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Temperature 37 for a month without symptoms. In some cases, elevated temperature is not dangerous. Danger of elevated temperature

Update: October 2018

Low-grade fever – a rise in temperature from 37 to 37.9 degrees Celsius. Body temperature above 38 degrees is usually accompanied by very specific symptoms, which any doctor can link to a specific disease. But long-term low-grade fever often remains the only symptom that forces the patient to visit many specialists and undergo many tests.

Why does the body need low-grade fever?

Humans are warm-blooded creatures, so we are able to maintain a more or less stable body temperature throughout our lives. Fluctuations of up to 1 degree can occur during stress, after eating, during sleep, and also depending on a woman’s menstrual cycle. When exposed to certain factors, it may occur defensive reaction body - fever. Even low-grade temperatures can speed up metabolism and make it impossible for many people to reproduce. harmful microbes. In addition, a rise in temperature may indicate physical or psychological ill health.

Normal human body temperature

The average temperature when measured in the armpit is 36.6 degrees Celsius. But different people this value can be individual. For some, the thermometer rarely shows a value greater than 36.2, while others constantly live with numbers of 37-37.2 degrees. However, in most cases, low-grade fever indicates a sluggish inflammatory process in the body, so you should find out the cause of low-grade fever and find the source of inflammation.

The upper limit of normal human temperature is 37.0, anything higher can be considered as a sluggish inflammatory process and requires careful diagnosis. In a child under one year old, a temperature of 37.0-37.3 is normal due to an unstable thermoregulation system.

However, it is necessary to take into account the state in which the measurement takes place. If, for example, you measure the temperature of a person who is overheated in the sun or dressed in a woolen sweater, or if the patient has hyperthyroidism, a violation of thermoregulation, this should be taken into account.

How to measure temperature correctly?

There are several areas of the body where temperature is usually measured. The most common are the rectum and armpits. It is customary to measure the temperature of children in the rectum; such data is more accurate, although some children actively resist this procedure. And he has a low-grade fever infants– there is absolutely no reason to torment a child with rectal measurements. Classic version thermometry in adults - in the armpit.

Temperature standards:

  • armpit: 34.7C – 37.0C
  • rectum: 36.6C – 38.0C
  • V oral cavity: 35.5C – 37.5C

Causes of low-grade fever

Infectious causes

The most common cause of low-grade fever is infection. Thus, most common ARVIs are accompanied by malaise, headache and joint pain, runny nose, cough and low-grade fever. Some childhood infections (rubella, chicken pox) are not severe, with a low temperature. In all these cases there is clear signs diseases.

With the long-term existence of a focus of inflammation, all symptoms disappear or become habitual. Therefore, the only sign of trouble remains a long-term low-grade fever. In such cases, finding the source of infection can be difficult.

Foci of infection that most often cause a prolonged rise in temperature:

  • ENT diseases - pharyngitis, etc.
  • Dental – carious teeth
  • Gastrointestinal diseases - , ), etc.
  • Inflammation urinary tract- pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, etc.
  • Inflammatory diseases of female and male genital organs -,.
  • Abscesses at injection sites
  • Non-healing ulcers in the elderly and sick

To identify a slow infection, the doctor will prescribe:

  • General blood and urine analysis. Deviations in some indicators may indicate an inflammatory process in the body. For example, change leukocyte formula And .
  • Inspection narrow specialists : ENT doctor, gastroenterologist, surgeon, dentist, gynecologist
  • Additional Methods: CT, X-ray, ultrasound if inflammation in a specific organ is suspected.

If the source of inflammation is found, it will take some time to heal, since chronic infections therapy works worse.

Rarely Diagnosed Infections


A very common infection, but clinical manifestations are rare (see). Almost all cat lovers are infected with it. In addition, you can become infected by eating undercooked meat.

Clinically significant only (due to the risk of pathology in the fetus) and HIV-infected patients (due to the severity of the course). In a healthy person, toxoplasmosis is present as a carrier state, sometimes causing low-grade fever and eye damage.

The infection does not require treatment (except for severe cases). It is diagnosed using ELISA (detection of antibodies), which is especially important when planning pregnancy.


This is a disease that is often forgotten when searching for the causes of low-grade fever. It mainly occurs in farmers and veterinarians who come into contact with farm animals (see). Signs of the disease are varied:

  • fever
  • articular, muscular and headache
  • decreased hearing and vision
  • confusion

This disease is not life-threatening, but can lead to permanent changes in the psyche and motor sphere. For diagnosis, PCR is used, which accurately determines the source of the disease in the blood. Brucellosis is treated with antibiotics.

When infected with helminths, a sluggish inflammatory process may occur in the organs for a long time. And often low-grade fever is the only symptom helminthic infestation(cm. ). Therefore, in case of prolonged fever, especially combined with weight loss and digestive disorders, you can get tested:

  • Complete blood test for cells growing during an allergic reaction to helminths
  • ESR is a sign of inflammation in the body
  • stool analysis for worm eggs (the most common in a particular region, see,)

Treatment of helminthic infestation is carried out with special preparations (see). Sometimes one dose is enough for complete recovery.


There is a misconception that tuberculosis is a disease of the past, it is now found only in places of deprivation of liberty and only asocial people get sick. In fact, the number of tuberculosis patients is not decreasing, but is even increasing. Everyone is at risk of getting sick, especially small children, health workers, students in dormitories, and soldiers in barracks. All in all, tuberculosis bacillus loves places with a large concentration of people constantly living under one roof.

Risk factors:

  • insufficient and unbalanced nutrition
  • chronic pulmonary diseases
  • diabetes
  • living with a person who is a source of tuberculosis
  • tuberculosis in the past

Tuberculosis – bacterial infection, affecting mainly the lungs. In this case, the annual Mantoux test in children and fluorography in adults makes it possible to suspect and treat the disease in time.

If other organs are involved in the process, then with a “clean” X-ray of the lungs, it can be extremely difficult to find the cause of the malaise, since tuberculous damage to the internal organs is perfectly disguised as non-specific inflammatory processes. Until now, the diagnosis of extrapulmonary forms is extremely difficult, and when differentiating the diagnosis, they often “forget” about this infection.

Signs of tuberculosis:

Are common:

  • high fatigue, decreased performance
  • low-grade fever in the evenings
  • excessive sweating and insomnia at night
  • loss of appetite
  • weight loss (to the point of exhaustion)

Urinary system:

  • high pressure
  • lower back pain
  • blood in urine

Pulmonary forms:

  • cough
  • hemoptysis
  • dyspnea,

Genital tuberculosis:

Bone and joint forms:

  • pain in the spine
  • change in posture
  • limited movement
  • painful, swollen joints

Skin and ocular forms:

  • persistent skin rashes
  • small confluent skin nodules
  • inflammatory eye lesions

To identify the disease, it is necessary to undergo an examination chest(fluorography), conduct tuberculin tests (Mantoux), Diaskintest; if necessary - computed tomography of internal organs, radiography of the kidneys, etc.

Diagnosis of tuberculosis:

The Mantoux test is an intradermal injection of a special protein from the destroyed shell of a bacterium (tuberculin). This protein cannot cause disease, but in response to it a skin reaction occurs, which is used to evaluate the sample. Most children undergo the Mantoux test once a year.

  • In children under 5 years of age, the reaction should be positive (papule from 5 to 15 mm). If the reaction is negative, it means the child has congenital immunity to the disease or has undergone poor quality BCG vaccination(or not done at all). If the papule is more than 15 mm, additional examination is necessary.
  • If the reaction has increased sharply compared to the previous one (more than 6 mm compared to the previous one), then this is considered a turn. That is, the child was infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. These children are more likely to get this infection. Therefore after additional examination the child is prescribed prophylactic doses anti-tuberculosis drugs.

It is important to know:

  • You can wet the injection site; this does not affect the size of the papule.
  • You can eat sweets and citrus fruits - this does not affect the size of the papule if the child does not suffer from a severe allergy to these foods.
  • Mantoux test is not capable of causing tuberculosis
  • Diaskintest is a test similar to Mantoux, but gives a higher percentage of accuracy. The response to intradermal administration is also checked after 72 hours. The test results are not affected by BCG vaccination. Therefore, a positive result of the test is almost 100% infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the development of the disease. However, when infected with a bovine type of mycobacterium (unboiled milk, contact with a sick cow, cat, dog, etc.), as well as when there is a complication of BCG vaccination (extremely rare, but complications such as persistent or disseminated BCG occur - infections when the vaccine strain is “activated "in weakened children), Diaskintest remains negative and does not 100% exclude bovine tuberculosis or activate BCG vaccination.

Treatment of tuberculosis- long-term, difficult to bear, but still vital. Without treatment, tuberculosis slowly disables a person and leads to death. A timely BCG vaccination protects young children from severe lethal forms of the disease, but unfortunately, it does not protect either children or adults from the disease during prolonged contact with a patient with an active form. Modern drugs can cure foci of infection, but in last decades The number of drug-resistant forms that are difficult to treat is growing.

HIV infection

The human immunodeficiency virus attacks the body's defense system, making it defenseless against any, even the mildest infection. Virus infection occurs in the following ways (see):

  • during unprotected sexual intercourse
  • when injecting with contaminated syringes
  • during blood transfusions
  • during manipulations in the office of a dentist or cosmetologist
  • from mother to fetus

Since infection requires a large number of viral particles, it is impossible to get HIV infection from coughing, sneezing or touching a sick person.

Symptoms of HIV infection:

During incubation period(1-6 months from infection) there are no subjective signs.
In the acute period, complaints may appear:

  • Low-grade fever or high temperature
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Rash of various types
  • Headache, nausea and vomiting
  • Pain in muscles and joints

A latent period without obvious symptoms, but with active reproduction of the virus in the blood. Can last up to 20 years.
AIDS-associated complex (diseases that often occur and are severe during the development of AIDS):

  • (thrush in the mouth)
  • Leukoplakia in the mouth (changes in the mucous membrane)
  • Herpes with multiple relapses
  • Pneumocystis pneumonia (not responding to standard antibiotics)
  • Tuberculosis
  • Low-grade fever, weight loss
  • Inflammation of the parotid glands
  • Dysplasia and
  • Kaposi's sarcoma
  • Brain toxoplasmosis
  • Other inflammatory diseases

Diagnosis of HIV infection:

  • ELISA ( linked immunosorbent assay). This is the first stage of the survey, which is carried out at the request of many employers. For the above symptoms, this method alone is not enough. In most infected people, antibodies to the virus appear after 3 months, in some positive result appears only after 6-9 months. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct the study twice: after 3 and 6 months from possible infection.
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction). Very effective method, which makes it possible to detect viral particles within 2 weeks after infection.
  • methods for determining viral load and immune suppression. Additional methods used for a confirmed diagnosis.

When a definitive diagnosis of HIV infection is made, it is necessary to begin antiretroviral treatment. It will delay the onset of AIDS as much as possible, alleviate existing symptoms and significantly prolong the patient’s life.

Viral hepatitis B and C

One of the causes of intoxication and, as a consequence, low-grade fever is viral hepatitis. These diseases begin in different ways: in some, acutely, with pain in the hypochondrium, jaundice, and high fever. Some people practically do not feel the onset of the disease (see)

Signs of sluggish viral hepatitis:

  • malaise, weakness
  • low-grade fever, sweating
  • discomfort in the liver area after eating
  • slight, almost imperceptible jaundice (see.
  • joint and muscle pain

Since a large percentage of viral hepatitis becomes chronic, low-grade fever can return with each exacerbation.

Routes of transmission of viral hepatitis:

  • sexual intercourse
  • medical instruments
  • blood transfusion
  • tools in manicure and dental salons
  • syringe needles
  • from mother to fetus

Diagnosis of viral hepatitis:

  • PCR is a highly accurate method that detects virus particles in the blood
  • ELISA is a method that allows you to detect antibodies to various components of the virus. It can be used to determine carrier status, active form diseases, risks of fetal infection. It is also possible to distinguish between acute and chronic hepatitis.

There is no treatment for acute viral hepatitis. Associated complications are usually treated. Treatment chronic hepatitis during the period of exacerbation, it is carried out with special antiviral drugs, choleretic agents. A chronic process in the liver can lead to cancer, so all patients with hepatitis should be regularly examined by a specialist.


During development in the body malignant tumor all organ systems begin to work differently. Metabolism also changes. As a result, paraneoplastic syndromes arise, including low-grade fever. A tumor can be suspected after excluding more obvious causes (infection, anemia). When a malignant neoplasm disintegrates, it releases pyrogens into the blood - substances that increase temperature. Often, infections worsen against the background of a tumor, which also causes fever.

Features of paraneoplastic syndromes:

  • do not respond well to standard therapy for this symptom
  • often relapse
  • decrease with treatment of the underlying disease (tumor)

Frequent paraneoplastic syndromes:

Fever that is difficult to treat with antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Skin manifestations:

  • Acanthosis nigricans (for cancer of the digestive system, breast and ovaries)
  • Erythema Daria (with and)
  • without rash and obvious reasons

Endocrine signs:

  • Cushing's syndrome (excessive production of ACTH, the adrenal hormone) - in lung, pancreatic, thyroid or
  • Gynecomastia (breast enlargement in men) – with
  • – for cancer of the lungs, digestive organs

Blood changes:

  • Anemia (with tumors of different locations). Anemia itself also leads to prolonged low-grade fever.
  • Increased ESR (over 30) long time

It should be noted that not all cancer patients have obvious paraneoplastic syndromes. And not all of the above signs necessarily indicate a tumor. Therefore, when low-grade fever appears unknown etiology, especially in combination with other paraneoplastic features, requires careful examination.

Thyroid diseases

At hard work thyroid gland() All metabolic processes accelerate sharply. This immediately affects body temperature. In those suffering from thyrotoxicosis, the thermometer rarely shows less than 37.2 degrees.

Signs of thyrotoxicosis:

  • low-grade fever
  • irritability
  • rapid pulse, high blood pressure
  • loose stool
  • weight loss
  • hair loss

To diagnose thyrotoxicosis, you need to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and donate blood for hormones: T3, T4, TSH and antibodies to TSH. Based on the test results, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Anemia - as an independent disease or a component of other diseases

Anemia is a decrease in hemoglobin levels. This condition occurs when various reasons, ranging from chronic bleeding (with hemorrhoids, for example), ending with impaired iron absorption (with diseases gastrointestinal tract). It is iron deficiency that in most cases causes this condition. Anemia often occurs in women with heavy menstruation and vegetarians who abstain from animal products.

Lower limits of normal hemoglobin:

  • Men: from 20 to 59 years: 137 g/l, from 60 years: 132 g/l
  • Women: 122 g/l

In some cases, the hemoglobin level may be normal, but the iron content in the blood is sharply reduced. This condition is called hidden iron deficiency.

Signs of anemia and hidden iron deficiency:

  • unmotivated low-grade fever
  • cold hands and feet
  • loss of strength and decreased performance
  • frequent headaches and dizziness
  • bad hair and nails (see)
  • daytime sleepiness
  • disgust for meat products and a tendency to eat inedible
  • itching, dry skin
  • stomatitis, glossitis (inflammation of the tongue)
  • poor tolerance to stuffy rooms
  • unstable stool, urinary incontinence

The more of the above signs, the higher the likelihood of iron deficiency in the body. To confirm the diagnosis, the following tests are necessary:

  • Blood test for hemoglobin
  • Ferritin level
  • If necessary, examination of the digestive organs

If iron deficiency is confirmed, then it is necessary to begin treatment with ferrous iron preparations. These are Sorbifer, Tardiferon, Ferretab (see). All iron supplements should be taken together with ascorbic acid, for at least 3-4 months.

Autoimmune diseases

At autoimmune diseases the body begins to attack itself. The immune system is tuned against the cells of certain organs and tissues, causing chronic inflammation with periods of exacerbation. Against this background, body temperature also changes.

The most common autoimmune diseases:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • (damage to the thyroid gland)
  • Crohn's disease (intestinal disease)
  • Diffuse toxic goiter

For diagnostics autoimmune conditions The following tests are needed:

  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is an indicator whose increase indicates an inflammatory response
  • C-reactive protein– a parameter in a biochemical blood test that indicates inflammation
  • Rheumatoid factor (increases in rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune processes)
  • LE cells (for the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus)
  • additional examination methods

Once the diagnosis is proven, treatment must begin. It includes hormonal agents, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressants. Therapy allows you to control the disease and reduce the risk of exacerbations.

Residual effects after illness

All people experience an acute respiratory viral infection at least once in their lives. Often the main symptoms do not last longer than a week: cough, runny nose, fever and headache. But low-grade fever can persist for several months after the illness. There is no need to treat this condition; it will go away on its own. You can improve your health with dosed doses physical activity and walks on fresh air(cm. ).

Psychogenic causes

Low-grade fever is a manifestation accelerated exchange substances. It, like all processes in the body, is influenced by our psyche. During stress, anxiety and neuroses, it is the metabolic processes that are disrupted in the first place. Therefore, people with a fine mental organization, especially young women prone to hypochondria, often experience unmotivated low-grade fever. And the more active temperature measurements are taken, the worse a person feels. To diagnose this condition, you can take tests to assess psychological stability:

  • Identification Questionnaire
  • Hospital Depression and Anxiety Scale
  • Beck scale
  • Individual typological questionnaire
  • Toronto Alexithymic Scale
  • Emotional Excitability Scale

Based on the results of these tests, you can draw conclusions and, if necessary, contact a psychotherapist (remembering to take these results with you). Treatment of this condition can be reduced to psychotherapy sessions and intake. Often everything unpleasant symptoms They go away when a person realizes that their fears are groundless and stops taking their temperature.

Drug-induced low-grade fever

Long-term or active use of certain medicines may cause an increase in temperature to subfebrile levels. These means include:

  • adrenaline, ephedrine, norepinephrine
  • atropine, some antidepressants, antihistamines and antiparkinsonian drugs
  • neuroleptics
  • antibiotics (penicillin, ampicillin, isoniazid, lincomycin)
  • chemotherapy for tumors
  • narcotic painkillers
  • thyroxine (thyroid hormone) preparations

Canceling or replacing therapy relieves unpleasant low-grade fever.

Low-grade fever in children

The causes of low-grade fever in a child are exactly the same as in adults. But parents must remember that a temperature of up to 37.3 degrees in a child under one year old is considered normal and does not require searching for reasons. Therefore, if the baby feels well, is active, cheerful and does not suffer from lack of appetite, then low-grade fever should not be treated. However, if the child over a year old prolonged low-grade fever, lack of appetite, weakness - the cause should be established.

How to find the cause of low-grade fever?

To exclude dangerous and even fatal options, you need to undergo examination by specialists.

Examination algorithm for low-grade fever:

  • Determining the nature of fever: infectious or non-infectious
  • General blood analysis
  • Fecal analysis for helminths
  • : determination of c-reactive protein
  • Chest X-ray (to exclude tuberculosis, endocarditis, lung cancer)
  • X-ray or CT scan of the sinuses (to rule out sinusitis)
  • Ultrasound of the heart and digestive organs
  • Bacteriological culture of urine (to exclude inflammation in the urinary system)
  • Tests with tuberculin, diaskintest (to exclude tuberculosis)


  • Using additional methods, exclude HIV, brucellosis, viral hepatitis, toxoplasmosis
  • Consultation with a phthisiatrician for unclear tuberculin tests, night sweats, weight loss
  • Consultation with an oncologist and hematologist (to exclude tumors and blood diseases)
  • Consultation with a rheumatologist
  • Consultation with a psychotherapist

If you have a temperature of 37 for a month or longer, there is cause for concern. The reasons for this may be internal infections and even tumors. However, there is no need to worry prematurely - sometimes such conditions are caused by stress, weakened immunity and other provoking factors. A diagnosis can only be made after receiving tests, but we will tell you which doctor to contact.

Month temperature 37 in the evenings

In order to determine why you have a temperature of 37 for a month, you need to familiarize yourself with the situation in more detail. If you take your temperature at the same time, try moving the procedure a few hours forward or back. Is the data different? More likely, we're talking about about a minor inflammatory process, or the consequences of a recent acute respiratory viral infection, flu, or cold.

In addition, it should be taken into account that the temperature of a healthy person also changes during the day. In the morning, immediately after waking up, the readings will be minimal. Towards evening, on average, an increase of half a degree can be observed. If your norm is 36.6, the thermometer before bed will most likely read 37. This is normal!

If you do not feel a significant deterioration in your health, but you think there is reason to be wary, it is recommended to take a blood test. With its help, you can more accurately determine the nature of the disorder in the body. Here are the main reasons why your temperature stays at 37 and above in the evening for a month:

  • small;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • reception oral contraceptives;
  • consequences of stress, insomnia;
  • high level fatigue;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • inflammatory process in the respiratory system.

Temperature 37 for a month all day long

If you measure your temperature in the morning, evening and during the day, and it does not fall below 37 degrees, you will have to undergo a more thorough examination by a doctor. Usually such conditions are accompanied additional symptoms. They will help to more accurately determine the nature of the disease.

A temperature of 37, which lasts for a month, a cough and aching joints indicate a neglected infectious disease that affected organs respiratory system. These may be the following diseases:

If you have been treated for one of the listed diseases, it makes sense to consult the same doctor. It happens that bacteria infect the centers of the body responsible for maintaining normal temperature bodies. It may take several months to restore these functions, especially in people who have undergone antibiotic therapy - it significantly reduces immunity.

If you have a temperature of 37 for more than a month, but there are no other symptoms of disruption of the body, try to palpate your lymph nodes. They come first react to the appearance malignant neoplasms. If the lymph nodes are really enlarged, you have a direct path to an immunologist and oncologist. However, you can contact your general practitioner so that he can write out a referral to the appropriate doctor after studying your medical history and conducting tests.

Often the causes of a constant, long-term slight increase in body temperature are the brain center. The body maintains this state for reasons that have not yet been identified by scientists. This phenomenon is usually associated with the characteristics of individual nervous organization person. In this case, the temperature will not be 37 for a month, but for several years.

Elevated temperature always causes concern, since it serves as a direct response of our body to various viruses and bacteria. However, sometimes the temperature is slightly higher than normal (low-grade fever) may be a variant of the norm.

What is low-grade fever?

We all know that a healthy temperature is human body- this is 36.6˚С. But sometimes a child or an adult may have a temperature rise and remain at a level of 37.1 to 38˚C for a long time.

This temperature is called low-grade and is often a signal of sluggish inflammatory processes and that the body is trying to speed up metabolism and destroy pathogens.

Often, low-grade fever is the only symptom, so it can be extremely difficult to determine the cause of its occurrence. To do this, doctors can prescribe a whole range of diagnostics.

In what cases does it not pose a health hazard?

Let's start with the fact that in a number of cases, a temperature of 37-37.5˚C can be perceived as quite healthy condition bodies.

Congenital feature of the body

In some cases, a person has this temperature from birth. Oddly enough, but 2% of the world's population constantly live with increased value body temperature, and this indicator is healthy for them.

Age up to one year, childhood and adolescence

Newborns and infants also have elevated temperatures due to their bodies adapting to life outside the womb and lacking the ability to thermoregulate.

A child may sometimes develop a low-grade fever after prolonged crying or active games. In a teenager, this condition may occur due to hormonal imbalances.

Wrong way to measure

Temperature can only be measured in calm state and in rooms with cool air, because the physical exercise and high air temperature can also cause an increase in body temperature. Similar consequences can result from recent consumption of hot dishes or food with the addition of spicy seasonings.

Ovulation, pregnancy and lactation

Women have many periods in their lives during which changes and restructuring occur in the body. Under their influence, metabolic processes and the production of hormones are enhanced, and, as a result, the temperature can rise to 37-37.2˚C.

This can be accompanied by ovulation (the process of maturation and release of the egg), pregnancy and breast-feeding. Often this symptom occurs in a female teenager when menstrual cycle It's just getting better.

For thermoneurosis

Stress can also provoke temperature fluctuations, especially when a person is not just worried, but is in neurotic state or on the verge of psychosis. The only caveat is that with thermoneurosis, the temperature must return to normal during sleep.

Period after illness

Often, after pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, influenza and other diseases of a viral or bacterial nature, the so-called temperature “tail” persists - a condition when the disease has already gone away, but low-grade fever continues to persist for several months, and sometimes even six months.

The presence of such a “tail” means that the body continues to maintain enhanced defense even after illness. In order not to confuse the consequences of the disease and its relapse, it is important to be observed by a doctor throughout this period, as well as to strengthen the immune system.

The body's reaction to taking medications

Taking antibiotics can result in a similar consequence. Also, the temperature may rise if an allergy to the drug or one of its components has developed.

But even if you have a reason to consider a temperature above 37.3˚C normal, still play it safe and visit a therapist (or a pediatrician when such a temperature is observed in a child). Particular vigilance should be exercised if such a symptom occurs for 1-2 weeks or longer.

What diseases can be accompanied by low-grade fever?

Let us repeat once again that low-grade fever is a sign that the body is fighting some disease and so far it has managed to restrain its development.

But you should understand that such a struggle cannot continue forever and after some time (a week, 2 months, six months) the immune system may give up, and by that time your body will be completely weakened, and treatment will require a long time, effort and expense.

Therefore, constantly monitor your health. If you have had a temperature of 37.5˚C for several days, check if you have symptoms of one of the diseases:

acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, pneumonia

Symptom of onset of lungs colds very often there is a low temperature. Over time, it may increase slightly, and a runny nose, sore throat, and cough may be added to it. Please note that behind all these symptoms, not only acute respiratory infections, but also pneumonia can be hidden.

Therefore, if, in addition to a sore throat, you feel tightness and discomfort in the chest area, immediately visit a therapist or otolaryngologist.

Iron-deficiency anemia

This condition can develop as an independent problem due to iron deficiency, or as a consequence of vitamin deficiency, bleeding or certain diseases. At iron deficiency anemia, that is, a lack of iron, you will feel weak, observe pale skin, over time your skin will become dry, your nails will begin to break, peel and acquire a textured surface.

Traumatic brain injuries

If with a normal concussion you may only feel dizziness and nausea, then with serious traumatic brain injuries you may notice that you have a temperature of 37-37.3˚C.

This symptom is associated with possible brain contusions or even intracranial bleeding. Another symptom of the problem may be high blood pressure.

Intestinal infections

Development intestinal infections very often preceded by a low body temperature, after which abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms of intoxication may appear. However, an increase in temperature can also be observed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - for example, in nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

Hidden inflammatory processes

Often, infections and inflammatory diseases can occur latently, manifesting themselves only through low-grade fever, which persists every day and can only decrease in the morning. Most often this happens when there are problems with genitourinary system(pyelonephritis, cystitis, uterine erosion).

You should also pay attention to the oral cavity - it can also become a source of blood poisoning. But the best way to find the cause of a hidden disease is to go to see a doctor and take at least a general blood test, which will indicate an inflammatory process with a high level of leukocytes.


There are two types of hepatitis (B and C), both of which affect the liver. Hepatitis can occur without symptoms, but patients almost always experience low-grade fever. In addition, hepatitis is often accompanied by yellowing of the skin, pain in the joints and muscles, general weakness, a feeling of heaviness in the liver area.

Autoimmune diseases

This group includes diseases in which the human immune system begins to view its own cells as hostile and strives to destroy them. This is what people who are sick face rheumatoid arthritis(other symptoms are joint pain) and systemic lupus(other symptoms are red rash, mouth ulcers).

Oncological diseases

A tumor can develop and progress even if nothing hurts, and therefore the only symptom of oncology can be low-grade fever (the temperature can only rise in the evening). The fact is that cancer cells provoke the entry of pyrogens into the blood, under the influence of which an increase in temperature occurs. To determine the presence of tumors, it is important to undergo a thorough examination.


When tuberculosis develops, the first symptom of the disease is often only a temperature of 37˚C. Over time, the patient may notice increased sweating, insomnia, fatigue, loss of usual weight.

Please note that tuberculosis can develop even with normal fluorography, which only determines pulmonary form diseases (while there is also tuberculosis of the skin, eyes and bones).

Toxoplasmosis and brucellosis

It's about two infectious diseases, which humans can become infected with from animals. You can suspect them only if you have an animal at home or you often eat meat.

As accompanying symptoms Toxoplasmosis may cause fever, weakness, headaches and lack of appetite. With brucellosis, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system are observed.

Worm infestations

Thyroid diseases

If the thyroid gland does not work correctly, that is, it produces too many or few hormones, a person may experience an unstable temperature every day, strong sensitivity to heat, hypertension, gradual weight loss, deterioration of hair condition, anxiety.

But keep in mind that thyroid problems can develop without symptoms.


If the nervous system is damaged, the body's first signal will be a jump in temperature. Other symptoms may include intoxication (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), weakness, headaches, and confusion. The most common neuroinfections include encephalitis, meningitis and myelitis.

Addison's disease

This disease is associated with dysfunction of the adrenal glands, which begin to produce few hormones. Determine the presence of a disease on initial stages only possible based on unusual temperature readings.

What to do if the temperature stays above 37˚C for a long time?

If the temperature of 37.1-37.2˚C persists for 2 weeks, do not rush to make a fatal diagnosis. First of all, try using a different thermometer. Give preference mercury thermometers, since electronic ones can give an error of 0.3˚С, ​​and this is a lot.

Also try to measure your body temperature not only under the arm, but also rectally (in the rectum) or in the mouth. But be careful not to damage the thermometer or mucous membrane.

If the suspicion of low-grade fever is confirmed, visit your therapist (or pediatrician, if we are talking about a child). The doctor will help determine the cause of the problem and tell you what to do to eliminate it. If necessary, the therapist will redirect you to highly specialized doctors - otolaryngologist, surgeon, neurologist, endocrinologist, infectious disease specialist.

When do you need to see a doctor urgently?

But if you have symptoms of pneumonia, traumatic brain injury or tuberculosis, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible, since such conditions can cause serious danger for life (even death).

Call an ambulance if you observe the following in yourself or someone close to you:

  • elevated temperature;
  • chest pain;
  • cough with phlegm;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • confusion.

And remember that if a low-grade fever persists for a long time and gradually increases, this is an important reason to undergo a thorough health diagnosis.

In any case, it would be more rational to play it safe once again rather than bring the disease into running form, untreatable. Especially you should not ignore low-grade fever after pneumonia and treatment oncological diseases which may relapse.

Video: possible causes of low-grade fever in children and adults

Indicators above 37.0 (inclusive) are called low-grade. They suggest that it could be triggered by external factors, the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, infections. In situations where the patient suddenly develops a temperature of 37 degrees without symptoms, attention should be paid to Special attention searching for the causes of its occurrence. In the future, this will help to choose the right treatment and improve the patient’s well-being.

Natural and external causes

It should be remembered that some people may have a temperature of 37 for no reason. Sometimes this process is caused by heredity. Such minor deviations of thermoregulation from the generally accepted norm can be transmitted from parents to children at the genetic level. In this case, the person feels absolutely normal, does not have any complaints or clinical manifestations of hyperthermia:

  • heat;
  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • general weakness;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • hearing disorders (noises);
  • visual disturbances (darkening, loss of image clarity, “floaters”).

A temperature of 37 without cold symptoms can be caused by external factors:

  • increased physical activity(active sports, dancing, heavy physical stress);
  • overheating of the body (hot bath, sauna, long stay in the sun, in a hot microclimate);
  • food factors (very spicy and very hot foods);
  • nervous or mental overstrain (stressful situations, heavy mental work).

It should be remembered that a slight increase in thermometer readings relative to the norm after such situations is natural reaction body.

The body's heat output changes throughout the day (increases in the evening) and depending on the person's metabolism. An increase in thermometer readings by a few tenths of a degree does not pose a threat to human health and life. As a rule, thermometry results return to normal as soon as the cause that provokes such hyperthermia is eliminated.

Sometimes the above factors can not only cause hyperthermia with all its manifestations, but also provoke a protracted problem when a temperature of 37 lasts for more than a week. In particular severe cases The temperature stays at 37 for a month. In such situations, professional medical assistance will be required.

A person is advised to balance his diet and spend more time in the fresh air. You may have to give up active sports for a while. But regular exercise, including breathing exercises and light exercises, will only be beneficial. In addition to strengthening immune system, you should pay attention to nervous condition. It is necessary to protect the patient from unwanted stress. You may need to use a course of sedatives nervous system drugs.

A temperature of 37 without symptoms in women can be caused by the period of ovulation. The thermometer readings at this time can reach 37.4 C.

If the temperature of 37 lasts for two weeks or more, the cause may be pregnancy. To confirm the diagnosis, it is enough to buy a pregnancy test or take a blood test at laboratory conditions. Thus, a temperature of 37 without symptoms in a girl is quite normal reaction to fluctuations in hormone levels.

Causes associated with diseases

If a temperature of 37 in an adult could not be caused by external factors and natural causes, the origins of the problem should be sought in the condition of the patient’s body. In cases where the temperature is 37 without symptoms, the reasons may be the following:

Infectious diseases are the most common cause of fever in children and adults.

Sometimes, without any other manifestations, a temperature of 37 lasts for 5 days with such colds and viral diseases like influenza, acute respiratory and viral infections. If the temperature of 37 lasts for 2 weeks, the reasons may be caused by bacterial diseases, for example, tuberculosis, pneumonia. Despite the fact that in our time all these diseases can be treated, it is very important to start it on time. Therefore, you need to be careful about your health - be sure to seek help from a doctor. If you suspect any serious problems, additional research methods such as radiography or fluorography may be required.

For allergic reactions hyperthermia is not typical symptom. But recently, cases have become more frequent when a temperature of 37 without signs of a cold occurs under the influence of retaliatory immune reactions. This type of allergy is called atypical. In some cases, the symptom may only be that the temperature of 37 lasts for 3 days (depending on the duration of exposure to the substance, causing a reaction, and time of contact with the allergen). Hyperthermia occurs if a person already has any inflammatory processes in the body. In addition to reception antihistamines, relieving the symptoms of the reaction, treatment must necessarily include measures to eliminate the source of inflammation. Much later, symptoms such as: allergic dermatitis, urticaria, allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis. It is important to distinguish this condition from a common cold.

Temperature 37 without symptoms for a long time can cause systemic or autoimmune diseases: Crohn's disease, nonspecific ulcerative colitis. Sometimes in such situations the temperature of 37 lasts a month without symptoms. Finding out the reason takes quite a lot of time, because... in such cases it becomes necessary to pass full diagnostics body. To detect the problem, you will need to conduct an endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract. If the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment involves reducing the symptoms to a state of remission. Unfortunately, completely healed pathological processes of this nature is practically impossible.

Sometimes in situations where a temperature of 37 lasts for six months, a possible cause is the presence of tumors in the body. It happens that this condition occurs with virtually no symptoms. Mild hyperthermia may systematically occur in the evening, or may persist throughout the day. Benign and malignant formations can be signaled by fever and more short term: temperature 37 lasts for 3 months, a month, weeks. It is very important to get diagnosed in time and find out the cause. This is especially true for malignant tumors, when the further effectiveness of treatment and the risks associated with it depend on the stage of the disease; there is an immediate threat to the patient's life. To diagnose such pathological processes, in addition to laboratory tests of urine and blood, you may need ultrasound examinations, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography.

If a temperature of 37 lasts for a month, then the reasons may be caused by diseases of the endocrine system. Hormone imbalances often trigger fever. Shorter periods of hyperthermia may also indicate diseases, for example, when a temperature of 37 lasts for 2 weeks, because it's very individual. Most often, hormonal imbalance is caused by a malfunction of the thyroid gland. If you suspect her illness, it is important to detect the problem in a timely manner in order to avoid serious complications: diabetes, complete or partial hearing loss.

Traumatic brain injuries often cause hyperthermia. For concussions varying degrees manifestations may differ: sometimes a temperature of 37 lasts for three weeks, sometimes symptoms occur a long period of time after the injury. This is due to damage to the part of the brain responsible for thermoregulation. After the body recovers, the symptom disappears.

First aid

If the thermometer readings are below 38 C, there is no need to take antipyretic tablets. Because With the help of heat, the body tries to fight viruses and bacteria on its own. Sometimes it is appropriate to take no action. If the symptom still causes discomfort, you can reduce or get rid of its manifestations using the following methods:

  • applying cooling compresses to the forehead, wrists and calves;
  • wiping the body with water, a weak solution of vodka or vinegar;
  • it is necessary to cool the patient’s body by removing excess clothing and removing the blanket.

Under no circumstances should you use mustard plasters, cups, or inhalations. They accelerate blood flow, thereby can lead to such serious consequences like pulmonary edema.

The patient is advised to drink plenty of fluids. Water and special solutions designed for rehydration (“Regidron”) are best suited. At the same time, it is not worth increasing the amount of food, because During a fever, the body uses energy very sparingly.

In situations where fever is accompanied acute pain in the abdomen, signs of severe dehydration, it is necessary to call an ambulance team.

If the reasons are not clear, or two days, there is always a risk of relapse. Therefore, you should not neglect a visit to the doctor. It is necessary to find out the cause of the fever in time and eliminate it.

novel asks:

38 years. I had previously suffered from acute respiratory infections very rarely. for 5 days the temperature is 36.6 in the morning, when I come to work, during the day it is 37-37.3. no cough, no runny nose. at the time of contacting a therapist on the first day of July 37, general malaise, joint pain. The doctor prescribed Renicold 3 times a day, loritadine 1 at night. Now, on the 5th day, my general condition is good, my appetite is always good, in general I feel quite healthy. I only care about temperature fluctuations, by the way in the evening and at night it’s also 36.6

Dear Roman, so-called “jumps” in body temperature up to 37.5 degrees after an acute respiratory infection can persist for some time after recovery. This is due to the fact that toxins produced by viruses affect the thermoregulation center and it takes some time for it to fully recover. You need to complete the course of treatment prescribed by the therapist and, possibly, take a general blood test to ensure a complete recovery.

Ekaterina asks:

Good afternoon Since February I have had a temperature of 37.2, no cough and no snot. General condition is normal. A month ago, my cheeks began to constantly burn and my heels began to hurt. right leg, but not on the foot, but on the back, and today the pain began to move to the foot, but the pain was on top. In March, my therapist took blood and urine tests and said everything was fine. What could it be? And which doctor is best to see?

In this case, it is necessary to consult with a rheumatologist and take an x-ray of the foot, as well as take a CEC, ASL-O, C-reactive protein, and seromucoid. Only after receiving the examination results will the specialist make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Yuri asks:

Good afternoon For six days now the temperature has been 37.3-37.7. doesn't fall off. Constant headache, runny nose, cough.
I took all sorts of pills and herbal infusions. Already called at 03, they said take analgin.
And go to the doctor. I can't do it until the weekend.

You need to drink plenty of fluids and consult a physician as soon as possible; you may need to start taking antibacterial agent, which the doctor will select for you after a personal examination and examination.

Denis asks:

Hello! I am 17 years old. I have had a temperature of 37-37.3 for more than a month, I went to the doctor, 3 days after detection, they prescribed me to take antibiotics, dissolving tablets for (throat, cough), rinse, a week passed, everything was still the same (sore throat and the same temperature) in the morning when I wake up with a temperature of 35.4-36.2, after a couple of hours it rises to 36.8, and in the evening it is stable at 37-37.2, I took tests - everything is fine, the doctor again prescribed antibiotics and a gargle, still nothing changed! Tell me what this could be and where to go???

Such an increase in temperature may be a sign chronic tonsillitis caused by pathogenic microflora. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to do a bacterial culture from the mucous membrane of the walls of the pharynx, preferably with an antibiogram (determining the sensitivity of identified infectious agents to antibiotics of various groups). Based on the results of the examination, the ENT doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment appropriate to the situation.

Anonymous asks:

Hello! Please tell me, if the temperature stays at 37.2, what should I do? The tests are all normal.

If there are any complaints other than elevated temperature body (even though the temperature is slightly elevated), to clarify the situation, it is advisable to undergo an examination by a therapist. Read more about possible reasons increase in body temperature, you can read in our thematic section: High temperature.

Lena asks:

A month ago there was a little stress. after a bad dream. I started waking up because I couldn’t breathe. I lost weight. 2 weeks ago my right breast hurt, it was painful even to lie on my right side. The doctor said after my period to do an ultrasound of the mammary glands, this moment I just signed up for an ultrasound. 5 days ago my blood pressure went up, my eyes were dilated, my pupils dilated. When I arrived ambulance pressure It had already dropped, but the temperature was 36.9, there were no signs of a cold. I went to the therapist while I took blood tests.

Unfortunately, based on the symptoms you described, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. First of all, you need to wait for the results of a general blood test and do an ultrasound of the mammary glands. If your blood pressure rises again, you will need additional examination by a therapist and nephrologist. You will need to submit an expanded biochemical analysis blood (it is necessary to determine the prothrombin index, the level of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides in the blood, the level of urea and electrolytes in the blood), you need to monitor the ECG readings over time, do a urine test according to Zimnitsky and Nichiporenko, check the level of daily diuresis. You may need to undergo an instrumental examination of the kidneys (x-ray contrast examination, scanning) - these research methods are prescribed only by a nephrologist after a personal examination. Read more about the reasons for the increase blood pressure You can read in our thematic section: Hypertension.

Mariana asks:

In February there was acute hepatitis D, after this, the 8th month has already passed, and the temperature during the day rises to 37.1-37.4, in the evening it drops to normal and maybe even 36.1. Could this be due to hepatitis or is there another reason?

Please clarify whether you have had a blood test for markers. If yes, please let me know what the result is. Please also tell us if you are currently receiving any treatment. The temperature in this form of hepatitis can last for a long time, which indicates the continued activity of the process. In this case, I recommend that you do a biochemical blood test, a blood test for hepatitis markers, and also visit an infectious disease specialist in person. You can get additional information about hepatitis disease, clinical course, complaints and treatment in the section: Hepatitis

Daria asks:

I am 19 years old. For more than 2 months the temperature has been 37.2 both during the day and in the evening. Sometimes it subsides. I haven’t had a cold for more than 6 months. I constantly feel very tired. general condition satisfactory.

Oksana asks:

Hello. For the past year the temperature has been kept at 37-37.2... I took tests, everything is fine (I don’t feel it). What could this be connected with??

An increase in temperature to 37.2 degrees can be either a variant of the norm or can be caused by the presence of a source chronic inflammation, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, disorder nervous regulation, a sign of vegetative-vascular dystonia, decreased immunity, etc. You can learn more about the reasons leading to an increase in temperature in the thematic section of our website: High temperature. I recommend that you undergo an examination: a blood test for bacterial culture, a throat smear, a general urine and blood test, and a test for thyroid hormones.

Maria asks:

Good afternoon. This is the problem. I got sick in the summer. Most likely it was a virus, since I never caught a cold or was hypothermic. It was 3 days severe pain sore throat, runny nose. Then there was a cough. I took medicine and soon recovered. But the temperature remained. In the morning it’s normal, but then it can rise to 37.2-4 degrees.. State of fatigue.. You don’t want to move or do anything. Sometimes the shoulders start to hurt in the back, closer to the shoulder blades. But this is not always the case.. But the temperature has lasted for a month. What to do So what is this?

This condition may be associated with chronic bronchitis, astheno-vegetative syndrome, decreased immunity, etc. I recommend that you take a chest X-ray, take a general blood test and personally visit your primary care physician. Get more detailed information If you are interested in a question, you can go to the appropriate section of our website by clicking on the following link: X-ray and in the series of articles: ARVI. Additional information You can also get it in the following section of our website: Therapist

Julia asks:

Hello, I’m 25 years old, I’ve had a temperature of 37-37.3 for a month now, I was coughing Now it has stopped, runny nose, pain under the left shoulder blade and burning, I had a fluorogram done twice, everything is fine, soya 22. They diagnosed acute bronchitis, put on cevtriaxone, drank various antibiotics, put on sodium thiasulfate systems, but it still hurts under the shoulder blade.

Pain under the shoulder blade can be caused by acute bronchitis, and can also be observed when the disease becomes chronic. Pleurisy, intercostal neuralgia, myositis, etc. are also possible. We recommend that you do a chest tomography and personally visit a pulmonologist, as well as consult with a neurologist.

Nikitos asks:

Hello, it all started that I felt sick and sick on the road, but it all went away, but it wasn’t like that, that same night I was very scared when I got up and my heart was pounding very hard, I couldn’t sleep, my blood pressure was normal, but after a couple of days I started feeling dizzy and my heart was pounding, I passed tests of urine and blood in the kidney there was a virus Leukocytes are elevated and the temperature has been jumping for a month in the morning 36.5 and at lunch 37.0 and in the evening after 20:00 it drops to 36.6 please tell me it has become very inflammatory with any problem I get started???? ?

In this situation, vegetative-vascular dystonia cannot be excluded, and pyelonephritis cannot be excluded. We recommend that you do an EEG, ECHO-cardiography, ECG and personally consult with your attending cardiologist and neurologist. We also recommend that you take repeated blood and urine tests, and if there are any abnormalities, consult a nephrologist.