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Complete blood test and what you can eat. Do's and Don'ts before biochemical tests. Preparing for the study

When getting ready to go to the clinic in the morning, everyone wondered: is it possible to eat before donating blood?

Of course, directly at the clinic itself, as a rule, they should ask whether we ate in the morning or not, but this does not always happen. Sometimes, when we come to the clinic for an appointment with a doctor and do not intend to take tests, we are put at a dead end and sent to donate blood. Justifying this by the fact that the necessary tests that the doctor needs do not depend on whether we ate in the morning or not. Therefore, there is confusion in the head and a complete misunderstanding of whether to eat before donating blood or not.

And to prevent such confusion from happening, there are rules that must be followed before going to donate blood.

  1. Before taking the tests, you are allowed to drink a little water, without any kind of flavorings, dyes, and always plain, non-carbonated water.
  2. Two, preferably three days before the test, do not drink alcohol.
  3. The restrictions, oddly enough, also apply to physical exercise. Various kinds Excessive loads may affect results.
  4. You should avoid visiting bathhouses and saunas.
  5. When taking medications, you should consult your doctor to see if taking them affects the accuracy of the analysis.
  6. The last one, but an important condition, which should not be neglected, get enough sleep and do not overexert yourself emotionally.
  7. Do not take blood thinning medications before the test. If you are planning to donate blood to a child, it is best that for a long time If he was not hungry, give him a drink of plain water, and then give the child a banana or yogurt.

Before scheduled inspection you may be asked to hand over general analysis blood. And failure to comply with mandatory conditions, such as not chewing gum, not eating sweets, or drinking coffee, can falsely reveal a suspicion of diabetes.

Many experts disagree on whether it is necessary to be hungry in the evening or whether it is enough not to eat two or three hours before donating blood.

Remember, for an accurate analysis, you should donate blood on an empty stomach. This will help track changes in indicators and dynamics in the blood.

And also follow the rules below:

  1. In the evening, no later than six, there should be a last meal.
  1. In the evening, do not eat anything fried, fatty or spicy.
  1. It is not allowed to eat sweets: chocolate, cake, sugar.
  1. It is advisable not to smoke before donating blood, or to do it two or three hours before. It is advisable to conduct studies, including repeated ones, in the same laboratory. This is important for the accuracy of the analysis, since clinics have different analyzers and different reagents and therefore there may be slight discrepancies in the indicators. If the doctor warned you in advance that you can eat before donating blood necessary analysis, then breakfast should be as light as possible. Meat and dairy products are not allowed, this includes butter.

This test is mainly performed to diagnose and determine diabetes mellitus.

  1. The doctor referring you should tell you whether you should take this test on an empty stomach or not, since it is taken both on an empty stomach and after eating.
  1. You cannot drink tea, juice or coffee. This is equivalent to eating.
  1. IN special cases if you check thyroid gland or any other hormones, then the doctor is obliged to warn you which foods need to be excluded from the diet.

What rules to follow when preparing for a biochemical blood test?

The following preparation is carried out for passing biochemistry:

  1. Blood is donated exclusively on an empty stomach, so you need to eat ten hours before, and when checking for cholesterol, eat fourteen hours before.
  2. For about three days, physical activity is eliminated. Cardio, running and any overexertion.
  3. Alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited from consumption three days before the test.
  4. It is also necessary to get enough sleep and maintain emotional peace, and sit quietly just before the blood draw.
  5. Consult your doctor if you drink medications. In some cases, you cannot take medications before donating blood.

What to do and what rules exist if you want to become a blood donor

Any capable person can be a donor, provided that he is at least 18 years old. You can become a donor if you don't have medical contraindications and it is important that your desire is voluntary. Before submitting, the following information is presented:

  1. Identity document.
  2. Information about surgical interventions and past infectious diseases.
  3. And a medical examination is carried out. The donor must be healthy at the time of donating blood, not have serious problems with health in the past. This includes viral hepatitis, serious illnesses cordially - vascular system, HIV, syphilis, venereal diseases, metabolic diseases. On the day of donation, a general blood test is checked, in which the doctor looks at the content of hemoglobin and platelets. For everyone who decides to donate blood, the state establishes social guarantees.
    Employees are given a day off from work on the days of blood donation and medical examination. But if the donor decides to go to work, then the due day off is transferred to any day convenient for the donor or added to the vacation. On the day of blood donation, the donor who donated it free of charge is provided with free food at the expense of the organization collecting the blood. Or a fee for donating blood is determined from the subsistence level in the amount of 8 to 45% established at the time of blood donation. There is no need to be afraid to donate blood; all donor points are provided with disposable and sterile equipment, which makes blood donation safe.

Experts say that in scientifically based doses, regular blood donation is even beneficial. After all, since ancient times, many diseases were treated with blood donations and bloodletting.

Regular donors tolerate blood loss more easily. The body's protective compensatory mechanisms work faster during periods of stress.

And 450 ml of blood is not critical blood loss. It will quickly recover within two hours and will be mobilized from the body.

Donation also has a positive effect on emotional state person, so most donors are active, cheerful people.

Can a donor eat before donating blood?

  1. The most important rule, you cannot donate blood on an empty stomach. Be sure to have breakfast.
  2. Avoid spicy, smoked, fatty and fried foods.
  3. You should not smoke for several hours before the procedure and after donating blood.
  4. It is imperative to get enough sleep and be rested. And to balance fluid in the body, you need to drink more water. Before the procedure, drink sweet tea with something sweet, a bun or cookies.

What to do after donating blood.

  1. Take your time, run immediately, sit quietly for a while.
  2. Do not remove the patch or get it wet for several hours.
  3. Keep your arm bent at the elbow for about 15 minutes, this must be done to prevent bruising.
  4. It is better to wash the next day.
  5. And, of course, drink more water and stay healthy.

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WITH early childhood all people know that in order to organize the treatment of some diseases it is necessary to carry out. The procedure for collecting biomaterial is familiar to everyone, but not everyone knows about the rules of preparation for it. It is worth noting that it is important to approach blood donation with the proper level of responsibility and carry out at least basic preparation.

The order of the latter, by the way, largely depends on the purpose for which the biomaterial is collected. To notify our readers about basic principles preparation for the main types of blood tests, in today's material our resource provides information about what foods can be consumed before the examination, what you should avoid and how to generally prepare for the analysis.

Now that organizing meals before blood tests different types known to all readers of our resource, it would not be amiss to consider the general principles of preparation for this type of examination.

As a rule, restrictions on preparatory activities are not so significant, but their compliance is extremely important to obtain the most accurate and reliable diagnostic result.

IN general list training includes the following:

  1. It is important to stop taking blood 72 hours before blood collection. medicines that have any effect on the state of the blood. The list of these is quite wide, so it is advisable to consult with a treating specialist regarding this issue before conducting the examination.
  2. 48 hours before the test, completely avoid drinking alcohol.
  3. It is advisable to take blood sampling in the morning, since it is during this period of the day that its condition is closest to the actual one and is more convenient for obtaining reliable data on the state of human health.
  4. There is no need to smoke 3 hours before collecting biomaterial, since nicotine has a significant effect on the structural structure of the blood.
  5. Before the analysis, it is extremely important to get a good night’s sleep and first exclude any physical/psychological stress on the body and pathologies that worsen your well-being. If there are any, it is better to postpone the examination for some period of time.

Nutrition before general blood test

Due to the high importance of a blood test, it is important to properly prepare for this procedure, otherwise you will not be able to obtain reliable and most accurate results. As noted earlier, the preparation method directly depends on the purpose for which the biomaterial is collected.

Today our resource will consider basic types of analysis and principles of preparation for them. Let's start, perhaps, with an analysis of nutrition the day before.Firstly, it is important to know that this type diagnostics must be performed on an empty stomach, that is, you cannot eat immediately before the analysis.

It is advisable that the patient take his last meal before blood sampling no earlier than 8 hours before.

In addition, before the analysis you also do not need to quench your thirst with drinks containing alcohol, coffee and tea. It is better to give preference ordinary water. These restrictions are largely due to the fact that a considerable number of products can temporarily modify the composition of the blood, as a result of which the examination results are not as reliable as we would like.

Despite such strict restrictions, for people for whom eating is simply vital even before a blood test, there is a list of products available for consumption even before a test of this type. It includes:

  • all porridges are made with water without butter or sugar
  • bread
  • low-fat cheese
  • fresh vegetables
  • weak tea (no sugar)

It is worth noting that any meal before a general blood test should be light and consist of a small amount of food. It is strictly forbidden to eat meat, fish, smoked foods, sweet products, sugar, all types of oils, fatty and canned foods.

Nutrition before biochemical blood test

Along with the general one, it is a basic method of examining the condition of the human body using red blood cells. General principles training in this method the examinations are very similar to those mentioned earlier.

Blood collection for biochemical analysis It’s not even advisable, but definitely needs to be done on an empty stomach, without drinking coffee, tea or alcohol-containing drinks beforehand.

In addition, it is very important 12-24 hours before the analysis to try to exclude from your diet such foods as:

  • all fried, smoked and fatty foods
  • sparkling water
  • alcohol in any form
  • all sources of animal protein (meat, fish, kidneys, etc.)

It is worth noting that in order to obtain more reliable analysis results, the attending physician may prescribe the patient a fairly strict diet, which must be followed 1-2 days before the examination. Such an event should not be ignored, since the accuracy of the diagnostic results obtained largely determines how effective and how quickly the therapeutic process will proceed.

Also, before a biochemical blood test, it is advisable to refrain from brushing your teeth and not even consuming chewing gum. Surprisingly, even these seemingly harmless things seriously affect final results examinations.

Food before donating blood for sugar

Donating blood for sugar is a more gentle type of examination in terms of preparation for nutrition. Despite the fact that before this procedure it is also recommended not to eat for about 8-12 hours and to donate biomaterial on an empty stomach, many doctors exclude the necessity of such preparation.

However, even taking this fact into account, it must be stated complete absence Diets before donating blood for sugar are not allowed. At a minimum, when planning to undergo this type of diagnosis, a person should avoid the following products:

  • all spicy, sweet and fatty foods
  • bananas
  • oranges, lemons and basically all citrus fruits
  • avocado
  • cilantro
  • milk
  • meat
  • eggs
  • sausage

More information on how to properly prepare for a blood test can be found in the video:

It is important to discard the first half of the products presented above a day before the analysis, and at least 3-5 hours before the analysis from the second half. It is worth noting that when deciding to eat before the procedure, it is permissible to eat:

  • chicken breast
  • noodles
  • rice
  • fresh vegetables
  • dried fruits
  • dried apricots
  • sour apples
  • pears
  • drain

Regardless of the products chosen, their quantity should not be large. Allowed to accept no more than half of normal rate daily meals. In any case, giving on an empty stomach is the best option of all possible, therefore, if such an opportunity exists, it is advisable to take advantage of it and donate the biomaterial after slightly fasting and drinking plain water.

As you can see, preparing to donate blood for testing is not so difficult. The main thing in the preparation process is to adhere to the information presented above. We hope today's material was useful to you. Good health to you!

Blood is the mirror of the body. Most doctors, laboratory technicians and scientists think so. Basically, they are right. For more than a hundred years, humanity has been using the contents of arteries, veins and capillaries to determine the presence of certain diseases. General blood test for this moment is the most commonly used laboratory test.

Almost no doctor will prescribe medications without the results of such an analysis. Thanks to it, you can accurately indicate the number of red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets in the serum, determine the presence of an inflammatory process, and much more.

Can I eat before donating blood? That's the question patients ask their doctors. In most cases the answer will be no. It's all about the specifics of the body's reaction to food. That's why doctors and scientists created special rules, which regulate adequate preparation for laboratory tests.

General blood analysis

The most common type of human research, which does not require special costs or effort on the part of the patient. With its help, you can determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of serum, the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and other important indicators.

It is not recommended to eat when taking a general blood test

The effectiveness of the study directly depends on the attentiveness of the laboratory assistant and the condition of the subject. Often patients once again like to ask their attending physician whether they can eat before donating blood. At the moment there is no single point of view on this issue.

"Don't miss the opportunity to cleanse your body of all toxins and harmful bacteria, as well as restore immunity and normal flora gastrointestinal tract.

In any case, there are a number mandatory rules, which should be adhered to by everyone who wants to have their blood tested qualitatively:

  1. 2-3 days before testing, you must completely stop drinking alcohol.
  2. Smoking should be avoided 2-3 hours before your finger is pierced.
  3. It is advisable to be in a normal emotional state. Stress the day before can negatively affect the effectiveness of the study. This is especially important for small children who are already afraid of the injection itself. They need to explain the need for the procedure and try to reassure them.
  4. Water is allowed. Some doctors allow pregnant women to eat before taking a blood test. Otherwise they will feel bad.
  5. Going to the sauna and bathhouse is prohibited. They significantly distort the conclusions of laboratory technicians.
  6. It is necessary to limit significant ones.

Blood chemistry

biochemical analysis excludes preliminary consumption of food

This study demonstrates in more detail the work of almost all human organs and systems. Compliance with the rules adequate training will allow you to get an accurate and high-quality result, which will help the doctor correctly diagnose and prescribe medications.

It’s a shame when, because a person simply wanted to eat a hamburger before donating blood (or even), they begin to treat him for atherosclerosis. There may be plenty of such examples.

Basic rules that will help prevent diagnostic errors include:

  1. 2-3 days before testing, you need to eliminate physical and nervous stress.
  2. The last meal should be taken no later than 10-12 hours before going to the treatment room.
  3. The best period for collecting biological fluid is considered to be from 8 to 10 am.
  4. Smoking and intake alcoholic drinks prohibited.
  5. Before inserting a needle into a vein, it is advisable to sit quietly for 15-20 minutes.

Many mothers worry whether their child can eat before taking a blood test for biochemistry. In most cases, this is not possible, since this significantly reduces the information content of this survey. It is better to take a tray of food or candy with you and treat your baby immediately after the procedure.

Hormonal mirror

A specific test that can demonstrate the quantitative relationship of certain biological active substances in serum. Depending on what endocrine gland will check, additional rules may arise.

you should not eat before taking a blood test for hormones

These include:

  1. When diagnosing the thyroid gland, it is necessary to exclude all iodine-containing foods from the diet 1 week before the test and, if possible, stop taking medications.
  2. To detect it, it is necessary to carry out the procedure on an empty stomach. Even a cup of tea can cause a rise in glucose levels and cause incorrect interpretation of test results.
  3. In all other cases, the doctor himself assesses the need for compliance and determines whether it is possible to eat before taking a blood test.

We should also talk about the process of blood transfusion. The donor is not obliged to carry out this procedure on an empty stomach. The main thing is not to engage in heavy physical activity the day before, do not eat fried, smoked or spicy food. You should also not consume alcohol or drugs. All this significantly worsens rheological properties serum and interferes with the transfusion process.

In any case, you must listen to your doctor. Only he can objectively assess the patient’s condition and the need for tests.

The child is repeatedly faced with the need to perform a blood test. The results of the analysis of blood components will tell about the pathological processes in children's body, or, conversely, about their absence. They will allow you to quickly make a diagnosis and prescribe therapy. The blood donation procedure requires some preparation that adults should be aware of.

Every child faces the procedure of donating blood.

Why do a general blood test?

The general analysis itself is quite simple, but informative. Blood from the finger of both a small and an adult patient is taken to determine many of its indicators:

Basic rules for preparing for analysis

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In order not to distort the results of the study, many experts prohibit eating before donating blood from a finger prick, but there are other factors that can affect the result. For example, it is affected by certain medications that a small patient may be taking. To make the analysis informative, prepare for it in advance:

  • A visit to the laboratory is planned for early morning, preferably from 7-00 to 10-00. Many laboratories work until 12-14 hours, but it will be difficult for a child who has not had breakfast to wait for this time. In addition, in the afternoon, blood counts change.
  • Before blood sampling, a visit to the X-ray room and physical procedures are not planned. This affects the result.
  • The interval between the last meal on the eve of the test and the blood sampling procedure is 12 hours. An abundance of sweets, baked goods, fried foods in the diet. Otherwise, the laboratory picture will change, especially regarding the number of leukocytes.
  • Allowed to drink in moderate portions clean water without additives, dyes, preservatives and sugars. Teas, compotes, fruit drinks, decoctions, and milk are also prohibited.

Before taking a general blood test, you are allowed to drink clean water in small quantities.
  • In case of ARVI, the test is prescribed to determine the complexity of the course of the disease - it is taken as directed by the doctor. When you have a scheduled visit to the laboratory, acute period respiratory diseases it is canceled and postponed for 1.5-2 weeks from the moment of recovery.
  • It is better to exclude any worries before the procedure and cancel training with increased load.
  • After operations and major interventions, the study is planned a week later.

The laboratory assistant or doctor should be notified of any deviations from the rules. If the patient is taking medications that may affect the interpretation of the analysis, the doctor will advise on what can be done in this case. Sometimes a break in therapy is allowed.

Features of blood sampling for general analysis in infants

As in other cases, to perform clinical analysis, they’ll take it from the baby capillary blood from a finger.

The rule “not to eat before donating blood” does not apply to babies in their first year of life!

Children under 1 year of age are not required (and most often impossible) to go without food:

  • Newborns will have to undergo blood tests more than once in the first week of life. There is no question of abstaining from feeding the baby.
  • It is impossible to explain to babies under one year old why they were not fed before the painful procedure. Breakfast is a must for them - milk, porridge, vegetables, lean meat, depending on what the baby is accustomed to eating. Then there is a break of 3 hours, and you can go to the laboratory. The algorithm is this: wake him up early, feed him, go for a walk and wait right time, go donate blood.
  • Important psychological preparation before delivery. In the evening, the baby is offered a quiet game or shown a cartoon with a doctor character. In the morning they tell him where they are going and why. Be sure to buy a children's scarifier for drawing blood.

Should a child over one year old donate blood on an empty stomach or can he be fed?

General blood test for children over a year old giving up on an empty stomach is an unbreakable rule. It applies to both children and adults. The attending physician needs real indicators of how the patient’s body works.

If there is a suspicion of infectious process, inflammation, exacerbation chronic illness, then this is exactly what the doctor will confirm or refute based on the tests. If the patient is getting better, this should be visible in the study results.

Eating food before the procedure can be reflected in the interpretation of the analysis and lead to a false interpretation, and subsequently to an incorrect diagnosis.

Example: a child was fed before the study, food components, when absorbed into the blood, caused a change in its composition, affecting viscosity, leukocyte formula, ratio of proteins, fats and more. In the transcript, the doctor sees signs of an inflammatory process that are not actually there. Therapy is prescribed that is unnecessary and dangerous for the patient. This outcome will not please any parent.

It’s good if the doctor finds out the reasons for the false readings. If not, then additional examinations and procedures may be prescribed, which is tiring for the baby and ineffective in general.

An exception is made only for small patients suffering diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis (we recommend reading:). Long breaks between meals and donating blood on an empty stomach are contraindicated for them. Before blood tests, such children are recommended to eat a small portion of cereal porridge with water, fresh vegetables or crackers, and cheese.

The conclusion is simple - all other categories of children (over 1 year old) undergo a general blood test strictly on an empty stomach, subject to simple rules. Children are prepared in advance for the procedure and its importance is explained. To make everything go smoothly, the visit to the laboratory is made early in the morning. Then the baby can and should be fed.

The correctness of the data obtained largely depends on the quality preparation for a general (clinical) blood test, so it is very important to know whether a clinical blood test should be taken on an empty stomach or not, and how to prepare for the test in general.

Let us immediately note: in modern medicine There is no single point of view on the question of whether it is worth taking a clinical blood test exclusively on an empty stomach.

There are two opinions: some scientists believe that it is possible and even necessary to eat before the study, while others (the majority of them) argue that it is absolutely forbidden to eat before the clinical analysis. Let's try to consider both points of view in more detail.

Before deciding whether you can eat before a clinical blood test, you need to clearly understand what the study is and why a blood test is performed at all.

Let's start with the fact that a general blood test and a clinical blood test are alternative names for the same study.

This study allows us to identify certain pathological processes, occurring in the human body, and inflammation on initial stages their development.

This is explained by the fact that of all human organs, biofluid is the first to react to inflammation or the development of a particular disease.

A general blood test is taken in a specially equipped clinical laboratory. In most cases, blood is collected from a finger by piercing the skin with a medical needle.

Less often, blood for a general analysis is taken from a vein (from a vein, as a rule, a biofluid is taken for a detailed analysis) and is broken down into indicators on special modern analyzers.

General clinical analysis is used in all areas of medicine. It is given for both diagnostic and preventive purposes.

This study is mandatory upon admission of patients to the hospital and upon discharge from the hospital. Also, a clinical blood test is necessary to monitor the condition of pregnant women.

General analysis liquid tissue allows you to obtain information about a wide variety of blood parameters (in total, it is possible to identify from 10 to 50 indicators).

A clinical analysis that provides information on more than 30 parameters is called extensive.

Unlike an ordinary one, a detailed clinical blood test is taken from a vein (an ordinary general one - most often from a finger) and prepared using more accurate equipment.

So, what does the clinical analysis show?

This study provides information on parameters such as:

  • iron-containing protein hemoglobin and its level;
  • number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, lymphocytes, platelets and their characteristics;
  • hematocrit (the ratio of individual cells to the total volume of blood);
  • erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR);
  • is it in the body? inflammatory process;
  • what is the nature of the disease (bacterial or viral);
  • does the patient have allergic reactions?

So, if the analysis reveals leukocytosis (too a large number of leukocytes) and an elevated ESR, the patient probably has an inflammatory process in the body, liver disease, kidney disease and even cancer are possible.

However, it is impossible to accurately identify the source of inflammation using clinical analysis alone.

To do this, the patient will need to undergo additional examination: It is possible to conduct hardware and other laboratory tests.

As such, contraindications to this study no, the frequency of its implementation is determined by the attending physician.

Preparing to donate blood

As already noted, the question of whether it is possible to eat before a blood test or whether the test is taken exclusively on an empty stomach is debatable.

Most doctors and, accordingly, clinics still do not recommend eating before the test.

Take the test on an empty stomach, they explain medical workers, is necessary because many products consumed by a person immediately before the study can significantly affect the results of the analysis and make them unreliable.

So, if a patient before the procedure, at 8 am, drinks sweet tea with a bun or candy, and at 9 am goes to donate blood, you can’t hope for the correctness of the data obtained - the blood sugar will definitely turn out to be higher than it actually is.

If the patient eats a chop or chicken leg before the test, the test results will show that the blood is much thicker than normal.

In this case, the patient who did not bother to come for the test on an empty stomach will either be treated for diseases that do not exist for him, or will be asked to come for the test again and donate blood.

Obviously, both options are unacceptable.

But in medicine there is another point of view. Some doctors say that it is possible to eat before the procedure, especially if the patient is used to eating breakfast regularly, and a hungry state is unnatural and uncomfortable for him.

Such patients do not have to come to the laboratory on an empty stomach: they can eat their usual breakfast. However, even in this case, you should not eat sweets, fatty and fried foods or meat.

There is also no need to eat before taking blood. dairy products and any unhealthy food (fast food, canned food, sweet carbonated drinks). By the way, it is better to give up the listed types of food the day before the study.

For those who cannot do without breakfast, especially pregnant women and young children, you can eat porridge before taking blood. cereal bar with weak and unsweetened tea, stewed or boiled vegetables, soups not made with meat broth.

Thus, ideally, you should come for analysis on an empty stomach, and immediately after the end of the study you can refresh yourself with a pre-prepared snack (you can take a sandwich, fruit or yogurt with you to the clinic) or go to the buffet.

That is, it is still better to keep the interval between donating blood and eating food at 10 hours.

Considering that most laboratories start working at 8 am, you should just try to arrive early so as not to end up at the back of the queue.

Additional preparation nuances

What else do you need to know when going to a clinical laboratory to donate blood? Before the procedure (preferably one day before the collection), it is not recommended to drink alcohol or smoke.

In addition, it is advisable to protect yourself from strong emotional shocks and physical activity, since all these conditions can significantly affect the quality of the blood.

If less than a week before the date laboratory research the patient suffered serious illness, then it is better to wait until donating blood and allow the body to fully recover.

If the patient requires regular intake of certain pharmaceuticals, and the patient took medication before the study, he must inform the doctor about this.

The results of a clinical analysis are prepared, as a rule, in a day or two in public clinics and only a few hours in private laboratories.

The patient’s attending physician should decipher the results, even if the laboratory forms contain a column with normal values.

After this, after analyzing the data obtained, the specialist decides on further actions.

If there is enough information, the doctor prescribes necessary treatment, if not, additional examination.

After all, if it is possible to identify, for example, an inflammatory process through a blood test, then a specific focus of inflammation is quite problematic.

Also, the attending physician may prescribe a repeat clinical test if, in his opinion, the results of the first study are greatly distorted.