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Let's lose weight on porridge for a minute. Review of the best cereal diets: beneficial properties of cereals for weight loss, options, detailed menu

Beach modern society is obesity. How not to suffer from this epidemic that is sweeping the world? Just be aware: think, move and eat, understanding what you are doing. ABOUT physical activity and sober thinking we will talk later, but about reasonable nutrition- right now. Since many people already have excess fat, the primary task is to get rid of it. Therefore, a diet based on porridge is our topic today.

Porridge diets for weight loss - is it real?

In fact, with overweight as such it is useless to fight. After all, overweight body - this is a signal of slagging in the body. Therefore, you need to do, first, cleansing from the inside, and it is the porridge diet for weight loss that is suitable first of all.

This is due great benefit cereals from which these dishes are prepared for the body. Judge for yourself, because they:

  • contain almost all the microelements necessary for the functioning of the body;
  • contain a lot of fiber - a cleanser of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • are environmentally friendly pure product;
  • easy to digest and combine with other products;
  • inexpensive and easy to prepare.

A porridge diet meets all these requirements - we will now provide the menu. Let us only remind you that the healthiest porridges are those made from unprocessed cereals.

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Three super porridges according to doctors

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Diet based on cereals and vegetables - No. 1 in the hit parade of grain diets

It is no secret that fruits, vegetables and cereals perfectly remove toxins from the body (due to their high fiber content), supply it with vitamins and essential microelements and, as a result, slow down aging. It is these properties that are used in this diet.

It represents a ten-day cycle, during which any porridge cooked only in water is eaten. It is advisable not to use salt. Along with cereals (or before them), raw vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet. Moreover, fruits, it turns out, are useful only in the first half of the day. It is better not to eat them after lunch - there will be no benefit.

You can drink clean water in any quantity (2.5–3 liters per day).

Note: any porridge, except semolina, is most useful to prepare as follows. In the evening you need to thoroughly rinse the cereal and pour it overnight clean water. Then, the next morning it will require minimal heat treatment, therefore, it will retain maximum nutrients. Let us remind you that during cooking (i.e., exposure to high temperatures), useful elements are destroyed.

  • meat (any);
  • fish;
  • all dairy products;
  • baked goods;
  • sugar, chocolate, honey.

If you follow these rules, then during this ten-day period you can part with five kilograms without much hassle.

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Millet porridge diet - time-tested menu

Millet has been one of the favorite food products in Rus' since ancient times. A cast iron pot with hearty yellow porridge was sure to be in every Russian oven, leaving no one hungry.

This cereal contains the following important microelements, like magnesium, zinc and selenium. They are necessary to restore the body’s carbohydrate metabolism, and, therefore, contribute to the disappearance of excess weight, eventually.

This mono-diet is designed for 7 days. Why "mono"? Yes, because throughout the week you need to eat only millet porridge with water, without salt and sugar.

The most important thing in preparing this porridge is proper rinsing of the cereal. It needs to be washed until it stops draining. muddy water, and the flow will be clean (at least 8-9 changes of water). Afterwards, pour boiling water over the cereal, stir with a spoon for about 30 seconds and drain the water through a sieve. Only in this case, the porridge will not taste bitter and will acquire its unique aromatic spirit.

The amount of porridge obtained from one glass of millet and three glasses of water will be the norm for the day. It is divided into 5-6 times. This menu can be slightly diversified by a small amount vegetable oil(flaxseed, sesame, peanut) and a handful of seeds, for example, the same sesame.

Important ! Flaxseed oil should not be exposed to high temperatures! Therefore, if you want to eat it, then only with lukewarm porridge.

It is best to drink only clean water during this week. If you really want tea, then without sugar. Well, there’s no talk about sweet carbonated drinks: they just need to be excluded from the diet, once and for all.

For those who cannot endure the harsh asceticism of the previous diet, there is an alternative - a light version of this diet. In this case, to millet porridge can be added throughout the day boiled eggs, dairy products, stewed vegetables (without oil or salt) and unsweetened fruits in the morning.

During the use of such a diet, you can lose from 5 to 8 kg. But you need to understand that you shouldn’t linger on such a menu for more than a week. Due to the “non-receipt” of many nutrients into the body that are not found in millet.

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Corn porridge diet - long live hominy!

This product also helps burn unnecessary fats, because corn breaks down fats from the gastrointestinal tract very well. Moreover, what is important, canned corn, cereals, and raw corn are suitable for the diet. It is best used in four-day cycles - that is, alternating “corn” days with rest.

So, during the first two days, corn in any form should be eaten from 800 g to 1 kg per day. Then, on the third and fourth days, this dose is halved.

The most famous corn porridge is mamalyga. It is prepared not from cereals, but from flour. So if you see cornmeal in the store, you can safely buy it - if you prepare it according to any of the recipes on the package, you will be very satisfied!

  • meat;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • milk products;
  • tea, coffee, sweet drinks;
  • fried mushrooms(if you really want to, you can eat boiled or canned mushrooms once every two days).

But raw vegetables and fruits are very welcome, as well as at least 2 liters clean water in a day.

During this diet, you will lose about four kilograms of excess weight.

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Wheat porridge diet - greetings from the army

Wheat cereal is valued for its energy and restorative properties. It follows from this that the feeling of hunger will practically not visit you. Accordingly, such a diet is good in every sense - both healthy and economical.

The cycle of wheat abundance will last 10 days, during which you should eat only this porridge, boiled in water, without sugar and salt. But so that life doesn’t seem too sad, the green light is given to all raw vegetables and fruits (except potatoes). Eat as much as you want! By the way, drink (only clean water, not sweet and, especially, alcoholic drinks).

In ten days, at least six kilograms will leave you forever!

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Diet on semolina porridge - incredible, but true

It turns out that such a thing exists! Moreover, despite the apparent calorie content of this dish, you can lose weight. How?

And such that for seven days, every day you need to eat three plates of semolina porridge cooked in low-fat milk. This is all your food. But, here you are entirely welcome fresh fruits and dried fruits, and in any quantities.

The secret is that semolina It is absorbed very quickly, therefore, it will not pose a burden on the body. And if, at the same time, you also drink from 2 to 3 liters of clean water per day, then the result will be simply wonderful - in a week you can say goodbye to 8-9 kg!

By the way, you can do something even more interesting in pursuit of a good weight loss goal: for 10 days, eat a new porridge every day (following all the above recommendations regarding it). This way you won’t howl with melancholy and will provide yourself with a fairly varied diet.

As a result, without further ado and without purchasing expensive exotic products, you can easily get yourself in order in just a week or a week and a half using our good old porridges. As they say, cheap, cheerful and very effective. Go for it!

By secret

Have you ever tried to get rid of excess weight? Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, victory was not on your side.

A diet using cereals for weight loss is considered the simplest and fastest among diets where you do not need to starve. But you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to be on this diet for at least 7 days, maximum 14.

For those who don't like this dish, it will be difficult to follow it, but for those who like porridge, it will be easier.

Whole grain cereals are the healthiest

In order to lose weight, you need to stop eating carbohydrates. There is such an opinion, but it is erroneous, since the body needs carbohydrates, at least complex ones.

Without carbohydrates, the body will not function properly. Slow carbohydrates(porridge is one of them) should be present in the diet, while fast carbohydrates (flour, sweets) can be avoided.

Porridge is a dish that benefits the body if cooked correctly. Porridge supplies the body with important trace elements and minerals, improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and rids the body of toxins.

The porridge contains fiber, vegetable protein. Fiber helps in cleansing and saturating the body.

Whole grain porridges are the most healthy because they lower cholesterol levels, regulate insulin, and have a beneficial effect on the intestines. All this good prevention heart diseases and gastrointestinal diseases.

The process of losing weight will proceed correctly, you just need to prepare dishes as follows: you should not cook them in milk, water will be more beneficial.

Because porridges cooked with milk also contain proteins that will be absorbed by the body and stored as fat deposits. The disadvantage of a cereal diet is that it will be a mono-diet, that is, consisting of one component.

The body does not receive enough nutrients, and going on a diet of cereals, consuming this menu for more than two weeks is contraindicated.

The main advantage of such a diet is rapid weight loss and can amount to about 3-5 kg ​​per week. Also, the cost of cereals is inexpensive, so this diet is accessible to everyone.

There are also contraindications for using such a diet:

  1. During pregnancy and during feeding.
  2. Availability chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Diabetes.

If there are no contraindications, then you can safely start the diet. But there are also some restrictions. This diet should not be used more than twice a year.

It is advisable to carry out body procedures in the form of an enema before using procedures to lose excess weight; they must be carried out over the next two weeks, 2 times a week.

Cereal diet menu for weight loss

It is designed for seven days, so in the second week you can repeat everything from the beginning. The daily menu of porridges for weight loss consists of one type of cereal, and on the last day - all six types at once.

In addition to cereals, you can eat vegetables and fruits, kefir with reduced content fat and tea.

  • Monday – wheat porridge.
  • Tuesday – buckwheat.
  • Wednesday – oatmeal.
  • Thursday - rice.
  • Friday - barley.
  • Saturday is pearl barley.
  • Sunday – all porridges in equal proportions.

You can swap or add millet on one day instead of the other.

You need to gradually exit the cereal diet for weight loss.

The preparation of porridge is carried out as follows: the proportions are one to three. Boil water, add cereal and cook for 5 minutes. Then the cereal needs to be wrapped in a towel over the pan and left overnight.

Everything is cooked without salt and sugar. This will be a portion for the whole day. You can eat as much as you want. 40 minutes before meals, you need to drink a glass warm water.

Even in a week you can achieve significant results if you follow everything exactly. We must remember that you need to gradually exit the cereal diet for weight loss. If you start eating everything at once, you can quickly regain lost pounds.

How to lose weight with porridge: simple, tasty and effective

“Is it really possible to lose weight by eating porridge, it contains so many carbohydrates?! Is this porridge diet effective? - skeptics and those who first heard about such a way to lose extra pounds will exclaim.

Why, exactly, does this cause such skepticism and distrust? Oh, well, yes – the presence of carbohydrates is what worries many. But carbohydrates are different from carbohydrates.

There are “fast” ones, those that quickly break down and are also quickly deposited in the most inappropriate places in the form of fat accumulations.

Is there complex carbohydrates, they are also often called “long” - our body needs to work hard to break them down, spending a certain amount of energy and time. It is the last of these carbohydrates that are found in whole grains.

The main advantages of the cereal diet

Recently, this type of diet has become very popular not so much because of new “fashionable” trends, but because of the balance of benefit and harm. The porridge diet has significantly more advantages than disadvantages. What are the advantages of this diet:

  1. Availability is an important factor. There is nothing in this diet that cannot be bought in the simplest store. In addition, products used for weight loss are affordable even for people with low incomes;
  2. Porridges are quick to prepare; no special culinary talent is required to cook them;
  3. The diet is quite satisfying and convenient. And all thanks to those “long” carbohydrates. The feeling of hunger, which so often occurs with other diets, does not test the strength of character of the person losing weight;
  4. The diet is beneficial in many ways: whole grains contain large amounts of microelements, vitamins and fiber, small amounts of protein and fat, regular use which produces a beneficial effect on digestion, and as a result, on the entire body as a whole. Stomach peristalsis improves, metabolism, skin condition, hair and nails are restored;
  5. Gives a quick and noticeable effect when correct use– extra pounds actually melt away quite quickly;
  6. Alternating cereals day by day prevents the appearance of a feeling of monotony and disgust;
  7. The most important thing is that a diet based on cereals has no side effects and can be used repeatedly with short breaks or as a main type of nutrition with minor variations and additions. This is an important factor in maintaining weight in ideal condition after the end of the diet days.

The diet has very few disadvantages:

  1. Does not allow you to suddenly lose weight. Losing weight goes smoothly, without any special jumps, which, rather, can be attributed to the advantages than the disadvantages;
  2. Not everyone likes porridge. Alas and ah, but it is so! And, again, the nature of such dislike often lies in the inability to cook them tasty, rather than in organic intolerance to certain types of cereals. Although this also happens;
  3. Salt-free diet. For many who do not really like porridges prepared according to all culinary canons, eating bland dishes will be a real test, but this can also be attributed to other products - they also seem bland and tasteless without salt.

General diet rules

Like many diets, the special diet in question has its own characteristics and rules, compliance with which brings the desired results. There are few of them, but they are rigorous in their implementation:

  • Eliminate from the diet salt, sugar, vegetable and animal fats, foods containing “fast” carbohydrates: bread and pasta, baked goods and carbonated drinks, meat and fish dishes, sauces and hot seasonings;
  • The diet in question does not imply a mono diet of one cereal for 7-10 days, but several.
  • Porridges are prepared with water, not milk. In exceptional cases, an option with skim milk or kefir is provided;
  • The menu is prepared for a week or all 10 days. One cereal should be replaced by another every day. In this alternation lies common sense– nutrition will be more balanced and varied;
  • You must drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day, including freshly squeezed juices, tea, coffee or compotes without sugar;
  • Porridges should be crumbly, not sticky. This condition is mandatory, since long heat treatment converts complex carbohydrates, making them easily digestible products, and this does not meet the goal of the diet. The diet should be designed in such a way that the last meal is no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • For better effect Half an hour before meals, drink a glass of clean water.

What foods can complement a cereal diet?

It is difficult, and it would be wrong to keep a diet based only on cereals. This approach is also unreasonable because for a well-balanced supply of the body with a variety of substances necessary for its normal functioning, porridge alone is not enough.

What else can you eat to make the food healthy and help you lose excess weight?

Perfectly diversifies and makes it more useful and delicious diet on porridges, vegetables, fruits and berries are added to the menu.

  • Vegetables that go well with cereals: cauliflower and white cabbage, broccoli and kohlrabi, zucchini and squash, pumpkin and cucumbers, tomatoes and bell pepper, carrots, asparagus and green peas, green beans, green salads And spices. All of the above can be consumed either fresh, boiled, or baked (without oil).
  • Morning porridge can be flavored with dried fruits: dried apricots and prunes; once a week you can treat yourself to a small amount of sultanas. It is advisable to add berries to the porridge itself, and leave fresh fruit for dessert or a snack between meals.
  • If you really want something sweet - a teaspoon natural honey, mixed into morning porridge, may well satisfy this need.
  • Nuts are a good addition; they should satisfy the body's need for protein. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with them.
  • We must remember that all additives to cereals should be in a very limited form - rather, to add taste, and not as a complete dish!

Attention! Those who want to get rid of more excess fat accumulation should exclude vegetables and fruits from the diet, and leave only cereals on the menu. But such a diet cannot be maintained for more than a week due to its imbalance.

Sample diet menu

Recipes for making porridge are simple: before bed, pour 250 g of cereal with 3 glasses of water, boil for 5 minutes, wrap in a towel and leave it like that overnight. Divide the resulting amount into 3 parts - breakfast, lunch and dinner. But porridge made from corn grits needs to be cooked longer - 15 minutes.

Menu for every day of the diet:

  • Breakfast: porridge with fruits, berries and a teaspoon of honey (optional), or dried fruits;
  • 2nd breakfast: apple or pear;
  • Lunch: porridge + vegetable salad (either steamed or baked vegetables) + ½ orange or tangerine for dessert;
  • Dinner: porridge + boiled or fresh vegetables+ ½ orange or any other fruit.

One of the days of the diet can be made “milk”, that is, alternate porridge with kefir or low-fat milk, for those who do not like kefir.

List of cereals for diet

  1. It is best to start a diet with oatmeal, since it has a higher fiber content than other cereals, and this is important for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract before starting the diet.
  2. Then buckwheat.
  3. On the third day - pearl barley.
  4. Fourth - rice, it is best to take brown rice. But if this is not the case, you can equally use both long-grain and round.
  5. On the fifth - millet.
  6. Corn porridge.
  7. Seventh - mix the cereals in equal proportions and cook the porridge.

If there is a desire and need, you can maintain a similar diet for 10 days, starting the eighth day from the 1st point.

Video reviews and testimonials

Regular food can be tasty and healthy. But when human body stops receiving taste enhancers, the taste and charm of ordinary dishes gradually begins to reach him. Porridge is an excellent confirmation of this.

Cereal diets for weight loss do not strain the body. The thing is that porridges are suppliers of all necessary for a person vitamins, minerals and perfectly kill the feeling of hunger.

Why is a cereal diet so beneficial?

Porridge- not just food. This is a treasury that stores vitamins and microelements needed for proper operation all vital organs. One dose of porridge per day will provide normal work intestines, will not allow extra pounds to appear and will stand in the way of creeping cellulite.

If you add fruit, jam or honey to the porridge, it will be difficult to tear yourself away from such a dish until the plate is empty.

The reason for losing weight on porridge diets is to rid the body of all debris and toxic substances. It is their “merit” that we gain extra pounds.

Diets based on whole grain cereals help improve the condition of nails, hair and skin. There are no contraindications to the porridge diet; they are also recommended for pregnant women.

What cereal is the healthiest for weight loss?

It’s difficult to figure out the best cereal for weight loss, and it’s not necessary. It is important to understand that the level of usefulness of a particular cereal directly depends on the degree of heat treatment of the product. This can be seen in the example of rice.

Wild rice will take longer to digest than refined rice. Steamed rice, “quick” cereals and porridges are not beneficial at all. The fact is that they contain sugar, which brings instant calories. The meaning is simple: the difficulty of digestibility of cereals brings minimal benefit.

  • Millet or millet porridge. This is confirmed by the fact that chickens are fed millet to grow healthy. Millet porridge inhibits the deposition of fats and drives them out of the human body.
  • Buckwheat. The most environmentally friendly cereal. It does not require any fertilizer to grow. There are no contraindications to consuming buckwheat.
  • Wheat groats. In order to feel its benefits, you need to eat wheat porridge for at least a week.
  • Semolina. Nutritionists are not very fond of semolina because of its gluten content. The bottom line is that for those who easily tolerate gluten, semolina is a treasure in the form of a mass of useful vitamins.
  • Oatmeal. Its benefits are known to everyone who has ever faced the problem of excess weight or dieting. various kinds. There is only one downside to oatmeal - increased fat content. Comparing oatmeal with buckwheat, we get a 2 to 1 ratio in favor of oatmeal.
  • Barley grits. It is useful primarily because it lowers blood sugar levels. A diet for people with diabetes has been prepared based on barley groats.
  • Barley, corn, grits, peas, rice closes this rating. The benefits of these cereals are undoubted, but still they are inferior in usefulness to the leaders of the list.

Unique herbal composition based on green coffee syrup. Intended for oral use to initiate and accelerate natural weight loss processes.

It is worth remembering that this is far from a panacea, the best result this product will show you with light physical activity, which will help to significantly speed up weight loss by burning fat and increasing muscle.

Diet 7 cereals - nutritional features

The good thing about this diet is that it is simple and low cost. The essence of the diet is to eat new grains every day. The results of the diet are at least 6-7 kilograms.

  1. Vegetables and fruits are allowed (excluding potatoes, bananas and grapes).
  2. Porridges are prepared as follows: overnight, pour 750 ml of boiling water over thoroughly washed cereals. Cook for five minutes. Then remove the porridge from the heat. Wrap up and move to a warm place. Salt, sugar and butter are not allowed.
  3. Every morning, after waking up, you need to drink 250 ml of filtered warm water. After half an hour you can eat.
  4. The porridge prescribed in the diet can be combined with an additional dish.

Sample menu for the week in the table:

Day of the week Menu
Monday Breakfast: wheat porridge, braised cabbage devoid of any additives.

Dinner: broth made from sea ​​fish- 250 ml.

Dinner: kefir - 250 ml.

Tuesday Breakfast: millet porridge, fresh cucumber, Herb tea- 150 ml.

Dinner: vegetable broth with greenfinch - 250 ml.

Dinner: cottage cheese - 50 g.

Wednesday Breakfast: oatmeal, a handful of dried fruits, green tea- 150 ml.

Dinner: fresh herbs, fresh apple juice - 250 ml.

Dinner: low-fat yogurt - 250 ml.

Thursday Breakfast: rice with poached apples, cinnamon and lemon juice, green tea - 1550 ml.

Dinner: mixed porridge (rice + buckwheat + wheat cereal + mushrooms + carrots + onions)

Dinner: low-fat kefir - 250 ml.

Friday Breakfast: barley porridge, boiled cauliflower or broccoli.

Dinner: boiled fish - 150 g.

Dinner: cottage cheese - 50 g.

Saturday Breakfast: buckwheat, boiled beets.

Dinner: fresh cabbage and carrot salad - 150 g.

Dinner: low-fat yogurt - 250 ml.

Sunday Breakfast: a mix of all the cereals used during the week in equal parts, a large sour apple.

Dinner: baked fish, fish broth - 250 ml.

Dinner: cottage cheese - 50 g.

Diet 6 cereals - nutritional features

The rules of the system are based on the main rule, which differs little from the main rule of the seven porridge diet. You can eat porridge per day made from 200 g of cereal without salt or oil.

The entire volume of finished porridge is divided evenly by the number of daily meals. If a state of hunger occurs, it is permissible to eat two spoons of porridge in the pauses between basic meals.

Basic diet items:

First menu option

Day of the week Menu
Monday is wheat day. As an option, you can take bulgur. It has more fiber. Vegetables are acceptable, but within 350 g per day.
Tuesday - millet day. Millet should only be used highest quality. You cannot drink tea - only filtered water. After breakfast, it is permissible to eat half a grapefruit.
Wednesday is oatmeal day. Don't take the cereal. It is ideal to consume oat grains. You can drink 450 ml of green tea without sugar per day. After seven in the evening you can only drink water.
Thursday is rice day. Brown rice is recommended for consumption. But regular, not steamed, will also do. In the morning you can drink coffee without sugar (100 ml). For dinner, you can replace porridge with 250 ml of zero-fat kefir.
Friday is barley porridge day. You can complement the porridge for breakfast with a cucumber and tomato salad. You can drink 150 ml of green tea after each meal.
Saturday is pearl barley day. On this day, tea, coffee and vegetables are not allowed.
Sunday - mix. Mix of cereals, 100 g each, all day.

Second menu option

Day of the week Menu
Monday - oatmeal. Tea and sugar are prohibited.
Tuesday - buckwheat (3 times 200 g). You can cook porridge with poached carrots. During the day you need to drink 750 ml of kefir.
Wednesday - rice (3 times 200 g). Tea (sugar excluded) - 600 ml + water.
Thursday - lentils (peas). Again 3 times 200g. 500 ml of milk per day and 450 ml of tea are acceptable (sugar is prohibited).
Friday is semolina day (3 times 200 g). Cooked semolina porridge You can add a little milk with minimal fat content. It is permissible to drink 250 ml of any juice and 450 ml of tea (sugar is prohibited).
Saturday is millet day. (3 times 200 g) and 500 ml of milk with minimal fat content.

Pros and cons of the cereal diet

Like any diet, the porridge diet has its pros, cons and contraindications.


  • Increased content of vitamins and microelements.
  • Excellent digestibility and good compatibility with most products.
  • A budget option.
  • Absence of dyes and preservatives in cereals.
  • Environmentally friendly and no harm to the body.
  • Effective cleaning of the body.


  • Not everyone likes porridge.
  • Prohibition of oil, sugar and salt.

Do you want to lose excess weight?

A slim figure is the dream of many women and men. I want to be at a comfortable weight without exhausting myself with strict diets and heavy exercises.

In addition, excess weight can lead to health problems! Heart disease, shortness of breath, diabetes, arthritis and significantly reduced life expectancy!

It has the following properties:

  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Burns fat deposits
  • Reduces weight
  • Lose weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps reduce weight in cardiovascular diseases


  • Diabetes.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Oncological diseases. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.
  • Allergy to grains.
  • Age limits.

This type of diet has a dual effect on the body: it heals it and helps to get rid of extra pounds.

Approximate menu for the day:

You need to take two liters of plain filtered water per day. Leaving the diet should not be abrupt. Little by little, leaving it, you need to introduce fish into the menu, then lean meat, nuts and other products.

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The product reduces appetite and therefore there is no need to starve or go on diets, for me this is very difficult. I definitely recommend everyone to buy."

The main effect of the oatmeal diet is saturation of the body necessary for the body substances, vitamins, proteins, potassium, iron and other trace elements. In particular, this diet is suitable for diabetics.

Approximate menu for the day:

It is allowed to add 50 g of honey to the porridge all day.

Flaxseed porridge diet

A diet recognized as one of the most effective, simple and budget-friendly systems for losing weight.

Sample menu for the day, option 1:

Option 2:

Drink 50 ml before breakfast linseed oil, diluted with warm filtered water (200 ml).

  • Breakfast: salad (fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, with whole flaxseed dressing) - 150 g + flaxseed - 20 g.
  • Lunch: porridge (linseed - 40 g, steamed with boiling water).
  • Dinner: Broccoli and celery broth - 350 ml.
  • Dinner: Mint tea with oregano. After dinner you need to go to hot shower or bathroom. It is recommended to go to bed earlier.

Pea porridge diet

This diet is well suited for those who constantly face physical activity. Contraindications - diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, gout.

The porridge is prepared as follows: the peas are soaked for two hours, then boiled over moderate heat for an hour, without salt and seasonings (it is permissible to add half a teaspoon of lemon juice).

Standard for almost all diets, you need to drink 2 liters of filtered still water per day.

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with half a pear and an apple. Unsweetened tea (coffee) - 200 ml.
  • Snack: orange (tangerine or grapefruit) - 1 pc.
  • Dinner: pea porridge and boiled vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: fresh apple - 250 ml.
  • Dinner: boiled fish with vegetable stew without oil.

Buckwheat porridge diet

You can lose seven kilograms of weight in a week on this diet. Mandatory use liquids: from one and a half to two liters of filtered water per day. Acceptable use low-fat kefir 30 minutes before meals or 30 minutes after.

The diet for this diet is as follows:

Buckwheat porridge for this diet is cooked as follows: the cereal is washed, poured with boiling water (one and a half glasses of water per glass of buckwheat), wrapped in a warm towel and left until the morning. Cooking takes place without salt, sugar and oil.

Nutrition according to the buckwheat porridge diet is not standardized. The number of “approaches” is not limited, as is the volume of buckwheat consumed. By comparison: the Dukan diet limits the amount of buckwheat porridge eaten to two hundred grams per day.

Barley diet
- low-calorie mono-diet. The number of kilograms that can be lost is 3-4 per week.

Half an hour before meals you need to drink a glass of pure spring water. In the absence of such, filtered still water will do. The following should be excluded from the menu: pastry and flour dishes, meat, fish, eggs, milk and alcohol. Fruits, vegetables, low-fat kefir, unsweetened coffee and green tea are acceptable.

The porridge is prepared like this: Water is poured into a saucepan in a ratio of 1 to 2 (one part water to two parts cereal) and brought to a boil. As soon as the porridge thickens a little, remove the saucepan from the stove and wrap it in a warm cloth for an hour. Cooking is done without salt and oil.

  • Breakfast: barley porridge - 200 g. Banana. Low-fat kefir - a glass.
  • Dinner: barley porridge - 200 g. Salad (fresh vegetables) - 150 g.
  • Afternoon snack: orange - 1 pc.
  • Dinner: barley porridge - 200 g. Low-fat kefir - a glass.

The diet can be reapplied no earlier than after a month.

Wheat porridge diet

This diet is good because those who decide on it do not experience a permanent feeling of hunger. There are two diet options - for a week and for five days. Contraindications: thyroid disease.

The porridge is prepared like this:

Corn porridge diet

A weight loss system with no contraindications with excellent results. In a week you can get rid of 4 kg of excess weight.

The porridge is prepared like this: the proportion of cereal and water is 1 to 3. The cereal must be washed. Boil water, add cereal. Once it boils, you can add a little salt and sugar.


Diet for corn porridge considered a “winter” option.

Semolina diet

Semolina porridge is prepared according to the following recipe: semolina (80 g) is poured with boiling water (500 ml) or the same amount of low-fat milk and cooked for two minutes. Sugar and salt are excluded. The porridge should be removed from the stove and wrapped in a warm cloth for a quarter of an hour.

Sample menu:

Milk porridge diet

There are a lot of effective weight loss systems based on milk porridges.

As a rule, the basic cereals of such a diet are:

  • oatmeal;
  • semolina;
  • buckwheat;
  • millet;
  • wheat

The essence of the milk porridge diet is that you can eat porridge per day without any restrictions in volume, but not overeat - it is an extremely easy appetite quencher.

Diet based on oatmeal porridge

An excellent diet that cleanses the body of any debris, which, in parallel with cleansing, makes it possible to lose extra pounds at home.

Preparation of oatmeal porridge: norm rolled oats Brew boiling water for a few minutes, cover with a lid.

Diet menu on oatmeal porridge quite simple:

Difficulties and contraindications of the cereal diet

While on a “porridge diet,” the following may occur: discomfort such as weakness, nausea, dizziness. This natural reaction body.

It is impossible to cleanse the body of debris and toxic substances that have accumulated in it for years without discomfort. You need to endure this condition and do without pills. In such cases, it is allowed to use mineral - vitamin complexes. If this condition does not go away, you must either stop the diet or go to a nutritionist for advice.

Quitting the diet

At the end of the diet cycle, the following rules must be observed:

  • start consuming regular foods gradually;
  • refined products are introduced into the menu in small quantities;
  • porridge, in any case, remains the prevailing food;

During the first week after the diet, the body will “learn” to eat regular food. And in order to maintain the achieved results, you definitely need to continue to eat right and not forget about acceptable physical activity.

Do you know that there is a diet based on cereals? It may seem to some that porridge only makes you feel better, and that there can be no talk of any weight loss, but this is by no means the case. It all depends on how and with what you eat the porridge.

If you cook porridge with whole milk, and even throw in a fair amount of butter, then you won’t be able to lose weight on such a “baby”. But if the porridge is in water with a small addition of low-fat milk, and besides such porridge you don’t eat anything else for ten days, then you will be able, as reviews from those who have lost weight say, to lose up to 5 kg of excess fat from your beautiful body.

Next, we will talk about what kind of cereals you can eat during a cereal diet, and how effective and beneficial this weight loss technique is for the body. We will also mention contraindications, and also offer a menu for 10 days, according to which you can create your own individual plan nutrition for any period of this diet.

Calculation of calorie content of foods

Products in alphabetical order

Porridge diet: principles

The point of the diet is that you will have porridge as your main dish throughout the day. There will be seven types of it, such a nutritional system will be called the “7 porridge” diet, and if you don’t like semolina, then you can leave only six types. You will lose weight on millet porridge, oatmeal, and even corn porridge.

Many people like barley porridge, and some like pea porridge; you can also include them in your diet menu. Wheat and semolina are also very tasty. If you find flaxseed porridge in the store, it will be very good, then you can replace semolina with it, since flaxseed is much healthier than semolina.

You can try eating multi-grain porridge, called “5 grains”, from a company such as “Samara Healthy”.

Or you can take a few grains yourself and cook the so-called monastery porridge. You can, for example, eat a different porridge every day or eat several types of it in one day. Note that when choosing wheat porridge, give preference to the one made from Artek wheat. It consists of small grains.

A porridge diet for weight loss is designed for 10 days.

You can lose 5 kg of excess weight in these days. If you want to lose not 5, but just a couple of kilos, then you can go on this diet for 5-7 days. This diet is suitable for fast weight loss, especially if you need to properly prepare for any important event and fit into your favorite dress at all costs. This is perhaps the most gentle diet of all, since you don’t feel much hunger during it, and gastrointestinal tract it has a beneficial effect.

It is worth noting that porridge must be cooked in water with a small addition of low-fat milk.

There is no need to put butter in it. It is also not recommended to add sugar, but salt can be added. You can add a few berries to the porridge if you just can’t eat it. You can only drink green tea without sugar or water. You can drink a glass of low-fat kefir if the porridge was cooked without milk that day.

Pros and cons of the cereal diet

Let's first talk about the advantages of a cereal diet. Here are the advantages of this weight loss technique:

  1. low cost of cereals, which is important for many Russian people losing weight;
  2. during a diet, a person does not experience severe hunger;
  3. any porridge has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, if not serious illnesses and contraindications;
  4. cereals calm nerves and relieve stress;
  5. Cereals leave hair and skin in excellent condition.

But, like any diet, this technique has its drawbacks, and it also has contraindications. These include:

  1. pregnancy and breast-feeding(during these periods, it is better for a woman to completely abandon all strict methods of losing weight);
  2. diseases thyroid gland if you are going to lose weight on millet porridge;
  3. celiac disease (gluten intolerance);
  4. stomach diseases (you need to consult a doctor before going on a porridge diet);
  5. intestinal diseases (here a doctor’s consultation is also necessary).

Menu for 10 days for a cereal diet

So, now we will offer you a menu in which every day you will have the new kind porridge. It's better to start a diet on Monday, but why wait? You can start it right from tomorrow, without thinking about what day of the week tomorrow is.

  • Day No. 1. On this day you can only eat semolina with milk or, if you find it in stores, then flaxseed. You are only allowed to eat three plates of this dish per day. You can eat six times, but only half a plate. You can only drink water or green tea.
  • Day No. 2. You can eat here pea porridge with salt in the amount of also three plates for the whole day, however, this applies to all porridges and all days. And at night you can drink a glass of kefir. Drink green tea between meals.
  • Day #3: This day will be a herculean one. Eat milky oatmeal and drink green tea.
  • Day No. 4. On this day, eat millet with milk and drink water or tea.
  • Day No. 5. On this day, eat barley porridge with milk and drink green tea.
  • Day No. 6. Here you are allowed to eat wheat with added milk, drink tea or water.
  • Day #7. On this day, eat corn porridge with milk and drink water or green tea.

For the remaining three days, you can eat three bowls of “5 grains” porridge or give preference to one particular porridge.

So you learned about the existence of a porridge diet. Take it into account and remember that as a result of this diet you can lose 5 kg!

One of the simplest and at the same time effective ways Losing weight is a diet of cereals. This method of dealing with extra pounds has a lot of advantages, but it also has some contraindications that you need to know about.


Porridge has always been considered healthy and proper food, since cereals include:

  • Vitamins;
  • Microelements;
  • Cellulose;
  • Complex carbohydrates.

Thanks to this composition, porridges not only saturate the body, but also help cleanse it of toxins and wastes and bind fats.

Also, despite the low calorie content in porridges, they satisfy hunger for a long time, allowing you to feel cheerful and energetic.

It is also important that cereals do not contain dyes or preservatives, are well absorbed by the body and are inexpensive.

How to properly maintain a cereal diet

A porridge diet allows you to painlessly lose from 2 to 4 kg in a week. True for maximum effect Several simple rules must be followed:

  1. Half an hour before meals, you should drink a glass of water (still and not cold). The total volume of liquid that you need to drink per day is at least 2 liters.
  2. Eliminate sweets from the menu, bakery products, butter and coffee.
  3. The cereal is cooked exclusively in water, without adding sugar or salt.
  4. You need to eat in small portions. In this case, you should eat your last meal no later than three hours before bedtime.
  5. Porridge is prepared at the rate of 250 g of dry cereal/day.
  6. During the day, only one type of porridge is eaten.

With a gentle diet option, the menu can additionally include chicken, fish, eggs, herbs, fresh berries and dried fruits, vegetables (not containing starch), as well as kefir and low-fat cottage cheese.

You can help the body adapt to dietary nutrition if, some time before starting the diet, you exclude fried and smoked foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, and sweets from the diet, while introducing fish dishes, poultry, fruits, vegetables and fermented milk products into the menu.

During the diet, a small amount is allowed exercise stress(exercises you can do at home).

Just like the beginning, exiting the diet should be gradual. First day regular products one meal is replaced, the next day - two. On the third day, you can completely switch to the regular menu.

If after finishing the diet immediately and large quantities start eating fried, smoked, salted, etc., then the entire effect will quickly be reduced to zero. Therefore, even after finishing the cereal diet, you should adhere to the rules of a healthy diet.

What porridges are suitable for weight loss

There is a wide variety of cereals, which allows you to diversify the dietary menu in accordance with the tastes and preferences of those who are losing weight. However, the most the best cereals for these purposes the following are traditionally considered:

  • Oatmeal. Contains a lot of coarse plant fiber and soft alimentary fiber. The optimal combination of these components allows you to remove from the body harmful substances. 100 g of oatmeal contains only 88 kcal, and it contains vitamins A, B1, B2, E, K, PP, magnesium, iron, fluorine, iodine, calcium, potassium, sulfur and other elements.
  • Buckwheat. In addition to a wide variety of vitamins, buckwheat contains folic, oxalic, citric and other acids that are necessary for the body. Thanks to its composition, buckwheat helps normalize metabolism and accelerates natural process burns fat and satisfies perfectly, allowing you to not feel hungry for a long time. The beneficial substances contained in buckwheat help strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation, normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, which, in turn, helps maintain tone and promotes weight adjustment. The calorie content of buckwheat cooked in water without oil and salt is 97 kcal per 100 g.
  • Rice. Rice is rich in thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and a host of other vitamins and minerals. It cleanses the intestines, eliminates excess cholesterol, and helps convert nutrients into energy. 100 g of cereal cooked in water contains 78 kcal. For dietary nutrition Any unpolished rice will do.
  • Wheat. The special value of this porridge for weight loss lies in great content choline (B4), which regulates fat metabolism in the body. In addition, wheat porridge contains a large number of other substances beneficial to the body that have a beneficial effect on many organs and systems. Calorie content – ​​115 kcal per 100 g.
  • Pearl barley. Pearl barley has long been known as an excellent antioxidant. In addition, eating pearl barley porridge allows you to normalize fat and carbohydrate metabolism saturate the body with proteins plant origin, vitamins and minerals. The calorie content of pearl barley porridge is 100 kcal per 100 g.

In addition to those listed, a porridge diet can include barley, millet, corn and other types of cereals.

Porridge diet options

Today there are many different diets based on porridge. Those wishing to lose weight are offered both mono-diets (using one grain) and complex ones diet menus(include different kinds croup).

Buckwheat diet

This diet program is especially popular among lovers healthy image life and fighters against excess weight.

The basis of the diet is buckwheat and water ( drinking plenty of fluids). The duration of the diet is a week (if desired, you can extend it for another 7 days).

To preserve as much as possible in buckwheat useful substances, it is not boiled, but steamed. To do this, pour 1.5 cups of cereal into 2 tbsp. boiling water, cover, and leave for 8 hours (or overnight). The resulting volume of porridge is divided into 3-5 servings.

As a supplement to buckwheat during the diet, you can use:

  1. Green or herbal tea (no sugar);
  2. Natural vegetable juice (beetroot, carrot, tomato);
  3. Cabbage salad;
  4. Dried fruits.

In addition, it is allowed to include eggs and low-fat kefir.

Depending on the duration, the “buckwheat” diet allows you to lose from 5 to 9 kg.

On oatmeal porridge

The daily ration for such a diet should consist of half a glass of steamed Hercules. The total volume of the resulting porridge is divided into several parts (depending on the expected number of meals). In addition to porridge, the menu may include fermented milk products (necessarily low-fat or with minimal fat content), apples and pears, and honey.

Important. In a week of such a diet it is quite possible to lose up to 5 kg.

On millet

With this diet wheat porridge eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can supplement it:

  • Low-fat fermented baked milk or yogurt;
  • Banana, orange or apple;
  • Fresh vegetables or a salad made from them.

Fruits and vegetables can be added directly to the porridge while cooking.

Sample menu for the day:

  1. Breakfast – 250 g of porridge with fresh, finely chopped fruit (about 200 g).
  2. Lunch – 250 g of soup with vegetables, and the same amount of porridge.
  3. Afternoon snack – 200 g of kefir or yogurt (low-fat). Possible in pure form, or maybe with fresh fruit.
  4. Dinner – 200 g of porridge doused with kefir.

The duration of the diet is 1 week (maximum 10 days). Efficiency – 3-4 kg.

On corn porridge

Unlike buckwheat and oatmeal, steam corn grits It won’t work, so it needs to be boiled. And cook it correctly. To do this, the cereal is washed, water is poured into the pan (the volume of liquid should be three times the volume of the cereal) and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, pour the cereal into it. Cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

The duration of the corn diet is no more than 4 days. Wherein:

  • On days 1 and 2, 400 g of porridge is divided into several servings. You can diversify the menu with an apple, cucumber or tomato. Required use large quantity liquids.
  • Day 3 – 150 g of porridge + cabbage salad with dressing from olive oil And lemon juice, grapefruit.
  • Day 4 – 150 g portion of porridge, salad of ripe tomatoes and cucumbers, green tea.

At the end of the diet, the weight decreases by 2-3 kg.

Diet "three porridges"

The duration of the diet is 5 days. During this period, you should only eat porridge cooked in water and without salt.

You should eat porridge in this order:

  1. 1 day – oatmeal;
  2. Day 2 – rice;
  3. Day 3 – buckwheat;
  4. Day 4 – rice;
  5. Day 5 – oatmeal.

All this time you need to drink as much as possible. Drinks allowed are water, tea or coffee without sugar.

Diet "six cereals"

With such a diet, porridge must be cooked in a strictly defined order:

  • 1 day – wheat;
  • Day 2 – millet;
  • Day 3 – oatmeal (in grains);
  • Day 4 – rice;
  • Day 5 – barley;
  • Day 6 – pearl barley.

On day 7 of the diet, porridge is cooked using all of the above cereals at once, for which they are mixed in equal proportions.

All dietary porridges are cooked according to following rules: in the evening, a glass of cereal is filled with 3 glasses of water and cooked for 5 minutes. After this, remove the pan with porridge from the heat, wrap it in a towel and leave it to steep until the morning.

You can eat porridge without restrictions, using vegetables, fruits, low-fat kefir as additions (other dairy products are prohibited!). You can drink water, unsweetened tea or coffee.

In preparation for the diet, experts recommend doing a cleansing enema.

You can repeat the diet every six months.

Ten-day cereal diet

For this diet, you can use any cereal of your choice (except semolina). Porridges are prepared simply with water, without butter, sugar or salt.

At the same time, the following are completely excluded from the menu: meat and dairy products, bread and bakery products, potatoes, fish, and sweets.

To diversify your diet, you can add vegetables, unsweetened fruits, and some mushrooms to the menu. If you follow all the rules, a porridge diet will provide minus 5 kg of weight.

Delicious recipes for dietary porridges

Original and tasty recipes will help make the process of losing weight not only effective, but also useful and enjoyable.

Pumpkin porridge

To prepare this dietary porridge you will need 200 g of pumpkin pulp, 1 liter of water, a little honey and dried fruits.

After peeling the pumpkin, cut it into cubes and place in a pan of water. After boiling, the pumpkin is allowed to cook for half an hour, after which the liquid from the pan is drained and the pumpkin cubes are pureed. IN ready-made puree add honey or dried fruits.

Pumpkin can be combined with various cereals, most often with millet.

Buckwheat porridge with zucchini

To prepare this porridge, buckwheat is steamed (you can boil it for 10 minutes), after which it is allowed to brew. At this time, separately steam the zucchini, peeled and cut into small cubes.

When the zucchini is ready, add it to the buckwheat and mix. You can season the dish with a little olive oil.

Barley with vegetables and herbs

The main ingredients are pearl barley, beets and carrots (but you can add other vegetables). To prepare, the cereal is first washed, then kept in water until it swells, and then boiled for 40 minutes.

Beets and other vegetables are boiled (boiling beets will take at least 1 hour). After everything is ready, the vegetables are cut into small cubes and mixed with pearl barley.

You can add a little corn oil to the finished porridge.

The finishing touch is fresh herbs (onion, parsley, basil, dill), which are sprinkled on the porridge before eating.

Oatmeal with peach and apple

Do oatmeal Adding fruit to it will make it even more healthy and tasty. To do this, simply add chopped fresh peach and apple to steamed oatmeal.

Rice with tomato juice

To prevent dietary rice porridge from being too dry, you can add regular tomato juice(from fresh tomatoes, not store-bought!) Finely chopped spinach will add flavor and piquancy to the dish.

When preparing porridge, the main thing is not to overcook the rice. It's better if it's a little undercooked.


Despite all the benefits of cereals, a diet based on cereals also has a number of contraindications. So, you cannot use it:

  1. During pregnancy;
  2. During breastfeeding;
  3. For diabetes mellitus;
  4. With exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  5. For oncology and pathologies of the kidneys and liver.

In addition, it is important to remember that some cereals can cause allergies, so when consuming cereals you need to carefully monitor your body's reaction.