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What is the gestation period for normal cats? Pregnancy in cats: duration, signs, care. How is pregnancy progressing?

Waiting for kittens is an amazing period in a female’s life, filled with tenderness and care for her future offspring. Inside the four-legged mother there is a real miracle of transformation of small cells into fluffy purrs, quickly running around the house. Of course, at caring owner many questions arise regarding the health of your ward: how long does pregnancy last in cats, how to plan a calendar of medical examinations, what are the features of “ interesting situation» tailed family members.


How long does pregnancy last in cats?

A domestic animal is Living being, not a clock mechanism. Therefore, just like in humans, the period of gestation, as well as the cat’s pregnancy itself, can depend on many factors:

  • what breed is the pet;
  • the number of expected offspring;
  • animal health;
  • and even from the climate.
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However, you should not let the situation take its course. It is important for the owner to understand well how long pregnancy lasts in cats in order to exclude the occurrence of pathological processes. Normally, gestation lasts more than 2 months, or from 58 to 72 days. But in short-haired breeds the duration is reduced to 58 - 68.

In addition, the more babies expected in the litter, the less time the cat's pregnancy lasts. When the period is less than the specified range, veterinarians talk about premature birth. But a delay of a significant event up to 7 days is not a cause for concern.

To know for sure how many kittens a cat bears, you need to take into account next nuance: the responsible period is counted not from the moment of mating, but after 48 hours. This time is necessary for attachment ovum to the wall of the uterus.

Cat pregnancy by week or 9 weeks of waiting for a miracle

1-3 weeks

During this period, the cat's pregnancy leads to some loss of appetite and drowsiness. The first to be clearly visible external sign is pinking of the nipples. Sometimes vomiting occurs, provoked by stretching of the uterus and hormonal disasters. Experts can determine the presence of a future offspring already on the 20th day by palpation.

4-6th week

As long as a cat's pregnancy lasts, their belly will gradually increase in size. But visually you will notice changes within 35 days from the moment of conception. During this period, the embryos are large enough to be felt when stroking the female. It should be understood that due to the presence of amniotic fluid, it is impossible to calculate the number of future kittens using palpation.

7-9 weeks

During this period, the kittens begin to move. By the way, this is a great way to determine whether your cat’s pregnancy is progressing correctly. At this stage, the female becomes restless and is actively looking for a cozy place in order to set up something like a burrow. From external changes There is an enlargement of the mammary glands and swelling of the nipples. Body temperature drops to 37°.

Physical activity is very beneficial for expectant mothers

Features of pregnancy

The physiology of our smaller brothers differs significantly from human ones. A few important features:

Many owners are concerned about whether it is possible to bathe a pregnant cat. The waiting period for kittens is not a contraindication to hygiene procedures. But stress and hypothermia can negatively affect your health. Therefore, bathe your animal only if absolutely necessary.

Calendar calculator

The cat pregnancy calculator will help you calculate the expected date of birth. In the left column you need to find the day of conception, in the right - when the period of birth of kittens begins.

How many kittens does a cat carry in her stomach?

A cat's pregnancy should be under close veterinary supervision. It is recommended to schedule an ultrasound examination to determine the number of future kittens and presentation. On average, one litter consists of 3-5 kittens.

Video “What to feed a dog or cat during pregnancy?”

Veterinarian Marina Khitrova talks about the basic principles of feeding pregnant and lactating pets.

Pregnancy in a cat is a special period of time for your pet, when she especially needs care and attention. And here not only attention and affection are important, but also accurate knowledge of everything that happens to the cat. But childbirth is even more a very complex and labor-intensive process not only for the animal, but also for its owner.

That is why many owners begin preparing for childbirth immediately after the expected conception. During pregnancy, you need to prepare a place for childbirth, provide the mother cat with tasty healthy food. And here you definitely need to know how long pregnancy lasts in cats.

Pregnancy periods in cats

The entire pregnancy in cats, as, in general, in any other animals, is divided into several periods, which have their own duration and are characterized by certain changes that occur in the future offspring.

First period - conception. Most often, conception occurs in the first 24-50 hours after intercourse. However, the problem of identifying this period lies, first of all, in the process of sexual intercourse itself. Very often cats are left with breeding cats for several days, and it is determined the exact date Conception turns out to be very difficult. And if the cat just “walked” the kittens, it is completely impossible to determine the time of the first act.

Second period – first 20-30 days. After 20-30 days of pregnancy, visible changes begin to occur in the cat. Her nipples swell, turn pink, her stomach thickens and becomes elastic. Already at this stage, embryos can be felt through the cat's abdomen. But this should not be done by a non-specialist, since such actions can harm both the cat and future kittens.

Third period – 5-6 weeks. At this stage, in a cat with multiple pregnancies (3 or more fetuses), the abdomen apparently enlarges. The kittens are no longer chaotically located, but descend into abdominal cavity, which causes the stomach to swell greatly. You cannot palpate during this period under any circumstances! By your actions even experienced veterinarian can seriously harm kittens.

The fourth period. At the end of the 5th week, the cat’s belly expands very much to the sides - growing kittens no longer have enough space in the abdominal cavity.

Fifth period – 42-50 days. This is a very difficult period in the life of the animal and future offspring. During this period, very active growth and the development of kittens - they grow to 5-8 cm, wool appears. For the mother cat, this period may result in loss of appetite and anxiety.

The last, sixth period of pregnancy in cats - fetal movement. Starting from the 50th day of pregnancy, you can feel the movement of future kittens. Very often, especially when very large quantities fruits, the movement can even be seen with the naked eye - the cat’s belly will move in waves, just like in the video.

Interestingly, pregnancy in cats does not last an even number of days. Most often, this period depends on the breed and number of fruits. Hairless and short-haired breeds bear kittens for 58-68 days, and long-haired cats - 62-72 days. It is also interesting that one or two kittens are most often born later than 4-6. Stress can also be a factor that determines how long pregnancy lasts in cats. If your pet is afraid of something shortly before the due date or feels in danger, the birth may be delayed for several days.

In the question of how long pregnancy lasts in cats, it is worth highlighting one more point - prematurity and postmaturity. Like humans, kittens in cats can be born either premature (before 55 days) or post-term (after 70 days). At the same time, both one and the second are very dangerous for the life and health of kittens and mother cats. Premature kittens born before 60 days are often very weak, often such kittens do not even survive. But if the cat has not given birth after 70 days, you should urgently contact a veterinarian. In this case, there is already a question about the life of an adult cat.

First signs of labor

Sometimes it is impossible to determine the exact date of conception. And then knowing how long a cat’s pregnancy lasts won’t help – the due date will still be unexpected. That is why it is important to know what signs can tell the owner of a pregnant cat that labor will begin any day or any hour.

So, what are the main signs that your cat is about to start giving birth?

  1. Two to three days before giving birth, milk begins to secrete from the cat's heavily swollen nipples. Although, this does not always happen and not with all cats.
  2. The cat begins to look for a secluded place, build a “nest”, collecting all kinds of soft rags, plush toys, etc. around the house. Sometimes cats, on the contrary, are constantly petted and are only near their owners.
  3. Its temperature drops to approximately 37 degrees (normally, a calm animal is 38-38.5).
  4. A cat may suddenly and without reason lose its appetite; it becomes irritable and restless if it is taken out of the place it has chosen.
  5. The cat begins to constantly lick the genitals.
  6. If a cat sleeps in one place (for example, in the family house), some time before giving birth you can see a plug that has come out - a whitish-yellowish or brown-veined jelly-like mass, about the size of a teaspoon. In some cats, the plug comes out 2-3 days, in some cats it comes out a week, and in some cats it comes out an hour before giving birth.

In general, you don’t have to worry and don’t count the seconds until you give birth. Calm down, because your mood is transferred to your pet. Observe the behavior of the expectant mother, but do not disturb her idlely, and she herself will notify you with a loud “meow” when it’s time.

Have an easy birth!

Often a pregnant cat has discharge from the loop for several days or months, as well as urine with blood flowing, toxicosis and strange behavior. It also happens that the belly has decreased, sagged, is very large, or there is no belly at all. In each case, a consultation with a veterinarian and an ultrasound will not be superfluous.

The article discusses different situations, which help to understand how pregnancy proceeds in a Scottish Fold cat, Russian Blue, Oriental, Siamese, Thai and other breeds of cats. Of course, there may be rare exceptions, but in general the information for all pores will be identical.

How to determine whether a cat is pregnant or not at home, symptoms and signs

Determining whether a cat is pregnant or not can be difficult at first, even for a specialist. Experienced cat lovers They claim that if a cat, after mating, stops fawning and loudly expresses her dissatisfaction, then she has become pregnant. Requirement intimacy, which resumed a week after the visit to the cat, indicates that fertilization did not occur.

How to identify a false and frozen pregnancy in a cat in the early stages

Determine false and frozen pregnancy in a cat early stages only possible by performing an ultrasound examination. Palpation will not give a reliable result and may harm the fetuses (if any).

How long does a cat's pregnancy last and what to feed it?

On average, a cat's pregnancy lasts about 60-65 days. With a natural diet, for proper development pregnancy, along with familiar products The cat should receive foods containing calcium and protein. Cottage cheese, kefir, beef, boiled chicken or turkey, egg yolk, cereals and vegetables are the required minimum of products that should be included in the diet of a future cat mother. To ensure that the food eaten does not cause discomfort due to the increased size of the uterus, the animal must be fed more often than usual, and the portion itself must be slightly reduced.

Maine Coon cat gestation period

Pregnancy in Maine Coon cats lasts an average of 63-68 days. The term depends on individual characteristics body and can vary for several days in different directions, even in the same cat at different ages.

Why does a pregnant cat have hot ears and a hot nose?

A hot nose and ears in a pregnant cat indicate an increase in her body temperature. This is quite natural, since the animal’s body adapts to its new state. The alarm should be sounded when, against the background of these symptoms, the cat loses its appetite, it becomes too lethargic, or you suspect that it is developing a number of other ailments.

When a pregnant cat's belly drops

A pregnant cat's belly begins to droop a few days before lambing. Therefore, in the near future you should be more attentive to your pet and prepare a secluded place for her to have a safe delivery.

Duration and duration of pregnancy in the Scottish Fold breed, British women

Length of pregnancy in Scottish fold-eared breed and British cats is 60-70 days. Both nursing when the pregnancy lasts more than 70 days and the birth of kittens earlier are considered dangerous for the life of the offspring. due date(less than 60 days).

What to do if a pregnant cat has blood in her stool, urine, or loose, bloody stools

Blood in stool, urine, loose stool with blood - very alarming symptoms, which can cost the life of any cat. Pregnancy of the animal further aggravates the situation, so the animal must be urgently shown to a specialist. Adequate treatment Only a veterinarian can prescribe.

What does it mean if a pregnant cat starts to have white, purulent, yellow, green, bloody, brown, pink, dark discharge?

Any vaginal discharge in a pregnant cat poses a danger to the cat and its future offspring. The animal needs the help of a veterinarian.

How many days does it take for pregnant cats to drop their bellies?

Pregnant cats' bellies droop a day or two before giving birth. During this period, the mammary glands also swell significantly and yellow-brown mucous discharge from the vagina is observed.

Why does a pregnant cat's stomach gurgle, twitch, become smaller, and shake?

In the second half of a cat’s pregnancy, you can observe how its belly twitches and shakes, changing its shape. This is quite normal phenomenon– the baby kittens begin to move. The most nimble ones can even change their position, making the stomach look smaller.

Why during pregnancy do cats have a small, saggy, hard belly that does not grow or is not visible?

A rounded belly in cats becomes noticeable after the fifth week of pregnancy. If a cat is expecting a small litter, then the belly will not round out so quickly. A hard and saggy belly is a sign of impending labor. If the cat doesn't show much concern, then you have no reason to worry.

Pregnancy in Sphynx, Canadian and Don Sphynx cats

Pregnancy in Sphynx cats lasts from 58 to 70 days. While carrying kittens, the cat gains weight, and the expectant mother's fur may thin out slightly. 3-5 days before giving birth, the cat begins to show anxiety and look for “ maternity hospital" Normally, labor can proceed within 24 hours.

What to do if a pregnant cat has worms and treatment for worms

If a pregnant cat has worms, then presumably the veterinarian can prescribe the animal Milbemax or Drontal.

How to deliver a feline birth to domestic cats

To prevent the cat from choosing a secluded place in the wardrobe or on the bed for childbirth, build a “maternity hospital” for it. Suitable for this cardboard box from under household appliances, covered with a soft cloth. Observe the animal's behavior. Before giving birth, the cat’s mucous plug should come out and the “mother” will begin to lick herself vigorously. You can ease your cat's suffering during contractions by lightly stroking the belly. During a normal birth, your presence is not necessary - the cat itself will gnaw the umbilical cord and destroy the placenta. The duration of labor is 5-12 hours. If the birth is prolonged and the cat is too exhausted, then the help of a veterinarian is necessary.

A pregnant cat has fleas, what to do?

The most suitable option for getting rid of fleas from a pregnant cat is a flea collar. Using flea shampoo can cause stress in a cat, especially if the animal is not trained to water procedures. The use of a pesticide in the form of drops is fraught with deviations in the development of embryos, since the drug may inadvertently enter the cat’s stomach.

Pregnancy duration in Abyssinian cats

From conception to birth in cats Abyssinian breed It takes about 64 days. Discrepancies in the due date in any direction by 4-7 days are not pathology. The duration of pregnancy, like multiple births, is transmitted genetically and is associated with the characteristics of the body of an individual animal.

A cat's pregnancy is a magical time filled with tenderness and care. A real miracle happens inside the pet - tiny “dots” turn into future kittens thanks to the titanic efforts of their mother’s body. A loving owner should help the cat by providing it with everything it needs and creating favorable conditions for the life of the pet during this crucial period.

But first of all, you need to figure out how to determine pregnancy, because a “date” does not always end successfully. There are no tests for cats with the coveted two stripes. Most the right way– visit the veterinarian two weeks after mating. The doctor will conduct an examination and study the condition of the uterus using an ultrasound machine. At this stage, developing embryos are already clearly visible. Starting from the third week, the veterinarian can see the heartbeat of the fetuses, which indicates their viability.

Trying to notice the onset of pregnancy on your own without consulting a doctor is quite difficult. During the first two weeks, the behavior of the pet and her physiological state(apparent) practically does not change. By the third week, changes become noticeable, but you still need to visit the veterinarian, because it is important to monitor the progress of pregnancy.

Course of pregnancy

At a doctor’s appointment, you can not only find out about your pet’s condition, but also clarify important points: how to help during childbirth and much more. It is worth agreeing with your doctor about the possibility of telephone consultations and emergency home visits.

An idea of ​​what is happening in the pet’s body allows us to understand the duration of pregnancy. Conventionally, the entire period is divided into four stages:

  • zero week – no visible changes. About a day after mating, ovulation occurs, then the eggs are fertilized. By fallopian tubes zygotes move into the uterus, are evenly distributed and attach to its walls;
  • From the first to the third week, symptoms are still subtle. There may be a slight decrease in activity and a change in appetite (some cats eat a lot, others eat reluctantly for the first couple of weeks). At the end of the third week: vomiting in the morning for two or three days, lethargy, decreased appetite;
  • from the fourth to the sixth week, the owner, who did not agree to have the pet examined using an ultrasound machine, ceases to be tormented by the question “is the cat pregnant?” Now everything is obvious - the nipples have acquired a pinkish tint, the cat eats a lot and sleeps for a long time, the tummy is rounded and growing every day. The veterinarian can feel the embryos and even determine their approximate number. A non-professional will not find anything during palpation, so you should not feel your pet’s tummy, so as not to harm the fetus and not provoke premature contractions;
  • from the seventh to the ninth week, the tummy grows very quickly, the cat sleeps almost all the time, often goes to the toilet, and eats a little. If you place your palm on the tummy, you can feel the kittens move. By the ninth week, appetite decreases, the stomach drops (it used to be round and located right behind the ribs, but now it seems to have sagged and moved towards the hips). Stands out from the loop clear slime, the expectant mother begins to look for a place for the kittens to appear. Childbirth occurs 58-65 days after mating.

Read also: How does childbirth begin in cats: how not to miss the first stages of the process

Does the cat understand that she will soon become a mother?

In the early stages, the pet behaves as usual. But, starting from the third week, many cats become calmer, sleep longer, take care of themselves: they carefully jump out of bed, do not allow their tummy to be touched, although in general they strive to be closer to humans. They probably feel pregnant, but they are unlikely to realize the fact itself. Quicker we're talking about about hormonal and other changes in the body that lead to changes in behavior - the cat takes care on an instinctive level.

Nutrition for a pregnant cat

The expectant mother should eat a varied diet and only high-quality products. If your cat eats dry food, you need to switch it to a special diet for pregnant women. If the owner is a follower natural nutrition, it is necessary to include a vitamin-mineral complex in the menu, but after consultation with a veterinarian.

For the first two weeks, the pet is fed twice a day in regular portions (if the cat is too slender, portions are increased by 10%). From the third week, portions are increased slightly, moving to three meals a day. It is important to monitor weight: the cat should eat plenty and gain weight, but not by increasing fat mass. From the fifth week, kittens begin to grow actively, the tummy quickly increases, pressure on the stomach increases and bladder. During this period, the cat awakens a brutal appetite, but she cannot eat a large portion at one time (and is not necessary, since this is an extra burden). The cat is fed four to five times a day in small portions, with natural feeding include more dairy products in the diet and reduce the amount of muscle meat.

Physical activity

Peculiar signs of pregnancy are decreased activity and increased sleep time. Some cats run and jump as usual even with huge bellies, but most expectant mothers take care of themselves, leaving play and hunting for a while. On the one hand, this is a definite plus, because what calmer cat, the less likely injury is. However, couch potatoes quickly get fat, and excess weight almost always complicates childbirth. Therefore, it is important to entertain your pet by inviting her to play, making her move and showing interest in what is happening. The loads must be adequate and the games must be safe!

Late pregnancy is a period of complete rest. The pet rests all the time, moves with caution, and tries not to climb high objects. It is important to secure the space by blocking access to favorite places on high ground, if any. There is no point in disturbing the animal during this period - the pet is preparing for childbirth, she has no time for entertainment.

Pregnant cat rest

The quality of sleep determines the well-being of any cat, but for a pregnant cat healthy sleep especially important. While she sleeps, it grows inside her new life- This a very complex process, which takes up a huge amount of energy. Therefore, the owner must take care of the pet’s peace of mind for as long as the pregnancy lasts: minimum noise, no loud music, later It is advisable to limit the reception of guests. This will be a kind of preparation for the period of raising kittens, because even then comfort and peace in the house are extremely important.

The late stage of pregnancy passes in the arms of Morpheus - the pet is sleeping most days. But with a huge belly, it’s difficult for her to climb onto her favorite shelf or high “tree” for climbing. It is important to provide her with comfortable conditions: a closed house, a warm lounger, etc., installed in quiet place not on a hill.

Vaccination of a pregnant cat

Pregnancy is one of the main contraindications to vaccination. Expectant mother must be vaccinated two months before mating so that she can pass on lasting immunity to her offspring. If the owner ignores this recommendation, the cat is vaccinated along with the kittens.

Anthelmintic prophylaxis

Alarming symptoms

It is important to monitor how the pregnancy progresses in order to notice in time a possible deterioration in the pet’s well-being. IN following cases You should call your veterinarian immediately:

  • the cat does not eat for more than a day;
  • body temperature is above 39 °C or below 38 °C (the day before birth, the temperature can drop to 37.5 °C - this is normal);
  • the cat drinks a lot and breathes heavily;
  • the pet often licks itself, an opaque liquid of any color (almost black, greenish, brown, pink, yellowish) is released from the loop. If the discharge is bloody, scarlet and/or smells unpleasant, your cat needs emergency help.

Frozen pregnancy

Unfortunately, sometimes one or more embryos stop developing and die. There are dozens of reasons for this, in particular infection, pathology of fetal development, hormonal disorder and others. Frozen pregnancy is diagnosed symptomatically or by ultrasound examination. If all the embryos are dead, all that remains is to wait for a miscarriage under the strict supervision of a veterinarian. If only some of the embryos have died, while others are developing normally, it is possible to continue the pregnancy (undeveloped fetuses are released during childbirth along with viable kittens). After giving birth, the cat must be examined to ensure that there are no embryo particles left in the uterus. It is often necessary to sterilize her or induce contractions with medication (if the embryos begin to decompose inside the uterus).

False pregnancy

False pregnancy is extremely rare. The reasons are not fully understood, but it is believed to be natural physiological process, which does not pose a serious danger to the health of the pet. Moderate manifestations are subtle: drowsiness, increased appetite, caution in movements, slight enlargement of the nipples. You should contact your veterinarian if:

  • pregnancy is accompanied by vivid severe symptoms(the belly is greatly enlarged, the nipples are swollen, milk is secreted, the cat builds a “nest”, “gives birth”, nurses “kittens”);
  • Pregnancy occurs after each heat cycle or after one or two.

In some cases, treatment is required to normalize the level of sex hormones, and sometimes sterilization is indicated. Distinguish false pregnancy Only a veterinarian can diagnose the real thing (palpation, ultrasound, x-ray).

If you have a cat living in your house, you are probably concerned about issues related to its pregnancy. The most attentive owners strive to learn as much as possible about the furry beauty’s pregnancy in order to carefully monitor her health.

First of all, you need to know that a cat can become a mother for the first time between the ages of five and nine months. However, this period may vary depending on the weight, health status and even the breed of the cat.

If a cat becomes capricious, loses appetite, and requires increased attention, then most likely she is ready to mate. Very often the cat will roll around on the floor, arching its back and purring.

Typically, a cat's pregnancy lasts about nine weeks, which is approximately 57-65 days. But the gestational age may also depend on some factors: for example, the breed of the cat and the number of kittens. So, Siamese cat can bear kittens longer than nine weeks. A multiple pregnancy may last less.

There is no need to worry if pregnancy continues for up to seven days. If labor does not begin after this period, then your pet should be shown to a veterinarian. But if labor begins much earlier than expected, the kittens may not survive. The gestation period may also be affected by the general physical state animal.

Domestic cats can breed up to three times a year, but this can have a negative impact on their health. Experts believe that a cat should normally give birth to kittens no more than once a year.

How to find out if a cat is pregnant or not

Some signs will help you find out:

  1. IN initial stage pregnancy can change the character and habits of a cat: it becomes more affectionate and lazy;
  2. In the early days of pregnancy, cats may eat and sleep more;
  3. After three weeks, the cat's nipples are well visible;
  4. At 3-4 weeks the animal may suffer from toxicosis;
  5. The 5th week is manifested by a noticeable weight gain and the appearance of a belly;
  6. At the sixth week, the cat becomes sedentary, sleeps a lot, and does not pay attention to cats.

How to care for a cat during pregnancy

First of all, it is necessary to provide the cat with complete and balanced diet. If the cat eats cat food, then you can buy special food for pregnant cats. Your cat's diet should also include meat, eggs, and dairy products.

It is better for the cat to spend as much time as possible at home to prevent negative situations on the street, dangerous in her position.

During pregnancy, you need to provide the cat with complete rest: do not disturb her again and do not squeeze her.

There is no need to give your cat medications, even the most seemingly harmless ones, as they can be dangerous for the offspring.

You can support expectant mother special vitamins for pregnant cats.

Before the onset of childbirth, you need to equip the cat with a cozy and calm nest for the release of the burden and future feeding of kittens. A cardboard box lined with a soft blanket works well for this purpose.

At the end of pregnancy, it is better not to leave the cat alone, because labor can begin at any time.

How to determine when a cat is about to give birth

Before the onset of labor, the cat becomes restless, refuses to eat, and breathes heavily. Then she settles into her nest and does not leave it until the end of the birth. After giving birth, the cat may also not eat for some time, but she should still have water. It is better not to pick up newborn kittens right away; this can make the mother nervous.

Important! If something goes wrong during delivery, it is best to call your veterinarian right away.