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Pills to avoid pregnancy. Recipes for herbal infusions for pregnancy. Briefly about groups of contraceptive tablets

Pregnancy is simply wonderful. But there is one BUT! It is wonderful when it is long-awaited and desired, and not spontaneous, extramarital and early. When, in a fit of passion, you lose your head, forgetting about contraception, they come to the rescue after unprotected sex.

Thanks to the development of pharmacology and medicine, such products are not uncommon; they are sold in any pharmacy, are available without a doctor’s prescription, and most importantly, no surgery is required. KHOCHU.ua will tell you which pills to take after sex, their benefits, side effects and contraindications.


If the pill is taken within 24 hours, the risk of getting pregnant is minimized to 5%, if within 25-48 hours, the percentage increases to 15, and if within 49-72 hours, you can get pregnant with a 40% chance.


Abortion pills are absolutely safe if you have no contraindications for taking them. They do not injure the uterine mucosa, which minimizes the risk of infertility in the future.

Never take pregnancy pills in the following cases:

  • Ectopic pregnancy or suspicion of it;
  • Renal and adrenal failure;
  • Long-term use of corticosteroid drugs;
  • Blood clotting disorder;
  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Diabetes last stages;
  • History of thrombosis.

Despite the safety medical abortion Compared to surgery, there may be complications after it, because each organism reacts differently to interference in its “life”. Among the complications are the following:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Upset stomach, constipation, diarrhea;
  • In the first cycle after taking the pills, there may be no periods;
  • Aching and cramping;
  • , dizziness;
  • Demotion blood pressure;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Allergy;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Chills, weakness;
  • Exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases genitourinary system;
  • Profuse uterine bleeding.


There is a myth that most girls have gotten into their heads and they just don’t want to get it out of their heads. Unprotected does not lead to pregnancy. But this is not true. It is possible to get pregnant, especially if a woman has a short cycle.

And there is another myth according to which discharge after unprotected sex is mistaken for sperm leaking from the vagina. But this is not always true. Sometimes just one drop of seminal fluid is enough to fertilize an egg. Yes, and not always leaking liquid white is semen - this may be vaginal lubrication or a symptom infectious disease. So you need to take the pregnancy pill anyway.


There are many, they vary in price and effectiveness. We chose the most popular and effective.

Escapelle- a modern gestagenic postcoital contraceptive with less pronounced side effects than Postinor. Taking Escapel is effective within 96 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse, but the rule “the sooner the better” is not canceled.

Genale- one of the most common and effective modern antigestagenic drugs. Not suitable if you are already pregnant and need a full-fledged abortion. The pill should be taken within the first 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Pencrofton- used when it is necessary to get rid of a child early stages pregnancy. Main active substance- mifepristone. Suitable for reception nulliparous women, does not cause infertility.

Mifegin- the safest and most reliable drug for abortion. Efficiency - 100%. Can be used up to 8 weeks of pregnancy, prescribed only by a gynecologist after all necessary tests and examinations. The drug is not commercially available and is available only with a prescription.

Mifeprex- a synthetic steroid antigestagenic drug suitable for termination of pregnancy in very early stages (up to 42 days). The drug is well tolerated and practically does not cause side effects and guarantees 98% results. After taking Mifeprex, a woman may experience symptoms for some time. bloody issues.

Pregnancy does not always occur according to the first desire. Sometimes a woman is forced to resort to drugs to conceive a child. Let's look at them in more detail.

Pregnancy- This special condition female body, when in her reproductive organs the embryo is located, constantly growing and developing - fetus. It occurs as a result of the union of the reproductive cells of a woman and a man in the fallopian tube. As a result, a zygote is formed, which consists of 46 chromosomes. As for the sex of the unborn child, it will depend on the set of human sex chromosomes - this is “ XX" or " XY» chromosomes.

The egg carries only the X chromosome, and the sperm carries the X or Y chromosome, in the ratio 50 to 50. In such cases, the sex of the unborn child will be determined precisely male chromosomes, which are found in spermatozoa. In cases where the X chromosome is superior, the child will be born female, and in the case of the Y chromosome, the child will be male.

Normal gestational age healthy woman is 9 months (about forty weeks), which are divided into three phases - three trimesters, during which certain changes occur in female body. The presence of pregnancy is determined by a number of specific signs.

In obstetrics, there are two types of pregnancy: pathological and physiological. Any normal pregnancy ends with the birth act, after which a child is born. In case of multiple pregnancy- several kids.

In what ways can you get pregnant?

To achieve this goal, a wide variety of methods are used to fertilize an egg, ranging from natural to taking certain pharmacological drugs or artificial insemination. It is some of these drugs that will be discussed.

Some drugs help in conceiving a child

No matter what, women are prohibited from independently selecting any medications or means to become pregnant. Any information about drugs is provided for read only and general information. Under no circumstances should it be used as a guide to independent action. Every moment of planning and implementation of conceiving a child must be discussed and agreed upon with a personal gynecologist.

In cases where a girl who wants to become a mother fails to get pregnant naturally(through sexual intercourse with a man), most often the doctor prescribes for her special drugs, which are designed to stimulate the fertilization process, as well as for further successful implantation ovum into the uterus.

Types of drugs that can help you get pregnant

Problems due to which a woman cannot get pregnant can be very diverse. Therefore, drugs that help you get pregnant are also divided into different types destination:

  • drugs follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones (FSH and LH),
  • progesterone and hCG drugs.

Drugs are prescribed depending on the cause of infertility

In general, for a normal healthy woman to get pregnant, she needs to do the right things. three main conditions:

1) implementation of the ovulation process;

2) The sperm of the sexual partner must fertilize the egg;

3) The embryo should be well established in the uterus.

Based on this, we can designate the above drugs:

1) FSH and LH drugs help to get pregnant by stimulating the ovulation process. They are responsible for the growth of follicles on the ovaries;

2) HCG preparations help the largest follicle maintain its volume and help bring the egg to the sperm, which is obliged to fertilize it;

3) Progesterone necessary to prepare the inner layer of the uterus for the implantation of the embryo on it. Also, it helps to safely carry the fetus without harming it.

Who needs the process of ovulation stimulation?

If you have long been interested in the question “Why can’t you get pregnant?”, then for the answer you need to go to the clinic and go through special examination. It is advisable if your significant other does the same. This will help you quickly determine the cause of your problem.

Most likely, your doctor will prescribe you medications to stimulate ovulation.

Reasons why you will need to take them:

  • if your attempts to get pregnant have been unsuccessful for a year;
  • if you or your spouse are over 35–40 years old and you cannot get pregnant within six months.

If you were going to take certain pills that help you get pregnant, first of all, get a test to test your patency. fallopian tubes. This process will allow you to avoid unwanted ectopic pregnancy.

FSH and LH drugs, the purpose of which is successful ovulation

Under the influence FSH drug on female ovary The sacs on the surface of the ovary begin to grow rapidly - follicles, in which 1 egg matures. In order to stimulate their growth, the following are most often prescribed: medications:

  • Puregon. It is included in the list of gonadotropic drugs, as it promotes the production of female sex hormones (FSH and LH) by the pituitary gland. Puregon helps the ovaries grow some follicles that will become necessary when ovulation occurs in the middle menstrual cycle. This drug is suitable for stimulating ovulation during natural and artificial conception in the IVF program.
  • Klostilbegit – These are pills that also help you conceive a child. It improves the production of hormones in the pituitary gland to stimulate follicular growth (FSH); and to stimulate the process of ovulation (luteinizing hormone), to release the egg from the follicle, and prolactin - to produce milk, in mammary glands expectant mother. Judging by the instructions, these tablets cannot be taken more than 5 or 6 times in a lifetime. Otherwise, early ovarian depletion may occur. in such cases, pregnancy will definitely be impossible, because all the woman’s eggs will be used up. The maturation of the egg is stimulated thanks to clostilbegit from 5 to 9 days after the start of the menstrual cycle. Take these medications one at a time once a day. If ultrasound results show that the endometrium is thinner than 8 mm, then this drug cannot be used to stimulate the ovulation process. Clostilbegit promotes negative influence on endometrial growth. If it is very thin, it will be quite difficult for the embryo to gain a foothold in the uterus and it will be almost impossible to get pregnant.
  • Menogon and others. It compensates for the lack of sex hormones such as FSH and LH. This process, of course, increases concentration female hormones- estrogens. As a result, the follicles located on the ovaries begin to grow rapidly. As for the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium), it grows over time and begins to prepare for a possible pregnancy.

Menogone stimulates follicle growth

All gonadotropins that activate the pituitary gland (including puregone and menogon) should be taken on the 2nd day after the start of menstrual bleeding. The duration of treatment is 10 days. Before your appointment similar drugs and the course of treatment with them must be adjusted with a doctor.

All these medications will help you get pregnant if the cause of infertility is precisely established. But we must remember that they are selected individually for each woman, depending on her test results and ultrasound.

HCG-type drugs that help you get pregnant

In cases where the results Ultrasound showed that the follicles have the required dimensions, or have grown to 20–25 mm, then to achieve the goal of becoming a mother, the doctor prescribes special injections to the woman hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin person. They are also hormonal medications that can help you get pregnant. hCG It is allowed to be administered only one day after taking Puregon, Menogon, and other similar drugs. Preparations containing the hCG hormone: “Pregnil”, “Profazi”, “Khoragon”, “Gonakor” and others.

Pregnyl contains hCG

Hormone preparations hCG are prescribed in one injection. Within a day after its administration, ovulation begins to occur. In order for this drug to help well, it is advisable to have sex a day before the injection and 24 hours after it.

Preparations containing progesterone

If you and your doctor are doing everything right and you pass necessary treatment with the above drugs, then in the future you will need to start taking drugs that contain progesterone. They help “fix” pregnancy. The list of such substances includes "Duphaston" and many others progestin pills. They are prescribed only on an individual basis.

How to get pregnant on duphaston?

If we talk about how this drug differs from similar ones, then we can say that Duphaston(dydrogesterone, duphaston) is hormonal drug, which practically does not carry with it any serious side effects.

Duphaston is a tablet for oral use. Dydrogesterone is active substance this drug, and progestogen- analogue of natural progesterone . Duphaston has no androgenic, estrogenic or corticoid effect. It is not able to change thermogenesis, so the presence and progress of ovulation can be calculated by monitoring measurements basal temperature woman's body.

This hormonal substance does not affect the girl’s metabolism. It has practically no side effects, except for rare bleeding. If they occur, it is necessary to increase the dose of dydrogesterone. Sometimes, in some women it occurs increased sensitivity to such a drug.

Before prescribing and taking it as hormone replacement therapy, the doctor must conduct some research, and then regularly attend mammography examinations.

Indications and methods of use of duphaston

It only works effectively if taken orally. It selectively affects progestin receptors located on the uterine mucosa. Duphaston does not affect the ovulation of follicles and does not have a masculinizing or virilizing effect.

After administration, it is very quickly absorbed into the blood, from gastrointestinal tract. The highest concentration of this drug is observed after two hours. And 72 hours after taking it once, duphaston completely leaves the body.

Before using Duphaston, you must consult a gynecologist. All information about this drug is provided for informational purposes only.

You should start taking this drug if:

  • the examination showed that the woman has a deficiency of endogenous progesterone - luteal phase deficiency, endometriosis, habitual fetal loss or threatened abortion, premenstrual syndrome or cycle disorders, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea of ​​secondary origin).
  • hormone replacement therapy is required.

The prescription diagrams for this drug are approximate. To get the maximum therapeutic action from duphaston, everything must be taken into account Clinical signs problems and phases of the menstrual cycle. The daily dosage of this drug is divided into several doses, with large time intervals.

Methods of taking duphaston in different cases:

  • for endometriosis It is recommended to use 10 mg of dydrogesterone two or three times a day, starting from the 5th to the 25th day of menstruation or without breaks.
  • with habitual pregnancy loss and its rupture - abortion. Can only be taken if there is a visible lack of endogenous progesterone.
  • for infertility progesterone genesis - you need to take 20 mg per day in two doses, starting from the 11th to the 25th day of the ongoing menstrual cycle. This course of treatment lasts from 3 to 6 months. If a woman still manages to get pregnant, then the course of treatment must be the same as that recommended for recurrent pregnancy loss. The dosage of dydrogesterone can be adjusted very cytologically precise research vaginal epithelium – this is colpocytology.
  • with the usual not pregnant, the treatment process begins when planning a pregnancy. In this case, the doctor prescribes 10 mg of the drug, 2 times a day, from the 11th to 25th day of menstruation. If conception is successful, then the same therapy is carried out from the 20th week of pregnancy, with a gradual reduction. Clarification of the need to adjust the dosage of dydrogesterone is possible only after a colpocytological study.
  • with threatened abortion Patients are recommended to take 40 mg of dydrogesterone 1 time, as the first dose, and then after 8 hours, 8 mg, for one week. After this course of treatment, this dosage is gradually reduced. However, when the signs that predict possible threat abortion, you need to increase the dose again. This drug can be used up to 20 weeks of pregnancy.
  • for premenstrual syndrome(squeezed PMS) – from the 11th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle, 10 mg. The duration of therapy ranges from 3-6 months.

All these diagnoses cannot be established independently by prescribing any course of treatment. This should only be done qualified specialist, after certain tests and your examination. such folk recipes:

  1. A woman and a man should drink 2 tbsp four times a day. spoons of plantain seed decoction, warm. In order to prepare it you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of seeds and fill them with one tablespoon of water. It is especially useful and effective in the autumn-winter period.
  2. It is recommended to drink an infusion of Adam's root 4 times a day. You need to prepare it by taking 2 tbsp. spoons of this plant and fill them with 250 grams of boiling water.
  3. Also, in this case it is very effective natural preparation is a decoction of sage. To prepare it you need 1 tea. pour a spoonful of this plant into a glass warm water. You need to consume it for 11 days, three times a day, 1 tablespoon.

In most cases, modern hormone therapy according to the scheme described above, helps women overcome the problem, the name of which is “I can’t get pregnant and give birth.” With the help of modern medicine, the list of women who have the opportunity to experience the true happiness of being a mother increases every day.

Birth control pills after intercourse for 72 years is the first thing that comes to mind when it is urgently necessary to take care of preventing pregnancy. This method of protection is very often popular among women who do not plan to have children, but life circumstances: a torn condom, rape, an incorrectly chosen method of protection pushes them to use a special pill. In most cases emergency help This is precisely what is better than a planned abortion.

In our article you will find answers to the following questions:

  • What pills are there to prevent unwanted pregnancy after intercourse?
  • How to use them?
  • How much do they cost and where to buy?
  • Comparison of drugs with different active ingredients.
  • What are the contraindications?
  • How else can you prevent conception?
  • Why is it dangerous to use “fire” tablets?

For today pharmaceutical companies offer a variety of types of planned and emergency protection. These are all kinds of patches, rings, suppositories, spirals, tablets. You need to know more about the tablet form, since they are in demand and are prescribed to the fair sex.

The tablet form is easy to use and does not require additional training before use. It is important to remember that the tablets about we'll talk, are not suitable for permanent use and should only be used in an emergency. Recommended frequency – no more than 1 – 2 times per calendar year.

Important: you should not select the product yourself. Consultation with the supervising physician is necessary.


How does it work?

Levonorgestrel (a progestogen) works in three ways that help prevent the fertilization of an egg:

  • After using the drug, ovulation is canceled or delayed by the action of the active substance on the ovaries. The egg does not leave its house, so it does not meet the sperm. By the time ovulation occurs - male cells die;
  • Cervical mucus changes its properties and becomes viscous. Throughput is reduced to 0;
  • The contraction of the fallopian tubes decreases;
  • The structure of the endometrium changes. The walls of the uterus become loose and thin, due to which a fertilized cell cannot implant.

Drug options

Name Instructions for use Price, ₱ Vacation
Postinor Recommended time for administration is 72 hours. The package contains 2 tablets. Drink the first one, then maintain an interval of 12-14 hours and take the second one. 340-450 On prescription
Escapelle Two tablets are taken one at a time with an interval of 12-14 hours. If vomiting occurs within the next 180 minutes, take it again. 450-650 On prescription
Exinor-F Two tablets are taken in the same way as above. The interval between them should be about 12 hours, but no more than 16 hours. It is possible to take two tablets at the same time for a high effect. from 300 On prescription
MODEL 911 It is recommended to take the tablet within 12 hours after the act, but not later than 72 hours. from 350 On prescription


Taking the drug shows that pregnancy can be prevented in 95% of cases if the pills are taken quickly (up to 24 hours). Effectiveness decreases in subsequent hours, which increases the risk of pregnancy.


Levonorgestrel is used for rapid contraception after intimacy. Indications for use: unreliable methods of contraception, unprotected sexual intercourse, including rape.


Ladies who decide to use the above-described products should carefully study the instructions. Pay attention to contraindications. If at least one of the following points is present, you should avoid taking pills:

  1. The age of the person taking the drug is not younger than 16 years. The use of EC (emergency contraceptives) from the age of 16 should be supervised by a doctor.
  2. sharp or chronic problems with liver, kidneys and pancreas. Since removing the drug is a huge burden on the kidneys and liver, women with problems should consult a gynecologist for consultation and choose another more gentle method of contraception, including urgent ones.
  3. allergy to the main component of the drugs - levonorgestrel, or lactose.
  4. presence of pregnancy. Before taking the pill, pregnancy should be excluded. The active substance has a detrimental effect on the condition of the embryo and can also lead to ectopic pregnancy.
  5. not recommended for breastfeeding, Crohn's disease.

Side effects

If the drug is not suitable or an overdose occurs, the following symptoms can be observed:

  • allergies, which are expressed by redness, swelling, itching, rash;
  • nausea, possible vomiting;
  • pain or dizziness in the head, fatigue, lethargy;
  • lower pain in the area of ​​the ovaries and uterus;
  • swelling and pain syndrome mammary glands;
  • copious or scanty discharge blood;
  • changing the monthly calendar by delaying up to 7 days.


How does it work?

Mifepristone in pure form apply only in medical institutions. The purchase of drugs with the same active ingredient is possible through pharmacy points, but only by prescription.

It aims to block the production of progesterone. The abilities of the myometrium change. Ovulation is slowed down or does not occur at all. In addition, the active substance reduces the possibility of implantation of a fertilized egg.

Drug options

Name Recommended time to take Instructions for use Price, ₱ Vacation
Mifepristone Use as a quick contraception after NPA, when 72 hours have not yet passed after ejaculation. The risk of becoming pregnant is quite low if you follow all the instructions and take the drug as quickly as possible. The dosage is determined solely by the doctor. The medication is taken on an inpatient basis. It is not recommended to eat food the day before (1-2 hours before). The woman is observed for several more hours from the start of the procedure. from 5000 Through a medical institution
Gynepristone It is recommended to eat and then drink the drug after a couple of hours. One tablet is taken with plain water. After the procedure, it is not recommended to eat food for 2 hours. 400-600 On prescription
Mifegin The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. The drug must be taken in a hospital. from 3000 Through a medical institution
Ginestril The 10 mg tablet should enter the body within 3 days after intimacy. Do not eat food a couple of hours before and after the procedure. from 4500 On prescription
Genale The procedure is carried out before or after meals 2 hours. It is important to take the pill no later than 3 days after intimacy. from 300 On prescription
Mifeprex from 1100 On prescription
Agesta from 300 On prescription


Taking into account that drugs with the active substance - mifepristone - must be taken within the next 72 hours after sexual intercourse with an unreliable method of contraception, it is believed that high probability prevent pregnancy occurs within 12-24 hours. The effect is reduced when taken later than 25 hours after NPA.


The application options are quite wide:

  • medical abortion during pregnancy no more than 9 weeks;
  • emergency contraceptive when visiting a doctor. Often used after violent intimacy. The relevance of the method is 72 hours. Use in subsequent hours is inappropriate;
  • use during labor for stimulation labor activity. Reception is carried out in several stages over 3 days. Important Feature– the pregnancy should be considered full-term.

The prescription of a particular drug must be carried out by a doctor who will determine required dosage taking into account the time passed after intimacy, the duration of pregnancy.


The list of diseases and conditions when the use of mifepristone-based drugs is inappropriate is quite wide. Namely:

  • problems with the adrenal glands;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • large and small fibroids;
  • anemia;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • smoking after 35 years;
  • pregnancy more than 9 weeks;
  • sensitivity to the main active substance;
  • heart problems;
  • chronic lung diseases.

Do you have any doubts about taking the product? Contact your doctor for advice!

Side effects

When taking mifipristone in large quantities, as well as ignoring contraindications, you can get the following side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • nausea, often leading to vomiting;
  • stomach upset;
  • depressed or apathetic state;
  • fatigue;
  • allergic rashes (urticaria);
  • pain in the ovaries and uterus;
  • smearing or copious discharge blood;
  • changing the menstrual calendar;
  • adrenal insufficiency.

Use of combined contraceptives

The Yuzpe method involves taking oral contraceptives, used on an ongoing basis, as a quick and temporary way to prevent unplanned pregnancy immediately after intimacy. Not all drugs are suitable, but only combined OCs. The effectiveness of taking tablets in this way is determined by the time that has passed since the NPA. Using high dose hormones in the first 12-24 hours, the probability of fertilization is 75-95%.

The drugs combine two different active ingredients: levonorgestrel, estrogen, progestogen, ethinyl estradiol, desogestrel. It is important to observe the number of tablets, which corresponds to the increased dosage, as well as the time of re-dose.

How does the method work?

After taking COC medications (combined oral contraceptives) in large dosages, the body responds to their effects:

  • the endometrium changes;
  • the release of the egg is blocked or inhibited.

Drug options

Name Price, ₱ Recommended time to take Instructions for use Vacation
Rigevidon from 250 The relevance of the method is 72 hours from the regulatory legal acts. It is recommended to use a higher dose in the first 12-24 hours. 4 tab. should be taken within a time period of 0-72 hours. Then the interval is maintained and the same dosage is repeated. On prescription
Microgynon from 350
Miniziston from 400
Femodene from 800
Regulon from 400
Marvelon from 1400
Novinet from 450 Similar time indications as those of the above-described means 5 tab. should be taken within a time period of 0-72 hours. Then the interval is maintained and the same dosage is repeated. On prescription
Mercilon from 1500
Logest from 800


The reception is justified if “fire” contraception is needed for:

  • wrong choice permanent way protection;
  • a torn condom;
  • unprotected sexual contact;
  • rape.


A massive dose of hormones can have a significant impact on your health. It is important to consider contraindications when taking pills. Diseases included in the list may worsen, and the consequences may become irreversible, up to fatal outcome. Do not neglect the instructions; it is better to contact a specialist for advice.

So, for what diseases is it better to forget about combined contraceptives in huge dosages:

  • the presence of inflammation of the genital organs;
  • bleeding;
  • problems with the kidneys, liver, pancreas;
  • problems with the mammary gland: the presence of neoplasms, both benign and malignant;
  • intolerance to the main or auxiliary components, and then this allergic reaction(Quincke's edema);
  • various problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • pregnancy;
  • epilepsy;
  • thrombosis;
  • excess weight.

Side effects

Taking COCs incorrectly can lead to side effects. Treatment is prescribed depending on the symptoms and drug withdrawal. What to expect:

  • the breasts swell and begin to hurt, as before menstruation or worse;
  • there is heavy bleeding;
  • the nature of vaginal discharge changes;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • there is nausea, which can turn into vomiting;
  • change in vision sharpness;
  • a tired, depressed state sets in;
  • the skin becomes oily, numerous rashes, redness, nodularity, and itching are observed;
  • sudden weight gain;
  • swelling.
Photo: Which birth control pills to choose after intercourse for 72, 24 hours

Alternative to pills for emergency contraception

If for some reason you cannot use the pill method of emergency contraception: the presence of contraindications, breastfeeding, you should immediately consult a specialist. The doctor often suggests alternative way: installation intrauterine device(Navy). Girls and women who breastfeed prefer this option. It is gentle and makes it possible to continue feeding the baby. In addition, the effect remains for subsequent times (up to 5 years).

It is important to contact the clinic as soon as possible. This must be done no later than 5 days after the legal act.

How does it work?

The spiral is made of plastic (first part) and copper (can be replaced with silver)/hormones (second part). The device itself is aimed at maintaining a small inflammatory process that prevents the cell from attaching after fertilization. At the same time, copper or a hormone creates conditions for the death of germ cells.

When should you not get an IUD?

Intrauterine devices should not be used:

  • girls under 18 years of age;
  • women who have not given birth;
  • in the presence of inflammatory processes genitals;
  • for STIs and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • for cancer;
  • if there was at least one ectopic pregnancy in the anamnesis;
  • with heavy blood loss;
  • with spontaneous displacement of the intrauterine device earlier;
  • non-standard shape of the uterus;
  • with intolerance to a hormone or metal component.

Which drug should I choose?

First of all, the selection of the drug should be carried out by a doctor. Many factors are taken into account: age, hormonal background, diseases, presence of pregnancies in the past and present. If you compare drugs with mifepristone and levonorgestrel in terms of their sparing effect, you can obtain the following data:

Mifepristone (usually 10 mg dosage) Levonorgestrel (usually 1.5 mg dosage)
Pregnancy does not occur in 98-99%
  • in 95% when taking the tablet on the first day (24 hours);
  • in 85% (24-48 hours);
  • at 58-60% in the last time period.
Time of use after NPA 72 hours 72 hours
Risks of developing an ectopic pregnancy 0,8% 1,6%
Changing your menstrual calendar 26% 43%
Number of respondents who noted painful sensations in the chest 8% 8%
Number of respondents who noted pain in the uterus and ovaries 14% 15%
Percentage of patients with bleeding 19% 31%
Age restrictions Can be used in adolescence Contraindicated under 16 years of age

Danger of using EC

Sometimes the harm is greater than the benefit. It is recommended to use such “fire” methods of preventing pregnancy as birth control pills after intercourse no more than 1-2 times a year. What can happen if you neglect the instructions, contraindications and frequency of use:

  1. the risk of developing pregnancy outside the uterine cavity increases with each dose. Subsequently, the body’s adjustment to proper fertilization and attachment to in the right place eggs;
  2. development of the diagnosis of infertility. Disorders of the menstrual cycle, as well as the absence of menstruation, lead to the fact that women cannot become pregnant. Eggs are not produced or are rejected until the moment of conception;
  3. the presence of uncontrolled bleeding. Women who have used EC incorrectly or often enough should remember that the risk of heavy and prolonged bleeding increases. In most cases, hemostatic drugs and curettage of the uterine cavity are used;
  4. uncontrolled doses of hormones can develop diseases associated with thrombus formation, which leads to strokes and thromboembolism;
  5. increased risk of developing Crohn's disease.

Birth control pills after intercourse - reviews

In the recent past, when there were few means of effective contraception, women often used the calendar method of counting safe period menstrual cycle, and also used the method of interrupted intercourse. Now that medicine has made great progress, it makes no sense to use the methods of protection described above, so everything larger number couples tend to use officially recognized methods of contraception. But if they were not used in time, then birth control pills after sexual intercourse will save the situation. Which remedy is the most effective?

When and who might need them?

The correct answer to the question of when contraceptives may be needed is after unprotected sexual intercourse, when there is a risk of pregnancy. This is possible in the following cases:

  1. No protection was used.
  2. The rape occurred and the woman was not taking effective contraception at the time.
  3. The usual method of contraception did not work.

The last point needs to be deciphered in order to clarify when this is possible. Most common cause there is a missed dose of an OC (oral contraceptive), as well as an untimely injection of a hormone used for parenteral contraception. Sometimes after sex a woman notices that the contraceptive ring has moved or was installed incorrectly cervical cap, along with leucorrhoea and ejaculate, suppositories or tablets with a spermicidal effect and used for contraception came out of the vagina.

Any suspicion of incorrect operation using the usual contraceptive is a reason to contact a gynecologist for advice on further contraceptive options.

Today in every way medicinal drug For emergency contraception After unprotected sex, hormonal components are used.

What drugs for postcoital pregnancy prevention are known? Now official medicine There are two recognized methods of emergency contraception after unprotected sex. They are the use of copper-containing intrauterine devices (spirals) during the first 5 days and the use of tableted postcoital medications. To use the first method, you must visit an obstetrician-gynecologist first for a consultation, and then to fix the spiral. The second method is convenient because the doctor immediately recommends the necessary contraceptive pills, which you will take according to the plan at home.

Currently, any drug for emergency contraception after unprotected sex uses a hormonal component, which can be progesterone or levonorgestrel. Contraceptives are available everywhere under the following trade names:

  • Escapelle.
  • Postinor.

In both as active component Levonorgestrel is used, only in Postinor it is 0.75 mg, and in Escapelle it is 1.5 mg, which determines the peculiarities of their use. The mechanism of action is the same.

Levonorgestrel prevents the development of ovulation and the release of the egg from the ovary, which is the main contraceptive effect. A sperm that enters the uterus after unprotected sex will die after some time without fertilizing the egg. In addition, the data emergency contraceptives will contribute to an increase in the viscosity of intracervical mucus, which will create a mechanical obstacle to the movement of sperm into the uterine cavity.

Levonorgestrel prevents the development of ovulation and the release of an egg from the ovary.

How to take and what is the effectiveness

It should be noted that these concepts overlap. The relationship between the increase in the contraceptive effectiveness of pills and the time of taking them has long been noted: the earlier the drug was taken after unprotected sexual intercourse, the less chance development of pregnancy.

According to the annotations of manufacturers of tablet postcoital contraceptives, the maximum interval between unprotected sexual intercourse and taking the drug is 72 hours. Further use of this method of protection is inappropriate.

Emergency tablet contraceptives (features of administration)

The instructions for use indicate that if vomiting occurs in the first 3 hours after taking birth control pills, take medicinal product needs to be repeated.

When not to use

First of all, these will include an already confirmed pregnancy. These contraceptive pills do not have an abortifacient effect, so they cannot be used to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. Medical contraindications in the annotations for both contraceptive drugs are indicated as follows:

  • A previous or potential allergic reaction to the active substance levonorgestrel or any other component of the tablet.
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). In some diseases, absorption function is impaired small intestine, which leads to the fact that the required concentration of the hormone in the blood is not achieved. Contraceptive effect contraception in this case it is difficult to predict. Example similar diseases is Crohn's disease.
  • Serious liver pathology with signs of liver failure, in which there is a decrease in liver function.
  • Together with medicines for the treatment of HIV, tuberculosis, fungal diseases (meaning oral capsule or tablet forms), epilepsy, emergency contraceptives in the form of tablets cannot be taken with barbiturates and St. John's wort preparations.

If you doubt that emergency remedy contraception is compatible with your medical condition, discuss this issue with your doctor.

Adverse reactions

In the case when postcoital contraceptive pills are taken no more often than once every six months, no undesirable consequences are generally observed. However, a small number of women complained of headache or dizziness. Vomiting, nausea or diarrhea may also occur. Reactions from the reproductive system are somewhat more common:

  1. Bleeding.
  2. Pain in lower sections abdomen caused by myometrial spasm.
  3. Dysmenorrhea.
  4. Absence of regulation for 7 or more days, which is a reason to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist to exclude pregnancy. For the same purpose, a woman is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination.
Adverse reactions have every chance of causing abdominal pain, this happens due to myometrial spasms.

Menstruation that is very different from usual will also be a reason to consult a doctor. This is manifested by the occurrence of slight bleeding during regulation.

Less commonly used tablet forms

To prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse, mifepristone drugs are also used ( trade name Genale products). It increases the contractility of the myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus), changes the structure of the endometrium, into which the egg is normally implanted, and prevents ovulation. It is recommended to use Mifepristone in the first 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

The annotation for Zhenale lists the following adverse reactions:

  1. Allergic reactions of varying intensity.
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen due to spastic contractions of the myometrium, bleeding.
  3. Exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.
  4. From the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, vomiting or nausea.

Mifepristone is used somewhat less frequently than levonorgestrel drugs and due to its more wide range contraindications. They cannot be recommended for women with anemia, renal or liver failure, porphyria, other serious pathologies internal organs and systems.

Breastfeeding is a categorical contraindication to the prescription of mifepristone, but levonorgestrel can be used for emergency contraception in lactating women. A necessary condition for this is to take it after feeding the child.

Depending on the markup category of pharmacies, the price of Postinor ranges from 320 to 350 rubles, and Escapela 310–365 rubles. The cost of mifepristone drugs is 300–340 rubles.

It is up to you to decide which method of emergency contraception to choose. Whatever remedy you choose, emergency contraception- a much simpler way to prevent unwanted motherhood than performing an abortion or a vacuum afterwards. Take good care of your health.

What's in the article:

Is it possible to take birth control pills without harm to health? Despite the proven effectiveness of these contraceptives, many girls still ask this question. And not in vain, because, having heard enough frightening stories about the dangers of PRT for the figure and the health of the whole body, representatives of the fairer sex begin to look for a worthy replacement oral contraceptives.

However, the “scaremongers” that it is better not to take birth control pills because they are harmful are not entirely true. If a particular drug was prescribed by a gynecologist, it is unlikely to cause harm to the woman’s health. But so that COCs and other types oral contraception really protected against unwanted pregnancy, it is important to know how to take them correctly.

When should you not take birth control pills?

Not every woman can take birth control pills to avoid getting pregnant. There are a number of contraindications to their use, which most COC manufacturers include:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • thromboembolism;
  • disorders of blood circulation in the brain;
  • previous heart attacks or strokes;
  • pathological processes affecting the heart valves;
  • neurological manifestations of migraine;
  • diabetes mellitus accompanied by impaired functioning vascular system women;
  • liver pathologies - acute or chronic, but in the acute phase;
  • oncological processes in the liver.

These are not all situations when taking birth control pills is strictly prohibited. It is better to refuse this means of preventing pregnancy if you have:

  • genetic predisposition to CVD;
  • diabetes mellitus diagnosed in the patient more than 20 years ago;
  • vaginal or uterine bleeding unknown etiology;
  • breast cancer.

It should also be remembered that not all COCs can be used during pregnancy (for therapeutic reasons), during breastfeeding, as well as after a woman reaches 40 years of age. Based on this, you should definitely check with your gynecologist which birth control pills are best to take in each specific case.

When can and should you take contraceptives?

Taking hormonal birth control pills is recommended not only to prevent pregnancy. Many COCs are used in gynecology for:

  • treatment of endometriosis;
  • stopping the progression of uterine myomatosis;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • elimination of menopausal symptoms in women over 40;
  • relief of PMS symptoms.

There are quite a few types of birth control pills, so only a competent specialist should select them.

Briefly about groups of contraceptive tablets

All birth control pills can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. COOK. Combined oral contraceptives contain synthetic estrogen and progestogen. They can be monophasic, biphasic or triphasic (see below).
  2. Mini-drinks. These contraceptive pills contain one active ingredient from the group of progestogens. Due to this, they are often prescribed to nursing mothers, and sometimes to pregnant women.

To understand which birth control pills you can take to avoid getting pregnant, let’s look at these groups of contraceptives separately.

COC: types, list of tablets

COCs, as noted earlier, have their own varieties, which we will discuss in more detail.

Monophasic COCs

These contraceptive pills contain estrogen and progestogen, the proportion of which does not change depending on the menstrual cycle. Good feedback Patients and gynecologists received monophasic COCs such as Regulon, Janine, Siluet, Lindinet, Logest, Femoden. Also, these contraceptives, if necessary, can be replaced with Rigevidon, Microgynon, Miniziston.

Biphasic COCs

For such contraceptive pills It is characteristic that the proportion of estrogen remains the same in all phases of the menstrual cycle, but the proportion of gestagen for phases 1 and 2 of MC changes. The following two-phase COCs have received positive reviews from women and doctors:

  • Femoston;
  • Anteovin;
  • Binordiol;
  • Sequularum;
  • Adepal;
  • Sequilar;
  • Biphasil.

No less effective contraceptive tablets from the COC category are Binovum and Neo-Eunomin.

Three-phase COCs

This group of combined contraceptives differs in that during the menstrual cycle the proportions of hormones contained in the drug will change 3 times. The following COCs have proven themselves well: Tri-Regol, Tri Mercy, Triziston.

Mechanism of action of combined contraceptive pills

The main effect of COCs is aimed at suppressing ovulation by inhibiting the synthesis of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. This is achieved due to the effect of the main components of the tablets on the cells of the adenohypophysis, the area of ​​the brain responsible for the production of these elements.

In addition, COCs also affect the structure of the uterine mucosa. Under the influence of contraceptive tablets of this group, a process of so-called “glandular regression” occurs. This leads to the impossibility of implantation of a fertilized egg to the wall reproductive organ.

Features and list of “mini-pills”

Single-component birth control pills, better known as mini-pills, contain only one active ingredient - synthetic hormone progestogen. Such drugs affect only peripheral zones reproductive system women.

Firstly, these birth control pills do cervical mucus thicker, thereby preventing sperm from penetrating the cervix. In addition, under the influence of these contraceptives in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the amount of vaginal secretion decreases, but its viscosity remains increased. This contributes to the impossibility of conception even during the period of ovulation.

Secondly, the use of contraceptive drugs from the mini-pill group causes certain changes in the structure of the uterine endometrium. Ultimately, such changes create unfavorable conditions for the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the reproductive organ. In many women, in addition, taking this group of contraceptive drugs often leads to complete blocking of ovulation.

Mini-pills are often prescribed to patients over 40 years of age, as well as to nursing mothers. These types of birth control pills include Charozetta, Lactinet, Orgametril, Microlut, Exluton.

How to choose birth control pills?

What birth control pills are best to take to avoid getting pregnant? You cannot deal with this issue on your own - the choice of drug should be left to the gynecologist. This requires a thorough examination of the patient, during which the doctor:

  • evaluates skin patients to identify petechiae, hypertrichosis, signs of hyperandrogenism, etc.;
  • measures blood pressure levels;
  • palpates the mammary glands;
  • takes smears to identify pathogenic microflora on the mucous membranes of the cervix;
  • makes a smear for cytology.

In addition, before prescribing contraceptives, the gynecologist refers the patient to a number of laboratory tests: liver enzymes, sex hormone levels, blood clotting. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and thyroid gland. Women over 40 years of age must undergo mammography of the mammary glands.

When choosing contraceptives, it is also mandatory to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist to examine the fundus and measure eye pressure. This is necessary for the reason that long-term use Birth control pills significantly increase the risk of developing glaucoma.

As you can see, to select an oral remedy hormonal contraception It is important to undergo a whole range of examinations. In view of this, the patient should not deal with this issue on her own, otherwise the consequences of uncontrolled use of contraceptives can be very serious and even dangerous!

How to take oral contraceptives correctly?

How to take birth control pills? There are a number general rules reception oral medications hormonal contraception, which must be followed strictly.

  1. It is better to start taking birth control pills from the 1st day of menstruation. The product should be taken daily, preferably at the same time.
  2. Every day you need to take one tablet until the plate runs out. After this, it is recommended to take a week's break and then resume taking COCs or mini-pills.
  3. During a break in use contraceptive drug There may be bloody discharge from the vagina. Exactly 7 days after the pause, you should start using the pills again, regardless of whether menstruation has ended or is still ongoing.
  4. If vomiting occurs while using contraceptives, you can take another pill, but this option should be discussed with your gynecologist in advance.
  5. If a woman forgets to take a pill, it must be done as soon as possible. In this, as well as in the previously described case, it is necessary to use additional contraceptives.
  6. The appearance of menstrual bleeding may not be a reason to stop taking the pills. However, it is imperative to notify your doctor if such a side effect occurs when using a contraceptive drug.

Take hormonal birth control pills after medication interruption pregnancy follows either on the day of an artificially induced miscarriage, or upon the onset of next menstruation which began after an abortion.

E that's important! In order not to become pregnant, along with taking PZ tablets, it is necessary to additionally protect yourself for another 2 weeks. It is after this time that the maximum contraceptive effect begins to appear.contraceptivedrug.

Possible side effects

Despite the fact that the majority of women’s reviews of the use of PZ tablets are positive, and side effects are rare, no gynecologist can exclude the possibility of their occurrence. Often an acute reaction of the body to COCs or mini-pills makes itself felt:

Despite the unpleasantness of these symptoms, they are only the mildest manifestations of side effects from PZ tablets. To more serious consequences Taking oral contraceptives may include:

  • formation of edema in the area calf muscles and the occurrence of pain in them;
  • the appearance of acute chest pain;
  • migraine attacks;
  • development of hemicrania;
  • the appearance of a cough - dry or productive, accompanied by discharge clear mucus with greenish or yellow veins;
  • attacks of shortness of breath;
  • visual impairment;
  • presyncope, less often – syncope;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • the appearance of urticaria;
  • changes in blood pressure.

The occurrence of these symptoms, or the prolonged course of previously described side effects when taking contraceptive drugs requires immediate discontinuation of the pills, followed by symptomatic therapy.

As you can see, not everyone positive feedback about admission contraceptive medications– COCs or mini-pills – you can trust them blindly. In principle, you shouldn’t take comments on women’s forums, where patients describe a whole range of “side effects” that arose when using PZ tablets, to heart.

Each organism is individual. And this is exactly what gynecologists always take into account when we're talking about about choosing a contraceptive drug to protect against unplanned pregnancy. Therefore, follow your doctor’s recommendations, because he will never give you bad advice!