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The modern model of healthy eating looks like a pyramid. Focusing on it, you can make a balanced diet for every day. What should be the diet of adults

Proper nutrition is the key to your health and longevity. At the same time, to convince relatives and friends that counting the calorie content and the amount of food consumed is not such a simple matter. After all, for this you need to adjust the daily diet. A table will make this task easier. Daily human should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Today we will learn how to correctly calculate your rate, taking into account lifestyle and metabolic characteristics.

What are calories

This is a basic concept that needs to be mastered. Calories are not harmful particles that settle on your thighs and stomach. This is the energy needed every day. The body receives it from food, and then spends it on maintaining the performance of all systems, as well as on daily work.

Energy is needed for everything. For mental work and breathing, for the heartbeat and any movements. That is, not only in order to pull weights in the gym. Each product has a specific chemical composition. At the same time, the main substances are the same, just in different proportions. To be able to accurately determine the amount of consumed substances, you need a table. Daily person should be full and varied. You need to include as much as possible. useful products, and as little "ballast" as possible, that is, sweets and refined foods.

Why count them?

At first glance, it's boring - putting each piece on the scales, keeping records. But accuracy to the gram is not required at all. In addition, in a few days you will remember how much this or that portion of food weighs, and you can measure it by eye. And then we need a table. Daily ration human nutrition must necessarily include a variety of products, so that as a result you get all the necessary substances, but at the same time do not go over the calories.

If you do not have a pre-written meal plan, then there is a very high chance of exceeding the daily intake of BJU. And usually the situation is as follows. The necessary substances, in particular protein, are sorely lacking. But fast carbohydrates are obtained in excess. As a result, a person gains weight.

To avoid this, you need to make a clear nutrition plan for a month, a week and a day. After that, you need to calculate the nutritional value, comparing with the table. The daily diet of a person should be compiled taking into account the division of calories into "harmful" and "useful".

Difference from diet

At first glance, absolutely none. Both here and there there is a restriction of the diet. But the principles are different in both cases. All diets have one big drawback - this is a limited set of products. As a result, the body suffers from a lack of certain nutrients. Even if you managed to endure a very strict diet and achieved good results, then he eating habits still didn't give up. As a result, they will spoil your harmony.

The daily diet of a person must be carefully measured, while counting energy value and the amount of food consumed should not be a temporary diet, but a new way of life. Then the result will be stable and long-term.

Your landmarks

If you decide to switch to proper nutrition and start to understand what you eat, then you must definitely study the energy value of certain groups of goods. You don't have to learn them by heart. You can just refer to the table. The daily diet is calculated individually.

It all starts with the fact that you need to start a diary and break it into three columns. In the first, write down all the foods that were eaten and their energy value. The second is physical activity. And in the third, you need to fix changes in weight. By analyzing the data obtained for the week, month, year, you can adjust the diet and achieve the ideal result for you.

Each person needs a different amount of calories per day. This is due to its age and gender characteristics, level of physical activity, metabolism. For example, if a woman does not move much, then it is enough for her to consume 2200 kcal per day. And a man, with a similar lifestyle, needs 2800 kcal.

If you want to lose weight

The only possibility is to reduce the calorie content of the diet. There is no other option. If you go to the gym and continue to eat above your norm, then muscles will grow under the layer of fat. Yes, and fat reserves often only increase, because a person calmly allows himself an extra bar, because he attends training, so he deserves it.

Therefore, it returns to our kcal table. With its help, the daily diet of a person can be calculated to the smallest piece. For weight loss, the calculations are as follows:

  • If a woman does not play sports, then for weight loss it will be necessary to reduce the diet to 1000-1200 kcal per day. Men need about 600 kcal more of these numbers.
  • For those who play sports, you need more energy. A woman is recommended 2000, and men 2700 calories per day.

Some subtleties

To reduce body weight, you need to learn how to control the consumption of high-calorie foods. The table will become a faithful assistant when calculating products for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But there are some other points to consider:

  • The calorie content of water is not taken into account, since it is zero. This applies to water, tea and coffee. But if you add sugar, milk, honey, then they also need to take a place in your menu. More precisely, they should fit into the norm of consumed calories.
  • If the menu includes complex, multi-component dishes, then to calculate the final figure, you will need to add the calorie content of all its components.
  • When frying foods, you need to add the “weight” of oil to the calorie content of the product. It is recommended to use Teflon pans, which can only be lightly greased.

We calculate the individual norm

How many calories a day you are supposed to, you can calculate quite accurately. To do this, you need to multiply the value of your weight in kg by 24. This will be the calorie consumption rate for the body at rest. After that, it is disassembled as follows: 20% are fats, 40% are carbohydrates and 40% are proteins.

  • 1.2 - for people who have a large excess weight and lead not at all active image life;
  • 1.4 - for people who go in for sports 2-3 times a week;
  • 1.5 - if you are engaged in physical labor every day;
  • 1.6 - for office workers.

Now let's look at a sample menu. The daily diet can and should be changed so that the dishes do not bother, but the principle remains the same. In this case, we will try to keep within the minimum 1200 kcal.

sample menu

The diet will not make you hungry. This can be seen only by looking at the proposed menu.

  • For breakfast, prepare yourself 200 g of vegetable salad (cabbage, lettuce, carrots, greens), season them with a teaspoon of vegetable oil and add 50 g chicken meat.
  • Snack - a glass of jelly.
  • Lunch - 150 g of bean soup and vegetable roast with pork, 100 g of potato biscuits.
  • Snack - tea or kvass and a couple of breads.
  • Dinner - 100 g of buckwheat and boiled chicken. Apple tea.
  • Fat-free kefir before bed.

A fairly tolerable and varied daily diet should be compiled individually, preferably under the guidance of a nutritionist. If you feel weakness or deterioration, then you should immediately seek advice and reconsider the diet.

On average, a person needs every day: men - 2,700 and women - 2,100 kcal per day. Critical limit 2000 kcal. It is believed that a person consumes an amount of food per month equal to his body weight.

Every day a person needs - approximately 1 kg of dry matter, incl. 750 g vegetable and 250 animal. According to experts, during a lifetime a person consumes on average 10,000 liters of water, 7,000 kg of bread, 5,000 kg of potatoes, 2,000 kg of meat, 4,000 kg of fish, 1,000 kg of fat, 500 kg of salt. At the same time, approximately 80 basic chemical elements are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

The generally accepted rate of protein intake for a person is 100 g per day, and the world average is only 71.9 g, in particular vegetable - 46.1 g and animal - 24.8 g. A significant part of the population of Africa, South America and East Asia consume every day only 25-30 g of vegetable protein. Moreover, the annual protein deficit is 29%, or 15 million tons (Table 7).

In the structure of human nutrition in most countries, vegetable proteins predominate over animal proteins. In Japan, this ratio is 78.3 and 21.7; in Ukraine -

72.3 and 277; USA - 67.1 and 32.9; Great Britain - 67.6 and 32.4; Germany - 65.3 and 34.7; France - 60 and 40; Canada -

68.3 and 31.6; China - 87.3 and 12.7; Italy - 74.6 and 25.4.

In most countries, energy derived from protein accounts for approximately 11% of the population's diet (from 6% in tropical countries where the diet consists mainly of plant foods, to 30% in countries where the diet includes both herbal products as well as meat, milk, eggs, fish).

7. Energy consumption of plant-based diets PER capita, kcal/day (FAO, 2S04)


The amount of energy per land population


Worldwide, average

North America

South America

Oceania and Australia

The reason for many of our diseases is the quality of food, which is deteriorating. Urgent measures are needed to improve the quality of crop production.

The daily consumption of vegetable and animal protein per capita over the past 30 years has increased from 62.6 to 70.8 g, or by 13.1%, in particular vegetable protein by 8.2%, animal protein by 23.1%. This is approximately 70% of the scientifically based norm; in Europe and North America it is almost close to normal, in Africa and Asia it is 57-64%, in South America - 67.3% of the norm.

According to scientists, a person needs 100-160 g of protein per day, the same amount of fat and 430-450 g of carbohydrates.

Of interest is the food consumption of the US population (Table 8).

8. Consumption of staple foods by US residents,

(kg/person per year)


Wheat flour and rice

including potato

Fruits and juices

Meat without bones, total

including poultry meat

Fish and shellfish

Dairy products, total

including milk

Fats and oils

Coffee, cocoa and peanuts


9. Consumption of basic food products by the population of the Dnipropetrovsk region, kg (per 1 person per year)


Recommendations of the Kiev

Research Institute of Hygiene and Nutrition


Forecast for 2010

2010 in % of recommendation

Bread products (bread, pasta, cereals)

Meat and meat products

Milk and milk products


Fish and fish products

Fruits, berries

Medical norm of food consumption per capita per year (kg): bread products - PO, meat and sa-87, milk and dairy products - 467, eggs (pcs.) 365, fish and fish products - 18-20, sugar - 45, butter vegetable - 164, potatoes - 97, vegetables and melons - 164, fruits and berries - 120.

Nutrition is the main source of filling the body with the necessary elements. The principles of healthy human nutrition involve daily consumption of a certain amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements and vitamins. We replenish all these components daily, taking food. Since food is the basis of the life of the body, special attention should be paid to their quality, as well as the mode of eating.

Experts distinguish several types of nutrition - rational and dietary.

Fundamentals of rational human nutrition it is a healthy, balanced, daily human meal, at a certain time with the maximum regulated amount of essential nutrients.

Proper dietary nutrition- nutrition of a person with any deviations from the normal functioning of the body. Such nutrition is compiled in such a way as to maximally support and “unload” a diseased organ or system of the human body.

Now let's take a closer look at the power components.

Squirrels- the main "building" element of the human body. Thanks to emu, new cells are formed, and it is also actively involved in metabolism. For normal life, a person needs to consume about 100-120 gr. protein per day.

Fats- the main source of energy in the human body. This element contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, lecithin, as well as vitamins A, B and E. Fats are also divided depending on their origin into animal and vegetable. A person needs to consume 100-150 grams per day. fats, keeping the balance that 70% of them should be of animal and 30% of plant origin.

Carbohydrates are also a source of energy for the human body. In combination with proteins, they contribute to the formation of hormones and enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of the body. On average, you need to consume about 400-500 grams per day. carbohydrates.

All this must be taken into account in order to understand human diet per day(on the nutrition of pregnant women a separate conversation). balanced diet and adherence to the diet, the human body regularly receives the necessary amount of nutrients, which is necessary for the normal growth, development and functioning of all organs and systems of the human body.

NUTRITION- a complex process of intake, digestion, absorption and assimilation in the body of nutrients necessary to cover its energy expenditure, build and renew cells and tissues of the body and regulate body functions.

Chemical substances of food, to-rye are assimilated in the course of a metabolism, received the name of food substances.

In the process of P., nutrients enter the digestive organs, undergo various changes under the action of digestive enzymes (see Digestion), enter the circulating body fluids and thus turn into factors in the internal environment of the body (see Metabolism and energy). Man has emerged from the animal world, and therefore the consideration of his nutrition cannot be limited to the purely biological definition of P. given above. At consideration of P. of the person we meet with questions of the social, economic and hygienic plan.


In the second half of the 20th century OK. 50% of the world's population, ch. arr. V developing countries, experiencing protein-energetic insufficiency. So, in the 70s. the energy value of food consumed by humans averaged 3060 kcal in developed countries, and 2150 kcal in developing countries, the intake of protein in the body was 90 and 58 g, respectively, and animal protein was 44 and 19 g. The protein crisis affects, first of all on children's health. Protein-energy malnutrition in childhood adversely affects the physical and mental development, which, in turn, can have a negative impact on the subsequent social activities of these individuals.

In P.'s analysis as a social problem, the struggle of K. Marx, F. Engels, and V. I. Lenin against Malthusianism (see), which explained the lack of food by excessive population growth, was of great importance.

V. I. Lenin showed that the lack of food in tsarist Russia was due not to excessive population growth, but to the contradictions of the capitalist society.

Geographical and climatic factors play a certain role in food production.

However, social factors come to the fore in providing the population with food products. An example is the radical restructuring of the way of life and nutrition of the peoples of the North in our country after the Great October Socialist Revolution. The Brazilian scientist J. de Castro in his book "The Geography of Hunger" showed that the lack of food in developing countries and the starvation of part of the US population are due to the oppression of capital, and not geographical and climatic factors. According to the conclusion of UN experts, the resources of the globe, if properly used, would provide P. with a much larger population than there is now on our planet. It is believed that world food production was in the 60-70s. 20th century only ok. 15% possible. IN modern world huge amounts of money are spent on military needs. The measures proposed by our country to limit the arms race and subsequent disarmament would make it possible to switch these funds to the benefit of mankind, including the organization of rational nutrition of the peoples inhabiting our planet.

The specialized agencies of the United Nations - WHO, FAO, UNICEF - have proposed, within the framework of the national development of countries, the implementation of a long-term program to combat diseases of insufficient P. and, first of all, protein deficiency. These programs include loss reduction nutritional value products during their technological processing and transportation, the use of proteins from plants that are poorly utilized in human production, for example, from alfalfa leaves, the use of oilseed seeds as a source of protein (extraction of protein from cake and meal), the introduction of highly productive plant varieties into agriculture and the use for their cultivation of effective fertilizers (so-called green revolution), use for food of page - x. animal and human unicellular proteins (see), enrichment with missing amino acids of food products that have an unfavorable amino acid composition, more complete use of the resources of the oceans and other activities. Failures in the implementation of the "green revolution" showed that the implementation of this program in the developing countries is possible only if their social structure is radically transformed, and they switch to the path of socialist development.

In developed countries, where a certain part of the population leads sedentary image of life, systematically experiences stress and eats refined food, poor in ballast substances and rich in fat, easily digestible carbohydrates and salt, there was a social problem of combating obesity, atherosclerosis, ischemic disease hearts, hypertension, diabetes.

The socialist planned system has significant advantages over capitalism in the fight against alimentary diseases (see). It made it possible to predict, within the framework of the CMEA, the main directions of research on the production and distribution of food products in relation to the characteristics of the regions and human needs. In our country, radical measures have been taken to completely eliminate mass diseases caused by nutritional deficiencies, for example, pellagra (see), and food poisoning, which were widespread in tsarist Russia (for example, poisoning with so-called drunken bread). The organization of the fight against alimentary diseases, their prevention are based on fundamental research to substantiate the norms of a person's need for nutrients, taking into account age, gender, the nature of the work performed, and climatic conditions. In 1919, V. I. Lenin set the task of developing human nutrition standards, noting the inadmissibility of reducing them only to energy value. He pointed out: “The norm is to consider how much a person needs, according to science, bread, meat, milk, eggs, etc., that is, the norm is not the number of calories, but the quantity and quality of food” (V. I. Lenin, Poln collected works, vol. 40, p. 342). The development in our country of scientifically substantiated dietary norms has made it possible to rationally plan food production and has created the conditions for a scientifically substantiated organization of nutrition for the population. An important link in the planning of food production and in the organization of rational nutrition of the population was the creation of domestic tables of the chemical composition of food products (see). These tables are widely used in planning the P. of the population on a national scale and in individual regions, and in organizing public catering.

In order to radically solve the food problem in our country, the 26th Congress of the CPSU recognized the need to develop a special food program. The purpose of this program is to solve the problem of an uninterrupted supply of food to the population in the shortest possible time, to ensure a significant increase in agricultural production. products based on the integrated development of agriculture. The development of scientifically based P.'s norms is the basis of the rational organization of public catering (see). Along with the further development of public catering, the 26th CPSU Congress recognized the need to rapidly develop the production of ready-to-eat, semi-finished products in the 11th Five-Year Plan. A lot of work has been and is being done in our country to organize P. for children and adolescents. For this, P.'s norms have been developed for children of various ages, domestic products have been created for baby food, layout menus for children's institutions have been developed, work is underway to organize rational P. for schoolchildren (see Children's nutrition below). At the 26th Congress of the CPSU, a decision was made to ensure the accelerated development of the output of children's and dietary products, and to increase the production of foodstuffs enriched with proteins, vitamins, and other useful components.

Among the social-gig. and san.-gig. measures aimed at the rationalization of P. of the population and the prevention of alimentary diseases, a prominent place belongs to sanitary and food supervision. The Industrial Revolution, the increasing use of chemicals in agriculture entailed the danger of environmental pollution, and through it, food products. The socialist planned economic system has huge advantages over capitalism in terms of environmental protection (see) and prevention of food contamination. A lot of work is being done in our country to prevent the introduction of chemicals into food products. additives that have an adverse effect on human health (see Food Additives).

In the system of social events for the organization G1. Among the population, an important place is occupied by the propaganda of the foundations of rational P., the struggle against incorrect views, bad habits, and religious prejudices.

In the process of development of the human society, there were significant changes in P. Monkey-like human ancestors ate mainly plant food, primitive people, for example, Neanderthals, were mainly engaged in hunting and, to some extent, gathering plant foods. With the advent of agriculture, plant foods again began to occupy a significant share in the human diet. Having learned the heat treatment of food, a person made it more digestible and was able to use plants as food raw materials, which did not serve as food for his ape-like ancestors. Religion has had a certain influence on the nature of human nutrition and in many countries it does. Christianity and Islam prescribe the observance of long fasts, the excessive duration of which was harmful. In tsarist Russia, during fasting, there were cases of beriberi A (xerophthalmia).

The analysis and generalization of the accumulated scientific information about the correct P. was carried out by ancient scientists, for example. K. Galen. In the Middle Ages in Europe, the science of P. (nutrition) practically did not develop. Generalization and further development of knowledge in the field of the science of nutrition were the works of Ibn Sina. The flourishing of sciences in the Renaissance led both to the accumulation of new facts and to fundamental generalizations, which formed the basis of the science of G1. The famous naturalist and philosopher F. Bacon (1561-1626) substantiated the role of nutrition in longevity, was interested in medicinal use nutrition.

In its further development, the science of nutrition relied on the successes of biochemistry and physics. A huge influence on the development of scientific ideas about nutrition was played by the discovery of the first law of thermodynamics and the applicability of this law to animals. It was found that the combustion of food substances and their biological oxidation give the same amount of heat, this made it possible to put forward the thesis about the equivalence of biol, oxidation and combustion. Mayer (J. R. Mayer) formulated the basics of the concept of food chains (see), showing that the energy consumed by the organisms that inhabit the Earth is a transformed solar energy.

19th century was marked by the rapid development of the physiology and biochemistry of P. During this period, studies were carried out on the processes of digestion, the promotion of food through the digestive tract, the absorption of nutrients and their subsequent assimilation, as well as chem. composition of food products. J. Liebig (1847) and L. Pasteur (1857) formulated ideas about the role of various minerals in nutrition.

The foundation of modern ideas about the physiology of digestion are the works of I. P. Pavlov. Thanks to research begun in the 19th century. and continued in the first half of the 20th century, the main irreplaceable factors of P. were discovered, namely: vitamins (N. I. Lunin, K. Funk, etc.), essential fatty acids, essential amino acids and minerals [ Mendel (L. V. Mendel), McCallum (E. V. McCollum), etc.]. These studies laid a solid foundation for modern ideas about human needs for nutrients.

M. N. Shaternikov, O. P. Molchanova, M. Rubner, and W. Atwater are credited with developing the norms of P..

After the Great October Socialist Revolution in the USSR, the science of P. began to develop especially rapidly. This was largely facilitated by the fact that V. I. Lenin paid great attention to solving the food problem. This was reflected both in his writings and in a number of decrees issued already in the first years of Soviet power. V. I. Lenin's idea was embodied in 1920 in our country scientific research in-that nutrition physiology, M. N. Shaternikov was appointed its director. In 10 years on the basis of this in-that there was more large Ying t of food which director became B. PI. 3bar. Ying t of food was the directing and coordinating center in development of a science about P. in our country. In the 60-70s. in Ying-those nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR under the leadership of A. A. Pokrovsky a number of fundamental studies were carried out, which served as the basis for the development of the concept of a rational and balanced diet (see).

In the second half of the 20th century interest in P.'s problems sharply increases. They are considered not only at the state, but also at the international level. The increased interest in these problems is determined by their social, economic and medical significance, the lack of food resources on our planet in general and protein in particular.

Both in the USSR and abroad scientific work P.'s problems are conducted in the following main directions: theoretical studies of the digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients; finding new sources of protein, especially food and fodder protein; development and specification of norms for the consumption of nutrients and foodstuffs by various categories of the population; study of chem. food composition and culinary specialties; development of bases to lay down. Item, including problems of tube and parenteral P., P.'s bases of the healthy and sick child, including a problem of substitutes of women's milk, preventive P. and other gigabytes. problems P.

Nutritional norms

Theoretical basis modern science about P. is the concept of balanced P., formulated in our country by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences A. A. Pokrovsky. According to this concept, ensuring normal life is possible provided that the body is supplied with the necessary amount of energy, protein, vitamins, minerals and water in the ratios necessary for the body.

The concept of balanced nutrition in determining the proportion of individual substances in diets (daily sets of food products) is based on modern concepts of metabolism and energy. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the so-called indispensable components of food, which are not synthesized by the enzymatic systems of the body and, therefore, must be introduced into the body in the required quantities with the diet. These food components include essential amino acids, essential (polyunsaturated) fatty acids, vitamins. Along with performance of plastic function (formation of proteins) amino acids (see) are initial connections for synthesis of a number of hormones and neuromediators (thyroxine, adrenaline, acetylcholine, etc.). Polyunsaturated fatty acids (see) are required constituent parts biomembranes and initial substances for the synthesis of prostaglandins and other biologically active substances. A number of vitamins (see) performs coenzyme functions, participates in redox reactions. Indispensable components of food are also many minerals (see) and water. The nutrients entering the body are not fully absorbed, in connection with this, the concept of the so-called. nutrient digestibility factor. This coefficient expresses as a percentage the proportion of the nutrient absorbed in the intestine. Great merit in determining the digestibility coefficients of proteins, fats and carbohydrates belongs to W. Atwater.

The energy value of the diet consists of the energy contained in its constituent proteins (see), fats (see) and carbohydrates (see). At the same time, carbohydrates primarily play the role of energy suppliers, while fats and especially proteins are also necessary material for plastic purposes. The use of proteins as an energy material is extremely disadvantageous for the body. On the one hand, proteins are much more deficient than fats and carbohydrates, and on the other hand, during their decay, substances with a toxic effect are formed. It is assumed that 1 g of proteins, fats and carbohydrates of food, taking into account digestibility, gives the body 4, 9 and 4 kcal of energy, respectively. The energy supplied with food is used to maintain the so-called. basic metabolism (see), to ensure the energy consumption of the body, necessary for the implementation of the processes of biosynthesis of organic substances, for the active transport of substances, for maintaining physical activity, etc. Part of the energy contained in food is dissipated in the form of heat.

It has been established that even in a state of relatively complete rest (lying in a relaxed position), a person spends 1200-1600 kcal per day. This is so called. BX. Reception of even a small amount of food causes strengthening of the basic exchange, a cut received the name of specific dynamic action of food. Energy expenditure (total energy consumption during the day) of an adult is practically healthy person may vary considerably depending on the profession, gender and climatic conditions. The daily energy requirement for persons whose work is not associated with physical labor or requires insignificant physical effort is 2500-2800 kcal. When performing work associated with significant physical effort, there is a need to increase the energy value of food.

The scientifically based human nutritional norms are based on the results of fundamental research that revealed the role in nutrition and the mechanisms of assimilation of proteins (including their constituent amino acids), lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Table 1 shows the average nutritional and energy requirements of an adult. In our country, human nutrition standards have been developed, which take into account gender, age, energy expenditure of the body. These standards are reviewed periodically, taking into account the latest achievements science and in accordance with the changes that have taken place in the working and living conditions of the population, including taking into account the ever-increasing mechanization of labor in industry, agriculture, everyday life, the development of urban transport - that is, taking into account changes that lead to a decrease in energy consumption human body.

The ratio of components in the formula balanced nutrition varies depending on the working conditions and the person's life. It has been found that the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet close to 1: 1: 4 is optimal for the nutrition of a practically healthy person. With an increase in energy consumption (an increase in the share of physical labor) and an increase in total caloric content in connection with this, the protein content in the diet should be increased to a lesser extent than fats and carbohydrates.

On the basis of scientifically based norms of the human body's need for nutrients, on the one hand, and data on the content of these substances in various food products, on the other hand, the optimal daily food rations, as well as the optimal annual requirement of an adult in food products, were calculated. Diet means the amount of food that provides the daily human need for nutrients and energy. There is also the concept of "actual diet" - this is the amount of nutrients actually received by a person for a certain time (for example, per day) with food. The study of the diet allows you to reveal the deficiency of nutrients in the diet of the population and outline measures to eliminate it.

To maintain human health, along with an optimal diet, diet is also important. This is a quantitative and qualitative characteristic of nutrition, including the time of eating, its distribution during the day according to energy value and composition, and the conditions for eating. It has been proven that 3-6 meals a day is the most favorable. 3 main meals per day are recommended - breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition, there may be a second breakfast, an afternoon snack and a glass of kefir before bed. Most researchers recommend taking the majority of the daily food intake at breakfast and lunch so that dinner accounts for less than one-third of the total daily calorie intake.

Monotonous food usually does not provide the human body with all the necessary nutrients and quickly becomes boring. The more diverse the P. of a person, the more likely it is to get all the food components he needs. According to a number of researchers, another advantage of the diverse P. is that the nutrients that enter the human body in various combinations contribute to physiological adaptation, which increases the fitness of the digestive system.

At P.'s insufficiency there are various patol, conditions. Predominantly in developing countries, the most widespread protein-calorie malnutrition (see Kwashiorkor), caused by a shortage of basic foodstuffs. As a result of protein deficiency, especially in combination with insufficient total calorie content of the diet, the processes of protein renewal and synthesis are disrupted in the human body, primarily in organs where physiological cell renewal proceeds most rapidly: bone marrow, spleen, pancreas, intestines, etc. e. A decrease in the energy value of the daily diet to 1000 kcal or less with a content of 25 g of protein or less led to rapid physical and mental fatigue, a sharp deterioration in well-being, the development of dystrophic changes in the body and subsequent death (see Alimentary dystrophy, Starvation) . These phenomena were studied on large contingents of people during the First World War and in Leningrad during its blockade during the Great Patriotic War.

Vulnerability to certain nutrient deficiencies manifests itself more rapidly the less mature an organism is and the more intense its growth. Observations on young healthy people who received a daily diet of energy value of 1000 kcal, which included 25 g of protein, revealed the development of initial dystrophic changes in their body within 2-3 weeks. It has been established that children with an acute protein deficiency in the body during the first three years of life lag behind in physical and intellectual development, and this process may be irreversible.

Research in the 70s revealed the mechanisms of influence of protein-calorie deficiency on the endocrine status of the organism. At the same time, both features of adaptive changes in endocrine regulation and breakdowns in neuroendocrine regulation systems were revealed. With protein-calorie deficiency, both in the experiment and in humans, the functioning of the mechanisms of immunological protection is disrupted.

Protein-energy deficiency usually accompanies vitamin deficiency (see), although the disclosure of the essence of vitamin deficiency diseases, the industrial production of vitamin preparations and broad measures to combat these diseases have reduced the frequency of their spread.

Basic research has shown that animal protein should make up about 50% of the total dietary protein. An analysis of the actual nutrition of the population shows that this requirement is not met by a significant part of the population, especially in developing countries. Rations based on vegetable proteins, have a number of disadvantages, to-rye can have an adverse effect on human health, especially on the health and development of children who need more essential food substances per unit of body weight than adults. Plant-based diets contain amino acids in a less favorable ratio than meat products However, iron in plant-based diets is absorbed much worse than iron in animal-derived foods, and, in addition, plant foods do not contain vitamin B12, since it is not synthesized by higher plants. These factors taken together adversely affect the human body, causing alimentary anemia (see) and disrupting the development of the child's body. Detection in the countries of the Middle East of cases of hypogonadism due to insufficient intake of zinc in the body of children or a decrease in its absorption under the influence of chemical. components of plant foods, aroused interest in the phenomenon of insufficient zinc supply to persons who eat mainly plant foods. The lack of animal protein in the diets of a significant part of the population of our planet is due to economic factors, however, in some cases, the rejection of animal food is due to misconceptions about the alleged benefits of vegetarianism (see).

For countries with a high economic level, the progression of diseases caused by metabolic disorders associated with general overeating or excessive consumption individual food groups. Among such disturbances obesity (see) owing to irrational P. occupies one of the first places. Particularly alarming is the clear upward trend in overweight and obesity among children and young adults. A number of researchers found that excess P. in the first months and years of a child's life (and even in the embryonic period with excess P. of pregnant women) contributes to the formation of an increased number of fat cells in adipose tissue, and therefore for many years a predisposition to the accumulation of significant the amount of fat in the body of an immoderately fed child (the so-called treatment-resistant hypercellular form of obesity).

Numerous studies have shown that excessive consumption of food and especially fats of animal origin, containing predominantly saturated fatty acids, increases the risk factor for the development of atherosclerotic process. Excessive consumption of instant sugars, and especially sucrose, is a risk factor for diabetes, and excessive protein intake is a risk factor for kidney failure syndrome. Excess nucleic acids P.'s products can lead to the development of gout and metabolic arthritis, common salt - to the appearance of hypertension, vitamin D - to increased calcification processes.

Along with the chem. components food products can contain substances, harmful to its health, which receipt in internal environments of an organism leads to acute or hron, food poisonings (see).

The discovery of the fundamental foundations of rational nutrition of a healthy person has provided reliable approaches for the development of evidence-based methods medical nutrition(see Medical nutrition). The item of patients with serious disturbances of processes of digestion can be carried out through the probe entered into a stomach or a duodenum, - enteral food or intravenous - parenteral food (see). With probe P., as a rule, easily digestible liquid mixtures or partially or completely split food products (hydrolysates) are introduced into the patient's body. A diet consisting only of amino acids, fatty acids, simple sugars, vitamins, minerals and water is called elemental. Based on the elemental diet, mixtures for parenteral P. have been developed. As studies by K. V. Sudakov, A. M. Ugolev and others have shown, the digestive tract has a significant impact on the nervous and endocrine regulation of metabolism, on the absorption of nutrients that have entered the body, therefore, it is desirable to introduce food into the body of a sick person per os. Parenteral P. should be used only if probe P. is impossible, and probe P. - only if conventional P. is impossible.

The preventive orientation of Soviet medicine was also reflected in the organization of human nutrition. In our country, the basics of therapeutic and preventive nutrition for workers in hazardous industries have been developed and a system of measures has been introduced for the actual implementation of this type of nutrition (see Treatment and Preventive Nutrition).

Children's nutrition

The food of children has a number of differences from P. of adults. During childhood, especially in children early age, the need for nutrients and energy is relatively higher than in adults. This is due to the predominance of assimilation over dissimilation associated with the rapid growth and development of the child.

The scientific substantiation of the norms of the needs of children of different age groups in nutrients and the substantiation of the sets of products necessary to cover these needs was carried out on the basis of the patterns of development of the child's body. Sizes fiziol, needs of children of various age groups in nutrients are established taking into account the functional and anatomo-morphological features inherent in each age group. For example, the digestive and metabolic systems of young children are the most vulnerable, their ability to adaptive reactions is still poorly expressed; therefore, the composition of the food of young children should most fully correspond to the activity of their enzyme systems. The norms of the need for nutrients in pre-pubertal and pubertal children take into account the gender differences that arise during this period in the dynamics of weight gain (mass), height, muscle strength, which is reflected in the need for nutrients and energy. The nutritional norms of adolescents also take into account the need for optimal intake of essential amino acids and vitamins with food to maintain the function of c. n. With. and tense mental activity students.

Recommended nutritional requirements for children

The recommended norms for children's need for nutrients are designed in such a way as to avoid, if possible, both malnutrition of children and the introduction of excess amounts of nutrients into their bodies, since this excess, according to some researchers, is one, but not the main, factor in the occurrence of acceleration. (see) - accelerating the physical and sexual development of children, which outstrips the development of the functions of a number of organs and systems and reduces the adaptive capabilities of the body. According to L. I. Smirnova and M. P. Chernikov, the development of acceleration is due to excessive protein intake at an early age.

P., corresponding to the body's needs for basic nutrients and energy, should be considered rational in childhood. Deviation from these principles adversely affects the development of children. A number patol, states connect children at early age with the wrong P.. These include impaired tooth formation, caries, the risk of diabetes, hypertension syndrome, renal pathology, allergic diseases, obesity. The values ​​of the physiological need of children and adolescents for nutrients are presented in Table 2.

Biol, the value of proteins is determined by the amino acid composition (see Amino acids) and the ability of these proteins to hydrolysis under the influence of digestive tract enzymes. For children, 9 amino acids are indispensable: tryptophan, lysine, methionine, threonine, histidine, phenylalanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, and for children in the first months of life, also cysteine. 40% of the need for amino acids should be covered by essential amino acids. Of particular importance for the child's body is the ratio of tryptophan, lysine and sulfur-containing amino acids (methionine -f-cysteine); during the growth period of a child, the most favorable ratio of tryptophan, lysine and sulfur-containing amino acids is 1: 3: 3. Children need more than adults in protein of animal origin (from 100% in infancy to 75-55% in subsequent periods ) .

The need for dietary protein per 1 kg of body weight with the age of the child gradually decreases from 3-3.5 g in early childhood to 1-2 g in adolescence. Both insufficient and excessive protein intake in the diet of children adversely affects their growth and psychomotor development.

An important component of food in childhood are fats. In quantitative terms, the need for fat corresponds to the need for protein. The need for polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) is determined by the content of linoleic acid in the diet: from 3-6% in the neonatal period and in infancy to 2-3% of the total calorie content of the diet in preschool and school age. To ensure the need for PUFAs, along with fats of animal origin, vegetable fats rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids should be used in the child's daily diet.

Recommendations for the amount of carbohydrates in a child's diet are inextricably linked to energy metabolism studies. It is generally accepted that in the diet of children older than a year the most physiological ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates is 1: 1: 4. In the diet of school-age children, the amount of carbohydrates with increased muscle load may increase slightly, and the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates will be 1: 1: 4.5.

The growth of children is accompanied by processes of intensive formation of the skeleton, muscle, hematopoietic and other body systems. These processes must be provided with the necessary amount of minerals and their optimal ratio, and primarily with salts of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium and a number of trace elements, including copper and zinc salts.

A significant impact on the reactivity and metabolic processes of a growing organism has a supply of vitamins. The intensity of metabolic processes in childhood determines the increased need of the body (per 1 kg of body weight) for most vitamins.

In-volume of nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR developed approximate daily sets of food products for children aged 1 to 17 years (Table 3). As the child grows, the number necessary products changes.

The total volume of milk decreases from 650 g at 2 years of age to 550-500 g by 7 years and at school age. The amount of meat, fish, bread, cereals, vegetables, cottage cheese is gradually increasing, approaching the norm for adults.

It is very important to provide children with enough vegetables, fruits, which are a source of vitamins and mineral salts.

As the number of teeth increases, the volume of secreted saliva increases, the activity of enzymes goes. - kish. tract, the range of products and dishes is expanding, their culinary and technological processing is becoming more complicated. At the age of 1 to 1.5 years, you can switch from pureed food to finely chopped food, by 3 years - to food in the form of small pieces, and then - in the form of portioned pieces.

For children over the age of 1.5 years, culinary steam cooking can be combined with light frying. For children older than 3 years, frying food is used more widely.

Regular Compliance correct mode P. children contributes to the development conditioned reflexes on the timely separation of digestive juices, better absorption of nutrients, the frequency of food evacuation. At the age of 1 to 1.5 years, children are transferred from 5 meals a day to 4 meals a day, but the amount of food remains the same. For children aged 1.5 to 3 years, the volume of the daily ration is 1300-1400 ml, from 3 to 6 years - up to 1800 ml, at school age - from 2000 to 2800 ml. The first breakfast is 20-25% of daily calories, lunch - 30-35%, afternoon tea -15% and dinner - 20-25%.

Rational P. of children, starting from an early age, is an important factor in protecting the health of the younger generation.

Nutrition in old age

With aging, assimilatory processes in organs and tissues are weakened, the rate of redox reactions slows down, and a restructuring occurs in the system of neurohumoral regulation of metabolism and functions (see Old age, aging). This necessitates an appropriate restructuring of the P. of people in the elderly and senile age, which gerodietetics, a branch of honey, is called upon to deal with. knowledge, engaged in the scientific development and organization of P. of the elderly and old people.

P. of people in the elderly and senile age should correspond to the age-related needs of the body for basic nutrients, energy (the energy consumption associated with the type of activity should also be taken into account) and prevent the development of premature aging. A. A. Pokrovsky laid the foundation for the scientific organization of P. of the elderly: the energy balance of P. in accordance with actual energy consumption; antiatherosk l heretical orientation of the diet; the maximum diversity of P. and its balance in terms of the main irreplaceable factors; optimal provision of P.'s diets with substances that stimulate the activity of enzyme systems; the use of food products and dishes that are quite easily exposed to the action of digestive enzymes. In this regard, it is advisable to gradually reduce the calorie content of food over decades. The calorie content of the daily diet of a person aged 20 to 30 years is taken as 100%. At the age of 31-40 years, it is proposed to reduce the energy intensity of food to 97%, at 41-50 years old - up to 94%, at 51-60 years old - up to 86%, at 61-70 years old - up to 79%, at 70 years old and older - up to 69%. In our country, at the age of 60 years and older, the recommended calorie content of P. is in the range from 2100 to 2650 kcal, depending on gender, living conditions, in particular, the degree of prosperity of the population utilities, climatic zone of residence. First of all, it is necessary to provide P.'s rations with a sufficient amount of protein.

In the USSR, protein norms are 1.2 and 1.0 g per 1 kg of body weight for the elderly and old people, respectively. Food protein should provide the body with a wide range of amino acids, of which lysine and methionine are of particular importance in old age. The latter can be achieved by using various combinations of food products, which contributes to the increase in digestibility and biol, the value of food. OK. It is preferable to satisfy 60% of the daily requirement for proteins at the expense of products of animal origin, 30% of them - at the expense of milk and its products.

The daily intake of fats by the elderly should not exceed 0.8-1.0 g per 1 kg of body weight. At the same time, 1/3 of its total amount should be fats of vegetable origin. It is necessary to provide diets with a sufficient amount of lipotropic substances.

The amount of carbohydrates in food is also recommended to be reduced. Their content should not exceed 300-320 g and be no more than 50-55% of the total daily calorie content. It is more expedient to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in P. by reducing sugar, bakery, confectionery, jam and other sweets in diets. In the P. of the elderly, it is recommended to increase the consumption of foods containing fiber, pectin.

According to Yu. G. Grigorov, the ratio between the main nutrients in diets - proteins, fats and carbohydrates - should be 1: 0.8: 3.5.

In the USSR, norms for the need for a number of vitamins for persons aged 60 to 70 years have been developed. Salt intake should be limited to 8-10 g/day, including the amount of salt (3-5 g) found in natural foods.

The balance in these basic nutrients, as well as the requirement for the maximum diversity of dietary intake of elderly and old people, can only be met if a variety of products are included in the diets every day. Elderly people can eat any food; we can only talk about which of them is preferable to use. A set of basic food products that provides a balance of quantitative and qualitative ratios of nutrients recommended for inclusion in the daily diets of P. of the elderly and old people is shown in Table 4.

In the above set of products, the main share is made up of vegetables, fruits, meat (low-fat varieties), milk, cottage cheese and other products containing essential P factors. They are also among the preferred products. The same products as draining internally e oil, eggs, sugar, although they should not be completely excluded from the range of P. of the elderly, but their number should be limited; this allows you to optimally bring together the actually consumed and recommended amount of nutrients.

The anti-atherosclerotic orientation of the diet is achieved by reducing the total calorie content of P. and the quota of animal fats, increasing the proportion of vegetable oils, as well as the systematic inclusion of products with lipotropic properties containing labile methyl groups (dairy products, vegetables, fruits).

P.'s regimen, namely the number of meals, the intervals between them and the calorie content (see) of each meal during the day must be strictly regulated. The most rational is four meals a day. The first breakfast - 25%, the second - 15%, lunch - 35% and dinner - 25% of the total daily calories. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime. Inclusion in the P.'s mode of unloading days (see) - kefir, apple, vegetable, etc. - is carried out only according to the recommendations and under the supervision of a physician.

Mandatory use in P. of elderly people of any strictly certain products or dishes is inexpedient. A sharp and radical change in the existing food stereotype in the elderly can often lead to a deterioration in their health. It is not recommended to completely exclude favorite dishes from the diet of elderly people and replace them with food that they did not like and did not use before.

Nutrition for pregnant women

In the first half of pregnancy, for a woman of average weight (55-60 kg) and average height (155-165 cm), the daily diet should be 2400 - 2700 kcal and contain 110 g of protein, 75 g of fat, 350 g of carbohydrates. In the second half of pregnancy, the total calorie content of the diet increases to 3200 kcal. You should strive to have approx. 65 g of animal proteins, including 50% from meat and fish, 40% from milk and its products, 10% from eggs. From fats, preference is given to butter and ghee. Up to 40% of the total amount of fats should be fats of vegetable origin, containing polyunsaturated fatty acids and tocopherols that are important for the body of the mother and fetus.

The source of carbohydrates for pregnant women, especially in the second half of pregnancy, should be vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread, cereals - buckwheat and oatmeal. For 1-2 months. before childbirth, easily digestible carbohydrates, such as sugar and confectionery contributing to fetal weight gain. Free liquid in the diets of pregnant women (including first courses, milk, compotes, tea, juices) should contain no more than 1000-1200 ml in the first half of pregnancy and 800 ml in the second half, and with a tendency to edema -600 ml.

Medium daily need in the vitamins of a healthy pregnant woman is increased and is: in thiamine (Vx) - 2.5 mg, riboflavin - 2.5 mg, pyridoxine - 4.0 mg, cyanocobalamin - 3.0 μg, folic acid - 0.4 mg , ascorbic acid - 150 mg, nicotinic acid - 15-20 mg, retinol - 2.0 mg (6600 IU), calciferol - 500 IU, tocopherol - 15-20 mg, phylloquinone - 5-10 mg . The need for minerals during pregnancy is also increased and for a healthy pregnant woman, on average, it is: calcium - 1.5 g, potassium - 3.0-3.5 g, phosphorus - 2.0-3.0 g, magnesium - 1 0-1.5 g, gland - 15.0 mg; sodium chloride - 10-12 g in the first half of pregnancy, 6-8 g in the second half of pregnancy and for 1 month. before childbirth 4-5 years.

A prerequisite for rational P. of a pregnant woman is compliance with a certain regimen of P. In the first half of pregnancy, 4 meals a day are recommended, in the second half - 5-6 meals a day. Breakfast should be up to 30% of the daily caloric intake, second breakfast - 15%, lunch - 40%, afternoon tea - 5%, dinner - 10%.

Nutrition for women in the postpartum period

The nutrition of the puerperal should be complete and regular. The diet should include yogurt and cottage cheese (100-200 g), fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and other foods rich in vitamins.

Nutrition for athletes

The nutrition of athletes has a number of features due to the high degree of physical and neuropsychic stress that occurs during training and competition and is accompanied by the activation of metabolic processes, which causes an increased need for energy and individual nutrients in the body. It should not only compensate for the consumed amount of energy and nutrients, but also help to increase sports performance and accelerate its recovery after intense physical exertion. The calorie content of the daily diet of athletes is determined by their energy consumption, which, depending on the specifics of the sport, can range from 3000 kcal (for chess players, draftsmen) to 6500 kcal (for those involved in sports associated with prolonged strenuous physical activity). P.'s diet should include a wide range of products (meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products, animal and vegetable fats, cereals, vegetables, fruits). During the training period, when performing sports exercises that increase muscle mass and develop strength, the protein content should be increased to 16-18% in calories; with prolonged, strenuous physical activity aimed at increasing endurance, food should be high in carbohydrates (60-65% in calories). During the competition period easily digestible foods with optimal amount of protein and carbohydrates. It is not recommended to eat foods high in fat and big amount fiber. IN recovery period it is important to ensure the acceleration of anabolic processes and contribute to the replenishment of carbohydrate reserves, minerals and vitamins in the body. It is advisable to use specialized products of increased biol, values ​​containing easily digestible proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements (SP-11 protein sports product, Olimp protein cookies, Olimpia carbohydrate-mineral drink, etc.). The food regimen for two workouts per day should include 5-6 meals; for example, with a 6-time meal: breakfast - 30% of the total calorie intake; after the first workout - 5%; lunch - 30%; after the second workout - 5%; dinner - 25%; second dinner - 5% (lactic acid products, buns, etc.).

Meals for personnel of the Armed Forces

The first information about food rations for troops is found in the military history of ancient Greece and ancient rome. In the Russian army, provisions were first introduced by Peter I. A. V. Suvorov and other prominent commanders showed great concern for the P. soldiers. In Russia, military doctors began to be involved in the control of the P. of the troops at the end of the 18th century, since 1828 they were entrusted with supervision over the preparation of food and the quality of the food and drinks supplied.

The scientific development of the issues of military defense of the Russian army began in 1905 by a special commission, which included A. Ya. Danilevsky, S. V. Shidlovsky, G. V. Khlopin, and others. New food layouts for the lower ranks. The experience of wars convincingly showed that insufficient and defective P. leads to the occurrence of beriberi in the troops: scurvy, night blindness, beriberi and alimentary dystrophy, as well as a decrease in the body's resistance to external influences.

Rational P. troops promote health, physical development and combat capability of military personnel, their resistance to various loads And unfavorable factors military labor.

The organization of defense in the Armed Forces is determined by the requirements of charters, special regulations, guidelines, instructions, and directives of the USSR Ministry of Defense. The unit commander and his deputy for logistics are responsible for organizing P.. The food service directly provides timely and full-fledged food service for personnel. Honey. service provides medical control of P.

Food is prepared 3-4 times a day in military canteens (galleys). The troops are carried out in accordance with established standards. Allowance rates are established by a decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and put into effect by an order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR. They are sold in the form of food rations (food rations), which are a set of a certain amount of food sold to one soldier per day. Rations are divided into basic, additional and special; they are differentiated taking into account the peculiarities of military labor and climatic conditions, include a diverse range of products that make it possible to provide good nutrition and high palatability of food.

The main rations include soldier, sailor, flight, cadet, hospital, sanatorium, for submarine crews, etc.

Additional rations are issued in excess of the basic ration. Special rations are intended for personnel serving in the mountains, in remote areas, for crews of jet and turbojet aircraft, etc.

Hospital P. in infirmaries, MSB, hospitals is carried out according to the norms of the main hospital ration according to the diets prescribed by the attending physicians. For patients with tuberculosis, burn and radiation diseases, special norms have been established.

Food rations are established on the basis of studying the quantitative and qualitative adequacy of P. to physical and neuropsychic stress. Under the conditions of significant technical equipment and the widespread use of automated means in military affairs, the energy consumption of many specialists has decreased and, on average, is approx. 3500 kcal per day. IN field conditions, especially in exercises, during landing, action in the mountains, in deserts, in regions with a cold climate, energy consumption can be significant (over 5000 kcal). The energy value of the rations compensates for the maximum energy expenditure of military personnel. Military rations fully meet the need for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. The security of ascorbic acid is achieved by its maximum preservation during storage and culinary processing of products. In case of insufficient content in the diet of fresh vegetables and other sources of vitamin C, preventive fortification of prepared foods is carried out by adding ascorbic acid to the third dish daily, 50 mg per person (see Vitaminization of food products).

The food of military personnel is carried out in accordance with the layout of foodstuffs, which is compiled by the food service together with the honey. service and instructor-cook (senior cook) and is approved by the unit commander. It reflects the name of the dishes planned for each day of the week, the estimated output (mass) ready meals, meat and fish portions. The layout allows you to calculate the nutritional value of the planned dishes and daily ration (see Menu layout).

The dietary regimen (food regimen) is determined by the nature and conditions of combat training activities of personnel; it provides for the frequency and time of meals, the distribution of food during the day according to the set of products and their energy value. IN ground forces three-time P. is established, on ships, in aviation and to lay down. institutions - four, five times a day. With a three-time P.'s regimen, the intervals between meals should not exceed 7 hours; 30-35% of the energy content of the daily diet is given for breakfast, 40-45% for lunch, and 20-30% for dinner. During night shifts (on guards), an additional meal is introduced due to the redistribution of the products of the main ration. In hot climates, the so-called. shifted mode P: breakfast at 5.30-6.00 (35% of the energy content of the diet), lunch at 11.00-11.30 (25%) and dinner - 18.00-18.30 local time (40%). During night exercises and classes, it is planned to increase the energy value of dinner.

The daily diet of pilots of jet and turbojet aviation is characterized by a wide variety of food products and high energy value. Meal time is set depending on the flight time. Pre-flight P. is organized 1-2 hours before the start of flights, a second breakfast or second dinner is given to pilots between flights or after they end in order to compensate for energy consumption. During flights of St. 4 o'clock P. pilots organized in the aircraft with the use of on-board rations. Each crew member is given on-board and portable emergency food supplies for P. for 3 days.

The habitation of the personnel of the submarine fleet during autonomous navigation is characterized by a wide variety of products of high nutritional value (cheese, eggs, caviar, balyk products, dairy products, meat, smoked meats, sausages, canned meat and fish, roach, fruits, vegetables). Provisional chambers are designed for long-term storage of vegetables and perishable products (including quick-frozen dishes) and freeze-dried products. The daily ration of submarine crews is divided into 4 meals: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 33%, dinner - 25%, evening tea - 17% of the energy value of the ration.

In the field, food rations for boiler use (field rations) are used, as well as on-board rations and dry rations for individual infantry. Soldiers and officers are provided with hot food from field kitchens at battalion food stations. Officers of the administration and special units receive food at separate points of settlement or in the field canteens of military trade. For cooking, products are mainly used that do not require long-term cooking and special conditions for storage and sale (food concentrates, canned food, quick-cooking cereals, etc.). The time of issuing hot food is planned depending on the conditions of the situation and the nature of the tasks performed. If three times is impossible, a two-time issuance of hot food is established with the obligatory organization of intermediate P. by products that do not require heat treatment. For P. in the field, the food service has a variety of technical means. Products are delivered to the troops in special vans and refrigerators. Bread is baked at field mechanized bakeries. Food is prepared in trailers and trucks. camp kitchens, fields of kitchen-dining rooms.

Dry rations are given to each serviceman for individual P.; it consists of a set of products that do not require cooking and provide three meals a day during the day (canned food, condensed milk, sugar, tea, biscuits or crackers).

The safety of P. personnel in the conditions of the use of weapons of mass destruction is ensured by a system of measures taken by the food service: shelter and stockpiling of food in protective containers and packaging, compliance with the rules for preparing, distributing and eating food in the contaminated area, monitoring the degree of contamination of food and equipment and organizing expertise. Cooking and eating food is prohibited in areas contaminated with toxic substances and bacterial means, or when high levels radiation.

Special P. is organized for military personnel operating in specific conditions (in the mountains, regions of a cold or hot climate, etc.); it compensates for energy consumption, increases efficiency and resistance to adverse environmental factors. Set and quantity of products special rations provide a variety and high biol, value of P.

Medical-prof. P. is assigned to military personnel working in conditions harmful factors work, for non-specific prevention of their adverse effects, is issued in addition to the usual daily diet.

Honey. control over the nutrition of the troops (fleet) is the most important duty of the honey. service and represents the system of sanitary and food supervision, including participation in the development of rations and new food products for the troops and forces of the fleet, preventive supervision of the design, construction and reconstruction of P. facilities, current supervision of dignity. condition of objects of food service and health of food workers, current control over P. of military personnel (fullness, mode and quality of P.), assessment and forecasting of the food status of military personnel.

Head of medical service of the military unit (ship) participates in the development of the P. regime and the layout of products for cooking, controls the quality of the P. of personnel and dignity. the state of the food objects of the unit, submits to the commander the conclusions on soldiers and sergeants in need of dietary P., selects samples of food and food products for determination in the san.-epid, institutions of their good quality, chem. structure and power value, estimates the state of health of the military personnel connected with P. (the food status), takes part in a dignity. examination of foodstuffs and nutrition. San. examination of food entering the troops is carried out by specialists of san.-epid, institutions with the participation of military doctors. In the field, only food of dubious quality or suspected of infection is subject to examination. The examination is carried out with the help of timesheets (laboratories) designed for field research methods. Products are examined on the spot, or their samples are sent to medical institutions. and vet. services. The conclusion about the suitability of food for P. personnel is given by a representative of the honey. service, the decision on its further use is made by the commander of the unit.


Table 1. AN ADULTS NEEDS FOR NUTRIENTS (average data, according to A. A. Pokrovsky, 1974)


daily requirement

including animals


essential polyunsaturated fatty acids




Carbohydrates, g


mono- and disaccharides

Vitamins, mg

ascorbic acid (C)

inositol, g

calciferols (D),

various forms


lipoic acid

niacin (PP)

pantothenic acid (B,)

pyridoxine (B6)

retinol (A), various forms

riboflavin (B2)

thiamine (B1)

tocopherols (E), various forms

phylloquinones (K), various forms

folacin (B9)

cyanocobalamin (B12)

Minerals, mg



Replaceable amino acids, g

aspartic acid


glutamic acid

Essential amino acids, g






drinking (water, tea, coffee, etc.)

in other foods

organic acids

(lemon, milk, etc.), g

Ballast substances

(fiber and pectin), g



The value of the physiological need of children and adolescents for certain substances and energy, depending on age

Proteins, g/day

including animals

Fats, g/day

including vegetable


ascorbic acid (C), mg/day

Calciferol (D),

retinol (A), mg/day

riboflavin (B2), mg/day

thiamine (VO, mg/day

Carbohydrates, g/day


iron, mg/day

calcium, mg/day

magnesium, mg/day

phosphorus, mg/day

Energy, kcal/day


Products, g

Amount of food (in g) depending on age

Legumes (peas, beans, etc.)

vegetable fat

fat animals



Wheat flour

Sugar and confectionery (in terms of sugar)

Sour cream and cream

Cottage cheese and curd products

wheat bread

Rye bread

Eggs (1 piece - 50 g)

table 4

Name of products


Groats (buckwheat, fanned, semolina)

Vegetable oil


Milk, kefir

Wheat flour

Meat (lean varieties)

Herring (soaked)

Curd (low fat)

Fruits, juices

Rye and wheat bread

Bibliography: Arnaudov G. D. Drug therapy, per. from Bulgarian, Sofia, 1975; Budagyan F. E. Food toxicoses, Toxicoinfections and their prevention, M., 1972; B prisoner I. M. energy exchange and nutrition, M., 1978, bibliogr.; Venediktov D. D. International health problems, p. 173, M., 1977; Food Hygiene, ed. K. S. Petrovsky, vol. 1-2, M., 1971; Egorysheva I. V. and Sh and-linis Yu. A., V. I. Lenin about the problem of combating hunger in pre-revolutionary Russia, Owls. health care, No. 5, p. 69, 1969; To about r about b to and N and G. S. Products of baby food, M., 1970; Lavnikov A. A. Fundamentals of aviation and space medicine, M., 1975; Lavrov B. A. Textbook of nutritional physiology, M. - L., 1935; L and p about fi-ski y S. M. Nutrition and digestion during pregnancy, M., 1978, bibliogr.; Minkh A. A. Essays on hygiene exercise and sports, M., 1980; Lifestyle and human aging, ed. N. K. Witte, p. 105, Kyiv, 1966; General and military hygiene, ed. Edited by N. F. Kosheleva. Leningrad, 1978. Society and human health, ed. G. I. Tsaregorodtseva, p. 214, M., 1973; The experience of Soviet medicine in the Great Patriotic war 1941 - 1945, v. 33, p. 130 and others, M., 1955; Basic principles of nutrition for children and adolescents, ed. E. M. Fateeva, Moscow, 1974; Fundamentals of space biology and medicine, ed. O. G. Gazenko and M. Calvin, vol. 3, p. 35, Moscow, 1975; Pap A. G. and others. Balanced diet pregnant women, women in childbirth and puerperas, Akush, and gynec., L "3, p. 51, 1979; Petrovsky K. S. Nutritional hygiene, M., 1975; Nutrition during pregnancy and lactation, Reports of WHO experts, M., 1966; Nutrition Pi sport, under the editorship of V. N. Litvinova, L., 1976; Pokrov with k and y A. A., V. I. Lenin and the solution of the food problem, Vopr, pit., vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 3, 1970; he, Physiological and biochemical bases for the development of baby food, M., 1972, bibliogr.; he, Metabolic aspects of pharmacology and toxicology of food, M., 1979; Pokrovsky A. A. and Fateeva E. M. Topical issues nutrition of children of school age, Vestn. USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, No. 5, p. 17, 1972; Recommendations for the nutrition of athletes, ed. A. A. Pokrovsky, M., 1975; Guide to gerontology, ed. D. F. Chebotareva and others, p. 471, M., 1978; Handbook of Pediatric Dietetics, ed. Edited by I. M. Vorontsov and A. F. Mazurin. Leningrad, 1980. Studenikin M. I. Lado-do K. S. Nutrition of young children, L., 1978, bibliogr.; living conditions and old man, ed. D. F. Chebotareva, p. 135, M., 1978; Fateeva E. M., Balashova V. A. and Khaustova T. N. Nutrition of schoolchildren and adolescents, M., 1974; Chemical composition of food products, ed. M. F. Nesterin and I. M. Skurnkhin. Moscow, 1979. Chemical composition of food products, ed. A. A. Pokrovsky, M., 1976; Sh a t e r n i k o v V. A. and Kona sh e v V. A. The 50th anniversary of the first five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR and the science of nutrition in our country, Vopr, pit., No. 5, With. 3, 1979; Shater nickname about in M. I. About the protein part of food rations, in the same place, t. 1, century. 1-2, p. 44, 1932; Aykroyd W. R. Attack on hunger diseases, M., WHO, 1972; I to about in l of e in H. N. Food of athletes, L., 1957; A 1 1 a-b at M. "W-" orld food resources, actual and potential, L., 1977; Arlin M. The science of nutrition, N.Y., 1977; Burton B. T. Human nutrition, N. Y., 1976; Davidson S.a. o. Human nutrition and dietetics, Edinburgh, 1975; Frydman G. Hajeri H. et Papie r n i k E. Retard de croissance intra-uterin et nutrition prenatale, J. Gynec. obstet. Biol, repr., t. 6, p. 913, 1977; Gauli G., Sturm an J. A. a. Raiha C. R. Development of mammalian sulfur metabolism, absence of cysta-thionase in human fetal tissues, Pediat. Res., v. 6, p. 538, 1972; Handbuch der Gerontologie, hrsg. v. D. F. Cebotarev u. a., Bd 1, S. 528, Jena 1978; Jones K. L. Foods, diet, and nutrition, N. Y.-San Francisco, 1975; K e t z H. A. u. a. Grundriss der Ernahrungslehre, Jena, $197; M u Tiro H. N. a. Young V. R. Protein metabolism in the elderly, Observations relating to dietary needs, Postgrad. Med., v. 63, p. 143, 1978; nutrition, ed. by A. Chavez, v. 1, Basel, 1975; P i t-k i n R. M. Nutritional, Influences during pregnancy, Med. Clin. N. Amer., v. 61, p. 3, 1977, bibliogr.; Runyan T. J. Nutrition for today, N. Y., 1976; Wi 1-1 i a m s S. R. Nutrition and diet therapy, St. Louis, 1977.

B. A. Shaternikov; Yu. G. Grigorov (rep.), H. F. Koshelev, K. K. Silchenko (military), V. A. Konyshev (soc.), K. A. Laricheva (sports.), E. P. Samborskaya (ac.), E. M. Fateeva (ped.).

Nowadays there are various norms nutrition, and initially in Russia they were identified in 1930. It is correct to say - the physiological needs of the human body for useful nutrients.

The physical activity coefficient (CFA) formed the basis in 1991 for calculating the nutritional rate.

The balance in the daily menu of an ordinary person should be between proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as follows:

  • Proteins - 15%
  • Fats - 35%
  • Carbohydrates - 50%

If you play sports or lead an active lifestyle, then the ratio is:

  • Proteins - 25-40%
  • Fats - 10-20%
  • Carbohydrates - 40-60%

The specific amount of food and calories - each person must calculate independently, taking into account age, gender, physical activity and activity during the day.

It is considered the average norm for women - 2000-2100 Kcal, and for men 2600-2800 calories per day.

Children during their growth period should receive sufficient amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, etc.

If you look into history, people used to consume 2 times more calories than they do today. This is due to the fact that they led an active and extreme lifestyle, constantly moved, hunted, in general - "survived as best they could." Of course, they spent a large amount of body energy to maintain their existence. Today, many people work in offices and do not spend much energy, in connection with this, food rations have been significantly reduced. Previously, men consumed about 5000 kcal per day, and now 2 times less, so compare how the diet has changed today.

If guys and girls go in for sports or lead an active lifestyle, then their need is more by 500-1500 Kcal, depending on the intensity and loads.

Ordinary people, if they eat a lot a day and violate the established norms, they will gain weight, and perhaps even become obese. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the optimal calorie menu for the day.

Important components of proper nutrition and nutrients

  • Proteins are the main building block for muscles. This does not mean that only athletes and bodybuilders should use it. For the health of an ordinary person, you need 1 gram per 1 kilogram of weight per day, if your weight is 50 kg, respectively, 50 grams. squirrel. During growth, the child needs 2-5 times more protein(2-5 grams per 1 kg of weight), because the body is formed and grows. The amount of protein at a time is 20-30 grams, because more will not be absorbed at a time. Consider this moment when compiling your diet, if you play sports.
  • Fats are a reserve or reserve source of energy for the body. There are healthy and unhealthy fats. Healthy fats are good for your health and should be included in your diet. The necessary ones are found in fatty tuna, herring, mackerel, salmon and others.
  • Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. There are "fast" and "slow" carbohydrates. As you understand, preference should be given to "slow" carbohydrates, they are more useful. A large amount of carbohydrate intake turns into subcutaneous deposits if the body does not absorb them at a time. And the risk of deposition in subcutaneous fat refers to "fast" carbohydrates. “Slow” carbohydrates are starch, glycogen, cellulose, they are found in buckwheat, rice, hard pasta varieties and much more.
  • Vitamins and minerals - play important role in human health. Be sure to eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals daily. useful substances. Vitamins affect the growth and development of people, mental and physical performance, are involved in regulating metabolism and protecting the body from diseases, etc.