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Postinor, postcoital, emergency contraception

When, in a fit of passion, men and women forget about this important aspect intimacy, like contraception, then the proven hormonal drug Postinor comes to the rescue.

But taking this medication is not as harmless as we would like. Therefore, women are often interested in how to recover from Postinor.

This drug contains very large dose the hormone levonorgestrel, which has a powerful effect on a woman’s body. It delays ovulation and makes you viscous cervical mucus and changes the structure of the endometrium (inner lining) of the uterus.

For the drug to work, you need to drink it no later than 72 hours after intimacy. And the sooner this is done, the greater the chances of avoiding an unwanted pregnancy.

But the use of this emergency assistance– this is a real hormonal shock for the body, after which it takes a lot of time to recover. Sometimes this takes months.

What could be the consequences of Postinor tablets?

Very important during reception similar drugs- Follow the instructions exactly. Especially if we're talking about about hormones in large quantities.

Exceeding the dosage may lead to serious consequences. Sometimes the body reacts unpredictably to the recommended dose of the drug.

Taking Postinor in most cases causes unscheduled menstruation, which is important not to be confused with uterine bleeding. If you are confused by the amount of discharge or if it looks different than usual, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

Often, after using the drug, the nature of menstruation changes in the future. The discharge may become scanty and spotty or, conversely, profuse and prolonged. Sometimes, as a result of excessive blood loss, Iron-deficiency anemia, which also negatively affects a woman’s hormonal status.

After "Postinor" the following consequences may occur:

  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • weakness.

This medication should not be taken by teenagers. Due to the immaturity of the ovaries, irreparable hormonal disruption can occur, including the development of infertility.

It is not advisable to use this remedy for disorders of the liver and gallbladder, as well as for women with reduced blood clotting. You should not take the drug if you have irregular menstrual cycle. This can aggravate existing hormonal imbalances.

Ideally, you should use Postinor after consulting a gynecologist. It is also advisable to use the drug under the supervision of a physician.

How to restore the body after Postinor

Many women, after using emergency contraception, are concerned about how to restore hormonal levels or how to restore their cycle.

This usually happens on its own, without any intervention. But if you notice unusual changes, disruption of the menstrual cycle that does not go away painful sensations, delayed menstruation, you should definitely contact a gynecologist.

It is necessary to make sure that pregnancy has not occurred, because such drugs protect in 85% of cases. The doctor may order an ultrasound or hormone tests. Sometimes for recovery hormonal levels there is a need for admission special medicines. In this case, it is better not to delay treatment.

If there has been bleeding for a long period, it is advisable to take iron supplements. They will help restore hemoglobin levels. A course of multivitamins will also have a beneficial effect on your health.

It is advisable to select and start using permanent contraception. It is also better to consult a doctor in this matter. He will pick up hormonal contraceptives, suitable for you personally. Perhaps he will recommend other ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Postinor should not be used more than once a month. It is better to do this exclusively in in rare cases. Then the question of how to restore the body after Postinor will not bother you.

And to avoid the need for emergency contraception, you need to take care of protection in advance. Then nothing will darken your relationship with a loved one, and most importantly, your health will not suffer.

Postinor is a drug that is used as a contraceptive in emergency situations, after completed coitus. The effectiveness of the drug is quite high, however, there is also side effects. It includes a fairly large portion of hormones that cause. In such a situation, it is worth taking a responsible approach to considering how menstruation may behave after Postinor.

Action of Postinor

If you decide to use this drug, then first of all you should familiarize yourself with the principle of its action. Let's start with the fact that there are two main hormones that are unique to the fair sex: progesterone and estrogen. For a girl who does not have health problems, they are in harmony with each other throughout the entire menstrual cycle.

The tablets contain levonorgestrel, the principle of action of which is similar to progesterone. It is worth noting that its impact is almost 150 times stronger. In this regard, the possibility of disruption during menstruation after taking this drug cannot be ruled out. Levonorgestrel can cause such reactions reproductive system:

  • Ovulation is delayed - the process of maturation of the egg, as well as its release from the ovary, is inhibited;
  • A hormonal surge quite often causes endometrial rejection;
  • Spermatozoa that enter the girl’s reproductive system are deprived of their activity and ability to conceive.

Many people believe that using this medication can cause a miscarriage. This opinion is wrong. If the fertilized egg has already attached to the wall of the uterus and the development process has begun, then pregnancy is inevitable, and Postinor is useless in this case. It can only prevent conception, but does not stop pregnancy.

What is the effect of the drug on the course of the menstrual cycle? If Postinor has acted in right moment, then the woman can only wait for the onset of her scheduled menstruation. If menstruation began after the medication, then pregnancy was successfully prevented.

Admission rules

The drug is indicated for use only if you have certain reasons to fear premature pregnancy, or to be more precise, after unprotected sexual intercourse. It is recommended to take Postinor according to the following method:

  • No more than 24 hours after sexual intercourse. In this case, the chance of success is close to 95%.
  • For two days after “dangerous” sex. Works in approximately 85% of cases.
  • Two to three days after coitus. In this case, the contraceptive effect drops to 58%.

In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy You will need 2 tablets of medication. One of them is drunk within the above-mentioned periods, and the other - after 12 hours. It is worth understanding that if time has been lost, using the product may be pointless.

Before you start using Postinor, you should carefully study the instructions, namely the sections “Contraindications” and “Side Effects”. Having examined them in more detail, we can come to the conclusion that Postinor can be used during menstruation, but it is possible that side effects may occur, in particular such or more.

Indications and contraindications

As mentioned above, the only indication for the use of this drug is considered emergency contraception. Drinking Postinor is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Allergy or increased sensitivity to the components of the medication;
  • Use under the age of 16;
  • Severe form of liver failure;
  • During pregnancy;
  • Lactose intolerance;
  • Glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • Lactase deficiency.

In addition, you should take the drug with caution if you have various types of liver or biliary tract diseases, as well as with jaundice, lactation and Crohn's disease.

Among the main side effects it is worth noting the following:

  • Allergic reactions: rash, swelling, urticaria, itching;
  • Vomit;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Dizziness;
  • Menstruation irregularities;
  • Headache;
  • Fatigue;
  • Nausea;
  • Hemorrhages.

In case of overdose, increased severity may be observed. side effects.

When should your period start?

Ladies who hosted this medication always asked next question: when should menstruation start after Postinor? There is no definite answer, since it is all individual. First of all, it depends on the girl’s personal hormonal background, as well as on when the pills were taken. No less important factor is the stage of the menstrual cycle when using the drug.

So, can your cycle be disrupted after using the Postinor contraceptive? Obviously yes. Unfortunately, not one of the doctors will be able to tell you exactly how long you need to wait for the start of the menstrual cycle, or whether your period will come ahead of schedule or later. If they start, you should contact a specialist. If the delay is more than 5 days, then this is also a cause for concern.

In most cases, after the medication, the menstrual cycle begins a little earlier. This is due to the fact that levonorgestrel affects the second one, and this is normal. It is also possible that taking Postinor may not affect the course of menstruation. However, we should not exclude the possibility of a delay in the cycle after using emergency contraceptives.

If you arrived earlier

What does the fact indicate when, after using the drug, your period came ahead of schedule? Quite often, women notice that their periods begin within a week after Postiron. This is primarily due to the effect of levonorgestrel on the second phase, which consequently becomes shorter.

Some women suggest that the use of Postinor promotes the resumption of menstruation. And indeed it is. If pregnancy does not occur, then most often in this case menstruation resumes.

Probable reasons for the delay

Delay after Postinor is observed in many cases. Since levonorgestrel is potent substance, there may be unpredictable effects on a woman’s body. There are several main ones after taking Postinor:

  • The timing of taking the medication was ignored. Pregnancy may occur;
  • Increased blood clotting. The vessels are not able to let blood out;
  • Alcohol was consumed while the drug was in effect;
  • Others were used in parallel medical supplies, which may be the reason for the neutralization of the contraceptive effect;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Diseases of a gynecological nature, as well as endocrine abnormalities;
  • A delay in menstruation after Postinor occurs due to special contraindications.

Even if all the above reasons for the delay are excluded, and your period still does not begin, then you should not postpone going to the doctor. The possibility cannot be ruled out ectopic pregnancy, which is very difficult to diagnose on your own.

In addition, girls often resort to taking this drug adolescence, because they disdain the means of contraception in the form of condoms. Therefore, the delay occurs as a result of changes in the hormonal levels of young women. There is also general malaise.

Complete absence of menstruation

Postinor often causes hormonal imbalance, which can lead to serious disruption of the cycle, as well as. What to do if you don’t get your period after Postinor? In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The most commonly diagnosed problems are:

  • Disorder of the correct functioning of the ovaries. Recovery usually takes about three months;
  • Ovarian dysfunction, in which they cannot cope with periodically incoming portions of levonorgestrel. The consequences can be disastrous - even infertility;
  • Failure of hormone secretion, which can lead to the inability to conceive.

These are not all the reasons why menstruation does not come. There are many other factors and risks that directly depend on the specific situation. If you don’t have your period after taking Postinor, seek professional help.

  • Taking certain groups of vitamins;
  • Use of homeostatic drugs;
  • Proper nutrition.

Initially this drug It is considered completely safe for use, but only if the woman has no contraindications or health problems. Despite this, it is not suitable for everyone and it is better to think a hundred times whether you should use it as a contraceptive or abstain.

Other difficulties after taking Postinor

After Postinor, menstruation may change in character, and changes in volume are also observed. In addition, there are a number of other difficulties associated with taking this medication. A woman who has problems with blood clotting may develop blood clots. As a result of blockage of blood vessels in the heart and brain, the development of a stroke or instant death cannot be ruled out.

As a rule, if a girl does not have problems with the menstrual cycle, side effects of the drug occur quite rarely. The following symptoms may also occur:

  • Painful sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • Nausea;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Headache;
  • Edema.

Character of menstruation

Menstruation after Postinor can dramatically change its character. This is directly related to the effect of the main active component of the drug. The change in the nature of menstruation is explained by a change hormonal balance woman's body. In some cases, changes may span multiple cycles. In this case, you need to seek help from a specialist, since this medication is considered severe.

Are the reason that as a result of exposure medicine the frequency of contractions of the uterine walls increases during menstruation. Since not every girl can experience an increase in clotting, bleeding can stop only after some time. In addition, the risk cannot be excluded uterine bleeding against the background of hormonal imbalance.

Painful periods () are a deviation from the norm. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. Due to greater blood loss during menstrual flow Anemia may develop, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Severe weakness;
  • "Floaters" before the eyes;
  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Dizziness;
  • Loss of consciousness.

In order to use the funds traditional medicine. Nettle decoction is considered the most effective. In addition to nettle, you can use mint, rowan berries and the following herbs: yarrow, shepherd's purse, pepper knotweed. If folk remedies do not give the desired effect, you can use sodium ethamsylate. However, you can take this medication only after consulting your doctor.

Also quite often, after using Postinor tablets, women complain that. In some cases this may manifest itself as " brown daub" This situation is considered a common occurrence after using such drugs. Itself and their scarcity is explained by increased blood clotting.

How to restore a cycle

Is it possible after using Postinor? The answer is unequivocal - yes. So what needs to be done in order to restore the course of the menstrual cycle? Here are some recommendations from doctors:

  • If you notice any changes in the functioning of your body after using this medication, consult a specialist. Take care of your health and don’t let the situation get worse;
  • In order to restore your cycle after using the pills, you will need to undergo a series of examinations to make sure that there is no threat to your body;
  • Do not use medications this type too often. If initially they did not affect your body in any way, this does not mean that this will continue in the future.
  • ».

Life doesn't always go smoothly or as planned. To mitigate the consequences of spontaneous sexual contact, a woman is sometimes forced to use emergency remedy contraception.

What drug can be recommended today? The most proven is Postinor. It gives fast and reliable results. But there is a problem - menstruation after Postinor goes astray. This happens because the body experiences a shock from a huge portion. synthetic hormone contained in tablets. The hormonal imbalance caused by taking this medicine is the main and most negative consequence for the female body.

The principle and mechanism of action of the drug

At each period of the menstrual cycle, Postinor acts in a different way. Taking it in first half causes ovulation disruption - the egg remains in the follicle (the process of its maturation is suspended).

In the second part of the series(after maturation) Postinor affects the structure of the mucous membrane, preventing the egg (already fertilized) from implanting into the wall of the uterus.

In addition, the mucus in the cervix becomes thicker under the influence of levonorgestrel, and it is more difficult for sperm to enter the uterine cavity.

The drug interferes with ovulation or conception of a child, and also prevents implantation.

Basic rules of application

It is advisable to drink Postinor after an “unsuccessful” sexual intercourse in order to prevent an unplanned pregnancy.

The package contains two tablets. You will have to take both. The first - within 24 hours (then the probability contraceptive effect almost 100%). If you managed to take the pill only on the second day, then the chance of not getting pregnant drops to 85%. On the third day the probability will be 50 to 50%.

The second tablet should be taken 12 hours later, otherwise there will be no contraceptive effect.

This drug has contraindications and negative side effects:

Possible symptoms after taking the drug:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • swelling on the face;
  • skin rash;
  • severe pain;
  • profuse bleeding.

If severe side effects occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The correct reaction of the body to Postinor

A few hours or days after taking the drug, the woman should experience bloody issues. They come with varying intensity 3 or 5 days. This is a sign that pregnancy has not occurred (the mucous membrane to which the embryo is usually attached has been rejected from the surface of the uterus). For complete guarantee, a reference test should be carried out.

When the danger of an unplanned pregnancy has receded, the problem comes to the fore: how to restore the body after Postinor?

When will the cycle return to its original state?

Regular monthly bleeding after Postinor should begin at usual terms. Due to the individual reaction of each organism to a “killer” dose of hormones, waiting for them to start can be difficult. Some people may get their periods immediately and heavily, while others will have to suffer while waiting.

During this period, all women are very nervous and worried. How many days you will have to wait, and when the cycle will be restored after taking Postinor, not a single gynecologist will say. Sooner or later your period comes. In any case, in a few months healthy body recovers on its own.

If menstruation does not start

Delayed menstruation after taking Postinor is common. The hormones contained in the drug have a very strong effect on reproductive system. After such a hormonal shock, a woman’s body can go on strike. If the expected periods do not begin after taking Postinor, then this may have the following reasons:

  1. Alcohol consumption. Is it possible to drink Postinor at the same time as strong alcoholic drinks? Reception of any hormonal drug gives heavy load to the liver, and additional impact this organ can lead to the development of toxic necrosis of hepatocytes and other fatal consequences.
  2. Incorrect appointment times. Only by taking a pill within 3 days after an intimate relationship can you count on positive result. Otherwise, the embryo will successfully attach to the uterus and the pregnancy will develop. A delay in menstruation may indicate that a child has already been conceived.
  3. Drugs. Taking medications such as HIV medications peptic ulcer stomach, epilepsy, strong antibiotics, barbiturate-based products, can weaken the effects of Postinor and cause other negative consequences.
  4. Period of early puberty. At this age, the menstrual cycle and general hormonal levels are not stable. Their violation often results in a prolonged disruption of the cycle, and bleeding may begin, which can only be stopped by surgery.
  5. Pregnancy. It is still possible if you take Postinor absolutely correctly. If your period does not come after a month, then there is a chance that the embryo managed to gain a foothold in the uterus. To check, you should do a hCG test ( human chorionic gonadotropin person). Re-use of Postinor in this situation is unacceptable.
  6. Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. These side effects weaken the effect of the drug as its concentration in the blood decreases.
  7. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder. The body, weakened by these diseases, can react not just with a delay in the menstrual cycle, but with an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

A fetus that has survived a strong hormonal surge in the mother’s body and is established in the uterus is definitely healthy and viable. Active substance Postinora affects exclusively the activity of germ cells (male and female). Therefore, if after consulting a doctor there is no risk and the decision is made to keep the child, then the woman can be sure that he will be born healthy.

When the delay in menstruation after Postinor is more than two weeks, a visit to the gynecologist is inevitable. Only a doctor can figure out why menstruation does not start, rule out pregnancy and various pathologies caused by taking this drug.

Other deviations

Disorders in the menstrual cycle are not limited only to a delay in the onset of bleeding. There are other signs of atypical behavior of a woman’s reproductive system:

  1. Your periods are coming in an unusual dark brown color in smaller quantities than usual. This phenomenon occurs frequently. Levonorgestrel has a thickening effect on the blood. It curls up and leaves the vessels of the uterus more slowly. You should be concerned if recovery does not occur in subsequent cycles.
  2. Discharge lasting 7 days or more is also not uncommon. This is influenced by the day of the cycle on which the woman took the drug. If menstruation does not stop on the 8th day, you need to see a doctor to rule out internal bleeding and find out how to recover from Postinor.
  3. A large volume of discharge can also indicate pathological changes in the uterus. If the pad fills more than 2 hours later, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  4. If there is a delay after taking hormonal pills Postinora, and the test is negative, then the blow to the reproductive system was too strong. All that remains is to wait for the body to recover from it.

You can take Postinor during menstruation. This will cause the cycle to pause for a few days and then continue. How after Postinor during menstruation? This issue will have to be resolved together with a gynecologist.

Why can't you take Postinor regularly?

If for a number of life reasons healthy woman took Postinor, then pathological changes will not happen in her body. But regular (usually 2 times a year) use of these pills leads to hormonal imbalance, causing infertility.

Carbohydrate-fat metabolism is also greatly affected by taking Postinor. A woman is at risk of gaining a lot of weight.

The ovaries stop functioning, become depleted and fade away. Hormones are not produced in the required volume, which disrupts the menstrual cycle and infertility may occur. Even treatment by a gynecologist will not restore lost reproductive function.

Frequent thickening of blood in the vessels due to the action of hormones additionally causes the formation of blood clots. With partial overlap circulatory system the supply of blood and oxygen to the internal organs, and if completely blocked, this can result in hemorrhage and fatal stroke.

Planned pregnancy after emergency contraception

If everything went well, after Postinor your periods started and regular cycle recovered, which means that in the distant future there is no need to fear any complications. 3-6 months after using the drug, a healthy woman can become pregnant and give birth to the desired and planned child. Ovulation occurs without problems after Postinor.

All necessary tests and trials have been carried out for this drug. It is officially approved and sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Each emergency contraceptive, when used correctly, helps to avoid pregnancy, but also causes quite severe harm to the body. Using it regularly means giving your body one hormonal blow after another. Before using Postinor as an ambulance for “bad” sexual intercourse, a woman should carefully weigh all the consequences and arguments for and against.

"Postinor" refers to medical drugs emergency contraception. It is applied in two stages, immediately after sexual intercourse and after 72 hours after him. The drug is taken strictly according to the indications of a gynecologist; it has contraindications. If Postinor is not taken according to the schedule or more than twice a month, violations may occur in hormonal system that requires treatment and recovery body.


Contact your gynecologist for advice. You will be prescribed a set of tests, will conduct an external examination on a gynecological chair, and will be interested in information about your intimate life, age at which the first menstruation began, abortions, miscarriages, childbirth, etc. You need to answer the specialist’s questions in as much detail as possible.

The specialist will draw conclusions about your health based on the test results. He can diagnose a malfunction in the hormonal system and prescribe special drugs regulating reproductive function. If you experience bleeding between ovulatory cycles, a specialist will prescribe antibiotic treatment, possibly in a hospital setting.

Tell your gynecologist that menstruation does not occur at all or occurs irregularly. In this case, the specialist will prescribe an examination to determine pregnancy. If its presence is confirmed, you will have to go to a hospital for preservation. What matters here is the time that has passed since after day of tablet intake and quantity taken drug. With a single use, the risk to the child is minimal.

You will be prescribed a course of hormonal contraceptives, the action of which is aimed at restoring the functioning of the reproductive system. The dosage regimen is selected in accordance with the instructions only after consultation with a doctor. The tablets should be taken regularly, visit a gynecologist once a month and purchase vitamin complexes.

Visit an endocrinologist who will write a referral for hormones thyroid gland. Such analyzes are carried out in special laboratory, they can be returned for free, on a first-come, first-served basis and for a fee. Based on the results, treatment is prescribed.

You can plan to become pregnant in 6 months after use after days tablets. More early conception entails a risk of complications and may cause miscarriage or other irreversible changes.

You may be diagnosed with inflammation in the pelvic organs. This is also caused by improper use of the drug. In this case, they may be assigned additional research and consultations with specialists.

A specialist doctor will prescribe suppositories or tablets local application to restore the vaginal microflora and vitamin complexes, in addition, you will be advised to limit the consumption of alcohol, fatty and spicy foods, etc. during treatment.

Do not take this medicine if you have had liver disease, have never given birth, or are breastfeeding. Specialists will be able to select an individual contraceptive that will protect against unwanted pregnancy.


Please tell me about the dangers of postinor: I took it four times in 3 months, two doses were at intervals of a week, the rest were about a month apart. It happened this way because... condoms failed. I recently came across it on some forum where both doctors and non-doctors were discussing it, they wrote that it was disgusting and should not be taken, that it was like a time bomb - if there are no consequences immediately, then they will definitely come later, maybe in years, and It can result in infertility or pathologies of pregnancy, pathologies of the fetus... They wrote that this is a very heavy dose of the hormone, which the body itself does not produce in a year. Some doctors (or non-doctors, who knows) claim that abortion is better... Also, many wrote about long-term hormonal imbalances. I didn’t have them (there were no consequences at all, except maybe weakness and mild nausea), but now long time every period is very heavy, using a large tampon and pad, I don’t have time to get to work - I get wet...

But what frightens me most of all is the described consequences for the future. Everyone and everywhere says and writes that it is very harmful, but the word “harmful” is an evaluative concept, non-specific, it is not clear to me exactly why it is harmful, what consequences it may have, what it affects, although the mechanism of action is clear (rejection of the endometrium).

And most importantly - what could be exactly on long term perspective, years later. Could there be some very serious problems about which they write (pathologies future pregnancy, or infertility), or is it all far-fetched and exaggerated?

As an alternative, they also write that it is better to take it in in case of emergency COC - Marvelon or Mercilon. Is it better to take something else (Marvelon or Mercilon) in emergency cases - or is it actually the same thing? Or should I never do this again?

Is taking Postinor an abortion? I believed that this was still a method of contraception in case other methods had failed, and that it still had a contraceptive effect (i.e., prevent pregnancy), and not a “killer” one (i.e., destroy an existing pregnancy).

This is a large dose of the hormone - very large, several times more than what your body produces - in one tablet (in two tablets with a 12-hour interval - even more). The next day you don’t take the pill, and it turns out that the body first receives a huge dose, and then it is taken away from it. Premature menstruation occurs due to this difference. Must happen.

Then everything depends on your initial hormonal status and the day of the cycle when you take the pill. If initially your body produces a lot of progesterone and you drink in the second phase, then there may be no reaction at all, and the body does not see anything special in excess progesterone, and its withdrawal is insensitive to it, because you yourself have a lot of progesterone. This also happens - then, on the contrary, it is not premature menstruation that occurs, but a delay. Then postinor does not work - neither as emergency contraception, nor as a means harmful to the body.

When does it work? hormonal breakdown, which the body does not expect. It may be fraught with temporary hormonal imbalance. Then of course he recovers. If there is no negative reaction in the coming days or weeks after using postinor, then it will not happen. You must understand that it is useless to take it more than once a cycle, because its effect is the rejection of the endometrium in this cycle.

The main harm of postinor is that it is a method of postcoital contraception, which means, in essence, medical abortion, in that it is not very effective, in that the pregnancy may continue and you will have to have a real abortion. More social harm than physiological. But it's a big secret :)

Combined oral contraceptives(Marvelon, etc.) - Yuzpe method - are more effective as emergency contraception, but also cause more side effects. Essentially it's the same thing.

It is better to use planned contraception than emergency, since the latter - practically a medical abortion - is the meaning of the anti-congestion campaign.

90 seconds after sexual intercourse, sperm are in the tube. And if it’s a good day, fertilization occurs. Rejection of the endometrium after a few days due to taking postinor is a medical abortion. Which is also less effective than a real abortion. Pregnancy can only be prevented before sexual intercourse, and not after. This is obvious, but it’s more pleasant to think that you are not committing an abortion, but simply using contraception, and putting the word “murderous” in quotation marks.

Please tell me the dosage of Mercilon or Marvelon in case I urgently need to eliminate the consequences of a condom that broke last night. I heard that a loading dose of these drugs can prevent unwanted pregnancy. But how many tablets should you take and what is the order of administration? What else can help. so as not to lead to an abortion???

Marvelon, and even more so Mercilon, contain a very low dosage of hormones. It is better to use Non-ovlon, Ovidon, Silest. During the first 72 hours after coitus, but the sooner the better, you need to take 2 tablets (Non-ovlon, Ovidon) or 3 tablets (Silesta), and after 12 hours another 2 or 3 tablets, respectively.

I heard that you can use Mifepristone as a “firefighter” contraceptive. And on the 27th day of the cycle. This is true? If yes, where can I get it?

Mifepristone is not a contraceptive, but a means for terminating short-term pregnancies. It is only allowed to be used in hospitals.

Is the harm to the body the same if conception occurred and Postinor destroyed the embryo (medical abortion) and if Postinor was taken empty, i.e. conception did not occur during intercourse. And one more question: is it really necessary to take a second tablet 12 hours after taking the first Postinor tablet. Or is this just an additional degree of protection that pharmacologists adhere to. Tell me, does bleeding occur after a few days in any case after taking it, or only if there was a pregnancy and Postinor interrupted it?

In any case, Postinor is drunk for 3 days, when there is no conception. Conception occurs a few days after intercourse, and Postinor is taken before this. So it does not destroy the embryo, but only causes premature menstruation.

You need to take a second tablet, otherwise the dose is small and there will be no effect, then why take the first? and two are often missing.

Withdrawal bleeding does not depend on pregnancy; moreover, once again, it occurs after the action or inaction of the postinor, and not before. If it has come before, he cannot act on it.

If there is no bleeding, then it did not work

Tell me, is it possible to reliably know that the postinor worked? The absence of bleeding within the next 2 days after taking the drug can only mean that the drug did not work, or can it mean that the egg was not fertilized? In other words, what does bleeding or its absence after taking the drug indicate? After taking Postinor (a month ago), the girl had no bleeding, but was not pregnant. Could this mean there are problems?

If Postinor works, it causes bleeding for several days after taking it. if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t cause it. but pregnancy does not occur 100% after sexual intercourse, p Therefore, Postinor may not work, but pregnancy may not occur. it's all normal

I would like to know from you as a specialist. What contraceptives are best to take in emergency cases (when a condom breaks, etc.). Which of them are the least harmful to health and have the lowest price?

The following emergency contraception methods are available:

1. Yuzpe method. Within 72 hours after sexual intercourse, take 2 tablets of Ovidon or 3 tablets of Rigevidon or Regulon, after 12 hours - the same number of tablets. This will cause premature onset of menstruation.

2. The drug Postinor. The action is the same, the effectiveness is somewhat less, but there are also fewer side effects. The first tablet should be taken within 72 hours after sexual intercourse, the second - 12 hours after the first.

3. Within 5 days you can insert an intrauterine device

4. Other options are taken if more time has passed, but this is no longer called emergency contraception, but termination of a short-term pregnancy (mini-abortion): vacuum abortion, chemical abortion.

In any case, emergency contraception, like abortion, is an unnatural phenomenon, a disruption of the body’s hormonal balance, and does not always pass without a trace. Therefore, you need to try to take measures to avoid resorting to this method. You need to use high-quality condoms from well-known companies, use them correctly (squeezing the reservoir at the end of the condom before use. If there is not air in it, but a vacuum, the condom will not burst), or, as a last resort, use 2 condoms at once. In the world, the most popular and recommended scheme is double contraception: the simultaneous use of hormonal contraception(for 100% contraception) and a condom (for protection against infections).

In July 2000, in a sanatorium in Sochi, I underwent an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and I was given the following results: Day of the cycle: 22. Right ovary: typically located, enlarged, dimensions 4.3 x 2.7 x 4.0 cm follicular structure , without pathological formations. Changed by persistir. foul - 2.2 in d. Left ovary: atypically located: soldered to back wall, dimensions 3.9 x 3.9 x 2.4 cm, follicular structure, without pathological formations. Changed due to an increase in the stroma: in the middle third - hyperechoic. formation - 1.9 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm, ovoid in shape with unevenness. clear contours. Conclusion: Teratoma? Ovarian hyperplasia Adhesive process. I was told to undergo an ultrasound again after my period. Ultrasound on the 15th day of the cycle: Ovaries OD: 30 x 29 x 33 mm, with the follicular apparatus up to 21 mm. OS: 41 x 28 x 39 mm, with follicular apparatus from 4 to 20 (dominant) soldered along the posterior side wall. Conclusion: Adhesive process of the pelvic organs. They told me to calm down, because... There is no teratoma and no further examination is needed. Is ultrasound alone enough to diagnose teratoma? Why were there no similar changes on the repeat ultrasound? Could this have been a mistake in one case or another? Could taking Postinor and climate change lead to similar changes in ultrasound? What kind of examination do you need to undergo to completely exclude (confirm) the diagnosis? 2. On February 26, 2001, I started having strange discharge Brown. My last period was on February 5th. On February 16, I took Postinor. On February 18, severe pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, and a temperature of 37.3 appeared. The next day everything stopped. With what it can be connected? I usually have a stable menstrual cycle of 28-30 days. Thank you in advance for your response.

To diagnose ovarian teratoma, one ultrasound performed in a qualified institution is sufficient, and the doctor should not doubt this diagnosis. What was found on you and disappeared by itself could very well be a consequence of climate change and taking postinor, i.e. was a consequence hormonal changes. This is not a mistake, but also not a teratoma, and the suspicion of it is simply a change in the structure of the ovary. In order not to worry at all, do a repeat ultrasound on any day of the cycle (teratoma does not depend on this, it is either there or it is not) in a good place.

Postinor - very unsafe drug, it should not be taken regularly. What bothered you on February 18 was caused by taking it, as well as (possibly) changes on the ultrasound. Postinor contains a very large dose of a strong hormone, it should not be a method of contraception, it was created for the so-called. "emergency" case: God forbid, rape.

You need to use hormonal contraceptives. They will give the ovaries a rest, regulate the cycle, remove the harmful effects of postinor, relieve fears of getting pregnant and generally bring a lot of benefits. Start with modern low-dose ones such as Novinette, Regulon or Silesta.