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Eyelid abscess: photo examples, main symptoms, treatment methods and preventive measures. Inflammation of the upper eyelid: how to react, how to treat

Some people, especially in adulthood, experience inflammation from time to time upper eyelid. This phenomenon can be explained in different ways. Do not underestimate the seriousness of such symptoms, considering that it is an insect bite or just an accidental inflammation. There are always reasons for edema, and quite serious ones. The skin around the eye usually turns red and the temperature may rise. It happens that the skin at the site of inflammation thickens, a boil or barley forms. One way or another, you need to run to the doctor to determine the nature and cause of the inflammation and undergo a course of treatment.

What it is?

This is an inflammatory disease of allergic or bacterial etiology.

This disease is quite common and is often accompanied by long and complex treatment. There are many reasons for the occurrence of blepharitis, and if not properly untimely treatment the most different consequences. What are the causes of this disease?

About the treatment of edema upper eyelid can be found out .


It is believed that the main causes leading to inflammation of the eyelid are:

  • allergic reactions of the body (both general and local);
  • various infections.

The most common cause of blepharitis is a streptococcal infection. However, it happens that this disease is caused by helminthic infestation, fungal infections and tick-borne infections.

Inflammation of the eyelid can be a companion to various diseases of the lacrimal ducts, refractive errors of the eye or pathology of the glands of the cartilage of the eyelid. The upper eyelid can also become inflamed due to diseases not related to the organs of vision. Among them are diseases such as:

  • diabetes;
  • avitaminosis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • common infectious diseases:
  • immunity deficiency of various origins.

Blepharitis of the eye can also occur under the influence of external factors. Smoking, constant irritation from smoke, wind, as well as failure to comply with personal hygiene rules and cosmetical tools may cause inflammation of the eyelids.


An inflamed eyelid is hard to miss: redness, swelling, pain and other symptoms are immediately noticeable. There are four main types of blepharitis:

  • catarrhal (simple);
  • scaly;
  • ulcerative;


Scaly blepharitis is characterized by redness of the eyelid, the formation of specific scales along the edges of the eyelashes, severe itching and burning. There is a narrowing of the palpebral fissure, hyperemia of the eyelid and conjunctiva. At the second stage, purulent discharge appears, the eyelashes stick together and fall out, and new ones grow in the wrong direction. This condition is very dangerous for the patient, as it can cause an inversion of the eyelid or serious damage to the cornea.

Why blood vessels burst in the eyes can be found out by clicking on this.


In the case of ulcerative blepharitis, pustules appear on the swollen edge of the eyelid, which dry out and form crusts. Bleeding ulcers covered with pus form under the crusts; In their place, foamy discharge subsequently forms, accumulating in the corners of the eyes. Ulcerative blepharitis can cause disturbances in the growth of eyelashes and may also affect the cornea.



In case of inflammation of the upper eyelid, the patient needs to consult an ophthalmologist. Doctor by clinical picture will determine the cause and type of inflammation, but the patient often incorrectly assesses the complexity of treating the disease. Uncontrolled, and even more so independent treatment can lead to serious complications. That is why it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of a medical specialist.


For inflammation of the upper eyelid, it is necessary A complex approach in treatment. Recommended application of three main directions: local, etiological and restorative therapy.

Local therapy means symptomatic treatment. For scaly blepharitis, it is customary to wash the eyelids once a day and lubricate them 4-5 times a day with ointments (albucid or other) prescribed by the doctor.

If the patient is diagnosed with ulcerative blepharitis, then after lubrication it is necessary to remove the dried crusts, and lubricate the exposed ulcerative surface with the Brilliant Green solution. After this, you need to drip any disinfectant drops into your eyes (for example,).

It is necessary to continue treatment of inflammation even if all symptoms have already passed. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.

In case of pathology of the glands of the cartilage of the eyelids, it is necessary to massage with special eye sticks. This procedure is carried out by a nurse under conditions day hospital. In no case should you perform a massage yourself due to the high traumatic nature of the method.

Etiological therapy includes measures to eliminate the original cause of the disease. If it is determined that the cause of blepharitis is staphylococcal infection, then it is customary to prescribe antibiotic therapy. If the cause of inflammation is helminthic infestation, then antihelminthic drugs are prescribed.

For fungal etiology of the disease, antifungal drugs. It is very important to eliminate the root cause, otherwise eye inflammation is difficult to treat. The eyelid will become inflamed again and again.

Particular attention should be paid to blepharitis of allergic origin. Often such an allergic reaction occurs in women who use decorative cosmetics. Such products often contain aggressive chemical components that can cause both local and general allergic reaction. In this case you will need additional consultation dermatologist or allergist. After the examination, the specialist will prescribe complex antihistamine therapy, which will eliminate inflammation of the eyelid, redness, itching, burning and other manifestations of blepharitis.

If the inflammation is not treated for a long time, the consequence will be entropion of the eyelids or complications that will require surgical treatment.

If immunodeficiency is detected of various origins The doctor will prescribe medications that stimulate the immune system. However, you should be aware that uncontrolled use of such medications can lead to a serious malfunction of the immune system. Therefore, you can take such drugs only as prescribed by a doctor.

Purulent-inflammatory diseases of the eyelids are a common pathology that is typical for adults and children. Like other infectious conditions affecting the skin and soft tissues, it poses a significant danger and requires serious treatment. But without a doctor it is difficult to understand this issue.

Causes and mechanisms

All this leads to a decrease in local and general resistance of the body. Protective properties of the skin and mucous membranes are reduced, which becomes a predisposing factor for bacterial aggression.

When they say that an abscess has formed in a child’s eye, they mean damage to the orbital area with the upper and lower eyelids. Therefore, you have to think about several conditions:

  • Barley.
  • Furuncle.
  • Dacryocystitis.
  • Dacryoadenitis.
  • Abscess.

When microbes enter the mouth of the hair follicles, eyelashes or lacrimal sac, the ducts that carry physiological secretions out become blocked. And in a confined space, bacteria multiply intensively, exacerbating the inflammatory process.

Ulcers on the eye are formed due to bacteria, which, against the background of a decrease in local and general reactivity, provoke an inflammatory process.


The origin of ulcers and their characteristics are aspects that are clarified during a medical examination. During the interview, complaints and anamnestic information become available, and an examination allows you to supplement the picture with objective signs. As a result, a preliminary diagnosis is formed, which provides the basis for further action.


Barley in children is a fairly common phenomenon. It is characterized by damage to the eyelash sac and adjacent gland, localized on the upper or lower eyelid. The process is acute. First, redness and swelling appear on the eyelash edge in a limited area. Blinking becomes painful, and there is itching and burning at the site of inflammation.

As the infiltration increases, the eyelid swells and narrows the palpebral fissure. The maturation of the abscess is accompanied by the formation of a yellow clearing in the center of the stye. After a day or two, it breaks out, resulting in inflammatory reaction decreases, and by the end of the week disappears completely.

IN severe cases suppuration in children is accompanied by worsening general well-being: fever, headaches, malaise. If you try to squeeze out the stye yourself, the infection can spread with the development of an abscess, orbital phlegmon, thrombophlebitis or meningitis.


With boils, unlike barley, the process does not affect the eyelashes, but most often the hair follicles in the eyebrow area. Moreover, it is accompanied by more pronounced infiltration of soft tissues, spreading to the upper eyelid. A dense, painful nodule with diffuse redness around the area initially forms on the affected area. The swelling can even spread to the entire half of the face. This is often accompanied by fever, headaches and malaise.

A mature abscess on the eyelid becomes bright and tense, with a cone-shaped bulge at the top. A necrotic rod forms in the center of the node, which comes off after a couple of days. This is accompanied by the release of green pus with dead hair follicle. The resulting ulcer is filled with granulations and heals with the formation of a scar.

A boil is a limited inflammation, but if treated too late it can lead to dangerous complications.


If microbes penetrate the lacrimal sac and cause inflammation there, then we're talking about about dacryocystitis. Acute process begins with the appearance of a painful infiltrate and sharp hyperemia on the inside of the lower eyelid. Due to swelling, the palpebral fissure narrows and even closes completely. There are throbbing pains in the eye socket, malaise and weakness, fever with chills.

After a few days, a fluctuation is detected in the center of the abscess, which indicates purulent melting. This abscess can open on its own, resulting in the formation of fistulas (external or internal), from which pathological exudate flows. And delayed drainage leads to the formation of orbital phlegmon.


Purulent inflammation of the lacrimal gland is called dacryoadenitis. The acute process begins suddenly, in the projection of the affected organ - on top of the outer side of the eyelid - painful swelling and redness appear. Other symptoms are also characteristic:

  • Drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis).
  • Deviation of the eye inward and downward.
  • Dryness of the conjunctiva.
  • Enlargement of regional lymph nodes.
  • Headache.
  • General malaise.

The pathology is unilateral and can become chronic. Then lacrimal gland firm, but painless. There is slight ptosis, but the eyeball does not move, and the production of tear fluid is preserved.

With dacryoadenitis, the lacrimal gland becomes inflamed, but the swelling imitates an abscess in the upper eyelid.


The most severe of the limited purulent processes in the orbital zone is considered to be an abscess. It can become a complication of already described conditions or occur against the background inflammatory pathology paranasal sinuses. Sharp hyperemia and swelling appear under the eyebrow or on the lower eyelid. The skin becomes shiny and tense, the palpebral fissure is narrowed. Symptoms of intoxication and headaches are typical.

When the abscess matures, a symptom of fluctuation and yellow clearing appear in the center. And after opening, the inflammatory phenomena gradually subside. The prognosis with timely drainage is favorable, active therapeutic measures They can even trigger the reverse development of an abscess. But the lack of therapy is fraught with dangerous complications.

Additional diagnostics

The doctor will tell you what can cause a sore to form on the eyelid. After examination, for maximum accuracy of diagnosis, he will prescribe additional research. The list of probable procedures is formed individually, it may include:

  • Complete blood count (leukocytes, ESR).
  • Biochemical indicators (acute phase proteins, immunogram, glucose, etc.).
  • Analysis of discharge (microscopy, culture, antibiotic sensitivity).
  • Biomicroscopy of the eye.
  • Dacryocystography.
  • Ultrasound of soft tissues.

In case of abscesses on the eye, an examination by an ophthalmologist is required. And the recurrent course of purulent processes, especially in childhood, should become the basis for consultation with other specialists: immunologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist.

To clarify the nature of the process and its cause, the doctor will prescribe additional studies and consultations with related specialists.


Therapeutic tactics for ulcers in the eye and eyelids involve eliminating bacterial inflammation and prevention of complications. The main aspect is the use of medications:

  • Antiseptics.
  • Antibacterial.
  • Anti-inflammatory.

Drug therapy can be local or general. The first is to treat the outbreak antiseptic solutions(diamond green, salicylic alcohol), antimicrobial ointments (tetracycline, erythromycin, Levomekol), the use of drops (sodium sulfacyl, Cipropharm, Colbiotsin). And in severe cases of the process, systemic measures are indicated: antibiotics (taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen), antipyretics and detoxification agents.

Physiotherapy is also indicated during the infiltration phase ( dry heat, UHF, UV irradiation) in a course of 3-5 sessions. And when fluctuations and a necrotic core appear, the pus must be removed in order to prevent its spread. Therefore, for mature abscesses it is required surgery- they are cut and removed inflammatory exudate and drain. Subsequently, daily dressings with ointments are carried out until the wound is completely healed.

Purulent-inflammatory processes in the eye area are always dangerous, especially in childhood. Therefore, when the first signs of pathology appear, you should seek medical help. The doctor will conduct an examination, find out the cause of the abscess and its nature, and based on the diagnostic results, prescribe appropriate treatment.

Inflammation of the eyelid is a very unpleasant and dangerous disease. During the inflammatory process, both the upper and lower eyelids may be affected, or both eyelids may become inflamed at the same time. Treatment of inflammation of the eyelid is a very long and painstaking process, especially if the disease is in an advanced form. Many patients with inflammation of the eyes not only experience discomfort in the form of pain, itching and burning, but also begin serious problems with vision, up to its complete loss.

Etiology of the phenomenon

The main reason why inflammation of the upper eyelid develops is bacteria and viruses. However, there are several additional factors, promoting the development of inflammatory processes. These factors include: allergies, eye injuries, weak the immune system, strain on the eyes when sitting for a long time in front of a computer monitor or watching TV, low-quality cosmetics, crying for a long time.

Before starting treatment for inflammation, it is important to know the exact cause of its development in order to know how to eliminate it and how to treat it.

Signs and classification

There are many classifications of diseases as a result of which the eyes can become inflamed. The symptoms and mechanisms of development of some ailments are similar. The main causative agents of such diseases are bacteria and viruses that are transmitted by contact. It is worth noting that even if the patient has initial stage Since the disease only inflames the upper eyelid, it is possible that after some time the same symptoms will not appear on the lower eyelid - you just need to rub your sore eye with your finger a couple of times to spread the bacteria.

Here are a few of the most common ophthalmological diseases, in which the main symptom is inflammation of the eyelid:

  1. Barley. With it, inflammation is usually localized in the extreme part of the eyelid and conjunctiva, the skin adjacent to it becomes red. When the barley is fully ripe, a purulent abscess appears.
  2. Meibomeite. For of this disease Redness of the conjunctiva is characteristic, inflammation is usually localized in the depths of the eyelids, and yellow or grayish crusts often appear in the corners of the eyes. Most last stage the disease becomes a purulent abscess.
  3. Impetigo. This disease is characterized by small pustules that begin their development on the face, gradually moving to the eyelids. The appearance of impetigo can be seen much more often in a child than in an adult.
  4. Furuncle. When a boil forms, the eyelid swells very much. Often the swelling even extends to the face, and the eye may close completely.
  5. Cellulitis and abscess. These 2 diseases are signs that the inflammatory process is beginning to worsen, resulting in the formation copious accumulation pus. A patient with phlegmon or an abscess experiences severe pain in the area of ​​localization of inflammation.
  6. Blepharitis. Inflammation of the lower eyelid or upper eyelid, localized mainly at the edges. With blepharitis, the eyelids become red and heavy, lumps may appear, and severe itching and burning. Often with blepharitis, the patient's eyelashes completely fall out.

Among all the listed inflammations of the eyelid, blepharitis occurs much more often than others, which can develop equally in both an adult and a child.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of an inflamed eyelid is carried out in an ophthalmology office. Only experienced specialist, having spent everything necessary procedures After a thorough examination of the patient and comparing all the signs of inflammation, he will be able to name the exact cause of the disease.

If necessary, material for a biopsy may be required; such measures are resorted to in order to exclude the formation of malignant or benign tumor. Held this procedure mainly only when the disease is in an advanced form and has not responded to basic treatment for a long time.

Drug therapy

In case of inflammation of the eyelid, treatment can be carried out only with medication or in combination with medications traditional medicine. In this case positive result can be achieved much faster. Before starting therapy, the doctor usually gives some recommendations: you should never rub your eyes, watching TV and sitting in front of a computer monitor should be limited for the entire period of treatment, and along with therapy, you should take vitamins to strengthen the immune system. These recommendations must be strictly followed, otherwise the entire eye may become completely inflamed, and then it will become much more difficult to cure the disease.

It is important to remember that you should not self-medicate if the eyelid above or below the eye is inflamed, since only a doctor knows how to help the patient in this situation.

Treatment for inflammation in the upper and lower eyelids completely depends on the cause of its development, so it is very important to diagnose as accurately as possible and determine all the factors that could influence its formation.

If the disease is provoked by any allergens, then first of all it is recommended to use antihistamines, and, of course, you need to get rid of the allergen itself. In case of injuries, all treatment is aimed at eliminating the damage.

If the disease is provoked by bacteria and viruses, then as the most effective therapy The following drugs are recommended: Biseptol, Ampiox, Oxacillin. You can put drops such as Penicillin, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone into your eyes.

Ointments used for eye inflammation: Gentamicin, Tetracycline, Furacilin.

Pustules and boils are usually opened surgically and then treated with disinfectants.

Therapy with folk remedies

Treatment for eye inflammation folk remedies can only be used if not large cluster pus and mucus. In this case, it is necessary to consult with specialists before using traditional medicine. So, the most popular and effective means:

  1. Warm baths. IN warm water You need to lower your face for 15–20 seconds, while your eyes should be open. The procedure must be repeated 5-6 times throughout the day.
  2. Infusion of cucumber peel. The peel of 1 medium peeled cucumber must be chopped and poured with half a glass of boiling water, add 0.5 tsp. soda, mix thoroughly and leave to infuse for an hour or an hour and a half. The finished infusion should be filtered and applied to the eyes in the form of lotions.
  3. Decoction of onions. 1 onion needs to be boiled, and then add 1 tsp to the resulting broth. honey or a little boric acid. The resulting product should be used to rinse your eyes several times a day.
  4. Chamomile. Dried chamomile inflorescences in the amount of 3–4 tbsp. l. you need to pour a glass of boiling water, wrap it in something warm and leave for two hours. After the prescribed period, the infusion must be filtered and rinsed with it every 2-3 hours throughout the day.
  5. Brewing black tea. Rinsing tired or sore eyes with strong black tea has been practiced for a very long time. However, before using this procedure, it is important to remember that the tea must be freshly brewed and in no case old, since black tea leaves brewed about 3-5 days ago contain a large amount of toxic substances that can cause harm to the patient instead of benefit. . Compresses and rinses with black tea can be done several times throughout the day. The compress should only be warm, not hot or cold. You need to brew regular black tea without adding any herbs, fruits, flavorings or sugar; the tea leaves should not come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes.
  6. Kalanchoe juice. Fresh leaves and Kalanchoe stems must be thoroughly washed and the juice squeezed out of them. They need to apply eye lotions several times a day.
  7. Decoction of marshmallow root. 2 tbsp. l. marshmallow root, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, pour half a liter of boiling water and boil for half an hour. After the prescribed period, cool the broth, strain and apply it to the eyes.
  8. A decoction of millet cereals. For blepharitis, the use of a remedy such as a decoction of millet is very effective. In order to prepare it, you need to thoroughly rinse 2-3 tbsp. l. millet cereals, pour a glass of water over them and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Ready decoction it is necessary to cool, strain and wash your eyes with it half an hour or an hour before bedtime. At night, you can put a sterile swab or a piece of gauze soaked in the broth on your eyelids.
  9. Apple and honey. No less effective properties Apple juice with honey also has properties, for the preparation of which you need to make a small depression in the upper part of a thoroughly washed apple and fill it with 1 tsp. honey After the honey has completely dissolved in apple juice, it can be instilled into the eyes 3-4 drops several times a day. This tool can be used not only in the treatment of eyelid inflammation in adults, but also in children.
  10. Infusion of marshmallow leaves and flowers. 2 tbsp. l. Dried marshmallow leaves and flowers must be crushed, then pour 2 cups of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain the finished infusion and apply to the eyelids as a lotion.
  11. Caraway infusion. 1 tbsp. l. Caraway fruits need to be crushed, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 30–40 minutes. Strain the finished infusion and apply lotions and compresses to the eyes.

Preventive actions

Observing everything carefully and in a timely manner preventive measures, you can prevent not only eye diseases, but also many others. Under no circumstances should you touch your eyes with dirty hands; you should change your face towel and bed linen, in particular your pillowcase, as often as possible. You only need to wash your face warm water, since cold can cause stagnation venous blood, which causes the development of certain eye diseases and inflammatory processes. After contact with animals, you must wash your hands with soap, this applies to both street and domestic animals.

A strong and healthy immune system also plays a very important role important role in the prevention of eye diseases, therefore you should carefully monitor your immunity and, if necessary, strengthen it in time.

You should review your entire diet, try to eat healthy and give up all bad habits.

Inadequate rest can also provoke inflammation of the eyelid, so you should try to sleep the prescribed 8–9 hours a day, sit less at the computer and watch TV.

Women should try to use decorative cosmetics for the eyes as little as possible, and during illness and treatment it is better to completely get rid of it and start using it again only after a complete recovery.

In hot weather, when going outside, it is advisable to wear Sunglasses. At poor eyesight It is best to wear glasses rather than contact lenses. You should try to visit an ophthalmologist at least 1 or 2 times a year.

The inflammatory process of the eyelid that continues over a long period of time can be very dangerous. dangerous consequences, in particular if pus gets into tear duct, then a disease such as dacryocystitis may develop. Blepharitis located in advanced stage, can lead to entropion of the eyelid. This defect can only be corrected through surgery.

Barley. Acute purulent inflammation sebaceous gland the edges of the eyelids, located at the root of the eyelash, due to infection (usually staphylococcus). A limited, sharply painful swelling appears at the edge of the eyelid, accompanied by swelling and hyperemia of the skin of the eyelid and conjunctiva. After 2-4 days, the infiltrate purulently melts, and when it breaks through, pus and particles of necrotic tissue are released. The formation of several barleys at once is possible.

Meibomeite. Inflammation of the meibomian glands of the cartilage of the eyelids, caused by the penetration and development of coccal flora in them. It can be acute or chronic. In chronic meibomitis, redness and thickening of the eyelid margins are observed. Through the hyperemic and infiltrated conjunctiva in the area of ​​the eyelid cartilage, enlarged and thickened yellowish meibomian glands are visible. Yellowish-grayish crusts form at the ciliary edge and in the corners of the eyelids (due to hypersecretion of the meibomian glands). In the light of a slit lamp, dilated orifices of the meibomian glands are visible in the intramarginal space of the eyelid margin. The altered secretion of the meibomian glands, entering the conjunctival cavity, causes chronic conjunctivitis. Acute meibomitis is similar in clinical picture to barley. However pathological process is located not at the edge of the eyelid, but in the depths of the cartilage, which is visible when the eyelid is everted. Spontaneous opening is possible from the conjunctiva. If necessary, surgical opening is also performed from the side of the conjunctiva, but always along the meibomian glands. Periodic squeezing out the secretion of the meibomian glands by massaging the edge of the eyelids with a glass rod is important in the prevention of meibomitis. This procedure is performed after a single installation of a 0.5% dicaine solution (or 3-5% trimecaine solution) into the conjunctival sac.

Chalazion. Hailstone is a dense round formation in the thickness of the cartilage of the eyelid, resulting from chronic proliferative inflammation of the meibomian gland. It is possible for several chalazions to form simultaneously on the lower and upper eyelids.

Impetigo. A contagious pustular disease caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus. The eyelids are rarely affected primarily; more often the painful process spreads from the skin of the face. Staphylococcal impetigo is characterized by the appearance on the skin of the eyelids of ulcers the size of a millet grain, with a hyperemic base. There is a hair in the center of the abscess. The skin between the ulcers has normal look, there are usually no subjective sensations. The ulcers disappear within 7-9 days, leaving no scars. Streptococcal impetigo is usually observed in children: superficial, not associated with hair follicles, slightly elevated blisters the size of a pinhead to a lentil appear. The contents of the bubbles are often transparent, less often cloudy or bloody. The bubbles dry out and form crusts. After 8-14 days, the crusts fall off, and bluish-red spots remain in their place. may extend to the tarsal and bulbar conjunctiva, representing small flat erosive bubbles. A combination of streptococcal and staphylococcal impetigo is often observed.

Erysipelas. More often caused by hemolytic streptococcus, less often by staphylococcus and other microorganisms. Usually the inflammatory process spreads from neighboring parts of the facial skin. It occurs in an erythematous or gangrenous form. Accompanied by severe pain in the eyeball and increased body temperature. At proper treatment usually ends favorably, sometimes the course is complicated by orbital veins, neuritis optic nerve, panophthalmitis, meningitis.

Abscess and phlegmon of the century. Limited or diffuse infiltrative purulent inflammation of the tissues of the eyelid. The causes of abscess and phlegmon are boils, barley, acute purulent meibomeitis, ulcerative blepharitis, inflammatory process paranasal sinuses nose, infected eyelid wounds. An abscess or phlegmon of the eyelid can also occur metastatically with various general infectious diseases. Hyperemia and swelling of the skin of the eyelid are noted. The eyelid is painful, the skin is tense, sometimes acquires a yellowish tint, fluctuation is possible. After incision or spontaneous opening of the abscess and evacuation of pus, the inflammatory phenomena quickly subside. With timely and rational treatment, reverse development of the abscess is possible.

Furuncle. Acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding tissues of the eyelid. The causative agent of the disease is staphylococcus. The boil is most often localized in the upper parts of the eyelid or in the eyebrow area and less often on the edge of the eyelid. A dense, painful nodule with diffuse swelling around it first appears on the affected area. Swelling affects the eyelid and the corresponding half of the face. After a few days, a necrotic core forms in the center of the boil. The boil opens with the release of a small amount of pus, the necrotic core is separated, the resulting ulcer is filled with granulations and heals with a scar. The duration of the inflammatory process is usually 8-14 days; sometimes there is malaise and increased body temperature.

Blepharitis. The causes of blepharitis are many and varied. Inflammation of the ciliary margin of the eyelids is characterized by prolonged chronic course, is accompanied by itching, a feeling of heaviness in the eyelids, rapid eye fatigue, and increased sensitivity to bright light. There are simple (or scaly), ulcerative, meibomian and angular blepharitis.

Viral lesions of the eyelids.
Molluscum contagiosum. Caused by a dermotropic poxvirus. This nosological form is well known not only to ophthalmologists, but also to pediatricians and dermatologists. It should be noted that the term “infectious or contagious molluscum” is completely incorrect. It appeared at a time when it was believed that the disease owes its origin to a protozoan mollusk that penetrates the skin. Despite the fact that the viral origin of the disease has now been precisely established, the old term still remains in force. Dermotropic virus causing clinic molluscum contagiosum, is transmitted through direct contact, as well as through objects, in particular toys. The clinical picture of the lesion consists of the appearance on the skin of single or multiple nodules ranging in size from a pinhead to a pea. The nodules are dense, painless to the touch, have the color of normal skin, sometimes with a peculiar shine, reminiscent of the shine of a pearl. Typical for molluscum contagiosum is the presence in the center of the nodule of a depression with microscopically small holes. When the nodule is compressed, a mass is released through them white, consisting of degenerated elements of the dermis. At one time, this content was mistaken for the causative agent of the disease - molluscum contagiosum. Molluscum contagiosum can cause persistent viral blepharitis, conjunctivitis and keratitis, and these diseases occur regardless of the location of the mollusk. In cases where molluscum contagiosum is located on the eyelids, the origin of the listed diseases is undoubtedly of a viral nature. Blepharitis and keratitis arising from molluscum contagiosum usually do not differ in any specific clinical manifestations. As for conjunctivitis, it is characterized by the presence of rather large follicles, reminiscent in appearance of follicles in trachoma.

Treatment of eyelid diseases

Treatment of barley. In the initial stage, lubricate the skin of the eyelid at the site of infiltration with 70% alcohol or 1% alcohol solution brilliant green. Instillations of 20-30% sulfacyl sodium solution, 10% sulfapyridazine sodium solution, 1% penicillin solution, 1% erythromycin solution, 0.1% dexamethasone solution, 0.3% solution, 1% emulsion 3-4 times a day. Lubricating the skin of the eyelid in the area of ​​infiltration and placing behind the eyelids ointments containing sulfonamides and antibiotics, 1% yellow mercury ointment. Dry heat, UHF therapy. In some cases, opening of the stye is indicated. When body temperature rises, use sulfonamides orally and antibiotics orally and parenterally. For recurrent styes - autohemotherapy and identification of common predisposing diseases (diabetes mellitus), their treatment.

Video about treating stye

Treatment of meibomeitis. Chronic meibomeitis - see Blepharitis. For acute meibomitis, treatment is the same as for acute purulent inflammation of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid margin (see Stye). Treatment of chalazion.

In the initial stage for resorption and reduction 3 times a day; dry heat. Injections into the chalazion area (after local anesthesia 0.5% dicaine solution) 0.4% dexamethasone solution (0.2 ml) or lecozyme enzyme (the contents of the bottle are dissolved in 2 ml of water for injection, 0.2 ml of solution is administered). Injections can be repeated after 1-1.5 months. If there is no effect - surgical treatment.

Treatment of impetigo. The affected areas of the skin are wiped with camphor or 2% salicylic alcohol. Single fresh blisters are opened with a sterile needle, tweezers or scissors, the pus is removed with sterile cotton wool or gauze, the resulting erosions are lubricated with a 1% solution of brilliant green or a 1% solution of methylene blue, a 2% alcohol solution of iodine, a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, a solution of furatsilin (1: 5000). It is not advisable to open multiple blisters; they are lubricated 1-2 times a day with 1-10% synthomycin emulsion or 1% erythromycin, 1% tetracycline, 0.5% neomycin, 0.5% gentamicin, 2% polymyxin, 4% gentamicin ointment, followed by imposition sterile dressing. After removing the crusts, use 2-5% white mercury or 1-2% yellow mercury ointment. If the conjunctiva is involved in the pathological process, instillation of a solution of benzylpenicillin sodium salt (10,000-20,000 units in 1 ml), 20-30% solution of sulfacyl sodium (3-6 times a day), 10-20% solution of sulfapyridazine sodium (3- 4 times a day); placing ointments containing (1% tetracycline, 1% erythromycin) behind the eyelids 2-4 times a day. Orally - ampicillin 0.25 g, oletethrin 0.25 g, oxacillin sodium salt 0.25 g each, furatsilin 0.1 g, bactrim 2 tablets 2 times a day. During the treatment period, washing your face with water is not allowed. In cases of widespread impetigo and in case of relapses of the disease, 300,000 units are administered intramuscularly 3 times a day (total dose 4,000,000 - 5,000,000 units), ampiox 0.2 g, autohemotherapy is prescribed, fish oil is administered orally; vitamins A, Bi, Be, C (orally or intramuscularly); They recommend a diet excluding sweets and extractive substances. Treatment of erysipelas of the eyelids.

The most effective antibiotics penicillin series. Penicillin is prescribed intramuscularly at 300,000 units every 6 hours for 5-7 days. Good results gives oral administration of phenoxymethylpenicillin 0.25 g 4-6 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 5-7 days. If penicillin is intolerant, erythromycin is prescribed orally at a dose of 0.3 g 4-5 times a day or 0.3 g 4 times a day, course duration is 7 days. For frequently relapsing forms, semisynthetic penicillins are indicated: oxacillin 1 g 3-4 times a day, methicillin 1 g 4-6 times a day, ampicillin 1 g 3-4 times a day; Duration of treatment is 5-7 days. A complex of vitamins is also prescribed orally, 0.2 g each, methyluracil 0.5 g each. Autohemotherapy, UV rays in erythemal doses (3-4 biodoses) are recommended on the affected area with the capture of part healthy skin. With the development of conjunctivitis, instillation of antibiotic solutions: 0.5% neomycin sulfate solution, 1% kanamycin sulfate solution, penicillin solution (20,000 units in 1 ml), 0.02% furatsilin solution, 10-20% sodium sulfapyridazine solution. Patients with erysipelas faces and eyelids acute period should be hospitalized.

Treatment of abscess and phlegmon. Patients are prescribed bactericidal and bacteriostatic agents: intramuscularly - benzylpenicillin sodium salt 300,000 units 3 times a day, 4% solution of gentamicin 40 mg, ampiox 0.2 g; orally - oxacillin sodium salt 0.25 g, metacycline 0.3 g, ampicillin 0.25 g, furatsilin 0.1 g; Bactrim () 2 tablets 2 times a day; sulfonamides - 0.5 g, etazol 0.5 g, 1 g per day (once, for 4-5 days). Locally: dry heat, UHF therapy, instillation of disinfectant drops into the conjunctival sac. If fluctuation occurs, open the abscess or phlegmon, followed by the use of dressings with 10% hypertonic solution sodium chloride. Treatment of a boil of the eyelid Treatment is complex. Antibiotics are used orally - oxacillin sodium salt 0.25 g, ampiox 0.25 g, oletethrin 0.25 g, metacycline 0.3 g, ampicillin 0.25 g, intramuscular - penicillin 300,000 units, 4 % solution of gentamicin, 1 ml, 0.2 g each. Sulfonamides, Bactrim, etc. are prescribed orally. The skin around the boil is wiped with camphor or 2% salicylic alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and furacilin solution (1:5000). Dry heat in the form of a heating pad is recommended. In case of significant swelling and pain in the maturing stage of the inflammatory process, water-alcohol compresses are used. Surgical opening is indicated only for abscessation of the boil. After opening the boil, the necrotic rod is removed with tweezers, and a sterile dressing is applied to the ulcerated surface of the eyelid. gauze bandage. The skin around the boil is lubricated with 0.5% neomycin or 0.1-0.5% gentamicin ointment, 1-10% synthomycin emulsion. To prevent new rashes around the boil, ultraviolet irradiation is indicated. For chronically recurrent furunculosis, it is advisable to prescribe a specific staphylococcal vaccine subcutaneously or intradermally from 0.2 to 1 ml, increasing the dose by 0.1-0.2 ml every 2-3 days (for a course of 10-12 injections), or nonspecific immunotherapy ( autohemotherapy, prodigiosan).

First of all, eliminate the cause of the disease. Toilet the ciliary edge of the eyelids locally: after lubricating the eyelids fish oil or 1% yellow mercury ointment scales and crusts are removed, the edges of the eyelids are treated with antiseptic solutions, and ointments with antibiotics or sulfonamides are used. They also use 0.5% hydrocortisone, 0.2% furacilin, 1% tetracycline, 1% dibiomycin, 10% priscolic, oletethrin, 10% methyluracil, 0.5% gentamicin ointment and 1% calendula ointment. At the same time, 0.25% zinc sulfate solution, 20-30% sulfacyl sodium solution, 10% sulfapyridazine sodium solution, 2% amidopyrine solution, 0.1% dexamethasone solution, 0.3% prednisolone solution, 1% are instilled into the conjunctival sac. hydrocortisone emulsion, Sofradex eye drops. For ulcerative blepharitis, the crusts are removed after softening them by repeated lubrication with 10% sodium sulfacyl ointment, 1%, 1% synthomycin emulsion, fish oil. After removing the crusts, the ulcers are lubricated with a 1% solution of brilliant green, methylene blue, 5-10% alcohol solution of calendula, 0.02% solution of furatsilin. For meibomian blepharitis, be sure to massage the eyelids glass rod, squeezing out the contents of the meibomian glands. The edges of the eyelids are wiped with cotton wool soaked in a mixture of alcohol and ether, and lubricated with a 1% solution of brilliant green or a 5% alcohol solution of calendula. A specific method of treating angular blepharitis is the use of zinc preparations in the form of eye drops and ointments (see Diplobacillary, angular conjunctivitis). Treatment chronic blepharitis complex: general strengthening, sanitation of foci of infection, good nutrition, compliance hygienic conditions labor and everyday life, correct correction of refractive errors, etc. Treatment of molluscum contagiosum Skin elements are destroyed by scraping or diathermocoagulation, followed by extinguishing the molluscum bed with a 1% solution of brilliant green. Blepharitis, conjunctivitis and keratitis after the elimination of all molluscan nodules disappear without a trace without any treatment.

Inflammation of the eyelid can occur in both adults and children. This disease often accompanies common infections or allergies, but can also manifest itself independently. Most often, the inflammatory process leads to dysfunction of the organ of vision due to pain, swelling, and the appearance of seals. Treatment eye inflammation should start as early as possible, because violation normal operation the eye greatly reduces the quality of life.

Any infection can cause inflammation of the eyelid, but there are also non-infectious causes development of such a process. In the latter case, the disease can be provoked by aggressive external influences or develop against the background of psychosomatics.

The most common reasons the development of the inflammatory process on the eyelid are:

  • neglect of sanitary and hygienic rules;
  • intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • decreased protective abilities of the body;
  • mechanical and chemical damage;
  • low-quality cosmetics;

Inflammation of the upper eyelid is accompanied by redness and swelling of its outermost part. The ciliary roots are often covered with tiny crumbling scales of a gray-yellow hue.

Also, inflammation of the upper eyelid is characterized by increased tear production, eye fatigue, and photosensitivity. Instead of scales on the eyelash edge, swelling may develop, and the skin appears oily. When you press on the eyelid, a transparent component is released.

When the disease manifests itself in the lower eyelid area, dirty yellow scales may also appear against a background of swelling and external redness. The eyelash edge will itch and itch, the eye will react painfully to light and wind. If treatment is not started on time, inflammation will develop into purulent phase with the appearance of a crust, minor ulceration of the skin and mucous membrane, as well as loss of eyelashes. If scales and ulcers have not formed, then the edge of the lower eyelid will be moist, as if oily, swollen. When pressed, a transparent secret will be highlighted.

The general term “inflammation of the eyelid” refers to several different diseases:

Disease What causes Characteristic signs
Barley Staphylococcus

sebaceous gland

Swelling of the extreme part of the eyelid, red tint of the skin and conjunctiva near the site of inflammation, pain. The abscess matures for several days, then pus breaks out. Most often, one stye appears, but there may be several abscesses in one eye.
Meibomeitis Coccal microbes Damage to the cartilage glands (meibomian) inside the eyelid. It can be acute or chronic. In the first case, a kind of stye occurs in internal tissues century. Often it is difficult for the pus to come out, so the lesion is cleaned surgically.

The chronic type of the disease makes the meibomian glands visible behind the thickened and red conjunctiva. The corners of the eyes are overgrown with dirty yellow crusts.

Impetigo Staphylococcus or streptococcus The appearance of small pustules at the roots of the eyelashes. They usually disappear within a couple of days, even if the disease is not treated. It is most often found in children as it is transmitted by contact.
Furuncle Poor hygiene, demodex, diabetes, mechanical damage Characteristic is the appearance of a dense area with pus inside, surrounded by edema. Treatment for boils is usually surgical. A scar may remain in its place.
Blepharitis Bacterial infection Feeling of heaviness in the affected eyelid, sensitivity to light. The eyelids become red and itchy, the eyes get tired quickly, and eyelashes may fall out.
Abscess and phlegmon Complications after eye injury, as well as boils, barley, meibomeitis, blepharitis, sinusitis A sharply emerging suppurating focus of gray-yellow color, causing severe pain. When the pus comes out, the pain quickly disappears.
Molluscum contagiosum Poxvirus This disease is more common in children than in adults. The virus is transmitted by contact and can only penetrate through immature immune protection. Dense painless nodules appear on the skin of the eyelids. If left untreated, the disease can lead to chronic blepharitis, keratitis and inflammation of the conjunctiva.

The most common eyelid disease is blepharitis. It can be scaly, mite-borne, allergic, ulcerative. Blepharitis also includes rosacea.

What will stop the inflammatory process?

Treatment of any type of inflammation involves primarily rinsing antiseptics. In the case of a process on the eyelid, you can use Alomide, Dexamethasone, Lecrolin, Dex-Gentamicin, Maxitrol. If it is not possible to wash the eye with appropriate antiseptic agents, you can use tea or decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and cornflower.

Treatment of the inflammatory process directly depends on the causes that caused it. Minor inflammation of the eyelid due to exposure to dust, smoke or bright light may go away on its own as soon as irritant will be eliminated.

If the eyelid is inflamed for other reasons, the disease must be treated:

  • You can treat an allergic disease with antihistamines.
  • If the reason is general illness, then a therapeutic course against this disease is necessary.
  • In some cases, treatment of an abscess is carried out through surgery.

Treatment of inflammation caused by bacterial infection, is carried out with the help of antibiotics. Biseptol or Oxacillin are usually recommended for oral administration. These are used eye ointments, such as furacilin and gentamicin, as well as eye drops based on sodium sulfacyl and penicillin. If the inflammation is not purulent, the doctor can only prescribe local antibiotics.

In any case, determining the cause of the disease and choosing therapy should be entrusted to an ophthalmologist. Especially if the disease is accompanied painful sensations, pus, ulcers, decreased vision.

Inflammatory process on the eyelids can cause complications or become chronic, which is much more difficult to cure.

How to fight with folk remedies

An additional measure after consulting a doctor may be treatment with folk remedies. But purulent inflammation of the eyelid is only traditional methods it is impossible to win. At bacterial cause illnesses will definitely be required antibiotic drugs. There are several options for influencing inflammation with folk remedies.

Washing can be done not only with water or pharmaceuticals.

What folk compositions You can wash your eyes if your eyelids are inflamed:

  • Warm tea leaves. It has been used to fight eye diseases and fatigue since ancient times. The brew must be fresh, because after five hours at room temperature it begins to form toxins. Only black tea will do. Sometimes tea bags are also used for eye compresses.
  • A decoction of chamomile, cornflower and calendula. These plants have excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Warm chamomile or cornflower tea is used to wash both the edge of the eyelid and the mucous membrane of the eye.
  • Decoction of oak bark. This medicine contains phytoncides and tannins, thanks to which you can cleanse the organs of vision from pathogenic microflora.

Before washing, you should carefully filter the decoctions so that plant particles do not get on the mucous membrane of the eye, inside the upper or lower eyelid.

The second way to get rid of the disease using folk remedies is eye drops from medicinal plants:

  1. Aloe (or Kalanchoe). It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the leaf and drip a drop behind the inflamed eyelid three times a day.
  2. Clover. Freshly squeezed juice is used in the same way as in the previous case.
  3. Chamomile or calendula. Dry herbal remedy crushed and brewed in hot water (two small spoons per glass). After filtration, the composition is instilled into the eyes - a drop three times a day.

It is also useful to treat the affected areas with rose oil, homemade ointment based on propolis (effective for blepharitis) or saline solution.

Treatment inflammatory disease folk remedies can be carried out using lotions:

  • Based on an aqueous infusion of medicinal plants. It will require inflorescences of calendula, chamomile, clover, calendula and cornflower, as well as plantain and dill seed (in equal parts). Tampons soaked in the infusion are applied to the inflamed areas for a quarter of an hour, then the compress is changed and kept for the same time. Eyes must be closed.
  • From a decoction of millet cereals. Soak cotton swabs in the broth and apply to the affected area.
  • From cumin seeds soaked in boiling water. Two hours after brewing, the composition is filtered, cloth napkins are soaked in the liquid and applied to the inflamed eyelids.

Treatment with lotions made from cottage cheese or whey is effective. Wrap the cottage cheese in gauze (or soak it in whey) and use it as a compress.

It is quite possible to prevent inflammation of the eyelid. After all, when good immunity even hit pathogens on the mucous membrane will not start the process. But certain sanitary and hygienic rules will help protect against illness. You need to wash your eyes every morning cool water. During the day, you should touch your eyelids as little as possible, and also maintain a routine of working in front of the monitor or while watching television. Preventative check-ups with an ophthalmologist should become annual.