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New generation medications for hypertension: list of drugs. Combined antihypertensive drugs

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous to your health.

Having identified arterial hypertension in a sick person, doctors often prescribe antihypertensive drugs latest generation, the list of which is not so long. Arterial hypertension is the most common pathology of the cardiovascular system, which affects millions of people. Most older generation drugs have many side effects. Recently they are used less and less.

Antihypertensive drugs are a large group of medications that are used to lower blood pressure. The most commonly used groups of medications are:

  • ACE inhibitors;
  • diuretics;
  • calcium channel blockers;
  • beta-adrenergic blockers;
  • angiotensin-2 antagonists.

Angiotensin-2 antagonists are very popular. Most often they are used when ACE inhibitors are ineffective or intolerant. This group includes a medicine such as Losartan. The increase in blood pressure is caused by vasoconstriction. Angiotensin-2 has a vasoconstrictor effect.

Losartan blocks receptors for angiotensin-2, thereby promoting vasodilation and a drop in blood pressure. Distinctive feature Losartan is that it does not interfere with the formation of angiotensin-converting enzyme. Due to this this medicine does not cause side effects characteristic of ACE inhibitors.

Losartan is well tolerated by patients. Possible side effects include weakness, fatigue, swelling in the extremities, tachycardia, palpitations, abdominal pain, diarrhea-type bowel movements, nausea, back pain, convulsions, headache, sleep disturbance. There may be a cough, inflammation of the sinuses or nasal mucosa. Disorders of the heart and blood vessels, anorexia, gastritis, hepatitis, bowel problems such as constipation, allergic reactions, and changes in the blood occur much less frequently.

Losartan reduces the risk of complications due to hypertension. The medicine is excellent for patients who have arterial hypertension combined with type 2 diabetes. Losartan should not be prescribed to children, pregnant or lactating women. Contraindications to the use of Losartan include high potassium levels in the blood, intolerance to the active substance, lactase deficiency, and dehydration.

At arterial hypertension drugs are often used central action. Imidazoline receptors are located in the medulla oblongata. Excitation of these neurons leads to a hypotensive effect. These drugs include Moxonidine. This tool has the following features:

  • does not have a strong sedative effect;
  • used for various forms of arterial hypertension;
  • lasts for a long time;
  • gradually reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure;
  • does not cause withdrawal syndrome.

The indication for this medication is arterial hypertension. central genesis. This new generation antihypertensive drug is contraindicated if a person has heart block, bradycardia, cardiac or renal failure, in case of liver dysfunction and hypersensitivity to the active substance. Moxonidine is not suitable for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women.

The product must be taken orally. The dose is selected by the attending physician. When using Moxonidine, the following adverse reactions are possible:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • insomnia;
  • backache;
  • asthenia;
  • dry mouth;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • rash.

Phenomena such as bradycardia, ringing in the ears, and edema are rarely observed.

One of the most modern medicines against hypertension is Rasilez. It is a renin inhibitor. The latter refers to enzymes that regulate blood pressure. Renin takes part in the formation of angiotensin. In Russia, Rasilez was approved in 2008. It is produced in the form of tablets. Main active substance is aliskiren.

This medication has the following advantages:

  • accessible to the public;
  • has a rapid and pronounced hypotensive effect;
  • well tolerated by patients;
  • does not cause withdrawal syndrome.

Stopping use of this medication will not cause your blood pressure to rise suddenly. Rasilez can be used together with other antihypertensive drugs. In this case, the hypotensive effect is enhanced. In people with diabetes, blood pressure is reduced safely when using Rasilez. In this situation, it is recommended to combine Rasilez with Ramipril.

Rasilez should not be used in the following situations:

  • with renal failure;
  • with nephrotic syndrome;
  • at ;
  • with severe liver dysfunction;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the drug.

Rasilez is not suitable for the treatment of children and persons requiring chronic hemodialysis. The most common side effect of the drug is diarrhea.

Cardosal is a new generation of drugs for the treatment of arterial hypertension.

The main component of the drug is olmesartan medoxomil. The drug reduces blood pressure gradually. Maximum effect observed 2 weeks after the start of therapy. The medicine is available in the form of tablets of 10, 20 and 40 mg. The degree of pressure reduction depends on the dose of the drug.

The medicine does not cause withdrawal syndrome or tachycardia. A pronounced hypotensive effect is observed 14 days after the first dose. The drug can be taken before, during or after meals. The medicine is effective for primary arterial hypertension ( hypertension). Contraindications to the use of Cardosal include obstruction of the biliary tract, pregnancy and breastfeeding, childhood, individual intolerance, galactosemia, lactase deficiency, renal failure. Cardosal should be used with caution if the patient has heart valve stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, aldosteronism, coronary heart disease.

Principles of drug therapy

Treatment of arterial hypertension is carried out only after consultation with a therapist or cardiologist. Self-medication is unacceptable. When choosing a new generation antihypertensive drug, the following factors are taken into account:

  • presence of concomitant diseases;
  • patient's age;
  • form of arterial hypertension;
  • degree of pressure increase;
  • drug tolerance.

Treatment of this pathology is long-term. It is often necessary to take medications for life, since even the latest antihypertensive drugs are not able to completely cure the disease. In order to stabilize blood pressure and prevent possible complications, you must adhere to the following recommendations.

Antihypertensive drugs are designed to lower blood pressure and are used to treat hypertension.

An increase in blood pressure itself may indicate the presence of a large group of diseases, although primarily these are diseases of the kidneys and arteries of the kidneys. However arterial hypertension is also characteristic of thyrotoxicosis and some other diseases. The reasons, knowledge of which will prompt an appropriate treatment plan, should only be determined by a doctor.
In many cases, it is impossible to determine the diseases that lead to increased blood pressure, in which case hypertension is diagnosed.

Predisposing factors for this disease are overconsumption salt because it contains sodium, atherosclerosis, smoking, alcoholism, obesity, and sedentary lifestyle life.

When treating hypertension, doctors first try to eliminate the risk factors a person has or reduce their effect on the body. In many cases, these actions are enough to significantly reduce pressure.

When prescribing medications, doctors are guided by blood pressure parameters – the upper one, which characterizes the strength of heart contractions, and the lower one, which maintains vascular tone. Taking these indicators into account, medications are prescribed that either “slow down” the heart a little, or

Antihypertensive drugs lower blood pressure. They are used for arterial hypertension, when blood pressure is high, they can reduce it to normal level. In this regard, such drugs are called antihypertensive drugs.

These drugs have their own classification based on their principle of action.

There are four groups in total.

The first includes medications that reduce the tone of the sympathetic nervous system. These are neurotropic antihypertensive drugs of central and peripheral action.

The first includes Clonidine (Clonidine, Gemiton), which increases the inhibitory effect of the vagus on the heart and reduces the stimulating effect of sympathetic innervation on the blood vessels and heart. Cardiac output and vascular tone decrease, and blood pressure also drops.

Clonidine is used primarily for the rapid reduction of blood pressure during hypertensive crises. In this case, the drug is administered intravenously over about six minutes.

In addition, similar centrally acting drugs include Moxonidine, which reduces the activity of the vasomotor center, cardiac output and tone blood vessels, Guanfacine, and Methyldopa, which is prescribed orally.

Drugs that block peripheral sympathetic innervation include ganglion blockers (azamethonium (pentamine), hexamethonium benzosulfonate (benzohexonium), gimpatolytics (reserpine, guanethidine), adrenoblockers (prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin).

In addition, a number of drugs are produced that inhibit the renin-angiotensin system. These are drugs that inhibit renin secretion, disrupt the formation of angiotensin II (ACE and vasopeptidase inhibitors) and interfere with the action of angiotensin II.

These are captopril, enalapril, perindopril, ramipril, fosinopril.

Myotropic vasodilators are also produced, which have a direct effect on smooth muscle fibers blood vessels, initiating their relaxation, while the vessels dilate, and the dilation of arterial vessels leads to a drop in blood pressure. Similar substances include Diazoxide, Apressin, Magnesium sulfate, Sodium nitroprusside, Dibazol.

The fourth group includes diuretic () drugs.
These include Bekvorin, Birch buds and leaves, Brinaldix, Brusniver, Brusniver-T, Lingonberry leaves, Burinex, Bufenox, Vero-Indapamide, Herbafol, Hygroton, Hydrochlorothiazide-Verte, Hydrochlorothiazide, Hydrochlorothiazide-SAR, Hypothiazide, Polygonum renal herb, Polygonum bird grass, Diacarb, Disalunil, Diusemide, Difurex.

As you can see, there are many herbal preparations in this group.

One of the most current problems Today, for many people, hypertension is a disease. Fortunately, surges in blood pressure (BP) can be eliminated with the help of folk recipes and a number medicines. In addition, some people have completely adapted to living normally with symptoms of high blood pressure, without even noticing a sharp change in blood pressure.

But, as it turned out, stopping the episode is not enough. The whole problem of hypertensive disease lies in the consequences. After all, a sharp increase in blood pressure affects the performance of the heart and kidneys, which act as targets.

Consequently, ignoring attacks of high blood pressure or eliminating an attack without a subsequent course of therapy can even lead to pathological damage to the retina. Based on the danger posed by arterial hypertension, it is necessary to pay attention to therapy that prevents increases in blood pressure and hypertensive crises. Thus, it is possible to protect target organs from pathological damage due to complications of arterial hypertension.

But, before purchasing all the medications that prevent the consequences of high blood pressure, you should conduct a detailed diagnosis in a specialized medical institution, and then decide on medications that do not have side effects.

First of all, attention is paid to the blood pressure indicator. Pathological indicators include indicators exceeding 140 to 90. Until recently, it was believed that different blood pressure indicators were normal for representatives of different age categories. But now doctors have come to the same conclusion that a patient with a blood pressure of 140 over 90 requires therapy. But you don’t always need to resort to medication.

For example, in the absence of manifestations of coronary artery disease, but at the same time persistently high blood pressure, it will be enough to reconsider the usual lifestyle. In this case, normalization of nutrition will be required, including special diet, psychotherapy and blood pressure reduction through massage and meditation. This technique will be effective if the upper blood pressure threshold does not exceed 160 over 90 and the patient has no concomitant ailments.

Note! A patient with hypertension should monitor their weight. After all overweight will only make things worse clinical picture.

The second exciting question is the desired blood pressure level after therapy and the level that needs to be maintained for a long period. For example, the category of people under 55-60 years of age with complications of hypertension, kidney disease or diabetes mellitus should maintain indicators of no more than 130 to 85.

What aggravates the clinical picture with high blood pressure?

Risk factorsAdditional factors that worsen the clinical pictureFactors that increase the risk of deathMaximum fatal risk when these factors are present
SmokingMicroalbuminuriaIf the patient has had a strokeObesity
Age indicators (the risk of developing the disease increases for men after 55 years, and women 10 years older)Excess weightHave kidney failureElevated blood sugar
Cholesterol levels (if over 6.5 mol/l.)Lack of sports activities, inactivityPathological lesions of the vessels of the retinaHigh levels of bad cholesterol
When a patient has diabetesWhen high-density lipoproteins are significantly reduced than low-density lipoproteinsVascular damage (peripheral)Arterial hypertension
Hereditary factorInfluence external environment(morbidity rates are increasingly higher among residents of industrial cities)Brain ischemia. Diabetic nephropathy. Myocardial infarction. Ischemic diseaseArterial hypertension

There are several categories of patients with hypertension. The first ones ignore the danger of blood pressure risks and try to live to the best of their health. Thus, considering that if the disease does not cause significant discomfort, then you can get by with pills that block blood pressure surges. The second patients, on the contrary, overestimate the risk and try to cure the disease with all the drugs that come to hand, not paying attention to the side effects, but ignore going to the doctor.

Video - Hypertension: how to protect yourself

How to treat hypertension?

If a patient observes regular jumps in blood pressure to high levels, then he should first visit a doctor. Since all medications are aimed at normalizing the patient’s condition and lowering blood pressure, at the same time they can have side effects.

It is advisable to consider the main drugs:

  1. Beta blockers. These are special medications to reduce blood pressure by lowering the heart rate. But their downside in the form of side effects is weakness, skin rashes, excessively slow heart rate.
  2. ACE inhibitors. The body can produce large amounts of a hormone that negatively affects blood vessels, narrowing them. This group of drugs is aimed at reducing the amount of hormone produced. As a result, blood pressure drops as blood vessels dilate. Negative effects of inhibitors can manifest themselves as allergic reactions or a sudden cough.
  3. Diuretics. This is a group of drugs with a diuretic effect. They are taken to quickly lower blood pressure by removing fluid from the body. But, taking these medications can negatively affect the functioning of the heart, leading to dizziness, seizures and nausea.
  4. Calcium antagonists. The main purpose of such drugs is to have a relaxing effect on blood vessels, as a result of which blood pressure decreases. Side effects after taking such drugs manifest themselves in the form of hot flashes, rapid heartbeat, and sometimes even dizziness.
  5. Angiotensin antagonists. High blood pressure may be due to the effect of angiotensin 2 on blood vessels, and drugs in this group block this effect. But as a result, dizziness may occur, accompanied by nausea.

That is why it is necessary to consult a doctor and prescribe effective therapy for the treatment of hypertension.

Are there safe drugs?

When high blood pressure interferes normal life, then the question arises, how to find the safest medicines without side effects. Unfortunately, science has not provided such drugs. After all, it is extremely difficult to develop a universal drug that would suit every patient, but would not have any side effects. But still, new generation drugs have significant advantages over outdated drugs for the treatment of hypertension, they are as follows:

  1. Minimizing side effects. There are no absolutely safe drugs for every patient, but new developments select components in such a way that they do not cause negative reactions in the body.
  2. Long-acting drugs. Consequently, the dosage of the drug is reduced and thereby minimizes the risk of side effects.
  3. Technologies of new times give more effective drugs for the treatment of hypertension.
  4. Developed complex preparations. The risk of side effects is so low that the drug can be considered absolutely safe.

Is it dangerous! Ignoring treatment for hypertension is strictly prohibited, since almost 50% of deaths from stroke are a consequence of hypertension. Therefore, you should not take therapy and examination by a specialist lightly.

Drugs with minimal side effects

Minimal risk side effect when eliminating high blood pressure, it will happen if you take complex medications. The main representative is Lisinopril is a drug from the ACE inhibitor group, but of the third generation. It contains a diuretic, as a result, the effectiveness of treatment increases significantly.

  1. Shows top scores in the treatment of older people.
  2. Approved for the treatment of patients with diabetes.
  3. Minimizes the likelihood of complications.
  4. Quickly lowers blood pressure.

Physiotens– this is the second effective and at the same time safe drug for the treatment of hypertension. If we talk about side effects after taking this drug, then they are insignificant and are expressed in the form of dry mouth, mild weakness and drowsiness. Others discomfort states patients do not note.

Physiotens is a safe drug for the treatment of hypertension

Note! These drugs have such minimal side effects that they are truly safe. medicines. And most importantly, they do not provide harmful effects on respiratory system and don't call chronic cough. Therefore, the drugs are approved for patients suffering from bronchial asthma.

Do not forget that Physiotens can be taken by patients with diabetes, since the drug significantly increases insulin sensitivity.

No less effective hypertensive drugs can be considered Moxonidine And Rilmenidine are representatives of selective agonists of imidazoline receptors. They cope well with high blood pressure, without causing side effects at all and have virtually no contraindications.

Among the new generation blockers, it is necessary to highlight the leaders - Nebivolol, Labetalol, Carvedilol. This excellent tools for the treatment of hypertension, which extremely rarely cause side effects, but at the same time prevent dire consequences high blood pressure.

Fast-acting drugs

Rapid-acting medications are used to block an attack of hypertension. They are also used as a preventive measure for hypertensive crisis. After taking such tablets, blood pressure decreases instantly, and the pulse returns to normal.

List of the most effective fast-acting drugs with minimal risk of side effects

Drug nameImageActive substanceImpact on the bodyDosage and duration of use
Andipal Metamizole sodiumThe main effect occurs precisely on the cardiovascular system. Additionally, it is able to relieve spasms in case of severe headaches that occur against the background of high blood pressure.The duration of treatment is one week. It is recommended to take one or two tablets, but in some cases a specialist may increase the dosage
Raunatin Derivative plants of RauwolfiaThe main impact occurs on nervous system. Contraindications to the drug consist solely of individual intoleranceThe duration of treatment is one month. On the first day you need to take only one tablet, and the next day increase the dosage to five tablets. In this case, the best treatment effect is achieved if you take the drug before bedtime.
Reserpine ReserpineRefers to the most important drugs for the treatment of hypertension of varying severityAllowed to take in a maximum dose of 0.5 mg. Upon normalization of the patient's condition, the dosage of the drug is reduced to 0.1 mg.
Captopril CaptoprilRecommended for concomitant heart diseases, in particular left ventricular dysfunctionInitially, the doctor prescribes a dose of 50 mg, which is taken in two doses - morning and evening. At severe case the dosage may be increased. Throughout the entire period of taking the drug. The doctor monitors the condition of the hypertensive patient and, if positive changes are noted, then therapy with Captopril continues for a month
Losartan Losartan potassiumThe main effect is to lower blood pressure and prevent the development of heart diseases, in particular myocardial infarctionTaken in a dosage of no more than 50 mg. within one month. If necessary, therapy is extended

Attention! If the patient takes Andipal, then taking Papaverine and Dibazol is prohibited in parallel. Since such a drug combination only aggravates the patient’s condition.

Medicines for the elderly

In the first place are drugs to eliminate high blood pressure:

When the patient feels a significant increase in pressure, it is necessary to urgently call a medical team, and first provide the following assistance:

Additionally, it should be noted that pharmacies have outdated drugs that may be recommended to lower blood pressure. One of these is Validol, a drug used for pain in the heart muscle. Also Moxonidine And Clonidine– they were widely used several years ago to quickly reduce the manifestations of hypertension. But today doctors do not advise resorting to such outdated drugs.

Note! Very often diuretics are used to treat high blood pressure, the most popular among them are Furosemide, Lasix, Ravel, Arifon.

It is necessary to understand that when it comes to new generation drugs, they have significantly fewer side effects than previous generations of drugs. At the same time, during treatment with drugs with antihypertensive effects, great importance has a correctly selected course of therapy by a doctor, taking into account individual characteristics hypertension and contraindications of the drug.

Despite the choice, scientists continue to work on antihypertensive drugs, so it is worth considering the features of the new generation of drugs.

Features of new generation antihypertensive drugs

To help the body in the fight for normal blood pressure and well-being, every year scientists release newer, more improved drugs. The causes of pressure surges are varied: nervous tension or kidney disease. Whatever leads to hypertension, the doctor prescribes antihypertensive drugs. Taking pills has the following purposes:

  • dilate blood vessels to stabilize blood pressure;
  • have a healing effect on the heart, eyes and kidneys;
  • don't call adverse reactions(or reduce their manifestation to a minimum).

Do not self-medicate; medications for high blood pressure include a list of contraindications and side effects that can only harm your health. Always consult your doctor.

Very popular among modern drugs enjoy combined agents. It is these drugs that effectively lower blood pressure, and, in addition, restore the functioning of the heart and kidneys and prevent the development of complications. The mechanism of action of such drugs is reduced to an effect on the central nervous system or to limiting the production of enzymes that are responsible for increasing blood pressure.

Names of types of new antihypertensive drugs

At the moment, a huge number of drugs have been developed, each of which is suitable for any situation. Selection factors depend on individual tolerance, background diseases and side effects. Modern doctors have the opportunity to combine the names of different groups:

  • angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors;
  • diuretics;
  • calcium channel blockers;
  • beta-adrenergic blockers;
  • angiothesin-2 antagonists.

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ACE inhibitors

ACEIs are considered widely used drugs that are suitable for different patients. This group includes Captopril and Lisinopril. Modern inhibitors ACE distinguishes high probability reducing exacerbations, including myocardial infarction, heart failure, and positive influence to the affected organs. In case of chronic heart failure, ACEI drugs are first prescribed; they are well tolerated by elderly people, with arrhythmia, diabetes mellitus, and after a heart attack.

The downside is cough as a consequence caused by changes in peptide metabolism. But if available the following contraindications It is better to refuse to take:

  • increased potassium levels in blood plasma;
  • renal artery stenosis;
  • Quincke's edema caused by previous use of inhibitors;
  • pregnancy.

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New generation diuretics are no less common than ACE inhibitors. The purpose of such funds is to help the body eliminate excess liquid, salts, which leads to a lighter load on the heart and a decrease in the volume of circulating blood. Diuretics are such a diverse group that the classification includes several types of diuretics:

  • allowed to be prescribed to elderly people and diabetics, with any metabolic disorders;
  • The mechanism of action is based on changes in electrolyte metabolism, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • allowed for people with heart failure chronic stage, in the presence of cardiac edema;
  • Lowering blood pressure is carried out by synthesizing excess fluid and salts.
  • are able to reduce blood pressure faster than other drugs in this group;
  • are actively used to treat hypertensive crises.

Calcium channel blockers

CCBs help reduce calcium infiltration into muscle fibers, which reduces the sensitivity of blood vessels to substances, in particular to those that cause spasms (adrenaline). Medicines differ in the nature of their effect on blood vessels and myocardium. Antagonists do not violate metabolic processes and successfully resist hypertrophy in the presence of hypertension, reduce the risk of stroke. Calcium blockers include drugs of 3 groups:

  • benzothiazepine antagonists (“Diltiazem”);
  • dihydropyridines (“Amlodipine”, “Felodipine”);
  • phenylalkylamines ("Verapamil").

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Beta blockers

You should be careful when choosing this group, since they can cause many side effects, although the undoubted advantage is the long duration of action, which is why the tablets should be taken once a day. Scientists are still actively developing and improving beta blockers. In the meantime, this group is actively used in the treatment of people suffering from ischemia and chronic failure hearts. Widely used centrally acting drugs are Atenolol and Bisoprolol.

Angiotensin-2 antagonists

"Losartan" - as one of the representatives of the new generation AA-2, competes with the ACEI. The advantage of the drug is its ability to be almost completely absorbed by the body and produce a lasting effect. The advantage of the drug is that it is well tolerated by patients and eliminates the presence side effects, unlike inhibitors.

What to give preference to?

The doctor decides which drug or group of drugs to give preference to. The decision depends on several factors: allergies to components, background diseases and blood pressure indicators. Moreover, despite the common goal, each group of drugs includes side effects:

  • beta-adrenergic receptor blockers inhibit the functioning of the central nervous system, and in large doses cause cardiac arrest;
  • diuretics remove excess fluid, and with it potassium and magnesium necessary for the heart;
  • Calcium channel blockers cause hypotension and can impair the functions of the liver, heart, and kidneys.

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List of the best drugs

Pharmacology continues to develop and scientists come up with more effective medicines. During this time, the following drugs of the latest generation have performed well:

  • a group of angiotensin-2 antagonists: Aliskiren, Rasilez and Olmesartan;
  • diuretics: “Torasemide”;
  • combined means: “Equator”.

Representatives of the above groups are prescribed as primary or maintenance therapy, alone or in tandem with others. In any case, when choosing, the doctor is guided by blood pressure indicators, the presence of concomitant diseases or pathologies. The only drawback of the new drugs is their high cost. Because of this, the patient is forced to refuse combination therapy and look for an alternative.

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The information on the site is provided for general information purposes only. We recommend that you consult your doctor for further advice and treatment.

Combined antihypertensive drugs of the latest generation

S. Yu. Shtrygol, doctor medical sciences, Professor,

E. A. Gaidukova, pharmacist, National Pharmaceutical University, Kharkov

The unfavorable trend of decreasing life expectancy of the population in Ukraine is largely due to high mortality rate from diseases of the cardiovascular system, among which the most important position is occupied by arterial hypertension. This is due to several reasons: insufficient detection of diseases characterized by high blood pressure (BP) - hypertension, symptomatic arterial hypertension; poor awareness of patients that they have high blood pressure (approximately every third patient does not know about this); lack of practical consideration of risk factors, primary and secondary prevention on a population scale; often an inadequate choice of pharmacotherapy and therefore its insufficient effectiveness. Even in countries with high level In healthcare organizations, the rate of adequate control of arterial hypertension does not exceed 27%. In Ukraine, unfortunately, it is much lower.

According to the criteria of the World Health Organization and the International Society of Hypertension, arterial hypertension is defined as a condition in which systolic blood pressure is 140 mmHg. Art. or higher and/or diastolic blood pressure - 90 mm Hg. Art. or higher in individuals not receiving antihypertensive therapy.

Large-scale studies have been conducted around the world that have made it possible to develop new classifications of arterial hypertension. Target levels of blood pressure reduction during antihypertensive therapy were determined, and stratification of risk levels for developing cardiovascular complications in patients was carried out. The principles of non-drug and drug therapy. The basis of treatment of arterial hypertension is pharmacotherapy. Until recently, a stepwise approach prevailed in the choice of treatment tactics for arterial hypertension, when, if the effect of monotherapy was insufficient, the dose of the drug was increased or moved to the next stage of treatment, adding another antihypertensive drug to the drug used. Today, based on the results of large multicenter studies, maximum individualization of antihypertensive pharmacotherapy is recommended. It has been shown that the least number of complications ( acute disorders cerebral circulation, myocardial infarction, renal failure, circulatory disorders in the retina with decreased vision, etc.) occurs in patients with a diastolic pressure level not higher than 83 mm Hg. Art., achieved during treatment. After all, it is not the increased blood pressure value in itself that is dangerous (it is aimed at ensuring blood supply to various organs and tissue metabolism in changed circulatory conditions - during stressful maladjustment of the cardiovascular system, remodeling vascular wall and etc.). The danger comes primarily from the already mentioned progressive changes in target organs, especially hypertrophied myocardium (ischemia), brain (stroke), and kidneys (chronic renal failure).

The modern arsenal of drugs provides many opportunities for both monotherapy and combination antihypertensive treatment. An analysis of literature data shows that approximately 70% of patients require combination treatment; in a significantly smaller number of patients, monotherapy has a sufficient effect.

Effective blood pressure control, improvement of the condition of target organs, and increased quality of life are best achieved through the use of combination pharmacotherapy. The most convenient are the official ones. combination drugs. Their advantages are quite obvious:

  • the combination of two or more components allows you to simultaneously influence different parts of the pathogenesis of the disease (for example, the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone and sympathoadrenal systems; calcium-dependent mechanisms of contraction of vascular and myocardial muscles, reducing vasoconstriction, and the state of the excretory function of the kidneys, which reduces sodium and water retention in the body), ultimately increasing the efficiency and reliability of blood pressure control;
  • the combination of different mechanisms of action has a beneficial effect on the condition of target organs and prevents cerebrovascular and cardiac complications;
  • components of combination drugs are used in moderate doses, which usually means that treatment is well tolerated, minimal side effects and their mutual leveling;
  • the use of combination drugs is more convenient, since there is no need to evaluate the compatibility of components or take 2-3 drugs at the same time; In addition, as a rule, combination drugs, due to their long duration of action, are taken once a day, and this reduces the likelihood of skipping a medication and increases the patient’s compliance - his adherence to treatment, willingness to follow recommendations.

Increasingly used fixed combinations two or even three drugs in small doses. Their use has the listed advantages and is most convenient for the patient. The following most rational combinations are recommended antihypertensive drugs :

  • β-blocker + diuretic;
  • β-blocker + calcium channel blocker (dihydropyridine series only!);
  • β-blocker + ACE inhibitor;
  • ACE inhibitor (or angiotensin II receptor antagonist) + diuretic;
  • calcium channel blocker + ACE inhibitor (or angiotensin II receptor antagonist);
  • α-blocker + β-blocker;
  • centrally acting drug + diuretic;
  • Combinations of three or even four components, including hypotensive and hypocholesterolemic, are also possible.

Not all combination drugs with an antihypertensive profile of action available on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine are focused on such combinations. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

Of the drugs containing three or more components (Table 1), only one - Tonorma - combines three first-line antihypertensive drugs: a cardioselective β 1-blocker that penetrates poorly into the brain (atenolol), a dihydropyridine vasodilator (nifedipine), a long-acting thiazide diuretic (chlorthalidone). The synergistic composition in question is quite effective: an open clinical study showed that taking one tablet per day reduced blood pressure to 140/90 mmHg in 66% of patients. Art. and lower values, in another 20% of patients the use of Tonorma gave a moderate result, i.e. the efficiency was 86%. Minor side effects that did not require discontinuation of the drug were observed in only 8% of patients.

Table 1. Examples of multicomponent antihypertensive drugs on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine

As for the remaining drugs, only their diuretic component is considered a first-line drug. Peripheral vasodilators (dihydralazine, dihydroergocristine) and sympatholytics (reserpine) are second-line drugs. Reserpine, a sympatholytic of central and peripheral action, has big amount side effects: typical depression of the central nervous system up to mental depression, the development of parkinsonism due to depletion of monoamines, vagotonic disorders digestive tract(intense salivation, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain). Is not modern approach for the treatment of arterial hypertension, the use of a combination drug raunatin containing reserpine as part of a mixture of rauwolfia alkaloids. The drug "Andipal-B", which provides a predominantly antispasmodic and analgesic effect, is also not an effective antihypertensive drug.

The combination of a β-blocker and a diuretic is beneficial in the pharmacotherapy of arterial hypertension (Table 2). The β-adrenergic blocker, reducing the sympatho-adrenal effects on the myocardium, provides a decrease in stroke and cardiac output, and with long-term use, slightly reduces the total peripheral vascular resistance. The diuretic, increasing the renal excretion of sodium and water, reduces the volume of circulating blood, and also has a relaxing effect on the arterial vessels. Pindolol, which is part of viscaldix, is a non-selective β-blocker, clopamide is a thiazide diuretic with an average duration of action. The other two drugs (tenoret, atenol-N) contain the cardioselective β 1-blocker atenolol in combination with the thiazide diuretic chlorthalidone. Discussing these combinations that are synergistic with regard to the normalization of blood pressure, it should be noted that the possibility of their use is limited by broncho-obstructive diseases, especially bronchial asthma, and diabetes mellitus, since an adverse effect on carbohydrate metabolism. However, small doses of thiazide diuretics included in combination drugs have little effect on metabolic processes. In addition, a decrease in calcium excretion during treatment with these drugs is favorable moment in the treatment of women suffering from postmenopausal arterial hypertension. As shown in the SHEP study, treatment with beta-blockers and diuretics reduces the risk of cardiovascular complications by 34%.

Table 2. Two-component antihypertensive drugs containing a β-blocker and a diuretic

The next group of combined drugs is β-blockers and calcium channel blockers of the dihydropyridine series (Table 3). The β-blocker reduces heart function, and amlodipine provides a long-term decrease in the tone of resistive vessels. At the same time, there is no mutual enhancement of side effects from the heart - amlodipine, like other dihydropyridines, has little effect on the myocardium, does not cause bradycardia and conduction slowdown, like a β-blocker. Amlodipine prescribed separately (at an initial dose of 2.5 mg, then 5–10 mg) allows you to achieve a target pressure of 140/90 mm Hg within 8 weeks. Art. in 72.4% of patients, with side effects noted in 5% of cases. A β-blocker potentiates its hypotensive effect. In addition, this combination reduces the risk of withdrawal syndrome (remember that abrupt cessation of β-blockers is unacceptable due to the risk of developing a hypertensive crisis and exacerbation of coronary heart disease).

Table 3. Combination antihypertensive drugs containing a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker and a β-blocker

Also favorable are the pronounced vasodilator and moderate diuretic, antiatherogenic effect of the calcium channel blocker, the absence of disturbances in the metabolism of carbohydrates and uric acid.

Combinations of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors with diuretics are becoming increasingly important in antihypertensive therapy. In count trade names they prevail over other combined antihypertensive drugs. Examples of such drugs are given in table. 4. They are effective antihypertensive combinations that reduce blood pressure both by reducing the work of the heart and by reducing vascular tone. It is important that ACE inhibitors (especially the latest generation - enalapril, lisinopril, perindopril, fosinopril) and indapamide have a cardioprotective effect - they effectively reduce left ventricular hypertrophy (by 13–25%), and also exhibit nephroprotective properties. Perindopril and indapamide are presented in the preparations Noliprel, Noliprel-Forte. The high effectiveness of combinations of ACE inhibitors and diuretics has been repeatedly confirmed in controlled studies. Thus, enalapril (starting dose 5 mg, then 10 and 20 mg per day) allowed 67% of patients to reach the target blood pressure level, while side effects were noted in 17% of cases. During 16 weeks of use in patients with moderate and severe forms of hypertension, Korenitec reduced daytime blood pressure by an average of 14.9/8.9 mm Hg. Art., night - by 18.8/11.4 mm Hg. Art., normalized the circadian rhythm of blood pressure. Target systolic blood pressure was achieved in 77% of patients, diastolic blood pressure in 69%. In addition, Korenitek significantly reduced microalbuminuria, which confirms its nephroprotective properties. These data show that combination drugs containing an ACE inhibitor and a diuretic improve the effectiveness of the treatment of arterial hypertension.

Table 4. Drugs containing ACE inhibitor and diuretic

A less extensive range of combinations of ACE inhibitors with calcium channel blockers on the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market is presented in Table. 5. Verapamil (part of the drug Tarka) causes a rhythm-slowing effect, mainly reducing the work of the heart. Amlodipine has virtually no effect on heart rate, mainly reduces vascular resistance, potentiating the hypotensive effect of the ACE inhibitor. In these combinations, the metabolic neutrality of both components is attractive, which makes it possible to use them in patients with diabetes. Considered drug combinations have a beneficial effect on hypertrophied myocardium and increase the quality of life.

Table 5. Two-component antihypertensive drugs containing an ACE inhibitor and a calcium channel blocker

One cannot help but pay attention to such combination drugs as angiotensin-II receptor blockers in combination with diuretics (Table 6). Angiotensin II receptor antagonists neutralize the effect of angiotensin on the cardiovascular system through selective blockade of AT1 type receptors. At the same time, candesartan becomes active only after a series of metabolic transformations in the liver; the rest of the drugs listed in the table themselves have pharmacological activity, and losartan also has several active metabolites with a strong and long-lasting effect. Eprosartan (teveten) has an additional mechanism of action that other representatives of this group do not have: it affects the sympathetic nervous system, inhibiting the release of norepinephrine from the endings of sympathetic nerve fibers, and thereby reduces the stimulation of adrenergic receptors in vascular smooth muscle. Treatment with gizaar, judging by the results clinical trials, provides effective blood pressure control in 76% of patients. Similar efficacy values ​​for the combination of another angiotensin receptor antagonist, irbesartan, with hydrochlorothiazide (77% for systolic and 83% for diastolic blood pressure) were obtained in the INCLUSIVE study. Hyperuricemia is common in patients with arterial hypertension. The thiazide diuretic hydrochlorothiazide, which is part of combination drugs, can itself cause secondary hyperuricemia and gout. Angiotensin receptor blockers, especially losartan, which is part of hysaar, increase the excretion of uric acid and reduce the level of hyperuricemia.

Table 6. Antihypertensive drugs containing an angiotensin II receptor blocker and a diuretic

Diuretics, as already noted, are among the first-line antihypertensive drugs. Up to 30% of patients achieve target blood pressure using the most widely used hydrochlorothiazide. The disadvantage of this drug is the high incidence of electrolyte disturbances, primarily hypokalemia. Therefore, it is rational to combine it with potassium-sparing diuretics, such as triamterene and amiloride (Table 7). Possible hypomagnesemia, hyperuricemia, disorders of cholesterol and glucose metabolism (therefore, these drugs should not be used in patients with diabetes). Sometimes impotence occurs, which should be taken into account when choosing a drug for a particular patient.

Table 7. Combined diuretics

The development of arterial hypertension is promoted by hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis. Unfortunately, there are no combination antihypertensive drugs containing hypocholesterolemic agents on the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market yet.

Monitoring the amount consumed by the patient is extremely important. table salt and a combination of sodium restriction with drug treatment arterial hypertension. Thus, according to the largest multicenter study INTERSALT, with a decrease daily consumption sodium chloride up to 100 mmol (6 g) systolic pressure in the population decreases by an average of 2.2 mm Hg, which reduces the risk coronary death by 6%. And if, against this background, the consumption of potassium and magnesium salts increases, especially due to vegetables and fruits or table salt substitutes used to add salt to ready-made dishes, then systolic pressure decreases by 5 mm Hg. Art., the risk of death from coronary artery disease decreases by 14%, and in old age - by 23%. However, combination with potassium salts is unacceptable during treatment with ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers. Much evidence has been obtained of enhancing the hypotensive effect, the possibility of reducing doses and reducing the side effects of saluretics, labetalol, visken, nifedipine against the background of a low-salt diet and additional intake of potassium salts. We have confirmed and expanded these data, studied the mechanisms of interaction of potassium, magnesium and calcium salts with antihypertensive drugs of different groups. In addition, the effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy, including combination drugs, increases significantly when the patient limits or stops smoking.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the modern range of antihypertensive drugs, especially combined composition, allows us to improve the treatment of arterial hypertension and associated diseases. From the standpoint of evidence-based medicine, this is convincingly demonstrated by the results of clinical studies.

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  16. http://www.cardiosite.ru.

Current information about prevention, tactics and treatment →

Review of existing options for prostate adenoma.

Latest generation medications for hypertension: list

You can stabilize blood pressure and improve the quality of life of hypertensive patients through conservative therapy. Typically, the patient is prescribed antihypertensive tablets for hypertension.

The doctor can prescribe diuretics, ACE inhibitors, calcium antagonists, centrally acting antihypertensives, sartans, and selective beta-1 blockers to the patient.

For resistant forms of hypertension, combination drugs can be taken. If a person has grade 1 hypertension, then it is possible to stabilize blood pressure through the use of dietary supplements.

be careful

Hypertension (pressure surges) - in 89% of cases kills the patient in his sleep!

We hasten to warn you that most drugs for hypertension and blood pressure normalization are a complete deception of marketers who overcharge hundreds of percent on drugs whose effectiveness is zero.

The pharmacy mafia makes a lot of money by deceiving sick people.

But what to do? How to treat if there is deception everywhere? Doctor of Medical Sciences Belyaev Andrey Sergeevich conducted his own investigation and found a way out of this situation. In this article about pharmacy chaos, Andrei Sergeevich also told how to protect yourself from death due to a bad heart and pressure surges practically for free! Read the article on the official website of the Center for Healthcare and Cardiology of the Russian Federation at the link.

The most effective drugs for hypertension

Hypertension, according to WHO, is the most common pathology of the cardiovascular system. Men and women suffer from the disease equally often. Moreover, hypertension is usually diagnosed in patients over 40 years of age.

Hypertension is dangerous pathology. At untimely treatment the disease leads to cerebrovascular disorders, myocardial infarction, stroke, hypertensive crisis, and renal failure.

Arterial hypertension is difficult to compensate if the disease is accompanied by bradycardia, coronary disease heart, atherosclerosis (pathology accompanied by the deposition of cholesterol and lipoprotein fractions in the vessels).

Let's consider the classification of antihypertensive drugs:

  1. Diuretic medications. By removing excess fluid from the body, the walls of blood vessels dilate, the vascular lumen increases, and, accordingly, favorable conditions are created for lowering blood pressure. The disadvantage of diuretics is the fact that they have many contraindications, including renal failure and diabetes in the stage of decompensation.
  2. Beta blockers. By blocking beta-1 adrenergic receptors, medications reduce heart rate, lengthen diastole, reduce oxygen consumption by the heart muscle, and have an antiarrhythmic effect.
  3. ACE inhibitors. They contribute to the inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme, due to which inactive angiotensin I is converted into angiotensin II, which in turn causes vasoconstriction.
  4. Sartans. These new generation hypertension drugs are very effective. Medicines are used in great demand even in the EU countries and the USA. The latest generation of antihypertensive drugs block angiotensin II receptors, providing a long-lasting and persistent hypotensive effect.
  5. Calcium channel blockers. The tablets prevent the rapid entry of calcium into cells. Due to this, expansion occurs coronary vessels and improvement of blood flow in the heart muscle.

All tablets for high blood pressure are completely incompatible with alcohol. During the treatment period, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited. Ethanol not only neutralizes the therapeutic effect of the drugs, but also increases the likelihood of side effects from the central nervous system and cardiovascular organs.

Trade names of the drugs are shown in the table below.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about hypertension

I have been treating hypertension for many years. According to statistics, in 89% of cases, hypertension results in a heart attack or stroke and death. Currently, approximately two thirds of patients die within the first 5 years of disease progression.

The next fact is that it is possible and necessary to reduce blood pressure, but this does not cure the disease itself. The only medicine that is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of hypertension and is also used by cardiologists in their work is Giperium. The drug acts on the cause of the disease, making it possible to completely get rid of hypertension.

Accept antihypertensive drugs necessary daily. The dosage is selected by the attending physician. In case of resistant form of headache, lifelong use may be indicated.

Centrally acting antihypertensives

Centrally acting antihypertensive drugs are rarely used today. The fact is that these medications often cause side effects. In addition, some drugs are addictive.

Centrally acting antihypertensive tablets are usually used when necessary to relieve hypertensive crisis. This need is due to the fact that the medications begin to act literally minutes after administration.

The most effective medications of this type are:

You can take the above vasodilator drugs on an ongoing basis. But it is still not recommended to do this. Why? The fact is that today there are many effective antihypertensive drugs that are much better tolerated. The same ACE inhibitors or sartans act more gently, are not addictive, and provide a longer therapeutic effect.

Centrally acting antihypertensives are contraindicated during pregnancy. cardiogenic shock, renal failure, cerebral atherosclerosis.

Combined antihypertensive drugs

There are cases that medications for hypertension do not allow the patient to achieve stable stabilization of blood pressure. This phenomenon is usually observed in resistant forms of headache.

In this case, it is more advisable for the patient to take several antihypertensive drugs at once. But this is not very convenient and is expensive. In this case, antihypertensive combination tablets, which contain 2 active substances, help solve the problem.

Let's look at the most effective medications in this group:

Supplements for high blood pressure

Modern medications for hypertension have many contraindications and side effects. In view of this, some patients prefer to take dietary supplements for plant based(biologically active additives).

Such remedies are somewhat more effective than classic tinctures of hawthorn or motherwort. In addition, dietary supplements are not addictive, do not impair potency, and in some cases can even be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women.

The safest and most effective dietary supplements are:

  • Normolife (erroneously called Normalif). Release form: tincture.
  • BP-minus. Available in tablet form.
  • Normaten. Release form: tablets.
  • Hypertostop. Available in the form of drops.
  • Cardimap. Release form: tablets.

The instructions for the above drugs say that the drugs can be used as part of complex therapy, that is, together with synthetic antihypertensive tablets. In addition, indications for the use of dietary supplements are neuroses, stress, and increased fatigue.

Dietary supplements should be taken with caution by hypertensive patients who are prone to allergic reactions.

Hypertensive drugs

It has already been noted above which drugs can be used to regulate high blood pressure. An equally common problem is arterial hypotension, that is, a decrease in blood pressure<90 на 60 мм.рт.ст.

Hypotensive patients have a question: which drug to choose to increase blood pressure? If we consider the most inexpensive means, we can mention Caffeine. It is enough to take 1-2 tablets once a day.

Effective means for normalizing blood pressure also include:

In conclusion, I would like to note that before using any hypo- or hypertensive drugs, you should first consult with your attending cardiologist.

Also, if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, do not forget about diet, an active lifestyle, and complete cessation of bad habits (smoking, alcoholism). For auxiliary purposes, hypertensive and hypotensive patients can take multivitamin complexes - Aevit, Alphabet, Doppelhertz Active Omega-3, Magne B6, Complivit, etc.

Drawing conclusions

Heart attacks and strokes are the cause of almost 70% of all deaths in the world. Seven out of ten people die due to blockages in the arteries of the heart or brain.

What’s especially scary is the fact that a lot of people don’t even suspect that they have hypertension. And they miss the opportunity to fix something, simply dooming themselves to death.

  • Headache
  • Increased heart rate
  • Black dots before the eyes (floaters)
  • Apathy, irritability, drowsiness
  • Blurred vision
  • Sweating
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Facial swelling
  • Numbness and chills in fingers
  • Pressure surges

Even one of these symptoms should give you pause. And if there are two of them, then have no doubt - you have hypertension.

How to treat hypertension when there are a large number of medications that cost a lot of money?

Most medications will do no good, and some may even be harmful! At the moment, the only medicine that is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of hypertension is Giperium.

The Institute of Cardiology, together with the Ministry of Health, is conducting a “no hypertension” program. Within the framework of which the drug Giperium is available at a reduced price - 1 ruble, to all residents of the city and region!

Arterial hypertension is one of the most common types of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, which is getting younger every year. Lack of timely treatment of the disease leads to premature wear of the heart and blood vessels, resulting in the development of complications dangerous to life and health: cardiac ischemia, strokes, heart attacks, hypertensive crises and even death.

In order not to bring your body to a “borderline” state in the bad sense of the word, you need a comprehensive, regular intake of medications. Modern drugs provide the best results in the fight against hypertension.

Modern medications for blood pressure

Treatment of hypertension is complex. To achieve the desired effect, a diverse effect on the patient’s body is required. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed new generation medications.

They are perfectly adapted to the conditions in which the modern patient is being treated, and are maximally improved, due to which they have the ability to act quickly.

The listed drugs are among the popular medications used by modern doctors in the fight against hypertension. In addition to the type of effect, all new generation drugs used to treat hypertension can also be divided into some other categories.

Centrally acting drugs

Blood pressure never rises for no reason. Elevated numbers on the tonometer scale are a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of individual organ systems.

The drug Clonidine

One of the most important regulators of blood pressure is the sympathetic nervous system. Pathologies in its functioning can lead to sudden jumps or persistently elevated blood pressure.

To eliminate this pathology, centrally acting drugs are used, which reduce sympathetic impulses to the heart and blood vessels. The active substances inhibit the vasomotor center, resulting in a decrease in blood pressure.

Centrally acting drugs include the following drugs:

  • Clonidine;
  • Hemiton;
  • Catapresan;
  • Clonidine;
  • other drug options.

Most centrally acting drugs have a fairly “powerful” composition, so they can cause not only side effects, but also withdrawal symptoms.

To prevent this from happening, you must take medications from this category exclusively under the supervision and as prescribed by your doctor.

Combination drugs

These are new generation products that contain 2-3 active substances. Due to this feature, drugs in this group have a longer period of influence on the body, so they are taken once a day.

Medicines that can be classified as combination medications include:

  • Lorista N or Lozap plus;
  • Renipril GT;
  • Tonorma;
  • Noliprel;
  • Exforge;
  • other drugs.

The prolonged action of combined drugs requires careful monitoring of the patient's condition in the first days of use.

Overdose and independent increase in the volume of the drug used are unacceptable. Such actions can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure and worsening of the condition.

Antihypertensive drugs

A separate group of antihypertensive drugs that give a good effect include medications that can act directly on the walls of blood vessels - myotropic and neurotropic - eliminating spasm of the smooth muscles of the body tissues and relaxing the blood vessels.

Nitroglycerin tablets

Such medications contribute to a rapid decrease in indicators. Only the attending physician should prescribe the drug, determine its dosage and duration of use, based on test results, the severity of the disease and the patient’s state of health.

Myotropic antihypertensive drugs include Nitroglycerin, Sodium Nitroprusside, Minoxidil and others. The group of neurotropic drugs includes Clonidine and many other drugs.

Supplements for high blood pressure

Dietary supplements or dietary supplements are another effective remedy that can give a good effect in the fight against hypertension.

Dietary supplement Lecithin

Such drugs contain substances of natural origin, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, as well as restoring normal blood pressure levels.

Dietary supplements are consumed during meals, adding them to regular food. The dietary supplement does not spoil the taste of the main products and at the same time has a positive effect on the condition of the body.

The positive properties of dietary supplements include:

  • removal of salts and excess fluid;
  • lowering sugar levels;
  • maintaining liver and kidney function;
  • burning excess fat reserves;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • neutralization and subsequent removal of cholesterol deposits from the body.

Depending on the composition, dietary supplements may also differ in other beneficial properties.

In order for the dietary supplement to give the desired effect, it is necessary to follow the diet prescribed for hypertensive patients: eat less salty, spicy, sweet, fried and fatty foods, opting for cereals, vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products and lean meats and fish.

  1. Cardiol. The dietary supplement is indicated for people with hypertension, as well as athletes. Helps avoid the development of atherosclerosis. It is not recommended to take during pregnancy, lactation, or in childhood;
  2. Hypertol. The drug is taken for no more than 1 month. The drug has a powerful diuretic effect, due to which a rapid decrease in blood pressure is possible;
  3. Batenin. This is a dietary supplement, the main ingredient of which is beets. The product is used for preventive purposes. Patients of any age can use dietary supplements;
  4. Lecithin. The additive is used for preventive purposes. The product can be used even by patients who do not have pathologies in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The dietary supplement helps remove excess cholesterol from the blood, resulting in a decrease in blood pressure;
  5. milk thistle oil. The product allows you to prevent the development of sclerotic processes inside the vessels. This effect is possible due to the presence of fat-soluble vitamins, flavonoids, silymarin, biogenic amines and other ingredients in the dietary supplement. The dietary supplement is obtained from plant raw materials that have undergone cold pressing, which allows preserving the natural beneficial properties of the plant.

Video on the topic

List of latest generation antihypertensive drugs in the video:

Treatment of hypertension is a long, complex process that must be managed by the attending physician. The success of therapeutic measures depends on the patient’s timely contact with a specialist, as well as on how seriously the patient follows the recommendations issued by the doctor.

The newest - a list of the latest generation of antihypertensive drugs - recommendations, tips, videos

The information on the website is for reference and general information, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medications in the course of treatment.