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Menstruation and bleeding - differences and characteristic signs. How to stop uterine bleeding: methods and folk remedies

Uterine bleeding should be understood as the discharge of blood from the uterine cavity. They are distinguished from menstruation by the intensity, volume, duration of blood loss, as well as regularity.

Causes of uterine bleeding.
Uterine bleeding occurs due to a malfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system, which regulates the functions of the ovaries; these are the so-called dysfunctional bleeding. Disruption of the process of production of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland, which affect follicle maturation and ovulation, leads to disturbances in folliculogenesis and menstrual function. Moreover, the follicle in the ovary does not mature or matures without ovulation, but. this means it is not formed and corpus luteum. As a result, the uterus is affected by estrogens (hyperestrogenism), since the production of progesterone stops and its cycle is disrupted. Hyperplasia occurs (when the endometrium grows too much), and subsequently the endometrium is rejected, which is accompanied by uterine bleeding, which is profuse and prolonged.

It is important to note that hyperestrogenism with dysfunctional uterine bleeding greatly increases the risk of developing adenocarcinoma, fibrocystic mastopathy, diseases of the uterus and appendages, breast cancer.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is divided into ovulatory, that is, associated with menstruation (deviations in the volume and duration of blood loss during menstruation), and anovulatory - observed between menstruation and occurring after a delay or less than 21 days after last menstrual period. Ovarian dysfunction often provokes the development of infertility and miscarriage. By consulting a doctor in time, namely immediately after the appearance of menstrual irregularities, you will avoid dangerous consequences in future.

Uterine bleeding can also be caused by diseases of the uterus and appendages, in particular fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis, and various tumors of a benign and malignant nature. Very in rare cases Diseases not related to the functioning of the genital organs, in particular liver diseases, blood disorders, and blood clotting disorders, can contribute to the development of uterine bleeding. In this case, in addition to uterine bleeding, patients also note other types of bleeding (nasal bleeding, bleeding gums, severe blood loss from minor cuts, etc.). Such bleeding is classified as organic, that is, related to the political science of the genital organs or systemic diseases.

Uterine bleeding (profuse) can also occur with hypothyroidism (hyperthyroidism) or a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

Uterine bleeding is also observed as a complication of pregnancy and childbirth. Prolonged bleeding from the uterus can occur with anemia.

Iatrogenic bleeding observed as a result of the use of intrauterine contraceptives, the use of non-hormonal and hormonal contraceptives, and blood thinners should also be highlighted.

Symptoms of uterine bleeding.
The main manifestation of this pathological condition is the discharge of blood from the vulva. What distinguishes uterine bleeding from normal menstruation is:

  • Increased volume of blood loss (normal up to 40-80 ml, pathology - over 80 ml). A woman can notice the pathology if necessary in more frequent changes hygiene product (every half hour to one and a half hours).
  • Increasing the duration of bleeding (over seven days).
  • Violations menstrual cycle associated with a decrease or increase in its interval.
  • The occurrence of bleeding after sexual intercourse.
  • Observed uterine bleeding during the postmenopausal period, after the cessation of menstruation.
Hence the following symptoms of uterine bleeding can be noted:
  • Menorrhagia (hypermenorrhea) - excessive and long-lasting menstruation while maintaining their regularity (21-35 days).
  • Metrorrhagia is low-intensity bleeding in the middle of the cycle.
  • Menometrorrhagia is long-term bleeding of an irregular nature.
  • Polymenorrhea is a cycle disorder manifested in too frequent bleeding (less than 21 days). As a rule, prolonged and intense blood loss with this pathology provokes the development iron deficiency anemia(low hemoglobin content in the blood), in which dizziness, weakness, pale skin, and shortness of breath are common symptoms.

Types of uterine bleeding.

Uterine bleeding during the newborn period.
They usually appear in the first week of life and are sparsely bloody. Their appearance is due to a sharp change hormonal levels. They go away quickly and go away on their own; usually no treatment is needed.

Uterine bleeding in the first decade (before puberty).
They are observed very rarely and are explained by the presence of ovarian tumors, which can produce increased level sex hormones (so-called hormonally active tumors). The result is false puberty.

Juvenile uterine bleeding.
As a rule, they occur during puberty in girls (from 12 to 18 years). The main reason that causes bleeding during this period is considered to be ovarian dysfunction. The causes of such failures may be psychological trauma, infections in chronic form, excessive physical activity, frequent incidence of ARVI, poor nutrition. In addition, such a factor as seasonality plays an important role here. Winter and spring are the periods during which bleeding is most often observed, and, as a rule, they are anovulatory, that is, when ovulation does not occur. Very rarely, but such cases occur when tuberculous lesions of the genital organs, bleeding disorders, tumors of the ovaries, cervix and uterine body can provoke bleeding. Prolonged and severe uterine bleeding during this period provokes the development of anemia. Treatment of girls during this period is carried out only in inpatient conditions.

If bleeding occurs, be sure to call ambulance, and at this time the girl needs to be provided with complete rest and bed rest. She should take a hemostatic drug (this could be aminocaproic acid, Dicynon, Vicasol (one tablet), on bottom part put a cold heating pad on your stomach. In inpatient settings, treatment is symptomatic. Mainly used are hemostatic drugs, drugs whose action is aimed at contracting the uterus (Oxytocin). If this is not enough, prescribe hormonal drugs to stop bleeding.

Curettage for this type of bleeding is not performed, with the exception of severe and life-threatening bleeding that even the doctor could not stop. hormonal treatment. In order to prevent the development of repeated bleeding, vitamin therapy, iron supplements, as well as some physiotherapeutic procedures and acupuncture are prescribed.

After the bleeding has been stopped, specialists prescribe estrogen-progestin drugs, the purpose of which is to restore the normal menstrual cycle. During the recovery period, a special role is played by physical exercise, balanced diet, treatment of existing chronic infections.

Bleeding during the reproductive period (ages 18 to 45 years).
During this period, there may be many reasons for the development of uterine bleeding. Mainly influenced by dysfunctional factors associated with impaired production of sex hormones due to previous abortions, endocrine diseases (obesity, diabetes etc.) and infectious nature, severe stress, various intoxications, as well as taking certain medications. Bleeding of a dysfunctional nature can be observed at absolutely any age, from puberty to the menopausal period.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is often observed during pregnancy, in particular in the early stages of pregnancy, this is most often due to the threat of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy(there are pains in the lower abdomen, a delay in menstruation and the usual signs of pregnancy), and on later this condition occurs due to placenta previa or hydatidiform mole. At the first signs of bleeding during pregnancy, no matter at what stage, you need to go to the doctor. On early stages With timely treatment and appropriate therapy, pregnancy can be saved, but in later stages there is often a need for curettage.

At the end of the second and beginning of the third trimesters of pregnancy, bleeding can threaten the lives of both mother and baby, so prompt contact with a specialist plays a huge role here. Bleeding is often observed against the background of placenta previa (when the entrance to the uterus is partially or completely blocked), placental abruption, and also in case of uterine rupture. In these situations, bleeding can be internal and external in nature, and therefore requires emergency surgery caesarean section. Representatives of the fair sex who are at risk of developing similar conditions should be regularly monitored by specialists. In progress labor activity the occurrence of bleeding (mainly due to placental abruption, atony or hypotension of the uterus) is especially dangerous, since it is accompanied by large volumes of blood loss.

After delivery, the main causes of bleeding are:

  • poor uterine tone and weak ability to contract;
  • not fully expelled parts of the membranes;
  • blood clotting disorder.
During the childbearing period, uterine bleeding can also be provoked by diseases of the uterus: fibroids, endometriosis, tumors of different nature, chronic inflammation (endometritis), hormone-dependent ovarian tumors.

Uterine bleeding during menopause.
During menopause, such conditions develop due to disruption of hormone production or against the background of diseases of the genital organs. Since during this period the body experiences hormonal changes, then bleeding is common, however, it is important to consult a doctor, since they can be a harbinger of malignant or benign neoplasms. This is especially true for the postmenopausal period. Remember, timely consultation with a doctor (at the first symptoms and manifestations) is the key to the success of further treatment.

For accurate diagnosis, separate diagnostic curettage canal of the cervix and body of the uterus, after which a histological examination of the scraping is prescribed in order to determine the cause of the bleeding. For dysfunctional uterine bleeding, optimal therapy with hormonal drugs is prescribed.

Breakthrough uterine bleeding.
Such bleeding develops against the background of hormonal disorders. It is the hormones that are responsible for the normal menstrual cycle, as they maintain the balance between estrogen and progesterone. If all is well, then menstruation always begins on time and is not heavy. In case of violation hormonal balance A strong growth of the endometrium begins, against the background of which its rejection occurs in parts, and the result is breakthrough bleeding. Hormonal imbalances are most often observed in girls in adolescence and in women during the menopausal period.

Breakthrough bleeding may occur when taking hormonal oral contraceptives, which is explained by adaptation to the drug used. In this situation, you should consult your doctor regarding changing the dose used. If increasing the dosage does not stop the bleeding or it becomes more profuse, it is necessary to be examined for the presence of organ diseases reproductive sphere. In addition, such conditions can develop against the background of damage to the walls of the uterus. intrauterine contraceptive(Navy). In this situation, the woman is advised to remove the intrauterine device.

At the first suspicion of uterine bleeding, you should seek help. It is very good if a woman keeps a menstrual calendar, noting the intensity, duration and nature of bleeding. This calendar will further help the doctor in diagnosing and prescribing optimal therapy. For diagnostic purposes, smears from the cervix are tested for cancer and tests for the presence of uterine bleeding. It is mandatory to undergo an ultrasound examination, as well as measurement of the inner layer of the endometrium (its thickness). They also do a general blood test for hormones. If a woman is overweight or approaches menopause, a biopsy of the inner layer of the uterus is performed (a small fragment of the endometrium is pinched off and examined under a microscope). Accurate diagnosis is essential for prescribing further optimal therapy.

Treatment of uterine bleeding.
Therapy for such conditions has four main goals: stopping bleeding, replenishing blood loss, eliminating the root cause and prevention. I note that uterine bleeding of any nature can be treated in a hospital setting. The techniques used for this take into account the patient’s age, the cause of the bleeding, and the severity of the condition.

The main method of stopping bleeding is surgical diagnostic curettage, which also makes it possible to find out the cause of their occurrence. The use of hormonal therapy is another method of stopping bleeding. For these purposes, mainly estrogen or combined oral contraceptives, among them Marvelon, Mercilon, etc. For symptomatic treatment hemostatic drugs are used to contract the uterus, iron supplements (for low hemoglobin levels) or blood components, vitamins and vascular strengthening drugs (Ascorutin, Folic acid, vitamins C, B6, B12). After uterine bleeding has been stopped, preventive actions.
In case of dysfunction, hormonal therapy is prescribed with combined oral contraceptives or drugs based on gestagens, or hormonal therapy is established. intrauterine device. If intrauterine pathologies are detected during the diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Treatment with folk remedies.
Methods can be used to treat uterine bleeding traditional medicine, only first you should consult a doctor and identify their cause. To stop uterine bleeding, decoctions and extracts based on raspberry leaves, yarrow, nettle, burnet, shepherd's purse, etc. are effective. Here are some recipes:

Yarrow infusion: buy a box of yarrow herb at the pharmacy. Take two teaspoons of dry herb per glass of boiling water, cover the container with the liquid and leave for an hour, then strain. Drink the finished infusion four times during the day (before meals), the dosage is 50 ml or 1/4 cup.

Yarrow decoction: pour one tablespoon of the herb into a faceted glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for ten minutes from the moment of boiling. Next, cool the broth, strain and drink. This should be done before meals three times a day, 1/3 cup. Shows its hemostatic effectiveness both in internal and external uterine bleeding.

Infusion of shepherd's purse herb: tablespoon finished herb(in dry form, purchase at a pharmacy), pour a glass of boiling water, wrap thoroughly and wait an hour. Then, after infusing the mixture, strain it and you can take the infusion one tablespoon at a time. This must be done three times a day before meals.

Stinging nettle infusion: pour a tablespoon of the raw material with a glass of boiling water, hold over low heat for ten minutes, then cool and strain. Also take a tablespoon four times a day before meals. IN for preventive purposes development of uterine bleeding, you can take the extract of this plant, it is easy to find in the pharmacy. The dosage is as follows: 30-40 drops half an hour before meals, dilute the drops with water (1/4 cup).

Pour the peels of six large oranges into one and a half liters of water, cook over low heat until the liquid is reduced to 500 ml. After this, drain the broth and take four teaspoons three times a day.

Prevention of uterine bleeding.
Most the best prevention are considered a systematic visit to a gynecologist (at least once a year), a full course of treatment of existing ailments in terms of the sexual sphere, adherence to the rules of personal hygiene and daily routine, regular sex life, and with one partner (permanent), healthy image life and strengthening the immune system.

Uterine bleeding is the discharge of blood from the uterus. Most often it is serious symptom diseases female body.

Any uterine bleeding should be diagnosed in time, and the woman should be given medical assistance Ignoring such a symptom leads to serious consequences, including death.

It is important to know that normal uterine bleeding includes only menstruation, which lasts up to 5 days, with stable breaks of 28 days.

All other bleeding is pathological and requires medical supervision.

Menstruation (menstruation) is the only physiological normal looking uterine bleeding. Typically, its duration is from three to five days, and the interval between menstruation (menstrual cycle) normally lasts from 21 to 35 days.

Most often, the first couple of days of menstruation are not abundant, the next two days intensify and finally become scanty again; blood loss these days should be no more than 80 ml.

Otherwise, iron deficiency anemia develops.

U healthy women menstruation is painless. In case of pain, weakness and dizziness, a woman should consult a doctor.

The onset of menstruation usually occurs at 11–15 years of age and lasts until the end of the reproductive period (menopause). During pregnancy and breastfeeding There is no menstruation, but this phenomenon is temporary.

It is important to remember that early appearance bloody discharge in girls (up to 10 years old), as well as in women after menopause (45–55 years old) is an alarming sign serious illnesses.

Sometimes spotting in the middle of the cycle (10–15 days after the end of menstruation) can become a variant of the norm. They are caused by hormonal fluctuations after ovulation: the walls of the uterine vessels become excessively permeable, so vaginal discharge may contain blood.

Such discharge should not last more than two days. Sometimes the cause of bleeding is inflammatory process, so a woman should definitely consult a gynecologist.

A variant of the norm is also implantation bleeding, which occurs as a result of the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. This process occurs a week after conception.

No one is protected. Age classification

It seems to you that only women of reproductive age should be afraid of bleeding, then you are deeply mistaken. Blood - all ages are submissive.


There are many reasons that can cause uterine bleeding. In order to systematize them, it is necessary to understand that the caused blood loss can be a disruption in organ systems, as well as disorders in the sexual sphere.

Extragenital causes of uterine bleeding, that is, those caused by disturbances in the functioning of non-genital organs, include:

    Some infectious diseases are: sepsis, typhoid fever, flu, measles.

    Diseases of the hematopoietic system are: hemophilia, hemorrhagic vasculi, low level vitamin C and K, etc.

    Cirrhosis of the liver.

    Prolapse urethra.

    Disturbances in the activity of the cardiovascular system, for example, hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.

    Decline functionality thyroid gland.

The causes of uterine bleeding are genital, in turn, may be associated with a woman carrying a child.

The causes of uterine bleeding are hormonal disorders and changes in the structure of the organ.

Signs and symptoms

To begin actions to stop uterine bleeding at home, you should recognize the threat to a woman’s health, which means you need to be fully aware of the symptoms. Here they highlight:

  • bleeding from the vagina that does not fall within the onset of menstruation;
  • general weakness, dizziness and fainting;
  • pale skin;
  • dangerous bleeding is accompanied by attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • due to loss of blood in large quantities, a decrease in blood pressure;
  • there is a discharge blood clots;
  • If there is heavy bleeding, a woman will have to change tampons or pads more often (unlike normal menstruation);
  • Dangerous bleeding may be indicated by the duration of menstruation, which already exceeds 7-8 days when the norm is 6 days;
  • bleeding begins every time after sexual intercourse.

All the symptoms presented indicate impending danger and irreversible consequences. If the bleeding continues for several days, the woman may experience characteristic features serious blood loss.

You may need a transfusion from a donor. There is no need to talk about treatment at home.


Main symptom- discharge of blood from the vagina. Significant differences from menstruation:

  • large quantity menstruation, which forces you to change sanitary pads more often;
  • bleeding lasts more than a week;
  • appears earlier than 21 or later than 35 days;
  • bleeding after sexual intercourse;
  • develops into menopause after the cessation of menstruation.

There are 4 types of uterine bleeding based on duration, regularity and volume.

  1. Menorrhagia occurs cyclically, but abundantly and for a long time.
  2. Metrorrhagia is the irregular appearance of small blood discharge in the middle period of the monthly cycle.
  3. Menometrorrhagia is prolonged and inconsistent discharge.
  4. Polymenorrhea is the appearance of blood at intervals of more than 21 days.

In vaginal discharge There are blood clots and abdominal pain. Blood loss leads to general weakness, fatigue, and pale skin.

Juvenile bleeding

Uterine bleeding of any kind - dangerous symptom, their appearance is a reason for treatment. Emergency appeal require acute blood loss (sudden copious discharge blood), they are accompanied severe symptoms(weakness, drop in blood pressure, increased heart rate, loss of consciousness, inability to work), sometimes sharp pain in the abdomen.

In this case, a person’s life depends on the timely provision of assistance.

With light but frequent bleeding, the symptoms are not so pronounced, although weakness and progressive anemia gradually worsen the quality of life and reduce the ability to work. The patient develops fatigue, dizziness, and decreased blood pressure.

Bleeding is characterized by the release of any amount of blood (not necessarily copious):

  • between cycles or during menstruation;
  • during menopause, after a stable absence of menstruation for more than 12 months;
  • after medical procedures and childbirth in combination with high fever and abdominal pain.

Characteristic signs of uterine bleeding:

  • bleeding;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • pale skin.

With large blood loss, the main symptoms replace each other quite quickly, the condition is complicated by loss of consciousness, hemorrhagic shock. With prolonged, continuous bleeding (after abortion) in combination with high fever (up to 40°C) and severe abdominal pain, purulent postoperative complications and sepsis (general purulent infection) may develop.

Minor uterine bleeding slowly leads to the development of iron deficiency anemia. After hemoglobin levels decrease to less than 50 G/l, the condition is complicated by metabolic and gas exchange disorders, the development of heart failure and other pathologies.

Symptoms of anemia


To diagnose the pathology that provoked the appearance of uterine bleeding, sometimes a whole range of methods is necessary:

The gynecologist collects information about the pathology and performs an external examination; the medical history includes the following information:

  • about the cyclicity of menstruation;
  • start and end date of last menstruation;
  • O physical development and age;
  • results of consultation with an endocrinologist, neurologist.


Treatment options depend on the severity and duration of blood loss. In each case, the gynecologist individually decides what to do in case of uterine bleeding. It is not always necessary for a woman to be hospitalized, for example, if the blood is not released profusely, but general state women are not violated.

Urgent uterine bleeding must be stopped if severe weakness, loss of consciousness, sharp fall blood pressure. Only qualified specialist knows how to do it quickly. In this case, it is dangerous to carry out treatment on your own; you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Before the doctor comes urgent Care consists of laying a woman down, you need to raise her legs using a bolster from a blanket or pillow. A method is used to stop parenchymal bleeding: cold is applied to the lower abdomen.

For this, ice from the freezer, food, a bottle of cold water which need to be wrapped in a towel.

You can begin to stop blood loss by taking one Tranexam tablet. After the doctor arrives, you must tell him how many and what medications the woman took. To compensate for blood loss before the ambulance arrives, you need to drink as much liquid as possible.

In the hospital, uterine bleeding is treated with the following medications:

  • hemostatic agents: Vikasol, Tranexam, Dicynon;
  • oxytocin for uterine contractions;
  • replacement therapy.

Medicines are produced in different forms: suppositories, tablets and solutions. If blood loss cannot be controlled with therapy, emergency surgery is necessary.


Tranexam acts faster and more effectively than other drugs for uterine bleeding, therefore it is a first aid remedy. This medicine directly improves the blood clotting process by acting on a special protein, plasminogen.

The drug is available in tablets and solutions for intravenous administration.

Indications for the use of Tranexam:

The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to it and intracranial hemorrhage. Side effects include nausea, heartburn, drowsiness, rarely thrombosis, itching. This is one of the few drugs used in pregnant women.


Dicinone is a hemostatic drug that reduces the fragility of capillaries and normalizes blood clotting in places where small vessels are damaged.

There are two ways to take Dicinone: it can be used in tablets and in injections. When administered into a vein, it acts after 5-10 minutes, and is effective from 4 to 16 hours.

Dicynone can be used for:

  • surgical blood loss;
  • uterine and intracranial hemorrhage;
  • retinal hemorrhage in diabetes.

The medicine is not used for asthma, leukemia, individual intolerance and thrombosis.

Taking Dicinone causes side effects such as nausea, skin rash, headaches, low blood pressure, allergies and weakness. Dicinon is prescribed to pregnant women with caution. When choosing the drug to use, the doctor takes into account the risk to the mother and fetus.


It is a synthetic analogue of vitamin K, which plays an important role in the blood clotting process. Vikasol should not be used for uterine bleeding. acute period, since it begins to work no earlier than 12 hours after administration.

Vikasol is prescribed for combination therapy for bleeding and its prevention after childbirth. To do this, the drug is administered to women at the beginning of their first contractions.

The drug is contraindicated in cases of increased blood clotting. Side effects are infrequent, such as allergies, low blood pressure, and jaundice in newborns.

For uterine bleeding, all treatment depends on the underlying cause and the age of the patient. Firstly, before prescribing appropriate therapy for the patient, the doctor must conduct an examination to establish the causes and select treatment in accordance with them.

For juvenile bleeding in adolescents, drugs are prescribed that promote contraction of the uterus, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and stop blood loss; treatment at home is also continued with a course of vitamins; hormonal drugs are prescribed less frequently.

Stopping uterine bleeding in women reproductive age occurs with the help of hormonal therapy, and in case of serious diseases (fibroids, febromas), surgical intervention is performed.

If a woman discovers the above deviations from the norm, she should take appropriate actions to narrow the blood vessels. In this case, under no circumstances should you use medications that cause uterine contractions, or apply heat or take warm baths (showers).

First aid for uterine bleeding

Heavy bleeding must be stopped immediately after its detection. At the initial stage, it is recommended to call an ambulance, and before it arrives, the following actions:

Treatment of uterine bleeding largely depends on its causes and the age of the patient.

Bleeding can be stopped; this is vital, especially when the blood loss is acute and life-threatening; in 85% of cases this can be done (in 15% the pathology ends in death).

Treatment of any bleeding is carried out in a hospital setting; acute blood loss requires emergency first aid measures and calling an ambulance.

  1. Stop the bleeding.
  2. Replenish blood loss.
  3. Eliminate the cause of the symptom.
  4. Prevent recurrence of bleeding.

Use drug therapy, infusion methods for restoring blood volumes and surgical methods, the latter are used if the bleeding is not stopped by medications.

How to give first aid

First aid for bleeding at home

Everyone should know what first aid is for this type of blood loss, because this coordinated action sometimes depends on the life and health of a woman. What to do if there is uterine bleeding? Must be strictly observed the following recommendations:

First aid for uterine bleeding is to call an ambulance as quickly as possible. This is especially true when a woman is carrying a child, her blood loss is profuse, and her condition worsens sharply. In this case, every minute counts. If it is not possible to call a medical team, then it is necessary to take the woman to the hospital on our own.

Any uterine bleeding is a serious threat to life and health, so the response must be appropriate.

In case of dysfunctional bleeding, it is strictly forbidden to apply a hot or warm heating pad to the abdomen, douche with any composition, take a bath, or use drugs that promote uterine contraction.

A woman can be helped independently, at home until the ambulance arrives, in the following ways:

    The woman must be placed in bed, preferably on her back, and her legs placed on some kind of elevation. To do this, you can place a pillow or a cushion from a blanket. In this way, it will be possible to maintain the patient’s consciousness, especially if the blood loss is significant.

    You need to apply something cold to your stomach. If you don’t have a heating pad on hand, you can wrap the ice in regular cloth. You can replace ice with an ordinary bottle filled with cold water. Cold exposure time is up to 15 minutes, then a break of 5 minutes. This will achieve vasoconstriction, which means slightly reducing bleeding.

    A woman needs to be given water. Since it is not possible to place an IV at home, it is necessary to offer the patient drinking plenty of fluids. Will do plain water and sweet tea. This will contribute to the loss of fluid along with the blood, glucose will provide nutrition to the nerve cells of the brain.

You should be extremely careful when taking medications, especially if a woman is carrying a child. Before taking them, you should definitely consult your doctor, but sometimes it happens that this option is not available.

Therefore, it is necessary to know the names of hemostatic agents and their minimum dosage. These include Vikasol (taken 3 times a day, in a dosage of 0.015 g), ascorbic acid (maximum daily dose 1g), Dition (take 4 times a day, at a dosage of 0.25), calcium gluconate (1 tablet up to 4 times a day).

Before use, it is important to remember that all medications have side effects.

How to stop uterine bleeding?

When the ambulance team arrives at the scene, its actions will be as follows:

    A bubble containing ice is placed on the woman's stomach.

    If the bleeding is profuse, then the woman should be taken to the car on a stretcher.

    Hospitalization of the patient with transfer directly to a specialist.

    Administration of a solution of magnesium sulfate, if there is a threat or beginning of a miscarriage. Or, if spontaneous abortion occurs, the woman is given calcium chloride intravenously, and ascorbic acid, diluted in glucose. An injection of Etamzilat may be given.

Doctors in the hospital use hormonal drugs to stop bleeding, if the woman has not given birth yet, she does not suspect the presence of a tumor.

Hormonal drugs include Jeannine Regulon, etc. On the first day, an increased dose is given (up to 6 tablets), in subsequent days one less tablet, bringing it to 1 piece.

Sometimes gestogens are used, but it can be used only in the absence of severe anemia.

Hemostatic agents can also be used, for example, Dicynon, Vikasol, Ascorutin, Aminocaproic acid.

Sometimes surgery is used, such as uterine curettage ( effective method stopping blood loss), cryodestruction (method without contraindications), laser removal endometrium (used in those women who do not plan to have more children).


Prevention rebleeding consists of following several rules:

  • mandatory elimination of the underlying cause of the symptom;
  • regular examination (at least 2 times a year);
  • contacting a gynecologist if any changes in the menstrual cycle or other warning signs occur;
  • prescribing and taking oral contraceptives only on the recommendation and under the supervision of the attending physician;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • healthy eating and lifestyle;
  • eliminating stressful situations.

In case of damage to blood vessels of various types, it is necessary to stop the bleeding in time. Especially it concerns heavy bleeding, which can lead to fatal outcome. To avoid large blood loss, it is important to be able to determine the nature of the wound and provide first aid correctly.

Photo 1. Even a small wound needs treatment. Source: Flickr (Kenga86)

Types of bleeding

Damage to blood vessels that causes bleeding may be associated with injuries as a result of external influences (traumatic bleeding), or with the destruction of blood vessels from the inside (for example, tumor growth into the vessel wall).

Bleeding occurs depending on the direction of blood flow external And internal.

Based on the type of damaged vessel, they are divided into three groups:

  • Arterial;
  • Venous;
  • Capillary.

A clear separation of species has great practical significance, since each of them requires different approaches to providing assistance.

How to stop bleeding

Damage at home skin very easy, considering the arsenal of cutting and piercing objects in the kitchen (knives, graters, processor attachments, hatchets for cutting meat). If such a nuisance occurs, the first thing to do is to assess the depth of tissue damage.

Already upon examination of the wound it becomes clear: it is superficial or deep wound. Each requires different measures to stop bleeding.

Superficial cut

This means damage in which The integrity of only the skin and the underlying fatty tissue is compromised. There is no injury to large vessels, blood flows out evenly, in small volumes.

Often, such bleeding can be stopped on your own without going to the hospital.

  • First of all, the wound needs to be carefully rinse with cold running water. This is done to remove both possible tissue contamination and for reflex narrowing small vessels. Even these manipulations help reduce blood loss. The next step is to treat the wound with special solutions that prevent tissue infection.
  • Wound edges expedient handle .
  • Next is superimposed pressure bandage on the wound. To do this, it is better to use a gauze bandage or special sterile bags (usually found in first aid kits). If you don’t have any of this at hand, any clean cloth (scarf, towel) will do.

Note! If after all the actions the bleeding does not stop within 15 minutes, then the person should be taken to specialized hospital to provide assistance.

Deep cut

With such damage there is a high probability of destruction of large vessels, nerves, tendons, since the wound is much deeper. If help is not provided in time, death is possible.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Determine the type of bleeding. Venous - blood flows smoothly, its color is dark burgundy. When bleeding from the arteries, the color of the blood is deep red, it flows out under high pressure (gushing).
  • To reduce blood loss, you should clamp the vessels V in the right place. This should be done immediately, especially with large cuts. At venous bleeding a tourniquet from improvised means is applied below the wound (further from the heart), in case of an arterial wound - above the site of injury (closer to the heart). A belt, a towel, and a piece of sheet are suitable for these purposes. The tourniquet should be tightened until the bleeding stops completely.
  • Cover the wound with a bandage, if possible sterile.
  • In parallel follows call an ambulance.

It is important! Note the time when the tourniquet is applied and inform your healthcare provider later. It’s even better to write down the time on a piece of paper and attach it in a visible place on the patient’s body.

For cuts in children First of all, don't panic. Since the volume of circulating blood in a child is less than in an adult, in case of a serious wound you should act as quickly as possible.

Children react much more strongly to acute blood loss. It should be remembered that a child may be frightened by the sight of his own blood, to the point of losing consciousness. That's why distract the baby something interesting, try to keep the wound out of his field of vision. If the victim loses consciousness, then you should do the following:

  • lay down horizontally.
  • If possible, carry the baby out on Fresh air or open a window.
  • Energetic helps trituration ears, cheeks.

Good for bringing awareness tampon with ammonia, brought to the nose.

What not to do

  • Under no circumstances is it worth it fill the wound with iodine tincture. This will lead to chemical burn in the wound, and it will be difficult to heal. This rule also applies to a solution of brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, if we're talking about about deep damage.
  • It is forbidden touch wound edges with dirty hands.
  • If there are any left in the wound cutting objects(a piece of glass is stuck, for example), then in no case don't take it out them yourself. This leads to repeated tissue injury and increased blood loss.
  • Do not remove the bandage soaked in blood, but apply a new layer of dressing material on top.
  • There should be no delay in transporting the victim to the hospital.

It is important! There is no need to give water or food to the victim, even if there is minimal risk of internal bleeding!

What medications help stop bleeding?

To stop bleeding, use hemostatic drugs, antiseptics or folk remedies.

Hemostatic drugs

Most of the hemostatic agents have a narrow scope of application and are not prescribed for small cuts.

Examples of drugs include:

  • tranexamic acid(prescribed only in the postoperative period),
  • aminocaproic acid(with a lack of coagulation factors in the body),
  • vagotil(mainly used in gynecology).

It is not advisable to use these medications at home; they have a lot of contraindications.

Note! The most accessible and safest solution is hydrogen peroxide solution. When applied to the edges of a wound, in addition to its antiseptic effect, it also stops bleeding. Particularly effective for shallow damage to the skin.


The following medications are good for treating cuts:

  • chlorhexidine,
  • miramistin,
  • furatsilin (both ready-made solution and tablets for its preparation),
  • brilliant green (green),
  • fukortsin,
  • potassium permanganate solution.

Photo 2. Iodine and brilliant green can only be applied to the edges of the wound.

Causes and symptoms of uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding occurs when blood leaks from the uterus. Compared to monthly bleeding, uterine bleeding is characterized by a longer duration and volume of bleeding.

Bleeding occurs due to various diseases uterus and appendages. These include fibroids and tumor formations, both benign and malignant. Another cause of bleeding may be difficulties during childbirth and pregnancy. Bleeding may occur without visible disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. In such cases, the reason lies in disturbances in the secretion of hormones that affect the functioning of the genital organs.

Liver damage can also cause uterine bleeding. This can also happen due to diseases accompanied by blood clotting disorders.

Symptoms of uterine bleeding are as follows:

  • A sharp increase in the volume of blood released during bleeding.
  • Increased duration of bleeding. Uterine bleeding lasts longer than a week.
  • The regularity of menstrual flow is disrupted.
  • After sexual intercourse, bleeding may begin.
  • Bleeding during menopause.

As a result of the loss of large volumes of blood, patients develop anemia. It is often accompanied by weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness and pale skin.

Uterine bleeding of various etiologies

Uterine bleeding is divided into dysfunctional and juvenile. The first category of bleeding occurs due to a failure in the production of sex hormones. It can be caused by the following factors:

  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Disorders of the circulatory system.
  • Impact of stress and nervous disorders.
  • Changes in general hormonal levels due to abortion.
  • Traumatic injuries of the genitourinary system.
  • General intoxication of the body

Juvenile bleeding most often occur in girls under the age of 18 suffering from gynecological abnormalities. This happens due to infectious diseases, as well as mental trauma and nervous overload.

Uterine bleeding with clots, how to stop?

To stop uterine bleeding with clots, it is important to follow some simple recommendations:

  1. Since cold plays an important role in bleeding, it is necessary to place ice or ice on the lower abdomen. cold compress.
  2. When bleeding, you should not make sudden movements, as this will harm the process of stopping it. A woman should lie on her back motionless with her legs elevated and bent at the knees.
  3. You need to drink a lot of fluids. If it is not possible to install an IV at home, it is recommended to give the lady water or sweetened tea.

Drugs, especially hemostatic ones, must be taken carefully. Their use must be agreed with a doctor.

Uterine bleeding during menopause, how to stop?

To stop uterine bleeding during menopause, you should:

  1. Seek help from a doctor immediately. In some cases, it is mandatory to call an ambulance.
  2. Position the woman horizontally. To reduce pressure on the uterus, the woman can be placed on her side with her legs bent.
  3. Place the most on the site intense pain a heating pad with ice or a cold compress.
  4. If the pain is severe, you need to take a painkiller. An indispensable condition for its use is the absence of allergic reaction on him.

Often, a gynecologist or attending physician prescribes medications with increased content vitamin K. drugs that stimulate contractile activity of the uterus are also indicated.

How to stop uterine bleeding with fibroids

Stopping uterine bleeding with fibroids is performed regardless of at what stage of the monthly cycle the bleeding occurs. For this purpose, homeostatic therapy is performed, which is divided into two types:

  1. Surgical therapy. It is used to reduce the size of a tumor or completely eliminate it. In this case, the blood flow in the arteries that feed the formation node is blocked, as a result of which its regression begins. In this case, the fibroids may decompose; the products of its decomposition will be excreted through the blood. There may be a slight increase in the patient's body temperature.
  2. Conservative type therapy involves the use of drugs that are extracted from the constituent components of human blood. There are hormonal and non-hormonal types of drug homeostasis.

There are times when it is shown surgery to eliminate the consequences of unsuccessful conservative treatment. This is necessary to reduce blood loss.

How to stop uterine bleeding with endometrial hyperplasia

Stopping uterine bleeding with endometrial hyperplasia involves the use of oral contraceptives, which include gestagens and estrogens. These include Janine, Yarina, Marvelon, Logest. The drugs should be used in an amount of five on the first day of use. The dosage of use is reduced by one tablet every day. After this, you should take one tablet for three weeks, counting from the day when five tablets were taken.

If there is a loss of a large amount of blood, the bleeding is stopped by curettage of the uterine cavity. The process is monitored by a gastroenterologist.

It is very difficult to stop the bleeding of the uterus without leaving home. Only short-term relief of the woman’s condition is possible.

First of all, you need to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, the woman must occupy horizontal position. You need to raise your legs a little. A cold compress should be placed on the woman's lower abdomen. Do not use a heating pad or other means of warming.

How to stop uterine bleeding with folk remedies

Nettle has proven itself to be a non-standard remedy for stopping bleeding of the uterus. It can be used both in the preparation of decoctions and in the form of compresses. Water pepper, yarrow, and shepherd's purse also have a good hemostatic effect. Since the characteristics of each female body are individual, before prescribing a specific drug to stop uterine bleeding, you need to consult a doctor.

How to stop uterine bleeding: drugs

Very often, when there is a need to stop uterine bleeding at home, a woman begins to look for hemostatic drugs. Most often, Vikasol is used for this, both in tablets and in the form of injections. Its use requires compliance with the instructions for use. Besides, good results will give the use of Oxytocin, Oxytocin-Richter, Dicynone. The latter drug slows down bleeding by artificially accelerating platelet maturation and increasing their total number in the bloodstream.

How to quickly stop uterine bleeding

If it is necessary to quickly stop bleeding of the uterus, one must proceed from its nature, as well as the age of the patient and individual characteristics not the body. A medical examination of the patient should first be carried out to correctly determine the causes of bleeding. Intravenous conjugated estrogens are expected to be administered, and oral progestins and oral contraceptives. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the possible existence of prohibitions on this type of treatment.

If the woman’s condition cannot be called stable, a surgical intervention. When carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to take into account the presence of additional painful conditions. After eliminating the bleeding in short term it is recommended to go to long-term treatment, which involves a set of preventive measures.

Some medicinal herbs have a powerful hemostatic effect and their use is indicated when it is necessary to quickly stop uterine bleeding. They should be used only in consultation with your doctor. Uncontrolled use of folk medicines can only worsen the overall situation.

Many women's diseases are characterized by such symptoms as uterine bleeding . This condition requires immediate medical attention because it is life-threatening and can be fatal. Stopping blood loss is quite difficult due to the variety of reasons it could be caused.

The uterus consists of several layers: perimeter, myometrium and endometrium. The last layer, the endometrium, consists of two balls: the main one and the functional one. The shedding of the functional layer of the endometrium is called menstruation.

But due to a glitch in hormonal system part of the body can remain inside along with dilated vessels and glands that begin to bleed. In medicine, this condition is called dysfunctional uterine bleeding.


Exists a large number of reasons that provoke uterine bleeding, but to simplify medical diagnostics and to simplify understanding, they were divided into two categories: non-genital (disorders in the organs and systems of the body) and genital (pathologies of the genital area).

The first type includes:

  • Infections (measles, FLU, sepsis, typhoid fever);
  • Blood diseases (hemophilia, hemorrhagic vasculitis, lack of vitamin C, K, etc.);
  • Cirrhosis;
  • Violations in cardiovascular system(atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, etc.);
  • Problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Causes of uterine bleeding of the second category:

  • Discirculatory uterine bleeding (during puberty, puberty, menopause);
  • Tumors of the uterus or ovaries;
  • Infectious and inflammatory pathologies (cervicitis, erosion, endocervicosis, vaginitis, endometritis);
  • Uterine trauma;
  • Ovarian rupture or cyst.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB)

Normally, during menstruation, the amount of blood loss is 30-40 ml, maximum 80. With DUB - more than 100 ml. Dysfunctional bleeding can coincide with menstrual bleeding (heavy and prolonged) or occur independently of it (of varying intensity and regularity).

DMC are often observed in women of reproductive age 30-40 years. The main cause of the pathology is expressed in disruption of the ovulation process, when the endometrium is not completely rejected.

DMCs are often quite abundant, since when hormonal imbalance The function of platelets (cells of the coagulation system) decreases, as a result of which the blood thins.

A fairly large number of reasons can lead to hormone imbalance:

  • IN puberty, from 12 to 18 years: infections (acute, chronic), hypovitaminosis, physical overexertion, mental trauma;
  • During reproductive age: stress, complicated childbirth and abortion, disruption of work endocrine glands, inflammation of the genital organs;
  • During menopause: acute/chronic infections, neuropsychic injuries.

However, it is worth noting that DMK often appears due to a number of other reasons: excess weight, blood diseases, taking certain medications, strict diets, climate change. But they never occur due to pregnancy or neoplasm.

Symptoms of uterine bleeding

  • Dizziness, fainting, general weakness;
  • Pale skin;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Rapid or weak pulse;
  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Discharge of blood from the vagina;
  • A large number of blood clots during menstruation. A pad or tampon gets wet quickly and has to be changed every hour or two;
  • Menstruation lasts more than 7-8 days (the norm is 3-8);
  • Bleeding after sex;
  • Discharge most often does not coincide with menstrual discharge.

During puberty, they are usually long-lasting, lasting longer than the established norm, the interval is less than 21 days, and blood loss is profuse (more than 100-120 ml per day).

Bleeding that appears after a delay in menstruation usually indicates its functional nature.

Fibroids, adenomyosis and blood diseases are characterized by cyclical and very heavy discharge.

What to do if there is uterine bleeding?

The first thing to do is call an ambulance. This is especially true for pregnant women and in cases where the condition worsens very quickly. It is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible, because every minute can be decisive.

Secondly, consult a doctor yourself, because only a specialist will be able to give an adequate assessment, assessing the woman’s condition and find out the cause.

Do not: apply warm heating pads, douche, take warm baths, use medications, contracting the uterus.

How to stop uterine bleeding:

  • Maintain bed rest. The legs should be kept in an elevated position, for example, by placing a bolster or pillow under them. This will allow the blood to function in vital important organs(kidneys, liver, brain). In case of significant blood loss, it will reduce the risk of fainting and severe complications;
  • Coldness on the lower abdomen. This could be an ice pack wrapped in a cloth to prevent frostbite, or a heating pad filled with cold water. Keep the ice for 10-15 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Repeat the manipulations for 1-2 hours. Cold constricts blood vessels, thereby reducing bleeding;
  • Replenish the body's water balance. If it is not possible to put in an IV, drinking plenty of fluids will help, for example, sweet tea, rosehip decoction, water, etc. In this case, water will replenish the loss of fluid that came out along with the blood. Glucose will nourish the tissues and most importantly - nerve cells brain;
  • Medicines. They should be taken only after consulting a doctor or emergency: Dicinone (0.25 g orally 4 times a day), Calcium gluconate (1 tablet 4 times a day), Aminocaproic acid (30 ml 5 times a day), Vikasol (0.015 g 3 times a day), nettle tincture or water pepper (100 ml 3 times a day). The above remedies increase the activity of the muscles of the uterus, but it is not recommended to take them during pregnancy.

Measures taken in a hospital setting

Some hemostatic agents used for uterine bleeding have already been listed above, for example, Aminocaproic acid, Dicinone. However, in a medical institution they are administered either intravenously or intramuscularly. These procedures are not performed at home. Everything must be carried out under the supervision of doctors and medical staff.

To stop blood loss, hormonal drugs, for example, combined oral contraceptives (monophasic) or gestogens, can be used. This method is suitable for nulliparous young women who are not at risk of developing tumors in the endometrium.

Also hormonal agents are used when a woman underwent curettage for diagnostic purposes less than 3 months ago, and no pathology was found in her endometrium.

The second option is hemostatic drugs. In addition to the above, Tranexam is used, as well as Ascorutin to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and Ergotal and Oxytocin to tone the uterus.

Methods of surgical stopping of bleeding are also used. The main and most effective of them is cervical canal. It is performed for women of reproductive age and during menopause.

For the same purposes, cold treatment, or cryodestruction, is prescribed. Using liquid nitrogen, the upper modified layer of the uterus is destroyed. This procedure has no contraindications and gives a lasting positive result.