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Vaseline oil for constipation in a child or adult - instructions for use and contraindications. Methods of using Vaseline oil


Lack of bowel movements, difficult stool, painful bowel movements - all these are options for constipation for certain patients.

In fact, you can’t even call it a disease, just a malaise. Unpleasant, causing physical/psychological discomfort, sometimes quite darkening communication with people and personal life.

For some, this is a one-time problem due to a dramatically changed diet, while others have suffered from constipation since infancy and cannot imagine how it could be otherwise. And among pregnant women and new mothers, bowel dysfunction is often already one of the mandatory items of happy motherhood...

Unfortunately, as practice shows, it is impossible to remain idle in any of these cases. And it’s good if, after several unsuccessful attempts to establish the process on their own, a person nevertheless goes to the doctor, and not to the pharmacy for a new batch expensive drugs. No, there is nothing wrong with quality medicines. If they are prescribed by a doctor and cannot harm an already confused body. But there are no less effective alternatives that do not empty your pocket, with a mild/harmless effect...

What is constipation

Constipation is systematic problems with bowel movements. They manifest themselves in the form of prolonged stool retention, difficulty defecating, constant feeling that the body has not emptied completely.

If the problem already exists long time, then migraines, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, nausea and constant feeling gravity.

IMPORTANT! The problem does not arise on its own and always has good reasons. The most harmless among them are an unbalanced/monotonous diet, stressful situations, pregnancy, disorder drinking regime. But the possibility of serious violations should not be ruled out either. gastrointestinal tract, oncological diseases and congenital pathologies.

This is why constipation does not welcome self-medication, even with the help of such safe means like Vaseline oil. Indeed, among the many advantages of this drug, no one has canceled one disadvantage in the form of a mandatory medical consultation before use...

Vaseline oil - the essence and composition of the drug

It is also called liquid paraffin. This is an oily substance that does not have a distinct smell, taste or color. Actively used in medicine, pharmacology and cosmetics industries.

Absolutely considered safe product, although it is extracted by refining oil. In other words, this is the final fraction of kerosene separation. Oil that remains as a result of exposure high temperatures, is a completely synthetic substance with a stable chemical composition.

It has many beneficial properties, among which the leading ones are wound healing, softening and laxative functions.

It is taken orally, acts quickly and effectively, and does not cause allergic reactions (with the exception of individual intolerance).

Available in almost any pharmacy, available in bottles up to 200 ml. As for the price, it is pleasantly surprising compared to popular laxatives.

Indications for use

Despite quite wide range beneficial properties, application Vaseline oil for constipation, it ranks first on the list of indications.

Yes, liquid paraffin has nothing to do with natural composition and is unlikely to support the patient’s microflora useful microelements. But, on the other hand, its composition is so stable that even when used internally, it is not absorbed into the blood and gastrointestinal tract, does not accumulate in the organs and tissues of the body, and cannot cause allergies.

On the contrary, its oily consistency allows it to lubricate the gastrointestinal tract, forming a kind of film on the epithelial mucosa. This helps the stomach contents move faster, as well as feces into the lower sections intestines. The latter, in turn, soften and, thanks to mild stimulation of the walls of the rectum, are quickly eliminated from the body.

Due to this mild laxative effect, the use of petroleum jelly is recommended not only for adult patients, but also for young children, pregnant women and women who have just given birth.


Be careful! Any drug, even the most harmless one, can cause harm if its use is not under any control. This also applies to Vaseline oil.

After all, few people pay attention to the fact that it is used specifically for constipation, and not as a preventive measure for difficult bowel movements. Even doctors recommend using liquid paraffin once to achieve quick act defecation. Unfortunately, it does not eliminate the main cause of constipation. Moreover, the mentioned “film” in the intestines “protects” the microflora not only from harmful microorganisms, but also from beneficial ones, forming a conditional barrier.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications, which are described in the attached instructions:

  • Constipation oil may be a substance that is incompatible with your body.
  • During pregnancy, you should remember that the drug can also stimulate the uterus.
  • Intestinal obstruction, ulcers, inflammatory processes in abdominal cavity, increased temperature can only get worse due to the use of Vaseline oil. Not to mention the more tragic consequences.

Vaseline oil for pregnant and lactating women

In medical information sources, there is some “inconsistency” regarding the use of this liquid paraffin.

Some say that expectant/new mothers cannot find anything safer and more effective. In addition, the price of the drug will have virtually no effect on their financial condition.

Others repeatedly remind that any medications that stimulate intestinal motility can cause miscarriage or premature birth. Moreover, the danger exists at any stage of pregnancy.

Who is right? It turns out - both sides, since the effectiveness of petroleum jelly and the threat from its use are equally real. In this case, the decision remains with the woman’s attending doctor, who will assess her condition and only then select the safest laxative.

Vaseline oil for children

Young children are probably even more familiar with constipation than their mothers. This is especially true for those babies who are on artificial feeding, try complementary foods or switch to an adult diet. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the child cannot be given conventional laxatives or products with a laxative effect due to such a young age, and he will not say what hurts him and where.

Even children after 2–3 years of age are not always amenable to treatment, as they often flatly refuse to even try New Product or the proposed substance in a spoon. Vaseline oil for constipation in a child, in this regard, “wins” in many ways, since it has no taste, no smell, or even color. And the dosage is only 1–2 teaspoons.

BUT! A young age does not exclude the presence of adult problems. And, unfortunately, a newborn baby may develop intestinal obstruction or individual intolerance to the drug. Therefore, forget about amateur performances and show the baby to a specialist. Perhaps he himself will prescribe you that same liquid paraffin, but only after a comprehensive examination.

Instructions for use

Regardless of the patient’s age and the stage of his constipation, the rules of application are almost the same for everyone:

  • The oil is taken orally, preferably two hours before or after meals.
  • The dosage for an adult is 2 teaspoons, once a day. In more advanced cases, it is allowed to increase the single dose to 2 tablespoons.
  • For children under 1 year old, 0.5 teaspoon is recommended. In some cases, a double dose may be used.
  • For patients aged 1 to 3 years, 1-2 teaspoons of petrolatum oil is recommended for proper laxative effect.
  • Keep in mind that the intestines will begin to empty no earlier than 5-6 hours, so it is better to take the remedy at night.

And remember: petroleum jelly, although popular precisely because of its use for constipation, still has many useful properties, including in the cosmetics industry. So it won’t be superfluous on the must-have list of your first aid kit.

Video: How to get rid of constipation

Before purchasing Vaseline oil, you must carefully read the instructions for use, find out the methods of use, dosage, and other useful information. On the website "Encyclopedia of Diseases" you will find all necessary information: instructions for correct use, recommended dosage, contraindications, as well as reviews from patients who have already used this medicinal product.

Vaseline oil is an effective laxative that softens stool and normalizes the functioning and motility of the gastrointestinal tract. The instructions provide for its use for constipation and to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. The main thing is to always take into account the individual characteristics of the body and first read the instructions, which prescribe indications and contraindications, course duration and dosage.

Composition and release form

Vaseline oil is a drug classified as a pharmacotherapeutic group of effective laxative, wound-healing, and emollient compounds.

Vaseline oil is a transparent, colorless and odorless, oily, viscous liquid, which is intended for oral administration, as well as external use, packaged in glass containers. It is packaged in bottles made of dark glass that protects the liquid from the sun, sealed with stoppers and lids, having different volumes - from 25 to 100 ml.

The drug is sold in pharmacies and is released to the buyer without a doctor's prescription - the bottle comes in a cardboard package, with instructions for use included inside. In some cases, according to established domestic and international release rules medical supplies– instructions can also be printed on the packaging itself.

pharmachologic effect

Vaseline oil is classified as purified oil medical standards mixtures of solid/liquid carbon compounds, which in turn are obtained as a result of processing and high degree oil purification and oil refining.

In accordance with its action, once in the gastrointestinal tract, petroleum jelly is not absorbed through its walls into the bloodstream and therefore acts locally. In its action in the gastrointestinal tract, it softens stool and triggers gastric motility - this will free the gastrointestinal tract from constipation, removing feces naturally without affecting the general physiological processes, occurring in the body, the work of internal organs and systems.

For external use, the drug is used as effective remedy not only to soften the dermis, but also to combat burns and to accelerate the healing of minor scratches and wounds. It is for this reason that it can often be seen in many creams and serums, cuticle softening products, and even added to hair shampoos.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The pharmacodynamics of this drug lies in the fact that the drug itself, when taken orally, is not absorbed through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract into the general bloodstream and has its own laxative effect exclusively locally. It softens hardened feces and, stimulating the gastrointestinal tract, allows them to be removed naturally, without affecting the work and functioning of the central nervous system and internal organs.

A pronounced laxative effect is observed 6-8 hours after ingestion. As a result, natural gastric emptying occurs. It is also often used as an effective wound-healing and restorative external agent. Due to its emollient and pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, Vaseline oil helps calm inflammation and relieve redness. skin for burns, accelerate wound healing.

The pharmacokinetics of the drug is that due to its composition - purified hydrocarbons, petroleum jelly, even after ingestion, will not have a pronounced effect. osmotic pressure, is not absorbed through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract into the body and the general bloodstream. Therefore, the effect is achieved due to local influence - softening feces, enveloping the intestinal wall, thus forming a hydrolipid barrier on the surface of the dermis.

Since the drug is not absorbed into the general bloodstream, it does not have any effect on the functioning of internal organs and systems, or on the psychosomatic behavior of the patient. Because of this, it is allowed to be used when working with complex and moving mechanisms and when driving a car.

Indications for use

The drug is used orally to combat chronic constipation. The main thing to note is that it is prescribed only if constipation is a consequence of hardening of stool due to insufficient fluid, poor diet, but not a consequence of the functioning of the digestive tract.

Doctors also prescribe this drug to restore the skin in case of burns and scratches, purulent foci of inflammation and erosion. The drug is also actively used for irritation of the dermis, for protection from cold and bad weather in winter, cold period of the year. It is also useful in the summer months when treating sunburn or other types of burns and insect bites, as it helps to moisturize and soothe the dermis.


In a relationship existing contraindications, then you should not take the drug if you are hypersensitive to it. Also, you should not take it orally with the following contraindications:

At acute course inflammatory process all internal organs of the abdominal cavity (appendicitis and peritonitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, colitis);

Should not be taken if you have diagnosed hemorrhoids - varicose veins hemorrhoidal veins in the rectum, as this can increase the protrusion of nodules;

It is not recommended to take petroleum jelly at your own discretion during pregnancy and lactation, without agreeing on the dosage with your doctor. The oil can provoke pathological contractions of the uterus and miscarriage, and it is impossible to determine how the body will react to this drug, therefore a preliminary consultation with a specialist is important;

You should not take the drug after poisoning with both phosphorus and organophosphorus compounds - after all, this final product oil refining, even highly refined;

Children are given the drug with great caution, after coordinating the intake with the pediatrician - a fragile body can react to Vaseline oil with many negative consequences.

Side effects

In a relationship side effects– Doctors highlight the following points:

Possible allergic reaction and a feeling of nausea in case of individual intolerance to the drug - it is enough to stop taking it and carry out symptomatic treatment;

In addition, doctors note that when long-term use Vaseline oil during the treatment of constipation, the following side effects may occur:

Hypovitaminosis of vitamin A. These are already guaranteed problems with vision and chronic inflammation mucous membranes, constant diagnosis of conjunctivitis. This form of inflammation can manifest itself as a burning sensation and profuse lacrimation from the eyes, itching and discharge of pus from the corners of the eyes. A lack of this vitamin in the body provokes a deterioration in the condition of not only the mucous membranes, but also the skin, a dry cough and erosions in the gastrointestinal tract appear.

Hypovitaminosis of vitamin D. For adults, and especially young children, a lack of this vitamin ultimately threatens the development of vitamin D, because vitamin D plays a leading role in the absorption of calcium. In addition, doctors say that its lack causes signs of osteoporosis and bone mineral density, which accordingly threatens frequent fractures.

Hypovitaminosis of vitamin K. This negative consequence of the abuse of petroleum jelly manifests itself as irritation and itching in the anus, less often allergic rashes over the body. In this case, stop taking the drug and carry out a course of symptomatic treatment.

Instructions for newborns with constipation

Before considering the question of how to properly give the drug to newborns to combat constipation, it is worth considering the rules prescribed in the instructions for adult patients. It is recommended to give 1-2 tbsp to adult patients. l. every day - take them 1.5-2 hours after meals, no more than a week.

Regarding the use of newborns in the fight against constipation, the opinions of many pediatricians differ. Some pediatricians do not recommend giving it orally, since it is a petroleum product and a rather heavy product that can negatively affect the still unformed body of a newborn. Other pediatricians advise giving highly purified and high-quality oil, but not more than 1 tsp. per day - the main thing is to understand that it is used only if constipation is caused by dense stool, but not by a violation of the digestive process.

In this case, it is optimal to do a cleansing enema with Vaseline oil and nothing more. Each dose of the drug should be agreed with the pediatrician, and most often doctors talk about the following proportions and rates of taking the drug in the fight against constipation:

Children from 3 months to one year - no more than 1/2 tsp. per day;

From one to three years - you can give 1.5 - 2 tsp. per day;

From 3 to 7 years – you can increase the dosage to 3 tsp.

It is worth remembering that you should take petroleum jelly with great caution and conduct a sensitivity test at the very beginning. When taken orally, take half the dosage, taking into account age; when used externally, apply to the inner bend of the elbow and wait a while.


If you take Vaseline oil orally for a long time, exceed the dosage indicated by the doctor or the instructions, the following consequences of its overdose may occur:

- the symptoms of diarrhea show themselves negatively, the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed, which entails dehydration of the body and loss of nutritional components;

there is a violation digestion and absorption process useful vitamins, violation normal operation intestinal walls - this consequence entails complete or partial depletion of the body, exacerbation chronic diseases. In this case, the patient encounters such manifestations as:

— problems of hypovitaminosis and developing against its background;

- the patient develops a chronic form of constipation - the body simply refuses to work on its own;

- atrophy of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and possible internal bleeding due to a blood clotting disorder due to a lack of vitamin K.

That is why it is so important to take it under the supervision of a doctor and combine it with vitamin complexes and iron-containing preparations.

It is prohibited to take the drug in combination with antipyretics, as well as anthelmintic drugs, because Vaseline oil will enhance the effect of the latter. The main thing is to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and its reaction to taking Vaseline oil.

special instructions

If you take oil orally, it can be released from the anus and stain your underwear. It is forbidden to take it orally during pregnancy - the oil provokes active contractions of the uterus and can cause miscarriage. The drug itself, due to its composition, is not absorbed into the body through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and does not affect the functioning of internal organs and systems, the functioning of the central nervous system and the reaction. Therefore, working with moving mechanisms and driving a car is not considered a limitation to its purpose and use.


On this moment structural analogues the drug does not exist. The only drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect and the mechanism of action is Glycerol, and compositions made with its addition and based on it. The drug can be produced in a variety of derivative forms - they are prescribed for chronic constipation and to soften, soothe and heal the dermis, and treat mucous membranes.

In some cases, an analogue of Vaseline oil can become Castor oil. The drug is also used for chronic constipation, to increase the tone of the gastrointestinal tract and in the treatment of ulcers and burns, wounds and to soften the skin. Doctors consider it more preferable than petroleum jelly - castor oil has plant based origin, therefore has fewer restrictions on acceptance and negative consequences.

In all other cases, the analogue should be selected exclusively by the doctor, taking into account individual characteristics body and the root causes of constipation.

According to medical workers, every family should have Vaseline oil in their medicine cabinet. It does not have a specific taste or color, so it is customary to add it to creams, masks and take it orally.

Receive medicinal product by processing petroleum fractions. As a result of purification, an oily liquid is obtained that does not contain any harmful impurities. The second name for petroleum jelly is liquid paraffin.

As a result of many years of research, as in laboratory conditions, and in practice, the complete safety of the oil was confirmed. It does not contain carcinogens and toxins, does not accumulate in the body, is not absorbed into the intestines and blood, and is excreted naturally without changing in composition.

In addition, the oil can be mixed with any oils, both essential and vegetable. The only oil that “does not accept” Vaseline is castor oil, which already has a fairly dense consistency and requires dilution only with mineral water.

About action and benefits

If you take a little Vaseline oil internally, you can get rid of constipation. The medicine acts gently on the intestinal walls, enveloping them. Thus, the stagnant masses soften and flow smoothly out.

Since the drug is absolutely harmless, it can be prescribed even to newborns.

In cosmetology, oil is added to creams and other cosmetic products. In medicine, in addition to treating constipation, oil is added to liquid ointments. In addition, the medicine helps alleviate the patient’s condition in case of poisoning with fat-soluble poisons (benzene, kerosene and gasoline).

Application of Vaseline oil:

  • to soften rough skin;
  • for removing “crusts” on the head of newborns;
  • when a child suffers from heat rash;
  • if it is necessary to clean the newborn’s nose from dry crusts;
  • during stagnation breast milk in a nursing woman;
  • for lubricating the tip when administering an enema.

The oil must be applied externally in a very thin layer. To relieve congestion in the breast and improve milk flow, make a gauze compress. The gauze is folded into several layers, soaked in warm oil and placed on the chest. The compress is applied at night.

For constipation, the regimen for using the medicine is as follows:

  1. Buy a bottle of Vaseline oil at the pharmacy.
  2. You need to take the medicine in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  3. At one time you need to drink one, maximum two large spoons of oil.
  4. The effect will occur in five to six hours.

Try not to accustom your body to the medicine and do not take it for more than five days.

In addition to this regimen, it is allowed to take the oil two hours before meals or two hours after. Babies under one year old should be given no more than half a small spoon of oil. Children one to three years old or more - one, maximum two teaspoons. MirSovetov does not recommend taking the oil for a long period. It is advisable to understand the problem and find out why frequent constipation occurs.


Vaseline oil is used in the following areas:

  1. In medicine. For outdoor and internal use. For preparing ointments.
  2. In cosmetology. The drug is added to various cosmetic products for body and hair care.
  3. In the food and chemical industry. Add to plastic, plastic bags. Used for processing vegetables and fruits before long-term storage or transportation.

When using oil in medical purposes MirSovetov recommends buying the drug pure, without impurities. To determine the quality of the drug, you need to take a bottle directly from the pharmacy and look at it “in the light.” If the liquid is transparent and does not contain inclusions, purchase it with confidence.

In cosmetology, oil is used quite widely. Its main purpose is to improve spreadability, so it can be “diluted” with oil, added to tanning cream, massage product, or used in pure form to remove makeup. By the way, you should try to apply undiluted oil as rarely as possible, especially on the face, as it creates a protective film that does not allow the skin to breathe freely.

About the forbidden

In these cases, it is undesirable to use liquid paraffin:

  • at peptic ulcer stomach;
  • during infectious diseases in the abdominal cavity;
  • during pregnancy (stimulates the intestinal muscles, thereby can provoke);
  • with intestinal obstruction and bleeding;
  • with increased ;
  • with individual intolerance.

In addition, Vaseline oil can lead to unforeseen consequences:

  1. Decreased intestinal tone.
  2. Decreased digestion of food.
  3. Development of hypovitaminosis.
  4. Irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.
  5. Cause pore blockage in infants.

You also need to know that ingestion of oil is prohibited. In addition, in case of poisoning with drugs containing phosphorus, ingestion of petroleum jelly is strictly prohibited.

Everyone should know this

Many women pass on their beauty secrets to each other.

The first secret. In their opinion, Vaseline oil can cure problematic skin and improve hair condition. But, as it turns out, after using the oil, the hair becomes dull and the skin becomes dry. This suggests that the oil creates a protective film on the surface through which oxygen does not enter. It turns out that Vaseline oil can only be used in exceptional cases, for example, in severe frost, when other cosmetical tools are not doing their job.

The second secret. The oil can be used internally to lose extra pounds. As mentioned earlier, the drug is harmless and has a laxative effect. But to think that oil can fight overweight- it is not right. If you take the drug for a long time, this can lead to a decrease in the tone of the intestinal walls and cause.

The third secret. The oil is widely used for massage. In fact, despite the fact that the drug has a light consistency, colorless and odorless, it is not advisable to use Vaseline oil to improve gliding during massage. On the contrary, oil can cause dryness and even allergies. For such procedures it is better to purchase special means for massage - cream or oil.


If you add oil to a hair mask, you can get good result. For very dry hair, you need to take olive and Vaseline oils in equal proportions. Mix, add salicylic acid and a drop. Rub the mask into the hair roots, and after half an hour, rinse with shampoo.

The second mask recipe will also help get rid of. Mix castor and vaseline oils, add one gram of resorcinol (powder sold at the pharmacy), mix and apply the mask to the hair roots. After some time, wash off with shampoo.

4.2 out of 5

Vaseline oil is a laxative medicine used for constipation..

Composition and release form of Vaseline oil

Vaseline oil is produced in the form of a colorless, oily, non-fluorescent liquid (liquid paraffin) in bottles of various sizes (20-250 ml).

pharmachologic effect

The use of Vaseline oil helps improve the motility of the large intestine and softens stool.

The oil is one of the most popular remedies for treating constipation due to its availability, safety and effectiveness. Numerous studies and long-term observations have confirmed the absence negative influence liquid paraffin for internal organs. The product has no carcinogenic, toxic or mutagenic properties, does not affect the intestinal microflora, does not accumulate, is not absorbed into the blood and is completely eliminated from the body unchanged.

Unlike other organic oils, liquid paraffin, distributed over the surface of the intestine, is not absorbed into the walls digestive tract. This creates a protective barrier on the intestinal mucosa and allows stool to slide freely through it. In addition, feces, passing through the oiled intestines, soften, which greatly facilitates the act of defecation.

Indications for use of Vaseline oil

Vaseline oil, according to the instructions, is prescribed against constipation.

The product can also be used as a base for various ointments, gels, liniments and apply externally.


It is contraindicated to take Vaseline oil orally:

  • Against the background of hypersensitivity;
  • Inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity;
  • Against the background of intestinal obstruction;
  • Against the background of acute febrile syndrome;
  • Pregnancy (as this may cause reflex stimulation uterus).

How to use Vaseline oil

Vaseline oil for constipation should be taken orally in between meals (interval - at least two hours). Daily dosage– 15-30 ml per day. The laxative effect is usually observed 5-6 hours after taking the drug. The duration of the treatment course should not exceed 5 days. More long-term use the drug is undesirable, as it can lead to addiction and development chronic forms diseases. If constipation is persistent, you should consult a doctor to identify the causes that cause it. In many cases, it is necessary to change the diet to improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

External use of Vaseline oil for newborns:

  • Helps remove crusts on the head;
  • Promotes safe and easy clearing of the nose and moisturizing of its sinuses;
  • Is in a preventive way prevent chafing from using a diaper;
  • Helps in caring for wrinkles, as well as skin care for heat rash;
  • How aid effective when administering an enema or gas tube. The oiled tip of the enema does not injure the delicate baby skin;
  • Promotes healing of irritated skin and also moisturizes it.

The oil is often used by nursing women for compresses against the background of stagnation of milk. As a rule, after using such a compress at night, hardening in the breasts softens, which significantly improves the flow of milk.

Side effects

According to the results clinical trials use of the medication internally while observing the recommended dosages of negative side effects usually doesn't cause it. Long-term use of Vaseline oil for constipation can lead to intestinal catonia, as well as hypovitaminosis A, E, K.

Poorly purified or unrefined liquid paraffin can be irritating to the skin.

Storage conditions for Vaseline oil

Vaseline oil, according to the instructions, is one of the medicines over-the-counter. The shelf life of the medicine is 5 years, provided it is stored in sealed packaging and in compliance with other recommendations.

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The second name for this oil is liquid paraffin. In appearance, it is a colorless substance with an oily consistency that has neither odor nor taste. It is obtained during the distillation of petroleum products from which kerosene is separated.

The emollient properties of petroleum jelly have already been confirmed in many industries: pharmacology and cosmetology widely use it to create creams and healing ointments. To treat constipation, this oil is recommended to be taken orally.

Liquid paraffin does not contain any compounds hazardous to humans. This can be confirmed by numerous laboratory tests and observations. The drug has neither toxic, nor mutagenic, nor carcinogenic properties.

It is also important that petroleum jelly is not absorbed by the blood and the digestive tract, and does not accumulate in the body, since it has a stable chemical balance. It is evenly distributed over the intestinal walls and creates a protective wall between the mucous membrane and feces.

The viscous structure helps the oil to attach to the vertical surfaces of the walls. Thus, feces do not stagnate, but glide through the intestines and are easily excreted from the body.

In addition, paraffin has the ability to soften them and stimulate intestinal motility. The act of defecation becomes easier and ceases to be a real torture for a person. The effect of the drug begins within 5-6 hours after use, which is very convenient.


Putting it all together beneficial features This Vaseline oil, we can say about its advantages in the treatment of constipation:

  • intestinal lubrication;
  • creation of a mucous barrier on the intestinal walls;
  • softening of feces;
  • overcoming congestion in the intestines and facilitating the passage of feces;
  • stimulation of intestinal motility.

How should you use Vaseline oil for constipation?

Doctors advise taking liquid paraffin orally 2 hours before or after meals. In this case, you should be aware of the following dosage features:

  • infants and children under one year of age – 0.5-1 teaspoon;
  • children under three years old – 1-2 teaspoons;
  • children from four to seven years old - 3 teaspoons;
  • adults – 1-2 tablespoons.

Constipation can be treated this way for no more than 5 days in a row. However, in some cases this approach does not help. Then you need to stop taking it and seek medical help. professional help To medical worker.

Vaseline oil for constipation in animals

Active use Vaseline oil has also been found in veterinary medicine, because our little brothers also have digestive problems. For example, liquid paraffin will be an excellent laxative for cats.

Has your pet been unable to have a bowel movement for several days? This happens often, because due to the love of cleanliness, these animals accumulate scraps of hair in their intestines, which lead to constipation.

Consult your veterinarian, determine the dosage of the oil, the method of application, and feel free to begin eliminating this unpleasant problem. Cleansing the body cats will pass quickly and painlessly. Oil is not absorbed by the walls of the digestive tract, so do not be afraid of any negative consequences.

How to use oil for mother and baby

Very often young mothers who have just given birth to a child experience constipation. Particularly urgent this problem after a difficult birth, when a woman is prohibited from straining her abdominal muscles.

And during lactation, the use of the vast majority of drugs for this category of patients is prohibited, so Vaseline oil becomes the only solution for difficulties with bowel movements.

Children who are still bottle-fed also have problems with bowel movements. common occurrence. Here doctors recommend two main ways to use the oil: inside or with an enema.

Use Vaseline carefully

There is no need to get too carried away with self-medication, because even such a harmless and non-toxic drug, if treated incorrectly, can cause completely undesirable reactions.

This is explained by the fact that not only harmful, but also beneficial microorganisms. There is a risk of vitamin deficiency.

So as not to provoke chronic constipation, and also not to cause addiction to the body, Vaseline oil should be used once.


Like any drug, Vaseline has its contraindications. These include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • intestinal diseases ulcerative in nature;
  • inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity;
  • pregnancy (to avoid uterine tone);
  • febrile manifestations;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Liquid paraffin is not suitable for prevention and certainly not considered a panacea. It can only be used if there is a real problem. Long-term constipation should be treated experienced doctor.

You will certainly be satisfied with the price this drug, because the price of Vaseline is low (especially when compared with other anti-constipation remedies).

It is liquid paraffin that is the most accessible laxative today. When purchasing, make sure you purchase a completely purified product.