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Antlers are an ancient restorative medicine. Useful properties of deer antlers

Young antlers of deer (a subspecies of deer), which have not yet undergone ossification and are covered with short hair and skin, are called deer antlers. They are very highly valued, especially in oriental medicine. Their beneficial properties became known a very long time ago, in ancient times.

The main habitat of these animals is Altai. Most of the healing and beneficial properties of deer antlers are based on the fact that deer, living in their natural environment, feed on very healing medicinal plants(for example, leuzea, red and golden root and others), drink water rich in many trace elements. When breeding deer in other climatic zones and geographical locations, the quality of antlers decreased. Therefore, most of the places where deer are bred are located in the Altai Territory. Antlers are cut from May to September.

As a result of the research, the following properties were identified in deer antlers:

  • lower blood pressure,
  • increase physical and mental performance,
  • have restorative, tonic, adaptogenic, anti-stress, calming, anti-inflammatory, regenerative properties,
  • stimulate the immune system,
  • improve blood composition,
  • help in removing toxins.

These properties are due to the presence of amino acids (especially essential ones) and microelements (zinc, iron, calcium, manganese, copper and others) in the horns.

Indications of deer antlers

Currently, deer antlers can be successfully used for:

  • strong mental and physical stress,
  • for neuroses,
  • neuritis,
  • radiculitis,
  • myositis,
  • arthritis,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • sprains,
  • varicose veins veins,
  • skin pathology,
  • gynecological diseases,
  • when overworked,
  • with blood pressure pathology,
  • as a tonic or general strengthening agent.

Contraindications to the use of antlers:

  • lactation,
  • pregnancy,
  • malignant neoplasms,
  • failure of any organs or systems,
  • acute conditions of any pathologies,
  • bleeding,
  • tuberculosis,
  • tendency to thrombosis,
  • severe arterial hypertension,
  • diabetes.

Ways and methods of using deer antlers.

In folk medicine, deer antlers are taken raw and made alcohol tinctures, herbal powders.

Some recipes:

  • Mix the powder and antlers with licorice root powder in equal quantities and consume a quarter of a teaspoon three times a day with water;
  • tincture in vodka, one hundred grams of finely chopped antlers per half liter of vodka, leave in a dark place for ten days, drink twenty drops three times a day, dissolved in water, or apply externally (lotions, compresses);
  • tincture of wine, pour one hundred grams of antlers with wine to hide them, leave for ten days in the dark, drink 0.025 liters in the evening with meals, two weeks. You can also take it with honey, mix the powder with honey in equal quantities, eat one teaspoon in the morning before meals, course - one month;
  • or make a decoction with any medicinal herbs - one tablespoon of antlers and dry herbs, add half a liter of water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat, drink 100 g four times, you can’t drink after six in the evening.

Antlers are also added to cosmetical tools. In addition, you can prepare baths with them. There are special concentrates for baths. Take a bath for about fifteen minutes, a course of ten baths, every day.

Numerous are still being produced pharmaceutical drugs, which contain deer antlers. For example, pantocrine and pantohematogen. You can also find tablets made from antler powder, alcohol tinctures with or without the addition of herbs, and various balms. Courses of treatment with such drugs last up to one month; up to six such courses can be carried out per year.

General practitioner Naumov Yu.N.

Antlers (unossified young deer antlers) are a rare and expensive raw material, which is a bone sponge filled with blood.

The history of using antler reindeer herding products goes back thousands of years. And all these years, preparations and remedies from antlers have occupied a leading position among countless traditional and non-traditional means of maintaining health, prolonging youth and delaying old age. Unossified deer antlers contain a large number of active substances and microelements that can compensate for their deficiency in the human body.

Antlers, both preserved by heat treatment and dried, have been used in oriental medicine for more than 3,500 years. They were always crushed or ground into powder, and in this form they were taken as a medicine that improves health, slows down aging and rejuvenates, restores and enhances male and female sexual capabilities, increases mental and physical performance. It is believed that the infusion of antlers is the most effective remedy against all forms of sexual impotence.

The antlers of deer, sika and reindeer have healing properties. Moreover, the activity of a number of biologically active substances in wild reindeer antlers is significantly higher than in deer antlers. IN extreme conditions In the fight for survival in the short polar days, reindeer in the Far North produce the highest amount of biologically active substances. This unique phenomenon explains the surge in vitality among indigenous peoples who use deer antlers for food. At the same time, the body compensates for vital biological active substances, which helps a person survive in the harsh conditions of the North.

Deer antlers have immunomodulatory, antioxidant, adaptogenic and general tonic effects. They contain amino acids, peptides, nucleotides, lipids, carbohydrates, fatty acid, vitamins, micro and macroelements. Antlers contain a whole complex minerals, among which are potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium and iron, in addition to them aluminum, boron, chromium, copper, magnesium, nickel, silicon, zinc, etc. Deer antlers normalize metabolism and have a beneficial effect on genitourinary system, endocrine glands, autonomic nervous system.

Antlers contain a huge amount of bioactive substances, protein compounds, and energy drinks, which are necessary not only in the treatment of various diseases, but also as a preventive and tonic for practically healthy people.

Antlers are a valuable source of 16 out of 18 natural essential amino acids, which must enter the human body with food. These acids are the most important components proteins, enzymes, hormones and are directly involved in various biological processes of the brain, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, help strengthen immune system, restoration and strengthening of the heart muscle, stimulate sexual function, have a pronounced rejuvenating effect on the skin and the body as a whole, and have an anti-sclerotic effect.

In addition, deer antlers contain protein with collagen as the main protein-containing compound, it includes: glycine, alanine, proline and hydroxyproline.

Other amino acids contained in antlers include: lysine, threonine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, histidine, arginine, serine, glutamic and aspartic acids, cystine, tyrosine. Amino acids are essential components of proteins, enzymes, hormones and other biological substances. In addition, they also have independent preventive value. Glutamic acid takes part in the biological processes of the brain, participates in protein-carbohydrate metabolism, improves nutrition nerve cells brain, is widely used for mental illness. Aspartic acid is used for cardiovascular diseases, promotes the penetration of potassium and magnesium ions into the intracellular space. A mixture of methionine, cysteine, glutathione and ATP improves protein biosynthesis and nucleic acids by providing energy to these processes.

In total there are over 90 biologically active compounds in the form of complex complexes. In no other animal or plant origin, there is no such number of balanced components.

Unossified deer antlers are used as an immunostimulating agent for a general decrease in tone, increased fatigue, neuroses, heart failure vascular system, slow wound healing, hypotension, have a positive effect on metabolism, indicated for poisoning, anemia, and general exhaustion. Strengthens the body, bones, muscles, teeth, vision, hearing, will. Develop mental abilities. Useful for gout, convulsions with chills, blood stagnation, stones bladder, they delay old age and increase “human vitality.” Have therapeutic effect for pleurisy, pneumonia, asthma, used in the treatment various forms tuberculosis, fractures, joint pain, osteoporosis, problems with the spine. Antlers have a tonic effect on the male genital area, have a hemostatic effect, useful for various functional disorders reproductive system, both in men and women, including vaginal bleeding.

Directions for use:

  • In powder form- dried antlers, convenient to use, cut into 10-15 cm pieces, grate on fine grater, after removing the fluffy skin. Drink 1/2 tsp daily in the morning on an empty stomach, add a small amount of water or milk, let it brew for 5-10 minutes. to soften the fibers. Drink for 20-30 days. The break between courses is 15 days.
  • In the form of alcohol (vodka) tincture- dried antlers, cut into 1.5-2 cm pieces can be used effectively; without removing the fluffy skin, place them in a glass container and fill them with alcohol or vodka. Leave in a dark, cool place for 30-40 days. Take 20 drops in the morning on an empty stomach for 15 days.

Contraindications to the use of antlers:

  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • failure of any organs and systems;
  • acute conditions of any pathologies;
  • bleeding;
  • tuberculosis;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • severe arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes.

Nature has given humanity many unique healing substances, one of which is deer antlers. Deer antlers are used to treat and prevent the development of various pathologies, their benefits were recognized not only by folk medicine, but also by official medicine.

Maral antlers - fragile deer antlers

Deer antlers - what are they?

Antlers are immature deer horns, have spongy structure, covered with skin, fine hairs, filled with blood. The red deer lives in Altai, Kyrgyzstan, New Zealand Tien Shan, and is listed in the Red Book.

Previously, animals were killed to obtain valuable antlers, but now they are cut from deer in May–August - during this period, males are very active, antlers quickly grow back.

Composition of deer antlers

The healing properties of deer antlers are due to their unique composition, in which almost everyone is present necessary substances to restore and strengthen human health.

What are deer antlers made of:

  • general and free amino acids - there are 18 of them in total;
  • collagen;
  • macroelements – potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus;
  • microelements – selenium, iodine, copper, zinc;
  • glutamic acid;
  • glycine;
  • enzymes;
  • enzymes.

Morality antlers contain many useful elements

Deer antlers contain insulin-like growth factors 1,2, growth factor of cartilage, bone and nerve tissues. The composition contains chondroitin sulfate, testosterone, vitamins B, D, E, F, PP, retinol.

What are the benefits of deer antlers?

Deer antlers effectively eliminate almost all blood diseases, accelerate the process of wound healing and recovery after surgical interventions and serious illnesses, help fight bedsores.

Beneficial features deer antlers:

  • strengthen protective functions body;
  • have a tonic effect, help cope with the symptoms of overwork and fatigue;
  • a powerful anti-inflammatory substance, activates the regeneration process;
  • reduce blood pressure, increase hemoglobin levels;
  • strengthen sexual desire, eliminate impotence and frigidity, normalize the synthesis of hormones, and help get rid of infertility.

Deer antlers normalize blood pressure

Deer antlers contain many antioxidant substances, helping to quickly adapt to new conditions and climate. In Eastern medicine, a natural substance is used for severe exhaustion, heart and joint pathologies, to cure tuberculosis and gout.

Areas of application of stalemate

Young deer antlers are used for treatment and prevention various diseases, pharmaceutical preparations are prepared on their basis and medicinal products at home. Antlers render restorative effect, improve the condition of bones, teeth, are necessary for good vision and hearing.

What do deer antlers help with:

  1. Organ disease musculoskeletal system, to improve joint mobility, restore muscles and ligaments after injuries. Horns help with osteochondrosis, arthritis, neuralgia.
  2. The natural substance perfectly eliminates the manifestations of varicose veins, angina pectoris, and ischemia.
  3. Pathological dysfunctions nervous system– neuroses, seizures panic attacks, mental, nervous and physical fatigue.
  4. Diseases digestive tract- gastritis, ulcer.
  5. Dermatological problems.
  6. As a hemostatic agent for uterine and other internal bleeding.
  7. Sexual dysfunction.

Deer antlers help restore sexual function

Deer antlers should be used for poisoning, gout, convulsions due to elevated temperature, blood stagnation, urolithiasis. Natural raw materials help with pleurisy, pneumonia, asthma.

Antlers help make it easier to endure menopause and speed up metabolic processes, eliminate infectious diseases of various origins. Young horns are also useful for children - they develop mental abilities, prevent the development of rickets and early caries.

Powdered deer horns can be added to regular creams and lotions - such enriched products will help cope with wrinkles, prevent their appearance, eliminate swelling and inflammatory process s, improve complexion.

Products based on deer antlers

From antlers and blood, substances are obtained that are used to create medicines - pantocrine, pantohematogen. They produce many medicines based on deer antlers, their effect is enhanced by extracts medicinal herbs, there are special complexes for strengthening the immune system, improving the functioning of the digestive and cardiac systems.

Name of popular medicines based on antlers:

  1. Pantocrine. The drug is registered as a tonic, has a pronounced adaptogenic effect, tablets should be taken in 1-2 tablets. twice a day for a month. The solution is intended for local application, it can be administered subcutaneously and intravenously. You can buy the medicine at the pharmacy, pills cost 300–400 rubles, the price of the extract is 280–310 rubles.
  2. Pantorin - a balm for restoring bone and cartilage tissue, eliminating calcium deficiency, stopping degenerative processes in the musculoskeletal system. The product is sold through online pharmacies, the cost is 990 rubles. for 250 ml.
  3. Pantobiol-1 is a berry syrup based on deer antler lipids, a dietary supplement for improving memory and attention during increased mental stress, after traumatic brain injury or vascular diseases of the brain. You can buy the drug in an online pharmacy, the price is 650 rubles. for 200 ml.
  4. Pantobiol-2 is a dietary supplement in the form of capsules, contains deer antlers, an extract from Solyanka Kholmovoy, ascorbic acid, Esobel. The product is recommended to be taken to eliminate calcium and phosphorus deficiency. The product is sold through pharmacies and specialized stores, the price is 600 rubles. for 120 capsules.
  5. Antler baths with fir oil– Altai products, the concentrate is intended for general healing and rejuvenation of the body, restores normal functioning nervous system, improve the condition of blood vessels. A set for two procedures costs 665 rubles, for seven sessions – 1810 rubles. You can purchase it at an online pharmacy.

Pantocrine - a medicine made from deer antlers

Antlers can be purchased in powder or frozen form in regular and online pharmacies. Raw materials cannot be cheap, since it is quite difficult to extract them - the average price is about 3 thousand rubles. for 100 g, you need to purchase the medicine from trusted suppliers.

Application of deer antlers

Deer antlers can be consumed frozen; they are used to make a dry powder, which can be taken 1.5 times a day 20 minutes before meals. But most often, tincture and tea are prepared from the horns, and the extract is used to prepare baths.

Maral baths

Water procedures using extract of young horns help to recover even after very serious illnesses, since antlers reveal their healing abilities to the fullest.

Action of baths:

  • rejuvenate and cleanse the body of toxic accumulations;
  • improve the quality of blood;
  • help get rid of nervous and muscle tension;
  • eliminate the manifestations of varicose veins, normalize arterial parameters;
  • water procedures are prescribed for gynecological, dermatological pathologies, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Antler bath helps to recover from many illnesses

Bath products are produced in the form of a powder, which must be diluted in 200 ml of water, or liquid extract, most often one package is designed for one procedure. Baths with antlers – medical procedure, therefore its duration should not exceed a quarter of an hour, the heart area should always be above the water level, the temperature of the liquid should be 35–38 degrees. The course consists of 10–12 sessions.

Baths with antler extract can be used as first aid for an attack of neurosis or radiculitis.

Why is antler tea used?

The drink is easy to prepare at home - cut 3 g of horns into slices, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 1–1.5 hours. The medicine should be taken during the day in 2-3 approaches.

This drink is useful for men - it helps improve potency, eliminate inflammation and congestion in the pelvic organs, and improve the quality of seminal fluid. For women, tea will help avoid gynecological problems and is useful during menopause and PMS. With regular use, performance, sleep quality, mental activity, physical endurance.

Antler tea increases performance and endurance

Medicines based on deer antlers should not be taken simultaneously with alcoholic drinks– antlers can enhance Negative influence ethanol on the body, which will lead to the development of severe pathologies of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Tincture of young deer antlers

An alcohol solution of antlers contains the maximum amount of useful substances - to prepare a vodka tincture, you need to pour 45 g of slices with 450 ml of vodka, put the mixture in a dark place for 4 weeks. You can cook with alcohol, but it must first be diluted to 40–50 degrees. Take 18–25 drops 3 times a day before meals, can be diluted in a small amount of water. Externally, the medicine is used in the form of lotions and compresses for joint and dermatological pathologies, to speed up the healing process of wounds and fractures.

Recipe for honey tincture - mix 5 g of crushed horns with 10 ml of honey, add 5 g of honey powder dried berries sea ​​buckthorn and barberry, pour 1 liter of vodka. Place the mixture in a dark place for 3 weeks, take 15 ml three times a day.

Antler tincture contains the maximum amount of useful elements

Indications for the use of alcoholic maral tincture:

  • weakened immune system;
  • neurosis, neuritis, sprain, osteochondrosis;
  • increased loads;
  • gynecological diseases, inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • varicose veins

How to take antlers? The duration of treatment is 10–20 days; therapeutic and preventive courses can be carried out once every 2–3 months.

Contraindications for pantotherapy

Antlers are a natural substance, but they also have certain contraindications, which are detailed in the instructions for the drug.

In what cases should pantotherapy not be used:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • severe renal pathologies;
  • malignant neoplasms, benign tumors in progress active growth;
  • frequent bouts of diarrhea;
  • active phase of tuberculosis;
  • any chronic diseases in the acute stage.

You should not use deer antlers if you have atherosclerosis

Antlers are contraindicated in the presence of fresh wounds and fractures; they should not be used by pregnant and lactating women.

Preparations based on antler extract should not be taken simultaneously with drugs that stimulate contractile activity smooth muscles of the intestine, contain calcium, are part of the group of anticoagulants.

Preparations based on deer antlers are well tolerated, in in rare cases allergic reactions occur, migraines, attacks of tachycardia, increased arterial parameters, insomnia.

Elk antlers Altai products

Antlers are young, non-ossified, richly supplied antlers of a sika deer, covered with delicate skin. Antlers begin to grow when male deer are most active in May and June.

In medicine, deer antlers are used for: anemia, impotence, frigidity, exhaustion, infectious diseases, wounds and ulcers, heart and vascular diseases (atherosclerosis, angina, hypotension), loss of strength, dizziness, hair loss, insomnia, lower back pain, improved sperm quality, bleeding, joint diseases, eczema, tuberculosis, gout, deafness, convulsions, kidney and bladder stones.

According to the International Association of Antler Manufacturers, Antlers and Blood Altai deer are the most active in the world and belong to the most expensive - the highest category. This has been confirmed many times clinical studies Altai antlers conducted in different countries.

Application of deer antlers

The data of ancient healers on the medicinal properties of deer antlers boils down to the following:

  • tonic effect, especially on the male genital area;
  • hemostatic, including for vaginal bleeding;
  • for poisoning, anemia, general exhaustion;
  • strengthens the body;
  • bones, muscles, teeth, vision and hearing;
  • develops mental abilities, strengthens will;
  • for gout, convulsions with chills, blood stagnation, stones in the bladder;
  • delaying old age, increasing “human vitality”;
  • for pleurisy, pneumonia, asthma;
  • for joint pain, osteoporosis, problems with the spine.

The famous ginseng was considered a remedy for women, and antlers - for men. So, in Ancient China As a dowry, the daughter was given antlers, and the son was given ginseng. Antlers were used in the form of powder, less often - in the form aqueous extract. Antlers were very expensive and very effective means complex effects on the human body as a whole, which, with their constant use, actually delay the approach of old age.

Targeted study of antlers as medicine in our country started in 1928 under the leadership of Professor S.I. Pavlenko." In 1934, he patented pantocrine as a method for obtaining an alcohol extract from deer antlers.

Useful properties of deer antlers

As a result of subsequent 30-year studies of antlers and pantocrine, official Russian science established their following properties:

  • increase the tone and motor function of the stomach and intestines;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • improve metabolism and urinary function;
  • eliminate disorders associated with menopausal condition among women;
  • relieve tension in the nervous system, improve the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • effective against overwork and stress;
  • accelerate the regeneration processes of damaged tissues, accelerate the healing processes of wounds and ulcers;
  • raise general tone body;
  • normalize blood pressure.

In the last three decades, research into antlers in Russia has not stopped, pantocrine for injection has been developed, antler flour, antler powders, and cooking antler water have been studied. In 2005, pantocrine tablets were approved for production.

Thus, in the course of 80 years of continuous research on antlers official medicine Russia has finally confirmed their amazing healing properties:

  • rejuvenating effect;
  • wound healing effect;
  • improvement of gastrointestinal activity;
  • intestinal tract;
  • persistent tonic effect of increasing the body's energy;
  • anti-stress effect;
  • nootropic effect;
  • normalization of cardiac function;
  • vascular system;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • normalization of the central nervous system;
  • normalization of sexual function;
  • increasing the body's resistance;
  • treatment of mental illness.

IN last years There are some statements that reindeer antlers have greater medicinal properties than deer antlers, however, back in 1997, the Scientific Research Institute of Pharmacology in Tomsk published material that rantarine (an extract from the antlers of male reindeer) was 9-17 times inferior to pantocrine in various tests. In 2002, comparative biochemical research antlers of Russian deer and New Zealand deer showed that in the absolute majority of microelements, Russian antlers are superior to New Zealand antlers.

The most objective integral indicator of the therapeutic effectiveness of antlers is their price on the world market, at which Altai deer antlers have been valued for many years at 1.5-2 times more expensive than any other (New Zealand, American, Korean, Chinese) antlers and 10-12 times more expensive than antlers reindeer, elk, etc. Serious conflicts arise in the international antlers market when unscrupulous sellers sell, for example, American or Canadian antlers under the Altai antlers brand. Korean consumers immediately recognize the substitution not by appearance, and by therapeutic effect. Altai deer antlers provide health benefits that have no analogues in the world.

Why has there been such superiority of Altai antlers in biological activity over the centuries?

  1. this superiority is inherent at the genetic level.
  2. it is fixed in park deer by a certain method of keeping them in conditions as close as possible to their natural habitat.
  3. this is facilitated by mountain conditions, climate, food supply of healing mountain herbs And pure water mountain streams, i.e. habitat of deer.

Exceptional medicinal properties antlers are not accidental, because during the growth period of antlers, the animal’s body actually produces up to 25 kg bone tissue. No other animal's body knows such growth rates. This condition requires significant effort from everyone. functional systems body and, accordingly, high concentrations substances of a regulating and protective nature.

Directions for use:

Alcohol tincture: 50 g of slices should be poured with 500 ml of vodka and left in a cool, dark place for a month. The finished tincture is taken 18-25 drops 3 times a day for a month.

Slice powder: The slices can be ground or crushed into powder, which is recommended to be taken orally, 1.5-3 g per day, mixed with honey or licorice powder, washed down with water. The indicated dose should be divided into 2-3 doses. The course of taking the drug is 1 month.

Antler tea: 1.5-3 g of slices should be poured into 250 ml of boiling water, kept in a thermos for about 1.5 hours and drunk during the day in 2-3 doses.

Antler slices are often brewed with herbs. In this case, you should take 40 g of slices, pour 3 liters of boiling water and leave in a thermos for about 3 hours. Strain the resulting infusion and mix with one of the preparations suggested below.

Slices can be used in in kind, chewing or sucking like a candy. This practice is known in the countries of the East and Asia.

Side effects:

Possible allergic reactions, headaches, indigestion, nervous overexcitation, which disappear after discontinuation of the drug.


Deer antlers are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, allergic reactions, increased blood pressure, organic lesions heart and blood vessels, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, increased blood clotting, kidney damage, diarrhea, diabetes mellitus, malignant tumors, tendency to bleeding and thrombosis. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women and children.

Interaction with other drugs:

You should not take deer antlers in combination with calcium supplements, anticoagulants, and substances that stimulate the contractile activity of intestinal smooth muscles.

Storage conditions and periods:

Store in a dry, dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature from 0 C to +25 C. Shelf life: 5 years.

The result may vary in each individual case!

Deer antlers - unique natural product, compared by useful properties by specialists oriental medicine with ginseng. In China and Japan, horns are an expensive and valuable gift. Preparations containing reindeer antlers prolong youth, strengthen the immune system and treat many diseases.

About deer antlers

Deer antlers are not only a beautiful piece of interior decoration, but also a real miraculous remedy.

The antlers of an adult deer are used as a trophy souvenir

Antlers are the antlers of a deer in their period of active growth, saturated with fresh blood and having a tubular structure that has not yet keratinized.

The top of deer antlers is covered with thin velvety skin and short hair. The antlers stop branching when the animal reaches maturity. During life, the number of processes no longer changes.

Pant structure

Reindeer antlers consist of three layers:

  • external is skin with hair,
  • fibrous tissue located under the skin; fibrous tissue contains a collection of blood vessels,
  • the central part filled with medulla. The medulla is rich in stem cells.

During ossification, the fibrous layer gradually dies, and skin covering dries out and falls off. A wrinkled bone, more like a stump, forms on top of the horn. Throughout life, part of the keratinized bone remains alive and ossified horns grow from it.

Antler growth process

Young deer antlers repeat their growth cycle every year. The most active growth process occurs during the rutting period - the spring month. From April to May, deer experience a peak in hormonal activity, which ends with the arrival of summer.

The main feature of reindeer antlers is intensive tissue regeneration, which is no longer found in any other animal on earth.

Every day, deer antlers grow by 1.5-2.5 cm. With the onset of autumn, male deer shed their heavy, ossified antlers, and in the spring the growth process resumes with new strength. The antlers of some deer species can reach 25 kg or more!

Harvesting antler

The beneficial properties of deer antler did a disservice to these animals and instantly threatened entire populations and species with extinction. Initially, the extraction of reindeer antlers involved killing the animal. Today, deer are specially bred for the purpose of harvesting young horns.

Deer antlers are cut from a living animal, and at the time of circumcision, approximately one and a half liters of blood is taken. The procedure is not painless for the animal, and many farms prefer to carry it out once a year and under anesthesia. The first cut of the antlers is carried out when the deer reaches three years of age.

After the antlers have been cut, they are processed, preserving the beneficial substances.

There are several types of antlers processing:

  • vacuum drying,
  • freezing,
  • drying in the open air.

Useful properties of deer antlers

Deer horns have unique beneficial properties known since ancient times. Preparations made from reindeer antlers can cure many diseases and are indicated for preserving male potency, maintaining immunity, improving brain activity and memory.

Deer antlers are used in medicine to treat:

  • General exhaustion, anemia, bleeding. Antler-based preparations have a hemostatic and tonic effect.
  • Urolithiasis and gout.
  • The substances contained in antlers improve kidney function and urinary functions, strengthen bone and muscle tissue.
  • Stomach diseases, cardiovascular diseases, complications during menopause in women.
  • Reindeer antlers render positive influence on the work of the intestines and stomach, heart muscle.
  • They have a calming effect, eliminate menopausal symptoms,
  • For processing open wounds and ulcers.

Preparations containing useful substances from antlers accelerate tissue regeneration processes and are used in the treatment of:

  • diseases related to blood pressure,
  • diseases of the nervous system,
  • nicotine, drug and alcohol intoxication,
  • the drugs regulate cholesterol and blood sugar, and also help patients recover quickly after operations.

The unique properties are explained by their composition - antlers contain quite a lot of biologically active amino acids, hormones, peptides, and phospholipids. Macroelements are iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium, and microelements are manganese, selenium, iodine, cobalt, copper and zinc.

To treat any disease, it is important to choose the right drug and dosage, and also consult a doctor.

Independent use medicines, even based on natural components, may have a negative impact on health.

Traditional medicine

To prepare some medicines at home, you need to buy the antlers themselves. Deer antlers aren't cheap, but they're worth the money in the long run. Reindeer antlers are sold in dried and frozen form, as well as in powders. The main condition is purchase fresh product from a reliable seller. Traditional medicine is rich various recipes preparation of tinctures, decoctions, creams, powders and other drugs.

Some of them can be easily prepared at home:

Tea with reindeer antlers

For three grams of chopped reindeer antlers, take a glass of boiling water. The tea is infused for 60 -90 minutes. The infusion is drunk three times a day.

Honey tincture

For 5 grams of crushed deer antlers you need 10 grams of honey, 5 grams of sea buckthorn and the same amount of barberry. The ingredients are mixed and poured with a liter of vodka. Let it brew for three weeks in a cool place. Take the tincture three times a day before meals, a tablespoon.

Herbal decoction

Chopped reindeer antlers – 1 tablespoon, 1 tablespoon golden root and 1 spoon maral root. Everything is filled with half a liter warm water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Take 100 ml several times a day.

Alcohol tincture

15 grams of crushed horns are poured with 250 ml of vodka and placed in a dark place for a month. 20 drops of tincture are taken 30 minutes before meals, twice a day.

Antler baths

Antler baths, widely used in many centers, deserve special attention. traditional medicine. Useful material, contained in antlers, penetrate well through the skin, helping the body cope with stress, increasing immunity and optimizing blood composition. For hypertension, varicose veins, radiculitis, neuroses, osteochondrosis and gynecological diseases, antler baths are especially recommended for use. The duration of the procedure should not exceed fifteen minutes, and the water should not be too hot. You can also make an antler bath for your hands or feet.


Preparations containing young deer antlers should be taken strictly as prescribed by a doctor. It is also a mistake to believe that increasing the dosage of the drug will help to cope with the disease faster and that this natural preparation equally useful to everyone.

Antler medicines should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, people suffering from tuberculosis and diabetes, as well as insufficiency of body systems.

Cost of horns

Deer antlers vary in cost depending on region and country. In China, where this product is especially valued, the price per kilogram of dried horns can reach several thousand dollars. In Russia, the average price for deer antlers is about 5,000 rubles per kilogram.

However, the price is influenced by many factors - the age of the deer from which the antlers were cut, the method of processing and storage, transportation, and the type of deer. The antlers of reindeer and Altai maral are more highly valued due to their beneficial properties. You can buy antlers online or at a specialized fair throughout the year. And when proper storage Reindeer antlers retain their beneficial properties for several years.