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Inflammation in women without infections. Diagnosis of gynecological inflammations and their treatment. How does the inflammatory process develop?

Inflammation can begin both from significant injuries and from minor cuts that occur every day in a person’s everyday life. The inflammatory process is accompanied by increased body temperature, fever, suppuration, tumors and other unpleasant symptoms.

How to get rid of inflammation

At home it is possible to get rid of the inflammatory process

How to relieve inflammation at home

Antibiotics against inflammation

One of the most important inventions of medicine - antibiotics, are designed specifically to combat any kind of inflammation. Antibiotics have been in mass production since 1910, but to this day, they are sometimes the only way to save a person. More has not yet been invented effective medicine in the fight against inflammation than antibiotics.

Antibiotics against inflammation

Many recipes and methods have been accumulated over the years, both official and ethnoscience in the fight against inflammation. It has long been believed that there is nothing worse than inflammation, especially if it is chronic. Any damage or injury is necessarily accompanied by inflammation. We encounter many of them quite often - this is purulent wounds, tumors, fever. Treatment of inflammation is a long and complex process, which has always been very acute.

Of course, many different antibiotics have been invented recently, but we should not forget that they have a detrimental effect on internal organs, and often, while healing one organ from inflammation, another organ is subject to a strong negative effect.

Traditional medicine will help in the treatment of inflammation

Even very skeptical specialists are increasingly returning to effective anti-inflammatory recipes existing in traditional medicine. These recipes are varied and are especially effective in treating inflammation in acute stage. The treatment process is more difficult when we are dealing with chronic inflammation.

Traditional medicine against inflammation

Not all recipes can relieve you of inflammation, and if the inflammatory process occurs for a long time and there is no improvement, then you need to consult a doctor!

Consult a specialist

Celandine will help get rid of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes

You probably know this plant from childhood, with yellow viscous juice - celandine? This is the best assistant in the treatment of lymph node sore throat. To do this, the stems must be cut, then washed, dried, cut as small as possible and filled with ordinary alcohol. Soak in the resulting tincture gauze bandage and apply it to your neck so that there are lymph nodes under the bandage, wrap the bandage on top with a plastic bag, wrap it with a shawl or scarf, and leave it overnight. In the morning, remove the compress and rinse your neck with warm water.

We treat inflammation with celandine

It is extremely important for any inflammatory processes to give your body complete rest and sleep. Fatigue and lack of sleep are completely unnecessary here, and will only aggravate the patient’s condition. If possible, follow a diet. It's best to eliminate foods that increase inflammation from your diet, such as pork, lamb, eggs, milk and yeast. Drink as much water as possible, feed your body with vitamins contained in raw vegetables. The most useful thing is pumpkin.

And remember, each person’s body is individual. Be careful when using herbs, especially if you have a history of allergies, and to be sure, consult a herbalist.

Folk advice for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the female genital organs

Treatment with cabbage leaves


Cook a quarter of cabbage in half a liter of milk until completely softened. Then the mixture must be strained. We heat two bricks in the oven. They took out bricks, poured the broth on them and sat down over the steam, repeated the procedure several times, after which they wrapped the entire lower part of the body in a warm blanket or rug. Relief will come after the first time. In total, at least 5-7 such procedures are needed. If you don’t have cabbage, you can replace it with 7-8 cloves of garlic.

Cabbage is a doctor

After all symptoms have resolved, continue the course of treatment with herbs such as sweet clover or cinquefoil.

Relieving all symptoms with cinquefoil

Fresh aloe juice: drink a dessert spoon of juice before meals, 2-3 times a day.

Walnut leaves

Decoction of dry leaves walnut pour boiling water for 4 hours. You need to drink it within 24 hours.

Walnut leaves help

Treatment with folk remedies for gum inflammation

Inflammation of the gums is a common disease that can be caused by vitamin deficiency, improper care behind the oral cavity, decreased immunity, disruption of the digestive, endocrine or nervous systems. Treatment is carried out only comprehensively - a special medicated toothpaste, rinsing the gums with decoctions of oak bark, pine needles, sage or chamomile, plus taking multivitamin preparations.

We treat gum inflammation

Exists a large number of anti-inflammatory treatment methods with folk remedies. This is the use of medicinal herbs, products, minerals that are effective against various types of inflammation. Each herb, mineral, or product targets a specific type of inflammation and specific organ.

How to treat inflammation with folk remedies at home | Traditional ways to relieve inflammation

Inflammation of various organs of our body is a very common problem, which one has to face at the most inopportune moment. The cause of such inflammation can be various bacteria and infectious agents, such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, all kinds of viruses and viral bacilli, fungi and other infections.

How can you treat inflammation with folk remedies at home?

Inflammation is a process that occurs as a result of tissue damage. It aims to combat the agents that caused the damage, as well as repair damaged tissue. However, a prolonged inflammatory process means that the body needs help.

Each of us needs to know this. After all, inflammation is the most common pathological process occurring in our body. They lead to:

  • slowing down blood flow
  • the occurrence of pain,
  • swelling,
  • temperature rise
  • and, ultimately, to disruption of the body’s functioning.

Therefore, we need to know how to cure inflammation different parts body and how to cope with inflammation at an early stage of its development in order to prevent significant negative consequences.

The universal remedy is antibiotics. They suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria. However, to eliminate the consequences of inflammation it is necessary auxiliary drugs and methods of treatment Most of our organs are susceptible to inflammation, and each has its own means and methods of treatment. So, for pneumonia, it is necessary to use expectorants, antihistamines and inhalation drugs. Inhalations used for difficulty breathing and as a remedy antibacterial therapy. By using expectorants the lungs are cleared of mucus. Antihistamines serve to reduce pulmonary edema and prevent allergies to other medications.

Effective ways to treat inflammation of different parts of the body at home

Inflammation can be treated by using various antibacterial and antiviral medicinal herbs and plants in combination with other natural resources. This treatment allows you to achieve excellent results and get rid of inflammation in a short time.

A common form of inflammation is inflammation of the female genital organs. We recommend that you use medicinal herbs such as bay leaf, walnut leaves, blueberry leaves, immortelle, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, sweet clover, nettle, licorice, thorn roots and others. Drinking tinctures of aloe and pumpkin juice is also considered effective for inflammation of the ovaries, and linden, thyme and chamomile inflorescences are used as a decoction. Propolis and mumiyo can also be used.

There are many old effective recipes for pneumonia, respiratory tract or tuberculosis. In such cases, it is necessary to use a tincture consisting of St. John's wort, essential oils, oat decoction and medicinal herbs such as violet, pine buds, plantain, aloe, etc. Familiar products such as honey, onion and garlic are also quite effective.

For inflammation of the larynx, we recommend using rinses with various decoctions and tinctures. For example, you can rinse your mouth with a tincture of ammonia in combination with a small amount of water, as well as a tincture of fresh nut juice or rose oil. You can also cook medicinal ointment from the folk remedy sage and camphor, they should be mixed with a small amount of honey. In addition, we recommend eating more grapes and pomegranates.

There are different types of inflammation. If your tooth hurts because your gums are inflamed, and you can’t go to the dentist immediately, you can rinse your tooth with salt. Dilute a tablespoon of salt in a glass of boiled water and rinse the aching tooth thoroughly but gently. This should be done at least once an hour.

Inflammation can occur due to small scratches - if the redness and swelling does not subside for a long time, consult a doctor, you may need more serious treatment than just tinctures medicinal herbs or decoctions. In addition, if you get a scratch, be sure to treat it with hydrogen peroxide and iodine or brilliant green - then more serious measures will not be needed.

To treat inflammation of the ovaries, in addition to antibiotics, take decoctions of medicinal plants: boron uterus, chamomile, calendula. In addition, the use of various medicinal mixtures consisting of various herbs used specifically for gynecological diseases is effective. A herbal decoction is needed for douching, after which tampons or anti-inflammatory suppositories prescribed by a doctor should be placed.

To treat ear inflammation, use ear drops, providing a local therapeutic effect directly in the ear cavity. Also used ear candles and physical therapy.

Antibacterial sprays or antifungal medications are used to combat oral inflammation.

There are many diseases associated with inflammation of different parts of the body. Most of them are treated using regimens similar to those described above. But each case has its own nuances and subtleties, and additional medications are used. And, although the basis of any anti-inflammatory course is antibacterial therapy, antibiotics alone to cure inflammation are not enough for a complete recovery. Therefore, an individual treatment regimen must be selected by a doctor who decides how to treat inflammation in each specific case.

How to quickly treat inflammation during colds and sore throats at home?

This question is probably one of the most common. Surely everyone is familiar with the situation when, on the eve of an important business meeting, a vacation trip or a holiday party, the temperature suddenly rises, a headache begins, a sore throat and aching joints. All these are signs of inflammation that accompanies diseases such as flu or tonsillitis. And here it is important not only to relieve the symptoms of inflammation that disrupt the planned event, but to get rid of inflammation at an early stage. What needs to be done for this?

First of all, take antibiotics - Penicillin (or any other penicillin drug) or, if you are allergic to it, Erythromycin.

If you have inflammation at home, drink more fluids: warm water, tea with raspberries or honey, fruit juice, and so on.

Mix crushed leaves of sage, yarrow, St. John's wort and coltsfoot in equal proportions. Measure out two tablespoons of the resulting mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for one hour, filter and gargle with the prepared infusion to quickly treat inflammation.

Mix one large spoon of honey with 20 drops of propolis tincture and 5 drops of Lugol's solution. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, use a teaspoon to separate a quarter of the mixture and place it under your tongue. Try to dissolve as slowly as possible folk remedy against inflammation by holding it in the mouth. Repeat the procedure four times a day.

Buy peach, eucalyptus or tea tree oil at the pharmacy. Mix 20 milliliters of purchased oil with 5-7 milliliters of sea buckthorn. Use a pipette to drop the prepared mixture onto your tonsils if they are inflamed and lie on your back for half an hour with your head thrown back.

Prepare a two-liter saucepan with water. Add a tablespoon of crushed eucalyptus leaves and the same amount of sage, thyme, pine or birch buds. Place the pan on the fire, bring the folk remedy to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Then place it on the table, cover your head with a towel or blanket and breathe over the steam for at least 20 minutes. After finishing the procedure, go to bed and cover your head with a blanket.

A honey-echinacea mixture for resorption is very useful. To prepare it, place a spoonful of honey with 20 drops of echinacea tincture in alcohol. The mixture should be dissolved after meals, one-third of the serving at a time.

Now, knowing how to quickly treat inflammation, you will be ready for any whims of your body.

How to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes during a cold?

There are many folk remedies that have anti-inflammatory properties. These include not only various medicinal plants, but also minerals. Each of these remedies is suitable for treating inflammation of a specific organ.

For example, celandine is effective in treating inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes. You need to cut the stems of celandine, wash and dry them, then finely chop them and pour alcohol into them. Moisten a gauze bandage with the resulting tincture. Apply the compress to the inflamed area, covering the top with polyethylene and wrapping a scarf around your neck. This procedure should be performed at night until the inflammation subsides.

To quickly relieve inflammation, you need to follow a certain diet and daily routine. However, nothing particularly heavy is required in this case, rather the opposite. Don't neglect your sleep, even if you're just a little sleep deprived the immune system the body weakens and inflammatory processes intensify. And one sleepless night can negate all your previous treatment.

If you have inflammation, you should also exclude from your menu some foods that contribute to the development of inflammatory processes. These are lamb and pork, beans, milk, wheat, eggs and yeast. But you should eat as much raw fruits and vegetables as possible. Pumpkin pulp is especially helpful. And to improve immunity, you need to eat more foods containing vitamin C.

It should be remembered that each person’s body has its own individual characteristics. Therefore, using this or that medicine from inflammation at home, try to foresee all the nuances, especially the possibility of allergies.

The inflammation can be treated if it is not too serious, but if the swelling does not go away for a long time, go to the hospital, otherwise the consequences can be very serious.

P. S.: Use our tips and recipes and you will forget about illnesses forever!

The enemy is inside you – signs of a chronic inflammatory process in the body

The cause of many diseases, including heart disease, obesity, etc. is chronic inflammation in organism. Chronic inflammation is an enemy that knows how to camouflage itself well, because it is very difficult to independently detect signs of an inflammatory process in the body. However, it is possible to identify this initiator of painful processes if you take a closer look at the signs of the inflammatory process and consult a doctor in time to undergo the necessary tests. Estet-portal.com will help you bring the inflammatory process to clean water.

What is inflammation, what are the signs of the inflammatory process in the body?

Inflammation is the body's response to damage. As a rule, we recognize inflammation in the body by typical signs: redness, fever and swelling of the damaged area, as well as limited mobility, for example, in the case of a sprained ankle or a bruised finger. Chronic inflammation accompanies all diseases ending with “it” - arthritis, hepatitis, bursitis, etc. The inflammatory process can occur “quietly” inside the body, and a person may not be aware of its presence.

However, your body is giving you some clues, and if you ignore them, you could end up with some pretty serious health problems in the future.

Chronic infections are very huge pressure on the immune system and liver, so care must be taken to strengthen immune system.

If you find yourself with the above symptoms, you need to consult a doctor who, based on tests, will prescribe the necessary treatment and nutrition for inflammation.

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What is the inflammatory process, what are its symptoms and treatment

What is inflammation

Many bacterial, fungal or viral infections, abscesses, wounds of various tissues, and other violations of the integrity of the body are accompanied by inflammation; this phenomenon helps to recover faster, but often causes a lot of harm. In order to help the body in time, you need to know what an inflammatory reaction is, how many types it has, the stages of this process, its symptoms and treatment methods.

Inflammation is an aggressive protective reaction of the body to a violation of the integrity of any tissue caused by a mechanical, chemical or biological agent. Different stages of the process are aimed at destroying waste products of dead cells and antigens (viruses, bacteria) that are toxic to the body, and sometimes at recycling the latter.

Stages of inflammation

There are 3 main stages of inflammation that can be classified:

  • alteration - damage to tissue integrity by any agent;
  • exudation - the influx of fluid with histamine and immune cells to the site of inflammation;
  • proliferation - healing of tissues, restoration of their integrity.

At each stage, various processes occur that contribute to the body's defense, described below. Symptoms of inflammation can appear at different stages, but treatment is important at each stage. It depends on the stage of the inflammatory process and the type of antigen.

How does inflammation go?

To understand inflammatory reactions, we can consider a simple situation. Many people squeezed pimples as teenagers, leaving small abscesses on the skin. The latter became convex, and within 1-2 days there was redness around them. It was this redness that indicated the initial stage of inflammation.

Promote development inflammatory reaction basophils are blood cells containing histamine, a substance that causes vasodilation, a rush of blood to the site of its release and an increase in temperature. The main role of histamine molecules is to attract other immune cells to the site of damage, so that bacteria or viruses do not penetrate through the abscess into the epithelium and blood.

The inflammation pattern is as follows:

  1. At the site of tissue integrity violation, basophils are destroyed, releasing histamine.
  2. Histamine causes a rush of blood and “attracts” immune cells (macrophages, neutrophils and others) to the desired location.
  3. In the center of inflammation, slight swelling occurs and the temperature rises.
  4. Immune blood cells actively kill antigens (bacteria, viruses) that enter through abscesses until the latter are covered with traumatic tissue.
  5. After restoring the integrity of the tissue, eosinophils secrete the enzyme histaminase, which breaks down histamine, and the inflammation ends.

This simple but effective scheme helps provide the body with protection from antigens at each stage of inflammation.

Harm from inflammation

Inflammation also causes harm. It is difficult to say exactly how long the stages of inflammation will last; they often last longer than necessary, for example, due to a lack of histaminase. Also negative effect have accompanying phenomena - increased temperature and swelling. When we're talking about about a small abscess from a pimple, then there is nothing wrong with it, but the inflammatory reaction can also occur on a large scale, for example, with sore throat, diseases of internal organs, arthritis, then the symptoms will be much more difficult for a person to tolerate.

How long does inflammation last?

An important question is how long the inflammatory process lasts, because when it occurs inside the body it must be treated, otherwise the person will weaken. The duration of inflammation depends on the location, extent and pathogens that the immune cells are fighting. If we are talking about abscesses from acne, then the inflammation lasts no longer than 1-3 days, but in the case of a sore throat it can drag on for weeks, and sometimes without the help of medications it does not end at all.

Signs of inflammation

Today, medicine helps to effectively treat inflammatory processes, so by seeing signs of inflammation and taking the right medications, you can quickly cope with uninvited guests and make it easier to endure the process of this struggle.

The main symptoms of inflammation are:

  • redness of the inflammation zone;
  • local swelling;
  • soreness when touched;
  • local or general increase temperature;
  • dysfunction (if we are talking about organs).

There are other signs of inflammation: allergic rashes, nausea, fever, but they are individual and appear rarely.

Types of inflammation

Inflammation is a broad concept, so in order to be able to select suitable treatment, doctors have created a classification of this phenomenon. There are different types of inflammation, they are grouped depending on:

Forms of inflammation

There are three forms of the inflammatory process:

Acute inflammation is a process whose duration does not exceed several hours or days. A striking example of this is acne abscesses, scratches on the skin, wounds in the mouth and other external injuries caused by a mechanical agent, many of which do not need to be treated (except, for example, appendicitis).

Subacute inflammation is a pathological phenomenon, the treatment of which takes from 4-5 days to several weeks or months (how long it lasts depends on the location of the outbreak and the type of antigen). Many suffered from tonsillitis, bronchitis, otitis media and similar diseases in childhood; the inflammatory process in all these cases occurred in a subacute form.

Chronic inflammation is less common; it is a serious disorder that constantly exhausts the body's immune system. Most often it appears in childhood, and treatment has almost no results. Diseases such as chronic tonsillitis, autoimmune disorders, cirrhosis and others occur in this form.

Sources of inflammation

The second classification is made based on the source of the inflammatory response. There are 3 main types of inflammatory agents:

Infectious agents include bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa and helminths, which attack external and internal human organs due to mechanical, chemical, and other types of damage to tissue integrity.

An autoimmune agent is the most unpleasant source of inflammation, because you can treat it forever, but there will be no result, because it will always be in the body. A classic example is lupus. This is a disease in which the inflammatory process occurs in the epithelium due to the fact that the immune system “does not recognize” the body’s cells and tries to destroy them.

Treatment of inflammation

To help the body cope with antigens faster and stop inflammation, you can carry out drug treatment. In the pharmacy there are different classes of drugs for different purposes:

  • immune suppressors for the treatment of autoimmune disorders;
  • antipyretics based on ibuprofen or aspirin;
  • antibiotics and antiviral drugs;
  • immunostimulants.

The former help treat symptoms autoimmune diseases, reduce the aggressiveness of the immune system towards the body’s cells, but are not able to completely eliminate the cause of chronic inflammation.

The latter are used to treat the phenomena accompanying inflammation - fever, body aches, weakness. When taking them, the body spends less energy on eliminating these symptoms and copes more quickly with the cause of the inflammatory process.

The third group of drugs is heavy artillery, which can be used only if the body itself cannot cope with antigens. Treat the person with antibiotics or antiviral drugs- a responsible task that only a doctor can handle, so do not take them yourself.

Immunostimulants are used when the antigen has already begun to penetrate the body, but the immune system does not respond to it; these drugs are designed not so much to treat as to stimulate inflammation.

The inflammatory process exhausts the body, it is often difficult to predict how long it will last, but you can help the body cope with it. It is necessary to treat inflammation, taking into account the stage, its source and the type of antigen, which are important to understand, but do not prescribe medications for yourself, but consult a doctor. All site publications

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You should not self-medicate, it can be dangerous. Always consult your doctor.

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The inflammatory process will subside if you eat this!

The main cause of chronic disease for many people is a systemic inflammatory process that is not treated promptly or even identified in the initial stages and results in full-blown, progressive chronic disease. High blood pressure, bacterial and viral infections, arthritis, acid reflux, premature aging, heart disease, cancer and many other common diseases are often associated with inflammation, which must be addressed at the point of occurrence to avoid such terrible diseases!

And the best way to do this is by implementing comprehensive lifestyle changes and diet instead of taking drugs that can lead to unforeseen harmful side effects! If your health is affected by chronic inflammation, following products and plants can help reduce and even eliminate it naturally without the need to take medications:

1) Fermented milk products and drinks. Eat more food and drink more drinks rich in probiotic bacteria - i.e. bacteria that promote a healthy, disease-fighting ecosystem within the gastrointestinal tract—one of the most effective ways fight natural inflammation. Because Probiotics are vital to the body by effectively breaking down food and making it more biodigestible, and they can also help alleviate digestive problems caused by modern foods that are largely responsible for creating inflammation in the body.

Products include traditional fermented vegetables - kimchi (spicy fermented vegetables, a dish of Korean cuisine) and sauerkraut, which are among the most popular - traditional soup miso, kefir or yogurt, tempeh (the most easily digestible soy product with a nutty flavor and soft texture), and homemade pickles. Popular probiotic drinks include: kombucha, unpasteurized Apple vinegar(ACV), and kefir.

2) Omega-3 fatty acids. Act as a natural “lubricant” in the body and are powerful anti-inflammatory agents. You can find omega-3 fatty acids in wild oily fish, hemp and chia seeds, walnuts, homemade eggs and meat. Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids reduce oxidative stress in the body and reduce inflammation in the brain. cardiovascular system and other places, which reduces the risk of developing other serious diseases.

High quality fish fat, hemp oil, chia oil, spirulina, pumpkin seed oil and walnut oil are excellent sources of omega-3. Each of these products will help compensate for the overload of Omega-6 fatty acids that enter our body with the help of modern foods, as well as avoid the inflammatory process.

3) Sour cherry. One of the most powerful anti-inflammatory products! She provides serious help for those people who suffer from arthritis, gout, joint pain and others inflammatory diseases. Tart cherries are so powerful that Oregon Health and Science University researchers recently claimed they have "the highest anti-inflammatory content of any food."

Since they are not widely available fresh—virtually all cherries sold in the supermarket are sweet, not tart—the best way to get tart cherries is to buy them in powder, capsule, or juice form. By drinking just tart cherry juice every day, you can significantly improve inflammatory markers within a few weeks.

4) Saturated fats. This recommendation may come as a surprise to some readers, but the truth is that the world's inhabitants are consuming too much omega-6. fatty acids, which are one of the main reasons systemic inflammation. And who can blame them for this, considering the fact that medical system actually promotes the consumption of omega-6 rich vegetable oils and other foods that cause inflammation in the body, claiming that this is a healthy diet?

Low fat is another cause of inflammation and chronic disease because... The body needs a regular intake of healthy fats to keep the circulatory system in good health and maintain healthy blood flow. Consuming healthier saturated fats in the form of coconut oil, homemade meats and butter, and lard can not only help reduce inflammation, but also strengthen your bones, improve lung and brain function, and modulate function. nervous system.

5) Fruits of the Mexican cactus. Uniquely rich in the powerful bioflavonoid nutrient known as betalain, Mexican cactus fruit is another must-have anti-inflammatory food that's delicious and easy to incorporate into your diet. A member of the quercetin family, betalain helps neutralize free radicals responsible for triggering inflammation and also provides long-term protection against oxidative damage.

A 2012 study published in the journal Alcohol found that Mexican cactus fruit extract helped protect rat cells from inflammatory damage. And an earlier study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine found that the fruit of the Mexican cactus produces similar anti-inflammatory effects in humans.

Now you, dear reader of our site, know how to treat inflammation, how to neutralize it in the early stages or avoid it altogether.

Treatment at home

Today I would like to publish an article that is devoted to the problem of the inflammatory process in the body. This article is replete with special medical terms, therefore, although it examines the causes and symptoms of inflammation, it will be of interest to few. I publish it primarily for myself. So to speak, a note. Well, maybe some of you will find it useful.

Mechanism of development of the inflammatory process

Many external signs inflammation is explained precisely by the development of arterial hyperemia. As the inflammatory process increases, arterial hyperemia is gradually replaced by venous hyperemia.

Venous hyperemia is determined by further dilation of blood vessels, slowing down of blood flow, the phenomenon of marginal standing of leukocytes and their moderate emigration. Quite a sharp increase in filtration processes, disruption rheological properties body blood.

Factors that influence the transition of arterial hyperemia to venous hyperemia can be divided into two main groups: extravascular and intravascular.

Intravascular factors include strong blood thickening as a result of the transfer of a certain amount of plasma from the blood into inflamed (damaged) tissue.

Wall standing of leukocytes, swelling of the endothelium in acidic environment, the formation of microthrombi - as a consequence of platelet aggregation and increased blood clotting.

Excessive accumulation of inflammatory mediators with a vasodilating effect along with hydrogen ions in the focus of the inflammatory process, compression of the walls of veins and lymphatic vessels by exudate, these are extravascular factors.

Venous hyperemia initially leads to the development of prestasis - a jerky, pendulum-like movement of blood. During systole, blood moves from the artery to the veins, during diastole - in the opposite direction, since the blood encounters an obstacle to outflow through the veins in the form of increased blood pressure in them. And finally, the flow of blood completely stops due to blockage of blood vessels by cell aggregates or microthrombi, and stasis develops.

How does stagnation of blood and lymph occur?

Impaired microcirculation is a necessary prerequisite for the development of subsequent stages of inflammation. Only when the blood flow slows down and stops completely does it become possible for the accumulation of inflammatory mediators on a fairly short segment of the vascular bed.

Extravascular migration of leukocytes and their accumulation at the site of injury is one of the main phenomena during the inflammatory response. Without the release of leukocytes and their accumulation in one place in the form of infiltration, there is no inflammation.

The accumulation of cells at the site of inflammation is called inflammatory infiltrate. The cellular composition of the infiltrate depends significantly on the etiological factor.

If the inflammation is caused by pyogenic microbes (streptococci, staphylococci), then neutrophils predominate in the infiltrate. If it is caused by helminths or is allergic in nature, then eosinophilic granulocytes predominate.

In case of inflammation caused by pathogens of chronic infections (mycobacterium tuberculosis, anthrax), the infiltrate contains a large number of mononuclear cells. Different blood cells emigrate at different rates.

Mechnikov's law

The sequence of release of leukocytes into the focus of acute inflammation was first described by I. I. Mechnikov and gave the name to Mechnikov’s law. According to this law, neutrophils are the first to enter the site of acute inflammation, 1.5-2 hours after the onset of action of the altering agent, and the maximum accumulation of these cells occurs after 4-6 hours.

Emigrated neutrophils form an emergency line of defense and prepare the work front for macrophages. It’s not for nothing that they are called “emergency response” cells. Then, after 3-4 hours, monocytes begin to emerge. And last of all, lymphocytes emigrate.

Currently, the sequence of emigration is not explained by the simultaneous appearance of chemokines and molecules specific to various leukocytes.

The main site of emigration of leukocytes is the postcapillary venule, since the endothelial cells lining the lumen of the venules have the greatest adhesive ability. The exit from the blood flow through the wall of postcapillary venules of leukocytes is preceded by their marginal standing, adhesion to inner surface the walls of blood vessels facing the direction of inflammation.

Adhesion of leukocytes to vascular endothelial cells in last years is given Special attention, because controlling the process of interaction of leukocytes with the endothelium opens up fundamentally new ways to prevent the inflammatory reaction.

The creation of inhibitors of the synthesis of adhesive proteins or selective blockers of their receptors would make it possible to prevent the release of leukocytes from the blood vessels, and, consequently, prevent the development of inflammation.

What is the reason for the higher adhesiveness of the endothelium at sites of injury? So far, a definitive answer to this question cannot be given. Now this is associated with many factors, of which the most important is the increased synthesis of adhesive proteins by the endothelial cells themselves under the influence of certain inflammatory mediators, in particular chemokines.

Adhesins are molecules that control adhesive reactions. They are produced not only by endothelial cells, but also by leukocytes.

The adhesion of leukocytes to the microvascular endothelium is also promoted by changes that occur in the leukocytes themselves during their activation. Firstly, neutrophils in the initiation phase of inflammation are activated and form aggregates. Leukotrienes promote leukocyte aggregation.

And secondly, some products secreted by leukocytes themselves (lactoferrin) have adhesive properties and enhance adhesion.

After attaching to the endothelium, leukocytes begin to emigrate, penetrating through the endothelial gaps. Recently, the existence of another route of emigration - transendothelial transfer - has been questioned.

Lymph cleansing video

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How can an unprepared person detect an inflammatory process in his body? What should you pay attention to first?

Ivan, every person who listens to their inner feelings can understand that something is wrong. How you feel, discomfort, temperature, pain, all this will indicate some kind of inflammatory processes.

Thank you for this story from the inside. Our body is still being studied and studied. You learn so many subtleties all the time. And it seems like you look from the outside, well, what is there to study there?

Hello. I am in this state almost all the time. There seems to be no fever (or slightly), but there is malaise. Sometimes pustules appear on the body. One doctor suggested taking antibiotics, but I somehow doubt that I need to get hooked on them. So I understand that I am just going through an inflammatory process.

What can you pay attention to?

Nikolay, an excellent natural “antibiotic” - black walnut extract, although expensive, works great. Take the course, you will probably get better. This is not the first person to eliminate inflammatory processes of unknown nature in this way.

Where can I find such an extract? Please tell me.

It’s available in pharmacies, and even on racks in supermarkets... In a word, you can find it. Or order on the Internet - I won’t give specific addresses, but it’s easy to find.

Good afternoon. Such a question, half a year low-grade fever, a terrible feeling, like a vegetable, fog in the head. During sleep, late in the evening and early in the morning the feeling is excellent. Next comes a rise and clear mucus appears from the nose. A lot of examinations, tests, pills, to no avail. But there is an inflammatory process, band neutrophils are slightly elevated, and there was heme streptococcus in the city at the beginning of the disease. Group A. Can you give advice on how this center of eternal inflammation and fever can be destroyed?

I would be very grateful, living with a fever is very difficult.

Konstantin, I advise you to watch Olga Butakova’s video about cleansing the lymph. The material contains a lot of useful information. I added the video to my post.

Treatment of inflammatory diseases should be comprehensive and include:

1. Etiotropic treatment aimed at eliminating the pathogen. For this purpose they use antibacterial drugs, sulfonamides and when identifying the specific etiology of the disease, appropriate drugs are used;
2. Promotion immune defense;
3. Increasing the body’s overall resistance to infections (using biostimulant drugs);
4. Physiotherapy;
5. In certain cases, in the absence of effect from conservative therapy, surgical treatment is used.


In the stage of exacerbation of the inflammatory process, complex treatment begins with antibacterial therapy. Antibiotics are used more often. Groups of penicillins, cephalosporins, thienamycins, macrolides, monobactams, chloramphenicol, aminoglycosides, polymyxins, rifamycins and other groups. Drugs in this group are effective against infections caused by gram-positive bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, etc.), spirochetes and other pathogenic microorganisms. They have a bactericidal effect on microorganisms in the growth phase.

The antibacterial effect is associated with the specific ability of penicillins to inhibit the biosynthesis of the cell wall of microorganisms. This group includes drugs such as: benzylpenicillin sodium salt, phenoxymethylpenicillin, oxacillin sodium salt, methicillin sodium, ampicillin, ampiox sodium, sultamicillin (unasin), amoxicillin, ticarcillin-clavulanic acid (timentin), azlocillin (securopen), carbenicillin (geopen), carfecillin, mezlocillin (baiben), cloxacillin (clobex), flucloxacillin, clonacom-R, piteracillin (psipen, piprax), bacampicillin (penbak), penamecillin (maripen).

The group of cephalosporins includes drugs such as:

  • cephalexin,
  • cefadroxil,
  • cefazolin,
  • cefapirin,
  • cefuroxine,
  • cefradine and others.

Also, drugs from the tetracycline group are used to treat inflammatory processes: tetracycline hydrochloride, doxycycline, monocycline and others. From the group of macrolides, oleandomycin, erythromycin, midecamycin (macropen), clarithromycin (clacid) are used. Complex preparations containing macrolides and tetracyclines are used: oletethrin, tetraolean, ericycline.

From the group of aminoglycosides, gentamicin, monomycin, kanamycin, amikacin, dibekacin, etc. are used. The group of polymexins is represented by the drugs polymexin B and polymexin M. From the group of rifamycins, rifampicin is used.

Sulfonamide drugs are also used to relieve the inflammatory process.

Sulfonamides have chemotherapeutic activity against infections caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and some protozoan chlamydia. Their action is associated mainly with the disruption of the formation by microorganisms of growth factors necessary for their development - folic and dihydrofolic acids and other substances, the molecule of which includes para-aminobenzoic acid. Sulfonamides are captured by the microbial cell instead of para-aminobenzoic acid and thereby disrupt the flow in it metabolic processes. From the group sulfa drugs sulfadimethoxine, sulfalene, biseptol, bactrim, sulfatone, groseptol, etc. are more often used.

Biogenic stimulants include animal preparations and plant origin, which, when introduced into the body, can have a stimulating effect and accelerate regeneration processes. Biostimulants used in medical practice include preparations from plants (aloe extract), animal and human tissue (placenta suspension), as well as from estuary mud (PhiBS) and peat (peat).

Aloe extract liquid for injection- a preparation made from canned, fresh or dried aloe leaves. 1 ml is injected under the skin daily (maximum daily dose 3-4 ml), for a course of 30-50 injections.

FiBS for injections- a biogenic stimulant from distilled estuary mud. 1 ml is injected under the skin once a day, for a course of 30-35 injections.

Peloid distillate- biogenic stimulant - a product of distillation of estuary mud. 1 ml is injected under the skin once a day, for a course of 30-35 injections.

Humisol— solution of sea healing mud fractions 0.01%. Used intramuscularly and by electrophoresis. It is administered intramuscularly, starting with 1 ml daily in the first 2-3 days; if well tolerated, continue administering 2 ml 1 time per day for 20-30 days.

Placenta extract for injection- aqueous extract from cold-preserved human placenta. Inject 1 ml under the skin daily or every other day.

Enzymes- drugs that have a targeted effect on the enzymatic processes of the body. In the treatment of gynecological diseases, enzyme preparations with proteolytic action (trypsin, chymotrypsin) are used. Trypsin is an endogenous enzyme that breaks peptide bonds in a protein molecule. The use of trypsin is based on its ability to break down necrotic tissue and fibrinous formations under local influence, to liquefy viscous secretions, exudates, and blood clots. Crystalline trypsin is administered intramuscularly at 5-10 mg 1-2 times a day for a course of 6-15 injections. Trypsin is also used using electrophoresis. The action of another enzyme preparation is similar to the action of trypsin.

In order to increase specific immune protection, drugs are used that correct immune processes. For this purpose, the following drugs are used: pyrogenal, prodigiosan, levomisol, glyceram.

Pyrogenal is a lipopolysaccharide formed during the life of microorganisms Pseudomonas aeruginosa and others; has a pyrogenic effect.


Treatment is complex and includes the use of local and general restoratives. Treatment of concomitant diseases (diabetes, pustular lesions, helminthiasis, cervicitis, etc.) is indicated, during which vulvitis often develops. In case of acute vulvitis, toilet of the external genitalia is performed two to three times a day. warm solution potassium permanganate (1:10000), warm chamomile infusion, 2-3% boric acid solution, apply lotions with furatsilin solution (1:5000) 3-4 times a day, lubricate the vulva with 5% anesthetic ointment. For vulvitis caused by opportunistic microbes, furazolidone with polymyxin M sulfate in powder is prescribed locally. For subacute cases, sitz baths with potassium permanganate or chamomile infusion 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes are recommended.


In the acute stage, conservative pharmacotherapy: antibacterial agents (antibiotics, sulfonamides, nitrofurans, biseptol); analgesics (suppositories with belladonna, antipyrine, cefekop); Regional autohemotherapy 5-7 ml IM every other day. Local therapy: cryotherapy (30-40 minutes each; lotions with Burov’s liquid, lead water, furatsilin 1:5000). If the condition improves, physical therapy (UV rays, UHF, centimeter wave microwaves) is indicated; if there is no improvement (after 2-4 days), thermal procedures (heating pads, Sollux, Minin lamp) in combination with ointment applications (ichthyol, Vishnevsky ointment) are indicated.

Surgical treatment is performed in the presence of a gland abscess. At chronic stage diseases are treated non-medically in the form of thermal procedures (mud, ozokerite, paraffin); laser therapy.


Pharmacotherapy. Etiotropic treatment is carried out with antibiotics and antibacterial agents after determining the sensitivity of the pathogen to them. The main method of application is local. Antibiotics are used in the form of irrigation with a mixture of penicillin 300,000 units and 5 ml of 0.25% lysozyme solution for 8 days; antibiotics are also used in the form of vaginal suppositories (penicillin or neomycin up to 100,000 units, furazolidone 0.05 g). Furazolidone is used in the form of vaginal sticks in combination with polymyxin M.

For colpitis, the use of locally estrogen-containing drugs is indicated: ointment (folliculin - 500 units, lapolin - 30 g); vaginal suppositories (folliculin - 500 units, boric acid - 0.1 g, cocoa butter - 1.5 g), or 3-5 drops of folliculin solution (1000 units) are instilled into the vagina, the course of treatment is 10-15 days. Local procedures include vaginal irrigation with solutions of potassium permanganate 1:6000, rivanol 0.5-0.1% for no more than 3-4 days. In case of a pronounced process, it is necessary to supplement local treatment with general treatment: it is possible to use Biseptol-480 orally, 2 tablets 2 times a day (morning and yesterday after meals), tetracycline 0.2 g 5 times a day, erythromycin 0.5 g 4 times a day . Biostimulants (aloe, fibs, vitreous, etc.) are also prescribed. For the purpose of immune stimulation - levamisole (Decaris) orally at the rate of 0.0025 g/kg for 3 days.

Non-drug treatment. Physiotherapy is used in the form of general ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis with a 1% solution of novocaine or a 10% solution of calcium chloride on the external genital area.


In the acute stage of the disease, etiotropic treatment is carried out (antibacterial, taking into account the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics, sulfonamides). In the chronic form, therapy is carried out with immunomodulators (decaris, T-activin, 1 ml 0.01% solution subcutaneously). Local treatment is carried out after acute inflammatory phenomena have subsided: douching or baths with a 1-3% solution of protargol, 1-2% solution of argentum, 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, vagotil, rivanol, furatsilin 1:5000; vaginal ointment tampons (with antibiotics, nitrofurans, glucocorticoids, antifungal drugs); instillation of emulsions into the endocervix of levosin, course of treatment for 7 days.


Treatment of inflammatory processes of nonspecific etiology of the upper genital organs

Acute endometritis

Pharmacotherapy includes general and local treatment. General treatment includes antibacterial therapy, immunostimulating and detoxification therapy.

  1. Antibacterial therapy uses broad-spectrum antibiotics; It is advisable to simultaneously prescribe a combination of at least 2 antibiotics in maximum doses, taking into account the sensitivity of the microflora. The combinations include semisynthetic penicillins (6.0 g per day), zeporin, kefzol, cefamizin (6.0 g per day), kanamycin (2 g per day), gentamicin (160 mg per day), with the most effective combinations being ceporin and oxacillin, ampicillin and gentamicin, chloramphenicol and limcomycin. Antibiotics are supplemented with sulfonamides (etazol IV in the form of a 10% solution of 10.0 ml every 12 hours), nitrofurans (orally - 0.8 g per day, IV - 0.1% solution of furagin drip 400-800 ml), metronidazole (Klion) IV 100 ml every 8 hours at a rate of 5 ml per minute for 7 days. Tetracycline group drugs are also prescribed at a dose of 0.75 g per day intravenously every 8 hours. To prevent candidiasis, nystatin is prescribed 2 million units per day, levorin 1 million units per day. When treating endometritis, antibiotics are administered in a daily dose into the uterine muscle through posterior arch or under the endometrium.
  2. The following are used as immunostimulants: timolin - 10 mg IM once a day for 7 days; T-activin - 1 ml of 0.01% solution IM once a day for 5 days; thymogen - 100 mcg intramuscularly for 5-7 days; immunoglobulin - 5 ml IM or IV every other day, 5 doses.
  3. Anti-inflammatory therapy includes derivatives salicylic acid(aspirin) pyrazolone (analgin, butadione), paraaminophenol (paracetamol), indoleacetic (indomethacin, methindol), proteonic (ibuprofen) acids. Appointed to therapeutic doses 1 tablet 3 times a day.
  4. Detoxification therapy. The total volume of infusion is 1250 ml per day: rheopolyglucin 400 ml, blood plasma, 10% glucose solution 400 ml, Ringer's solution 250 ml. Therapy also includes vitamins and antihistamines. Local treatment includes vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity, gentle uterine curettage and long-term intrauterine dialysis. Irrigation of the uterine cavity is carried out with solutions of antiseptics and antibiotics (solutions of furatsilin, hydrogen peroxide, dimexide, chlorophyllipt). Physiotherapy - pulsed ultrasound, electrophoresis of copper, zinc, laser therapy, vibration massage.

Chronic endometritis

The main therapeutic factors are physiobalneotherapy. The most commonly used magnetic fields are UHF, centimeter-wave microwaves, pulsed ultrasound, electrophoresis of copper and zinc. Effective healing mud, ozokerite, paraffin, sulfide, radon waters (baths, irrigation). Desensitizing therapy is also prescribed - diphenhydramine, suprastin, pipolfen. During menstruation, broad-spectrum antibiotics are indicated.


Acute salpingoophoritis involves complex therapy:

  1. antibacterial;
  2. detoxification;
  3. desensitizing;
  4. immunotherapy;
  5. enzyme therapy;
  6. non-drug treatment.

1. During antibacterial therapy, treatment is carried out simultaneously with two or more antibiotics: a combination of semisynthetic penicillins (ampicillin, oxacillin, methicillin, ampiox) - 3.5 g / day, probenecid - 1 g orally, tetracycline - 0.5 g 4 times per day for 7 days. A combination of cephalosporins is possible - 2.0 g/day, intramuscularly, then tetracycline orally - 0.5 g 4 times a day for 7 days.

The following therapeutic combinations are considered the most effective:

a) doxycycline - 0.1-0.2 g/day orally for 7 days and cephalosporins (cephaloridine) 4.0 g/day. i/m; cephaliuin - 2.0-3.0 g/day. i/m, i/v; claferan - 2.0 g/day. i/m;

b) dalacin C - 300-600 mg IV, IM after 8-12 hours, then 900-1200 mg IV after 12 hours and gentamicin - daily dose 2.4-3.2 mg/kg body weight after 6-8 hours for 6-8 days; Brulamycin - daily dose 2-3 mg/kg body weight IM, IV after 6-8 hours; kanamycin - 1.5-2 g/day. in 8-12 hours.

The main antibiotics used in the treatment of acute salpingoophoritis belong to the group of penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, macrolides, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol and antibiotics of different groups. IN complex treatment Nitrofurans are also used - 0.3 g/day, metronidazole - 0.5-1.5 g/day; biseptol - 1.92 g/day, dimexide 20% IV solution with 100.0 ml of 5% glucose solution, chlorophyllipt - 0.25% solution - 2-4 ml IV in a stream 2-4 times a day - within 5-10 days.

2. Detoxification therapy includes infusion therapy: hemodez IV drip 100 ml once every 3-4 days, glucose-vitamin solutions - 1000-1500 ml with a complex of vitamins IV drip. The general infusion calculation is 40 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

3. Desensitizing therapy. Antihistamines are used - diphenhydramine, pipolfen, suprastin, tavegil; calcium chloride preparations, gluconate - 3% solution IV drip, 200 ml; autohemotherapy 5-7 ml IM according to the scheme; histaglobulin is administered subcutaneously, 2 ml every 3-4 days.

Glucocorticoids are indicated in the acute, subacute stage - prednisolone - 5 mg / day for 5 days, then according to a scheme of increasing doses for 25 days, then the dose is adequately reduced to the original one.

4. Immunotherapy. Thymalin is used intramuscularly at 10-20 mg for 5-10 days, tactivin - subcutaneously at 1 ml for 5-10 days, thymosin - subcutaneously at 1 mcg/kg body weight for 20-30 days. , thymogen - 100 mcg intramuscularly for 5-7 days, gamma globulin 12-15 ml of 10% solution intramuscularly once every 20 days for 3-4 injections; pyrogenal and prodigiosan are prescribed after the acute process has subsided.

5. Enzyme therapy. Lysozyme is used topically 0.5% emulsion, as well as intramuscularly; Trasylol - IV drip up to 50,000 units per day for 3 days.

6. Non-drug treatment. Cryotherapy - vaginal and external abdominal hypotherampia - up to 2-3.5 hours per day. Hyperbaric oxygenation- pressure 1.5-3 atm. - for 1-1.5 hours a day, course of treatment is 6-7 procedures. Also used are exchange plasmaphoresis, ultraviolet irradiation of blood, extracorporeal hemosorption, laser therapy, reflexology.

If complications of acute salpingoophoritis occur, the formation of saccular formations of the uterine appendages (pyosalpinx, ovarian abscess, tubo-ovarian formations), surgical treatment is indicated for patients.

Chronic salpingoophoritis

Treatment with antibiotics is indicated in cases of exacerbation of the process. Painkillers (paracetamol, indomethacin, etc.) are widely prescribed; sedatives and neurotropic drugs(nozepam, phenazepam); desensitizing agents (diphenhydramine, pipolfen); tonics (eleutherococcus, pantocrine, leuzea); hormonal correction secondary ovarian hypofunction according to tests functional diagnostics; enzymes (ronidase, lidase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, caripazim).

Physiotherapy uses ultrasound, phonophoresis, drug electrophoresis, UHF, microwave, magnetic fields; laser therapy, therapeutic exercises, massotherapy and psychotherapy.


It is customary to distinguish between general and local therapy for peritonitis. Surgery is the mainstay in the treatment of peritonitis. Treatment of peritonitis is staged and includes preoperative preparation, surgical intervention, and intensive postoperative intervention.

Pharmacotherapy of pelvioperitonitis corresponds to the treatment regimen for acute salpingoophoritis. With timely initiation and proper treatment, it is often possible to avoid surgical intervention.


Treatment of parametritis, as well as pelvioperitonitis, involves complex therapy, including antibacterial therapy, desensitizing, detoxification therapy, symptomatic treatment, and physiotherapeutic treatment. If there is no effect from conservative therapy, surgical treatment is performed.

Treatment of inflammatory processes of the genital organs of specific etiology


Treatment of trichomoniasis should be comprehensive and include specific therapy (antitrichomoniasis drugs) in combination with broad-spectrum antibiotics, immunostimulants, biostimulants, and vitamins. Treatment should be carried out both general and local.

For specific therapy, drugs of the imidazoles group (metronidazole, flagyl, trichopolum) are used according to the scheme.

Scheme No. 1
Day 1 - 1.5 g/day in 3 divided doses every 8 hours; Day 2 - 1.25 g/day in 3 divided doses every 8 hours; 3rd day 1.0 g/day; 4th day - 0.75 g/day; Day 5 - 0.5 g/day in 2 divided doses.

Scheme No. 2
1st day 0.5 g 2 times a day; 2nd day 0.25 g 3 times a day; then 4 days in a row, 0.25 g 2 times a day

Scheme No. 3
0.25 g 2 times a day (0.5 g/day); b) nitazol (alienitrazole, tricholaval) - 0.1 g 3 times a day; c) tinidazole (fasigin, triconidazole) - 2.0 g/day once (4 tablets with meals), or 0.5 g (1 tablet) every 15 minutes for an hour (2 g/day) - for 1 day.

The treatment regimen also includes nitrofurans (furagin 0.1-0.15 g 3 times a day, furadonin 0.1-0.15 g 4 times a day - 7 days), antibiotics (tetracycline 0.3 g 5 times a day , then 0.2 g 5 times a day - up to a course dose of 10.0 g, lithacycline 0.3 g 2-3 times a day, doxycycline - 0.3 g first dose, then 0.1 g 4 times a day ).

Locally prescribed: trichopolum 0.5 g/day (in tablets, suppositories), clotrimazole (1 vaginal suppository per day - 6 days), Klion-D ( vaginal tablets: 500 mg of metronidazole and 150 mg of miconazole - 1 tablet in the vagina - 10 days), nitazol (in suppositories, suspensions - 15 days), irrigation with antibiotic solutions (gramicidin); pimafucin (1 tablet in the vagina - 20 days), powders from drugs of the nitrofuran group.

Immunotherapy includes drugs - pyrogenal, autohemotherapy, T-activin, thymalin. Biostimulants and vitamin therapy are carried out according to the generally accepted scheme.


Treatment of gonorrhea begins with antibacterial therapy - broad-spectrum antibiotics are used: benzylpenicillin - intramuscularly at 60,000 - 400,000 units every 3 hours (per course - 4.2-6.8 million units), bicillin 1, 3, 5 - intravenously /m 600,000 units after 24 hours (per course - 3.6 million units), ampicillin 0.5 g intramuscularly after 4 hours (per course - 8.0 g), ampiox - intramuscularly - 2.0 g/ day (course 15.0-21.0 g), oxacillin - orally 0.5 g 5 times a day (course - 10.0 - 14.0), caffecillin - orally 0.5 g 3 times a day ( course 5.0-8.0 g), chloramphenicol - orally 0.5 g 4 times a day (course 6.0-10.0 g), tetracycline - orally 0.3 g 5 times a day (course 5 .0-10.0 g), doxycycline - orally 0.1 g 2 times a day (course 1.0-1.5 g), rifampicin - orally 0.3-0.6 g 1-2 times a day day (course 1.5 g-6.0 g). Sulfonamides - biseptol 2 tablets 2 times (course 16-20 tablets), sulfatone - 2 tablets 2 times a day (course - 4.2 g - 7.0 g).


There are specific and nonspecific immunotherapy for gonorrhea. Specific immunotherapy involves the use of gonovaccine. The initial dose IM is 200-400 million microbial bodies after 1-2 days, then the dose is increased by 150-300 million and brought to 2 billion microbial bodies (6-8 injections). Nonspecific immunotherapy - pyrogenal (initial dose 25-50 MTD IM, increase by 25-50-100 MTD to the maximum dose (not higher than 1000 MTD) depending on the body's response, course - 10-15 injections; prodigiosan, autohemotherapy, levamisole , methyluracil.

To accelerate the regression of inflammatory infiltrates in the affected organs, biostimulants are prescribed, the course of treatment is from 15 to 25-30 days.


Treatment of patients with genital candidiasis is carried out with antifungal antibiotics and synthetic drugs: amphotericin B - iv drip 50,000 units in 500.0 ml of 5% glucose solution - daily, course - 4-8 weeks (with breaks), total dose - 1.5 - 2 million units; amphoglucamine (in tablets) - 200,000 units 2 times a day for 10-14 days; mycoheptin - orally, 200,000-250,000 units 2 times a day, for 10-14 days; nystatin - orally, 500,000 units up to 1,000,000 units, per day up to 6,000,000-8,000,000 units, course - 14 days; levorin - 400,000 units orally 2-3 times a day for 10-12 days.

Vaginal suppositories of clotrimazole, polygynax, pimafucin, vaginal tablets of terzhinan, Klion-D, vaginal cream of batrafen are used locally. WITH for preventive purposes Nizoral is used at a dose of 200 mg/day for a long time (2-5 months).

Non-drug therapy includes physical therapy (ultrasound, diathermy, microwave, UHF, microwaves), balneotherapy, exercise therapy, and sanatorium-resort treatment.

Mycoplasmosis (ureaplasmosis)

Treatment begins with antibiotics active against mycoplasmas: doxycycline (vibramycin) - 100 mg 2 times a day for 10 days; course - 20 g; erythromycin - 500 mg 4 times a day for 14 days; tetracycline - 0.5 g 4 times a day for 1-2 weeks, course - up to 27.0 g. Gentamicin is administered intramuscularly at 40 mg every 8 hours for 5-7 days, course 600-840 mg.

In a hospital setting, you can use intravenous morphocycline with 5% glucose solution. Ointment tampons with 1-3% tetracycline ointment, 1% erythromycin ointment, vaginal tablets, cream, clotrimazole suppositories, Klion-D are indicated locally.

Of the non-drug treatments, the most indicated are physiotherapy - inductotherapy, UHF, electrophoresis, ultrasound, phonophoresis through tetracycline, erythromycin ointment, low-frequency pulsed currents, ozokerite, paraffin.

Tuberculosis of female genital organs

Treatment includes specific and nonspecific therapy.

Specific treatment involves the use of etiotropic chemotherapy, which has a bacteriostatic effect on mycobacteria. These are first-line drugs - derivatives of GINK: tubazid (single dose 0.3-0.6 g, daily 0.6-0.9 g), ftivazid (single dose 0.5-1.0 g, daily 1.0- 2.0 g), saluzide (single dose 0.5-1.5 g, daily dose -2.0 g), PAX - (single dose 4.0-5.0 g, daily dose 9.0-15.0) ;

Second-line drugs: ethionamide (single dose 0.25-0.5 g, daily dose 0.75-1.0 g); tibon, thioacetazone (single dose 0.03-0.005 g, daily dose - 0.06-0.1 g).

The most effective combinations of chemotherapy drugs are: GINK + kanamycin + PAS (Tibon - for intolerance); GINK+PASK; GINK + rifampicin + ethambutol; GINK + rifampicin + PAS; ethambutol + rifampicin, etc. In case of significant changes in the appendages, treatment is carried out with a triple combination of drugs (isoniazid, benemecin, ethambutol). Duration of treatment is 12-18 months.

Nonspecific therapy includes enzyme therapy (lidase 64 units intramuscularly for 30-40 days, or use suppositories with ronidase). Among the antioxidants, use a 30% solution of alpha-tocopherol acetate - 1 ml IM daily, course of 50-60 injections; 30% sodium thiosulfate solution - 10 ml IV every 1-2 days (course of 40-50 injections). Hydrotubation is carried out with a solution containing a 30% solution of sodium thiosulfate - 10 ml, lidase - 64 units, penicillin 1 million units, novocaine 0.25% solution.

Non-drug treatment includes physiotherapy. SMT electrophoresis, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, mud therapy, balneotherapy.

If there is no effect from conservative therapy and there are indications, surgical treatment is performed.

Few of us have never had a cold in our lives, suffered from a runny nose, or received abrasions and scratches. All these, one might say, harmless health problems, not to mention more serious illnesses, for example, pneumonia or gastritis, are associated with a pathological process in organs or tissues, called inflammation. Its stages, like any disease, are different - from the initial, easiest and most quickly treatable, to the last, most severe and irreversible. How does inflammation occur? What is happening in our body at this moment? How to treat inflammation? What are the forecasts and what are the consequences? We will try to answer each of the questions posed clearly and in detail.

The essence of inflammation

There are thousands of diseases in the world. All of them are either caused by inflammatory processes in human organs or give rise to inflammation. The stages of the latter may vary for different ailments, the causes may differ, the signs may not be the same, but the result without proper treatment is almost always approximately the same - irreversible changes in health, and sometimes death. However, inflammation also has good side. It occurs in the body to protect it. This function has been formed over millions of years, throughout human evolution. That is, inflammation is a pathological process that develops with any damage in order to eliminate the irritant and restore tissue. Inflammation can be called a trigger button, turning on the body’s protective actions and at the same time a barrier that does not allow negative processes to leave the inflamed focus. It accumulates toxins that can cause intoxication. During inflammation, specific particles are produced - these toxins are destructive. And another one useful feature inflammation - they produce antibodies and strengthen the immune system.

There is also negativity, and quite a lot. Such processes can lead to failure and pose a threat to human life.


Doctors classify inflammation not only by location (throat, stomach, lungs, etc.), but also by many other characteristics. Its stages are as follows:

  • alteration;
  • exudation;
  • proliferation.

Depending on the form of inflammation, there are:

  • acute (duration from several minutes to several hours);
  • subacute (the period of flow is calculated in days and weeks);
  • chronic (appear in cases where acute or subacute forms are not cured, last for years, sometimes for life).

Whatever form the inflammatory process is diagnosed, the reasons for its occurrence are as follows:

  • infectious (viruses, bacteria);
  • toxic (exposure to chemicals harmful to health);
  • autoimmune (the body produces unnecessary antibodies or aggressive cells);
  • purulent-septic;
  • traumatic;
  • paraneoplastic (develop mainly in cancer);
  • post-traumatic;
  • physical (for example, temperature effects that are unfavorable for the body).

The reasons why inflammation occurred, the stages and forms of its progression are the main characteristics by which doctors classify the disease. Thus, pneumonia is an infectious inflammation of lung tissue, which can be acute and at the same time exudative. Let's take a closer look at the unclear terms.

How does the inflammatory process develop?

The start for any type of inflammation is such changes in the structure of cells, and with them the organs as a whole, in which their normal functioning is disrupted. This identifies signs of inflammation. In a cage under the influence unfavorable factor Changes in the cytoplasm, membrane, and nucleus begin very quickly. This process activates the production of so-called mediators - special biological chemicals that activate biochemical reactions, that is, they give birth. Mediators include histamine, bradykinin, serotonin and many other specific agents. They are all responsible for different signs of inflammation. Thus, histamine leads to the dilation of blood vessels and an increase in the permeability of their walls. Bradykinin and kallidin are involved in pain. In the area where the vessels are dilated, the initial sign of inflammation appears - redness. Since the total cross-sectional area of ​​dilated vessels increases, the volumetric velocity of blood flow in them increases, and the linear velocity decreases. This causes the second sign of inflammation - a jump in temperature.

Subsequently, each link in the chain reaction is characterized by a more severe manifestation. A drop in linear velocity activates the production of red blood cells, which further slow down blood flow. This increases thrombus formation, in which the vessels can completely block. So-called stasis occurs, which causes tissue necrosis. After blood stagnation in the capillaries, stagnation begins in the venules. This leads to the accumulation of exudate in the tissues. The next sign of inflammation appears - swelling, and then another sign - pain.

Leukocytes, salts, and proteins begin to leak through the thinned walls of blood vessels (exudation occurs). In this case, leukocytes move towards the factor that caused inflammation, since their main role is phagocytosis. Subsequently, in the inflammatory infiltrate (the place where biological elements uncharacteristic for it accumulate), some of the cells die, others are transformed, turning, for example, into macrophages.

To summarize, the following general symptoms of inflammation can be identified:

  • redness;
  • an increase in temperature either in the inflamed area or in the body as a whole;
  • swelling;
  • soreness.

In addition, to general symptoms relate:

  • development of leukocytosis;
  • increased blood ESR;
  • change in immunological reactivity (the body’s response to the introduction and action of an inflammatory factor);
  • signs of intoxication.

But every disease has its own specific symptoms. So, with pneumonia it is a cough, with gastritis, nausea, sometimes vomiting, belching, heartburn, with cystitis, and so on.

Alteration stage

The term "alterative inflammation" in modern medicine is practically no longer found, but still exists in veterinary medicine. It means pathological changes in some organs (kidneys, heart, liver, spinal cord and brain), in which necrotic changes are recorded in tissues (parenchyma) without exudation and proliferation. Alternative inflammation occurs most often in an acute form and can lead to complete destruction of the organ.

Alteration is divided into two subtypes - primary and secondary.

Primary in its essence is the result of the introduction of a source of inflammation into the body. Secondary is the body’s reaction to damage caused by an inflammatory agent. In practice, both of them do not have clear boundaries.

Diseases caused by such inflammation include typhoid fever, myocarditis, dysentery and others. Now most doctors call alterative inflammation necrosis.

Exudation stage

Exudative inflammation is a stage of the pathological process in which there is a release from capillaries and other small vessels in the cavity or tissue of the body of various fluids (exudate). Depending on what exactly comes out, the following types of inflammatory processes are distinguished:

  • serous;
  • fibrous;
  • purulent;
  • putrefactive;
  • catarrhal;
  • hemorrhagic;
  • mixed.

Let's look at each of them.


Another name for the disease is serous exudative inflammation. This is a pathological process in which at least 2% and no more than 8% of blood serum protein is detected in the exudate, but there are literally only a few leukocytes. It occurs in mucous and serous thin, smooth and elastic membranes (for example, in the peritoneum, pleura, pericardium). The inflamed membranes become dense, cloudy and rough. Symptoms of inflammation are not pronounced. The patient may have a slight fever and mild painful sensations. Causes of this pathology:

  • chemicals (intoxication, poisoning);
  • physical impact (injuries, including burns and frostbite, bites of certain insects);
  • microorganisms (Koch bacilli, herpes, meningococcus);
  • allergy.

Serous inflammations can be acute or chronic.


This type of inflammation is characterized by the fact that the exudate contains leukocytes, monocytes, macrophages, dead cells and fibrin clots - a blood plasma protein that forms the basis of blood clots. In the inflamed area, tissue dies and a large number of platelets form, a thin fibrous film is formed, under which microbes actively begin to multiply. Fibrous inflammation can be croupous and diphtheritic. With croupous, a film forms on the mucous membranes of the trachea, peritoneum, alveoli, and bronchi. It does not grow into the tissue, so it is easily removed without leaving wounds. With diphtheria, a film forms on the mucous membranes of the intestines, esophagus, and stomach. It turns out to be dense, as if fused with the layers located under it, so when it is removed, wounds remain. “Female inflammation” is what a similar process in the uterus is sometimes called. It can occur for various reasons - infections (gonorrhea, syphilis), hypothermia, mechanical damage (abortion, childbirth), poor hygiene. In all cases, the acute form presents pain in the genitals or lower abdomen, vaginal discharge, and fever. This can lead to kidney disease, heart disease, endocrine system. Inflammation in women, which is chronic, can occur without any noticeable symptoms, but leads to adhesions of the fallopian tubes and infertility. This form develops if a woman does not fully treat an acute illness, as well as with some types of infection (for example, gonococci), which are practically asymptomatic in the initial stages.

Purulent and putrid

If there is pus in the exudate - a specific substance including purulent serum, tissue detritus, neutrophilic leukocytes, eozonophils - inflammation is accompanied by purulent processes. They are caused by various microorganisms, such as gonococci, staphylococci and others. Forms of purulent inflammation:

  • abscess (suppuration);
  • phlegmon;
  • empyema.

An abscess occurs either as an independent inflammatory process or as a complication of a previous disease. In this case, a barrier capsule is formed that prevents the spread of pathogens to neighboring tissues.

Cellulitis differs from an abscess in that it does not have clearly defined boundaries. There are many types of phlegmon. This includes subcutaneous, intermuscular, retroperitoneal, perinephric, and many others. If phlegmon spreads to adjacent tissue areas, sepsis may begin.

Empyema is somewhat similar to an abscess, but there is a significant accumulation of pus in the body cavity, and there is no protective membrane.

Putrefactive inflammation develops from purulent inflammation if putrefactive microflora enters the focus. In this case, tissue necrosis occurs, causing intoxication of the patient’s body and characterized by a putrid odor. This is possible with extensive wounds, for example, during military operations, and in women with unskilled abortions. How to treat inflammation in such severe form? Only therapy with properly selected antibiotics together with surgery can make the prognosis favorable.


This type of pathology is a continuation of the above inflammatory processes and develops if the permeability of the walls increases blood vessels, up to the violation of their integrity. At the same time, a large number of red blood cells enter the inflamed area, making the exudate dark red, almost black in color, and if the inflammation affects the gastrointestinal tract, their contents become chocolate-colored. Called hemorrhagic inflammation bacteria, viruses, sometimes fungi, some chemicals and toxins. It is observed in diseases such as smallpox, plague, anthrax.


This process is not independent, because it is formed when mucus is added to an already existing exudate. Caused by the following reasons:

  • infection (viruses, bacteria);
  • tall or low temperatures(burn, frostbite);
  • chemical substances;
  • products of improper metabolism.

Examples include allergic rhinitis (hay fever, or, popularly, the well-known runny nose), bronchitis, which has turned into a purulent-catarrhal form, in which the bronchi and trachea are inflamed. Is it possible and how to relieve inflammation of this form at home? Traditional medicine advises using aromatherapy (breathing oils of fir, geranium, eucalyptus and others). For catarrhal sinusitis, remove mucus from the nose, rinse with solutions of salt, herbs or plain water, and instill vasoconstrictors into the nose. At catarrhal sore throat gargle, drink plenty of warm liquid, do breathing exercises, take expectorants and antitussives. For any localization of catarrhal inflammation, medication is administered antiviral therapy, but antibiotics are used only as prescribed by a doctor and only in the presence of complications, for example, with the development of purulent inflammation.

Proliferative inflammation

This form is observed in all types of inflammation, and it is most active in the final stages of the disease. The term “proliferation” can be explained as follows: this is a new formation, the birth of cells and entire cellular structures. This mainly happens during the period of restoration of an organ or tissue after inflammation, when mesenchymal cells produce fibroblasts, and they, in turn, synthesize collagen, which often ends in the formation of scars. The types of proliferative inflammation are as follows:

The acute inflammatory process develops rapidly. It is characterized by the symptoms mentioned above, namely: redness of the affected area, heat, swelling, pain, formation of exudate, impaired blood circulation in the capillaries and venules. Chronic inflammation is characterized by the fact that in this form active macrophages begin to accumulate in one place. The pathological process is caused by the following reasons:

Acute inflammation, with all its severity, ends quickly (unless it comes to purulent abscesses), while chronic inflammation torments a person for years. It cannot end quickly for the following reasons:

  • macrophages, which trigger inflammation, live a very long time;
  • While macrophages are alive and remain active, resorption of granulomas is impossible.

Chronic inflammation in the remission stage practically does not bother the patient and is activated (the acute stage begins) when fresh, highly active macrophages are added to the inflammatory focus.

Which inflammation is more dangerous: acute or chronic?

For all its apparent harmlessness, chronic inflammation is the most dangerous. For example, inflammation of the ligaments of the limbs leads to diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, arthritis and others. The acute form of all these ailments is manifested by pain, redness of the area of ​​the body around the source of inflammation, and increased temperature. When going to chronic form pain occurs only under the influence of certain external factors, for example, weather conditions, high physical activity or mechanical stress. However, the chronic form is dangerous due to irreversible deformations of ligaments, cartilage, joints, involvement of neighboring sectors of the musculoskeletal system in the process (for example, with rheumatoid arthritis the cervical spine is affected), complete destruction of the joint and degenerative change in ligaments, which leads to disability. Inflammation of the ligaments of the limbs can be caused by multiple reasons, including:

  • injuries;
  • increased physical activity;
  • infections;
  • metabolic disease.

Inflammation of the throat ligaments is caused by infection in the ENT organs, smoking, hypothermia, inhalation of harmful gases, and strong screaming.

The acute form is manifested by pain in the throat when talking and swallowing, redness, fever, sore throat, hoarseness, but with proper treatment, the disease goes away quickly and without a trace. If the acute form becomes chronic, the patient develops shortness of breath, the larynx swells, and chronic catarrh can lead to atrophy of the mucous membrane.

How to relieve inflammation

If the body is strong enough and able to withstand the inflammatory factor, or this factor is short-term and weak (for example, a scratch goes away on its own after a couple of days. You can only slightly help this process by disinfecting the injury site. At home, treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and oral cavity(along with drug therapy) is carried out using decoctions of chamomile, celandine, and calendula. Rinsing with a baking soda solution with a couple of drops of iodine helps.

In chronic forms of inflammation, supportive therapy is indicated, which consists of creating satisfactory conditions for the patient, a diet rich in vitamins, and eliminating health hazards. irritating factors(overwork, hypothermia, stress, etc.). During periods of exacerbation, drug and physiotherapeutic treatment is carried out.

Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs can manifest themselves in different ways, and this is determined by the extent of the lesion and the level of the inflammatory response. Pathological condition may develop due to penetration of the pathogen into the genital tract. These could be bacteroids, enterococci, chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, trichomonas, etc., for which, for some reason, favorable conditions for reproduction and development have arisen.

This is usually characteristic of menstruation, after an abortion or postpartum period, various manipulations inside the uterus, such as during the insertion of an IUD, hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy and diagnostic curettage.

The body's defense mechanisms try to fight these infectious phenomena, which gives a systemic inflammatory response to invasion. However, this may not be enough.

How to treat inflammation in women?

Antibacterial agents are always required. Therefore, treatment of acute endometritis, without taking into account the severity of its manifestations, begins with antibacterial infusion, restorative and desensitizing therapy.

Antibiotics should be prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen to them. The duration of the course and dose of antibiotics are dictated by the severity of the disease. Additionally, it is recommended to use metronidazole, for example, cephalosporins with metronidazole and aminoglycosides. In particular, Cefamandole (cefotaxime, cefuroxime) is prescribed one to two grams up to four times a day intramuscularly or intravenously drip, together with Gentamicin intramuscularly eighty milligrams three times a day and Metrogyl one hundred milliliters intravenously drip.

Cephalosporins can be replaced with semi-synthetic penicillins, the same ampicillin, one gram six times a day. Duration of such antibacterial course should not be less than a week and a half. To prevent dysbiosis from the very beginning of antibiotic treatment, 250,000 units four times a day, or fifty grams of Diflucan per day for one to two weeks, intravenously or orally.

Detoxification infusion treatment may include, in particular, 400 ml of polyionic solution, 500 ml of Ringer-Locke solution, 400 ml of hemodez, 200 ml of 1% calcium chloride solution, 500 ml of 5% glucose solution and five milliliters each Unithiol with 5% solution ascorbic acid three times a day. If hypoproteinemia is diagnosed, infusions of protein solutions, such as protein and albumin, plasma, blood replacement solutions, whole blood or red blood cells and amino acids are prescribed.

In acute endometritis, physiotherapy is also very important, reducing the inflammatory process in the endometrium and stimulating the work of the ovaries.

It is also treated with antibiotics, here preference is given to third generation fluoroquinolones - Tarivid, Ciprofloxacin, Abaktal, since the disease is often accompanied by inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum with pelvioperitonitis.

Nowadays, specific ones are treated mainly with Benzylpenicillin, but Cephobid, Rocephin, Fortum are more preferable.

When treating salpingoophoritis with antibiotics, Claforan is prescribed at a dose of one to two grams intramuscularly up to four times a day, or one two gram dose intravenously together with 80 mg of gentamicin three times a day. These drugs must certainly be combined with intravenous administration of 100 ml of Metrogyl up to three times a day. The course of antibiotic treatment should not last less than a week, and second and third generation cephalosporins are prescribed. Among them, Mandol, Rocephin, Zinacef, Fortum, Cephobid should be noted, the dose of which is up to four grams per day.

Acute inflammation of the uterine appendages, if it is complicated by pelvioperitonitis, requires a mandatory main course, and only after it is the oral use of antibiotics allowed if necessary. Usually there is no such need.

Detoxification treatment is mainly carried out with detoxification and crystalloid solutions of two to two and a half liters together with solutions of Hemodez, Ringer-Locke, Reopoliglyukin, polyionic solutions (Acessol). Antioxidant treatment is carried out intravenously with 5.0 ml of Unithiol solution with 5% ascorbic acid solution three times a day.

To improve microcirculation and normalize the coagulation and rheological properties of blood, Aspirin is used, a quarter of a gram per day for courses every week and a half, and intravenous administration of 200 ml of Reopoliglucin, which should be done up to three times per course. Then a complex of resorption therapy is carried out, as well as physiotherapy consisting of autohemotherapy, calcium gluconate, sodium thiosulfate, Plasmol, Humisol, FiBS and Aloe.

The most common circumstances of exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages are nonspecific factors such as overwork, hypothermia, stressful situations, negative emotions, extragenital diseases.

Adnexitis (another name for salpingoophoritis) inflammation of the uterine appendages (fallopian tubes and ovaries)

The most constant and characteristic manifestation of adnexitis is pain. Pain, in most cases, is localized in the lower abdomen and can radiate to the lumbar or sacral spine. Much more often pain appears periodically, less often it disturbs invariably. Pain often continues to exist after the disappearance of indicators of the inflammatory response and can intensify with cooling, various diseases, physical and emotional overload, etc.

Indicators of inflammation of the appendages
When treating inflammation of the appendages, it is possible to use traditional medicine recipes as aids.
Herbal tea: prepare a mixture of 200 g of rose hips, 20 g of meadowsweet herb, daisy and mantle. Pour two tablespoons of crushed tea collection into 0.5 liters of hot water, leave for 5 hours, then bring to a boil, cool and strain. Drink the prepared tea throughout the day. Prepare and drink the drink within 2-3 weeks.
A decoction for douching: mix an equal amount of knotweed and horsetail herbs, calendula and yarrow inflorescences, white damselfish flowers and wild mallow. Pour two tablespoons of the crushed mixture into 1 liter of boiling water, leave, covered, for an hour, strain, cool to body temperature. Do douching for a long time (at least 4 weeks, and preferably until complete recovery).

The symptoms of inflammation of the appendages depend on the form of the disease, and it can be chronic or acute. There is also such a thing as a latent (latent, sluggish) disease.

The acute form of inflammation of the appendages is accompanied by the following symptoms:
pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes radiating to the lower back and legs;
discharge from the genital tract;
increase in temperature;
painful sensations during sexual intercourse;
menstrual irregularities in the form of bleeding or delayed menstruation (inflamed ovarian tissue is not able to regulate the menstrual cycle normally).

The chronic form of inflammation of the appendages, in most cases, begins after the end of an acute inflammation that is not well treated, undertreated, or not treated at all. The symptoms of chronic inflammation may be slightly expressed: the temperature fluctuates around 37 degrees, the lower abdomen periodically hurts, minor discharge is observed, lethargy and irritability appear.

Latent, sluggish, asymptomatic form of inflammation of the appendages is the most terrible. The inflammatory process in the body practically does not make itself felt, proceeds slowly, but correctly and heartlessly affects the appendages. The disease progresses, adhesions develop, leading to infertility. This is why it is fundamentally important to systematically visit a gynecologist; in addition, in the absence of complaints, the doctor will be able to promptly find a hidden disease.

Be careful! Inflammation of the appendages is one of the most common causes of infertility. no less dangerous is the fact that this disease triples the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy.

Circumstances of inflammation of the appendages
The cause of inflammation of the appendages may be insufficient attention to the issue of personal hygiene. Try to change sanitary napkin as often as possible, at least twice a day. Avoid thong panties: the narrow strip connecting the front and back of the underwear can become a direct path to the female genital organs for harmful microorganisms living in the rectum.
Sexually transmitted diseases are the most common cause of inflammation of the appendages. These include specific venereal diseases, and diseases caused by conditionally pathogenic flora (gonococcus, trichomonas, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia, gardnerella, candida, etc.).
Nervous overstrain. The lifestyle of a modern working woman has a detrimental effect on the immune system and weakens the body's natural defenses. Banal hypothermia of the legs, arms, lower back is enough, severe stress(except for simple fright) in order to cause inflammation of the appendages.
Hormonal disorders directly related to the neuropsychic state of the lady. Against the background of hormonal emissions or, on the contrary, insufficient production of certain hormones, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, which is why small cysts can form in the appendages and unnecessary fluid accumulates. Inflammation begins, the cyst can grow, fester, and spontaneously open, which threatens very severe inflammation not only in the appendages, but also in nearby organs.
Unclaimed sexuality. The circumstance is quite rare, but it exists. Sexual contact is not only an emotional release, but also a physical one, associated with improved blood flow in the internal genital organs.
Viral diseases. Inflammation of the appendages may appear as a complication after the end of an acute respiratory viral infection or flu. In addition, harmless herpes on the lip can be reflected in inflammation of the appendages in a week or two.

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages

With proper treatment, acute symptoms of inflammation subside within a couple of days. But this does not mean that it is possible to stop treatment.
Once the circumstances of the disease are clarified, the gynecologist prescribes treatment, which includes anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and restorative therapy. The healing process is quite long, but it is forbidden to interrupt it in any case, except if you think that you have fully recovered.

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages includes the following steps:
taking antibiotics;
when identifying indicators of a chronic form and adhesive processes, preventive courses of physiotherapy for 1.5-2 years;
when adhesions form ((sticking together of the walls of the fallopian tubes and ovaries), an endoscopic operation to dissect them;
sanatorium-resort and balneotherapy.

Be careful! According to statistics, in half of the cases, acute inflammation of the appendages becomes chronic due to an interrupted course of treatment.

In most cases, pain is accompanied by transformations in the neuropsychic state of patients (poor sleep, irritability, decreased ability to work, rapid fatigue, etc.).

The incidence of infertility in patients with adnexitis can be about 60–70%.

The third responsible manifestation chronic process there is a violation of menstrual function in the uterus and appendages. The existence of a persistent focus of inflammation in the pelvis leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle in 45–55% of patients, which manifests itself in the form of irregular cycle regularity, scanty, or, conversely, heavy menstruation, painful menstruation. There may be premenstrual or postmenstrual discharge.

Sexual dysfunction occurs in 50-70% of cases and manifests itself in the absence or transformation of sexual desire, lack of orgasm, vaginismus, pain during sexual intercourse, which, in turn, is closely related to the psycho-emotional state of patients and the degree of decreased ovarian function.

In fact, every fourth woman suffering from chronic inflammation of the uterus and/or appendages experiences leucorrhoea. They can be serous or purulent; their number may also vary and is associated, in most cases, with the severity of the inflammatory process.

Treatment of adnexitis
Oak bark, chamomile flowers - 1 part each, nettle leaves 3 parts, knotweed grass 5 parts
Immortelle baskets, birch leaves, strawberry leaves, corn silk, coltsfoot leaves, mint grass, yarrow, bean leaves in 2 parts, knotweed, nettle, string, rosehip fruits in 3 parts, rowan fruits
Lavender grass, bird cherry flowers, wormwood herb 1 part each, oak bark, strawberry leaves 2 parts each, rose hips 3 parts
Oak bark 6 parts, oregano herb 4 parts, marshmallow root 1 part
Thyme, coltsfoot, marshmallow root 2 parts each, nettle, St. John's wort yarrow 1 part
Sweet clover flowers, coltsfoot leaves, centaury, nettle 1 part, yarrow 2 parts
Valerian root, lemon balm leaves 2 parts each, mantle herb, nettle 3 parts each
Licorice root, string grass, Manchurian aralia root, horsetail grass, rose hips, immortelle baskets, elecampane root, alder fruits, 1 part each

Preparation of the mixture: pour 2 tablespoons of pre-crushed (in a coffee grinder or meat grinder) mixture into 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. in a sealed container, pour it into a thermos along with the herbs, leave overnight. Take 100-150 ml per 30 minutes during the day. before meals. To improve the taste, you can add honey, sugar, jam. The course of treatment is 3-4 months. At the end of which they pause for 10-14 days, change the collection and continue treatment. Regardless of the improvement, herbal medicine should be continued for at least 12 months. In the future, switch to preventive doses in the spring and autumn (2 months each).

Boil fresh cabbage leaves in milk. Pour the contents into a suitable vessel and, sitting on it, take a steam bath.

Repeat the procedure until the inflammation ends.

In case of inflammation of the appendages, drink on an empty stomach juice obtained from 1 medium-sized whole raw potato (about 0.3 cups of juice). Before drinking, mix the juice well so that the settled starch becomes suspended.
The course of treatment must be carried out in late summer, autumn and winter - until March.

Take equal parts by weight of sweet clover herb, centaury herb and coltsfoot flowers. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and strain. Take 0.3 cups 6 daily for 3-4 weeks.

Take equal parts of sweet clover grass and coltsfoot flowers. Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Drink 3-4 tablespoons 5 daily. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks with complete abstinence from sexual activity.

Take equal parts of coltsfoot leaf, sweet clover herb, chamomile flowers, calendula flowers and centaury herb. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours.
Take 0.3 cup 6 daily before meals and between meals for 1-2 months. During treatment, complete abstinence from sexual activity is required. Used for inflammation of the ovaries and infertility.

Take by weight 2 parts of wild mallow flowers and oak bark, 3 parts of sage leaves, 5 parts of chamomile flowers. Prepare a decoction of 2 tablespoons of the mixture per 1 liter of water. Use for douching and vaginal tampons.

Pour 1 bucket of boiling water over 50 g of juniper berries and stems, leave for 2 hours and strain. Use for baths.

Pour 2 tablespoons of cinquefoil herb with 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Drink on an empty stomach and before each meal 0.5 cups 4 times a day.
At night, douche with a more concentrated infusion: pour 5 tablespoons of the herb into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 1 night in a thermos.

Herbal teas can be used in combination with other medications.

Improvement with herbal medicine occurs after 2-3 weeks of regular use of herbs. But a lasting effect can only be achieved with long-term and regular use of herbs (for 8-12 months or more).

For chronic inflammation, it is best to take mud baths, and potassium iodide 3 times a day, 0.1 g. For the lady, in addition, warm douching and complete abstinence from sexual intercourse until the pain stops.

For inflammation of the appendages and leucorrhoea, you should chew fresh juniper berries (instead of a decoction) 3 times a day, starting with 4 berries, increase their intake by 1 each time, bringing it to 13, and then reduce to 4. It is also possible to use a decoction of juniper berries : 15 berries per 1 glass of water, leave for 4 hours. Drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. For external use, the decoction is prepared as follows: pour 1 bucket of boiling water over 50 g of juniper berries and stems, leave for 2 hours and strain.

For inflammation of the appendages, brew 2 cups of boiling water and 2 tbsp. cinquefoil herb and leave for 1 hour.

Drink on an empty stomach and before each meal? glasses 4 times a day. At night, douche with a more concentrated infusion. Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water 5 tbsp. herbs and leave overnight in a thermos.

For inflammation of the ovaries, mix 20 g of sweet clover herb, centaury herb and coltsfoot flowers. Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. mixture, leave for 1 hour and strain. Take 1/3 cup 6 daily for 3-4 weeks.

Mix equal parts sweet clover with coltsfoot flowers. Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. mixture and leave for 1 hour. Drink 3-4 tbsp. 5 daily. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks (with complete abstinence from sexual activity).

Boil forest hay in a large saucepan and place the patient over the steam. Repeat the procedure until the inflammation ends.

Pour hot water over unwashed sheep wool and place the affected one over the steam.

For inflammation of the ovaries and infertility, mix 50 g of coltsfoot leaves, sweet clover herb, chamomile flowers, calendula flowers and centaury herb. Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water 2 tbsp. mixture and leave for 2 hours. Take 1/3 cup 6 daily before meals and between meals for 1-2 months (with complete abstinence from sexual activity during treatment).

Mix equal parts of rose hips and dark currants. Brew 20 g of the mixture with 1 glass of boiled water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Add sugar. Have a drink? glasses 3-4 times a day.
Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tbsp. dried and crushed walnut leaves. Leave for 4 hours. Drink in a day.

Brew 1.5 tbsp. dry chamomile in a porcelain cup, cover with a saucer, wrap. Leave for 20 minutes. During this time, do a cleansing enema with hot water. Take the strained chamomile decoction at a temperature of 37 C into syringe No. 3 and insert it into the anus. Then lie on your side and wait until everything is absorbed. If it doesn't work the first time, do the same a second time. The chamomile decoction should be completely absorbed. The nagging, debilitating pain will go away immediately. Do this procedure every evening, if possible, daily. This is the oldest effective method of treating inflammation of the appendages. So, it is possible to cure hemorrhoids.

Brew wintergreen leaves as tea; it is possible to mix it with tea instead of St. John's wort. This helps in the treatment of chronic inflammation of the appendages after a long period of use (a couple of months) of 3-4 cups per day, especially if you combine tea with wintergreen and St. John's wort with chamomile enemas.

Pour 1-2 tsp boiling water over 1 cup. dry wintergreen leaves, leave, wrapped for 2 hours, strain. Take according to? glasses 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

For inflammation of the appendages and uterine cancer, pour 0.5 liters of vodka with 50 g of wintergreen leaves and leave for 14 days in a dark place. Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day.

Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1.5 tbsp. dried herb field grass and leave for 4 hours in a well-sealed container. Strain. Drink 1 tsp. every 3-4 hours and 4-5 daily. Contraindicated for pregnant women - miscarriage may occur.

be directed to use as much pumpkin as possible in all types. It is useful to pass the raw pumpkin through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice from the pulp, which can be used a lot.

Use cranberries, blueberries, rowan berries and blackberries in any form.

Drink the infusion of corn stalks and stigmas.

Take a dessert spoon orally 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes. Before meals, juice fresh aloe leaves.

For inflammation of the female genital organs, brew 2-3 tablespoons of boiling water with 2 cups. small-leaved linden flowers, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Should I take it internally? glasses 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals, inside.

For external consumption 4-5 tbsp. pour linden flowers with two cups of boiling water and leave.
Externally, linden flowers are used in the form of lotions and poultices for mastitis, ulcers, burns, and for washing hair in case of hair loss. There are no contraindications.

Boil forest hay in a suitable vessel; Place the patient over steam. Repeat the procedure daily until the inflammation heals.

Place the patient over steam, where gorse is cooked, doused with olive oil.

Boil fresh cabbage, add milk and place the sick one over the steam.

Herbal mixture for douching for adnexitis, traditional medicine recipe:
Traditional medicine for the treatment of adnexitis recommends taking herbs: chamomile 1 part, nettle leaves 3 parts, knotweed herb 5 parts. 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a thermos for an hour. Use for douching 2 times a day. Use in the treatment of adnexitis.

Folk remedy for the treatment of adnexitis herbal tea for douching :
Adnexitis can be cured with a folk remedy, for this you need to take oak bark 6 parts, oregano herb 4 parts, marshmallow root 1 part. Proportions 5 tbsp. spoons of mixture per 200 ml of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 30-40 minutes. Strain, cool, and use for douching twice a day. Use in the treatment of adnexitis.
Traditional medicine proven recipe for tincture for the treatment of adnexitis:

Traditional medicine offers a proven tincture recipe. It is prepared from herbs: sweet clover flowers, coltsfoot leaves, centaury, 1 part nettle, 2 parts yarrow. 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture per 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. strain, drink 100 ml 3 times a day. Use in the treatment of adnexitis.

Traditional medicine treats adnexitis bergenia, marin root :
Traditional medicine treats fibroids, erosions, adnexitis by crushing 50 g of bergenia root, putting it in an enamel pan and pouring 300 g of hot water. Allow to brew for 8 hours.
If there is discharge, douche twice a day with this solution: 2 tbsp. spoons of bergenia extract per liter of boiled water. At the end of the evening douching, make a tampon: place a teaspoon of bergenia on cotton wool and wrap it in two layers of sterile cotton wool and gauze. Soak a tampon in bergenia extract, wring it out lightly and insert it into the vagina. Place a pillow under your buttocks throughout the night.
At one point, take 1-1.5 teaspoons of thick bergenia extract orally an hour before meals for three days, then pause after 3 days. And again a course of treatment.
Additionally, drink a tincture of Maryina root prepared according to this recipe: finely chop 50 g of the root, put it in a black bottle and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Allow to stand for 10 days. Drink 30-40 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is one month. If necessary, repeat the course at the end of the 10-day break.
Treatment of fibroma with this method will take 6-8 weeks, inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis) 3-4 weeks, adhesions 3-4 weeks, treatment of erosion will take 2-3 weeks. All herbs are sold in the pharmacy. During treatment, check with a gynecologist

Wormwood for inflammation of the appendages

A very effective folk remedy for treating inflammation of the appendages using wormwood. The recipe is not complicated but effective. In a bucket you need to bring two liters of water to a boil, and then throw a handful of wormwood in that direction, remove the bucket from the stove, put it on the floor and sit over it for twenty minutes. Relief will come no sooner than after completing six such procedures.

Ortilia is one-sided from all troubles!

There is such an excellent plant - one-sided ortilia, it is also called ramishia ( hog queen). It can help not only with inflammation of the appendages and bleeding fibroids, but also with infertility, uterine infantility, tubal obstruction and toxicosis during pregnancy. It will also help with polyps and cervical erosion.

You can make a decoction from it like this: grind the herb in a coffee grinder and pour one tablespoon of the herb with a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, strain. You need to take a third of a glass half an hour before meals.

To prepare an infusion with alcohol, use half a liter of vodka and 50 grams of herbs. The medicine should be infused in a black container for 14 days. It is recommended to take the tincture 3 times a day, 35 drops an hour before meals.

Tincture of buldenezh for inflammation of the appendages

In May-June, you can notice how buldenezh blooms in white balls - this is one of the varieties of viburnum. If there are insects on the flower, throw away such plants. Place the buldenezh in a jar to the top and fill it with alcohol, after which you need to close the jar. In most cases, in liter jar pour in half a liter of alcohol. Place the composition in a dark place for 15 days.

This folk remedy helps with inflammation of the appendages. After rubbing, the flowers should be placed in a layer on the lower abdomen for 2 hours. A couple of days and everything passes.

About the treatment of appendages

It is necessary to melt four hundred grams of paraffin in an aluminum bowl, lie on your back, moisten the cloth in paraffin, and then lubricate the lower abdomen with it from left to right. Lubrication must be done quickly. The first time the paraffin is still warm, but later it cools down quickly. After you have lubricated your belly with paraffin, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and wait in this position until the paraffin cools down.

Bedrenets will help the ladies

Bedrenets must be collected during its flowering period. The crushed herb is taken in the amount of one tablespoon and poured into a liter of water, then boiled for ten minutes. The medicine is drunk with honey throughout the day. There is no need to drain the sediment from the broth. Douche with this decoction in the morning for 20 days.

Bedrenets provides assistance with all sexually transmitted infections. In addition, he treats cysts, fibroids, menstrual irregularities, mastopathy, uterine cancer, and obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

Chronic inflammation of the appendages

Chronic inflammation of the appendages can also be cured with herbs. Take 4 teaspoons of finely chopped buckthorn, Chernobyl and peony roots, add 3 teaspoons of burnet and elecampane roots. Then pour 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture with half a liter of boiling water. Boil for half an hour over low heat, and when finished, allow to cool for half an hour. When finished, strain and you can add a little honey for taste. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day.

Onion and garlic
Two good ones folk ways treatment of inflammation of the appendages. Both of these methods are quite simple and do not require a large amount of investment.

Place a huge onion in a liter of water in a coffee pot. Boil it until it softens. After the broth has cooled down a little, strain it, and before the broth becomes completely cold, syringe with it. Perform the procedure about three times. After completing such procedures, dress up warmly and do not sit in the cold.

And the second method is contained in the following. Make a tampon with thread. Crush the garlic and add hot water. There will be a solution that should pinch your tongue. Soak a tampon in this solution and insert it into the vagina for two to three hours. It is good if the procedure is performed after bowel movement is completed. Do the treatment until you recover. It is possible to do this procedure three or seven times a month just for prevention.

Drink the field jar

It is necessary to take dry grass of the field grass, pour one and a half tablespoons of this herb with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for four hours. Along with this, the container in which you brewed the herb must be well closed and wrapped in a warm towel. Later, strain the broth and drink one teaspoon per thirty minutes. before meals four times a day. Treatment is necessary for two months.

When the ovaries become inflamed, it is necessary for the stomach to be cleansed. To do this, place an ice pack on your belly. In addition, it is necessary to lubricate the lower abdomen with ichthyol ointment or ichthyol. Do not rub the ointment into these places.

If you have chronic inflammation, then do mud baths and warm douching. In addition, take potassium iodide three times a day. It's better while you feel it discomfort and pain, abstain from sexual intercourse.

If you have this disease, eat pumpkin more often: perhaps eat it raw, or use pumpkin juice and make a decoction of corn cob hair.

Folk method for inflammation of the appendages

In the old days, when women's appendages became inflamed, they used this folk recipe. One tablespoon of dry mustard and the same amount of oak ash are mixed with two tablespoons of salt. They add little water, as a result there will be an ointment. This ointment is placed at the bottom of the dish and poured with boiling water. Now the patient needs to cover her back and stomach with a scarf and sit on the potty to steam. In 20 minutes. run to bed. Do this procedure every day before going to bed - and after 10 days you will forget about the appendages.