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Rehabilitation period after abdominal surgery: regimen and diet. What can you eat after intestinal surgery?

Modern medicine improvements are being made and diseases that were previously considered incurable are being successfully cured. To avoid subsequent development of the disease or to eliminate defects, doctors resort to operations.

At the same time, the body experiences stress, but with high-quality treatment and proper postoperative care, the body returns to normal. Therefore, it is important to know what you can eat after surgery.

Whatcan you eat after surgery, doctors are required to recommend. General rules for postoperative eating:

  • 3-4 meals a day, with snacks if desired;
  • give preference to small portions;
  • reduce salt, sugar and fat intake;
  • Avoid sugary carbonated drinks and alcohol.

After the procedure, you need to adhere to the gradual introduction of products. At first it will be a little water, then light soups and broths, steamed porridges, low-fat fermented milk products, low-fat fish, vegetable and fruit purees. It's better to cook it steamed. You can use whole grain bread or crackers.

The body must recover as quickly as possible and for this it is necessary good nutrition, including vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates. To do this, you should diversify your food with cereals, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, meat. It is not recommended to eat vegetables such as cabbage and radishes.

Torestore the disturbed balance useful substances You can take special supplements.

What can you eat after appendicitis surgery: menu for the first days

After appendicitis is excised, the food intake system becomes one of the points of recovery for the patient’s body. On the first day after the procedure, you are not even allowed to drink. The next day you are allowed to drink non-carbonated mineral water.

After 1-1.5 days, you can take weak broths and soups, which it is advisable to prepare in water or vegetable broth. For the second course, you can prepare porridge from egg, rice or oatmeal. From the liquid you can drink a decoction of rose hips and fruit jelly.

It is not recommended to eat borscht, pea or fish soup, or okroshka. Regarding meat, baked goods, fast food, carbonated drinks, fatty fermented milk products, then you can forget about them for two weeks. A little rabbit meat is allowed, which is considered dietary meat. It is permissible to eat low-fat dairy products and be sure to eat berries, vegetables and fruits.

FromSome taste preferences should be abandoned for a while, and you should also listen to the following advice:

  • You should chew your food thoroughly;
  • on days 2 and 3, resort to small portions;
  • It’s better to eat 5-6 rubles. in a day;
  • it is necessary to give preference to liquid foods and avoid solid ones;
  • consume food at room temperature;
  • when choosing a food processing method, give preference to steaming;
  • You can eat soup with grated vegetables after surgery, which helps to establish a normal digestion process.

Diet (nutrition) after surgery to remove the gallbladder

After eliminating the organ responsible for processing bile, a meal schedule is vital and significantly changes the diet of the recovering person.

What can you eat after gallbladder surgery?
  • products must be steam cooked;
  • use fractional meals, better less, but more often;
  • eat meals at the same time period.

The strictest diet following cholecystectomy is prescribed in the post-operative 12 hours. In the first hours, it is advisable to only wet your lips with water, and a little later rinse your mouth with unsweetened herbal infusions. The next day you are allowed to drink fruit compotes, low-fat biokefir and lightly brewed tea. Sip water in small doses after a certain time, no more than 1.5 liters per day.

On the third day, it is planned to take crushed potatoes, juice from pumpkin, apples or beets, light rich soups with the addition of 1 tsp. sour cream or plums. oil, cooked fish low-fat varieties. You can drink sweet tea.

On days 4 and 5, white bread, crackers and simple cookies are added to the portion in small quantities.

On day 6, buckwheat, wheat liquid porridge or oatmeal, prepared in a 1:1 ratio with milk or water, low-fat meats and low-fat fermented milk provisions are allowed.

After a week and for up to 1.5 months, you must adhere to a gentle diet. After this time, it is allowed to comply general diet. It consists of vegetable and fruit salads with the addition of vegetable fats or sour cream, chicken, rabbit, low-fat veal, cereals, milk, one egg every 5 days, and lean first meals.

Dessert can consist of jam, marmalades, honey or marshmallows.
It is forbidden to use:

  • spicy, fatty foods, smoked foods;
  • Supplies that stimulate the mucous membrane (onions, garlic, spices, pickles);
  • fatty meat or poultry;
  • soda, alcohol and sweets;
  • food with a huge amount of fiber (coarsely ground bread, legumes);
  • provisions in cold or hot condition.

By following a planned diet after getting rid of the gallbladder, you can return to the usual way life.

What can you eat after removing gallstones?

Subsequently cleansing bile ducts the outflow of bile is restored from the stones.

IN During the postoperative period, you should refrain from consuming products that interfere with bile secretion:

  • preserves and pickles;
  • spicy and fatty foods;
  • semi-finished products, sausages;
  • fish and meat fatty delicacies;
  • baked goods, sweets and fresh baked goods.

In the days following the medical intervention, you are only allowed to hold the liquid in your mouth or blot your lips with a napkin. After they have expired, you can drink in small sips a rosehip decoction or mineral water from which the gas has been released in advance.

After 12 hours, the operated patient should be given an unsweetened infusion of dried fruits or low-fat kefir, maintaining an interval of 3 hours and in a size of 100 ml. Take juices and vegetarian soups with 1 tsp. sour cream is recommended for 3 days.

Sticking toOn a gentle diet you can eat:

  • omelettes;
  • sandwiches with cheese and a thin layer of butter;
  • vinaigrettes;
  • porridge diluted in milk or water;
  • meatballs;
  • liquid vegetable or fruit dishes;
  • light low-fat soups;
  • low-fat milk is suitable for drinking, herbal infusions, lukewarm tea;
  • for dessert - curd pudding.

To make your work easier gastrointestinal tract, it’s a good idea to stick to a fractional diet.

Use edibles in a warm state and steam or boil them. It is necessary to organize the required flow of fluid into the body. From the bakery assortment, you should choose products with bran.

In the first month after surgery, you can eat cereal soups with well-ground vegetables, which prevents irritation of the walls of the internal organs. After 2-3 months, you can carefully expand your menu.

Nutrition after intestinal surgery: allowed and prohibited foods

There are many reasons why intestinal surgery is performed, but all operated patients are faced with the task of what to eat after surgery.
The postoperative diet is divided into three periods:

  1. Lasts 2-3 days after surgery and consists of taking warm, unsalted jelly-like or liquid consistency, no more than 250 g at a time. Reception frequency – 7-8 r. per day. In the first 12 hours, it is forbidden to even drink water. After this time, pureed vegetable first courses and decoctions, compotes without sugar are allowed. The volume of required fluid on 1 day is 2 liters. The next day you are allowed to eat low-fat meat broth and fruit jelly. On the third day, you are allowed to take liquid porridge, fish or meat soufflé, and one egg.
  2. The period lasts 7-9 days, and at feeling good a moderate load of the intestines with solid food begins. It is allowed to eat wheat, oatmeal, rice or semolina porridge with water, meat broths, and low-fat milk.
  3. Following the release, The eating regimen must be followed for at least 3 weeks. Preference should be given to steamed foods and low-fat first courses. It is necessary to eat vegetables and fruits carefully to prevent excessive gas formation. After 2 weeks, you can add any dairy products to your diet. Food must be at room temperature.

There is a list of foods that you should abstain from for a long period:

  • rich and fresh bakery products, chocolate;
  • alcohol;
  • fatty provisions;
  • smoked meats, spices and salt;
  • raw milk, fatty dairy products;
  • pasta and legumes;
  • raw vegetables;
  • nuts and mushrooms;
  • cocoa, coffee, soda and cold drinks.

Diet after intestinal surgery (oncology): menu for the week

In the first week after surgery, the patient can eat broths, vegetable purees and liquid porridges, juices and herbal infusions.

Acceptable menu for 7 postoperative days:

Day of the week Nutrition
MondayBreakfast: dried fruit juice with crackers
Late breakfast: steamed rice with raisins and dried apricots, fresh berries or apricot juice
Lunch: liquid soup of assorted vegetables, assorted cabbage, potatoes and asparagus, tea or herbal infusion
Afternoon snack: baked apples, tea with biscuits
Dinner: low-fat biokefir
TuesdayBreakfast: Orange juice, pear or peach
Late breakfast: peach juice, simple salad, steamed oatmeal
Lunch: pureed lentil soup, steamed chicken cutlets, boiled beets
Afternoon snack: pearl barley porridge, carrot-beet cocktail
Dinner: green tea, prunes, dried apricots.
WednesdayBreakfast: oatmeal poured with milk or kefir, warm tea with oatmeal pastries.
Late breakfast: Carrot and celery salad, lean boiled fish
Lunch: stewed sweet peppers with carrots, boiled poultry, cabbage salad
Afternoon snack: rice milk porridge, low-fat yogurt
Dinner: oatmeal bread with yogurt and berries.
ThursdayBreakfast: carrot juice and some nuts
Late breakfast: boiled buckwheat, fruit, lightly brewed tea
Lunch: lean soup, baked eggplant, fruit juice
Afternoon snack: whole grain bread, some rabbit meat
Dinner: fermented baked milk with Maria cookies
FridayBreakfast: juice from apples, carrots and beets
Brunch: Zucchini or Stuffed Rice bell pepper, unsweetened tea
Lunch: pickle soup, steamed meatballs, apple and plum compote
Afternoon snack: rice steamed with raisins, green tea
Dinner: 250 g yogurt
SaturdayBreakfast: herbal infusion, a piece of dietary bread
Late breakfast: vegetables, orange or carrot-cucumber juice
Lunch: pureed soup, cabbage and carrot salad, wheat porridge
Afternoon snack: zucchini stewed with bell pepper, tea
Dinner: kefir, baked apples
SundayBreakfast: low-fat yogurt
Late breakfast: cabbage salad, a piece of black bread, fruit juice
Lunch: bean soup, beet juice
Afternoon snack: buckwheat, boiled rabbit meat, weak tea
Dinner: yogurt with oatmeal cookies

Diet after surgery to remove hemorrhoids: menu for the week

INDuring the first postoperative 24 hours, the patient is given only water. On the second day they begin to feed in small and fractional portions.

Forsolving the problem: what can you eat after surgery, several examples are recommended:

Menu option Nutrition
1 optionBreakfast: poured with boiling water oat bran with raisins and dried apricots, tea
2nd breakfast: crackers, cherry juice
Lunch: shredded cabbage soup
Afternoon snack: a serving of yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese
Dinner: steamed meatballs
Option 2Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, lightly brewed tea
2nd breakfast: two apples, preferably baked
Lunch: potato and cereal soup, boiled poultry, fruit cocktail
Afternoon snack: crackers, rosehip decoction
Dinner: semi-liquid cottage cheese, tea
Option 3Breakfast: semolina, green tea
2nd breakfast: berry soufflé
Lunch: light lean puree soup, boiled lean meat, fruit juice
Afternoon snack: steam omelette, baked apple, Orange juice
Dinner: boiled low-fat fish, tea

This menu is saved for 7 days after the operation. For a month after the intervention, it is prohibited to eat foods that promote flatulence, as well as vegetables that can irritate the intestines (onions, garlic).

It is necessary to remove foods that cause blood flow to the pelvis from the diet. It's all spicy, smoked, pickled. It is necessary to give up alcohol.

Nutrition after gynecological surgery

Compliance with the feeding regimen after gynecological abdominal surgery has great value in resumption female body. In the first 24 hours, if necessary, they are introduced intravenous injections, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and are not allowed to be eaten. After this period, infant formula can be introduced into the diet.

A little later, you can eat cereal liquid porridge-purees containing fiber. During this period, it is forbidden to take bread, full-fat milk and soda. The menu needs to be diversified light food and avoid eating raw foods.

After a week, the diet should be significantly increased by adding leafy greens, low-fat meat and fish delicacies, steamed.

It is advisable to drink a decoction of rose hips and dried fruits. Cranberries and prunes have anti-inflammatory properties and are recommended to be taken during this period.

What can you eat after stomach ulcer surgery?

The diagram of the postoperative nutrition system is built in the image therapeutic diets for gastrointestinal diseases, only it is somewhat stricter.

INFor the first few postoperative days, it is recommended to refrain from drinking drinks and any food. You can only drink water from a spoon. Gradually added to the diet liquid food, mostly broths. Sour cream is allowed in small quantities.

On the third day, 0.5 liters is allowed. liquid food, for fourths up to 1 liter. After five days, you can eat cottage cheese, semolina porridge and semi-liquid soups. After a week, you can dilute the diet with boiled lean meat and gradually return to the main diet, which consists of boiled and steamed foods with a thin, soft consistency.

Large pieces need to be ground. Acceptable food temperature is neither cold nor hot. It is allowed to eat steamed omelettes, boiled eggs, and cod. A decoction of rose hips and jelly are suitable for drinking. In the first few months, you should take slightly dried bread.

Anything smoked, fatty, spicy or pickled is contraindicated. It is preferable to boil fruits in compote, and choose vegetables without coarse fiber content.

SpecialThere are no diets for people with colostomy. The menu must be selected individually and the best solution after surgical manipulation there will be a return to the usual diet, subject to systematic emptying of the digestive organs. It is advisable to avoid constipation.

It is necessary to eat regularly, choosing foods carefully. During the period of education postoperative scar(1 month) you need to eliminate foods that promote gas formation (rye bread, varieties of cabbage, eggs, onions and garlic, grapes, spicy additives). WITHYou need to be especially careful with fatty and difficult-to-digest foods.

For a normal intestinal reaction to newly introduced foods, you need to consume them gradually. It is necessary to observe moderation in taste preferences, eat food often, but in mini portions.

Nutrition after bladder surgery

The first couple of days after the operation, the patient is injected with highly nutritious material intravenously. On the second day, moisten your lips with a damp cloth. On the third day after surgery you can eat low-fat disheschicken bouillon, grated cottage cheese, non-solid porridge, which is resolved after restoration of peristalsis of the digestive system.

On the fifth day it is allowed to include in food steam cutlets and other dietary meat dishes, boiled porridges and other light dishes. Laterten days after the procedure, the patient can return to preoperative food.

Nutrition after inguinal hernia removal

About what you can eat after removal surgery inguinal hernia, the doctor must inform. This is one of the post-operative recovery points that is very important. After herniotomy, you need to monitor your digestion, avoiding diarrhea and constipation and avoiding excessive gas formation.

Shouldremove from diet following products:

  • high-fat, spicy and smoked foods;
  • legumes;
  • representatives of the fungal family;
  • sweet pastries and rye bread;
  • soda and alcohol, kvass.

An important component of nutrition is food with a high protein content. After the stitches are removed, you can gradually return to your normal diet under the supervision of a doctor.

What foods can you eat after heart surgery?

After surgical manipulation of the heart, great attention must be paid to feeding.

  • meat and lard with high fat content;
  • vegetable and butter fats, margarine;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fatty cheeses;
  • fast food;
  • salt;
  • strongly brewed tea and coffee.

Reception only allowed olive oil. It is beneficial for the heart and blood vessels to take fish fat containing omega acids. It is recommended to eat boiled red meat and poultry. The diet should be varied with vegetables, berries and fruits, nuts, prunes, leafy greens, and seafood.

As for dairy products, you can consume them in small quantities and only low-fat ones. From drinks you can drink freshly squeezed juices, herbal infusions, rosehip infusion, infusions of dried fruits, ordinary and mineral water. You need to give up baking.

  • proportion of saturated fat in daily rate calories should be no more than 7%;
  • the share of transgenic fats is no more than 1%;
  • cholesterol norm is less than 300 g per day;
  • the menu should contain foods high in fiber and natural fibers;
  • it is necessary to burn extra calories by playing sports;
  • Don't get carried away with a high protein diet.

Products for wound healing after surgery

For the speedy healing of wounds, the body needs products containing:

  • increased protein content (meat, fish, poultry dishes);
  • vitamin A (orange fruits and vegetables, liver, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables);
  • vitamin C (citrus fruits, cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes, green beans, leafy greens);
  • zinc (meat and beef liver, seafood, legumes, greens);
  • arachidonic acid ( pork lard and liver);
  • fatty acids (oil and fish oil).

It is necessary to create for the patient comfortable conditions, comfort, gentle treatment and these comprehensive measures will contribute to the speedy recovery of the body.

What you can and cannot eat after heart surgery:

Elena Malysheva will tell viewers what they can eat after surgery:

Dietary nutrition is an important component of successful rehabilitation for many diseases. After various surgical interventions, properly selected food helps to recover quickly and prevent complications.

Diet food after surgical interventions is selected in individually and depends on the patient’s diagnosis and the type of surgery performed. However, there are a number general recommendations, which are relevant for all types of postoperative diet:

  • On the first day after surgical intervention doctors usually only allow consumption ordinary water. Reception possible mineral water, but only without gas.
  • Gentle food. After anesthesia, patients require minimal weight bearing. digestive tract Accordingly, it is better to consume dishes in liquid or semi-liquid form; a pasty, creamy or jelly-like consistency is possible. Such recommendations are relevant for the first few days after surgery.
  • Fractionality of nutrition. You need to eat in small portions with a short interval between meals (about two hours).
  • Comfort food. Doctors strongly recommend the consumption of warm foods - not hotter than 45 °C.
  • The patient's diet should be expanded gradually in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

Most often, dietary nutrition after surgery is organized in inpatient department. After discharge home, the diet should also change in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.

Lung surgery

Surgical interventions on the lungs can be carried out according to various reasons. Most often they involve the removal of a lobe of the organ, which may be necessary if birth defects, cysts, tuberculosis, cancer and other lesions. Competent rehabilitation after such interventions implies the mandatory organization of dietary nutrition. Treatment menu helps:

  • Stimulate reparative processes in the body.
  • Replenish lost protein.
  • Boost immunity.
  • Smooth out the negative effects of anesthesia.
  • Normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Prevent complications.

Most often, the basis of dietary nutrition after lung surgery is treatment table No. 11 according to Pevzner, although with some modifications. In particular, doctors may recommend saturating the menu with protein foods in order to increase the body's reactivity and resistance to infections.


Features of nutrition after lung surgery:

  • In the first twelve hours after emerging from anesthesia, you should not consume anything other than ordinary clean water.
  • Afterwards, you can gradually begin to consume other liquids. Preference is given to secondary meat broths, low-fat kefir or whey, rosehip decoction. Sometimes doctors allow the consumption of berry and fruit juices, as well as not too strong and unsweetened tea. You need to consume liquid in small portions, carefully assessing your well-being. In the absence of nausea and a feeling of stagnation in the stomach, the volume of fluid consumed can not be greatly limited (unless the doctor recommends otherwise).
  • On the third day, it is usually allowed to introduce pureed semi-liquid foods into the menu. Preference is given to light pureed food - soups and cereals (they are prepared exclusively with water). Doctors usually recommend not experimenting and expanding your diet with caution, adding no more than a couple of new foods per day. Optimal size portions are less than two hundred grams, frequency of meals is five to six per day.
  • After risk reduction postoperative complications It's worth expanding the menu. It is allowed to consume lean dietary meat, cereals with milk (first diluted), day-old bread, biscuits, fermented milk products, berries and fruits with vegetables.
  • You should not consume food that can adversely affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, nuts, mushrooms, various seeds (seeds), fatty, fried, smoked and other frankly unhealthy foods are prohibited. You should not drink coffee and strong tea, eat cabbage, corn and other foods that can cause excessive gas formation. Of course, you should not drink alcohol; it is better to avoid salty foods and confectionery products (including chocolate and cocoa).

The attending physician will provide precise information about what you can eat after surgery. A specialist will tell you what is best to avoid and when you can switch to a regular diet.

After discharge

Typically, after returning home, patients who have undergone lung surgery are advised to stick to treatment table No. 11. This nutrition is aimed at:

  • Improving nutrition of the whole body and fully covering the body’s needs for various nutrients.
  • Increased defenses.
  • Activation of recovery processes.

This diet is considered high-calorie and quite simple. It has practically no restrictions, it means daily calorie content about 2900–3100 kcal. Only the following are prohibited:

  • Excessively fatty foods(in particular, especially fatty meat, poultry, animal fats).
  • Spicy or fatty sauces.
  • Various confectionery with excess cream content.
  • Alcohol.

Patients are allowed to eat other foods, but it is recommended to prepare meals adhering to the principles of proper nutrition: give preference to boiling, baking, stewing and steaming. Important role plays a role in the consumption of significant amounts of vegetables and fruits, protein foods and calcium salts in dairy products.

The postoperative period is very important for the patient. At this time, you need to follow all medical recommendations to avoid complications. Recovery after gastric surgery is based on special diet which is aimed at a quick recovery. Today we will look at what you are allowed to eat after gastric ulcer surgery.

Recommendations from gastroenterologists also boil down to the frequency of food intake and its quantity. You need to eat every 2 hours and in small portions. Monitor the temperature of the food; if you have an ulcer, it should be at room temperature. Gentle nutrition is recommended not only during the rehabilitation period, but also in later life.

Postoperative dietary regimen

The patient’s diet after removal of a stomach and duodenal ulcer is as light as possible, since the body is weakened by a long-term inflammatory process and the surgery. Goals pursued for recovery:

  • reducing the load on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • regeneration normal microflora intestines;
  • saturating the body with useful substances.

The first couple of days after surgery, doctors prohibit eating any food. At that time normal functioning is provided by introducing nutrient solutions from droppers into the body.

General nutrition rules

After three days, it is allowed to include jelly and herbal infusions, but only in a small volume.

6 days after surgery to remove an ulcer, the menu can be diluted with weak vegetable-based soups, liquid foods, steamed omelettes and rice porridge, pre-wiped. After a week, it is permissible to introduce vegetable purees, steamed chicken cutlets. You need to add more food as the patient recovers.

It is known that for stomach ulcers the patient is prescribed special diet, which completely excludes fried, fatty and spicy foods. Salt and spices are also limited - their quantity is minimal. After surgery, gastroenterologists recommend continuing to adhere to the principles of such nutrition. All dishes must be cooked in a steamer or oven.

The diet after gastric surgery is as gentle as possible. For the first two days of rehabilitation, eating is not allowed at all; the patient is prescribed therapeutic fasting. Starting from the third day, you can introduce liquid dishes into the diet, but in very small quantities. Perforated ulcer stomach - dangerous disease, affecting organs Gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, doctors monitor the patient’s well-being after each meal.

Don't create your own diet. Diet menu must be provided to you by your healthcare provider.

Principles of a therapeutic diet

Within two postoperative months the patient needs to adhere to a strict diet. Compliance with all medical rules and recommendations will help avoid relapse of the disease and development inflammatory process. For a speedy recovery, adhere to the principles of a healthy diet.

After surgery to remove a stomach ulcer, the patient must remember the rules to restore his condition:

  • Not to starve. Abstinence from food in medicinal purposes Only the first three days after the intervention are permissible. You need to eat at least 6 times a day in small portions. The optimal weight of one is 200 g.
  • You can only eat food homemade. This means that industrial sweets, sausages, cheeses, canned food and sugary soda are completely removed from the diet.
  • Spicy dishes and marinades pose a danger to the mucous membrane, irritating it. Even garlic, which is so beneficial for the body, should be excluded from the menu, since it is a natural irritant and also provokes the release of acids. The restrictions also apply table salt, which is better replaced by sea.
  • Eating after surgery involves grinding solid food into a puree. For example, boiled vegetables can be blended using a blender.
  • Doctors prohibit cooking food with added oil or animal fats to avoid complications. In general, after gastric surgery, the diet should consist of steamed or oven-cooked dishes that do not cause irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • Observe temperature regime. Avoid foods that are too hot or cold because sharp drop will negatively affect the condition of your epigastrium.

Doctors will provide you with a complete list of products for use in postoperative period.

What is allowed

After gastric surgery, the patient is prescribed a strict diet, which he must follow for at least a year. You can try any of your favorite treats only starting from the second postoperative year.

So, doctors allow the following products:

  • omelet and steamed eggs;
  • dietary meat (turkey, chicken and beef);
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • vegetables (potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, zucchini);
  • fruits (apples, pears, bananas);
  • cereals (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, pasta).

A menu that includes this food will give the patient strength and energy for a speedy recovery.

What is prohibited

During the period after perforation, the patient should not consume a number of foods that will negatively affect his condition and create discomfort in the stomach and intestines. The list of prohibited foods includes:

  • bakery products, muffins;
  • legumes;
  • any sauces;
  • sweets, nuts and seeds;
  • preservation, marinades;
  • seasonings, spices;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fried and fatty foods.

Peptic ulcers completely exclude products that contain cocoa.

Also during the recovery period, and in later life, you should give up smoking and other bad habits.

Sample menu after surgery

After a gastric ulcer has been perforated, the patient is prescribed a diet consisting of permitted foods. Meal preparation should be carried out on the basis of medical recommendations.

Menu option for one day

Second diet example

Third option

What dietary therapy should be given to a patient who has undergone surgery to remove a perforated duodenal ulcer? The diet is based on products allowed in recovery period, which can be alternated and connected to each other. For ulcers, food is served in crushed form and at a comfortable temperature.

A glass of warm milk at night is helpful.

If you think that diet food is bland, then you are mistaken. There is a great variety culinary recipes allowing to diversify the patient’s diet.

Useful and tasty dish for a patient with stomach disease - oatmeal with various additives. Its enveloping properties have a positive effect on the mucous membrane.

It is possible to cure stomach disease in the postoperative period with the help of medications and proper nutrition. A perforated ulcer of the stomach and duodenum requires adjustment of the diet. The attending physician will provide assistance in creating a menu, and will indicate the duration of the diet and portion sizes. You will be able to return to your usual diet only 2 years after surgery.


After large operations on organs abdominal cavity usually refrain from administering food to the patient for 24-36 hours. However, more long fasting unacceptable, since it not only depletes the patient, but also maintains postoperative acidosis, suppresses the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines and predisposes to various complications.

In the postoperative period, the surgeon individually, depending on the nature of the surgical intervention and the patient’s condition, determines the necessary diet, meal times and further expansion of the diet. As before the operation, in the postoperative period great attention is paid to the introduction of sufficient amounts of fluid, salt and carbohydrates, and in the following days - proteins and vitamins.

After gastrectomy, fasting is prescribed for 36-48 hours. If you have dry mouth, you are allowed to rinse your mouth or wipe your mouth with a damp swab. The body's need for fluids and salts is satisfied intravenous administration saline solution and 5% glucose solution.

On the 2nd day, the attending physician may allow one glass of sweet tea, which is given a teaspoon every 15-20 minutes during the day.

On the 3rd day, the patient receives two glasses of liquid (low-fat, weak broth and sweet tea), also in separate sips throughout the day.

On the 4-5th day, broth or mucous soup, jelly, jelly, sweet tea, fruit or berry juices diluted with sweet are allowed. warm water(diet 0).

On the 6-7-8th day, surgical diet 1 is prescribed, which includes the following products and dishes: 100 g of crackers from white bread for the whole day, liquid semolina porridge or porridge made from rice or buckwheat flour, cooked in water with the addition of a small amount of milk and butter, broth or slimy soup, steamed meat soufflé or meat puree, steamed omelet, soft-boiled eggs, butter, kefir, jelly, jelly, rosehip infusion, sweet tea, juices fresh berries and fruits. Frequent meals are required every 2 hours; one dish should be no more than 200-250 g per meal.

On the 8-9th day after the operation, the patient is transferred to diet 13. In some medical institutions this diet is designated 1 surgical.

During total gastrectomy, in the first days after the operation, nutrition is carried out according to Spasokukotsky: in upper section jejunum is introduced through a trocar nutritional mixture from two eggs, 400 g of milk, 50 g of sugar and 25 g of butter. As prescribed by the doctor, the patient is fed 2-3 times a day.

After surgery on biliary tract in the normal course without complications, the patient’s nutrition is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • 1st day the patient does not receive food through the mouth
  • on the 2nd day - sweet tea, jelly, slimy soup without oil; can you prescribe a diet 0
  • on the 3-4-5th day, a surgical diet 1a is prescribed with the replacement of the broth with slimy soup and eggs - a protein steamed omelet
  • from the 6th day the patient is transferred to diet 5a
After resection of the small intestine, which is performed by urologists for ureteroplasty:
  • 1st day the patient fasts
  • Day 2 receives diet 0
  • Days 3-4-5 - surgical diet 1 followed by transfer to diet 13, 5a or 4
Patients operated on for acute uncomplicated appendicitis are prescribed surgical diet 1 for the first 2-3 days, then diet 13, before discharge the patient is transferred to diet 2 or 5. In case of complicated appendicitis, nutrition is carried out according to the patient’s condition.

After gynecological or urological surgery, surgical diet 1 is prescribed for 2-3 days, then diet 13 or 5.

Typically, nutrition after surgery comes down to several days of complete fasting, with possible pharmacological support and a transition to. Tables may vary depending on the nature and focus of the operation. After minor manipulations performed locally and under local anesthesia, it is not always necessary special food. There are some general rules nutrition typical for all postoperative patients, and special recommendations, they can be issued by a doctor for each specific case. However, absolutely everyone should remember that the diet after surgery is strict and restrictive, and must be strictly followed.

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The first day after surgery, complete fasting is indicated. The patient is given ordinary clean water, without gas, mineral salts and electrolytes. If necessary, if weakness and problems with recovery occur, you need to put in droppers with nutrient solutions, but this issue is resolved individually. In patients whose recovery is slow, there may be problems with eating on the second day, and then their diet is limited to plain water.

  • gradually returns to the diet light food- pureed cereal soups, a small amount of vegetables, then a soufflé of meat and fish;
  • water consumption is normalized;
  • , at least 5-6 times a day to normalize the functioning of the digestive organs, then the patient receives recommendations according to which he should build his further diet. Some are advised to stick to 5-6 meals a day throughout their lives;
  • the food temperature should not exceed 45 degrees, warm rather than hot food is recommended, cold dishes are also excluded in order to protect yourself from vascular spasms.

Diet after abdominal surgery

This is the most strict type of diet of this type. After abdominal surgery, a person cannot eat solid food for a long time, which is associated with disturbances in blood circulation and digestive organ function. It takes 2-3 days for this to recover. You can only take water on the first day. On the second day, it is allowed to add weak vegetable broths, then a weak decoction, and pureed liquid food. For such patients, mucous rice decoctions, as well as decoctions based on oatmeal, are recommended. You should eat in this style for 3-4 days until peristalsis is restored.

Important: operations affecting the esophagus and stomach involve only parenteral nutrition, that is, eating food through a tube inserted into the stomach.

From 4-5 days, the following products can be introduced into the patient’s diet after surgery on the esophagus and stomach:

  • pureed meat and fish dishes, soufflés, meat purees and meat bread;
  • pureed or heavily boiled porridge from, without rough parts, and rice, it is recommended to boil in 2-3 parts of water, and then rub through a hard sieve or grind with a blender;
  • vegetable puree, without significant inclusion dietary fiber, and inclusions of seeds. Recommended and, as well as boiled carrots; pureed soups can be made from vegetables;
  • fruits are not recommended at the first stage, then only sweet ones are included in the diet in small quantities and pureed;
  • you can cook milk porridge, and also include kefir in your diet, especially low-fat and medium-fat kefir, low-fat in small quantities is allowed, you should not drink milk separately, but you can include it in your diet in dishes;
  • For sweets, simple white sugar is recommended, over time - fruit jellies and soufflé;
  • You cannot drink strong tea and coffee; the main drink is weak tea and a weak rosehip decoction.
  • Over time, after healing, it is allowed to introduce more rough food, cooking porridges with a non-semi-liquid consistency and limiting meat and fish soufflés in favor of meat and fish dishes more solid consistency.

    You should not eat anything that would require a certain amount of effort from the body to digest.

    Completely excluded:

    • all types of snacks, salted and smoked meats, cheeses, caviar, herring, smoked fish, and other products designed to stimulate appetite;
    • canned meat and fish, even in soups;
    • various types of sweets - cakes, ice cream, flavored drinks and coffee;
    • alcoholic drinks;
    • all types of rough food, even “healthy” ones - fresh fruits, vegetables with big amount fibers (cabbage, mushrooms, for example), legumes, soybeans;
    • It is not recommended to include artificial sweeteners in the diet, which can cause bloating and increased gas formation;
    • any products that cause intolerance and gas formation.

    Nutrition after gallbladder removal

    After removal of the gallbladder, there is enough wide list prohibited products:

    • You should not eat mushrooms, as they contain coarse dietary fiber and difficult-to-digest vegetable proteins;
    • and are prohibited, as well as all hot seasonings - horseradish, adjika, mustard, sauces based on red pepper;
    • all types of canned food, including homemade and vegetable, are excluded from the diet;
    • Eating meat or fish soaked in vinegar is not allowed;
    • All types of butter are not recommended - both regular and melted;
    • the consumption of snack meats, spicy and salty fatty cheeses is prohibited (in fact, all available varieties can fall under this definition; after the recovery period after the operation, it will be possible to eat unsalted cheese in small quantities);
    • All fatty and sweet confectionery products are prohibited, and consuming sugar in large quantities is also not recommended.

    The basic diet after removal of the gallbladder resembles the previous one:

    • The basis is dishes made from cereals, viscous porridges, based on rice. The cereal should be cooked so that it resembles a slimy decoction;
    • Weak vegetable broths are allowed; there is no consensus regarding meat broths. The classic medical diet for people with a removed gallbladder involves avoiding all types of strong broths rich in extractive substances and using only weak vegetable broths for cooking soups. Various sources on the Internet they recommend drinking weak and meat broth after this operation, check with your doctor whether you can have meat broth or not;
    • meat and fish are introduced into the diet in small quantities in the form of minced meat or soufflé, to facilitate digestion and absorption;
    • fruits are not included in the diet during the recovery period; they are returned as healing progresses; fruit jellies can be consumed in a very limited amount.
    • Normally, intestinal motility allows us to digest and assimilate foods such as legumes, mushrooms, rich bran bread and so on. All this food can become a source of problems after surgery, since peristalsis is impaired. At first, the patient’s diet is built around weak vegetable broths without the presence of vegetables, a small amount of meat or fish, literally turned into a puree consistency, as well as pureed porridges. It is recommended to cook porridge exclusively in water, but sometimes they say that you can use milk diluted with water for this purpose. It is allowed to eat soft-boiled eggs or eggs in the form of steam omelettes.

      You can sweeten weak tea with regular sugar; after intestinal operations, very weak cocoa with milk diluted with water is also allowed. Food should not be hot, you need to monitor the frequency. A fractional diet is recommended, and reduced portions.

      After surgery on bladder There are specifics for excluding certain products. All types of food containing oxalates and oxalic acid are “removed” from the diet. It is not recommended to eat sorrel, as well as soups based on this seasonal greenery; rhubarb, sour citrus fruits and other products, the use of which can irritate the bladder and ureter, should not be included in the diet.

      You should not eat cucumbers, melons, etc., as these products have a diuretic effect. Caution should be exercised when using teas with the addition of various herbs.

      After bladder surgery, they build their diet almost the same as after other operations:

      • based on boiled porridge based on buckwheat, rice or oatmeal; grains can be additionally rubbed through a sieve to ensure better absorption;
      • You can also eat meat and fish in the form of a soufflé;
      • vegetables and fruits, except those that are sour or contain oxalic acid;
      • recommend drinking plenty of fluids, but not tea and coffee, but plain water.

      Recommendations for the recovery period, which takes place at home, are similar for all operations. It is necessary to ensure that the gastrointestinal tract is spared, overeating is excluded, fractional meals are organized with a special emphasis on the regularity and quality of food. During the entire recovery period, you should avoid fast food, and most people should avoid eating outside the home and eating food that could irritate the gastrointestinal tract. During the entire recovery period, the use of any alcoholic drinks, since ethanol metabolism impairs the restoration of muscle tissue. Usually, for 2-3 months, spicy foods, dishes made from legumes, smoked meats, mushrooms, butter and cheeses are also limited, as foods that are difficult to digest. In addition, it is not recommended to eat dishes in which several types of animal proteins are mixed - for example, cutlets with eggs, or stuffed with poultry meat. Specific nutritional recommendations during the recovery period should be obtained from your doctor.

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      Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova