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Alcoholism: treatment, symptoms, stages, methods of disposal, female and beer alcoholism. Drugs that cause physical aversion to alcohol

Currently, alcoholism is officially recognized by doctors as a disease that changes the physical and mental state alcoholic. Problems of this disease most often decided by narcologists and psychologists. The former are involved in removing alcohol from the body, “cleaning” internal organs, and restoring physical health. The latter affect the psyche of an alcoholic, bringing his consciousness to another, healthy level. Treatment methods chronic alcoholism varied, but there is a certain order determined by the disease itself.

It is generally accepted that the first thing you need is a visit to a narcologist and medical intervention in order to remove alcohol from the body of a sick person. But first drug treatment in itself, these procedures do not cure, they only “cleanse” the body. Since the causes of alcoholism lie much deeper and are associated with changes in the psyche, immediately after cleansing the body, the stage of working with a psychologist should follow.

The first step is to relieve or eliminate the hangover.

The body of an alcoholic, accustomed to a constant “influx” of alcohol, experiences a shock, the so-called withdrawal syndrome, when such infusions suddenly stop.

And in this moment Doctors' help is needed to relieve withdrawal symptoms. This stage is most often carried out in a specialized narcological hospital by narcologists.

Some people try to “dig out” at home, which is undesirable various reasons: there is no control by doctors, and isolation from alcohol is not guaranteed. Cases recorded fatal outcome alcoholism treatment at home.

After removal from the body toxic substances the next stage of treatment begins.

Since various internal organs are affected in an alcoholic, attention is paid to restoring health.

Among the medications used to treat addiction are tranquilizers, antidepressants, as well as drugs that reduce the duration of the state of euphoria as a consequence of intoxication.
The attending physician prescribes medications and monitors their intake and effects.

Simultaneously with taking medications, the patient’s nervous system should be treated. The stage is long, it can drag on for months, years and be accompanied by breakdowns.

The main goal is to form an internal negative attitude towards alcohol.

Treatment methods for alcoholism

One method is coding.

Simple coding for alcohol addiction

The effectiveness has been confirmed by long-term observations, but statistics show that there is also a high probability of relapse and a return to drinking alcohol.

Such assistance should be provided by experienced psychotherapists, taking into account the psyche of a particular person. In essence, coding is an anti-alcohol suggestion, an effect on the human psyche. That's why This method often helps highly suggestible people.

With this approach to treating a patient diagnosed with alcoholism, a certain “code” is introduced into the subconscious (hence the name of the method), which forms psychological indifference to alcohol and at the same time reinforces in the brain a ban on “drinking” under the threat of undesirable consequences and possible death.

Neurophysiological coding of alcohol dependence

Another coding method is based on the impact of electromagnetic pulses on the patient’s biologically active points. In this case, over several sessions, individual “ nerve centers"associated with craving for alcohol. The consequences can be migraines, nausea and vomiting, which creates an aversion to alcohol.

Electrostereocoding for alcohol addiction

A deeper intervention in the alcoholic’s body occurs during neurophysiological coding. Should be used with extreme caution under specialist supervision.

The method can cause malfunction of the heart, lungs, and other internal organs even with a single dose of alcohol.

Hypnosis for the treatment of alcoholism

This method of treatment for alcoholism is sometimes used by doctors in group treatment. Having previously familiarized patients with the essence of hypnosis, the doctor puts them into hypnotic sleep using standard methods. And then, in a state of sleep, during a hypnosis session, patients are instilled with an aversion to alcohol.

The formed attitude is unstable, so hypnosis requires repeated repetition.

Injections for the treatment of alcohol addiction

A ban on drinking alcohol may be caused by the introduction of medications. For example, based on tetraethylthiuram disulfide, it does not have a negative effect on the body, but after drinking alcohol it can provoke disorders, even to the point of death.

After an injection with the drug, its effectiveness is checked by taking a small dose of alcohol.

The body's reaction demonstrates to the patient the effect of the drug when trying to drink. The method requires additional administration of medication, since it is gradually eliminated from the body with fluid and its effect weakens.

Sewing a “long-lasting” drug under the skin for the treatment of alcoholism

Another method of introducing medicine into the body involves implanting capsules (tablets) such as Esperal, or disulfiram, or torpedo into the patient. This so-called “stitching” is an operation performed with anesthesia.

The effect lasts for a fairly long period and depends on the number of tablets inserted.

Methods that prohibit drinking alcohol with the help of medications - “torpedo”, esperal, etc. The main condition is that the person recovering must be sober until the last injection, the “filing.” After the injection, the patient has a clear understanding that while the medicine is working, not a drop should be taken. However, after the completion of treatment and the duration of the implanted medication, failures often occur.

Acupuncture programming

The method developed by S.P. Semenov, a psychotherapist, back in 1979 is often confused with hypnosis and coding.

This acupuncture programming is one of the most progressive means of getting rid of alcohol addiction.

There are no side effects, however, for the effect to be effective, you should completely avoid drinking alcohol for 10 days before the session.

Treatment in rehabilitation centers and Alcoholics Anonymous groups

In Russia (much earlier in America), rehabilitation centers for alcohol and drug addicts are actively developing. Most often these are religiously oriented organizations, but the degree of religious involvement varies from center to center. They use medicinal methods to a much lesser extent, but the psychological impact is very active.

Group classes provide a lasting positive effect.

Those who have undergone rehabilitation at the Centers (for up to a year or more) gain the ability to resist own desires and cravings for alcohol. If after the rehabilitation center it is organized and social adaptation, then the effect of recovery is even more pronounced. After a course of treatment, the recovering person needs social rehabilitation.

Treatment gives results if a person realizes the fact of his own illness, accepts it, without trying to convince himself and others that he will “get over it” on his own. The first step to recovery is a person’s recognition of his own powerlessness over the illness.

It is believed that female alcoholism is much more difficult to cure than male alcoholism. Although, as statistics show, a woman can become addicted to alcohol much faster. Binges are typical for female alcoholics.

Difference female alcoholism is also the fact that women may not even be aware of their alcohol addiction for a long time. As a result, late visits to doctors and low effectiveness of treatment.

Treatment methods for female alcoholism are not much different from how men are treated. These include medications, all kinds of coding, etc.

Self-medication at home

The folk remedies used can be divided into three categories:

  • don't let you get drunk;
  • reduce the impact of alcohol after a feast;
  • help to get rid of alcoholism in general.

Preliminary measures

Treating alcoholism yourself with folk remedies helps reduce the effects of alcohol. To do this, you should prepare in advance for the upcoming feast.

Before the feast:

  • You should drink strong tea with mint, or coffee with a slice of lemon, repeat after drinking alcohol;
  • eat cabbage seeds (white cabbage), about a spoon;
  • chew about five kernels of bitter almonds.

Removing the body from a state of intoxication. Recipes

  • After the feast, add, for example, 20 drops of mint tincture to a glass of water and drink it: the headache goes away. Or a couple of drops ammonia, the effect is the same.
  • It is recommended to rub the intoxicated person’s ears vigorously with your palms: a strong flow of blood to the head will “return” consciousness to normal.
  • Widespread methods that cause vomiting reflex. This could be hot coffee with added salt or other saline solutions.

  • Sobering up occurs if you drink strong tea or coffee with the addition of a few spoons of honey. You can use an alcoholic tincture of mint, adding 20 drops to about a glass of water.

Formation of aversion to alcohol: folk recipes

Make an alcoholic breathe in the smoke from burnt birch firewood, previously sprinkled with sugar before the fire. It is believed that after this you won’t even want to look at vodka.

The gray dung mushroom, as people believe, can cause a sharp aversion to alcohol. Mushrooms need to be fried or soup made with them and fed to a drinking person, preferably in a sober state. When intoxicated, the body will react as if it were poisoning: severe nausea and the urge to vomit.

In the summer, collect several forest bugs and put them in vodka. Let it brew and then give the alcoholic this vodka without telling him about the infusion. Rumor claims that in this way you can cause a lasting aversion to alcohol.

You need to eat 6 teaspoons of sweet honey in three stages with an interval of 20 minutes. Repeat after a couple of hours. Let me sleep. The next day, repeat the procedure in the morning before breakfast. For dessert - 4 tablespoons of honey. The hangover is relieved. Contraindication: diabetes.

You can reduce the desire to drink with red hot pepper. Make a tincture in half a liter of alcohol or vodka (2 weeks). Then add 2-3 drops of pepper for each liter of vodka.

An infusion of thyme (creeping thyme) is used several times a day, a tablespoon at a time. Prepare an infusion by pouring boiling water (a glass) into three tablespoons of herbs. The drink causes an attack of nausea and vomiting.

Long-term treatment for alcoholism with folk remedies

Relatives can try to discourage an alcoholic from drinking alcohol with the help of herbs.

Up to three months are required for treatment with elecampane. The infusion is prepared every day: 2 tablespoons of elecampane are left in half a liter of boiling water for half an hour. The strained solution is taken before meals. Take a break for two weeks every month.

Use hoofweed root: first boil a spoonful of root crumbs for 10 minutes over low heat (take a glass of water), then let it brew for 30 minutes. The strained broth is used, adding a tablespoon of vodka to a glass, no more, and given to drink without warning. The medicine provokes vomiting, nausea, and aversion to alcohol. However, the plant is poisonous and should be used with caution.

There is dependence on alcohol, both physical and mental. Therefore, it is logical that treatment is carried out in different directions and using various means. According to reviews from those who have gone through the difficult path of liberation from alcoholism, with the joint efforts of the alcoholic himself and his immediate circle, there is hope of learning to suppress addiction and live without alcohol.

Video: Treating drunkenness without the patient’s knowledge

Video: Alcoholism - new treatment methods

Drinking alcohol on special occasions is one of the traditions of celebration. At the same time, sometimes it is worth stopping and being vigilant regarding the health of loved ones and paying attention to warning signs. Many people are interested in what alcoholism is and what methods of treating the disease are available, besides coding. By learning more about addiction, you will understand how to help someone with this disease.

Alcohol addiction

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) gives its definition of the disease. Alcoholism is a chronic disease that is characterized by the development of dependence on ethyl alcohol. Isolated cases of moderate consumption of strong drinks and beer are not a disease, but a person may not even notice how a craving arises. Teenagers get used to alcohol faster than others. Thus, a child, having tried alcohol for the first time at the age of 12-14, is able to achieve complete dependence in less than a year.

Alcoholism and its stages do not develop in everyone who has tried alcohol, so the question arises about the causes of addiction. They are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Physical are reasons determined by the development and structure of the body: genetic predisposition, physical characteristics that cause disturbances in the functioning of the brain.
  2. Social - drinking traditions, life troubles, difficult economic conditions, poverty, lack of work, a person suffers from loss loved one.
  3. Psychological - when a person does not trust those around him, he does not find someone to talk to, experiences moral pressure, and is unable to free himself from complexes. In such cases, he may use alcohol as a psychotropic drug.


Often this diagnosis is given to men, but a female, child type is also identified. They are especially dangerous because they develop quickly. There are also these types:

  1. Chronic alcoholism is the regular abuse of any alcoholic beverages, both strong and beer and wine.
  2. Secret – characterized by the fact that a person is ashamed of his addiction and carefully hides it. Manifests itself in the form of drinking beer and weak alcoholic drinks in small quantities or large doses strong drink at a certain time.
  3. Binge drinking – when drinking lasts from 3-4 days to several weeks.
  4. Beer alcoholism is no less dangerous than drinking other drinks and can lead to chronic or binge drinking.


Narcology distinguishes 4 degrees of the disease. At stage 3, a point of no return occurs; it is no longer possible to heal on your own; a person requires outside intervention:

  • the first stage of alcoholism is characterized by the presence of a weak psychological dependence, which can be suppressed independently;
  • the second degree includes increased cravings for alcohol, greater tolerance of the body;
  • in the third stage of alcoholism psychological dependence develops into physical activity, the production of certain hormones is blocked;
  • the fourth degree is characterized by dysfunction of many organs, binges, withdrawal symptoms, acute cravings for alcohol, and trembling hand syndrome appears.


People can drink alcohol without being addicted to it. The disease is characterized by the presence of psychological cravings. The following signs of alcoholism will help you recognize the disease:

  1. Increasing doses of alcoholic beverages until intoxication appears.
  2. Greater tolerance of the body to alcohol. This symptom manifests itself as less aversion to strong drinks.
  3. Drinking alcohol for several days.
  4. Having a hangover.
  5. Decline physical activity, desire to do something.

The harm of alcoholism

The basis of alcoholic beverages is ethyl alcohol, which harms the body, being poisonous and causing poisoning. Alcohol intoxication affects brain function, so frequent exposure can cause cell damage. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the gastrointestinal tract, where it is absorbed. This leads to nutritional disorders, resulting in diabetes mellitus or cirrhosis. Psychological cravings change a person’s behavior and make them addicted.

Consequences of alcoholism

Alcohol addiction leads to harmful things. The consequences of alcoholism are divided into 3 groups:

  • medical - ethyl alcohol has a detrimental effect on most organs;
  • social – decline in population health indicators, increase in drug addiction, mortality and crime;
  • socio-economic – a decrease in labor productivity leads to material damage.

Treatment of alcoholism

Relatives, wanting to help a loved one, rely on the church and traditional methods, locking a sick person in a monastery or hospital. They believe that by limiting access to alcohol they will help get rid of addiction. But curing alcoholism is only possible with the right approach. These are the methods of modern psychiatry, the assistance of a narcologist in the selection of medications.


Relatives, faced with a problem, want to know what alcoholism is and what ways to treat it. Often a person himself is aware of the problem and wants to get rid of it. In such cases, different methods of therapy are used in medicine. If the patient is intoxicated, then detoxification is needed. For this purpose, droppers are connected, which accelerate the withdrawal of alcohol. Medications that provoke aversion to alcohol may be prescribed.

– a disease in which there is physical and mental dependence on alcohol. It is accompanied by an increased craving for alcohol, an inability to regulate the amount of alcohol consumed, a tendency to binge drinking, the occurrence of a pronounced withdrawal syndrome, decreased control over one’s own behavior and motivations, progressive mental degradation and toxic damage to internal organs. Alcoholism is an irreversible condition; the patient can only completely stop drinking alcohol. Drinking the slightest dose of alcohol, even after a long period of abstinence, causes a breakdown and further progression of the disease.

General information

Alcoholism is the most common type of substance abuse, mental and physical dependence on ethanol-containing drinks, accompanied by progressive personality degradation and characteristic damage to internal organs. Experts believe that the prevalence of alcoholism is directly related to the increase in the standard of living of the population. In recent decades, the number of patients with alcoholism has been growing; according to WHO, there are currently about 140 million alcoholics in the world.

The disease develops gradually. The likelihood of alcoholism depends on many factors, including mental characteristics, social environment, national and family traditions, as well as genetic predisposition. Children of people suffering from alcoholism become alcoholics more often than children of non-drinking parents, which may be due to certain character traits, hereditary metabolic characteristics and the formation of a negative life scenario. Non-drinking children of alcoholics often show a tendency towards codependent behavior and form families with alcoholics. Treatment of alcoholism is carried out by specialists in the field of addiction medicine.

Ethanol metabolism and addiction development

The main component of alcoholic beverages is ethanol. Small amounts of this chemical compound are part of the human body's natural metabolic processes. Normally, the ethanol content is no more than 0.18 ppm. Exogenous (external) ethanol is quickly absorbed in the digestive tract, enters the blood and affects nerve cells. Maximum intoxication occurs 1.5-3 hours after drinking alcohol. When taking too much alcohol, a gag reflex occurs. As alcoholism develops, this reflex weakens.

About 90% of alcohol consumed is oxidized in cells, broken down in the liver and excreted from the body in the form final products metabolism. The remaining 10% is excreted unprocessed through the kidneys and lungs. Ethanol is eliminated from the body within approximately 24 hours. In chronic alcoholism, intermediate products of the breakdown of ethanol remain in the body and have a negative effect on the activity of all organs.

The development of mental dependence in alcoholism is due to the influence of ethanol on the nervous system. After drinking alcohol, a person feels euphoria. Anxiety decreases, self-confidence increases, and communication becomes easier. Essentially, people are trying to use alcohol as a simple, affordable, fast-acting antidepressant and stress reliever. As a “one-time help”, this method sometimes really works - a person temporarily relieves tension, feels satisfied and relaxed.

However, drinking alcohol is not natural and physiological. Over time, the need for alcohol increases. A person, not yet an alcoholic, begins to drink alcohol regularly, without noticing gradual changes: an increase in the required dose, the appearance of memory lapses, etc. When these changes become significant, it turns out that psychological dependence is already combined with physical one, and you can’t stop yourself. Drinking alcohol is very difficult or almost impossible.

Alcoholism is a disease closely related to social interactions. On initial stage people often drink alcohol due to family, national or corporate traditions. In a drinking environment, it is more difficult for a person to remain a teetotaler, since the concept of “ normal behavior» shifts. In socially prosperous patients, alcoholism may be due to a high level of stress at work, the tradition of “washing” successful deals, etc. However, regardless of the root cause, the consequences of regular alcohol consumption will be the same - alcoholism will arise with progressive mental degradation and deterioration of health.

Consequences of drinking alcohol

Alcohol has a depressant effect on the nervous system. Initially, euphoria occurs, accompanied by some excitement, a decrease in criticism of one’s own behavior and current events, as well as a deterioration in coordination of movements and a slower reaction. Subsequently, excitement gives way to drowsiness. When taking large doses of alcohol, contact with the outside world is increasingly lost. There is progressive absent-mindedness in combination with a decrease in temperature and pain sensitivity.

The severity of motor impairment depends on the degree of intoxication. In case of severe intoxication, severe static and dynamic ataxia is observed - the person cannot maintain vertical position body, his movements are highly uncoordinated. Control over activities is impaired pelvic organs. When taking excessive doses of alcohol, weakened breathing, cardiac dysfunction, stupor and coma may occur. Possible death.

In chronic alcoholism, typical damage to the nervous system is observed due to prolonged intoxication. During recovery from binge drinking, delirium tremens (delirium tremens) may develop. Somewhat less frequently, patients suffering from alcoholism are diagnosed with alcoholic encephalopathy (hallucinosis, delusional states), depression and alcoholic epilepsy. Unlike delirium tremens, these conditions are not necessarily associated with abrupt cessation of drinking. In patients with alcoholism, gradual mental degradation, a narrowing of the range of interests, disorders of cognitive abilities, decreased intelligence, etc. are revealed. late stages alcoholism, alcoholic polyneuropathy is often observed.

Typical violations by gastrointestinal tract include pain in the stomach, gastritis, erosion of the gastric mucosa, as well as atrophy of the intestinal mucosa. Possible acute complications in the form of bleeding caused by stomach ulceration or violent vomiting with ruptures of the mucous membrane in the transitional section between the stomach and esophagus. Due to atrophic changes in the intestinal mucosa in patients with alcoholism, the absorption of vitamins and microelements worsens, metabolism is disrupted, and vitamin deficiencies occur.

Liver cells are replaced during alcoholism connective tissue, liver cirrhosis develops. Acute pancreatitis that occurs due to alcohol intake is accompanied by severe endogenous intoxication and may be complicated by acute renal failure, cerebral edema and hypovolemic shock. Mortality in acute pancreatitis ranges from 7 to 70%. To the number characteristic violations other organs and systems associated with alcoholism include cardiomyopathy, alcoholic nephropathy, anemia and immune disorders. Patients with alcoholism have an increased risk of developing subarachnoid hemorrhages and some forms of cancer.

Symptoms and stages of alcoholism

There are three stages of alcoholism and prodrome - a state when the patient is not yet an alcoholic, but regularly drinks alcohol and is at risk of developing this disease. At the prodrome stage, a person willingly drinks alcohol in company and, as a rule, rarely drinks alone. Alcohol consumption occurs in accordance with the circumstances (celebration, friendly meeting, fairly significant pleasant or unpleasant event, etc.). The patient can stop drinking alcohol at any time without suffering any consequences. unpleasant consequences. He has no desire to continue drinking after the event is over and easily returns to normal sober life.

First stage of alcoholism accompanied by increased craving for alcohol. The need to drink alcohol resembles hunger or thirst and is exacerbated in unfavorable circumstances: during quarrels with loved ones, problems at work, an increase in the overall level of stress, fatigue, etc. If a patient suffering from alcoholism fails to drink, he becomes distracted and cravings for alcohol. temporarily reduced until the next unfavorable situation. If alcohol is available, a patient with alcoholism drinks more than a person at the prodrome stage. He tries to achieve a state of pronounced intoxication by drinking in company or drinking alcohol alone. It is more difficult for him to stop, he strives to continue the “holiday” and continues to drink even after the end of the event.

Characteristic features of this stage of alcoholism are the extinction of the gag reflex, aggressiveness, irritability and memory loss. The patient takes alcohol irregularly; periods of absolute sobriety may alternate with isolated cases of drinking alcohol or be replaced by binges lasting several days. Criticism of one’s own behavior is reduced even during the period of sobriety; a patient with alcoholism tries in every possible way to justify his need for alcohol, finds all sorts of “worthy reasons,” shifts responsibility for his drunkenness to others, etc.

Second stage of alcoholism manifested by an increase in the amount of alcohol consumed. A person drinks more alcohol than before, and the ability to control the intake of ethanol-containing drinks disappears after the first dose. Against the background of a sharp refusal of alcohol, withdrawal syndrome occurs: tachycardia, increased blood pressure, sleep disturbances, trembling of the fingers, vomiting when taking liquids and food. The development of delirium tremens, accompanied by fever, chills and hallucinations, is possible.

Third stage of alcoholism manifested by decreased tolerance to alcohol. To achieve intoxication, a patient suffering from alcoholism only needs to take a very small dose of alcohol (about one glass). When taking subsequent doses, the condition of the patient with alcoholism practically does not change, despite the increase in the concentration of alcohol in the blood. There is an uncontrollable craving for alcohol. Alcohol consumption becomes constant, the duration of drinking bouts increases. If you refuse to take ethanol-containing drinks, delirium delirium often develops. Mental degradation is noted in combination with pronounced changes in internal organs.

Treatment and rehabilitation for alcoholism

Prognosis for alcoholism

The prognosis depends on the duration and intensity of alcohol intake. At the first stage of alcoholism, the chances of recovery are quite high, but at this stage patients often do not consider themselves alcoholics, so they do not seek medical help. In the presence of physical dependence, remission for a year or more is observed in only 50-60% of patients. Narcologists note that the likelihood of long-term remission increases significantly if the patient actively desires to stop drinking alcohol.

The life expectancy of patients suffering from alcoholism is 15 years less than the population average. The cause of death is typical chronic diseases and acute conditions: delirium tremens, stroke, cardiovascular failure and liver cirrhosis. Alcoholics are more likely to have accidents and commit suicide more often. Among this population group, there is a high level of early disability due to the consequences of injuries, organ pathology and severe metabolic disorders.

Alcoholism is a serious illness that affects all areas of the patient’s life. According to statistics, more than 60% of families break up precisely because one of the spouses has an excessive craving for strong drinks. The main difficulty in treating alcoholism is the patient’s unwillingness to admit that he has become dependent on alcoholic beverages and cannot cope with the problem on his own. If such a person agrees to treatment, it is only at home, which is also quite good.

In most cases, outpatient treatment for alcohol dependence is carried out with the help of medicinal methods, but this does not mean that the patient will not have to make efforts to achieve results. Quite the opposite - the final result depends on how seriously a person and the people around him take the doctor’s prescriptions.

The possibility of home treatment is determined by a narcologist. The main selection criterion is the advanced state of the problem and the stage of alcoholism diagnosed in the sick person. Relatives of such patients should understand that therapy at home does not apply to serious methods, so you shouldn’t expect magical results from this approach for stage 3 alcoholism.

In total, there are 3 stages of addiction. The chosen treatment tactics depends on what stage the patient is at.

First stage (initial)

On initial stage A patient with alcoholism can still be helped using medication. The main symptoms of pathology, which should be a signal for an immediate visit to a narcologist, are:

  • drinking alcoholic beverages more than 3 times a week;
  • absence defensive reaction body (vomiting, nausea from drinking alcohol);
  • increasing the amount of alcohol consumed to become intoxicated (instead of 100 ml of vodka, 300-400 ml are required for intoxication);
  • periodic memory problems (a person does not remember what happened to him while drinking alcohol);
  • constant search for reasons (most often far-fetched) for drinking.

The person becomes irritable, although he does not yet reach the point of aggression. External signs may also appear: dark circles under the eyes, swelling on the face and limbs, redness of the skin.

Second (middle) stage

On at this stage The disease is steadily progressing, and it is almost impossible to persuade a person to stop. A person becomes resistant to increased doses of alcohol, while in most cases he remains able to work. Periods of drunkenness are becoming longer and are no longer limited to one day. A pre-drunken state often occurs when alcohol is consumed for 2-3 days in a row.

Simultaneously with the physical need, the patient develops a psychological dependence (the relationship “alcohol - good mood"), which can only be combated with the help of a qualified psychologist or psychotherapist.

Third (final) stage

The third stage is a period of complete social and physical degradation of a person, which ends in death. dangerous diseases(the most common of them is cirrhosis of the liver). The patient often experiences bouts of delirium tremens (the medical name is delirium tremens), a state of psychosis that occurs after quitting binge drinking. A person becomes socially dangerous because he ceases to control his actions and actions. Most domestic crimes are committed precisely in a state of alcoholic delirium.

Drug treatment for stage 3 alcoholism is ineffective. To return the patient to normal life Long-term therapy is required in specialized drug treatment clinics, but even placing the patient in a hospital does not guarantee a positive result.

Statistics successful treatment alcohol addiction at home looks like this:

Important! It is possible to combat drunkenness with the help of medications only at stages 1 and 2. Before starting treatment, you should definitely consult a specialist, as some medications have contraindications and can cause serious side effects.

Drug treatment of alcoholism: classification of drugs

Drugs that can be used to treat alcohol syndrome at home are divided into three groups:

  • means that help fight the craving for drinking (suppressing psychological and physical dependence);
  • medications that cause aversion and aversion to alcohol;
  • drugs to reduce intoxication caused by long-term use alcohol.

These medications may be prescribed separately or in combination with each other. The treatment regimen must be selected individually, since there are no universal methods for treating alcoholism. Drugs that provide stable good results in one patient may not be suitable for other patients, so therapy should be monitored by a specialist at all stages.

Drugs that cause physical aversion to alcohol

Medicines in this group can only be taken after consultation with a specialist. The most important condition for therapy using these drugs is complete abstinence from alcohol. The fact is that if a patient receiving therapy with such drugs drinks even a small amount of alcohol, severe intoxication of the body occurs, requiring emergency treatment. medical care. If a person does not receive resuscitation measures in a timely manner, there is a high risk of coma and death.

Relatives are not always able to control the behavior of a person suffering alcohol addiction Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms of intoxication caused by mixing strong drugs and alcohol. It is possible to determine that a patient has taken a “strong” drink and needs urgent help based on the following signs:

  • severe fountain vomiting;
  • entry of bile acids into the oral cavity;
  • attack of asphyxia (suffocation);
  • cold clammy sweat.

Important! These symptoms are very dangerous for a person’s life, so drugs that cause disgust should not be prescribed unless the patient has a strong and conscious desire to quit the addiction.


Enough effective drug for the treatment of alcoholism, produced in the form of drops. Active substance– cyanamide. If the patient takes even a minimal amount of alcohol, cyanamide will enter into a chemical reaction with ethanol and will actively participate in metabolic processes. At the same time, the level of acetaldehyde in the patient’s blood will increase. It is this effect that causes a persistent aversion to the smell and taste of alcoholic beverages.

Accept this remedy need 2 times a day. Single dosage is calculated individually and can range from 12 to 25 drops. It is important to take the drug, observing a strict time interval between doses of 12 hours.

The duration of treatment depends on the patient’s condition and the presence of positive dynamics (if there is no positive dynamics, the drug is discontinued).

Treatment with Kolme drops is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, persons under 18 years of age, as well as patients with the following diseases:

  • pathologies of blood vessels and heart (heart defects, coronary disease);
  • cirrhosis and others severe lesions liver;
  • renal failure;
  • respiratory diseases (including bronchial asthma).

To achieve a lasting therapeutic result, one course of therapy is usually sufficient.

But Colme has been absent from the Russian market for a long time and cannot be bought in pharmacies. Similar to Colma in chemical composition Mizo drug. The drug causes short-term sensitization of the body to alcohol, which manifests itself nearby discomfort(nausea, hyperemia skin, profuse sweat, increased heart rate). The drug is safe, has no taste, color and odor, which allows for unnoticeable administration. Its droplet shape makes it easy to add to food or drinks.


Esperal is the most popular drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence in an outpatient setting.

The most popular drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence in an outpatient setting. The medicine is available in the form of tablets and a gel intended for implantation into the skin (the specialized Esperal gel is used only in drug treatment hospitals). The active ingredient of the drug is disulfiram. Its action is similar to cyanamide: when interacting with ethanol, disulfiram enters into metabolic processes, as a result of which ethanol molecules are not broken down and enter the blood unchanged, causing severe intoxication.

The maximum result is observed 12 hours after taking the tablets. The effect of the drug lasts for 14 days after stopping treatment, so it is important to maintain an interval of at least 2 weeks between therapy with disulfiram and cyanamide.

You need to take Esperal once a day in the morning. Single dose – 500 mg (1 tablet). Gradually the dose should be reduced to 250 mg. At the final stage of treatment, the patient takes 125 mg until the drug is completely discontinued. The final stage is long and can reach 1-3 years. The medication should be taken daily.

Important! 7-10 days after the start of treatment, the patient is given an alcohol test, on the basis of which the treatment regimen is adjusted.

Treatment with disulfiram-based medications is contraindicated in persons with diabetes mellitus, mental illness, epilepsy and other severe pathologies of a neurological nature (including convulsive syndrome), as well as liver diseases. In case of insufficient production of thyroid hormones and kidney problems, Esperal is prescribed with extreme caution and taken only under the supervision of a doctor.

"Tetlong 250"

Another drug based on disulfiram. "Tetlong 250" has proven itself in the treatment chronic forms alcohol addiction. The product is available in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection, which can be administered at home (it is important to follow the prescriptions and recommendations of the attending physician).

The injection is placed deep into the gluteal muscle, and the medicine is administered slowly. The course of treatment consists of 10-12 injections per year (approximately 1 injection per month).

During treatment, the patient may experience side effects, for example:

  • sore and dry throat;
  • periodic desire to cough;
  • feeling of anxiety and fear.

Important! The appearance of any side effects during treatment is a reason to consult a doctor. In most cases, the listed reactions go away on their own, but sometimes the patient requires correction of the treatment regimen.

Drugs to reduce cravings for alcohol


A drug that acts on opioid receptors and blocks their sensitivity. Over time, the patient stops enjoying alcohol, and as a result, a new positive habit is formed that requires consolidation.

"Vivitrol" is available in the form of a powder, from which a suspension is prepared for intramuscular administration. The patient receives 1 injection per month. The duration of treatment is determined strictly individually. Before administering the drug, the patient must undergo a sensitivity test to the components of the drug.


A universal and very effective drug for the treatment of chronic alcohol dependence. It is often used to break binge drinking and eliminate hangover symptoms. After taking the medicine, the patient’s cerebral circulation improves, the level of intoxication decreases, the headache goes away, and the tremors of the limbs stop.

“Proproten-100” is produced on the basis of purified antibodies to a brain-specific protein, so it has a positive effect on the quality of sleep and a person’s psycho-emotional state. Brain tissue is better supplied with oxygen, signs of hypoxia disappear, and resistance to toxic substances increases.

For the treatment of alcoholism, the drug is taken once a day before meals. Single dosage – 1-2 tablets. The course of treatment is 2-3 months, but the exact duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

This product belongs to the group of food additives - an additional source of magnesium, selenium and other mineral salts, as well as B vitamins. The drug is taken as a course of treatment (for 30 days). During this time, it is possible to normalize the functioning of internal organs, improve blood circulation and cleanse the blood of toxins and other dangerous substances.

Reducing cravings for alcohol is achieved through general improvement and health promotion, as well as normalization of mood. You need to take Balansin 1 tablet per day.

Supportive (auxiliary) therapy

Simultaneously with the use of medications to eliminate addiction, it is important to provide support for internal organs that are literally working to their limits, especially if a person has been abusing alcohol for a long period. Reception additional medications allows you to reduce the degree of intoxication and restore metabolic processes in organs and tissues.

In addition to the main therapy, the following drugs may be prescribed:

  • "Glycine";
  • "Zorex";
  • "Glucose";
  • "Biotredin".

To relieve pain, you can use Paracetamol or ibuprofen-based products. Glycine will help restore brain function, improve the condition of blood vessels and the conduction of oxygen to muscle fibers.

We must not forget about vitamins. People with chronic alcohol dependence experience an acute shortage of beneficial elements, so it is important to ensure an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals. Considering that the initial period of treatment is often accompanied by vomiting and nausea, it is unlikely that you will be able to diversify your diet, so you need to consult your doctor about choosing a vitamin and mineral complex. It can be taken after a course of injections of B vitamins, since the body depleted of alcohol needs them most.

Treating alcoholism at home: basic rules

  1. Alcohol cessation must be complete. This applies not only to the addicted person, but also to his family members. If someone drinks in the house, or a bottle of wine is hidden in the bar, the patient will not be able to cope with his desire.
  2. Adequate consumption of clean water is essential to combat alcoholism. Abundant drinking regime will help quickly remove toxins from the body and improve the patient’s well-being, which will have a positive effect on reducing cravings for alcohol.
  3. Food should be high in calories and varied. Should be avoided fatty foods, smoked meats and marinades, as they negatively affect the affected liver. But you shouldn’t give up sweets - carbohydrates will help improve your mood and cope with headaches (within reasonable limits, of course).
  4. At least 8-10 hours should be allocated for sleep. If conditions permit, it is recommended to administer to the patient nap. To successfully combat addiction, the body must restore the strength spent on drinking.
  5. Exercise and walking are a must therapeutic tactics. Walking will help eliminate tissue hypoxia, which affects almost all alcoholics, and exercise will have a positive effect on metabolic processes and muscle tone.