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Vitamin B12 indications for use. Release form and packaging. Useful video about the various causes of vitamin B12 deficiency and what it can lead to

Vitamin B12 is very important for the human body. This compound regulates hematopoiesis, helps the formation of red blood cells, and without it anemia can develop.

Vitamin B12 - description and properties

Vitamin B 12 is a group of substances, more precisely, chemical varieties of one element. The group includes cobamide, hydroxocobalamin, cyanocobalamin. Usually one of these substances, or a combination of them, is contained in the form of a solution in ampoules. The forms of the drug are as follows:

Lyophilisate is considered the most effective, since in diluted form the properties of vitamin B12 are preserved somewhat worse. Ampoules of the drug contain 0.1-1 mg active component, which has vitamin activity. How much the product costs depends on the manufacturer. Usually the price does not exceed 25-40 rubles for 10 ampoules.

The drug has high biological activity and is water soluble.

Vitamin products, regardless of name, have similar effects. First of all, vitamin B12 is indispensable for hematopoiesis - without it, red blood cells cannot mature normally. Other actions of the drug:

After administration into the body, the drug is absorbed from small intestine, is converted to active forms. Excretion is carried out with the participation of the liver and kidneys.

Indications of vitamin in ampoules

The use of the drug is very diverse, because it is involved in many vital processes in the body. A lack of the substance is manifested by pallor, fatigue, increased bleeding (for example, periods may become more abundant).

The main indication for use of vitamin B12 in ampoules is prevention and treatment different types anemia:

The vitamin is indicated even with malignant forms anemia - in complex therapy. The use of the drug has a positive effect on liver function, so indications include hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration organ.

The medicine is prescribed in a course when reduced immunity- as a monotherapy or in combination with immunomodulators.

Other indications concern the nervous system - the medicine helps with inflammation of the nerve roots, neuralgia, phantom pain, cerebral palsy, diabetic neuropathy, paralysis, paresis, multiple sclerosis. It is useful to use the drug for infections, after stress, and when there is a lack of substance in the diet of children and adults.

How to use the product correctly?

The solution can be injected into the body in different ways- subcutaneously, into a vein, into a muscle, and also by oral administration. The method of administration depends on the indications and is determined only by the doctor; it will also be determined by the severity of the pathology (the most complete and rapid absorption is observed with intravenous administration).

To prevent vitamin B12 deficiency, you can take the solution orally or inject it into the muscle at a dose of 1 mg once a month.

Vitamin B12 in cosmetology

For hair, the vitamin can be used externally - in the form of masks.

The easiest way is to drop a few drops of the product directly from the ampoule into shampoo, or even better - into a conditioner or into ready-made store-bought masks. There is another option for preparing a hair mask: mix a tablespoon of honey, one yolk, add a teaspoon of vitamin B12. Apply to hair under film and leave for 30 minutes. Make a mask once a week.

The product is also indicated for the face - to improve skin health, improve tone, and add freshness. The mask is made like this: combine a tablespoon of honey and sour cream with? teaspoon of vitamin. Leave on the skin for 15 minutes, the procedure is carried out once a week.

Drug analogues in ampoules and contraindications

The product is available not only in pure form, but also in combination with other vitamins. In pharmacies you can find the following medications:

A drug Compound Price, rubles
Angiovitis B12, B6, folic acid 280

Vitamin B12 is a fairly important component with which it provides normal functioning person. It accumulates in the body and is used when the need arises. Vitamin B12 consists of elements that are capable of performing certain functions in the body. If its quantity is insufficient, it is replaced with vitamin B12, which is produced in ampoules.

The main component of vitamin B12 is cyanocobalamin. It is characterized by the presence of a metabolic effect on cells, as well as hematopoietic properties. Vitamin B12 is included in pharmacological group. This substance is converted into active forms in the human liver. With the help of cobamamide, red blood cells are renewed, as well as tissue regeneration is stimulated. With the help of vitamin B12, iron absorption is enhanced and optimized.

Vitamin B12 is used for:

  • various stages chronic;
  • Liver failure;
  • Liver cirrhosis;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Down syndrome, etc.

The vitamin is prescribed to children who are diagnosed with cerebral paralysis. It is used to treat radiation injuries neuralgia tissues, etc. Vitamin B12 should be taken if the patient is prescribed drugs for treatment that are characterized by increased toxicity.

In order to increase the degree of digestibility of ascorbic acid, this is also used medicine. It is highly effective in treating various diseases gastrointestinal tract. The vitamin is also used during strict diets and in cosmetology.

Despite the value of the vitamin, its use is prohibited for a certain group of people. If a person has hypersensitivity to the vitamin, taking it is not recommended. If a patient has been diagnosed with acute thromboembolism, then taking the drug is not recommended for him. Vitamin B12 is not used for malignant tumors and predisposition to their development.

In some cases, when taking the vitamin, side effects may occur in the form of allergic reactions and skin rashes.

Some patients complain of the appearance of weakness and headaches. When examining a person, tachycardia may be diagnosed as a result of taking vitamin B12.

Read: Effective tablets for headaches

Despite enough important role vitamin B12 in the human body, its intake should be carried out as carefully as possible. Before using the drug in ampoules, the patient should consult a doctor.

Learn more about vitamin B12 from the video below.

Features of application in cosmetology

Thanks to universal properties Vitamin B12 is widely used in cosmetology. It is used to prepare cosmetic products for the face, hair, skin, etc. If you use vitamin B12 to prepare face masks, you can provide not only support for its tone, but also protection from all kinds of diseases.

Often this remedy used by older women, as it smoothes and tightens pores.

Women claim that the result becomes noticeable after the first use of vitamin B12. The vitamin contains cobalt, which can benefit the epidermis. This makes it possible to get rid of aging and yellowing of the skin.

Vitamin B12 is the main foundation and construction material hair. With its help, their reproduction is significantly improved. This substance is widely used to restore damaged areas, since it has a restorative property.

Vitamin B12 helps eliminate fragility and split marks, as well as improve their reproduction. While using the vitamin, hair grows quickly and continuously.

Vitamin B12 is a storehouse of health for hair and skin and therefore it is widely used in cosmetology. It is used by many manufacturers of cosmetic products. If the need arises, a person can independently prepare a mask or cream at home using vitamin B12 in ampoules.

How to inject vitamin B12 for prevention?

The use of vitamin B12 can be carried out not only for the treatment of certain diseases, but also for their prevention. The drug is very painful and therefore many patients refuse it. But you shouldn't do this. By using vitamin B12 for preventative purposes, you will ensure your health for many years.

Before injecting vitamins for prevention, the patient should consult a doctor. The most commonly prescribed vitamin B12 injection is for preventive purposes once a month.

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Some groups of vitamins are characterized by incompatibility, so their use should be carried out as carefully as possible. It is strictly forbidden to mix vitamins in ampoules in one syringe.

The drug is administered into the gluteal muscle. IN as a last resort The injection site may be the upper thigh. In order to administer vitamin B12, you will need not only it, but also a disposable syringe.

Before carrying out the procedure, a person must wash their hands thoroughly. For this purpose, water and ordinary soap are used. The vitamin B12 ampoule is opened with a special knife or broken off by hand.

The solution is introduced into the syringe as slowly as possible. The syringe is inserted into the ampoule in a closed state. When the needle is immersed in the liquid, the piston of the syringe begins to tighten. After the entire contents of the ampoule are in the syringe, it must be directed upward with the needle and, if there is air in it, released by pressing the piston.

The injection site is wiped with a cotton wool previously soaked in medical alcohol. Next, a needle is inserted into the skin and the liquid from the syringe is slowly injected. After this, the needle is removed from the skin and cotton wool with alcohol is applied to the injection site for several minutes.

Taking vitamin B12 injections for prevention is quite simple. That is why, if the need arises, the user can carry out the procedure independently.

How is anemia treated?

Anemia is a disease characterized by a deficiency of vitamin B12. That is why, when it develops, patients are prescribed vitamin administration in ampoules. The dose of the drug is 100-200 mg.

Administration of the drug for anemia should be carried out every other day. To ensure maximum effective treatment It is necessary to carry out the correct administration of vitamin B12.

The medication should be administered into the buttock. During the period of treatment of anemia, it is strictly forbidden to do this in top part hips. To carry out the procedure you need an ampoule with medication, cotton wool, syringe, medical alcohol.

Read: Instructions for the drug heparin ointment

Before administering vitamin B12, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Next, you need to open the ampoule with the vitamin and prepare a syringe. After the medicine has been drawn into the syringe, it is turned over and air is released as slowly as possible until a drop appears at the end of the needle.

The injection site is wiped with a cotton swab, which is pre-moistened in alcohol. To make the procedure less painful, the patient’s skin is stretched with the fingers of the right hand. Right hand the needle is inserted as quickly as possible. The solution is introduced as slowly as possible. To do this, you need to gently press the syringe plunger. After the needle is removed, cotton wool with alcohol is applied to the injection site.

The principle of introducing the solution is exactly the same as for prevention.

It is strictly forbidden to inject vitamin B12 for the treatment of anemia due to thromboembolism, patient hypersensitivity to the drug, angina pectoris, malignant heart failure. If all the rules for administering the drug are followed, the treatment result will be high.

Below we present to your attention detailed review B12 tablets, reviews about it, we will give prices for the most popular brands, and also give some tips on purchasing. If you just want to buy vitamin B12, follow the link at the top of the page and you will find a large selection, great prices and fast delivery Boxberry.

To appreciate the exceptional importance of vitamin B12 for healthy human life, it is necessary to list the main diseases that develop against the background of a deficiency in the human body of cobalt-containing substances (cobalamins) - this group is called vitamin B12. So, what diseases indicate a lack of cobalt in the biological processes of the body? This is, first of all, anemia (anemia) - a disease that cannot be overcome without vitamin B12. But it was precisely thanks to anemia (to combat it) that this vitamin was discovered, supporting hematopoietic system human and “controlling” the level of concentration of red cells (erythrocytes) in the blood, which, in turn, ensures the proper level of hemoglobin.

When there is not enough vitamin B12, hemoglobin drops and anemia develops. Besides dangerous disease the following signals us about cobalamin deficiency: clinical symptoms such as migraines, depression, nervousness, insomnia, yellowing skin, blurred vision, development of cataracts, shortness of breath, impairment heart rate, hair loss. Even this incomplete list of, to put it mildly, unpleasant symptoms is enough to understand - human body Under no circumstances should you be deficient in vitamin B12.

Names of preparations with vitamin B12

The names of vitamins and supplements containing B12 will not surprise anyone today, but real vegetarians know that these names are mostly in English.

The most popular forms are two:

  • Cyanocobalamin
  • Methylcobalamin

Here is a small table of popular vitamins B12 with translation into Russian.

Doctor's Best, Best Fully Active B12 Best Fully Active B12
Jarrow Formulas Methyl B-12 Methyl B-12
Sublingual Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12)
Pure Advantage B-12 Spray Vitamin B-12
Now Foods Methyl B-12 Methyl B-12
Garden of Life MyKind Organics Organic Vitamin B-12 Spray
Jarrow Formulas Methyl B-12 Methyl B-12 with cherry flavor
Doctor's Best Quick Melt Fully Active B12 Fully active B12
Deva Sublingual Methylcobalamin B12 Sublingual B12
Solgar Sublingual Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12) Sublingual Methylcobalamin 60 pcs.
California Gold Nutrition Vitamin B12 Spray
Natural Factors B12 B12 methylcobalamin

Vegan vitamin B12 tablets produced by Now Foods - time-tested and highly evaluated by experts based on laboratory research, healthy eating practice.

The combination “vegan vitamins” raises a lot of questions; let’s try to figure out what this means. Such vitamins are a product made from ingredients that have exclusively vegetable origin. They do not contain any (active or auxiliary) components made from animal tissue. A non-GMO kosher product that allows vegans and vegetarians to replenish their body's supply of vitamin B12.

Balanced complex drug provides positive influence on the:

  • metabolism in the body;
  • gastrointestinal tract activity;
  • activates normal production of erythrocytes (red blood cells);
  • restoration and normalization of the nervous system;
  • prevention brain disorders, as part of complex therapy for brain diseases;
  • as well as with increased intellectual and mental stress.

Purchasing from trusted sites eliminates the risk of purchasing a fake that is dangerous to health, guarantees close quality control and an adequate cost of the product. The drug tastes good. Doesn't call side effects, the safety of its use has been proven experimentally and clinically.

Vitamin B12 produced by Superior Source (USA) is very popular among supporters healthy image life. This is a B vitamin involved in important vital processes of the body. By interacting with other vitamins and substances, it regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism, helps in the creation of blood cells, promotes normal operation nervous system. If there is a lack of it, an imbalance occurs in the body, which can lead to failure and disease.

American Vitamin B12 tablets produced by Superior Source are popular for a number of reasons:

  • High quality of the drug.
  • Bioavailable formula.
  • High professional level pharmaceutical companies.
  • Control exercised by serious organizations.

Most often this vitamin is used in multivitamin complexes, but is often found in the form of a mono-additive.

Athletes who take this vitamin B12 note improved health, vigor, good mood, rapid and successful recovery from a number of diseases. In practice, there have been cases of restoration of reproductive function in men. Active users of the drug are vegetarians. Vitamin B12 is found in animal products that are not consumed by vegans. The drug compensates for its deficiency in the diet of vegetarians.

Vitamin B12 from Jarrow Formulas is no different from the rest in anything special (except for popularity); it is just as important for the body due to its participation in energy metabolism. Like the rest, it supports brain cells and nerve tissue in working mode, significantly improves sleep. There is only one “but” - this company produces an absolute bestseller - the B-right vitamin complex, which means that they, like no one else, know a lot about the absorption of B-12.

Jarrow Formulas Vitamin B12 tablets are especially recommended for vegetarians. This useful microelement found only in animal cells; plants do not produce it. If you refuse meat and fish, you can fill the need for vitamin B12 with a substance synthesized in the laboratory.

For preventive purposes, the vitamin is recommended for everyone. Even with balanced diet In spring and autumn, when the weather changes, the body intensively uses up vitamin B12 reserves. Therefore, you will need to replenish it by eating large amounts of meat and fish products or special vitamins from Jarrow Formulas. One tablet per day will be enough.

With a lack of vitamin B12 in the body, fatigue, weakness, dizziness appear and mood drops noticeably. Anemia occurs, and the body is no longer able to actively resist various infectious threats and diseases. Severe lack of vitamin B12 leads to damaged DNA, Bone marrow actively produces abnormally large cells instead of red blood cells.

The human body receives B12, like other vitamins, from the outside. True, it is B12, unlike other vitamins, that the body can synthesize, but, unfortunately, not where it is needed for absorption - in the colon. Thus, we are still forced to “extract” cobalamins from food (seafood, offal, meat, herring, mackerel and Swiss cheeses are especially rich in them) and receive them together with medicines. Until recently, preparations containing vitamin B12 were administered exclusively by injection.

But for last decades oral route taking biologically active complexes, including cobalt-containing substances, has confidently gained ground in the body’s fight against vitamin B12 deficiency. Therefore, today vitamin B12 in tablets is as effective as intramuscular injections. To avoid counterfeits, it is important to choose the right place to buy vitamin B12 tablets. The sure-fire, reliable choice in this case is the iHerb website.

There are many indications for the use of vitamin B12 tablets. These are, for example, sleep disturbances, low blood pressure, memory disorders, signs of both female and male infertility, neuralgia, heart and liver problems, a tendency towards diabetes and some other signs that you should replenish your vitamin B12 levels. Below are the most available tablets available on the market.

Manufacturer Name B12, mcg Things Price
Thompson B12 Lozenge 1000 30 ₽120.85
Doctor's Best Fully Active B12 1500 60 ₽305.72
Rexall Sundown High Potency B-12 1000 60 ₽341.00
Solgar Vitamin B12 100 100 ₽381.50
Jarrow Formulas Methyl B-12 500 100 ₽381.50
Mason Vitamins Vitamin B-12 5000 30 ₽389.34
Mason Vitamins Vitamin B-12 1000 100 ₽399.14
Jarrow Formulas Methyl B-12 1000 100 ₽407.63
Nature's Bounty B-12 Sublingual 500 100 ₽416.12
Enzymatic Therapy B12 Infusion 500 30 ₽418.08
Country Life Vitamin B12 500 100 ₽427.88
Life Extension B-12 500 100 ₽428.53
Country Life Vitamin B12 500 100 ₽433.11
Rexall Sundown B-12 High Potency 500 200 ₽442.90
21st Century B-12 2500 110 ₽443.56
Nature Made Gummies B12 500 80 ₽457.93
Life Extension Methylcobalamin 1 mg 60 ₽487.33
Source Naturals B-12 Sublingual 2000 100 ₽493.20

By purchasing vitamin complexes containing B12 on the iHerb website, you will find a convincing variety of oral dosage forms - not only tablets, but also vegetable capsules, lollipops, fluid ounces, lozenges in a variety of flavors - raspberry, cherry, lemon, chewable tablets, organic sprays, sublingual forms that provide maximum absorption.

For vegetarians, special multi-vitamin complexes with B12 are offered - this is an important distinction, since the degree of absorption of vitamins among fans of food of animal origin and among supporters of vegetarianism is not the same. Accordingly, the price of vitamin B12 depends on the purpose of the complex that includes this vitamin, on the number of its other components, on the type dosage form and on the number of doses of the drug in the package.

Remember that you should get recommendations on the use of vitamin B12 from your doctor, since there are many nuances in its use. In particular, an excess of B12 is no better than its deficiency, in terms of danger to the body. In addition, B12 is “capricious” in terms of compatibility with other drugs.

For example, he gets along well with folic acid(there are many options for dietary supplements based on the B12 + B9 complex), but it conflicts with some other vitamins, surprisingly, “their” B-series - B2, B6, as well as vitamin C. The usual daily dose of B12 for an adult - 3-4 mcg, for older people, vegetarians and pregnant women - 4 mcg, for children under 7 years old - 0.4-1 mcg, for children 8-13 years old - 1.5-2 mcg.

Much has already been said about the benefits of B vitamins. Its representatives are of paramount importance. For example, for a woman to have a dazzling appearance, you need to regularly replenish your body with them. They are available and can be purchased at any pharmacy. Vitamins are packaged in ampoules and can be either water or oil based.

The role of vitamin B12 in the body

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) was discovered in 1948. It was isolated from raw liver. For a long time Scientists could not understand why patients who took raw liver in small quantities managed to overcome pernicious anemia.

Since then, vitamin B12 and its effect on the body have been studied quite well; all that remains is to understand that this is an expensive gift from nature that should be used wisely. Vitamin B12 helps avoid the effects of stress; it, with the help of vitamins B5, B9 and C, helps block stress hormones and helps restore nerve cells and participates in the construction of new ones, that is, it is active participant processes of biosynthesis of amino acids and synthesis of DNA and RNA. The substance improves the process of blood clotting and reduces the amount of cholesterol in it.

Vitamin B12 can be obtained from food or supplemented with tablets and injections. Cyanocobalamin is found in animal products, which is why vegetarians tend to suffer from a lack of it in the body. It is not synthesized in plants.

Uses of Vitamin B12

It is much more convenient to use vitamin B12 in ampoules. It is slightly liquid Pink colour. Neuralgia may be an indication for cyanocobalamin injections trigeminal nerve, hepatitis, neurodermatitis, anemia, Down syndrome, as well as migraine, diabetic neuritis, radiation sickness, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy. This vitamin has an effect on reproductive function- both female and male. Has a beneficial effect on the human immune system. If the body of HIV-infected people does not have enough vitamin B12, the disease progresses much faster.

B12 injections should not be prescribed in the presence of erythrocytosis or hypersensitivity to the drug; caution must also be exercised in case of malignant and benign tumors and angina.

How to give vitamin B12 injections correctly

As mentioned above, vitamin B 12 belongs to the group of vitamins. It is widely used traditional medicine, as one of the components used for treatment various diseases or for their prevention. Therefore, if cyanocobalamin is prescribed by a doctor, then this is not subject to discussion, but if someone independently decided to inject vitamin B12 in ampoules, the instructions for use in this case are subject to detailed study.

First of all, you need to know that cyanocobalamin can be used intravenously, subcutaneously, intramuscularly. And the instructions also detail that it cannot be used together with drugs that increase blood clotting; you also cannot mix vitamins B1, B6 and B12 in one syringe; in addition, if the patient has an allergic reaction to vitamin B1, then B12 can significantly strengthen. You cannot combine cyanocobolamin with riboflavin and ascorbic acid, but colchicine, antiepileptic drugs and salicylates can reduce the degree of its absorption by the body. And there are many nuances that only a doctor can know, so only he can fully answer the question of how to inject vitamin B12.

Use of vitamin for various diseases

Vitamin B12 in ampoules, the price of which is quite reasonable - from 17 to 25 rubles, depending on the manufacturer, has a significant effect in the treatment of various diseases. As practice shows, many people inject cyanocobalamin when the following signs of deficiency of this vitamin appear:

Headache and dizziness;

Fatigue and weakness;

Irritability, neuritis and nervousness;

The appearance of ulcers on the tongue and in the mouth;

Paleness of the skin;


Decreased appetite, back pain and sleep disturbances.

This drug is prescribed by doctors when completely certain diseases and for their prevention. For what diseases is B12 prescribed, how to inject it correctly?

The course of prophylaxis can range from 7 to 15 days, with injections from 200 mcg to 500 mcg per day.

Diseases associated with the central and peripheral nervous system:

The first 3 days, 200 mcg daily;

The next 4 days, 300 mcg daily.

If no complications arise within seven days, the course of treatment ends. If complications occur, the dose is increased:

5 days daily 400 mcg;

The next 3 days, 500 mcg daily.

Another quite serious disease that occurs due to a lack of B12 in the body is anemia. Characteristic this ailment - it develops almost asymptomatically and slowly, but, as a rule, it affects nervous system. During treatment, cyanocobalamin is prescribed along with other drugs in a dose of 200 to 300 mcg; if complications arise, it is increased to 500 mcg and administered 1 or 2 times a day. If the patient's condition worsens, the dose can reach up to 1000 mcg. After 10 days it can be reduced, but another 3 months daily norm will be 300 mcg of vitamin. And after the end of treatment, one injection is given every two weeks for six months.

Vitamin B12 overdose

Before injecting vitamin B12 in ampoules, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with the consequences in case of an overdose: if the body has increased sensitivity in this substance, then high dose may cause allergic reaction, which will manifest itself in the form of urticaria (rash on the body and mucous membranes), as well as pain in the heart area, tachycardia, and increased nervousness.

It should be remembered that an excess of cyanocobalamin is very difficult to remove from the body.

Vitamin B12 in hair care

Cyanocobalamin - great helper in hair care. At home, the vitamin can be added to shampoo, thereby making it fortified. It is also added to hair masks. For example, an excellent mask against hair loss is to mix one teaspoon of honey and lemon juice and add one ampoule of vitamin B6 and B12 to the mixture. Apply the mixture to clean hair, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse. Repeat the procedure five times a week.

But, as you know, external application is always inferior in results to internal application. What to do if vitamin B12 cannot be used in the form of injections due to individual characteristics body, but at the same time I want to have beautiful hair? In such cases, it is best to include foods containing cyanocobalamin in sufficient quantities in your diet.

What foods contain vitamin B12

The most vitamin B12 is found in beef or veal liver, but it is in large quantities also contain chicken and pork liver. It is also contained in seafood products, such as crabs and oysters, in fish, egg yolks, meat, hard cheese, in dairy and fermented milk products.

Nowadays, fortified mixtures are offered in large quantities, for example, cereals, muesli in the form of breakfast cereals. In fact, it is unlikely that it will be possible to find the specified amount of vitamins there, because long-term storage helps to reduce it, and the preservatives contained in such products are harmful.

There is another caveat: vitamin B 12 is heat stable, which means it is not destroyed by cooking. But at the same time, direct sunlight has a detrimental effect on it.

Find out about possible complications from vitamin B12 injections. Because vitamin B12 injection contains cyanocobalamin, you should not take this drug if you are allergic to cyanocobalamin or cobalt, or have Leber's disease, which is hereditary form loss of vision. Before your doctor gives you a prescription for vitamin B12 injections, tell him or her about any allergies or conditions you may have. Tell your doctor if you have:

  • Allergy or cold symptoms that include sinus congestion or sneezing.
  • Kidney or liver disease.
  • Iron or folic acid deficiency.
  • Infections of any type.
  • If you are taking any medications or procedures that affect your bone marrow.
  • If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant while taking vitamin B12 injections. Cyanocobalamin can enter breast milk and harm a nursing baby.

Find out what the benefits of vitamin B12 injections can be. If you suffer from anemia or vitamin B12 deficiency, you may need vitamin B12 injections as treatment. Some people have difficulty absorbing vitamin B12 from food or oral vitamin B12 supplements, so they must resort to vitamin B injections. Vegetarians who don't eat any animal products can get help to stay healthy. nutritional supplements containing vitamin B12.

Get a prescription for vitamin B12. Talk to your doctor about how you may benefit from treatment with vitamin B12 injections. If your doctor thinks you need vitamin B12 injections, he will write you a prescription for a specific dosage.

Select the injection site. The best place to inject the drug depends on your age and the practical skills of the person giving the injection. There are four main injection sites:

  • Select the injection method. Although it may seem easy to give an injection using a needle and syringe, there are two injection method, which can be used to introduce vitamin B12:

    • Intramuscular injections. These injections are more common as they typically provide top scores. The needle is inserted at a 90-degree angle so that it penetrates deeply into the muscle tissue. When vitamin B12 is injected through the needle, it is immediately absorbed by the surrounding muscles. Thanks to this, all vitamin B12 is absorbed into the body.
    • Subcutaneous injections. These injections are less common. The needle is inserted at a 45-degree angle directly under the skin, as opposed to deep into the muscles. The skin can be slightly pulled away from muscle tissue to protect the muscle from being punctured by a needle. The best place for this type of injection - shoulder.