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How to make a cat calmer. How to make a cat affectionate: useful tips. Prepare for work

Pets fill the house with joy and comfort. How to raise an affectionate kitten? This is not difficult if you first prepare for the acquisition of a baby. There is a myth that kittens adopted very young are more affectionate and more attached to their owner, but this is not always true. Sometimes an animal that comes into the house as an adult is more devoted to humans. Heredity plays a big role in shaping a cat’s character. proper socialization And good care.

At what age should you adopt a kitten to make it easier to raise it?

Breeders recommend adopting kittens at the age of 3 months. By this time, the baby becomes independent and it is easier for him to part with his mother. Kitten who has not experienced severe stress from changing houses, there will be more contact with the person. A raised animal has a lot of advantages over a baby.:

  • the kitten is already socialized and ready to learn;
  • the animal is accustomed to the tray and scratching post;
  • some of the cats have already been neutered, so they are more affectionate towards their owner;
  • the animal knows the rules of behavior in the house.

It will be easier to raise a grown cat than a 1-2 month old baby. The animal is already socialized, so the learning process will not be difficult. When choosing a pet in a breeder's home, give preference to friendly, affectionate kittens who will make contact themselves.

New house rules

A kitten needs patient training from the moment it arrives in the house. Be consistent in your demands: your pet will not understand if you reward him for biting in games today and scold him tomorrow.

If you want to raise a kitten to be affectionate, then under no circumstances hit it. The animal will either become angry or fear the owner. Cats that are raised without abuse are more attached to their owner and love him more.

Making contact

In order to raise a cat to be affectionate, you need to establish a trusting relationship with him. When moving to new house The animal begins to become stressed and needs about 3 weeks to adapt. During this period, do not pester your baby with games if he has no desire. Start raising your cat unobtrusively; he should feel that his owner is kind and loves him.

Reward your pet with treats for good behavior, be attentive to it and provide good care. The animal must calm down and get used to the owner. Raising an affectionate kitten requires encouragement, such as training correct behavior will be stress-free.

If the baby sits calmly in your arms, then take him more often. Spend as much time as possible with your little kitten if you want him to grow up affectionate. But do not insist on games if the pet is in this moment is not disposed towards them. Over time, the affectionate cat will begin to seek the company of an owner he trusts.

Kitten scratching

The process of raising a kitten involves correcting unwanted behavior. How to make a kitten be affectionate and not scratch in games? There are several techniques:

  • If the baby gets playful and starts scratching, then spray him with water from a spray bottle.
  • After the bite, begin to ignore the baby. You can be in the same room with him, but not pay attention to him, so he will understand that his behavior is unacceptable.
  • You can trim the animal's claws. For the first time, it is better to carry out this procedure in a veterinary clinic.
  • You can train a cat using special silicone caps for claws; with them, he will not be able to cause injuries.

The baby will grow up, but if he is not weaned from scratching in childhood, then this habit will continue with age. Therefore, you need to think about how to raise a cat even before purchasing an animal. An affectionate pet will purr on its knees and not release its claws.

Proper care affects your pet's character

It is impossible to raise a cat to be affectionate without proper care behind him. From the very first day in a new home, the animal should feel that it is loved.

Properly caring for a kitten is easy:

  • Buy your animal a scratching post so that he doesn’t have the desire to spoil things and wallpaper.
  • Raise your cat using rewards for good behavior.
  • The baby will be affectionate if you play with him more often.
  • Raising a kitten should be gentle, do not punish it and under no circumstances use physical force.
  • Feed the animal quality food containing everything essential microelements and vitamins.
  • At the first sign of discomfort, take your kitten to the veterinarian.
  • Keep the tray clean and change the filler on time.
  • Wash your kitten every few months.
  • Buy your pet treats and toys.
  • Once a quarter, treat your pet for helminths, and, if necessary, for fleas.

If you care for the animal correctly, it will be affectionate and friendly. Cats really appreciate a calm environment. Tasty food and games with the owner.

And with a character as soft as her fur. But as you grow older, you begin to understand what genetics makes itself known. After all, many cat breeds are not very affectionate. They good companions, often do not meow, do not bother, but do not show tenderness. To make a cat become affectionate, you should try hard.

By being patient and having free time, you can make even the most inert cat affectionate and trusting. Experts advise adhering to the following recommendations in achieving your goals:

  1. Let the cat be the boss of the house. In many cases, the reason cats are unkind is that they are forced to obey, to be servants of their owners. You should not demonstrate your superiority for any reason. Allow the cat to consider itself equal to other family members. Cats are naturally loners. If she understands that she is not dominant, then she can look for more appropriate place. Because this is for domestic cat unrealistic, then anger and self-isolation arise. The more confident a cat is, the less aggression he exhibits, the more affection he shows. Spanking with a newspaper and screaming as a means of educating an animal will not teach it good. Patience and persuasion should be a tool of re-education. And praise your cat more often when she deserves it.
  2. Affectionate cat- a happy cat. There can be no talk of contentment when the cat is prevented from eating. In nature, cats eat alone, in a secluded place, without prying eyes. Your pet should eat in a calm environment, in a designated place, without rushing for fear that someone will take her food away. For both men and cats, the path to satisfaction lies through the stomach and receiving pleasure from eating.
  3. Tenderness without a schedule. Your cat is a full-fledged member of the family who constantly needs affection and attention. So she shouldn't wait until you have time and good mood. You should give her your affection and warmth every free minute, and not in the evening, according to the schedule, when your favorite TV series is on. Only very patient cats can wait days for your attention, and most of them need their owner’s care constantly. You shouldn't get a kitten when you don't have time for one.
  4. Don't make a pet out of a cat. Cats are independent by nature. They perceive restriction of their movement in the form of prolonged holding in their arms as an encroachment on their freedom. Even in the arms of its beloved owner, the pet should feel that it can retire at any time.
  5. Calm at altitude. Outdoor cats, sensing the slightest danger, climb trees. So in the house, the animal should sometimes have the opportunity to be on top, that is, on a closet or in another place. She will be happy to watch the household from above and at the same time feel free.
  6. Games, not toys. You can buy your tailed friend many different toys, tasty and healthy, without participating in games with the animal yourself. And the cat feels such isolation from the owner. Games should be shared and regular. In the game, the owner and the cat learn to understand and trust each other. This brings the cat closer together and serves as a sign of affection on the part of the cat.
  7. Sterilization. When cats begin to grow up, there is no difference in sexual dissatisfaction. Both cats and cats suffer equally without a partner. So think about addressing your basic instinct problem early. AND the best way out From the situation is sterilization of the pet. Castrated animals do not suffer due to hormonal changes. They remain gentle and affectionate all their lives.
  8. It is worth dwelling separately on such a nuance as hereditary aggression. Responsible breeders remove from breeding all animals with mental disorders. But not everyone does this. If money reigns supreme in this business, then the genetic aggressiveness of children is sometimes carefully hidden. But during the period of growing up it will manifest itself with great force. Therefore, at the first signs of anger in the kitten, scratching, hissing, refuse to buy it. Most likely, you will find it very difficult to deal with aggression. And such a cat is unlikely to become affectionate.

When the fluffy little ball crosses the threshold of the house, the whole family is delighted: “So tender, so kissable, I really want to cuddle!” And somehow I don’t think at all about how to make a cat affectionate, sociable, playful. To get used to the litter box, to trimming nails, to bathing - yes, important tasks. And the weasel? Yes, of course she will grow up affectionate, we love her so much! Why does a cat suddenly become capricious and angry?

However, to educate in pet preferable character is a more difficult task than raising a child. The cat does not understand or does not fully understand the meaning of the words, does not feel guilty and acts based on previous experience. For a cat to become very affectionate, care and love alone are not enough, although we like to think otherwise. It is important to understand the psychology of these animals and realize that lost time is the biggest problem. If there is a little five-year-old monster living at home, even in six months it will not be possible to turn him into a gentle princess - cats are stubborn and conservative to the extreme.

However, with due patience and free time, even wayward aggressive cat You can teach affection and trust. By the way, without absolute trust in the family, all efforts will be in vain: constant vigilance will not allow the pet to relax, and the cat will never become affectionate. So, seven secrets of raising and keeping a small predator:

Cat. Just accept it, it will be easier. Of course, any person understands that he is stronger, smarter and has more opportunities to achieve goals. But in many cases, the reason why a cat is not affectionate is because the pet has realized this too. There is no need to demonstrate your superiority for any reason; let the cat believe that it is at least on an equal footing with the rest of the family. Cats do not know how to obey; they are loners by nature. If the cat realizes that it is not in charge, it will leave the area and look for a more suitable place. This is impossible for a pet, hence the stress and anger. It is important not to put a dog on the same level as people, but with cats it’s the other way around - the more self-confident they are, the fewer reasons for aggression.

Cuffs, slaps with a newspaper, a stream of water in the face - all this frightens the cat. A frightened animal is not able to perceive information. Cats, like dogs, don't learn anything good from being scared or punished.

However, the above does not mean that you need to pamper your pet, indulging all her whims. An affectionate cat and an insolent cat are two big differences. It’s just that in the process of upbringing you need to control yourself: never shout, never force, never punish. Persuasion and cunning are your weapons. Play a trick - pretend to be a cat, hiss, but don’t forget to praise when your pet deserves it.

Cat crafts are not inferior in popularity to their living counterparts. You can find almost anything in the shape of a kitten or with its image: pillows, clothes, cups, toys and so on. We bring to your attention several master classes on the topic “How to make a (paper origami) cat.” Using them you can make your own paper kitten.

Required tools and materials

To make an origami cat, you will need:

  1. paper that can be folded ( regular sheet landscape, colored paper, corrugated carbon paper, special paper for origami and so on);
  2. scissors (needed to give the sheet a square shape);
  3. markers, paints, pencils or pens (needed to draw a face);
  4. any decor: beads, beads, ribbons and bows, sparkles and so on.

How to make cats out of paper?

The instructions are quite simple, and the order of work depends on how you make the cat. This can be done in two ways:

  1. The craft is made from two sheets of paper: one makes up the muzzle, the other makes up the body.
  2. The craft is made from one sheet of paper.

Making a cat's face (first option)

Master class “How to make a cat out of paper”: making a face using the first method:

  1. Place a square sheet of paper in front of you (Illustration 1).
  2. Fold the top right and bottom left corners together. The result will be a triangle (Figure 2).
  3. Fold the left corner of the triangle down so that its tip is flush with the bottom, but not touching it (as in Illustration 3).
  4. Fold the right corner in the same way as the left (Illustration 4).
  5. Fold the middle corner up slightly, as in illustration 5.
  6. Turn the figure over.
  7. Draw the eyes, nose, mouth and antennae (Illustration 6). You can also add eyebrows.

The cat's face is ready!

The second way to make a muzzle

Master class on how to make a cat out of paper (photo instructions for making a face):

  1. Place a square sheet of paper in front of you.
  2. Fold it in half to form a triangle (Illustration 1).
  3. We unfold the sheet. The fold line should be horizontal in front of you.
  4. We bend the upper corner towards the middle of the sheet (Illustration 2).
  5. Fold the sheet in half again, as in illustration 3.
  6. We conditionally divide the resulting figure, as in illustration 4.
  7. Fold the left and right corners to the center along the lines from the sixth point (Illustration 5).
  8. Fold the left one up and right side, as in illustration 6. That is, the fold line should not be straight, but at an angle and located in the center of the length.
  9. You've got ears.
  10. Bend top corner shapes down, as in illustration 7.
  11. Turn the figure over.
  12. Bend the bottom corner slightly upward (Illustration 8).
  13. Fold down the tip of the folded corner from the previous point, as in Illustration 9.
  14. Draw eyes, antennae, nose and mouth. Or glue them from paper.

The muzzle is ready!

Cat's body

Master class on how to make a cat out of paper (instructions for creating the body):

  1. Take a square sheet of paper and fold it in half to form a triangle (Illustration 1).
  2. Unfold the piece of paper.
  3. Fold the right one and left side to the fold line, as in illustration 2.
  4. Fold the resulting figure in half vertically (Illustration 3).
  5. Place the resulting figure horizontally in front of you.
  6. Bend the sharp corner down, as in illustration 4.
  7. Fold the corner again (Illustration 5).
  8. Open the corner (Illustration 6).
  9. Hold the main part of the figure with your left hand, and straighten the corner with your right.
  10. Fold the straightened corner along the extreme fold line, as in illustration 7.
  11. Fold the corner up in the same way as in illustration 8. You have a cat's tail.
  12. Fold the ponytail in half vertically (Illustration 9). To do this, turn it over left side to the right.

The body for the cat is ready!

Now connect the body and muzzle together. If you use the muzzle from the first option, then you need to glue it, and if from the second, then simply stick it on the body.

A whole cat from one sheet of paper

Master class on how to make an origami cat out of paper:

  1. Take a rectangular piece of paper with an aspect ratio of 1 to 3 and lay it horizontally.
  2. Fold the paper in half (Illustration 1).
  3. Make each side smaller by folding them in half, as in illustration 2.
  4. Unfold the last folds and turn the sheet upside down.
  5. Fold the lower left corner up (Illustration 3). You've got something like a pointer.
  6. Fold back the corner of the pointer (Illustration 3).
  7. Go over all the folds.
  8. Open the sheet of paper completely.
  9. Fold the sheet of paper as shown in illustration 4.
  10. The left and right vertices are the ears of the future cat (illustration 5).
  11. Now do everything as in illustration 6. In it, a green triangle is used to indicate the lines along which you want to make the chin.
  12. Squeeze bottom part chin. Fold the top of your head as shown in illustration 7. If you do everything correctly, then at this stage your muzzle will already be formed and your ears will bend a little.
  13. Fold the remaining part of the sheet in half (Illustration 8). As a result, you will get a ponytail.
  14. On both sides of the previous fold, make two more diagonal ones. Fold the paper as shown in illustration 9 . You will get paws.
  15. Raise your body perpendicular to the tail.
  16. Fold the sides of the tail in the same way as in illustration 10.
  17. Curl the ponytail using a pencil or scissors (just carefully).
Between 3 and 7 weeks of age, if kittens have positive experiences with people, being held, petted and groomed, they will typically grow up to be very friendly and highly socialized. But what if you don’t know what your cat’s first steps in life were and you want her to spend more time on your lap, come up to cuddle and purr next to you? There are five great and proven ways to make her more friendly, and you will definitely succeed if you are ready for it.

- Be restrained and calm.

Cats are afraid of sudden movements and loud voices and may mistake them for aggression. Move slowly to give your pet a chance to become accustomed to your presence and learn to trust you. Even if the cat is not new to your home, and you have been living under the same roof for some time, it will definitely appreciate your new manners.

- No need for staring.

Most cats do not like direct eye to eye contact and regard this as a signal of challenge or danger. When looking at a cat, try to blink more slowly and do not overextend your eyes. eye contact. By changing your tactics, you will quickly achieve results, and the animal will soon show more trust in you.

- Take care of the cat.

Cats love to groom themselves and each other - for them it is a form of social behavior. Your cat will appreciate it if you brush its fur with slow, gentle movements, all the while talking to it in a low voice. If the cat does not like what you are doing, she will begin to lick herself at this moment. And if her tail begins to twitch, it means the cat is tired and the procedure must be stopped.

- Do not touch the cat in places where it is unpleasant for her.

When the cat has already trustingly approached you to cuddle you, you should not pick her up at that moment, especially with a sharp movement. Just sit down next to her, scratch her head between her ears or under her chin, let her rub her muzzle against you and stroke the bridge of her nose at this moment. Many people like stroking the back, right along the spine, but the tummy and the base of the tail should not be touched. These are very vulnerable places, and many cats instinctively begin to defend themselves. In the head area there are glands with the help of which a cat “marks” its friends, however, you and I do not smell these odors. But the glands in the tail area produce completely different odors that are not intended for you and me, so you should not touch these places.

- A treat for the cat.

Always keep a few pieces of special cat treats with you to reward your pet when she comes to sit next to you. Of course, a double portion should be awarded for her jumping on your lap. At this moment, be absolutely calm so as not to frighten the animal with your wild joy about this. Be patient, first take a closer look at the animal's behavior and make sure that the cat wants to be petted. If a cat lies down next to you and puts its head or back under your hand, then be sure to pay attention to it and stop petting it when the slightest sign displeasure.

If you follow these simple rules, then soon your communication with your pet will become a pleasant ritual for both of you.