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Hormonal imbalance after childbirth. Hormonal background after childbirth, body restructuring

The period of gestation and birth of a child is natural physiological process for the female body. Despite external well-being, the period of childbirth is a serious burden for a woman's body. During pregnancy, the expectant mother is faced with a radical restructuring of the whole organism, which is due to ensuring the viability of the developing fetus.

The decisive factor in the occurrence of physiological changes are hormones, the ratio of which changes throughout the entire period of pregnancy. If we compare hormonal balance women on the onset of pregnancy and after, these figures will be different.

IN postpartum period a woman cannot count on a lightning-fast restoration of the previous hormonal background, since this process takes a certain time. Most often, the normalization of the hormonal ratio occurs at the end of the period breastfeeding. The most important hormones for a new mother are estrogen and progesterone. The ratio of these biologically active substances determines the hormonal well-being of the woman who has given birth.

Hormonal changes

The process of delivery is a serious mechanism that affects the hormonal processes in the body. The following factors can affect the increase in the period of restoration of hormonal balance:

  • Unbalanced and irregular diet;
  • Difficult and complicated childbirth;
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives during pregnancy;
  • Violation of lactogenic function in a woman in labor;
  • Influence of stress factors in the postpartum period;
  • Organic and functional diseases newborn baby;
  • Alcohol use and smoking;
  • Reception of potent medicinal medicines during the childbearing period.

The duration of hormonal imbalance in the postpartum period often increases due to the fact that young mothers go to bed early. workplace and do not limit themselves to such bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol. The most common cause of hormonal imbalance in the postpartum period is the abrupt abolition of natural feeding of the baby. If this happens, the female body is not able to quickly respond to the restructuring of the hormonal background.

If necessary or desired, stop breastfeeding every young mother should seek the advice of a medical specialist. An equally common reason hormonal changes in the female body is increased emotional and physical stress, as well as a violation of the diet. These factors provide Negative influence on the regenerative capacity of the body.

The nature of the changes

During the first months of bearing a child, the body of the expectant mother produces increased amount the hormone progesterone. It's biologically active substance responsible for harmonious development conceived child and full growth mammary glands future mother. Changes under the influence of the hormone progesterone mental condition pregnant woman. Against the background of an increase in the concentration of this hormone, a woman becomes capricious, quick-tempered and tearful.

As the gestational sac the so-called chronic gonadotropin affects the female body. Its production is programmed by nature for the purpose of functional restructuring of the ovaries and normal development of the fetus. It is under the action of human chorionic gonadotropin that the ovaries begin the synthesis of the hormone estrogen.

Since the formation of the placenta, the hormonal background of the expectant mother is influenced by another hormone somatotropin. By analogy with the above hormones, somatotropin is produced in order to ensure the normal development of the unborn child. In addition, under the action of the above hormones, the female body is prepared for the process of delivery and breastfeeding.

Clinical picture

In order to timely recognize hormonal disorders in the body of the woman in labor, you need to familiarize yourself with characteristic manifestations this state.

You can talk about hormonal imbalance in the presence of such clinical symptoms:

  • Violation of the act of falling asleep, up to insomnia;
  • Sudden mood swings;
  • The appearance of new pigment spots on the surface of the skin;
  • Emotional disorders, accompanied by a constant desire to cry;
  • Feelings of guilt in front of close and dear people;
  • Changing indicators blood pressure in the direction of increase or decrease;
  • Painful and heavy menstruation;
  • Uncontrolled emotional outbursts, accompanied by a feeling of aggression;
  • Discomfort and pain during intimacy;
  • Decreased production or complete absence breast milk;
  • Uncontrolled growth of hair on the body, as well as their loss on the head.

In addition, physiological changes are formed in the woman's body, indicating dyshormonal disorders:

  1. Increase in body weight. This manifestation of hormonal imbalance is not uncommon for new mothers. Attempts to return former form will not succeed, since the balance of the main hormones in the body of a young mother does not match physiological norm. Neither a strict diet nor increased physical activity will help a woman in this matter. On the contrary, excessive overload of the body and exhaustion lead to beriberi, chronic irritability and fatigue;
  2. Decreased libido. A decrease in sexual desire in the postpartum period is most often regarded as a consequence of chronic fatigue and lack of sleep. This factor entails not only mental and physical discomfort in a woman, but also problems in marital relationships. Only timely correction of the hormonal background can eliminate this problem in full;
  3. Painful and profuse menses. Hormonal imbalance leads to disruption of menstrual activity in the female body. Very often, young mothers note abundant and painful menstruation that can worsen the quality of life;
  4. The formation of age spots and acne. If the female body in the postpartum period is in a confused position, then problems may arise associated with a violation metabolic processes V skin and appendages.

Normalization of hormonal levels in the postpartum period takes several months. And if after 3 months the condition of the young mother has not improved, then she needs to seek medical advice in order to undergo comprehensive survey and medical support of the body.


For advice on correcting dishormonal disorders in the postpartum period, contact a qualified medical specialist. In order to determine the ratio of hormones in the body of a young mother, a laboratory study is carried out.

To answer the question about how to restore the hormonal balance in the body of a young mother, medical specialists need to decide on key reason given state. During a medical consultation, the doctor finds out information about the lifestyle and nature of concomitant diseases. In case of diagnosing dyshormonal disorders medical specialist is determined with the tactics of treatment, which includes taking medications that normalize the balance of the main hormones in the woman's body.

During childbearing, the body future mother undergoes significant changes. Appearance women are changing, breasts and belly are growing, but more important processes are taking place inside. These changes are not visible to the eye, but they help the baby to fully develop in the womb. Today we will talk about hormonal changes and possible complications associated with the restructuring of the body.

What changes are taking place

In the first months of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother begins to increased output the hormone progesterone. This hormone is responsible for the full development of the fetal egg and the growth of the mammary glands. At this time due to high content progesterone, a woman can become short-tempered, whiny and capricious.

Next comes the hormone called chorionic gonadotropin. Its production is necessary for the development of the child and the restructuring of the ovaries. The ovaries, under the influence of this hormone, begin to produce the next substance - estrogen.

After ten days of pregnancy, the placenta is connected to the production of hormones. She also begins to actively produce estrogen and hCG, and is also responsible for the production of growth hormone. All these hormones are produced for one purpose - to ensure the normal development of the fetus and prepare the female body for childbirth and lactation.

What happens after childbirth

After the baby is born, female body it is no longer necessary to produce an increased amount of hormones responsible for the development of the fetus. Their production stops. Hormonal background is changing. Other hormones begin to be produced, among them oxytocin, which is designed to bring all organs and tissues to their original state.

During this period, a woman may also experience depression, sadness and apathy. It comes from another hormonal surge. Ideally, the hormonal background should be restored 6 months after the birth of the crumbs. However, this process does not always go smoothly and often a woman may need the help of specialists.

Causes of clitoral pain after childbirth and why to see a doctor?

Deviations from the norm

Hormonal failure after childbirth is manifested by a violation of the ratio of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. It is these hormones that are responsible for the good physical and mental state of women.

A change in the amount of hormones produced in one direction or another causes a deterioration in the general condition, depression, a feeling of chronic fatigue and other unpleasant symptoms.

Often a woman herself can suspect that she has hormonal disbalance after childbirth, you just need to listen to yourself. Symptoms of a deviation in the ratio of hormones are as follows:

Psychological disorders

  • Emotional outbursts. causeless sharp drops moods, joy alternating with tears, tearfulness and apathy are the first sign that the hormonal background is disturbed.
  • Aggression, replaced by a feeling of uselessness. Causeless tears and attempts to justify their behavior with other people's mistakes.
    Unreasonable exacerbated feelings of guilt. The woman blames herself for being a bad mother and wife. This symptom is often associated heightened suspicion and suspiciousness.
  • Indifference to the world around, depression, withdrawal into oneself. These symptoms lead to the development depression. If you stop yourself in time and understand true reason depression, treatment of depression can be carried out without taking antidepressants.
  • lactation disorders. Reduced milk supply, combined with a woman's reluctance to breastfeed, can lead to her not breastfeeding. This condition is very dangerous, because a woman deliberately deprives the baby of good nutrition.

Physiological disorders

  • Breakage and hair loss. These changes lead to a deterioration in the state of mind, the woman no longer feels as beautiful as before childbirth, which provokes the development of depression.
  • Weight changes. This is probably the most difficult problem for every woman. Excess weight does not give rest. First, a young mother begins to do physical exercise, sits on a strict diet, but the weight does not go anywhere. The body is depleted physical activity and lack of vitamins reacts chronic fatigue and irritability. At this moment, a woman begins to hate herself, and often subconsciously blames an innocent baby for her problems.
  • Profuse and painful menstruation. This phenomenon also does not add joy and causes a desire to hide, close up and just lie down. Caring for a child these days is especially difficult.
  • acne and dark spots. Another nasty cosmetic problem, which delivers a lot of experiences to a young woman.
  • Decreased sexual activity. Women often attribute this problem to fatigue, not getting enough sleep, and the need for constant care for the baby. However, the lack of libido entails not only discord in a married couple, but also very real health problems in the female genital area.

Changes in the ratio of hormones in the body of a woman during the period of bearing a child - natural process. All physiological systems rebuilt to ensure the full development of the unborn child.

During pregnancy, the balance of hormones changes. The leading role belongs to progesterone, estradiol.

For nine months the body works in an enhanced mode, changes occur at all levels - biochemical and cellular. Restoring hormonal balance after childbirth takes time. During lactation, the level of prolactin is high, which lowers. During the period of breastfeeding, their concentration is lower usual values.

To avoid severe forms hormonal failure:

With a successful period postpartum recovery the level of hormones stabilizes no earlier than 1-2 months after the end of breastfeeding. Many factors affect the body of a woman in labor, so cases of hormonal failure are not uncommon.

Causes of postpartum hormonal imbalance

Difficult pregnancy, difficult childbirth with complications, C-section cause hormonal imbalance. For the same reasons, the recovery period normal level hormones will last longer than after natural labor activity. Other factors also delay rehabilitation:

  • breast milk is not produced;
  • Not proper nutrition;
  • lack of rest;
  • lack of postpartum activity not related to the child;
  • stress and anxiety;
  • diseases immediately after the birth of a child;
  • taking medications;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions.

The hormonal background after childbirth normalizes slowly.


With the advent of a baby in the house, a young mother experiences physical overload. Deterioration of well-being, frequent mood swings, jumps in blood pressure, the appearance of edema, the occurrence of dizziness are signs of negative changes in the body.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance after childbirth include:

  • low performance, frequent depression, unexplained outbursts of aggression, decreased libido are associated with insufficient estrogen production;
  • painful, profuse, prolonged menstruation - an indicator of a low concentration of the main;
  • the cause of insomnia, superficial sleep is a lack of progesterone;
  • low concentration of prolactin causes a violation of the production of breast milk;
  • excess excess weight or its decrease with normal nutrition is associated with a violation of the concentration of hormones thyroid gland.

Hormonal failure is reflected in the external state of a woman - hair falls out, skin rashes, collapses tooth enamel, excessive sweating occurs. At indicated symptoms you should consult a doctor to prevent complications.

An imbalance between estrogen and progesterone leads to postpartum depression. It inevitably causes disruption internal organs and their systems.

For the treatment of severe hormonal failure after childbirth, a qualified medical assistance.

Restoration of menstruation

During breastfeeding a woman does not have maturation of follicles (eggs). It suppresses the secretion of progesterone, which directly regulates the uterine cycle. The first menstruation should be expected after the complete end of lactation. Each attachment of the baby to the breast stimulates the secretion of prolactin.

Hormonal adjustment , renewal menstrual cycle directly related to lactation:

Normalization uterine cycle after childbirth indicates full recovery hormone levels.

Treatment of hormonal disorders

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes, finds out the reasons that provoked the failure. Perhaps the cause of excess weight, depression, feeling unwell associated with the way of life of a woman, stressful situation or others external factors. If the deterioration is associated with hormonal disorders, it is carried out special treatment .

Several specialists are involved in restoring the hormonal background after childbirth - a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, a therapist. Laboratory studies of urine and blood reveal a hormone whose level needs to be regulated. With timely access to specialists, strict implementation of their recommendations, the concentration and ratio of hormones is restored.


An endocrinologist (therapist, gynecologist) prescribes drugs to stabilize the hormonal balance based on laboratory research And individual features. Among medications for the treatment of postpartum hormonal disorders:

  • Esstrinol;
  • Cordyceps;
  • Cyclodinone;
  • Biozinc;
  • Biocalcium;
  • Anti-lipid tea;
  • Cellulose.

Folk methods

The hormonal background in the postpartum period is normalized with the use of decoctions:

  • sage;
  • cinquefoil;
  • oregano;
  • hops;
  • fenugreek;
  • nettles.

The active substances of these plants help the body cope with the lack of estrogen. During breastfeeding, prolactin production is activated. Use medicinal herbs must be agreed with the doctor.

To stabilize the condition of a woman after childbirth, products will help:

  • sea ​​fish, black cumin seed oil, olive, linseed, nuts (rich in beneficial fatty acids Omega-3 and cholesterol, necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones);
  • chicken meat, turkey, beef, eggs, hard cheese, tomatoes, bananas, dates (sources of the amino acids tryptophan, phenylalanine, which are important for the synthesis of endorphins and stabilization of the emotional state).

External and internal factors cause hormonal imbalance after childbirth. This state has severe symptoms. When they appear, it is necessary to seek the help of specialists to clarify the diagnosis and conduct adequate treatment.

medicines, medicinal plants, proper nutrition, adherence to the daily regimen will help to recover after childbirth.

Both the entire pregnancy and the birth immediately following it, although they are, as doctors say, a completely natural and even natural process, they can still represent a rather steep and serious “shake” directly for the whole body of a woman. So already immediately after the conception, and during the further nine-month pregnancy, literally everything in the body itself future mother"rebuilds" and changes. And all this happens only in the name of the complete preservation of the new, still very small and fragile life that is actively growing in this organism. But when your baby is born, your somewhat tired body again and again has to make another “jerk” - namely, to regulate and restore all those vital processes that were once normal for it.

Of course, this also applies to the general hormonal background of a woman. So directly during pregnancy, the general hormonal background of a woman's body undergoes significant, and even dramatic changes. However, already literally in the first few weeks or months after childbirth, this balance will have to, and completely independently. But if, for some reason, this does not happen, then medical experts talk about some kind of hormonal imbalance, as well as a real hormonal failure. As a rule, doctors call a hormonal failure a condition in which general ratio the most important female hormones, of course, estrogen and progesterone do not correspond to the indicators accepted as the norm, when such a ratio simply shifts, and in one direction or another.

Today, hormonal failure that occurs after childbirth is a condition that is almost familiar and quite common among women. Moreover, the first couple of months after a successful birth, a woman, quite naturally, is practically unable to listen to herself and her body. After all, she is everything given time dedicates to the care of that tiny creature to which she herself initially gave this life. Yes, in fact, the hormonal balance somewhat disturbed by childbirth is, in principle, a very common phenomenon, especially after childbirth, and most often this very balance of female hormones normalizes completely independently without any extraneous stimulants or other interventions. It should be noted, however, that sometimes it also happens that for one reason or another completely different reason, such a hormonal failure catastrophically does not want to be regulated and the usual and so necessary balance of hormones is not restored. And exactly in this dangerous case you can not do without timely consultation of an experienced doctor, because possible consequences Such a hormonal failure may well be completely different, including extremely undesirable or negative ones - say, in the form of the deepest depressions or problems with the constant formation of breast milk, which is so necessary for the baby.

So, what are the main symptoms that can really indicate a woman to probable occurrence any problems with the general hormonal background, or rather with its imbalance? The main signs of hormonal failure or imbalance can be frequent and rather prolonged manifestations of severe headaches and even dizziness. A woman can be tormented by insomnia, real jumps in blood pressure, and sometimes the appearance of edema. No less frequent companions of such a hormonal imbalance can also be constant irritability, and even apathy or deep. In addition to the fact that a woman has some problems of a hormonal nature, too fast fatigue can easily be suggested, sharply excessive sweating, and even a sharp decrease in sexual desire for a man.

Like hormonal imbalance, as a rule, delivers real problems with hair growth. So, for example, in the presence of a hormonal failure, it can sometimes be observed as a sharp growth of excess hair, and on the whole body, as well as quite abundant hair loss directly on the head. In addition, quite often women almost immediately sin on such a hormonal failure or imbalance of hormones after childbirth, when they begin to have some problems with weight. Enough or, on the contrary, the appearance of excess with absolutely normal and correct mode nutrition can also indicate problems with hormones.

And it is not uncommon for an already established mother to suspect the occurrence of hormonal problems almost immediately after the cessation of breastfeeding her baby - when the nature of menstruation actually completely changes, and the menstruation itself begins to be accompanied by extremely painful and unpleasant sensations. Actually, these are the signs (all the same painful and rather heavy periods, which, moreover, also last longer whole week) can ambiguously indicate sufficient high probability similar hormonal imbalance. But in combination with all of the above symptoms, such signs are a very weighty and quite sufficient reason for the promptest appeal for adequate and qualified help.

It is only possible to clearly determine whether it is advisable to talk about the onset of hormonal failure in the context of the appearance of such signs only with the help of a strictly special analysis, which, as a rule, is prescribed to a woman based on the results of that very preliminary consultation with a doctor. Such an analysis will give you real opportunity estimate general state all your major organs and their systems. In addition, one must also take into account general well-being the woman herself, and, based on all the previously obtained test data, the doctor will prescribe quite adequate drug treatment. And in fairness, it should still be noted that, as a rule, the treatment of such a hormonal failure will require a sufficient amount of time and effort from you. After all, as a rule, it is not possible to restore the usual hormonal balance, say, in a few days or weeks.

However, to treat similar states it is necessary urgently and without fail, because, without normalizing the necessary balance of hormones, real health problems in the future, of course, cannot be avoided. The appointment of medications that are suitable specifically in this or that case is the competence exclusively an experienced specialist medic. And necessary treatment, is always assigned, strictly on an individual basis.

Remember to pick the right ones for you medications a simple pharmacist in a pharmacy, of course, can not do it. Actually, that is why, never, in any case, having signs of a hormonal failure, you can’t just focus on some advice from friends, information from women’s Internet forums, or even recommendations from the staff of the nearest pharmacy. Remember similar treatment should always be assigned to a woman only an experienced doctor, and, of course, it will also have to take place under his strictest control.

For the postpartum period, a period of time equal to 6 weeks from the date of birth of the child is allotted. At this moment, all the systems of the mother's body are restored and the hormonal background changes after childbirth:

  • uterine involution: with each feeding, under the influence of the release of oxytocin, contraction occurs muscle fibers. The woman experiences cramping pain less intense than during childbirth. Also, the secretion of oxytocin increases during sleep, under the influence of serotonin;
  • the formation of the cervix and cervical canal is slower than the body of the uterus;
  • restoration of the vaginal mucosa, reduction of swelling. But in lactating women, due to estrogen deficiency, dryness is possible, which is especially felt during intercourse;
  • ovaries enter the final phase of development corpus luteum, it regresses, which means that the concentration of progesterone, which ensured the preservation of pregnancy, decreases. Gradually, new follicles begin to mature;
  • breastfeeding women have elevated levels of prolactin. It has a depressing effect on follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone, so there is no ovulation and menstruation. But this does not prevent pregnancy, in the maturing follicles, an egg is sometimes released. Prolactin itself is stimulated by estrogens, prolactoliberin, thyreoliberin and serotonin;
  • the volume of circulating blood also decreases due to its liquid part, the coagulation system returns to normal. Respiratory and cardiovascular systems, renal blood flow.

Body weight is slightly reduced due to excretion interstitial fluid and a decrease in blood volume. Lactation has no significant effect on weight loss. Normalization of hormonal levels after childbirth occurs gradually. For those who refuse breastfeeding, the first menstruation comes 6-8 weeks after the birth of the child. This moment can be considered the restoration of hormonal levels. In nursing mothers, menstruation may be absent for several months or the entire lactation period, and this is considered the norm.

Why does hormonal failure occur after childbirth?

Any deviation from normal indicators kinins in the postpartum period can be attributed to failure. Causes of hormonal imbalance after childbirth can be the following:

  1. Severe pathology during pregnancy.
  2. Major blood loss during natural childbirth or caesarean section.
  3. Stress and emotional overload.
  4. Infectious diseases.
  5. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  6. Not enough balanced diet or early transition to strict diets.
  7. Absence normal mode rest and sleep.
  8. Bad habits - drinking alcohol or smoking.

Heavy hormonal pathologies occur after massive blood loss during childbirth. In this case, there is a decrease in blood flow in the pituitary gland - the main regulator of all hormones. This leads to the development of Sheehan's syndrome. Necrosis of cells in this area of ​​the brain causes panhypopituitarism - a decrease in the concentration of basic hormones, a decrease in the function of the adrenal cortex, lack of lactation, hemorrhages. As a distant complication - violation of the menstrual cycle.

Symptoms and signs of hormonal imbalance after childbirth

It is impossible to determine with accuracy how many weeks after childbirth the hormonal background will be restored. For each woman, this is an individual period. It matters whether she breastfeeds or refuses to do so: in lactating women, the restoration of the hormonal background and the menstrual cycle is delayed.

You can suspect a violation in the first few days. The absence of colostrum or maturation of milk indicates an insufficient concentration of prolactin. At the same time, there may be a decrease in oxytocin, which will lead to the development of uterine subinvolution. The doctor is able to identify this condition during a daily examination, while determining the height of the fundus of the uterus there will be no daily decrease in its size. The uterus itself is palpated as flabby and not dense enough.

Postpartum depression can also be related to hormonal changes. Oxytocin is called the hormone of motherhood and happiness, but it is under the influence of serotonin. Flaw good rest, stay on fresh air leads to a decrease in the level of these kinins and depression of the general condition.

Hormonal imbalance after childbirth can lead to overweight or vice versa, rapid weight loss. A set of 8 kg or more is considered pathological and is associated with an increase in adrenocorticotropic hormone, testosterone, prolactin and a decrease in estrogen and progesterone. Additional signs of such a violation would be:

  • skin pigmentation;
  • acne, increased oiliness of the skin and hair;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • headache;
  • increase in blood pressure.

Those women who refuse to breastfeed should monitor the timing of the onset of menstruation. If there is no menstruation within 2 months after the cessation of lactation, it is worth taking tests to detect hormonal failure after childbirth. In some cases, prolactin remains above normal and does not allow ovulation and menstruation to occur.

How to restore hormonal levels after childbirth?

Treatment of hormonal failure after childbirth begins only after the diagnosis and establishment of the exact causes of the violations. First of all, it is necessary to normalize the diet and rest. No need to try to saturate the diet with fatty and high-calorie foods in order to improve the quality of milk. Nutrition should be varied and balanced, contain essential nutrients and. It is recommended to take special vitamin complexes for nursing mothers. Iron supplements are prescribed by some doctors in prophylactic dose even in the absence of anemia in blood tests.

Rest and sleep in daytime helps the mother's body to recover. In the evening, you need to go to bed at the same time as the baby, so as not to miss the night feeding. It ensures the maintenance of lactation for sufficient level, normalizes the concentration of serotonin, prolactin and oxytocin.

On the concentration of hormones of happiness according to the principle feedback affect positive emotions And good mood. A young mother needs to be pampered and sometimes allowed to do what brings joy.

Serious hormonal disorders require drug treatment. Sheehan's syndrome requires replacement hormone therapy, which is carried out by gonadotropins and sex hormones. The choice of drugs and the cyclicity of their administration is determined by the doctor individually.

Subinvolution of the uterus and decreased lactation, which are associated with low level oxytocin is treated with this hormone.

Endocrine diseases of the thyroid gland also affect the general hormonal background and the secretion of kinins in the postpartum period. Therefore, therapy that was started before or during pregnancy should be continued after delivery.

Yulia Shevchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for the site

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