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The use of medical cups. Indications and contraindications for use. Cellulite massage jars

Even 20 years ago, the treatment of colds with glass jars was as popular as mustard plasters. At present, not many people know why they are put on their backs and how to do it correctly so as not to harm the body. This method has contraindications, but if it is used correctly, the cold will recede very quickly and the patient will recover.

Why do they put banks on their backs?

For improvement of metabolic processes biologically required in the body active substances. To provoke their powerful release, it is necessary to accelerate microcirculation, and banks do a good job with this task. To the area of ​​the skin on which it is placed, blood begins to flow intensively, because in this case a vacuum is created. Chinese medicine, from where this method of treatment came to us, still provides for the use of these glass products for pain in the joints, lower back, back, and also with bronchitis.


Before you start using such products at home, it is useful to know what they are. Medical banks differ in their appearance, material of manufacture, methods of installation on the back. So, such products are:

  • Glass. Thanks to them, a vacuum is created as a result of burning air, so an open source of fire must be used. Such vessels are impractical as they can be easily damaged.
  • Vacuum. Such vessels are presented in the form of a polymer flask with a rubber balloon, which helps to squeeze out air when in contact with the skin. Vacuum cans despite high cost, are very popular and are safer because you don't have to use fire.

Indications for use

In addition to the treatment of colds respiratory system, medical banks are useful with intercostal neuralgia, radiculitis, myositis, inflammatory processes in the muscles. Physiotherapeutic procedures with their use effectively eliminate headache or help raise blood pressure when needed.

When coughing

Glass jars are effective in the treatment of cough, but only if the sputum began to depart. Dry cough, which is characteristic of initial stage colds, is a contraindication for the use of such vessels. If the cough is wet, then after several procedures, the patient's condition improves significantly and his recovery is accelerated. When coughing, banks are placed on the back of at least five pieces in one procedure, and the next one is carried out every other day.

With bronchitis

People suffering from bronchitis, banks should be placed with caution and only after such a procedure allowed by the attending physician. They are contraindicated in acute phase, and when it passes, the use of cans in combination with antibiotic therapy is allowed.

The positive effect of their use in the treatment of bronchitis is due to the fact that mucus begins to thin, which provokes attacks. painful cough. medical devices, if they were placed correctly, dilate blood vessels, relieve pain, activate energy processes.

With osteochondrosis

Banks that are placed in osteochondrosis are used as additional funds helping to reduce the severity of the symptoms of this disease. They help relieve muscle spasms as a result of activating cell metabolism. In addition, the benefits of this method with osteochondrosis is that it has a relaxing effect. Medical cups improve blood circulation, remove toxins, accelerate the process of cell regeneration, and increase muscle elasticity.

With pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs is a dangerous and complex disease, the treatment of which is necessarily carried out with the use of antibiotics. In this case, banks are used only as aid. Doctors often do not allow their use, as they can only worsen the situation. Independent application such products are threatened with irreversible processes that may result in a rupture lung tissue or gangrene.


Despite the fact that banks are beneficial in the treatment of many diseases, they can also be harmful. Thanks to the vacuum created, they perfectly treat some diseases, while in others it is invalid method treatment. Medical banks can cause harm in the following conditions and diseases:

  • pregnancy;
  • heart failure;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • exhaustion;
  • fever, fever;
  • skin diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • up to three years of age.

How to set banks correctly?

To use glass medical jars brought only benefit, they should be set correctly. Preparation for such a procedure and actions after its completion are similar for both types of product.

In addition to cans, the procedure will require:

  • alcohol;
  • petrolatum;
  • cotton wool;
  • tweezers;
  • towel.

When setting glass jars, the patient lies on his stomach, and his back is smeared with a thin layer of petroleum jelly. Sometimes any fatty cream is used instead. Cotton is wound around the tweezers so that it resembles a wick. Then it is moistened with alcohol or cologne and set on fire. Burning torch for a second placed in a jar, which is held with the hole down. After that, it is immediately applied to the patient's body, the skin is immediately drawn into the jar and becomes purple. It is forbidden to use kerosene, gasoline, acetone and other explosive substances instead of alcohol.

Vacuum banks put much easier. They do not need to be set on fire or otherwise prepared. The back of the patient is abundantly lubricated with fir or massage oil, after which the vessel is tightly compressed and placed in the required place. In this area, the patient should feel a pleasant warmth.

After installing the cans, the patient is covered with a blanket or towel. Keep them should be no more than 10 - 15 minutes. At this time, you need to keep the condition of the products under control, and also make sure that severe hematomas do not occur. After the procedure is completed, they are removed one by one, deviating each of them to the side and slightly pressing a finger on the skin at their edge. Banks with a balloon are removed much easier, just press a little on the balloon. The skin must be wiped with napkins or a towel. After that, the patient should wrap up warmly for 20-30 minutes.

In diseases of the respiratory system, these products are placed on the back. If the patient has a rather thick hairline, then the hair is shaved in advance, since the vessels will not hold. It is permissible to put them on the chest.

For the treatment of pneumonia or bronchitis, banks are placed on the sides of the spine or under the shoulder blades. And for the treatment of muscle sprains and myositis, they are placed directly on sore spot. It is forbidden to put them on the area of ​​​​the kidneys, heart, mammary glands women and on the spine, as this can be harmful to health.

Thus, although the treatment of diseases with banks continues to be carried out at the present time, doctors do not have a consensus on whether this method is effective and completely safe. But still, this procedure has the right to life, as it can cure quite serious diseases.

Over the years of human existence, many methods of treating diseases have been invented. Some of them are in the past, while others are still actively used by specialists in traditional and official medicine. There are also some controversial methods of treatment, the use of which is fiercely debated. Just one of them are medical banks. How to put them? Let's talk about this, as well as about what benefits and harms can be from their use and what are the known indications of a medical bank and contraindications for treatment with their assistance.

These glass products have been popular for more than a dozen years. Not so long ago, they were widely used to treat colds, but now many doctors are quite skeptical about this method of therapy. So, in some countries, medical banks are completely banned. But we can buy them in a pharmacy. Who is right in this case?

The benefits of a medical jar

The practice of applying this method of therapy came to us from China. Ancient healers believed that the use of cups could increase resistance human body to the aggressive environment. During the contact of the jar and the patient's body, the skin is sucked into such a simple design. Thanks to this, the processes of blood circulation are stimulated, the cells of the body also begin to renew themselves, and the metabolism improves.

Many people are skeptical about jars, because after their use, round bruises remain on the skin. But adherents of this method of therapy are sure that bruises are actually blood effusion through vascular walls. And in its composition there is not only blood, but also particles of the plasma protein substrate, and biologically active elements, represented by histamine, prostaglandins, neurotransmitters, hormones, etc. Just all these substances help restore the body's defenses. At the same time, the more intense the spots become after the procedure, the more toxins and other aggressive substances are in the body.

What are the indications for medical jars for use?

Our grandmothers used cans not only in the treatment of a common cold. They were used in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia, but only after some normalization of the patient's condition and stabilization of temperature indicators.

It is also known that banks help to cope with a headache, painful sensations in the back, as well as with similar discomfort localized in the back, joints or lower back. This method of therapy was used in the correction of dizziness, asthma and even diarrhea.

The practice of using pharmacy glass jars has now found its way into vacuum therapy. At the same time, at home, treatment can be carried out even with the help of ordinary mayonnaise jars, or even larger ones - half a liter and even seven hundred grams.

Those who specialize in the use of pharmaceutical jars assure that this correction method can help in the treatment of osteochondrosis and muscle spasms. Banks treat sciatica and lumbago, bronchitis and chronic pneumonia. Among other things, this method of exposure is used in therapy bronchial asthma, some diseases of the heart and blood vessels, ulcerative lesions bodies digestive tract etc.

How to put medical cups on a patient?

In order to put the jars, you need to wrap cotton wool around a stick, dip it in alcohol, and then set it on fire. A burning cotton wool must be inserted into the neck of the jar (to burn out oxygen and thereby make the space under the glass more rarefied), and then removed from there and immediately put the jar on the patient's body. She should immediately fixate on it. The skin rushes into the rarefied space and thus the jar sticks to the skin. The duration of the first procedure is about one minute, and the second is already more, about fifteen minutes. The manipulation itself should cause only pleasant warmth; when pain occurs, the cans must be immediately eliminated. To do this, you just need to take the bank in right hand, and left click on the skin. After a little air gets under the jar, it will immediately be removed. The optimal break between procedures is a day, and preferably two to three days. Each time it is necessary to place banks on new areas of the skin.

Known Contraindications medical jars

Adherents of treatment with glass jars recognize that this therapy is not for everyone. So, this procedure is not performed for serious heart ailments, for any infectious diseases, which are in acute stage development.

Medical banks are contraindicated in case of sclerosis or vascular thrombosis, and they are not used in case of significant depletion of the body. Among other things, such treatment is not performed if the patient's skin has lost its elasticity, and with some other pathologies (tumors, mental disorders, skin ailments, tuberculosis, steroid use, bleeding, clotting problems, hypertension). Still banks can not be used during the period of bearing a child and with any increase in temperature. Therefore, readers of "Popular about Health" should definitely consult a doctor before using these products.

Will medical banks harm in any way?

Doctors explain the ban on the use of medical jars by the fact that such devices can contribute to a deeper penetration of infectious agents into the body. So, American scientists are sure that such therapy can play its insidious role in the development of pneumonia. Also, some doctors point to the harm of medical cups for pneumonia because of the danger of provoking a rupture of the lung tissue.

Therefore, in no case should you use cups for self-treatment without consulting a doctor.

Facilities traditional medicine have the widest distribution on the territory of Russia and post-Soviet countries. There is a lot of controversy about their effectiveness. These techniques include the production of medical jars. This method does not have an evidence base, but is still used by a huge number of people. Treatment with banks is prescribed by a doctor to alleviate the patient's condition, but, despite this, self-treatment is widespread.

What is the effectiveness of treatment with medical banks? Firstly, this item, due to the vacuum created, improves blood circulation in the skin, as well as in deep tissues and even organs. Secondly, the use of the jar promotes the movement of lymph, which provides:

  • cell strengthening immune system to fight local infection;
  • removal of inflammation and edema due to the outflow of interstitial fluid into the lymphatic channel;
  • improved oxygenation and tissue nutrition.

Improving tissue metabolism is one of the most important advantages of banking.

Among the other positive effects of banking therapy are:

  1. Strengthening the vascular wall.
  2. Increase muscle tone and increase their elasticity.
  3. Rejuvenating effect for the skin - cupping procedures give it elasticity.

Accordingly, banks not only have a healing effect on the body, but also occupy a serious niche in aesthetic medicine.

Types of cans used

Medical banks are easy-to-use equipment.

They are of several types.

Fully glass jars- the oldest representative of this technology. These cups are difficult to use and there is a risk of burns when placed.

The use of such items requires experience. The procedure begins with lubricating the surface of the jar with petroleum jelly or glycerin. Cotton wool is taken with tweezers, from which a wick is formed, which will later be moistened in ethyl alcohol. This whole structure is set on fire and placed under the jar for 1-2 seconds in order to heat it up. The jar is then placed on the surface of the skin. The hot air in it is cooled to room temperature and compressed, thereby pulling the skin into the middle of the device. As a result, a vacuum is created. A person lies with jars for about ten minutes, covered with a blanket, until the skin turns red or burgundy. Then the cans are alternately removed by carefully tilting the object and simultaneously pressing the skin. When all devices are removed, the skin is wiped with gauze or cotton.

This type of cans is installed only on areas with developed subcutaneous fatty tissue - on the back in the area between the shoulder blades, under the shoulder blades, on the lumbar region.

The second type is polymer or glass jars with a vacuum bottle at the top, which allows you to set the jar in one easy movement without the use of high temperature. Now they are more popular, and are used not only for local setting, but also for vacuum massage, especially the popular anti-cellulite massage, which is performed with their help. The technique of working with such cans is more dynamic and involves moving the can over the skin.

The third type of cans are rubber cans, which are installed by pressing on the item itself. This type of device is significantly inferior to the previous two in efficiency, since it does not create a vacuum effect of the necessary force. Such cans are more often used in more sensitive areas - for massaging the skin on the chest and neck. Banks of smaller sizes are used for facial massage.

The harm and benefits of cans on the back have been widely studied. positive impact far outweigh the possible side effects.

Diseases for which medical cups are used

Banks are used to treat various diseases and health problems.

Often these are problems with the respiratory system, which include the common cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, and bronchial asthma.

Thus, diseases that have a cough in their course are an indication for vacuum therapy. The use of cans in this case helps to improve the discharge of sputum from the bronchi, by increasing mucociliary clearance, in addition, by improving blood circulation, the bronchi expand, which facilitates breathing. Another positive effect for the respiratory system - it is an improvement in blood oxygenation.

Regarding whether it is useful to put cans on the back with others more serious illnesses, it's hard to say for sure. For example, with tuberculosis, the presence of bleeding in the lungs, sclerotic changes and cancer respiratory organ, banks are strictly contraindicated.

Another group of diseases for which treatment with this method is recommended is diseases of the peripheral nervous system, muscles and bones. Therapeutic vacuum massage is excellent for intercostal neuralgia, if the patient suffers from sciatica or myositis.

In this case, cupping therapy helps to relax and reduce pain.

Contraindications for cupping treatment

Cupping is a therapeutic approach widely used in sports medicine.

The application of the procedure has a strengthening and relaxing effect, which helps athletes recover faster after physical exertion.

Before the procedure, you should make sure that the person has no contraindications to its use.

Therapy vacuum jars cannot be used for:

  1. Fever - banks can only contribute to an increase in temperature.
  2. Allergic reactions to any substances used: petroleum jelly, glycerin or ethanol. They are also contraindicated in heat urticaria.
  3. In the presence of wounds and skin lesions - additional damage during vacuum massage will aggravate skin damage.
  4. With severe exhaustion - a lack of subcutaneous fatty tissue is fraught with severe hemorrhages in tissues and organs.
  5. If the patient is in an excited state, the use of cans is contraindicated due to the tonic effect on the body.
  6. Pregnancy on early dates- increased risk of miscarriage.
  7. Availability malignant neoplasms- blood flow to the tumor can provoke its increased growth.
  8. Cardiovascular disease and changes in blood circulation can increase the load on the myocardium.

And yet, putting banks is useful or harmful? Objectively evaluating all the data on the use of cans, it becomes clear that one should not expect a special healing effect from their use. Any medical worker will prescribe such therapy only as aid to the main treatment. Of course, pneumonia is best treated with antibiotics, and asthma with bronchodilators. But sometimes evidence-based medicine is not enough to help the patient to the fullest, then such folk methods. Reviews of treatment with banks are most often positive, since the only really significant negative side their use is a possible lack of effect. But even this minus fully compensates for self-hypnosis.

Cupping therapy is not harmful, but there is no direct evidence regarding the benefits of their use. Patients praise this method, which means that there is an effect, respectively. Use vacuum therapy banks is a personal decision of each person.

medical banks. Harm or benefit? How to apply correctly? Video

Medical banks have been used for a long time. Our grandmothers also put them on time, because it was believed that this universal remedy at respiratory infections. Now the opinions of doctors are divided. In America, for example, banks have been banned for twenty years. So is it still useful to put them or is it better to refrain from this procedure?

In Russia banks no one forbade, they are sold in many pharmacies. However, there is no consensus among doctors about the benefits or harms of this treatment method.

First in medical purposes banks began to use the Chinese. They believed that this procedure increases the body's resistance to the harmful effects of the external environment. , activates blood circulation and vital energy"qi".

When the jar touches the patient's body, the skin is sucked in. This leads to an increase in blood flow to this site. Banks actively stimulate blood circulation, renewal of body cells, improve metabolism.

What can medical banks cure?

Moreover, not only mild colds were treated with a similar method, but bronchitis and pneumonia, provided that acute period already behind and the temperature of the patient returned to normal.

It was believed that banks help with headaches, pain in the abdomen, back, lower back, joints. They were treated (and still do it in Chinese medicine) dizziness , cough , asthma and even diarrhea .

And today the so-called vacuum therapy, which just uses cans of different sizes and configurations. They say that even ordinary mayonnaise, as well as half-liter and seven-hundred-gram containers are used at home.

Proponents of medical cupping they have no doubt that in this way it is possible to save a person from osteochondrosis, muscle spasms, sciatica, lumbago, bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma, diseases of the cardiovascular system, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, etc.

One of the reasons for people's dislike for treatment with banks are bruises that remain on the skin after the procedure. It’s embarrassing then in public (in a bathhouse, for example, or in a pool) to appear with a spotted back.

Spots remind regular bruising. But doctors who are engaged in vacuum gradient therapy (a method of deep study of tissues) believe that these are not hematomas at all, but "blood through the walls of blood vessels." In their opinion, it contains "not only blood elements, but also plasma protein substrates, biologically active substances - histamine, prostaglandins, neurotransmitters, hormones, and others." They also contribute to the restoration of the body's defenses.

Moreover, experts say, by the color of the spots after the procedure, you can tell how far the disease has gone and how clogged with toxins the body is.

If we are not talking about complex diseases, you can be treated with medical cups at home. Banks will help eliminate pain that occurs in the neck, back, lower back, with high blood pressure, insomnia, headache, overwork.

Who should not put medical cups?

Of course, not everyone can bet banks. It is forbidden to do this:

Banks put as follows: cotton wool is wound on a stick, it is dipped in alcohol and lit. A burning stick is brought through the neck into a jar, removed from there, and the jar is immediately placed on the patient's body. It should stick to the skin.

You have to watch out for so that the banks are sucked thoroughly- otherwise decreases therapeutic effect. The first time they should stand no longer than one minute; from the second - already 15 minutes.

During the procedure, the patient should have a pleasant feeling of warmth. If he suddenly feels pain, banks should be removed immediately. If there is a need to repeat the treatment, then the interval between procedures should be at least one day, and preferably two to three days. Wherein banks should be put in new places.

It still causes discussions among specialists of official and informal medicine. The method is considered contradictory, mysterious. At the same time, it has long proved to be extremely effective, while remaining simple and affordable to use.

A bit of history

Vacuum for treatment was used in ancient times. This knowledge, passed down from generation to generation, formed the methods that have survived to this day. The first evidence of their use was recorded in ancient egypt. In one of the temples, which was built more than two thousand years ago, they found images of medical cups. The ancients used not glass as a material, but copper, bronze and even animal horns.

In China, they also knew and used official medicine came to use the method through this country. Chinese jars were made from bamboo and ceramics. They knew exactly what diseases and how to apply them.

In Europe, barbers also had pots in their arsenal. However, the application was different than in the East. They were simply substituted so that blood would drain better from specially incised skin. It was believed that bloodletting was able to "pull out" diseases.

Over time, treatment with cups became more competent, and in the middle of the 19th century, the Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov scientifically substantiated it, calling his method external vacuum aspiration.

Operating principle

Banks today are glass (with and without a balloon), plastic and silicone. The most effective are those made of glass. The vacuum in them is created by burning air. The action of a jar with and without a balloon is practically the same. By suction to the skin, the patient's blood circulation and lymph flow are stimulated. Moreover, this occurs both in the skin and in deep tissues. The beneficial effect even reaches internal organs. Due to this, the tissues receive the nutrition they need, and the inflammation quickly goes away.

Traditional massage is also considered, which promotes muscle activity and skin elasticity.


Although there are currently no clear criteria for the use of cups, experienced healers have been successfully treating cups for a long time, especially for inflammation in the area. chest such as bronchitis or pneumonia. They are also used for sciatica, intercostal neuralgia and myositis.


Like any method, it has contraindications for use. Often banks put their loved ones without a doctor's prescription. If a person knows how to do it and in what cases, then it’s good. However, some restrictions, and sometimes even a direct ban, must be taken into account. So, treatment with banks is contraindicated in the following diseases: pulmonary tuberculosis; cancer; bleeding from the lungs; fever exhaustion; high temperature. For some patients, it is better not to use them on sensitive skin.

The action of cans

Doctors often compare jars with mustard plasters and offer the patient one of these types to choose from. A vacuum is formed in the jar placed on the skin. It sucks the skin, breaks the capillaries, thereby provoking hemorrhages. But this process only helps to stimulate blood circulation and lymph movement. Then the tissues are better saturated with blood, and the inflammation goes away.

How to put banks

It is important to learn how to apply the method correctly. For the procedure, it is necessary to prepare petroleum jelly, cotton wool with a towel, alcohol and tweezers. Traditionally, the patient is laid on his stomach, he wraps his arms around a pillow. The back is first lightly lubricated with Vaseline. If not, you can use a fat cream. Cotton is wound on the tweezers. The resulting wick is soaked in alcohol and set on fire. Literally for a second, it is substituted under the jar, holding it with the hole down, after which it is immediately applied to the body. At the same time, the skin is retracted and acquires a purple hue. During burning, in no case should you touch the edges of the jar, as the glass heats up and there is a risk of burns.

After the required number of cans has already been delivered, the patient is covered with a blanket and left for a quarter of an hour. During the entire session, the person's condition should be monitored and observed so that severe hematomas do not form. Remove cans at a slight slope by easy pressure on the skin at their edge. After the procedure, the skin is wiped, and then the patient is well wrapped up and laid in a warm bed for half an hour.

How to put silicone vacuum jars? This is even easier. They do not need to be set on fire or to do other manipulations. It is enough to lubricate the patient's back with oil, squeeze the jar and place it on Right place. Removal also occurs by light pressure.

Where to put

In case of respiratory diseases, banks are placed on the back. This traditional method. Those whose skin is covered with hair are shaved beforehand. Banks are also placed on the chest.

With bronchitis and pneumonia, medical glass jars are placed opposite each other on both sides of the spine at a distance of 2-3 centimeters. Another pair is installed under the shoulder blades. With myositis and muscle sprains, they are placed directly on the problem area. When setting, pay attention to the skin. It is better to avoid those places where there are moles, warts and papillomas.
There are zones on the body where this method is not used. This is the region of the mammary glands in women, as well as the spine, kidneys, and heart.

How often to bet

Before proceeding with the procedure and directly during it, it is necessary to monitor the patient. The temperature should not be higher than 37 degrees and not increase during the day. If there are no contraindications, then the course lasts up to a week. Treatment with banks is carried out every other day. It's better to bet every time different places so as not to affect the hematoma, if any.

Bruises will pass no earlier than in half a month. Therefore, if you are planning a trip to the sea or appearing at an evening in an open dress in the near future, then it is better to take other methods of treatment, for example, use mustard plasters.


In addition to setting in certain places, a very common method is massage with jars. To complete it, you need only one bank. It is very important that the patient takes comfortable position and relaxed.

As with installation, vacuum cupping treatment by massage is carried out on lubricated skin. To do this, use Vaseline or special
Compared to the above, this procedure very painful. Therefore, it is best to use cans with a balloon, where the suction power can be easily adjusted and changed depending on the areas being massaged. After the procedure, it is not necessary to save lying position. However, it will take half an hour to rest in the warmth.

This method gives excellent results in the treatment of cellulite. The impact is based, in particular, on the rush of blood to problem areas. There are improvements metabolic processes in the tissues, immunity increases and, as a result, the normal structure of the skin begins to recover. The effect of medical cans on the skin is as follows:

  • due to improved lymphatic drainage fat cells dissolve in cellulite tubercles;
  • blood flow and circulation through the vessels increases and accelerates, the same happens in fat cells, due to this they are better broken down;
  • the skin is smoothed and becomes more elastic.

Execution technique

Let's learn the basic rules of how to massage using Chinese cups. Before the procedure, take a shower and apply anti-cellulite cosmetics.

So, for starters, take a comfortable position. It should be such that the entire area can be easily affected. At the same time, the muscles relax.
The skin is lubricated with lotion or special composition from essential oils. Apply the remedy and make hands light massage, give a few minutes for it to be absorbed, and then proceed to the procedure.

Using a silicone jar, it is squeezed and leaned against the skin, unclenching. First, the degree of suction is made minimal. If the surface of the thigh is being processed, then you should move from the bottom up, and then with wavy and zigzag movements.

Gradually, suction is made stronger, but there should not be excessive pain, otherwise hematomas will remain on the skin. For each zone, the massage should be about ten minutes.

Cans are opened as follows: bruises may remain after the procedure, but cellulite will gradually decrease.
Severe hematomas can be avoided if you do not stop during the session.

The course usually lasts a month or a half, depending on the sensitivity of the skin. You don't need to massage every day. It is best to repeat the procedure every other day, a maximum of two. After it, it is good to apply an anti-cellulite cream on the skin and wrap it using cling film. Then the effect of the procedure will increase significantly. Many women who have tried this method say that the skin becomes much more elastic after the procedures, and cellulite disappears. Cosmetologists advise to consolidate the effect, repeat the course after a month break.

To achieve what you want in the fight against cellulite, you need to show perseverance and patience. One or two procedures will not lead to anything. But if you conduct a whole course, not being lazy and not forgetting, then positive result won't keep you waiting long.
It turns out that the benefits and harms of medical cups entirely depend on how they are used. During massage, the same contraindications apply as during staging. But, in addition to this, varicose veins are added to them. Then the vacuum massage on the legs will have to be abandoned.