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Can Polysorb be taken before bed? Therapeutic effects and action. Doses, grams, milliliters

Over time, a variety of harmful components accumulate in the human body. These can be both ordinary metabolic products, and poisons and toxins that appear as a result of the vital activity of dangerous microorganisms. To combat the symptoms of poisoning and cleanse the body, a variety of drugs are used. For example, it is worth learning about correct reception Polysorb medicines.

Its official name is Polysorb MP. It is a universal sorbent with antacid properties. The tool binds and then eliminates numerous malicious elements, and therefore has a wide range of uses. Polysorb is prescribed not only for poisoning, but also for a number of infectious conditions.

Release form and composition

The active substance of Polisorb is colloidal silicon dioxide. Based on it, a medicinal powder is made. Subsequently, it is used to create suspensions. The medicine is produced in plastic jars of different sizes. You can purchase packages containing 12, 25 or 50 g of Polysorb.

In pharmacies this drug also distributed in the form of bags made of two layers of plastic. Inside each of them is 3 g of medicine. If the doctor has recommended taking Polysorb only once, then it is reasonable to purchase sachets that already contain a single adult dose.

In addition to the active ingredient, silicon dioxide, the drug does not contain any other excipients. The result is a light amorphous powder, which is either white color, or may have blue impurities. The substance has no odor. When shaken, a suspension appears with the liquid.

Pharmacological properties

The drug consists of a sorbent of inorganic origin. It is not selective, and therefore absorbs substances of a wide variety of classes. Along with this, the active ingredient has a detoxifying effect. It is on it that the ability of the agent to bind and remove dangerous toxins from the human body is based.

For example, Polysorb will help in the elimination of toxic elements that have appeared in the body due to:

  • Gribkov,
  • bacteria,
  • viruses,
  • other pathogens,
  • Alcohol
  • medical preparations,
  • heavy metals,
  • food,
  • radionuclides,
  • Alien agents.

Some harmful elements are initially present inside a person, and do not get there from the outside. If human body produces them in excessive volume, then this provokes poisoning, along with which the likelihood of onset increases comorbidities. In such situations, Polysorb is used to bring out:

  • lipid complexes,
  • Cholesterol,
  • urea,
  • Bilirubin.

Also, the drug removes from the body a number of components leading to endotoxicosis. In general, Polysorb is considered universal, because it copes with intoxications of almost any nature.

It is used in the composition complex therapy not only ordinary food or toxic poisoning but also serious diseases.

Once the drug enters the digestive system, it will not begin to dissolve or be absorbed into the bloodstream. Polysorb will work after about four minutes, after which it will gradually leave the body in an unchanged form.

Indications for use

In many countries, people drink Polysorb for very simple diseases. For example, it is prescribed for the treatment of colds or flu. Such a decision is based on the fact that a number of symptoms of diseases (such as loss of strength, dizziness and muscle pain) are provoked by intoxication.

Moreover, according to French doctors, the drug can gradually lead to a decrease in body temperature, an overall improvement in the condition and a reduction in recovery time. However, on the territory of Russia, it will be correct to drink Polysorb in the following cases:

  • Acute or chronic intoxication;
  • food poisoning;
  • intestinal infections;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Poisoning by alcohol, salts heavy metals, medicines, alkaloids or other potent substances;
  • Appendicitis;
  • Adnexitis;
  • Purulent wounds and burns with inflammatory processes;
  • Allergy;
  • Hepatitis, jaundice and other diseases leading to excessive production of bilirubin;
  • Chronic renal failure (due to it accumulates uric acid, urea, creatinine and other nitrogenous products).

Finally, people living in areas with very poor ecology or working in hazardous enterprises can drink Polysorb. In such situations, the medicine will act as a preventive measure.

Is it possible to drink Polysorb powder every day? Contraindications

It is unacceptable to take Polysorb if a person suffers from individual intolerance to colloidal silicon dioxide. In addition, the list of contraindications includes several diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. They include:

  • Decreased peristalsis and loss of intestinal tone;
  • The period of exacerbation of the ulcer duodenum or stomach;
  • Bleeding in the digestive tract of any origin.

The drug is not completely safe, it may well lead to some side effects. For example, if a person is prone to constipation, then Polysorb can provoke a similar pathological condition. To reduce the likelihood of this side effect, you need to consume about three liters of fluid per day.

Many people think about the possibility of drinking Polysorb every day, for example, for prevention purposes. Under conditions of regular and prolonged use, the agent will cause a lack of calcium and a number of other trace elements, since it binds substances non-selectively.

You should not regularly drink Polysorb, if the disease does not require it. If its intake is necessary, then the therapy should be accompanied by calcium-containing drugs, as well as other vitamins and dietary supplements, designed to combat the deficiency of substances.

How to take Polysorb medicine correctly?

The standard instructions for use recommend proceeding as follows: the required amount of powder is diluted in about half a glass of water, and then drunk quickly. The dosage is determined by the attending physician, but usually for adults they take 150-200 mg of medication for each kilogram of weight. The result is 6-12 g of powder.

During the day, an adult can consume no more than twenty grams of Polysorb. The final amount, calculated from the weight, must be divided into three to four doses. It is necessary to drink the drug either an hour before a meal, or an hour and a half after it. Time gaps are also required if any other medications. Otherwise, Polysorb will bind and remove the drugs from the body.

The duration of therapy is determined separately in each case, but, as a rule, five days of treatment are sufficient to eliminate food and alcohol poisoning. If Polysorb is drunk for dermatitis, hepatitis or kidney failure, then the course will be about two weeks. Subsequently, the treatment will need to be repeated with a break of two weeks.

Individual cases

On the first day of therapy for acute intestinal infections, Polysorb is consumed three grams with an hour break. In total, you need to drink the drug five times. The next day, four doses are enough. If after that there is an improvement, then you can no longer take Polysorb. If the symptoms of infection persist, then it is permissible to drink the drug for another three days.

For acute allergies Polysorb used as a washing agent. 10 g of the drug is diluted in a liter of water and the liquid is applied by means of an enema. Subsequently, the powder is drunk three grams up to four times a day for five days. A similar amount is used for chronic renal failure, but the duration of the course here is about a month.

Is it possible to drink Polysorb for children and pregnant women:

  • It is permissible to give the medicine to newborn children. Most often it is used to influence diathesis and eating disorders.
  • Polysorb should not be given to babies for prophylactic purposes, only when symptoms appear.
  • For ease of use babies the drug is diluted in expressed milk.
  • The medicine does not adversely affect the condition of pregnant women and their unborn children.
  • For women during the gestation period, standard adult dosages are used.
  • It is better not to exceed a two-week course of treatment. If you have to drink the drug for longer, vitamins and calcium are added.

Some use Polysorb as a remedy for acne. To do this, you need to drink a course lasting three weeks, during which three grams of the powder are taken three times a day. Then a break is made for a week, and after that, if necessary, you can repeat the treatment. It is also permissible to make anti-acne face masks from Polysorb.

Civilization has stepped forward. Emissions have increased. In agriculture, insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides are used. They are needed to protect plants from pests, diseases, weeds.

Their excess application accumulates in the crop. For long-term storage of food, various artificial preservatives are used. All this, polluted ecology and nitrate food, poison our body.

But to help him, scientists have created a modern universal "Sorbent MP". Many are interested in this drug, asking how to take "Polysorb" to cleanse the body. Let's try to give them helpful tips.

How "Polysorb" affects the body

"Polysorb" is an inorganic substance with a huge sorbing effect, created specifically for cleansing the body.

It draws on itself and binds absolutely all toxic substances that have entered our body from external environment , removing them, namely: bacteria, viruses, fungi, as well as toxins and poisons formed by these pathogenic microorganisms.

Sorbent "Polysorb"

It perfectly removes food allergens, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals, alcohol and drugs. The sorbent also successfully removes metabolic products, the excess of which leads to intoxication and disease.. These are cholesterol, urea, bilirubin and others.

It is important to know! Our intestines are very long, and its surface occupies a very large area.

All of it is surrounded by a fine mesh of lymphatic and blood vessels and capillaries, from which toxins enter the intestines.

But if it is full of toxins and toxic substances, then it is not able to remove these poisons from the body, so they are again absorbed back, poisoning it even more.

Once in the body, "Polysorb" immediately, from the first minutes, begins to pull on itself all the harmful substances, gluing and removing them along with the feces.

Gradually, after cleansing the intestines, there is a cleansing of the lymph and blood

In turn, pure blood has the ability to remove harmful substances from other organs. All systems human body gradually come into balance. Chronic diseases, fatigue, allergies pass, the condition of the hair improves, the complexion becomes fresher.

Advantages over analogues

"Polysorb" is drug preparation, which is prescribed for intoxication of the body of various etiologies. Has solid advantages over analogues.

It has huge sorption properties, is able to absorb a large amount of toxins, helps to start digestive processes after various poisonings. For example, in terms of cleaning quality, it is one hundred and twenty times higher than the effect of Lactofiltrum, Smecta, Enterosgel and others.

The choice of sorbent is simple: "Polysorb" - the best drug

The sorbent is not absorbed into the blood, does not contain harmful additives, does not kill the beneficial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, it just thoroughly cleanses it. That is why knowing how to take Polysorb to cleanse the body will be very useful.

This sorbent, being harmless in itself, provides invaluable assistance by removing all carcinogenic substances, toxins, allergens, toxic components, bacteria and harmful microorganisms from the body. This allows it to be used by pregnant women, newborns and nursing mothers..

Indications for the use of the drug

This sorbent is a unique cleaning agent widespread use, it brings great help to the body.

Therefore, the drug is widely used in medicine for the treatment of the following conditions:

  • any food, drug and chemical poisoning;
  • allergic reactions to certain foods;
  • bowel infections;
  • violation of the digestive process;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • increased content of bilirubin;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • body cleansing;
  • skin diseases;
  • long-term medication;
  • hangover and its prevention.

The drug "Polysorb" successfully relieves intoxication in adults and children

With any poisoning, it helps to normalize the digestive process.

It also helps with viral hepatitis, atherosclerosis, influenza and various inflammatory diseases, for example, a purulent wound, appendicitis and others. Often it is used by women in the form of a mask for acne on the face.

For convenience, the sorbent is available in special packages. different weight single use for 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 12 grams.

Single portion of Polysorb sorbent in an individual package

It is also packed in jars with hermetically sealed lids, weighing from 12 to 50 grams. Released without a prescription.

Rules for taking Polysorb

Consider how to take "Polysorb" to cleanse the body. It is good if you have been prescribed it by a doctor, but if you decide to take it yourself, carefully read the instructions for its use.

Consider the basic rules for taking this drug:

  1. Available in powder form. It is impossible to store an open package for a long time, as its effectiveness decreases.
  2. Suspension is a powder diluted with water. Prepared before use. Not subject to storage at all.
  3. To dilute the powder, cooled boiled water is used.
  4. Inside it is used only in the form of a suspension.
  5. Do not use dry powder. In addition to irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, there will be no effect of cleansing the body.
  6. The package is divided into portions that must be taken throughout the day.
  7. For children, the drug should be prescribed by a doctor.

A single and daily dose is given in the instructions and depends on the weight of the person. For 10 kg of weight - 1 g of powder, maximum dose adult 20 g per day.

Instructions for use Polysorb

The drug does not harm intestinal flora, it does not contain synthetic components, so it is completely safe and absolutely for everyone. It consists of inorganic matter- silicon dioxide.

In addition, the instruction advises how to take "Polysorb" to cleanse the body, as well as when various diseases.

The daily dose of an adult is 0.1-0.2 g / kg (6-12 g), the maximum is about 20 grams. It is divided into 3-4 doses. For example, if a person weighs 80 kilograms, the average daily dose will be 16 grams.

"Polysorb" is safe even for small children

Children calculate the dose depending on body weight. A child weighing up to 10 kg is enough 1-1.5 teaspoons per day. Each serving is diluted with 50 ml of water.

With a weight of 11-20 kg, take a teaspoon at a time. If the weight is 30 kg, take a teaspoon with a slide at one time, dilute 50-70 ml of water. With a weight of 40 kg, a single dose will be 2 teaspoons. For children weighing 41-60 kg, a single dose is 1 tablespoon, diluted in 100 ml of water.

Attention! When buying a drug, you must carefully study its instructions. She will explain in detail the dosage and duration of the course of treatment for various diseases.

Admission for preventive cleansing

Consider how to take "Polysorb" for prophylactic purposes to cleanse the body. Bad ecology, food products containing various dyes, nitrates, chemical preservatives, as well as stress and other factors, more and more lead to the accumulation of toxins in the human body.

They cause:

  • feeling unwell;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • dull hair;
  • brittle nails;
  • pallor of the face.

This sorbent is able to eliminate these causes. The suspension, getting inside, begins to absorb the liquid, and with it the slags, bringing them out. The dose should be calculated, as indicated by the instructions, depending on the weight of the person, diluted in 100 grams of water.

It is desirable to take one hour before meals, it is allowed after, an hour later. Recommended indispensable plentiful drink throughout the prophylactic cleansing.

Reception in case of poisoning

Consider how to take "Polysorb" in case of poisoning to cleanse the body of intoxication.

First, if food poisoning, you need:

  1. rinse the stomach, for this, dilute 2-3 grams of the sorbent with water and give the patient a drink, after 15-20 minutes cause vomiting;
  2. the daily rate of the drug is divided into so many parts to take them every two hours;
  3. the next day, the norm is drunk for 3-4 doses.

If food poisoning is caused by an intestinal infection, you need to:

  • on the first day, divide the norm into parts so as to take them every hour;
  • on the second and third day, they drink the norm for 3-4 doses.

The main thing is to drink as much water as possible throughout the day.

If necessary, treatment can be extended for several days.

How to take "Polysorb" to lose weight

Many women ask how to take Polysorb in order to lose weight and at the same time use it to cleanse the body.

From the point of view of medicine, this sorbent is intended only for cleansing the body. But there are many women who claim that with its help they managed to lose weight. They, taking the sorbent, observed special diets for weight loss.

"Polysorb" with the help of cleansing the body makes it possible to lose a couple of kilograms

In order to reduce weight, it is quite enough to take it 2 teaspoons in half a glass of water 2 times a day, in a course of 10-14 days.

In this case, clean organism improved the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, displacing fatty acids, and the sorbent helps to burn a certain amount of calories. The residence time of food in the intestines is also reduced. Once in the stomach, it increases in volume, like fiber, therefore, reduces the feeling of hunger..

As you can see, the sorbent can help women lose weight who want to lose weight, who strive for this, and do not passively wait for the result.

Possible side effects and contraindications

Do not forget, "Polysorb" is a drug that is contraindicated in gastric and duodenal ulcers, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal atony and individual intolerance.

If you uncontrollably increase the duration of its intake, this can cause calcium absorption and constipation, loss of beneficial microflora, vitamins and trace elements, decreased metabolism and protective function organism. Then you should not be surprised at the appearance of edema.

Exceeding the dose of Polysorb can lead to edema

There is also an increased risk of anemia, a decrease in brain activity, and, most importantly, there will be an increase in appetite.

That is why you should not get carried away with the drug for the purpose of losing weight, so as not to harm your body.

Everything you need to know about the drug "Polysorb". Watch in the video:

Cleansing the body with Polysorb. Watch video tips:

The use of Polysorb for weight loss. Watch video review:

In pharmacies, people often ask for remedies for cleansing the body in case of poisoning, for the prevention of intoxication, weight loss, and in general for health. Everyone has their own reason to use enterosorbents. And if you turn to a specialist with your problem, which requires the use of such a remedy, then Polysorb is most often prescribed to cleanse the body, reviews of which are advisory - both from doctors and from patients.

Earth rock and pharmaceuticals

Pharmaceutics is an amazing field of human knowledge, because it is she who deals with the problems of "transforming" various chemical compounds into what will then become a drug that helps to cope with many diseases. natural ingredients or substances that are obtained exclusively by artificial means are the subject of research in this field of science. It is difficult to say in what year scientists discovered one of the interesting abilities the ubiquitous component of the earth's rock - silicon dioxide in an amorphous state - to have a special effect on the human body - adaptogenic, adsorbing, detoxifying.

Pharmaceutical group of the drug

All medicines belong to certain pharmaceutical groups. The preparation "Polysorb" belongs to enterosorbing substances. Its composition is extremely simple and actively works to fulfill the functionality of the drug in this area.

Release form of enterosorbent

The drug "Polysorb" is used to cleanse the body. Reviews about it contain information that this drug is available in one form - in the form of a powder. It is dissolved in water and taken orally. The powder has a fine, amorphous texture, its color can vary from white to light blue. He has no smell. Dissolving in water, the powder forms a suspension, which eventually settles at the bottom of the vessel.

"Polysorb" is packed in plastic jars or bags placed in a cardboard box. The weight of one package can be different: 3, 12, 25, 50 grams of powder. Moreover, the bags have a weight of 3 grams, which corresponds to one therapeutic dose for an adult.

The composition of the drug

Sorbent "Polysorb" has a simple composition - silicon dioxide (Silicium dioxide), produced in a colloidal modification, works in it. This amorphous, non-porous form allows the natural mineral to be used in many areas of human life, for example, in the production of toothpaste, food additive E551 for anti-caking and anti-clumping effect. And it is colloidal silicon dioxide - the active substance of the drug "Polysorb".

How does the drug work?

The pharmacological action of "Polysorb" is based on its amorphous structure and the ability to form a fine colloidal suspension with water. When taken, the resulting liquid preparation almost immediately, after only 2-4 minutes, begins to work actively. "Polysorb" is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, does not dissolve in human organic fluids. Its functionality is based on the ability to provide sorption and detoxification effects.

As a result of the research, scientists have found that this drug from the pharmaceutical group of enterosorbents is able to bind a huge amount of substances of different classes, disease-causing and have a pathogenic effect on the human body.

Highly dispersed silica (silicon dioxide) allowed the drug to obtain polyfunctional non-selective features. It removes from the human body exogenous (formed under the action of external causes) and endogenous (formed in the human body itself) toxic substances of various etiologies. These are allergens, drugs, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, poisons, alcohol, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, viruses, as well as their metabolic products - toxins.

It was also noted that "Polysorb" copes well with such waste products of the body, which are harmful in excess. These are bilirubin, lipids (lipid complexes), urea, cholesterol. A natural colloidal sorbent can remove the products of the transformation of some substances into others, which are formed during metabolic processes and can cause endogenous toxicosis.

Those who are assigned a natural enterosorbent by a doctor are interested in the answer to the question: "How to take Polysorb to cleanse the body so that there is no harm from it?" The drug is taken orally and, getting into gastrointestinal tract, goes all this way unchanged, doing its job - binding and bringing out harmful substances.

When is the drug prescribed?

Enterosorbent drug "Polysorb" in case of poisoning (even acute) with potent and toxic substances, such as drugs, is prescribed very often. But this is not the only indication for its use. This drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • diarrheal syndrome of non-infectious origin;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • acute intoxication and chronic nature different etiologies in both children and adult patients;
  • intestinal infections(acute) various genesis, such as food poisoning;
  • intoxication caused by purulent-septic diseases;
  • food allergy;
  • poisoning with alcohol and alkaloids;
  • poisoning with salts of heavy metals;
  • viral hepatitis and other "jaundice", manifested by hyperbilirubinemia;
  • chronic renal failure (hyperasotemia).

Taking the drug "Polysorb" is indicated as a prophylactic for workers in hazardous industries, as well as residents of environmentally unfavorable regions.

How to take the drug for health?

Instructions for use "Polysorb" for cleansing the body contains all necessary information. Like any other drug, it requires full adherence to the doctor's recommendations and the manufacturer's instructions. It is important when taking the drug "Polysorb" the correct dosage, it is its observance that will allow you to get a high-quality result.

The drug is prepared by mixing a certain amount of powder and water. Water is taken half or a quarter of a glass. It is impossible to store the finished medicine - it is necessary to drink the solution immediately after its preparation. Take it 1 hour before eating or taking any medications. The amount of powder is calculated depending on the weight of the person to whom the enterosorbent solution is intended. For adult patients, the maximum allowable dose of the drug in dry form is no more than 20 grams per day. For one dose, the drug is calculated based on 100-200 mg per 1 kilogram of body weight. Enterosorbent is taken 3-4 times a day.

The answer to the question of how much to drink "Polysorb" to cleanse the body (in case of poisoning, for example), should be given by a doctor. It is he who is able to correctly assess the patient's condition, identify accompanying illnesses, anamnesis, to give recommendations on the dosage and regimen of the drug, as well as the duration of its use.

Allergy and silicon dioxide colloidal

Often prescribed natural enterosorbent "Polysorb" for the prevention of allergies. Then it is recommended to take it before meals or directly during meals in the amount of 2.5-3.0 teaspoons of powder, diluted in half a glass of water. Such prophylactic treatment avoids exacerbations, since the drug removes allergen substances from the body, not giving them "space" for their harmful activities. You should, of course, consult with your doctor about such an addition to the main treatment, because "Polysorb" with allergies only enhances the effect of special antihistamines.

Beauty and rock-based enterosorbent

many patients you are interested in possiblecleaning "Polysorb". And someone is interested in the issue of cleansing the body from the inside, and someone - the health and beauty of the skin.

It is no longer a secret to anyone that a problematic skin condition is often the result of malfunctions in the work of many body systems, starting with the gastrointestinal tract and ending with endocrine glands. Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole with the help of an enterosorbent will help you get a healthier appearance. To "cleanse" the body, "Polysorb" is taken as a solution inside (2-3 teaspoons 3-4 times a day) and enemas are made with it. In this case, the drug is dilutedin the form of a 1% solution - 10 grams of powder must be used per 1 liter of water.

For external use, 1 teaspoon of the product is diluted with a few drops of water - to a slurry, applied to problem areas of the skin, covered with a damp gauze cloth, left for 10-12 minutes, and then washed off clean water. This method helps to clear the pores of acne, get rid of acne, acne. In such a cosmetic home procedure, you can replace water with a decoction of herbs, such as chamomile. Then it will cleanse the upper layers of the skin from harmful components, and disinfect, preventing the appearance of inflammation.

Is it possible to lose weight with silicon dioxide?

Many of those who suffer from excess weight, the question is of interest, with the help of which x drugs can be normalized weight. Natural enterosorbent based on silica will help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. But the process of losing weight itself should combine a whole range of measures: diet, diet, exercise, and then, as a supplement,"Polysorb". The dosage of the drug in this case is standard - 2.5-3.0 teaspoons of powder dissolved in half a glass clean water taken 3 times a day. The course of such cleansing of the body lasts at least 10-14 days. According to the reviews of those who used this powder in conjunction with diet and physical activity, the result was felt noticeably faster.

Treatment of children

Not only adults can take "Polysorb" to get rid of pathogenic substances that accumulate in the body. This drug can be given after consultation with the attending physician and to children from the first months of life. Indications for use include poisoning, allergies, intoxication. To correctly determine the amount of powder acceptable for daily use, the body weight of the crumbs must be divided by 10, while obtaining the amount of "Polysorb" for a single dose. To make it convenient to count, you should know that, scooping up the powder with a teaspoon and not shaking off the "hill" formed at the same time, you get 1 gram of powder. Pcalculated amount of powder for o single use can be given to the baby 3 or 4 times a day.

Despite the fact that Polysorb is a natural enterosorbent, it is necessary to consult a doctor about its use. Especially if we are talking about the child. Only a doctor will help you correctly calculate a one-time dosage, as well as the duration of treatment "Polisorb".

When should the drug not be taken?

Instructions for the use of "Polysorb" for cleansing the body of pathogenic substances also includes contraindications to its use. These are conditions and diseases such as:

  • intestinal atony;
  • stomach and intestinal bleeding;
  • gastric and duodenal ulcer in acute form.

Patients who were prescribed the use of this remedy sometimes indicate in reviews about it that they did not drink it because of intolerance to the solution or an allergy.

Side effects

Many of those who used Polysorb to cleanse the body leave positive reviews about it, talking about improving well-being after completing the course. But very rarely there are responses that the drug caused some side effects. These are allergies, dyspepsia, constipation.

Since this drug is an active sorbent, it long-term use can contribute to the leaching from the body of not only pathogenic, but also useful substances- vitamins, minerals. Therefore, those who are assigned long-term use this drug, it is necessary to drink additionally pharmaceutical products containing vitamin and mineral complexes.

Some features of the drug

Whatever the upcoming treatment, the doctor should prescribe it, indicating the dosage of the medicine and the frequency of use. Indeed, in many cases, the drug will have to be taken in a course. How many times a day should Polysorb be taken for adults and children? It is usually prescribed 3-4 times a day, inside. The use of a mixture of sorbent with water in the form of an enema allows a single administration per day.

All patients should be aware that the use of dry powder inside is strictly prohibited! How to use natural sorbent in dry form is possible only externally in the treatment of trophic ulcers and long-term non-healing wounds.

The amount of powder per dose is calculated based on the patient's body weight. An increase in the dosage of "Polysorb" without consulting a doctor is not allowed!

Along with other medicines

Those patients who drink the sorbent and vital drugs should be aware that such a joint intake may reduce the activity of the drugs. "Polysorb" for allergies and other chronic diseases requiring the use of drugs, implies a dosage adjustment, so it is necessary to consult a doctor to correctly change the regimen of the drugs.

But there are exception drugs that joint admission with a sorbent activate their activity. These are drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid, a nicotinic acid and the statin simvastatin. Such interaction must also be provided for when prescribing Polysorb.

Are there analogues?

Very often used sorbent "Polysorb" in case of poisoning. This natural medicine which helps to remove various groups of pathogenic substances from the body, including toxins. The drug is trusted by specialists, as it copes well with the tasks assigned to it. But many patients are interested in the question of whether there are analogues of the drug "Polysorb" for cleansing the body. Reviews of experts recommend similar pharmaceutical preparations for use. These are enterosorbents, for example "Polifepan", active ingredient which is hydrolytic lignin. Or the widely advertised drug "Smecta", in which the substance smectite dioctahedral works.

What do doctors and patients say about the drug?

About how to take "Polysorb" to cleanse the body correctly, the attending physician should tell. It is also necessary to read the instructions before using the medicine. This enterosorbent receives recommendatory reviews from experts, as it effectively helps cleanse the body of harmful and unnecessary substances, both endogenous and exogenous.

Patients note the neutral taste of the powder diluted in water, which distinguishes this drug from some similar in their action, but having bad taste and consistency, causing vomiting. Also, many people liked the variety of packaging, since at the pharmacy you can buy as much medicine as you need to complete the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor. Yes, and the answer to the question: "How to take "Polysorb" to cleanse the body?" - for many it turns out to be quite simple, since it is contained in the instructions for the drug, enclosed in the package. It is necessary to use the medicine donated by nature carefully, having received the advice and recommendations of a doctor on all issues related to dosing, regimen and duration of treatment with the Polysorb enterosorbent.

Throughout life, we constantly encounter various allergens, toxins, nitrates, radionuclides and other harmful substances. To spare internal organs from these harmful substances, it is necessary to use Polysorb to cleanse the body.

What are the benefits of this medication? How to take it? What dosages to use? Does the drug have contraindications? Today we are talking about cleansing the intestines with Polysorb.

If you set a goal to cleanse the body of toxins, fractional nutrition, fiber intake, rejection are better suited for this purpose. bad habits, but in the rhythm of life we ​​pay little attention to this. In this case, the drug Polysorb will help us heal many organs, including the intestines, removing toxic substances from the body.

Polysorb- This is a new generation drug that belongs to the group of enterosorbents, that is, acting inside us. It has a wide range of actions: it is able to bind and retain toxic substances, harmful microorganisms, various allergic irritants, toxic decay products.

The main active substance is natural silicon or silicon dioxide. The product is sold in a pharmacy in the form of a powder that dissolves in water.

Molecules of a substance after entering our body are not absorbed by its walls, but are completely eliminated from the body in a natural way. The drug is allowed for children after 2 years, it is allowed to take during childbearing and lactating women, if there are indications.

What problems does the drug solve?

This the latest remedy It is considered a universal sorbent, so the indications for use are very diverse:

  1. Body poisoning - food and drug toxins, acute and chronic poisoning alcoholic drinks, poisoning with heavy metal salts, other types of poisoning in adults and children;
  2. Skin diseases - allergic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections skin;
  3. Diarrhea, dysbacteriosis together with complex treatment;
  4. Various infections of viral or intestinal etiology;
  5. For prevention in case of constant contact with toxic substances at work;
  6. For preventive purposes when living in an environmentally unfavorable climate;
  7. To start the mechanism ;
  8. Outwardly for cosmetic masks with simultaneous ingestion.
  9. To help the liver and kidneys in cleansing the body;
  10. With a preventive purpose to prevent viral and other types of infections.

The drug is taken orally only after dilution. Be sure to follow the instructions for using the product. The dosage of Polysorb is determined depending on the reason for which it is used, on the weight of the person, on the severity of the symptoms.

There are not so many contraindications to the consumption of Polysorb: this is an acute stage of a stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, intestinal obstruction, gastrointestinal bleeding, allergy to the drug or its components.

How does Polysorb work?

Silicon dioxide in the form of granules attracts toxic substances and pathological microorganisms to itself, and can reject non-viable intestinal tissues. With the help of the drug, you can fight toxins, poisons, allergenic irritants, viruses, bacteria, radioisotopes, all these harmful products are completely eliminated from the body.

The drug absorbs fatty complexes, bad cholesterol, urea, which are produced inside the body in the process of life. In addition, it is allowed to use the product externally for processing festering wounds on the skin and other inflammatory lesions of the skin.

Immediately after ingestion, the agent begins to act on the walls of the small and large intestines, absorbing harmful decay products. Polysorb is designed as a replacement activated carbon which is now deprecated.

One dose of Polysorb replaces several packs of activated charcoal. With this tool, you can high quality and the result is to cleanse the intestines, moreover, dyes, preservatives, chemical additives are not added to Polysorb, it has a minimum of contraindications.

Analogues and cost

In the modern pharmaceutical industry complete analogues the drug is not produced, its composition is unique, the effect on the body is exclusive. You can select other funds that belong to the group of enterosorbents, but they contain another active substance:

  • Smecta;
  • Enterosorb;
  • Polyphepan;
  • Lactofiltrum;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Neosmectin;
  • Enterumin.

These drugs act similarly, the last two drugs on the list have the most similar composition.

The price in pharmacies will depend on the amount of powder purchased. If you have calculated how much to drink the drug over time, it will not be difficult for you to determine the price. One bag of 3 g costs 35 rubles, a jar weighing 50 g will cost you 350 rubles.

How to drink Polysorb

Polysorb should always be taken dissolved in water, the powder must be poured with boiled or distilled water, stir well and drink the resulting suspension. Cases of overdose are not known to medicine, but check out the dilution table of the drug depending on weight:

If it is unpleasant for you to take a suspension diluted with water, or if the drug is given to children, you can dilute Polysorb with compote, any juice without pulp, and other cold sweet drinks. How much to take the drug depends on the indications.

How to drink and how many days to take under different conditions

  • For allergies to food products- dilute the drug in water in relation to your weight, drink during meals or immediately after it, take 3-4 times a day, 10-12 days;
  • At allergic dermatitis, urticaria, pollinosis - half an hour before eating or one hour after eating, 3 times a day for 7-12 days;
  • In case of poisoning, diarrhea - pre-wash the stomach with a suspension of Polysorb, for this 2-4 tbsp. l. dilute the powder in 1 liter of water, then take the drug in accordance with the weight for 3 days;
  • For intestinal infections - the first day to drink every hour, on the second day 4 times a day, along with complex therapy for 6 days;
  • From alcoholism, the drug does not help, it can be used to combat a hangover, taken in the same way as for intestinal infections, at the same time drink plenty of fluids for 3 days;
  • To cleanse the body or for weight loss - the suspension is taken, calculating the dosage from weight, 3 times a day half an hour before meals or an hour after eating, for 6-12 days.
  • From acne - the remedy is applied externally as a face mask, a gruel is prepared from the powder, resembling sour cream in consistency, the mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

The exact method of application for various diseases is described in the instructions for use of Polysorb. I, in turn, want to offer you to watch the following video material, which presents an experiment comparing the three main enterosorbents - this is Polysorb, and smectin.

Doctors' opinion

After you have learned how to use Polysorb for your health, it remains for you to find support from doctors. Of course, for this it is better to visit your clinic and find out about taking the drug just for you, taking into account your individual characteristics. But you can also get on the Internet and read what they write there.

And there, the reviews of doctors on a medical forum say that:

  • The remedy is recommended for the treatment skin rashes face, chest, back. To do this, the removal of intoxication is usually used, and Polysorb helps here, it is convenient to use, it is a highly effective drug for cleansing the skin from acne, improves;
  • Relieves food poisoning, including alcohol intoxication, is used in narcology for the complex treatment of alcoholism;
  • The drug is effective for various allergies, as an adjunct to the main treatment. It is drunk with acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatoses. A convenient form of release helps to easily dose the drug for adults and children;
  • The drug helps with food poisoning, additionally removes gases from the intestines, Convenient form of release makes taking the drug convenient to use.

From all this we can conclude that doctors have nothing against Polysorb. It remains to find out the opinion of ordinary inhabitants. I specifically for this article talked on the forum with patients who took the remedy. The reviews are mostly positive, only one girl noted constipation after prolonged use of Polysorb.

Many have not heard of such a medication before, but after the doctor prescribed a cleanser, they note the excellent properties of Polysorb, its effect is smooth, patients feel much better.

Polysorb MP is a domestic enterosorbent preparation based on colloidal silicon dioxide. The history of the use of enterosorbents in medicine dates back to ancient times. Even the Aesculapius of Ancient Egypt, Greece, India used clay and charcoal to treat various kinds of poisoning, dysentery, uremia. IN Ancient Rus' birch charcoal was mainly used for these purposes. The first to propose the use of enterosorbents not only in extreme situations requiring urgent intervention, but also for preventive purposes, was the great Avicenna, who put methods of cleaning the body in third place among the seven postulates of medical science. Recent years have seen an increased interest medical science to enterosorption. On the domestic pharmaceutical market there are several groups of enterosorbents today: activated charcoal, lignins (examples - lignosorb, polyphepan), microcellulose, smectites, glucans and preparations based on silicon dioxide, which are available in all home medicine cabinets without exception. TO last group and belongs to Polysorb MP - the "hero" of this article. This drug meets all the high requirements put forward to enterosorbents: no toxicity and traumatic effects on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, good organoleptic, sorption and evacuation properties. According to its chemical "pedigree" Polysorb MP is a highly dispersed silica. Rounded particles of the substance up to 0.09 mm in size provide a large specific sorption area - not less than 300 m2/g, exceeding that of "competitor" preparations. So, for activated carbon, this indicator is 1.5-2 m2 / g; for polyphepan - 10-15m2/g. Smecta crept closest to Polysorb MP, but it is also three times smaller - about 100 m2 / g. For comparison: the surface of the intestinal mucosa in an adult is on average 200 m2. Polysorb MP powder is highly soluble in water, easily binds to proteins and has a high osmotic potential.

Easily gluing together bacteria with the formation of large conglomerates, the drug interferes with their normal functioning, thereby exhibiting bacteriostatic properties. In addition to toxins, the list of "enemies" of Polysorb MP, which fall under its neutralizing influence, includes various antigens (allergens); normal metabolites present in an excess amount for the body (ammonia, bilirubin, creatinine, cholesterol, lipids), other and biologically active substances that contribute to the development of endogenous intoxication. The drug quickly and completely binds and removes various poisons from the body, including ethanol and medicines. IN medical literature cases are described successful use drug for botulism. Polysorb MP not only cleanses the body of pathogens and toxins, but also removes an impressive part of the load from detoxification organs and systems, eliminates gaps in the immune “chain mail”, and indirectly stimulates the performance of organs involved in maintaining homeostasis. The drug does not provide negative impact on the processes of digestion, protein synthesis and nitrogen balance. There is a positive experience in the treatment of allergies to medicines and food with Polysorb MP, as well as the use of the drug in complex therapy. dermatological diseases including eczema and psoriasis. Given the fact that the gastrointestinal tract is a place of circulation and distribution of creatinine, urea, ammonia, the drug is in demand in nephrology for therapy. chronic insufficiency kidney function. Polysorb MP can also be used in cardiology to correct cholesterol and LDL levels in patients with atherosclerosis. In oncology, the drug is used to relieve tumor intoxication and mitigate the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Summing up the above, we should pay tribute to the versatility of Polysorb MP, which allows the use of this unique drug in almost every branch of medicine.


Polysorb ® MP is an inorganic non-selective multifunctional enterosorbent based on highly dispersed silica with particle sizes up to 0.09 mm and with the chemical formula SiO 2 .

Polysorb ® MP has pronounced sorption and detoxification properties.

In the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug binds and removes endogenous and exogenous toxic substances from the body. different nature including pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, antigens, food allergens, drugs and poisons, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, alcohol. Polysorb ® MP also sorbs some metabolic products of the body, incl. excess bilirubin, urea, cholesterol and lipid complexes, as well as metabolites responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis.


After taking the drug Polisorb ® MP inside the active substance is not split and is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. It is rapidly excreted from the body unchanged.

Release form

Powder for suspension for oral administration; light, white or white with a bluish tint, odorless; forms a suspension when shaken with water.

Plastic jars (1) - packs of cardboard.


Polysorb ® MP is taken orally only as an aqueous suspension. To obtain a suspension, the required amount of the drug is thoroughly mixed in 1/4-1/2 cup of water. It is recommended to prepare a fresh suspension before each dose of the drug and drink it 1 hour before meals or taking other drugs.

For adults, Polysorb ® MP is prescribed at an average daily dose 0.1-0.2 g/kg body weight (6-12 g). Multiplicity of reception - 3-4 times / day. The maximum daily dose in adults is 0.33 g/kg body weight (20 g).

The daily dose of Polysorb ® MP for children depends on body weight (see table).

1 teaspoon "with a slide" = 1 g of the drug.

1 tablespoon "with a slide" = 2.5-3 g of the drug.

At food allergies the drug should be taken immediately before meals. The daily dose is divided into 3 doses during the day.

The duration of treatment depends on the diagnosis and severity of the disease. The course of treatment for acute intoxications is 3-5 days; at allergic diseases and chronic intoxications - up to 10-14 days. After 2-3 weeks it is possible to repeat the course of treatment.

Features of the use of the drug Polysorb ® MP in various diseases and conditions

With food poisoning and acute poisoning therapy is recommended to begin with gastric lavage with a 0.5-1% suspension of Polysorb ® MP. At severe poisoning on the first day, gastric lavage is carried out through a probe every 4-6 hours, along with this, the drug is also given orally. A single dose in adults is 0.1-0.15 g / kg of the patient's body weight 2-3 times / day.

In acute intestinal infections, treatment with Polysorb ® MP is recommended to begin in the first hours or days of the disease as part of complex therapy. On the first day, the daily dose of the drug is taken for 5 hours with an interval between doses of 1 hour. On the second day, the frequency of taking the drug is 4 times / day. The duration of treatment is 3-5 days.

In the treatment of viral hepatitis, Polysorb ® MP is used as a detoxifying agent in an average daily dose during the first 7-10 days of illness.

In case of acute allergic reactions (drug or food), it is recommended to preliminarily wash the stomach and intestines with a 0.5-1% suspension of Polysorb ® MP. Further, the drug is prescribed in usual doses before the onset of clinical effect.

In chronic food allergies, courses of therapy with Polysorb ® MP are recommended for 7-10-15 days. The drug is taken immediately before meals. Similar courses are prescribed for acute recurrent urticaria, Quincke's edema, eosinophilia, hay fever and other atopic diseases.

In chronic renal failure, courses of treatment with Polysorb ® MP are used at a dose of 0.1-0.2 g / kg / day for 25-30 days with a break of 2-3 weeks.


Currently, there are no data on an overdose of Polysorb ® MP.


With the simultaneous use of the drug Polysorb ® MP with other medicines possibly reducing the therapeutic effect of the latter.

Side effects

Rarely: allergic reactions, constipation.


  • acute and chronic intoxications of various etiologies in children and adults;
  • acute intestinal infections of various etiologies, including food poisoning, as well as diarrheal syndrome of non-infectious origin, dysbacteriosis (as part of complex therapy);
  • purulent-septic diseases, accompanied by severe intoxication;
  • acute poisoning with potent and toxic substances, incl. drugs and alcohol, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals;
  • food and drug allergies;
  • hyperbilirubinemia (viral hepatitis and other jaundices) and hyperazotemia (chronic renal failure);
  • residents of environmentally unfavorable regions and workers in hazardous industries for the purpose of prevention.


  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • intestinal atony;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The appointment of the drug Polysorb ® MP during pregnancy does not negative impact to the fruit. When using the drug Polysorb ® MP during lactation, no adverse effects on the child have been established.

It is possible to use the drug Polysorb ® MP during pregnancy and lactation according to indications and in recommended doses.

Application for violations of kidney function

Can be used as directed

Use in children

The daily dose of Polysorb MP for children depends on body weight.

special instructions

With prolonged use of the drug Polysorb ® MP (more than 14 days), malabsorption of vitamins and calcium is possible, and therefore it is recommended to take prophylactic multivitamin preparations and preparations containing calcium.

Outwardly, the powder of the drug Polysorb ® MP can be used for complex treatment purulent wounds, trophic ulcers and burns.