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What is a woman's reproductive age? Reproductive age of a woman. What you need to know

Throughout her life, a woman goes through a wonderful journey from a girl to a woman capable of giving life to another person. It is the stage when this ability can and should be used that is called childbearing. A woman's reproductive age is estimated differently in different countries And by different specialists. But there is unity in one thing - the opinion that a woman should give birth from 20 to 35 is supported everywhere. It is optimal to give birth to your first child before the age of 25-27, when the body is already fully mature and ready for bearing, but, at the same time, is not worn out.

It is believed that after 45-50 years, eggs stop being produced, as a result of which a woman’s ability to conceive disappears. However, in the world there are cases of children being born to women over 50 years of age. This is largely facilitated by modern technology.

Childbearing age - early and late pregnancy

It is believed that early pregnancy dangerous for both the woman and the baby she is carrying. Moms who are too young have an increased risk spontaneous miscarriage, bleeding and toxicosis. Babies born to mothers who have not yet turned 20 years old are often underweight, do not gain weight well after birth, and do not adapt well to new conditions for them. In addition, the girl may not be psychologically ready for motherhood. She does not have all the necessary knowledge to implement proper care for the child.

In case of late planning of pregnancy, problems with conception and pregnancy may arise, because by the age of 36 or more, a woman, as a rule, has certain diseases, deviations in health that prevent her from conceiving or giving birth to a baby. In addition, after 40 years of age, there is a high probability of having a child with genetic disorders.

DMC of reproductive age

The question of a woman’s reproductive age is often associated with the question (DMK). Women are concerned about whether they are manifestations of menopause. According to statistics, DMC occurs in 4-5 women of reproductive age. They manifest themselves as a violation menstrual cycle when menstruation occurs after a significant delay or before the expected date. Most often, the cause of DUB is a disruption of the ovaries. Other causes may include lung, kidney or liver disease. With DUB, ovulation does not occur and no corpus luteum, and progesterone levels are reduced. All this makes it impossible to conceive a child. Typically, DUB occurs in women who have had abortions. ectopic pregnancy, infection or a disease of the endocrine system.

NMC in reproductive age

Menstrual irregularities (IMC) during the reproductive period are a common occurrence. NMCs include:

  • amenorrhea – absence of menstruation;
  • hypomenorrhea – coming on time scanty menstruation;
  • hypermenorrhea - too much heavy menstruation that come in due date;
  • polymenorrhea – too long (6-8 days) menstruation;
  • – periods are too short (1-2 days);
  • tachymenorrhea – shortened menstrual cycle;
  • opsomenorea – too infrequent menstruation (with a cycle of more than 35 days).

Reproductive age of women in different countries

In Russia and other European countries, there is an established opinion that a woman of reproductive age should be between 18 and 45 years old. During this period, it is believed that Slavic and European women can conceive and give birth to a child. At the same time, among women of southern national groups reproductive age starts and ends much earlier. Eastern girls mature and get married early, and as mature women they age much faster. In countries Western Europe there is an opposite trend - towards a shift of more late dates: childbirth well beyond 30 and even 40 years is considered normal, respectively, and climacteric age delayed, which is facilitated by the widespread use of hormonal drugs.

How to extend a woman's reproductive age?

To extend their childbearing years, women need to closely monitor their health, treat any diseases in a timely manner, and monitor their hormonal levels. Preventing abortion is the key to prolonging the reproductive age.

The period in the life of every woman during which she is able to conceive, safely bear and give birth to a child is called reproductive or childbearing age.

When is the best time to have a baby?

The optimal childbearing age for women living in Russia and European countries is recognized to be between 20 and 35 years. The most favorable age for birth is 25-27 years. It is in this interval that the girl’s body is most ready for future pregnancy. But, at the same time, one cannot ignore the natural, individual ability of an individual female body to the conception of a child, its gestation and childbirth. This age is also characterized by the girl’s full social and psychological maturity.

Pregnancy at an early age

As mentioned above, the best childbearing age for a woman is between 25-27 years. However, it is not uncommon for pregnancy to occur before the age of 20. As a rule, in such situations the likelihood of various complications much higher, which confirms the frequent development of toxicosis and its occurrence in young girls. If, however, the pregnancy ends successfully, then the babies born initially have a low body weight, the gain of which also proceeds rather slowly.

However, there are cases when 16-17 year old girls gave birth completely healthy babies. But in such cases, young mothers had problems psychological nature due to unpreparedness for motherhood and lack of necessary knowledge that is necessary for proper education child.

Late pregnancy

Recently, cases have become more frequent when women who are at the end of their childbearing age (after 40) give birth to their first child. This is explained by the fact that many consider their first duty to make a career and reach certain heights, and then only arrange family life.

But, as a rule, it is quite difficult to conceive a baby after 35 years, not to mention pregnancy and childbirth. This is mainly due to changes in hormonal levels, which leads to a decrease in a woman’s ability to conceive naturally. Often at this age, women have problems with the regularity of menstruation and the ovulation process.

As you know, every girl at birth has a huge number of primary germ cells, the number of which constantly decreases during the reproductive years. Over the years, the woman constantly faces various negative factors, which negatively affect the condition of the body as a whole, and especially the reproductive system. That is why, at the age of 35-40 years, the likelihood that a child at birth will have any deviations and anomalies increases several times.

Pregnancy in middle age

Today, pregnancy between 30-35 years is not uncommon. IN this period As a rule, healthy children are born. However, pregnancy at this age puts a huge burden on the female body. But despite this, because hormonal changes In the body, a woman begins to feel much younger, her vitality rises.

Diseases of reproductive age

Often during their childbearing years, women face various diseases, an example of which may be menstrual cycle disorders (NMC) and (DMC). The latter are most often caused by inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.

Thus, any woman, knowing what childbearing age is optimal for having a child, will be able to properly plan her pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

Modern women quite often postpone having children. For some, their career comes first, some do not want to bind themselves with unnecessary obligations, some are not healthy, and some are simply not ready for the responsibility that comes with raising a child.

At the same time, everyone says that the optimal age for having a child is “as early as possible,” but no one thinks about how this could turn out.

Firstly, the expectant mother must understand that she is taking care of the life of another person. Secondly, modern conditions they do not always allow children to be cared for calmly and thoroughly.

Our doctors say that a woman’s childbearing age is 18-25 years. After this, the risks of abnormal fetal development increase and the likelihood of miscarriage increases. However, in the West, the birth of the first child after 30 years has long become the norm.

Women's childbearing age: the earlier the better?

Despite the fact that they are now actively promoting giving birth as early as possible, this can not only have a detrimental effect on pregnancy, but can literally ruin a woman’s life. A successful and established businesswoman or a wealthy adult woman is in a more advantageous position than a young girl who is torn between study and work.

Mature ladies usually pay more attention to their health, so we can say with confidence: best age for the birth of a child - the one when a woman is ready to give birth.

In addition, women who have crossed the “dangerous” mark for childbirth at 25 years old strive to maintain the pregnancy and follow all the recommendations of leading obstetricians and gynecologists, while young mothers sincerely hope that everything will work out by itself.

Women in adulthood usually plan for pregnancy and are willing to work to prevent complications. Young women, unfortunately, quite often become pregnant due to the banal. As a result - unwanted pregnancy, the inability to have an abortion and the birth of an unplanned child, to whom you need to devote all your time and energy.

Why is age important for having a child?

Domestic medicine classifies all pregnant women over 25 years of age as increased risk. This term has an extremely negative impact on psychological state women, especially when doctors claim that the ideal age for giving birth has been missed.

However, it is not. A huge role in the development and successful outcome of pregnancy is played not by the real age indicated in the passport, but by the biological age. If all the organs of a forty-year-old woman function as well, or even better, than those of a twenty-year-old woman, then the chances of a normal pregnancy and birth healthy child much higher.

So if you are planning to have your first child after 30 years of age, and the doctors unanimously insist that the moment has been missed, you can safely change your gynecologist. Contact another medical center: they know for sure that the childbearing age of a woman in Russia is no different from the childbearing age of Western women. And if in the West they can easily give birth at 30 or 40 years old, then in Russia the outcome of pregnancy will depend not on age, but on the health of the woman.

What determines the optimal age for having a child?

The factors that influence the successful outcome of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy and strong baby are quite simple:

  • physical condition of the woman. If the mother has no chronic diseases, leads healthy image life and follows all the advice of the gynecologist at the planning stage and during pregnancy, her chances of giving birth to a healthy first child after 25 years are very high;
  • father's health. The childbearing age of men does not matter at all - a man can become the father of a healthy child at either 15 or 60 years of age. Another thing is that the presence of chronic diseases and bad habits significantly reduce the possibility of conceiving and giving birth to a healthy baby.

There is nothing supernatural about this: the health of the parents is the key to a successful pregnancy outcome. Age does not play a significant role in giving birth to a child.

The optimal age to give birth to a child from an ethical point of view

Despite the fact that a woman can become a mother at 40, and a man a father at 60, we should not forget about the ethical side of the issue. How younger parents, the longer they can stay with their child.

The average age of life for men in Russia is 64 years. Conceiving a child, being a fairly mature person, is practically leaving him orphaned.

So the childbearing age of women in Russia does not exceed 25 years - doctors consider this not only especially safe time for continuation of the family, but also the most optimal age for the appearance of an heir, whom the mother and father will need to raise and educate.

Often a woman is in no hurry to have offspring, and the reason for such a decision, as a rule, is the desire to live “for herself”, as well as the desire to create the maximum material wealth for your children. Also no less common are cases late motherhood due to a long search for a partner who could be a worthy father and husband. Also, sometimes Mother Nature herself does not allow a woman to experience the happiness of motherhood before the age of 30. Cases of late motherhood in the West have become commonplace, but in Russia the mother’s age is given special importance. So what is the ideal childbearing age?

Motherhood after 30.

Motherhood after 30 years is often perceived by doctors as something especially difficult and necessarily associated with some problems and pathologies, but in reality it happens that a woman after 30 years tolerates pregnancy much easier than young mothers, and at the same time remains cheerful , beauty and positive attitude. Why? Because it is a woman after 30 years who is more attentive to her health, she is more conscious about motherhood, and how could it be otherwise, because for many years it was just her dream... Also, as a rule, mature women are not as frivolous as young women and try Monitor your well-being during pregnancy more diligently, without hoping for “maybe”. As a rule, it is these women who agree to accurately fulfill all the requests and advice of doctors, but it is doctors who often add a fly in the ointment to happy motherhood after 30. How? It just so happened historically that Russian doctors confidently carry even the most healthy woman who gives birth to a child after 25 years of age is at risk. Psychologically for expectant mother it's very hard. Firstly, she will have to attend consultations much more often and undergo all kinds of tests, and will have time to enjoy own pregnancy it just won't stay. Secondly, pregnant women are much more susceptible to everything and tend to worry about trifles, and even if long-awaited pregnancy classified as a risk group, who will remain calm?
Fortunately, modern medicine begins to reconsider her views on the age of expectant mothers and her attitude towards them becomes more loyal, apparently practice shows that the number of healthy children born after 30 is no less, if not more, than the number of healthy babies from young mothers.

Motherhood after 20.

The age from 20 to 30 years can be called the heyday of a woman and the female body; it is during this period that it works in such a way that conception and childbirth, as a rule, take place quickly and without special effort. This age is considered to be the best for having a child, but in reality this is not always the case. Why? Because if you analyze a woman’s lifestyle during this ideal period for childbirth, you can understand that it is very difficult to call it ideal for childbirth. Because most modern women simply live at a frantic pace, they are trying to make a career, achieve success, and enjoy life to the fullest. Also, this period often coincides with the stage of receiving education. A tired and always busy woman who has no time for herself and her health, who does not even have the opportunity to have a snack, let alone a full lunch, is not the best option for motherhood. From such “preparation for childbirth”, a woman often forgets about her maternal instinct, and does not want to waste her “golden time” on diapers and undershirts.

Few women consciously become mothers at this age. Moreover, it is worth noting that their number is decreasing every year. What causes this? Perhaps the modern rhythm of life, perhaps the high demands on the level of education that time imposes, perhaps a woman’s desire to create some kind of material base that will allow her to remain independent after childbirth, and it is possible that the reason for this refusal of motherhood is the Western model of life, because in rare cases Women in Europe will have the desire or opportunity to become a mother before the age of 30.

On the one hand, voluntarily depriving yourself of motherhood for a fairly long period is not the best thing a woman can do for herself, because the maternal instinct is inherent in nature. However, an eternally tired mother, who is literally torn between home and school, or between home and work, is not the best option, since in this case the child is constantly transferred from the hands of the nanny to the hands of the grandmothers, but the child needs, first of all, a mother. It is very important that a woman, before deciding to become a mother, is able to realistically assess her level of psychological maturity. If he is tall, she will be an excellent mother even if she is periodically absent on business.

Doctors consider the age under 25 to be ideal for the first pregnancy, however, in reality this is not always the case. It is often at this age that a woman’s health leaves much to be desired, and she simply does not have time for treatment. Pursuit modern woman to manage everything and take on as much as possible does not have the best effect on her psychological and physical health. Well, something has to be sacrificed...

Early motherhood.

Early motherhood is a rather controversial and actual question? Why? Because it is impossible to draw clear conclusions on it, but the number of young mothers, who themselves are essentially children who need care and education, is growing rapidly. The age of modern young mothers can even be shocking, because cases of motherhood at 11 years old have been recorded. It is often believed that early motherhood is definitely bad. Yes, this is bad from the point of view psychological health such a mother, and also in terms of her physical health. Pregnancy and childbirth for a young woman is a serious test that can lead to irreversible consequences. However, some young mothers are distinguished by childlike seriousness and a surprisingly strongly developed maternal instinct. Although it is generally accepted that for such a mother the child will be the last doll, this is not always the case, and among young women there are excellent mothers who strive to do everything for their baby, but there are not many of them, for the most part, in the case of early motherhood the child ends up under the care of his grandmother.

WITH medical point From a perspective, early motherhood is not only not the best, but in some cases even dangerous for mother and child. However, this largely depends on the woman’s health status and her level of physical development. Some girls are perfectly developed even at 15 years old, and for some, development continues until they are 20 years old. However, it is worth noting that, as a rule, doctors treat motherhood at the age of 18 quite calmly and such patients are not included in the risk group.

Ideal childbearing age.

The ideal childbearing age is very difficult to identify, because a woman’s biological age may not coincide with her real age. That is why it is customary to divide women into certain categories and attach certain labels. Perhaps most important factor than childbearing age is the level of psychological maturity of a person, because many do not reach it even by the age of 40, and some manage to achieve it at the age of 17. The ideal childbearing age is the time when a woman should want to have a child more than anything else, and this does not mean that any financial difficulties can affect this. It is the desire to become a mother that should drive a woman when she thinks about procreation, and it is precisely when it becomes irresistible that the ideal age for having a child arrives. However, we should not forget that it is better to plan pregnancy in advance, because a preliminary examination and pre-treatment significantly facilitates the course of pregnancy and relieves the woman from some unpleasant moments associated with various complications.

Dear mothers, remember that a woman can do anything if she wants, giving birth to a child is no exception. After all, despite the opinion of some doctors, even a 40-year-old woman with impeccable health and an unbridled desire to become a mother can give birth to a healthy baby.

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It is customary to call certain period a woman's life when she is able to conceive and give birth to a child. This period is approximately the same for everyone, but may differ slightly due to physiological characteristics. When does childbearing age begin and end for women?

A woman gains the ability to have children at a very young age, with the arrival of menstruation. This should not come as a surprise, since it is preceded by it. It begins at about 10-11 years and is characterized by enlargement of the mammary glands, the appearance of hair under the arms and on the pubis. If parents notice such changes in their daughter, they need to talk to the child and explain what is happening. Doing it right will avoid many problems in the future.

We can say that from now on puberty completed, and women have reached childbearing age. But there is no need to rush into having children. Physically, a girl at such a young age can become pregnant and even give birth to a baby. But this will have an extremely negative impact on her health.

The body is not yet ready for such shocks, and the risk of getting serious complications(miscarriage, severe toxicosis, difficult childbirth, very large.

Women's childbearing age

Doctors do not recommend giving birth to girls under 18-19 years old. But it’s still better to wait a few more years. It is at this age that a woman’s body best tolerates pregnancy and childbirth. The childbearing age for women lasts about 25-30 years. This period can be significantly reduced due to various chronic diseases.

It is very important from childhood to teach a girl to take care of herself, regularly visit a gynecologist and maintain personal hygiene. The child should be taught that any disease, even the mildest one, can affect reproductive function. In this regard, you should not neglect diseases, but always treat them on time. Adult woman should see a doctor at least twice a year, even if there is no cause for concern. Some diseases occur in a latent form, so it is impossible to recognize them on your own. Optimal age for childbirth varies from 20 to 35 years depending on physical condition women.

When is it all over?

The so-called menopause occurs after 45 years. Women's childbearing years may continue, or it may end there. Everything happens gradually. Changes hormonal background, the ovulation process is disrupted, menstruation stops, and eggs stop maturing. This whole process lasts more than one year. During this time, a woman can still become pregnant and carry a child to term. However, there is a high probability of having a baby with various genetic abnormalities. In this regard, doctors recommend not postponing pregnancy to such a late date.

Women's reproductive age depends on their physiological characteristics. It can come very early and end in quite a while. This is worth taking into account for married couples, and therefore, after reaching them, they should not stop protecting themselves.