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Why does one leg swell more than the other. What is the danger of swelling of one leg. Reasons why the left leg swells

Nature decreed that a person is able to walk vertically on his lower limbs - legs. This gift from positive factors has and reverse side. Our legs and other body systems pay the price for the ability to move on the ground. Edema is an example of the price that a person sometimes pays.

Swelling of the legs affects 8 out of 10 people. This trouble is more common among the female part of the population. Men are less prone to edema. The distribution directly depends on the nature of the work. hormonal system. Swelling of the legs is a frequent companion of a woman during pregnancy. Sharper problem gets up in old age, causing pain and difficulty in moving.

A simple truth will allow you to competently approach the issue of puffiness. Edema is a symptom recognized as a consequence of diseases. Treatment of edema in isolation from the diseases that give rise to it - Sisyphean labor. An experienced doctor will begin to look for the causes of swelling.

The main answers to why edema occurs are common phenomena. These include malnutrition, non-compliance with the daily routine, low physical activity, increased pollution environment, prolonged stay on the legs. Constant need to walk.

Only swollen left leg

Edema is easy to recognize. Press on the edematous area with your finger, you will see a non-disappearing imprint. Often such traces are left on the legs by tight clothes - tight stockings or socks. This kind of dents signal the appearance of puffiness.

The nature of the phenomenon lies in the fact that in the tissues of the body, especially in the lower extremities, a pathologically large (sometimes up to 30 kg) amount of fluid accumulates. Venous vessels they do not cope with the task of sending blood along the circle of blood circulation returning to the heart (from the legs up). The valves of the veins disrupt the work, it is formed venous congestion(typical for varicose veins).

There is a settling of blood in the capillaries under the influence of gravity. system blood vessels in the body, the lymphatic system duplicates; in case of malfunction, edema also forms. Each doctor adheres to his own classification of the origins of the symptom, focusing on which he makes the final diagnosis. Let's bring complete list diseases:

  • Renal failure. Infectious diseases kidneys. Glomerulonephritis, nephropathy, pyelonephritis. Puffiness is formed on the legs, on the face, around the eyes. Particularly noticeable upon awakening. Passes after 1-2 hours. Directly depends on the amount of fluid drunk before bedtime.
  • Heart failure. The elderly are predominantly affected. Severe edema symmetrical character, bilateral, gradually rising up. Stagnation of blood is formed, blood circulation is disturbed. The targets are often subcutaneous fat individual organs.

    Swelling of the legs is a fairly common phenomenon. This is an increase in tissue volume due to the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space. Edema can be localized in any part of the body, but most often it is formed on the legs - the lower leg and ankle. This is due to the maximum load on the legs and the lowest position of the feet relative to the rest of the body. Swelling of the legs always indicates a malfunction in the body. Often this can be a sign of temporary discomfort - malnutrition, pregnancy, etc. But if swelling occurs regularly and does not depend on exposure external environment you should definitely consult with your doctor. Perhaps swelling is a symptom of a more serious disease.

    How swelling of the legs manifests itself

    As a rule, swelling of the legs is noticeable purely visually. First, these will be traces of gum socks on the lower leg. Then the patient may feel a feeling of constriction and discomfort in the usual shoes. If a woman wears sandals, she will definitely notice traces of the straps, which, as it were, fell into the loose and soft fabric. Puffiness increases in the evening, after a heavy physical work or, conversely, after a long stay in a motionless form. Swelling of the legs has recently become an office disease, as people are forced to sit at the computer in one position throughout the working day. Puffiness also increases after exposure to the sun. If you notice swelling of the limbs, you need to follow the symptom for several days. At physiological changes the swelling will go away in a few days. If your condition does not change, you need to find out the cause of the resulting edema as soon as possible.

    Why do legs swell

    Swelling of the legs can be different, ranging from moderate tissue changes to serious pathologies, when the skin stretched from swelling begins to literally burst. Foot swelling can be caused by minor lifestyle changes or serious diagnosis. Let's talk about the causes of swelling of the legs in more detail, let's start with physiological causes that are not related to disruption of the organs and systems of the body.

    1. Salt. If you ate a few pickles the night before, ate a salted herring, then it is quite difficult to avoid swelling. As you know, salt attracts water in large quantities. Salty food leads to swelling of the legs and arms, puffiness, bags under the eyes. As a rule, edema in this case manifests itself in the morning.
    2. Alcohol. Alcoholic beverages, like salt, attract and retain fluid in the body. That is why the day after the "party" the person's face and limbs look swollen.
    3. Heat. Remember that in summer period time the swelling of the legs increases. This is due to the expansion of blood vessels when the body tries to normalize heat metabolism and not overheat.
    4. Sitting and standing work. The constant presence of the legs in the same position reduces the intensity of blood circulation. As a result, the blood circulates through the body very slowly and for a long time, and the lower limbs completely stagnate. This leads to swelling of the leg. As noted, the legs swell in office workers who are forced to constantly work in sitting position. Especially often the legs swell in those who like to sit cross-legged. However, in “standing” professions, the legs also swell, because the load on the foot in this case is constant and continuous. Legs swell at hairdressers, sellers, cooks, etc.
    5. Pregnancy. Edema often accompanies pregnancy. There are several reasons for this. First, it is hormonal changes in the body. During pregnancy, a huge amount of progesterone is produced, which reduces the muscular muscles of the uterus and reduces vascular tone. The second reason for swelling of the legs during pregnancy is squeezing. large arteries and veins of a growing fetus. That is why edema most often occurs to more late deadline pregnancy. Another reason for swelling during the bearing of a baby is late gestosis of pregnant women. The development of the diagnosis is fraught with proeclampsia - a pathological change in the functioning of blood vessels. This state very dangerous, both for the woman and for her child.
    6. PMS. Many women notice that before starting menstrual cycle their weight increases slightly. This is due to the production of hormones that begin to retain fluid in the body. Before menstruation there is swelling of the legs.
    7. Shoes. Another reason for swollen feet is wearing the wrong and uncomfortable shoes. High heels, too narrow arch, tight straps can lead to compression and squeezing of important arteries and veins. This leads to stagnant processes and swelling of the legs.

    As a rule, physiological edema is symmetrical and soft. Both legs and feet swell equally. If you press on the soft swollen tissues and remove your finger, then a trace will remain at the place of pressure. As a rule, after some time after rest, such swelling of the legs disappears. If they do not pass, then they are most likely associated with pathological changes in the body and indicate a medical diagnosis.

    1. Heart. If the heart does not work fully, it is not able to pump a huge amount of blood in the body in a quality and timely manner. This leads to stagnant processes in the veins and arteries in the legs. Cardiac edema is symmetrical, especially in the morning.
    2. Kidneys. The direct function of the kidneys is to excrete excess fluid. If the kidneys do not cope with this function, there are various renal pathologies accompanied by swelling of the limbs and the whole body. Characteristic difference renal edema from cardiological - with kidney disease, not only the legs swell, but also the face, the skin becomes pale.
    3. Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. In diseases of the veins, the swelling of the legs is asymmetrical, as a rule, the swelling is more pronounced on one leg. At the same time, the tissues are quite elastic and firm, the edema increases after a standing position and weakens after raising the legs above the level of the body. Along with swelling, the patient feels pain in the legs, burning, heaviness, the skin may turn red.
    4. Diseases of the lymphatic system. Various diseases lymphatic system (including erysipelas) is accompanied by dense and persistent edema, which is difficult to get rid of. For such a violation, swelling of the back of the foot is characteristic - that is, a kind of pillow forms on top.
    5. Damage to the joints, bones, ligaments. Various injuries, sprains, bruises and fractures of bones, joints and ligaments necessarily lead to edema. As a rule, in this case, the edema is located only on the affected leg, accompanied by pain when walking.

    These are the main diagnoses, a symptom of which may be swelling of the legs. But is it always worth going to the doctor with similar symptoms?

    When to See a Doctor

    If you notice a slight swelling in your legs after drinking beer with salted nuts in the evening, the reason for this swelling is obvious. In this case, swelling after some time will pass himself, you don't even have to worry about it. If the swelling does not go away for more than a week or only increases each time, you should definitely go to the doctor. This will usually be a therapist first who can refer you to more narrow specialists- cardiologist, phlebologist, traumatologist, nephrologist, etc. depending on the cause of the swelling.

    You should immediately consult a doctor if the swelling is accompanied by redness and stretching of the skin, the appearance of ulcers or dark areas on the epidermis. Of particular concern is the presence of pastosity. This means that you need to press on the soft tissue and see if there are any marks left. If yes, then the visit to the doctor should not be postponed. If the swelling has formed on one leg or has risen above the knee, this also indicates the need for urgent professional help.

    Medical treatment of swelling of the legs

    As noted, swelling is only a symptom. Getting rid of puffiness depends on the underlying disease and is aimed at its treatment. Here are a few drug groups of drugs that can be useful for swelling of the legs.

    1. Diuretic drugs. They will help to remove excess fluid from the body, which is “stuck” in the intercellular space. Such therapy is effective in cardiac and renal edema. Among the most effective are Furosemide, Trifas, Lasix, Uregit, etc.
    2. Potassium. The drug is prescribed for cardiac disorders. Potassium is needed to restore deficiency after washing out with diuretics. Among such funds, Asparkam and Panangin can be distinguished. In general, potassium preparations are very useful for the work of the heart muscle. However, they are contraindicated in renal failure.
    3. Cardioprotectors. They do not act directly on puffiness, but they perfectly improve the functioning of the heart so that it pumps blood better in the veins and arteries. The group of cardioprotective drugs is very large, specific remedy selected depending on individual characteristics patient.
    4. Phlebotonics are needed for diseases of the veins. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation. Among these funds are Troxevasin, Detralex, Normoven, etc.
    5. Drugs that thin the blood. They are also necessary for complex treatment veins and heart disease. If the blood is viscous, it is more difficult to pump through the arteries and veins. But more liquid consistency moves through the arteries much more easily. Among similar drugs Aspecard, Cardiomagnyl, Lospirin, etc. can be distinguished.
    6. Local ointments and gels. Local action is effective at varicose veins veins and even with simple overexertion. Such funds increase blood circulation, the severity of edema subsides in just a matter of minutes. Among such remedies are Troxevasin, Heparin ointment, Lyoton, Venarus, etc. For erysipelas, local antibiotic therapy- Levomekol is applied to the skin.

    This is just an approximate designation of groups of drugs that can help you get rid of edema. Remember that only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe medications.

    1. If you work in a standing or sitting position, you need to change your posture every hour. If you are sitting at the computer, take breaks, walk around the room, go up and down the stairs, make hiking. This will help you disperse stagnant blood. If, on the contrary, you are on your feet during the day, you must definitely look for time to rest, sit at least 5 minutes every hour. Only in this way can you reduce the load on precious legs.
    2. If swelling occurs in the legs, regularly raise the legs above the level of the body, at least for 10-15 minutes. That is, you need to lie on the bed, and put a pillow under your feet. So you increase the outflow of blood from the lower extremities.
    3. Be sure to do gymnastics, especially when sitting and standing. It can be performed even while sitting on a chair - twist your toes in one direction and the other, make movements up, down, right and left, squeeze and unclench your toes.
    4. Very effective massage. During pregnancy and in other cases of edema, massage should be done twice a day. This will help normalize blood circulation in the lower extremities, disperse the blood. You can massage with local gels and ointments to enhance the effect of the procedure.
    5. Be sure to wear compression stockings, tights and stockings. They gently squeeze the legs below the knee and do not allow blood and fluid to stagnate in soft tissues designated areas.
    6. To make the vessels more elastic, you can do contrast baths. Place two cups in front of you - cold and hot water. Soak your feet in the bath one by one.
    7. Eliminate salty, smoked and pickled foods from the diet, give up alcohol and nicotine, try not to drink at night. But in the heat, try to drink more to sweat and stabilize heat transfer. In general, if swelling is not associated with temperature indicators, the amount of fluid consumed should be reduced so as not to provoke even more swelling.
    8. Choose shoes carefully - they should be comfortable and comfortable, the heel should not be higher than 4 cm, straps and straps should not compress the foot. It is best to choose shoes in the evening, as the foot is the largest at this time of day.

    Folk recipes for swelling of the legs

    Here are some effective and popular recipes that will help you get rid of swollen feet.

    1. Mint decoction. Prepare a decoction at the rate of one tablespoon of the dried plant per liter of boiling water. Drink a liter of decoction during the day, the next morning the swelling will become much less pronounced.
    2. Lemon, cucumber and carrot. To get rid of edema, we will prepare a diuretic cocktail. Squeeze juice from cucumber, lemon and carrots - about half a glass each. Mix the ingredients and dilute the juice in half with water. Drink the composition in small portions throughout the day.
    3. Corn silk. A decoction of them is very useful, especially for kidney pathologies. Zhmenu corn stigmas should be poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted in a thermos for at least a day. Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.
    4. Birch leaves. Birch leaves also perfectly relieve excess fluid in the body. A handful of dried or fresh leaves you need to pour boiling water and insist in a warm place for about three hours. Drink 200 ml in the morning and evening.
    5. Parsley. This herb is great for treating swollen feet. Parsley should be actively eaten, decoctions should be prepared on its basis, local compresses should be made.
    6. Hawthorn. This decoction will help you get rid of swelling if they occur due to heart problems. Dry fruits and leaves of hawthorn should be poured with boiling water and infused for 5-6 hours. The output should be a strong decoction, which must be taken in half a glass three times a day.
    7. Raw potatoes. Compresses based on it are effective against swelling of the legs. Grate the potatoes, place the pulp on swollen tissues, cover with a film and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then remove the compress, wipe your feet with a dry towel, but do not wash! After a while, the swelling will subside.
    8. Pumpkin. Eat pumpkin as much as possible to get rid of kidney and heart diseases. Pure pumpkin juice is very useful.

    Perhaps not all recipes will suit you, each organism is individual and sensitive to certain medicinal components. Try folk remedies, change and alternate them among themselves to find what will help you.

    Swelling of the legs is a serious pathology that should not be neglected. Timely identified causes of edema can save you from heart attack and stroke, kidney failure, and blood clots. One of the most serious complications with edema, this is a violation of the integrity of the skin, the appearance of ulcers and open wounds up to gangrene and amputation of the leg. If you suffer from swelling that is not related to diet and lifestyle, be sure to see a doctor. Timely detected disease is the key to a quick and effective recovery!

    Video: what to do if the legs swell

    With such an unpleasant phenomenon as swelling of the legs, many are familiar. Most often, the problem quickly disappears by itself, it is enough just to give the legs a rest for a few hours. Much worse when swelling occurs regularly, accompanied by pain, discoloration skin and others anxiety symptoms. This may be a sign of one of the diseases that we will talk about.

    Source: depositphotos.com

    Heart failure

    Edema caused by heart failure has the following features:

    • edema is formed on the shins of both legs;
    • they do not cause pain, but become painful when pressed;
    • skin on swollen areas of a bluish hue, cold to the touch;
    • swelling is immobile;
    • fluid accumulates in the evening or in the morning (after sleep).

    Patients with heart failure often complain that their legs are numb and cold. With prolonged lying, the face, arms and lower back may swell. In addition to edema, the pathology is manifested by arrhythmia, periodic pain in the chest and shortness of breath on the slightest exertion.

    Heart failure is very dangerous. Ignoring its symptoms and refusing treatment can lead to the most sad consequences. Having noticed swelling of the legs, accompanied by the listed signs, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

    Source: depositphotos.com

    Rheumatism and rheumatic heart disease

    Rheumatism is a disease non-infectious nature, manifested by inflammation of the joints, as well as various departments heart (myocarditis, endocarditis and pericarditis). The disease is usually accompanied by symmetrical swelling of the legs, painless when pressed. The fluid accumulates gradually, swelling increases in the evening, and disappears completely or partially during the night.

    With rheumatic heart disease, fever, shortness of breath (even at rest), discomfort in the region of the heart (appears when lying on the left side), and heart rhythm disturbances are also observed.

    The development of rheumatism and rheumatic heart disease most often occurs against the background of streptococcal infection, primarily damaging Airways. Similar diseases require serious treatment, so the patient should be under medical supervision. It is important to note that the first signs of these diseases are often blurred, they are easily confused with normal fatigue or the effects of stress. It is very dangerous to ignore these symptoms, because if left untreated, the disease can become chronic.

    Source: depositphotos.com

    Venous insufficiency

    Pathologies associated with venous insufficiency, varied. Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis of the vessels of the legs are manifested by constant swelling and pain. The skin over the edema becomes red and hot, the edema is dense to the touch, not slipping through the fingers. Patients notice heat in the lower extremities (feet "burn"). Diseases of this kind are very dangerous and require emergency treatment. Delay is fraught with very serious (and even fatal) complications.

    Varicose veins are a very common problem that affects about a third of women over 30 and more than half of women of retirement age. The first signs are a feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs, as well as the gradual development of edema in the calves and ankles, which increases in the evening and disappears after a night's rest. If the disease is not treated, the veins in the legs become noticeable. They resemble twisted, clumsy cords with raised knots. IN severe cases the skin on the ankles becomes brown, hemorrhages and trophic ulcers appear.

    Venous insufficiency of the lower extremities - dangerous state. It is treated for a long time by taking medications and wearing compression underwear, and in some cases by surgery.

    Source: depositphotos.com

    Kidney pathologies

    Kidney failure leads to fluid retention in the body. Leg swelling associated with these disorders is usually located on the top of the feet. They are symmetrical, soft to the touch. Unlike edema caused by cardiovascular pathologies, renal edema often appears in the morning. Rapid swelling is often observed in patients with renal insufficiency. lower parts legs, provoked by excessive fluid intake.

    Diagnostic signs indicating the presence of problems with the kidneys are also swelling under the eyes, changes in the daily amount, color and smell of urine, drawing pains in the lumbar region.

    Source: depositphotos.com

    Thyroid dysfunction

    Swelling of both legs in the ankle area may indicate insufficient production of hormones thyroid gland. Edema looks like pads, when pressed with fingers, deep pits remain on them. If the pathology progresses, myxedema may develop - a condition manifested by the accumulation of fluid in all tissues of the body. The skin of such patients seems puffy and lifeless, its surface becomes rough, flaky, acquires a yellowish tint.

    Source: depositphotos.com


    Allergic swelling of the legs may develop in response to taking some medicines, insect bites or consumption certain types products. The lesion looks like a dense, uniform swelling, which does not leave marks when pressed. The surface of the skin turns red, covered with a small reddish rash and severely itchy. The patient complains of pain in the affected limb, which occurs at the slightest strain or long stay in one pose.

    To solve the problem, it is urgent to stop contact with the allergen and take an antihistamine.

    Source: depositphotos.com


    When a leg is broken, swelling of the tissues located next to the damaged area of ​​​​the bone forms for a short time. The skin over the damaged area acquires a bluish tint, there is increasing pain. The limb can be fixed in an unnatural position.

    With a bruise, swelling also develops, which makes it difficult to move the leg normally. A hematoma appears after a few days, and the pain, initially sharp, gradually subsides.

    If there is a suspicion of a leg injury, you can not wait. To avoid serious problems it is necessary to urgently go to the emergency room or hospital and undergo an x-ray to find out the nature of the damage.

    Source: depositphotos.com

    Liver disease

    At severe lesions liver (cirrhosis, malignant neoplasms) develops a condition called portal hypertension. It is associated with the cessation of albumin production, the deficiency of which leads to metabolic disorders and blood stagnation in big circle circulation. As a result, dense swelling of the legs in the ankle area is formed. other signs portal hypertension are a change in skin tone (yellowing), reddening of the palms of the hands, accumulation of fluid in the anterior abdominal wall(ascites), shortness of breath. Men develop gynecomastia (breast enlargement).

    Swelling of the leg in very rare cases can be a life-threatening condition

    Is your left leg swollen? In very rare cases, this can be a life-threatening condition. This article provides information on what to do if you notice swelling in your legs, especially swelling in your left leg. Leg swelling can be a common problem for many people. Leg swelling generally refers to swelling of any part of the leg, including the ankles, thighs, and calves. There are many causes of leg swelling, but in any case, all of these causes are due to the accumulation of fluid or inflammation of the joints or tissues. Often these causes are caused by trauma, prolonged sitting or standing, or even more. serious illness(formation of a blood clot or the presence of problems with blood circulation). In some cases, it is the left leg that can swell more than the right leg.

    Causes of swelling of the left leg

    In many cases, swelling of the legs occurs evenly, with none of the legs appearing more edematous than the other. But sometimes one leg swells while the other remains relatively normal. Common Causes water retention or inflammation associated with arthritis, injury affecting only one leg, or problems with blood clot. Here's more detailed information about the causes of leg swelling.

    The cause of swelling of the left leg is arthritis. If you have severe arthritis in your knee or ankle, this can lead to severe leg swelling. It can also be very painful condition which can make it difficult to move or bend the leg. In severe arthritis, it may not even be possible to transfer weight to the affected limb. Arthritis can be a very serious condition that requires medical care to prevent further damage to the leg.

    The cause of the swelling of the left leg is in a blood clot. Many people believe that the formation of a blood clot in any area of ​​the body is accompanied by pain, but this is not always the case. Sometimes the first and only symptom of a blood clot in one leg is swelling. Other symptoms may include: lack of sensation in the leg or pain in the affected area, even tingling, numbness. The left leg may feel hot and cold, but not the right. It is important to get immediate medical attention if you suspect a blood clot.

    The reason for the swelling of the left and right legs is water retention. This is one of the most common causes of swelling, but it affects both legs. Water retention can be caused by standing for long periods of time, but can also be the result of serious problems such as kidney failure or heart disease.

    Trauma - as the cause of swelling of the left leg. If your foot has been injured in any way, swelling may be considered a normal problem until the injury has healed. A broken leg, severe bruising, or other type of injury can cause the leg to swell. Unfortunately, this type of swelling can increase pain from an injury. Therefore, you need to talk to your doctor about what can be done to relieve swelling.

    Other causes of leg swelling

    Other causes that lead to the accumulation of fluid in the legs are kidney problems, heart problems, blood clots in the legs, hormonal methods medications, pregnancy and taking certain prescription drugs. Sometimes even ibuprofen, a drug used to reduce inflammation, can cause swelling. Many injuries can lead to inflammation and swelling of the affected area.

    How can you determine the swelling of the left leg?

    Sometimes the left leg may look a little more swollen than the right. How edema is this? First, look at the left and right leg at both sides. Is one greater than the other? Swollen feet may look shiny or glossy, and may even feel "tight" in the skin. You can also do a simple test: just press your toe on your foot. Will there be a mark on the place of pressure? This is a sign of serious edema. Call your doctor if you have swelling in one or both legs.

    Treatment of swelling of the left leg

    In many cases, leg swelling can be eliminated using rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Place your leg on a pillow above your heart, put on compression stockings to help relieve swelling, and apply ice to the painful area.

    To help reduce leg swelling: 1) a low-salt diet, 2) intense exercise to promote blood flow through your legs; 3) wear elastic stockings; 4) lose weight if you have to; 5) Tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking. Also, keep your foot elevated, don't stand for long periods of time, and move around frequently instead of sitting. Since there is no way to determine true reason swelling of the left leg, be sure to visit a doctor.

    When do you need to urgently see a doctor?

    Sometimes a visit to the doctor can't wait. If the left leg is swollen and other symptoms occur, you need to call an ambulance. Dangerous symptoms are: 1) edema occurs without apparent reason and very suddenly; 2) swelling is the result of an accident or injury. If you experience chest pain, fainting and dizziness, confusion, difficulty breathing, you need to urgently call an ambulance, as these symptoms indicate a very serious illness.

    What are the causes of swelling of the left leg in the foot area? This question must be answered by the attending physician.
    In cases where swelling develops on the left leg, it is necessary to identify the causes of this manifestation and prescribe treatment. There are situations when swelling of the left leg occurs due to physiological reasons and is not associated with disease.

    Etiology of puffiness

    In this case, it is enough to remove the reasons for its appearance. It is quite another when edema occurs due to certain pathologies in the body. They may indicate a malfunction. various bodies person. Sometimes one foot swells more than the other, sometimes both feet swell evenly.

    It should be noted that any edema is an excess of fluid that accumulates in the intercellular space of tissues. The mechanism of puffiness is based on three principles:

    1. 1. There is an increase in pressure in the capillaries.
    2. 2. The fluid leaves the bloodstream as a result of a decrease in osmotic pressure.
    3. 3. Due to a decrease in the amount of proteins (or albumins) in the blood, an increase in capillary permeability with toxic damage or inflammatory process.

    Most often, the cause of foot edema is congestion in the vessels of the circulatory system.

    In the event that swelling of the foot occurs on the left limb, then this is included in the general concept of the occurrence of swelling. And the development of edema occurs according to one of these mechanisms.

    However, the fact that swelling appears only in the left leg is not a characteristic sign.

    An abnormal case may begin to appear in only one of the legs, or it may affect both at once. The fact that only the left leg was the affected limb indicates that the patient has a congenital or acquired type of weakening of the vascular tissues. Therefore, the pathology arose precisely in it. The place of edema can be more than one. Puffiness occurs on the fingers, in the area of ​​​​the foot, lower leg, and in general, on any part of the leg.

    Causes of swelling of the left leg. most common cause leg swelling is drinking too much fluid. This is especially true for liquids containing gases or mineral salts.
    This type of edema often appears in the hot season and in sedentary people.

    IN similar cases enters the body a large number of liquid, but at the same time a minimum amount of it is released through sweat glands. The heart is unable to cope with the pumping of such an amount, and the kidneys are unable to filter out the excess liquid blood component. And in addition, salt begins to contribute to the fact that the fluid in the body is delayed. Based on this, fluid stagnation appears. First of all, it manifests itself in the lower extremities. The overall picture is enhanced by an excess of human body weight.

    In addition, swelling of the left leg, as a result of the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, may appear with the uncontrolled use of certain medications. Changes in the body, such as the accumulation of fluid, can be caused by glucocorticosteroids or drugs that are taken for hypertension.

    Also, drugs based on male or female hormones.
    Contraceptives may also have an effect.

    In the female, the risk of edema of the left leg increases sharply during the period of bearing a child. Edema short term at this time, they are permissible and represent processes of a physiological plan. However, the outflow of blood may be impaired due to compression of the veins from the side fast growing uterus. Often, swelling during pregnancy can be caused by hormonal changes, which is provoked by an increase in estrogen levels. But it is worth noting that in the second half of pregnancy, when there is a risk of developing preeclampsia, swelling may indicate pathological condition woman's body. In this case, you must consult a doctor.

    However, do not assume that the swelling that occurs on the left leg is not always harmless. Very often it can be a symptom various pathologies that can develop in organs.

    What diseases can cause the symptom?

    The most common causes of edema are:

    1. 1. Varicose veins. This disease is a distension of the veins, which is no longer reversible. The disease very often begins to manifest itself with edema. For early diagnosis you can use it. Especially often you can notice the occurrence of puffiness in evening time when the working day is nearing completion. Then there is a feeling of heaviness in the legs and fatigue.
    2. 2. Cardiac swelling of the legs. This type of swelling appears when the work of the body is disturbed. of cardio-vascular system. Edema in this case appears in the evening and has a bluish tint. There may be dyspnoea, hypertension, pain in the region of the heart, increased fatigue.
    3. 3. When the heart is unable to cope with its function of pumping blood through the body, then swelling begins to appear on the legs from below (fingers, feet). Over time, the swelling can rise higher and gradually covers the entire lower limb as a whole.
    4. 4. Thrombophlebitis. This disease is associated with deep vein thrombosis and inflammatory reaction on the venous wall. Additional signs may include: soreness, numbness, tingling, or even fever.
    5. 5. Lymphedema. It causes abnormal changes in lymphatic system. In a pathological condition of this type, the outflow of lymph becomes difficult, which affects swelling. lower limb. The most common is bilateral swelling.
    6. 6. Myxedema - this swelling is called mucous. It is caused by thyroid dysfunction. A similar anomaly develops in hypothyroidism, and its frequent location is the anterior surface of the lower leg.
    7. 7. Diseases of the liver. They, too, are often associated with swelling of the legs. This is due to an increase in albumin production and deterioration venous outflow. This symptom is most pronounced when the patient has cirrhosis of the liver.

    The pathological type of puffiness can be the result of various infections and inflammatory processes:

    1. 1. Rheumatism and its characteristic manifestation - rheumatoid arthritis, which is associated with inflammation of the joints.
    2. 2. Erysipelas - a disease caused by streptococci. Puffiness in this case may be accompanied by clearly defined red spots with pain.
    3. 3. Osteomyelitis. Otherwise it's a defeat. bone tissue due to infection and inflammatory process, appear severe pain, mobility is impaired.
    4. 4. Infectious arthritis - dangerous disease affecting the joints, which is accompanied by fever, redness and pain.

    Do not forget that swelling of the legs may be the result of excessive fluid intake during sedentary manner life. Then the disease can be easily eliminated simply by changing drinking regime. However similar phenomenon may be one of the symptoms of a serious pathology that should be cured as soon as possible.