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The first signs of HIV and AIDS in women. Symptoms of HIV and AIDS in women in the early and late stages with photos and videos

Today, AIDS is one of the five major killer diseases (including cancer, diabetes, and pneumonia), due to which the largest number of people die on our planet. The disease is growing and spreading to new regions.

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a stage of the human immunodeficiency virus, when, due to its development and the gradual decrease in the immunity of the infected person, his condition is characterized by constantly occurring opportunistic infections (diseases caused by viruses and bacteria that do not cause healthy people with normal immunity diseases), tumor and other non- infectious diseases.

Immunodeficiency syndrome is very insidious disease. The first ones are very easy to miss, because most often in the first stages of this disease there are practically no symptoms. However, they can sometimes appear a short period of time after infection.

In order not to miss it in time, you need to know what they include:

1. Causeless and asymptomatic increased temperature the patient's body to 37.5-38 degrees, which goes away as suddenly as it appears.

2. Enlarged lymph nodes in the groin, armpits, and neck. They do not hurt and have a compacted structure to the touch.

3. Red spots all over the body.

4. Increased fatigue.

5. Periodic fever and night sweats.

6. Occasional discomfort in the throat, pain when swallowing.

7. Problems with stool, diarrhea.

Such symptoms are typical for a simple cold or flu, so many people do not pay attention to these signs. However, the first signs of AIDS fade and reappear over time, which may mean that the disease is progressing.

Symptoms of the disease also include persistent pneumonia, herpes, cytomegalo viral infection, tuberculosis.

In a person who is HIV-infected, the first signs of AIDS are also frequent illnesses, which in people with a normal immune system go away on their own or are fairly easy to treat; they can lead to a condition where diseases begin to develop internal organs, often ending in the death of a person.

Additionally, other first signs of AIDS may appear: white spots in oral cavity, as well as fast and significant There are also individual symptoms in women and men.

The first may be frequent infectious diseases of the pelvic organs and vaginal infections, which are difficult to treat, and an abnormal cervical smear.

The first signs of AIDS in men, which do not appear in women, are, firstly, a rash, which appears from one week to a month and can appear as multiple patches of discolored skin. Secondly, men who have this disease often experience headaches. Unlike women, in men the signs of AIDS are very vague and short-lived.

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is advanced stage HIV infection is very dangerous and difficult to treat. In order not to miss the moment and not put your life in danger, it is better, at the slightest suspicion, to undergo a test for the presence of the immunodeficiency virus, which today is the only reliable way to identify this disease, giving a 100% result. Even if HIV has entered the body, if it is detected in a timely manner, its reproduction can be controlled using modern medicines stop development in the body.

Take care of yourself and remember possible consequences your weaknesses.

One of the most terrible diseases today is human immunodeficiency syndrome, caused by the virus of the same name. A large number of Scientists have been looking for a cure for AIDS for a long time, but, unfortunately, So far, the virus that destroys human immunity has not been defeated.

This is due to the fact that the virus genetically mutates after entering the body. Once the immune system starts producing antibodies, HIV changes.

If a person has been infected with one type of virus, then when another strain enters his body, a new infection. In addition, HIV is well masked in the intracellular space, becoming latent.

HIV has negative impact on the immune system, gradually suppressing it. Thus, a person dies not from the virus as such, but from concomitant diseases, because the body loses its ability to resist the simplest infections.

However, a person with HIV can live a long and happy life, have a family and children. For this it is necessary to begin treatment immediately after the first signs of infection are detected. They do not occur immediately; after infection, it can take from several weeks to several months.

It is possible to diagnose the disease in the first stages only by using special diagnostic methods, but some signs can still suggest the presence of a dangerous virus in the body.

The first signs of HIV disease are not clearly expressed and are often confused with a cold or mononucleosis.

Most of us don’t like going to the doctor, especially for such “trifle” things. As a result, time is lost, because the sooner to start taking special drugs, the more successful the treatment will be.

It should also be remembered that no matter how long it takes for symptoms to appear, a person becomes a carrier of the disease immediately after the virus enters his blood. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your health, undergo regular examinations, and if any alarming symptoms immediately seek help from specialists.

Types of HIV Symptoms

The danger of HIV infection is that it practically does not manifest itself at all initial stage diseases.

The main symptoms of AIDS appear long after infection.

Experts introduced classification of symptoms of HIV infection, each of which is characteristic of a specific period of the disease:

  • incubation period may last two weeks, several months or a year. The rate of penetration of the virus into all cells of the body depends on several factors, including the state of health of the person, his age and others. individual characteristics. At this stage of the disease there are practically no symptoms. Doctors also call this phase of the disease the window period or seroconversion. It ends when a trace of the virus can be detected in the blood;
  • the further course of the disease is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of colds, flu or mononucleosis. The patient's temperature rises to 38°C, a sore throat appears, and the lymph nodes become inflamed. A person in this state feels weak, diarrhea and vomiting often occur, weight loss is noted, and women may also develop thrush. At first, these symptoms do not appear very strongly, but the brighter they become, the closer the final stage of the disease, which is called AIDS. With such symptoms, it is quite difficult to detect HIV. Particular attention is paid to diagnosis only if the patient himself declares contact with HIV-infected people;
  • secondary symptoms of HIV infection are caused by infectious diseases, which develop against its background. This includes staphylococcal skin lesions, oral candidiasis, all kinds of pustular rashes, as well as the occurrence of cancerous tumors.

There are also external signs of HIV, the appearance of which should alert a person. These include the appearance of a characteristic rash on the skin that covers almost the entire body. Redness usually appears 5-10 days after HIV infection.

The main symptoms of the disease include a significant increase in lymph nodes. They become 2-3 times larger, while the skin above them does not change its color. Localization of compactions is observed in the groin, neck and armpit area, while swollen lymph nodes are not directly related to each other.

Symptoms of HIV in men

At the initial stage of the disease, gender does not have much effect on symptoms.

But later some differences arise; the first signs of HIV infection in men appear as follows:

  1. A pronounced rash on the body. Redness on the skin appears more often in men than in women. In this case, the rash has a brighter color and severity. Such signs appear 3 days after infection, and after some time the redness disappears.
  2. Approximately 1-3 months after infection, a man may experience flu-like condition. The temperature rises sharply, painful sensations in the throat, chills and night sweats appear.
  3. Symptoms rarely occur one month after infection, but the main one is severe enlargement of lymph nodes, not related to each other.
  4. If infection occurs as a result of sexual contact, then such symptoms may occur in men early stages, How mucous discharge from the urethra. It may also be felt pain during urination and discomfort in the perineal area.
  5. In most cases, there are no symptoms 3 months after infection. This is an asymptomatic stage. At this stage, the man feels completely healthy; special tests cannot detect the virus.

HIV infection appears differently in each person, and the timing of symptoms will also vary. Duration of incubation and acute periods depend on how strong the man’s immunity is. If he has good health and is in good condition physical fitness, then the first symptoms of the disease may appear several years after infection.

Symptoms of HIV in women

The timing of HIV manifestation in women is also unclear. But experts note that In a woman’s body, HIV infection develops several times slower than in men. No to this scientific explanation, perhaps this feature is due to the fact that women are usually more attentive to their health.

Just like in men, the first signs of HIV infection in women do not appear immediately after infection. These include:

  • seemingly unreasonable increase in temperature body temperature up to 38°C, it does not decrease for 2-3 days;
  • decreased performance, loss of strength and general weakness . Such attacks can be short-term or continue for a long time;
  • swollen lymph nodes V groin area, as well as on the neck and armpits;
  • heavy menstruation, accompanied severe pain and unpleasant sensations in the pelvic area;
  • mucous vaginal discharge, after HIV infection, their number increases noticeably;
  • frequent headaches and increased irritability.

In addition, women are characterized by symptoms in the early stages such as severe night sweats accompanied by high fever and chills. This condition is called generalized lymphadenopathy. When it becomes regular, serious suspicions arise that the woman is infected with HIV. After some time it is noted sudden weight loss.

The initial stage of HIV infection in women can last from 1 month to a year, but most often antibodies to the virus can be detected in the blood 3-4 months after infection. At this moment, the next stage of the disease begins.

Symptoms of HIV in women after a month are similar to the manifestations of this disease in men. A rash may appear on the body, but it will be less bright than in the stronger sex. You feel flu-like, have a sore throat, etc.

Clear signs of HIV appear in almost all patients a year after infection.

As a rule, at this time the disease progresses to acute phase, and all the symptoms of pronounced immunodeficiency appear. But it should be remembered that HIV can slow down its development at any stage of the disease, which makes it impossible to accurately determine the timing of each of them. With adequate treatment, a person can live 10-20 years, and the disease will never reach the final stage, which is irreversible and is called AIDS.

The main symptoms of HIV during pregnancy are the same. The woman experiences a sore throat, her temperature rises, and her lymph nodes are greatly enlarged. Diarrhea may also occur. Pregnancy does not affect the rate of development of HIV, but at this time it is necessary Special attention give treatment.

If an HIV-positive woman is under constant medical supervision, she will be able to give birth healthy child. Studies conducted by the world's leading scientists have not revealed any particular impact of HIV infection on the course of pregnancy. Risk premature birth occurs in HIV-positive and HIV-negative mothers with approximately equal probability.


After a long study of HIV, experts came to the conclusion that infection in the body develops gradually.

The disease occurs in several stages:

  1. The first stage is called incubation period . On average, it lasts about 3 months, but there are exceptions. Once the virus enters the body, it begins to actively invade all cells. Absent during the incubation period clinical manifestations, antibodies cannot be detected in the blood. The main symptoms of HIV in the early stages appear later.
  2. The second stage can occur in different ways. Some patients still have no clinical manifestations; the only reaction to the virus will be the appearance of specific antibodies in the blood. But most often, HIV-positive people experience flu-like symptoms. It's a fever skin rashes, enlarged lymph nodes and painful sensations in the throat. This picture is observed in more than half of sick people already 3 months after infection. This is how he manifests himself acute stage HIV. In addition, at this stage, secondary diseases can develop - this is associated with a significant decrease in immunity.
  3. Third stage of HIV (subclinical) most often occurs without symptoms. The only sign of infection in this phase is enlarged lymph nodes. This symptom can occur at any time, but for the subclinical stage it is the only one.
  4. The fourth stage is called the phase secondary diseases . During this period, the patient begins to sharply lose weight, he develops viral and fungal diseases, and malignant tumors may appear.
  5. The fifth stage is called terminal. At this stage, treatment is no longer effective, since damage to the main body systems is already irreversible.
    The most last stage HIV is called AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. When the infection turns into this disease, the person dies.

How can you become infected with HIV?

The human immunodeficiency virus penetrates all human fluids, but Only cases of infection through blood have been described, breast milk, vaginal secretions or semen. This is due to the fact that only these biological fluids contain HIV in the concentration necessary for infection.

Get this virus into human body maybe in three ways:

  • during sexual intercourse, if it is unprotected. Most people have a stereotype that only homosexuals can get HIV and AIDS. But the virus is transmitted during any sexual intercourse, regardless of the gender of the partners. During anal sex the likelihood of infection increases. This is due to the fact that the lining of the rectum is quite fragile and is abundantly supplied with blood. The least risky is oral sex, since the environment in the oral cavity itself is aggressive for HIV. But this does not mean that infection cannot occur. The only way to protect against sexual transmission of HIV today is a condom. Only a rubber barrier can prevent the virus from entering the body;
  • blood contaminated with HIV enters the body of a healthy person. This is possible when transfusion of blood or its products, as well as when using a non-sterile instrument. The chance of contracting HIV in this way is quite low, since today great attention donor health and sterilization of medical instruments. Bloodborne transmission of the virus is more common among drug users, where multiple people often share the same injection syringe;
  • from HIV positive mother to child. The infection process can occur both during pregnancy and during childbirth. Therefore, HIV-infected women rarely give birth on their own; most often, delivery occurs by cesarean section. The risk of infection of a child during breastfeeding is also high; the virus can enter the bloodstream through microcracks in the child’s mouth. Doctors do not recommend that sick women feed their newborns with their own breast milk.

Since HIV infection does not manifest itself for a long time, its detection in the early stages is possible only through special laboratory research. They can be carried out as part of a preventive examination, but you can take the test at any time. This is especially important if there has been contact with an HIV-positive person.

The human immunodeficiency virus is the most dangerous virus in the world today. The 21st century has flourished, and a cure for this deadly infection has still not been found.

HIV is dangerous because it can exist in the body unnoticed (external signs do not appear in any way), without giving signals for a long time; it is a guerrilla virus. Much depends on the characteristics of the body, its health, endurance, and lifestyle. There are cases where HIV lay dormant in the body for more than ten years, and then destroyed the female body in a few months. The danger also lies in the fact that the carrier does not know about the existence of a dangerous virus and is therefore capable of infecting a partner. In this case, monitoring your health, visiting doctors, and periodic tests will be very appropriate.

A brief overview of the HIV virus, the first symptoms in women in the early stages, external signs manifestations of the disease, the development of AIDS.

There is a myth that AIDS destroys male body much faster than the female one. But this is absolutely not true, the whole point is that women are much more attentive to their bodies and can notice the presence of the virus at the earliest stages.

Primary signs of the virus

Briefly about all the symptoms of HIV:

  1. Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits, neck, and groin area are the main and first sign of HIV in all women,
  2. Unreasonable increase in temperature to 38-40 degrees from 1 day to 2 weeks,
  3. Frequent cough headache, suffocation,
  4. Redness and itching of the genitals may also be signs of other diseases, but it is imperative to get tested for HIV,
  5. General weakness of the body, variable chills and sweating,
  6. Nausea, vomiting, attacks of pain, muscle tension,
  7. Lack of appetite, prolonged diarrhea, resulting in severe anorexia,
  8. Persistent depression.

The first signs of HIV in women often appear within the first month after infection. This is due to the fact that those infected initially have poor health. In this case, the infectious period is short, it can quickly develop into a serious stage and emergency measures must be taken.

Attention! According to statistics, 50 - 90% show the first symptoms of HIV within 3 months after infection.

Incubation – registration of the virus

Doctors have identified 4 stages of HIV life in the body: incubation (adaptation) of the virus, early symptoms HIV, development of diseases and weakening of the immune system, AIDS. The penetration of the virus into the body and its adaptation goes unnoticed, as the immune system turns on, actively produces antibodies and fights against the uninvited guest. The incubation period can last from 1 to 3 months. During this period, the first symptoms of HIV may appear and the lymph nodes may become slightly enlarged. It is worth listening to your body and paying attention to its slightest signals. HIV in an infected woman aggravates existing chronic diseases and allows other harmful bacteria to multiply. This is a distraction, treatment of the problems that have arisen begins, suppression of symptoms, and in the meantime the virus continues to spread throughout the body. The immune system is not asleep, the level of antibodies in the body increases, and during this period the primary symptoms of HIV in women appear.

Read more about symptoms...

During the incubation period HIV symptoms in women they may be completely absent, or they may somehow manifest themselves in the most different systems body.

Enlargement and pain in the lymph nodes are absolutely justified, since these are filters of the immune system that trap all harmful components that enter the blood. Lymphocytes, like warriors guarding the purity of the body, begin to fight pathogenic bacteria, there are many of them, the lymph node swells and pain indicates the process of fighting. It happened that only after a year or even after 2 years, the infected lymph nodes enlarged by 1 cm, while their state of health did not change. As HIV infection develops, a woman will have more and more symptoms every day.

Important! If the lymph nodes are swollen, you should immediately consult a doctor and general analyzes take an HIV test!

Penetration of HIV infection into the body triggers “dormant” foreign bacteria in the body, aggravating “old” chronic diseases. Such processes can cause pain, a sharp increase in temperature, seemingly causeless, but absolutely reasonable symptoms of HIV in women.
Most of the fairer sex suffer from diseases genitourinary system, we can say that this is weakness female body. Sexual and excretory system Women are the first to allow the terrible virus to manifest itself. Symptoms of HIV in a woman can manifest themselves after a month with a variety of external signs:

  1. Redness of the external genitalia,
  2. Itching in the groin area,
  3. Discharge, non-healing wounds in the reproductive system,
  4. Erosion of the internal female genital organs,
  5. Painful menstrual cycles.

Important! Women need to visit a gynecologist every 3-6 months!

HIV is progressing...

An established virus in a woman can continue to live in an “asymptomatic” mode; in the initial stage, its presence can only be detected by antibodies in the blood. The “acute” form of HIV infection may begin to manifest itself in different forms, affecting individual areas body. So-called secondary diseases begin: pneumonia, tonsillitis, candidiasis, herpes and many other dangerous diseases.

The video will briefly and clearly explain what HIV infection is, how it manifests itself, what destruction it leads to and how to avoid infection.

The second stage of HIV infection taking root in the body in women is damage to the genitourinary system. As anorexia progresses, the pelvic organs suffer. The most common infections are the internal genital organs, the cervix, warts and ulcers appear on the genitals, and herpes of the vaginal mucosa develops. The symptoms of HIV are varied and unpredictable. It is associated not only with the impact of infection on the cells of the body, but also with diseases caused by microbes against the background of weakened immunity.

HIV infection progresses, symptoms in women worsen, and if urgent therapy is not started, the disease may be irreversible.

AIDS stage

In the body under the influence of HIV, a new phase occurs when various infections in women, the immune system is greatly weakened, and the first signs of AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) appear. Defense systems are broken, symptoms of infection clearly appear, even a small cold can kill the patient. Any disease that passes quickly in healthy people causes serious complications in AIDS carriers.

AIDS patients most often suffer from tuberculosis and pneumonia. It is from these diseases that most infected people die. The first signs of AIDS in women are anorexia in the background pulmonary diseases and genital infections. They become dangerously worse in summer, during the hot season. After some time, the infected patient is unable to walk, sit, or feed herself. Care, help from relatives and friends, and support from friends are vital here.

Many patients develop tumors (often Kaposi's sarcoma), failure nervous system. These are the main signs of the “thermal” stage, when the disease process is irreversible and death can occur within 2-3 months.

It is especially important for a girl to be under the supervision of a doctor and undergo periodic courses of treatment. The main thing is not to give the opportunity to develop sexually transmitted infections, because every woman wants, despite HIV, to be a wife and mother. There are cases where women with this dangerous virus got married and had healthy children.

AIDS in women is not yet curable, but it is terrible disease can be detected in the early stages and prevented from developing. At proper therapy The HIV virus can be kept in check and not allowed to progress to the AIDS stage, or at least delay infection for a long time, thereby prolonging life. There are cases where HIV carriers lived for 20 years with the virus and fought it without stopping therapy.

Various diseases aggravate the symptoms of AIDS in women, and it in turn stimulates the development of diseases. Let's form vicious circle. Medicine in search modern methods in the fight against such an alliance, much experience has been accumulated and AIDS patients have hope.

HIV infection story of one woman. Based on her vivid example, we can draw conclusions about how people with this dangerous virus fight for your happiness, hope and don’t give up.

Be careful!

Some diseases, which include the human immunodeficiency virus, are particularly insidious. In order to prevent the development of this dangerous disease, it is important to pay attention to HIV symptoms in women, as well as men, and be able to recognize them in a timely manner. U different women the first signs of pathology appear at various points during its course, therefore the approach to diagnosing and treating HIV infection should be carried out professionally and individually.

The first signs of the disease: symptoms in the early stages

The treacherous nature of the infection lies in the fact that HIV in its early stages or occurs latently (that is, with virtually no initial symptoms) or is mistaken for another disease with similar symptoms. According to some statistics, in the female population, signs of HIV appear more clearly, and therefore diagnosing the disease is noticeably easier. Such consolation may be weak, but it certainly inspires clear hope for a more favorable outcome.
What are the initial HIV signs in women infected with this disease?

This is the problem: neither on the 1st day after contracting HIV infection, nor on the 5th, and in general, during the first 2 weeks, a woman may not even realize that a terrible infection is developing inside her .

But in the period between the 2nd and 6th weeks from the start of the virus entering the body, the first symptoms of HIV may manifest themselves as the following:

  • an infected woman suddenly develops a high (up to 38-40 °C) body temperature;
  • the condition is aggravated by signs of chills, fever, general loss of strength, muscle pain;
  • the following changes occur in the digestive system: diarrhea that occurs without prior dietary disturbances, nausea, and sometimes vomiting;
  • night sleep women are accompanied by increased sweating;
  • menstruation, if it occurs during this period, occurs more profusely, the pathology is accompanied by increased intrapelvic pain (what to do with painful periods is described here);
  • lymph nodes located in the neck, armpits or groin area (and possibly simultaneously in all these places) increase significantly in size; at an early stage, the symptom may not be visualized, but is easily detected by palpation;
  • similar condition can last from 2-3 days or more, but not longer than 7-10 days.

Due to the similarity and non-uniqueness of the symptoms of HIV, in the early stages they are mistaken for colds, flu, mononucleosis, and so on, which they prefer to treat independently at home. But consultation with a doctor should not be neglected in any case, because only if HIV infection is detected at an early stage and exposed adequate treatment, the disease does not become a death sentence.

How does the disease manifest itself after a month?

After 1 month, the first bright symptoms of HIV, as a rule, are muffled, and the pathology continues to progress and destroy the immune system from the inside. HIV infection can manifest itself with the following symptoms, which initially appear sporadically, and over time develop into permanent conditions:

  • protracted colds and exacerbation of chronic;
  • headaches and migraines (read about other possible causes of headaches here);
  • increased fatigue and insomnia (a somnologist and neurologist will help you cope);
  • depression and a feeling of apathy (consulting a psychologist will help you cope);
  • digestive disorders and rapid loss muscle mass bodies;
  • persistent diseases of the genitourinary system (thrush, endometriosis, erosion, and so on);
  • exacerbating manifestations of herpes simplex and genital;
  • damage to the skin and mucous membranes by multiple or single ulcers, pustules, rashes (for treatment, consult a dermatologist);
  • ENT diseases, aggravated by manifestations painful cough(consults ENT);
  • muscle pain and aches;
  • excessive sweating and dizziness (other causes of dizziness are described here).

The listed first signs of HIV in women can be either single or join each other, acquiring multiplicity, and have both mild and more pronounced manifestations.

If at the very beginning of infection the disease could not be recognized even by a blood test, then after 1 month a test for HIV infection shows the real picture. It is important not to ignore the first warning symptoms of HIV that occur at an early stage, especially if a woman is included in the so-called “risk group”:

  • underwent a blood transfusion;
  • got a tattoo, piercing;
  • often changes sexual partners.

A woman should be wary of the duration of the symptoms that arose at the initial stage or the illogicality of their appearance (for example, digestive disorders without the slightest change in diet).

It should be remembered that when the first signs of HIV infection occur in specialized AIDS prevention centers, you can take both a rapid HIV test and a detailed one. laboratory analysis on a completely anonymous basis.

How the disease develops, stages and symptoms

HIV infection has certain stages of development. The processes occurring at one time or another have their own timing and manifestations.

1. Incubation stage.
It begins from the moment of infection and lasts from 2 weeks to 3 months. Depending on the state of a woman’s immunity, the first stage of HIV infection can last up to six months or even a year. During this period, the virus cells actively multiply and spread throughout the body's systems through immune cells, which in turn produce antibodies to HIV infection. Making a diagnosis at this stage is difficult; the first symptoms of HIV at an early stage are subtle and episodic; decline begins protective functions body.

2. Stage of primary manifestations.
Her average duration about 1 year, in some cases the duration of the period can vary from 2 weeks to several years. At this time, HIV viral cells continue their aggressive invasion of the body, and the immune system, in turn, actively produces antibodies. The first manifestations of HIV symptoms occur: fever, long-term acute respiratory viral infections, influenza. Susceptibility to disease increases, lymph nodes become inflamed and increase in size, digestive system crashes begin to occur.

3. Latent stage (or incubation).
The longest, asymptomatic and insidious period of the disease. It lasts from 2 years, in some cases up to 2 decades. Symptoms of signs of HIV infection are extremely rare, the woman lives ordinary life, without realizing the harmful developing pathology. At this stage, the immune system launches various compensatory processes, and the HIV virus, despite the absence of any symptoms of HIV, inexorably spreads and causes irreparable harm the entire body as a whole.

4. Stage of secondary diseases (or pre-AIDS).
At the moment of its achievement, the woman’s immune system is completely exhausted, she has exhausted all her compensatory mechanisms and is unable to resist any infections. This is a time when the first symptoms increase significantly, the exacerbation of hitherto hidden pathologies, and the body’s loss of protective functions. Symptoms can be expressed in sudden weight loss and constant diarrhea, complete exhaustion and dementia, defeat skin and so on.

5. Terminal stage(or AIDS).
The last stage of the disease, called acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, ends fatal. Accompanied by extensive damage to all systems and the progression of serious illnesses. It is completely irreversible and lasts from 1 to 3 years.

Therapy for the disease is usually prescribed or.

Ways of infection and how to protect yourself

Surely there is not a single person on the entire planet who would like to become a patient in the HIV department. Therefore, it is very important to take care of yourself, your health, and pay attention to various abnormal symptoms that resemble the first signs of HIV development. The immunodeficiency virus is found primarily in human blood, a man’s sperm, a woman’s vaginal secretions, and her breast milk. From this we can conclude that HIV infection is transmitted:

  • sexually - real danger people who frequently change sexual partners and those who practice unprotected sex;
  • vertically - from an HIV-infected mother to her child during pregnancy and through breast milk;
  • through blood - in the “risk zone” are people who have received transfusions donor blood(she could be HIV-infected), drug addicts who inject drugs and use a common syringe for everyone.

HIV is not transmitted by everyday means through the use of common objects, neither by airborne droplets, nor through hugs and handshakes, it is not transmitted by blood-sucking insects. And yet it is worth using individual hygiene items, keeping healthy image life, choose partners carefully and undergo regular medical examinations. Do not try to analyze the first symptoms of HIV on your own, no matter what they seem to you.

If you have any doubts about infection HIV infection or treatment of a disease - You can ask a question to an immunologist or infectious disease specialist online, without registration and on an anonymous basis.

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The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) destroys specific immune cells and thereby weakens the immune system, making it useless in the fight against infections and diseases. Untreated HIV infection progresses to (AIDS), a condition that develops as a result of the complete destruction of the immune system by the virus.

Although it is possible that an HIV-infected woman may not have any symptoms of HIV infection, in most cases, a woman infected with HIV experiences some symptoms that she does not associate with the presence of HIV in her body. This is the insidiousness of HIV - it penetrates the body and sits quietly and imperceptibly destroys the immune system so that it cannot resist any diseases. Because normally, the immune system constantly protects us from many pathogens, but we do not notice it. When HIV destroys the immune system, all these infections jump into the woman’s body without hindrance. Hence the variety and nonspecificity of symptoms. AND main criteria diagnostics here - . Do it regularly! At least once a year.

Although the symptoms of HIV are generally similar in men and women, women have symptoms of immunodeficiency that are unique to them.

The 3 most common possible signs of HIV infection in women

  1. Frequent or severe vaginal infections.
  2. Atypical smear results to detect atypical cells (Papanicolaou).
  3. Inflammation of the pelvic organs.

If you have at least one of the above conditions, consult a doctor immediately!

Other, less common symptoms of HIV in a woman’s body are:

  • ulcers, erosions on the genitals,
  • severe, difficult to treat herpes, fungal infections(thrush).
  • menstrual irregularities (changes in the intensity of discharge, missed cycles, very severe PMS). Stress and stress, which often accompany HIV infection, can also cause such disorders.
  • lower abdominal pain. May be a sign of infection of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubesinflammatory disease pelvis (PID). For some women, PID is like a red traffic light, screaming about the presence of HIV in a woman’s body. PID can also manifest itself as: unusual vaginal discharge, temperature, irregular menstruation, pain during intercourse, pain in the upper abdomen.

The symptoms described here do not mean that a woman has 100% HIV, but they do mean that she needs to be tested for HIV.

After what time appear first symptoms of HIV in women?

The first symptoms of HIV in a woman can appear 2-4 weeks after infection and appear in the form "flu-like" syndrome.

Which HIV symptoms appear in women in the early stages in the mouth?

— In the early stages of HIV, women develop white plaques, white plaques(thrush, candidiasis). //.

Which HIV symptoms appear in women onearly stages on the skin?

- On early stages of HIV on the skin of women appears rash. //.

A set of the first signs of presence HIV infection in a woman can be different in each case, they can appear within 2-4 weeks after infection, and sometimes even after several years. That’s why it’s so important for you and your sexual partner go through before starting a relationship. Exist various symptoms HIV infections in women depending on the stage of the disease:

  • stage of acute HIV infection (“flu, cold”),
  • asymptomatic and subclinical stages (“I don’t feel anything”),
  • late stage - secondary diseases (“everything sticks”),
  • the last, terminal, known as AIDS (death).

I. The first symptoms of HIV infection in women

1. Symptoms of acute HIV infection in women

Early symptoms of HIV in women include rash, mouth ulcers, vaginosis, and thrush.

Rash in women with HIV infection

The first symptoms of HIV infection in women at an early stage may be:

  • rash on the body
  • fever,
  • sore throat,
  • severe headaches.
  • enlarged lymph nodes,
  • nausea,
  • fatigue,
  • mouth ulcers,
  • vaginal infections such as yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis,
  • night sweats,
  • vomit,
  • muscle pain and joint pain.

During the acute stage of HIV infection, these symptoms most often last from one to two weeks.

Specific symptoms of HIV are random rashes

Video “Early signs of HIV and AIDS in women”

2. Asymptomatic stage of HIV infection in women

When the above symptoms disappear, then the asymptomatic period of HIV infection begins. At this stage, a person with HIV does not feel any signs or symptoms of HIV infection. HIV may not cause any symptoms for months or years, but it is present in the body and actively multiplies and begins to destroy the body's immune system by attacking important immune cells. The virus remains active during this stage and can still be transmitted to others, so it is important to get tested for HIV infection promptly, even if you feel well.

II. Late signs of HIV infection in women

1. Late stage of HIV infection, AIDS in women

Without treatment, HIV infection takes months and years to progress to AIDS, depending on the extent to which the virus destroys the woman's immune system.This progression of HIV leads to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).This is the last stage of HIV infection and it means that the body’s immune system is severely damaged, as a result of which it becomes more susceptible to other infections, the woman begins to suffer from diseases that she did not have when she was healthy. immune system. Women with AIDS often suffer from colds, flu, and fungal diseases.

Which HIV symptoms appear in women in the early stages in the groin?

- On early stages of HIV in the groin of women appear enlarged inguinal lymph nodes.

Cachexia is exhaustion; with AIDS, body weight drops sharply.

Symptoms of a woman in the AIDS stage:

  • constant diarrhea,
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • rapid causeless weight loss,
  • constant unreasonable fatigue,
  • erosions or ulcers in the mouth,
  • vaginal infections such as yeast infections (thrush, candidiasis) and bacterial vaginosis,
  • inflammatory diseases pelvic organs,
  • periodic increase in temperature (fever),
  • recurring chills,
  • recurring night sweats,
  • ragged breathing
  • dry cough,
  • persistent or long term increase lymph nodes,
  • memory loss, confusion, neurological disorders.

2. Additionally, in HIV-infected women the following are more common (than in HIV minus):

  • thrush and other vaginal infections, bacterial vaginosis,
  • diseases transmitted through intercourse: gonorrhea (gonorrhea), chlamydia, trichomoniasis,
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs (cystitis (inflammation Bladder), urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), etc.),
  • infectious inflammation reproductive organs(endometritis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa), vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the vagina and vulva), adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries), etc.),
  • menstrual irregularities (dysmenorrhea),
  • human papillomavirus, which causes warts on the genitals and leads to cervical cancer.

Another difference from an HIV-infected man is that it is more difficult for an HIV-plus woman to notice spots or other changes on the genitals.

1). Vaginal thrush(candidiasis)

Any woman, regardless of her HIV status, can develop thrush. But in women who have HIV plus thrush occurs more often and is more difficult to treat.

Symptoms of thrush:

  • itching of the vulva,
  • thick white coating on the surface of the vagina,
  • burning during urination,
  • vaginal dryness and redness.

Painful sensations during sexual intercourse. Women with thrush should avoid sexual intercourse because... this may worsen the course of the disease.

2). Human papillomavirus

Human papillomavirus is a viral infection that destroys cells in the genitals, especially the cervix. There are many different types human papillomavirus (HPV), there are very harmful ones that cause cancer and precancerous erosion of the cervix.

Studies have shown that in women infected with HIV, HPV occurs 10 times more often than in HIV-negative women, especially often in HIV-infected women whose count is less than 500 cells/μl. Another study found that 77% of HIV-positive women were infected with HPV.

HPV is very common among HIV plus women. Therefore, its treatment should be started immediately to avoid the spread of the virus and serious complications.

In HIV-infected women, the human papillomavirus is 30 times more likely to cause cervical cancer.

HPV usually has no symptoms, but can sometimes appear as small white growths (warts) or spots on the vagina or around the anus. HPV can also be accompanied by discomfort, painful sensations during sexual intercourse. A doctor usually diagnoses HPV by doing a smear, biopsy, or colposcopy ( examination of the vaginal opening, vaginal walls and vaginal part of the cervix using magnifying devices).

HPV treatment methods

Warts can be removed by cauterization, freezing, cutting, processing chemicals(specially designed for this purpose!), treatment with medications.

3). Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease (POI) - this is very serious complication(especially in HIV-infected women, in whom the body's defenses are greatly reduced), which is caused by an untreated infection of the vagina or cervix. If left untreated, the bacteria can spread from the vagina or cervix through urethra and fallopian tubes to the ovaries and surrounding tissues. VOMT may be the cause violations(adhesion of the fallopian tubes, leading to ectopic pregnancy) reproductive(ability to give birth) functions and can even lead to death. The most common causes of VOMT are chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Treatment of VOMT requires very strict strong exchange rate antibiotics and women with HIV often require surgery.

Main symptoms VOMT are:

  • fever,
  • increasing discomfort in the vagina,
  • wave-like pain in the lower abdomen from moderate to severe,
  • bleeding,
  • nausea,
  • frequent pain when urinating,

But in many cases there are no symptoms and the woman does not suspect that the inflammation is progressing.

Because gynecological infections This is the first and most common problem in HIV-infected women, so regular vaginal and cervical examinations are necessary.

III. HIV in women and pregnancy

HIV can also be transmitted from mother to child during childbirth (called perinatal HIV) or through breast-feeding. Because in Russia, all pregnant women must undergo HIV testing throughout pregnancy, then identifying HIV in a woman during pregnancy helps the doctor timely prescribe antiretroviral drugs to the woman and child immediately after birth, C-section to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV. With the correct administration of HIV medications, the risk of a baby becoming infected with HIV during birth from an HIV plus mother can be reduced to less than 2%. Without medication, the risk of giving birth to a child with HIV is about 40%.

IV. Personal stories of HIV-infected women

I became infected in early December 2017, and the ELISA showed positive in January 2018, and the final blot became positive in February 2018. A month after infection I had heat, night sweats, no appetite and a very sore throat, like never before in my life. For me, the acute stage of HIV manifested itself very noticeably, but other HIV-infected girls did not have this or everything went unnoticed until positive analysis. Therefore, in any case, you don’t need to wait for symptoms, but you need to go get examined. Alina

I was checked every 4-6 months, because... lived with an HIV+ guy, who later died in March 2000. After that, I stopped getting checked (but in vain, ““) and was already examined in 2007 and then the analysis showed positive result for HIV. I had an episode of “cold”, but then I thought that I had just contracted the flu, although it was out of season, somewhere in the summer. I had no other signs of HIV infection. Sasha

I was regularly tested for HIV and used barrier protection constantly, but one day I had a little too much at a party and everything got so twisted that we forgot about safety. As it turned out later, he was HIV positive. A few weeks later I started having symptoms as if I had a cold, because... I knew a lot about the course of HIV infection, then I realized that I had become infected. A month later this was confirmed. Nika

I was diagnosed with HIV in the hospital where I was admitted with pneumonia. It did not respond to treatment and the doctors decided to test me for HIV. Then a doctor from the AIDS center came and told me, against receipt, that I had been found to have antibodies to HIV. Then I was transferred to the in-patient department of the AIDS center, assigned and I recovered from pneumonia. And now I am being monitored for HIV. I appear at the AIDS center 2 times a year for full examination, correction of the treatment regimen. Now I have found a man who is also HIV+. We are going to get married. HIV is not a death sentence. Katerina

V. What should I do if I have discovered a sign of HIV or AIDS?

It is urgent to visit a doctor for examination, examination, and other sexually transmitted infections.