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You cannot give away: if a loved one has become disabled, how can you help him and save yourself? Ten world famous people with disabilities

December 3 is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. There are many examples where people with disabilities not just survive, but become famous. We have made a selection of several disabled people who have become world famous.

1. Laureate Nobel Prize Stephen William Hawkingstudies the fundamental laws that govern the Universe. He is the owner of twelve honorary academic titles. His books A Multiple History of Time and Black Holes, the Young Universe and Other Essays became bestsellers. With all this, at the age of 20, Hawking was almost completely paralyzed due to the development of an incurable form of atrophying sclerosis and remains in this condition for the rest of his life. Only his fingers move right hand, which he controls with his moving chair and a special computer that speaks for him.

Nobel Prize winner Stephen William Hawking studies the fundamental laws that govern the Universe

2. One of the famous blind people is the clairvoyant Vanga. At the age of 12, Vanga lost her sight due to a hurricane that threw her hundreds of meters. They found her only in the evening with her eyes filled with sand. Her father and stepmother were unable to provide treatment and Vanga became blind. She came to attention during World War II when rumors spread through villages that she could locate missing people, whether they were alive or where they had died.

One of the famous blind people is the clairvoyant Vanga

3. Ludwig van Beethoven- German composer, representative of the Viennese classical school. In 1796, already a famous composer, Beethoven began to lose his hearing: he developed tinitis - inflammation inner ear. By 1802, Beethoven was completely deaf, but it was from this time that the composer created his most famous works. In 1803-1804 Beethoven wrote the “Eroica Symphony”, in 1803-1805 - the opera “Fidelio”. In addition, at this time Beethoven wrote piano sonatas from “Twenty-eighth” to the last - “Thirty-second”, two cello sonatas, quartets, and the vocal cycle “To a Distant Beloved”. Being completely deaf, Beethoven created two of his most monumental works - “Solemn Mass” and “Ninth Symphony with Chorus” (1824).

Ludwig van Beethoven - German composer, representative of the Viennese classical school

4. Pilot Alexey Maresyev, based on whose story “The Tale of a Real Man” was written, he was very active all his life and fought for the rights of people with disabilities. He is one of the few who passed a medical examination after amputation and began to fly with prosthetics. After the war, Maresyev traveled a lot and became an honorary citizen of many cities. He became living proof that circumstances can be overcome.

Pilot Alexey Maresyev, based on whose story “The Tale of a Real Man” was written, was very active all his life and fought for the rights of people with disabilities

5. Franklin Delano Roosevelt- 32nd President of the United States - was also disabled. In 1921, Roosevelt became seriously ill with polio. Despite years of efforts to overcome the disease, Roosevelt remained paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Some of the most significant pages in history are associated with his name foreign policy and US diplomacy, in particular, the establishment and normalization of diplomatic relations with Soviet Union and US participation in the anti-Hitler coalition.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt - 32nd President of the United States

6. Ray Charles famous American blind musician, author of more than 70 studio albums, one of the world's most famous performers of music in the styles of soul, jazz and rhythm and blues, was awarded 17 Grammy Awards, entered the rock and roll and jazz halls of fame , country and blues, his recordings have been included in the Library of Congress. He went blind as a child.

Ray Charles, famous American blind musician

7. Eric Weihenmayer- the world's first rock climber to reach the top of Everest while blind. He lost his sight when he was 13 years old. Onako Eric completed his studies, and then became a teacher himself high school, then a wrestling coach and world-class athlete. Director Peter Winter made a live-action television film about Weihenmayer's journey, "Touch the Top of the World." In addition to Everest, Weihenmayer has conquered the seven highest mountain peaks in the world, including Kilimanjaro and Elbrus.

Eric Weihenmayer is the world's first rock climber to reach the summit of Everest while blind.

8. Oscar Pistorius disabled since birth. This man has achieved outstanding results in a field where traditionally people with disabilities cannot compete with able-bodied people. Having no legs below the knee, he became a track and field runner, and after numerous victories in competitions for the disabled, he won the right to compete with completely healthy athletes and achieved great success. He is also a promoter of sports among people with disabilities, active participant programs to support people with disabilities and a kind of symbol of how much success a person with physical disabilities can achieve, even in such a specific area as sports.

Oscar Pistorius, disabled since birth

9. Blind American Musician, Stevie Wonder, who provided a huge impact on the development of music of the 20th century as a whole, was one of the founders of classic soul and R’n’B. Stevie Wonder is second among pop musicians in the number of Grammy awards he has received: he received them 25 times, including for lifetime achievement. The musician went blind shortly after birth.

Another blind American musician - Stevie Wonder

10. Irishman Christy Brown, unlike previous famous disabled people, he was born with disabilities - he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Doctors considered it unpromising - the child could not walk or even move, and was developmentally delayed. But the mother did not abandon him, but cared for the baby and did not give up hope of teaching him to walk, talk, write, and read. Her action deserves deep respect - Brown's family was very poor, and his father did not accept his “inferior” son at all. In fact, Brown only controlled his left leg fully. And it was with it that he began to draw and write, mastering first chalk, then a brush, then a pen and a typewriter. He not only learned to read, speak and write, but also became a famous artist and short story writer. The film Christy Brown: My Life was made about his life. left leg", the script for which was written by Brown himself.

Irishman Christy Brown, unlike previous famous disabled people, was born with disabilities

Andrey Detzel

During recent years in America and Europe everything more people decide to become disabled voluntarily. They go to doctors or get rid of healthy parts of the body that they consider “superfluous” at home. Moskovsky Komsomolets talked to people from Russia who voluntarily got rid of their limbs or just want to achieve this, and found out how and why they do it.

Rejection syndrome own body, so called mental disorder, which affects people who want to amputate a healthy and functioning limb. It is impossible to perform such an operation legally, so those who want to get rid of a healthy part of the body resort to tricks. 30-year-old Anton’s leg was amputated under the pretext of a false certificate and “problems with blood vessels.”

The operation was performed on me in a regular hospital by professional surgeons. There was some deception. They made me a fake medical record, drew a diagnosis and amputated my healthy leg. I paid 150 thousand rubles. But I don’t live in Moscow, it’s probably more expensive here.- Anton

Anton explains that he did not consult a psychiatrist because there are no such specialists in his city, and he does not consider such a desire to change his body a deviation.

This is a very common phenomenon now, it’s just not advertised in Russia. Because with such desires we can easily end up in a mental hospital. I have long wanted to have a stump instead of a healthy leg.- Anton

Larisa lost her leg three years ago. She first cut off two of her toes at home with a kitchen knife, and then realized that this was not enough for her, and deliberately injured her leg and led to its amputation.

Three years ago I deliberately punctured my leg with glass, didn’t go to the doctors, and ended up having to amputate myself. As a result, the leg was taken away medical indications. The brain still remembers the leg. Sometimes I wake up and forget that she is not there, I feel like my heel is itching.- Larisa

Larisa says that the desire to get rid of her leg appeared in her childhood, and thanks to social networks she met many people who have the same syndrome of not accepting their own body.

I remember when I was a child I saw two women. One had legs of different lengths, the second had no legs at all. These images stuck in my head. And now I like it when only one foot is shod in beautiful shoes.- Larisa

Larisa compares her problem with the problem of transsexuals and believes that psychologists or psychiatrists cannot help people like her.

And it's incurable. It's like transsexuals who live in someone else's body and suffer until they undergo gender reassignment surgery.- Larisa

The woman says that in in social networks I met people who are willing to pay for the amputation of body parts. The cost of such operations, according to her, varies greatly depending on the complexity: amputating a finger can cost 10-15 thousand rubles, but getting rid of a leg will cost about 100-150 thousand.

Dmitry from Prague, through social networks, offers people from Russia who want to get rid of limbs to undergo this kind of operation in Europe, although they are also illegal there. The man believes that in many ways people’s desire to amputate an arm or leg appears as a tribute to fashion.

There is such a singer Victoria Madesta - the first bionic pop singer. Her slogan: “What is a disadvantage for others is a creative advantage for me.” Victoria was born with a dislocated hip and leg, and at the age of 19 she voluntarily agreed to have her left leg amputated below the knee... It was she who set a new tone for extreme fashion. Her fans mistakenly think: “If I cut off my leg, I will become popular.”- Dmitriy

Previously, Medialeaks talked about a woman who is Jessica Rabbit from the cartoon about Roger Rabbit.

We also wrote about an 11-year-old boy from China who, after his father demanded that he stop playing games on his mobile phone.

“How to love him like this” is a thought that people often have when their loved one becomes disabled. A child or adult who has become chronically ill or an elderly person suffering from dementia may bear little resemblance to the person you were used to seeing before the illness.
The relationship between the disabled person and the rest of the family can change dramatically. It does not matter how these changes occurred, due to illness, accident, alcohol abuse, aging. It is important to be able to come to your senses and not change your attitude towards such a person.
Everyone grieves in their own way. There is no need to put pressure on yourself to move away from what happened faster. The contrast between the moments “before” and “after” will be overwhelming, morally pressing, this is normal. Most people move to in different order between the following processes: denial, anger, rejection, depression, acceptance.
Early 1960s Simon Olshansky coined the term "chronic sadness" to describe this ongoing feeling of loss. This normal reaction to the repeated realization of the reality that illness and disability will never go away. And as life goes on, children grow up, great-grandchildren get married, and so on. Gradually a person learns to live with it.
Find meaning. In such a situation, the emphasis needs to be on how to love a person now. This means realizing that love has not gone anywhere, you need to try to find meaning in the relationship. For example, some people see value in protecting a loved one, while others simply enjoy being able to see their significant other nearby.
Adjust expectations. Don't expect your loved one to go to university or fly to the moon; they won't achieve anything important. But it is important to rejoice when a disabled person shows interest in life, expresses himself creatively, or a person who has lost speech is able to connect a few words.
Adjust the house. If your loved one is paralyzed or disabled, create more comfort for him and he will want to move more, an interest in Everyday life. Handrails, crutches, a wheelchair or even a simple comfortable spoon can help a person feel complete.
Accept help. You shouldn’t be ashamed that your loved one has become something different. You need to accept help from friends, relatives, people who care. Let your partner feel supported and that there is nothing to be ashamed of. The help of a psychotherapist is also important. Therapy will help the victim accept what happened and find strengths, and other family members will receive support to cope with conflicting emotions.
The most important antidote is love and devotion, the ability to see something good in a loved one, and not a disability.

Caring for infirm people in Russia is gradually ceasing to be the business of the drowning people themselves and their families. New, more comfortable boarding houses for the elderly and disabled are opening in the Voronezh region. It is now not so difficult to place a relative there or, perhaps, to find a final refuge for yourself. But this choice in Russia is most often on the verge of mental catastrophe.

Gorkom36 correspondents tried to understand the situation by visiting Voronezh families and the regional boarding house of mercy for the elderly and disabled.

I'm not "back" yet

Tatyana Podoprikhina, chairman of the regional society of patients multiple sclerosis and a member of the Public Council at the regional health department and the regional Roszdravnadzor, she cared for her bedridden mother for 12 years serious illness– systemic myeloma.

“It’s been a year and a half since my mother passed away, and I still haven’t left—I haven’t returned to normal life. At first I went to Gremyache to look after her every day, then she brought her to us in Voronezh. Thanks to my husband for keeping up with my rhythm. Diapers, bedsores, constant pain due to a breakup bone tissue– all this is still fresh in my memory. Yes, there were conflicts. But she and I strictly adhered to one rule: not to go into the night without making peace, and this protected our relationship. According to international standards, there should be rotation in long-term patient care. And if all this falls on the shoulders of one person, then he destroys himself. This niche psychological assistance It is precisely for relatives in our country and in the region that is still empty. And there are a lot of such cases, people simply closed themselves off in their misfortune and are invisible to society. In the regions of the region there are many young people bedridden. They just lie there and don’t need anything anymore. And if doctors had taken care of them earlier, relieved the exacerbation in time, promptly prescribed treatment, then these would be promising guys who could take care of themselves and even work, says Tatyana Podoprikhina.

A bolt from the blue

Nina Mikhailovna Zorkina (surname changed. – Auto.) 75 years old. For the past 16 years, she has been caring for her daughter, who is now 42 years old. Multiple sclerosis confined her to bed. The girl was married and raised a son. The diagnosis sounded like a bolt from the blue for the whole family. Lena's husband left the family. Classmates, colleagues, girlfriends moved away. Lena has only her mother, father and son left. Nina Mikhailovna turns over and lifts her daughter several times a day for eight years in a row. Lena's - chronic cystitis And benign tumor in the bladder.

– Our clinic initially refused to consult a urologist at home. I turned to the deputy chief physician - and now the urologist is examining my daughter and changing the catheter. There are up to five diapers a day. The Social Security Administration only gives out two per day. The rest you have to buy yourself. Or the same families who still have diapers after the death of relatives help out.

Once Nina Mikhailovna, turning Lena over, felt sharp pain in the abdomen and was hospitalized with strangulation umbilical hernia. The family was unable to afford a nurse during the hospitalization. Voronezh rates for caregivers are 150 rubles. at one o'clock. Through our HOA we managed to find a woman from a neighboring high-rise building who agreed to wash Lena and change diapers for 50 rubles. at one o'clock.

Really happy

Tamara Anufrieva, a general practitioner by profession, has been confined to a wheelchair for eight years. She worked at her site to the limit of her strength. Having not recovered from ARVI, she went to work with a fever. It was during this kind of burnout that the first signs of a terrible illness appeared. As a doctor, Tamara understood the prognosis of her life and went to the regional boarding house of mercy for the elderly and disabled herself when she had to transfer to a wheelchair. And then her lonely father moved here to live out his life. Now Tamara can hardly hold a mug of tea in her hands. In the boarding school she has her own room with a picturesque view from the window, and a lot of books. And four years ago Tamara got married. Viktor Kulnev worked here as a lawyer, helping guests - participants in the Great Patriotic War- receive the apartments they are entitled to by law. He taught law at Voronezh State Agrarian University. In the course of all his affairs, he somehow went into Tamara’s room - since then they have been inseparable.

– When I found out about my diagnosis, it was unthinkable for me - how could I suddenly walk with a cane? Then how will I travel in a wheelchair? And so I drive calmly. And I can no longer read, and one leg doesn’t move, the pain doesn’t go away for 18 hours a day. But it was in this state that I met my love, began to write poetry, and for the first time I felt truly happy. It would have been much worse for me if I had been on my feet, but without Victor. Our acquaintances often come to visit us - young people, healthy people. But I see the melancholy in their eyes, in them - all the sorrows of our world. And I feel much better now than when I was young. The most important thing is to streamline your spiritual life, and then nothing is scary,” says Tamara.

New countdown

In a boarding home, everyone has their own destiny - as a reflection of all our passions from the “healthy” world. An elderly woman Neighbors brought me to the boarding school. After the death of her son, her daughter-in-law kicked her out of the apartment, which, according to documents, turned out to be a gift to her grandchildren, and the woman began to live there on the staircase.

Or – 60-year-old Sergei Kvasov, a dermatologist. I buried my wife first, then my parents. And then I lay in my apartment for two days, sometimes unable to get to the phone. One day, my sister and her husband opened the door and called an ambulance. After hospitalization with a stroke in the emergency hospital and a rehabilitation course, Kvasov decided to move to a boarding school. Relatives agreed with this decision.

“It’s much more worthy to live here than to be a burden for relatives,” says Sergei Ivanovich.

Here he gradually gets back on his feet, learns to walk again and realizes that life goes on. Friends and personal relationships appeared. Now Sergei Ivanovich is making plans again.

Elizaveta Petrovna Polezhaeva is 91 years old. She decided to live out her life in a boarding school after consulting with her daughter.

“I lived with my daughter in her one-room apartment and I understood how I was bothering her. So we decided that I would move here. And everything finally fell into place. My relationship with my daughter has improved. She visits me often. And here I have separate room and very decent care,” shares Elizaveta Petrovna.

Last stop

– I increasingly understand that boarding homes are a stable trend. After all, the population is rapidly aging,” admits Yuri Nedoseikin, director of the Voronezh regional boarding house of mercy for the elderly and disabled.

According to him, there is no longer any need to “break through” to get into a boarding school. There are now many vacant places in such institutions in the region. Any person with 1st or 2nd group disability, as well as women over 55 and men over 60, have the right to live here.

People who come to us with the intention of living here live much longer. And those whom relatives bring by deception leave quickly,” says Yuri Nedoseikin.

One day, a whole family brought their elderly grandmother to him for registration. Nedoseikin began to sort through the papers and saw that the pensioner, in addition to a very modest pension, also had quarterly accruals from shares in the amount of 138 thousand rubles.

“I show the papers to her relatives, who, apparently, missed the “most important thing.” And without further ado, they carefully took grandmother’s hands and all went home together,” Yuri Nikolaevich smiles.


Photo by Sergei Gubanov

By the way

Caring for a sick relative

Call a local therapist to your infirm relative’s home. He is obliged to write out a small parcel note. After this, doctors will come to the patient - narrow specialists- and put their conclusion on the sheet.

You must come to the regional bureau with a completed delivery slip. medical and social examination, where a rehabilitation card for a disabled person will be issued. This card should include everything you need: diapers, wheelchairs, walkers, colostomy bags, toilet chairs. Insist on a maximum list.

With this rehabilitation card - in control social protection at your place of residence, where you will receive papers for all approved technical means rehabilitation. Here you can also arrange for a social worker to come to your home to buy groceries, pay for utilities and other services if the infirm person lives separately. But he will not take care of the patient himself - for example, changing diapers.

You can also submit an application to the state institution of the Voronezh region “Department of Social Protection of the Population” at your place of residence for the appointment and payment of compensation for expenses for independently purchased technical means of rehabilitation. Compensation is paid in the amount of the cost of the purchased goods, but not more than the cost of such rehabilitation equipment purchased by the authorized bodies.

Social services in stationary form social services are provided to their recipients for a fee or partial payment, with the exception of minor children, persons affected by emergency situations and armed conflicts. Monthly fee for provision social services in the stationary form of social services is calculated on the basis of tariffs for social services, but cannot exceed seventy-five percent of the average per capita income of the recipient of social services.

The disposal of property, including real estate, is carried out personally by citizens. In accordance with current legislation, after the death of citizens living in social institutions, relatives have the right to inherit in accordance with current legislation.

In all cases of registration of a person in stationary social service institutions in the Voronezh region, as well as the provision of social services at home, contact the department of social protection of the population at his place of residence. Department staff will explain the procedure for applying for inpatient care, and will also assist in collecting the necessary documents.

To the point

In a family or in a boarding school? Pros and cons

Yuri Nedoseikin:

“I started working here with the mindset that you shouldn’t bring your infirm relatives here. And now I don’t judge anyone, I began to understand that everyone has their own story, and it is still unknown what will happen to us.

Tatiana Podoprikhina:

– Sometimes we ourselves persuade our patients to go to a boarding school. Because Social worker came and went, but such a person needs constant help. We have a family in Voronezh where a father and an adult son suffer from multiple sclerosis. Everyone lies in their apartment, and the mother is raising her second son and is torn between them all.

Svetlana Chuprina, chief freelance neurologist of the regional health department:

– I am convinced that caring for seriously ill patients after treatment is a moral duty of the family. We have cases when, after a stroke, doctors bring a person back to life, but relatives do not want to take him away: they say, why did you save him and how long will he be immobilized like this? But there are other cases. A young woman accepted her husband from our department after a massive stroke. I took care of him, put on a diaper when leaving for work, and devoted several hours in the evening to rehabilitation exercises. And one day, when she came home from work, he finally managed to type on the laptop: “My beloved.” It’s for moments like these that relatives need to forget about boarding schools. For the high chance of holding the hand of your immobilized husband or father and not feeling remorse. And how do we take care of our elderly in advance so as not to bring them to such a state? Do we show them to doctors on time?

Victor Kulnev, caring for his wife Tamara Anufrieva:

– Caring for the sick in monasteries has always been considered the most difficult work, more difficult than chopping wood and carrying water. And therefore Tamara and I do not condemn those who register their parents in a boarding school. But my opinion: we need to live together. Let the son run out of strength and patience, let him rather yell at his weak mother! But then he will ask for forgiveness, and the Lord will bless him for all these difficulties. All this is better than sending a parent to a boarding school and even keeping a parent there with good money, and then politely coming once a week to drink tea with him.


As Gorkom36 was informed by the regional department of social protection, today there are 40 stationary social service institutions for elderly and disabled citizens operating in the region. Almost 5 thousand people live in them.

Since 2010, it has been implemented in the Voronezh region social project Pension Fund Russian Federation and the government of the Voronezh region for the construction of a new type of boarding houses. Six new institutions for elderly people and people with disabilities were built. Maximum created here comfortable conditions for living, everything is adapted for medical and social rehabilitation.

On June 13, 2017, after reconstruction, the Novokhopersky psychoneurological boarding school opened.

In 2017-2018, it is planned to build a gerontopsychiatric center in the Gribanovsky district.

The opening of new boarding houses made it possible not only to eliminate the waiting list, but also to improve living conditions. New buildings are equipped with modern equipment, elevators, lifts. The work of psychological, rehabilitation and health services has been organized, physical therapy, massage room, psychological relief rooms.

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