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Lactofiltrum is a real help for acne. Lactofiltrum - instructions for use


Lactofiltrum (name in Latin “Lactofiltrum”) is a medicine plant origin. The drug removes toxins and tidies up the intestinal flora. It is a sorbent, a product of plant origin. (Wikipedia page). Full information about the drug, use, age of use, Full description included in the packaging. Can be recommended for infants, can be given to children and adults.

What it helps with, indications for use

This is a probiotic. Therefore, it has many indications for use when a particular disease occurs, it is prescribed with antibiotics, for poisoning, for diarrhea, for constipation, for atopic dermatitis, for allergies and even for hangovers. You can also drink for prevention for people who lead healthy image life. That is, the drug is used to normalize intestinal function, as well as to cleanse the body as a whole. The drug is approved even for infants. But it must be prescribed by a specialist.

Alcohol is also a toxin for the body. But even healthy man, you may feel bad from it after the feast. Therefore, before food and alcohol are ingested, this drug is used.

Composition, cost

  • The active substance is lactulose and hydrolytic lignin. The tablets appear to be dark brown in color.
  • Release form: tablets coated with film and foil. In Russia it produces "Avva Rus".
  • The tablet consists of 355 mg of lignin and 120 mg of lactulose.
  • The price of the medicine is from 280 rubles for 30 tablets.

Cheap analogues of lactofiltrum

The cheapest, oldest and proven analogue is Activated carbon. There are many newer analogues in the pharmacy: Enterosgel, Linex, Bifiform, Hilak Forte, Filtrum STI, Acipol, Bactistatin, Polysorb. The doctor must decide what to replace the drug with.

Analogs that are cheaper are smecta, polysorb and enterosgel. All drugs are sorbents and have a good effect on the intestines, thereby bringing the world flora back to normal.

Lactofiltrum or Bifiform, which is better?

Lactofiltrum is more often prescribed for diarrhea and stomach upsets, while bifiform is best taken to normalize the microflora. Although they are the same group, they have some differences: lactofiltrum contains lactobacteria, and bifiform contains bifido. Therefore, on what similar drug Only a doctor can tell you what to notice.

Instructions for use of lactofiltrum for adults

The medicine is taken an hour before meals. At the same time, wash it down big amount water. This is due to the fact that the sorbent will simply remove nutrients from the body.

For adults and children over 12 years of age, 2-3 pieces are prescribed 3 times a day. If it is a powder, then drink 1-2 sachets. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. If the course needs to be repeated, discuss this with your doctor. Lactofiltrum is also often prescribed for thrush, since its main cause lies in the stomach.

During pregnancy

There is not enough research on whether the drug can be taken by pregnant women. But due to the fact that the medicine is not absorbed into a woman’s blood, doctors often practice it.

For nursing mothers breastfeeding(during lactation) it is necessary to calculate the dose so that during feeding there is the lowest concentration of the drug. But all the same, it is better to have a doctor’s prescription or not to take the medicine at all, so as not to harm the baby.

For children dosage

How long should children take the medicine? The same as for an adult. But here everything also depends on age:

  • from one year to 3 years, 0.5 tablets per dose,
  • from 3 to 7, 1 tablet up to 3 times a day or half a packet of powder,
  • from 8 to 12 1-3 tablets,
  • and from 13 to 18 4 tablets.

Everyone needs to take it three times a day. Reception from a week to three.

For acne skin

Lactofiltrum and Lactofilrtum Eco can act on acne by cleansing the intestines. Due to the fact that it “pulls out toxins” and with comprehensive care, the skin of the face will be smooth and beautiful. At the same time, if acne is not caused by problems with the intestines, the drug will be ineffective.

For weight loss

When losing weight, diet and lactofiltrum are often used. All waste and toxins are removed from the body. But you should follow the order of administration so as not to weaken the body.

Modern pharmacological agent, sorbent natural origin– drug “Lactofiltrum”. Instructions for use indicate that the medicine helps in correcting the microflora in the intestinal loops. In addition, a detoxification and immunomodulatory effect is created.


The attached instructions from the manufacturer indicate that the active ingredients in the medication are hydrolyzed lignin and lactulose. They are the ones who will correct the microflora and influence the activity of the intestines.

The auxiliary components listed in the instructions for Laktofiltrum are croscarmellose sodium and magnesium stearate. Their purpose is to support and enhance the activity of basic substances.

What is the release form

IN pharmacy chain Today you can purchase enterosorbent "Lactofiltrum" as flat-cylindrical tablets. They have a brown tint and have white-grayish inclusions.

Pharmacological effects

Since the medicine has a multicomponent composition, it pharmacological effects are due to the individual properties of the main active components - Lignin, as well as Lactulose. Lignin is characterized by maximum sorption capacity and nonspecific detoxification effects on the human body.

Lignin actively binds to the surface of the tissues of intestinal loops and then transports various pathogens and their toxins out. The drug "Lactofiltrum", the instructions for use confirm this, removes drug residues, as well as breakdown products of alcohol products and allergens, such metabolites as bilirubin and cholesterol.

Lactulose is a combination of galactose and fructose residues. After moving to the intestinal area, they, as a special substrate, are transformed by the organ’s own microflora. At the same time, they have a stimulating ability against bifidobacteria, as well as Lathobacillus.

The result is the release of organic acids, for example, acetic and formic. Their purpose is to suppress the growth of existing in the intestines pathogens, significantly reduce the production of nitrogen-containing elements.

With the use of the drug, the osmotic pressure in the intestinal loops increases significantly. Its peristalsis is optimally stimulated. The pharmacological effect of the drug is aimed at restoring the microbiocenosis of the organ, as well as reducing the intensity of endotoxicosis.

Tablets "Lactofiltrum": what does the medicine help with?

The manufacturer's instructions list the following conditions in which the medication can provide effective assistance:

  • failure of the balance of microflora in the intestinal loops - dysbacteriosis;
  • correction of microflora after pharmacotherapy;
  • complex treatment of irritable bowel syndrome;
  • relief of allergic processes and pathologies - urticaria, atopic dermatitis.

Only a specialist should determine the need to take the drug.

The drug "Lactofiltrum": instructions for use and dosage

The manufacturer provides only oral route introduction of a drug into the human body. It is acceptable to crush tablets accompanied by a small volume of water. It is optimal to take it one hour before meals or other medications.

For adult patients, as well as for children aged 10–12 years, the dose is 2–3 pcs. per day. Doses for children:

  • at the age of 8–12 years – 1–2 pieces;
  • at the age of 2-7 years – 1 pc.;
  • at the age of 1–3 years – a dose of 1⁄2 pcs is provided.

The drug must be taken three times a day, regardless of the specified age. Total duration The treatment course is usually 2.5–3 weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated; the decision is made individually by the attending physician.

When the balance of natural microflora in the intestinal loops is disturbed, pathogenic microorganisms affect not only the activity of the gastrointestinal tract structures, but also the condition of the skin. This is manifested by the appearance of acne. The use of standard ointments does not help, since it requires exposure directly to the lesion. The medicine “Lactofiltrum” comes to the rescue. At complex treatment The problem can be resolved in a short time.

For acne you need to take 2 pieces. three times a day for about 2–2.5 weeks. After a week's break, the course is repeated. The total duration of taking the drug "Lactofiltrum" is no more than two months.

Possible side effects

In most cases, the medication is excellently tolerated by patients. Rarely may be observed:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • allergic conditions to the components of the drug.

After discontinuation of the drug, all of the above unwanted effects are completely eliminated.


The specialist must evaluate the patient’s initial health status. Taking Laktofiltrum tablets will be contraindicated if a person has:

  • acute intestinal obstruction;
  • congenital galactosemia;
  • intestinal bleeding of varying intensity;
  • individual hyperreaction to the components of the drug "Lactofiltrum", from which the tablets can cause allergies;
  • with extreme caution, use the drug with pathologies - intestinal atony, or ulcerative defects structures of the gastrointestinal tract, at the time of exacerbation.

At the moment, there is no reliable information about the safety of the drug during pregnancy. Therefore, in this case, most specialists take special care and do not prescribe medication.

Analogues of the drug "Lactofiltrum"

There are no complete analogues. Adsorbents include the following analogues:

  1. "Smecta".
  2. "Neosmectin".
  3. "Diosmectite."
  4. "Enterosgel".
  5. "Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate."
  6. "Ultra-adsorb".
  7. "Polysorb MP".
  8. "Kaopectate."
  9. "Carbosorb".
  10. "Enterodesis."
  11. "Hydrolytic oxidized lignin."
  12. "Sorbex".
  13. "Polyfan".
  14. "Neointestopan".
  15. "Carbactin".
  16. "Filtrum-STI".
  17. "Carbopect".
  18. "Activated carbon."
  19. "Polyphepan".

Lactofiltrum is natural preparation combined action. The instructions contain information about the peculiarities of using the medication, when various pathologies, and contraindications. The product is often prescribed to remove toxins, eliminate allergies and dysbacteriosis.

The medicinal effect of the drug is due to two main elements:

  1. Hydrolytic lignin. Is a sorbent consisting of woody walls plant cells(plants, algae). One tablet contains 0.36 g.
  2. Lactulose. This White powder, synthesized from milk lactulose. This substance is not absorbed in the intestines. Main purpose of the element:
  • liquefaction feces with subsequent withdrawal;
  • ridding the body of toxins;
  • prevents the development of rotting processes with fermentation;
  • helps restore microflora in the intestines.

One tablet contains 0.12 g. For improvement medicinal properties and giving the desired form, croscarmellose sodium (odorless white powder, absorbs water well) and magnesium salt (necessary for combining the elements of the drug) are used. 1 tablet contains 0.02 g and 0.005 g, respectively.

Release form

Lactofiltrum is available in tablet form oval shape brown color with white spots. For convenience of division, into the right dosage, the tablets are separated by a line.

Lactofiltrum is sold in blisters of 10 and 15 pcs. 10, 20, 30 and 60 tablets in cardboard packaging. The drug can also be purchased in bottles containing 30 and 60 tablets.

pharmachologic effect

Lactofiltrum (instructions for use contain information on the use of the drug to eliminate dysbacteriosis, allergies and restore immunity) is an enterosorbent.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The effect of the drug is due to its main components.

Lignin and lactulose have the following spectrum of action:

The drug acts only in the intestines, and completely leaves the body (with feces) a day after administration. Absorption into the bloodstream does not occur. Has no toxic effect.

Indications for use of Lactofiltrum

Lactofiltrum (instructions for use include taking the drug independently and in complex treatment) is prescribed when the following pathologies are identified:


Before using the medication for therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to exclude the presence of contraindications.

Lactofiltrum cannot be used if you have:

Tablets can be taken with the permission of a specialist if available. peptic ulcer and dysfunction of the intestinal muscles.

Side effects

Adverse reactions are extremely rare if contraindications were not taken into account or the medication was taken for a long time.

Basic reactions of the body:

In this case, you should stop taking the pills until you visit a therapist. After identifying the cause of the side effect, it is possible to resume taking the drug with a reduced dosage.

Instructions for use, doses for adults

Lactofiltrum (instructions for use for adults and children are different) allows you to eliminate pathologies, subject to the specialist’s instructions. Independent increase or decrease in dosage and course of treatment is not permissible. Desired result, from therapy, will not be achieved.

General Features use of Lactofiltrum tablets:

It is not allowed to break the course of administration, if you accidentally miss taking a pill, empty stomach. The medicine can be taken 90 minutes after eating.

But this is done in extreme cases, since the elements included in the drug are able to absorb and remove from the body not only toxins, but also necessary useful material(vitamins, minerals). Long-term use Lactofiltrum after eating can cause vitamin deficiency.

Rules for using the drug depending on the disease:

Type of pathology Nuances of therapy One-time and daily dose Well
Universal pill intakeUse according to the rules described above. A repeated course is possible after permission from a specialist, no earlier than after 25 days. Depends on the duration of the treatment course and the patient’s condition.2-3 tablets. In the morning, afternoon and evening.No less than 14 and no more than 21 days.
For dysbacteriosisWhen dysbiosis has developed due to the presence of infection, lactofiltrum is taken after eliminating the causative agent of the disease. If a disturbance in intestinal flora is caused by poor nutrition, then the drug is taken according to a universal regimen in compliance with a diet. If the pathology is a consequence of antibiotic therapy, then the drug is started to be taken simultaneously with antibiotics.Up to 9 tablets per day. Use in 3 doses.No more than 21 days. When treated with antibiotics, lactofiltrum should be discontinued after antibiotic therapy. If necessary, the treatment can be extended by the therapist.
For constipationFor the effectiveness of therapy, it is recommended to take lactofiltrum in the form of a suspension.Depending on the severity of the pathology, it is necessary to take 6-9 tablets 3 times a day.Use until constipation is eliminated, but not longer than 21 days.
In case of poisoning, medications, poisons, alcohol.It is advisable to use it in the form of a suspension.2-3 tablets. From 3 to 4 times a day. In case of alcohol poisoning, 40 to 50 tablets are prescribed in 4-5 doses.Therapy lasts from 3 to 5 days. It is necessary to observe the dynamics of improvement of the condition. The drug is discontinued after vomiting has been eliminated and loose stool. For alcohol poisoning, the course is 1 day.
For cleansing skin (acne, allergic rash). In this case, rashes occur due to slagging in the body and the presence large quantity allergens. Using creams without lactofiltrum will not bring results.Tablets are taken with meals. It is recommended to use a suspension to achieve best result. If there is intolerance to the drug, treatment with this drug is excluded. The medication is replaced by a dermatologist or therapist. Along with taking the pills, it is recommended to follow a diet and use medicinal cosmetics.One tablet 3 times a day.The course of taking tablets is 14 days. Then a break of 7 days. The duration of therapy is no more than 2 months. The first changes in skin condition are observed after 7 days of using the tablets.
To maintain youthful skinAchieved by removing waste and toxins from the body. Blood supply to tissues and organ functioning improves.Take 6 tablets per day (3 times)10 days every 6 months.
If you are overweightLactofiltrum removes waste and toxins from the body. Normalizes stool. These properties allow you to speed up the process of weight loss when dieting or strengthening physical activity. Use physical exercise Immediately after taking the tablets is prohibited. You must wait at least 60 minutes. As an independent means for losing weight, lactofiltrum will allow you to reduce weight slightly. Taking pills periodically will help you keep your figure in shape longer. If you have diabetes, long-term constipation and inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, lactofiltrum is replaced by another medication.One tablet every 8 hours.It is recommended to discuss the duration of treatment with your therapist. The course should not exceed 31 days. Repeat no earlier than 90 days later.

The table shows the average dosages of tablets. The required amount of the drug is prescribed by a specialist depending on the general condition patient and available concomitant diseases. If it is necessary to use additional medications, the doctor will take into account the compatibility of the drugs.

Long-term therapy with lactofiltrum is accompanied by taking vitamin complexes to avoid vitamin deficiency. Failure to follow instructions prescribed by a specialist or self-treatment, does not give the desired therapeutic effect, and may also aggravate the situation.

Lactofiltrum for children: dosage, dosage regimen

In childhood, the drug is taken under the supervision of a pediatrician. Dosage varies from age standards. Lactofiltrum is prescribed for children to eliminate pathologies.

Type of pathology Nuances of therapy Single and daily dose Well
Standard course of admissionTablets are taken according to general rules for adults.Up to a year. The dose is calculated by the pediatrician based on weight. The tablet is served as a suspension diluted in breast milk or mixtures.No more than 14 days and no less than 10.
From 1 year to 3 years. ½ crushed tablet. 3 times a day.Up to 14 days.
From 3 to 7 years. One whole tablet every 8 hours.From 10 to 21 days
From 7 to 12 years old. 1-2 tablets. Use 3 times in 24 hours.From 14 to 21 days.
DysbacteriosisPathology can develop as a result of the development of intestinal function or as a result of taking medications.The standard dosage according to age is used.When taking antibiotics, lactofiltrum is given throughout antibiotic therapy. In children with disturbed microflora, a standard course is used to restore it.
ConstipationLack of stool can be caused by poor nutrition or the introduction of complementary foods.Dosage is used according to age.The course lasts until stool is restored, but no more than 14 days, for children under 3 years of age. And no more than 21 days, for children over 3 years old.
PoisoningLactofiltrum is recommended to be given to children in the form of a suspension and in small doses so as not to provoke a gag reflex.The dosage is calculated individually by the pediatrician, taking into account weight, age and severity of poisoning.Until the symptoms of poisoning are eliminated, but no more than 3 days. If there is no improvement, the drug needs to be replaced.
Allergic rashesIt is advisable to give to children in the form of a suspension to accelerate the effect.The standard dosage is used according to age.No more than 14 days. Repeating the course is discussed with the pediatrician.

Since children the immune system and organ function digestive tract It is still just being formed, it is recommended to use lactofiltrum, strictly as prescribed by the pediatrician.

Failure to comply with the dosage may lead to a deficiency nutrients, which means disruption of the development of the child’s body.

During pregnancy

Lactofiltrum is not absorbed into the general bloodstream of the body and is excreted completely with feces. As a result, the drug should not cause harm to the fetus or child during the period breastfeeding. The experiments were carried out only on animals and had positive results.

A gynecologist or therapist can prescribe tablets to a pregnant or lactating woman to eliminate:

The daily dosage of the drug is similar to the standard adult dose. The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days, regardless of the pathology. Since the product can additionally remove vitamins taken by a woman (necessary for normal height fetus). Lactofiltrum is not used for prevention during pregnancy.


Lactofiltrum (instructions for use contain the exact maximum daily dosage, exceeding which can lead to sad consequences) in rare cases cases may cause overdose symptoms:

  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • cessation of stool;
  • violation of vitamin-mineral balance;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

To eliminate the symptoms, it is enough to stop taking the pills. After 24 hours the symptoms will stop.


Lactofiltrum should not be taken simultaneously with other medications. Since its components will not allow medications to be absorbed and will be completely eliminated from the body with feces.

There will be no therapeutic effect from another drug used together. An interval of at least 90 minutes must be maintained between taking Lactofiltrum and other medications.

Terms of sale

Lactofiltrum is commercially available.

Storage conditions

Tablets should be stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.
Away from children's reach.

Best before date

If storage conditions are met, the shelf life of the drug is 3 years. The prepared suspension is suitable for use within 2 hours.

Analogues of Lactofiltrum

Lactofiltrum (the instructions for use contain information about analogues of the drug) can be replaced, if there are contraindications or intolerance to the components, with the following medications.

Name of the drug and release form The main effect of the medication Contraindications and side effects Features of application, course Age restrictions Cost (rubles)
Atoxyl. Powder for preparing suspensions. Accelerates wound healing, eliminates allergies, destroys germs and bacteria. Removes toxins. Do not take if you have pathologies of the digestive tract. If an allergic reaction or constipation occurs. The suspension is discontinued. Therapy lasts 7-10 days. If necessary, the specialist can extend the course to 15 days. Single dosage calculated based on age, taken 3-4 times during the day. From 12 months.20 bags 150-170
Acipol. Capsules and drops. To restore intestinal flora and destroy pathogenic microorganisms. If you are intolerant to the components of the drug, its use is canceled. The course of admission is prescribed according to age. No more than 15 days. Repeated use is allowed after 310 days. From 3 months.Drops and 30 capsules 250-300
Activated carbon. Pills. To remove toxins and waste from the body. For gastrointestinal pathologies, take with caution. The use of tablets is accompanied by staining of stool black. Long-term use may cause the development of vitamin deficiency. Depending on the pathology and age of the patient, the dosage is prescribed by a specialist individually. From 3 years old. For children younger age It is recommended to take white coal. 10 tablets 15-50
Biolact. Powder for fermenting dairy products. Normalizes flora, destroys harmful microorganisms in the intestinal tract. Do not take if you are intolerant to the components of the drug. Depending on the general condition, 1 sachet is prescribed from 1 to 3 times a day. From 12 months. For younger children, it is recommended to take it under the supervision of a specialist. 10 bags 80-120
Biosporin. Tablets and powder for suspensions. To restore intestinal flora. Improves the absorption of vitamins, thereby strengthening the immune system. The medicine should not be taken if the components are intolerant. The dosage is calculated individually. The course of therapy is no more than 14 days. A repeat appointment is possible with the permission of a specialist. Has no restrictions. Bottle of powder 600-800
Diosmectite. Powder for suspensions. Removes toxins from the body, normalizes flora and intestinal mucosa. If there is intestinal obstruction or intolerance to the components, it is prohibited to take suspensions. The course and dosage are selected individually. Can be given from 12 months of age. For 10 packages 100-150
Neosmectin. Powder. Participates in the removal of toxins and normalization of intestinal flora. In case of prolonged constipation and intolerance to the drug, dosage should be discontinued. The course and dosage are also selected individually according to age and severity of the pathology. Has no restrictions. 35-150
Polysorb. Powder. Is an analogue of activated carbon 220-320
Polyphepan. Powder. Removes toxins and normalizes intestinal flora. Do not take if you have an allergic reaction or chronic constipation. The course is no more than 14 days. The dosage is prescribed according to the patient's age. Since the year. Children under 12 months of age take the drug under the supervision of a doctor. 150-200
Smecta. Powder.Has a fixing effect and removes toxins. Do not take if you have chronic constipation or lactose intolerance. The dosage and course depend on the type and severity of the pathology. And also on the age of the patient. Has no restrictions 10 bags 150-200
Enterosgel. Paste, gel. To remove toxins from the body and protect the intestines from the absorption of poisons. In case of impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver, take with caution. The course and dosage depend on the type of pathology and the age of the patient. Appointed individually. From 12 months.220-290

The required analogue to replace Lactofiltrum is selected by a specialist. The severity and type of pathology influences. As well as the constituent components. When choosing a product, a dosage and course are prescribed, which must be strictly adhered to.

Price of Lactofiltrum in pharmacies in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

The cost of Lactofiltrum depends on the number of tablets in the package, region and medicine supplier.

City Prices for packaging of 30 tablets (RUB) Prices for a package of 60 tablets (RUB)
Moscow240-300 320-400
Saint Petersburg235-300 320-550
Ekaterinburg170-270 280-500
Permian170-260 310-550
Sochi240-370 340-460
Volgograd240-380 310-480
Tyumen210-280 300-420

Lactofiltrum is natural remedy, but if the drug is used not according to the instructions, side effects may occur. The most common is vitamin deficiency. In childhood, this can slow down the child's development process.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about the drug Lactofiltrum

Review of the drug Lactofiltrum:

It is well known that in case of poisoning you need to drink some kind of sorbent in order to remove the toxins that poison it from the body. However, few people know that for hypertension or it is also recommended to take these drugs. Practice shows that a 7-14-day course of enterosorbents significantly improves the blood lipid formula in patients with similar diseases.

Enterosorbent drugs reduce the amount of total cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins and triglycerides.

Also, enterosorbent drugs significantly improve the well-being of patients suffering from liver pathologies, ulcerative lesions, etc.

Enterosorbents also soften allergic symptoms by absorbing allergenic substances into the gastrointestinal tract. Well-known modern and effective enterosorbent products include Lactofiltrum tablets.

Pharmacological group

Lactofiltrum belongs to the category of enterosorbent drugs that regulate the balance of intestinal microflora.

Active substance

The active ingredients of the drug are hydrolytic lignin and lactulose.


The drug is produced by Russian pharmaceutical company STI-MED-SORB.

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in the form of dark brown, flat, cylindrical tablets with gray-white inclusions.

The main components of the drug are lignin and lactulose, and excipients contains magnesium stearate and croscarmellose sodium.

How does the drug work?

The drug Lactofiltrum provides a comprehensive detoxification, sorbing, prebiotic effect in the patient’s intestinal sections. Lignin provides a detoxifying and sorbing effect, and the prebiotic effect is provided by the presence of lactulose.

In addition, hydrolytic lignin gives Lactofiltrum tablets the following effects:

  • Antioxidant;
  • Enterosorbent;
  • Antidiarrheal
  • Hypolilipidemic;
  • Detoxifying.

Lignin binds toxic substances produced inside the body during metabolic processes, as well as those coming from outside. By binding these toxic substances, lignin retains them and prevents them reverse suction, and then removes them from the body along with feces.

In general, lignin binds medications and poisons, viral, bacterial and fungal toxins, pathogenic intestinal microflora, ammonia and alcohol, urea and cholesterol, allergens, heavy metals and radioactive isotopes, bilirubin, etc.

Lactofiltrum tablets remove these toxic compounds from the body and prevent them negative impact on the patient's body. It is this ability to remove toxins that forms the basis of the detoxifying properties of the drug.

In general, Lactofiltrum tablets have a beneficial effect on hepatic and intestinal, pulmonary and renal activity by reducing the severity of pathologies of these organs and accelerating recovery.

The sorption effect helps clear the bolus of food as it moves through intestinal tract. As a result, the patient stops intoxication as a whole, because the absorption of toxic substances from the intestines into the bloodstream stops.

Lignin has a fairly large porous area, so its absorption is quite high; it is able to bind 5-7 times more toxic substances than activated carbon.

Lactulose is a prebiotic; when it enters the intestines, it breaks down into monosaccharides, which provide a food source for normal, beneficial bacteria intestines.

As a result, healthy intestinal microflora begins to actively multiply and eliminates dysbacteriosis.

Normalization of intestinal microflora suppresses the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, reduces the formation of toxic substances, and improves peristalsis. As a result, pathological processes such as diarrhea or constipation cease.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of the drug are the following conditions:

  • Violations and pathological processes V ;
  • Intoxication and;
  • Liver pathologies such as hepatitis;
  • Allergic reactions like or.

Lactofiltrum tablets are also indicated for bloating and flatulence, intestinal dysbiosis caused by long-term antibiotic therapy, etc.


Lactofiltrum tablets are contraindicated in patients with either galactosemia or hypersensitivity to the drug.

Lactofiltrum should be taken with special caution to patients who have an ulcerative exacerbation in the duodenum or gastric cavity.

Instructions for use

Lactofiltrum tablets are taken as needed an hour before meals with water. In patients of different age groups The dosage varies markedly, so you should carefully study the instructions before taking it.

Dosage for adults

For adult patients, it is recommended to take 2-3 pills three times a day, and for adolescents it is recommended to take 1-2 tablets. in a day.

For children

For patients childhood 1 tablet is prescribed, and for children under three years of age - half a tablet three times a day.

A course of treatment

As a rule, the duration of the course of therapy is 2-3 weeks; if there is a need to repeat or extend the course of therapy, then you need to consult a doctor, who will recommend the optimal dosage of the drug.

To cleanse the body in case of food poisoning

In case of poisoning, Lactofiltrum is recommended to be taken 2 hours after a meal, while for adult patients the most optimal dosage is 2 pills. In case of poisoning acute form you can increase the dosage, but the maximum daily dose should not exceed 50 tablets.

Combining Lactofiltrum with drugs of other pharmaceutical forms is not recommended, because this remedy may cause a lack of therapeutic effect.

Moreover, even conventional therapy may not help patients, because it is necessary to follow a certain dosage regimen. Lactofiltrum itself can be drunk for a maximum of 3 weeks, which will help digestive functions to fully recover.

But when similar treatment, if you need to repeat the course, you must do month break. If there is a need for long-term use, then you need to take additional vitamin B supplements.

For diarrhea

For constipation, children should take the drug one tablet at a time, 8-12 year old patients 2 tablets at a time, and adults 3 tablets at a time. The course lasts 2-3 weeks.

After antibiotics

To avoid dysbiosis after antibiotic therapy, doctors often prescribe Lactofiltrum. The drug helps restore intestinal microflora, because antibiotics kill beneficial bacteria.

Due to its intake, beneficial microflora is restored. You should take 2-3 tablets an hour before meals.

For alcohol poisoning

Laktofiltrum sorbent also helps to quickly restore the body after. The drug is recommended to be taken for prevention before a feast or for patients with existing poisoning.

Thanks to Lactofiltrum, it stops, the heartbeat normalizes and the tremor of the limbs stops. Toxins under the influence of the drug begin to be eliminated faster.

You need to take 3 tablets before the meal and 3 before bed. It is recommended to fix it in the morning therapeutic effect taking another pill.

The pills can be crushed, and in case of strong alcohol intoxication you need to take 10 tablets at once.


Lactofiltrum should be taken half an hour after meals. After taking the pill, you should also not eat or drink for half an hour. Treatment must be agreed with the doctor.

Intestinal dysbiosis

For dysbacteriosis, Lactofiltrum is indispensable, and these tablets are often prescribed for its prevention after antibiotics.

I take 2-3 tablets three times a day before meals, preferably an hour before; if you take the drug after meals (only after an hour), then you need to wait another hour and then just eat.


Inflammation of the pancreas causes a lot of problems, for the treatment of which Lactofiltrum is also used.

The drug helps eliminate dyspepsia, accelerates rehabilitation and prevents the development of complications of the pathology. Accepted according to standard scheme– 2-3 pills before or after meals, about half an hour later.


Intoxication is often accompanied by vomiting reactions, which cause dehydration. To prevent it, Lactofiltrum is also recommended, which has an antiemetic effect.

Take 1-3 tablets; in case of severe vomiting, it is better to refuse meals until intestinal activity is restored.

How to take Lactofiltrum Eco tablets correctly?

If the patient takes Lactofiltrum Eco, which differs from the usual drug only in the powder form, then drink it by dissolving it in 100 ml of water, after first shaking the composition to a suspended state.

The doses are distributed 2-3 times a day, an hour and a half before meals and other medications in 2-3 week courses.

Side effects

During treatment with Lactofiltrum, the manifestation of adverse reactions like:

  • Flatulence;

To avoid them, you must use the drug strictly as prescribed by your doctor, observing the dosage and rules of administration.


With excessive abuse of the drug, constipation and pain in the epigastric area are likely to occur. If such symptoms occur, use should be stopped immediately.


Lignin binds many substances, so when treating with Laktofiltrum you need to take into account this property drug.

With alcohol

The drug effectively eliminates alcohol metabolites, relieving patients of alcohol intoxication, however, this does not mean that it can be washed down with alcohol. It is better to take three pills half an hour before the feast and the same amount before going to bed after it.


Lactofiltrum provides a similar effect when taking antibiotics. The product neutralizes their effect when joint reception Therefore, if it is necessary to combine these drugs, their intake should be distributed at intervals of two to three hours.

With vitamins

Being a sorbent preparation that binds almost all substances, Lactofiltrum can also remove vitamins.

That is why, in order to avoid vitamin deficiency after therapy with this drug, patients are prescribed a complex of B vitamins. These drugs should not be combined either. It is better to take them at different times.

special instructions

Lactofiltrum does not affect the reaction and other nervous system processes in any way, therefore it is safe for patients managing complex mechanisms or by motor transport.

Composition of the medicinal product Lactofiltrum

1 tablet of Lactofiltrum contains:
Hydrolytic lignin – 355 mg, lactulose – 120 mg.
Excipients: magnesium stearate, croscarmellose sodium.

Dosage form

tablets in contour packaging of 10 pcs.
In polymer bottles of 30, 60 pcs.
In polymer cans of 30, 60 pcs.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Dietary supplements that help normalize and maintain normal microflora intestines

Pharmacological properties

Lactofiltrum refers to sorbents of plant origin, used to normalize intestinal microflora and detoxify the body (toxins, drugs, metabolic products). The drug has immunomodulatory properties. Lactofiltrum contains two active components: prebiotic lactulose and lignin (natural enterosorbent).
Hydrolytic lignin, being a complex organic compound resulting from the hydrolysis of wood components, is characterized by the ability to bind on its surface and retain various inorganic and organic compounds, endotoxins, exotoxins and pathogenic microflora, salts heavy metals, allergens, alcohol, medications, as well as some metabolic products contained in excess: serotonin, bilirubin, histamine, cholesterol, urea, which can cause the development of endogenous toxicosis. Lignin is not toxic, is not absorbed into the general bloodstream, is completely excreted from the intestines within 24 hours and does not disrupt the motility and secretion of the intestinal tract.

Lactulose refers to prebiotics of synthetic origin, synthetic disaccharides, the molecule of which contains residues of galactose and fructose. Lactulose is released in the large intestine and is not absorbed into it. upper sections and in the stomach. In the colon, lactulose functions as a substrate that is fermented by normal intestinal microflora, while stimulating the growth of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Hydrolyzing in the large intestine, lactulose forms organic acids (acetic, formic and lactic), which inhibit the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and suppress the synthesis of nitrogen-containing toxins by pathogenic flora. Due to a decrease in the amount of nitrogen-containing metabolic products in the intestinal lumen, an increase occurs osmotic pressure, improving peristalsis and stimulating intestinal motility.
Disposal pathogenic microflora and the active development of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli ensures the restoration of colon microbiocenosis, normalization of fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, improving the absorption of vitamins and microelements from the large intestine, and also reduces the intensity of the endogenous toxic state.
The use of Lactofiltrum provides an increase local immunity, reducing the severity of symptoms of intoxication and allergic reactions.

Indications for use Lactofiltrum

Lactofiltrum is used:
- to restore normal intestinal microflora (including conditions after antibiotic therapy);
- V complex therapy irritable bowel syndrome;
- in complex therapy of hepatitis and liver cirrhosis;
- in complex therapy allergic diseases(urticaria, atopic dermatitis);
- in the treatment of various digestive disorders caused by dysbiosis, incl. for flatulence, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, epigastric pain;
- in complex therapy of chronic colitis;
- in therapy infectious diseases digestive tract (salmonellosis, dysentery);
- in complex therapy of hair loss, acne and other cosmetic problems;
- to strengthen the immune system during seasonal diseases.
Lactofiltrum is also prescribed for poisoning and intoxication with various substances, for infectious and viral diseases in order to accelerate the elimination of waste products of bacteria and viruses.


Lactofiltrum is contraindicated for use in patients with intestinal obstruction, gastrointestinal bleeding, galactosemia, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Lactofiltrum should be prescribed with caution for intestinal atony, peptic ulcer duodenum and stomach in the acute stage.

Cautions for use

The interval between taking the drug and other medicines should be at least 1-1.5 hours.

There is insufficient data on the safety and effectiveness of using the drug Lactofiltrum during pregnancy.

The use of the drug Lactofiltrum as part of complex therapy is possible subject to the rules of separate administration (the interval between taking Lactofiltrum and other drugs is at least 1 hour).

Interactions with drugs

At simultaneous administration enterosorbent, which is part of the drug Lactofiltrum, can bind drugs and reduce their effectiveness, and therefore in complex therapy it is recommended to maintain an interval between taking Lactofiltrum and other drugs of at least 1 hour.

Directions for use and dosage Lactofiltrum

Lactofiltrum tablets are taken orally, an hour before meals or medications, washed down with water. Preliminary crushing of the tablet is allowed.
Lactofiltrum is recommended to be taken by children over 12 years old and adults three times a day, 2-3 tablets, children 8-12 years old - three times a day, 1-2 tablets, children 3-7 years old - three times a day, 1 tablet, children 1-3 years - three times a day, ½ tablet.
The duration of the course of therapy is on average 2-3 weeks. Appointment possible repeat courses treatment.

Side effects

When using Lactofiltrum in in rare cases the development of diarrhea, flatulence, and allergic reactions to individual components of the drug is possible.


An overdose of Lactofiltrum may cause abdominal pain and constipation.
Overdose treatment: drug withdrawal.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius, in a dry place.