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What is the reproductive age for men and how to prolong it? When can you give birth? Reproductive age limits for women

Modern women quite often postpone the birth of children. For someone, a career comes first, someone does not want to bind themselves with unnecessary obligations, someone is not healthy, and someone is simply not ready for the responsibility that the need to raise a child imposes.

At the same time, everyone says that the optimal age for the birth of a child is “as early as possible”, but no one thinks about what this could turn out to be.

Firstly: the expectant mother must understand that she is taking care of the life of another person. Secondly, modern conditions do not always allow them to calmly and thoroughly deal with children.

Our doctors say that the childbearing age of a woman is 18-25 years. After that, the risks of abnormal fetal development increase, and the likelihood of miscarriage increases. However, in the West, the birth of the first child after 30 years has long become the norm.

Childbearing age of a woman: the sooner the better?

Despite the fact that they are now actively promoting giving birth as early as possible, this can not only adversely affect, but also literally break a woman's life. A successful and established business woman or wealthy adult woman are in a better position than a young girl who is torn between study and work.

Mature ladies usually pay more attention to their health, so it's safe to say: best age for the birth of a child - the one when a woman is ready to give birth.

In addition, women who have crossed the “dangerous” milestone for childbirth of 25 years old strive to keep their pregnancy and follow all the recommendations of leading obstetricians and gynecologists, while young mothers sincerely hope that everything will turn out by itself.

Women in adulthood usually plan pregnancy and are ready to work to prevent complications. Young women, unfortunately, quite often become pregnant due to the banal. As a result - unwanted pregnancy, the inability to have an abortion and the birth of an unplanned child, who needs to devote all his time and effort.

Why is age important for having a baby?

Domestic medicine classifies all pregnant women over 25 years old as increased risk. This term has a very negative effect on psychological state women, especially when doctors claim that the ideal age for having a baby has been missed.

However, it is not. A huge role in the development and successful outcome of pregnancy is played not by the real age indicated in the passport, but by the biological age. If all organs in a forty-year-old woman function the same, or even better, than in a twenty-year-old woman, then the chances of a normal pregnancy and birth healthy child much higher.

So if you are going to have your first child after 30 years, and the doctors unanimously say that the moment has been missed, you can safely change the gynecologist. Contact another medical center: they know for sure that the childbearing age of a woman in Russia is no different from the childbearing age of Western women. And if in the West they give birth quite calmly at 30 and 40 years old, then in Russia the outcome of pregnancy will depend not on age, but on the health of the woman.

What determines the optimal age for having a baby?

The factors that influence the successful outcome of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy and strong baby are quite simple:

  • the physical condition of the woman. If the mother does not have any chronic diseases, leads healthy lifestyle life and follows all the advice of a gynecologist at the planning stage and during pregnancy, her chances of giving birth to a healthy first child after 25 years are very high;
  • father's health. The childbearing age of men does not matter - a man can become the father of a healthy child both at 15 and at 60 years old. Another thing is that the presence of chronic diseases and bad habits significantly reduce the possibility of conception and birth. healthy baby.

There is nothing supernatural in this: the health of parents is the key to a successful outcome of pregnancy. Age for the birth of a child does not play a significant role.

The optimal age for the birth of a child from an ethical point of view

Despite the fact that a woman can become a mother even at 40, and a man can become a father at 60, one should not forget about the ethical side of the issue. How younger parents the longer they can stay with their child.

The average age of life for men in Russia is 64 years. To conceive a child, being a fairly mature person, is practically leaving him an orphan.

So the childbearing age of women in Russia does not exceed 25 years - doctors consider this not only especially safe time for procreation, but also most optimal age for the appearance of an heir, whom mother and father will need to raise and educate.

The first sign is usually an enlargement of the mammary glands (at about 11 years of age). A year or a little later, the first menstruation occurs. Puberty ends with the establishment of a regular, predictable menstrual cycle. During puberty, a girl may be disturbed by changes in her appearance. In addition, a teenage girl may have fantasies about relationships with men inaccessible to her (for example, popular artists), whose images do not seem to her as frightening as the representatives of the opposite sex she knows. The reproductive age for women in statistics is 28-36 years.

Influence of public opinion

Girls, unlike boys, are much more dependent on cultural traditions that require chastity. In particular, parents are much more concerned about the early onset of sexual activity in their daughter than in their son. The reason for these fears is obvious - for a girl early start sex life can turn early pregnancy. According to popular belief, drugs are a significant contributor to the problem of teenage pregnancy. mass media promoting sexual activity, as well as the influence of peers.

first dates

Usually the initiative to invite a date comes from a young man. A date often happens so that friends or classmates know about it. During such meetings, couples sometimes engage in sexual games (kissing, petting). Parents are usually more lenient if dates are at home. Often they are afraid of possible infection with various sexual infections, so they feel calmer knowing that young people use a condom.

sexual experience

Today, for many women, a stable relationship with a regular partner is preceded by a period of active sexual activity. Wide selection of modern contraceptives led to the fact that sex is no longer associated only with the reproduction of offspring. However, over time, many young women realize that love and sex within a formalized relationship brings a very special feeling of emotional comfort. Most single people these days are age group over 25 years old. Many women of this age are acutely aware of the course of their " biological clock”, and they are afraid not to have time to find a life partner and give birth to a child.

Birth of children

Increasingly, young families are postponing the birth of children until the age of 30-35 due to the fact that a woman is busy with a career. However, when a couple decides to conceive a child, they often face specific problems. Experts estimate that up to 20% of couples have difficulty conceiving. Often in families that are faced with the problem of infertility, partners in the depths of their souls blame each other for this. They avoid contact with friends who have children, or suffer from stressful sexual disorders associated with the need to adjust sexual life under favorable days for conception.

Pregnancy can lead to changes in a woman's sex life. During this period, some of them lose interest in sex. In other cases sex drive saved only for certain deadlines pregnancy.


After giving birth, some women need time for the birth injury to heal. During breastfeeding, there is often a decrease vaginal discharge which makes intercourse painful. During this period, some couples choose to switch to other forms of sexual activity until the usual sexual intercourse again becomes pleasant for both partners. In addition, a woman's interest in sexual activity can be influenced by factors such as fatigue or focus on her new role as a mother. In families where there are small children and the woman works and does most of the housework, she has little time to take care of herself and sexual relations with a partner. Over time, as children grow older, many couples return to a more active sex life. A fulfilling sex life often becomes the key to the longevity of a marital relationship. It gives pleasure to partners, helps to increase self-esteem, relieve tension and reduce anxiety.

Living together

According to surveys, 1-2 years after marriage or start life together The average couple in the 20 to 30 age group has sex 2-3 times a week. With age, the intensity of sexual activity gradually decreases. However, despite fewer sexual contacts between spouses, the quality of sexual relations is improving. The peak of sexuality in women occurs later than in men. The largest number she experiences orgasms at the age of 35-45 years. This may be due to the fact that a woman needs time to "learn" to experience an orgasm, as well as to come to a sense of stability in her sexual life and personal relationships. sexual attraction women is not associated only with childbearing function. Moreover, the very anatomy of the human reproductive system implies not only the reproduction of offspring, but also the enjoyment of sexual intercourse. For example, the only function of the clitoris is to generate sexual pleasure. Even under the condition of a long-term relationship with a partner, a woman is much less likely to initiate sexual contact than a man. If this happens, then, as a rule, in the form of a veiled hint: for example, by putting on “special” underwear for the night, she lets her partner know that his attention will not be rejected and gradually becomes less regular. Symptoms of approaching menopause, in particular vaginitis (manifested by dryness of the vaginal mucosa, and sometimes small vaginal bleeding) and thinning of the vaginal walls, can cause discomfort during intercourse. In most cases, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) helps to eliminate such manifestations. Many older couples continue to enjoy intimacy. Women who do not stop having sex at the age of 60-70 and later note that sex at this age is no less joyful than at any other. However, during this period there may be specific problems associated with the restriction physical abilities in men - for example, cardiogenic impotence, which affects erection.

Such a concept as reproductive age probably every one of us has heard. But not everyone knows what this period is and what it has characteristics. Most people agree that this is the age stage during which a girl can bear and give birth to a child. And many believe that it comes with the onset of the first menstruation. Strictly speaking, this is true, but there are many subtleties, which we will discuss further.

Preparation for the reproductive period begins at about ten years of age (for some, even earlier). At first, the girl's mammary glands increase somewhat, which is a signal for parents about her transformation into a girl. It is necessary to talk at this stage with the child and tell her about the changes that await her ahead.

After some time, the first vegetation begins to appear on the body - first under the armpits, a little later on the pubis. final puberty It is considered to be the beginning of menstruation. But this does not mean that the girl is able to give birth to a baby. In fact, it is physically possible, but the price of this will be very high - the health of a too young mother.

IN adolescence the girl is, in fact, still a child, her body is too small and not ready for full-fledged gestation and subsequent childbirth. Doctors categorically do not approve of the pregnancy of girls under the age of eighteen, as this is fraught with the development of complications of various complexity.

Gynecologists say that young age greatly increases the risk of various bleeding, miscarriage and the occurrence of severe toxicosis. Babies born to very young girls quite often have health problems: they are born with low weight and gain it poorly in the first months of life, in addition, such children have difficulty adapting to extrauterine life.

At the same time, it is worth considering individual characteristics organism, some young mothers give birth to beautiful healthy babies without the slightest deviation, while maintaining their health. But very important role plays and psychological aspect- in most cases, teenage girls are simply not ready for the role of mother. Although there are exceptions.

Parents should bring information about contraceptives to their daughter in time, since everything has its time, and a child at 12-14 years old should remain a child. The girl will still have time to enjoy all the delights of motherhood.

Health of a woman of reproductive age

This question depends on many factors, the main of which is general state the whole organism. All existing ailments can negatively affect the condition reproductive system. Therefore, every woman should visit a doctor in a timely manner and undergo a planned medical examination. In fact, even trifling sores can seriously affect the functioning of the reproductive system.

Women's health originates from the development of the fetus in the womb and from the neonatal period. medical statistics claims that during this time a certain percentage of children are recruited serious problems health for the rest of your life.

It is not surprising that by the beginning of the reproductive age, most of the girls already have certain disorders in the functional activity of the reproductive system. Parents need to pay close attention to the health of the child and, if necessary, visit a pediatric gynecologist.

Adults are also advised not to forget about the need for visits to the doctor. You need to visit a gynecologist at least once every six months, such measures will allow you to detect a possible disease in a timely manner and carry out a quick adequate treatment. Regular visits to female doctor help to avoid very dangerous and even fatal ailments, for example, cervical cancer.

The end of reproductive age coincides with the onset of menopause. But the reproductive function does not fade away immediately, but gradually - after forty years. This process is explained by certain changes in the hormonal background of the body. There is a violation of the menstrual cycle, in addition, the process of ovulation is also confused. But the ability to conceive is preserved even at this stage of the decline of the reproductive function, however, doctors say that in this case, the likelihood of having a child with some kind of genetic abnormality increases significantly.

The next stage in a woman's life is menopause. It occurs in the period from forty-five to fifty years, after the eggs stop maturing. When their stock in the body approaches zero, the probability of conception will be excluded.

But it should be borne in mind that more than one year may pass from the beginning of violations in the cycle to its complete cessation. Many women forget about this, and as a result they may expect quite an unexpected surprise. The absence of menstruation is attributed to menopause, which suddenly turns out to be pregnancy. That is why doctors recommend not to forget about contraception even at sunset of the reproductive age, and stop contraception only after consulting with a qualified doctor and passing certain tests.

The childbearing period in a woman's life is the time when she can conceive, bear and give birth to a child. When planning pregnancy and preparing for it, it is very important to take into account such a moment in life as a woman's reproductive age.

How old is this? Many people have this question when talking about this period. Let's try to figure it out.

Beginning of reproductive age

Girls at the age of 10-12 already show the first signs of puberty. This is expressed in an increase in the mammary glands, the appearance of the first pubic hair and in armpits. Despite these physical changes occurring with the body, the woman's reproductive age has not yet arrived. It begins with the arrival of the first menstruation (menarche), at about 13-15 years old, perhaps a little earlier or later.

Some factors

However, the onset of puberty may depend on various factors - the region of residence, genetic predisposition, race and even nationality. For example, in the southern regions, women "ripen" earlier, but their reproductive age ends much faster. It also often happens that if the mother's menstruation began late, then the daughter should not wait too early for the arrival of menstruation.

But the arrival of menarche does not mean that a woman has reached full reproductive age. The fact is that the body of a teenage girl is not yet fully formed, and it is extremely difficult at this age to bear a baby without harming one's or his health. Possible complications such as premature birth, bleeding, weak labor activity cases of miscarriage are not uncommon.

And the point is not only in the physical data of the girl, but also in psychological preparation. Therefore, it is generally accepted that the reproductive age of a woman begins no earlier than 17-18 years, when she is ready not only to bear a child, but also to fully become a mother.

How long does it take?

Features of the female reproductive system - this is what usually determines the duration of the reproductive age. Each woman has a limited number of cells, they are laid even before birth and mature throughout life. On average, a newborn already has about 500 eggs; during menstruation, usually one matures, rarely two or three. However, their number can also be affected by such external factors, as various chronic diseases, radiation, ecology and so on. Due to these and other reasons, the destruction of not yet mature eggs is possible. Due to these circumstances, by about 40 years, their number decreases sharply, and with it the chance of getting pregnant. It is during this period that the childbearing age of a woman comes to an end.

The ideal average reproductive age for a woman to conceive, bear and give birth to a child is 22-35 years. It is during this period that a woman is ready both physically and emotionally.

But what about women over 40?

Today, however, thanks to various modern methods a woman can easily become pregnant at the age of 40-45, while giving birth to a 100% healthy baby. But still, at this age there are many dangers for the full bearing of a child - the hormonal background of a woman changes greatly, menstruation becomes irregular, the first signs of menopause appear. After that, menopause begins (at about 50 years old), it lasts about a year, and ends with the disappearance of the menstrual cycle. Based on the foregoing, we can say that the reproductive age of a woman lasts approximately 25-30 years.

End of reproductive age

Doctors believe that the period when a woman can fully bear a child ends with the onset of menopause. However, the body is preparing for extinction reproductive functions since the age of 40. The ending process evolves as it changes hormonal background women.

The ability to naturally conceive is noticeably reduced - the menstrual cycle is disrupted, the ovulation process is disrupted, the eggs laid at birth end.

It is worth noting that the ability to conceive and bear a child does not disappear in one day. Even during the period of extinction, a woman may well become pregnant. But we should not lose sight of the fact that the older the woman at the time of pregnancy, the higher the risk various complications associated with gestation, and with childbirth, and with the health of the mother and child.

What is menopause?

Around the age of forty, the so-called menopause occurs, which means that the eggs stop maturing, and the risk of becoming pregnant is reduced to nothing. The probability of conception is practically excluded. This process can take quite for a long time, from the onset of menstrual irregularities to its complete disappearance.

But even during this period, surprises can be expected. It often happens when a woman thinks that the absence of menstruation is menopause, but in reality it turns out to be nothing more than pregnancy. Therefore, you should not relax and treat contraception as an already unnecessary attribute. You can stop protection only after the delivery of all necessary analyzes and doctor visits.


The reproductive age of men and women do not differ much, although they have their differences. Boys begin to mature at about 13 years of age, fluff appears above the lip, the first hair under the arms and on the pubis, the penis noticeably enlarges, the morning erection intensifies, and spontaneous ejaculation often occurs at night. By the age of 15, guys begin to experience sexual attraction to opposite sex. From this age, the reproductive age of a man begins.

At 18-25 years old, it is in full swing, the quality and quantity of spermatozoa is ideal. By the age of 30, testosterone levels decline, fertility can already be affected by factors such as health, external environment, stress, alcohol abuse. But still, the reproductive age of the stronger sex is still in full swing.

By the age of 40, there is a decline, erection decreases, there is often a condition that prevents conception. But this does not mean that the reproductive age has come to an end. Almost all men given period lasts up to 65-70 years, that is, about 40 years, unless, of course, there are any serious diseases.

This question worries many minds for more than a century. After all, the extension of reproductive age means the extension of youth. Certainly, modern medicine has taken significant steps in this direction, but its possibilities are not unlimited. You need to think about your health from youth - give up bad habits, eat fully and properly, be able to allocate your time for work and rest, sleep at least 8 hours a day. Even positive thinking can increase reproductive age, unlike negative thinking.

You should also avoid promiscuous relationships, they increase the likelihood sexually transmitted diseases. It is these pathologies that greatly affect the duration of the reproductive age of both women and men. They can lead to infertility, adenoma, cancer, prostatitis. Right image life, playing sports - this is what will help prolong the reproductive period.

Some time ago, doctors increased the childbearing age with the help of hormonal drugs, but this led to the risk of breast cancer. Now this practice has been strictly limited and is allowed only for certain indications, for example, with early menopause.

As expected, there are quite a few features of a woman's reproductive age. In any case, for a complete and healthy conception baby, it is necessary to be examined by specialists both the mother of the child and his father.

Health and beauty to you at any age!

Everything has its time. For the birth of children in our lives, a special, not so long period of time has been allocated. Reproductive age of a woman special period when she is able to conceive, bear and give birth to healthy children. In each country, the boundaries of this age are set differently, and in each individual case they fluctuate and depend on many factors.

Reproductive ability is directly related to the menstrual cycle. Since the fertile age of a woman is the period when she is able to conceive and carry a child, it is limited to the first and last maturation of the egg. On average, this period lasts from 14-15 years to 44-50 years. However, the timing is influenced by many factors - from heredity to conditions and lifestyle.

Fertile age begins with the maturation of the first egg in the girl's body. Today, the timing of this process has shifted, and often puberty occurs by the age of 11 or 12. And although in fact a girl at this age is able to conceive a child, it will not be easy for her growing body to bear it.

The end of reproductive age coincides with the cessation of the menstrual cycle. As soon as the last egg in a woman’s body matures and leaves, she loses the ability to conceive a child, which means that her reproductive age passes. This is because, unlike male body, which constantly produces new spermatozoa, the entire supply of eggs female body receives even in the period of intrauterine development, and then gradually consumes it, without creating new ones.

But in men, the reproductive age is much longer - it starts at 13-14, and ends by 60-70 years. Although doctors do not advise becoming fathers so late: the quality of the male seed decreases over the years.

In general, the age at which women give birth to children is steadily growing all over the world, including in Russia.

How to increase your childbearing age

Women's hormonal system, responsible for the work of the genital organs, is very sensitive to the slightest external influence. Therefore, a woman's childbearing age - its duration, start and end dates - is influenced by a lot of factors:

  • the presence or absence of stress, overwork;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • healthy or unhealthy diet, nutritional adequacy;
  • sports;
  • the presence or absence of excess weight;
  • bad habits(alcohol, smoking, drugs);
  • chronic diseases, the presence of gynecological diseases, surgery on the abdominal cavity;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • heredity;
  • region of residence;
  • race and nationality.

It has long been observed that the inhabitants southern countries they enter fertile age earlier, but also leave it earlier than their northern sisters. In many Asian countries, marriage at 16 is considered normal. At the same time, a 45-year-old woman there looks much older than her European peer. They also give birth earlier.

In the United States, it is considered normal to give birth to the first child not at 20-25, as in Russia, but at 30-40 years old. At the same time, thanks to the substitution hormone therapy manifestations of menopause are pushed back to the age of 55+.

And if the factor of heredity and nationality cannot be influenced, then it is quite possible to exclude all habits harmful to health in order to prolong and, it is quite possible. After all, they significantly affect the age at which a woman can become pregnant. By eliminating bad habits, improving nutrition and starting to play sports, you can prolong the youth of the body and its ability to conceive.

When can you give birth

IN medical practice It is customary to divide the reproductive age into two periods:

  1. early - from the first menstruation to 35 years;
  2. late - from 35 years to menopause.

early reproductive period

The early period can also be conditionally divided into two segments - from the first menstruation to 19-20 years and from 20 to 35 years. Despite the fact that physiologically the body is ready for conception at the age of 12-15 (after the first menstruation), it will be very difficult for a young mother to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. Her body itself is still growing and developing, many systems are not ready for the stress that pregnancy causes. First of all, it is dangerous for the mother herself, as it is often accompanied by complications:

  • rapid childbirth;
  • weak contractions;
  • breaks and bleeding;
  • discrepancy between the size of the fetal head and the birth canal of the mother;
  • premature birth.

Moreover, there is no need to talk about psychological readiness a young girl to such a responsibility as motherhood, when she herself is still just a child.

Therefore, most doctors agree that the best age for the birth of the first child is the period from 19-20 to 35 years. At this time, the woman's body is fully formed and ready for stress:

  • the hormonal system works optimally and without disturbances;
  • the muscles of the uterus and small pelvis are elastic and easily stretched;
  • bone joints are mobile;
  • chronic diseases have not yet accumulated;

Pregnancy at this age is usually desired and planned. Future parents have already formed as individuals, have reached a certain standard of living and are ready for the birth of a baby. At this age, it is much easier for a woman to recover from childbirth, it is easier to establish breastfeeding.

late reproductive period

After 35 years, the late reproductive age begins. At this time, the woman's body begins to prepare for the onset of menopause - more often ovulation does not occur in cycles, hormonal disruptions are possible. Very often, the susceptibility of the uterus decreases, due to which the fertilized egg cannot gain a foothold in it. not easy. chronic diseases, which most mature women have, interfere with conception.

Late pregnancy can also be accompanied by a number of complications that are dangerous for both the baby and the mother:

  • hypoxia;
  • spontaneous abortion (miscarriage);
  • premature or late birth;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • premature effusion amniotic fluid or placental abruption;
  • abnormalities in the development of the fetus;
  • weak labor activity.

However, at late pregnancy there are pluses - after it, the risk of genital cancer decreases and even life expectancy increases. Psychologists are sure that there are even more advantages - at this time, a woman has already reached certain heights in her career, built a family, accumulated life experience. In addition, in their opinion, it is at this age that the maternal instinct fully wakes up.

Psychologist's opinion