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Inflammation of the eyeball: causes and treatment. What to do if your eyeball hurts

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The eye is one of the main human sense organs. It is thanks to the eyes that maximum perception of the surrounding world is ensured. Deprivation or limitation of the ability to see leads to the loss of the ability to contemplate the world, work, take care of yourself. Considering such a primary role of the organ of vision, it becomes clear that any problems with the eyes are very worrying for a person.

Injuries, inflammatory diseases, sudden loss of vision is most often accompanied by a symptom such as eye pain and require immediate medical examination to prevent progression of the disease, possible loss visual acuity or its complete absence.

Eye diseases are diverse and complex, but a competent ophthalmologist will always be able to understand the causes of pain in the eyes and do everything possible to not only eliminate pain syndrome, but also to prevent consequences. Self-medication for eye pain is highly discouraged, since the consequences are always serious.

Eye pain– this is a complex pain varying intensity, accompanied or not by other disorders of the organ of vision or other organs and systems. Eye pain may be constant or worsen under certain conditions.
Considering the huge range of pathologies in which the patient complains of pain in the eye, it is important to determine which manifestation specific disease she happens to be.

Pain in the eye as a clinical symptom

Eye pain accompanies many eye diseases and may be one of the symptoms of other diseases. Let's consider the features that characterize pain in the eyes in the most common pathologies.


This disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, and may be a consequence allergic reactions. The pain with this pathology is of a cutting nature. In addition, there are symptoms such as lacrimation, mucopurulent or mucous discharge from the eyes, and photophobia. Pain may increase when blinking (conjunctivitis).


With this pathology it becomes inflamed cornea eye. As a rule, keratitis is a consequence of corneal injuries, influenza, and tuberculosis. The nature of the pain is not acute, aching, prolonged. In addition to pain, patients with keratitis experience ulceration and clouding of the cornea, redness of the eyes, blepharospasm, photophobia, and lacrimation.


With this pathology, clouding of the lens develops, which is associated with age-related tissue nutritional disorders, the presence of diabetes mellitus and other pathologies. Eye pain with cataracts is practically not observed. Patients complain of decreased visual acuity, blurry and dim vision.


This eye disease is classified as infectious. The nature of the disease is viral. A person can become infected through direct contact with a sick person or using household items of a sick person. Pain in the eyes (this disease always affects both eyes) is moderate, constant, late stages If left untreated, ulcerations may form, follicles may form, and eye pain may become more severe. In addition, the patient has complaints of redness of the eyes and the presence of mucous discharge.


With glaucoma there is an increase intraocular pressure, which is accompanied by pain in the eyes. The pain is paroxysmal, intense pain symptom is determined by the degree of increase in pressure, and during an acute attack of glaucoma, the pain can be so unbearable that the patient requires urgent hospitalization for treatment emergency care. Also, patients with glaucoma experience decreased visual acuity, temporary blurred vision, headache.


This disease is characterized by disorders that affect optical system eyes and lead to the formation of a blurred image on the retina. Pain in the eyes is sharp with astigmatism, and in addition, in the absence of adequate correction, long-term headaches appear.


Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids; it can be caused by eye infections and inflammatory processes, as well as by disorders of endocrine processes, metabolic processes, lack of vitamins in the body, low level sanitary and hygienic conditions in which people live, smoke and dust. Pain in the eye with blepharitis is accompanied by a feeling of clogged eyes, itching, rapid eye fatigue, increased sensitivity to bright light, abnormal growth eyelashes and their loss, swelling and redness of the edges of the eyelids.


This is the most common ophthalmic disease, which is almost always one-sided. Barley is a purulent acute inflammation hair follicle eyelashes and also sebaceous gland, located at the root of the eyelash. Pain in the eye with barley is acute at the onset of the disease, accompanied by swelling of the eyelid, redness, abscess formation, and possibly an increase in temperature.

Viral diseases and any other diseases that occur with high fever

All diseases that occur with high temperature(most often colds and viruses) are accompanied by pain in the eyes. Patients most often complain of pressure on the eyes, headache and the complex of symptoms that accompanies the underlying disease (cough, runny nose, sore throat and joint pain). Pain in the eyes goes away on its own as body temperature normalizes within 24-36 hours on average.

Dry eye syndrome

This syndrome develops with visual fatigue, prolonged work on the computer, being in a room where fluorescent lighting is a constant source of light, and air conditioners are running continuously. Such patients complain of burning and stinging in the eyes, sensations of foreign objects in the eyes, lacrimation at the onset of the syndrome and dry eyes subsequently (Dry Eye Syndrome).

Getting lint, debris, dust particles, etc. into the eye.

If it happens that a foreign body gets into the eye, the pain in the eye occurs suddenly and can be very sharp. It is felt until the foreign body is removed, after which discomfort in the eye caused by irritation may continue for some time.

Bruised eye

An eye contusion is one of the types of injuries and occurs as a result of a blow with a blunt object or severe compression of the eyes. The pain is sharp, acute, the intensity depends on the degree of injury. In addition, there may be pain and swelling in nearby tissues, bruising under the eyes.

Eye burn

An eye burn can be caused by various factors: exposure to the sun, fire, chemical reagents. The pain is unbearable, acute, accompanied sudden loss vision or a sharp decrease in visual acuity. As a rule, such conditions affect not only the eye, but also nearby tissues, upon examination of which characteristic features burn - redness, tissue necrosis, etc. (depending on the degree of burn and the nature of the damaging substance).


This disease is otherwise called herpes zoster. Pain in the eye is very severe with this disease and at the beginning of the disease may not be accompanied by any additional symptoms. Later, redness and ulcers appear, typical of this disease.

Chronic infectious diseases of the paranasal sinuses

In the presence of foci chronic infection in the sinuses, pain in the eyes does not always appear; more often it occurs during an exacerbation. The pain is long-lasting, mild, and goes away as the infectious process is treated.

Headache, migraine, temporal arteritis

In these cases, eye pain is associated with vascular spasm, which is present in these pathologies.

Develops suddenly with exacerbation of the underlying disease. After taking action about your disease, the pain in the eyes subsides and goes away completely. If migraine is characterized by an ophthalmological form, then most often the pain is observed only in one eye, accompanied by double vision, the appearance of “lightning” in front of the eyes, and a decrease in visual acuity of a transient nature.

Inflammation of the facial or trigeminal nerve

In these cases, a tugging pain occurs on the affected side, which radiates to the eye area. The pain in the eye is intense, sometimes unbearable.

Systemic connective tissue diseases

If the patient suffers from diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, periarteritis nodosa, then the vessels are also affected, including those that feed eyeball. In this case, there may be pain in the eyes of an almost constant nature. When examining the patient, a symptom complex characteristic of systemic damage is discovered connective tissue.

Spinal diseases

With cervical osteochondrosis, blood circulation in the arteries supplying the spine is impaired. Pain in the eyes occurs as a result of impaired blood circulation.

Epidemiology. Statistical data

Diseases that are accompanied by eye pain are very diverse and occur with varying frequencies in the population. In more than 70% of cases, among other symptoms, pain in the eyes is always present.

Reasons leading to the development of pain symptoms

Pain is always a sign that something is happening in the human body. pathological process.

If we talk about the eyes, the reasons that directly cause the development of a pain symptom may be the following:

  • Cornea. For pathologies such as injuries, infections, disorders metabolic processes, development dystrophic changes lead to severe pain in the eye.

  • Conjunctiva. Diseases of the conjunctiva rarely cause eye pain on their own. Most often they are accompanied additional manifestations such as a feeling of discomfort, burning, itching.

  • Sclera. With inflammation of the sclera, in addition to pain in the eye, local injection of blood vessels is observed.

  • Tear production disorders. In this case, pain in the eye manifests itself due to the fact that there are inflammatory eye diseases. In children, such conditions are much more common than in adults and are mainly associated with congenital syndromes.

  • Obstruction (complete or partial) of the nasolacrimal duct. Pain in the eye appears simultaneously with lacrimation. As a rule, this pathology occurs in children under 6 months of age and is called dacryocystitis.

  • Glaucoma. Pain in the eye occurs due to the fact that it develops secondary pathology corneal epithelium, and this applies to both primary and secondary glaucoma.

  • Glad snake shell. In diseases of the iris (iritis), pain in the eye is usually accompanied by photophobia. In cases where the sclera, retina or vitreous, there may be no pain in the eye.

  • Optic nerve. If retinal disease or optic nerve isolated, then pain in the eyes is most often absent. When the optic nerve sheath is involved in inflammatory process The patient develops a symptom such as pain in the eye.

  • Eyelids. Pain in the eyes due to diseases of the eyelids appears with infectious or aseptic cellulitis.

  • Nervous system. Pathologies of the eye orbit and central nervous system characterized by pain that is felt directly in the eyeball. As a rule, this is associated with the formation of a pathological focus in the brain stem or cranial nerves.

  • Psychological problems. Often complaints of pain in the eyes are present in people with a violation of the psycho-emotional status or in the presence of mental illness. Most often, there are no reasons that could actually lead to the development of a pain symptom, and pain in the eye is considered fictitious in this group of patients.


Doctors have repeatedly tried to classify this syndrome as eye pain. Our goal is not to provide you with a classification that is of interest only to ophthalmologists, but we suggest considering a simplified version that has practical significance.

Eye pain may be:

  • Associated with eye diseases;

  • Not associated with eye diseases.
According to the reasons leading to eye pain, the following classification is proposed:
  • Mechanical (when worn contact lenses, ingress of dust or other foreign particles);

  • Traumatic;

  • Inflammatory and non-inflammatory eye diseases;

  • Eye damage from chemical reagents (burns), radioactive radiation, etc.;

  • Associated with overstrain of facial muscles, headaches;

  • Associated with infectious eye diseases (including herpes);

  • Associated with pathology of the vascular and nervous system;

  • Dry eye syndrome.


Pain in the eye of any severity, nature and duration is not an independent disease, but a symptom accompanying various pathologies. Due to this, possible complications are considered individually, depending on the underlying disease that led to the development of eye pain. The degree of risk of complications will depend on how accurate and timely the diagnosis is made.

The main and most threatening of them is a decrease in visual acuity or the development of irreversible changes - secondary blindness. At improper treatment Keratitis and trachoma may develop a cataract. Trachoma can also be complicated by entropion of the eyelids. If the patient suffers from astigmatism, then one of the complications may be strabismus (most often in the absence of treatment). Eye injuries can subsequently cause the development of secondary (acquired) astigmatism.

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis

If the patient has pain in the eye, it is necessary to carry out a series of additional examinations, since the symptom itself will be eliminated only if full treatment the disease that caused it. With a thorough interview of the patient, it is possible to identify the nature of the pain, its duration, connection with certain events (in the case of burns, injuries, chemical damage to the eyes, etc.), as well as determine the presence common diseases, which may cause pain in the eyes. Differential diagnosis allows, among many diseases, to identify exactly the one that caused pain in the eye.

From diagnostic measures for installation purposes accurate diagnosis the following:

  • Determination of visual acuity;

  • Measuring intraocular pressure;

  • Measuring corneal thickness - pachymetry;

  • Ultrasound of the eye (B-scan);

  • Examination of the cornea (including the use of solutions for staining it - rose bengal, fluorescein);

  • Biomicroscopy (examination of the eye under a microscope);

  • Computer keratotopography;

  • Examination of the retina (carried out after preliminary dilation of the pupil using special medications);

  • Neuroradiography (prescribed in cases where there is a suspicion of diseases of the periorbital tissues);

  • Determination of tear production;

  • Laboratory diagnostics - bacteriological analysis, which allows you to identify the pathogen if you suspect infectious nature diseases;

  • Determination of visual fields;

  • Determination of peripheral vision;

  • Specific studies of the nervous system, vascular systems if a secondary nature of the eye disease is suspected;
In almost all cases diagnostic procedures, performed on the eyes, are painless and are carried out without aggravating existing pain in the eyes. The exceptions are examinations of children who are suspected of glaucoma (to measure intraocular pressure) and examinations of children and adults in the presence of blepharospasm and photophobia. In these cases, anesthesia or sedatives are prescribed.


If there is pain in the eyes, self-treatment It is highly not recommended to resort to it, since the consequences can be disastrous, and precious time will be lost. If you complain about pain in the eye, the first thing you should do is consult a doctor who will determine the cause and prescribe you treatment appropriate to the identified disease.

In some cases, you can use the treatment yourself, but only if you are absolutely sure that the cause of the pain in the eye is not serious illness.

It is possible to take independent measures if you have eye fatigue from prolonged work at the computer, inflammation after exposure to dust particles or stye (in these cases, consultation with an ophthalmologist is also recommended, but as practice shows, in most cases patients use traditional methods treatment).

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional methods treatments continue to be relevant and the eyes are no exception. In fact, nature has given us hundreds unique herbs and plants that effectively help with various diseases eye. What is important to know for patients who choose traditional treatment for eye disease and resort to the long-known recipes of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers?

The most important thing (this applies not only to the eyes, but also to other diseases) is that before starting treatment, even harmless natural means, you need to know what exactly you are going to treat. That is, it is better not to avoid consulting an ophthalmologist. Otherwise, the method you choose may not bring the expected effect or even cause harm.

From best recipes traditional medicine we offer you those that are time-tested and safe.

  1. Cleansing the eyes by brewing tea or a decoction of chamomile infusion purchased at the pharmacy. Brew, let it brew and pass through cheesecloth or a strainer, dip a cotton pad and wipe your eyes for inflammation, which often occurs as a reaction to seasonal changes. At these times of year, the eyes are especially sensitive to such changes and require more careful attention.

  2. An excellent remedy for the eyes is a brown algae called ficus. Widest spectrum vitamins increases resistance to inflammatory processes, quickly restores the eyes after excessive stress, and keeps the eyes in generally good shape.
    Prepare ice cubes for your eyes from an infusion of this seaweed. For this you will need 3 tbsp. Pour boiling water over this algae and let it sit overnight in a thermos. Pour the broth into molds and freeze, then wipe it around the eyes at night. If it gets on the eyeball, it’s not scary, it’s even good. Carry out the course from 1 to 2 weeks. If there is severe pain in the eyes, carry out the procedure in the morning.

  3. An excellent eye cleanser is clean morning dew. You need to wash your face with it slowly and thoroughly. With daily use, the results are obvious.

  4. Plantain leaves, cornflower petals and cumin (1:1:2) tsp. grind, pour in 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Then strain and drop 3 drops up to 5 times a day for inflammation and eye fatigue.

  5. For inflammatory processes, lotions are suitable. They are made from a decoction of raspberry flowers and juice fresh cucumber in a 1:1 ratio. Apply cotton swabs and for 10 minutes. keep in front of your eyes.

  6. For trachoma, instill dandelion root juice into the eyes 2-3 times a day, 1 drop.

  7. For conjunctivitis and inflammation of the eyelids, grind an aloe leaf, pour boiling water 1:10, leave for a while, strain, apply tampons soaked in the infusion. You can also cut the agave, steam it with boiling water and inhale its vapors or rinse your mouth with this decoction; eye pain will noticeably decrease.

  8. Mixtures of spinach and carrot juices 3:5 are taken on an empty stomach daily for astigmatism and conjunctivitis. Daily dose is 2 tbsp.

  9. For keratitis, corneal ulcers and conjunctivitis, diluted in boiled water natural honey in a ratio of 1:2. Use it as a lotion and eye drops. For glaucoma, mature honey is instilled 2 times a day, 1 drop, for a long time.

  10. For barley, apply yogurt compresses.

  11. For cataracts, veils and visual disturbances, instill celery tincture 2 times a day.


If there is pain in the eyes, the prognosis is not determined based on this symptom, but is based on the underlying disease and its severity. Most eye diseases are treatable and go away almost without leaving a trace (here we're talking about about inflammatory and infectious diseases). For pathologies such as injuries, burns, the prognosis is determined by the degree of damage and especially severe cases may be unfavorable.

Preventive measures

It is impossible to prevent pain in the eye, but it is possible to prevent the development of diseases in which this symptom manifests itself. TO preventive measures that help prevent eye disease include the following::
  • Personal hygiene . Avoid touching your eyes with dirty hands and use only individual towels. If using contact lenses, follow all recommendations of the ophthalmologist;

  • In case of accidental contact with foreign particles, dust, detergents and so on. rinse immediately with water and consult an ophthalmologist if you experience pain or irritation afterwards;

  • Avoid contact with chemicals and other reactive agents, use personal protective equipment if your work involves them;

  • Regularly pay attention to eye protection (do not read while poor lighting, monitor your posture while working at your desk, do not overstrain your vision and take breaks from work if it is related to a computer, documentation, etc., requiring DC voltage eye).

  • If you are an office worker, then there is a risk of developing “dry eye syndrome” (due to continuous work on the computer, being in an air-conditioned room). To prevent this from happening, alternate between working on the computer and short breaks, use drops that moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyes, so-called “artificial tears.”

  • Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, spend more time in nature, stop smoking, normalize your work and rest schedule, monitor a balanced diet;

  • To avoid sunburn eye in summer time wear Sunglasses, hats;

  • Be careful in situations where eye injuries are possible.
We strongly recommend that you contact an ophthalmologist if you notice the slightest abnormalities in your eyes. Diseases that are diagnosed and treated in a timely manner will cause you less trouble. In addition, you will significantly reduce the risk of possible complications. Be careful in your everyday life and work, take care of the precious treasure that was given to you from birth - the ability to see the world around you.
Stay healthy!
Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Date: 01/04/2016

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  • Causes of painful sensations in the eyes
  • Main types of eye diseases
  • Treatment of eye diseases

What to do if your eyeball hurts? This is the question asked by a person who experiences an unexpected problem for the first time. Visiting an ophthalmologist – the best way out from the situation.

Causes of painful sensations in the eyes

The eye is a sensitive organ containing nerve fibers and pain receptors. The condition of the eyeballs affects vision and other organs. Determining the cause of pain is not easy because it can occur due to large quantity factors.

Main causes unpleasant symptoms:

  • injuries;
  • stress;
  • fatigue;
  • infectious inflammation;
  • hypertension;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • eye diseases;
  • internal factors.

The eyeball hurts most often due to overstrain of the optic nerves. Sometimes pain occurs when pressure is applied to the apples of the eyes when a person feels discomfort.

Very often, eye pain occurs against the background of headaches and dizziness. Focusing your gaze for a long time, insufficient lighting of the workplace, and wearing ill-fitting glasses contribute to excessive tension and fatigue.

If the eyeball hurts and the white of the eye is red, these are symptoms infectious inflammation. Flu, colds provoke pain.

Increased intraocular pressure causes a serious disease - glaucoma.
Pain when rotating the eyeballs, a feeling of the presence of a foreign object, glare, nausea - these are signs of glaucoma, which is a terrible disease that sometimes leads to blindness.

Trauma promotes development severe complications: from acute pain to retinal detachment. Insufficient blood supply to the eyeball leads to serious disorders that can be detected by ultrasound.

Working in one position, air conditioners, fluorescent lamps lead to dry eye syndrome, which causes a feeling of stinging and burning. Special moisturizing drops can alleviate symptoms.

Headache radiates to the eye due to inflammation trigeminal nerve, which can occur after any infectious disease or cold.

External irritants (sand, dust, eyelashes) affect the condition of the eyes and cause pain. Hypertonic disease worsens the condition of blood vessels, so unpleasant symptoms may appear.

Most often, eyes hurt due to overwork eye muscles. They become tense after working in one position for a long time, reading books or watching an endless TV series.

Begin effective treatment the specialist will be able to determine the exact cause of the ailment, and the patient should help him with this.

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Main types of eye diseases

Viruses and bacteria cause infectious diseases. Viruses can infect the retina of the apples of the eyes if a person has chronic diseases: herpes virus, throat or nose diseases.

Inflammatory processes are not easy to treat, because procedures must be carried out regularly, over a long period of time, and under the supervision of a specialist. Advanced diseases the eyeball may have relapses that require re-examination and treatment.

Glaucoma is a terrible disease that causes a number of unpleasant symptoms: pain in the back of the head, temples, flickering in the eyes. Often with this disease there is no reaction to light.

Inflammation of the iris and ciliary body, called iritis, is accompanied by such unpleasant factors, such as photophobia, pain in the eyeball, constriction of the pupil. Although the pressure in the eye remains normal, iritis can progress rapidly.

The human eye is a paired sensory organ that has the ability to perceive light radiation. Thanks to him people have visual function. IN modern world very hard on the eyes huge pressure. Let's take a closer look at why the eyeball may hurt and how to deal with it.

Eyeball hurts: main causes

Most often, pain in the eyeball develops for the following reasons:

1. Overfatigue of the eye muscles. This is usually observed in people who long time(or constantly) work at a computer or other monitors. In this case, the pain itself occurs due to prolonged tension of the eye muscles. The nature of such pain is usually aching, dull. It may also be painful for a person to blink and look away.

2. Headache It can also cause pain in the eyeball. This is explained by the fact that with a severe migraine, the vessels of the brain and eyes dilate and tense, which causes severe, often paroxysmal pain.

3. Development of infection in the eye. In this state, a person develops severe inflammation and pain.

It is important to know that infections and bacteria can enter the eye not only from external environment, but also due to inflammatory foci from the patient’s body itself. For example, if a person previously suffered purulent sinusitis or sinusitis, then he is at risk of developing eye infection increases significantly.

Symptoms of eye inflammation may include:

Eye pain;

Redness of the eye;

Pain when pressing on the eyeball;


Mucous discharge from the eye.

4. Vascular diseases, which are responsible for “nutrition” of the eyeball. In this case, the patient will feel pain in the eye, which develops due to insufficient blood supply to the eye.

Such a pathology can only be identified through a thorough examination of the vessels using the ultrasound scanning. It is also important to know that treatment should be monitored not only by an ophthalmologist, but also by a cardiologist.

5. A state called "dry eye syndrome". Usually this pathology develops when working at a computer for a long time in a room with too dry air, insufficient lighting, or with constantly running fans.

Fortunately this syndrome Dry eyes can be successfully treated by ophthalmologists using special drops. All that is required of the patient is to consult a doctor in time.

6. Wrong glasses may cause eye pain. This is explained by the fact that when using too magnifying or, conversely, reducing glasses, vision is overstrained and distorted, thereby causing pain. Dealing with this problem is simple - you just need to choose the right glasses for yourself (it is advisable to do this after checking with an ophthalmologist, who will determine exactly what size glasses you need to use).

7. Long-term wearing of contact lenses causes strain and pain in the eyes, especially if a person sleeps in them. You should also be aware that lenses that are too old can also cause discomfort, so they need to be replaced periodically.

8. Visual fatigue can occur when reading books for a long time(especially in supine position when the eyes are most tense).

9. Uveitis is a disease of the eyeball that develops due to the ingress of various pathogenic viruses. At the same time, it is important to know that uveitis can also be provoked by existing bacterial diseases human (caries, tonsillitis, herpes).

Uveitis is quite difficult to diagnose because, in addition to periodic pain A person may not experience any symptoms at all. Its treatment is always long, often accompanied by complications in the form of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve and blood vessels.

10. Glaucoma is a disease in which a person's intraocular pressure greatly increases. In addition to pain in the eye, the patient may experience visual impairment.

Sudden attack Glaucoma is usually accompanied by sharp pain in the temples and throughout the eye, which can radiate to the head and back of the head. In more severe cases, a person develops nausea, vomiting and severe weakness.

When diagnosing glaucoma, the patient can see enlarged pupils that react poorly to light. The sensitivity of the eyes itself is reduced or completely lost. The eyeballs themselves are harder than usual. They hurt a lot when palpated. Vision is reduced.

Why the eyeball hurts: additional reasons

In addition to the main reasons, the following factors can cause eye pain:

1. Violation of general blood circulation and metabolism V small vessels may cause eye pain. Get treatment this state vascular strengthening drugs.

2. Eye injury. For example, it could be a blunt blow to the eye, a cut, or an accidental injection.

It is important to know that even a minor injury to the eye can easily lead to serious consequences(if left untreated), up to complete loss of vision.

The fact is that after damage to the membrane of the eye, blood accumulates in it. This leads to the development of severe hematoma and inflammation. Over time, a person's condition may deteriorate significantly.

3. Foreign object in the eye. It could be midges, dust, hair or other small particles. In this state a person will feel sharp pain in the eye, tearing and burning. If you don't take it out in time foreign object from the eye, it will scratch the eyeball and lead to infection. In more severe cases, untimely removal of sharp particles can lead to visual impairment.

4. Iridocyclitis is a disease in which the “body” of the eye becomes inflamed. In this case, the person will suffer from eye pain and photophobia. Also, the receptivity of the pupil may be impaired.

During the detection of iridocyclitis, the patient maintained normal intraocular pressure, smoothness and shine of the cornea. The entire inflammatory process covers the rainbow of the eye.

5. Severe flu or acute respiratory infection can also cause eye pain, especially if this condition is accompanied by high fever.

What to do if the eyeball hurts: traditional treatment

The course of treatment for eye pain should be selected individually for each patient, depending on the diagnosed disease and general condition sick.

Traditional therapy provides:

1. For pain caused by iridocyclitis, the patient is prescribed antibiotics Scopolamine and Atropine. They should be in the form of a solution and drop into the eyes four times a day, 3 drops.

2. In case of infection The patient's eyes need to be instilled with a solution of antibiotics (Levomycetin, Sulfacyl sodium, Penicillin chloride). The procedure should be repeated five times a day, dropping 3 drops into the affected eye.

You can also practice the methods traditional treatment. For example, use decoctions of aloe leaves to rinse your eyes.

Another proven method is applying lotions with celandine. To do this, a spoonful of celandine needs to be diluted with 250 ml of boiling water and boiled a little more. After this you should add a spoonful of honey. You can use such lotions in the morning and evening.

!Before using traditional methods, you should always consult your doctor.

Eyeball hurts: prevention

To prevent the development of eye pain, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Refrain from lying down reading. It is better to read while sitting at a table so that the light from the window falls directly on the book.

2. When working at a computer for a long time, you should regularly do eye exercises and use moisturizing drops. In general, it is advisable to take a five-minute break every half hour to give your eyes a rest.

3. Treat those in a timely manner infectious diseases which can cause eye problems.

5. Maintain eye hygiene.

6. Eat a lot of foods that have a beneficial effect on vision (carrots, butter and so on.).

7. If you experience pain in your eyes, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to avoid complications.

Eye pain can occur due to many different diseases. However, the persistence, intensity and other characteristics of pain may vary. The range of pathologies in which pain occurs in the eye is huge, so it is important to know which disease is a manifestation of this eye pain.

One of the diseases that causes the most severe pain in the eye is inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

What is the trigeminal nerve and inflammation of the trigeminal nerve?

It consists of three branches emanating from the brain stem and exiting the skull through three foramina. The branches reach the surface of the face and innervate it, that is, they supply nerves and provide communication with the central nervous system.

The first branch emerges through two symmetrical points located just above the eyebrows. The second branch emerges through points in the cheek area on both sides of the nose just below eye level. The third branch emerges in the area of ​​the lower jaw - from the corners of the mouth to the center.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is officially called the trigeminal nerve. In cases of such inflammation, pain occurs on the affected side of the face, which has a twitching character and radiates, among other things, to the eye area. In this case, the pain can be so intense that it becomes unbearable. It is difficult to describe in words the pain that appears as a result of this inflammation - it is so strong.

How does pain manifest itself?

The pain, as a rule, is spontaneous, one-sided, jerking or shooting, similar to electrical discharges. It must be said that the pain does not penetrate deeply. There is superficial and moderate pain, but less often. The pain usually lasts no more than two minutes, but patients have the feeling that it lasts for an eternity. However, the pain is extremely difficult to bear also because painful attacks appear several times during the day. Between attacks there may be long periods of relative rest - several weeks or even several months.

The distribution and localization of pain corresponds to the areas of innervation of the nerve branches - one or two. The eye is innervated by the first branch of the trigeminal nerve, that is, the first branch is the region of the orbital nerve. The pain radiates to the temple, forehead, and eyes. In the area of ​​the second branch (maxillary nerve), the pain radiates to upper lip, upper jaw, upper teeth, as well as on the cheek just below the eye. In the area of ​​the third branch ( mandibular nerve) the pain radiates to lower lip, lower jaw, lower teeth.

Often, patients themselves are aware of factors that can provoke pain - washing, light touching, brushing teeth, eating, shaving, even just talking or smiling. Therefore, often such patients, fearing pain, avoid talking, eating, etc., significantly worsening their lives in this way.

Pain in the eyes can vary in intensity: from barely noticeable to sharp and unbearable. In order to find out the cause of eye pain, you need to take into account its characteristics, as well as the circumstances under which it arose.

Common Causes of Eye Pain


When pain in the eyes appears, many people think first of all that the cause of the disease lies in the eyes themselves. This may actually be true. But we also must not forget that eye pain Diseases of other organs and systems may appear.

So, the cause of pain in the eyes can be:

  • Ophthalmological diseases (inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases, injuries of the organ of vision);
  • Neurological diseases (trigeminal and optic neuritis);
  • Diseases of the ENT organs.

Ophthalmic diseases

Perhaps one of the most common causes of eye pain is inflammatory eye diseases.. So, many of us have encountered at least once in our lives sharp - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. Sometimes you don’t need much to inflame the conjunctiva - just rub your eyes with dirty hands. Acute conjunctivitis manifested by redness of the eyes, lacrimation, burning sensation, pain in the eye, discharge from the eye.

The inflammatory process can quickly spread from the mucous membrane to other membranes of the eye. Thus, when infection spreads to the cornea, keratitis . Symptoms of keratitis are photophobia, severe lacrimation, a feeling of sand, and pain in the eye. Blepharospasm is also characteristic - when it is difficult for the patient to lift his eyelids.

For inflammation choroid eyes - uveitis people are worried about:

  • Redness of the eye;
  • Feelings of heaviness, pain in the eye;
  • Deterioration of vision;
  • The appearance of fog before the eyes;
  • Photophobia and lacrimation.

Eye pain can also occur due to increased intraocular pressure , which is typical for . This disease is manifested not only by pain, but also by narrowing of the visual fields, blurred vision, and the appearance of rainbow circles before the eyes when focusing on a bright light. Acute attack Glaucoma progresses very rapidly. Pain from the eye spreads to the corresponding half of the head, and general weakness occurs.

Unpleasant painful sensations also characteristic of xerophthalmia or This problem is faced by people who spend a lot of time at the computer. Staring at the monitor, a person forgets to blink, which is why the cornea dries out. The consequence of this is the appearance of burning, pain, a feeling of “sand” in the eyes, and redness of the eyes.

Pain in the eye is accompanied by and. There are the following types of eye injury:

  • Non-penetrating;
  • Penetrating.

Non-penetrating injuries include corneal erosion and foreign body. Erosion, essentially a scratch on the surface of the cornea. Immediately upon receiving an injury, a person experiences sharp pain in the affected eye. Along with the pain, severe lacrimation, redness of the eye and photophobia occur. At foreign body cornea the patient is bothered by all the same symptoms plus a feeling as if something is bothering him in the eye.

Penetrating wounds classified as severe, as complete destruction of the eye structures and loss of vision are possible. At the time of receiving a penetrating wound, a person experiences severe pain, followed by lacrimation, the inability to look at bright light, and decreased vision. Similar conditions require emergency medical attention.

Neurological diseases

A neurological disease such as manifests itself severe pain in one half of the head, descending to the eye area. The pain is paroxysmal in nature and is so intense that the person becomes almost motionless. The pain is intensified by bright light and sounds. At altitude, headaches occur.


A characteristic symptom of migraine is the presence of an aura, when visual, olfactory or neurological disorders. Thus, patients may feel that flashes of light and colored spots appear before their eyes.

Eye pain may be a symptom . The trigeminal nerve has three branches:

  • eye;
  • Maxillary;
  • Mandibular.

The pathological process can affect either the entire nerve or only one branch. The main symptom of the disease is attacks of severe, excruciating pain in the innervation zone. If the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve is involved in the pathological process, then the person will be disturbed by severe pain in the forehead, bridge of the nose, and eyes. During a painful attack, a person freezes, as if he is afraid to move, because any movement increases the pain. Blepharospasm and lacrimation may also occur.

Pain in the eye is accompanied by Optic neuritis . Nerve inflammation develops against the background of demyelinating diseases or infectious lesions. Optic neuritis begins with a sudden deterioration in vision, disturbance color vision, the appearance of all kinds of flashes of light before the eyes. A person begins to experience pain in the eye, which especially intensifies when the eyeballs move.

Pain in the eyes is also observed with. Deformed vertebrae are compressed nerve roots and blood vessels, which leads to the formation of characteristic clinical picture. The main complaint of people with cervical osteochondrosis is a nagging headache from the back of the head to the brow ridges. Your eyes can also hurt, and it can be unpleasant. pulling sensations concentrated behind the eyeballs. Also when cervical osteochondrosis Symptoms such as:

  • , the appearance of colored spots before the eyes;
  • Doubling of objects;
  • Deterioration of vision;
  • Crunch in the neck.

Diseases of the ENT organs

Quite often the organ of vision is involved in painful processes emanating from the ENT organs. This is facilitated by the close location of the orbit and paranasal sinuses. So, Pain in the eyes can be felt by people suffering from sinusitis.

inflammation of the paranasal sinuses) usually develops against the background of ARVI. Mucus and also pus accumulate in the sinuses, which increases the pressure inside the sinuses. These changes lead to pain, which also extends to the eye area. The pain in the eye in this case is usually dull and aching, corresponding to the side of the face on which the sinus is inflamed.

By the way, when people often complain about the feeling pressing pain in the eyeballs, when it is even difficult to move the eyes. This symptom is a consequence of intoxication of the body. Also, with ARVI, conjunctivitis often develops. In this case, in addition to the signs respiratory infection(weakness, runny nose,