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Treatment of nervous exhaustion. How to cure nervous exhaustion? Signs of nervous exhaustion

nervous exhaustion is a special psycho emotional condition, which occurs due to high intellectual or emotional stress, as well as stress. This condition can be both a symptom and a harbinger of depression, it can be an intellectual disorder, manifesting itself in various ways. clinical symptoms, which can be a large number, while memory, cognitive abilities, physical condition, etc. suffer.

Nervous exhaustion significantly affects the quality of life of an individual: he is not able to fully work, communicate with other people, enjoy life and relax. This disorder develops under conditions of monotonous work with a significant load in a short time, which significantly depletes the human nervous system.

What is nervous exhaustion? Nervous exhaustion is also understood to mean such psycho-emotional states and disorders as asthenic neurosis, nervous fatigue, chronic fatigue.

Causes of nervous exhaustion

Constant stress is the reality of modern hectic life, and nervous exhaustion often accompanies people who are workaholics, for whom work always comes first. This psycho-emotional state occurs when a combination of hard work with more or less prolonged mental trauma and lack of quality sleep and rest.

Causes nervous exhaustion overwork often appears, in which it consumes more energy than it is able to "accumulate" and therefore the body is depleted. This also applies to nervous system.

Scientists have already proven that increased mental and emotional stress, lack of rest and sleep, an excited state, bad habits, stress and worries significantly tire human brain. If the body does not take a break, then the individual will emotionally “burn out” and nervous exhaustion will set in. Normally, an individual needs to alternate emotional discharge with mental activity, the state of excitation is replaced by inhibition and rest. If this does not happen, then there is a high probability of developing nervous exhaustion and.

Often given state occurs imperceptibly and is expressed in the form of slight fatigue. Provided that a person ignores fatigue, then it gradually accumulates, and is accompanied by symptoms of nervous exhaustion. The more time passes, the more acute these symptoms become.

Nervous exhaustion symptoms

Exhaustion of the nervous system is accompanied by the following symptoms:

- periodic migraines and headaches, which are compressive in nature and occur at the slightest load;

psychosomatic disorders. Symptoms are characterized by skin problems, unpleasant bodily sensations, visual disturbances, allergies, loss of appetite;

- intimate disorders: erectile disfunction- Decreased sex drive in men total loss, orgasmic dysfunction, noted in women, as well as in men;

- inability to concentrate. This symptom characterized by difficulty grasping and comprehending information;

- there are violations of the heart rhythm, there are "jumps" in blood pressure, there is a feeling of cold and numbness in the limbs;

- indigestion, nausea, insomnia, vomiting, nightmares;

- there are violations of orientation and coordination in space, memory and speech;

- in some cases, nervous exhaustion may be accompanied by symptoms vegetovascular dystonia: pressure fluctuations, increased heart rate, slight decrease in body temperature (up to 35 degrees);

- depression.

Signs of nervous exhaustion

This psycho-emotional state is characterized by the following features:

- . This sign is characterized by a sharp, but short-lived outburst of anger. Literally everything begins to irritate a person: close people, sounds, their own habits and the habits of those around them;

- impatience. The individual does not tolerate any, even minute, expectations;

hypersensitivity to light, sounds, smells;

- sleep disorders. With this sign, it is difficult for an individual to fall asleep - the dream is superficial and disturbing, thoughts are spinning in the head, and nightmares often occur. Feeling weak and tired on waking;

- . The sick person perceives himself as a loser and becomes completely insecure;

chronic fatigue, lethargy, weakness, loss of strength, decreased physical activity, a feeling of overwork, any movement needs incredible efforts;

- there is a constant need for rest, after which health improves for a short time;

- attempts to engage in intellectual activity end in failure and all activities of this kind are unproductive;

- a person in a relaxing atmosphere cannot relax;

- constant "nebula" of thoughts, difficulty with memorization;

- negative emotions, doubts, low mood, constant anxiety, life is not happy.

Nervous exhaustion treatment

The treatment of this psycho-emotional state should be approached comprehensively. But first for effective treatment disorder is required to eliminate the causes that provoked it.

To speed up the treatment of nervous exhaustion, suffering from this ailment, one should take breaks for outdoor activities during the performance of work, as well as properly organize their labor activities without getting tired.

Nervous exhaustion, how to recover? With proper treatment, a nervous ailment quickly passes and the sick person recovers. But often people turn for treatment not to, but to doctors who treat only the consequences of this (exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased immunity, etc.), and not the cause. And since the cause is not eliminated, a full recovery does not occur.
From nervous exhaustion of the body, you can quickly recover if you normalize sleep. For speedy treatment should take advantage simple rules:

- get up at the same time in the morning;

- do not engage in extraneous activities in bed (reading, working on a laptop, eating, watching TV);

- you should go to bed only after the onset of fatigue; - a person does not need to make an effort to fall asleep while lying in bed, so you can not lie and wait for sleep. If you can't sleep, it's best to get up and do something;

- Before going to bed, you should avoid taking alcohol, caffeine, a heavy dinner;

- effective in treatment physical exercise swimming, long walks on fresh air;

- establish a balanced and regular diet;

- practice relaxation, which means everything that will help a person to relax: meditation, warm baths, hypnosleep, listening to music with the sounds of nature, etc.
Nervous exhaustion of the body should not be underestimated, since this condition can bring great harm to a person. Therefore, the treatment of this condition is not always quick and easy; in some cases, inpatient treatment is required.

Medical therapy includes taking various drugs:

- nootropics;

- drugs that restore brain cells;

- vitamins;

- antidepressants;

- vasodilators.

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The real, pressing problem of our time is nervous exhaustion (nerve-emotional fatigue). It is the result of various negative factors affecting a person's strength various circumstances. These are subjective experiences mental stress and stressful conditions, inadequate sleep and rest, provoking instability of the nervous system, the development of neurosis and neurasthenia.

About the causes of nervous exhaustion

In every living organism, including humans, there are innate self-preservation instincts that trigger their own hidden reserves under certain unfavorable conditions. A kind of reserve consists of immune, hormonal, nutritional and metabolic substances, which are used only under threatening circumstances, due to extreme necessity.

This need can be provoked by prolonged and severe stress, passions and fustrations (unexplained aggression), shock, trauma, excessive fatigue and a state of affect. In such states, a person is usually able, by concentrating and gathering, to solve his problem on his own. But only when the body has a resource reserve. If by this moment it has been used up, and the negative continues, this is a prerequisite for nervous exhaustion.

The causes of nervous exhaustion are different kinds overwork, ranging from physical to moral. Overfatigue does not occur at once, but develops and accumulates in stages, increases, aggravates and becomes chronic condition which often leads to depression.

To understand the genesis of the development of the disease, let us consider the scheme of action of the depletion of the resource protective reserve.

  • A tense, anxious emotional state and stress during exhaustion of the nervous system provoke the central nervous system to send certain signals to the endocrine, immune and cardiovascular system. At this time, they become a priority for the body, although other areas of activity suffer from this, for example, sexual or digestive.
  • Cardiovascular functions are impaired. Prolonged stress causes disturbances in heart rate and other heart problems.
  • The depletion of phagocytic defense provokes prolonged stress, leading to a complete weakening of the immune system. As a result, escalate chronic pathologies and new infections develop inflammatory reactions and processes in the form of candidiasis, dysbacteriosis, erosive and articular pathologies, rheumatism and skin diseases.
  • Disturbances in digestive functions are manifested by signs of dysbacteriosis, ulcerative pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract, its functional disorders and chronic enterocolitis.

Symptoms of nervous exhaustion, characteristic signs

The development of nervous exhaustion occurs gradually and is perceived at first as normal fatigue. But the gradual influence of negativity gradually turns into a problem that only a qualified psychotherapist can solve. If you pay close attention to yourself, then the first symptoms of nervous exhaustion can be seen on your own.

They show signs of persistent fatigue—and despite sleepy state during the day, it is difficult to fall asleep in the evening. Sleep does not bring a sense of rest, as it is anxious and restless, interrupted by nightmares. Unexplained anxiety, insecurity and negative outlook on life appear. The patient may periodically show tangible signs of tachycardia and fluctuations in blood pressure, sexual disorders.

Patients themselves note symptoms characteristic of nervous exhaustion:

  • increased irritability;
  • frequent migraines and joint pain;
  • causeless temperature jumps;
  • intestinal discomfort and indigestion;
  • exacerbation of non-seasonal chronic diseases;
  • decrease in cognitive functions (impaired memory and attention, inattention and absent-mindedness).

In men and women, signs of nervous exhaustion are difficult to detect and diagnose, since pathology is quite skillfully disguised as many other diseases that are the result of pathology, and not a causal factor. The only difference in nervous exhaustion in women is a greater reaction hormonal background, which can result in signs of hormonal failure and exacerbation of diseases, for example,.

The clinical course of the process is divided into conditional three stages:

  1. Hypersthenic, manifested by stable imbalance and disorderly fussiness. The patient may understand that such behavior is not typical for him, but he does not know how to correct the situation on his own. He is not capable of controlling actions and emotions; he can consciously provoke quarrels and conflict situations. The stage is accompanied by muscle pains and migraines, insomnia and chronic sleep deprivation, loss of strength and disability.
  2. The stage of weakness and irritation is manifested by a quickly passing irascibility, pessimistic and anxious feelings. Migraines are accompanied by heart pain, digestive disorders, shortness of breath, allergy symptoms and signs of "Vertigo" (dizziness).
  3. The hyposthenic stage is characterized by states of apathy, depression and indifference. It is characteristic that such a condition can be both a sign of nervous exhaustion and depression, or manifest itself as a harbinger of depressive states.

How to treat nervous exhaustion? Preparations and methods

Therapeutic methods are based on integrated approach. With symptoms of nervous exhaustion, treatment begins with the solution of certain pressing problems due to the detection and neutralization of the true causative factor- elimination of family conflicts, stressful conditions and psychological disorders.

If necessary, you should change jobs or go on vacation. Build an acceptable mode of work, learn to rest and relax. Exclusion of bad habits and observance of a constant regimen of night sleep, contributes to the stabilization of a full-fledged night's sleep.

Much attention is paid outdoor activities, walks, outdoor games in the air, balanced diet and regular meals, establishing regular intimate relationships and methods of proper relaxation, which is facilitated by yoga, meditation, taking warm baths with light music, and “forays” into nature.

For nervous exhaustion, treatment, drugs and protocol drug therapy, is compiled exclusively by a doctor. It includes:

  • Drugs that provide vasodilation and relieve migraine symptoms, restore blood circulation processes in the brain structures and eliminate cellular hypoxia. For this, drugs and analogues of "" or "Tanakan" are prescribed.
  • Means that accelerate metabolic processes in brain structures - drugs of the group of neurometabolic stimulants in the form of "Ceraxon", "Nootropil" or "Piracetam", etc.
  • Medications based on valerian and motherwort, drugs "Novopassita" and "Fitosed". They relieve tension, improve sleep and calm the nerves.
  • With symptoms of depression, depression and despondency, antidepressant drugs are prescribed that inhibit the central nervous system, have a sedative and hypnotic effect, and neutralize feelings of anxiety, despondency and fear. These are drugs and analogues of Valium, Diazepam, Nozepam, Lorazepam, Chlozepidda or Ativan. The dosage is individual, as addiction to drugs is noted.
  • In addition to traditional methods, natural homeopathic remedies- Lycopodium, Anacarium, Selenium, Calcaria, Magnesia and Kali Phos.

nervous exhaustion treatment photo

At the stage early development, V complex treatment nervous exhaustion, are able to restore the balance of emotional and mental factor. The most specific for the CNS are the extensive representatives of the vitamin "B" group. Their effectiveness is due to the complex combination, and not separately.

  • The most optimal concentration various vitamin"B" is noted in the "Superstress" vitamin complex; it contains a balanced amount of elements for the necessary restoration or maintenance of the central nervous system.
  • The appointment of the Nutrilight vitamin complex ensures the elimination of fatigue and migraine.
  • Contribute to the energy potential and improve memory, eliminate nervousness and fear vitamin complexes - "Complivit", "Neuromultivit" and "Supradin".
  • For a warning pathological processes, destroying nervous tissues and elimination of depressive symptoms, the complexes "Duovita", "Vitamineral" and "Polivit" are effective.
  • A large group "B" vitamin is included in complex drug"Milgamma". Its action is due to the restoration of the functions of microcirculation and the central nervous system, the improvement of the conduction of impulses along the nerve fibers.
  • Nervous experiences and stressful situations are effectively stopped vitamin complexes with the inclusion of vitamin "C" - these are the groups "Vitrum", "Alphabet", "Elevit" and "Multitabs".

A diet for neuro-emotional fatigue should be saturated with vitamin products. Therefore, a nutritious diet should be diversified with dishes plant food, cereals and seafood.

Prognosis and possible complications

Possible complications after suffering nervous exhaustion are due to the manifestation social problems and deterioration in health. Changing the character of the patient leads to social problems. He is irritable and dissatisfied with himself. Become secretive and avoid people.

Possible development of depression, neurasthenia, severe mental disorders With manic psychosis, obsession and rapid personal withering - degradation.

Subject to all medical prescriptions, the prognosis is favorable and the body is able to recover completely. In the absence of treatment, nervous exhaustion in a woman or a man will not disappear on its own - it will continue to worsen. The further condition of the patient depends on his endurance and acceptance independent decision about the desire to be treated.

Overwork of the human nervous system is a fairly common phenomenon in the modern world. Most often it affects people who work for a long time in large companies, managers, girls who have recently become mothers, students. It is quite difficult to diagnose nervous fatigue, its symptoms intersect with big amount other diseases.

Briefly about the strength of the nervous system

It has been scientifically proven that the strength and weakness of the nervous system is an innate indicator. The strength of the nervous system determines how much a person is able to withstand stress, while not going into a state of inhibition.

A really strong nervous system can withstand emotional excitement for quite a long period of time. The energy of cells is spent not too quickly and rationally. There is a natural inhibition of ongoing processes, and with it the protective functions of the nervous system are activated. Thus, a person can endure stress for a long time and irritability does not occur. People who have a weak nervous system cannot wait, they do not catch new information well and try to transfer it to almost everyone they meet, as it is difficult for them to keep it in themselves.

A person with a weak nervous system cannot physically endure strong stimuli, fatigue occurs quickly. nerve centers. It can immediately turn off (a strong inhibitory process appears), or vice versa, inhibition does not have time to cope with excitement, and then a person can do a lot of stupid things. Nervous weakness has a high sensitivity (sensitivity) and can distinguish weak signals - this is its main advantage.

It is impossible to say with complete certainty which nervous system is better. People with a strong nervous system can remember and process a large number of information. They are good performers and can do a lot of work, but tasks must be given from simple to complex. They delve into the work for a long time, but if necessary, they can do it for a long period of time.

People who have neuropsychic weakness quickly adapt to various situations, but at the same time, if they are affected by strong stimuli, they cannot cope with excitement. Tasks must be given from complex to simple, as they spend more cellular energy, are good managers and natural leaders.

The main manifestations of nervous overwork

Despite the complexity of diagnosis, there are certain symptoms that can definitely determine this condition of a person.

  1. Irritability. A person begins to get nervous, annoyed, even if he expects something for a short period of time.
  2. Anger. The slightest excuse leads to an angry, irritable state.
  3. Low self-esteem. It creates the wrong feeling that all the failures that occur around a person were made by him, and he is the main misunderstanding in this world. Faith in one's own strength and the possibility of a successful completion of the case are lost.
  4. He complained about his person, anxiety and a whiny mood.
  5. Insomnia. A person is tormented by fatigue, he constantly does not get enough sleep and cannot fall asleep because of the constant thoughts that tirelessly disturb him.
  6. Decreased performance. A person is prone to rapid fatigue, cannot concentrate.
  7. Feeling broken.

Increased anxiety in adolescents

Often people are used to seeing young people cheerful and active. However, there are often people who are closed in themselves, passive and poorly withstand even minimal emotional stress. Hanging fatigue and nervousness in adolescents is quite natural state V puberty. It is necessary not to forget about the psychological situation at home. It plays a key role in the development of the child's nervous system.

When a tired teenager suffers increased nervousness, his body includes a kind of protective mechanism, for example, he can sleep too long. Excessive fatigue can also be associated with wrong exchange substances. If the processing of nutrients occurs too quickly, they are not converted into energy, thus the body begins to get tired even from the slightest load.

These children need to be given Special attention, because constant nervousness can lead to serious illness. Well strengthens the nervous system of a teenager - mode. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account certain inclinations of the child, not to force him to do what he does not like or cannot do. It is not recommended to introduce drastic changes into the life of a teenager. In this case, the nervous system may not withstand. Everything that the child does should be within his power and not overwork.

Consequences of nervous exhaustion

After the onset of such a negative phenomenon as nervous exhaustion, a person becomes vulnerable, which affects the work of the whole organism. Many try to come to terms with this condition, but it only causes more more harm health. In such cases, nervous exhaustion leads to conditions that can sometimes be very dangerous, namely:

  • apathetic depression, it leads to the fact that a person is not able to do anything, lethargy;
  • various chronic diseases;
  • appear mental illness. Sometimes the consequences are very serious, for example, there is a wrong perception of the world, a violation of the personality, sometimes it comes to suicide;
  • worsening relationships with family and loved ones;
  • there are problems at work;
  • inability to enjoy and live a full life.

If neurasthenia appears, specialized medical treatment should be started immediately. However, representatives of humanity do not want to bring themselves to similar states, as it is better to prevent them than to treat them in the future. Preventive measures are quite simple, but at the same time very effective. Anyone should know some simple rules to prevent nervous fatigue. They can be used, individually selecting the most suitable for themselves.

Preventive measures to prevent nervous overwork

First of all, you need to monitor your state of health, you should do everything to make the body feel comfortable. You need to rest enough time, the head should be fresh and rested. Try to bring more reasons for joy into your life that will help you maintain a positive attitude in different life situations.

Preventive measures are:

  • do not overload yourself with work. You should do as much work as the body perceives it;
  • proper organization of the day;
  • allocate time for proper rest and entertainment;
  • go to bed no later than midnight;
  • try to spend less time near the computer and TV;
  • hobby perfectly distracts from gray everyday life;
  • receive more positive emotions, irritability disappears from this;
  • treat people better, choose the right priorities in life;
  • do not be nervous because of the little things, because they are not worth it, and it is very difficult to restore health;
  • if a person is not satisfied with something in himself, there is no need to engage in self-flagellation, but you just need to correct this defect;
  • not to start diseases, but to treat them;
  • get enough for normal functioning the body's amount of vitamins;
  • meditation and yoga have a positive effect on the nervous system.

The main thing - you need to monitor your body and feel it, be attentive to all the signals that it gives. Much better to prevent bad condition than take it to the extreme.

Medical treatment of nervous fatigue

If nervous exhaustion has set in, it is necessary to see a neurologist. He will determine the current state of affairs and appoint proper treatment. Sometimes you need the help of a psychologist or, depending on the situation, a psychoanalyst, psychotherapist, etc., who will determine the cause of this condition and help get rid of it.

In most cases, medication is prescribed. Necessary therapeutic measures should be carried out exclusively medical specialist, since they can affect each person in different ways and instead of the expected benefit, you can harm your body.

  1. To relieve spasms of blood vessels and oxygen starvation brain, doctors prescribe such pharmaceuticals like Ginko Biloba, Betaserk, Tanakan.
  2. In the case of a neglected condition, the doctor may prescribe Alezepil, Tenoten, Cerakson. It must be taken into account that these are strong medications, which have a positive effect on brain cells and relieve irritability. Before taking them, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
  3. If restoration of the nervous system is required, then it is recommended to take B vitamins. For this, you can use various vitamin-mineral complexes, which they are part of. For example, Milgamma Compositum, Neurobion, Neuromultivit, Polynervin, Unigamma, etc.
  4. In case of intense, intellectual work, they can be assigned sedatives V individually. It must be taken into account that drugs differ from each other chemical structure, so every person needs a calming that suits him. Among these may be Sedistress, Persen, Novo-Passit, etc., which belong to herbal medicines.
  5. When the patient's condition is not critical, acupuncture sessions, massage and physiotherapy are prescribed.

Most doctors are not supporters drug treatment, since some pharmaceutical drugs have a bad effect on brain cells.

The feeling of fatigue and irritability negatively affects the person and his environment. You should not allow nervous fatigue, it is much easier to prevent it than to treat it with medications or other means. You should try to look at the world easier, do not overwork at work and give your body the right to good rest. By following simple rules, you can avoid this negative phenomenon, which is often found in modern life.

Nervous exhaustion in women and men is nothing but emotional fatigue, provoked by frequent stress, a frantic pace of life, and the pursuit of material wealth.

As a result, chronic fatigue, anger, apathy, dissatisfaction with oneself and others appear. The following are common signs of nervous exhaustion and how to treat it.

How to recognize nervous exhaustion

It is difficult to define it, because exhaustion is often confused with physical diseases.

Symptoms of nervous exhaustion are often headaches, depression, indigestion, Bad mood And so on. Hidden Symptom makes you treat visible problem, while exhaustion remains in the body, flowing into a chronic form.

Causes of nervous exhaustion

Constant nervous and physical stress has a negative impact on the internal resources of a person. Possible causes of wasting include:

  • Overwork at work.
  • chronic stress.
  • Hyperresponsibility for everything that happens.
  • Past illness and surgery.
  • Mental loads.
  • Physical stress, such as childbirth.

Not all of the reasons listed above provoke exhaustion. Each organism perceives what is happening in its own way, it all depends on the individual perception of a particular problem.

Symptoms of Nervous Exhaustion

Increased irritability

Man can't handle negative emotions, even the most insignificant situation infuriates him. Close people suffer first of all from a violent reaction.

Fast fatiguability

A person experiences a constant lack of strength, even if he has just woken up. Every day he struggles with a feeling of weakness and lack of assembly. It seems that the strength has left his body.

Constant rush

A person with nervous exhaustion is unable to stand quietly in one place for several minutes. He needs to be constantly on the move, sometimes actions are chaotic and ill-conceived.

Pain in the head and muscles

Often exhaustion psychological nature accompanied by headaches, which do not depend on external factors. Intellectual activity is equal to zero.

It is difficult for a person to concentrate and cope with elementary tasks. This provokes forgetfulness and jumping from one thing to another.


Obsessive thoughts do not allow a person to fall asleep, he scrolls unpleasant events and moments in his head, worries about what may not be.

If you managed to fall asleep, then the person sleeps sensitively, the slightest rustle can wake him up. After such a dream, one feels overwhelmed.

Nervous state is accompanied by:

  • fear
  • anxiety
  • back pain
  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • inflammatory processes.

Chronic forgetfulness syndrome appears, it is difficult to remember simple information.

Nervous exhaustion is easier to deal with initial stage by connecting relatives and other people interested in a speedy recovery.

Consequences of a mental disorder

The symptoms of the disorder cannot be ignored, they have consequences.

A shattered nervous system affects communication with others. Any situation is perceived with hostility, irritation and even anger appear.

A person refuses to communicate with loved ones, believing that it will be better for everyone.

A severe form of exhaustion changes the attitude towards life, provokes mental problems. They are accompanied by obsessions manic thoughts, ideas. There is a degradation of personality.

It's no secret that mental illness provokes various diseases. Many women complain about the presence of candidiasis, herpes, disrupted work endocrine system. Exhaustion of the nervous system provokes a violation in the thyroid gland, weight fluctuates.

Disorders provoke resort to bad habits like: smoking, alcohol and even drugs. Such funds only exacerbate the situation, leading to prolonged depression.

Treatment and recovery

On psychological state human reflects the habitual rhythm of life. Pay attention to the duration and quality of sleep, food, rest, walks.

  1. The well-being of a person and his mood depends on nutrition. The diet should be balanced, containing vitamins and other elements that contribute to the development protective functions in organism.
  2. Go to bed only when you feel tired. Do not force yourself to sleep if the body does not need rest. Reading books, watching TV and other things that can be done anywhere but in bed do not contribute to deep sound sleep.
  3. Walk outside every day without exception. Give preference to evening hiking. Instead of gatherings in a cafe, go with friends to the countryside, where you can have an active and fun time. Go in for sports, practice yoga, swim in the pool. Physical activity reassures, tunes in to the positive.
  4. Don't let work take up all your free time. Correctly prioritize, spend your free time with benefit.

In some cases, the disease requires medication. Use antidepressants only as prescribed by the doctor, otherwise you can aggravate the situation and undermine your health. Similar drugs dull feelings of anxiety and fear. They have a sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant action.

Balanced diet

Emotional state depends on nutrition, lack of useful components leads to mental disorders. Regular use vitamins and minerals helps to improve the nervous system.

Add variety to your daily menu, which should consist of plant foods, cereals and seafood.

Forget about simple carbohydrates, fatty foods, pickles, semi-finished products, sausages, sweets, alcoholic beverages.

What to remember

  1. Alternate work with rest.
  2. Provide yourself deep sleep, lack of sleep leads to irritation and other problems.
  3. Eat in a balanced way. See a nutritionist if you don't know how to make your own diet.
  4. Be active. go in for sports, physical exercise relieve stress.

The resilient human body has a natural ability to deal with stressful situations. However, if stress continues for a long time, the body's resources are depleted. First, a person “give up nerves”, there are signs of imbalance complex system organization of one's own behavior and self-control, then - nervous exhaustion leads to a general exhaustion of the body.

Often there are diseases, the origin of which is of a psychosomatic nature, that is, a person “thought up” a disease for himself and “joyfully” fell ill. To prevent this, let's talk about nervous exhaustion, symptoms, treatment of this condition.

Causes of nervous exhaustion

There are, unfortunately, many possible causes diseases. Prolonged mental stress, which is called “at the limit”, strong experienced negative emotions, psychotrauma, surgery, imbalance in sleep, rest and nutrition, hormonal age-related problems - this is not the whole list.

Why is nervous exhaustion a dangerous condition?

Exhaustion disrupts the fine organization of natural defenses human body.
For example, strong negative emotions (anxiety, danger, etc.) send the strongest stimulating signal to the vessels, heart, glands internal secretion, immunity that needs to "mobilize" the body to deal with anxiety.

But at the same time, other functions of the body are "abandoned", they function worse. First of all, digestion and genitals suffer. Doctors rightly believe common causes stomach ulcers and impotence are precisely stresses.

If stress continues for a long time, endocrine glands“tired” of working “for wear and tear”. There are problems with thyroid gland, ovarian dysfunction, weight gain or loss, negative changes in blood sugar.

Vessels and heart work unevenly. Nervous exhaustion leads to arrhythmia, pressure problems.

In this state, the body becomes "easy prey" for microorganisms that constantly live inside us and in environment, but are activated instantly at the slightest weakening of the immune system. Such people are easily affected by herpes, dysbacteriosis, thrush, exacerbations of sinusitis and throat diseases.

As already mentioned, digestion is easily disturbed. The person suffers from ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.

What are the symptoms of nervous exhaustion?

1) Feeling tired when it does not go away for days, even after a long night's sleep.

2) Sleep disorders.

3) Constant feeling anxiety, a state when "nothing pleases."

4) Arrhythmia, sharp fluctuations blood pressure.

5) Increased irritability.

6) Causeless headaches.

7) Pain, aches all over the body: in the muscles, legs, arms, back, neck.

8) Unexplained fever.

9) Diarrhea.

10) Exacerbation of chronic diseases

Treatment of nervous exhaustion at home

The first thing to do is to eliminate the source of anxiety, to improve sleep. To do this, you can use aromatherapy, massage with mineral oil, long-term, swimming, spa treatments, Ayurvedic nutrition, dietary supplements to strengthen the nervous system. You also need to take medication traditional medicine. For example, here are a few of these recipes.

1. Infusion of the herb astragalus fluffy flower. Recipe: 1-2 more tablespoons of dry herb insist 2 hours in a glass of boiling water and take 3 large spoons before meals four times a day.

2. Infusion of roots and leaves of the initial drug (black). Recipe: leave a large spoon for 2 hours in two cups of boiling water and drink three to four almost full cups of warm liquid with honey before meals several times a day.

3. Valerian root in the form of an infusion or alcohol tincture. Infusion recipe: leave three small spoons of the root for eight hours in a glass of water and drink a large spoonful of honey every three hours, preferably before meals. Tincture recipe: it is better to buy a pharmacy 20% alcohol tincture and take half a teaspoon per third of a glass of warm milk or boiled water before meals.

4. Infusion of herb knotweed (highlander). Recipe: insist one large spoonful of herbs for two hours in two glasses of boiling water and drink with honey four times a day before meals half a glass of warmed infusion.

5. Iodine. Instructions for use: mix one drop of 5% iodine tincture with half a cup warm milk and drink on an empty stomach once a day. This tool contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

People have different nervous systems in terms of resistance to stress, especially children. adolescence. Someone low level emotional sensitivity and a person can easily survive stress. Others can learn to help themselves. It is desirable to be trained by experienced doctors - a psychotherapist and a neuropathologist. Your task is to learn how to turn off the tension of the nervous system when it is not required. life situation and you will avoid repeating problems in the future.