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Post-vaccination reactions and complications. Contraindications for vaccination and possible complications after vaccination

In our country there is national calendar vaccination, which is regularly reviewed. It contains information about the vaccinations recommended by the Ministry of Health, indicating the age of the child when they should be given. Some vaccinations are quite difficult for children to tolerate, primarily DTP.

DPT vaccinations are included in the list of mandatory vaccinations

What diseases are DPT vaccinated against?

DTP is complex vaccination, designed to protect a small patient simultaneously from three dangerous diseases: pertussis infection, diphtheria and tetanus. Vaccination does not always prevent infection, but it does help light current diseases and protects against the development of dangerous consequences.

Whooping cough – acute illness respiratory tract, characterized by paroxysmal spasmodic cough. Transmitted by airborne droplets, the probability of infection upon contact (contagiousness) is 90%. The infection is especially dangerous for children under one year of age, including death. Since the introduction of immunization of the population, the incidence of whooping cough has decreased significantly.

Diphtheria – infection, which can cause blockage of the airways with film. Transmitted by airborne droplets and household contact ( cutaneous forms). Due to the severity of the disease, children are at particular risk.

Tetanus – acute bacterial infection, striking nervous system, manifested in the form of cramps and tension in the muscles of the body. The disease has a traumatic route of infection: wounds, burns, frostbite, surgery. Mortality from tetanus today is about 40% of the total number of cases.

Types of vaccine

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Several types of DTP vaccines are allowed to be used in our country. In clinics serving the population under compulsory medical insurance, they use the domestic DTP vaccine produced by NPO Microgen. It contains diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, as well as killed whooping cough cells - i.e. the drug is whole cell.

Pertussis infection is most dangerous before the age of 1 year, so children older than this age are allowed to use ADS vaccinations and ADS-M. These are lightweight versions of the vaccine that do not contain the pertussis component. Considering that it is this component that most often causes allergies in children, ADS is especially indicated for allergy sufferers.

You can also do this at your local clinic. imported vaccination, but at your own expense. Similar services are provided by various private clinics and centers.

Foreign analogues approved for use in Russia:

  • Infanrix (Belgium, GlaxoSmithKline) is an acellular vaccine, due to which there are virtually no post-vaccination reactions and complications. It has been used all over the world for 10 years, its effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous studies, immunity is formed in more than 88% of those vaccinated. In Russia, an examination was carried out at the GISC named after. Academician Tarasevich. Other injectable vaccines can be administered at the same time as Infanrix.

Pentaxim vaccine is generally well tolerated without complications
  • Pentaxim (France, Sanofi Pasteur) is a five-component immunization drug that protects, in addition to whooping cough, deftheria and tetanus, from polio and meningococcal infection. This vaccine significantly reduces the number of vaccinations (eliminates the separate administration of a substance against polio). Pentaxim can be administered simultaneously with the vaccine against hepatitis B, measles, rubella and mumps. If the first dose was given to a child aged over a year old, then the rest are made without the hemophilic component. The vaccine is well tolerated, thanks to which it received wide use Worldwide - used in 71 countries. Registered in Russia since 2008. According to research results, the effectiveness of immunization against whooping cough reaches 99% (after three administrations, without delays).

Previously, another whole-cell vaccine, Tetracok, produced in France, was introduced, but due to the frequent development of complications, it was discontinued. Imported vaccines without the pertussis component are not registered in Russia, which means they are not used.

It is worth noting that, according to indications, foreign vaccines should be provided in clinics free of charge. The list of diseases is constantly changing, so you need to check with your pediatrician or call your insurance company.

Preparing a child for vaccination

Regardless of which DTP vaccination the child will be given, he must first be examined.

Before immunization, it is necessary to take blood and urine tests and measure the child’s temperature.

If your baby is about to receive the vaccine for the first time, or neurological reactions have been noted to previous ones, you should get permission from a neurologist. Any manifestations of disease are grounds for postponing vaccination.

Due to the fact that doctors are often negligent in pre-vaccination examinations, parents should be vigilant. This will help avoid severe complications from DTP.

A few days before the procedure, it is not recommended to introduce new foods into the baby’s diet. Children prone to allergies are advised to “cover up” vaccination with an antihistamine (anti-allergic) drug. Usually the medicine is given for several days before and after the vaccination.

How is a baby vaccinated?

Usually, during vaccination, parents hold the baby in their arms, having previously freed the necessary part of the body from clothing. The nurse wipes the injection site disinfectant and administers the injection. Vaccination is an unpleasant procedure, so after the injection it is recommended to breastfeed the child so that he calms down faster.

Vaccination schedule

The full course of immunization consists of 3 vaccinations. The first injection is given to the child at 3 months. Two subsequent ones with an interval of 1.5 months each, and revaccination is performed after a year. The second revaccination is carried out at the age of 6-7 years, the third at 14 years and then every 10 years. By medical indications An individual schedule can be created.

The first DTP is given to the child at 3 months

Where and how should a doctor give an injection?

According to WHO (World Health Organization) recommendations, children before school age vaccinations are given in the thigh. This is also confirmed by Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 52 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population,” which clearly states that intramuscular injections Injected into children of the first years of life exclusively into the upper outer surface of the thigh. Starting from school age, vaccinations are given in the shoulder area (we recommend reading:).

Care after vaccination

No special care is required after vaccination; most children tolerate it absolutely normally. Walking and swimming on the day of vaccination are not contraindicated, however, for their peace of mind, parents can refrain from them. If side effects occur after vaccination, walking should be avoided.

After the DPT vaccination, the main thing is to carefully monitor the child for several days. It is worth paying attention to any unusual behavior of the baby - tearfulness, drowsiness and monitoring body temperature.

Normal baby reaction to vaccination

Post-vaccination complications include side effects that begin in a child within three days after vaccination, although the vast majority of symptoms appear in the first 24 hours. What reaction the child will have and how long it will last depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The reaction to vaccination can be general and local.

Local manifestations of the reaction

Local reaction to DTP can be of the following types:

  • Lump at the injection site. This can happen as a result of part of the vaccine getting under the skin, or it can be the body’s reaction to its composition. To quickly get rid of swelling, absorbable gels and ointments, for example, Lyoton, Troxevasin, Badyaga, will help.
  • Redness around the injection site. If the spot is small, then you don’t need to do anything - it will go away on its own.
  • Hives around the injection site indicate an allergic reaction. In this case, it is worth giving the child an antihistamine. Additionally, you can anoint the inflamed areas with an antiallergic gel, for example, Fenistil.
  • Pain at the injection site. It happens that after the administration of DPT, the baby complains of pain in the leg, limps and does not step on his leg. To alleviate the condition, you can apply cold to the sore spot. The pain should subside after some time, otherwise you should consult a doctor.

Compaction after DPT vaccination (we recommend reading:)

The photo shows a reaction at the site of DTP vaccination in a child. Such swelling is acceptable and does not require seeking medical help.

General condition of the body

TO general reactions Vaccinations include:

  • Increased body temperature. In this case, it is worth giving the child the antipyretic drug Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.
  • The cough may be caused by the whooping cough component. Usually goes away on its own. Any other catarrhal phenomena are most likely not complications of DTP, but indicate the development respiratory disease. It often turns out that a weakened immune system (the body is busy producing antibodies for vaccination) is overlaid with viruses accidentally picked up at the clinic on the day of vaccination.
  • Moody, restlessness, refusal to eat. If such symptoms appear, the baby should be offered the breast, the older child should be given a drink and put to bed, the baby is probably just nervous (more details in the article:).

If, despite compliance preventive measures, it was not possible to avoid a reaction after vaccination, you need to act in accordance with the symptoms that arise.

Although the DPT vaccination is considered one of the most difficult for child's body, the effects usually subside within a few days.

The main task of parents is not to really miss alarming symptoms and consult a doctor in time.

When should you consult a doctor?

Contact for medical assistance necessary in the following cases:

  • unbeatable temperature above 39°C;
  • high-pitched crying for a long time (longer than 2-3 hours);
  • profuse swelling at the injection site - more than 8 cm in diameter;
  • severe allergic reaction - Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, shortness of breath;
  • cyanosis skin, convulsions.

Serious complications after vaccination

Serious side effects after vaccination they occur extremely rarely, less than 1 case per 100 thousand vaccinated children. The main reason for such consequences is the doctor’s negligence when examining the baby before vaccination.

Post-vaccination encephalitis

Such complications include:

  • The appearance of seizures without an increase in body temperature. This symptom accompanied by damage to the central nervous system.
  • Post-vaccination encephalitis. The disease begins with a sharp rise in temperature, vomiting, and headache. As with meningoencephalitis, characteristic feature is tension in the neck muscles. The condition may be accompanied by an attack of epilepsy. Damage to the cerebral membranes occurs.
  • Anaphylactic shock is a rapid allergic reaction accompanied by severe swelling, a sharp drop blood pressure, difficulty breathing, bluish skin, and sometimes fainting. Death occurs in 20% of cases.
  • Quincke's edema is another type of reaction to an allergen, also characterized by severe swelling of the skin or mucous membranes. Greatest danger represents swelling of the airways.


There are a number of absolute contraindications to DTP vaccination, which should be reported to the attending physician

Absolute contraindications are.

What complications can there be after vaccinations in children? A vaccine is the introduction of weakened (inactivated) or non-living microbes that pose a threat to the child’s body, sometimes fatal. Vaccination promotes the production of antigens to various microbes, creates artificial immunity to a certain species and genus dangerous bacteria. However, after vaccination, children have various complications that parents should know about.

Types of drugs

Before understanding the reasons for the reaction to vaccination, you should know about the composition of vaccines. The composition of the immunization preparation may vary:

  • live viruses;
  • inactivated viruses;
  • waste products of viruses;
  • modified viruses;
  • synthetic compounds;
  • combination drugs.

Rules before immunization

Immunoglobulins stand apart, which are ready-made antibodies to the virus. Immunoglobulins are isolated from the plasma/serum of a donor previously tested for HIV and hepatitis B/C. No complications from immunoglobulin vaccinations were identified. The only reaction may be incompatibility of protein components, but such cases are practically excluded.

General reaction to the vaccine

General complications from vaccinations are generally the same, with a few exceptions. For example, after anti-tuberculosis BCG vaccines the temperature does not rise, and after others the temperature rises - normal phenomenon. Temperature is an indicator of the development of a protective barrier against introduced viral material. Complications from vaccinations in children can include:

  • general malaise and lethargy;
  • increased body temperature;
  • negative reaction of the nervous system - whims;
  • reactions at the injection site - itching, redness, thickening.

These complications after vaccinations are acceptable and normal, in special treatment dont need. The changes that occur in the body of children after vaccination are unstable and last a short period of time (three days). They are nothing more than a reaction to the functional effect of the drug.

Complications from local vaccinations (lumps, redness) occur either due to incorrect injection technique or due to poor-quality vaccine. There are also complications from vaccinations in children if dirt gets into the wound. In this case, an abscess (suppuration) may appear, which should be treated immediately.

Important! Prevention of suppuration is to be careful with the injection site: it should not be rubbed when bathing, combed with fingers or smeared with ointments. After vaccination, it is possible to make an iodine mesh for rapid resorption of the drug.

Severe complications

However, there are also severe complications after vaccinations, which are characterized by severe disorder organism and require hospitalization of the vaccinated person. Such complications after vaccination include:

  • critical increase in temperature;
  • allergic shock, Quincke's edema;
  • encephalopathy and meningitis;
  • convulsions and paralysis;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • long cry of the baby (3 hours);
  • CNS disorders.

The described pathological reaction after vaccination of children can be caused different conditions and always requires diagnosis before treatment. As a rule, the causes of pathology are violations of vaccination conditions or individual characteristics structure of the child's body. In contrast to the functional reaction to the administered drug, complications from vaccination of a pathological nature are persistent and pose a threat, including death.

Reaction to certain types of drugs

a) Hepatitis B

This drug is administered a few hours after the birth of children, unless there are contraindications. No complications from hepatitis vaccinations have been recorded. The usual reaction is a slight lump from the injection, a slight fever and general weakness. This vaccination does not cause any significant side effects.

b) BCG vaccination

This is the second vaccination that children are given before being discharged home from the hospital. This vaccine is not a panacea for tubercle bacilli, but it helps the body more easily tolerate the infection in case of illness. Tuberculosis is very dangerous due to its complications for children under one year old.

Characteristic changes after BCG vaccinations- this is the formation of a papule and subsequently a scar at the injection site. The process of forming a protective barrier against Koch's bacillus goes through a long period - a characteristic abscess with a scab appears at the injection site, and after healing - a scar.

After vaccination, hyperthermia, general malaise and appetite disturbance may occur. However, you can sound the alarm only if a red lump appears around the pustule and a critical increase in body temperature. The abscess cannot be treated with iodine, rubbed with a sponge while bathing, or the crust picked off.

c) Vaccination against polio

Complications of polio vaccinations in children have not been identified if vaccination rules are followed. At critical change Your baby's condition should be addressed to your doctor.

d) DTP vaccination

This is the most alarming vaccine because the body’s reaction to it is difficult to predict. Complications DPT vaccinations accompanied high temperature, gastrointestinal disorders, neurological pathologies and others unpleasant conditions baby.

Basically, the pertussis component of the vaccine causes a negative reaction. Therefore, in some cases, a secondary vaccination (re-vaccination) is given without the pertussis component. There is also a local reaction to the administration of the vaccine - thickening, redness and even pain when walking. If pathology is detected after DTP, you should contact your pediatrician.

e) MMR vaccination (measles/rubella/mumps)

This vaccination is very important for the well-being and health of children. After it, usually, complications do not appear if the technique of administering the drug and the conditions of immunization are not violated. Small rashes on the body and a non-critical rise in temperature may appear.

Important! In case of any pathology of the baby’s condition, you should contact your pediatrician.

How to reduce the risk of complications?

Many mothers refuse to vaccinate their babies due to fear of complications from vaccinations. On the Internet you can find stories about deaths, as well as about the disability of children after immunization. Is it really? In fact, complications from vaccinations arose due to non-compliance with established immunization standards.

  1. Only a healthy baby can be vaccinated - this is the first rule of all.
  2. You can vaccinate a baby with chronic illness, but during the period of active remission (recovery) and in combination with prescribed medications.
  3. When past illness a child can be immunized only after two weeks recovery period and after passing all tests.
  4. Before vaccination, the mother is obliged to tell the pediatrician in detail about all the ailments the baby has suffered over the last month or two, as well as about sensitivity to allergens (if any).
  5. You should definitely notify your pediatrician about traveling with your baby to another area (if this happened) or moving to a new place of residence - about any changes in the situation.
  6. You cannot take your child home immediately after vaccination; you need to stay in the clinic for at least half an hour/hour.

Rules after immunization

  1. After immunization, you should limit the baby’s social circle to avoid possible infection with viruses (for a week).
  2. To avoid the appearance of pathological compactions, an iodine mesh should be placed at the injection site (except for BCG).
  3. You can bathe the area of ​​all vaccinations, however, you should not rub the injection site with a sponge and overcool the baby during water procedures.
  4. You can walk with your baby after vaccination only if feeling good crumbs and in good (not windy/rainy) weather.
  5. Cannot enter new complementary foods after immunization (and before it) for at least a week.

Following simple precautions will help your baby undergo immunization without risk to health. Parents have the right to write a waiver from vaccinations, but in this case, all responsibility for possible illness from deadly viruses falls on them.

There are no complications, it only needs to be done healthy person. And nothing else. Even if the patient has a runny nose that day, the vaccination is cancelled. You need to know in advance about the rules for preparing for vaccination and you really need to prepare for vaccination. Otherwise, there is a risk of complications, some of which can even be fatal.

Elementary rules

Here are some basic rules that you should follow after your child has been vaccinated:

  • Don't let him eat - you can drink, but wait with food intake. It is advisable not to feed the child for 3 hours - then the body will tolerate vaccination much easier.
  • Liquids (regular clean water) there should be a lot. Make your child drink water.
  • Try to avoid any contact with people.
  • Spend more time outdoors.
  • Observe hygiene standards (bathing a child is not prohibited).

General information about complications

Any medicine that enters the body can trigger a reaction. This reaction is not always positive. Even ordinary food or household chemicals provokes persistent toxic allergic reaction, which can provoke an increase in temperature, breath holding, pneumonia, disruption of cardiovascular activity.

We remind you that the vaccine contains a small amount of the virus, to which, in fact, the body must react through an immune response.

Opinion of immunologist Dmitry Kolinko: “Vaccination is not a 100% guarantee that the patient will not get tuberculosis or measles. This is only a guarantee that the disease will be tolerated much easier compared to those who did not receive this vaccination. I strongly do not recommend vaccination for those who are not confident in their health. Even an increase in temperature on the day of vaccination to 36.8 degrees is already a

Immunologists do not always tell parents before vaccination that vaccinations are aimed at inducing a response immune system (positive reaction) – the property of immunogenicity, but the consequences can also be reactogenic (the occurrence of complications).

The term “reactogenicity” refers to the side effects of the vaccine.

What does reactogenicity depend on?

Side effects after administration of the vaccine may occur as a result of:

  • Properties of the vaccine that were not suitable for this particular person in a particular case;
  • The administered dosage (if you introduce a little more reagent or a little more, the body may react very badly);
  • Method of administration (instead of intradermal administration, the vaccine was administered intramuscularly);
  • Failure to observe time intervals between vaccinations;
  • The vaccination was done without first examining the patient to determine whether he was healthy or not;
  • The body of the vaccinated person has its own characteristics, which resulted in a reactogenic response from the immune system.

Classification of reactions

Adverse reactions after vaccinations (complications) are classified into 2 types:

  • Vaccination reactions, that is, a temporary increase in body temperature, swelling of the skin at the injection site, lack of appetite and other manifestations;
  • Vaccination complications - they can be severe (even fatal).

In its turn, vaccination reactions classified into local and general.

What are local vaccination reactions? This is redness of the skin, formation of a lump at the injection site, painful sensations, swelling, allergic rash, enlargement (inflammation) of the lymph nodes that are located near the site of vaccine administration.

When does this complication appear? Within 24 hours after vaccination. It can last 10 days. In some cases (very rare), complications may persist for 2 months.

How to treat? There is no treatment - you need to wait until the reaction goes away on its own.

The degree of skin damage is assessed by the size of the swelling that occurs. That is, if the reaction on the skin is less than 2.5 cm, then this is a mild vaccination complication, from 2.5 to 5 cm is moderate and more than 5 cm is severe.

Do I need to see a doctor? Mandatory and urgently at the first suspicious local reactions on the skin or deterioration in the health of the vaccinated person.

Common vaccination complications

If, after the administration of the vaccine, the patient’s body temperature increased, a headache began, nausea and vomiting occurred against the background of pain in the abdomen, joint pain, weakness and drowsiness appeared, or loss of consciousness occurred, then these are common vaccine reactions. They occur after the introduction of live vaccines into the body. These are vaccinations against measles, rubella, mumps, chickenpox.

A serious complication can be considered a state of increased body temperature to 38.5 degrees (normally, even an increase to 37 degrees is already a complication). This temperature can persist for 3 days, but in any case, you need to see a doctor within the first few hours.

What to do when the temperature rises?

  • Drink a lot of plain clean water or solutions oral rehydration in the form of gastrolite, rehydron, reosolan, hydrovit.
  • Limit food intake;
  • Take an antipyretic - Ibuprofen or Paracetamol (drugs containing these substances: Deminofen, Sofinol, Tsefekon, Mexalen, Napa, Sanidol, Pyranol, Aminadol, Volpan, Daleron, Dolo, Bolinet, Brufen, Bren, Nurofen, Profinal, Profen, Faspik, Ibufen , Dolgit, Advil);
  • If the temperature has not dropped 4 hours after taking the tablet, repeat the dosage;
  • The temperature does not decrease - call an ambulance.

Possible reactions from the body

Here are possible vaccine reactions from the body that you should be aware of:

  • The temperature may increase within 48 hours - 15 days after vaccinations with DPT, ADS, AADT, measles, rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis B, BCG.
  • Severe reactions such as angioedema, Steven-Johnson syndrome, urticaria, anaphylactic shock may begin after the administration of live DPT vaccine, DPT vaccine, as well as complex vaccine against measles, mumps, rubella, IPV and polysaccharide vaccines.
  • Acute heart failure with risk of loss of consciousness has been diagnosed in patients receiving hepatitis B vaccine and also after complex vaccines.
  • Paralysis and the development of polio have been diagnosed in those who received OPV vaccination.

Remember that you can always refuse vaccination or agree, but taking into account that the consequences have been explained to you and preliminary full diagnostics health status.

For recent years There is an irreconcilable struggle between supporters and opponents of vaccination. Each camp has its own truth, supported by numerous arguments. In this article we collected facts and opinions of doctors about the benefits/harms of vaccinations. Also from the material below you will learn how vaccination is carried out in foreign countries, and why foreign countries refused to use some vaccines that are still used in Russia.

Vaccination: more harm or benefit?

Table 1. Harm and benefits of childhood vaccination

Statement Arguments for" Arguments against"
Vaccination helps reduce the number of infectious diseases With the help of the vaccine, for many years there has been a successful fight against rubella, measles, hepatitis B, as well as tuberculosis, whooping cough, and tetanus. The mortality rate from tetanus before the advent of the vaccine reached 95%, and 100% of children suffered from whooping cough. After vaccination, the incidence rate decreased by 20 times . Polio is still widespread throughout the world. Only The United States has achieved complete eradication of polio. This was achieved by vaccinating residents. 98% of the population in the United States is vaccinated against polio. Every year in our country, almost 9 thousand children are exposed to pneumococcal sepsis, and almost 85 thousand children suffer from pneumonia. The mortality rate from pneumococcal meningitis reaches 40%. Around the world, about a million children under five have died from it. It is no coincidence that vaccinations against pneumococcal infection are given in 36 countries around the world. According to scientists, more than five million people will be saved in the future with the help of a vaccine. Improvements in the quality of medicine and life of the population have led to a decrease in the number of infectious diseases without vaccination. The effect of a vaccine does not provide lifelong protection against infectious diseases, unlike lifelong immunity acquired as a result of an illness. For example, in England, “measles parties” were common, when guests came to a sick child to become infected from him and acquire strong immunity against measles.

Vaccination effectively protects weak and often sick children from infections Children who are often ill are most in need of immunoprophylaxis. They are most susceptible to infections, and their diseases often occur with complications. For weakened children, “additional” vaccinations are provided according to indications. For example, the pathogen pneumococcus is the cause of 70% of infections respiratory system. Therefore, a special vaccine has been developed for children susceptible to respiratory diseases.

After vaccination, sore throats, otitis, and tracheitis worsen in frequently ill children. In addition, complications may arise after vaccination: the child may stop talking, sitting or walking.

Complications after vaccinations in children are very rare. After vaccination, an increase in body temperature, weakness, and allergies may occur - this is the body’s reaction to outside interference. It is usually short-term and does not require medical intervention. Severe complications after vaccination are isolated cases. Each such case is analyzed in detail by specialists. Vaccination suppresses the immune system, so the child’s body becomes vulnerable and susceptible to various kinds of diseases. In addition, various complications may occur after vaccination. For example, It is not uncommon for DPT to be followed by deafness and autism. And absolutely healthy child turns into a disabled person.
Foreign vaccines are harmless Modern medicine uses completely new vaccines, in which dangerous components are either reduced to a minimum or completely eliminated. Domestic and foreign vaccines have no fundamental difference. Aluminum, formaldehyde, phenol, mercury and other components contained in them cause harm to the baby.

What vaccinations are given in Russia and other countries?

Each country has its own national calendar of preventive vaccinations.

For a long time, vaccinations in Russia were mandatory for everyone, with the only exception being children who had a medical exemption due to contraindications. Since 1998, a law on voluntary vaccination was adopted, but doctors still insist on vaccinations.

Complications from the central nervous system include the child’s continuous crying for several hours. The incidence of this reaction is 1 in 200 cases. The reason for this crying may be headache, increased body temperature and strong pain at the injection site. In addition, convulsions may occur, accompanied by loss of consciousness and vomiting. Complications after vaccination require immediate appeal to the doctor .

Complications also occur after other vaccinations. But the worst thing is that cases of child mortality after vaccinations have been recorded all over the world.

Sad statistics:

  • In 2006, cases of severe complications after children were vaccinated against influenza were reported in nine regions of Russia.
  • In 2009, a six-month-old girl died in Omsk after being vaccinated against hepatitis and polio.
  • In 2009, a teenage girl died in the UK after being vaccinated against cervical cancer. Three more of her classmates sought medical help.
  • In 2013, a three-year-old girl died in the Perm region after receiving a flu shot.

Prevention of complications from vaccinations

Only healthy baby you can get vaccinated. In addition, parents and relatives who come into contact with the child should not get sick.

Before vaccination, your child must:

  1. pass general analysis urine;
  2. take a general blood test;
  3. be examined by a pediatrician or allergist-immunologist.

Is it dangerous to vaccinate children: expert opinions

Evgeny Komarovskypediatrician, candidate medical sciences, author of popular books and television programs on children's health, and social network"Komarovsky Club":

“As a person who has worked for quite a long time in an infectious diseases hospital, I can confidently say: for all diseases against which vaccinations are given, the likelihood of illness remains very real. Children get sick with these diseases, and the outcomes are, to put it mildly, different. Therefore, for normal, sensible and prudent parents there is and cannot be any discussion about whether vaccinations should be done or not. Definitely do it!”

Maria KRYUK, pediatric infectious disease specialist:

As a pediatrician, I really don’t like vaccinations in the first year of life, because each vaccination slows down the development of children. After each vaccination, any child within 2-3 weeks can become ill with any disease more easily than one who has not been vaccinated. Because, by interfering with the immune system in a fairly decisive manner, we, as the founder of vaccination, E. Jenner, said, “by vaccinating against one disease, we open the way for others.” It really only makes sense to vaccinate if an epidemic is approaching. And when there is no such risk, it is better to stop vaccination. According to my observations, children vaccinated in the autumn-winter period routine vaccinations, they get sick a lot. But, as a rule, doctors do not connect this with vaccinations. And I keep track of children who are not vaccinated, and I see that in general these children get sick several times less, and if they do get sick, they are easier to treat and recover faster.

Director of the Research Institute of Pediatrics, Professor Maria Shkolnikova:

Vaccination against pneumococcal infection is a serious breakthrough in domestic healthcare. The fact that it is included in the national vaccination schedule will allow us to extract additional resources to reduce child mortality and serious morbidity.”

Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya, professor-virologist:

You can't "liquidate" any infectious disease“Only through vaccinations.” Like, if you get vaccinated, you will be safe for yourself and everyone around you. It’s not enough to say it’s a myth, it’s a utopia about another “universal happiness” in a bright, infection-free paradise, supposedly achieved only with the help of vaccines. The illusion that all infectious agents will be defeated is only necessary to vaccinate “everyone in a row”, i.e. one problem - one solution, gives rise to a criminal approach to this preventive medical intervention in human nature. However, it is precisely this system “out of convenience from an organizational point of view” that continues to be promoted by an army of doctors and health officials who are in one form or another involved in vaccinations, but not in vaccinology with the basics of immunology. A devilish obsession arises: without vaccination, a child seems to be defective, although in fact it is quite the opposite.

In our country, child immunization is voluntary and requires parental consent to vaccination. The main thing to remember is that not only the health, but also the life of children in the future depends on the decision made today.

Once born, the child is faced with big amount microorganisms that are unfamiliar to him. Some pose a threat. To form a barrier that will prevent microbes from dominating a small organism, it is necessary to develop specific antibodies. Vaccinations can help with this - the implementation process pathogenic microorganisms having a changed form (weakened or killed).

information The child’s body’s reaction to this action can be different: from the absence external manifestations before serious complications, including death.

The most commonly observed complications are:

  • the temperature may rise;
  • anxiety, tearfulness, and moodiness appear;
  • itching in the injection area, rash;
  • swelling, redness, hardening of the injection site.

Types of vaccines and features of obtaining

For a vaccination to be successful, it is necessary to take into account its quality, the availability of a WHO certificate (permission for use), and effectiveness. You should know that vaccines are made different manufacturers using various technologies: degree of purification, substances used, number of antigens.

The basis for vaccinations may be different:

  • living microbe;
  • deactivated;
  • chemical composition;
  • toxoids;
  • recombinants (results of genetic engineering);
  • synthetic compounds (laboratory-created “recognizers” of viral bacteria);
  • associated or combined vaccines.

additionally Each vaccination has terms of use, indications, contraindications, schedule and method of administration (oral, injection: subcutaneous or intramuscular).

Vaccination calendar for children


  • - on days 3-7, revaccination at 7 and 14 years of age.
  • - on the first day of life, revaccination at 1 month and at 6 months.

Third month:

  • comprehensive prevention a number of diseases:, and tetanus, (or a lighter version -). Revaccination takes place three times.

After a year:

  • From 6 years old - revaccination.

No matter how much some parents would like to refuse vaccinations for their child, today it is impossible to do without them. It is necessary to develop right attitude to them, and problems can be avoided.

Before vaccination, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  1. At the time of vaccination, the child must be healthy.
  2. If the baby already has chronic illness, vaccination should be postponed during an exacerbation.
  3. To avoid complications, the pediatrician must carefully examine the functioning of the heart and respiratory organs and carry out.
  4. After vaccination, you should remain under the supervision of a doctor for some time, at least half an hour.
  5. If your baby has had it before, you should tell your pediatrician about it; you may need to start taking it a few days in advance. antihistamines, which will soften the allergic reaction.
  6. After vaccination, a child’s temperature may begin to rise very quickly, so antipyretics should be on hand. In some cases, they are recommended to be taken before vaccination, especially if there was such a reaction to vaccination in previous times.
  7. After vaccination, the body begins the process of developing immunity to the disease for which it was vaccinated. This happens within one to one and a half months. It is during this period that it is very carefully recommended to monitor the baby’s health: do not bathe him in the first days, avoid hypothermia, and support the body with vitamins.

important Each person has an individual reaction to the vaccine. Over time, attentive parents will be able to accurately determine what reaction is normal for their child and when to seek help from doctors.

Side effects and complications from vaccinations

  • Hepatitis B vaccination. A newborn baby receives this vaccination on the first day of his life. Acceptable reactions after vaccination are pain at the injection site and slight thickening, weakness, slight increase temperature. If something different is happening to your baby, seek medical advice.
  • BCG. Vaccination against is administered 3-7 days after birth. Usually, after one to one and a half months, an infiltrate appears at the injection site, then a crust. It should not be rubbed or washed while bathing, and until it comes off, care must be taken to ensure that no infection gets there. A small scar remains at the injection site for up to three to four months. There is no need to worry even if the area around the pustule becomes very red or suppuration appears - these are normal stages of scar formation.
  • If done correctly, it will not speak about itself in any way. If the child's condition changes, you should immediately go to the doctor.
  • Requires increased attention to yourself (), very important, but also very unpredictable. Deterioration general condition, moodiness, anxiety, temperature up to 38.5° C are the main accompaniments of this vaccination. This reaction is not dangerous for the child and goes away in the coming days. But if the condition worsens, the temperature rises above the specified level, a lump appears, the vaccination site turns red, then a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed. The resulting lump should not be a cause for great concern; it is evidence of improper administration of the vaccine. As a rule, it should resolve within thirty days, but it is better to play it safe and show this place to the pediatrician.
  • Graft accompanied by slight compaction. The parotid glands may become larger, and abdominal pain may appear (short-term and episodic). The temperature, if it rises, only slightly and not for long.
  • It is usually well tolerated by children and only in isolated cases does it cause a change in health status in the form of signs that appear on days 6-14: minor rashes, fever, etc. You should consult a doctor if these symptoms do not go away on their own after 2-3 days. This vaccination is given once to a one-year-old child.
  • Rubella vaccine usually easily tolerated by children, but may sometimes be symptomatic of this disease: the appearance of a rash, enlarged lymph nodes, increased temperature, the appearance of a runny nose, etc.

Vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae

Separately, it should be said about hemophilus influenzae infection - very in a serious manner diseases, especially for children, for which there is a vaccination, but most often parents neglect it. Acute infectious disease affecting organs breathing, central nervous system and accompanied by the development of purulent foci in various organs, can be prevented by the Hib vaccine. Her modern form is one hundred percent protection of the body from Haemophilus influenzae. The Hib vaccine can be used from two months of age to 5 years of age. Older children who were vaccinated earlier no longer need vaccination, since their immunity can already fight this infection on its own.

It is created on the basis of non-living microorganisms, so it does not pose a danger to the child. The basic regimen is designed for 4-time administration of the drug:

  • at 3 months;
  • at 4.5 months;
  • at 6 months;
  • at 18 months.

information The vaccination, as a rule, is well tolerated, and redness or thickening is observed only in 5-7% of vaccinated people, fever - in 1%.

These reactions do not require any intervention because they go away on their own after a day or two. The fact that it is well tolerated allows the Hib vaccine to be combined with some other vaccinations, according to, for example, DTP vaccines.


However, no matter how unsafe a vaccine is for a growing body, the issue of vaccinations should be decided exclusively individually. Be sure to listen to the opinions of pediatricians, especially those who have been monitoring your baby’s growth since birth and have studied the child’s body well enough to make the right decisions.

Don't be afraid to prevent diseases. Do not think that in case of illness, treatment with antibiotics will cause less harm to the body than a timely and correctly administered vaccination. Vaccination will make it possible to prevent, the consequences of which can be much worse than complications from vaccinations.