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How to get out of a two-month binge. Remedies for quick recovery after binge drinking. Products will be especially beneficial

It is difficult to find a greater evil than alcohol addiction. Alcohol mercilessly undermines the health of many people, destroys mental abilities and personality drinking man, leads to early death.

The tricky thing about alcohol is that severe consequences They do not come immediately, but gradually and imperceptibly. At first, alcohol brings emotional and physical relief from everyday troubles.

Subsequently, the person realizes that he can no longer do without constant libations, which have long ceased to be produced desired effect, but quit bad habit He is no longer able to do it on his own. Coming - mental and physical dependence from alcoholic drinks.

Often to alcoholic binge leads serious condition hangover. A person does not know how to competently overcome frightening symptoms - feelings of fear, depression, heart problems, headache– and starts the day with a new portion of alcohol, which brings dubious and short-lived relief.

Knowing simple techniques, you can quickly . The combination of medications with folk remedies will quickly relieve all the consequences alcohol intoxication.

Necessary first aid measures for the body

How quickly at home? To begin with, a person who has been in a drunken state for a long time must himself come to the decision to overcome this illness. Unobtrusive help will definitely be needed in this difficult event. loved one. Next steps are taken to relieve symptoms alcohol poisoning, such as:

  • toxic damage to organs (liver, stomach);
  • dry mouth – popularly known as “dry mouth”;
  • headache and nausea with toxic damage internal organs(liver, stomach);
  • irritation;
  • tachycardia;
  • state of anxiety;
  • tremors and convulsions.

You can cope with these symptoms in one day, but the removal of alcoholic compounds from the body occurs within 3 days.

In the morning, overcoming yourself, it’s worth taking cold and hot shower, toning the body and washing away all kinds of toxins from the body. Hot bath It is not recommended to take. The extra load on the heart, which is already working under strain, leads to increased blood pressure and possible brain disorders.

For accelerated elimination toxic substances You should try to drink about 2 liters of liquid per day. Drink plenty of fluids– the main component of the daily diet of a person recovering from heavy drinking. You can drink everything except strong tea, energy drinks, carbonated drinks and coffee.

Natural (!) kvass, weak tea with lemon, kefir, compotes, brines and vegetable juices. You should not use marinade with the addition of vinegar - the mucous membranes of the stomach are already burned by alcohol. Hydrocarbonate mineral water (Essentuki, Borjomi) effectively reduces alcohol imbalance.

The effect of mineral water for hangover syndrome begins in the mouth when the bubbles burst carbon dioxide, which irritates the sensitive mucous membrane, thereby stimulating the brain. The presence of gas bubbles increases the volume of absorbed water, which immediately enters the blood at the level of the stomach and esophagus.

If upon admission mineral water if the stomach is irritated, the bubbling effect of carbonated water can cause vomiting. Cleansing the stomach through vomiting is an excellent way to free the insides from the breakdown products of alcohol and from food debris that accumulates undigested alcohol.

Dehydration of the body, which inevitably occurs when drinking alcohol-containing drinks, leads to poor health. But the reason for this is not a lack of water, but a lack of blood volume. The mineral water quickly enters circulatory system, normalizing the volume of circulating blood.

Abundant intake of mineral water leads to recovery water-salt balance and frequent urination. As a result, the swelling of organ tissues, which causes headaches, gradually disappears. Excess fluid comes out along with toxic substances in the body.

Rules for eating

Hangover syndrome causes persistent disgust for any food. But the stomach must be made to work. Low-fat broth is very well received. Jellied fish or fruit jelly contain a lot of glycine, which relieves psychological stress. Vegetable salads of spinach and cucumbers, seasoned vegetable oil, and fruits, especially citrus fruits or bananas, will replenish vitamins and minerals.

It is not recommended to “improve your health” with a heavy meal after a hangover. Fatty food It does not at all make it easier to get out of binge drinking, as some suggest, but only aggravates the serious condition. Hearty foods contain a lot of fat and proteins, which put a strain on the liver, which can barely cope with the neutralization of harmful substances.

Alcohol flushes such things out of the body necessary substances, like potassium, magnesium and vitamins. This causes interruptions in the functioning of the heart and seizures. Any nuts, sesame seeds, and seaweed contain a lot of magnesium. Sunflower seeds are a real storehouse of microelements.

Grape and gooseberry juice contains a lot of succinic acid. This substance effectively helps the body in the period after heavy drinking: it protects against toxic poisoning, activates cellular respiration and improves overall well-being.

In case of alcohol intoxication, it is very useful to drink oatmeal broth. Its diuretic effect helps the body get rid of swelling, which means the headache will go away. Oats, rich in B vitamins, provide the liver with the necessary enzymes for processing toxic substances. Oatmeal broth normalizes blood pressure and restores brain function.

To prepare the decoction, it is better to take unpeeled oat grains (one glass), but you can use oatmeal or flakes. Pour dry raw materials with 5 glasses of water and cook for 20 minutes. You can add honey to the strained broth - another excellent medicine for hangover– and take, if possible, 0.5 liters every 40 minutes. You should drink at least 1 liter of decoction per day.

In case of a hangover, diuretic products and frequent urination. In this case, it is better to take phytodiuretics: diuretic mixture, lingonberry leaf or green tea.

Medication assistance

It is impossible to relieve a severe state of alcohol intoxication without the help of medications. Here it is necessary to take into account chronic diseases person, and the severity of his hangover syndrome. In such cases, when taking medications, you should definitely consult a doctor, because what works great for one may harm another. Below is sample list first aid medications for withdrawal from binge drinking.

First mandatory drug– activated carbon is a sorbent that absorbs toxic alcohol residues. When taking charcoal, you should follow the rule: one tablet is designed for 10 kg of human weight. 2 hours after taking sorbents, it is necessary to empty the intestines, otherwise a reverse effect will inevitably appear. Polysorb or Filtrum is an alternative to activated carbon.

Hangover tachycardia is relieved with the help of Anaprilin and Asparkam. For the liver – Essentiale forte. Glycine will help restore balance to the nervous system. Headaches can be relieved with instant aspirin. But for those with ulcers, it is better to abstain from it and use paracetamol or citramon.

Strong heartbeat is calmed by taking Obsedan. Valocordin also copes well with this task. Magnesia is a popular remedy for withdrawal from binge drinking. Magnesium sulfate, or “Epsom salt”, has a laxative effect, so it is better to take it after sorbents (Polysorb, Filtrum, activated carbon).

Effects of magnesium on the body:

  • anticonvulsant effect – relief of headaches;
  • replenishment of magnesium reserves in the body - stabilization of the nervous system, support of the heart;
  • removal of edema.

It is difficult to talk about a positive attitude after many days of alcoholic libation. But to get out of binge drinking, a positive environment must be established at home. Relatives on at this stage should in every possible way encourage a person’s desire to get rid of alcohol addiction. No reproaches or complaints. Only calming conversations.

Favorite films or music, an influx of fresh air and a cozy environment should contribute to psychological balance. The main thing is to avoid communicating with drinking friends at all costs.

With the therapy described above, by the evening the painful condition improves significantly. After a few more days, an irresistible desire to live will appear. But only the help of loved ones and qualified specialists will help curb the constant need for alcoholic beverages.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not implemented through pharmacy chain and retail stores to avoid overpricing. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried it? traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    I haven’t tried any folk remedies, my father-in-law still drinks and drinks

In our country, the state of binge drinking is known firsthand. Some experience it themselves from time to time, and some tried to help to a loved one. This painful condition can last for quite a long time. The more and longer person drinks, the more difficult it is to get him back to normal life. If this problem has arisen in your family, you will find useful advice on how to get out of binge drinking without the help of a doctor in just one day.

Ways to get out of binge drinking in a day

Is it possible to return to health in one day without the help of a doctor? normal state? In many cases it is possible, but not in all. Of course, the most effective way quickly get out of the binge state - go to the hospital, or call a narcologist to your home. However, not everyone has the courage to do this, and it is not cheap at all. In this case, you can use the home methods described below.

The main condition for a quick return to normal life is a categorical refusal of any dosage of alcohol. The last drink should be the night before. In the morning we begin to break out of the binge. To do this, after your last drink, you should drink a solution of warm water with mint tincture (30 drops per 100 ml) before going to bed.

The next morning you need to drink as much water as possible and induce vomiting. Next, throughout the day, drink mineral water without carbon, tea with lemon and mint, juices, compotes and fruit drinks. This will help restore water balance in organism.

On this day you need to sleep more - sleep will calm you down and help you cope with intoxication faster.

Ventilate the room more often. It is useful to take a shower in the morning, alternating warm water with cool. Water helps remove toxins through skin.

In the evening it is useful to take a walk in the fresh air.

You should take it throughout the day medications, without which a complete cessation of binge drinking is impossible. In parallel it is useful to use folk remedies. Let's take a closer look at both:

Pharmacy drugs

To neutralize the effects of alcohol as effectively as possible, you need a powerful and complex therapy.

You need to start with sorbent preparations. First thing in the morning, preferably after gastric lavage, you need to take activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight). After a couple of hours, do a cleansing enema. Then take Enterosgel or Polyphepan.

At severe nausea pills will help Succinic acid- the drug neutralizes toxins.

Recovery normal operation brain, calming the nervous system, normalizing sleep, doctors recommend taking vitamins B1, B6 and C.

Aspirin and No-shpa tablets will help eliminate finger trembling and cure headaches.

Narcologists use the following drugs to treat binge alcoholism:

Sedatives: Phenazepam, Proproten-100, Diazepam, etc.
- Anticonvulsants: Carbalex, etc.

The following medications are also used:

Clonidine: reduces arterial pressure, calms, eliminates limb tremors.

Carbamazepine: eliminates cramps, helps the body quickly remove toxins - alcohol breakdown products.

Tiapride: a drug with a neuroleptic effect, calms, eliminates alcoholic aggression.

To calm the nervous system, the drug Seduxen is often used. It is extremely calming and provides deep, restful sleep.

Folk remedies

Along with conducting drug therapy, it is useful to additionally use effective folk recipes that help fight hangover:

Prepare a drink that helps get rid of intoxication: brew in clean water several cut lemons (for 2 liters - 3 citrus fruits). Cook over low heat for half an hour. Cool, mix with honey and drink throughout the day.

A mixture of half a liter of fresh kefir and 1 liter of mineral water will help you cope with a hangover. Add a pinch of salt. Stir and drink in two doses.

Make a decoction of oats. It has a mild diuretic effect, removes toxins well, and coats the walls of the stomach. It also contains necessary substances, including enzymes, which will help you quickly get out of painful condition. To do this, boil half a glass of grains in 1 liter of water. Strain, squeeze and drink a glass several times a day.

It must be said that binge drinking and hangover often cause aversion to food. However, you still need to eat so that the weakened body gains strength. It is very useful to eat hot sour cabbage soup, drink chicken bouillon, tomato juice. You can drink it on an empty stomach a raw egg. Or whip up a couple fresh eggs, add salt and eat.

What not to do?

In no case and under no circumstances, when leaving a binge, do not have a hangover. Even more small dose alcohol will lead to a breakdown and the drinking will continue. We need to endure it.

On the first day of treatment, hangovers are prohibited. physical exercise. The body is weakened, all organs and systems are functioning at the limit. Therefore, stress can trigger the development of a heart attack or stroke.

You should also not take heart drops, as many people do. Taking Corvalol, Valocordin and other similar drugs can have unpredictable consequences.

And further! You should not take potent drugs without a doctor's prescription. medicines. Especially psychoactive drugs. All of them have contraindications and have serious side effects. Therefore, a person in a state of withdrawal may face unpredictable consequences when taking such medications.

Stop drinking alcohol immediately binge alcoholic very difficult. Therefore, it is not always possible to get him out of binge drinking in one day on your own, using conventional means.

If the duration of the period of heavy drinking is long, and the intervals of sobriety are very short, there is no way to get out of this state in a day without a doctor. Only a narcologist can quickly return a person to a normal state.

Hello friends! And all those who came here for the first time, hoping to find sobriety. That's where it ends new year holidays, it’s good if you managed to relax during these days and gain strength for the whole year.

But, for sure, some of you have never parted with the bottle; moreover, you cannot get out of a multi-day binge on your own.

Actually, this is what I wanted to talk about today (or rather, not me... I just took a recommendation on one of the sites from the comments and corrected it a little), I think that everything said below will help you somehow minimize the health losses associated with overdoing it during the holidays...

Personal experience of quickly recovering from binge drinking at home

The last time I came out on my own almost at home, without outside help, so my case may help those who have been drinking for more than a week.

It means that now and while you can still move, you need to force yourself to get to the nearest pharmacy and buy powders and tablets there. Still crawl to the store and buy legs, chicken or bouillon cubes to cook chicken broth.

Reducing the dose after binge drinking

Do not try to suddenly stop drinking after many days of drinking. Try to reduce the dose and drink no more than a glass at a time, be sure to have a snack before giving up alcohol altogether. It's better if they were strong alcohol. Beer and wine are unlikely to help. If you can reduce your daily gram intake to 300, that will be good.

Medications for detoxification

At the same time, start taking the purchased medications to help you stop drinking.

First in line is Limontar. One tablet per glass of water, you can also add baking soda on the edge of a knife). Drink before meals while you can eat.

Then "Glycine". Take 4 times a day. Relieves headaches and restores consciousness.

You need to start drinking all this at the same time you start reducing the dose of alcohol you take.

As soon as the dose is reduced, that’s it - we give up alcohol in the evening! Next begins the most difficult stage, since on the first night of refusal, you need to fall asleep.

It’s great if you have Phenazepam, although you can’t buy it openly, but active alcoholics always have it, but if not, then Donormil, although it may not be sold at the pharmacy. Then any sedative, such as Afobozol, or for REM sleep, which is available in the pharmacy, you just need to drink about 5 tablets.

Pressure! This is the most important point. It is necessary for someone to measure it, and if it rises above 150, and the pulse is more than 90, take Anaprilin (Indap, Egilok). Keep in mind that alcohol is contraindicated when taking these pills!!!

Sleep after binge drinking

Try to sleep! Even if it doesn't work out...

The hardest first day... No stress... If the stomach can accept food, we eat. Just nothing sweet, spicy, or fatty; in small portions several times a day.

Now your liver and stomach are overloaded, do not overload them. It's best to eat broth from those chicken by-products what you bought in advance. Drink salted mineral water, releasing gases from it. You shouldn’t drink a lot, your kidneys can’t cope yet and the liquid can provoke high pressure and Continue taking your medications.

“Glycine” - three times, “Asparkam” two tablets twice a day, you can “Cavinton” if you feel that your brain is exploding from the rush of blood, “Aspirin” once and “Limontar” three times a day. Essential Forte or Hepa Merz are very helpful for the liver. To calm the state of mind - Phenibut twice a day.

Of course, now even a minimal amount of alcohol can greatly alleviate the condition of an alcoholic, and some advise diluting a little vodka with water and drinking, but this can simply be replaced: with kvass, kefir, ayran, because after taking the pills, alcohol is no longer allowed.

Lie down more, sleep if possible, without stress, now everything should be quiet, calm and measured, and without sedatives you definitely won’t fall asleep today. Watch your blood pressure.

The next days of quitting binge drinking at home

Second day.

Drink, eat and take everything the same as yesterday. If you're tired of the broth, steam some food if you can.

Monitor the pressure and, if it rises, knock it down with tablets. Start going back to real life: watch TV, movies, listen to your favorite music and so on.

On the third day

continue to take medications and eat broths. If your stomach digests food normally, you can eat some dumplings or boiled meat. Today you can occupy yourself with something, for example, wash and clean the house. This is important after a binge.

It's still important to sleep. If you don't sleep these days, you will have hallucinations. You’ve eaten, cleaned up, and want to sleep—go straight to bed and sleep. Even one or two hours of sleep during the day is a victory. Of course, Phenazepam helps best...

Fourth day

It should bring relief. If the tremors in your hands continue, a feeling of guilt sets in, and your body feels weak, continue taking the pills. Today you can eat well and load yourself with housework, but don’t forget to keep an eye on general condition, pulse and blood pressure. Drink more water.

The remaining days of recovery from binge drinking

IN next days, it will become much easier, and you will be able to choose your own daily routine. I felt better after eleven days, when my body started working as it should...

I will add on my own behalf.

Although there is a rational grain in this, everything described above is not a call to action. In any case, consultation with a specialist is required. Breaking out of binge drinking at home can end in disaster without outside help and medical care . Any sane doctor will tell you this.

Binge drinking - discord! Such recommendations may help if you have been drinking for a short time, stand on your feet a little longer and move around the apartment, but are absolutely contraindicated for those who after long drinking bout lies and cannot even crawl to the toilet.

The only way out is to call a doctor or team and urgent hospitalization in a drug treatment center. About nothing self-treatment, in this case, there can be no question!!!

Remember this, stop drinking so you don’t have to break out of your drinking bout at home, and live long!

Good sobriety and health to everyone!

Alcoholic drinks help you relax and forget about everyday problems. They on a short time saves you from depressive thoughts and bad mood, but they are addictive. A person becomes dependent on alcohol. He drinks more and more and cannot stop. This condition is called binge drinking. Quitting alcohol on your own is not easy, but if you really want to, it is possible.

Psychological aspect

Quitting binge drinking starts with motivation. Only a compelling reason will make the patient say “No!” strong drinks and cleanse the body of toxins. A man or woman who does not have a persistent dependence on alcohol will be convinced by simple arithmetic calculations:

  • how many liters of alcohol were drunk;
  • price of each bottle;
  • total cost of the binge.

Other patients are impressed not by the amount spent on strong drinks, but by possible consequences binge drinking Among the most harmless are headache, lack of appetite, unattractive appearance, heartburn and sluggish mental activity. With regular alcohol abuse, stomach problems appear, heart disease and renal failure, gastritis, tachycardia, lack of coordination. The liver and pancreas, as well as the nervous system, are affected. Regular binges lead to tremors upper limbs, memory impairment and cirrhosis, which in most cases ends in the death of the patient.

A person who decides to give up alcohol will need a blank notebook sheet and a pen. Divide the paper into two columns. The first is the consequences of alcoholism and possible diseases, and in the second - the advantages of giving up strong drinks. A patient who has recovered from binge drinking will be able to:

  • improve relationships with family members;
  • find new job or return to your old position;
  • climb the career ladder;
  • improve your life and health;
  • spend money on self-development and professional growth;
  • spend more time with friends and parents.

Each person finds their own advantages in getting rid of alcohol addiction. The main thing is to convince yourself that the time has come to change your mind and give up the habit that is destroying your body and mind. People without motivation quickly give up and go on a binge again, sometimes longer than the previous one.

The patient needs to protect himself from contact with parents, friends, drinking buddies and family members for 3-4 days. No one should reproach, blame or seduce an addicted person. Any psychological pressure reduces determination and leads to breakdown.

Gradual exit

Alcohol is one of the types of drugs. Alcoholic drinks affect the brain centers responsible for feelings of joy and euphoria. The longer a patient drinks, the more difficult it is to stop. You need to get out of a binge that lasts a week or more gradually. With a sharp refusal of strong drinks, “withdrawal” begins. The body and brain require a new portion of a substance that immerses it in a state of peace and relaxation.

A man or woman reduces in 1–2 days daily dose alcohol, and on the third day he completely refuses. You can dilute vodka or wine with water. The additive does not change the taste of strong drinks, and it seems to the brain that it drinks the same amount as yesterday. But thanks to water, the concentration of alcohol in the blood gradually decreases.

Second option suitable for people with iron willpower:

  1. Buy a bottle of quality alcohol. Place a 30 ml glass or glass next to it. Glasses, cups and others large containers unsuitable.
  2. Boil thick chicken or beef broth, cut sausage with lard or ham, spread sandwiches with butter. The more fat the better. It coats the walls of the stomach and prevents the absorption of alcohol.
  3. Turn on an interesting movie or TV show. Not just the evening news or Animal World, but a program that is difficult to tear yourself away from.
  4. Drink a glass of alcohol once every 1.5–2 hours. Eat a sandwich or broth. If you have no appetite, forcefully pour the soup into yourself.
  5. You can take a ten-minute break between the first two glasses. But the rest should be taken strictly according to schedule.
  6. Drink no more than 500 ml of any strong drink per day.

The patient gives the body alcohol, but in small doses. The next day he wakes up without a terrible headache and an irresistible desire to go get more. From this moment the second phase begins - cleansing.

For the first stage to be successful, you need to remove all alcohol from the house, leaving only the permitted 500 ml. Before going to bed, put a glass of water, kvass or kefir on the bedside table. Take the prepared drink immediately after waking up.

The main rule is that you cannot mix alcohol. different varieties. Wine and champagne made from grapes, with vodka from wheat and beer made from malt and hops.

The refrigerator is being filled mineral water, juices, fermented milk products, kvass or even sweet soda. Any non-alcoholic drinks that quench thirst and restore water balance.

In the first 2-3 weeks after giving up alcohol, it is advised to abstain from coffee and black tea. The caffeine contained in products is an stimulant. nervous system, and a person has a desire to drink at least a glass of cognac or a glass of beer. Energy drinks are also prohibited. They affect not only the nervous system, but also the heart. And this organ, weakened by alcohol, must be protected.

Preparations for cleansing and restoration

A patient recovering from heavy drinking will need a package of Enterosgel or several tablets activated carbon, “Mezim” and a lot of liquid. In the first hours after waking up, a person drinks 300–500 ml of alkaline mineral water or brine. Drinks increase fluid levels in the body and prime the liver.

After a glass apple juice, kefir or brine, you need to take 5-7 tablets of activated carbon or a portion of Enterosgel. More modern sorbents, such as Polyphepan or Polysorb, are also suitable. The drugs facilitate the work of the liver and remove residues from the body ethyl alcohol, relieving headaches and tremors.

Sorbents cancel the effect of taking other drugs. Activated carbon is seized with fatty broth made from lamb, pork or beef. For patients with stomach problems, chicken or turkey is recommended. The light soup contains a piece of meat, water, an onion and a carrot. You can add some potatoes or cereal. You should not add fried vegetables to the broth. They irritate the gastric mucosa and liver, slow down metabolism and the removal of toxins from the body.

Chicken or beef soup is supplemented with breadcrumbs. For lunch, you can prepare slimy porridge, an omelette or vegetable salad, as well as green tea with a slice of lemon.

1.5–2 hours after taking activated carbon, it is recommended to take a Mezima or Essentiale tablet. The first drug supports the stomach and normalizes metabolism, and the second protects and restores the liver. After 4 hours, take a new portion of sorbents.

Aches, tremors of the arms and legs, as well as severe headaches are relieved with No-shpa or Analgin. Medicines are taken no more than twice a day. Heart medications are prohibited. A portion of Valocordin or Corvalol can cause tachycardia or a heart attack. If you experience discomfort in the chest area, you should go to the hospital.

First day

Having refreshed himself and taken the first 6 tablets of activated carbon, the patient goes to bed or turns on the TV. People who are recovering from heavy drinking are contraindicated in exercise and long walks. fresh air. On the first day, the body is in energy-saving mode. The body needs rest, sleep, plenty of fluids and proper food.

TV or interesting book will distract you from thoughts about alcohol and help suppress the desire to get hungover. Computer games not recommended. They are as addictive as strong drinks.

Smoking is prohibited before 6–8 pm. Nervousness, anxiety and depressive thoughts are removed herbal decoctions from valerian root or motherwort. Alcohol tinctures contraindicated. Even 5 ml of alcohol is enough for the body to break down.

Herbal baths have calming properties:

  • horsetail;
  • lavender;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • valerian roots;
  • peppermint.

Add 2-3 drops of pine or cedar to a warm decoction for bathing. essential oil. After water procedures you should drink a cup herbal tea or infusion of rose hips with honey and lemon. A glass of apple or orange juice will do.

Thanks to the bath and decoctions, the nervous system calms down, the desire to drink becomes less intrusive, and drowsiness appears. If a person feels tired and overwhelmed, he is recommended to rest and lie down more. You cannot take a contrast shower. Some experts argue that such water procedures invigorate and fill with energy. In reality, they only create additional stress on the heart and blood vessels, causing arrhythmia and blood pressure problems.

A person coming out of binge drinking should not give up lunches and dinners. Food speeds up metabolism and helps eliminate toxins.

Healthy foods and dishes

In the patient's refrigerator with alcohol addiction There should be foods rich in vitamin C:

  • oranges and lemons;
  • apples;
  • Bell pepper;
  • sauerkraut;
  • tomatoes;
  • cranberry;
  • grape.

Useful when recovering from binge drinking banana cocktail. The yellow fruit contains ascorbic acid, which cleanses the body and improves immunity, as well as potassium. The mineral supports the heart, removes swelling and normalizes blood pressure. The healing cocktail is simple: mix 1 banana with 100 ml of goat or cow's milk and seasoned with honey.

Neutralizes toxins dairy products: fermented baked milk, kefir, natural yogurt. Hangover syndrome is eliminated by sour juices and cabbage soup, lemonade and dishes that contain a lot of vitamins B6 and B12. The components have a positive effect on the nervous system. You can get B vitamins from seaweed, beef or pork liver, potatoes, shrimp, spinach and brown rice.

Whipped will help you get out of binge drinking egg with a pinch of salt. This snack contains vitamins B and C. The dish reduces nausea, improves mood and cleanses the body of toxins.

Hangover syndrome is eliminated warm milk with honey. Glycerin will help get rid of cravings for alcohol. At the pharmacy you buy an ampoule of the drug and a bottle of saline solution. Distilled water is also used as a base. For one part of glycerin, take 2 parts of the second component. They drink 50 ml of the medicine three times a day to deceive the brain, which dreams of alcohol.

You can get out of binge drinking without the help of a narcologist. The patient will have to give up alcohol on his own, and then cleanse the body of toxins with herbal decoctions, proper food and sorbents. Everything will work out if a person drinks water and natural juices, take soothing baths and get plenty of rest.

Video: how to get out of binge drinking at home yourself