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Smirnovskaya water indications. Prohibited foods and treatment with folk remedies. Features of the diet at different stages of gastric ulcer

> Zheleznovodsk Hot and warm natural springs of the Zheleznovodsk deposit have long attracted people. The famous scientist P.S. mentioned the miracle water of Mount Zheleznaya back in 1793 in his works. Pallas. The modern history of Zheleznovodsk begins on July 26 (August 7), 1810, when F.I. Haaz, a famous Moscow doctor, social activist and humanist, together with the Kabardian prince Izmail Bey Atazhukov, visited Mount Zheleznaya and discovered two springs. One of them is named after M.Yu. Lermontov.

The wealth of Zheleznovodsk and its attraction is the amazingly beautiful healing park. It was planned on the basis of a natural forest in 1825 by the architects Bernardazzi in accordance with the locations of mineral waters. Spreading out like a continuous green carpet at the foot of Mount Zheleznaya, the park has no boundaries and imperceptibly turns into the natural Beshtaugorsky forest. The path routes leading around Mount Zheleznaya and around Mount Razvalki begin on the park’s alleys.

Zheleznovodsk has more than 20 mineral springs, the water of which is used for drinking treatment, baths, inhalations and others. water procedures. The Zheleznovodsk springs Smirnovsky and Slavyanovsky have become world famous.

Another powerful healing factor of the Zheleznovodsk resort is the mild, mountain-forest climate, which is equated to the climate of the Middle Alps. The air here is always clean, transparent, highly ionized.

Zheleznovodsk Forest Park is the only park in the Caucasian Mineral Waters natural origin, in which the routes of the health path are laid out.

Mineral waters of Zheleznovodsk

IN"“Water, previously unknown and discovered by me at Beshtau, is one of the most interesting sources. In Europe there is no similar iron key, the temperature of which would reach 34 degrees (according to Reaumur) IN"

The basis of the resort resources of Zheleznovodsk are mineral springs located in a small area around Mount Zheleznaya. The precipitate of iron hydroxide released from the springs undeservedly strengthened the name of ferruginous waters for them and was the reason for the unfortunate name of the mountain. The mineral waters of this resort contain relatively little iron, up to 6 mg/l, i.e. less than in specific ferruginous waters, which must contain at least 10 mg/l.

The mineral waters of Zheleznovodsk and in their composition belong to the carbonic hydrocarbonate-sulfate calcium-sodium high-thermal low-mineralized waters, they contain radium salts, radon, radioactive elements of the thorium series and iron. A distinctive feature of Zheleznovodsk waters is a low sodium chloride content, which eliminates the risk of irritation renal tissue and phosphate precipitation during drinking use. This feature allowed it to gain a well-deserved reputation as the main “” resort in Russia.

Based on the gas and ionic composition of the main sources of Zheleznovodsk, three types of mineral waters will be distinguished.

The first type is low-mineralized carbonic sulfate-hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium mineral waters of the main Zheleznovodsk type, differing in temperature: hot (from 37 to 62 °C), warm (20–37 °C) and cold (up to 20 °C).

Hot waters include the waters of the Slavyanovsky, Smirnovsky No. 1 and No. 2, Semashko, Nelyubinsky hot springs, wells No. 69, 1-Yuzhnaya, 59, etc. Warm waters are captured by the Vladimir spring and well No. 64. Cold waters are withdrawn by the Gaazovsky, Nelyubinsky cold springs , Zavadovsky and Nezlobinsky, as well as well No. 54.

The water of the first type is sulfate-hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium and differs from the waters of other sources of Zheleznovodsk in its high temperature and the presence of radon in it. Since the founding of the resort, they have been used for drinking treatments, baths and other balneological procedures, as well as for bottling under the name “Slavyanovskaya” pH – 7.1, “Smirnovskaya” pH – 6.5.

The second type is low-medium mineralized high-thermal carbon dioxide hydrocarbonate-sulfate calcium-sodium waters, withdrawn by well No. 70 from Lower Cretaceous sediments from a depth of more than 1100 m.

The third type is cold, low- and medium-mineralized, sodium bicarbonate-chloride (“salt-alkaline”) waters, captured by wells No. 65, 61 and 63 in the sediments of the Goryachiy Klyuch formation. Mineral waters of this type are used only for drinking treatment.

Based on their location on different slopes of Mount Zhelezoy, the springs are combined into three main groups: southern (southwestern), eastern and northern. Over the past 25 years, springs have also been discovered on the northwestern and western slopes of Mount Zheleznaya, which can be combined into the fourth (western) group.

Research carried out in the period 1970-1985. within the Zheleznovodsk deposits, made it possible to increase the hydromineral resources of the resort due to the involvement of deeper water in the exploitation. At the same time, 8-10 km northeast of Zheleznovodsk, in the area of ​​Mount Zmeika, self-flowing high-thermal (71 °C) waters of the Zheleznovodsk type were obtained. In terms of mineralization (up to 5.0 g/l), ionic composition and gas content, the water of this well belongs to carbon dioxide thermal waters and, by analogy with Zheleznovodsk high-thermal waters, can be used for drinking treatment and bottling.

In addition, the Zheleznovodsk resort has long used the bitter-salty waters of the Batalinsky and Lysogorsky springs for bottling.

The Batalinsky spring is located east of the village of Inozemtsevo, on the left bank of the Dzhemukha River, and is a hydrogeological natural monument of federal significance. The water of the famous Batalinsky spring is sulfate sodium-magnesium with a mineralization of 19 to 28 g/l, water temperature up to 20 °C. Named after the doctor F.D. Batalin, who discovered the spring in 1856. The waters of the Batalin spring with a high content of magnesium salts have been used for drinking treatment as a laxative for more than 100 years. Currently, the issue of resuming the bottling of water from the Batalinsky source for use in medicinal purposes.

Lysogorsky spring is located 3 km northeast of Mount Lysaya. The waters of the Lysogorsk deposit are highly thermal (51 °C), medium-mineralized (8.8 g/l), siliceous carbon dioxide, sulfate-chloride calcium-sodium and highly mineralized (31.5 g/l) thermal (38 °C). In terms of medicinal properties they are close to Batalinskaya.

Health paths of Zheleznovodsk

By the beginning of the 20th century, Russian doctors began to introduce the mountain climbing treatment system of the Munich doctor Ertel at the Kavminvod resorts. In 1899, the necessary research on the construction of health paths was carried out in Zheleznovodsk, and a year later, in 1900, equipped health paths appeared around Mount Zheleznaya and on the western slope of Mount Razvalka. On the recommendation of Dr. N.O. Likhonin, several hiking trails were developed and the first health path appeared on Kavminvody.

The paths of the Zheleznovodsk Park wind around Mount Zheleznaya and descend to the picturesque lake. Their length is only 8 km. Some routes lead further into the forests, to Mount Razvalka, whose outline resembles a sleeping lion. This is one of the unique laccolith mountains. The mountain has two main attractions. The first is huge, cracked rocks or stone chaos, which gave it its name, the second is the cold breath of the earth. If you turn over the moss under it, you can see thin plates of ice glinting with silver... This amazing corner in Zheleznovodsk is called “summer permafrost”. Mostly representatives of the flora of northern latitudes grow here. In the depths of the mountain there is the “Saltpeter Cave”, in which Alans once lived in a cave. Archaeologists date household items of primitive man, stone tools, blanks for arrowheads that were found during excavations to the 4th-3rd millennium BC.

The path around Mount Zheleznaya contains the main attractions of Zheleznovodsk, created at the beginning of the 20th century. A cascading staircase reminiscent of Peterhof, the Pushkin Gallery - an architectural monument of early modernism, the dacha of the Emir of Bukhara - an example of eclecticism inspired by Uzbek architecture, the pump rooms of the Lermontov and Slavyanovsky springs, which preserved the neoclassical tradition, the Smirnovsky spring, with pump rooms elegantly united by an enfilade - a reminder of the romance of Russian constructivists .

Main indications for treatment

at the resort Zheleznovodsk

Mineral waters of the Zheleznovodsk type - low-carbon dioxide thermal hydrocarbonate-sulfate sodium-calcium mineral waters of the Slavyanovsky, Smirnovsky, im. Semashko, Lermontovsky, wells No. 64,69,70 are indicated for chronic gastritis with preserved and increased secretion.
The water from well No. 61 differs in composition - it is low-mineralized chloride-bicarbonate sodium water, it can be recommended for chronic gastritis with reduced secretory function.

  • Chronic gastritis with decreased secretory function, with preserved and increased secretion, gastroduodenitis, gastric ulcer, twelve duodenum;
  • Non-infectious colitis, enteritis;
  • Chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholelithiasis, liver cirrhosis in the compensation stage, biliary dyskinesia;
  • Chronic pancreatitis with reduced exocrine function;
  • Adhesive disease of the abdominal organs.

The main mineral waters of the Zheleznovodsk resort (springs Slavyanovsky, Semashko, Smirnovsky, Lermontovsky, etc.) have a pronounced therapeutic effect for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. They reduce the inflammatory process, increase urination, relieve spasms of the urinary tract, improve the excretory function of the kidneys, and promote the passage of sand and small stones.

  • Chronic cystitis, trigonitis;
  • Chronic prostatitis, chronic vesiculitis (non-tuberculous), sexual disorders in men;
  • Residual effects after acute pyelitis, pyelonephritis;
  • Chronic pyelonephritis without pronounced arterial hypertension in the compensated stage of chronic renal failure, as well as pyelonephritis of a single kidney;
  • Urolithiasis with the presence of stones in the kidneys and ureters that are capable of spontaneous passage, as well as complicated chronic pyelonephritis in the phase of remission and latent inflammatory process;
  • Condition after surgical treatment: allotransplanted and single kidney.

Mineral waters of the Zheleznovodsk resort spring in Slavyanovsky, named after. Semashko, Smirnovsky, Lermontovsky reduce the phenomena of urinary diathesis - uraturia, oxapuria, phosphaturia, affect urine pH (shift the urine reaction to the alkaline side).

In the endocrinology department of the Zheleznovodsk clinic of the State Research Institute of Balneology great attention is given to the treatment of patients with early stages diabetes mellitus, when sugar-lowering drugs are not yet required, and the use of mineral waters and diet therapy is more effective. Hydrocarbonate-sulfate waters affect carbohydrate metabolism, normalizing insulin activity in the blood, increasing the activity of the enzyme hexokinase, which promotes the penetration of glucose into tissues, which leads to a decrease in hyperglycemia and glycosuria.

  • insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent, mild, moderate, severe forms with stable flow, without a tendency towards ketosis;
  • Exogenous constitutional obesity I – III degree;
  • Oxaluria, phosphaturia, gout and uric acid diathesis.

Accompanying illnesses

Indications for children aged 4 to 14 years are the same as for adults.

Contraindications to treatment in Zheleznovodsk sanatoriums

Stomach diseases: peptic ulcer with frequent bleeding.

Urolithiasis in the presence of stones requiring surgical treatment.

Spa medicine

The first scientific basis for the treatment of kidney disease and Bladder, liver, and in summer time- obesity, lung diseases, nervous system, Zheleznovodsk mineral waters were given by Dr. N.O. Likhonin in 1894. Professor D.A. In 1915, Burmin proposed treating liver diseases with mineral waters from the hot springs of Zheleznovodsk. In 1922, the proposals of Dr. V.V. were accepted. Vladimirsky to determine the profile of the Zheleznovodsk resort: drinking, balneotherapeutic in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver, food and urinary tract. The experience accumulated by this time made it possible to include hypersecretory gastritis and peptic ulcer in the list of diseases indicated for treatment in Zheleznovodsk.

In Zheleznovodsk, almost 100 years ago, the method of complex staged treatment was first used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Since 1910, during the season in Zheleznovodsk, at the dacha V “ZdorovyeV” she received patients at the women’s surgical hospital of Doctor of Medicine Ter-Mikaelyants, and at the dacha E.V. Belyavskaya operated a sanatorium for the rehabilitation of operated patients.

In the sanatoriums of Zheleznovodsk on the basis of the Terek stud farm, for the first time in the USSR, they began to use therapeutic horse riding - hippotherapy.

Currently, the resort has 20 sanatoriums of various departmental affiliations, where they successfully treat not only diseases identified by scientific developments as priorities for the resort, but also related diseases.

Zheleznovodsk Clinic of the State Research Institute of Balneology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation

The clinic of the State Balneological Institute with 25 beds was organized in 1924 by Professor V.V. Vladimirsky in two former dachas of Grekov. The first scientific works of its employees concerned the study of the effect of water on the secretion and motility of the digestive organs. One of the mineral water sources is named after Professor Vasily Vasilyevich Vladimirsky, who headed the clinic for many years.

The Zheleznovodsk clinic is represented by three departments: gastroenterology, the priority direction of which is the study of the syndrome chronic fatigue and disorders of energy metabolism in pathology of the digestive organs, urology, dealing with the problems of restorative treatment of inflammatory and metabolic diseases of the organs genitourinary system and gynecological, developing methods of treating women with neuroendocrine syndrome.

Highly qualified health care is provided to patients in the following amounts:

Diagnostic: clinical, biochemical, immunological, hormonal studies, functional diagnostics incl. vascularographic studies (rheoencephalography, rheohepatography, etc.), endoscopic, ultrasound and other studies.

Advisory: (doctors, candidates of medical sciences, doctors of the highest category) in the following specialties: gastroenterology, internal medicine, nephrology, urology, coloproctology, etc. If necessary, consultant doctors from other institutions are invited.

Therapeutic: balneotherapy ( mineral baths), mud applications from Lake Tambukan, internal intake of mineral waters, hardware physiotherapy, physical therapy, massage, mechanotherapy (simulators), reflexology, manual therapy, inhalation with mineral water and medicinal substances, drug therapy, dental, psychotherapeutic care, etc.

Zheleznovodsk balneological and mud baths

The Zheleznovodsk balneological and mud bath is located in the center of the resort area near mineral water sources: “Slavyanovsky” and “Smirnovsky” in a complex of multi-story buildings. It includes: a balneotherapy clinic, a mud bath, the Ostrovsky baths - one of the symbols of Zheleznovodsk, as well as pump rooms of the famous mineral water sources - “Slavyanovsky”, “Smirnovsky”, “Lermontovsky”, “Zapadny”.

The Zheleznovodsk balneological and mud bath has 429 treatment places, which allows more than 40 types of different medical procedures to be carried out simultaneously every day - more than 7 thousand per shift.

According to the chemical composition of Smirnovskaya water, it is classified as sulfate-hydrocarbonate, calcium-sodium (magnesium-sodium). Smirnovskaya mineral water is extracted from a geothermal well in the Zheleznovodskoye field from a depth of 150 meters.

Medical dining room Smirnovskaya water indicated for chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, chronic colitis, chronic liver diseases, biliary and urinary tract diseases, metabolic diseases.

Drinking Smirnovskaya mineral water for 24-30 days increases the body’s overall resistance to adverse factors. external environment. In addition, this mineral water is recommended to increase the level of protection of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum to the action of damaging factors of a wide variety of nature (irridants, alcohol, etc.)

Drinking 0.5-1 glass of water after meals reduces heaviness in the stomach and gallbladder.

Chemical composition:

Total mineralization, g/dm 3 3,0 - 4,0
Hydrocarbonates 1200 - 1500
Sulfates 800 - 1000
Magnesium 50
Calcium 250 - 350
Sodium+potassium 600 -800
Chlorides 250 - 350
Silicic acid 30 - 90

Chronic diseases of the digestive system: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the phase of incomplete or complete remission. In the presence of an existing gastric and duodenal ulcer, it is preferable to prescribe mineral water 1 month before the expected exacerbation or 2-3 months after the exacerbation. During the acute phase of the disease, drinking mineral water is not allowed. In the phase of complete remission of peptic ulcer mineral water should be used 3-4 times a year for at least a month. In this case, mineral water is prescribed in a dose of 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight 4 times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner, 30-40 minutes before meals and at night / before bedtime /. The course of water intake is 24-30 days, the water temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius;

Gastritis: taking mineral water for gastritis with preserved, increased or decreased acidity in the phase of remission and incomplete remission of the disease. Mineral water for gastritis with preserved and increased secretion is taken 40-60 minutes before meals, the temperature is 30-40 degrees Celsius at a dose of 3 ml per 1 kg of body weight, the course is 24-25 days. With reduced acid formation, mineral water is taken 120 minutes before meals, the water temperature is 20-25 degrees;

Diseases of the operated stomach (dumping - syndrome of any severity except severe, hypoglycemic; small stump syndrome, etc.). In this case, mineral water is taken as follows: water temperature - 25-30 degrees, 4 times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner, 30-40 minutes before meals and at night (before bed). Water is first prescribed at a dose of 1-2 ml per 1 kg of body weight, and only after 12-14 days the dose can be increased to 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight;

Liver diseases of any etiology: taking mineral water is most effective for alcoholic and toxic (hydrogen sulfide, fluorine, etc.) liver damage. In this case, drinking mineral water enhances the detoxification ability of the liver and increases its functional activity. The most effective temperature of mineral water is 20-30 degrees Celsius, the usual dose is 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, the course is 24-30 days. 30-40 minutes before meals;

In addition, on the day of drinking alcoholic drinks, it is recommended to take about 500 ml of mineral water at night to avoid the danger of increased thrombosis in the vascular system caused by the action of ethanol.

Disease of the biliary tract of any etiology. An exception is cholelithiasis with frequent and severe attacks of biliary colic, in which drinking mineral water Not recommended at all. For other diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, the time of taking mineral water and its dosage are the same as for peptic ulcers.

Pancreatic diseases - chronic pancreatitis of any etiology (including alcoholic) in the phase of complete and incomplete remission. The dose of mineral water in this case is 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, the intake time is 20-30 minutes before meals, in addition to taking it before breakfast, lunch and dinner, drinking water at night is mandatory. Water temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius. The usual duration of drinking mineral water is 24-30 days.

As a means of preventing alcoholic damage to the liver and pancreas, it is recommended that completely healthy people take Smirnovskaya mineral water at least 5-6 times a year for 1 month with an interval of 2 months. This contributes to a more perfect hormonal regulation of metabolic processes in the body and an increase in the safety margin of the organs that are the targets of alcohol - hormonal regulatory blocks, as well as the liver and pancreas.

For diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2, compensated and subcompensated, it is preferable to prescribe water at a lower temperature - no more than 20 degrees Celsius. Time to take water - 15-20 minutes before meals 3 times a day, course 24-30 days.

In case of obesity, the dose of mineral water can be increased to 6-7 ml per 1 kg of weight, however, the water temperature is at least 50-60 degrees Celsius. Water should be heated in a water bath in an uncorked bottle to allow it to escape carbon dioxide. The time to take water is 60 minutes before meals.

Oxaluria, phosphaturia, gout and uric acid diathesis. The regimen for taking mineral water is 4 times a day at a dose of 4-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, temperature 20-30 degrees, duration - 24-30 days. The time to take water is 60 minutes before meals.

Kidney and urinary tract diseases:

Pyelonephritis of various etiologies(except tuberculosis) without severe chronic renal failure.

Pyelitis and cystitis of various etiologies in the phase of complete and incomplete remission of the disease.

Kidney stone disease without frequent and severe attacks of renal colic.

For diseases of the nephro-urological system, it is most advisable to prescribe mineral water 4 times a day 40-60 minutes before meals in a dose of 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, for 24-30 days, water temperature - 30-40 degrees Celsius.

In addition, Smirnovskaya mineral water can be used as effective remedy primary prevention of diseases of the digestive system both in practically healthy adults and in children. A course of taking mineral water in this case can provide an increase in the reserves of functioning of the organs and systems of the body and an increase in the reserves of the functioning of organs and systems of the body and an increase in resistance to the action of various unfavorable environmental factors. Long-term, for 24-30 days, use of this mineral water can significantly increase the resistance of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum to the action of damaging factors of a very different nature - irridants, alcohol, etc. At the same time, the overall resistance of the body to the effects of stress, hypolexic and meteorological factors increases. factors. This effect is especially pronounced in children and adolescents. If there is a significant positive effect, you should start taking more mineralized (mainly containing chlorine and hydrocarbonate ions) or “enriched” mineral waters, the formulation of which is currently being developed in the departments for studying physical factors and the mechanism of action of physical factors of the Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Resortology.

The duration of prophylactic intake of mineral water is usually 30-35 days, the dose is 5-8 ml per 1 kg of the patient’s body weight. During the year, 3 courses of mineral water should be taken.

Mineral water “Slavyanovskaya” is widely known for its beneficial effects on the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, bile and urinary tracts.

Used for the primary prevention of diseases of the digestive system and increasing the reserves of functioning of the body's systems. Regular intake of Slavyanovskaya after meals completely eliminates heartburn, bitterness in the mouth and bloating.

Mineral water "Slavyanovskaya" is taken for chronic diseases of the digestive system, gastritis, diseases of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas, diabetes, obesity, kidney disease and urinary tract.

In terms of its table and medicinal properties, Smirnovskaya mineral water is similar to Slavyanovskaya.

The chemical composition of Smirnovskaya mineral water is represented by hydrocarbonates, chlorides, sulfates, calcium and magnesium salts.

The duration of prophylactic intake of Slavyanovskaya mineral water is usually 30-35 days.

The daily norm is 5-8 ml of water per 1 kg of the patient’s body weight when taken 3 times a day 45 minutes before meals. During the year, 3 courses of mineral water should be taken. Repeated courses Treatments will help consolidate the results obtained and prevent exacerbation of diseases.

Mineral water "Slavyanovskaya" can be used as a table drink for making cocktails and relieving hangover syndrome.

Treatment with mineral water “Slavyanovskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”.

Chronic diseases of the digestive system: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the phase of incomplete or complete remission. In the presence of an existing gastric and duodenal ulcer, it is preferable to prescribe mineral water 1 month before the expected exacerbation or 2-3 months after the exacerbation. During the acute phase of the disease, drinking mineral water is not allowed. In the phase of complete remission of peptic ulcer, mineral water should be used 3-4 times a year for at least a month. In this case, mineral water is prescribed in a dose of 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight 4 times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner, 30-40 minutes before meals and at night (before bed). The course of water intake is 24-30 days, the water temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius.

Gastritis: taking mineral water for gastritis with preserved, increased or decreased acidity in the phase of remission and incomplete remission of the disease. Mineral water for gastritis with preserved and increased secretion is taken 40-60 minutes before meals, the temperature is 30-40 degrees Celsius at a dose of 3 ml per 1 kg of body weight, the course is 24-25 days. With reduced acid formation, mineral water is taken 120 minutes before meals, the water temperature is 20-25 degrees.

Diseases of the operated stomach (dumping - syndrome of any severity except severe, hypoglycemic; small stump syndrome, etc.). In this case, mineral water is taken as follows: water temperature - 25-30 degrees, 4 times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner, 30-40 minutes before meals and at night (before bed). Water is first prescribed at a dose of 1-2 ml per 1 kg of body weight, and only after 12-14 days the dose can be increased to 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

Liver diseases of any etiology: taking mineral water is most effective for alcoholic and toxic (hydrogen sulfide, fluorine, etc.) liver damage. In this case, drinking mineral water enhances the detoxification ability of the liver and increases its functional activity. The most effective temperature of mineral water is 20-30 degrees Celsius, the usual dose is 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, the course is 24-30 days. 30-40 minutes before meals. In addition, on the day of drinking alcoholic drinks, it is recommended to take about 500 ml of mineral water at night to avoid the danger of increased thrombosis in the vascular system caused by the action of ethanol.

Disease of the biliary tract of any etiology. An exception is cholelithiasis with frequent and severe attacks of biliary colic, in which drinking mineral water is not recommended at all. For other diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, the time of taking mineral water and its dosage are the same as for peptic ulcers.

Diseases of the pancreas are chronic pancreatitis of any etiology (including alcoholic) in the phase of complete and incomplete remission. The dose of mineral water in this case is 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, the intake time is 20-30 minutes before meals, in addition to taking it before breakfast, lunch and dinner, drinking water at night is mandatory. Water temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius. The usual duration of drinking mineral water is 24-30 days. As a means of preventing alcoholic damage to the liver and pancreas, it is recommended that completely healthy people take Slavyanovskaya mineral water at least 5-6 times a year for 1 month with an interval of 2 months. This contributes to a more perfect hormonal regulation of metabolic processes in the body and an increase in the safety margin of the organs that are the targets of alcohol - hormonal regulatory blocks, as well as the liver and pancreas.

For diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2, compensated and subcompensated, it is preferable to prescribe water at a lower temperature - no more than 20 degrees Celsius. Time to take water - 15-20 minutes before meals 3 times a day, course 24-30 days.

In case of obesity, the dose of mineral water can be increased to 6-7 ml per 1 kg of weight, however, the water temperature is at least 50-60 degrees Celsius. Water should be heated in a water bath in an uncorked bottle to allow carbon dioxide to escape. The time to take water is 60 minutes before meals.

Oxaluria, phosphaturia, gout and uric acid diathesis. The regimen for taking mineral water is 4 times a day at a dose of 4-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, temperature 20-30 degrees, duration - 24-30 days. The time to take water is 60 minutes before meals.

Kidney and urinary tract diseases:
- pyelonephritis of various etiologies (except tuberculosis) without severe chronic renal failure.
- Pyelitis and cystitis of various etiologies in the phase of complete and incomplete remission of the disease.
- Kidney stone disease without frequent and severe attacks of renal colic.
- For diseases of the nephro-urological system, it is most advisable to prescribe mineral water 4 times a day 40-60 minutes before meals in a dose of 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, for 24-30 days, water temperature - 30-40 degrees Celsius.

In addition, the mineral waters “Slavyanovskaya” and “Smirnovskaya” can be used as an effective means of primary prevention of diseases of the digestive system both in practically healthy adults and in children. In this case, a course of taking mineral water can provide an increase in the reserves of functioning of the organs and systems of the body and an increase in resistance to the action of various unfavorable environmental factors. Long-term, 24-30 days, use of this mineral water can significantly increase the resistance of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum to the action of damaging factors of a wide variety of nature - irridants, alcohol, etc.

The duration of prophylactic intake of mineral water is usually 30-35 days, the dose is 5-8 ml per 1 kg of the patient’s body weight. During the year, 3 courses of mineral water should be taken.

The site administration does not evaluate recommendations and reviews about treatment, drugs and specialists. Remember that the discussion is being conducted not only by doctors, but also by ordinary readers, so some advice may be dangerous to your health. Before any treatment or taking medications, we recommend that you consult a specialist!

A total of 23 springs have been found in the city and its environs, but today 16 of them are functioning. Zheleznovodsk owes its origins as a resort to a spring discovered on the southern slope of Mount Zheleznaya by Dr. F.M. Haaz with the help of the Circassian prince Izmail Bey in 1810. Subsequently, it was named Lermontovsky, in honor of the great Russian poet, who once came here for treatment and drank this water.

Lermontov pump room in Zheleznovodsk

Although the springs originate in different places on Mount Zheleznaya, they all have a similar chemical composition: carbonic sulfate-carbonate calcium-magnesium waters with a degree of mineralization of 3.0-3.7 g/l and carbon dioxide saturation of 0.7-1.4 g/l. Some waters contain radon, in doses sufficient for treatment. The main difference between Zheleznovodsk mineral waters and each other is their temperature. According to this criterion, waters are divided into three categories: cold, warm and hot.

Cold springs include waters with temperatures below 20 degrees. These are sources such as Zavadovsky, Nelyubinsky, Nezlobinsky and Gaazovsky. They are used for drinking treatment and for baths.

The group of warm (low thermal) springs includes waters with temperatures from 20 to 37 degrees. These include Vladimirsky and source No. 18, as well as No. 54. These waters have a small daily flow rate, so they are used mainly for drinking.

But the real fame of the resort was brought by hot mineral waters with temperatures from 37 to 55 degrees, which include the Slavyanovsky and Smirnovsky springs. For calcium waters High temperatures are not typical, but these sources are a happy exception to the rule. There is no such water anymore, not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

Slavyanovsky source

The water temperature from this source reaches 55 degrees, making it the most hot water in Zheleznovodsk. The degree of mineralization is 3.4 g/l. The daily flow rate of the Slavyanovsky spring is 250 thousand liters.

The Slavyanovsky spring is named after its discoverer - hydrogeological engineer Nikolai Nikolaevich Slavyanov, who spent almost half of his life exploring and developing the mineral springs of Zheleznovodsk. While studying the geology of Mount Zheleznaya, the scientist concluded that it was necessary to drill a deep well to obtain large volumes of mineral water. The target for drilling was source No. 4, with a fairly low flow rate, by that time developed by Jules Francois.

When work began and the well reached the usual depth for the occurrence of Zheleznovodsk mineral waters, there was no water there. But Slavyanov’s calculations turned out to be correct: in April 1914, at a depth of 120.42 meters underground, an abundant spring was discovered with a water temperature of 55 degrees, with a daily flow of 500 thousand liters. Slavyanov proposed to name it in honor of the director of Geolcom F.N. Chernyshova. However, in 1916, on the initiative of the Zheleznovodsk Medical Society, it was renamed Slavyanovsky.

The water of the Slavyanovsky spring is used for drinking treatment, baths and bottling (about 40 million bottles per year). Currently, water is produced from two wells: No. 69 and No. 116.

Chemical composition of water:

Slavyanov waters normalize excretory and secretory functions internal organs, strengthen metabolic processes and activates regeneration processes, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract, promotes the removal of sand and small stones from the urinary system, and normalizes the functions of the liver and pancreas. Heat water helps dissolve mucus in the stomach, reduces or neutralizes spasms, improves blood circulation in the stomach and intestines.

Smirnovsky source

The first Smirnovsky spring is located on the eastern slope of Mount Zheleznaya in the central part of the resort park, in a covered drinking gallery. The water temperature is 37 degrees, the daily flow is 10 thousand liters. It is used mainly for drinking treatment.

In the same gallery is the Smirnovsky spring No. 2, discovered by Slavyanov in 1928. Its temperature is 40 degrees, the daily flow rate is up to 7 thousand liters.

The third Smirnovsky spring was also brought into the drinking gallery in 1828. The water temperature is 51 degrees and is used exclusively for drinking purposes. The depth of the well is 101.5 meters.

Smirnovsky named the source in 1898 in honor of the sixtieth anniversary medical practice Semyon Alekseevich Smirnov, who from 1862 to 1871 served as director of the KMS Resort Administration, and in 1863 founded the Russian Balneological Society.

The history of the discovery and development of the Smirnovsky spring is quite interesting. Once upon a time, on the eastern slope of Mount Zheleznaya there was a swampy area with hot mineral water gushing out of the ground, which was called “Gryaznushka”. This unpoetic name was explained by the large amount of silt mud around the source, which, by the way, was often used by local residents as a bathhouse. This place was quite popular among visitors, and in 1880 a two-story wooden pavilion was even built here.

In 1866, “Gryaznushka” interested Dr. Alexei Smirnov. A thorough chemical analysis of the water was made, and development of the source began shortly thereafter. It is noteworthy that during work to clear the land around it, at a depth of two meters, the remains of a wooden bathtub and kitchen utensils were found, which indicates the active use of this water by the highlanders who lived here.

In 1930, the famous Kislovodsk architect P.P. Eskov built the drinking gallery of the Smirnovsky spring, which today is an architectural monument. The elegant structure, which fits well into the landscape, consists of two rotundas with glass facades, connected by an enfilade.

Chemical composition of Smirnovskaya water:

  • potassium + sodium – 0.717 g/l;
  • calcium – 0.279 g/l;
  • chlorine – 0.316 g/l;
  • magnesium – 0.51 g/l;
  • iron – 0.0052 g/l;
  • hydrate – 1.347 g/l;
  • sulfates – 0.887 g/l;
  • dry residue – 0.29 g/l;

Mineralization – 3.601 g/l, carbon dioxide – 986 g/l.

Indications for use of Slavyanovskaya and Smirnovskaya water:

Inside the Smirnovsky spring

  • diseases of the digestive system ( chronic gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, colitis, enterocolitis, chronic hepatitis, cholelithiasis, biliary dyskinesia, liver cirrhosis in the compensation stage, cholangitis, adhesive disease abdominal region, diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders, obesity);
  • respiratory diseases (chronic nonspecific bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchiectasis);
  • urological diseases (chronic cystitis, urolithiasis disease, trigonitis, chronic prostatitis, sexual disorders in men);
  • gynecological diseases (chronic parametritis, incorrect position uterus, ovarian dysfunction, uterine hypoplasia, pelvic peritoxal adhesions, chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages, genital infantilism, infertility caused by inflammatory processes);
  • ENT diseases (chronic otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, eustachitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, acoustic neuritis).

In addition, the waters of the Slavyanovsky and Smirnovsky springs can be used for the primary prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in children and adolescents. Mineral water also increases the body's immunity and resistance to unfavorable factors external environment, stress and meteorological factors. Slavyanovskaya water can also be used as a means of preventing alcoholic damage to the liver and pancreas. It helps improve metabolism and increase the strength of the target organs of alcohol - the liver and pancreas.

The chemical elements contained in these mineral waters act as follows:

  • chloride in combination with carbon dioxide increases gastric secretion;
  • sulfate improves the motor function of the biliary tract;
  • hydrocarbonate, carbonic and phosphoric acids maintain constancy active reaction blood and intracellular processes;
  • sodium regulates vital electrochemical and biochemical processes in the body;
  • calcium is one of the most important elements. Its weight in the body of an adult can reach 1200 grams. It affects the condition of teeth, bones, hair and nails, as well as the condition of protoplasm: its viscosity, permeability, etc. A lack of calcium ions can cause blood to clot;
  • the content of iron ions in the Slavyanovsky and Smirnovsky sources helps in the treatment of anemia and increases resistance bone marrow to radiation exposure.

Contraindications for use

It should be remembered that not everyone can drink the mineral water of the Smirnovsky and Slavyanovsky springs. There are a number of contraindications:

  • acute course of the disease and all chronic diseases during the period of exacerbation;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by vomiting, bleeding, pain or diarrhea, especially if it intensifies during the period of drinking mineral water;
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy.

It must be emphasized that a positive result from treatment can be obtained provided that the doctor’s recommendations and the sanatorium regime are strictly followed. The effect of drinking treatment can be significantly increased when combined with mineral baths and showers, mud therapy, health and climatotherapy.

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How to drink mineral water.

Method of drinking treatment with mineral water Slavyanovskaya…

Not for self-medication. Consult your doctor before use!

I. Chronic diseases of the digestive system:

1.1. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the phase of incomplete or complete remission. In the presence of a pre-existing peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, it is preferable to take mineral water 1 month before the expected exacerbation or 2-3 months after the exacerbation.

In the acute phase, drinking mineral water is not allowed.

In the phase of complete remission of a peptic ulcer, in the absence of periodic exacerbations, mineral water should be taken: 3-4 times a year for at least 1 month.

1.2. Gastritis with preserved, increased or decreased acid-forming function in the phase of remission and incomplete remission of the disease.

Mineral water for gastritis with preserved and increased secretion is taken one minute before meals, temperature degrees Celsius in a dose of 3 ml per 1 kg of body weight, daily course; with reduced acid formation - minutes before meals, degrees.

1.3. Diseases of the operated stomach (dumping syndrome; hypoglycemic; small stump syndrome, etc.). In this case, the intake of mineral water is carried out as follows: the temperature and time of intake of water in relation to food are the same as for peptic ulcer disease. The only difference is that mineral water is first prescribed in a dose of 1-2 ml per 1 kg of body weight, and only later (that is, in the middle of the period of drinking exposure) the dose can be increased to 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

1.4. Liver diseases (any etiology). The most effective is taking mineral water for alcoholic liver damage. In this case, the temperature of the mineral water is degrees Celsius, the usual dose is ml per 1 kg of body weight, course days. In addition, on the day of drinking alcoholic drinks, it is recommended to take about 500 ml of mineral water at night to avoid the danger of increased thrombosis in the vascular system caused by the action of ethanol.

1.5. Diseases of the biliary tract of any etiology. An exception is cholelithiasis with frequent and severe attacks of biliary colic. The time of taking mineral water, its temperature and dosage as for peptic ulcer disease (see paragraph 1.1.)

1.6. Diseases of the pancreas are chronic pancreatitis of any etiology (including alcoholic) in the phase of complete and incomplete remission. The dose of mineral water in this case is 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, the time of intake is one minute before meals, in addition to taking it before breakfast, lunch and dinner, drinking water at night is mandatory. The duration of drinking mineral water is normal.

II. Metabolic diseases:

2.1. For diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2, compensated and subcompensated, it is preferable to prescribe water at a lower temperature - no more than 20 degrees Celsius. The time for taking water is one minute before meals, 3 times a day, daily.

2.2. For obesity, the dose of mineral water can be increased to 6-7 ml per 1 kg of weight, but the water temperature is not less than degrees Celsius. Water should be heated in a water bath in an uncorked bottle to allow carbon dioxide to escape.

2.3. Oxaluria, phosphaturia, gout and uric acid diathesis. The regimen for taking mineral water is 4 times a day at a dose of 4-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, temperature degrees, duration days.

III. Kidney and urinary tract diseases:

3.1. Pyelonephritis of various etiologies (except tuberculosis) without severe chronic renal failure.

3.2. Pyelitis and cystitis of various etiologies in the phase of complete and incomplete remission of the disease.

3.3. Kidney stone disease without frequent and severe attacks of renal colic.

For diseases of the nephro-urological system, it is most advisable to prescribe mineral water:

4 times a day, before meals, in a dose of 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, for a day. Water temperature°C.

Characteristics of mineral water ‘Slavyanovskaya’

Mineral water “Slavyanovskaya” complies with GOST “Drinking water” and GOST “Mineral, drinking, medicinal and medicinal table waters”. Meets World Health Organization requirements for drinking water(WHO Geneva, 1986). In accordance with GOST, natural precipitation of mineral salts is allowed.

Mineral water “Slavyanovskaya”, according to GOST, belongs to the Zheleznovodsk type, is characterized as carbonic, weakly mineralized (3-4 g/l) sulfate-hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium, and is intended for medicinal and table water.

Water mineralization is determined by the total content of chemical compounds dissolved in water, the predominant form of which in water is ionic. The main ionic composition of Slavyanovskaya mineral water is as follows:

Bicarbonate HSOmg/l

Sulfate SO4+2 90O mg/l

· Chlorine Cl- 280 mg/l

Calcium Ca +2 210 mg/l

· Sodium-Potassium Na+ - K+ 890 mg/l

· Mineralization 3-4 g/l

Indications for use:

· chronic colitis and enterocolitis;

· chronic urinary tract diseases;

· peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;

· chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract: hepatitis, cholecystitis;

· metabolic diseases: diabetes mellitus, obesity, gout, uric acid diathesis, oxaluria, phosphaturia;

How to drink Slavyanovskaya mineral water correctly

Chronic diseases of the digestive system: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the phase of incomplete or complete remission. In the presence of an existing gastric and duodenal ulcer, it is preferable to prescribe mineral water 1 month before the expected exacerbation or 2-3 months after the exacerbation. During the acute phase of the disease, drinking mineral water is not allowed.

Pyelonephritis of various etiologies (except tuberculosis) without severe chronic renal failure.

Pyelitis and cystitis of various etiologies in the phase of complete and incomplete remission of the disease.

Kidney stone disease without frequent and severe attacks of renal colic.

How to drink Slavyanovskaya mineral water correctly

Therapeutic diet for stomach and duodenal ulcers

An ulcer is a damage or defective change on the mucous surfaces of the stomach, which is formed as a result of an imbalance between protective functions body and the aggressive influence of negative factors.

As a rule, the development of gastric ulcer leads to harmful effects bacteria Helicobacter pylori, which is found in human body 80% of people. Its presence does not indicate the development of gastrointestinal disease. The bacterium begins its destructive work in tandem with secondary factors that disrupt the functioning of the stomach and lead to excess production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

What is stomach ulcer

Most often, the following accompanying factors lead to the formation of peptic ulcers:

  • Heredity.
  • Concomitant diseases (gastritis, cholecystitis, etc.).
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Excessive use of medications.
  • Frequent stress and depression.

Peptic ulcer is one of the most dangerous diseases for human life, which can affect not only the mucous layers of the stomach, but also muscle tissue peritoneum. With such a disease, the use of diet therapy is inevitable, because only strict dietary restrictions in combination with properly developed drug treatment, it will improve the patient’s condition and avoid the progression of stomach and intestinal diseases.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Symptoms of stomach and duodenal ulcers

Nutrition for gastric and duodenal ulcers should be as gentle as possible. In addition to a limited diet, the patient must be limited in physical and emotional stress, and will also have to forget about smoking and drinking alcohol.

During an exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, the diet should be as safe as possible in thermal and chemical terms, namely:

  • You should not eat food whose temperature is below 15 and above 60°C.
  • Only liquid and puree foods can be consumed.
  • You will have to give up all products that increase secretion gastric juice(strong alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, soda, fried foods, baked goods made from rye flour, etc.).

What diet is required for stomach and duodenal ulcers?

Diet for stomach and duodenal ulcers

As we said earlier in the article, the diet for stomach and duodenal ulcers should be as light as possible to ensure the consumption of foods that increase the symptoms of intestinal and gastrointestinal diseases.

Today, the requirements for products that can be consumed for peptic ulcer disease are less stringent than before, when there was little information about the characteristics of the disease. Now it’s no secret that one of the main reasons that increases the likelihood of exacerbation of the disease is a violation dietary ration.

In 2000, 15 different tables were used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, each of which was used for a specific disease:

  • Diets 1 to 5 were used for problems with the digestive system.
  • Diet No. 6 was used for abnormal metabolic processes.
  • Diet No. 7 was prescribed to patients who suffer from kidney problems, etc.

Today, a slightly modified system is used, which consists of 5 variations, within each of which all dietary tables are harmoniously distributed.

Mineral waters for peptic ulcers

Mineral water for stomach ulcers

Of course, ulcer patients need to drink mineral water, but there are some peculiarities: you need to know the best time to drink water, and also know what kind of water you can drink in a particular case. During remission, patients are recommended to use Borjomi, Essentuki No. 4, Slavyanovskaya, etc., which do not contain too many minerals. Typically, doctors may prescribe drinking half a glass of water three times a day.

Please note that mineral water can cause a negative reaction in the body. After 7-14 days from the moment of the 1st use of mineral water, the intensity may increase pain syndrome, may cause heartburn and belching. If the body reacts this way, you will have to reduce the dosage, or even stop drinking such water for a couple of days.

There may also be individual reactions, which may include frequent vomiting and nausea, diarrhea and other unpleasant symptoms, which require a visit to the doctor.

Features of the diet at different stages of gastric ulcer

Of course, the permitted foods for stomach ulcers are very limited, but this does not mean that the patient will starve and lack vitamins. Today nutritionists have developed such diet menus, following which you can eat nutritiously, variedly and tasty. In order to treat gastric and duodenal ulcers as effectively as possible, it is necessary to adhere to 3 nutritional systems at different stages of disease progression (see table below).

  • Slimy liquid dishes.
  • Grinded porridge with added milk.
  • Eggs soft-boiled and in the form of a steam omelet.
  • Milk products.
  • Lean types of meat and fish.
  • Kissel (you can only use ripe, non-acidic fruits).
  • A little butter.
  • White bread crackers (no more than 100g per day).
  • Cereals.
  • Milk soups.
  • Dietary meat and fish.
  • Dried wheat bread.
  • Galette cookies.
  • The first courses are pureed vegetables.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Not salty hard cheeses.
  • Sweet fruits and berries.
  • Juice from carrots and beets.
  1. You need to eat at least 6 times during the day.
  2. Eating should be done on an hourly basis.
  3. Portions should not be large.
  4. The daily amount of food consumed should not be more than 2.5 kg.
  5. The daily salt intake is up to 6g.
  6. The ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats should be in the form of 0g.
  1. Meals remain fractional.
  2. The number of meals is not reduced.
  3. The daily amount of food consumed should not exceed 3 kg.
  4. The amount of salt should not exceed 10 grams. per day.
  5. The ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats should be in the form of 0g.
  6. The daily fluid intake should be at least 1.5 liters.

Prohibited foods and treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of stomach ulcers with folk remedies

As you can see, the list of permitted products is not too sparse, but restrictions on some products will still remain for such products as:

  • Alcohol.
  • Spices and seasonings.
  • Hot sauces and dressings.
  • Cibul and garlic without heat treatment.
  • Raw radishes and turnips.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Cranberry.
  • Strongly brewed coffee.
  • Beans and other legumes.

note that following products can be consumed, but only in limited quantities:

  • Sorrel.
  • Citrus fruits (in particular kiwi, oranges, lemons).
  • Too fatty dairy products (ryazhenka, sour cream, cottage cheese).

The use of traditional methods, especially agave and propolis, is also of great benefit, but only after consultation with your doctor. Our ancestors began to use propolis for stomach and duodenal ulcers many centuries ago. This substance has proven itself in getting rid of inflammation of the stomach, and also helps eliminate scars on mucous surfaces.

Aloe for stomach ulcers is an equally effective folk remedy that has a wound-healing and antimicrobial effect, relieves pain, restores and heals damaged areas of the mucous membranes and skin. But note that folk remedies for stomach and duodenal ulcers are only good in combination with properly selected medication and diet therapy. Eat right and avoid bad habits, because this is precisely the guarantee healthy intestines and stomach.a

Treatment of polyps in the gallbladder without surgery

The main components of conservative treatment of polyps in the gallbladder

Treatment without surgery is based on dietary nutrition and a course of certain medications, the action of which is aimed at improving the outflow of bile and dissolving the formed cholesterol polyps. Treatment should be carried out under the mandatory supervision of a doctor, and it is also necessary to do an ultrasound of the gallbladder several times a year (preferably in the same diagnostic room).

Diet food

For all patients with pathology of the biliary tract, dietary table No. 5 is indicated. The main condition is the exclusion of almost all fried and fatty foods. Diet No. 5 suggests excluding from the diet:

  • fresh bread of any kind, flour products from puff pastry and butter dough;
  • fried meat and fish dishes, especially fatty varieties (goose, duck, pork), as well as offal, marinades and smoked meats;
  • whole milk, full-fat cottage cheese, cream, sharp and fatty cheeses;
  • any variants of combined fats;
  • pasta, as well as dishes made from pearl barley, barley, and wheat;
  • vegetables from the legume family (any type of cabbage, garlic, spinach, sorrel, radishes, turnips);
  • hard and sour berries and fruits (cranberries);
  • all varieties of herbs and spices;
  • natural coffee, carbonated drinks and cocoa.

Diet of a patient with polyps in gallbladder should include:

  • dried (so-called “evening”) white bread;
  • baked, boiled, steamed dishes from lean meats and fish (turkey, rabbit, chicken);
  • eggs in the form of an omelet or soufflé;
  • any fermented milk products (ryazhenka, yogurt, kefir, sour cream), in limited quantities low-fat cheeses and cottage cheese;
  • porridge, soufflé, casseroles made from buckwheat, oatmeal and rice;
  • boiled or baked vegetables from potatoes, carrots, zucchini and squash;
  • any variants of sweet fruits and berries (cherries, cherries, plums, strawberries, blackberries, wild strawberries);
  • tea with lemon, but not strong, herbal infusions and special choleretic teas.

It is possible to slightly expand the dietary intake according to your feelings and after consultation with your doctor.

Mineral water

The possibility of dissolving polyps increases when visiting the corresponding balneological resorts with mineral water sources (Essentuki and other health resorts in the Caucasus). Positive effect observed with sufficiently long-term use of these waters.

Choleretic agents

These include the drug “Allohol”, time-tested and well known to everyone since the times of the USSR, various choleretic fees medicinal herbs, the drug "Holiver". When using these drugs for several weeks (according to the scheme), there is an increase in the synthesis of bile by hepatocytes, an increase in the rate of bile excretion along the pathways and, accordingly, a kind of “washing out” of the formed cholesterol polyps. It is important to remember that any choleretic drug should not be taken on an empty stomach, as there is a fairly pronounced stimulation of the synthesis of all digestive enzymes.

Ursodeoxycholic acid preparations

They are one of the main means that can dissolve cholesterol polyps in the gallbladder. This organic compound reduces the concentration of cholesterol in bile by significantly inhibiting its absorption in the intestines and stomach, as well as by reducing its synthesis in the liver tissue. By participating in a number of immunological reactions, it reduces the severity inflammatory reactions in the liver and bile ducts. By changing the activity of enzyme systems, it reduces the concentration of toxic bile acids and reduces the absorption of their fat-soluble variants.

An important feature of the use of ursodeoxycholic acid preparations is the significant duration of the course of treatment. Without any breaks, capsules of this drug are taken by the patient for a long period (from 6 months to 2 years). With long-term use, a reactive increase in the activity of liver enzymes is possible, which must be monitored monthly and, if necessary, reduce the dose of ursodeoxycholic acid preparations.


They have an effect not so much on cholesterol polyps in the gallbladder, but on cholesterol metabolism. Various options active ingredients(atorvastatin, lovastatin, simvastatin) reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the likelihood of its settling on the walls of the gallbladder and the possibility of progressive growth of polyps.

Folk remedies

Some supporters alternative medicine actively advertise infusions and decoctions of the chaga mushroom as a means of dissolving polyps in the gallbladder, but to date there is no scientific evidence for this assumption.

If started in a timely manner conservative treatment Gallbladder polyps are likely to be completely cured.

Gastroduodenitis and pregnancy

Gastroduodenitis is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the transport section of the stomach, from where the contents are pumped into the duodenum. The pathology develops against the background of increased secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, decreased production of gastric juice, and disruption of the endocrine system. The disease is accompanied by severe pain in the epigastric zone, severe belching with heartburn, bowel dysfunction, and frequent vomiting. Such symptoms are especially dangerous during pregnancy, as they can cause miscarriage.

Reasons for the development of gastroduodenitis during pregnancy

If a woman suffers from a chronic form of gastroduodenitis, pregnancy acts as a provocateur for exacerbation of the disease. At this time, the body is especially weakened and susceptible to negative endogenous and exogenous factors. Primary or external causes:

  • infection with the spiral-shaped bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • eating too hot, cold or spicy foods;
  • special eating habits in pregnant women, for example, eating incompatible foods;
  • chemical poisoning by pesticides;
  • low mobility and physical activity, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

Secondary or internal reasons appearance acute pathology are:

  • excess acidity level;
  • decreased secretion of beneficial mucus;
  • hormonal dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to decreased secretion;
  • chronic diseases of the biliary tract and liver;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • fluctuations in hormonal levels due to bearing a child.

Treatment with medications for gastroduodenitis during pregnancy

It is prohibited to prescribe antibiotics during pregnancy.

A medication course aimed at relieving gastroduodenitis during pregnancy should be selected taking into account the maximum benefit for the mother and child. It is prohibited to prescribe antibiotics during pregnancy, as such drugs have a negative effect on the development and growth of the fetus. First of all, the level of acidity in gastric juice is regulated, the main unpleasant symptoms diseases. The following drugs are used for this:

  • antacids, which increase pH and reduce heartburn;
  • antispasmodics, which are intended to relieve pain during exacerbation;
  • prokinetic drugs that help restore the motor function of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby relieving attacks of nausea.

If acidity is reduced with gastroduodenitis, pregnant women are prescribed:

  • gastric enzymes, endowed with the ability to compensate for the lack of their own enzymes, the production of which is reduced due to the low productivity of the secretory glands located in the mucous epithelium in the stomach;
  • pancreatic enzymes used to normalize digestion;
  • probiotics with antagonistic properties to restore proper microflora in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • combination drugs, characterized by an integrated approach to stabilizing digestion.

During the period of exacerbation, bed rest is mandatory.

Herbal treatment

Due to some restrictions on medical supplies, prescribed to relieve inflammation in gastroduodenitis, the effect of the therapy used may be insufficient. Therefore, methods are recommended for pregnant women traditional medicine, which can relieve the patient from heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and pain in the epigastrium.

Especially popular are home remedies based on medicinal flowers, roots and herbs, which contain large amounts of useful microelements. But you should remember about the possibility of allergic reactions on the part of the sensitive body of a pregnant woman. Therefore, medicinal components and recipes should be selected in consultation with a gynecologist and a doctor treating gastrointestinal inflammation.

The first glass of mint tea should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

  • Mint tea. 1 tablespoon of mint per liter of boiling water is steamed in a thermos. The drink is infused for 10-12 hours. Ready-made tea should be drunk 4 times every 24 hours. Dosage - 200 ml before meals. The first glass should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Healing infusion of celandine. It is prepared from 300 g of the plant in a liter of alcohol. The product should be infused in a dark place for 14 days. Treatment regimen:
    • first dose - 5 drops of the drug;
    • second -6 drops;
    • the following days it is added drop by drop;
    • the dose is increased to 50 drops per day; Next, count down in reverse order, up to 5 drops.
  • Blend tea medicinal herbs. Leaves of plantain, nettle, St. John's wort, and chamomile flowers are mixed in equal quantities (1 tablespoon each). 2 large spoons of the resulting mixture are poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and left for 10-12 hours in a dark place. You should drink 150 ml of tea 3 times every 24 days for 30 days.
  • Herbal collection. From a mixture of powdered calamus root and orange peel, centaury and wormwood, taken 50 g each, take 100 g of the mixture and steam it in 0.5 liters of boiling water. The infusion is kept in a thermos for 10 hours. The product should be taken 3 times a day, 100 ml.

Other treatments

Complex therapy of gastroduodenitis in pregnant women, as in other patients, includes:

  • a strict diet developed individually;
  • adherence to a meal plan at a specific time;
  • drug treatment program;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • use of folk recipes according to a selected scheme.

In addition to herbal infusions, initial stages against the inflammatory process, pregnant women are recommended to use the following formulations:

  1. 500 g of viburnum berries in 3 liters of water, kept on fire until boiling. After which the product is infused for a day. The next day, crushed birch mushroom is added to the tincture. Two glasses are enough. Ready mix kept in the refrigerator for an additional 2 days. After filtering, 100 ml of aloe juice and 300 g of honey are added to the composition. The product should be drunk 200 g 3 times a day before meals.
  2. At chronic form medicinal tea is prescribed for inflammation. To prepare it, rose petals, motherwort, chamomile flowers, sage, yarrow, thyme, taken in equal quantities, are used. The mixture is poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water. You should drink tea throughout the day.
  3. Blackcurrant juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. You need to drink the juice a day in three small sips.

Physiotherapeutic methods for treating mucosal inflammation can be selected for pregnant women, but only after consultation with a gynecologist and gastroenterologist. The duration of the course is prescribed in accordance with the severity of the pathology, the state of health of the expectant mother and her baby. The main methods of physiotherapy are:

  • galvanization;
  • electrophoresis;
  • mud treatment;
  • use of ozokerite;
  • magnetotherapy.

Diet therapy for pregnant women suffering from gastroduodenitis

The diet is developed taking into account the taste preferences of the pregnant woman and the recommendations of the attending physician. Along with observing the correct layout of dishes, you need to adhere to certain rules and diet:

  1. Meals should be fractional.
  2. It is recommended to increase the number of snacks to 7 times a day.
  3. It is important to provide a complete breakfast and dinner.
  4. Do not transfer overnight.
  5. In the first days after the attack has stopped, food should be semi-liquid and warm. A good start to diet therapy would be to consume slimy cereal soups, milk porridges, cottage cheese and milk.
  6. On the 4th day you are allowed to eat boiled chicken eggs, vegetables raw or as a stew, fruits and fruit purees.
  7. After a week, you can introduce boiled meat and fish, steamed cutlets, porridge, mashed potatoes, hard cheese and sour cream.

If acidity increases during a relapse of the disease, pregnant women should drink mineral water. “Borjomi”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Slavyanovskaya” are suitable for these purposes. For low acidity, “Essentuki”, “Mirgorodskaya”, “Arzni” are recommended. You need to drink 150 ml per day between three main meals. It is advisable to do this after 2 hours.

The benefits of mineral waters have been known for a long time. They have been used to heal since ancient times various pathologies. This article talks about how you can use mineral water to improve your health.

Mechanism of action of mineral water

The positive effect of mineral waters on the body is determined by the mechanism of their action.

Once in the esophagus, these drinks immediately irritate the nerve receptors, pushing the digestive organs through the nervous system to work actively.

Moreover, it begins in the oral cavity. Receptors react to mineral water entering the mouth with increased secretion of saliva. As a result, all VT organs begin to function intensively, preparing for the upcoming food processing.

Force reflex action mineral water is directly related to the contact time of water and oral receptors.

The longer the water stays in your mouth, the stronger it will be. physical activity stomach and intestines. These features of the mechanism of action influenced the opinion of experts who recommend drinking mineral water more slowly. Drink in sips, taking breaks between them.

There is one more rule: to activate the muscle activity of the digestive organs, drink cold water, and for relaxation - warm. Warm water relieves spastic contractions of the intestinal wall and reduces its tone. This must be taken into account when using mineral water as a remedy for constipation.

Mineral water for spastic constipation

If a person is faced with spastic constipation, he suffers not only from the usual consequences associated with this disease, but also from pain.

You can get rid of unpleasant sensations with the help of properly selected mineral water.

First you should pay attention to the level of mineralization; medium or low (no more than 8 g/l) is suitable. Gaza in large quantities should not be present. The composition requires a quantitative predominance of the following ions:

  • bicarbonate (to liquefy feces and reduce the permeability of cell membranes);
  • sulfate (to slow down the absorption of water in the intestines, which helps stool become softer);
  • chlorine (also help to stop the absorption of water in the intestines, helping to dilute stool);
  • sodium (to remove mucus and have anti-inflammatory effects);
  • magnesium (for mucus removal and anti-inflammatory effect);
  • calcium.

You should drink mineral water on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. You need to take small sips, taking breaks between each of them. The water should be warm. The optimal temperature is about 45°C. It is advisable to take these healing drinks 3 times a day. They start with half a glass and gradually work their way up to a whole glass at a time.

To combat spastic constipation you need certain types mineral water: “Narzan”, “Essentuki No. 4”, “Slavyanskaya”, “Smirnovskaya”, “Moskovskaya”, “Uglicheskaya”.

If you drink this water, brought to the desired temperature, you will probably be able to achieve defecation and the disappearance of pain, because the intestinal muscles will relax. The main thing is to first remove gases from the water. To do this, you can simply stir the drink vigorously.

Mineral water for atonic constipation

If constipation is caused by a decrease in intestinal muscle function (atony), then the approach to treatment with mineral waters should be somewhat different.

Firstly, you need medium or high mineralization (from 8 to 20 g/l). Secondly, the following ions should predominate in the composition:

The following types of water are optimal:

  • Like Narzans. These are either hydrocarbonate waters, or sulfate-hydrocarbonate, magnesium-calcium, or soda-Glauberian waters. Such drinks can have an average mineralization of 3 – 4 g/l. Must be consumed cold. You can get treatment with this type of injection in Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk.
  • Like the Pyatigorsk ones. Such waters have a complex anionic composition; mineralization can be 5–6 g/l. You can get treatment with these thermal waters with sodium composition in Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk (“Mashuk No. 5”, which contains chlorides, bicarbonates, sulfates).
  • Like Borjomi. This type includes sodium bicarbonate waters that have an alkaline composition. Mineralization can reach up to 10 g/l. You can be treated with both warm and cold waters. This is a widespread type of water.
  • Like "Essentuki". These are chloride-bicarbonate-sodium healing waters. By reaction they are alkaline-salt. Mineralization – up to 12 g/l. Some varieties may contain components such as iodine and bromine. The source of such waters is Essentuki.
  • Sodium chloride type. They contain salts in an amount of 10 g/l. They strengthen osmotic pressure and have a stimulating effect on intestinal motility. As a result, they help overcome atonic constipation.
  • Magnesium sulfate type. Such waters, reaching the intestines, linger there for a long time. As a result feces become softer and come out easier. This group includes “Mirgorodskaya”, “Uglichskaya”.

The optimal temperature for drinking the medicinal drinks listed above is 18 – 24°C. They should be taken one and a half hours before meals at least 3 times a day. The frequency can be increased to 4 times a day. The method of administration also has its own characteristics. You need to drink water as quickly as possible. You need to take big sips. This method will help activate peristalsis and get the desired result.

In order for mineral water to be beneficial, storage conditions must be observed. The bottles are given a horizontal position. Place them in a dark place where the temperature ranges from 6 to 15 °C.

When starting to take mineral water for constipation, you must remember that the liquid must enter the body in sufficient quantity. If there is insufficient water supply, the body's needs are not met. As a result, all metabolic processes proceed worse.

Even constipation can be a consequence of lack of water in the body. Due to lack of water, swelling also develops. Don’t think that they only happen to those who don’t know how to drink in moderation. If there is little moisture, then the cells become “thrifty”, holding moisture inside with all their might.

Only when the body's needs for water are fully satisfied is the normal course of all processes within organs and systems possible. Outwardly this manifests itself in the form of healthy skin, shiny hair, strong nails. Timely bowel movements also indicate a sufficient amount of fluid in the body.

We must remember that beneficial substances are regularly washed out of the body along with the fluid that comes out, so you need to constantly replenish their reserves.

Features of mineral waters

Not every water that has mineral composition, can be considered mineral water.

It must be obtained exclusively from an officially registered underground source.

The final product must meet all declared characteristics. Features of mineralization are the basis for dividing all waters into 3 types:

  • Medicinal. In their composition minerals 10 – 15 g/l. You should not use them on your own; you need to get a doctor’s prescription and drink water under the constant supervision of specialists. Do not consume too much of them; due to excess, salt deposition may begin in the body.
  • Medical canteens. Mineralization from 1 g/l to 10 g/l. However, people do not drink such water all the time. After all, their composition is quite active.
  • Dining rooms. The amount of minerals in them is extremely low - no more than 1 g/l. Therefore, they cannot harm, you can drink them as much as you want. If you choose a composition that matches the needs of the body, with the help of such a drink you can gradually have a beneficial effect on the body.

The tips below will help you choose the most suitable mineral water. The choice can be based on the salts that are contained in the drink in the greatest quantities.

  1. Bicarbonate. They contain bicarbonates of 600 mg/l. Such waters should not be taken if you have gastritis. But if there is no such disease, then they can become an excellent source of well-being for active people and even small children. Perfect for those suffering from cystitis. “Arkhyz” and “Bjni” belong to this group.
  2. Hydrocarbonate. Contains minerals 1000 mg/l. Such waters will help with various diseases liver, kidneys, pancreas, nervous system, musculoskeletal system. A prominent representative of this group is “Novoterskaya Healing”.
  3. Sulfate. The waters of this group of minerals contain 200 mg/l. They are recommended for adults with liver disease and can be used for constipation. Sulfate waters are contraindicated for a growing body. After all, sulfates interfere with the normal absorption of calcium. As a result, a person may experience problems with normal bone formation. Similar problems can begin in postmenopausal people, when calcium levels drop sharply. To prevent osteoporosis from flourishing, sulfate waters are avoided. In this group “Essentuki No. 20”.
  4. Chloride. Such waters contain 200 mg/l of minerals. They are not recommended for people with high blood pressure. At normal blood pressure, it is advisable to take them for pathologies of the liver, biliary tract, and intestines. The waters of this group are “Aksu”, “Essentuki No. 4”.
  5. Sodium. The amount of minerals in the waters of this group is about 200 mg/l. They are suitable for those who are prone to constipation. They should not be consumed by those who are recommended to eat a low-salt diet. It is also prohibited for people with high blood pressure. This variety includes “Narzan” and “Smirnovskaya”.
  6. Sodium chloride. These combined waters contain chlorine (800 mg/l) and sodium (700 mg/l) components. This variety has healing effect for chronic inflammatory processes in the stomach, intestines, peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, enteritis, colitis. Among these waters, the most common is the water called Cardamom.
  7. Magnesium. They contain about 50 mg/l magnesium. If a person knows that the slightest impact on his digestive tract can result in diarrhea, it is better for him to refuse such waters. But for constipation, this is a great help. The waters of this variety include “Narzan” and “Erinskaya”.
  8. Fluoride. They contain about 1 mg/l of fluorine. These waters are useful for the prevention of osteoporosis when carrying a child. If you have to drink fluoridated water, in addition to this mineral water, then it is better to refuse the fluoride variety. This group includes “Sochi”, “Lazarevskaya”.
  9. Ferrous. The amount of iron in them is also about 1 mg/l. They are drunk for anemia. If a person suffers from a peptic ulcer, then ferruginous waters are not recommended. In this group are “Polyustrovskaya” and “Martialnaya”.
  10. Sour. Carbon dioxide anhydrides in such waters can be present in quite large quantities - over 250 mg/l. They are taken for certain stomach diseases accompanied by low acidity. If you have an ulcer, such drinks are prohibited. Sour mineral water is “Shmakovskaya”.
  11. Calcium. The amount of calcium in such drinks is 150 mg/l. It is advisable to drink them for those who cannot tolerate milk. There are no serious contraindications. This variety includes “Slavyanovskaya” and “Smirnovskaya” waters.

Since almost every mineral water contains a wide range of minerals, the above classification is based on the predominance of a particular substance.

It is important to remember that bottled waters do not always correspond to the characteristics stated on the label. Therefore, for medicinal purposes, it is better to drink water directly at the resorts where these waters are obtained.

Among other tips, it is important to pay attention to the possibility of boiling. It is forbidden. You cannot cook with mineral water. When boiling, many salts precipitate, so it is unknown what the result of cooking will be.

Regardless of the variety, mineral water should be drunk with the gases that are in its composition. If they are specifically removed, the absorption of salts will undergo changes, so it cannot be guaranteed that the desired results will be achieved.

Find out what benefits water brings to the body from the video:

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Not for self-medication. Consult your doctor before use!

How to drink mineral water. Method of drinking treatment with mineral water Smirnovskaya...

"Smirnovskaya" mineral water The Zheleznovodsk deposit is a medicinal-table water and is characterized as carbonated, low-mineralized (3-4 g/l) sulfate-hydrocarbonate, calcium-sodium water.

It was named so in 1898 in honor of the doctor S. A. Smirnov. “Smirnovskaya” is close in chemical composition and mineralization to the water of the Slavyanovsky spring.

Water is used mainly for diseases of the liver and bile ducts. Thanks to its chemical composition, it increases the flow of bile into the intestines, eliminating its stagnation. This achieves attenuation of inflammatory processes in the gallbladder and ducts.

When taken 1 - 1.5 hours before meals, it inhibits the secretion of gastric juice and is therefore useful for high acidity, in particular in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Due to the presence of sodium and magnesium sulfates, it also has a beneficial effect in the treatment of diseases of the biliary tract. Low mineralization of water and the presence of calcium bicarbonate in it give a positive result in the treatment of kidney and urinary tract diseases.

Indications for use of Smirnovskaya mineral water:

Chronic gastritis with normal, increased, and decreased secretory function of the stomach);

Chronic pancreatitis of any etiology;

Chronic colitis and enterocolitis;

Chronic urinary tract diseases;

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;

Diseases of the operated stomach.;

Chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract: hepatitis, cholecystitis;

Metabolic diseases: diabetes mellitus, obesity, gout, uric acid diathesis, oxaluria, phosphaturia;

Increasing health reserves.


taking mineral water for gastritis with preserved, increased or decreased acidity in the phase of remission and incomplete remission of the disease. Mineral water for gastritis with preserved and increased secretion is taken 40-60 minutes before meals, the temperature is 30-40 degrees Celsius at a dose of 3 ml per 1 kg of body weight, the course is 24-25 days. With reduced acid formation, mineral water is taken 120 minutes before meals, the water temperature is 20-25 degrees.

Pancreatic diseases:

chronic pancreatitis of any etiology (including alcoholic) in the phase of complete and incomplete remission. The dose of mineral water in this case is 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, the intake time is 20-30 minutes before meals, in addition to taking it before breakfast, lunch and dinner, drinking water at night is mandatory. Water temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius. The usual duration of drinking mineral water is 24-30 days.

Kidney and urinary tract diseases:

Pyelonephritis of various etiologies (except tuberculosis) without severe chronic renal failure.

Pyelitis and cystitis of various etiologies in the phase of complete and incomplete remission of the disease.

Kidney stone disease without frequent and severe attacks of renal colic.

For diseases of the nephro-urological system, it is most advisable to prescribe mineral water 4 times a day 40-60 minutes before meals in a dose of 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, for 24-30 days, water temperature - 30-40 degrees Celsius.

Oxaluria, phosphaturia, gout and uric acid diathesis.

The regimen for taking mineral water is 4 times a day at a dose of 4-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, temperature 20-30 degrees, duration - 24-30 days. The time to take water is 60 minutes before meals.

Chronic diseases of the digestive system:

peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the phase of incomplete or complete remission. In the presence of an existing gastric and duodenal ulcer, it is preferable to prescribe mineral water 1 month before the expected exacerbation or 2-3 months after the exacerbation. During the acute phase of the disease, drinking mineral water is not allowed. In the phase of complete remission of peptic ulcer, mineral water should be used 3-4 times a year for at least a month. In this case, mineral water is prescribed in a dose of 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight 4 times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner, 30-40 minutes before meals and at night / before bedtime /. The course of water intake is 24-30 days, the water temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius.

Diseases of the operated stomach:

(dumping is a syndrome of any severity except for severe, hypoglycemic; small stump syndrome, etc.). In this case, mineral water is taken as follows: water temperature - 25-30 degrees, 4 times a day: before breakfast, lunch and dinner, 30-40 minutes before meals and at night (before bed). Water is first prescribed at a dose of 1-2 ml per 1 kg of body weight, and only after 12-14 days the dose can be increased to 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

Liver diseases of any etiology:

Taking mineral water is most effective for alcoholic and toxic (hydrogen sulfide, fluorine, etc.) liver damage. In this case, drinking mineral water enhances the detoxification ability of the liver and increases its functional activity. The most effective temperature of mineral water is 20-30 degrees Celsius, the usual dose is 3-5 ml per 1 kg of body weight, the course is 24-30 days. 30-40 minutes before meals.

Disease of the biliary tract of any etiology.

An exception is cholelithiasis with frequent and severe attacks of biliary colic, in which drinking mineral water is not recommended at all. For other diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, the time of taking mineral water and its dosage are the same as for peptic ulcers.

For diabetes:

Types 1 and 2 of compensated and subcompensated flow, it is preferable to prescribe water at a lower temperature - no more than 20 degrees Celsius. Time to take water - 15-20 minutes before meals 3 times a day, course 24-30 days.

For obesity:

the dose of mineral water can be increased to 6-7 ml per 1 kg of weight, however, the water temperature is at least 50-60 degrees Celsius. Water should be heated in a water bath in an uncorked bottle to allow carbon dioxide to escape. The time to take water is 60 minutes before meals.

Increasing body reserves.

In addition, Smirnovskaya mineral water can be used as an effective means of primary prevention of diseases of the digestive system both in practically healthy adults and in children.

See also -

Drinking mineral water. part 1,Part 2, Part 3

Annex 1. Drinking treatment regimens .

Appendix 2. Drinking treatment regimens

Appendix 3.