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Immunobiological preparations. Combined five-component vaccine Pentaxim

1. By the nature of the antigen.

Bacterial vaccines

Viral vaccines

2.According to cooking methods.

Live vaccines

Inactivated vaccines (killed, non-live)

Molecular (anatoxins)

Genetic engineering


3. By the presence of a complete or incomplete set of antigens.



4. By the ability to develop immunity to one or more pathogens.


Associated vaccines.

Live vaccines– preparations in which the following are used as the active principle:

Attenuated, i.e. weakened (lost their pathogenicity) strains of microorganisms;

So-called divergent strains of non-pathogenic microorganisms that have related antigens to the antigens of pathogenic microorganisms;

Recombinant strains of microorganisms obtained by genetic engineering (vector vaccines).

Immunization with a live vaccine leads to the development of the vaccine process, which occurs in the majority of vaccinated people without visible clinical manifestations. The main advantage of this type of vaccine– a completely preserved set of pathogen antigens, which ensures the development of long-term immunity even after a single immunization. However, there are also a number of disadvantages. The main one is the risk of developing a manifest infection as a result of reduced attenuation of the vaccine strain (for example, live polio vaccine in rare cases can cause polio, including the development of spinal cord damage and paralysis).

Attenuated vaccines made from microorganisms with reduced pathogenicity, but pronounced immunogenicity. Their introduction into the body simulates an infectious process.

Divergent vaccines– microorganisms that are closely related to pathogens of infectious diseases are used as vaccine strains. Antigens of such microorganisms induce an immune response cross-directed against the antigens of the pathogen.

Recombinant (vector) vaccines– are created based on the use of non-pathogenic microorganisms with genes for specific antigens of pathogenic microorganisms built into them. As a result of this, a living non-pathogenic recombinant strain introduced into the body produces an antigen of the pathogenic microorganism, which ensures the formation of specific immunity. That. the recombinant strain acts as a vector (conductor) of a specific antigen. As vectors, for example, DNA-containing vaccinia virus, non-pathogenic salmonella are used, into the genome of which the HBs genes - the hepatitis B virus antigen - are introduced, virus antigens tick-borne encephalitis and etc.

Bacterial vaccines

Vaccine name


Tuberculosis, BCG (from bovine mycobacteria)

Att., Div.

A. Calmette, C. Guerin

Plague, EV

G. Girard, J. Robic


B.Ya. Elbert, N.A. Gaisky

Anthrax, STI

L.A. Tamarin, R.A. Saltykov


P.A. Vershilova

Q fever, M-44

V.A.Genig, P.F.Zdrodovsky



Smallpox (cowpox virus)


A.A. Smorodintsev, M.P. Chumakov

Yellow fever




A.A. Smorodintsev, N.S. Klyachko

Venezuelan encephalomyelitis

V.A.Andreev, A.A.Vorobiev


A. Sabin, M. P. Chumakov, A. A. Smorodintsev

Note: Att. – attenuated, Div. – divergent.

Inactivated vaccines– prepared from killed microbial bodies or metabolites, as well as individual antigens obtained biosynthetically or chemically. These vaccines exhibit lower (compared to live) immunogenicity, which leads to the need for multiple immunizations, however, they are devoid of ballast substances, which reduces the incidence of side effects.

Corpuscular (whole cell, whole virion) vaccines– contain a full set of antigens, prepared from killed virulent microorganisms (bacteria or viruses) by heat treatment or exposure to chemical agents (formalin, acetone). For example, anti-plague (bacterial), anti-rabies (viral).

Component (subunit) vaccines– consist of individual antigenic components that can ensure the development of an immune response. To isolate such immunogenic components, various physicochemical methods are used, which is why they are also called chemical vaccines. For example, subunit vaccines against pneumococci (based on capsule polysaccharides), typhoid fever (based on O-, H-, Vi - antigens), anthrax (polysaccharides and capsule polypeptides), influenza (viral neuraminidase and hemagglutinin). To make these vaccines more immunogenic, they are combined with adjuvants (sorbed on aluminum hydroxide).

Genetically engineered vaccines contain pathogen antigens obtained using genetic engineering methods and include only highly immunogenic components that contribute to the formation of an immune response.

Ways to create genetically engineered vaccines:

1. Introduction of virulence genes into avirulent or weakly virulent microorganisms (see vector vaccines).

2. Introduction of virulence genes into unrelated microorganisms with subsequent isolation of antigens and their use as an immunogen. For example, for the immunoprophylaxis of hepatitis B, a vaccine consisting of the HBsAg virus has been proposed. It is obtained from yeast cells into which a viral gene (in the form of a plasmid) encoding the synthesis of HBsAg has been introduced. The drug is purified from yeast proteins and used for immunization.

3. Artificial removal of virulence genes and the use of modified organisms in the form of corpuscular vaccines. Selective removal of virulence genes opens up broad prospects for obtaining persistently attenuated strains of Shigella, toxigenic Escherichia coli, pathogens of typhoid fever, cholera and other bacteria. There is an opportunity to create polyvalent vaccines for the prevention of intestinal infections.

Molecular vaccines– these are preparations in which the antigen is represented by metabolites of pathogenic microorganisms, most often molecular bacterial exotoxins - toxoids.

Anatoxins– toxins neutralized by formaldehyde (0.4%) at 37-40 ºС for 4 weeks, completely losing toxicity, but retaining the antigenicity and immunogenicity of the toxins and used for the prevention of toxinemic infections (diphtheria, tetanus, botulism, gas gangrene, staphylococcal infections and etc.). The usual source of toxins is industrially cultivated natural producer strains. I produce toxoids in the form of mono- (diphtheria, tetanus, staphylococcal) and associated (diphtheria-tetanus, botulinum trianatoxin) drugs.

Conjugate vaccines are complexes of bacterial polysaccharides and toxins (for example, a combination of Haemophilus influenzae antigens and diphtheria toxoid). Attempts are being made to create mixed acellular vaccines that include toxoids and some other pathogenicity factors, for example, adhesins (for example, acellular pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine).

Mono-vaccines – vaccines used to create immunity to one pathogen (monovalent drugs).

Associated drugs – to simultaneously create multiple immunity, these drugs combine antigens of several microorganisms (usually killed). The most commonly used are: adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine (DPT vaccine), tetravaccine (vaccine against typhoid fever, paratyphoid A and B, tetanus toxoid), ADS vaccine (diphtheria-tetanus toxoid).

Vaccine administration methods.

Vaccine preparations are administered orally, subcutaneously, intradermally, parenterally, intranasally and inhalation. The method of administration determines the properties of the drug. Live vaccines can be administered cutaneously (scarification), intranasally, or orally; toxoids are administered subcutaneously, and non-live corpuscular vaccines are administered parenterally.

Intramuscularly sorbed vaccines (DTP, ADS, ADS-M, HBV, IPV) are administered (after thorough mixing). The upper outer quadrant of the gluteal muscle should not be used, since in 5% of children the nerve trunk passes there, and the buttocks of the infant are poor in muscle, so the vaccine can get into the fatty tissue (risk of slowly resolving granuloma). The injection site is the anterior outer thigh (lateral part of the quadriceps muscle) or, in children over 5-7 years old, the deltoid muscle. The needle is inserted vertically (at an angle of 90°). After the injection, you should pull back the syringe plunger and inject the vaccine only if there is no blood, otherwise the injection should be repeated. Before injection, gather the muscle into a fold with two fingers, increasing the distance to the periosteum. On the thigh, the thickness of the subcutaneous layer in a child up to the age of 18 months is 8 mm (max. 12 mm), and the thickness of the muscle is 9 mm (max. 12 mm), so a needle 22-25 mm long is sufficient. Another method- in children with a thick fat layer - stretch the skin over the injection site, reducing the thickness of the subcutaneous layer; at the same time, the depth of needle insertion is less (up to 16 mm). On the arm, the thickness of the fat layer is only 5-7 mm, and the thickness of the muscle is 6-7 mm. In patients hemophilia intramuscular injection is carried out into the muscles of the forearm, subcutaneous - into the back of the hand or foot, where it is easy to press the injection channel. Subcutaneously unsorbed - live and polysaccharide - vaccines are administered: into the subscapular region, into outer surface shoulder (at the border of the upper and middle third) or in the anterior outer region of the thigh. Intradermal injection (BCG) is carried out into the outer surface of the shoulder, the Mantoux reaction is carried out into the flexor surface of the forearm. OPV is administered by mouth; if a child regurgitates a dose of the vaccine, he is given a second dose; if he regurgitates that too, vaccination is postponed.

Observation of vaccinated people lasts 30 minutes, when an anaphylactic reaction is theoretically possible. Parents should be informed about possible reactions that require contacting a doctor. The child is observed by a foster nurse first 3 days after administration inactivated vaccine, on the 5-6th and 10-11th days - after the administration of live vaccines. Information about the vaccination performed is recorded in registration forms, vaccination logs and in the Certificate of Preventive Vaccinations.

According to the degree of need, the following are distinguished: planned (mandatory) vaccination, which is carried out in accordance with the vaccination calendar and vaccination for epidemiological indications, which is carried out to urgently create immunity in persons at risk of developing an infection.


(Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 48 dated 02/03/2006)

Vaccinations by age


Vaccination from:


Hepatitis B


Hepatitis B

Diphtheria, Whooping cough, Tetanus Poliomyelitis (IPV) Haemophilus influenzae

Children at high risk of developing post-vaccination complications with the DTaP vaccine

Diphtheria, Whooping cough, Tetanus Poliomyelitis (OPV) Haemophilus influenzae infection

Children at high risk of developing post-vaccination complications with the DTaP vaccine

Hepatitis B

Measles, Rubella, Mumps

Diphtheria, Whooping cough, Tetanus vaccine DTaP Poliomyelitis (OPV) Haemophilus influenzae infection

Diphtheria, Tetanus Poliomyelitis (OPV) Measles, Rubella, Mumps


Diphtheria, Tetanus Poliomyelitis (OPV) Tuberculosis

Rubella (girls), Mumps (boys)

Diphtheria, Tetanus


Diphtheria, Tetanus

Vaccinations for the prevention of tuberculosis are not carried out on the same day as other vaccinations. It is unacceptable to combine vaccinations for the prevention of tuberculosis with other parenteral procedures on the same day. Children aged 7 and 14 years with a negative Mantoux test result are subject to revaccination against tuberculosis. Revaccination is carried out with the BCG vaccine.

All newborns are subject to vaccination to prevent hepatitis B, vaccination is carried out with a monovalent vaccine (Engerix B). If the mother of the newborn is HBsAg “-” (negative), which is documented, you can start vaccinating the child during the first months of life or combine it with vaccinations against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio (Infanrix IPV, Infanrix penta). In the case of a combination of immunization with vaccinations against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and polio, the following regimens are recommended: 3-4-5-18 months of life or 3-4-9 months. life. If the mother of the newborn is HBsAg “+” (positive), the child is vaccinated according to the schedule (the first day of life) - 1-6 months. The first dose is administered in the first 12 hours of the child’s life, regardless of body weight. Along with vaccination, but no later than the 1st week of life, specific immunoglobulin against hepatitis B must be injected into another part of the body at the rate of 40 IU/kg body weight, but not less than 100 IU. If the mother of a newborn with HBsAg has an uncertain HBsAg status, the child must be vaccinated in the first 12 hours of life with a simultaneous study of the mother’s HBsAg status. If a positive result is obtained in the mother, hepatitis B prevention is carried out in the same way as in the case of vaccinating a newborn child against HBsAg “+” mother.

The interval between the first and second, second and third vaccination with DTP vaccine is 30 days. The interval between the third and fourth vaccinations should be at least 12 months. The first revaccination at 18 months is carried out with a vaccine with an acellular pertussis component (hereinafter referred to as AaDPT) (Infanrix). DTaP is used for further vaccination of children who have had post-vaccination complications with previous DTaP vaccinations, as well as for all vaccinations for children at high risk of developing post-vaccination complications based on the results of the vaccine commission or pediatric immunologist. Combination vaccines (with different options combinations of antigens) that are registered in Ukraine (Infanrix hexa).

Inactivated vaccine for the prevention of polio (hereinafter IPV) is used for the first two vaccinations, and in case of contraindications to the administration of oral polio vaccine (hereinafter OPV) - for all subsequent vaccinations according to the vaccination calendar (Poliorix, Infanrix IPV, Infanrix penta, Infanrix hexa). After OPV vaccination, it is proposed to limit injections, parenteral interventions, elective surgeries within 40 days, avoid contact with sick and HIV-infected people.

Vaccination to prevent Hib infection can be carried out with monovaccines and combination vaccines that contain the Hib component (Hiberix). When using Hib vaccine and DTP from different manufacturers, the vaccines are administered to different parts of the body. It is advisable to use combination vaccines with a Hib component for primary vaccination (Infanrix hexa).

Vaccination for the prevention of measles, mumps and rubella is carried out with a combination vaccine (hereinafter referred to as MCV) at the age of 12 months (Priorix). Repeated vaccination to prevent measles, mumps and rubella is given to children aged 6 years. Children who were not vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella at 12 months and 6 years of age can be vaccinated at any age up to 18 years. In this case, the child should receive 2 doses with a minimum interval. Children aged 15 years who have received 1 or 2 vaccinations against measles, but have not been vaccinated against mumps and rubella and have not had these infections, are given routine vaccination against mumps (boys) or against rubella (girls). Persons over 18 years of age who have not previously been vaccinated against these diseases can be vaccinated with one dose according to epidemic indications at any age up to 30 years. Past measles illnesses, mumps or rubella is not a contraindication to vaccination with the trivaccine.

  • What is the reaction to the Infanrix vaccine (Infanrix Hexa)?
  • Temperature after vaccination with Infanrix Hexa
    • What antipyretic drugs help reduce fever?
    • When is fever after vaccination an indication to seek medical help?
  • What is better: the combination of the Infanrix vaccine (DTP) + Imovax Polio or the Pentaxim vaccine?
  • We had our first vaccination at 3 months with Infanrix IPV. Now is the second vaccination. It is not clear where Infanrix IPV has gone, but you can order the Infanrix vaccine (DTP). What is the best way to administer Infanrix and polio – separately (Infanrix + OPV), or wait for Infanrix IPV?
  • What is better: to put Infanrix and Poliorix, or to wait for Infanrix IPV?
  • How to replace Infanrix IPV Hib during revaccination? Can I use Pentaxim?
  • What is the difference between Infanrix with hepatitis (Infanrix Hexa) and Pentaxim? Which drug is better to choose for the first DPT vaccination?
  • Infanrix vaccination: reviews from doctors and parents (2014)

  • Which is better: Pentaxim vaccine, Infanrix Hexa vaccine or DTP?

    What is better: imported Infanrix, Infanrix Hexa or DPT vaccine?

    The most serious drawback vaccines DPT is an imperfection of the pertussis component, which in this “ancient” vaccine is represented by a “killed” culture of pertussis bacilli.

    At the same time, in new imported drugs from the group Infanrix The pertussis component consists of purified antigens, as a result of which it causes significantly fewer unpleasant side effects and serious complications.

    Thus, when choosing between DTP and Infanrix, you should definitely choose the Infanrix vaccine.

    The usual three-component vaccine Infanrix, in fact, is a modern analogue of the good old DTP, since it protects against only three diseases - whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. This means that the prescribed vaccinations for polio, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae infections, you will have to administer it separately.

    Many parents unreasonably believe that they should not “torment their child” with too much antigenic load of complex multicomponent vaccines, and prefer the combination of Infanrix with monovaccines (that is, with vaccines that protect only against one disease), which are administered on different days.

    For example, instead of Infanrix Hexa, you can use the combination Infanrix + Imovax Polio (killed mono-vaccine against polio, manufactured in France) + Engerix B (vaccine against hepatitis B, manufactured in the UK) + Hiberix (vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae, manufactured in the UK).

    Of course, this is expensive, inconvenient and, ultimately, painful for the child (after all, you will have to do 4 injections instead of one), but many parents think that in this way they can protect their child from a one-time overload.

    Meanwhile, it has been clinically proven that the use of multicomponent vaccines generally reduces the number of unpleasant side effects and complications. So if vaccinations against these six diseases have not yet been carried out or have not been carried out in full, then it is better to give preference to Infanrix Hexa over the three-component Infanrix vaccine.

    Differences between Infanrix Hexa and Pentaxim

    The Pentaxim vaccine, in accordance with its name (the prefix penta means “five”), protects against five diseases - whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio and infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae. So if you choose this particular drug, the hepatitis B vaccine will have to be administered separately.

    It should be noted that the absence of a hepatitis component may be an advantage when vaccination against of this disease have already done.

    The fact is that, in accordance with the vaccination calendar, primary immunization against hepatitis B begins in the maternity hospital, and the second dose should be administered in the second month of life. A total of three doses of the hepatitis B vaccine are required, so in each case you should carefully monitor the vaccination schedule and consult with your doctor.

    The second feature of the Pentaxim vaccine is that, unlike Infanrix Hexa, the pertussis element is represented not by three, but by two antigens.

    This approach has its positive and negative sides. The undoubted advantage of the Pentaxim vaccine will be less stress on the immune system and fewer adverse side effects associated with the pertussis component, since here it is significantly “lightened”.

    However, this advantage is offset by the fact that in the event of infection with the whooping cough bacterium, the immune response will not be as strong.

    Therefore, when choosing between the Pentaxim and Infanrix Hexa vaccines, you should consult with your doctor, who will take into account factors such as the relationship between the risk of developing a reaction to a full-fledged pertussis component and the risk of contracting whooping cough in a particular child.

    Which is better - Tetraxim or Infanrix IPV?

    Tetraxim, in accordance with its name (the prefix tetra means fourfold), protects against four infections - whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and polio. So it can be called an analogue of Infanrix IPV.

    However, the analogy will not be complete since, as in the case of the Pentaxim vaccine, the pertussis element of the Tetraxim vaccine is represented by only two antigens - pertussis toxoid and filamentous hemagglutinin. So the immune response, in fact, will be developed only to toxins - “poisons” secreted by the bacterium.

    While Infanrix also contains pertactin, the outer protein of the bacterium, which promotes its adhesion (sticking) to the walls of the trachea. Thus, the immune response generated by the Infanrix vaccine will not allow the whooping cough bacteria to gain a foothold and multiply in the body.

    So, purely theoretically, Infanrix should cause stronger immunity, however, the number of adverse reactions to this vaccine will also be somewhat greater. In controversial cases, it is better to consult with your doctor, who will weigh the pros and cons.

    However, it should be noted that there are no particularly significant differences in clinical trials both drugs were not identified. Children vaccinated with Tetraxim do not get whooping cough or transfer the disease to mild form, and the number of complications and side effects after Infanrix is ​​not much different from the indicators of Tetraxim.

    So if only one of the vaccines is available, it makes no sense to wait for another, as it is more suitable.

    Infanrix has disappeared. I looked through all the pharmacies - out of stock. What is better: wait until the Infanrix vaccine appears and skip the vaccination time according to the calendar, or administer Pentaxim or DTP after Infanrix (Infanrix IPV Hib, country of origin: Belgium)? We have our third Infanrix vaccination.

    Most doctors recommend primary immunization (that is, the first three vaccinations) against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio and Haemophilus influenzae infection with a drug from the same manufacturer.

    This is especially true for the pertussis component, which is necessarily included in Infanrix, DTP and Pentaxim, as well as the vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae, which is part of the drug Pentaxim.

    Therefore, it is better to wait until the Infanrix vaccine becomes available.

    Is it possible to revaccinate DTP with Infanrix?

    Yes. Possible. After three DTP vaccinations, you can revaccinate with Infanrix, which contains purified pertussis antigens. The immunity will be quite strong, and the likelihood of adverse reactions after revaccination will be significantly reduced.

    The remaining two components (diphtheria and tetanus) in the Infanrix and DPT vaccines are completely identical.

    Is it possible to revaccinate DTP after Infanrix?

    No. If you have had three Infanrix vaccinations, it is also better to get a revaccination with Infanrix. The fact is that after primary immunization with the purified pertussis antigen, which is contained in Infanrix, it is better not to administer the “ancient” killed pertussis vaccine from DPT.

    Moreover, the drug Infanrix is ​​much better tolerated than DPT.

    Is it possible to start vaccination with Infanrix after a year? I would like to wait until the baby gets stronger

    No. It is forbidden. The calendar was developed by medical professionals in the interests of the child. The fact is that, firstly, infections will not wait until the baby gets stronger, so in case of an accidental encounter with an insidious microorganism, a disease may develop. And any infections are especially dangerous for children in their first year of life.

    Secondly, by postponing vaccinations for a year, you are doing your child a disservice - in the first year of life, vaccinations are much easier to tolerate.

    When is caution necessary to avoid adverse side effects of the Infanrix vaccine?

    When carrying out primary immunization of prematurely born children (up to 28 weeks of gestation), the possibility of respiratory arrest should be taken into account. Therefore, the vaccination is done in a hospital setting to ensure monitoring of respiratory function for 2-3 days.

    Particular caution is required when vaccinating children suffering from thrombocytopenia or pathology of the blood coagulation system, since such an unpleasant complication as bleeding may develop.

    To prevent the formation of intramuscular hematoma, the injection site should be pressed without rubbing for 2 minutes after administration of the vaccine.

    I read reviews from 2014 about complications after the drug vaccine Infanrix Hexa (manufactured in Belgium). Is any preparation necessary for vaccination to avoid complications?

    Will medication preparation for the Infanrix Hexa vaccination help?

    Many parents try to keep their child safe available means, therefore, they resort to medical and “natural folk” methods that supposedly can help avoid complications from the “terrible six-component vaccine” - antihistamines, immunomodulators, “vitamins”, “herbs”, “ homeopathic remedies for immunity,” etc. You don’t need to do any of this.

    No special preparations are required for vaccination with Infanrix Hexa. However, it is known that a strong, healthy and seasoned child tolerates any vaccination more easily than a frail and sick one.

    It follows that preparation for vaccination includes constant concern for the child’s health, correct mode sleep and nutrition, hygiene procedures, hardening, etc.

    In addition, you should adhere to a few simple rules outlined below.

    "Family" temporary contraindications to Infanrix Hexa vaccination

    It is not at all necessary that vaccination be carried out minute by minute: any mother can postpone it for her own “family” reasons, guided by two basic rules.

    The first and main rule: On the day of vaccination, the child must be absolutely healthy. Therefore, if parents notice any alarming symptoms that are invisible to the prying eye, which may turn out to be signs of an incipient disease, it is better to postpone vaccination for one day to clarify the situation.

    So, for example, it is undesirable to vaccinate if the baby did not sleep well the day before, did not eat his favorite porridge well, or was too capricious.

    Also delay vaccination if your child has had contact with someone less than three days before receiving the vaccine. big amount people and could “catch” some kind of viral infection (this is exactly the period required for symptoms of the disease to appear).

    Second rule: on the day of vaccination, as well as in the following week, the child should not be exposed to unfavorable factors external environment: Postpone vaccination if it is extremely hot or brutally cold outside. Also, you should not administer the drug if anyone in your household has become infected with ARVI, or if you are planning a family holiday with a large number of guests or a long trip.

    The introduction of new food is also stressful for the baby’s body, so if you have introduced complementary foods or any new dish, wait three days before the vaccine is administered (of course, if you know the day of vaccination in advance, then simply do not experiment with the menu three days before the vaccine is administered and a week after).

    Preparing for Infanrix Hexa vaccination on the day of vaccination

    Experienced pediatricians claim that any vaccination, including such a complex one as Infanrix Hexa, is better tolerated on a half-empty stomach. So it is better to deliberately reduce the concentration of the milk formula or not feed the child a little before administering the vaccine. It is strictly not recommended to eat an hour before vaccination.

    At the clinic, try to have as little contact with strangers as possible - it’s best to stand somewhere on the sidelines, or take a turn and walk with your baby on the street. Unfortunately, the clinic is a known source of infection, healthy people They go there extremely rarely.

    The gateway for most viral infections is the upper respiratory tract, therefore, in order to protect your child from infection in a densely crowded corridor, instill saline solution into your baby every 15-20 minutes (2-3 drops in each nostril).

    How to behave after vaccination to prevent side effects of Infanrix Hexa?

    After vaccination, it is recommended to remain under the direct supervision of a doctor for at least 30 minutes. However, in practice, the stay in the vaccination room is limited to 5-7 minutes, because the room is needed by other patients.

    Consequently, doctors will advise parents to sit with their child in the hallway, where we know there is an increased risk of infection. The wisest way out of the situation would be to go for a walk with your child in the fresh air, without moving too far from the clinic building.

    After vaccination, it is advisable to maintain a maximum fasting period; you can give the baby some water, entertain, distract, etc. It will be ideal if you manage to withstand 3 hours without food.

    On the day of vaccination, your child should not overeat; it is recommended drinking plenty of fluids and fresh air. In the next week, you should limit contact with strangers.

    What is the reaction to the Infanrix vaccine (Infanrix Hexa)?

    A reaction to any vaccine, including the Infanrix vaccine, is a temporary health disorder that, as a rule, goes away without a trace.

    This is a fundamental difference between a reaction to a vaccine (an unpleasant side effect) and a complication, which is a more persistent disorder and subsequently serves as a contraindication for repeated use of the vaccine.

    All reactions to vaccination can be divided into general and local. Local reactions occur at the site of drug administration and are manifested by the following symptoms:

    • soreness;
    • redness;
    • compaction of soft tissues.
    About general reaction People are advised to get vaccinated when the following signs appear:
    • increased body temperature;
    • general weakness, lethargy, drowsiness;
    • arthralgia (joint pain);
    • nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain;
    • short-term fainting states.

    Temperature after vaccination with Infanrix Hexa

    What should I do if the Infanrix Hexa vaccine causes a general reaction such as fever?

    An increase in temperature as a general reaction to the Infanrix Hexa vaccine most often occurs on the first day after vaccination and can last for two, less often for three days.

    In this case, parents must follow the following algorithm of actions:
    1. In the room where the child is located, it is necessary to maintain relative coolness (about 20 degrees) and normal humidity (50-70%).
    2. The standard rule for all childhood problems is to reduce the amount of food and increase the amount of drink.
    3. For drinking, it is very useful to use special solutions for oral dehydration, such as Gastrolit, Gidrovit, Regidron, Regidare, Orasan, Humana Electrolyte, etc. (available in almost any pharmacy).
    4. An increase in temperature in the event of a vaccination reaction is not associated with the actual immunogenicity of the vaccine, but with its reactogenicity. In other words, an increase in body temperature is not associated with the creation of an immune memory of the infection, but is a manifestation of an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is quite justified to prescribe antipyretic drugs when the temperature rises above 37.5 degrees Celsius.

    Thus, it is advisable to stock up on oral dehydration solutions and antipyretic drugs on the eve of the vaccination.

    What antipyretic drugs help reduce the temperature after Infanrix?

    The optimal antipyretic drugs used for vaccination reactions are the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs paracetamol and ibuprofen, which can be bought at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

    Paracetamol (Acetaminophen, Acetofen, Daleron, Panadol, Paracet, Efferalgan) is taken at a dose of 10-15 mg/kg body weight. In this case, the frequency of use of the drug per day should not exceed 4-5 times at intervals of at least 4 hours, so that the total dose does not exceed 60 mg/kg body weight.

    Many parents use suppositories; this route of administration is gentler on the baby’s stomach. However, in this case, it should be remembered that the higher the body temperature, the slower the flow will be. active substance into the blood. Therefore, when high temperature It is advisable to take paracetamol orally.

    The optimal single dose of ibuprofen (Brufen, Nurofen) is much lower - 5-10 mg/kg body weight. In this case, taking the antipyretic drug can be repeated only after 6 hours, so that daily dose did not exceed 20 mg/kg.

    When is fever after vaccination an indication to seek medical help?

    An indication for seeking medical help is a body temperature after vaccination with Infanrix Hexa above 38.5 degrees Celsius or persistence of a fever above 37.3 degrees on the fourth day after vaccination.

    Seal after Infanrix: what to do?

    Induration after vaccination with Infanrix occurs at the injection site and is associated with redness, pain and swelling. This is the tissue reaction to the vaccine components.

    It should be noted that the local reaction to inactivated vaccines, which includes Infanrix, is always higher than to live ones. This circumstance is due to the fact that special substances are added to such vaccines - adjuvants, which enhance the local reaction and contribute to the formation of a more pronounced immune response.

    A local reaction to the Infanrix vaccine appears within the first two days and lasts from two to ten days. In this case, there are three severity of local reaction:

    • light (up to 2.5 cm);
    • moderate severity (2.5 – 5 cm);
    • heavy (more than 5 cm).
    For moderate and severe reactions, the child should be shown to a doctor. The fact is that such a reaction can be caused by a low-quality vaccine (expired or stored in improper conditions) or violations of vaccination rules (lack of sterility, incorrect choice of place and method of vaccination, etc.).

    In such cases, compaction after Infanrix may be complicated by the development of local purulent complications requiring surgical intervention and/or antibiotic therapy.

    In addition, severe local reactions include the appearance of an allergic rash at the injection site and/or an increase in regional lymph nodes. In extremely severe cases, swelling can involve a nearby joint or spread to the entire limb. Such reactions are extremely rare and require specialized medical care.

    As for a mild local reaction, it is normal, indicating activation of the immune system. Therefore, no additional measures to eliminate it are required.

    There are tips online about how to use them to reduce unpleasant local symptoms such remedies as iodine mesh, compresses, cabbage leaves, etc. However, experienced experts claim that the effectiveness of such drugs is approaching zero.

    The child is one and a half years old. We provide vaccinations according to an individual calendar. We have already had BCG and hepatitis B. Which is better: the combination of the Infanrix (DPT) vaccine + Imovax Polio or the Pentaxim vaccine? What interests me is not the price, but how the vaccination is tolerated. I read the reviews - I can’t make up my mind, it seems like everything can happen here and there

    All of the drugs mentioned are well tolerated, so it is not surprising if you did not notice any big differences in the reviews of parents. But it should be taken into account that the Pentaxim vaccine will protect the child from five infections - whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, as well as infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae. While the named combination Infanrix (DTP) + Imovax Polio only starts from four.

    It’s not just about the cost of the drugs; in general, multicomponent vaccines are easier to tolerate, you will save time and will not expose your baby to the risk of infection during an additional visit to the clinic for vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae. So in this regard you will definitely win.

    In addition, in your case (the child began receiving vaccinations a year later than the standard schedule), Pentaxim, which contains a lightweight pertussis element, is more suitable.

    If you choose the Pentaxim vaccine, please note that you will need two more vaccinations with the same drug. Doctors recommend primary immunization with a vaccine from one manufacturer.

    We had our first vaccination at 3 months with Infanrix IPV. Now is the second vaccination. It is not clear where Infanrix IPV has gone, but you can order the Infanrix vaccine (DTP). What is the best way to administer Infanrix and polio – separately (Infanrix + OPV), or wait for Infanrix IPV?

    Infanrix IPV as a polio component has an inactivated (killed) culture of the polio virus. OPV is a live but weakened culture of the polio pathogen.

    These two components are interchangeable. Moreover, schemes have been developed where vaccination of children begins with vaccines such as IPV, and then switches to OPV. So you shouldn't have anything to fear in this regard.

    The advantages of OPV are improved immunity, ease of use (taken orally) and low cost of the drug. This vaccine is generally well tolerated. However, there are also disadvantages.

    The OPV vaccine is a live, albeit weakened, vaccine, so there are additional contraindications to the use of this drug. This drug is categorically not recommended for children with severe immune system disorders.

    In addition, a vaccinated child for some time turns into a spreader of a weakened polio infection, so it is undesirable to use the OPV vaccine in cases where the following categories of people are among those in contact with the baby:

    • unvaccinated against polio;
    • those suffering from immunodeficiency;
    • pregnant women.

    We have the 3rd Infanrix vaccination. The first two vaccinations were given with the Infanrix IPV vaccine. Today I checked the availability in pharmacies: Infanrix IPV is not available, but you can buy Infanrix (DTP) and Poliorix. I looked for reviews online, but it turned out that few parents had decided on such a combination. And Komarovsky does not write anything about this. What is better: to put Infanrix and Poliorix or wait for Infanrix IPV?

    The Poliorix vaccine contains the same killed polio virus culture as the polio component of the Infanrix IPV vaccine. Moreover, the Poliorix vaccine is produced by the same company as Infanrix IPV. So the combination of Infanrix (DTP) + Poliorix can easily replace Infanrix IPV.

    However, more high price drug combinations aren't the only thing you'll lose at. Your child will suffer from an increased number of injections because Infanrix and Poliorix will be injected separately into different limbs.

    Of course, this is not so tragic, but it’s better to check with the pharmacy when the drug arrives; it may make sense to wait.

    How to replace Infanrix IPV HIB? Revaccination is necessary. I don’t know why, but Infanrix (all types) has disappeared. Can I use Pentaxim?

    Yes, you can. Unlike the first three doses of primary immunization, for the fourth, booster (revaccination) dose, drugs from other manufacturers can be used.

    Pentaxim protects against the same diseases as Infanrix IPV Hib, so it can be successfully used as an analogue.

    What is the difference between Infanrix with hepatitis (Infanrix Hexa) and Pentaxim? Which drug is better to choose for the first DPT vaccination? The doctor says that in the future it will be necessary to pay attention to production and choose drugs from the same company.

    Infanrix drugs are manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline. If you followed exactly National calendar vaccinations of the Russian Federation, then for the first vaccination it is optimal to use the Infanrix Hexa vaccine - this way you will begin primary immunization against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio and Haemophilus influenzae and complete the course of immunization against hepatitis B (you should already have had the first two vaccinations).

    In the future, you should switch to Infanrix IPV Hib and continue to build an immune response against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio and Haemophilus influenzae. This drug will need to be administered three more doses: two remaining from the course of primary immunization and one booster (re-vaccination), at 4.5, 6 and 18 months, respectively.

    Pentaxim is manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur and is traditionally used for all four doses required for primary immunization and booster vaccination against whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, polio and Haemophilus influenzae.

    If you choose this drug, you will have to give the third hepatitis B dose separately. Its administration can be combined with the administration of the Pentaxim vaccine (on the same day, but in different parts of the body). If you feel sorry for the baby and refuse to give two injections in one day, you will have to go to the clinic one more time, exposing your child to the risk of contracting some kind of ARVI.

    Both drugs (Pentaxim and Infanrix) are well tolerated and have a fairly large number of grateful reviews on the Internet. To commit optimal choice Consult with your doctor, who will take into account the availability of drugs from this manufacturer in your region.

    Given the same availability of both drugs, it should be borne in mind that by choosing Infanrix, you will reduce the number of injections for your baby by at least one injection. You should especially think about it if you have not yet received a single vaccination against hepatitis B.

    It should be noted that when revaccination is carried out, it is allowed, although not recommended, to use drugs from another manufacturer.

    The appearance of a small child in a family is always associated with a lot of worries and troubles. Your mouth is full of worries - these words fully apply to every young parent. One of these headaches is the issue of vaccinations. To give or not to give, what are the advantages, what are the disadvantages, when it is possible and when it is not possible... One of the vaccinations given to newborn children is the Pentaxim vaccine. It’s worth figuring out what kind of animal it is and how painful it bites.

    What is vaccination

    In simple terms, an inoculation or vaccine is the introduction of a virus of a particular disease into the body. This is done so that the human body recognizes the substance “thrown” to it as the causative agent of the disease and fights it, thereby developing immunity against this infection. And if the virus enters the inside of a person again, the antibodies present there will recognize it and neutralize it. Thus, the disease is not scary for a vaccinated person, although, of course, in rare cases, he can also be exposed to the infection. But even if this happens, the disease will pass in a milder form and almost unnoticed.

    There are several types of vaccines, different in composition - live, inactivated, recombinant and toxoids. The first contains the pathogens themselves, so to speak, alive, the second contains them, but already “killed”, the third contains only parts of cells with bacteria, and the fourth is obtained due to the inactivation of the toxins of the pathogens.

    Why are vaccinations needed?

    Many today ask a similar question, but the answer to it is the simplest - so as not to get sick. It is thanks to the existence and effect of vaccinations that a large number of diseases have now been eliminated, which did not allow us to live in peace and often caused the death of a huge number of people in past centuries. For example, smallpox - how many people became its victims!

    Vaccines also help fight liver and cervical cancer and prevent the development of human papillomavirus. And in general, if the overwhelming majority of the population is vaccinated, then even the unvaccinated (those who have certain contraindications) simply have no one to catch the infection from - therefore, the disease may disappear.

    To bet or not to bet

    This is another pressing issue that has plagued more than one generation of moms and dads. Many are sure: vaccinations are evil, they are dangerous, and it is because of them that a child can get sick. But if you don’t give your baby a vaccine, then nothing will happen to him. It often comes to the point that even in the maternity hospital, women write a refusal to vaccinate their baby against hepatitis and BCG.

    Whether or not to vaccinate your baby is up to each individual parent. Some people believe that a child will not be accepted without vaccination. kindergarten. This is not so - when registering, they will, of course, ask about vaccinations, but if the refusal from them was written officially, in the children's clinic, then the baby will be enrolled in kindergarten, assigning him a certain number. Such numbers are issued to all children without vaccinations - this shows that responsibility for the life and health of the child lies solely with the parents, and not with healthcare. Moreover, at school, all vaccinations are given only with the written consent of mom and dad; no one is forced to persuade them.

    By the way, some doctors themselves are of the opinion that it is not worth vaccinating a child before the age of two. It is necessary for the baby to acquire its own immunity, and you should not interfere with it. This practice is widespread in many countries.

    Vaccination effectiveness

    In order for everything to work as it should, you should adhere to certain simple rules:

    1. The required intervals must be observed between vaccinations.
    2. You should buy the vaccine immediately before the procedure itself.
    3. The procedure can and should only be carried out by a specialist - that is, a medical worker.
    4. When purchasing the vaccine yourself, you should follow the rules for its storage and transportation.

    Vaccine "Pentaxim"

    One of the mandatory vaccinations for newborn babies is the vaccine against whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria - three in one. It is called DPT and is first administered to babies at the age of three months (in the absence of contraindications). This vaccination is made in Russia; many people regard it as too tough and heavy for children. That is why many parents who decide to vaccinate their child turn to the French analogue of DTP - the Pentaxim vaccine. We will not describe here how dangerous each of the above-mentioned diseases is, but what is good about Pentaxim should definitely be told.

    The main difference between the imported Pentaxim vaccine and its domestic counterpart is that, although DTP is also a combined vaccine, it includes three vaccines, while the foreign vaccine includes as many as five (more details about the composition of the French vaccine will be discussed below). This vaccination can only be given to healthy children, and according to the rules it is necessary to take urine and blood tests before the procedure (although this is often not done). In addition, there should be no medical withdrawal from the neurologist.

    Pentaxim is an acellular vaccine that has been widely used in our country since 2008. Among other things, the Pentaxim vaccine gives a very good immune effect and serious protection the body, but does not save from meningitis and pneumonia (for some reason many people believe the opposite).

    DTP or Pentaxim?

    Both domestic and foreign vaccines have both their supporters and their opponents. Which one is best for a child?

    DTP is inexpensive - what is its advantage, in contrast to the more expensive Pentaxim. The DPT vaccine is quite simple, it protects, as mentioned above, from diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough, the mortality rate of children from which, unfortunately, is extremely high. It is placed three times. If you enter baby DTP, you will need to do separate vaccinations against polio and Haemophilius influenza - also several times, then when using Pentaxim the number of injections will be reduced to only four (versus twelve).

    What diseases is the Pentaxim vaccine against? From all of the above, which is five different viruses at once. This is the advantage of Pentaxim over DTP. In addition, he wins with his composition. Whooping cough in Pentaxim does not have a shell that can give a negative reaction to the introduction of the vaccine. "Pentaxim" after DTP is well tolerated, on the contrary - poorly.

    Both DTP and Pentaxim have their drawbacks. It is believed that in the domestic vaccine they are present in a more pronounced volume. Thus, children should not be injected during illness, with fever, sensitivity to the components of the vaccine, with encephalopathy and allergies.

    Composition of the Pentaxim vaccine

    So, Pentaxim, as has been repeated many times, is a combined type vaccine that protects against five different serious illnesses. The Pentaxim vaccine contains toxoids against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough, Haemophilus influenzae polysaccharide (it is in a separate bottle and mixed with the rest when diluting the drug) and three types of polio virus. Excipients also present in the vaccine, these are, for example, formaldehyde and acetic acid.

    At what age is vaccination required?

    The instructions for the Pentaxim vaccine state that the baby should be given its first dose at the age of three months. The second and third vaccinations are subsequently carried out at four and a half months and six months, and revaccination - after a year. Of course, if there are any contraindications, the timing of the injections will be shifted - a child over one year old can also be vaccinated, if for some reason this has not been done before. However, if a child older than six months is vaccinated, the third vaccination is given without diluting the vial with Haemophilus influenzae. And in the case of a baby older than one year (if he has not been vaccinated before), he receives only the first vaccine against five diseases, and subsequently injections are given to such a child without the introduction of Haemophilus influenzae.

    Medical outlet

    If a child has any of the following, vaccination should be postponed (or canceled, depending on the pediatrician's recommendation).

    1. Hypersensitivity to the drug and/or its components.
    2. An allergy that appeared after a previous injection, if the injection was not given for the first time.
    3. Fever, illness - infectious or exacerbation of chronic disease.
    4. Encephalopathy.
    5. Seizures and any other neurological symptoms.
    6. Brain damage and/or epilepsy.
    7. Hemocoagulation disorder.

    Side effects

    Any medicine can have side effects in one form or another, and the Pentaxim vaccine is no exception. The vaccine can provoke a fever of more than thirty-eight degrees, rash, convulsions, and allergic reactions. Extremely rare, but drowsiness and lethargy were noted, as well as, on the contrary, irritability, insomnia, headaches and prolonged tears. After the Pentaxim vaccine, the injection site may hurt, it may turn red, and a lump will probably appear there, which will resolve very soon on its own, without the use of any measures. Also called swelling of the injection site as a side effect, this too, however, goes away on its own. However, if Quincke's edema suddenly begins, you should not expect it to disappear - you must urgently call a doctor.

    Instructions for use

    How to administer the Pentaxim vaccine correctly? Firstly, it is important to know that a single dose is half a milliliter. Secondly, Pentaxim has its own special syringe, which prevents overdose and minimizes pain in the child. According to the instructions for use of the Pentaxim vaccine, it should be administered intramuscularly. Intravenous and subcutaneous administration is strictly prohibited. For little ones they give an injection in the thigh, for older children - in the shoulder. As a rule, babies do not feel pain - only a slight tingling sensation, and therefore do not cry during vaccination and behave calmly.

    As for the simultaneous use of Pentaxim with other vaccines, it is allowed if these vaccines are from the vaccination calendar (except for BCG). According to the instructions for the Pentaxim vaccine, this vaccination does not affect their ability to develop immunity. However, the pediatrician should be aware of some nuances. For example, what medicine, besides Pentaxim, was or will be given to the baby. Before a child is vaccinated, he must be carefully examined by a doctor to assess the baby’s health. If the doctor finds anything inconsistent with vaccination recommendations, vaccination should be postponed. By the way, if the baby had an illness several weeks before vaccination ( less than a month back), it is also not recommended to install it.

    The Pentaxim vaccine must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three years. temperature conditions from two to eight degrees above zero. Freezing the drug is strictly prohibited.

    Preparing for vaccination

    There are simple rules that must be followed before vaccination.

    1. Take blood and urine tests.
    2. Be examined by a neurologist.
    3. When breastfeeding a baby, there is no need to introduce new foods into his diet (and the mother herself should not start eating any new foods).
    4. If you previously had any allergic manifestations, then a couple of days before vaccination it is better to drink antihistamines.
    5. A week before vaccination, you should not take any new medications without first consulting your doctor.
    6. This may not be useful, but it’s better to have this on hand: you should take care in advance about purchasing antipyretic drugs for your baby (both suppositories and syrup are perfect) - a frequent negative reaction to vaccination can be a temperature above normal.
    7. As a rule, children tolerate the procedure well, but in case the child is very afraid or in pain, you need to take his favorite toy with you.

    Caring for the graft

    After the baby has been injected, it is recommended not to leave the clinic immediately. It is best to stay in it for half an hour - then in case of allergies or any other negative reaction health care will be provided immediately. In addition, if the child is in an excited state, this time is more than enough for him to calm down.

    Within three days after the vaccination, it is necessary to measure the baby’s temperature. If it rises above the normal value, you should give the baby any antipyretic - Panadol, for example, or Nurofen. It is also permissible to wipe the child with warm water or a very weak vinegar solution, but in no case with vodka. If the antipyretic drug does not help the baby, you need to call a doctor.

    On the day of vaccination, you should not bathe your baby, and you should not walk with him. The injection site should not be scratched.

    Immunobiological preparations.

    One of the most important areas of applied immunology is the creation effective drugs for immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy of infectious diseases.

    Immunotherapy– administration of immunobiological preparations for therapeutic purposes (for example, therapeutic vaccines, serums, immunoglobulins, interferons, cytokines).

    Immunoprophylaxis – administration of immunobiological drugs to prevent the development of infectious diseases (for example, vaccines, serums).

    All drugs used to influence the immune system are known as immunobiological preparations. These include substances of different nature and origin.

    ^ Types of immunobiological drugs:

    1. Preventive and therapeutic drugs of microbial origin (for example, vaccines, bacteriophages, eubiotics, toxoids).

    2. Medications(e.g. immunoglobulins, cytokines)

    3. Diagnostic immune drugs(eg antisera), as well as diagnostic bacteriophages and allergens.

    4. Immunomodulators (various synthetic drugs, biostimulants of natural origin).

    Immunobiological drugs may have different action on the human body:

    1. Active action– drugs induce the development of immune reactions (for example, vaccine preparations).

    2. Passive action - the effects of drugs that are effector products of immunocompetent cells (eg, immunoglobulins, cytokines, serums).

    3. A specific effect is exerted by drugs that provide protection against a specific pathogen (for example, measles vaccine, tetanus toxoid).

    4. Non-specific effects are exerted by drugs that indiscriminately stimulate the functions of the immune system (eg, immunomodulators, many biostimulants).


    The name “vaccines” was given by L. Pasteur to all vaccination preparations obtained from microorganisms and their products. The first vaccine was received by E. Jenner. It contained a live virus cowpox, identical in antigenic properties to the human variola virus, but low virulent for humans. That. the first vaccine strain was borrowed from nature. L. Pasteur's merit lies in the development of principles for the targeted production of vaccine strains and the creation of vaccines against rabies and anthrax. He discovered the phenomenon attenuation (weakening) – selection of strains with reduced virulence and preserved immunogenic properties by cultivating them under certain conditions or passage through the body of animals resistant to this infection.

    Currently, there is a section of immunoprophylaxis that deals with the development and use of vaccines - vaccinology. Thanks to vaccination, many dangerous epidemic diseases for all humanity have been defeated - smallpox(eliminated), polio, diphtheria (virtually eliminated), measles, whooping cough, tetanus, brucellosis, tularemia, anthrax, tick-borne encephalitis, rabies (epidemic danger reduced).

    The antigens in vaccine preparations are:

    1. whole microbial bodies (live or killed)

    2. individual antigens of microorganisms

    3. microorganism toxins

    4. artificially created antigens of microorganisms

    5. antigens obtained by genetic engineering.

    Classifications of vaccines.

    1. By the nature of the antigen.

    Bacterial vaccines

    Viral vaccines

    2.According to cooking methods.

    Live vaccines

    Inactivated vaccines (killed, non-live)

    Molecular (anatoxins)

    Genetic engineering


    3. By the presence of a complete or incomplete set of antigens.



    ^ 4. By the ability to develop immunity to one or more pathogens.


    Associated vaccines.
    Live vaccines– preparations in which the following are used as the active principle:

    Attenuated, i.e. weakened (lost their pathogenicity) strains of microorganisms;

    So-called divergent strains of non-pathogenic microorganisms that have related antigens to the antigens of pathogenic microorganisms;

    Recombinant strains of microorganisms obtained by genetic engineering (vector vaccines).

    Immunization with a live vaccine leads to the development of the vaccine process, which occurs in the majority of vaccinated people without visible clinical manifestations. The main advantage of this type of vaccine– a completely preserved set of pathogen antigens, which ensures the development of long-term immunity even after a single immunization. However, there are also a number of disadvantages. The main one is the risk of developing a manifest infection as a result of reduced attenuation of the vaccine strain (for example, live polio vaccine in rare cases can cause polio, including the development of spinal cord damage and paralysis).

    ^ Attenuated vaccines made from microorganisms with reduced pathogenicity, but pronounced immunogenicity. Their introduction into the body simulates an infectious process.

    ^ Divergent vaccines – microorganisms that are closely related to pathogens of infectious diseases are used as vaccine strains. Antigens of such microorganisms induce an immune response cross-directed against the antigens of the pathogen.

    ^ Recombinant (vector) vaccines – are created based on the use of non-pathogenic microorganisms with genes for specific antigens of pathogenic microorganisms built into them. As a result of this, a living non-pathogenic recombinant strain introduced into the body produces an antigen of the pathogenic microorganism, which ensures the formation of specific immunity. That. the recombinant strain acts as a vector (conductor) of a specific antigen. As vectors, for example, DNA-containing vaccinia virus, non-pathogenic salmonella are used, into the genome of which the HBs genes - hepatitis B virus antigen, antigens of the tick-borne encephalitis virus, etc. are introduced.

    ^ Bacterial vaccines

    Vaccine name



    Tuberculosis, BCG (from bovine mycobacteria)

    Att., Div.

    A. Calmette, C. Guerin

    Plague, EV


    G. Girard, J. Robic



    B.Ya. Elbert, N.A. Gaisky

    Anthrax, STI


    L.A. Tamarin, R.A. Saltykov



    P.A. Vershilova

    Q fever, M-44


    V.A.Genig, P.F.Zdrodovsky



    Smallpox (cowpox virus)





    A.A. Smorodintsev, M.P. Chumakov

    Yellow fever







    A.A. Smorodintsev, N.S. Klyachko

    Venezuelan encephalomyelitis


    V.A.Andreev, A.A.Vorobiev



    A. Sabin, M. P. Chumakov, A. A. Smorodintsev

    ^ Note: Att. – attenuated, Div. – divergent.
    Inactivated vaccines– prepared from killed microbial bodies or metabolites, as well as individual antigens obtained biosynthetically or chemically. These vaccines exhibit lower (compared to live) immunogenicity, which leads to the need for multiple immunizations, however, they are devoid of ballast substances, which reduces the incidence of side effects.

    ^ Corpuscular (whole cell, whole virion) vaccines – contain a full set of antigens, prepared from killed virulent microorganisms (bacteria or viruses) by heat treatment or exposure to chemical agents (formalin, acetone). For example, anti-plague (bacterial), anti-rabies (viral).

    ^ Component (subunit) vaccines – consist of individual antigenic components that can ensure the development of an immune response. To isolate such immunogenic components, various physicochemical methods are used, which is why they are also called chemical vaccines. For example, subunit vaccines against pneumococci (based on capsule polysaccharides), typhoid fever (based on O-, H-, Vi - antigens), anthrax (polysaccharides and capsule polypeptides), influenza (viral neuraminidase and hemagglutinin). To make these vaccines more immunogenic, they are combined with adjuvants (sorbed on aluminum hydroxide).

    ^ Genetically engineered vaccines contain pathogen antigens obtained using genetic engineering methods and include only highly immunogenic components that contribute to the formation of an immune response.

    Ways to create genetically engineered vaccines:

    1. Introduction of virulence genes into avirulent or weakly virulent microorganisms (see vector vaccines).

    2. Introduction of virulence genes into unrelated microorganisms with subsequent isolation of antigens and their use as an immunogen. For example, for the immunoprophylaxis of hepatitis B, a vaccine consisting of the HBsAg virus has been proposed. It is obtained from yeast cells into which a viral gene (in the form of a plasmid) encoding the synthesis of HBsAg has been introduced. The drug is purified from yeast proteins and used for immunization.

    Anatoxins– toxins neutralized by formaldehyde (0.4%) at 37-40 ºС for 4 weeks, completely losing toxicity, but retaining the antigenicity and immunogenicity of toxins and used for the prevention of toxinemic infections (diphtheria, tetanus, botulism, gas gangrene, staphylococcal infections and etc.). The usual source of toxins is industrially cultivated natural producer strains. I produce toxoids in the form of mono- (diphtheria, tetanus, staphylococcal) and associated (diphtheria-tetanus, botulinum trianatoxin) drugs.

    Conjugate vaccines are complexes of bacterial polysaccharides and toxins (for example, a combination of Haemophilus influenzae antigens and diphtheria toxoid). Attempts are being made to create mixed acellular vaccines that include toxoids and some other pathogenicity factors, for example, adhesins (for example, acellular pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine).
    Mono-vaccines – vaccines used to create immunity to one pathogen (monovalent drugs).

    Associated drugs – to simultaneously create multiple immunity, these drugs combine antigens of several microorganisms (usually killed). The most commonly used are: adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine (DPT vaccine), tetravaccine (vaccine against typhoid fever, paratyphoid A and B, tetanus toxoid), ADS vaccine (diphtheria-tetanus toxoid).
    ^ Vaccine administration methods.

    Vaccine preparations are administered orally, subcutaneously, intradermally, parenterally, intranasally and inhalation. The method of administration determines the properties of the drug. Live vaccines can be administered cutaneously (scarification), intranasally, or orally; toxoids are administered subcutaneously, and non-live corpuscular vaccines are administered parenterally.

    Intramuscularly sorbed vaccines (DTP, ADS, ADS-M, HBV, IPV) are administered (after thorough mixing). ^ The upper outer quadrant of the gluteal muscle should not be used, since in 5% of children the nerve trunk passes there, and the buttocks of the infant are poor in muscle, so the vaccine can get into fatty tissue(risk of slowly resolving granuloma). The injection site is the anterior outer thigh (lateral part of the quadriceps muscle) or, in children over 5-7 years old, the deltoid muscle. The needle is inserted vertically (at an angle of 90°). After the injection, you should pull back the syringe plunger and inject the vaccine only if there is no blood, otherwise the injection should be repeated. Before injection, gather the muscle into a fold with two fingers, increasing the distance to the periosteum. On the thigh, the thickness of the subcutaneous layer in a child up to the age of 18 months is 8 mm (max. 12 mm), and the thickness of the muscle is 9 mm (max. 12 mm), so a needle 22-25 mm long is sufficient. Another method- in children with a thick fat layer - stretch the skin over the injection site, reducing the thickness of the subcutaneous layer; at the same time, the depth of needle insertion is less (up to 16 mm). On the arm, the thickness of the fat layer is only 5-7 mm, and the thickness of the muscle is 6-7 mm. In patients hemophilia intramuscular injection is carried out into the muscles of the forearm, subcutaneous - into the back of the hand or foot, where it is easy to press the injection channel. Subcutaneously unsorbed - live and polysaccharide - vaccines are administered: into the subscapular region, into the outer surface of the shoulder (at the border of the upper and middle third) or into the anterior outer region of the thigh. Intradermal injection (BCG) is carried out into the outer surface of the shoulder, the Mantoux reaction is carried out into the flexor surface of the forearm. OPV is administered by mouth; if a child regurgitates a dose of the vaccine, he is given a second dose; if he regurgitates that too, vaccination is postponed.

    ^ Observation of vaccinated people lasts 30 minutes, when theoretically possible anaphylactic reaction. Parents should be informed about possible reactions that require contacting a doctor. The child is observed by a foster nurse first 3 days after the administration of an inactivated vaccine, on the 5-6th and 10-11th days - after the administration of live vaccines. Information about the vaccination performed is recorded in registration forms, vaccination logs and in the Certificate of Preventive Vaccinations.
    According to the degree of need, the following are distinguished: planned (mandatory) vaccination, which is carried out in accordance with the vaccination calendar and vaccination for epidemiological indications, which is carried out to urgently create immunity in persons at risk of developing an infection.


    Order of the Ministry of Defense

    health of Ukraine

    16 .09.2011 595


    Chips behind the eyelid


    ^ Chip against

    1 day

    Hepatitis B 2

    3-5 days

    Tuberculosis 1

    1 month

    Hepatitis B 2

    3 months

    Diphtheria, cough,

    right 3

    Poliomyelite 4

    Hemophilus infection 5

    4 months

    Diphtheria, cough,

    right 3

    Poliomyelite 4

    Hemophilus infection 5

    5 months

    Diphtheria, cough,

    right 3

    Poliomyelite 4

    6 months

    Hepatitis B 2

    12 months

    Measles, rubella, mumps 6

    18 months

    Diphtheria, cough,

    right 3

    Poliomyelite 4

    Hemophilus infection 5

    6 rocks


    right 3

    Poliomyelite 4

    Measles, rubella, mumps 6

    7 rocks

    Tuberculosis 1

    14 rocks

    Diphtheria, right 3

    Poliomyelite 4

    18 rocks

    Diphtheria, right 3

    23 rocks

    Diphtheria 3

    28 rocks

    Diphtheria, right 3

    (far - skin 10 rocks)

    1 All newborns are encouraged to chip away, so there is no contraindication. Vaccination is carried out at the 3rd-5th birthday of the child (not earlier than the 48th year after birth). For vaccination of premature infants with body weight 2000 g it is necessary to introduce a vaccine for the prevention of tuberculosis with a changed antigen (hereinafter referred to as BCG-m).

    Splitting for the prevention of tuberculosis should not be carried out on the same day as other splittings or other parenteral manipulations.

    Children who have not been born in a hospital canopy are required to undergo obligatory vaccination for health protection.

    If the child is not split in the canopy hospital due to medical contraindications, splitting is carried out BCG-m vaccine, in other types of splitting, it is carried out with a vaccine to prevent tuberculosis (hereinafter referred to as BCG).

    For children under two months old, splinting for tuberculosis is carried out without a preliminary Mantoux test. After the two-month period before the end of BCG treatment, the child should perform a Mantoux test. Splitting is carried out if the test result is negative.

    As a method of early detection of tuberculosis, the Mantoux test with 2 tuberculin units of tuberculin is tested for all children from the age of 12 months systematically once a day, regardless of the previous result.

    Revaccination against tuberculosis is encouraged in children up to 7 years old with a negative Mantoux test result. Revaccination is carried out with the BCG vaccine.

    Due to the fact that prophylactic splitting can affect sensitivity to tuberculin, when conducting tuberculin diagnostics for the eyelid, it is necessary to plan before carrying out prophylactic splitting. For these or other reasons, the Mantoux test should be performed after prophylactic splitting, tuberculin diagnostics should begin no earlier than one month after the splitting.

    2 Vaccinations to prevent hepatitis B improve all newborns. To vaccinate children against hepatitis B, the following scheme is used: 0 (first dose) - 1-6 months of the child’s life.

    Newborns with a body weight of less than 2000 g, who were born from HBsAg positive mothers, vaccination is carried out obligatory for the population according to the 0-1-2-7 scheme (0 - first life, date of first administration of the vaccine, minimum interval between with first and second chips - 1 month, for other and third chips - 1 month, for third and quarter chips - 5 months).

    3 Splitting for the prevention of diphtheria, right and cough are carried out behind the eyelid at 3 months (first splitting), 4 months (other splitting), 5 months (third splitting) and 18 months (fourth splitting).

    The interval between the first and the other, the second and the third doses of the vaccine against cough, diphtheria should be at least 1 month. The interval between the third and fourth chips should be no less than 12 months.

    To vaccinate children against cough in the first years of life, vaccines with both an acellular (hereinafter referred to as AACDP) and a whole-cell (hereinafter referred to as ACDP) cough component can be used.

    A history of cough is not a contraindication before vaccination against this disease.

    Vaccination against cough is carried out for children up to 6 years 11 months 29 days.

    Revaccination against diphtheria and in 6 patients is carried out with diphtheria-pravtsev toxoid (hereinafter referred to as ADP), in 14 patients and in 18 patients - with diphtheria-pravtsev toxoid with a changed antigen (hereinafter referred to as ADP-M).

    First planned revaccination of adults after age and epidemiological indications, which have previously been splitting, should be carried out with ADP-M at intervals of 5 days after the remaining splitting. Further planned revaccinations of adults are carried out with ADP-M at a minimum interval of 10 days after the forward splitting of ADP-M.

    4 The inactivated vaccine for the prevention of poliomyelitis (hereinafter - IPV) is used for the first two doses, and in case of contraindications, before the introduction of oral poliovirus vaccine (hereinafter - OPV) - for all future doses according to this Calendar.

    The OPV vaccine is released for the 3rd-6th period (secondary period - 5 months, 18 months, 6 months and 14 months) for which it is contraindicated before OPV.

    The IPV vaccine can be stocked for the 3-6th phase either separately or in the warehouse of combined vaccines.

    Children who are in the family with HIV/AIDS infection or persons for whom OPV is contraindicated should be treated with the IPV vaccine.

    After splitting OPV, it is necessary to avoid injections, planned operations for 40 days, and cut off contact with people for whom the administration of OPV is contraindicated.

    5 Vaccination of children to prevent infection with the Haemophilus influenzae type b stick (hereinafter referred to as the Hib vaccine) can be carried out with monovaccines or combined vaccines that remove the Hib component. In the case of a variant Hib vaccine, it is necessary to give priority to combination vaccines with a Hib component for the primary vaccination.

    Splitting to prevent infection with the stick of Haemophilus influenzae type b is carried out according to the scheme for 3-4-18 months.

    Vaccination against Hib infection is carried out for children up to 4 years 11 months 29 days. In the elderly, vaccination against Hib infection is carried out only to persons from the risk group up to Chapter 4 of this section.

    6 Vaccination for the prevention of measles, mumps and rubella is carried out at 12 months of age. Another chipping - the woman has 6 rocks.

    For children who have not been vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella behind the eyelid at 12 months and at 6 months, vaccination can begin at any age up to 18 months. Every child can take 2 doses with a minimum interval between doses.

    You have suffered from illness in the liver, mumps and rubella are not contraindicated until the splitting.

    Vaccination against measles, mumps, rubella for people over 18 years of age, who have not removed the chaff behind the eyelid, is given in sections III and IV of this Calendar.

    Do not start the vaccination series right away if a dose has been missed, regardless of how many hours have passed. It is necessary to administer doses that are not scheduled, at the required minimum intervals between doses.

    ^ Contraindications to vaccinations

    Healthy people are allowed to get vaccinated, but preventive work Doctors are often faced with the need to determine contraindications to vaccination in children and adults with various pathological conditions. Pathological conditions that are the basis for permanent withdrawal from vaccinations on the basis of current contraindications are rare, their total frequency does not reach 1%. Another group of conditions (for example, acute diseases) requires only a delay in immunization - in these cases the term “withdrawal” should not be used, since the child (or adult) to be vaccinated is actually included in the list of those vaccinated and is being monitored to determine when, when vaccination becomes possible.

    Contraindications that require delaying immunization should be differentiated for each drug and approached individually for each vaccine recipient. In this case, there are a number of general approaches: the intervals between any vaccinations with live vaccines should be at least 2 months, and with killed vaccines and toxoids - at least one month. Vaccinations are not carried out during the maximum incubation period for people who have been in contact with the source of infection, except for vaccinations against benthic infection. But, in the event of a threat to the life of a child, quarantine for any disease is not an absolute obstacle to immunization and in each specific case requires individual approach. At acute diseases administration of drugs specific prevention postponed until recovery.

    There are no contraindications for emergency prophylaxis of tetanus and vaccinations against rabies, however, here too it is necessary to remember about the choice of drugs for each person vaccinated.

    ^ False contraindications

    Unreasonable exemption from vaccinations using diagnoses such as stable or regressing neurological conditions, asthma, eczema, anemia, birth defects, enlarged thymus gland, long-term treatment antibiotics, steroids, etc. Also, exemptions from vaccinations for children who have had sepsis, hemolytic jaundice, pneumonia, or who have a family history of epilepsy, SIDS, or severe vaccine reactions are not justified. Such references do not indicate the doctor’s care for children, but only his medical illiteracy.

    ^ Post-vaccination reactions and complications

    Post-vaccination reactions. Post-vaccination (vaccination) reaction is a state of the body characterized by a short-term, mostly subjectively assessed, change in the nature of its functioning. Objectively manifested in a change in the functional state of homeostasis systems, which, as a rule, does not go beyond the limits physiological norm and of a compensated nature. In some cases, post-vaccination reactions may be considered borderline with pathological condition. Changes in subjective and objective indicators in such cases go beyond the norm but are short-term (no more than 7 days).

    Post-vaccination reactions are divided into local and general. Local ones develop directly at the site of drug administration. With parenteral administration, the intensity of the local reaction is assessed as follows: hyperemia without infiltrate or infiltrate with a diameter of up to 2.5 cm - weak reaction; infiltrate with a diameter of 2.6 - 5.0 cm - medium strength; infiltrate with a diameter of more than 5 cm, or infiltrate in the presence of lymphangitis with lymphadenitis - a strong reaction.

    The severity of the general reaction is usually assessed mainly by the degree of temperature increase, i.e. the reaction is weak - at a temperature of 37-37.5°C, medium - at 37.6-38.5°C, strong at a temperature above 38.5°C. In addition to the degree of temperature increase, other criteria can be used, for example, a decrease in blood pressure, vomiting, short-term fainting after the administration of typhoid vaccines, dyspeptic disorders after the use of cholera vaccine, the severity of conjunctivitis, catarrhal phenomena in the nasopharynx, the intensity of the rash after immunization with measles vaccine.

    Post-vaccination complications. Post-vaccination complications are painful reactions that differ in the time of onset, strength and quality from the usual ones characteristic of this drug reactions. Pathological processes that occur in the post-vaccination period are divided into:

    1) actual post-vaccination complications, the development of which was a direct consequence of the vaccination (anaphylactic shock, post-vaccination encephalitis, etc.);

    2) complications associated with violation of aseptic rules during vaccination and inoculation of foreign microorganisms along with the vaccine;

    3) exacerbation of chronic diseases and activation of latent infection (tuberculosis, rheumatism, bronchial asthma, etc.);

    4) pathological processes associated with intercurrent infection that occurred in the post-vaccination period.

    In these cases, the vaccine process can contribute to the severity and complicated course of intercurrent infection (respiratory viral, staphylococcal, meningococcal, etc.). In turn, intercurrent infection can cause a more severe course of the vaccination process.

    All cases of complications and unusual reactions that developed after the use of bacterial, viral and serum drugs are subject to special recording. The investigation is organized by the territorial Central State Examination Center, which received an emergency notification from the health care facility. An epidemiologist, a general clinician (therapist or pediatrician), and a doctor with a narrow specialization in the complication profile take part in the work of the commission. The report drawn up at the end of the investigation is sent through the authorities to the Ministry of Health.

    In order to prevent post-vaccination complications, it is necessary:

    Impeccable vaccination technique, above all strict adherence asepsis;

    Compliance with the established timing of vaccinations;

    Identification of contraindications;

    Timely implementation of recreational activities;

    Use of gentle immunization methods.

    The "French" (actually Americans, hiding behind a manufacturing plant in France) are testing their five-component a vaccine that they are not even going to use in such a test version. They simply paid Moscow for this (information taken from the news).

    This is a vaccine that consists of five different components in one syringe: , and Haemophilus influenzae type b.

    Each component of any vaccination is in itself a shock and stressful effect on the child’s body. And then there are five at once! One can carry on an inconclusive debate on this issue for a long time. Or you can give a simple metaphor: “ What is more harmful: five glasses of vodka in five days or a liter at a time?»

    Their website (privivka.ru) (later gradually developed into a website about vaccinations in general) was (at the time of writing this article, September 10, 2009) completely strewn with various articles about vaccines that have nothing to do with the drug at all. Not a word about the actual composition of the vaccine! Some Natalya P. wrote on their forum “ Anti-vaccination hysteria, flooding and advice from non-specialists on this site will be deleted“, she also claims that science has absolutely proven that vaccinations are completely harmless, although many mothers may resist them. And nowhere is it reported who this Natalya P. is, what her last name is, her position, place of work and whether she herself has a medical education. Since 2009, there has already been a lot of news about child deaths. Mentions can be found in the press of other countries: Ukraine, India, Turkey, Poland, countries South Africa, Czech Republic... in general, they gathered all the third world countries + many NATO countries (the same France) and launched massive “tests” on the population, and even for their own money.

    Quote about Pentaxim:

    Combined pediatric vaccine to protect against 5 dangerous infections- Haemophilus influenzae infection type b (Hib) - starting from 3 months of age.

    Immunogenicity corresponds to that with separate administration of vaccines, while ( from the editor: about the consequences of introducing such large quantity infections are kept silent.)

    The inactivated polio component eliminates the risk of complications from the live vaccine virus ( from the editor: this is a five-component composition, but here we are talking about only one component)

    The Hib component provides a high level of protection against meningitis, pneumonia, and otitis caused by this infection at a very early age ( from the editor: this Hib component is supplied separately in powder form and the vaccine can be used without it as a four-component vaccine. Here is what the head of the Clinical Center for Immunoprophylaxis of Childhood Infections, Professor Mikhail Petrovich Kostinov, writes: “Haemophilus influenzae (Hib) infection is a group of diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b. It spreads through saliva when sneezing and coughing, as well as through toys and household items that children put in their mouths. Haemophilus influenzae can cause pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, sepsis, otitis media, meningitis and other diseases. Unfortunately, on a national scale in Russia they are just beginning to identify and register this infection and, accordingly, to train doctors. It is for this reason that she is relatively little known.” Before vaccinating the fifth component, ask whether there is a real threat of contracting this infection in your region.)

    Many are against vaccines in general, but we want to warn against foreign vaccines that are tested on experimental children in Russia, we advertise “miracle vaccines” with all our might and attract doctors to recommend them.

    Now let's read vaccine reviews:

    We gave our daughter Pentaxin and no problems. Not the slightest hint.

    Europe has been on Pentaxim for a long time, I don’t understand why they thought it was being tested on Russian children. They've been doing it for over 10 years now. Two friends’ children in Germany were vaccinated with this vaccine, and in fact they weren’t even offered alternatives!

    This alone inclined me in favor of Pentaxim, since they make it the weakest, which means it puts the least burden on the body.

    Good afternoon!!! We got vaccinated this Tuesday, November 16, 2010. We did it only, without Haemophilus influenzae + vaccination against hepatitis. A blister of 3 cm in diameter approximately 3 cm in diameter formed at the injection site, the temperature the next day was 36.9-37.5. I won’t tell the child that there was something different. And on the third day a runny nose and sneezing began. In short, we are undergoing treatment now. I am not happy with this vaccination, for some reason I was very worried before getting it, I read a lot about it. The reviews were different, a lot of positive ones. And maybe because it was the first time they did it, there were only positive things about it. No fever, no swelling at the injection site. We wanted to do it, but we didn’t go to pharmacies naked. They say for some reason it disappeared

    We did it 2 times with Pentaxim, the first time with hemophilus, the second time without, and the third time we did it with Infanrix.

    It was easier to bear - in the evening there was a slight fever, the next day a slight fever and that was all. Infanrix+Imovax (from) suffered much worse - three days of fever and swelling at the injection site of Infanrix - the lump lasted a month!!! And this comes with preparation: Viburkol and Zyrtec. And only after donating blood and with the permission of a hematologist.

    If I had done as they do in state clinics, immediately after examining the child, then I think they would definitely have been in the hospital after that.

    Having done this to my son at 3 months, I will regret it for the rest of my life! Exactly two hours after the vaccination, we started having seizures. I thought I would go crazy while I waited for the ambulance (they arrived in 30 minutes). I've been in the hospital twice already. I understand that this is one case out of a hundred, but we got it! And how many children died from Pentaxim? And this is just what we know from the news! Think, mommies! Health to you and your children!

    I gave it to my child. We had a fever for 24 hours. The maximum rose to 38.5.

    Before that, like you did, I placed it 3 times, there was no reaction.

    The first time they set the temperature rose to 37.5, the second time there was nothing

    We got it for the first time yesterday, everything was fine, only the injection site hurt and was swollen..

    And in general, we have a complete mess in the vaccination schedule. The baby is often sick. We caught herpes last summer when I was 9 months old, and now it appears on her lips almost every month. We've tried everything to boost our immunity! I don’t know what to do anymore. As soon as a couple of months of our health pass, doctors again begin to persuade us to get vaccinated. We are 2 years old and 5 months old, and we are not finished yet either. And the whole point is that after the 2nd (in the Fatherland) at 5 months we had a temperature of about 40, and my leg hurt very much, it didn’t even allow me to touch it (I couldn’t even pick it up for 2 days, just so as not to move my leg ), cried with her. At the same time, hepatitis was also done, but the leg in which it was done hurt. After that, I didn’t dare to get a single vaccination for almost a whole year, after I got hepatitis separately, everything was fine, a month later in drops, everything was also OK, then I decided to go for it - even the temperature didn’t rise a degree. After that, this fall I got it also, hepatitis, measles, rubella, all separately, and everything was successful. But we give vaccinations between diseases, keeping a “distance,” but sometimes on the 2nd or 3rd day after vaccination the baby fell ill with an acute respiratory infection. And now we need to do revaccination next week and. I wanted to do it, but in 2 hours I read so much (and not only from you) that now I obviously won’t agree to it. Most likely I will do it, but I wouldn’t really want to do it right away with polio.

    Purple violet March 3, 2011

    We did it yesterday, everything was fine, but today the temperature is below 38. The instructions say that this is possible for 2-3 days, and you need to give an antipyretic. Gave me Nurofen. Previously, there was no reaction to vaccinations - this was done. I worry.

    Emma_tyan March 17, 2011

    It's not much easier. A - this is a terrible thing. It is scary because out of 100 vaccinated children, 99 children tolerate it normally, and 1 may become disabled and this could be your child. My child and I were in the 18th psychoneurological hospital. I can say that about 30% of children with cerebral palsy received cerebral palsy precisely after. I don't need to read science articles- I saw this with my own eyes - poor children who developed normally before vaccination, and then stopped developing, their legs turned out, they stopped speaking, they had frequent convulsions, etc.

    To be honest, I’m not at all against vaccinations, I just think that a vaccine against 5 diseases at once is too much.

    Why not give your child ADSM? This vaccine is much safer! There is no that pertussis component. It itself is not as scary as the consequences after being vaccinated against it.

    I won't do it.

    Hello!!! I'm scared to get vaccinated!!! I vaccinated my boy before he was one year old! I couldn’t even imagine what the consequences would be! At 3 months we were diagnosed with + polomelit! My child was born an absolutely healthy baby! After vaccination, we did not have a fever because I received an imported vaccine! After 1 day we had a rash all over our bodies! I called the doctor and she said it was not from the vaccine! Then I thought that all the problems were from me since I have a tendency to allergies! And then I gave further vaccinations, I didn’t have the Internet then, my child was covered in worse and worse sores, and the doctors kept saying that we had atopic dermatitis! And when my child needed to be vaccinated at 1 year and 5 months, already revaccinated, I realized that all the problems were caused by vaccinations! and stopped doing it! Soon all the sores were gone! But immunity has been planted! Please tell us we found a cytomegalovirus infection and we also had an Einstein-bar infection! Can we get a medical exemption from all vaccinations?

    Our local reaction is very strong - there was infiltration for up to a month and redness for a week. The first time they thought that the needle just got in unsuccessfully, but the second time it was the same parsley:(. We will wait for Infanrix (search)

    I came across information on the Internet that if you are allergic to egg whites and brewer's yeast, you can have a severe allergy to the vaccine...

    We had a waiver from vaccinations, at 5 months they gave it, it was tolerated normally without fever (ttt), there was a local reaction - redness, it went away after three days. True, we did the preparation on the doctor’s recommendation and took fenistil drops for 5 days (2 days before, on the day of vaccination and 2 days after). 😉

    My 6-month-old daughter has an allergy, and therefore we had a medical emergency. At 4.5 months, our pediatrician said that it was better for us to do paid clinic supposedly it is just for kids with allergies. But there they told us that this vaccine might no longer be available and they suggested and said that it was even better than Infanrix in terms of allergies. In general, we got through the first vaccination wonderfully, the other day we had the second one, and the horror was that literally after 2 hours my daughter started having such a hysteria with crying excitedly and lasted for 1, 5-2 hours, they couldn’t calm her down, her leg was swollen, and not “slight redness around the injection site ", and all top part legs up to the knees. At night the temperature rose to 39. As for the 3rd vaccination, my thoughts are on the run (((((I don’t know what to do(((((

    A year ago it was done to my son at the age of 2 years, he tolerated it perfectly, no changes were noticed.

    Now my son is 3 years old. Yesterday afternoon there was a revaccination. By evening he became lethargic, began to complain that his leg hurt, began to limp, then generally began to cry and refused to walk. Carried in their arms. step on left leg I couldn’t, I was roaring in pain. The temperature rose to 37.3. She was given Nurofen at night. This morning I woke up: no temperature, cheerful mood, steps on my feet, walks, but has a limp. So this time we tolerate this vaccine much worse. I hope all the consequences are behind us......

    We got vaccinated with Pentaxim the day before yesterday. Well, we reacted to something - temperature and terrible moods 🙁

    At 3 months the baby was given a domestic DTP - temperature 38 days, yesterday (5 months) they gave Pentaxim - today 37.4, scary

    And we installed it yesterday. We didn’t sleep well at night, I was tossing around and moaning, in the morning the temperature was 37.5 and now it’s 38 already. She gave me suprastin and nurofen. Has anyone had this reaction the day after vaccination?

    The first time - (without consequences), then with hemophilus (the leg dragged for 2 days + temperature 38 - 1 day), the third without hemophilus (the leg was very swollen - it turned red, the whims of tearfulness for a week - and did not go away...)

    The first vaccination was domestic, it was poorly tolerated, the rate was 39 for 3 days, unbreakable, then 2 times (the rate one evening rose to 37.1), revaccination with Pentaxim, a lump formed at the injection site, resolved after 5 days. temperature was 37.5 for 2 days

    Everything went perfectly for us too :) As if nothing had happened. But we installed it without the Haemophilus influenzae component until we decided not to burden the baby with anything extra.

    Well, I finally found it! They did it for my baby (a relative works in a hospital - she got it through connections), the child got sick 11 days later acute otitis media. Now I understand - this is a reaction to this Hib component. I treated the little baby with antibiotics, but we still can’t recover. And how do we even understand this? What if this hib component was supposed to protect my baby from otitis media, but he got it? How to understand this, in the end!!!

    We prepared with fenistil because we have allergies. They installed it yesterday morning. I vomited at lunchtime. By evening the temperature rose to 38. Dali Nurofen. The child had diarrhea about 6 times. She gave her smecta. I vomited several times at night. I didn't sleep all night. Temperature 37. They didn’t know what to do anymore, so they called an ambulance in the morning. The ambulance prescribed a ton of medications (Enterosgel, Rehydron, Smecta, Linex, Enterofuril) and a diet. Some strange intestinal reaction. They said that the immune system might react like that. If there is still vomiting, then you need to go to the infectious diseases department. It looks like I shouldn’t have been poisoned; I didn’t eat anything like that. I'll try to handle it myself. Tomorrow they definitely told me to call the pediatrician for a consultation.

    We are one year and 9 months old. This didn't happen before. There was also a local reaction to, well, fever. Once my leg became very swollen and they took me to Matrekha. But there was no such intestinal reaction. The morning before the vaccination, the child was absolutely healthy and cheerful. Before vaccination, the pediatrician carefully examined him. We were examined at the molecular clinic and vaccinated. I trust this institution.

    As a result, we spent a week in the hospital on IVs. Rotovirus caught. And they set it. We didn’t yet know that the child was sick. The doctor explained to us that if it weren’t for the vaccination, the child would have become hairless once and would not have been noticed. And since such a heavy vaccine was given, all the body’s forces were aimed at fighting the vaccine. Still, there are 4 or 5 components. And that’s why the virus was so hard to bear. My advice to mothers: before vaccination, do not take them to the playground, let them not have any contact with the children for two days. Then the vaccination will go well. And then you see how it turned out for us. We didn’t take him to the site before the vaccination. But in the evening, the day before the vaccination, we went out for a ride in the stroller. One girl came up to us and gave us a toy to touch. Apparently they got hooked. And the incubation period is from 24 hours. So it started for us within a day.

    We also received this vaccine for the first time, everything went well, I was only indignant when we arrived and our doctor said: “Didn’t you know that there are no free vaccines, now there is only a fee, if you don’t want to pay, come back in a month, maybe there will be one, maybe there won’t be one", fuck it. It’s very expensive 1400 (we’re not rich, we’ve never bought a vaccine with 1 child), we bought it, we’ll get it again in a month and what, now we’ll have to buy it all the time????????

    We had it diagnosed on Thursday, we are 10 months old. We’re doing it for the third time, the last two times everything was perfect, but now the temperature has lasted for 3 days and the leg is swollen, the area near the injection is hard and red, the doctor is sending me to a surgeon on Monday. What is this side effects such???

    We had the injection for the 3rd time on Tuesday, the first time everything was fine, this time the injection site was swollen, red and hard, there was no temperature, but I give Nurofen immediately after the vaccination. I tied a cabbage leaf to my leg for 3 days, then the nurse from the clinic advised me to do compresses with dimexide (dilute 1 to 5, on gauze, put polyethylene on top and fix, hold for 1 hour, she told me to do it 5 times), but it started to go away for us, so did not do.

    Apparently this is some kind of Pentaxima party, because the nurse said that we are not the only ones.

    Girls, the first time we staged it, everything was perfect, as if nothing had been staged. And the other day the second vaccination was postponed just horribly!!! Maybe due to teething (the pediatrician saw that the gums were swollen, but sent me for vaccination). They gave the vaccine in the morning - everything was absolutely fine all day, only there was loose stool once, and at night the T rose to 39, my poor daughter was shaking all over, her arms and legs turned blue, she screamed incessantly for about 40 minutes. It was some kind of nightmare!!! Suppositories (2) of Nurofen came out after 10 minutes with diarrhea. The ambulance was so surprised that they called her, they say, everything is fine, this is how it should be (I’ll hit myself against the wall) I had diarrhea the whole next day (8 times). What I experienced is scary to remember even now. Now I’m actually wondering whether to continue. Someone wrote here that two vaccinations already seem to form immunity. Where does this info come from?

    An hour ago I was supposed to go with my child to get a vaccination recommended by an immunologist, it’s good that I looked at reviews about it on the Internet, I’m in a little shock that an hour ago I almost did something stupid. In me, too, like many, two opinions are fighting, now for and then against. Until the child was two and a half years old, she did not give any vaccinations to the child, she constantly evaded them, citing the fact that the child was born eight months old, for up to a year she underwent treatment courses at the St. Olga hospital on Udelnaya, posing a threat of cerebral palsy, encephalopathy, pyramidal insufficiency, but strangely enough, the doctors did not give me a medical exemption from vaccinations, they said that they saw no reason for a medical exemption, only my neighbor, who has nothing to do with medicine, did not advise me to get vaccinated until the age of three, since her daughter was vaccinated at the age of eight months fell into a coma, woke up on the eleventh day and now she is already five years old, but the girl is disabled (cerebral palsy) and in a very serious stage, their bitter experience scared me very much, and to the point of panic, I myself began to protect my child from all these vaccinations, not understanding exactly whether I was doing the right thing, whether I would harm my child with my fear, because the doctors unanimously insist on vaccinations, and from then on two opinions, for and against, arose in me. But when it came to going to the garden, I slowly gave up and a year ago we started doing it. The pediatrician advised us to get vaccinated with the drug, we did it once, then a month and a half later we did it a second time, and when it was time for the third time we got sick, then again and again, when we came to be discharged, the doctor immediately sent us to get vaccinated (and I read before that after an illness, at least two weeks must pass before vaccination) I left the office and went home without any vaccination, my heart told me that it was not the time yet. In general, now a year has passed since the last vaccination and the doctor is sending us to get a revaccination, saying that those two will be counted. So I want to find out if this is really so. I just decided that since I started getting this vaccination, I should finish it so that those first two injections wouldn’t be wasted. If we now do the third one, a year later, will our vaccination be considered complete or will it give us nothing except a tick on the certificate. does it make sense to do it a third time now?

    I will describe our sad experience. The eldest child received all vaccinations as scheduled. The youngest was vaccinated with a delay (the mother's heart felt it). 1 went fine. The 2nd vaccination gave a temperature of 38 for two days. After 3, 14 hours later, the temperature rose to 40, 5, the ambulance brought down the temperature, citing a reaction to the vaccine. The pediatrician who came the next day also stated that “the reaction was within normal limits.” In general, 6 days of hell - an unstoppable temperature of 39-40 (the child was 10 months old at the time). The doctors kept saying it was normal. The lymph node in the neck became inflamed, but this did not bother the doctors. On the 7th day, I simply took the baby and went with him to the hospital myself, fortunately there was a doctor I knew. The baby was examined. Result: emergency surgery - purulent lymphadenitis. They said a couple more hours, the abscess would have burst and the consequences would be unpredictable. I thank God, all the doctors - the operation was performed on time and was successful. But here’s the result - the card in the clinic is clean - no doctor’s calls to the house, no ambulance coming three times, not my visits to the clinic - nothing. Now they require vaccinations in the garden. Tell me how to get official honey now. withdrawal and is it even possible? Thank you.