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Social causes of alcoholism. Acute alcohol intoxication. Causal factors in the formation of alcohol dependence

Every person is susceptible to temporary weaknesses: smoking a cigarette when stressed, “washing down grief” with alcohol, or even taking drugs. However, for some people this remains a momentary weakness and, having solved the problem, they move on, while for others it turns into an addiction.

One of the most common of them is alcoholism.

The causes of alcoholism can be very different, but in narcology they are combined into a single classification of mechanisms for the development of addiction.

Causal factors in the formation of alcohol dependence

Drunkenness is always preceded by some reasons: alcoholism in women and men never begins out of the blue. In narcology, it is customary to divide the following factors that lead to persistent dependence on alcohol into groups:

  • physical factors;

These, in turn, include the following causes of alcoholism and drunkenness:

  1. Hereditary factor. If a person had alcoholics in his family (parents or grandparents on the father’s or mother’s side), then this sharply increases his susceptibility to alcohol and the formation of dependence on it. This does not mean that such a person will necessarily become an alcoholic, but the risk is still higher than that of people whose relatives are not alcoholics.
  2. Gender and age characteristics. It has been proven that young people are much more susceptible to alcoholism than older people. Yes, y young man, who started drinking beer at the age of 16, has every chance of becoming a chronic alcoholic in the near future. Gender, that is, sexual differences also occur: men are more susceptible to developing addiction, but in women it forms much faster. more persistent and often incurable.
  3. Frequency of alcohol consumption. If a person drinks a glass of wine or a shot of vodka on holidays, the chances of becoming an alcoholic are low. However, if a person regularly drinks alcohol for a long time, then his chances increase sharply.
  • biological factors.

In particular, the stem and limbic structures of the brain, which contain a kind of “reinforcement system,” take part in the mechanism of the formation of drunkenness and alcoholism. It regulates human behavior, his reactions in states of stress, affect, and the individual’s adaptive capabilities. Alcohol has a strong effect on this system, disrupting catecholamine neuromediation in the limbic structure of the brain. This is what leads to the development of persistent addiction. When drinking alcohol, dopamine is released, causing a person to experience positive emotions while drinking alcohol. However, with alcohol abuse, catecholamines are depleted. The result of this is a decrease in psycho emotional background, depressive states, general malaise in humans. Drinking alcohol again provokes the release of dopamine, as a result of which the emotional background improves. This is how a person ends up in a vicious circle of mental dependence on alcohol.

Formation of alcoholism: socio-psychological reasons

The presence of any factor in a particular person does not mean that he will necessarily become an alcoholic. But a person must understand that such a potential danger exists for him and control his life so as not to become dependent on drunkenness.

Psychological personality traits as causes of drunkenness

In psychology, the concept of “personality” includes a set of individual qualities - intellectual, behavioral, spiritual, emotional, etc. In addition, temperament, a person’s adaptive capabilities, personal growth potential, and self-realization are also important. According to psychiatrists, it is on the basis of these qualities and traits that personality is created.

She is constantly changing under the influence life experience, society and other factors. Certain personality structures contribute to the development of alcohol dependence. That is, these are not causes of alcoholism in themselves, but only risk factors. These include:

  • individuals of a psychopathic type with an unstable and easily excitable psyche, prone to impulsive actions and aggressive, antisocial behavior;
  • individuals with asthenic type psychopathy, which is characterized by increased exhaustion and changes in mood and activity. In addition, it is typical for such people low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and strength, decreased emotional background. Alcohol causes opposite feelings in them, so this type is easily susceptible to addiction;
  • people suffering from psychoorganic syndrome. They get drunk extremely quickly even from the smallest doses of alcohol, while their behavior is characterized by increased aggression and excitement, the state of intoxication is accompanied by amnesia;
  • low adaptive capabilities of a person when he cannot withstand life's difficulties and stress. Such people tend to look not for ways to solve a problem, but for ways to avoid it. They are usually found in alcohol;
  • faces with increased level anxiety of the neurotic type. Often, in order to relieve tension, they resort to alcohol;
  • psychological immaturity, infantilism, irresponsibility, various complexes (in particular, inferiority), low level of communication skills are common causes of alcoholism;
  • low level of intelligence, apathy and indifference to social and labor activity, lack of positive attitudes regarding social life(work, family, leisure, etc.);
  • psychophysiological disorders: traumatic brain injury, intoxication, mental retardation, etc.
  • All these factors dramatically increase the risk of developing alcoholism. Alcohol dependence among people from these risk zones occurs in the practice of psychiatrists and narcologists much more often than among other groups of patients.

Family relationships as a cause of alcoholism

Family is the closest social environment of a person. It plays a huge role in the development of personality, starting from the birth of a child. System family relations, values, traditions - all this has a huge impact on the formation of personality. In a penchant for bad habits and the further formation of persistent dependence on them, the family plays a paramount role. In addition to genetic factors that suggest a predisposition for children of alcoholics to develop alcoholism, there are other factors. What are the causes of alcoholism?

  1. Family lifestyle. In families where the use alcoholic drinks is the norm of life, a person from an early age develops the corresponding attitude that alcohol is normal. In some families, the attitude towards alcohol is not at all adequate - parents calmly pour beer and other alcoholic drinks for their children and teenagers. Some parents not only do not prohibit, but, on the contrary, encourage it if a teenager drinks some kind of alcohol. The same harmful influence Those parents who pour beer, champagne or wine for a small child and perceive it as a joke also have an effect. All this ultimately gradually forms a strong positive attitude towards drinking alcohol.
  2. Wrong attitude of family members towards alcohol. In some families, there is an opinion that alcohol does not cause any harm to a person, and even, on the contrary, kills all kinds of infections and microbes in the body. Naturally, the child develops the same erroneous attitude towards alcohol.
  3. Incorrect child rearing. Even if there are no alcoholics in the family, and the teenager drank some kind of alcoholic drink (even low-alcohol) out of curiosity and came home drunk, parents may not pay due attention to this and may not carry out educational work with the teenager. Impunity and lack of control will further “untie the hands” of the child. The same applies to situations when parents themselves pour champagne for a teenager New Year or his birthday, in terms of the fact that they poured a little, and the child drinks under adult supervision. The same, by the way, applies to the so-called “children’s champagne”, which is a citro in taste and does not contain any ethanol, but on a subconscious level it creates the idea that this is champagne, the same as that of adults.

All these factors directly influence the child’s formation of a positive attitude towards both alcohol and its use, often early. To do this, there may not even be alcoholics in the family - just a good-natured, cheerful mood, which a child invariably associates with drinking alcohol, is enough.

Family of alcoholics as a reason for drunkenness

A family in which all or one relative is a drunkard has an even greater impact on the further development of the alcoholic’s personality. In this case, the following causes of alcoholism form:

  1. Style of relationships between family members. As a rule, conflicts, quarrels, mutual disrespect, and fights prevail in families of alcoholics. Parents are irresponsible with their own life, to the children. They do not pay attention to their children and do not educate them. Even if they found time for this, they would hardly be able to teach the child anything useful or give the right life guidelines, because they themselves do not have any life guidelines. Such a dysfunctional atmosphere in the family has a detrimental effect on the child’s psyche. The results of such influence are the most deplorable: the child develops deviant, neurotic or psychopathic forms of behavior, which at an older age are a favorable basis for the formation of alcoholism.
  2. A neutral or permissive attitude towards intoxication and inappropriate behavior of the drunk. If the family is neutral towards aggressive behavior during intoxication, if it is normal for a woman that her drunken husband raises his hand to her, then this attitude forms the same attitude towards what is happening in children. Girls are especially susceptible to this: on the one hand, their chances of developing female alcoholism, and on the other hand, there is a high probability that in the future they will model the same relationships in their own families, thereby dooming their own children to the same suffering. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

Thus, the family influences not only those members who are part of it at the moment, but also future generations. And it can be very difficult to break out of such a vicious circle.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not implemented through pharmacy chain and retail stores to avoid overpricing. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

– a disease in which there is physical and mental dependence on alcohol. It is accompanied by an increased craving for alcohol, an inability to regulate the amount of alcohol consumed, a tendency to binge drinking, the occurrence of a pronounced withdrawal syndrome, decreased control over one’s own behavior and motivations, progressive mental degradation and toxic damage to internal organs. Alcoholism is an irreversible condition; the patient can only completely stop drinking alcohol. Drinking the slightest dose of alcohol, even after a long period of abstinence, causes a breakdown and further progression of the disease.

General information

Alcoholism is the most common type of substance abuse, mental and physical dependence on ethanol-containing drinks, accompanied by progressive personality degradation and characteristic lesion internal organs. Experts believe that the prevalence of alcoholism is directly related to the increase in the standard of living of the population. In recent decades, the number of patients with alcoholism has been growing; according to WHO, there are currently about 140 million alcoholics in the world.

The disease develops gradually. The likelihood of alcoholism depends on many factors, including mental characteristics, social environment, national and family traditions, as well as genetic predisposition. Children of people suffering from alcoholism become alcoholics more often than children of non-drinking parents, which may be due to certain character traits, hereditary metabolic characteristics and the formation of a negative life scenario. Non-drinking children of alcoholics often show a tendency towards codependent behavior and form families with alcoholics. Treatment of alcoholism is carried out by specialists in the field of addiction medicine.

Ethanol metabolism and addiction development

The main component of alcoholic beverages is ethanol. Small amounts of this chemical compound are part of the human body's natural metabolic processes. Normally, the ethanol content is no more than 0.18 ppm. Exogenous (external) ethanol is quickly absorbed in the digestive tract, enters the blood and affects nerve cells. Maximum intoxication occurs 1.5-3 hours after drinking alcohol. When taking too much alcohol, it occurs vomiting reflex. As alcoholism develops, this reflex weakens.

About 90% of alcohol consumed is oxidized in cells, broken down in the liver and excreted from the body in the form of metabolic end products. The remaining 10% is excreted unprocessed through the kidneys and lungs. Ethanol is eliminated from the body within approximately 24 hours. In chronic alcoholism, intermediate products of the breakdown of ethanol remain in the body and have a negative effect on the activity of all organs.

The development of mental dependence in alcoholism is due to the influence of ethanol on the nervous system. After drinking alcohol, a person feels euphoria. Anxiety decreases, self-confidence increases, and communication becomes easier. Essentially, people are trying to use alcohol as a simple, affordable, fast-acting antidepressant and stress reliever. As a “one-time help”, this method sometimes really works - a person temporarily relieves tension, feels satisfied and relaxed.

However, drinking alcohol is not natural and physiological. Over time, the need for alcohol increases. A person, not yet an alcoholic, begins to drink alcohol regularly, without noticing gradual changes: an increase in the required dose, the appearance of memory lapses, etc. When these changes become significant, it turns out that psychological dependence is already combined with physical one, and you can’t stop yourself. Drinking alcohol is very difficult or almost impossible.

Alcoholism is a disease closely related to social interactions. At the initial stage, people often drink alcohol due to family, national or corporate traditions. In a drinking environment, it is more difficult for a person to remain a teetotaler, since the concept of “ normal behavior» shifts. In socially prosperous patients, alcoholism may be due to a high level of stress at work, the tradition of “washing” successful deals, etc. However, regardless of the root cause, the consequences of regular alcohol consumption will be the same - alcoholism will arise with progressive mental degradation and deterioration of health.

Consequences of drinking alcohol

Alcohol has a depressant effect on the nervous system. Initially, euphoria occurs, accompanied by some excitement, a decrease in criticism of one’s own behavior and current events, as well as a deterioration in coordination of movements and a slower reaction. Subsequently, excitement gives way to drowsiness. When taking large doses of alcohol, contact with the outside world is increasingly lost. There is progressive absent-mindedness in combination with a decrease in temperature and pain sensitivity.

The severity of motor impairment depends on the degree of intoxication. In case of severe intoxication, severe static and dynamic ataxia is observed - the person cannot maintain vertical position body, his movements are highly uncoordinated. Control over activities is impaired pelvic organs. Upon admission excessive doses alcohol may cause decreased breathing, cardiac dysfunction, stupor and coma. Possible death.

In chronic alcoholism, typical damage to the nervous system is observed due to prolonged intoxication. During recovery from binge drinking, delirium tremens (delirium tremens) may develop. Somewhat less frequently, patients suffering from alcoholism are diagnosed with alcoholic encephalopathy (hallucinosis, delusional states), depression and alcoholic epilepsy. Unlike delirium tremens, these conditions are not necessarily associated with abrupt cessation of drinking. In patients with alcoholism, gradual mental degradation, a narrowing of the range of interests, disorders of cognitive abilities, decreased intelligence, etc. are revealed. late stages alcoholism, alcoholic polyneuropathy is often observed.

Typical disorders of the gastrointestinal tract include pain in the stomach, gastritis, erosion of the gastric mucosa, as well as atrophy of the intestinal mucosa. Possible acute complications in the form of bleeding caused by stomach ulceration or violent vomiting with ruptures of the mucous membrane in the transitional section between the stomach and esophagus. Due to atrophic changes in the intestinal mucosa in patients with alcoholism, the absorption of vitamins and microelements worsens, metabolism is disrupted, and vitamin deficiencies occur.

In alcoholism, liver cells are replaced by connective tissue, and liver cirrhosis develops. Acute pancreatitis that occurs due to alcohol intake is accompanied by severe endogenous intoxication and may be complicated by acute renal failure, cerebral edema and hypovolemic shock. Mortality at acute pancreatitis ranges from 7 to 70%. Characteristic disorders of other organs and systems in alcoholism include cardiomyopathy, alcoholic nephropathy, anemia and immune disorders. Patients with alcoholism have an increased risk of developing subarachnoid hemorrhages and some forms of cancer.

Symptoms and stages of alcoholism

There are three stages of alcoholism and prodrome - a state when the patient is not yet an alcoholic, but regularly drinks alcohol and is at risk of developing this disease. At the prodrome stage, a person willingly drinks alcohol in company and, as a rule, rarely drinks alone. Alcohol consumption occurs in accordance with the circumstances (celebration, friendly meeting, fairly significant pleasant or unpleasant event, etc.). The patient can stop drinking alcohol at any time without suffering any unpleasant consequences. He has no desire to continue drinking after the event is over and easily returns to normal sober life.

First stage of alcoholism accompanied by increased craving for alcohol. The need to drink alcohol resembles hunger or thirst and is exacerbated in unfavorable circumstances: during quarrels with loved ones, problems at work, an increase in the overall level of stress, fatigue, etc. If a patient suffering from alcoholism fails to drink, he becomes distracted and cravings for alcohol. temporarily reduced until the next unfavorable situation. If alcohol is available, a patient with alcoholism drinks more than a person at the prodrome stage. He tries to achieve a state of pronounced intoxication by drinking in company or drinking alcohol alone. It is more difficult for him to stop, he strives to continue the “holiday” and continues to drink even after the end of the event.

Characteristic features of this stage of alcoholism are the extinction of the gag reflex, aggressiveness, irritability and memory loss. The patient takes alcohol irregularly; periods of absolute sobriety may alternate with isolated cases of drinking alcohol or be replaced by binges lasting several days. Criticism of one’s own behavior is reduced even during the period of sobriety; a patient with alcoholism tries in every possible way to justify his need for alcohol, finds all sorts of “worthy reasons,” shifts responsibility for his drunkenness to others, etc.

Second stage of alcoholism manifested by an increase in the amount of alcohol consumed. A person drinks more alcohol than before, and the ability to control the intake of ethanol-containing drinks disappears after the first dose. Against the background of a sharp refusal of alcohol, withdrawal syndrome occurs: tachycardia, increased blood pressure, sleep disturbances, trembling of the fingers, vomiting when taking liquids and food. The development of delirium tremens, accompanied by fever, chills and hallucinations, is possible.

Third stage of alcoholism manifested by decreased tolerance to alcohol. To achieve intoxication, a patient suffering from alcoholism only needs to take a very small dose of alcohol (about one glass). When taking subsequent doses, the condition of the patient with alcoholism practically does not change, despite the increase in the concentration of alcohol in the blood. There is an uncontrollable craving for alcohol. Alcohol consumption becomes constant, the duration of drinking bouts increases. If you refuse to take ethanol-containing drinks, delirium delirium often develops. Mental degradation is noted in combination with pronounced changes in internal organs.

Treatment and rehabilitation for alcoholism

Prognosis for alcoholism

The prognosis depends on the duration and intensity of alcohol intake. At the first stage of alcoholism, the chances of recovery are quite high, but at this stage patients often do not consider themselves alcoholics, so they do not seek medical help. In the presence of physical dependence remission for a year or more is observed in only 50-60% of patients. Narcologists note that the likelihood of long-term remission increases significantly if the patient actively desires to stop drinking alcohol.

The life expectancy of patients suffering from alcoholism is 15 years less than the population average. The cause of death is typical chronic diseases and acute conditions: delirium delirium, stroke, cardiovascular failure and liver cirrhosis. Alcoholics are more likely to have accidents and commit suicide more often. Among this population group there is high level early disability due to the consequences of injuries, organ pathology and severe metabolic disorders.

Alcoholism is a polyetiological disease; it develops when several unfavorable factors. These include psychological, biological and social causes of alcoholism.

Psychological reasons

Alcohol has a powerful effect on the human psyche. On the one hand, it activates GABA receptors in the brain, which is responsible for the sedative anti-anxiety effect. On the other hand, it interacts with dopamine receptors, causing revitalization and mild euphoria. Therefore, for some people, alcohol actually becomes an intuitive form of self-medication.

The main psychological causes of alcoholism are increased anxiety of any origin, chronic depression, low self-esteem, social phobia, psychasthenia and neurasthenia - these are exactly what character traits the so-called quiet alcoholic. In fact, such problems are typical for any addiction - from drug addiction to. It can be argued that many alcoholics had certain psychological problems long before their first drink. The opposite is also true: until these problems are resolved, alcohol addiction won't go anywhere.

In some alternate universe, where there was no historical tradition of heavy drinking, ethanol might indeed be used as an adjuvant drug for some affective disorders– of course, along with psychotherapy. Let's say, a teaspoon three times a day after meals. But in our world it is customary to drink alcohol in liters, while drinking man He just doesn’t understand that more doesn’t mean better. Under the influence of large doses of alcohol, the psyche goes haywire, a person either falls into a drunken rampage or, conversely, falls asleep, the body gets severe poisoning, but the improvement in the emotional background no longer occurs.

At the same time, carriers of an excitable personality type are also predisposed to alcoholism, despite the fact that they are driven by completely different internal motives. When drinking alcohol, as in everything else, they are prone to impulsive actions, the desire to immediately satisfy hedonistic impulses, regardless of the consequences.

Biological reasons

There is also a biological predisposition to alcoholism. You can come to this conclusion even on the basis of everyday observations. Some people drink a lot throughout their lives, but they are not addicted as such. That is, if there is nothing to drink or for some reason it is impossible, they can easily do without alcohol. For others, in just a few months of alcohol abuse, a persistent addiction with severe withdrawal syndrome is formed.

The biological causes of alcoholism include primarily hereditary predisposition. Its existence is supported by twin studies and studies of drinking in adopted children. It is known that if one of the monozygotic twins suffers from alcoholism, then the second with a probability of 71% also abuses alcohol. For ordinary siblings, the percentage of matches is several times lower.

Adopted children of alcoholics, even if they have never had contact with their biological parents, also have an increased chance of becoming addicted.

The likelihood of alcoholism is extremely high among those whose mother abused strong drinks during pregnancy. In fact, they were already born with alcohol dependence (fetal alcohol syndrome), and when they become adults, once they try alcohol at least a couple of times, the development of addiction is guaranteed.

It is important to understand that preventing the development of addiction is much easier than curing it. Therefore, it is better for people whose relatives suffered from alcoholism, and especially children of alcoholic mothers, not to drink at all.

Social reasons

We all know very well that, according to historically established cultural stereotypes, drinking for any reason and simply as a leisure activity is considered the norm in our country. Moreover, sometimes it is even made a duty. Drinking alcohol is traditionally perceived as a sign of maturity and masculinity, and the ability to drink a lot is admired and a source of pride. It is almost impossible to find an adult in our country who has never tried alcohol. In general, the environment is extremely favorable for the formation of addiction. Those who, for one reason or another, have a psychological or biological predisposition to this are almost doomed to alcoholism. However, despite the fact that it is extremely difficult to change the traditions of society as a whole, each family has the power to create its own cultural microenvironment for its children, with its own healthier norms and traditions. It is within the power of every person not to follow stereotypes, but to manage his or her life in a balanced and conscious manner.

Alcoholism by medical definition is a chronic pathological addiction to alcoholic beverages, caused by physical and mental need, a type of substance abuse. Accompanied by neurological, somatic and social disorders and personality degradation. Characterized by loss of control over the amount of alcohol consumed, increasing tolerance to ethyl alcohol and withdrawal syndrome.

Reasons for the development of addiction

Physiological - the metabolic features of the liver (the ratio of “fast” and “slow” enzymes that break down alcohol) and the central nervous system predispose to alcoholism. People who have a history of alcoholism are more likely to become alcoholics. mental problems(neurosis, schizophrenia), deficiency of serotonin, dopamine.

Hereditary - the occurrence of the disease in the descendants of systematically drinking parents is 5 times higher than in abstainers. It is believed that poor genetics increases the risk of having a child with a tendency toward alcoholism. Physical dependence is determined by ethnic roots, mentality, genetics and upbringing.

Psychological - people with a certain psyche more often become alcoholics. These are insecure, anxious people with a lot of complexes and mental problems. A portion of alcohol gives courage, a sense of success and becomes a regular dope. The psychosomatics of alcoholism is associated with weakness of will.

Social - contribute to the dependence of the tradition of drinking alcohol. There are “drinking” families, regions, countries and peoples. The attitude of religion towards alcohol, the culture of its use, the example of parents - all this lays the foundation for justifying daily drunkenness. The biochemistry of alcoholism is explained by hypotheses.

Williams - susceptibility to alcohol depends on the characteristics of metabolism. With hereditary enzyme deficiency in the utilization of amino acids and vitamins, there is a need for ethyl alcohol, which the body does not need during normal metabolism.

Lester - at the beginning of human development, ethyl alcohol played the role of an energy drink. Alcohol dehydrogenase oxidized it to acetaldehyde, which was transformed into “active acetyl” factor energy metabolism. With the evolution of the nervous system, ethanol took its place in metabolic processes. acetic acid. For some people new way synthesis of “active acetyl” due to genetic mutations not formed. The body compensates for its deficiency in the same way - through ethanol molecules.

Cause of "tension substance". Alcoholics experience tension as a result of an imbalance between adrenaline and its antagonist adrenochrome, the deficiency of which is manifested by anxiety and tension. This is compensated by the supply of adrenochrome from the outside. It is replaced by alcohol, which reduces the production of adrenaline.

Types of alcoholism

Classification of alcohol dependence is carried out according to several principles. Types of alcoholism by type of alcohol consumed.

Alpha - daily consumption of low-alcohol drinks several times a day. Constant mild intoxication, a sober state brings discomfort.

Beta - frequent use weak alcohol (beer, etc.), which over time turns into regular drinking. Typical of the younger generation.

Gamma - systematic reception strong drinks (vodka, cognac) in large quantities. Characteristic of the peoples of northern latitudes.

Chronic - classic alcohol addiction, systematic uncontrolled consumption of any alcohol, sometimes of dubious quality. Drinking with or without reason, in company or without.

Binge drinking - more often observed in people who do not have the opportunity to drink alcohol daily. The reason is stressful situation, which can provoke a “departure” from binge drinking. Requires medical attention.

Secret - chronic, hard-drinking, characterized by veiled behavior. An alcoholic tries to hide his addiction and does not admit the problem.

Beer - develops against the background of systematic consumption of beer. Drinking 0.5–1 liter of beer daily is dangerous. Addiction to beer occurs even if you drink it once a week.

Social - formed under the influence of generally accepted norms of behavior, where alcohol is an invariable attribute of a feast, friendly conversation and business meeting. The most common type of alcohol addiction.

Family - when the whole family is a drinker. Alcoholism can develop simultaneously in both spouses, or one of the couple takes the path of alcoholism under the influence of a partner, as a result of a personal tragedy (loss of job, death loved one). Alcohol-dependent families are more often of oligophrenic, sociopathic and neurotic types.

Symptoms, signs and stages

Not everyone who drinks alcohol becomes an alcoholic. Systematic drunkenness does not always lead to addiction and degradation. Self-control is preserved, a person can give up drinking if he wishes, and he does not have a typical sign of alcoholism - a painful need to get drunk. This happens in exceptional cases. How to recognize the moment when alcohol abuse ends and alcohol dependence appears?

The symptoms of alcoholism are determined by the stage and characteristics of addiction. The disease manifests itself in different scenarios in different individuals; there are common signs by which an alcoholic can be recognized. Stages and criteria of alcoholism.

Zero (prodrome) - there is no dependence, there is alcohol abuse. Alcohol is consumed sporadically, in company, and control over the volume of drinks is maintained. Indifference to alcohol remains; a person can drink or not drink. At this stage it is better to quit bad habit. With daily use, the next stage of the disease develops after six months or a year.

The first is that tolerance to ethyl alcohol occurs, and the doses used increase. The gag reflex disappears, solitary drinking begins. An addiction is formed, the nature of intoxication changes - with high doses of alcohol, short-term amnesia appears. Problems begin in family life, work, the range of interests changes. When drinking alcohol unsystematically, the desire weakens; when drinking alcohol again, it is not possible to control the volume of alcohol consumed.

Second - endurance increases, they are tolerated relatively large quantities alcohol. Control is lost after drinking a small amount; intoxication is accompanied by inappropriate, sometimes dangerous behavior. At the second stage it appears hangover syndrome- a sign of physical dependence. The harm of alcohol is recognized, but no action is taken to combat addiction. Lack of control can cause alcohol poisoning. The hangover is expressed strong desire drink and manifests symptoms:

  • gloomy mood, depression;
  • irritability, headache;
  • trembling hands, palpitations;
  • nausea, increased A/D.

At the second stage of alcoholism, personality changes occur - a person begins to lie, becomes hot-tempered, aggressive, stops taking care of himself, and allows assault. Intoxication is accompanied by serious consequences due to loss of self-control (poisoning with surrogates, drunken fights, accidents).

The third is the stage of binge drinking, alcohol consumption becomes almost daily. Personal degradation worsens, the psyche changes, somatic and neurological disorders. Join:

  • liver problems (hepatitis, hepatosis, cirrhosis);
  • diseases of the stomach and pancreas (gastritis, pancreatitis);
  • cardiac pathologies (arrhythmias, cardiomyopathies);
  • alcoholic encephalopathy and neuropathy.

IN severe cases the central one is affected nervous system, paralysis and paresis occur. The third stage is characterized by prolonged hallucinosis and delirium tremens (delirium tremens). Delusional psychosis can lead to dementia or death.


The diagnosis of alcoholics is “written” on the face. The disease can be assumed by its characteristic appearance and changes in behavior: puffiness, redness and deterioration of the skin, the appearance of a bluish nose, a change in the configuration of the face - “bruising”. The deterioration of personality is striking: a person declines, interests disappear, except for one thing - the desire to get drunk, the circle of friends narrows, and only alcoholics are among friends. Diagnosis of alcoholism (briefly):

  • Definition of alcoholic habitus.
  • Collecting anamnesis - interviewing the patient and relatives.
  • Examination using physical methods (palpation of the liver, percussion of the heart, determination of A/D, heart rate, determination of the main reflexes).
  • Biochemical research (blood and urine tests).
  • Hardware diagnostics (ultrasound, ECG).
  • Consultation with a narcologist, psychiatrist.

Alcoholism is a mental illness. Diagnosis and treatment are carried out in a drug treatment clinic.

Treatment methods

Treatment for alcoholism depends on the stage of the disease and consists of several stages. The treatment method is determined by a narcologist.

  1. The first is the elimination of acute (subacute) ethanol poisoning. Withdrawal from binge drinking and relief of abstinence.
  2. The second is establishing remission, instilling an aversion to alcohol, and treating psycho-somatic disorders. Coding, methods of Rozhnov, Dovzhenko, hypnotherapy.
  3. The third stage of treatment consists of prolongation and remission, recovery and rehabilitation. Returning a person to a normal lifestyle.

Verbal aversive therapy – mental correction through verbal suggestion – gives good results in the treatment of alcoholism. On the recommendation of a narcologist, it is possible to use medications at home to treat alcoholism. These include disulfiram drugs (Esperal tablets), which can be added to food without the knowledge of the patient. If you do not want to be treated, compulsory therapy is allowed.

Negative consequences for an alcoholic

Alcoholics always “end up badly.” Consequences chronic alcoholism are divided into categories.

Physiological – deterioration of health, development chronic diseases, death from alcohol. Systematic consumption of alcohol negatively affects the liver, heart, distorts metabolism and destroys joints. Complications of alcoholism:

  • hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer;
  • internal bleeding, thrombosis;
  • stroke, heart attack;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • injuries, accidents.

Social – a catastrophic decline in social status, descent to the lowest level of the hierarchical ladder, deprivation of family and communication with normal people. Economic – loss of movable and immovable property, work, poverty, illness, subsequently leading to death. The consequence of total alcoholism is the deterioration of the gene pool and the extinction of the nation.

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