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The benefits and harms of pea porridge: about the wonderful properties of a simple dish. What are the benefits of pea porridge for the body?

Fragrant and tasty pea porridge, a hearty product whose benefits and harms are still a matter of debate, is a favorite dish for many people, which they prefer to enjoy several times a week.

Is it possible to eat the dish every day? Are there any contraindications, and will the calorie content of the product affect physical fitness? The modern consumer has a lot of questions, the answers to which shape his lifestyle and help him create useful menu on every day.

Peas - a traditional product of modern cuisine

Peas have been known since ancient times. In many cultures it was associated with wealth and well-being. Modern consumers nutritious product they are more interested in the benefits of peas, in what dishes and forms they have the most beneficial effect on human health, and whether they can be used in weight loss diets.

Our ancestors knew about the benefits of peas; they are inexpensive and tasty; they have always been part of many dishes, including pure form The seeds of the plant contain substances such as:

  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, PP, E, C;
  • beta-carotene;
  • tryptophan;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • fluorine;
  • zirconium;
  • tin;
  • selenium;
  • aluminum;
  • vanadium;
  • molybdenum;
  • strontium;
  • silicon;
  • nickel;
  • sulfur.

Known various shapes consumption of the product. These are cereals, soups and salads of various compositions. Recommended in summer season use green seeds in dishes, and take sprouted peas in winter.

Porridge is a favorite dish of gourmets

A regular at many tables is porridge. Made from peas, it resembles mashed potatoes, but in its composition it is twice as nutritious. It can be prepared either from flour or from dried or green seeds.

The benefit of pea porridge is that it has a high protein content low level calorie content (99 kcal), which makes it effective dietary remedy promoting rapid weight loss.

Low-calorie, protein-rich puree is not inferior in its properties to beef. The lysine contained in the product helps overcome fatigue and serves good remedy from depression, helps fight herpes. Regularly consumed puree improves performance of cardio-vascular system, adjusts the body to coordinated work.

Beneficial effects of vitamins

Vitamin A, contained in pea flour, plays an important role. It is present in all forms of the product: flour, sprouts, green and canned peas. Vitamin A is essential for nails, hair and skin. If there is not enough vitamin in the body, vision may decrease. As for the skin, lovers of pea puree do not suffer from such pathologies as skin cracks, rashes in the corners of the mouth, stomatitis, etc. Low calorie This product allows you to always be in shape, be proud of and enjoy your health.

Green, boiled, sprouted and canned peas contain vitamin B in sufficient quantities, which performs the task of maintaining immunity. The benefit of peas is that by consuming them, a person becomes immune to many diseases. Doctors advise using puree, canned form or sprouts for those who smoke or abuse coffee. This reduces the harmful effects of nicotine and caffeine on the body.

The benefits of peas are especially important for the body of pregnant women. Dishes made from plant seeds have a positive effect on the formation nervous system fetus, pea components are involved in the formation of the baby’s skeletal system and have a beneficial effect on the mother’s health.

The most useful forms of peas

In the refrigerator and cabinets of most kitchens you will definitely find canned peas, flour or dried plant seeds. In the summer, many housewives strive to purchase green seeds, which delight with a juicy sweet taste and amazing ease of digestion. Beneficial features peas are far from its only advantage.

Meanwhile, in different consistencies the properties of the product are enhanced or reduced. They are most clearly expressed in seedlings, which contain the power of living nature.

Sprouts are most suitable for weight loss. Fruits sprouted in water have high nutritional value and low calorie content. You can germinate them yourself in water or purchase them in stores.

A simple sprouting recipe

Seeds placed in a saucer are poured overnight warm water. In the morning, they should be thoroughly rinsed and refilled, but in a tall transparent container (glass, jar). The vessel is covered with gauze. Future seedlings should be in a warm place. The procedure of washing with warm water should be repeated daily.

If the peas do not germinate within two days, it means that the seeds were either subjected to harsh processing or are old. They should be replaced with better ones.

When asked whether peas in canned form are healthy, doctors will answer in the affirmative, but with a reservation. When canning, some properties of the product are reduced. This is due to the fact that during thermal and culinary processing, vitamins are lost by approximately 30%.

As for pea flour, it has been used since ancient times for making purees, soups, jelly and pies. It contains zinc, vitamins B and E, calcium, magnesium, etc. Flour contains a product that is extremely necessary for the liver - selenium.

An excellent option for losing weight would be boiled peas. Its calorie content is noticeably reduced (60 kcal), while most of the beneficial properties are retained.

Can peas cause harm?

The popular dish peas, the benefits and harms of which are of interest to many, can be not only useful, promoting health and weight loss. The product also has contraindications. Before you start consuming it in sprouted form, as a puree, green or canned, you need to find out in what cases the product is not recommended for consumption. For most people, there are no contraindications to consuming the plant. But there are also exceptions.

Flour, canned, boiled and green peas can be harmful to people suffering from diseases such as:

  1. gout;
  2. gastritis;
  3. stomach ulcer.

Contraindications also apply to those who suffer from flatulence. An excellent weight loss product may cause bloating and discomfort. It is especially not recommended to drink pea dishes cold water.

Any product should be used wisely. Whether peas are used for weight loss or as a tasty and healthy dish, you shouldn’t get hung up on them. A person's menu should be varied.

Some symptoms of appearance:

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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It is well known how important it is for any living organism to follow a routine. proper nutrition. Indeed, we eat in order to live, and do not live in order to eat. However healthy food And tasty food are not always compatible concepts. Most people who have summer cottages with a vegetable garden love to feast on tender, fresh peas straight from the bush. We are all very familiar with such an indispensable ingredient in various salads as canned green peas, and from the dried fruits of this unpretentious legume, you can prepare a fragrant, satisfying pea soup. But when it comes to pea porridge, this dish evokes antipathy and hostility in many people. Some people don’t like this food because of the risk. increased gas formation, others associate it with hospital food, others cannot stand the appearance of pea porridge, which is essentially a boiled puree. And you can hardly find such porridge on the menu of gourmet restaurants. Meanwhile, the benefits of pea porridge have been known since ancient times, so dishes prepared from legumes (peas, lentils, beans, soybeans) have occupied an important place in the nutritious diet of Slavic peoples for many centuries.

Protein source

Our ancestors, who primarily consumed the plant gifts of nature, considered thick stews and porridges made from peas to be heroic food. Proverbs and sayings were written about peas; they were mentioned in epics and fairy tales. This is not surprising, since pea porridge has high nutritional value, quickly replenishes strength after heavy physical exertion and has a beneficial effect on the digestion process. Unfortunately, the diet of modern people is oversaturated with fatty and carbohydrate foods, which sometimes negatively affects our health. Peas also contain carbohydrates, but they are very useful because they are complex and are slowly digested in the body. There is practically no fat in it, and the main advantage of this representative of the legume family is the rich content of vegetable protein - an essential building material our body. Someone may skeptically object that animal proteins are irreplaceable and that there is no way to live without them. However, many people infrequently use meat products, and our ancestors, in general, ate meat only on major holidays. In addition, for those who regularly observe long-term Christian fasts, as well as for avid vegetarians who completely exclude animal foods from their diet, pea porridge is a complete healthy food that only benefits the body.


If we consider vitamin composition peas, then we should highlight the presence in it of vitamins A (retinol), E (tocopherol), PP (niacin), H (biotin) and, of course, B vitamins, which are extremely important for human life (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic and folic acids). People who care about their health have an idea that vitamin A is involved in the synthesis of hormones, intracellular metabolism, and supports normal condition connective tissues and skin (elasticity, firmness), is responsible for visual acuity. B vitamins are essential for the nervous system and stimulation of brain activity. They are directly involved in various vital redox reactions, prevent the formation of cholesterol deposits, and regulate blood glucose levels. Vitamin PP has a positive effect on circulatory system, dilates blood vessels, prevents thrombosis. Vitamin H resists the development of irritability, fatigue, insomnia, and eliminates dry skin and flaking. Tocopherol is well known for its powerful antioxidant properties that protect cell membranes from aggressive action. free radicals and, accordingly, protecting the body from the development of malignant tumors. In addition, vitamin E prolongs youth skin, enhancing its ability to regenerate, which most women are well aware of.


Among the trace elements, peas contain calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, iron, fluorine, selenium and some other useful mineral components. But still, it’s worth mentioning separately the content of potassium (870 mg) and phosphorus (330 mg), which are the most abundant in this legume. Potassium is the most important regulator of water-salt and acid-base balance at the cellular level, essential for the functioning of the glands internal secretion, blood vessels, and most importantly, the heart muscle. Potassium (together with sodium and magnesium) not only prevents swelling and maintains normal heartbeat, but also takes part in the conduction of nerve impulses to various internal organs, including brain structures. In turn, without phosphorus, full metabolism and bone tissue formation are impossible. This microelement is part of DNA, a number of amino acids, and ensures (together with calcium) the strength of bones and teeth, affecting both the intellectual and physical abilities of a person. Phosphorus deficiency results in osteoporosis, bone pain, tremors in the limbs, weakness, drowsiness, and constant fatigue. Perhaps a storehouse of vegetable protein, as well as such a balanced vitamin mineral composition will help break the stereotype of hostility of many skeptics towards pea porridge and convince them to include this dish in their daily menu more often.

Beneficial features

It is curious that 100 grams of dry pea cereal contains about 300 kcal, and the same amount of porridge cooked from it in water contains only 90 kcal. This allows us to classify this dish as dietary products nutrition. Pea porridge quickly satisfies hunger, saturates the body with energy, but does not allow a person to gain weight, which is very important for overweight people and diabetics. The fiber contained in this legume promotes better digestion and cleanses the body of harmful toxic substances, so this dish is also recommended for those who suffer from persistent chronic constipation. Of course, it is extremely difficult to maintain a full-fledged diet of pea porridge, but anyone can arrange weekly fasting days. After such days, metabolism accelerates, well-being noticeably improves, appearance and even resistance to various kinds of ailments.

Due to its high protein content, athletes often include this nutritious dish in their diet to build muscle mass and replenish lost strength. In addition, peas contain a very significant proportion of lysine - essential amino acid, capable of uplifting mood and improving psychological background. And the ability of pea porridge to remove excess liquid from the body, cleanse blood vessels and flushing out “bad” cholesterol is even appreciated by many cardiologists, who advise their patients suffering from atherosclerosis and heart disease to regularly eat this dish. Finally, it has been scientifically proven that pea porridge, in the process of cleansing the body of toxins, can also remove excess nicotine, which is very useful not only for smokers, but also for those who have decided to give up this addiction.

So, the benefits of such a healthy and accessible dish for any person are obvious, but in order for it to become a frequent guest in every home, you need to be able to cook it correctly. If you show your imagination, pea porridge can turn out very tasty either on its own or in combination with vegetables, smoked meats, chicken, mushrooms, or as a filling for pies, casseroles, and rolls. There are many recipes for its preparation, some of which we present to the attention of our readers.

Classic pea porridge with water


  • Water (for cooking) – 500 milliliters;
  • Butter – 50 grams;
  • Salt - to taste.

Before we begin to describe the method of preparing this porridge, it should be noted that peas in the form of cereals can be whole, polished and split (with separated cotyledons). In order for whole peas to soften completely, they need to be cooked for 1.5 - 2 hours, and grains crushed in half - for at least one hour. Therefore, before cooking, it is recommended to pre-soak the cereal - pour cold water for a couple of hours, and it is best to do this overnight.

After soaking, the water is drained, the swollen peas are transferred to a saucepan, filled with new cold water, placed on the stove and brought to a boil. After boiling, continue cooking over low heat, stirring the porridge periodically, otherwise it may burn. The entire cooking process takes 30–40 minutes, after which the peas become mushy. All that remains is to add butter and salt and you can serve the porridge to the table, either as a separate dish or as a side dish. This classic version of preparing this simple dish is well suited for fasting days and diets for weight loss. In former times, this dish was called “peas”.

Pea porridge with fresh mushrooms


  • Pea cereal – 200 grams;
  • Mushrooms – 200 grams;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • Vegetable oil – 50 milliliters;
  • Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Delicious aromatic porridge made from peas with mushrooms will be appreciated by your family members and those people who adhere to church fasts. First of all, the peas must be prepared for cooking, as already described in the previous recipe: pour cold water overnight. After this, cook the cereal over low heat, stirring constantly, for half an hour.

While the porridge is cooking, you should cut the onion and peeled, washed fresh mushrooms (in cubes), put everything in a frying pan and fry on vegetable oil until ready. A few minutes before the end of frying, add crushed garlic, salt, pepper, and spices to the onion-mushroom mixture. Transfer the fried mushrooms and onions into the cooked porridge, mix well, wrap the pan in a warm blanket (for about half an hour), after which you can serve, sprinkled with fresh herbs. As you can see, preparing such a dish is very simple, and those who do not fast can use butter for frying.

Pea porridge in pots (for 4 servings)


  • Pea cereal – 250 grams;
  • Smoked brisket (or bacon) – 200 grams;
  • Onions – 2 medium heads;
  • Salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf, spices - to taste.

In ancient times, pea porridge was cooked in Russian ovens in clay pots and cast iron pots. Thanks to their swollen shape, wide neck and narrow bottom, the heat of the stove covered the surface of the containers from all sides. A modern version of preparing this original Russian dish involves the use of ceramic pots and an oven. At the same time, the porridge turns out to be no less tasty and very satisfying.

Advantage of this dish is that the housewife will not need to stand at the stove all the time and constantly stir the porridge. First you need to cut the onion and the brisket into small pieces, then fry them in a frying pan until golden brown. After this, distribute the pre-soaked peas into pots, place fried brisket and onions on top, add salt, pepper, bay leaf, and spices. Fill containers to the brim hot water(you can use meat or chicken broth), cover the pots with lids and place them in the oven, preheated to 180°. The porridge is cooked in the oven for 45 - 60 minutes, during which time it is soaked in the aroma of smoked meat and spices. The dish is served to the table directly in pots, garnished with herbs. Everyone who has tried this aromatic dish is very pleased and is very surprised why it never occurred to them to cook it before.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker


  • Pea cereal - 2 cups;
  • Meat or chicken fillet– 400 grams;
  • Onion – 1 head;
  • Butter – 50 grams;
  • Salt, spices - to taste;
  • Water – 5 glasses.

Currently Appliances It is developing with extraordinary speed, so in modern home kitchens you can find various devices for cooking. In this case we are talking about a multicooker. There are probably few people who would be disappointed by its action. It is important that in this wonderful kitchen unit you can prepare delicious pea porridge without first soaking the cereal, and the cooking process itself does not take much time and effort.

First you need to thoroughly rinse the peas in running water. Place butter in a multicooker bowl and fry finely chopped onion and diced meat fillet for several minutes. Pour pea cereal into the bowl, mix everything, add salt and spices, add water, close the lid and set the device to the appropriate cooking mode. It could be “stewing”, “porridge”, “cooking”, “pilaf” or something similar. It all depends on the model of the unit used. Usually the cooking time takes no more than an hour, and the housewife does not need to control the cooking process. The smart machine will announce its end with a sound signal. The finished porridge should be allowed to cool a little so that it thickens, then sprinkle with dill and can be served. Fast, tasty and very healthy!

Well, the health benefits of pea porridge for any person, including children and the elderly, are an indisputable fact. In conclusion, it remains to wish that modern people We finally realized that the healthy eating traditions characteristic of our ancestors are not at all outdated. Isn't it worth thinking about the fact that it is better to give up dubious fast food and hamburgers and opt for dishes forgotten by many, which at all times have formed and continue to form the basis of a healthy and inexpensive diet?

Everyone wants to look slim and tries to overcome excess weight using various methods that have received reviews: the gym, a strict diet, dietary supplements. If you're still looking new way get rid of extra pounds, then pea porridge for weight loss will be an excellent dish of the day, which, thanks to its properties, only brings benefits to the body. Find out how you can lose weight using a dish everyone is familiar with.

What are the benefits of pea porridge?

Before considering this dish as the main food assistant in the matter of weight loss, it is worth finding out why peas are useful? Peas are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements for our blood vessels and muscles, so porridge is very useful to eat for those who monitor their health and want to always feel great. It can lower blood pressure, which will benefit those suffering from hypertension. BZHU peas are suitable for people with anemia, anemia, and the high protein content will help maintain its level in the body when giving up meat, or during a strict diet.

Calorie content

Peas themselves are high in calories - they energy value is 300 kcal per 100 g, taking into account the not yet finished product. After boiling, its size increases at least three times, so the portion will not seem small. Taking this into account, eating pea porridge for weight loss during a diet will be very convenient: only 100 g of peas can be divided into the entire daily diet, combined with vegetables, and there will be no feeling of hunger.

Is it possible to lose weight on pea porridge?

The cheapness and calorie content of peas often becomes the main advantage in building a diet based on peas. Is it possible to eat pea porridge while losing weight? The answer is clear - yes! You just need to make the right diet and follow all the instructions. So, for example, if you eat only peas, you can get the opposite effect, so you need to combine this product with others - they will do fresh vegetables, boiled meat or fish. Arranging a fasting day once a week is a completely useful event for your body and figure: in this case, the risk of gaining weight is reduced.

Pea porridge for weight loss

Is it possible to eat pea porridge on a diet? This dish will definitely be an excellent option for diet menu. Considering the rich vitamin composition, as well as the high protein content, pea porridge for weight loss will help cope with hunger. If you add to it light vegetable salad in vegetable oil, then such a lunch will turn out to be very satisfying and healthy. Pea can be eaten for lunch or dinner.

There are also disadvantages to this method of improving your figure. Frequent consumption of peas during weight loss causes heartburn and increased gas formation in some people. With such side effects It is not advisable to use a pea diet, because it can even cause a reverse reaction: the food will take longer to digest and worse, so there is a risk of gaining even more weight.

Pea porridge diet

There are several options for what a pea porridge diet could be:

  • One of them includes a menu for those who like or find it convenient to eat three times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is no specific menu, but you cannot eat fried, flour, sweet, drink alcohol or carbonated drinks. Such restrictions will have to be endured for 7 to 10 days, but often this becomes a habit. When losing weight, peas should become a mandatory dish for every day - for lunch or dinner - it’s up to you.
  • The second way to eat pea porridge in order to lose weight is a diet that includes only fruits and vegetables, low-fat soups, natural juices and cottage cheese (milk and yoghurts are undesirable). In this case, peas should only be eaten at lunch, and the portion should be no more than 200 g finished product. The food must be crushed in equal proportions, that is, 5 times a day in small portions. This method helps to get rid of 3 to 7 kilograms per week.

Pea porridge recipe

Preparing peas is not so difficult, since there is only one recipe: soak the peas in water for 2-3 hours, then rinse them thoroughly and set to boil. Pour enough water to cover the product by 2 fingers. Once the peas begin to boil, reduce the heat and cook, stirring occasionally, until it reaches your desired consistency. Salt, add bay leaf or garlic - everything to taste. The longer the porridge is cooked, the more the peas are cooked and you won’t have to mash them separately. Additionally, you can fry the onion in butter; it also goes well with sour cream.

Video: pea porridge on a diet

Almost all legumes are famous for their valuable qualities, peas are no exception. Porridge cooked on its basis charges a person with energy for the whole day. The dish normalizes digestion and helps cure many ailments. It is thanks to the positive effect on the body that many people wonder about the harmful and beneficial qualities of pea porridge. Let's look at everything in order.

Composition and calorie content of pea porridge

When it comes to the benefits of a dish, it doesn’t matter at all whether the porridge is prepared with water or milk. During heat treatment, peas almost do not lose valuable substances, as a result of which they continue to have a beneficial effect on human health.

So, the dish is rich in retinol, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, tocopherol, folic acid, thiamine, H-group vitamins, nicotinic acid. The composition also contains beta-carotene, 70% of the total volume of vegetable protein, some fat, and carbohydrates.

Peas are full of mineral compounds. Among them, it is worth highlighting calcium, selenium, phosphorus, iodine, tin, titanium, potassium, iron, silicon, fluorine. Porridge cannot do without dietary fiber, especially fiber. This substance normalizes the digestive system.

The dish contains a lot of lysine, choline, and organic acids (glutamic, aspartic, stearic, palmitic, oleic, pantothenic).

Omega acids 3 and 6, which are responsible for the health of nails, hair and skin, are of particular value.

Despite such an impressive list, pea porridge is relatively low in calories. In a serving weighing 100 g. 92 Kcal accumulates, this is provided that the dish is cooked in water. Indicators may vary depending on the nutritional value of the dish made with meat broth or gravy.

The effect of pea porridge

  • accelerates absorption useful substances into the blood;
  • envelops the esophagus, improving the passage of consumed products;
  • reduces blood and intracranial pressure;
  • fights migraines, headaches;
  • improves heart function;
  • expands blood channels;
  • compacts vascular walls;
  • carries out prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • relieves cramps in the abdomen and lower back during menstruation;
  • facilitates the course of menopause;
  • helps you gain muscle mass faster;
  • strengthens bones, teeth, nail plate;
  • improves the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
  • removes salts, lubricates joints, prevents osteoporosis, osteochondrosis;
  • tidies up facial skin, increases turgor;
  • eliminates alopecia;
  • useful for diabetics of all types;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • helps to lose weight, including coping with obesity;
  • normalizes the psycho-emotional state;
  • increases endurance mentally and physically;
  • eliminates chronic fatigue, apathy, insomnia;
  • increases protective forces;
  • strengthens eye muscles and vision;
  • fights stones and sand in internal organs.

The benefits of pea porridge for pregnant women

  1. Most nursing mothers and pregnant women prefer to avoid pea porridge for the reason that the dish causes excessive gas formation. This step is completely wrong, because such an effect of the product can be excluded. The main thing is to know how.
  2. Add a little cumin, dry dill or parsley to the boiled porridge. Dried herbs help eliminate gas formation. The benefits of porridge have been proven repeatedly both for the intrauterine development of the child and his mother.
  3. Inbox ascorbic acid supports a woman’s immunity, so there is no need to take medications to fight viruses. Iron eliminates congenital anemia in the child and prevents anemia in the mother.
  4. Manganese is responsible for creating the skeleton of the fetus inside the womb, strengthens the mother’s skeletal system, and is responsible for mental condition pregnant lady. Mineral compounds regulate lipid metabolism.
  5. Pea bean porridge controls insulin production and maintains hemoglobin. The dish increases blood circulation in the placenta by increasing blood flow in the capillaries and vessels of the mother. As a result of this, the child is formed in accordance with the term.
  6. Before introducing pea dishes into your diet, consult a specialist. He will give correct instructions regarding acceptable daily norm, portion sizes, frequency of eating porridge.

  1. The positive effect is achieved thanks to a storehouse of chemical microelements. Beans contain about 20 essential enzymes for humans, which do not lose their properties during heat treatment.
  2. Porridge has a positive effect on all processes of the body. Peas are rich in aluminum, mineral substance quickly restores connective, bone and muscle tissue. Therefore, the product is recommended to be consumed during recovery periods.
  3. Bean porridge is rich in fiber; consumption of the dish is especially recommended for people suffering from constipation. Systematic use will serve as an excellent prevention of constipation.
  4. In a short period of time, pea porridge improves metabolism, increases the activity of the lymphatic system, and restores blood vessels. The effect is achieved thanks to silicon. The chemical element also improves the functioning of lung tissue and the functioning of the endocrine glands.
  5. The high percentage of tocopherol and iron in pea porridge increases the resistance and tone of the human body to various viral diseases. Porridge resists the development of anemia and slows down the aging process of tissues.
  6. The presence of choline in beans helps improve the functioning of the nervous system and enhance the development of intellectual abilities. It is recommended to introduce the product into the daily diet of children. Regular consumption of pea porridge prevents the development of gallstone disease.
  7. Systematic use restores liver activity, removing toxic compounds from the body. The high content of vitamins in the dish allows you to improve your work fat metabolism. This reduces the risk of diseases of the visual and nervous systems.
  8. Pea porridge is indicated for consumption by people who suffer from atherosclerosis of the vascular system and hypercholesterolemia. Thanks to nicotinic acid occurs in the human body active struggle with elimination cholesterol plaques and blood clots.

Pea porridge for weight loss

  1. To keep your weight at the desired level, you need to establish your natural metabolism. Natural pea porridge is rich in microelements that will help solve this problem.
  2. It is recommended to regularly have fasting days with pea porridge. To do this, you need to eat this dish 3 times a day. To this we can add fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, there is a pea diet.
  3. In this case, the body does not experience any stress or harm. The tissues receive microelements without losing muscle mass. The advantage of the diet is that the meals completely eliminate the feeling of extreme hunger.
  4. During the diet, you must include a pea dish in one of your meals. Due to the vegetable proteins contained in beans, meat intake is partially eliminated. In between, it is recommended to eat more fresh berries and fruits.
  5. Start a new day with muesli and kefir. For dinner, you should give preference to vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil. During this diet, it is important to consume more fluid. Drink herbal infusions, fruit teas, water.

Harm of pea porridge

Contraindications for consuming the dish include:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • acute stage of gallbladder and kidney diseases;
  • impaired circulatory function;
  • pathology of the duodenum;
  • flatulence;
  • gastritis with low acidity.

Undoubtedly, pea porridge is beneficial for human health. The dish is of particular value to pregnant girls, who, for obvious reasons, prefer to exclude it from their diet. Porridge is also necessary for children, elderly people, men and women. Useful elements will ensure the proper functioning of all body systems.

Video: how to cook delicious pea porridge

Fragrant and tasty pea porridge, a hearty product whose benefits and harms are still a matter of debate, is a favorite dish for many people, which they prefer to enjoy several times a week.

Is it possible to eat the dish every day? Are there any contraindications, and will the calorie content of the product affect your physical fitness? The modern consumer has a lot of questions, the answers to which shape his lifestyle and help him create a healthy menu for every day.

Peas - a traditional product of modern cuisine

Peas have been known since ancient times. In many cultures it was associated with wealth and well-being. Modern consumers of nutritious products are more interested in the benefits of peas, in what dishes and forms they have the most beneficial effect on human health, and whether they can be used in weight loss diets.

Our ancestors knew about the benefits of peas; they are inexpensive and tasty; they have always been part of many dishes; in their pure form, the seeds of the plant contain substances such as:

  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, PP, E, C;
  • beta-carotene;
  • tryptophan;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • fluorine;
  • zirconium;
  • tin;
  • selenium;
  • aluminum;
  • vanadium;
  • molybdenum;
  • strontium;
  • silicon;
  • nickel;
  • sulfur.

There are various forms of using the product. These are cereals, soups and salads of various compositions. It is recommended to use green seeds in dishes in the summer season, and to take sprouted peas in winter.

Porridge is a favorite dish of gourmets

A regular at many tables is porridge. Made from peas, it resembles mashed potatoes, but its composition is twice as nutritious. It can be prepared either from flour or from dried or green seeds.

The benefit of pea porridge is that it has a high protein content and a low calorie content (99 kcal), which makes it an effective dietary aid that promotes rapid weight loss.

Low-calorie, protein-rich puree is not inferior in its properties to beef. The lysine contained in the product helps overcome fatigue, serves as a good remedy for depression, and helps fight herpes. Regularly consumed puree improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and sets the body up for coordinated work.

Beneficial effects of vitamins

Vitamin A, contained in pea flour, plays an important role. It is present in all forms of the product: flour, sprouts, green and canned peas. Vitamin A is essential for nails, hair and skin. If there is not enough vitamin in the body, vision may decrease. As for the skin, lovers of pea puree do not suffer from such pathologies as skin cracks, rashes in the corners of the mouth, stomatitis, etc. The low calorie content of the product allows you to always be in shape, be proud and enjoy your health.

Green, boiled, sprouted and canned peas contain vitamin B in sufficient quantities, which performs the task of maintaining immunity. The benefit of peas is that by consuming them, a person becomes immune to many diseases. Doctors advise using puree, canned form or sprouts for those who smoke or abuse coffee. This reduces the harmful effects of nicotine and caffeine on the body.

The benefits of peas are especially important for the body of pregnant women. Dishes made from the seeds of the plant have a positive effect on the formation of the fetal nervous system; pea components participate in the formation of the baby’s skeletal system and have a beneficial effect on the mother’s health.

The most useful forms of peas

In the refrigerator and cabinets of most kitchens you will definitely find canned peas, flour or dried plant seeds. In the summer, many housewives strive to purchase green seeds, which delight with a juicy sweet taste and amazing ease of digestion. The beneficial properties of peas are far from its only advantage.

Meanwhile, in different consistencies the properties of the product are enhanced or reduced. They are most clearly expressed in seedlings, which contain the power of living nature.

Sprouts are most suitable for weight loss. Fruits sprouted in water have high nutritional value and low calorie content. You can germinate them yourself in water or purchase them in stores.

A simple sprouting recipe

The seeds, placed in a saucer, are poured with warm water overnight. In the morning, they should be thoroughly rinsed and refilled, but in a tall transparent container (glass, jar). The vessel is covered with gauze. Future seedlings should be in a warm place. The procedure of washing with warm water should be repeated daily.

If the peas do not germinate within two days, it means that the seeds were either subjected to harsh processing or are old. They should be replaced with better ones.

When asked whether peas in canned form are healthy, doctors will answer in the affirmative, but with a reservation. When canning, some properties of the product are reduced. This is due to the fact that during thermal and culinary processing, vitamins are lost by approximately 30%.

As for pea flour, it has been used since ancient times for making purees, soups, jelly and pies. It contains zinc, vitamins B and E, calcium, magnesium, etc. Flour contains a product that is extremely necessary for the liver - selenium.

An excellent option for losing weight would be boiled peas. Its calorie content is noticeably reduced (60 kcal), while most of the beneficial properties are retained.

Can peas cause harm?

The popular dish peas, the benefits and harms of which are of interest to many, can be not only useful, promoting health and weight loss. The product also has contraindications. Before you start consuming it in sprouted form, as a puree, green or canned, you need to find out in what cases the product is not recommended for consumption. For most people, there are no contraindications to consuming the plant. But there are also exceptions.

Flour, canned, boiled and green peas can be harmful to people suffering from diseases such as:

  1. gout;
  2. gastritis;
  3. stomach ulcer.

Contraindications also apply to those who suffer from flatulence. An excellent weight loss product may cause bloating and discomfort. It is especially not recommended to wash down pea dishes with cold water.

Any product should be used wisely. Whether peas are used for weight loss or as a tasty and healthy dish, you shouldn’t get hung up on them. A person's menu should be varied.

Some symptoms of appearance:

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. Read how to do this here.

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Health Benefits of Pea Porridge

It is well known how important it is for any living organism to follow a proper diet. Indeed, we eat in order to live, and do not live in order to eat. However, healthy food and delicious food are not always compatible concepts. Most people who have summer cottages with a vegetable garden love to feast on tender, fresh peas straight from the bush. We are all very familiar with such an indispensable ingredient in various salads as canned green peas, and from the dried fruits of this unpretentious legume, you can prepare aromatic, hearty pea soup. But when it comes to pea porridge, this dish evokes antipathy and hostility in many people. Some do not like this food because of the risk of increased gas formation, others associate it with hospital food, and still others cannot stand the appearance of pea porridge, which is essentially a boiled puree. And you can hardly find such porridge on the menu of gourmet restaurants. Meanwhile, the benefits of pea porridge have been known since ancient times, so dishes prepared from legumes (peas, lentils, beans, soybeans) have occupied an important place in the nutritious diet of Slavic peoples for many centuries.

Protein source

Our ancestors, who primarily consumed the plant gifts of nature, considered thick stews and porridges made from peas to be heroic food. Proverbs and sayings were written about peas; they were mentioned in epics and fairy tales. This is not surprising, since pea porridge has high nutritional value, quickly replenishes strength after heavy physical exertion and has a beneficial effect on the digestion process. Unfortunately, the diet of modern people is oversaturated with fatty and carbohydrate foods, which sometimes negatively affects our health. Peas also contain carbohydrates, but they are very useful because they are complex and are slowly digested in the body. There is practically no fat in it, and the main advantage of this representative of the legume family is the rich content of vegetable protein - an irreplaceable building material for our body. Someone may skeptically object that animal proteins are irreplaceable and that there is no way to live without them. However, many people do not often consume meat products, and our ancestors, in general, ate meat only on major holidays. In addition, for those who regularly observe long-term Christian fasts, as well as for avid vegetarians who completely exclude animal foods from their diet, pea porridge is a complete healthy food that only benefits the body.


If we consider the vitamin composition of peas, we should highlight the presence in it of vitamins A (retinol), E (tocopherol), PP (niacin), H (biotin) and, of course, B vitamins, which are extremely important for human life (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine , pantothenic and folic acid). People who are concerned about their health have an idea that vitamin A is involved in the synthesis of hormones, intracellular metabolism, maintains the normal state of connective tissues and skin (elasticity, firmness), and is responsible for visual acuity. B vitamins are essential for the nervous system and stimulation of brain activity. They are directly involved in various vital redox reactions, prevent the formation of cholesterol deposits, and regulate blood glucose levels. Vitamin PP has a positive effect on the circulatory system, dilates blood vessels, and prevents blood clots. Vitamin H resists the development of irritability, fatigue, insomnia, and eliminates dry skin and flaking. Tocopherol is well known for its powerful antioxidant properties, which protect cell membranes from the aggressive action of free radicals and, accordingly, protect the body from the development of malignant tumors. In addition, vitamin E prolongs the youth of the skin, enhancing its ability to regenerate, which most women are well aware of.


Among the trace elements, peas contain calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, iron, fluorine, selenium and some other useful mineral components. But still, it’s worth mentioning separately the content of potassium (870 mg) and phosphorus (330 mg), which are the most abundant in this legume. Potassium is the most important regulator of water-salt and acid-base balance at the cellular level, extremely necessary for the functioning of the endocrine glands, blood vessels, and most importantly, the heart muscle. Potassium (together with sodium and magnesium) not only prevents swelling and maintains normal heart rhythm, but also takes part in conducting nerve impulses to various internal organs, including brain structures. In turn, without phosphorus, full metabolism and bone tissue formation are impossible. This microelement is part of DNA, a number of amino acids, and ensures (together with calcium) the strength of bones and teeth, affecting both the intellectual and physical abilities of a person. Phosphorus deficiency results in osteoporosis, bone pain, tremors in the limbs, weakness, drowsiness, and constant fatigue. Perhaps the storehouse of vegetable protein, as well as such a balanced vitamin and mineral composition, will help break the stereotype of the hostility of many skeptics towards pea porridge and convince them to include this dish more often in their daily menu.

Beneficial features

It is curious that 100 grams of dry pea cereal contains about 300 kcal, and the same amount of porridge cooked from it in water contains only 90 kcal. This allows us to classify this dish as a dietary food. Pea porridge quickly satisfies hunger, saturates the body with energy, but does not allow a person to gain weight, which is very important for overweight people and diabetics. The fiber contained in this legume promotes better digestion and cleanses the body of harmful toxic substances, so this dish is also recommended for those who suffer from persistent chronic constipation. Of course, it is extremely difficult to maintain a full-fledged diet of pea porridge, but anyone can arrange weekly fasting days. After such days, metabolism accelerates, well-being, appearance, and even resistance to various kinds of ailments noticeably improve.

Due to its high protein content, athletes often include this nutritious dish in their diet to build muscle mass and replenish lost strength. In addition, peas contain a very significant proportion of lysine, an essential amino acid that can lift your mood and improve your psychological background. And the ability of pea porridge to remove excess fluid from the body, cleanse blood vessels and flush out “bad” cholesterol is even appreciated by many cardiologists, who advise their patients suffering from atherosclerosis and heart disease to regularly eat this dish. Finally, it has been scientifically proven that pea porridge, in the process of cleansing the body of toxins, can also remove excess nicotine, which is very useful not only for smokers, but also for those who have decided to give up this addiction.

So, the benefits of such a healthy and accessible dish for any person are obvious, but in order for it to become a frequent guest in every home, you need to be able to cook it correctly. If you show your imagination, pea porridge can turn out very tasty either on its own or in combination with vegetables, smoked meats, chicken, mushrooms, or as a filling for pies, casseroles, and rolls. There are many recipes for its preparation, some of which we present to the attention of our readers.

Classic pea porridge with water


  • Water (for cooking) – 500 milliliters;
  • Butter – 50 grams;
  • Salt - to taste.

Before we begin to describe the method of preparing this porridge, it should be noted that peas in the form of cereals can be whole, polished and split (with separated cotyledons). In order for whole peas to soften completely, they need to be cooked for 1.5 - 2 hours, and grains crushed in half - for at least one hour. Therefore, before cooking, it is recommended to pre-soak the cereal - pour cold water for a couple of hours, and it is best to do this overnight.

After soaking, the water is drained, the swollen peas are transferred to a saucepan, filled with new cold water, placed on the stove and brought to a boil. After boiling, continue cooking over low heat, stirring the porridge periodically, otherwise it may burn. The entire cooking process takes 30–40 minutes, after which the peas become mushy. All that remains is to add butter and salt and you can serve the porridge to the table, either as a separate dish or as a side dish. This classic version of preparing this simple dish is well suited for fasting days and diets for weight loss. In former times, this dish was called “peas”.

Pea porridge with fresh mushrooms


  • Pea cereal – 200 grams;
  • Mushrooms – 200 grams;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • Vegetable oil – 50 milliliters;
  • Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Delicious aromatic porridge made from peas with mushrooms will be appreciated by your family members and those people who adhere to church fasts. First of all, the peas must be prepared for cooking, as already described in the previous recipe: pour cold water overnight. After this, cook the cereal over low heat, stirring constantly, for half an hour.

While the porridge is cooking, chop the onion and peeled, washed fresh mushrooms (into cubes), put everything in a frying pan and fry in vegetable oil until tender. A few minutes before the end of frying, add crushed garlic, salt, pepper, and spices to the onion-mushroom mixture. Transfer the fried mushrooms and onions into the cooked porridge, mix well, wrap the pan in a warm blanket (for about half an hour), after which you can serve, sprinkled with fresh herbs. As you can see, preparing such a dish is very simple, and those who do not fast can use butter for frying.

Pea porridge in pots (for 4 servings)


  • Pea cereal – 250 grams;
  • Smoked brisket (or bacon) – 200 grams;
  • Onions – 2 medium heads;
  • Salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf, spices - to taste.

In ancient times, pea porridge was cooked in Russian ovens in clay pots and cast iron pots. Thanks to their swollen shape, wide neck and narrow bottom, the heat of the stove covered the surface of the containers from all sides. A modern version of preparing this original Russian dish involves the use of ceramic pots and an oven. At the same time, the porridge turns out to be no less tasty and very satisfying.

The advantage of this dish is that the housewife will not need to stand at the stove all the time and constantly stir the porridge. First you need to cut the onion and the brisket into small pieces, then fry them in a frying pan until golden brown. After this, distribute the pre-soaked peas into pots, place fried brisket and onions on top, add salt, pepper, bay leaf, and spices. Fill the containers to the brim with hot water (you can use meat or chicken broth), cover the pots with lids and place them in the oven preheated to 180°. The porridge is cooked in the oven for 45 - 60 minutes, during which time it is soaked in the aroma of smoked meat and spices. The dish is served to the table directly in pots, garnished with herbs. Everyone who has tried this aromatic dish is very pleased and is very surprised why it never occurred to them to cook it before.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker


  • Pea cereal - 2 cups;
  • Meat or chicken fillet – 400 grams;
  • Onion – 1 head;
  • Butter – 50 grams;
  • Salt, spices - to taste;
  • Water – 5 glasses.

Currently, household appliances are developing at an extraordinary speed, so in modern home kitchens you can find various devices for cooking. In this case we are talking about a multicooker. There are probably few people who would be disappointed by its action. It is important that in this wonderful kitchen unit you can prepare delicious pea porridge without first soaking the cereal, and the cooking process itself does not take much time and effort.

First you need to thoroughly rinse the peas in running water. Place butter in a multicooker bowl and fry finely chopped onion and diced meat fillet for several minutes. Pour pea cereal into the bowl, mix everything, add salt and spices, add water, close the lid and set the device to the appropriate cooking mode. It could be “stewing”, “porridge”, “cooking”, “pilaf” or something similar. It all depends on the model of the unit used. Usually the cooking time takes no more than an hour, and the housewife does not need to control the cooking process. The smart machine will announce its end with a sound signal. The finished porridge should be allowed to cool a little so that it thickens, then sprinkle with dill and can be served. Fast, tasty and very healthy!

Well, the health benefits of pea porridge for any person, including children and the elderly, are an indisputable fact. In conclusion, we can only wish that modern people would finally understand that the healthy eating traditions characteristic of our ancestors are not at all outdated. Isn't it worth thinking about the fact that it is better to give up dubious fast food and hamburgers and opt for dishes forgotten by many, which at all times have formed and continue to form the basis of a healthy and inexpensive diet?


Beneficial properties of pea porridge for humans

Everything about healthy eating› Useful properties of products › Porridge ›

Even in ancient times, various dishes began to be prepared from peas. This product was distinguished by its affordable price and exceptional benefits. It was especially popular among the Slavic peoples. The benefits of pea porridge are beyond doubt today.


Despite the fact that peas contain large quantities contains protein, it is absorbed much better than some meat products. Due to the fact that the composition of pea porridge has no analogues, it can be considered a unique “guest” of our table.

The rich composition of peas allows it to be a worthy substitute for meat dishes. Peas contain vitamins A and E, valuable macroelements, microelements and amino acids. This contributes to the beneficial effects of peas on the human body. There are many lenten and vegetarian dishes prepared using this product.

According to modern nutritionists, eating peas helps reduce the risk of developing cancer.

It is also believed that pea porridge helps to cope with cramps.

Nutritionists and doctors note the positive effect of pea porridge on:

  1. Absorption of nutrients by the body.
  2. Cardiac and vascular systems. A product prepared in water helps normalize blood pressure, reduces the intensity of headaches, and provides significant assistance to the body in atherosclerosis.
  3. Increase in muscle mass (this is explained by the presence of a significant amount of protein in the product).
  4. Removing salt from the body (due to the positive effect of porridge on the musculoskeletal system, it is often recommended when diagnosing rheumatism and osteoporosis).
  5. Condition of the skin (the product prevents the appearance of wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin).
  6. State nail plates and hairline.
  7. Metabolism (doctors often advise including porridge in your diet when diagnosing diabetes mellitus, as well as the presence of extra pounds).
  8. Physical and mental state of the body (porridge cooked in water must be included in the diet for symptoms chronic fatigue).
  9. Immunity (due to the content of the product in a significant amount of B vitamins, porridge is indicated as a prophylactic infectious diseases).
  10. Vision (improvement occurs due to the content of beta-carotene and vitamin A).
  11. Fast removal from the body of toxins and stones located in the kidneys and gall bladder.

You can prepare pea porridge from either dried or fresh peas. In the first case, the peas need to be soaked. Considering that legumes, including peas, “like” to burn, it is important to pay special attention to the preparation of the dish.

The benefits of the product will be further increased if you enrich the porridge with vegetables. It is not prohibited to add high-quality vegetable or butter. Of course, if you are preparing dietary porridge, then you need to be careful when adding fats.

Pea porridge fills you up quite quickly. For this reason, it is often included in a variety of diets. In addition, eating peas helps improve fat metabolism.

Peas are an excellent diuretic. With regular use of this product, excess fluid is quickly eliminated from the body along with urine. By enhancing metabolic processes, metabolism improves. As a result overweight quickly reset. Peas are a real leader in protein content. In addition, peas contain much more starch than potatoes. Thirty percent of pea porridge is made up of vegetable proteins. The product also contains microelements beneficial to the body and selenium, which is an excellent antioxidant. Pea products are often included in the menu during fasting days, as well as during a diet.

The specific “pea” diet is known to all fans of healthy nutrition. The most popular dish is pea porridge cooked with butter and vegetables. To avoid bloating, it is recommended to add dill or fennel to the porridge.

The “pea” diet is simple and healthy. In view of high level protein, and also for the reason that peas “get along” perfectly with many vegetables, it is recommended even for people who lead active image life, suggesting enhanced physical exercise. Being a fairly satisfying dish, pea porridge long time will help stop the growth of appetite.

Children are allowed pea porridge only from the age of three.


Pea porridge is strictly contraindicated when diagnosing pathologies such as:

  1. Cholecystitis.
  2. Impaired blood circulation.
  3. Acute illness kidney
  4. Disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

The harm of pea porridge is also noted for the elderly. This product also causes gas and bloating. For this reason, porridge should not be included in the diet of a person suffering from chronic pathology stomach and duodenum. If you have gout, you should also exclude porridge from your diet.

Calorie content

Porridge is quite often included in the diet of professional athletes. The calorie content of pea porridge is quite low. IN finished form The energy value of the product is about 90 kcal. The low calorie content of pea porridge allows the product to be included in a variety of dietary programs.


Not everyone can eat pea porridge. So, it is strictly contraindicated:

  • those suffering from nephritis;
  • patients with gout;
  • persons diagnosed with gastrointestinal inflammation;
  • people suffering from stomach ulcers.

Considering that young children quite often experience abdominal colic, it is recommended to include pea porridge in children’s diets only after three years. Otherwise, the baby will suffer from bloating and pain.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

Pea porridge is beneficial for the body because it contains starch and vegetable protein. The product also contains natural sugars and carbohydrates.

Porridge is rich in vitamins. It contains vitamins of groups A, E, B, H and PP. The mineral composition of the product is also quite diverse. The porridge contains necessary for the body selenium, calcium, tin and zirconium. Of the essential macroelements, this product contains sodium, phosphorus, chlorine and magnesium.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin Content (mg) % of daily value
RR 2.2 32,5
Beta carotene 0,01 0,2
A (RE) 2 0,2
IN 1 0,81 54
AT 2 0,15 8,3
AT 5 2,2 44
AT 6 0,27 13,5
AT 9 16 4
E (TE) 0,7 4,7
N (biotin) 19 38
PP (niacin equivalent) 6.5 -
Kholin 200 40
Mineral Content (mg) % of daily value
Iron 6,8 37,8
Zinc 3,18 26,5
Iodine 5,1 3,4
Copper 750 75
Manganese 1,75 87,5
Selenium 13,1 23,8
Chromium 9 18
Fluorine 30 0,8
Molybdenum 84,2 120
Bor 670 33,5
Vanadium 150 375
Silicon 83 277
Cobalt 13,1 131
Nickel 246,6 -
Tin 16,2 -
Titanium 181 -
Strontium 80 -
Aluminum 1180 -
Zirconium 11,2 -

Pea porridge is considered a fairly satisfying and healthy dish. But you need to use it in moderation to avoid problems with gastrointestinal tract.

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Pea porridge: benefits and harms

Tender pea puree – favorite dish many from childhood. Pea porridge was very popular in Rus' - a nutritious, satisfying dish that quickly filled you with energy and vital forces necessary for heavy physical work. Pea porridge is an original Russian dish that has not lost its relevance in our time. Nutritionists recommend including legumes in your diet to enrich your body. useful elements and lose noticeable weight. What are the benefits of pea porridge for? modern man?

Calorie content of pea porridge

It is not for nothing that pea porridge is included in the diet of athletes - its consumption increases endurance and promotes rapid recovery after exercise and muscle mass growth. The composition of peas is dominated by protein, which is absorbed by the body better than a similar substance in meat. Thanks to these qualities, pea porridge is a unique and healthy dish on our tables.

Pea dishes have been a traditional food in Rus' since ancient times.

The porridge contains a huge amount of useful substances:

  • Vitamins PP, A, H, E, B
  • Beta carotene
  • Vegetable protein (about 70 of the total weight), carbohydrates, fats
  • Minerals: selenium, potassium, tin, calcium, iodine, iron, fluorine, titanium, silicon, phosphorus
  • Alimentary fiber
  • Niacin, choline, thiamine, lysine
  • Pantothenic, aspartic, glutamic, palmitic, stearic, oleic acids
  • Riboflavin
  • Fatty acid classes Omega-6, Omega-3

The nutritional value of peas is 300 kcal per 100 g. However, when cooked, the grains become very soft. Ready-made pea porridge cooked in water contains about 90 kcal per 100 grams. Depending on the cooking method, the nutritional value of pea dishes increases. For example, in combination with meat gravy, the calorie content of the dish increases to 400 kcal.

Harm of pea porridge

Despite unique properties and great taste, for some people pea porridge may be harmful. Eating a cooked dish can cause intestinal flatulence.

Pea porridge can cause intestinal flatulence, and the high purine content of peas increases the likelihood of uric acid accumulation in the blood

Pea dishes are contraindicated in the following cases:

Harm from pea porridge cannot be ruled out when it is introduced into a child’s diet. Bean dishes are contraindicated for children under 3 years of age, as they negatively affect digestion and can cause flatulence and severe stomach pain.

What are the benefits of pea porridge?

For active person Pea porridge dishes are an excellent substitute for high-calorie and fatty foods. The basis of this dish is vegetable protein - the “building block” of our cells. And if you consider that peas are inexpensive, not harmful and natural product, nutritious porridge will not only benefit the body, but also save the budget.

Pea dishes are a good substitute for meat products

How is pea porridge useful for an adult? Scroll positive qualities great:

  • Participates in the structure and restoration of cells, promotes muscle growth
  • Is good supplier oxygen, carbohydrates, fats into the cells of the body and promotes their uniform distribution
  • Helps the body produce antibodies against viruses and bacteria
  • Energizes, nourishes, gives strength
  • Decreases high pressure, helps with atherosclerosis
  • Removes salt compounds, promotes bone tissue growth
  • Prevents the aging of the epidermis, improves the condition of hair and nails
  • Speeds up metabolism, strengthens immunity
  • Removes harmful waste, toxins, stones
  • Improves visual functions
  • Relieves constipation and swelling

Due to the high content of slow carbohydrates in pea porridge, the dish will benefit athletes, as well as women during weight loss. The harm of pea porridge is minimal, and due to its good nutritional value, during a diet you will only need a small portion of the dish to satisfy your hunger without the risk of gaining weight.

How is pea porridge good for heart patients? Peas contain potassium and lysine - substances that have a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Introducing pea puree into the diet helps get rid of depression, bad mood, overcome herpes and strengthen the heart muscle.

How to cook pea porridge

Attentive housewives know that the most delicious puree is obtained from uncrushed peas, previously soaked in water.

Uncracked peas soaked overnight in water cook best.

  1. The grains are sorted, debris and damaged peas are removed. Before soaking, peas should be rinsed several times under running water.
  2. Cook pea porridge in a saucepan or saucepan with a thick bottom. When the water boils, remove the foam, stir in the peas and add salt.
  3. Next, reduce the heat, as the pea puree quickly sticks to the walls and bottom of the dish. Cook the porridge for 1 hour with the lid closed, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon and adding water if necessary.
  4. When the mixture reaches a smooth texture, the delicious pea puree is ready.

Small cooking secrets will help you surprise your family with a very tasty dish:

  • Incredible delicate taste and the addition of butter or sautéed onions and carrots will add flavor to the porridge. This will increase the calorie content of the dish, but the taste will be excellent.
  • Fans of pea puree prepare different variations of the dish: they season it fried lard, pieces of meat, hunting sausage. The puree will be delicious in combination with chopped herbs, bell pepper, bacon.
  • After cooking the peas, add chicken or meat broth– thus increasing nutritional value and flavor ready-made dish.
  • Bay leaves and peppercorns will add additional flavor - they are added to the pea puree at the end of cooking and then removed.
  • Oils are an excellent option as a dressing for a Lenten dish. plant origin– olive or sunflower.