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Is chronic chlamydia treatable? Identification of co-infections. Treatment of the trigeminal nerve

- This dangerous disease. When it appears in the human body, it actively progresses without making itself felt. Most often, this is the main reason for the appearance of its chronic form.

When faced with a problem, people do not always begin the treatment process. The course that needs to be completed is long, complex and expensive. You need to be patient to achieve your goal.

Disease development process

Once an infection enters the human body, it is almost impossible to feel its appearance. Chlamydia behaves quietly and a person does not feel the need to seek medical advice. But chlamydia is actively working at this time. They multiply, spread throughout the body, and are transmitted to other people, infecting them. Complications gradually begin to appear.

You can get rid of the disease by taking a course of antibiotics. It's not just a matter of taking pills. When undergoing a course of treatment, pay attention to certain parameters. In the treatment of chlamydia, you need to pay attention to:

  1. Detection of concomitant infections;
  2. Selection effective drug for a specific case;
  3. Compliance with the rules for using antibiotics;
  4. Find places of manifestation of the disease.

Identification of co-infections

At the stage of therapy for any disease, high-quality diagnosis is important. Also in the treatment of chlamydia, you should undergo the required tests. In this case, it is also necessary to detect the presence of secondary infections.

This is due to the fact that with chlamydia, the immune system is weakened, and the urethral mucosa may be susceptible to the action of other microorganisms. Thus, almost all patients diagnosed with chlamydia receive additional diseases associated with the genitourinary system. Depending on the type of disease, a drug is prescribed to treat the underlying disease (naturally, it should also affect the accompanying disease, so as not to provoke a worsening of the situation).

Selecting the right drug

Of course, when choosing a drug, the priority in the effectiveness of treatment of chlamydia is important. Therapy is specific and not simple, even if there is only one disease. Chlamydia is sensitive to many types of antibiotics, but resistant samples can also be encountered. This happens when long illness, advanced form, chronic, when the moment to start treatment is missed. A person can treat other diseases, take various antibiotics, and at this time microorganisms become resistant to the drugs they take.

The most difficult thing is for patients who have already treated the disease before, but have not been treated to 100% recovery. Strains of such specimens will be stably resistant to conventional drugs. In such cases, there is also a necessary treatment regimen. I will highlight the drugs that are considered the most effective in the treatment of chlamydia:

  • tetracyclines (tetracycline, doxycycline);
  • macrolides (azithromycin, clarithromycin, roxithromycin, josamycin, etc.);
  • fluoroquinolones (ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin).

If microorganisms are resistant to the drugs taken, an additional test is performed: an antibiogram.

If a course of medication does not bring the desired effect, it is advisable to perform a special laboratory analysis– preparation of an antibiogram. For this purpose, one pathogen is isolated, on the basis of which it is grown large quantity bodies, and then their reaction to various drugs. Thus, the most effective antibiotic and prescribe the appropriate drug. When prescribing a drug, the dose is important, since if it is insufficient, the effectiveness may be questionable. Chlamydia can form protective function. If a positive result is not obtained within two weeks of therapy, then only a decrease in symptoms will appear, and the microorganisms themselves will stop responding to the drug even if treatment is continued.

Rules for the treatment of chronic chlamydia:

  • must be appointed large doses drug. It is necessary to destroy the microorganism before the formation of a protective form;
  • The medications are taken during the period of exacerbation of the disease. During a period of less sensitivity, bacteria become resistant;
  • at long-term treatment drugs should be changed with each new course of treatment. Different drugs have different effects;
  • the patient must strictly adhere to the medication schedule. A certain concentration of the drug in the blood is important throughout certain period time, which will affect the viability of chlamydia.

Search for atypical foci of disease

When prescribing any type of treatment and for any disease, the doctor must clearly understand the situation that is happening to the patient. In the case of treatment of chlamydia, it is necessary to determine clinical picture and the form of the disease. If the correct conclusion is not made, then one disease can be cured, but there will be additional localization in another place, but the effect of the medicine will not be directed at them. For example, they take tablets and eye drops (or ointments).

Treatment is indeed difficult. It is not uncommon for all the actions taken to lead only to remission and the need for additional courses of treatment.

Causes ineffective treatment(except as described above):

  • poor-quality diagnostics (in some cases, tests must be taken in several places);
  • doctors' mistakes;
  • frivolity of patients.

There is no need to rush into treatment. It is necessary to soberly assess the situation and gradually undergo all the necessary courses of treatment, even if this takes several months. You need to be patient. Cases of ineffective treatment can also lead to disastrous situations. Now proven Negative consequences leading to infertility.

When faced with a problem, carefully study all available information. The doctor's approach to the problem is important. But in modern world new technologies, the discovery of new drugs and treatment methods, you must always try to control the situation. Perhaps your correct decision will help you get out of this situation with a positive result, because sometimes not only breakfast on the table, but also the health of our loved ones depends on our actions.

Chlamydia is an infectious disease classified as sexually transmitted. According to medical research, this particular disease is difficult to diagnose, so it is discovered when patients come to see a doctor for various reasons or for a preventive examination. If 30 years ago at the first stage of the ranking of the frequency of diagnosed venereal diseases was gonococcal infection(gonorrhea), then in the last 8 years chlamydia has been confidently leading.

Routes of infection

Chlamydia (the source of infection) has its own classification - they are different types, but they only differ cellular structure. Each type provokes the development of infection in certain organs and systems - for example, chlamydia can develop not only in the genitals, but also in the eyes.

Chlamydia cannot exist outside human body, so the infection by everyday means(through a handshake, dishes and towels) is impossible. Note: Chlamydia can only be contracted during sexual intercourse with a sick partner, both vaginally and anal sex, and here oral method satisfying physiological needs is considered safe in terms of chlamydia.

After the penetration of these pathogenic microorganisms into the genitals, incubation period– within 1-3 weeks no symptoms of the disease are observed. The patient does not make any complaints, his health is excellent, and at this time chlamydia strengthens in the body and begins to multiply.

Important: if a woman is infected with chlamydia during pregnancy, then there is a high risk of infection of the baby - he will be infected during the passage of the birth canal.

Scheme of fetal infection with chlamydia during pregnancy:

Signs of chlamydia

The biggest danger in question venereal infection is that it can be almost asymptomatic . Of course, there are some signs of pathology, but only an attentive person can notice them:

  1. For men infected with chlamydia, the following are typical:
  • during urination, pain and burning appear in the urethra;
  • the first drop of urine excreted may be very cloudy - it feels like it is “thick”;
  • During ejaculation, mild bleeding may appear;
  • in some cases, hyperthermia (increased body temperature) and general weakness appear.
  1. Women can pay attention to:
  • pathologically altered vaginal discharge - leucorrhoea becomes yellowish and has an unpleasant odor;
  • a burning sensation is felt when urinating;
  • rarely, but there are complaints of itching in the urethra;
  • There may be a short-term increase in body temperature.

Note: Not only are the above symptoms most often mild, but they can disappear without a trace after 10-14 days. But that doesn't mean at all complete cure– the disease simply “hidden.”

Typically, chlamydia in women manifests itself as a sudden development of inflammatory diseases:

If chlamydia is suspected, the patient is prescribed tests. The most reliable method for detecting chlamydia is PCR (polymerase chain reaction), it gives almost 100% accuracy. In addition, it can be used linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) - this is used to detect not the microorganism itself - chlamydia, but antibodies to chlamydia - IgG, IgM, IgA. In this case, antibodies are detected in the blood or in the discharge of the genital organs. The main advantage of the ELISA method is its ability to identify the severity of the process. The disadvantage of the method is low sensitivity– only 60%.

Explanation of the ELISA test for chlamydia:

Treatment methods for chlamydia

Treatment of chlamydia cannot be called unambiguous - it is selected in a strictly individually, taking into account the general health of the patient, level of immunity, concomitant diseases, possible hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to specific medications. But there is also general scheme therapy for the infectious disease in question, which implies an integrated approach to solving the problem.

Antibacterial drugs

We are talking about antibiotics - without their use it is impossible to achieve complete relief from chlamydial infection. Because pathogens develop directly in the cells of the body, you need to take those medications that are capable of destroying bacteria intracellularly:

  • Macrolides;
  • Tetracycline series;
  • Fluoroquinolones.

If a patient is diagnosed with a mixed infection (for example, chlamydia is diagnosed simultaneously with trichomoniasis or gonorrhea), then doctors must select antibacterial drugs that will act comprehensively.

Standard scheme treatment of chlamydia:

Antifungal drugs

Chlamydia is often combined with a fungal disease - in this case, you will need to undergo a course of antimycotic (antifungal) therapy. note: in the treatment of chlamydia antifungal agents taken in tablets - for example, Pimafucin, Nystatin and others.

Immunomodulatory agents

When treating chlamydia, drugs that can increase and strengthen the immune system must be prescribed. Very effective in this case will be Taquitin, Methyluracil, Cycloferon and Polyoxidonium, which have the following properties:

  • increase the body's resistance to infections;
  • increase the amount of antibodies;
  • reduce the time required for therapeutic manipulations;
  • reduce the likelihood of similar effects of essential drugs.

Probiotics and Enzymes

Since chlamydial infection involves a fairly long period of taking powerful, potent medications, it is necessary to take care of the preservation of the normal functionality of the intestines and everything gastrointestinal tract. Doctors may recommend the following medications::

  • probiotics: Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, Hilak Forte and others;
  • hepatoprotectors (they protect the liver from damage by toxins): Phosphogliv and Essentiale Forte;
  • enzyme preparations (normalize the digestion process): Mezim, Festal, Krion and others;
  • bacteriophages: Proteus, Coliphage, Intestibacteriophage.

Local therapy

To obtain quick results in the treatment of chlamydia, you can actively use topical medications. For women may be prescribed vaginal tablets, suppositories and applicators, but prescriptions for men are limited only to ointments, creams and gels.

Note: prescription of medications local action should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor - it is necessary to exclude hypersensitivity and/or individual intolerance to medications. Otherwise, the allergic reaction can be rapid - anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema.

Both women and men should not focus only on taking medications - they, of course, have quick effect, but will not be able to completely get rid of the infection and restore the body. Doctors give the following recommendations:

  1. Adjust your diet. It is necessary to adhere to a dairy-free diet - for the period of treatment, refuse milk, yoghurt, mayonnaise, kefir and in general any products that may contain lactic bacteria. The fact is that they do not allow antibiotics to “work” fully, and the result will be that chlamydia becomes addicted to medications.
  2. Get physical therapy. Helps you recover faster after severe treatment laser magnetic and ultrasound effects, but they can be prescribed only after the end of drug therapy.
  3. Eliminate sex life. A ban on sexual activity is imposed for the entire period of treatment.
  4. Ethnoscience. Not a single prescription from the treatment category traditional methods will not be able to get rid of the issue in question infectious disease, but it will help to significantly reduce the intensity of discomfort. For example, itching and burning in the perineal area can be relieved with decoction baths medicinal plants string, coltsfoot, chamomile.

Possible complications of chlamydia

Doctors recognize chlamydia enough dangerous infection, because it is practically asymptomatic and has negative impact on the functioning of the reproductive system of both men and women.

Complications in women

Depending on where the chlamydial infection is localized, the following complications of an untreated disease may develop:

  1. Salpingo-oophoritis. If the infection was “concentrated” in the ovaries or fallopian tubes, then the development of the inflammatory process will occur in this area reproductive system. The danger of such inflammatory processes lies in the high risk of developing adhesive disease, which leads to persistent female infertility.
  2. Endocervicitis. Occurs when chlamydia is localized on the cervix and can provoke the development of cancer.
  3. Endometritis. The inflammatory process in the deep layers of the endometrium (tissue lining the inner cavity of the uterus) can cause habitual miscarriages.

In addition, chlamydia can provoke the occurrence of joint diseases and chronic conjunctivitis. The woman begins to experience severe discomfort and pain during sexual relations - they disappear and appear excessive irritability, unmotivated attacks aggression. Then, as the infection spreads and the problem worsens, the woman may experience depression, chronic fatigue - in general, the level of activity in life decreases significantly.

Complications in men

If a man has a chronic form of chlamydia, then he can high probability expect development:

  1. . This inflammatory process in the prostate gland, which can be accompanied by acute urinary retention and provoke the development of male infertility.
  2. . Inflammation of the urethra (urethra) leads to itching, burning and problems with urination; in the future, not only prostatitis, but also prostate adenoma (tumor) can develop.
  3. Epididymitis. Pathological damage to the epididymis, which ultimately leads to male infertility.

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection that can be diagnosed even in a completely healthy patient; this disease occurs regardless of a person’s social status and lifestyle. But if chlamydia was detected in a timely manner and the patient’s treatment regimen was strictly followed, then a complete cure is possible in 30-40 days, and without any complications.

It seems that the main thing has worked out: the treatment for chlamydia is over. But does this mean that now you can live as before - what if the infection is hidden somewhere in the body? By appearance and even by a person’s well-being it is impossible to understand whether he is completely healthy. Therefore, to evaluate the effect of chlamydia treatment - the most important task for the doctor and the patient himself.

How is it determined that a person has finally recovered, what pleasures of life (alcohol, sex, sports) are allowed immediately after treatment, and is it realistic to give birth? healthy child having treated chlamydia?

In this article, we answer in detail the most important questions about life after chlamydia.

Recovery check and tests

— Is it possible to stop taking antibiotics if the symptoms of chlamydia have gone away?

- No! The course of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor must be completed. Only then can the infection be completely cured. After the first doses of the medicine, the patient may feel better, but not all chlamydia will die!

The catch is that chlamydia exists in the body in two forms: one for life outside the cell, and the other for reproduction inside it.

  • Bacteria outside the cage do not cause significant symptoms, but are not afraid of antibiotics.
  • Chlamydia inside the cell, on the contrary, they bring more harm, but also become vulnerable to the medicine.

Therefore, in order to destroy bacteria, you need to wait until they penetrate inside a human cell - and then strike.

But usually chlamydia does not enter cells simultaneously, but in “squads”. Because of this, in most cases it will not be possible to take an antibiotic once and kill all pathogens. The doctor calculates the course of drugs so that each group of chlamydia that has penetrated the cells receives its portion of the antibiotic at a certain time. This is why you need to take the medicine to the end - even if your health quickly improves.

— Can chlamydia come back after treatment?

— Does immunity remain after suffering from chlamydia?

— No, people do not develop stable immunity to either urogenital or other types of chlamydia. Although antibodies to the disease remain in the blood after a course of treatment, they do not provide real protection and will not cope with re-infection without the help of drugs. Antibodies to the disease disappear several months after recovery from chlamydia. This phenomenon is called “non-sterile immunity”.

— Is it possible to become infected with chlamydia again?

— Yes, re-infection with chlamydia is possible. Antibiotics and other medications do not provide protection against chlamydia “in reserve.” Therefore, it is necessary to remember about the prevention of chlamydia: use condoms correctly and without exception (unless we are talking about a proven and only partner), regularly undergo examination and treatment - for yourself and your sexual partners.

Antibiotics and other medications do not provide protection against chlamydia “in reserve,” so you need to remember about chlamydia prevention!

In addition to condoms, you can use various local antimicrobial drugs before and after sexual intercourse. But it is important to remember that, unlike a condom, these products do not provide such good protection, so they cannot be used as the only method of contraception.

— Can there be inflammation after treatment for chlamydia?

What to do if a person has been treated for chlamydia, but the symptoms remain? After treatment for chlamydia, all patients are recommended to undergo follow-up tests. You can check whether the causative agent of chlamydia remains after treatment using a blood test and bacterial culture. This is especially important if, after treatment for chlamydia, a person still has discharge, a burning sensation in the urethra or discomfort in the genitals.

If in such a situation chlamydia is not confirmed, it is necessary to be examined for other sexually transmitted infections that can cause similar symptoms. The fact is that people often become infected with several venereal diseases straightaway. If before treatment for chlamydia the doctor did not take into account this risk and did not advise the patient to be checked for other sexually transmitted infections, then after therapy undetected diseases will remain and progress. We talk about simultaneous infection with various sexually transmitted infections.

— How do you know that chlamydia has been completely treated?

- You can check whether chlamydia has been completely cured using a special test - culture. To do this, a scraping is taken from the mucous membrane of the organ that was affected by chlamydia. The resulting material is placed in a nutrient medium where chlamydia can grow and multiply. If chlamydia was in the scraping, then you can see them in culture in about a week. If the culture does not contain viable chlamydia, it means that the patient no longer has them in the body.

Tests that help make a diagnosis before treatment - PCR And ELISA- are not as good as controls as seeding. The fact is that the chlamydia genes (which determine PCR), and human antibodies to them (determines ELISA) may be present in the body even after successful treatment - when all the bacteria are dead. Therefore, the results of these analyzes do not say anything concrete.

An exception to the rule is if there are a lot of antibodies. This signals that the infection is likely to continue. Therefore, some doctors recommend testing for antibodies to chlamydia for control. However, this method is inferior to sowing in accuracy and can be used only if sowing is impossible for some reason.

Also, for pre-treatment tests, the direct immunofluorescence method is used ( mutual fund): special luminous marks are attached to the surface of chlamydia, clearly visible under a microscope. But after treatment, this method is also unable to answer the question of whether the detected microbes are alive.

— When should you take repeated tests after treatment for chlamydia?

— Control tests are usually carried out in two approaches: immediately after treatment and then after another 1-3 months. However, according to some doctors, tests after three months do not make sense. When, after treatment for chlamydia, control tests are taken later than 3 months, they may no longer show “remnants” of past chlamydia, but re-infection.

— What to do if control tests show that chlamydia remains?

— If chlamydia is present in the culture after treatment, then you must first figure out whether it is untreated old chlamydia or a new infection.

If the patient’s regular partner is healthy and the patient has no casual relationships, then most likely we're talking about about relapse of chlamydia. In this case, repeated treatment is necessary - possibly longer and with other drugs. Before choosing a drug, the doctor determines which antibiotic will work best against chlamydia in a particular patient.

Alcohol and sex after treatment

— Is it possible to drink alcohol after treatment for chlamydia?

— Yes, after treatment there is no chlamydia strict ban for alcohol. But it's only about moderate consumption alcohol! After antibiotics, the liver can be weakened, and often medications are even prescribed to restore it. Therefore, it is very undesirable for the liver to be subjected to an additional blow with a large amount of alcohol.

— When can you have sex after treatment for chlamydia?

This means that you should not have sex until control tests confirm complete recovery.

If a partner has untreated chlamydia, then sexual intercourse must be stopped until both partners are completely cured

Pregnancy after chlamydia

— Are problems with pregnancy possible with untreated chlamydia?

— Yes, untreated chlamydia in women is common reason infertility, ectopic pregnancy and miscarriages, because it can lead to inflammation and the formation of adhesions from connective tissue in the pelvic organs (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes).

— Is it possible to give birth to a healthy child after getting rid of chlamydia?

- Of course you can. But for this, both partners need to undergo treatment conscientiously and in a timely manner - i.e. before they start serious complications in the genitals. Only then do you have a chance of becoming parents healthy baby. Remember: you cannot delay treatment of chlamydia.

— When can you get pregnant after treatment for chlamydia?

— You can start planning a pregnancy only when the couple has passed control tests for chlamydia and their results are negative. If there is something wrong with the tests, you need to undergo additional examinations and continue treatment if necessary. This means postponing pregnancy until complete recovery.

— What to do if chlamydia is found during pregnancy?

- If chlamydia is detected on early stages pregnancy, it is necessary to take antibiotics against this infection, permitted during pregnancy. There are drugs that do not have a harmful effect on the fetus - they will help prevent infection of the fetus and membranes.

If the infection has already been transmitted to the fetus (signs of intrauterine infection are visible on Ultrasound), then it is all the more necessary to be treated with antibiotics in order to avoid disruption of the growth and development of the fetus.

— What happens if chlamydia is not treated during pregnancy?

— Untreated chlamydia in a pregnant woman can lead to premature birth and to infection of the child with chlamydia - either directly during pregnancy or at birth.

Infection of the fetus during pregnancy disrupts its growth and development, and can even lead to the death of the child or premature birth. A child born with intrauterine infection, weakened, suffers from chlamydial pneumonia, has low body weight. Infection of newborns with chlamydia during childbirth also threatens the development of pneumonia and chlamydial conjunctivitis (eye damage).

Infection of the fetus during pregnancy disrupts its growth and development, and can even lead to the death of the child or premature birth

Although chlamydia is a fairly serious infection, it is not the end of a healthy and full life. With proper and timely treatment, chlamydia can be completely eliminated. However, immediately after treatment you cannot “relax” - a very important stage in the fight against chlamydia is control of cure. Therefore, when the course of medication is completed, you need to follow all additional instructions from the doctor, take control tests and only then return to your normal life.

I became infected with chlamydia through sexual contact in the summer of 2005. A few days after intercourse, I felt itching in the penis and began to have discharge. I endured it for about two weeks, but then I had to see a doctor and get tested. I was diagnosed with this disease in the amount of 18 units when the norm was up to 9. The doctor prescribed me antibiotics in the form of tablets and other medications for 10 days of treatment, after which he advised me to take the tests again. My partner was also prescribed similar treatment.

When taking antibiotics orally, after about three to four days their side effects began to appear, such as dizziness, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, headaches, etc., and the liver also began to hurt very badly. We endured this course of treatment with grief and took repeated tests about a month later. The results showed a slight improvement, and the doctor said that after some time the amount of chlamydia in the blood would decrease to normal. They may have decreased to a certain level, but it was very, very far from complete recovery. And as I understand now, being treated with such methods of our “valiant modern medicine” cure chlamydia it was completely impossible. I declare this with full responsibility and confidence. Why do I say this? Yes, because chlamydia is a bacteria that lives both inside the body’s cells and outside the cells. All doctors prescribe antibiotics against chlamydia, but as you know, antibiotics act only at the intercellular level, i.e. they kill bacteria (both good and bad) that are between the cells, while the cell infected with chlamydia remains unharmed. Here is the conclusion: that treatment with antibiotics is useless, and even harmful, since it cripples other human organs.

So, after the first course of treatment, I thought that I was cured, but repeated tests showed a disastrous result, about 20 units. I had to repeat the course of treatment. I had to take antibiotics again, but with a different name, but with the same side effects. I note that all these antibiotics also have a high price. I broke up with my partner, and thank God, I went through the treatment myself. After repeated treatment, blood tests again showed slight improvement. I thought, since the level of chlamydia in the blood decreases very slowly, that after a while I would have a complete recovery. I lived like that for about 10 months until I went and got tested. This time the chlamydia level showed 25 units. The doctor said that it would be advisable to go to the hospital, and I agreed. I was in the hospital for about 20 days. They put me on IVs, gave me injections, and gave me pills. Well, I thought that a complete recovery would definitely come. I lived like that for about a year.

I was looking for information about chlamydia treatment in the Internet. However, it was said everywhere that chlamydia can only be treated with antibiotics and for a very long time. Even on most sites traditional medicine I didn't have to find a definitive answer. And on some it was stated directly: “Chlamydia is incurable using traditional methods.” If I met now this “smart guy” who posted such information on the Internet, he would get the full benefit from me. If only I knew then what it was the real reason diseases and what to eat effective means, with the help of which it is easy to eliminate this cause. More on this below. Now let's continue the story.

In 2008 I met my future wife. A year later she became pregnant and we got married. However, after the last treatment, for two years I often felt discomfort in the groin area, sometimes I had slight discharge and itching. And for Last year my physical health generally weakened. This manifested itself in the fact that at the slightest chill or the slightest stress, I instantly fell ill colds. He was also constantly irritable and nervous. I had to go to the hospital and get tested. This time, the result did not please me at all, since chlamydia in the blood was found in the amount of 74 units (this is against the norm of 9 units). But I wasn’t worried about myself, I was mainly worried about my pregnant wife and the health of my unborn child. My wife categorically refused to take tests, which only complicated the situation. At that time, I had no time to do treatment myself, because I needed to earn money for my family.

At the beginning of December 2009, when my wife was in the maternity hospital and any day now we were expecting the birth of our beautiful daughter, I went to the hospital and took tests. This time the result was absolutely stunning - 128 units. I was told that I have a chronic disease, and my antibodies are almost zero. All that remained was to pray to God for the health of his wife, the previous birth and the health of the child.

But as they say, whoever seeks will always find. Thanks to a happy coincidence, my friend Alexander from Lugansk called me and told me his medical history. She was very similar to mine. He was also infected with chlamydia, he also passed it on to his wife, he also underwent a useless course of antibiotic treatment, and his wife was pregnant and was hospitalized twice with this diagnosis. However, everything turned out to be useless as always. But God exists and he helps people. Alexander said that after hopeless attempts at treatment with “traditional” methods, he was advised by his mother, who was already practicing alternative medicine, herbal tablets called “Prolongin”. He and his wife took these pills for ten days and completely got rid of the disease. But I was unable to get such tablets, because they were in short supply and were only ordered in Moscow. But my mother Alexandra, God bless her, advised me another remedy, with the help of which I was cured. And this miracle remedy is called “VETOM” . Vetom is not a medicine, and consists of corn extract, potato starch, sucrose and some kind of bacteria. This is how everything turns out to be very simple. It tastes nice sweet White powder. And its operating principle is as follows: “Vetom” settles positive flora in the intestines, which restores a person’s natural immunity. After which the immune system destroys all unnecessary bacteria and infections in the body. Believe me, it copes with chlamydia very easily both at the cellular and intercellular levels.

Without thinking twice, I bought myself a 500 gram can of Vetom-2 powder (I then paid 200 hryvnia for it), and began my treatment for chlamydia. Since my chlamydia level was very high, I had to eat 10 teaspoons of powder a day, ten days in a row. After consuming about one-third of a can of Vetom, a month later I took a blood test. And what do you think? What was the result? And the result was the following - 48 units of chlamydia remained out of 128. That is, in a month without any expensive antibiotics and side effects I lowered my chlamydia level by 80 units, while doctors told me that this is a chronic disease that needs to be treated for years. Also, for comparison, you can give my results of treatment in the hospital. Then, in a month of treatment, after IVs, pills, injections and a transplanted liver, chlamydia decreased by only 12 units, and now by 80. You can imagine how glad I was to receive the test results in my hands. A few days later I repeated the course of treatment with Vetom and took tests accordingly. Chlamydia was practically not detected at all. In addition, I want to say that my wife’s birth was more or less successful. Our daughter is almost a year old. Thank God we are not complaining about our health now, although in the first months of life there were certain complications, namely, streaks of blood were sometimes found in the baby’s stool. We took tests and found Staphyloccus aureus, which we successfully fought off with a bacteriophage. Vetom also gave my daughter a little. Since she was very small, I put a little vetoma on the tip of a teaspoon and let her lick it. It’s sweet and the child ate it with pleasure.

So curing chlamydia without antibiotics is very easy, simple and cheap.

I would also like to say that my physical health has improved significantly. If earlier colds They clung to me very often, about 5-6 times a year I had to get sick with the flu or acute respiratory infections, cough, sneeze, but now 2010 is coming to an end, and I haven’t been sick even once in the first year. This is what it means to restore your immunity.

Dear readers, you can find a lot of information about Vetom on the Internet. I advise you to watch Professor Zhdanov’s speech.

In conclusion of my story I want to consider one important question, which should not leave any sane person indifferent. Namely: why, if there is such a thing? good remedy like “VETOM”, doctors don’t prescribe it and people continue to get sick? Answering this question, you can ask another question: why is there an increasing number of pharmacies in Ukraine every year and at the same time an increasing number of sick people? Is there any relationship between this? I think that any person who is able to think soberly will understand that the relationship here is direct, that it is beneficial for someone that people get sick, otherwise how will pharmacists make their profit. So-called modern medicine took the wrong path of development several decades ago. All her activities are aimed at curing the consequences of the disease, while the cause remains unexamined. But in reality, the cause of most diseases in people is a weakened immune system, and it is enough just to raise the immune system, and the disease will recede on its own.

Dear reader, I thank you for reading my article to the end. I wish you good health and sanity. I sincerely believe and hope that the information from this text will help you get rid of your illness and gain precious health.

Chlamydia is one of the most common diseases among women and men who engage in sexual intercourse. The causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases are Chlamydia trachomatis, microorganisms that have a certain resistance to most antibacterial drugs.

This significantly complicates treatment, which often involves changing medications due to lack positive result. Chronic chlamydia requires long-term therapy with antibiotics and prolonged rehabilitation period. Before starting treatment for chlamydia, laboratory research to determine the type of causative agent of the disease.

The right approach to treatment

Independent selection of antibiotics for eradication of chlamydia is impractical due to the characteristics of the growth and reproduction of microorganisms. These bacteria are intracellular residents, so their destruction requires special drugs that can penetrate membranes and accumulate in cells.

Chlamydia can also exist in a vegetative form, in which they are not able to leave the cell and actively reproduce without reducing the human body’s resistance to infectious agents. These forms of bacteria are inaccessible not only to pharmacological drugs, but also for natural defensive reactions, For example, sharp increase temperature.

In the absence of diagnostics and medical recommendations, patients choose medications on the advice of a pharmacist at a pharmacy. As a rule, tablets with anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties are purchased that do not have the slightest effect on chlamydia. Negative signs gradually disappear, but only due to the transition of sexually transmitted pathology to chronic form and spreading it to other organs.

When conducting therapy, specialists adhere to the following principles:

  • treatment is indicated not only for the patient with chlamydia, but also for his sexual partners, regardless of the presence of any symptoms. This is necessary to prevent relapses as a result reinfection;
  • the selection of pharmacological drugs is carried out individually, taking into account the resistance of chlamydia and the absence of contraindications for use in the patient. In the treatment of the disease in men, tablets and capsules for oral use are used. To treat chlamydia in women, vaginal pills and suppositories are additionally prescribed by the doctor;
  • chlamydia is not eliminated once and for all. Therefore, you cannot have sex until the patient and his sexual partner are completely cured. A condom is not a guarantee of safety against re-infection, even if there is a bactericidal lubricant;
  • all drugs used in the treatment of chlamydia have a significant list side effects. To prevent their manifestation, the use of medications is practiced to increase immunity, eliminate chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, normalization of intestinal microflora.

A highly specialized doctor is responsible for drawing up an individual therapeutic regimen. Treatment of sexually transmitted pathology in men is carried out by a urologist, and women should make an appointment with a venereologist or gynecologist.

The development of chlamydia is characterized by cyclicality, so therapy is carried out in several stages. At the end of each test, the patient submits biological samples to evaluate the outcome of treatment, detect pathogenic pathogens, and determine whether they have developed resistance to antibiotics. Chlamydia is rarely diagnosed as an independent disease. It is often accompanied by concomitant sexually transmitted infections - ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea and others. If they are detected, patients are advised to take medications to eliminate them.

Antibiotic therapy

To fully treat chlamydia, the patient will need patience, time and resources. Difficulties in treating the disease begin already at the diagnosis stage. Often during laboratory tests the sensitivity of chlamydia to a certain type antibacterial drugs, which changes when the patient takes them.

Etiotropic treatment consists of antibiotic therapy in several stages

If a patient is diagnosed with chronic chlamydia, then it is advisable to simultaneously use two drugs belonging to different chemical groups. Duration of admission, daily allowance and single dosages determined by the doctor after assessing the general state of health, the dynamics of inflammation, and the degree of tissue damage. The effectiveness of tetracyclines, macrolides and fluoroquinolones in the treatment of acute and chronic chlamydia has been proven.


This group unites antibiotics that belong to polyketides and have a similar chemical structure and biological properties. In the treatment of chlamydia, an antibacterial drug from this group is used, Doxycycline and its imported analogues– Vibramycin and Unidox Solutab. These medications are strictly prohibited for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and they also have a significant number of side effects, including destruction of bones and tooth enamel.


Macrolides are modern antibacterial drugs with a broad spectrum of action. They have few side effects and are fairly well tolerated by most patients. Macrolides exhibit therapeutic activity against many pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases, and therefore are used in the treatment of mixed infections. This type of antibiotic shows best results in the treatment of all forms of chlamydia.

What macrolides are used to treat venereal pathology?

  • Erythromycin;
  • Josamycin;
  • Spiromycin;
  • Roxithromycin;
  • Midecamycin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Clarithromycin.

During pregnancy, after assessing the risk to the fetus and the benefit to the mother, Erythromycin or Rovamycin are most often used in gentle dosages and under medical supervision.


Antibacterial agents belonging to this group are less effective in the treatment of chlamydia and are rarely used to eliminate pathogenic pathogens when diagnosing a chronic form of the disease in patients. Taking fluoroquinolones provokes an imbalance of intestinal microflora, so doctors recommend simultaneous course treatment with drugs with live cultures of lactobacilli. These antibiotics are not intended for the treatment of pregnant women and children under 14 years of age due to the presence of serious contraindications and side effects.

Chlamydia is destroyed by the following medications:

  • Ofloxacin;
  • Pefloxacin;
  • Lomefloxacin;
  • Ciprofloxacin.

The drugs are also used to treat ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases. Fluoroquinolones quickly eliminate the symptoms of chlamydia - frequent urge to emptying Bladder, burning in the urethra, feeling of discomfort after sexual intercourse.

Wobenzym is used in the treatment of chlamydia to enhance the effect of antibiotics

Treatment of pathology in women and men

The difficulties of treating chlamydia require the use of drugs that can enhance the effect of antibiotics and immunostimulants. These include Wobenzym and Phlogenzyme, which contain enzymes - biologically active substances, directly involved in metabolic processes. These medicines have a lot of positive properties:

  • reduce the severity of the inflammatory process;
  • help eliminate symptoms faster;
  • increase human immunity.

Doctors begin to treat chlamydia in women by increasing general immunity. Wobenzym and Phlogenzym are used in the treatment of chlamydia as an immunomodulator, as well as to enhance pharmacological action antibacterial drugs. This approach to treatment helps speed up recovery, reduce the dose of antibiotics and, accordingly, the number of side effects.

Probiotics and prebiotics

Long-term use antibacterial agents quickly provokes death intestinal microflora, which can lead to the activation of bacteria of opportunistic microbiocenosis. During the treatment of acute and chronic chlamydia, patients are prescribed drugs with lactobacilli, and during the rehabilitation period with bifidobacteria.

  • Lactobacterin;
  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Bifiform;
  • Linux;
  • Acipol.

Probiotics and prebiotics also reduce the likelihood of developing allergic reactions against the background of the reception large quantity antibacterial drugs.


The drugs neutralize the negative effects free radicals, chemical compounds formed during the formation of inflammatory foci. Such medicines include:

  • glutamic acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • vitamin E.

The complex of antioxidants is found in various biologically active additives, for example, in Vetoron. You can also purchase vitamins with mineral compounds for long-term course use - Supradin, Complivit, Centrum.

Use of antioxidants in small doses necessary to increase the body's resistance to bacterial infections


In the treatment of acute and chronic chlamydia, drugs are used that can increase the patient’s immunity at all levels. These medications include antihypoxants, which have a beneficial effect on cellular respiration. The composition of tablets and solutions for parenteral administration includes mineral and herbal components that provide the following therapeutic properties:

  • immunostimulating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • metabolic;
  • detoxification.

Antihypoxants stimulate the body's defense systems and restore its impaired functions. This group of drugs includes Ubiquinone, Cytochrome-C, Coenzyme 310. They prevent, reduce or eliminate any manifestation of hypoxia.


When infected with various types of chlamydia, the condition is seriously inhibited and changes immune system, which causes the disease to become chronic. Chlamydia can be cured only with integrated approach to therapy, when taking antibiotics is combined with increasing the body's defenses. The doctor selects immunomodulators, assessing general state the patient’s health and the severity of the inflammatory process.

The following drugs show the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of chlamydia:

  • Immunomax;
  • Polyoxidonium;
  • Erbisol.

Immunomodulators and immunostimulants are not always used. The indication for use is a completed immunogram and a complicated course of the disease.


Antibiotics for long-term use significantly increase the load on the liver, since the metabolism of these drugs occurs in hepatocytes. Medicines groups of tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones can damage liver cells even after a single dose. To prevent the development of events in such a negative scenario, doctors prescribe the use of hepatoprotectors:

  • Essentiale Forte;
  • Karsil;
  • Phosphogliv and Phosphogliv Forte;
  • Karsil;
  • Liv-52.

Hepatoprotectors normalize the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, promote the removal of toxic breakdown products of chemical compounds from the liver, and preserve and restore hepatocytes.

Antifungal drugs

To the diagram complex treatment chlamydia in men and women includes antifungal agents. They are necessary for the prevention and treatment of dysbiosis caused by antibiotics. In some cases (with a severe decrease in immunity) at the site of the dead beneficial bacteria opportunistic microorganisms related to various types yeast fungi. Antifungal drugs will help stop their growth and spread:

  • Diflucan;
  • Flucostat;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Nystatin.

These drugs quickly eliminate the symptoms of candidiasis and normalize the intestinal microflora. Therapeutic effect increases with simultaneous administration probiotics, probiotics and antifungals.

Carrying out follow-up examinations

After a course of chlamydia therapy, the patient undergoes control laboratory tests to evaluate the results of treatment. The examination is indicated 1–1.5 months after taking the last dose of pharmacological drugs. Specialists in the laboratory study blood samples and scrapings from the genital tract for the presence of chlamydia pathogens and specific antibodies.

Complete recovery is indicated by the absence pathogenic microorganisms in the studied samples. If even a small amount of chlamydia is detected, the doctor, at his discretion, adjusts the dosage of antibiotics or replaces them. Treatment in no way eliminates the possibility of re-infection, since immunity to chlamydia pathogens is not developed.

After treatment of chlamydia, folk remedies will help to quickly increase immunity

Traditional medicine recipes

Medicinal herbs and food products do not contain ingredients that could destroy chlamydia. Therefore therapy folk remedies is impractical and even dangerous, as it will lead to a transition acute form diseases into chronic and rapid spread of sexually transmitted infections. Infusions, decoctions and alcohol tinctures can be used after complete recovery throughout the entire rehabilitation period.

Such remedies will help boost immunity, restore damaged liver cells, and normalize metabolism. What traditional healers recommend:

  • Place 100 g of dried marigold flowers in a glass container and fill with a liter of 90% ethyl alcohol. Leave for 2-3 weeks in a dark place. Before use, add 9 parts of water to one part of the tincture and use for douching;
  • pour 3 tbsp into a thermos. spoons of crushed dry raspberries, juniper, barberry, rose hips and pour a liter of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, strain. Drink instead of tea to strengthen the immune system.

When treating chlamydia at home, you should limit your intake. fermented milk products, sweet pastries, chocolate. This diet will accelerate the proliferation of chlamydia and activate the growth of pathogenic yeast fungi.

Symptoms of chlamydia, especially on initial stage, similar to the signs of many diseases of the urinary system. It is possible to establish the cause of pain and burning during urination only after laboratory tests and, if necessary, instrumental studies. Start of treatment at early stage Chlamydia infection will reduce the doses of drugs used during antibiotic therapy, as well as significantly speed up recovery.