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Cupping is contraindicated. Places for applying vacuum cans, where to put them? Therapeutic effects of cupping massage

Medical cups are used for inflammatory processes in organs chest(bronchitis, pneumonia), intercostal neuralgia, radiculitis, myositis. Typically, cups are placed on the back, lower back and front right of the chest. Cups should not be placed on the heart area, shoulder blades, mammary glands, or areas of damaged skin.

Cupping is used for a local flow of blood and lymph from deep-lying tissues to the skin, as well as for the purpose of changing the movement of bad juices in the body. Wherein small vessels overflow with blood, burst and a hematoma is formed, which subsequently resolves. This has an irritating and distracting effect. The organ heated by the cups can attract blood or return it to its natural place from which it was displaced, for example, due to a hernia.

It is recommended to place jars in the middle or at the end of the lunar month, preferably in the second and third hours after sunrise. It is not advisable to do this after a bath for those suffering from hemophilia and anemia. In this case, after visiting the bathhouse, they need to rest quietly for 1 hour and only after that put the jars on.

How are banks placed?
Before the procedure, to soften and better fit the cups, wipe the skin and lubricate it with Vaseline or cream. Wash and dry jars before use. Wrap a piece of cotton wool around the end of a stick or knitting needle and secure it carefully. Hold the jar with one hand with the hole down next to the surface of the skin, and with the other hand momentarily insert a lighted swab moistened with alcohol into the jar, being careful not to touch its edges, so as not to burn the patient.

After removing the burning tampon from the jar, immediately press it tightly to the skin with its entire circumference. The burning tampon creates a vacuum inside the jar, so that the jar sticks to the skin and stays on it atmospheric pressure, while simultaneously drawing the skin within the circumference of the jar inward. Cover with a towel and leave the jars on the skin for 5-15 minutes. The patient should lie still.

To remove the can, tilt it with one hand and lightly press on the skin at the very edge of the can with the other hand, allowing air to enter, after which the can will immediately come off. If the can is difficult to remove, you should take a rag or sponge that is almost wet hot water, and pre-steam the area around the jar.

Why and for whom are banks needed?

# Children can be given cups starting from the second year of life. After 60 years, banks should not be used.

# At excruciating pain in the abdomen and uterus that occur during menstruation, especially in girls, cups are placed on the navel.

# For inflammation sciatic nerve banks bet on outside hips.

# Cupping on the inner thighs helps with pain in the hips and heels, hemorrhoids, hernia and gout.

# Attaching a jar to anus diverts blood from the whole body and head, it is good for the intestines and cures disorders menstrual cycle.

# Banks to the occipital cavity help with a feeling of heaviness in the eyebrows and eyelids, and are also beneficial when the eye itches and bad smell iso. mouth

# Cupping between the shoulder blades relieves pain in the shoulder and head.

# Cupping on one of the jugular veins helps with head tremors and pain in the face, ears, eyes, throat or nose.

# Banks placed on the calves of the legs purify the blood and intensify menstruation.

# Banks on the protrusion of the back of the head and crown are useful for mental disorders and dizziness, but you can put them in this place only occasionally and for a short time.

# Cupping under the chin is good for the teeth, face and throat - this procedure cleanses the head and jaw.

# Cupping on the front of the thighs helps with tumors of the testicles and abscesses on the thighs and legs, and in the back - with tumors and abscesses on the buttocks.

# Cupping under the knee relieves shooting pain in the knee.

# Cupping on the heels helps with delayed menstruation, inflammation of the sciatic nerve and gout.

Vacuum cans are one of the simplest and most accessible tools for home massage and conducting health treatments. What is the principle of their operation and what results can they achieve? What is the difference different types and are they difficult to use?

The use of vacuum cans for treatment and massage has a long history. This knowledge comes from traditional Chinese medicine. The effect is based on the laws of physics: when a zone appears, more low pressure liquid always rushes there.

The traditional procedure was carried out as follows. Inside the jar, usually bamboo, very rarefied air was created using fire. Then the neck was easily glued to the patient's skin, and the flesh was sucked into the reservoir. Blood and lymph immediately began to flow to this point, and the metabolic processes. Sometimes hematomas of impressive size formed, which were used for diagnosis. It was believed that a strong reaction was evidence of congestion, problems with blood vessels and even work internal organs. Indeed, when treatment with vacuum cups was carried out, subsequent procedures no longer left such pronounced imprints on the body, or even any traces at all.

The therapeutic effect of the procedures is not recognized official medicine, although several decades ago glass fire jars in our country were prescribed by doctors to patients with colds and bronchitis. At the same time, the effectiveness of cupping massage is quite difficult to deny: it gives quick visible results.

Method of application and effect

For therapeutic procedures The jars are statically installed at certain points. Depending on the patient’s complaints and diagnostic results, the specialist determines the duration and intensity of exposure.

Banks are also used dynamically; they are moved along the skin, following certain lines. This is how vacuum massage is produced, which is used for weight loss, as well as for cosmetic purposes. The procedure allows you to achieve the following results:

  • improvement of metabolism, tissue nutrition;
  • healthy complexion, overall transformation;
  • activation of collagen production: reduction in the number of wrinkles, skin elasticity;
  • removal of excess fluid, reduction of swelling;
  • anti-cellulite effect;
  • relieving back pain, preventing osteochondrosis;
  • relief from bronchitis, colds
  • and others.

Types of massage cups

Massage cups can be made from different materials, but their operating principle is the same. They are successfully used by both professionals and anyone who wants to master massage techniques at home. Often found on sale the following types vacuum cans:

  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • rubber;
  • silicone;
  • with valve;
  • with pump;
  • magnetic.


Unlike medical devices used in the treatment of bronchitis in Soviet years, modern glass massage cups do not require manipulation with fire, alcohol or special skill. They are equipped with a rubber bulb on top, which must be pressed and the required amount of air released before installing the product on the skin.

Cans are sold individually or in sets. As a rule, they differ in purpose - therapeutic, anti-cellulite, cosmetic. The former are used for neck and back massage for the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis and radiculitis. The latter help to work with subcutaneous fat, have the largest reservoir diameter (usually 50 mm), and are suitable for the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. Cosmetic jars can have a diameter of 10 mm and help improve blood circulation and skin condition.

The advantage of glass is that it is hypoallergenic, easy to clean and disinfect, does not absorb odors, and does not stain. The downside is fragility, the possibility of chips that injure the skin.

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Plastic pneumatic cans have many fans among amateurs and professionals. They are made from special polymer material, which is easily compressed and then returns to its original shape. The product resembles a transparent cap with a tight ring at the bottom. It needs to be squeezed with your fingers and placed on previously prepared skin (warmed by stroking and covered with oil, gel or cream). A small amount of tissue will be drawn into the jar.

The massage is done along certain lines corresponding to the direction of blood and lymph flow in this part of the body. Usually instructions with diagrams are included in the kit. Indications for use: respiratory diseases, cellulite. Massage also has a rejuvenating effect cosmetic procedures for face and body.

Usually these jars are round in cross-section, but the oval version is also used for anti-cellulite procedures. In addition, many people liked the “Tulip” massager. It has a textured surface, and therefore grips tissue with less force, does not leave bruises, and is suitable for those with sensitive skin.

Polymer products are short-lived, but their price is low. They are sold individually and in sets.

Rubber and silicone

These banks are especially popular. Their materials are similar in properties, but silicone has more advantages:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • does not absorb;
  • does not stain;
  • has no odor of its own;
  • always soft, does not require immersion warm water before the procedure.

Rubber cans are a little cheaper, but the price difference is not significant.

The scope of application of these products is the same as those described above. They differ in diameter and are used on the face and different areas bodies. Their shape is generally better than that of glass and plastic jars: it fits better in the hand and is more convenient for a beginner.

You can buy such massagers in pharmacies and beauty and health stores.

Thematic material:

With valve

One of the first tasks when working with jars is to get the pressure inside the tank correct. If you do not pump out enough air, the massage procedure will be ineffective and the can will begin to peel off from the surface. If the pressure inside is too low, painful sensations and there will be bruises on the skin.

Banks with a valve allow you to set the same mode every time. Having experimented once and made sure that this pressure is comfortable, you can simply install the valve in the same position the next time without thinking. When massaging more sensitive areas, it is easy to change the settings in advance.

With pump

Pump cans also allow you to regulate the pressure created by the vacuum. They are installed on the desired areas of the body, and then the air is pumped out of them. In the case of glass or silicone jars, it is impossible to achieve accuracy; it all depends on how hard you press the bulb or body. Another convenient point is that the pump is not connected directly to the tank, but using a flexible hose. This allows, for example, to install cans on your back or other hard-to-reach areas of the body.

The pump and attachments for it are sold in large sets and belong to a different price category than the options from the beginning of the list. However, it is possible to purchase accessories separately.

Jars with a pump and valve are additionally equipped with magnets. Installed on the right points, they give approximately the same effect as acupuncture needles.


Although banking massage brings visible benefits, like any medical procedure, it has contraindications. Among them:

  • skin diseases;
  • open wounds;
  • fractures;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • varicose veins (cannot be installed close to affected veins);
  • heat;
  • hypertension in the acute stage;
  • Patients with an installed pacemaker are not recommended to use magnetic cups without consulting their doctor.

In the absence of contraindications, following the instructions and choosing suitable cups for home massage, you can carry out procedures frequently, improving the technique and achieving positive results.

Vacuum can sets with pump

Set of 12 pieces

Even 20 years ago, treatment of colds using glass jars was as popular as mustard plasters. Currently, not many people know why they are placed on their backs and how to do it correctly so as not to harm the body. This method has contraindications, but if it is used correctly, the cold will subside very quickly and the patient will recover.

Why do they put cans on their backs?

For improvement of metabolic processes biologically required in the body active substances. To provoke their powerful release, it is necessary to accelerate microcirculation, and cups cope well with this task. Blood begins to flow intensely to the area of ​​the skin on which it is placed, because in this case a vacuum is created. Chinese medicine, where this method of treatment came to us, still involves the use of these glass products for pain in the joints, lower back, back, as well as for bronchitis.


Before you start using such products at home, it is useful to know what they are. Are different medical banks his appearance, material of manufacture, methods of installation on the back. So, there are such products:

  • Glass. Thanks to them, a vacuum is created as a result of burning out air, so it is necessary to use an open source of fire. Such vessels are impractical as they can be easily damaged.
  • Vacuum. Such vessels are presented in the form of a polymer flask with a rubber balloon, which helps squeeze out air upon contact with the skin. Vacuum banks, despite high cost, are very popular and are safer because you don't have to use fire.

Indications for use

In addition to treating colds respiratory system, medical cups are useful for intercostal neuralgia, radiculitis, myositis, inflammatory processes in the muscles. Physiotherapeutic procedures using them effectively eliminate headache or help improve arterial pressure, when it is necessary.

When coughing

Glass jars are effective in the treatment of cough, but only if the sputum begins to come out. A dry cough, which is characteristic of the initial stage of a cold, is a contraindication for the use of such vessels. If the cough is wet, then after several procedures the patient’s condition significantly improves and his recovery accelerates. When coughing, at least five cups are placed on the back in one procedure, and the next one is carried out every other day.

For bronchitis

People suffering from bronchitis should use cupping with caution and only after such a procedure will be permitted by the attending physician. They are contraindicated when acute phase, and when it passes, then the use of cups in combination with antibacterial therapy is allowed.

The positive effect of their use in the treatment of bronchitis is due to the fact that the mucus begins to liquefy, which provokes attacks painful cough. Medical products, if they were placed correctly, dilate blood vessels, relieve pain, and activate energy processes.

For osteochondrosis

Banks, which are placed for osteochondrosis, are used as additional means, helping to reduce the severity of symptoms of this disease. They help relieve muscle spasms as a result of activating cell metabolism. In addition, the benefits of this method for osteochondrosis is that it has a relaxing effect. Medical cupping improves blood circulation, removes toxins, accelerates the process of cell regeneration, and increases muscle elasticity.

For pneumonia

Pneumonia is a dangerous and complex disease that must be treated with antibiotics. In this case, banks are used only as aid . Doctors often do not allow their use, as they can only worsen the situation. Independent use such products are at risk of irreversible processes that may result in rupture lung tissue or gangrene.


Despite the fact that cupping is beneficial in the treatment of many diseases, it can also cause harm. Thanks to the vacuum created, they perfectly treat some diseases, while for others it is invalid method treatment. Medical cups can cause harm under the following conditions and diseases:

  • pregnancy;
  • heart failure;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • exhaustion;
  • fever, high temperature;
  • skin diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • age up to three years.

How to place banks correctly?

To use glass medical jars brought only benefits, they should be placed correctly. Preparation for such a procedure and actions after its completion are similar for both types of products.

In addition to cans, the procedure will require:

  • alcohol;
  • petrolatum;
  • cotton wool;
  • tweezers;
  • towel.

When placing glass jars, the patient lies on his stomach, and his back is lubricated with a thin layer of Vaseline. Sometimes any fatty cream is used instead. Cotton is wound around the tweezers so that it resembles a wick. Then it is moistened with alcohol or cologne and set on fire. Burning torch for a second placed in a jar, which is held with the hole down. After this, it is immediately applied to the patient’s body, the skin is immediately drawn into the jar and becomes purple in color. It is prohibited to use kerosene, gasoline, acetone and other explosive substances instead of alcohol.

Vacuum cans are much easier to install. They do not need to be set on fire or prepared in any way. The patient's back is generously lubricated with fir or massage oil, after which the vessel is tightly compressed and placed in the required place. The patient should feel pleasant warmth in this area.

After installing the cups, the patient is covered with a blanket or towel. They should be kept for no more than 10 - 15 minutes. At this time, you need to keep the condition of the products under control, and also ensure that severe hematomas do not occur. After completing the procedure, they are removed one by one, tilting each of them to the side and lightly pressing your finger on the skin at their edge. Cans with a balloon are much easier to remove; you just need to press a little on the balloon. The skin must be wiped with napkins or a towel. After this, the patient should wrap himself warmly for 20 to 30 minutes.

For diseases of the respiratory system, these products are placed on the back. If the patient has quite thick hair, then the hair is shaved off in advance, since the blood vessels will not hold on. It is also permissible to place them on the chest.

To treat pneumonia or bronchitis, cups are placed on the sides of the spine or under the shoulder blades. And for the treatment of muscle strains and myositis they are placed directly on sore spot. It is forbidden to place them on the area of ​​the kidneys, heart, mammary glands women and along the spine, as this can be harmful to health.

Thus, although the treatment of diseases with cupping continues to be carried out at the present time, doctors do not have a consensus on whether this method is effective and completely safe. But still, this procedure has the right to life, since it can cure quite serious diseases.

For the first time vacuum in medicinal purposes began to be used more than 2000 years ago. The invaluable benefits of medical cups were theoretically proven and practically substantiated in the mid-19th century by the great surgeon Nikolai Pirogov.

Today I found a vacuum wide application V folk medicine, because in traditional practice the technique is considered outdated. Before performing a vacuum massage, you must be sure to familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications for the use of the procedure. In other words, it is necessary to determine when put cans on your back it is possible, and this will be beneficial, and in some cases they can cause harm to health.

Indications for the use of vacuum therapy

Medical cups are used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Cough. To prevent phlegm from forming in the lungs and bronchi when coughing, you must place the cans on your back. This will help restore normal breathing and speed up the healing process.
  • Cold. Healing cups are brought to the back invaluable benefits and no harm in colds. Using a vacuum normalizes blood microcirculation, and also helps cleanse the lymph and improve immunity.
  • Bronchitis. Banks placed on their backs will bring great benefit the body during inflammation of the bronchi. In this case, vacuum therapy without harm will help relieve inflammation, cause the outflow of mucus, relieve pain, and also activate protective functions body.
  • Radiculitis. If, with inflammation or compression of the nerve roots in spinal column Putting cups on your back can benefit your body. This method of therapy poses harm and danger only if the technique is used incorrectly. Vacuum massage helps remove muscle spasm, normalizes work nerve endings and docks pain syndrome. The technique is very effective for cervical radiculitis.
  • Osteochondrosis. Placing cups on the back is useful for dystrophic pathologies of articular cartilage. This treatment method eliminates muscle spasms and increased tone, and also increases blood flow and accelerates cellular metabolism substances.

Vacuum therapy and, in particular, therapeutic cupping on the back, bring invaluable benefits to the body, however, in order not to cause harm to health, be sure to consult a doctor before using the technique.

When not to use vacuum massage

In some cases, the use of vacuum massage instead of the expected benefit can cause serious harm to health.

In particular, placing cups on the back and other parts of the body is prohibited during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester), fever, cardiovascular diseases, pneumonia, increased nervous excitability, as well as for severe exhaustion, heat urticaria and skin diseases.

minimal benefit and great harm bring health if available malignant tumors. In this case, increased blood flow to the tumor can become a catalyst for tumor growth. With increased or decreased blood clotting, the use of cups can also be harmful. In addition, placing cans on the back and other parts of the body is prohibited for children under three years of age.

Rules for the procedure

In order for vacuum massage to be beneficial and not cause harm to the body, it must be used in accordance with certain recommendations:

  • the duration of the first session should not exceed one to two minutes, then the duration of the effect of the cups on the body should be gradually increased to 5-10 minutes;
  • It is forbidden to place cans on the same place on the back and other parts of the body several times, because in this case they will cause harm to the body instead of benefit;
  • cupping massage cannot be performed daily - there must be a gap between sessions;
  • Before placing medicinal cups on your back, make sure they are intact.

For vacuum therapy to bring maximum benefit health, remember the precautions and contraindications. Please note that only when correct use medicinal cupping procedure will have maximum effectiveness.

Banks in medical practice have been used for a long time. They were first used in China: it was the Chinese who believed that banks would increase resistance to various harmful effects, will normalize blood flow, stimulate the flow of energy and improve the condition of the human body.

How effective are they in treating certain diseases? Is it possible to harm your health by using cups? How to put cans on your back? What types of banks are there? You can get comprehensive answers to these questions.

In what cases are jars placed on the back?

Medical cupping is classified as a non-medicinal treatment method. They are considered by specialists to be a means of nonspecific therapy, the main purpose of which is to increase the effectiveness of the drug course of treatment. They increase the body's natural defenses, improve blood circulation in organs and tissues located under the skin, enhance metabolic processes in them, and accelerate the resolution of inflammation.

Cupping is possible only after consultation with a doctor, who will make a diagnosis and be able to accurately determine whether a person has contraindications to this therapy. Proponents of this treatment have no doubt that this method helps in the fight against a wide variety of diseases.

Operating principle

After installation in jars a vacuum arises. The skin underneath will retract slightly with further enlargement and deformation of the lumens of the blood vessels. Thus, the volume of blood that circulates deep in the tissues increases. The body will begin hard work over supplying these places big amount oxygen and nutrients. Minor surface damage will speed up the metabolic process.

When a person develops a tumor, cupping therapy will help change the localization of the tumor, which will lead to easier treatment or simplified surgical intervention- the tumor can be easily removed from organs that are not vital.

Increasing blood flow to certain parts of the body will relieve inflammatory processes, pain, spasms. There will be a gradual regeneration of body cells.

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“I cured my bad back on my own. It’s been 2 months since I forgot about the pain in my back. Oh, how I used to suffer, my back and knees hurt, lately I couldn’t really walk normally... How many times have I gone to clinics, but there they only prescribed expensive pills and ointments, which were of no use at all.

And now it’s been 7 weeks, and my back joints don’t bother me at all, every other day I go to the dacha to work, and it’s a 3 km walk from the bus, so I can walk easily! All thanks to this article. A must read for anyone with back pain!"

Efficiency and rules for placing cups on the back

So, if there are no contraindications, you can start placing cups.

This must be done by following some simple rules:

  • Skin - only healthy and without damage, because after them bruises form. We should not forget that hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water before the procedure.
  • So that the cans can stick more firmly to the body, apply a thin layer of Vaseline or cream (preferably for children) on your back.
  • The air inside the jar needs to be discharged, this is the only way she can stick to her back. To do this, you should make a small torch. Take a stick about 10 cm long, wrap it in cotton wool and soak it in alcohol or cologne. Light it and add it to the jar.
  • Quickly remove and place the can against your body, directly to the area of ​​skin indicated by the doctor.
  • Most often they are placed in the back, chest, lower back and sides.
  • Try to put the can down quickly, otherwise air will get into it and it will not stick to the patient’s body.
  • You need to extinguish the wick in a jar filled with water.
  • Newly delivered cans can be covered with a diaper to maintain warmth and cover the patient.
  • Once all jars have been removed, remove from skin Vaseline oil residue using a small amount of dry cotton wool or cotton wool with alcohol.
  • A person is recommended to lie down after the procedure for at least half an hour in a comfortable position.
  • Wash jars and dry after use.

On what areas of the body can cupping not be placed?

  • In the area of ​​the kidneys and heart.
  • For women - too close to the mammary glands.
  • Along the line of the spine.

Depending on the age of the patient, from 6 to 14 cans can be used at the same time. The first procedure should take only a few minutes, gradually this time increases up to 10-15 minutes. During the procedure, the person should feel warm.

When sharp pain no need to be forced to endure, you should immediately remove the can. This is done without special effort: Lightly press the skin near the jar with your fingers, let air enter inside. Then it will disappear on its own. Make sure that the jars adhere well - after all, the benefits obtained as a result of the procedure depend on this.

If there is a need to repeat the setting, remember that you cannot set the jars every day! You need to take a break for at least a day, maybe 2-3. It is not recommended to put them in the same places.

Read about it here.


  • Use extreme caution when placing jars so as not to burn the patient when the wick is lit.
  • Do not use ether as a flammable substance., it is an explosive substance.
  • If the exposure time of the cans is increased for one reason or another, this may result in the appearance of bubbles, inside which there will be serous fluid. They will need to be carefully cut using sterile scissors, and then apply a 5% solution of potassium permanganate to the skin.
  • Suitable as a Vaseline substitute Vaseline oil, any fatty cream or oil (technical mixtures cannot be used).
  • The wick rod must be metal- this will help prevent fire.
  • A jar of water must be kept within sight- this way you can quickly extinguish the wick.

Pain and crunching in the back over time can lead to dire consequences- local or complete restriction of movements, up to disability.

People, taught by bitter experience, use natural remedy which orthopedists recommend...


Experts have formed two diametrically opposed opinions regarding vacuum therapy. In the environment modern specialists It is generally accepted that cupping does not have a significant effect on the body and only medical supplies promote complete recovery.

But still, it’s worth saying a few words about the advisability of using cans. They, along with mustard plasters and other physiotherapeutic procedures, are prescribed only at the stage of resolution of respiratory tract diseases. On initial stages(for dry cough, elevated temperature bodies) they are not prescribed! Use only when sputum begins to come out when coughing, body temperature does not rise.

In particular, banks are placed on the back when:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, pleura or lungs.
  • Congestion in the lungs (with normal temperature body).
  • Inflammation in muscles and nerve trunks.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • , radiculitis, acute and chronic myositis.
  • Moderate increases in blood pressure.

We covered the topic here.

In case of pneumonia, it is dangerous to use cups for treatment - this can result in pneumothorax (rupture of lung tissue). This fact does not mean that this can happen to everyone. But experts insist: if such a disappointing outcome occurs in even one patient out of a hundred, human life cannot be risked.


You cannot install them when:

  1. Increased skin sensitivity, inflammation of the skin.
  2. A state of general exhaustion of the body.
  3. Tuberculosis of any form.
  4. Neoplasms in the chest area.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Heart defects.
  7. Body temperature exceeding 38 degrees.
  8. Thrombosis or vascular sclerosis.
  9. Acute infections.
  10. Pneumonia.
  11. State of mental excitement.

There is no need to self-medicate. Before using cups, be sure to consult with your doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications. Can be used to treat children over 3 years of age. It is not recommended to use if the patient's age exceeds 60 years.

Installation of medical vacuum cans with a cylinder

Vacuum jars with a balloon continue to be used to improve the health of the body (massage). It has been scientifically proven that the unique therapeutic effect can be achieved through improved blood flow. The dynamics of processes is influenced by pressure, which is achieved artificially, arising between the vacuum and the external environment.


  • Stagnation is eliminated.
  • Metabolic processes are enhanced.
  • Increases manifold cutaneous respiration massive areas.

It is noted that similar procedures significantly increase skin resistance to mechanical and even chemical influences. Mechanisms for restoring the skin and adjacent organs are launched.

A rush of blood leads to an increase in metabolism depending on the place of application, productive work of the lungs and bronchi, more complete liver circulation, increased functional absorption of fluid by the kidneys, nerve impulses begin to send signals with normal speed. The presence of a small pump increases the difference between the pressures from the outside and inside cans, which leads to increased effects on subcutaneous tissue.

Air is removed from the cans using a special pump to create a negative pressure of 0.06 MPa, providing 10 full cycles of pressing. The vacuum effect created by the cans at the moment of pumping out air masses provides positive influence on cells, normalizes blood circulation.

In inner part jars, you can place a magnetic attachment so that a weak magnetic field has an effect on the body. It penetrates deep into the cells by about 7-9 centimeters. The level of oxygen in the blood and in the heart muscle and brain increases, which increases the protective and restorative properties in the body.

Massage cups with a balloon are used for various ailments, in particular: