eyes

If you are concerned about swelling under the eyes, the causes of the problem should be clarified. The condition of a person's eyes is an important indicator of the health of internal organs. Sometimes, in case of fatigue and strong overvoltage, the reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes are obvious. With some effort, you can easily get rid of them.

But it often happens that swelling under the eyes, the causes of which cannot be identified immediately, haunt a person for many years, preventing him from looking cheerful and healthy.

So, we list the main reasons due to which it swells under the eyes:

  1. Fluid retention. If edema appears only occasionally, in the morning, then, as a rule, the reason is that the body does not have time to get rid of water. And since the skin around the eyes is the most sensitive indicator of the presence of fluid, swelling is most noticeable in this area. And why is this fluid retained in the body? The reason for this may overuse during the day drinks, alcohol, salty and spicy at night. Salt has the ability to retain water and, as a result, edema appears. Therefore, try to avoid such food at night. Coffee, which has a diuretic effect, should not be consumed at all in the evening.
  2. Chronic fatigue, nervousness, constant lack of sleep . State nervous system It is also an indicator of appearance. A woman who sleeps 2-3 hours a day cannot look good. It is advisable to go to bed before midnight to get a good night's sleep.
  3. Intense exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin. In this case, a protective reaction is activated, which leads to the accumulation of additional fluid in the skin.
  4. Severe eye strain. Most often occurs as a result long work at the computer or watching TV for a long time.
  5. Age . Over the years, tissues lose collagen and the ability to retain moisture. Often, fatty tissue in the elderly protrudes under the skin, which looks like puffiness or bags under the eyes;
  6. Hormonal changes in the body in women. Often bags under the eyes appear at the end of the menstrual cycle and on later dates pregnancy.
  7. Age or natural process skin thinning loss of its elasticity.
  8. Heredity. The tendency to edema is very often inherited.

Pathological causes severe edema under the eyes are considered:

  1. Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system associated with the inability to remove all the necessary fluid from the tissues. In such states, the liquid, as a rule, lingers not only near the eyes, but also in the limbs.
  2. Allergic reaction. Swelling can occur on only one side of the face and develop almost instantly, but just as quickly pass. In some cases, no specific treatment, it will be enough just to remove the allergen, and the condition will quickly normalize. Such reactions may be accompanied strong feeling itching or burning sensation, as if sand had been poured into the eyes.
  3. Diseases of the nervous system and skin. Often these areas of the body are interconnected. In particular, eczema or dermatitis often occurs against the background of deep nervous shocks. The fluid in these pathologies accumulates in the cells of the epidermis, is poorly excreted and manifests itself as swelling, including in the eye area.
  4. Problems with the heart and blood vessels, which inhibit the removal of fluid from the distal sections. This condition is accompanied by swelling of the lower half of the body.
  5. Thyroid dysfunction. This leads to a change hormonal background in the body and is often accompanied by the appearance of sagging tissue under the eyes.
  6. Blepharitis is a condition that causes inflammation of the eyelids. In addition to swelling, there may also be burning, itching, watery eyes, and a feeling of a foreign body in the eye.
  7. It is a highly contagious infection of a viral or bacterial nature. It can be caused by allergens, contact lenses, dust.
  8. Inflammatory processes. They are very easy to distinguish by appearance- the skin becomes swollen, hotter and redder, pain is felt on palpation. Such symptoms may indicate furunculosis, severe runny nose, as well as about meningitis or. Sometimes swelling of the eyelid can even develop due to an inflamed tooth.

A woman who strives to get rid of swelling under the eyes should understand that when swelling near the eyes is caused certain diseases, then cosmetic and symptomatic treatment gives only a temporary effect, or does not give it at all. To eliminate such pathological swelling, the underlying cause of this condition should be found and treated.

Bags and swelling under the eyes: photo

What bags and swelling under the eyes look like in women, we offer for viewing detailed photos before and after.

Treatment and diagnosis

Before the specialist prescribes the treatment of edema under the eyes, the patient must pass tests (urine, blood), undergo additional testing:

  • measurement of blood pressure.
  • radiography chest and skulls.
  • clinical and.
  • , as well as urine according to Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky.
  • ultrasound examination of the heart and thyroid gland.
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and other organs abdominal cavity and small pelvis.
  • computed tomography of the brain and internal organs.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • electrocardiography.

Further in-depth studies are assigned already in accordance with the alleged diagnosis.

How to quickly remove swelling under the eyes at home

At home, the following 3 procedures will help to quickly remove bags under the eyes and relieve swelling of the face:

  1. Contrasting wash. If in the morning you see swelling on your face, immediately begin to wash your face alternately with hot and cold water. This will increase blood circulation, lymph circulation, fill the face with energy, swelling and congestion in the tissues of the face will pass.
  2. Cool compress on the eyes. How to prepare compresses from bags under the eyes is described below. If there is not enough time in the morning, then massage the eyelids with ice cubes.
  3. Gentle face and eyelid massage: tap with your fingertips on the eye area, pat your palms on your face (cheeks, forehead, chin).

Today, there are many remedies that help locally relieve swelling and circles under the eyes. But they should be used only after it turns out that there is no disease that causes swelling. Otherwise, the effect of cosmetic and folk remedies will be minimal, because the underlying disease will re-form bags under the eyes.

Ointment for puffiness under the eyes

When choosing an eye ointment that will help eliminate swelling, you need to pay attention to the composition. A quality cream will contain the following components:

  1. For a quick effect, help ointments containing caffeine— Green coffee, Bark, Garnier Caffeine Roller gel for the skin around the eyes.
  2. With periodic edema, remedies with horse chestnut, hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastane- eye cream (against puffiness and bags under the eyes) Green pharmacy, Soufflé delicate, Gel-lifting roller for eyelids Belita-Vitex Lift Intense.
  3. To eliminate bruises under the eyes, you should choose products with vitamin K and special whitening pigments— JANSSEN, Eye Cream with Vit. K & Matrixyl by New Youth.

In addition to cosmetic ointments, there are many ways to quickly reduce or even get rid of swelling under the eyes at home, consider the most effective ones below.

How to get rid of bags and swelling under the eyes?

You can successfully deal with bags and edema, especially if they are not a symptom of some kind of disease, at home. To do this, you do not need to spend too much time, energy or money. And most of the methods are easy and accessible "in application".

  1. Great for removing bags under the eyes compresses with tea (black or green), which contains tannins and caffeine. Tannins (tannins) reduce swelling, as they have an astringent effect on the skin, and caffeine, by constricting blood vessels, reduces its swelling. It is worth saying a few words about chamomile tea. With its natural anti-inflammatory action, it soothes the skin and irritation around the eyes, thereby relieving redness and swelling. You can treat bags under the eyes with tea using cotton pads soaked in tea or the tea bags themselves, and applying them to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Massage is an effective means of dealing with bags under the eyes. Every day for 4 minutes with light massive or point movements, using fingertips, massage the area around the eyes. Movements should be made in both directions, since the lymph located in the edema area has access to the temporal nodes and nodes near the bridge of the nose. This massage will help speed up the flow of lymph and relieve you of bags in the eye area.
  3. Can be mixed parsley with sour cream, 2 tsp sour cream and 1 tsp. finely chopped parsley. The mixture is applied for half an hour, then washed off warm water. Then the cream is applied.
  4. Squeeze the juice out fresh herbs melissa officinalis(you need about 2 tablespoons). two pieces bread crumb moisten with juice and apply them to the area of ​​​​edema under the eyes. Keep the mask for up to 20 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water.
  5. For a compress, take two tablespoons chopped green parsley. Squeeze the greens with a fork to release the juice, then put it on two small damp gauze wipes, apply to the area under the eyes (parsley - to the skin). Hold the compress for 8-10 minutes.

After trying several options, you can choose the best solution for you, taking into account individual characteristics your body, lifestyle and free time.


Finally, to avoid swelling, you can simply follow simple rules:

  1. Do not overeat salt in any of its manifestations. This also includes other spices and seasonings.
  2. Do not drink strong tea at night.
  3. Don't overdo the moisturizer.
  4. Do not drink alcohol in general.

By following these simple rules, you will ensure not only Beautiful face, but also good health for many years.