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The structure and composition of a chicken egg. All about egg yolk

Egg whites thanks to their amino acid composition are a source of high-quality protein, but egg yolks don't have a very good reputation. First the USDA recommended limiting consumption of whole eggs, and then fitness enthusiasts caught on to the bad trend. Let's finally figure out what benefits of egg yolk and let’s break down several myths associated with it.

Vitamin composition chicken egg
A large chicken egg contains 70 calories, 5 g protein and 5 g fat, 200 mg cholesterol and 0 carbohydrates. The egg white of a chicken egg contains only 20 calories, 5 grams of protein and not a gram of carbohydrates or fat. Thus, it becomes clear that egg yolk avoided due to its cholesterol content. However, they forget that it is the egg yolk that contains vitamins A, D, K, group B, as well as minerals - selenium, iron, zinc and phosphorus.

Draw your own conclusions which is more useful - egg white, yolk or whole chicken egg.

Another sign with more full staff chicken egg per 100 g:

Cholesterol in egg yolk
There is a myth that whole chicken eggs negatively affect blood cholesterol levels. This myth was refuted by researchers at the University of Connecticut. 25 men and 27 women took part in the experiment. All of them were tested for cholesterol in their blood. Half of the subjects ate eggs and received 640 mg of dietary cholesterol daily, while the other half followed an egg-free diet. The study results showed that egg yolks do not raise LDL cholesterol levels, which lead to cardiovascular disease.

Look at the table again, egg yolk contains less than half of general content fat And cholesterol, which until recently was considered harmful, can help exercisers become bigger and stronger. This was proven in the study “Egg Protein as a Source of Power, Strength, and Energy” by Layman, D.K., et al 2009. Some of the experiment participants ate three eggs a day for three months and practiced strength training, and some trained and did not eat eggs. As a result, the increase in strength indicators author Ekaterina Golovina and muscle mass the former exceeded twice the total data of the latter. This is because cholesterol is necessary for the synthesis of testosterone and maintaining the integrity of cell membranes.

To eat or not to eat the yolk?
Of course have. The yolk is the most delicious and healthy part of a chicken egg. By throwing it away, you get even less than 50% of what you could get, because it contains fat soluble vitamins, zinc, folic acid, calcium, iron and vitamin B 12, which, by the way, is involved in the process of fat breakdown.

So, if you are concerned about your health, then do not deprive yourself of egg yolk. If you're gaining weight, then too. The exception is the period of fat burning, when you need to reduce the fat content in food and fit into the KBZHU. In this case, egg yolks can be sacrificed, but not all at once, because eggs are an integral part balanced diet. But keep in mind that this negates all the beneficial properties of egg yolks.

Beneficial features egg yolks are not subject to skeptical assessments and doubts - if only because they have been widely used in cosmetology, home and beyond, for a long time. Yolk masks are known to help maintain youthful skin and healthy hair for a long time. This part of the chicken and quail eggs often included in various ointments, prepared according to folk recipes and intended for the treatment of burns and serious injuries skin. Yolk-based healing mixtures speed up the treatment of pneumonia and some other diseases respiratory system. And the story about the benefits of egg yolks does not end there.

The famous one is based on the high nutritional value of this product. As you know, egg yolk has long been considered one of the most safe species complementary foods for children infancy. True, modern pediatricians are no longer so unanimous in their assessments - many believe that one should not rush to introduce it into the baby’s diet, otherwise it can provoke an allergy. And sometimes adults should be very careful with yolks. There is a point of view according to which the abuse of egg dishes results in an increase in blood cholesterol levels.

The benefits of egg yolk: irrefutable evidence

The group of micro- and macroelements present in the yolk includes potassium, calcium and phosphorus. According to the content of potassium, which is extremely necessary for the prevention of atherosclerosis and normalization blood pressure, the yolks of chicken and quail eggs may well compete. Calcium and phosphorus are primarily needed for healthy bones, teeth and hair.

The vitamin “palette” in the yolks is represented by vitamins A, B (almost the entire group), PP and E. One cannot help but highlight the presence of vitamin D in it, which is deficient in children infancy rickets develops. Uniqueness vitamin complex, contained in each yolk, is manifested in the fact that it simultaneously has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Under its influence, metabolism is activated, protective functions body and muscles are strengthened.

The yolks contain lecithin, an important structural component of cell membranes. The importance of lecithin is very great for the formation and development of nerve cells.

Egg yolk and cholesterol: truth and myths

At the end of the twentieth century wide use received information that, along with egg yolks, a person absorbs impressive doses of bad cholesterol, which is then deposited on the walls blood vessels, impedes blood circulation and causes atherosclerosis, which often ends in stroke. Disputes on this topic continue to this day. However, for example, in the USA, egg yolks have already been “rehabilitated” by doctors: special research has shown that the increase cholesterol levels and in the blood with regular consumption of eggs - just an individual reaction. In fact, thanks to the lecithin found in yolks, the rate of cholesterol accumulation in the body is significantly reduced.

Calorie content of egg yolks

It has become a common belief that the calorie content of yolks can be determined by the intensity of their color: a pale yellow hue is associated with dietary qualities, and a bright and rich one is associated with an excess of calories. In fact, the intensity of the color is determined by the presence of carotenoids in the product - natural “dyes” yellow color, setting the tone for carrots, oranges, pumpkins and many other vegetables and fruits. The yellowness of the eggs indicates an excess of carotenoids in the chicken feed. For example, egg yolks are always bright poultry who receive a lot of fresh greens for food in the summer.

And you shouldn’t bother counting the calories in eggs, including the yolks, since there really are a lot of them. It is not for nothing that people prone to accumulating excess weight and obesity are advised to limit their consumption. IN as a last resort, you can be content with the whites alone, excluding the yolks.

Egg yolk - food product, which is a symbiosis nutrients, vitamins, mineral compounds necessary for the development of a living organism. His chemical composition and color depend on the type of bird (reptile) food.

The yolk supplies lecithin and vitamins A, E, PP, D, K to the human body, normalizes the level of “harmful”, the functioning of the gallbladder, brain, nervous system, has a positive effect on liver cells. Heat-treated product does not cause overload digestive system, It has high degree digestibility (up to 95%).

Interestingly, the proportion of yolk is 27-32%, white - 56-61%. At the same time, 10-12% of the mass falls on the shell through which the chicken breathes. There are more than 7,500 pores concentrated on the egg shell, most of which are located at the blunt end of the product. It is through these holes that eggs hatch carbon dioxide, moisture and oxygen supply.

Beneficial features

A bird's egg is a supplier of vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary to nourish the embryo. At home and farmsteads, the laurels of primacy belong to, and. Each type has its pros and cons.

How smaller size eggs, the higher the cholesterol concentration. Thus, in the yolk of quail this indicator reaches 0.4 mmol/l, in geese – 0.25 mmol/l, in chickens and ducks – 0.11 mmol/l. Poultry eggs increase the body's resistance, prevent bile stagnation, normalize digestion, strengthen bones, improve memory and prevent the occurrence of vitamin deficiency. The goose product has the greatest nutritional value (202 kcal) due to the abundance of fat (13%) in the composition. Second and third places are shared by chicken (162 kcal) and quail (158 kcal) eggs, which is why they are considered dietary and allowed for consumption in the process of losing weight.

The yolk helps strengthen teeth and bones, improves vision, and prevents the appearance of cataracts. Chicken and quail have a balanced mineral composition, maximum digestibility, replenish the deficiency of phosphorus, potassium, iron in the body, which is especially important for people suffering from low hemoglobin and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Regardless of the type, all eggs are strong allergens, so they should not be abused. In addition, salmonellosis bacteria may be present in the raw product. To avoid getting infected infectious disease, the yolk, like the white, is not recommended for consumption fresh. He should be exposed heat treatment.

Despite the variety of choices for the daily diet, only chicken product. The yolk of other bird species is allowed to be consumed, but not on an ongoing basis.

Chemical composition

Egg yolk is a source of vitamin E, which supports the health of the human genital organs. Being, he fights cancer cells by destroying free radicals. Its effectiveness in improving the condition of hair, nails and body coverings has been noted. The yolk is of particular value for pregnant women, as it reduces the likelihood of developmental defects in the fetus.

Currently, there is an opinion that cholesterol concentrated in eggs poses a danger to human health. Indeed, yolks contain saturated fats that are unhealthy for the body. However, they are balanced by valuable polyunsaturated, which normalize lipid metabolism regulate vascular tone, prevent metabolic and cardiovascular disorders, provide the synthesis of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, improve blood microcirculation.

Egg yolk delays the rapid passage of food through the stomach into the intestines. Due to this, the accumulation slows down, little insulin is produced, and less subcutaneous fat is formed.

The weight of one egg depends on the type of bird and is:

  • quail – 10 g;
  • – 25 g;
  • chicken – 50 g;
  • – 60 g;
  • – 75 g;
  • duck – 90 g;
  • goose – 200 g;
  • – 780 g;
  • – 900 g.

The yolk accounts for a third of the egg's mass. The uniqueness of the yellow fraction of the product lies in the content of an active anti-sclerotic agent - lecithin, which nourishes nervous and brain tissue. In addition, the substance is necessary for proper operation biliary tract and liver, regulation of the distribution of adipose tissue.

Chemical composition of raw egg yolk
Name Nutrient content per 100 g of product, mg

100 g of fresh egg yolk contains 322 kcal, 1.094 mg of lutein and zeaxanthin, 0.088 mg of beta-carotene, 0.038 mg of alpha-carotene and 0.033 mg of beta-cryptoxanthin. Natural carotenoids reduce the likelihood of developing cataracts.

Why are fresh eggs harder to separate from their shells? The fact is that their contents adhere much more tightly to the film of the hard shell.

Harmful properties

Despite the high biological value, the product is not recommended to be abused. Safe daily norm equals 2 yolks for women and 4 for men. In this case, they will enrich the body useful components without causing harm to health. If you exceed these indicators, the risk of weight gain and obesity increases.

If 10% of the moisture contained in tissues and organs is lost, a person falls into a coma. With a further increase in this indicator and reaching the 20% mark, irreversible processes occur and the patient dies. If left untreated, salmonellosis causes severe complications: disrupts the functioning of the kidneys, heart muscle, causes vascular collapse, provokes the progression of purulent pathologies such as peritonitis, abscess.

For people with cholelithiasis, yolk is contraindicated because it can cause spasms, colic, and exacerbation of the disease. In addition, eggs should be excluded from the diet of allergy sufferers, since the protein contains aggressive components - ovalbumin and ovomucoid, which are not destroyed even during heat treatment.

It is believed that quail product is safer than chicken product, but this is a myth. Partridge eggs also contain ovomucoid.

Interestingly, allergies to yolk are much less common than to whites, since the yellow fraction allergen is neutralized under the influence of high temperatures.

Eggs in bodybuilding

Professional athletes carefully monitor their diet because they know how important it is to gain desired result proper nutrition. The main goal of athletes is to build muscle mass. To complete the task, you need to adhere to the established training regimen, make up for the deficit useful substances after class, focus on protein food or all kinds of supplements: gainers, proteins. However, adherents healthy eating always insist that the human body absorbs nutrients better with natural products than from chemical cocktails produced synthetically.

Eggs are considered the most affordable source of high-quality, easily digestible protein, which contains essential amino acids necessary for muscle growth. However, is there any benefit from yolk for athletes? Yes. When building muscle mass, it is no less valuable than protein. Firstly, it also contains . Secondly, the yolk improves protein absorption.

What is the correct form to eat eggs in?

The raw product may contain a harmful microorganism, salmonella, so it must be boiled first. In this case, the egg must be soft-boiled (the state when the yolk remains liquid). This way, maximum nutrients are retained and lecithin is not destroyed.

Remember, one chicken yolk contains up to 5 g of fat, so athletes need to stop consuming the product during the drying process.

Methods for separation from protein

Most easy method separation of components raw egg- using a special pear. To do this, just take a plate and carefully break the product. After this, the pear is squeezed, releasing as much air as possible from it, its neck is brought to the yolk, ensuring their contact, and the fingers are slowly unclenched. The device will instantly “suck in” the yellow fraction.

Other ways to separate egg yolk:

  1. Make small holes on both ends of the shell. Place your lips on one of the resulting holes and blow out the protein.
  2. Break the shell down the middle of the egg on one side using a knife, slightly separate the halves, and transfer the yolk from one part to the other over a plate. During these manipulations, most of the protein will pour into the container.
  3. Make a funnel out of paper like for seeds, put it in a glass. Then crack the egg directly into it. Through a small hole in the funnel, the white will flow into the glass, and the yolk will remain in the paper bag.

In the process of separating an egg into its components, it is necessary to remember the fragility of the product. The yolk is in a bag with a thin protective film. Sudden movements or the use of sharp objects can disrupt the integrity of the shell; as a result, the liquid yellow fraction will mix with the protein and then it will no longer be possible to separate it.

Protecting hair health

Egg yolk is a storehouse of useful nutrients that strengthen and restore the structure of strands, stimulate their growth, get rid of dandruff, and prevent hair loss. Masks and shampoos based on it refresh and tone hair, making it elastic, smooth and shiny.

IN for cosmetic purposes use yolk fresh eggs, preferably homemade. It is suitable for nourishing all hair types. However, keep in mind that the product dries quickly in the air, so it will take time to wash it off your hair. In addition, the yolk has a characteristic odor that can be easily removed after rinsing the hair with water.

To achieve lasting noticeable result Hair treatments using yolk are recommended to be carried out at least 2-3 times a week. Shampoo and masks are applied to damp hair with light movements, gently massaging the scalp. Medicinal composition leave for 3 – 15 minutes, then wash off. To return natural strength and shine, rinse the curls with an acidified composition no more than 2 times every 7 days. To do this, add 15 ml to 1000 ml of water. lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Remove excess moisture with a cotton towel and dry naturally. Under no circumstances should you use a hairdryer after the procedure. Hot air can damage your hair, making it dry and brittle.

20 g. The prepared mass is placed on water bath, after the composition becomes warm, it is distributed from the roots to the ends of the hair. The head is insulated with a plastic bag and a terry towel. Unlike previous products, the mask is kept for 1.5 hours, after which it is washed off with warm water.

In addition to hair care, yolk is used in the cosmetics industry to nourish and moisturize dry dermis. In this case, the combination of the yellow fraction of the egg with, which ensures maximum absorption of nutrients and moisturizing of the skin, is considered a win-win option. To tone the combined type of dermis, the yolk is mixed with fruit or vegetable puree.

Those with dry skin should never use formulations with citrus fruits containing aggressive acids, as they intensely tighten pores, cause irritation, and aggravate the existing problem.


Egg yolk is a healthy product that supplies proteins, fats, carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E, B, D, K, PP, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, lecithin in human organism. Has a beneficial effect on vision, prevents growth cancer cells, brings vitality, supports heart function, nourishes nerve cells, improves the condition of skin, nails and hair. The benefits of yolk depend on the amount consumed. Since the product contains cholesterol, it is not recommended to eat more than 2 eggs per day for the fairer sex and 4 for men.

Interestingly, the nutritional quality of the yolk is superior to fresh and fresh meat. Therefore, the product is recommended for daily use to all people who do not have allergies and cholelithiasis. Otherwise positive effect from its use is completely leveled out, develop adverse reactions requiring medical intervention.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

A chicken egg is a healthy and perfectly balanced product by nature, necessary for normal functioning all systems of the human body. are daily product on our table. Eggs consist of yolks and... His average weight 55-60 grams, of which the yolk accounts for about 17 grams, which is about 1/3 of the mass and volume of the egg.

The yolk is located almost in the middle of the egg mass. The yolk of a chicken egg is round, more liquid when raw than the protein. The color and brightness of the yolk depends on the time of year and the diet of laying hens (in summer and autumn, when hens receive fresh grass, the yolk is brighter and richer in color). It is the yolk that contains the necessary environment for the birth of a new life, so various miraculous properties have long been attributed to the yolk.

The calorie content of the yolk of a chicken egg is 352 kcal per 100 grams of the product. Accordingly, the calorie content of 1 yolk will be approximately 60-65 kcal, depending on its weight. It is because of its high calorie content that athletes try to make scrambled eggs from the whites of several eggs + 1 yolk.

The uniqueness lies in the fact that almost all macro- and microelements can be found in its composition periodic table Mendeleev plus the four most important chemical element- , carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, which make up organic matter, i.e. in total more than 50 bioelements (calorizer). This amount of useful substances is understandable, because the egg was created by nature to provide the chicken embryo with everything vital.

The eternal debate is which is healthier, the yolk or not, but the yolk contains many useful substances: vitamins, especially important, as well as an impressive list of minerals: and, and, essential amino acids. Choline () is a precursor of acetylcholine, a substance responsible for the timely transmission of nerve impulses.

Egg yolk contains an active anti-sclerotic agent that nourishes nervous and brain tissue. It is necessary for normal operation liver and biliary tract, allows you to regulate the distribution of adipose tissue, is responsible for the development of the fetus during pregnancy, improves memory.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, the yolk contains various pigments - carotenoids. The most important among them is provitamin A. It has been established that natural carotenoids - and - reduce the risk of developing cataracts in old age. The more carotenoids in the yolk, the more saturated its color will be.

The yolk is a fatty and high-calorie product, but if you adhere to the principles reasonable nutrition and eat no more than 2 eggs a day 2-3 times a week, no negative influences will not affect the body (calorizator). Yolk is a strong allergen and can cause skin itching, inflammation and unpleasant rashes, so the product should be introduced into the diet of babies with caution.

Amino acids in yolk

The yolk of a chicken egg contains such essential amino acids that are found only in the yolk of a chicken egg and nowhere else. So egg yolk contains: polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids), monounsaturated fatty acids (palmitoleic and oleic acids), saturated fatty acids (palmitic, stearic and myristic acids).

Cholesterol in yolk

Products rich saturated fat like egg yolk or vegetable oils, cannot affect the level of cholesterol in the blood and the amount of lipoproteins in general.

When eating eggs, along with the yolks, the level of low-density lipoproteins ( bad cholesterol) will only decrease and not increase, as we are told around, and its overall level in the blood will remain at the same level and will not increase.

For more information about the effect of eggs (yolk) on cholesterol levels in the blood, see the video clip “Do eggs increase cholesterol levels?” TV show "About the most important".

Chicken egg (yolk) in cosmetology

Yolk and Burr oil are the main ingredients of various masks for strengthening and stimulating hair growth, yolks are included in many masks for moisturizing and softening dry skin of the face, neck and hands.

Chicken egg (yolk) in cooking

Raw chicken yolks used as a binding element for the preparation of sauces, mayonnaise, custards, for this, the yolk is added to the minced meat. Yolks are added to the dough for bread, muffins, pancakes, they are used to grease pies and pastries to give the finished products a ruddy and shiny crust. Chicken egg yolks are used to prepare alcoholic cocktails, and raw yolks are added. On the basis of chicken yolks, liqueurs and soft drinks are prepared.

For more information about the effect of eggs (yolk) on cholesterol levels in the blood, watch the video “Elena Malysheva. Beneficial properties of eggs” of the TV show “Live Healthy”, starting at 19 minutes 15 seconds.

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Chicken eggs are perhaps one of the most indispensable products on our table. Many people simply cannot imagine their breakfast without an omelet or scrambled eggs, or simply boiled eggs for a sandwich. And it's easy to explain, because it's not only delicious product, but also very useful. But a detailed chemical analysis of its composition, we invite you to find out right now.

Composition of chicken eggs

Athletes, in particular bodybuilders and people leading active image life, regularly consume chicken eggs. Why? It's all about their chemical composition and calorie content - this is a very nutritious and at the same time healthy product. The weight of one medium-sized egg fluctuates around 35 grams, and 100 grams of the product contains more than 155 kcal. With the help of valuable nutrients, eggs can satisfy the body's energy needs.

Chicken eggs contain 12 vitamins, of which rare groups B, for example, B12, B6, B3, B7, B5, B1, as well as vitamin A and D. They are also very a large number of minerals - calcium, iodine, iron, cobalt and others. Due to its chemical composition and high nutritional value, this product is almost completely absorbed by the body - 97%.

If we talk about a more detailed chemical composition, then it is important to consider the structure of a chicken egg under the shell: white and yolk. These are different components in their properties. In one medium-sized product, a little more than 55% is protein, about 35-36% is yolk and the rest is shell.

Protein composition

Despite the fact that, according to the chemical composition, chicken egg white contains up to 90% water and only a little more than 10% protein itself, it is still very nutritious and healthy. In 1889, a unique discovery was made - scientists deduced clean look protein - ovalbumin. Moreover, egg white contains more than 50% of it. In addition, the protein contains conalbumin or ovotransferrin - a protein with antibacterial properties. Another bacteriolytic enzyme is lysozyme and ovomucoid, an allergic substance.

Complete composition of chicken egg white:

  1. 85% water;
  2. about 13% proteins;
  3. up to 1% (0.7%) carbohydrates;
  4. the rest is glucose, vitamins and other nutrients.

Yolk composition

The yolk is the fatty part of the chemical composition of eggs. It contains about 55 calories, which is twice as much as protein. However, the yolk is not devoid of protein and carbohydrates. If we consider its composition in more detail, then approximately up to 3 grams will be pure proteins, 0.61 grams of carbohydrates and almost 5 grams of fat. It is also important to note that important element like choline - vitamin B4. No other product contains it in such quantity as the yolks of chicken eggs.

But perhaps the most important value of egg yolk is its high content of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. So, it includes:

  • linolenic and linoleic acid- polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • oleic and palmitoleic acids - monounsaturated;
  • stearic, palmitic and myristic acids - saturated.

Shell properties

Egg shells should also not be separated when considering the value of the product as a whole. After all, this is no less useful part of them. For example, everyone known fact that eggshells contain a lot of calcium. It is enough to wash it well, dry it and crush it into powder with a mortar to get the most valuable food supplement. By the way, it can replace pharmaceutical calcium to improve the condition of nails, bones and hair.

Eggshells also contain many other microelements, for example, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and others. In addition, it even contains amino acids. Of course, not the same amount as in the yolk or white, but still. This all makes the shell very valuable and useful product. For example, shell powder can be added to ready meals or drink water separately, like natural spring calcium. Absorbed almost 100%.

What are useful?

A lot has been written about the benefits of eggs. We will not particularly focus on this, since considering the chemical composition of this product, it already becomes clear about its benefits. However, we still note some properties. For example, regular use eggs helps fight depression, improves mood, and increases performance. Scientists have also proven that the product prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and even cancer.

What is the difference between C1 and C2 - let’s look at the markings

Probably all of us, when buying a tray, saw that C1, C2 or C3 was written on the shell. What does this mean? Thus, according to Russian standards, poultry farms mark eggs by expiration date and size (by weight). Let's look at it in more detail.

Letter marking

The letter on the egg means the sell-by date for the product. So, she could be C and D.

  • D - dietary product, which is no more than 7 days from the date of production;
  • C - table product for a period of 7 to 25 days.

Numerical and alphabetic markings by weight

The number or letter on the marking is always placed after the first letter of the sell-by date. This designation allows you to differentiate eggs by weight. For example:

  • B - highest category or eggs weighing 75 grams or more;
  • O - selected, which weigh from 65 to 75 grams;
  • C1 - first category - standard from 55 to 65 grams;
  • C2 - category two - from 45 to 55 grams;
  • C3 - third category - from 35 to 45 grams.

Does shell color matter?

Many buyers believe that the color eggshells affects quality and taste. For example, some people only buy brown eggs. But this actually has nothing to do with taste, much less with the quality of the product. The color of the shell depends on the color and breed of chickens. IN rare cases There may be unusual shades or spots on the shell, which may indicate that dyes were added to the bird’s food.

Can an egg be harmful?

They can! And it is connected, first of all, with the allergen which is a part. Yes, chicken eggs can cause allergies. It is also important to remember that this product is perishable and without compliance necessary standards and hygiene, it may be dangerous infection salmonellosis. Therefore, if you are not sure of the quality of the product, it is better not to eat it raw or with little heat treatment. Experts advise that all store-bought and especially market eggs be subjected to thorough heat treatment.

Some people are sure that fats and carbohydrates in egg yolks can affect their figure. This is partly true, but only if you do not comply with the norm. Or eat eggs with bacon, cutlets and other fatty foods. Supplement the product with vegetables and fresh herbs. The norm is no more than 3-4 eggs per week. This is a sufficient amount to maintain health and well-being.