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Foods with a lot of protein table. Food Chemistry: Protein in Food

It so happens that nutrition is one of the essential functions on the planet, and all living organisms need it. And the person in this case is no exception.

Almost everyone knows that all our food contains essential chemical components: proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as a whole range minerals. But by delving into this topic, there is a chance to find out what role they play in the body, nutrition and cooking. It’s quite interesting how to cook what will later become you (this is the sacred meaning of food) and what happens at that moment.

Let's start with proteins (as proteins are often called, although in essence they are simple protein compounds consisting of amino acids), they play a major role in metabolism, since they are involved in almost all processes occurring within us.

Functions of proteins in the human body

Elementary biology or chemistry will help us answer the question of why our body needs proteins... in a word, science. To an ordinary person Those who are not associated with these areas do not need to know all the formulas for the reactions occurring in the body (and believe me, there are very, very many of them), but it will be useful to delve into your own body in more detail.

And if we omit all the subtleties and complexities, then in reality everything will be much simpler than in textbooks.

We need protein for better absorption minerals, fats and carbohydrates that enter the body as a result of the digestion of food, as well as for this very digestion. Because proteins are part of enzymes, digestive acids and hormones.

During the digestion of food, proteins accumulate in a certain reserve, from where they are then spent on the needs of the body. Such as the structure of cells and tissues. Moreover, both during the growth and development of new ones, and in the case of restoration of damaged ones. That is why protein is the No. 1 friend of all athletes and bodybuilders, because muscle growth is impossible without protein compounds.

Processes such as the transport of nutrients, minerals and cellular metabolism are also based on the participation of amino acids in these processes.

Just like motor functions, because contractions of our muscles are possible thanks to cellular metabolism, metabolism in general and in particular some types of protein reactions and chains.

Proteins in the body have protective function, and to be precise, not alone. And they consist in the fact that our blood clots, wounds heal, and the body fights toxins and viruses. In other words, even immunity depends on protein composition the products we eat.

All of the listed processes, which can be called metabolism, must be regulated, and this happens, again, with the help of protein reactions, or rather amino acid compounds.

Protein in cooking and food

Here, too, everything is quite transparent, it is enough to clarify what chemical value protein food.

As you already know, protein consists of amino acids, and some of them are synthesized in our body, but others can only be supplied with food, and therefore they are called essential.

The protein intake rate for humans is not strictly limited, and is about 1-2 grams. per 1 kg of weight (depending on the activity of the lifestyle, the period of recovery after illness, etc.), with greater consumption of protein foods, protein digestibility decreases.

There is such a thing as a complete protein, this is a set of essential amino acids that is similar to what is found in our body.

Protein foods can be divided into animal products and plant origin.

Eggs, meat, fish and milk are considered the most complete in terms of protein composition, plus they are absorbed faster and in larger volume. All these are products (and therefore protein) of animal origin. Plant foods lack some essential amino acids. This includes cereals, vegetables, legumes and everything else that does not breathe or run.

Despite the fact that there are a huge number of vegetarians, the majority of people live mixed nutrition. And that's a few the better, What plant foods, you can supplement the animal and get the most effective and complete set of amino acids.

Beating and foaming whites used in the preparation of baked goods, namely biscuits (biscuit dough), confectionery(souffle, marshmallows) and various sauces where it is necessary to use beaten eggs (the most common protein for these purposes), cream and similar food products. Also used in cocktails. The foaming process can be observed, for example, when cooking potatoes or milk.

It must be remembered that long-term storage of food violates, or rather weakens, all physicochemical characteristics proteins. Which requires increased cooking time, or boiling and soaking. That is why old meat is stewed, and dried peas are soaked and then boiled for a long time.

This may not be the last time we talk about proteins in cooking, but first we should look at fats and carbohydrates to have a better understanding of the changes nutritional value products during the cooking process. So expect new articles on , and we will continue to delve into food.

Have a good day!

Do you want something beautiful? slender body? Nutrition plays a huge role. What foods contain protein, how to use it correctly, be sure to take into account the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates so that the goal is achieved. And the whole world will see the results.

Hello, Dear friends and the readers of my blog. Svetlana Morozova is with you. Glad to see you again! Are you getting ready for summer? Here I am. I remember the basics of maintaining beautiful body. What is the main builder in our food? That's right, protein. Let's talk about him.

Hello squirrel

What foods contain protein: keep it, list of foods:

Protein literacy

You can sit on protein shakes and eat meat all day long, and in the end you get not a sculpted torso, but, etc. You can’t do this without certain knowledge.

Be sure to take into account the ratio of proteins, fats and And it depends on the goal:

  • To maintain health, the proportions of BJU are 25-35/25-35/30-50%
  • For this proportion changes to 40-50/30-40/10-20%
  • For building muscle, as they say, for mass, for bodybuilders or just amateurs, the ratio is already 25-35/15-25/40-60%
  • It is recommended to eat 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight every day. And for athletes or those who have physically difficult work - not 1, but 2 g. So, everyone has their own daily norm.

Protein is absorbed differently throughout the day. Therefore, food rich in protein is distributed as follows:

  • Breakfast – 20%
  • Lunch – 45%
  • Dinner – 20%
  • Snacks – 5% for 3 snacks.

You can improve protein absorption by:

  • When heated,
  • pickling,
  • pickling

The protein denatures and its structure becomes simpler.

Must be consumed. A prerequisite for both losing weight and gaining muscle mass. And generally speaking.

Weight loss technique

In circles of people interested in fitness (nutrition specialists, trainers, athletes), BEACH - protein-carbohydrate alternation - is now becoming popular. Helps you lose weight while maintaining muscle mass.

What's the point

There is a cycle of 4 days. You need to eat proteins and carbohydrates, distributing them over the days like this:

  1. For the first 2 days we eat protein. Carbohydrates come only from protein foods. Fats - in accordance with your norm.
  2. On the third day of the cycle, exactly the opposite, we eat carbohydrates (mostly complex ones).
  3. And on day 4 we eat everything. What does such a BUCH give? During the first half of the cycle, we burn fat and build muscle.

However, if there is one protein without carbohydrates, the cell will not receive energy in the form of glucose. And plus, you can get intestinal dysbiosis, since our intestinal microflora feeds exclusively on what we cannot digest - hard-to-digest fiber found in plants (carbohydrates). Therefore, the daily diet must include BZHU, all three components. Weight loss is regulated only by percentage.

Basics about proteins

Proteins – main construction material all living things on earth (not counting plants). If we delve a little deeper into chemistry, proteins consist of a chain of amino acids that are vital for us: they form antibodies, hormones, create muscle fibers, bones, reduce harmful substances in the blood, etc. We need 20 amino acids for the healthy existence of our protein body. And we can get 8 of them only from animal food, this essential amino acids. No nuts, soybeans or legumes can replace these amino acids for us.

Role in the body

The functions of proteins are very diverse:

  • Included in many structures and tissues
  • Store and transmit genetic information along with nucleic acids(DNA and RNA)
  • Carried throughout the body in the blood nutrients and oxygen
  • Catalyze chemical reactions(enzymes)
  • In women, they feed the fetus, and then the newborn.
  • Contracts muscles to allow movement
  • Serve as receptors
  • Regulate the content of many substances in the body (insulin regulates glucose levels, for example)
  • They are part of immunoglobulins, i.e. influence

Classification of proteins:

Composition: simple and complex proteins.

  • According to the speed of digestion: fast (digested easily, ideal for recovery before and after training - milk, yogurt, kefir) and slow (digested for a long time and the body spends a lot of energy on this, ideal for losing weight and building muscle mass - cottage cheese, soy, meat, fish).
  • By importance: complete (contain a maximum of essential amino acids - animal proteins) and incomplete (vegetable).

That's all, I think.

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You can often hear the phrase that protein is good for the body. But what are its useful features, few people say. In most cases, conversations are about amino acids. At the same time, almost no one will say that in the process of assimilation of protein by the body, cells are saturated with amino acids. Thanks to this, cell regeneration is accelerated and healthy condition hair, nails and skin.

The role of protein in body processes

The protein structure is made up of many compounds with other elements such as amino acids.

There are two types of amino acids for the human body. They are:

  • Irreplaceable elements are formed in the process of vital activity of the organism. A person spends a lot of energy on their creation. Their deficiency in the body can be expressed constant feeling hunger. Therefore, intake through food is important point in restoring the norm of amino acids.
  • Replaceable elements. They must be supplied in the right quantities to maintain healthy processes. If you regularly eat food that is low in protein and high in fat and carbohydrates, metabolic disorders will occur. This will lead to serious problems with health and weight.

Therefore, it is important to know which foods contain a significant amount of protein and the rate of its consumption.

Main functions

The number of protein functions in the human body is endless. But the main ones are:

  • construction role
  • hormonal regulating
  • saturates cells with other nutrients
  • thickens the blood, which performs a protective function
  • stabilizes and maintains pressure at the proper level
  • relaxes muscle tissue under prolonged stress
  • promotes the development of the fetus during pregnancy by saturating it with elements necessary for growth

In nature, there are two ways of getting protein - through plant and meat food. For the body, the protein element itself is not important, but the product of the cleavage reaction in the form of twenty-two amino acids. It is believed that saturation of the body with nine of them should occur in the process of eating food.

Regulating the metabolic process with protein foods

Science has proven that high-calorie foods significantly speed up the metabolic process in the body. It affects a person. For example, during weight loss, protein keeps vital organs in good shape and also stimulates immune system and the effect of antioxidants. With the help of protein, the body receives all the elements necessary for vital functioning.

In addition to what is noted, foods rich in protein natural origin carries out this effect through correct exchange substances:

  • lowers blood sugar, which significantly strengthens the cardiovascular system
  • stimulates insulin to correct work to burn accumulated glucose from muscle tissue work
  • displays excess water from tissue cells of the human body
  • burns fat deposits, which affects the normalization of a person’s weight
  • saturates useful substances cells - this allows you to reduce appetite, since it is the brain that signals the degree of saturation of the body

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All of the above effects have long been confirmed by scientists. They found that to maintain health at the proper level, a person must consume 100 grams of protein per day, found in food of natural origin.

The history of establishing the daily norm in the diet

When consuming ingredients such as meat, cheese, milk or peas, the digestion process breaks down food proteins and amino acids. Next, the resulting elements end up in the blood and mix with enzymes. This is how proteins necessary, for example, for the growth of muscle tissue, are formed.

Dietitians believe that individual species protein elements cannot be broken down. This occurs due to the lack of required enzymes. Therefore, various protein-rich ingredients have varying degrees absorption by the body. For example, eggs are digestible by 95–100%, and pea porridge by 50–60%.

The main person who managed to calculate the protein is Max Rubner. He substantiated two important processes - anabolism, when new elements are formed, and catabolism, when substances are broken down.

In the process of long-term studies, this scientist found that the norm for protein per day is 0.3 grams per 1 kg of body weight for an adult. In terms of diet, this equals 1 liter of milk.

Many modern scientists believe that this study was carried out a long time ago and has lost its scientific basis.

New standard results for calculating the amount of protein per day

As already noted, today other approaches are used in calculating the protein diet for people of different age categories. Such standards look like this:

  • for a middle-aged person, it is necessary to consume 1.5 grams of protein per day per 1 kg of body weight
  • During the infancy period, 2.2 grams of protein per day per 1 kg of body is required for enhanced development and growth
  • for children aged 7–10 years, the daily intake of protein should not exceed 36 grams of total amount per day
  • expectant mothers during the period of bearing a child are supplemented with 30 grams of solid per day to the adult norm

All of the above standards must be met under a number of circumstances. These include:

  • parallel intake of other elements, such as carbohydrates and fats
  • the degree of quality of the incoming protein must be significant with a complete amino acid set
  • mandatory compliance with the ratio between the amount of plant and animal protein - the first should be no more than 35%

It follows from this that if the shown conditions are met, the body of an adult weighing 65 kg is able to normally absorb 98 grams of protein. For people involved in sports, these standards are much higher and are calculated individually.

List of foods containing digestible protein

It has already been noted that not all proteins can be fully absorbed by the body. This is explained by the presence of other elements in foods containing protein - fats and. Their a large number of inhibits protein absorption.

Research shows that products containing only protein are food ingredients that are fully absorbed by the human body. This is due to low dose there are other elements in them. This is confirmed by the reason for rapid absorption. Only because of the increased amount of cholesterol, nutritionists recommend eating no more than 1 - 2 eggs per day for an adult.

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The second product in terms of protein absorption is steamed meat. Low-fat beef and chicken are considered the best here. In 100 grams of the latter product there are 28 - 30 grams of protein.

Meat products containing the highest percentage of protein include:

  • Boiled veal meat – 100 grams of product contains 30.7 grams of protein
  • boiled chicken – 100 grams 25.2 grams of protein
  • turkey meat boiled in water – 100 grams 25.3 grams of protein
  • boiled rabbit meat - 100 grams contains 24.6 grams of protein

To fish products from the nai big amount proteins include:

  • boiled pink salmon meat – 100 grams contains 22.9 grams of protein
  • flounder – 100 grams 18.3 grams of protein
  • pollock in 100 grams contains 17.6 grams of protein
  • pike perch in 100 grams has 21.3 grams of protein

The most protein-rich dairy products are:

  • milk – 100 grams contains 3 grams of protein
  • kefir – 100 grams 4.3 grams of protein
  • yogurt contains 5 grams of protein per 100 grams
  • cottage cheese contains 18 grams of protein per 100 grams of product

Plant protein products are:

  • boiled potatoes – per 100 grams 2.4 grams of protein
  • rice boiled in water – 100 grams contains 2.4 grams of protein
  • 100 grams of rye flour bread contains 6.5 grams of protein
  • green peas have 5 grams of protein in 100 grams

Every person since childhood has heard about the benefits of oatmeal porridge. It is believed that this product belongs to the category of “slow” proteins. It has little fat, but a lot of protein and carbohydrate elements.

Manifestations of insufficient protein in the human body

To establish the fact of protein deficiency in the body, you do not need to have a specialist opinion. Just look at yourself in the mirror.

May be confirmed by the following factors:

  • Flabby skin covering and sagging muscle tissue, if the person is under thirty years old
  • The skin of the face is covered with wrinkles and its irregular shape is observed.
  • Unhealthy and nails. Their structure consists entirely of protein and therefore the deficiency of this element immediately comes out
  • Weakening of muscle mass and formation of fat deposits
  • The presence of deviations in digestive process in the form of constipation, flatulence and other symptoms
  • Reduced resistance to stressful situations
  • Fatigue quickly with light exertion

If more than half of the listed factors are present in the process of observing yourself, then you need to sound the alarm. First of all, you need to change your attitude towards food.

It is important to remember that the cause of protein deficiency can be somatic diseases - flu or colds. If present, the blood test result indicates low level hemoglobin and immunoglobulin.

The situation can be corrected by consuming foods containing a significant amount of proteins. In addition there should be foodstuffs with fat and carbohydrate elements.

Protein is important building material our body. Every cell of the body consists of it, it is part of all tissues and organs. In addition, a special type of protein plays a role enzymes And hormones in a living organism.

In addition to its construction function, protein can also be source of energy. And in case of excess protein, the liver “prudently” converts the protein into fats, which are stored as reserves in the body (how to get rid of such fat?).

The human body contains 22 amino acids: The body can synthesize 13 amino acids independently from existing building materials, and 9 of them it can only obtain from food.

In the process of assimilation by the body, proteins break down into amino acids, which in turn are supplied to different parts of the body to perform their basic functions. Proteins (in the form of amino acids) are part of the blood and are components hormonal system, thyroid gland, affect the growth and development of the body, regulate the water and acid-base balance of the body.

Protein-rich foods:

The indicated amount is approximate amount per 100 g of product

+ 40 more protein-rich foods ( the number of grams per 100 g of product is indicated):
Turkey 21,6 Halibut 18,9 Brynza 17,9 Boiled sausage 12,1
Chicken leg 21,3 Veal 19,7 Herring 17,7 Millet 12,0
Rabbit meat 21,2 Beef 18,9 Beef liver 17,4 Oatmeal 11,9
Pink salmon 21 Pork liver 18,8 Pork kidneys 16,4 Pork is fatty 11,4
Shrimps 20,9 Lamb liver 18,7 Hazelnut 16,1 Wheat bread 7,7
Chickens 20,8 Chickens 18,7 Pollock 15,9 Butter pastries 7,6
Salmon 20,8 Almond 18,6 Heart 15 Rice porrige 7
sunflower seed 20,7 Squid 18 Walnut 13,8 Rye bread 4,7
Small saury 20,4 Mackerel 18 Doctor's Varenka 13,7 Low-fat kefir 3
Mutton 20 Low-fat cottage cheese 18 Buckwheat core 12,6 Milk 2,8

Daily protein requirement

The recommended protein requirement for an adult is 0.8 g per 1 kg of weight. This indicator can be found in tables for calculating ideal body weight. The actual weight of a person is not taken into account in this case, due to the fact that amino acids are intended for cellular mass of the body, and not for fat deposits.

According to the rules of dietetics, protein foods should make up about 15% of the total calorie content of the daily diet. Although this indicator may vary depending on the type of activity of a person, as well as his state of health.

The need for proteins increases:

  • During illness, especially after surgery, as well as during the recovery period.
  • During work requiring strong physical stress.
  • In the cold season, when the body spends more energy on heating.
  • During intensive growth and development of the body.
  • During sports competitions, as well as preparation for them.

Protein requirements decrease:

  • During the warm season. This is due to chemical processes in the body that occur when exposed to heat.
  • With age. In old age, the body renews itself more slowly, so less protein is required.
  • For diseases associated with the digestibility of proteins. One such disease is gout.

Protein digestibility

When a person consumes carbohydrates, the process of digesting them begins while they are in the mouth. With proteins, everything is different. Their digestion begins only in the stomach, with the help of of hydrochloric acid. However, since protein molecules are very large, proteins are quite difficult to digest. To improve the absorption of proteins, it is necessary to consume foods that contain protein in its most digestible and light form. These include egg white, as well as the protein contained in fermented milk products such as kefir, fermented baked milk, feta cheese, etc.

According to theory separate power supply, protein foods go well with a variety of greens and leafy vegetables. Modern nutritionists claim that protein is better absorbed in the presence of fats and carbohydrates, which are the main sources of energy for the body.

Since protein foods stay in the body much longer than carbohydrate foods, the feeling of fullness after eating proteins lasts much longer.

Beneficial properties of protein and its effect on the body

Depending on their specialization, proteins perform in the body various functions. Transport proteins, for example, are engaged in the delivery of vitamins, fat and minerals to all cells of the body. Catalyst proteins accelerate various chemical processes occurring in the body. There are also proteins that struggling with various infections , being antibodies to various diseases. In addition, proteins are sources of important amino acids, which are necessary as a building material for new cells and strengthening existing ones.

Interaction with essential elements

Everything in nature is interconnected, and everything also interacts in our body. Proteins, as part of the overall ecosystem, interact with other elements of our body - vitamins, fats and carbohydrates. Moreover, in addition to simple interaction, proteins are also involved in the transformation of one substance into another.

As for vitamins, for every gram of protein consumed, you need to consume 1 mg of vitamin C. If there is a lack of vitamin C, only that amount of protein will be absorbed for which the vitamin contained in the body is enough.

Dangerous properties of proteins and warnings

Signs of lack of protein in the body

  • Weakness, lack of energy. Loss of performance.
  • Decreased libido. At medical research There may be a lack of certain sex hormones.
  • Low resistance to various infections.
  • Impaired liver, nervous and circulatory system, functioning of the intestines, pancreas, metabolic processes.
  • Muscle atrophy develops, growth and development of the body in children slows down.

Signs of excess protein in the body

  • Fragility skeletal system, which occurs as a result of acidification of the body, which leads to the leaching of calcium from the bones.
  • Violation water balance in the body, which can also lead to swelling and inability to absorb vitamins.
  • The development of gout, which in the old days was called “rich people’s disease,” is also a direct consequence of excess protein in the body.
  • Excess weight can also be a consequence of excessive protein consumption. This is due to the activity of the liver, which converts excess protein for the body into adipose tissue.
  • Bowel cancer, according to some scientific sources, can be a consequence high content purines in food.

Factors influencing protein content in the body

Composition and quantity of food. Since the body cannot synthesize essential amino acids on its own.

Age. It is known that in childhood the amount of protein required for the growth and development of the body is more than 2 times higher than the protein requirement of a middle-aged person! In old age everything metabolic processes proceed much more slowly, and, consequently, the body’s need for proteins is significantly reduced.

Physical labor and professional sports. To maintain tone and performance, athletes and people engaged in intense physical labor require a 2-fold increase in protein intake, since all metabolic processes occur very intensively in their body.

Protein food for health

As we have already said, there are 2 large groups of proteins: proteins that are sources replaceable And irreplaceable amino acids. There are only 9 essential amino acids: threonine, methionine, tryptophan, lysine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, valine. It is these amino acids that our body especially needs, since they are absorbed only from food.

In modern dietetics there is such a concept as full And incomplete protein. A protein food that contains all the essential amino acids is called a complete protein; an incomplete protein is a food that contains only some of the essential amino acids.

Foods containing complete, high-quality protein include meat, dairy, seafood and soy. The top spot in the list of such products belongs to eggs, which according to medical criteria are considered the gold standard. complete protein.

Incomplete protein is most often found in nuts, various seeds, cereals, vegetables, legumes, some fruits.

By combining foods containing incomplete protein with complete protein in one meal, you can achieve maximum absorption of incomplete protein. To do this, it is enough to include only a small amount of animal products in your diet, and the benefits for the body will be significant.

Protein and vegetarianism

Some people, due to their moral and ethical convictions, completely excluded meat products from your diet. The most famous of them are Richard Gere, the Blue Lagoon star Brooke Shields, the magnificent Pamela Anderson, and the unrivaled Russian comedian Mikhail Zadornov.

However, in order for the body not to feel deprived, a complete replacement for fish and meat is necessary. For those who consume milk, cottage cheese, and eggs, it is, of course, easier. Those who have completely abandoned animal proteins have to be very creative so that the body does not suffer from a lack of protein. This is especially true for children’s fast-growing organisms, which, with a lack of amino acids, can slow down growth and normal development.

Thanks to certain studies related to the study of absorption vegetable protein body, it became known that certain combinations of such a protein can provide the body with a complete set of essential amino acids. These combinations are: mushrooms-cereals; mushrooms-nuts; legumes–cereals; legumes–nuts, as well as different types legumes combined in one meal.

But this is just a theory and time will pass before it is fully confirmed or refuted.

Among plant protein products, the title of “champion” in terms of protein content goes to soy. 100 grams of soy contains more than 30% complete protein. Japanese miso soup, soy meat and soy sauce are not all the delicacies that are prepared from this amazing product. Mushrooms, lentils, beans and peas contain from 28 to 25% incomplete protein per 100 grams.

Avocado is comparable in protein content to fresh cow's milk(it contains about 14% protein). In addition, the fruit contains polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega-6 and alimentary fiber. Nuts, buckwheat, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, as well as spinach and asparagus complete our far from full list foods rich in plant protein.

Proteins in the fight for slimness and beauty

For those who want to always remain fit and beautiful, nutritionists recommend adhering to a certain diet before and after training:

  1. 1 In order to build muscle mass and to acquire a sports figure it is recommended to eat protein food an hour before training. For example, half a plate of cottage cheese or other fermented milk product, chicken breast or turkey with rice, fish with salad, omelet with oatmeal.
  2. 2 To gain an athletic figure, eating is allowed 20 minutes after training. Moreover, you should eat protein and carbohydrate foods, but not fats.
  3. 3 If the goal of the training is gain slimness and grace, without building muscle mass, then protein foods should be consumed no earlier than 2 hours after the end of classes. Before training, do not eat protein for 5 hours at all. Last meal (carbohydrates) 2 hours before classes.

Proteins, along with fats and carbohydrates, make up our diet. All of them are equally important for the body.

In this article we will look at what protein is, create a list of proteins in products of plant and animal origin, and indicate the approximate need of a person in accordance with his gender, age and type of activity.

What is protein?

The scientific name of protein is protein, which means “first” in Greek. A high-molecular substance of organic origin consists of amino acids. Protein is part of all, absolutely all cells of the body. Most of Half of the cells are made up of it.

IN human body 21 amino acids, 8 of which are essential for full functioning. This:

  • leucine;
  • lysine;
  • valine;
  • tryptophan;
  • methionine;
  • threonine;
  • isoleucine;
  • phenylalaline.

Essential means that the body does not have the ability to produce it itself and therefore must obtain it from external sources. To help you, there is a table below.

Function of protein in the body

So, visually for you, protein is:

  • muscles;
  • leather;
  • organs;
  • hair.

And if we look at it globally, protein provides you with a full-fledged existence, since:

Human protein needs

After all that has been said about protein, you may get the impression that more is better. Why not give the body so many useful things, if possible? However, this is a misconception. Best the enemy of the good. There is nothing more beneficial for a person than balance, regardless of the application. In this regard, a formula has been derived to calculate optimal quantity protein for a person according to his life and weight. So, the average amount is 0.85 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. This quantity covers daily requirement in protein. The amount of protein in foods (table below) will help you correctly compose your diet.

And now - the details. If you are driving active image life, then the amount of protein must be increased to 1.7 grams per kilogram of weight. With this proportion, protein synthesis in muscles increases. If we look at the athletes’ indicators, the data is as follows:

  • to develop or maintain existing muscle mass, you need to consume about 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of weight;
  • To reduce this, you can temporarily increase your intake to 1.9 grams of protein per kilogram of weight.

Table of proteins in foods of animal origin

Animal proteins, compared to their plant counterparts, have a more perfect composition of those same ones. Consider the list of protein-rich foods of animal origin.

Chicken egg12,8
Egg powder44,8
Medium fat milk2,9
Medium fat kefir2,7
Low-fat cottage cheese18
Cottage cheese 5% fat10,1
Cottage cheese 9% fat9,7
Cheese "Russian"25
Parmesan cheese36
Lean pork16,5
Red fish (pink salmon)20,9
Chicken fillet22
Beef liver17,5
Turkey fillet21,4
Rabbit meat21
Boiled sausage14
Raw smoked sausage15,7
Heavy cream, sour cream2,8

Table of proteins in plant-based foods

Vegetarians have a harder time recruiting the necessary norm products to provide the body with the necessary amino acids, in most cases they have to resort to special nutritional supplements.

Consider the list of plant origins.

ProductsAmount of protein per 100 grams, grams
Dry peas21,9
Soya beans26,1
Premium wheat flour10,8
Rye flour10,7
Oat groats11,2
Pearl barley8,7
Barley groats9,8
Red cabbage0,6
Bulb onions1,5
Green onion1,4
Green salad1,6

Ideally, you need to combine proteins of both animal and plant origin in your diet, since the latter are a source of fiber and vitamins. Plus, it is easier to digest and does not carry with it fat and cholesterol, unlike its animal counterpart. A table of proteins in foods will help you maintain balance.

Protein deficiency and its consequences

In order to imagine the consequences of a systematic lack of protein, it is enough to simply read again all its main functions in the body and think backwards. In other words, protein deficiency is:

  • weakened immune system;
  • failure of processes that ensure comfortable functioning of the body;
  • problems with muscles, skin, hair, general exhaustion;
  • anemia.

Protein surplus and its consequences

Everything is good in moderation, everyone knows that. In pursuit of muscle mass, beautiful relief and developed figure, many athletes tend to overeat protein. This also applies to those who are fond of low-carb diets and gain the main amount daily norm calories from proteins and fats. It must be remembered that the table of protein in products will allow you to adhere to the norm.

  1. Systematic excess of protein norms is fraught with the development of kidney stones. The risk increases by 2.5 times!
  2. Excess protein can stimulate the development of diseases such as osteoporosis. If you have kidney problems, even minor ones, a heavy dose of protein will make them worse.
  3. Dehydration. Yes, indeed, it’s not the worst problem compared to others; it’s enough just to consume the required amount of liquid.
  4. Excess protein increases risk oncological diseases digestive system.
  5. If there is an imbalance in the diet with excess protein, ketosis can develop. This process is characterized by the growth of ketone bodies (a product of the breakdown of fat cells). Excess ketones poison the body, causing nausea, vomiting and an acetone odor from the body. IN extreme cases similar condition may lead to ketoacitosis coma, which is a direct threat to life. To avoid this, adjust your diet wisely (the table of protein in foods will help with this).

Protein Rich Dietary Supplements

What to do if you can’t reach the prescribed amount of protein? regular products food? This is where special people come to the rescue nutritional supplements. Don’t be scared - this applies primarily to athletes, since the average person will “eat” his 0.85 grams per 1 kilogram of weight without any problems. Don’t be scared, this is not food, not steroids and other horror stories, this is pure protein. Naturally, it is necessary to approach the choice with all responsibility - not only the amount of proteins in the products (table above), but also reviews from serious sources should form the basis. For example, it is worth special mentioning the currently popular BCAA supplement - this is the same protein that has already been broken down for you, leaving three essential amino acids, of which about 30% muscles are made up. This supplement is indicated for intense physical activity because it stimulates fast recovery muscles.

Bottom line

What more can be said? Protein is one of the three pillars on which human health rests.

The composition of proteins in products is extremely important in the construction process healthy diet. There is no need to fanatically monitor the prescribed grams of protein per kilogram of weight - its amount can fluctuate from day to day in accordance with your preferences, but the average should be within the norm.