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What is metabolism? What is metabolism? How to speed up your metabolism and is it worth it?

Each of us wants to pamper ourselves with sweets every day without having to worry about counting carbohydrates. But a clear understanding of what extra calories lead to stops us from uncontrollably eating culinary masterpieces. Majority modern people takes care of his figure. Severe diets and hunger strikes became the norm. A overweight however, they do not disappear. If you manage to lose weight, it is extremely difficult to maintain the achieved result. The reason for this may be impaired metabolism.

What it is

Metabolism is a variety of chemical processes that occur in the intercellular fluid and in the cells themselves human body. These processes are related:

  • with the processing of those nutrients that come from food;
  • with their transformation into the simplest small particles;
  • with the release of cells from waste elements;
  • with the supply of cells with building material.

The simplest small particles, which are formed from nutrients, are able to penetrate the cells of the human body. At the same time, they release the energy necessary for its normal life.

In other words, metabolism is a metabolism that is individual for each person. Its uniqueness is based on a combination of various factors. This may include a person’s genetic predisposition, gender and age, weight and height, muscle mass, lifestyle, stress, environmental influences, and the presence of thyroid diseases.

Fast and slow metabolism

By slow metabolism we mean the metabolism in the human body that occurs at a low speed. This means that fewer calories are burned over a certain period of time, and the conversion process nutrients into energy slows down. It is for this reason that slow metabolic processes in a situation with overweight lead to the fact that all calories that were not burned are deposited. A person develops noticeable fat folds on his body, and Bottom part the face gains additional chins.

If we consider fast metabolism, then with this type of metabolism it is impossible to gain optimal weight for yourself. A person can eat any food, but this does not allow him to gain weight. Vitamins and useful elements, coming with food, are not absorbed. As a result, there is a shortage of vital enzymes, the absence of which slows down the functioning of the body's most important processes. A person whose metabolic processes occur with high speed, always feels unwell, his immunity is weakened, which reduces his resistance to seasonal diseases.

Metabolic disorders: causes

Metabolism is the fundamental mechanism that determines the functioning of the human body. If its functioning is disrupted at the cellular level, damage to biological membranes is observed. Following this, the person begins to be attacked by all sorts of serious illnesses. When a violation metabolic processes observed in internal organs, this leads to changes in the functions of their work, which contributes to the complication of the relationship with environment. As a result, the production of hormones and enzymes that the body needs deteriorates, which provokes serious diseases in the reproductive and endocrine systems.

Metabolic disorders are often observed as a consequence of fasting and changes in diet. Its primary victims are people who eat poorly. Undereating is just as dangerous as overeating.

Every day the menu should include garlic and onions, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, bell pepper, spinach.

Every day, your diet should include lean meat, which is a source of protein. For example, lean beef, turkey, skinless chicken, veal.

To quench your thirst, it is best to give preference to green tea, juices from blueberries, cherries, pomegranates, and natural vegetables.

Your daily diet must include nuts and seeds. The latter should be unsalted and unfried.

The diet should include spices and herbs. For example, parsley, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, basil, cloves.

Jillian Michaels Weight Loss Workout

Recently, a workout from Jillian Michaels called Banish Fat Boost Metabolism ("Burn fat, speed up your metabolism") has become especially popular among people who want to lose weight.

The video tutorial describes exercises that allow you to get rid of excess weight. The author of this program gives detailed instructions according to classes, which makes it easy to achieve the desired result.

Jillian Michaels' workout is based on the fact that oxygen promotes the burning of fat cells. If you maintain your heart rate at a certain level, your metabolic processes will noticeably accelerate. It is for this reason that the main part of the workout is devoted to cardio exercises, which provide adipose tissue oxygen. The program contains both stretching and strength exercises. All of them strengthen the muscle corset, and after just a few sessions, the figure takes on clear outlines.

If you decide to start training according to Jillian Michaels' Lose Weight, Boost Your Metabolism program, you need to remember a few basic rules:

  • classes should be worn in shoes that will protect the ankle and foot from possible injuries;
  • you need to train regularly (this is the only way to achieve what you want);
  • Under no circumstances should you slow down the rhythm that was set by the author of the workout.

Have you been looking for an effective program to help you lose excess weight? Jillian Michaels workout is what you need! The effectiveness of the program is evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

Metabolism(or metabolism, from the Greek μεταβολή - “transformation, change”) (hereinafter referred to as “O.V.”) is the natural order of transformation of substances and energy in living systems underlying life, aimed at their preservation and self-reproduction; the totality of all chemical reactions, occurring in the body.

Free MN 3 formed during deamination of amino acids for the body; it binds to acids or is converted into urea, uric acid, asparagine or glutamine. In animals, ammonium salts, urea and uric acid excreted from the body, while in plants, asparagine, glutamine and urea are used in the body as reserve sources of nitrogen. Thus, one of the most important biochemical differences between plants and animals is almost complete absence at the first nitrogenous waste. The formation of urea during the oxidative dissimilation of amino acids is carried out mainly through the so-called ornithine cycle, which is closely related to other transformations of proteins and amino acids in the body. Dissimilation of amino acids can also occur through their decarboxylation, in which CO 2 and some amine or a new amino acid are formed from the amino acid (for example, when histidine is decarboxylated, histamine is formed - physiologically active substance, and when aspartic acid is decarboxylated, a new amino acid is formed - (α- or β-alanine). Amines can undergo methylation to form various betaines and important compounds such as choline. Plants use amines (along with some amino acids) for the biosynthesis of alkaloids.

III. Relationship between the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and other compounds

All biochemical processes occurring in the body are closely related to each other. The relationship between protein metabolism and redox processes occurs in various ways. The individual biochemical reactions underlying the process occur due to the catalytic action of the corresponding enzymes, i.e. proteins. At the same time, the products of protein breakdown themselves - amino acids - can undergo various redox transformations - decarboxylation, deamination, etc.

Thus, the products of deamination of aspartic and glutamic acids - oxalic-acetic and α-ketoglutaric acids - are at the same time the most important links in the oxidative transformations of carbohydrates that occur in the process. Pyruvic acid, the most important intermediate product formed during fermentation, is also closely related to protein metabolism: interacting with NH 3 and the corresponding enzyme, it produces the important amino acid α-alanine. The close connection between the processes of fermentation and respiration with lipid metabolism in the body is manifested in the fact that phosphoglyceraldehyde, formed in the first stages of carbohydrate dissimilation, is the starting material for the synthesis of glycerol. On the other hand, as a result of oxidation pyruvic acid it turns out leftovers acetic acid, from which high-molecular fatty acids and various isoprenoids (terpenes, carotenoids, steroids) are synthesized. Thus, the processes of fermentation and respiration lead to the formation of compounds necessary for the synthesis of fats and other substances.

IV. The role of vitamins and minerals in metabolism

In the transformations of substances in the body, water and various mineral compounds occupy an important place. participate in numerous enzymatic reactions as part of coenzymes. Thus, a derivative of vitamin B 1 - thiamine pyrophosphate - serves as a coenzyme in the oxidative decarboxylation of (α-keto acids, including pyruvic acid; phosphate ester of vitamin B 6 - pyridoxal phosphate - is necessary for catalytic transamination, decarboxylation and other amino acid exchange reactions. The vitamin A derivative is included in compound visual pigment. The functions of a number of vitamins (for example, ascorbic acid) have not been fully clarified. Different types of organisms differ both in their ability to biosynthesize vitamins and in their needs for the set of certain vitamins supplied with food that are necessary for normal metabolism.

An important role in mineral metabolism is played by Na, K, Ca, P, as well as others inorganic matter. Na and K are involved in bioelectrical and osmotic phenomena in cells and tissues, in the mechanisms of permeability of biological membranes; Ca and P are the main components and; Fe is part of the respiratory pigments - hemoglobin and myoglobin, as well as a number of enzymes. For the activity of the latter, other microelements (Cu, Mn, Mo, Zn) are also necessary.

A decisive role in the energy mechanisms of metabolism is played by phosphoric acid esters and, above all, adenosine phosphoric acids, which perceive and accumulate energy released in the body in the processes of glycolysis, oxidation, and photosynthesis. These and some other energy-rich compounds (see high-energy compounds) transfer the energy contained in their chemical bonds for use in the process of mechanical, osmotic and other types of work or for carrying out synthetic reactions that involve energy consumption (see also bioenergetics).

V. Regulation of metabolism

The amazing consistency and coherence of metabolic processes in a living organism is achieved through strict and flexible coordination of metabolic processes. both in cells and in tissues and organs. This coordination determines for of a given organism the nature of metabolism that has developed in the process of historical development, supported and directed by the mechanisms of heredity and the interaction of the organism with the external environment.

Regulation of metabolism at the cellular level is carried out by regulating the synthesis and activity of enzymes. The synthesis of each enzyme is determined by the corresponding gene. Various intermediate products of oxygen, acting on a specific site that contains information about the synthesis of a given enzyme, can induce (start, enhance) or, conversely, repress (stop) its synthesis. So, coli when there is an excess of isoleucine in the nutrient medium, it stops the synthesis of this amino acid. Excess isoleucine has two effects:

  • a) inhibits (inhibits) the activity of the enzyme threonine dehydratase, which catalyzes the first stage of the chain of reactions leading to the synthesis of isoleucine, and
  • b) represses the synthesis of all enzymes necessary for the biosynthesis of isoleucine (including threonine dehydratase).

Inhibition of threonine dehydratase is carried out according to the principle of allosteric regulation of enzyme activity.

Accumulation in the blood and tissues of a number of intermediate metabolic products (lactic, pyruvic, acetoacetic acids) is observed in cases of disruption of oxidative processes, disorders and vitamin deficiencies; violation mineral metabolism may lead to changes acid-base balance. Cholesterol metabolism disorder underlies some types. TO serious disorders metabolism should include impaired protein absorption in thyrotoxicosis, chronic suppuration, some; impaired absorption of water with, lime and phosphorus salts with, osteomalacia and other diseases of bone tissue, sodium salts with Addison's disease.

Diagnosis of metabolic disorders is based on the study of gas exchange, the relationship between the amount of a particular substance entering the body and its release, the determination of chemical components blood, urine and other secretions. To study metabolic disorders, isotope tracers are administered (for example, radioactive iodine - mainly 131 I - for thyrotoxicosis).

Treatment of metabolic disorders is aimed mainly at eliminating the causes that cause them. See also "molecular diseases" hereditary diseases and literature for these articles. (S. M. Leites)

Read more about metabolism in the literature:

  • Engels F., Dialectics of Nature, Marx Karl, Engels F., Works, 2nd edition, volume 20;
  • Engels F., Anti-Dühring, ibid.;
  • Wagner P., Mitchell G., Genetics and metabolism translated from English M., 1958;
  • Christian Boehmer Anfinsen. Molecular foundations of evolution, translation from English, M., 1962;
  • Jacob Francois, Monod Jacques. Biochemical and genetic mechanisms regulation in a bacterial cell, [translated from French], in the book: Molecular Biology. Problems and prospects, Moscow, 1964;
  • Oparin Alexander Ivanovich. Emergence and initial development Life, M., 1966;
  • Skulachev Vladimir Petrovich. Accumulation of energy in a cell, M., 1969;
  • Molecules and cells, translation from English, c. 1 - 5, M., 1966 - 1970;
  • Kretovich Vaclav Leonovich. Fundamentals of plant biochemistry, 5th edition, M., 1971;
  • Zbarsky Boris Ilyich, Ivanov I. I., Mardashev Sergey Rufovich. Biological chemistry, 5th ed., Leningrad, 1972.

Many people believe that metabolism and the speed of food digestion are synonymous, but this is wrong. We give the correct definition of metabolism and understand what its speed depends on and what problems and failures can lead to.

Metabolism (also called metabolism) is the basis of vital processes occurring in the body. Metabolism refers to all biochemical processes occurring inside cells. The body constantly takes care of itself, using (or storing in reserve depots) received nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements to ensure all body functions.

For metabolism, which is controlled, among other things, by the endocrinological and nervous systems, hormones and enzymes are of great importance. Traditionally, the liver is considered the most important organ in metabolism.

In order to perform all its functions, the body needs energy, which it draws from proteins, fats and carbohydrates obtained with food. Therefore, the process of assimilation of food can be considered one of the necessary conditions for metabolism.

Metabolism occurs automatically. This is what makes it possible for cells, organs and tissues to recover independently after the influence of certain external factors or internal failures.

What is the essence of metabolism?

Metabolism is the change, transformation, processing of chemicals, as well as energy. This process consists of 2 main interconnected stages:

  • Catabolism (from the Greek word for “destruction”). Catabolism involves the breakdown of complex organic substances entering the body into simpler ones. This is special energy metabolism, occurring during the oxidation or breakdown of a certain chemical or organic substance. As a result, energy is released in the body (most of it is dissipated in the form of heat, the remainder is later used in anabolic reactions and in the formation of ATP);
  • Anabolism (from the Greek word for "rise"). During this phase, important substances for the body are formed - amino acids, sugar and protein. This plastic exchange requires large amounts of energy.

Speaking in simple language, catabolism and anabolism are two equal processes in metabolism, successively and cyclically replacing each other.

What affects the speed of metabolic processes

One possible reason for a slow metabolism is genetic defect. There is an assumption that the speed of the energy burning process depends not only on age (we will discuss this below) and body structure, but also on the presence of a certain individual gene.

In 2013, a study was conducted that found that the cause of slow metabolism may be a mutation in KSR2, a gene responsible for metabolism. If there is a defect in it, then its carrier or carrier will experience not only increased appetite, but also slower (compared to healthy people), basal metabolic rate ( approx. ed.: by basal metabolism we mean the minimum amount of energy that the body needs in the morning for normal functioning in a lying position and in a waking state before the first meal). However, given the fact that this genetic defect is present in less than 1% of adults and less than 2% of overweight children, this hypothesis can hardly be called the only correct one.

With much greater confidence, scientists say that metabolic rate depends on a person’s gender.

Thus, Dutch researchers found that men actually have a more active metabolism than women. They explain this phenomenon the fact that men usually have more muscle mass, their bones are heavier, and the percentage of fat in the body is lower, so what do they consume at rest (we are talking about the basal metabolic rate), what do they consume when moving? large quantity energy.

Metabolism also slows down with age, and hormones are to blame for this. So, the older a woman is, the less estrogen her body produces: this causes the appearance (or increase of existing) fat deposits in the abdominal area. In men, testosterone levels decrease, which leads to a decrease in muscle mass. In addition - and this time we are talking about people of both sexes - over time, the body begins to produce less and less growth hormone somatotropin, which is also designed to stimulate the breakdown of fat.

Answer 5 questions to find out how fast your metabolism is!

Do you often feel hot? People with a good metabolism tend to feel hot more often than people with a poor (slow) metabolism and are much less cold. If you have not entered the premenopausal period, then a positive answer to this question can be considered one of the signs that your metabolism is in order.

How quickly do you recover? If you are inclined to speed dial weight, then we can assume that your metabolism is not functioning quite correctly. With proper metabolism, the resulting energy is spent almost immediately, and is not stored as fat in the depot.

Do you often feel cheerful and energetic? People with a slow metabolism often feel tired and overwhelmed.

Do you digest food quickly? People with good metabolism usually boast good digestion. Frequent constipation are often a signal that something is wrong with the metabolism.

How often and how much do you eat? Do you often feel hungry and eat a lot? A good appetite usually indicates that the food is quickly absorbed by the body and is a sign of a fast metabolism. But, of course, this is not a reason to refuse proper nutrition and active lifestyle.

Note that too fast a metabolism, which many people dream of, is also fraught with problems: it can lead to insomnia, nervousness, weight loss and even problems with the heart and blood vessels.

How to establish exchanges using nutrition?

There are quite a lot of foods that can have a beneficial effect on metabolism, for example:

  • rich coarse fiber vegetables (beets, celery, cabbage, carrots);
  • lean meat (skinless chicken fillet, veal);
  • green tea, citrus fruits, ginger;
  • fish rich in phosphorus (especially sea fish);
  • exotic fruits (avocados, coconuts, bananas);
  • greens (dill, parsley, basil).

Check to see if you're making any eating mistakes that are causing your metabolism to slow down unnecessarily!

Mistake #1. There are too few healthy fats in your diet

Are you interested in products labeled light? Be sure to ensure you are consuming enough unsaturated fats fatty acids, which are found in the same salmon or avocado. They also help keep insulin levels within normal limits and prevent your metabolism from slowing down.

Mistake #2. Your diet contains a lot of semi-finished and ready-made foods

Study the labels carefully; most likely, you will find that sugar is included in even those products where it should not be present at all. It is he who is responsible for surges in blood glucose. Don't put your body on a food roller coaster. After all, the body regards such changes as a signal that it is time to store more fat.\

Mistake #3. You often ignore hunger pangs and skip meals

It is important not only what you eat, but also when you eat it (you need to eat regularly and at the same time). Anyone who waits until their stomach begins to cramp with hunger cramps (or ignores the body's signals altogether) risks negatively affecting their metabolic rate. Nothing good can be expected in this case. By at least, brutal attacks of hunger in the evenings, which cannot be avoided, definitely do not fall into the “good” category.

Causes and consequences of metabolic failures

Among the reasons for the failure of metabolic processes are: pathological changes in the functioning of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland and thyroid gland.

In addition, the prerequisites for failure include non-compliance with the diet (dry food, frequent overeating, morbid obsession with strict diets), as well as poor heredity.

There are a number external signs, by which you can independently learn to recognize the problems of catabolism and anabolism:

  1. underweight or overweight;
  2. somatic fatigue and swelling of the upper and lower extremities;
  3. weakened nail plates and brittle hair;
  4. skin rashes, pimples, peeling, pallor or redness of the skin.

If your metabolism is excellent, your body will be slim, your hair and nails will be strong, your skin will be healthy. cosmetic defects, and health is good.

It is not difficult to understand what metabolism is, since we are introduced to a healthy metabolism from childhood by parents, educators, and doctors. That is, almost everyone, except grandma, who wants to feed you to death with pies and... In this example, a kind grandmother stimulates metabolic disorders, but the grandmother is unlikely to become the main source of problems. We talk about this, as well as how to speed up metabolism for weight loss, in detail.

The Internet and the press are full of discussions about whether supplements work to speed up metabolism, and if they do, how to distinguish a valuable supplement from useless, expensive junk. This is the right place to honestly say that a plentiful diet and large physical exercise are not only the simplest, but also the only reliable method of making the body spend energy faster. Physical exercise- the best answer to the question of how to speed up metabolism.

How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight?

Nutritional supplements and tricks, strictly speaking, are not able to speed up metabolism, but a number of products (regular coffee, for example) can stimulate nervous system and force the body to expend more energy. The principle of action of fat burners is the same.

Imagine three types of metabolism: basal, digestive and active. The basic and digestive systems are responsible for the vital functions of the body: food absorption, thinking, vision, blood circulation, heat exchange, growth, regeneration, and so on - about 80% of all energy entering the body is spent on them! Active metabolism (that is, the energy of physical activity) takes only 20%.

All this time, two metabolic processes take place in your body: catabolism and anabolism.

Catabolism is the destruction and disassembly of elements entering the body. For example, the breakdown of protein into amino acids supplied with food. This reaction is accompanied by the release of energy, the same calories and kilocalories that proponents of a healthy lifestyle meticulously count.

Anabolism is the reverse process of catabolism. It is necessary when you need to take already broken down amino acids and turn them into material for building muscles. Human growth and wound healing are all the result of anabolism.

Therefore, from a mathematical point of view, body growth (muscle, fat and everything else) is the difference between catabolism and anabolism. All the energy that you don’t have time to waste will go first of all into fat and some little things into other nooks and crannies of the body, be it muscles or liver.

Speeding up your metabolism is a serious step in losing weight, but many people do this step incorrectly. For example, they sharply increase physical activity, while at the same time sharply limiting their diet. After all, the body will receive few calories, metabolism will slow down and fat will not go anywhere, it can even be actively deposited on the stomach and in the waist area.

Such a strategy would also violate hormonal balance: a person will begin to experience hunger, stress, drowsiness, loss of mood and sexual desire. We don't need such an accelerated metabolism!

How to speed up your metabolism wisely and without bad consequences?

Strength training and sports, coupled with increased nutrition, will not only make you stronger, but will also speed up your once-slow metabolism. Interestingly, the calories received by a sports body will be more actively spent not only on the sport itself, but also on all other functions of your body, including nutritional and basal metabolism! That is, the more active and voracious machine you become, the more your metabolism will accelerate.

The body will also change its absorption routine simple carbohydrates, now simple carbohydrates will be sent primarily to the muscles. But the fat layers will begin to starve and gradually dissolve.

From what has been said, it is easy to conclude: accelerated metabolism in itself is not a value - it is a tool that is excellent only in combination with regular physical and sports activity.

If in your life physical sports Not much time is spent, if a warm computer mouse and a soft car seat overshadow other values, forget about how to improve your metabolism. A sedentary person is forced to do it the old fashioned way - diets and only diets.

Innate good and bad metabolism

When dealing with the question of how to improve metabolism, people are constantly faced with the phenomenon of innate good and innate bad metabolism. In any company there is a person who eats a cake in one sitting and pork knuckle, but at the same time remains skinny as a pole. Everyone whispers about him with envy - they say he got a good metabolism from his parents. But his colleague, a skier and a fan of diets, instantly grows his belly from one raw carrot. He is miserable and a victim of poor metabolism.

Scientific research has shown that slow metabolism occurs in a number of rare diseases accompanied by hormonal disorders. First of all, doctors remember hypothyroidism - a condition of lack of thyroid hormones.

As for skinny people, we need to take a closer look at them: many of them, although not athletes, are extremely active, “overclocked” people, who are also picky about their diet and eating schedule, even if subconsciously. Skinny people often thin simply because they are used to being skinny early childhood and instinctively keep themselves in their usual form. Perhaps they still have strong nerves, calm work and good dream, therefore they do not have excess appetite due to nervousness.

Both psychologists and physiologists claim that in the majority of cases, what we consider to be an innate accelerated metabolism and thinness is a consequence of upbringing, not genetics. Well, psychologically, we don’t always perceive such people correctly: it seems to us that they eat something all the time, although in fact they practice healthy fractional meals, and this gives rise to the illusion of gluttons among those around them.

Even they cannot hide from the main law formulated at the beginning of the article (weight gain is catabolism minus anabolism).

Metabolic disease

Hormonal imbalances poor nutrition and a host of diseases lead to metabolic disorders. Most often this is expressed in the appearance of excess subcutaneous fat due to failures in the fat processing cycle. But this is a purely external effect, while even less pleasant processes occur inside, such as increased cholesterol levels, cardiovascular abnormalities, etc. Swelling, unhealthy skin color, diseased hair - all of the above are a consequence of metabolic disorders.

The good news is that in most cases, all of this can be eliminated with diet. But to make sure you don't need medical help, what should you do? That's right, seek medical help!

Human health depends on many factors. Metabolism plays an important role; when it is disrupted, various pathologies begin to develop and the quality of life deteriorates significantly. Most often it slows down, and this leads to obesity. Much less often it accelerates, and this is also fraught with consequences. But well-established, uninterrupted metabolic processes are a guarantee good health And slim figure. That's why it's so important to know what affects them and how to normalize them.

What is metabolism called?

In the minds of many, it is associated only with weight. If your metabolism slows down, wait for it to increase; if it accelerates, wait for it to decrease. However, this this concept not limited.

Metabolism is the process of continuous intake of nutrients into the body, their breakdown into components, partial absorption and subsequent release of breakdown products. Its active participants:

  • amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • bilirubin;
  • vitamins;
  • glycans;
  • glycoproteins;
  • glycosaminoglycans;
  • hormones;
  • fats;
  • cofactors;
  • coenzymes;
  • xenobiotics;
  • lipids;
  • lipoproteins;
  • minerals;
  • nucleotides;
  • pigments;
  • porphyrins;
  • purines;
  • pyrimidines;
  • sphingolipids;
  • carbohydrates, etc.

The final products that are released in external environment, is iron, carbon dioxide, lactic acid, water, salts, heavy metals.


Metabolism is a stepwise process in which the following stages are distinguished:

First. Digestion is the mechanical and chemical processing of food in the gastrointestinal tract. At this stage, the decomposition of carbohydrates (converted into monosaccharides), protein compounds (synthesized into amino acids), lipids (split into fatty acids) occurs, followed by their absorption.

Second. At the tissue level, intermediate metabolism occurs, which involves the breakdown of nutrients into final products.

Third. Includes the assimilation and excretion of the resulting end products.


Human metabolism occurs in the form of two processes:

  1. Assimilation (anabolism), when absorption of substances and energy expenditure occurs.
  2. Dissimilation (catabolism), when organic compounds are broken down to produce energy.


The general scheme looks like this:

Food → Gastrointestinal tract (digestion) → absorption of nutrients → transport of nutrients into the blood, lymph, cells, tissue fluid (breakdown of substances, formation of new organic compounds) → removal of breakdown products through the skin and kidneys.


What functions does metabolism perform?


  • genetic function: proteins are a structural part of DNA;
  • protective: synthesize immune bodies during intoxication;
  • catalytic: activate all biochemical reactions;
  • regulatory: maintain biological balance;
  • structural: part of cells;
  • transport: promote the complete absorption of nutrients, ensure their delivery to the necessary organs;
  • energetic: provide energy.
  • protective function: lipids conserve heat, prevent bruises internal organs;
  • regulatory: form bile acids, sex hormones;
  • structural: form nervous tissue;
  • energetic: saturate with energy.


  • protective function: carbohydrates secrete viscous secretions that protect the gastrointestinal tract from pathogenic microorganisms.
  • structural: form cellular structures, nucleic acids, enzymes, amino acids;
  • energy: the main source of energy.

These are just the main functions that BZHU perform in the body. And besides them, more than 20 substances are involved in metabolism, and each of them plays a specific role.


In metabolism important role hormones play - they are its regulators. This is why a failure in one system leads to serious disruptions in another. This is why metabolism most often slows down during pregnancy. postpartum period, at the moment of menopause, serious hormonal changes in the female body.

Protein metabolism is regulated by the following hormones:

  • thyroid hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine;
  • adrenal hormones - glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone and corticosterone).

Regulation of fat metabolism is carried out:

  • hormones of the adrenal medulla - adrenaline and norepinephrine;
  • somatotropic hormone of the pituitary gland;
  • thyroxine;
  • glucocorticoids.

Carbohydrate metabolism is regulated only by insulin.

Hormonal regulation of metabolism is used by endocrinologists to treat diseases associated with its disorders.

Age characteristics

To restore impaired metabolism, it is very important to take into account the age-related characteristics of its course.

In children

The metabolic rate is several times higher than that of adults. This means that they need much more nutrients for full development and growth. For example, to build a muscle corset, a 7-year-old child needs 3 times more protein than athletes with regular intense training.

At the same time, fats practically do not accumulate, but are consumed in the form useful energy, so there should be a lot of them too. They strengthen the immune system by performing protective function child's body. For comparison one interesting fact: A newborn’s diet consists of 90% fat. An adult’s gastrointestinal tract simply cannot withstand such a load.

In no case should you limit carbohydrates in your children’s diet, which protect them from diabetes.

In adults

After puberty, metabolism stabilizes for a while, but then gradually slows down. This often occurs due to hormonal disorders. Women are especially affected. To normalize it, adults must lean on complex carbohydrates, proteins, but at the same time monitor the content. Weight control is a must.

In the elderly

In the absence of proper nutrition and physical activity, metabolism in the elderly proceeds very slowly. They can no longer consume a lot of protein to avoid eating disorders. Constant monitoring by a doctor and moderate exercise reduce the risk of complications.


Metabolism is classified as follows.

Depending on the participants:

  • protein;
  • carbohydrate;
  • fat (lipolysis);
  • mineral;
  • water-alkaline and other types.

Depending on the violations:

  • fast;
  • slow.

Depending on the processes:

  • plastic - absorption of nutrients, synthesis, anabolism;
  • energetic - breakdown of compounds, their elimination, catabolism.

It is very difficult to independently determine what kind of metabolism you have - intense, slow or normal. It is better to contact an endocrinologist with this question.


Metabolic diseases are coded as E70-E90 (in accordance with ICD-10). This list contains more than 50 pathologies. The most common:

  • albinism - lack of melanin;
  • amyloidosis - accumulation of excess protein deposits in tissues;
  • acidosis - increased acidity;
  • Hartnup's disease - the inability of cells to absorb individual amino acids;
  • galactosemia - improper conversion of galactose to glucose;
  • hypercholesterolemia - increased level lipids;
  • cystic fibrosis - gene mutation squirrel;
  • leucinosis - disturbances in the production of enzymes;
  • mucolipidosis - hydrolase inactivity;
  • mucopolysaccharidosis - metabolic disorders occurring in connective tissues;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • dehydration;
  • oxaluria - accumulation of oxalic acid salts;
  • ochronosis - problems with tyrosine synthesis;
  • sarcosinemia - increased levels of sarcosine;
  • Gilbert's syndrome - hepatosis associated with the production of pigments;
  • Farber syndrome - accumulation of lipogranulomas under the skin;
  • phenylketonuria - poor absorption of certain amino acids;
  • cystinosis is a pathologically elevated level of cystines.

Reasons for acceleration and deceleration

Scientists are still studying what determines metabolic rate. A number of reasons have been scientifically confirmed, but in some cases the provoking factors are very difficult to identify.

Causes of slow metabolism:

  • intrauterine hypoxia;
  • age after 35;
  • gender differences: in women it proceeds more slowly;
  • genetics;
  • deficiency of minerals and vitamins;
  • diet, lack of calories;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • slagging of the body;
  • menopause;
  • improper functioning of the adrenal glands and pituitary gland;
  • incorrect eating habits: lack of diet, snacking on the go, abuse of unhealthy foods;
  • dehydration;
  • constant stress, prolonged depression, frequent nervous breakdowns;
  • birth injuries;
  • childbirth;
  • sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity.

Causes accelerated metabolism:

  • alcoholism;
  • genetics;
  • prolonged and very severe stress;
  • long-term use of powerful medications;
  • grueling workouts;
  • addiction;
  • heredity;
  • lack of sleep, insomnia;
  • excessive physical activity (at work or in the gym);
  • extensive inflammatory processes;
  • excess muscle mass;
  • living or working in low temperatures;
  • severe, complicated infections;
  • traumatic brain injury if the hypothalamus was affected;
  • endocrine pathologies: acromegaly, hypercortisolism, hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis, hyperaldosteronism, goiter, thyrotoxicosis, hyperprolactinemia, Stein-Leventhal syndrome, etc.

Most experts consider hormonal imbalance to be the main cause of metabolic disorders, since hormones are their regulators.

Symptoms of disorders

Increased metabolism in the human body is most often accompanied by weight loss and unhealthy thinness. Slowed down, on the contrary, - first by fullness, then and. But the symptoms of metabolic disorders are not limited to these signs.

Protein metabolism:

  • alopecia;
  • arthritis;
  • fatty liver;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • stool disorders: both diarrhea and constipation;
  • nervous disorders;
  • osteoporosis;
  • salt deposits;
  • lack of appetite;
  • renal failure;
  • premature skin aging;
  • weak immunity;
  • weight loss;
  • drowsiness, lethargy and apathy;
  • decrease in intellectual abilities.


  • uncontrollable tremors of the arms and legs;
  • hyperactivity;
  • obesity or, conversely, weight loss;
  • increased cholesterol;
  • heart failure;
  • pressure surges - arterial, ocular and intracranial;
  • tachycardia;
  • deterioration of the condition diabetes mellitus.
  • alopecia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • high cholesterol;
  • hypertension;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • stones;
  • obesity or weight loss;
  • kidney problems;
  • decreased immunity;
  • frequent inflammations.


  • allergies;
  • alopecia;
  • numerous acne on the face and back;
  • stool disorders;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • poor sleep;
  • decreased vision;
  • frequent infectious diseases against the background of decreased immunity.

Specific symptoms in women:

  • infertility;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • tearfulness, irritability, excessive emotionality;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • problems with the menstrual cycle;
  • facial hair;
  • endocrine pathologies.

Specific symptoms in men:

  • muscle dystrophy;
  • diseases associated with the prostate;
  • impotence;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • enlarged mammary glands and buttocks.

These symptoms may indicate poor metabolism. As soon as they appear, it is advisable to immediately contact medical assistance and do not try to correct the situation on your own, so as not to make it even worse.

Diagnosis of pathologies

To diagnose metabolic pathologies, the following diagnostic measures may be needed:

  • study of medical history;
  • measurement of anthropometric data: height, weight;
  • Based on the data obtained, BMI is calculated and the volume of visceral fat is determined;
  • general assessment of physical development;
  • multilateral blood test (biochemistry) for hormones and cholesterol;
  • general urine analysis;
  • dopplerography;
  • positron emission tomography;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs (prescribed by a doctor based on general condition patient's body);
  • if necessary - ECG.

These laboratory tests will allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and determine a therapeutic course.

Recovery methods

You can start or, conversely, slow down your metabolism in different ways.


You should not take medications on your own, because you can achieve the opposite result. First, you need to understand what exactly needs to be done with your metabolism - speed it up, speed it up, or slightly adjust it. This can only be done by an endocrinologist together with other highly specialized specialists. And only he can prescribe the correct treatment.

To speed up:

  • L-thyroxine;
  • Lecithin;
  • anabolics: methandienone, retabolil, riboxin, methyluracil, potassium orotate.

To slow down:

  • yeast (in the form of dietary supplements);
  • protein supplements (as sports nutrition);
  • medications for weight gain: Apilak, Duphaston, Benzodiazepine, Elkar, Anadrol, Andriol;
  • iron-containing preparations (Hemofer, Tardiferon, Ferrogluconate, Ferrogradumet, Heferol, Aktiferrin, Fenuls);
  • antimetabolites: Azathioprine, Alexan, Vaidaza, Gemita, Gemcitabine, Decitabine, Zexat, Cladribine, Clofarabine, Lanvis, Methotrexate, Movectro, Nelarabine, Tegafur, Thioguanine, Trexan, Fivoflu, Fopurin, Ftorafur, Cytarabine, Cytogem, Evetrex.

For normalization- extracts of biostimulant plants (they are also called the “seven golden herbs”):

  • high aralia;
  • wild pepper;
  • the lure is high;
  • Golden root;
  • root of life - ginseng;
  • Schisandra chinensis;
  • maral root.

To restore metabolism, individual vitamins (C, B1, B2, B9, B12, A, E), minerals (iodine, calcium, chromium, zinc, iron) and multivitamin complexes are also prescribed:

Alfa Vita (Japan):

  • Mono Oxi helps restore the body after operations and illnesses;
  • Min is designed for those losing weight who are on diets;
  • Minerals is recommended for athletes;
  • O2 - an innovative Japanese development, acts at the molecular level;
  • Zeolite can be used with regular fasting days, since the complex perfectly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

Vision (Russia):

  • chromium, ascorbic acid;
  • chitosan;
  • iodine, magnesium, thiamine, cobalamin, pyridoxine;
  • iodine, chromium, ascorbic acid.

Other branded vitamin complexes:

  • Zym-Complex. Astrum (USA);
  • B-50 Complex 100 Tablets. Nature's Life (Russia);
  • Selenium-DS. Dr. Skalny (Russia);
  • Turboslim. Alpha lipoic acid with L-carnithiome. Evalar (Russia).

To treat diseases caused by metabolic disorders, specific medications are prescribed.

If the problems are related to hormonal disorders, they are eliminated by hormonal drugs. For example, with menopause they help well:

  • Angelique;
  • Atarax;
  • Divina;
  • Klimara;
  • Klimonorm;
  • Cliogest;
  • Logest;
  • Magnefar;
  • Marvelon;
  • Supradin;
  • Trisiston;
  • estrogen medications (Divigel, Estrofem, Ovestin).

At hormonal imbalance after childbirth, when a woman’s metabolism cannot return to normal, the following may be prescribed:

  • antilipid tea;
  • Dexamethasone;
  • Cordyceps;
  • Cyclodinone;
  • Estrinol;
  • Euthyrox.

Reception hormonal drugs during the postpartum period should be under constant medical supervision. If the mother is nursing, the duration of treatment should be no more than 10 days, since powerful drugs can negatively affect the baby’s health through breast milk.

Healing procedures

  • Aromatherapy;
  • pool;
  • hot baths;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • massage;
  • wraps;
  • special exercise therapy;
  • phytotherapy.

Behavioral therapy

Eat properly according to the schedule. Take measures to strengthen the immune system: it is necessary to harden yourself, spend more time on fresh air, ventilate the premises.

Increase motor activity: do, walk, go for daily jogging, go to the pool, Gym or dancing, riding a bike - there are many ways. Sports should be consistent and systematic. That is, you need to start small and simple, gradually complicating the chosen training program. There is no need to exhaust yourself with daily weightlifting: 3 times a week will be enough.

Don’t worry about anything, don’t stress yourself out - you need to strengthen not only your immune system, but also your nervous system. Refuse bad habits, gradually decreasing daily consumption nicotine, alcohol. If there drug addiction, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment.

Maintain body hygiene, which excludes infectious lesions. And they often lead to various metabolic failures.

Follow a clear daily routine, in which there is a place for both work and rest. Sleep at least 7 hours, go to bed no later than 23.00. For those who need to slow down their metabolism, you can limit sleep to 6 hours.


  • Mode
  • Drinking regime

If the drinking regime is not organized correctly, no matter what a person does to restore metabolism, it will be useless. Water is the main catalyst this process, it is she who launches it, accelerates it, and normalizes it. Therefore, you need to make sure that there is enough of it in your diet.

One of the golden rules says that you should start your morning with a glass clean water without gas (you can add lemon or honey). By drinking it immediately after waking up, you force your body to wake up after the night. During the day, you need to continue the work you started: drink 200 ml between meals. The daily volume is calculated using the formula: for each kg of weight - 30 ml. On average, it turns out from one and a half to 3 liters. Some people drink 4 glasses before lunch and 4 after.

The main thing is not to overdo it. For example, after 18.00 it is no longer recommended to drink water, so as not to wake up with swelling the next morning. If you want to drink after dinner, it’s better to organize a cup of soothing drink or kefir.

  • Other tips

If you want to get your metabolism in order, you will have to make some sacrifices in terms of nutrition. For example, give up fried foods as a source of cholesterol and harmful fats, which will pollute the body and slow down metabolism. Carbonated water and fast food are included in the list of prohibited products. Sweets, smoked foods, and baked goods are not excluded, but are limited in volume. At first, it seems very difficult to give up sweets and your favorite cake, however, if you wait 3 weeks, the right eating habits will form, and the body will stop demanding forbidden things from you.

Eating to normalize metabolism is reminiscent of a diet, but here everything is not so strict and categorical. For example, the list below is not allowed, but only recommended products that are known as metabolism boosters. And only you can adjust it according to your own discretion and taste preferences.

Products to improve metabolism

It is necessary to enrich the diet with the following products:

  1. Pineapple and grapefruit are champions in accelerating metabolism, papaya, hard pears, kiwi, watermelons, pomegranates, lemons, melons, Green grapes, peaches, avocados, bananas, oranges, plums, green apples, mangoes.
  2. Anise, cloves, horseradish, horned root, ginseng, mustard, Ceylon cinnamon, cardamom, curry, vanilla, dried basil, turmeric, ground pepper and peas.
  3. Brown rice, oats, buckwheat.
  4. Bitter chocolate.
  5. Kefir (required for daily use), curdled milk, natural yoghurts, whey, fermented baked milk. If you need to lose weight, their fat content should be minimal. If such a task is not worth it, do not limit this indicator.
  6. Leaf lettuce, cumin like greens, feathers green onions, dill, parsley, basil.
  7. Seafood.
  8. Unrefined vegetable oils, especially olive oil.
  9. Vegetable broth.
  10. Nuts.
  11. Rose hips, raspberries, cherries, viburnum, gooseberries, strawberries and wild strawberries, cranberries, chokeberries, currants, lingonberries, rowan berries, sea buckthorn, blackberries, acai, blueberries, goji.
  12. Fish.
  13. Beans, bell peppers, cabbage, beans, garlic, tomatoes, chard, onions, beets, chickpeas, carrots, peas.
  14. Black coffee, drinks with ginger, lemon and cinnamon, Sassi water, berry smoothies, green tea, freshly squeezed juices, Cahors, dry red wine.
  15. Apple vinegar.
  16. Eggs.

Features of nutrition with accelerated metabolism

If you need to slow down your metabolism, slightly different principles of nutrition work:

  1. Three meals a day.
  2. Serving sizes are unlimited.
  3. The diet should contain as much fat and simple carbohydrates as possible. Moreover, the latter should be consumed for dinner. But you shouldn’t get carried away with fiber and proteins.
  4. Among the foods you should give preference to baked goods, fatty meats and fish, sweets, pasta, vegetable oils, and nuts.

You can find a step-by-step guide to slowing down your metabolism in.


  • For normalization

To restore impaired metabolism, there is a special therapeutic diet- the eighth table according to Pevzner. It is recommended for serious pathologies: obesity, diabetes, bulimia, compulsive overeating. Before practicing it, you need to consult an endocrinologist and nutritionist. Sometimes it is observed even with minor overweight and harmful eating habits. Duration - about a month. The results are normalization of metabolism, lowering sugar and cholesterol, launching lipolysis and losing weight.

A detailed menu for every day, a list of permitted and prohibited foods and other nutritional features according to Pevzner’s diet No. 8 can be viewed.

  • To speed up

To speed up metabolism, there is a separate diet developed by an American specialist in dietary nutrition- Hayley Pomeroy. She became famous after Robert Downey (Jr.) and Jennifer Lopez lost weight and got back to normal. It is distinguished from other methods by the presence of 3 phases, each of which takes into account the biorhythms of the human body, which has a very beneficial effect on metabolism. With this stellar diet you can lose weight and improve your health.

Three phases: the first (Monday-Tuesday) - calming, the second (Wednesday-Thursday) - preparatory, the third (Friday-Saturday-Sunday) - lipolytic.

You will find a menu described by phases and other features of this system.

  • For weight loss

A metabolic diet, which also includes several phases, but longer in time, will help you improve your metabolism and lose weight. Its difficulty is that you have to count the points of the consumed products.

Phases: first (2 weeks) - active fat burning, second (about 2 months) - stable fat burning, third (infinite) - weight normalization.

Table of distribution of points by product and detailed menu for a week for every day you can study.

Folk remedies

Medicinal herbs also have the ability to normalize metabolism and speed it up, if necessary. Some of them are even recognized official medicine. Raw materials are either purchased at the pharmacy in the form of herbal preparations and packages, or collected by hand (but you need to be able to do this correctly). Which herbs should you pay attention to in this case:

  • aloe;
  • wild rosemary;
  • Birch buds;
  • immortelle;
  • Highlander;
  • angelica;
  • chickweed;
  • St. John's wort;
  • nettle;
  • buckthorn;
  • linden;
  • burdock;
  • coltsfoot;
  • mint;
  • marigold;
  • oregano;
  • sagebrush;
  • motherwort;
  • chamomile;
  • currants;
  • bearberry;
  • yarrow;
  • thyme;
  • rose hip.

You need to be able to prepare them correctly to stabilize metabolic processes. For infusion, take 30 g of dry or fresh crushed raw materials and pour boiling water (200 ml). Keep covered or in a thermos for about an hour. For a decoction, 15 g of leaves and flowers are enough for the same volume of water. Simmer over low heat for up to 15 minutes. Both drinks are filtered. Drink 100-200 ml after each meal.

Several ingredients can be used in a recipe (for example, currant leaves, rose hips and burdock root). But in this case, you need an exact recipe to find out the ratio of the components. They cannot be combined arbitrarily, since some plants do not combine with each other and, if prepared incorrectly, can be harmful to health.

The use of folk remedies must be agreed with a doctor. Natural Medicines just like medications, they have their own lists of contraindications that must be observed. In addition, they cannot always be combined with taking any other medications.

Normalization results

Once your metabolism is restored to normal, this will affect your health and well-being:

  • normalization of digestion, liver and kidney function, blood pressure;
  • general improvement in well-being;
  • increasing concentration and performance;
  • losing weight or, conversely, gaining weight;
  • reducing the risk of exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • stabilization of hormonal levels;
  • in women - normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • improvement appearance: the skin becomes smooth, the hair becomes thick and begins to grow, the nails become strong, without splitting;
  • elimination chronic fatigue, cheerfulness, energy, high spirits, absence of depressing thoughts.


Improper metabolism can trigger the development of the disease:

  • anemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • infertility;
  • painful muscle contractions;
  • hepatosis;
  • hyper- or hypoglycemia;
  • glycogenosis;
  • dystrophy;
  • gout;
  • weight problems;
  • mental disorders;
  • rickets;
  • diabetes.

And this is not the entire list of sad forecasts for those who neglect themselves and do not control metabolic processes.


To never encounter the problem of a slow or accelerated metabolism, it is enough to maintain a healthy and active image life. It includes:

  1. Leisure.
  2. Favorable psychological atmosphere.
  3. High physical activity.
  4. Spa treatment and relaxation.
  5. Limit alcohol (no more than 1 glass of dry red wine per day).
  6. Limiting harmful products.
  7. To give up smoking.
  8. Passing a medical examination at least once a year.
  9. 2-4 times a month.
  10. Varied menu.
  11. Calculation of the individual ratio of BZHU, using it to compile a diet.
  12. Regular weight control.
  13. Daily schedule by the hour.
  14. Timely contact with doctors if health problems arise.
  15. Strengthening the immune system.
  16. Taking multivitamins 2 times a year.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of metabolism in the body. If it proceeds without failures, it means that your health is good, your mood is excellent, and the person looks amazing. But as soon as biochemical reactions slow down (or speed up), this immediately manifests itself in the form of all kinds of sores, hormonal surges, and deterioration of external data. This is why it is so important to keep your metabolism under control and, in case of the slightest deviation, go to an appointment with an endocrinologist.