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High blood pressure, pills don’t help: the reasons for the ineffectiveness of therapy and ways to overcome the situation. The best pills for headaches: lists of drugs

Headache that cannot be relieved with painkillers may be due to many reasons - from ordinary stress to cancer. You should not take several tablets in the hope of getting rid of migraines. This can aggravate the disease or waste precious time for treatment.

If nothing relieves pain, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of pain

This disease is hereditary, usually manifests itself in females, less often in males. There is no cure for it, but it is possible to temporarily suppress the symptoms. May be caused by lack of sleep, hormonal problems, poor nutrition, vascular pathologies.
Clinical picture
Painful sensations are localized in one part of the head, they seem to pulsate. The nature of the pain is severe. The patient feels nauseous, possibly vomiting, photophobia, and intolerance to sounds.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State University medical University them. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

This attack lasts from 2-3 hours to a day.

Doctor's intervention
Treatment is prescribed by a therapist.
The doctor will be able to diagnose migraine in a patient based on the symptoms described by the patient during the conversation.
Patients should change their diet. Completely excluded from the menu alcoholic drinks, oranges and other citrus fruits.

You should not eat smoked foods, chocolate, or foods containing monosodium glutamate.

Eating eggs and cottage cheese also provokes headaches. It is recommended to consume dishes from these products as little as possible.

To the patient should be abandoned. The maximum amount of coffee a patient can drink is limited to one mug per day.

Expert opinion

Prikhodko Arkady Arkadievich

Rheumatologist - city clinic, Moscow.

Education: FGBNU NIIR named after V.A. Nasonova, Astrakhan State medical Academy.

Cluster pain

Disease Similar to a migraine, but the pain is more localized. Most often it is observed at the same point. Its nature is also hereditary, like migraine. Both men and women are susceptible to cluster pain. They are often observed in men with an athletic build and bad habits. Scientists have determined that the portrait of a sick person usually looks like this: light eye color, square face, cleft chin.

But at the same time, the disease practically does not occur in children.

Clinical picture
The nature of the pain is acute. head can burn and bake. Typically, pain is localized in the area brow ridges, are accompanied by pain in the eyes, can radiate to auricle, temple, jaw.

Nervous tremors of the eyeball may begin, and the patient sweats heavily during a painful attack. His skin they turn pale, the person feels nauseous and has a stuffy nose.

The stronger the headache, the more watery and red the eyeballs become. The patient is constantly irritated by pain, and the quality of life deteriorates. Sometimes people suffering from this disease even have suicidal tendencies.

The pain can be short-term, for 10-15 minutes or two more times per day, and then may not bother a person for almost a year. The reasons for this periodicity of manifestation cluster pain Doctors don’t know, so treatment is aimed at prolonging the period of remission.
Doctor's intervention
Consultation with a neurologist is recommended.
The root causes of pathology there could be many factors - from jaw and skull injuries to high blood pressure.

Expert opinion

Filimoshin Oleg Alexandrovich

Doctor - neurologist, city clinic of Orenburg. Education: Orenburg State Medical Academy, Orenburg.

The patient should tell the doctor all the symptoms so that the doctor can accurately determine the cause of the pain and prescribe treatment.

For diagnosis, MRI, vascular angiogram, and x-ray are used. cervical region spine.
Treatment of the disease is complex and includes:

  • Taking medications (triptans, dihydroergotamine-based nasal sprays and drops, painkillers, steroid blockers and hormonal drugs, tranquilizers).
  • Oxygen inhalations.
  • Use of cooling compresses with ice.
  • Acupuncture.

Viral arteritis

This rare pathology vessels with lesions carotid artery. Usually appears in the form temporal arteritis. When the disease occurs, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted due to narrowing of the aorta.

As the disease progresses, blood flow to the head may be blocked.

Clinical picture
The headaches are pulsating in nature and often radiate to the jaw. The patient feels constant fatigue, he has a fever, there is weight loss, and his muscles hurt.

Arises oxygen starvation tissue due to narrowing of the arteries. The consequence may be blindness and stroke. When the blood vessels are inflamed, the hands often hurt.
Doctor's intervention
Treatment is carried out by surgeons and phlebologists.
Diagnosis of the disease occurs using a blood test and artery biopsy.
Direction of treatment: elimination inflammatory process in the arteries.

  • The pathology is treated with Cortisone (orally or by injection). This therapy has many side effects- For example, heavy sweating, bruising, swelling, weight gain.
  • Aspirin. Thins the blood, prevents it from clotting in the arteries, reduces the risk of stroke and blindness.
  • Frequently administered therapy provokes. Therefore, the patient needs to take calcium and vitamins. For women it is necessary additional treatment Actonel, taking estrogens, etc.

These are neoplasms localized in brain tissue. They can be benign or malignant. Benign tumors do not give metastases, have clear growth boundaries, are treated non-surgically, and do not have relapses.

Malignant tumors are characterized by rapid germination into other tissues with their subsequent transformation. In this case, metastases can be observed in several areas of the brain at once.

Such tumors are difficult to treat, and late stages their development, it is almost impossible to save a person.

Clinical picture
Character pain- constant, as the disease progresses, the duration of attacks increases. When a person moves, the pain intensifies. First they are localized in the tumor area, then, as they increase intracranial pressure, pass into the frontal and occipital part. Most severe discomfort observed at night and morning time due to fluid accumulation. The veins cannot cope with the outflow of blood, so swelling and stagnation are added to the pain. The pain is pressing, bursting, throbbing.

Vomiting is then added to the headaches. With physical activity or coughing, the pain intensifies, double vision appears, and at times vision disappears. The patient feels dizzy and loses coordination of movements. Limbs may go numb, muscle tone is weakened.

Sometimes there are epileptic seizures, consciousness is confused.

Doctor's intervention
The help of a therapist, neurosurgeon, oncologist, and radiation oncologist is needed.
Brain MRI, PET, brain CT, angiography and other methods are used for diagnosis.

  • To relieve pain on early stages diseases, doctors recommend diuretics and, with the help of which it is possible to achieve partial removal of swelling and normalization of blood supply to the affected area.
  • Removal of the tumor using laser, endoscopy and ultrasound.
  • Excision of the tumor. The method is traumatic. Excision methods: craniotomy or removal of bone fragments.


Your head may hurt Under the influence toxic substances contained in alcohol, alcohol, chemical compounds. You can get poisoned due to contact with furniture not made to standards, food and drinks of inadequate quality, etc.
Clinical picture
The nature of the pain is intense and aching. In addition, the patient feels malaise, weakness, and drowsiness.

He may feel nauseous and vomit.

Doctor's intervention
We need the help of a therapist, who then refers the patient to an infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist. At severe forms Poisoned patient receives an ambulance urgent Care toxicologists and resuscitators.
The disease is diagnosed through a conversation with the patient, urine and blood tests. The analysis helps determine the substance that caused the poisoning, which helps correct positioning diagnosis.

  • The patient requires emergency gastric lavage to remove toxins from the body. As long as they are present, treatment with pain-relieving pills will do nothing.
  • Taking absorbent agents. The best option is Activated carbon, which will restore the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and remove toxins from the body.
  • Laxatives. Along with gastric lavage, they will help remove toxic substances from the body as quickly as possible.
  • In case of alcohol poisoning, Antipohmelin will help.
  • If a person is unconscious, he is given a drip with medications that stop the effect of toxins and quickly remove them from the body.

Which doctor should I contact?

Initially to the patient you should see a therapist, who, after a conversation and simple tests, diagnoses the disease and refers you to the right specialist.

Depending on the root cause of the headaches, the patient will be treated by a neurologist, neurosurgeon, phlebologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist, etc.

When should you see a doctor immediately?

  • Sudden pain with nausea and vomiting. If the patient is dizzy, then it is also necessary to consult a doctor.
  • Urgently consult a doctor when, in addition to pain, the body or limbs go numb, there is double vision, coordination of movements is impaired, vision problems arise, or the temperature is elevated.
  • If at first the pain appears rarely and does not last long, but over time it becomes more frequent or sharply intensifies.
  • If the pain is felt in one place of the head or radiates to the back of the head.
  • If the patient is over 50 years old.

What else can you do to alleviate the condition?

If it is determined that the cause of the pain is overwork or stress, then it is recommended:

  • Relax actively.
  • To sleep more.
  • Ventilate the room more often.
  • Not to be for a long time in static poses.
  • Massage your head.
  • Conduct exercise therapy.


There is no need to lock yourself at home after work, try to go for walks more. fresh air and give to the body physical activity. It is important to take walks in the park, and not near polluted roads. You can use cycling and swimming to relax your body.
Full sleep
Pain often occurs when a person does not allow himself to rest and get enough sleep. Adequate sleep should last at least 7-8 hours a day. A pillow filled with buckwheat hulls will be a good help.

You can massage your head at home yourself, without disturbing your household. We place two fingers in the dimples behind the back of the head and gently, without pressing, massage for a couple of minutes. If the pain is strong, then place your fingers on your temples and active movements We massage the temples. For chondrosis of the cervical spine, massage of the cervical-collar area should be performed.
Application of essential oils
For liquidation acute pain and reduce anxiety, rub 2-3 drops into the temple area peppermint oil within 60 seconds.
Relax your eyes
Modern people spend a lot of time at the computer. If the day is hard and the eyes are constantly strained, then it often occurs headache. Adjust the monitor's flickering frequency and brightness. From time to time, give your eyes a rest, blink more often, close your eyes for a couple of minutes.
Exercise therapy for headaches

  • Sitting on a chair, completely relax your neck and let your head tilt towards your chest under its weight. We hold our head in this position for 20 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 10 to 15 times.
  • We get up and clasp our hands. We press our thumbs to the arches of the cheekbones, the remaining fingers cover the back of the head. The gaze is directed upward. After this, we tilt our head back, overcoming the resistance of our fingers. We hold our head back for 10 seconds, after which we tilt our head towards our chest as much as possible, while keeping our head relaxed. The exercise is repeated 5 times.
  • Using our fingers, we feel the points where the pain is localized in the back of the head. Gently massage these points clockwise 15 times, then press them for 1-2 minutes.
  • We move to the base of the nose, pressing on the point where the bridge of the nose rises and the eyebrows begin. Press on it for 1-2 minutes.
  • Massage the point between the index and thumb 1-2 minutes.

From this we can conclude that headaches can be overcome, but you should not abuse painkillers without knowing the cause of discomfort.

Additionally, the following video will be very useful:

Medicines easily mask the symptoms of the disease, and the patient loses time that could be spent on treatment. A number of reasons causing pain, extensive If the discomfort does not go away or occurs periodically, then the patient needs to visit a doctor.

They help us overcome illness or cure a serious illness. medications. But sometimes it happens that medications do not help. There are several main reasons why a drug does not have the proper healing effect on the body.

The drug was prescribed incorrectly

This happens when self-medicating. You can buy medications at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. But this is completely unacceptable. Even well-known aspirin or citramon should be taken only with the permission of a doctor. The safety of these drugs is possible only with short-term use and in minimal doses.

You must understand that once a drug prescribed by a doctor that really helped you cannot be taken in the future. You should definitely consult a specialist. After all, every person should visit a doctor regularly, even if feeling great. During the medical examination, specialists will conduct a full health examination and provide advice on the use of medications.

There are times when the medicine prescribed by the doctor does not help. The doctor may also be inattentive. Therefore, we ourselves must monitor the health of the body. The instinct of self-preservation should play a major role in the life of every person. After all, symptoms and changes in the body are felt first by the patient himself, and not by the doctor.

Therefore, before taking the medication, you should carefully read the instructions and carefully study side effects. This applies to both popular drugs and their analogues, which you can find on the website drugs-analogues.rf/analog/kardiomagnil.html. If you have any doubts, be sure to go to the doctor. In addition, the recommendations described in the instructions are only advisory in nature for the average patient. The doctor will take into account your condition and select the appropriate dosage of the medicine.

Illiterate use of medications

Medicines must be taken correctly. On speed and force of impact medicine It also affects what they are taken with. The duration of promotion of the drug and its rate of absorption into the blood even depend on the time of taking the drug. For example, on an empty stomach, paracetamol will begin to act after half an hour. But after eating - only after 2 hours.

Heart medications should not be taken on an empty stomach. An acidic stomach environment can neutralize them. Some medications react with the stomach contents and are not absorbed. There are consequences to using tetracycline after fermented milk products nutrition.

Calcium supplements should be taken before meals. They communicate easily with fatty acids. It is recommended to take enzymes with meals. And here acetylsalicylic acid It is forbidden to take on an empty stomach.

If you are prescribed to take the medicine on an empty stomach, then you need to take it in the morning half an hour before a meal. Drugs prescribed “under the tongue” are not tied to the time of day. Their absorption goes directly into the blood, bypassing the liver and stomach.

If a patient takes several medications, then you need to know how they are combined. Otherwise, you may cause an adverse reaction.

Dummy drug

You can buy it at the pharmacy fake medicine. If a counterfeit drug does not have an effect, then this is not bad. But it happens that the reaction is exactly the opposite of what is indicated in the instructions. What should I do? You should pay attention to the following signs:

Annotation. The medicine must always be accompanied detailed annotation, which describes the indications and contraindications of the drug. At the pharmacy you can request a quality certificate, and always take the receipt with you. In genuine drugs, the instructions always have the form of an accordion, which is bent around the package of tablets.

The color of the drug. It must be indicated in the description of the drug. You will also find the dosage there, possible odor and other external distinctive features.

Shelf life of the drug. It is indicated on the packaging, as well as on tablet plates.

Storage conditions of the drug. Some products need to be stored in a cool place. This is required in the instructions. Storage dates must be strictly observed. Otherwise, the medicine will bring harm rather than benefit to health. Up to 20% of medications become dangerous if stored improperly.

Hypertension is a diagnosis familiar to many. Deterioration ecological situation, the dominance of gadgets leads to chronic condition which is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. Hypertension cannot be cured forever, however, with constant use of medications prescribed by a doctor, the pressure gradually returns to normal. If the pressure does not decrease with pills, you need to find the cause and try to eliminate it.

Why does high blood pressure persist after taking medications?

WHO has given recommendations on which blood pressure readings can be considered elevated. Thus, an upper pressure of 120 mmHg is considered normal. Art., and the lower - 80 mm Hg. Art. An increase in the upper level to 140, and the lower level to 90 is considered a symptom of the development of hypertension. Hypertension can be completely asymptomatic, but some signs may suggest it:

  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • chest pain.

What to do if you notice one or more symptoms: you should consult a doctor for examination and prescription drug treatment. If there is no effect from therapy, analyze why the pressure does not decrease after taking the pills:

  1. incorrect selection of medications;
  2. incorrect dosage;
  3. irregular medication intake;
  4. nutritional imbalance: alcohol abuse, as well as frequent use spicy, smoked, fatty foods lead to increased blood pressure;
  5. stress;
  6. excess salt in the body.

Why does the pressure, despite the measures taken, persist and not decrease? Perhaps the prescribed drug is not suitable for the patient. The doctor may change beta blockers to another drug if the patient is intolerant or if they do not work. Simultaneous use taking several drugs can also enhance their effect.

Selection of drugs is a rather labor-intensive and lengthy process.

After all, they can be combined with each other for maximum effective correction pressure.

Incorrect medications taken

Selection of medications for diagnosed hypertension - key moment in treatment, because people with hypertension are included in. High blood pressure is a prerequisite for serious illnesses, including damage to cerebral vessels, and others important organs. With incorrectly selected pills or incorrect dosage, hypertension progresses and becomes a potential cause:

  • heart attack;
  • heart or kidney failure;
  • cerebral hemorrhages;
  • stroke.

Rules for selecting medications for hypertension

Standard drugs for the treatment of hypertension are divided into the following types:

  • Diuretics: diuretics, help lower the level of water and salt in the body. They are taken over a long course, but in small dosages. If there is no effect of reducing pressure, it is advisable to change the product to a more powerful one. With an increase in the dose of the diuretic, progression of diabetes mellitus and an increase in blood cholesterol levels is possible.

Drugs in this group: Arifon retard, Lasix, Vrospiron.

  • ACE inhibitors(angiotensin-converting enzyme): unlike the previous group, these tablets are prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus. The action of this drug is based on reducing the synthesis of angiotensin, a substance that constricts blood vessels. ACE inhibitors also reduce blood flow to the heart, reducing its workload.

Drugs in this group: Captopril, Enalapril, Quinapril, Fozinopril.

  • Calcium antagonists: With hypertension, the level of calcium in the blood is reduced, and in the cells it is increased. This leads to increased reactions of the heart to the influence of biologically active substances. Calcium antagonist drugs restore the balance of Ca in cells and plasma, and regulate the movement of calcium within the cell itself.

Drugs in this group: Verapamil, Felodipine, Nifedipine retard, Diltiazem retard.

  • Angiotensin II receptor blockers: drugs in this group, in addition to lowering blood pressure, improve liver function. Prescribed if the patient is intolerant ACE inhibitors. After the end of the dose, they do not cause a response in the form of a repeated increase in pressure.

Drugs in this group: Losartan, Valsartan, Candesartan, Telmisartan.

  • Beta blockers. Drugs that block the effect of adrenaline on the heart muscle. The less stress on the heart, the faster the pressure normalizes. They regulate heart rate and are successfully used to stabilize arrhythmia.

Drugs in this group: Acebutolol, Bisoprolol, Pindolol.

Excess salt

According to medical statistics, salt abuse is one of the main causes of hypertension. When there is an excess of salt in the body, the functioning of the left ventricle of the heart is disrupted and it increases in size. Reducing the amount of salt consumed leads to normalization of heart function.

Ways to reduce the amount of salt in the body

The first thing a doctor prescribes to a patient with high blood pressure- reduce the amount of salt you consume and monitor your blood pressure. How can you do this:

  1. Water: the simplest, and for everyone available method, helping to reduce the amount of salt in the body - drink more water. After all, it is water that dissolves and removes it through the kidneys. Nutritionists advise for maximum effect in small doses, but often throughout the day.
  2. Physical activity: with sweat, water and minerals are removed from the body. Along with water, the body also gets rid of salt. The longer you exercise or run in the park, the more salt you will lose. A few bike rides will help you avoid lowering your blood pressure with medication. Do not forget to drink water in order to replenish the body’s water and electrolyte balance and prevent a deficiency of essential microelements.
  3. Power adjustment: special diet will help limit salt intake. The optimal level of salt intake for an adult is 2000-2300 mg per day. And less is possible, but more is no longer recommended. If a person is prone to edema or high blood pressure, salt intake should be reduced. It is advisable that a nutritionist prescribe dietary restrictions to the patient, because the amount of salt in some foods is not obvious.
  4. Natural Remedies: Foods such as asparagus, onions, and dandelion root are excellent natural diuretics. By consuming these foods throughout the day, you will enhance and speed up the elimination of salt from the body. Drinks containing caffeine also stimulate urine production, but you need to be careful because they also increase blood pressure. Don't forget when taking these natural diuretics drink more water to replenish its balance in the body.

Adrenal diseases

There are many, but before using them, you need to undergo a thorough examination, because hypertension can be a symptom of some diseases of the adrenal glands. Among them:

  1. Hyperaldosteronism (Cohn syndrome)- a disease whose cause lies in advanced education the hormone aldosterone by the adrenal cortex. This leads to increased leaching of potassium and accumulation of sodium in the body. Symptoms of this disease:
  • high blood pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • constant feeling of thirst;
  • frequent night urination;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • muscle pain;
  1. Pheochromocytoma: Tumor of part of the adrenal glands increases the production of adrenaline, dopamine and norepinephrine. The presence of pheochromocytoma may be indicated by:

  • frequent headache or heart pain;
  • frequent urination;
  • increased excitability, sweating;
  • a sharp increase in blood pressure to 250/180;
  • dilated pupils.

If, despite all the measures taken, the pressure does not decrease, your doctor will tell you what to do after the examination.


According to statistics, at least half of the people on the planet suffer from the regular occurrence of cephalalgia. Moreover, only 20% of them go to a professional with their problem, the rest try to cope with the pain on their own. Individuals predisposed to a symptom often know which medications and approaches can quickly relieve them discomfort. But it happens that at some stage these methods of influence cease to give the desired result, and dangerous experiments begin. When asked what to do if you have a severe headache and popular pills don’t help at all, the attending physician will best answer. It is he who must decide how to deal with a chronic or new symptom.

Why does my headache not go away?

Modern medicine offers dozens of medications whose action is aimed at eliminating cephalgia. There are also a number of non-drug approaches that can provide the same effect. It sometimes happens that these options are successfully used by patients for months and years, and then they stop working. desired result. Attempts to change dosages or increase the intensity of exposure do not help as expected.

If you have a headache for several days and there is no relief, the reasons may be:

  • drinking alcohol and smoking - these substances reduce the effectiveness of medications and aggravate the severity of symptoms;
  • disrupted daily routine - absence good sleep of sufficient duration can nullify the results of all therapeutic measures;
  • use fatty foods- these harmful products reduce the quality of drug absorption and negatively affect the functionality of blood vessels;
  • incorrect combination of medications – drugs can neutralize each other’s effects or cause headaches as a side reaction;
  • the body has become accustomed to the medication due to excess dosages or violation of the schedule for taking it;
  • the patient developed another pathological condition, causing headaches.

Doctors warn that the persistence of a headache throughout the day is an indication for seeking medical attention. medical care. Especially if attempts were made to alleviate the patient’s condition, but they did not produce a therapeutic effect.

You will learn more about the long-term course of cephalgia

The main causes of frequent headaches

There are many factors that can provoke the development of cephalgia. This list includes excessive physical and mental stress, lesions of the cervical spine, alcohol consumption and smoking, pathological increases or decreases in blood pressure, organic and other pathologies of the brain. The result of the treatment depends on the correct identification of the cause of the development of the symptom, so the diagnosis of the condition should be carried out by a professional.


The chronic neurological condition most often occurs in women and can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations. Symptoms of migraine in the form of unilateral throbbing headache, mood swings, violent reaction to external stimuli, nausea and vomiting can persist from 2-3 hours to 3 days. In case of a prolonged attack, the pain subsides on the second day, but still does not allow you to exercise business as usual. To combat exacerbation of the disease, analgesics, NSAIDs, triptans, ergotamines, combination drugs. They are prescribed only by a doctor and must be taken strictly according to plan.

Cluster headaches

The disease, which manifests itself in the form of a series of attacks of cephalalgia, is typical for middle-aged men with a strong build. Sensations are localized in one half of the head and radiate to eyeball. This is a burning, boring, unbearable and increasing pain that lasts from 10 minutes to an hour. The picture is accompanied by lacrimation, irritability, nausea, nasal congestion, sweating and pale skin.

If you have a severe headache and the usual pills do not help with the next attack, you need to call ambulance. Attempts to endure the exacerbation of the cluster sometimes lead to cases of suicide.

Headaches from stress

Chronic emotional, physical or mental overload leads to malfunctions in the body, which manifests itself in the form of cephalgia.

Severe and prolonged overexertion provokes spasm of blood vessels in the neck and brain. Tissues stop receiving oxygen and nutrients V the required volume, toxins accumulate in them. Headaches in this case are girdling, they cover cranium like a hoop and hit the back of the head, temples, forehead, lower jaw. Symptoms intensify after experiences or in the afternoon. Complemented by irritability, sleep disturbances, and decreased performance.


The entry of toxins into the body leads to deterioration general well-being. Headache becomes one of the many symptoms. The nature of cephalgia is very intense, aching, growing. It is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, dizziness, intestinal disorders, drowsiness and weakness. Depending on the type of poison, more may appear severe symptoms– confusion or loss of consciousness, suffocation, collapse of blood vessels, heart failure, coma.

You can learn about the effect of poisoning on the development of cephalalgia.

Headache that occurs due to drug overdose

The phenomenon is characterized by severe headache due to intoxication. The clinical picture may vary and depends on the type medications taken. In some cases, symptoms characteristic of food or chemical poisoning. In others, the emergency situation proceeds like a stormy allergic reaction. Regardless of the situation, you must call an ambulance. If the drugs were taken recently, you should try to flush the patient’s stomach before the team arrives.

What to do if pills don't help

The easiest way to get rid of an ailment that has arisen suddenly and distracts you from your usual activities is to take a pill for your headache. This may be an antispasmodic if there is a suspicion of cerebral vascular spasm: “Spazmalgon”, “No-Shpa” or “Baralgin”. Good effect give NSAIDs: Paracetamol, Citramon, Ibuprofen. If the listed tablets do not help with a headache attack, it is better to refrain from taking further medications until you visit a doctor.

Should I take painkillers?

Some people are ready to take medications all day long just to stop cephalalgia and not
visit a doctor at the same time. This tactic can lead to the development of drug addiction. NSAIDs, painkillers, triptans and ergotamines relieve well pain sensitivity, but their abuse or violation of established schedules is fraught with a decrease in the effectiveness of the drugs. Increase permissible dosages increases the risk of side effects.

If you take analgesics for headaches on your own and neglect the rules, you can provoke abusive cephalgia. This is a condition in which the use of medications does not relieve the symptom, but rather provokes its appearance. In this case, the treatment of the pathology is to stop taking medications. Within 1.5-2 months after this, the condition should normalize.

Traditional methods of treatment

A head massage has a good effect in the fight against cephalgia. Sometimes it helps even in cases where medications are useless. This can be a general or targeted effect for 5-10 minutes, or the use of massagers. In addition to this, it is worth considering folk recipes funds based natural products. Before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor.

If you have a severe headache and pills and physical therapy don’t help, you should try the following approaches:

  • cinnamon tincture - dilute a pinch of seasoning in a tablespoon of water, leave for half an hour and take. If there is no effect, the manipulation can be repeated after an hour;
  • cabbage juice - chop the vegetable leaves, squeeze out the liquid. Soak a cloth in it and apply it to the sore spot;
  • vinegar compress - mix a glass of vinegar juice and cool water. Moisten a scarf in the resulting solution, wring it out and pull her head tightly for 15 minutes;
  • use of essential oils - rub menthol or mint oil into whiskey;
  • soothing tea - a herbal mixture is made from lemon balm, mint and chamomile and poured with boiling water (a tablespoon per glass of liquid). You can drink after the drink has cooled to a comfortable temperature.

In some cases the best remedy for headaches - a few hours of sleep in a dark, cool and quiet room. You can also take a walk in the fresh air or take cold and hot shower without sharp drop temperatures

Why is medical consultation necessary?

A headache that does not help with pills may indicate the development of emergency condition. Sharp increasing cephalalgia is characteristic of a stroke, infectious lesion brain, intracranial hematoma and a number of other dangerous phenomena.

On the background alarming symptom you need to call an ambulance or visit a clinic. To identify the problem, the doctor prescribes general and special methods diagnostics, based on the results of which a decision is made on further actions.


If you are prone to persistent headaches that are difficult to relieve with medication, increased attention is paid to preventive measures. Their list depends on what disease you are predisposed to. Additionally, it is worth reviewing the principles of nutrition, quality of rest, and daily routine. The risk of cephalalgia will decrease if you regularly walk in the fresh air, exercise hardening of the body, and set aside time to do physical exercise. From time to time it is worth organizing relaxation days: baths and baths with essential oils, drinking herbal tea, massage.

Tablets can relieve headaches, but they cannot always eliminate its cause. Situations when even effective means do not help with prolonged cephalalgia, they need to be assessed by specialists. Any experiments with health increase the likelihood of worsening the situation and developing complications. It’s better not to take risks and immediately seek help from professionals.

Headaches are one of the most common ailments in humans. Barely felt this symptom, many are in a hurry to take various painkillers, most often in the form of tablets. However, sometimes situations arise in which a headache occurs, pills do not help, and most people do not know what to do.

The reason why nothing helps is that headaches are often just a symptom of more serious illnesses. In this regard, it is necessary to fight not with the consequences, but with the source of the problem, that is, with the cause of the disease.

There can be many prerequisites for the appearance of a headache - from simple overwork to problems requiring surgical intervention. Most often, a headache does not go away for the following reasons:

  • stress caused by conflicts or anxiety;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • rheumatism in the neck;
  • excessive use of alcohol or tobacco;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • allergies or poisoning;
  • drug exposure;
  • weather dependence.

Coping with most of these factors is not difficult - a person just needs to change his lifestyle a little, react more calmly to difficulties and balance his diet.

However, in some cases this will not be enough and you will need to take specialized medications or help qualified specialist. The latter is especially important, since self-medication can lead to worsening of the condition or loss of valuable time for medical care.

Doctors note that headache may be one of the symptoms following problems with health:

There are also types of headaches that are not associated with other pathologies. These include:

  • migraine;
  • cluster headache.

As you can see from the list, the diseases are serious. That is why, if you have a severe headache (and especially if) and pills do not help, you need as much as possible early diagnosis to prevent complications in the future.


This disease has a long duration - from several hours to several days and is often hereditary. Most often women suffer from the disease. The causes of migraines are mainly sleep problems, changes in hormonal levels, unbalanced nutrition and vascular pathologies. With a migraine, the pain usually has a pulsating nature and is focused on one side of the face.

The disease can be recognized by the symptoms that precede it:

  • irritability;
  • isolation;
  • vomiting or nausea;
  • aversion to bright light and noise.

In order for the headache to go away, some changes in diet are needed. Thus, experts recommend giving up alcohol, coffee, citrus fruits, smoked products, chocolate, eggs and cottage cheese. It is best to immediately contact a specialist if symptoms appear and undergo full diagnostics body, based on the results of which a further course of treatment will be proposed. If this is not possible, then the following folk remedies can help:

  • lemon peel, which is applied to the temporal areas;
  • freshly squeezed potato juice;
  • tincture based on clover leaves;
  • blackcurrant juice, take 3-4 times a day;
  • massage of the temporal areas using mint oil.

Cluster pain

The disease resembles the previous one, but differs in a smaller area painful area. As a rule, it occurs at one point of the head. Most often found in men with an athletic build. Character traits appearance of the sick person, as a rule: square shape faces, cleft chin and light eyes. This type of headache does not occur in children.

Cluster pain is more acute than migraine pain. In addition, there is a burning sensation in the head in the eyebrow area and pain in the eyes. The pain may eventually spread to the ears, jaw, or temples. The duration of pain varies from several tens of minutes to several hours. In some cases, attacks may disappear for a long time. The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • irritability;
  • eyes water and turn red;
  • pallor;
  • nausea;
  • nasal congestion;
  • sweating

A possible cause of pain is a change in hormonal levels associated with impaired functioning of the hypothalamus.

Brain tumor

This tumor appears in the brain tissue and can be either malignant or benign. The latter can be cured without surgery. Malignant tumor grows very quickly and metastasizes. Therefore, the disease is difficult to treat, especially in the later stages.

With this disease, pain is felt constantly, and only intensifies during movement. The most severe pain occurs in the morning and at night due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. The nature of the pain is pressing, throbbing.
In addition to the headache itself, other symptoms gradually appear:

  • bouts of vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • vision problems;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • memory impairment;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • persistent signs of fatigue.

Treatment carried out on initial stage, has a much greater chance of success than in the later stages. This is why it is recommended not to delay visiting your doctor. Sometimes the patient’s life depends on this. As a rule, it is prescribed radiation therapy and certain medications. In some cases, surgery cannot be avoided. Treatment based on folk remedies does not help here. The maximum that can be achieved is to reduce the symptoms.

Sometimes pain occurs due to intoxication. You can be poisoned, for example, by fumes of toxic substances contained in clothing or furniture. To relieve pain, it is enough to get rid of problematic household items. However, the most common cause of headaches is food poisoning. If you suspect this disorder, you should:

  • rinse the stomach;
  • take activated carbon;
  • drink a laxative.

These activities will help remove from the body harmful substances, as a result, the pain will decrease or stop completely. In case of poisoning, headache pills do not help. At alcohol poisoning advise you to drink a little orange juice or mineral water.

Pressure drops

Unstable arterial pressure, in addition to headaches, can lead to dizziness or even a stroke. If this problem occurs, be sure to contact a specialist. Having found the cause of blood pressure changes, he will prescribe appropriate medications.

In some cases, a headache is added to the toothache over time. Of course, first of all you need to solve your dental problem by visiting a good dentist. Decoctions based on the following herbs will help:

  • fragrant mint;
  • Linden;
  • sage;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • yarrow.

Before taking the tincture, you should cool it to room temperature, as too hot or cold liquid will only worsen the symptoms.

Stress and depression

Stressful and conflict situations, anxiety, and depression almost always lead to headaches. The main thing in this case is to calm down, try to get rid of the problem and relax. Sometimes it will be enough to take a mild painkiller and valerian tincture. But the main thing is to get a good night's sleep.

As a preventative measure, it is necessary to ventilate the premises more often, change your working position every half hour, and also do exercises. A head massage helps a lot. It would be a good idea to seek psychological help to a specialist. After an appointment with a psychologist, a person sometimes completely reconsiders his views on problems. In particular advanced cases Antidepressants or sleeping pills may be prescribed.

At positive result Appropriate medications and measures will be prescribed. Attempting self-medication may lead to sad consequences, since some remedies can worsen the situation.

Treatment methods

When you have a headache, you don’t always need to rush to take medications. This can be addictive and in some situations will only make the pain worse. The best solution will do light massage head, namely the forehead, temples and back of the head. Then it is advisable to go for a walk in the fresh air. Will have a beneficial effect on the condition Herb tea with the addition of mint or motherwort. But drinking coffee is not recommended.

When working, you need to change positions more often, use table lamps if necessary, and ventilate the room more often. Upon returning home, you should take a contrast shower and drink a glass of honey and milk. If all this does not help, then you need to take painkillers. However, remember that this should be done no more than once a week, so as not to become addictive.

  • the head should not get too cold, so you need to wear a hat or other headgear;
  • try to find out the cause of the disease by consulting a specialist;
  • try not to get depressed and maintain a positive attitude no matter what;
  • healthy sleep is the key to your health;
  • do not forget about periodic walks in the fresh air;
  • at severe pain avoid sudden movements and unpleasant odors;
  • Take painkillers less often.

Folk remedies

Hawthorn and oregano with the addition of lemon are good for headaches. The decoction is prepared by adding a tablespoon of one of the herbs, lemon and a spoon of honey (optional) to a container of boiling water. Next, you need to let the product brew, then take it 50 ml 15 minutes before meals 2-3 times a whole day. Popular folk remedy is taking baths with infusions aromatic herbs and lemon balm.


If you experience frequent headaches and regular painkillers do not help, you should definitely make an appointment with your doctor. Correct and timely treatment using appropriate medications will help avoid problems and complications in the future. Of course, most often pain appears due to stress and overexertion, but it’s still not worth the risk, because your health, and in some cases even your life, is at stake.