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You can give your child egg yolk. Lure. Egg yolk

When introducing complementary foods to a baby, young parents often have many questions, and while vegetables and cereals are fairly clear products, allergens such as eggs raise doubts. How much yolk should I give my child? When should you start introducing eggs into your diet? Is it possible to have an allergy after using them? And why are they needed in feeding a baby?

The answers to these questions can be found out from a pediatrician, but even he cannot always fully and competently understand all the nuances.

Why give yolk to a child?

The main allergen in an egg is the white, not the yolk. The yellow part contains mass useful microelements and substances valuable to the body, such as:

  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin D;
  • biotin;
  • carotene;
  • folic acid;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • amino acids.

All these components are very useful for a growing organism: vitamins strengthen the immune system and accelerate the development of the baby, microelements affect correct height teeth and bones, and also “tune” all body systems to correct work. But it should be remembered that the yolk is a rather heavy food. It contains more than 32% fat, while proteins are half as much.

Symptoms of an allergy to yolk

In most children, an egg allergy (if any) lasts until one year of age (up to a maximum of two years), and then goes away. There are very few people who have allergies for life.

You can tell that your baby is allergic to yolk by the following signs:

  1. redness of the skin;
  2. small pimples on the skin;
  3. constipation;
  4. stool disorder;
  5. vomit;
  6. in some cases - an attack of suffocation.

At what age should children be given yolk?

Very often you can hear stories from grandmothers that earlier in the villages an egg was the first complementary food and began to be given at 2-3 months. “Bit by bit, on the tip of a spoon,” say “wise” ladies and mislead young parents.

Remember that any complementary foods should be introduced no earlier than 5-6 months! This is especially true for children who are breastfeeding. For up to six months, a baby’s mother’s milk is sufficient, so you shouldn’t feed him anything else, much less eggs.

You can introduce yolk into the diet no earlier than 7-8 months, and for children with allergies - no earlier than 8-9 months. This is due not only to the high risk of allergies to the product, but also to increased content fat in the yolk. It makes digestion difficult and puts serious strain on the liver. Therefore, if the baby has stomach problems, then egg feeding can be delayed for up to a year.

Protein can be introduced during the baby's second year of life.

Which eggs are better - chicken or quail?

Doctors recommend starting the introduction of complementary foods with quail eggs. This is explained by the fact that the content of allergens in them is lower than in chicken. In addition, a small quail yolk contains more useful substances than a chicken yolk, but it has almost no cholesterol.

However, you can also feed your child chicken yolks - provided that there is no allergy to them and the baby feels good after such a breakfast.

How to choose eggs for baby feeding?

When choosing eggs for the little ones, you should be guided by the following rules.

  1. Buy only the freshest eggs.
  2. Choose products from a familiar or well-known manufacturer.
  3. Do not try to save money and purchase goods at a discount or promotion, or in a low-price store.
  4. Leave cracked eggs on the shelf.
  5. If you want to feed your baby eggs from your own chickens, make sure that the birds are not sick.
  6. Before boiling the egg, immerse it in cold water. If it drowns, then you can cook it and offer it to the baby. If it surfaces, throw away such a product without regret - it is not known how long it has already lain on the shelf in the refrigerator.
  7. Before boiling, the egg must be washed well. It is also advisable to wipe it with soda.

How to introduce yolk to a child?

You need to boil an egg for a baby for at least 10-15 minutes. Soft-boiled eggs, much less “in a bag,” are not suitable for a child. The yolk should be well cooked and there should be no raw parts left in it.

When the egg is cooked, carefully separate the yolk from the white. Remember that not a crumb of protein should end up on your baby’s plate, as this may well cause allergies and redness of his skin.

Remember that the next day (if you want to feed the baby the yolk for two days in a row), you need to boil a new egg, and not feed it with yesterday’s egg.

It is also worth considering that the yolk can contribute to constipation, so you need to be very careful with this product.

The yolk is high in calories and fatty product. It is quite difficult to absorb and digest by the body. In addition, eggs are considered one of the strongest allergens. This is why you should not give your baby too much yolk. At the beginning of complementary feeding, it is better to limit it to once a week; later, you can increase the days of eating yolk to 2-3 times a week.

For the first time, you can give your child no more than 1/5 teaspoon of yolk crumbs (or 1/3 of quail yolk). If the baby took it well New Product, he does not develop rashes, redness or other signs of allergies, then soon (after about 7-10 days) the portion can be increased to 1/4 teaspoon. But don't rush. A whole yolk can be given when the baby is about a year old.

The yolk should be given in the morning before the first feeding. This will allow you to observe your child’s reaction to a new product throughout the day. If the baby develops redness, rashes or blisters on the skin (i.e. allergies), then the introduction of egg feeding should be postponed until the baby is one to one and a half years old.

Eggs are a healthy product, rich in microelements and vitamins, so if you want to see your baby healthy and strong, you should definitely include them in his diet. This should be done carefully, not forgetting that there are allergies to eggs.

However, as practice shows, most babies calmly accept a new dish without showing signs of allergies. If your child is very sensitive, then it is better to start complementary feeding with quail eggs - they are not only healthier than chicken eggs, but also do not cause allergic reactions.

Mothers often discuss what can be introduced into complementary foods for their infants, in what quantities and in what form. Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky believes that the main thing in complementary feeding is not to rush, not to fuss, and not to listen to your grandmother who says that at 2 months you need a yolk. By the way, it hides great benefits, but there are several opinions on how to introduce yolk into complementary foods and when is the best time to start giving it to your child. We decided to figure out which position is the most correct.

Yolk for babies - benefit or harm? This is a question many mothers ask when it comes time to switch their baby from breast milk to extra food and introduce complementary foods into the diet. Eggs are affordable product, storing in itself a large number of valuable substances. But if they are so good for adults, will they be just as easily accepted by a child’s body? It is very important to know from how many months you can give your baby egg yolk, so as not to face the consequences.

Is it worth it?

Before deciding whether you should give yolk to your baby, we want to talk about the benefits it contains: this explains why you should offer this product to your baby. Often mothers are in no hurry to introduce eggs into their baby's complementary foods for fear of causing an allergy. But these fears occur more often around the white; the yolk, in turn, is much less dangerous. But I am ready to offer a lot of its useful properties:

  • Chicken yolk contains many microelements that honestly perform more than one important function: guarantee a healthy metabolism, have a beneficial effect on the development of bone tissue and teeth of the child.
  • Lecithin is responsible for strengthening the walls of cell membranes. In addition, this component is important for the baby’s psychomotor development and speech development.
  • The amount of vitamins is quite impressive. Judge for yourself: these are vitamins A, D, PP, E and group B. Each performs its own functions that are vital for child's body.
  • Iodine gives your baby energy, helps absorb other vitamins, and promotes development and growth.
  • Phosphorus is known for its positive influence for the nursery skeletal system, and also relieves irritation and drowsiness.
  • B vitamins have a great effect on the nervous system.
  • Choline promotes excellent memory and brain function, calms the nervous system, reduces the level of bad cholesterol, takes an important part in fat metabolism.

Such benefits justify the introduction of yolk into the diet of a little gourmet. The question of whether a baby needs a product is far from new. But controversy on this topic still does not subside.

Not the best side

The yolk, alas, has not only beneficial properties, otherwise he simply would not have opponents early complementary feeding. Pediatricians with a clear “against” position adhere to the following arguments:

  • Chicken yolk is contraindicated for infants who have been diagnosed with bile duct problems.
  • It boasts its high calorie content, and this is not always good for young children. At frequent use product such a property can harm a child with overweight bodies.
  • Raw yolks are poorly digestible by a child's stomach and can even cause infection.
  • Allergies are a phenomenon that any baby is at risk of experiencing. The danger lies in the fact that symptoms appear only the next day.

Otherwise, this food does not pose any serious harm to infants. We told you why yolk is useful and why it should be included in complementary foods.

It is also an interesting fact that the yolk is one of the ten most healthy foods. And if you know at what month you should start introducing it into complementary foods and how often to give it to your baby, then the food will only bring benefits.

When the time comes

On the question of at what age can a baby be offered yolk, the opinions of different generations differ. You can often hear from grandmothers that a 2-3 month old baby already needs yolk. Wise women believe that it can be introduced in such a way early age just a little bit, on the tip of a spoon.

But more experienced specialists they claim that a newborn cannot boast of strong digestion and is not yet able to digest such heavy protein food. A large amount of fat in the composition is a strong burden on the baby’s liver. Don’t forget about the product’s ability to provoke allergies, which is especially dangerous in infancy.

  • Almost all doctors, when asked how many months a baby is ready for complementary feeding, say 5-6 months. But each parent determines the exact time when to give their baby artificial food for the first time, individually. This process usually begins with vegetable purees and juices. Only after mastering such simple food will the child be ready for new gastronomic acquaintances. Often the age when you can give yolk to a baby is 7-8 months.
  • If you decide that the product can be introduced to a baby for the first time at the age of 7-8 months, but he is allergic to this proposal, then we advise you to postpone this complementary feeding for another couple of months.
  • It also happens that the baby does not agree with the usual numbers when the child can be given yolk, and simply refuses new food. In this situation, you shouldn’t force him: if he doesn’t want to, then the time for the yolk will come a little later.

In general, the age when to introduce the yolk into children's menu, directly depends on the health of the baby and its tolerance to other foods. If there are no problems, then everything should go well with the yolk.

Up to a year, the baby is able to perceive only the yolk; it is better to postpone the protein sample for later.

The right approach

It will be equally important to find out how to give the baby yolk, and in what form it can be prepared for feeding the baby.

  • Children are given only hard-boiled yolks. Chicken eggs are cooked for about 20 minutes, while quail eggs are cooked for 5 minutes after boiling. After cooking, clean the product and separate it from the protein that is no longer needed.
  • Acceptable quantity of the introduced yolk for the first test - on the tip of a teaspoon, literally a few grams. You can even dilute the new food with something familiar to your baby. breast milk. On the day of introduction, the child should be given only one the new kind food.
  • Allergies may not manifest themselves immediately after eating unfamiliar food, so be vigilant over the next few days. If there is no reaction, then next time you can offer the baby ¼ chicken yolk and 1/3 quail.
  • Another important point in the question of how to give yolk to a child under one year old, the question is how many times a week this is permissible. At first, it is better to limit complementary feeding to one time, and only when the baby finally gets used to the food, you can increase the amount to 2-3 times a week.

When looking for what to give the yolk with, it makes sense to pay attention to mashed potatoes, if the child tolerates it well and loves it.

How to give to a baby: video

Chicken or quail?

Doctors advise choosing a quail egg to introduce a baby’s first complementary foods, because possible risk allergies are reduced to a minimum.

Although they are much smaller than their counterparts, they have almost twice as much benefit, and, on the contrary, much less bad cholesterol. Quail eggs are rightfully considered necessary for full growth (both mental and physical) and development of the child’s body.

Mom as the main expert

Without a doubt, only fresh and high-quality products are suitable for feeding a child. A few simple techniques will help you identify the best specimen:

  • To check the freshness of an egg, place it in water about 10 cm deep. It will remain fresh at the bottom: you can be sure of this product.
  • Leave the option with a cracked shell for other purposes.
  • Before cooking, do not forget to wash it; it would also be useful to wipe it with soda.
  • Products on sale or from unknown manufacturers are definitely not suitable for children's menus.

If you use eggs from domestic chickens to feed yolks, you must be sure of their health.

Many parents doubt whether it is worth introducing yolk into complementary foods for their infants. We, in turn, are confident that the benefits of the product are worth it. And if you are afraid of allergies, then gradual and measured complementary feeding should give you confidence that the child will accept the new food well.

It may be early or late, but all mothers are faced with a situation when it’s time to start feeding their baby. Time passes, the child grows every day, and his body requires new foods, vitamins and microelements. Along with the introduction of complementary foods, a number of questions arise about when and what you can start giving your baby. The question of how to introduce yolk into a baby’s diet, how healthy and safe it is, is especially pressing. Therefore, today we will talk about the benefits of egg yolk, who should delay introducing it, and at what months you can start giving the yolk to your baby.

Benefits of egg yolk

The yolk contains a number of substances that are not only useful for each of us, but also vital for the normal development of the baby. It contains:

  1. Fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on vision and memory. They cannot be produced by our body, so we must obtain them from outside.
  2. Lecithin, which increases the resistance of cell membrane walls.
  3. Microelements – phosphorus, calcium, potassium. They not only promote normal metabolism, but also ensure the formation of bone tissue and improve the baby’s teeth.
  4. Vitamins, including not only the B complex of vitamins, but also vitamins A, D, E and PP.

However, all these advantages can be considered as such only if you introduce complementary foods according to all the rules and in due dates. Otherwise, you can put a strain on your baby’s liver, because egg yolk is one of the heaviest foods for a child’s body.

When can you start giving yolk to your baby?

More recently, doctors allowed complementary feeding to be introduced to a child as early as three months, and sometimes they even recommended giving the baby the yolk first. But that's all behind us now. Today and moved to more late date, and they were allowed to try the yolk only from 7 months. It is at this age that the intestinal microflora is already approaching the fully formed stage, and the baby’s stomach can cope with heavy food. Just remember that egg yolk is an allergen, and if your baby suffers from allergies, then it is best to postpone familiarization with this product for at least a couple of months.

It is also worth understanding that not all children will happily eat an egg; many babies outright refuse the yolk. So don’t insist, try this dish a little later, in a couple of weeks. Ideally, the yolk should be introduced into complementary foods before the age of one year. But this is only if the baby is healthy and likes it this product.

How to give yolk

If everything is clear with the question of when you can give egg yolk to a baby, then with the question of how to give it to your baby, everything is not so clear. We can definitely say that children under one year of age can be given egg yolk only in boiled form, and without white. There is also a norm heat treatment: egg should be cooked for at least 20 minutes, and quail - at least 5 minutes.

Like many other products, the yolk should be introduced gradually. First, give your child a few grams of yolk and watch his reaction. If your baby doesn't develop a rash or a tummy ache within a few hours, you can offer him a little more yolk the next day. When the baby turns one year old, he will be able to eat half a chicken yolk or a whole quail yolk.

In order for the baby to like the yolk more, it should not be given in dry form. It is better to resort to small tricks and present the yolk to the baby as follows:

  1. Dilute the grated yolk with milk (breast milk is possible).
  2. Add the adapted mixture to it.
  3. You can offer the yolk to the baby along with mashed potatoes.

After the baby gets used to this product, you can give it already at pure form. Just don’t forget that salt is not the healthiest product, so you shouldn’t add salt to the yolk.

The child should only eat fresh food. You can check the egg for freshness as follows: put the egg in cold water, if it sinks, then the egg is fresh; if the egg is half in water, then it is about a week old; if it floats to the surface, then the egg is lost and should be thrown away immediately.

It is also worth remembering that homemade eggs are very fatty and high in calories. Therefore, it is better to purchase eggs for the first complementary feeding from a proven poultry farm, which carries out quality control.

Yolk and allergies

Unfortunately, an allergic reaction to yolk occurs quite often. And it’s all because of animal protein. However, as nutritionists assure, they have the least allergic effect. quail eggs, which are increasingly recommended to be given to children.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to understand a little more about how and when an allergy to yolk manifests itself.

Usually, an allergic reaction cannot be seen immediately after eating the yolk, but only on the second day. Therefore, it is best to give your baby this product only after you are sure that the previous portion did not cause harm. Doctors advise introducing yolk into the child’s diet gradually, and giving it no more than 3 times a week.

You can see an allergic reaction like this:

  1. The child's facial skin began to peel off.
  2. Skin color has changed.
  3. Swelling appeared in the mouth area.
  4. The structure of the child's stool has changed.

If you see at least one of the above symptoms in your baby, postpone getting to know the egg for several weeks or even months.

If you still decide to give a quail yolk to your baby, then know that, despite the small size of the egg, it contains much more useful substances than a chicken egg. The only thing is, don’t give your child eggs fatty foods. In this way, you will greatly overload the baby’s liver and he may develop serious problems with health.

Eggs are a very healthy product, rich in microelements and vitamins. Therefore, children from 7 months must eat them. Just try to follow all the rules for introducing yolk into your child’s diet, monitor the quality of the product and the baby’s reaction.

A frequent question that mothers ask is at what age can a child be given yolk. When the baby turns 7 months old, a yolk must be added to his expanding diet. This product contains a large amount of iron, which is essential for the growth of a child's body. Yolk for infants is recommended much earlier than egg white, which may cause an allergic reaction. So, how do you give yolk to your baby, and why is it so important?

In addition to iron, there are a number of substances important for the human body:

  • Choline. This is a B vitamin that promotes cell preservation, protects against apoptosis and regulates metabolism. Helps to properly form the nervous system, affects thinking and memory.
  • Lecithin is a transporter of vitamins, minerals and medicinal substances. Forms proper functioning of the brain.
  • Niacin improves cardiac function and blood circulation in the bloodstream. Also helps lipids be converted into energy.
  • Retinol is one of the strongest low-molecular antioxidants. Helps shape bone tissue and improves hair growth. Strengthens the immune system.
  • Vitamin K regulates blood clotting properties.
  • B vitamins help restore vision and synthesize hemoglobin. Significantly improve skin color, increase regeneration and improve performance nervous system.
  • Tocopherol is a beauty vitamin that enhances skin regeneration and improves blood quality.
  • In addition to vitamins, the yolk contains a large number of macro- and microelements: iodine, iron, phosphorus, potassium.

If you were unable to introduce the yolk into your diet the first time, be sure to try it later.

Quail eggs

In terms of benefits, quail eggs are almost identical to chicken eggs. However, they have a number of advantages:

  • less allergenic;
  • despite small size, they contain the same amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements.

In addition to these wonderful qualities, they help the body grow properly and have a positive effect on brain and physical processes.

At what age should you give yolk?

Grandmothers advise introducing yolk into complementary foods for a child from 2-3 months of age, but pediatricians do not always agree with this. It is necessary to take into account several criteria why it is better not to give this product at an early age.

  • At such a young age, the baby still has enough mother's milk, and him gastrointestinal tract has not yet had time to fully form for the intake of such heavy protein food.
  • It is worth remembering that eggs are allergenic product, and it’s still not worth introducing them from 2-3 months of age.
  • An egg contains about 25% lipids, which can greatly affect the baby's liver.

According to all the rules, you can give yolk from 5-6 months of age. To begin with, it is better to start with cereals, fruit and vegetable purees and juices. As soon as the baby gets used to the new food, then you can introduce him to another. At 7-8 months you can start feeding the yolk without fear. Protein is introduced when the baby reaches one year.

How to give yolk

The first thing you should pay attention to is the freshness of the product. If the eggs are store-bought and not homemade, then they must be checked for freshness. To do this, fill a pan with cold water and put an egg in it. If it sinks to the bottom, then the egg is fresh, but if it remains on the surface, then it is clearly more than a week old.

A fresh egg must be washed thoroughly and cooked for about 10-12 minutes. If you decide to give quail, then you need to cook them for the same amount of time as chicken. After cooking, immerse in cold water for a few minutes, and then peel and separate the yolk from the white.

Don't give the yolk small child at too early an age and in large quantities.

How to introduce eggs into complementary foods? The child should be given the yolk at lunch time so that there is an opportunity to observe the reaction to the innovation. The first time you need to give 1/15 of the yolk, and if quail - then 1/8 of the yolk. On the same day, do not introduce anything new into complementary foods so that the baby can easily get used to it. The yolk can be diluted with porridge, puree, juice or breast milk.

Frequency of reception

Almost all children love to eat eggs. However, this product is best consumed several times a week because it is a heavy food. If after taking the yolk infant is capricious, redness has appeared or the stool has become more liquid, then it is better not to give egg yolk to the baby for the next month, and then slowly start trying again.


Despite the very small amount, an egg can deliver many useful substances to the body. Even this dose will add strength and health to your child. See for yourself.

Allergic reaction

Allergies caused by eggs are quite common. The whole problem is animal protein.

Usually an allergic reaction can appear the very next day, so the second feeding should be after 3-4 days. If no reaction occurs, then continue to give, but slightly increasing the amount: quail - 1/4 parts, and chicken - up to 1/5. It is better not to increase the portion during the week. If the child likes it or not allergic reaction, then you can give half a quail yolk or 1/3 chicken. Until the newborn is one year old, it is better not to increase the amount.

Eggs are included in the list the healthiest products. That is why their use is mandatory. Proper introduction into the diet will help enrich the child with all vitamins, macro- and microelements, and amino acids.


  • It is best for small children to consume yolk from 6-7 months of age.
  • If redness, diarrhea, or an allergic reaction occurs, use of the product should be stopped for a while.
  • Quail eggs are identical in health to chicken eggs.
  • Do not give your child too much yolk at once.
  • Be sure to check the product for freshness.

After six months, subject to the normal acceptance of all types of earlier complementary foods, you can start giving the child egg yolk. Against the background of increasing physiological iron deficiency and active growth body, the yolk for infants becomes one of the most important products nutrition.

Considering the high levels of allergenicity of the component, you need to know when exactly specific complementary foods can be introduced into the diet, in what form it should be served, and what to watch out for. There are several reasons why this particular part of the egg is used as complementary food. The product has a higher calorie content and contains a lot useful components, still causes allergies relatively less frequently, and takes an active part in the prevention of rickets.

The benefits and potential harm of yolk for a baby

If we talk about the harm of the yolk, then it only comes down to a high risk of developing allergies and the baby, but it can be reduced, you just need to introduce complementary foods according to the rules. Even cholesterol, of which there is quite a lot in the composition of the substance, is absolutely not dangerous, provided that the dosages are observed. On the contrary, it helps strengthen the immune system and takes part in the synthesis of sex hormones.

In addition, egg yolk is indicated for infants for the following reasons:

  • The food component contains an impressive amount of choline. It normalizes metabolic processes, helps improve memory and optimal development of the nervous system, protects cells from destruction under the influence of negative factors.
  • Lecithin is included in the structure of the liver, promotes the development of intelligence and the formation of cell colonies at all levels, takes part in the transport of vitamins, medicines and nutrients to tissues.
  • If you regularly give your baby yolk, you can provide the growing body with niacin. This substance is involved in the conversion of fat cells into energy, stimulates the work of the heart muscle, and normalizes blood flow.

Advice: It happens that pediatricians recommend starting to give yolk to a child as early as 4 months, explaining this by the low quality of the baby’s nutrition or a poor reaction to adapted formulas. This can only be justified if there is appropriate evidence. If the baby is already developing normally, it is better to wait until the traditional 6-8 months.

  • Specific complementary foods are rich in vitamin A - powerful antioxidant, which strengthens the immune system and takes part in the formation of bone tissue.
  • B vitamins are active participants hemoglobin synthesis, metabolic processes, energy production. They improve the functioning of the nervous system and have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Without vitamin K it is impossible normal indicators blood clotting.
  • Vitamin E, which is known to everyone as the “beauty vitamin,” also cleanses the body of toxins, waste and free radicals. It increases the resistance of tissues and organs to wear and accelerates regeneration processes.

You can count on all of the listed positive properties of the product only if you take a responsible approach to its introduction into the diet.

Important points for parents to remember

All parents understand that when it comes to introducing yolk into complementary foods, we're talking about not about omelettes or scrambled eggs, but only about hard-boiled product. But even such a simple question has its own nuances and rules that must be followed strictly:

  • Contrary to popular belief, there is not much difference in what kind of yolks you give your child - chicken or quail. The main thing is that they are fresh. If adults can eat eggs that are already 3-4 weeks old without harm to health, then babies can only be given those foods that are not yet a week old.
  • Only fully cooked eggs can be introduced into your baby's food. Chicken should be boiled for up to 13 minutes, quail - up to 5 minutes. Don’t worry that with this approach everything will be destroyed. useful material, all product indicators will remain at the desired level, but the risk of allergies will be significantly reduced.
  • Before boiling eggs, they must be thoroughly washed in warm water with soap, even if they have just been taken out from under the chicken.
  • When feeding your baby for the first time, you can give no more than a fifth of a chicken yolk or a quarter of a quail yolk. If before next day Negative consequences will not appear, the serving volume can be doubled. Further, the increase will take place gradually. When the baby turns one year old, he should receive complementary foods in the amount of half a chicken yolk or a whole quail yolk.
  • Up to a year old, infants should be given yolk every other day, after which it can be included in the daily menu.

To facilitate the process of consuming and assimilating the product, it should initially be diluted with breast milk or formula. After some time, the child can be given it as part of vegetable puree or porridge. This complementary food can be given to babies at any feeding time, but it is better in the morning or evening.

In front of everyone positive properties It is better to administer the product after preliminary consultation with a specialist who has a complete understanding of the baby’s condition and physiological characteristics its development. It is strictly not recommended to add salt to the yolk of a child in the first months after its introduction into the diet. Most babies already love the taste of the product, and an excessive amount of salt can negatively affect the condition of the baby.