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How to remove salts from the body using folk remedies. Increased water consumption. Moderate physical activity

Of key importance in the treatment of diseases associated with changes in water-salt balance in the body is proper nutrition.

A specialist nutritionist develops a separate personal diet for each patient. therapeutic diet nutrition.

All people predisposed to salt deposits are advised to follow two basic rules.

For people who suffer from it proper diet is both a means that helps to avoid exacerbation and a useful therapy.

Balance is the main requirement for nutrition for people suffering from gout. It is recommended to eat meals in frequent but small portions. In addition, once a week it is necessary to do a fasting day, the diet should consist of dairy-containing foods, fruit and vegetable mixtures.

Prohibited foods for gout

  • Canned food of any kind (meat or fish)
  • Fried meat and smoked meats
  • Liver, kidneys
  • Meat broths and hot seasonings (except bay leaf)
  • Alcoholic drinks, coffee, cocoa, chocolate
  • Lard and sausage
  • Boiled fish or meat
  • Celery, radishes, spinach, cauliflower
  • Mushrooms and legumes

Allowed foods for gout

The list is quite extensive. Here are just a few products: tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, carrots, beets, cheese, cottage cheese, squid, shrimp, oranges, nuts, honey, cereals. Acceptable use mineral waters with a slightly alkaline reaction, a variety of juices (lingonberry and cranberry especially), compotes (primarily from rose hips, but without sugar).

What foods remove salt?

Products that remove salt can confidently be called nutritional wizards. The main advantage of these products is that they are able to bind, deprive motor activity, remove from our body extremely dangerous to its health. These products help remove toxic substances from our body, and with regular treatment completely normalize metabolic processes in organism.

1. Potatoes – subject to availability large quantity The starch content in it makes it an indispensable absorbent of toxic substances.

By drawing toxins inside itself, starch removes them along with digestive waste.

2. Sea kale - contains special substances called alginates and they have a neutralizing effect on toxic substances, and also have a beneficial effect on their rapid removal from the body.

3. Bay leaf - helps very well to get rid of excess salts.

The cooking method is as follows.

Take five grams bay leaf and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Bring all this to a boil and keep on low heat for five minutes. After that, pour it into a teapot and leave it for a couple of hours, then strain. It is recommended to use this infusion in small sips, evenly distributing the entire amount over half a day. As side effect cases are possible frequent urination. This treatment lasts three days.

Caution - bay leaf infusion is contraindicated for use in diseases of the stomach, liver, and kidneys.

4. Beetroot - binds and inerts the compound heavy metals and removes them naturally.

5. Rice is a unique storehouse of healthy and healing qualities. It binds salts and toxins and removes them away, restores natural metabolism and supplies the body with much-needed fiber and other nutrients. Rice is used as remedy with the accumulation of salts in the body, disruption of work digestive system or in case of poisoning. An extremely useful and public event.

The cooking method is as follows. Take one tablespoon of rice and soak it in the evening cold water. In the morning, cook without salt and cool slightly. It is recommended to consume the resulting mass on an empty stomach four hours before eating. If you have a strong desire, you can make this day a fasting day by including in the further menu one glass of boiled rice, a few apples and Apple juice. Such regular morning cleansing with rice should be carried out for a week. The cleansing mechanism is not complicated. Under the influence of water, the rice grain is covered with porous pits, with the help of which it absorbs salts.

Caution - when cleansing with rice, it is forbidden to consume spicy, fatty and salty foods. In consultation with your doctor, it is permissible to use potassium-containing drugs and various vitamins.

6. Cones (pine, spruce). They contain a special substance that separates salt deposits from tissues, disrupts the connection between them, that is, it dissolves substances that connect tissues and salt deposits. A decoction of cones is prepared like this. In the evening, soak the cone in 200 ml of water. In the morning, boil the infusion for five minutes, remove from heat, remove the pine cone and add boiled water up to 200 ml. You need to consume half a glass before bed for one month. A combination of treatment with two decoctions, rice and pine, is allowed.

Be careful - since the process of removing excess salts is quite intense, our body also loses potassium salts, which are necessary for normal functioning. Considering this fact, a lack of potassium in the body should be avoided. To do this, after the tenth day of the course, you should start using honey one teaspoon several times a day. It is acceptable to eat potatoes, apples, and dried apricots.

All of the above salt removal products natural, have a gentle and natural effect on the body. Despite this, before starting treatment, it is recommended to visit an appropriate nutritionist to personally discuss all the intricacies of your health treatment process.

I wish you good health!

Extra salt

To remove excess salt from the body, first of all, you need to establish a drinking regime, drinking at least 2 liters clean water per day. Rock salt consumption should be reduced. Try not to convey. Whenever possible, perform aerobic exercise to improve joint mobility and strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Boiled or baked potatoes in their skins, due to their high starch content, absorb sodium chloride, as well as various toxic substances, and promote their elimination from the body. Beetroot and seaweed containing alginates are known for their ability to neutralize harmful substances, including salts and compounds of heavy metals. Foods such as asparagus, green vegetables, onions, as well as caffeine-containing drinks - tea and coffee - which have a mild diuretic effect, also remove salt.

Rice, which must be soaked raw overnight and boiled in the morning without salt, will help cleanse the body of deposits. Rice along with the broth is consumed on an empty stomach 4 hours before the main meal.

To get rid of sodium salts, you need to diversify your diet with foods high in potassium: dried apricots, raisins, lentils and others.

Herbs in the fight against salt deposits

To cleanse the body of excess salt, decoctions, juices and teas from various herbs are used. It is known that salt removes a decoction of sunflower roots, the juice of black radish and celery root, an infusion of madder, and a decoction of oats. To prepare a decoction of sunflower roots, the roots harvested in the fall are cut into pieces and prepared in an enamel bowl at the rate of 1 glass per 3 liters of water. The broth should be boiled for no more than 2 minutes. There is a popular belief that regular consumption of such tea removes up to 2 kg of salt deposits.

One of the most known method To cleanse the body of excess salt, take an infusion of bay leaves or spruce/pine cones. In cones coniferous trees contain turpentine or resin, which has unique property destroy the connection of salts with body tissues. Thus, salt deposits are resolved and joint mobility improves.

Another popular one herbal tea, the recipe for which came from Tibet, consists of strawberry leaves, birch buds and leaves, chamomile, St. John's wort and motherwort.

Consult a specialist about the need for herbal treatment, dosage and duration of taking folk remedies.

Salt deposits are a problem that occurs in most people. As a rule, salts are not localized in any specific place human body, they are deposited evenly throughout the body, causing a number of unpleasant symptoms.

Most often, salts begin to actively accumulate in the body in old age, but young people often suffer from this problem. We’ll talk about why salts are deposited and how to remove them from the body in this article.

Causes of salt deposition in the body

Organism healthy person able to independently cleanse itself of harmful substances and excess salt. Thanks to this mechanism, the elimination of excess nutrients and their processed products. But sometimes, under certain external or internal factors, this process is violated.

This problem can arise due to malfunction of the kidneys or liver, intoxication of the body, abuse of alcoholic beverages or junk food. Metabolism can also be disrupted with age-related changes and a sedentary lifestyle.

With such problems, the body ceases to cope with the neutralization and elimination of toxins, as a result of which they begin to accumulate intensively in the liver, kidneys, joints, intestines and other organs.

Violation salt balance - enough serious problem, which can cause many pathological changes Therefore, you need to regularly monitor the salt content in your body.

Symptoms of excess salt in the body

Excess salt in the body can be determined by a number of signs:

  • Constant thirst. When a large amount of sodium accumulates in the body, the cells are disrupted water balance. Cells begin to actively lose fluid as the body requires all available water supplies. This manifests itself in an impassable feeling of thirst, which is difficult to satisfy even by increasing the volume of fluid consumed.
  • Edema. Increased level salt causes moisture retention in the body. Excess of this fluid accumulates in the tissues, which is manifested by severe swelling. Most often, swelling appears on the legs, face and arms. Constant swelling without other explainable causes is one of the main signs of salt deposits.
  • Bloating. This problem is also a consequence of the accumulation of fluid in the body. Body tissues swell, creating a feeling of heaviness and bloating. It's not like that harmless phenomenon As it may seem, the accumulation of moisture increases the load on the heart, as the volume of blood circulating throughout the body increases.
  • Desire to eat more salty foods. This may seem strange, but too much salt often triggers cravings. salty foods. If you eat salty food too often, your body gets used to it, and regular food begins to seem bland.
  • Hypertension. Salt has big influence on the kidneys, which reduce performance excretory system. Water accumulates in the body, causing increased blood pressure and greatly straining the heart, blood vessels and even the brain. High blood pressure often leads to deformation of the walls of blood vessels, which can result in a number of cardiovascular pathologies.

If the body long time suffers from excess salt, can form severe complications, the most striking of which are:

  • Osteoporosis. With excess salt, the body loses a large amount of calcium contained in bone tissue. This leads to thinning of the bones and the formation of osteoporosis.
  • Stones in the kidneys. The main function of the kidneys is to remove excess fluid from the body. When salts are deposited, the kidneys cease to cope with their duties, resulting in the accumulation of calcium in them, from which stones are formed.

But most dangerous consequence Excess salt in the body is considered stomach cancer. Excessively salty foods greatly increase the risk of developing malignant tumors. According to statistics, pickle lovers suffer from cancer 10% more often than other people.

Methods for determining excess salt in the body

IN mineral metabolism In matter, the main role is given to four elements - sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium. To maintain normal water-salt metabolism, these elements must be balanced. In addition, a sufficient amount of fluid must enter the body.

Daily water requirement for a healthy person is 1.5 liters.

With various metabolic disorders, three types of salts accumulate in the body:

  • Oxalates. The hardest salts, an excess of which most often leads to the formation of stones. They can be deposited in any part of the body. It takes a lot of effort to get them out.
  • Alkaline salts– phosphates and carbonates. They usually accumulate in the joints and spine, causing various problems musculoskeletal system.
  • Urats– salt uric acid. People most often suffer from an excess of these salts lower limbs. Long-term accumulation of urates in the body leads to the formation of bumps on the legs, arthritis and arthrosis, pain and swelling of the legs.

How to determine excess and type of salt

You can determine the excess of certain salts yourself, at home. For this you need collect morning urine in a jar, leave it for a day, and then carefully examine it. If it is difficult to notice any changes with the naked eye, you can use a magnifying glass.

If there is a white sediment in the urine, similar to chalk, then there is an excess in the body. carbonates.

Tiny shiny crystals indicate the presence phosphates.

If the crystals are red or yellow, there is excess urates.

Brown or dark gray crystals indicate the presence of a large amount oxalates in organism.

Methods for removing salt using traditional methods at home

Cleansing the body of salt is quite simple, if its excess has not yet caused serious complications. If, as a result of salt deposition, serious pathologies arise, it will be impossible to do without the help of a doctor. That is why, in order to avoid complex diseases, it is recommended to carry out preventive cleansing of the body from toxins and salts at least once a year.

Any procedure for removing salts places a heavy burden on urinary system, therefore, before starting to cleanse the body, you need to undergo examinations and make sure that there are no contraindications to these procedures.

Removal of salts is carried out alternately. First, excess alkaline salts are eliminated, then urates are removed, and only lastly - heavy oxalates.

Removal of alkaline salts: recipes

These are the lightest salts; removing them is quite simple using natural alkaline solvents. It could be decoction of carrot or pear shoots , but the most effective is a decoction of sunflower root.

To prepare it, you need to take 5 tablespoons of roots, put them in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. It is not necessary to take it less than a month. The salts will begin to come out in about half a month. Successful cleansing of the body will be indicated by a change in urine - it will become transparent, without sediment. During the course you should avoid sour, salty and spicy foods.

The following recipes also help remove alkaline salts:

  • Mix freshly squeezed spinach, carrot and aloe juices in a ratio of 3:5:1.5, heat (without boiling) and take in small sips. You need to drink a liter of this mixture per day.
  • 10 kg root vegetables black radish wash, chop and run through a juicer. You will get approximately 3 liters of juice. Pour this juice into a jar and keep it in the refrigerator. You need to take it, starting with a teaspoon per day, gradually increasing the daily portion until it reaches two tablespoons.

During treatment there may be discomfort- headache, high blood pressure, pain behind the sternum. There is no need to be afraid of these phenomena - they signal that the cleansing process is successful.

Removing urates: recipes

Uric acid salts are not as easy to remove as alkaline salts. They are quite hard and can cause irritation to the walls. urethra, therefore, they can be removed only in the absence of diseases of the urinary system.

To get rid of urates, you can use the following recipes:

  • Take a tablespoon knotweed herbs , 2 spoons currant leaves and 2 spoons strawberry leaves . The herbs are crushed and brewed with 200 ml of boiling water. After half an hour, you can drink the decoction. This decoction should be drunk in 4 doses throughout the day. Course duration – 1 month.
  • 5 grams bay leaves add water, put on fire, wait until it boils and keep on low heat for about five minutes. Then pour the broth into a thermos and wait 4 hours. After straining, you should take this drink in small portions throughout the day. Course duration – 3 days.

Under no circumstances should you drink the entire amount. bay decoction in one go! This may cause bleeding in the stomach. This method cleansing is not suitable for people suffering from stomach ulcers and liver diseases.

Removing oxalates: recipes

These are the hardest salts and removing them from the body is a long and labor-intensive process.

The most effective recipes to eliminate oxalates:

  • Take a teaspoon of crushed grape mustache , brew with a glass of boiling water and infuse for half an hour. You need to take 50 ml at a time during the day. The course of treatment is 1 month, after which you need to wait 10 days and repeat again.
  • 3 tbsp. rice you need to pour 1 liter of water, wait a day, old water drain and pour in fresh, then put on the stove and cook for 5 minutes. Then remove from heat, let the broth cool and repeat the procedure again. Soaked and twice boiled rice should be taken as regular food, once a day for two weeks. This rice has the ability to absorb heavy salts and remove them from the body.

A decoction of pine or fir cones. It contains components that prevent the accumulation of salts in the tissues of the body.

Diet for salt deposition in the body

During any course to cleanse the body of excess salts, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • meals should be divided, in small portions, 5-6 times a day;
  • reduce the amount of salt consumed to 1.5 grams per day;
  • instead of regular salt It is recommended to use sea water;
  • exclude junk food from the diet - fast food, products with high content chemical additives and preservatives, as well as fatty meat;
  • drink more pure still water - at least 2 liters per day;
  • reduce the amount of sweet foods you consume;
  • take dietary supplements that normalize the state of microflora.

Exists range of products which help remove salt from the body. These include: cereals, seaweed, beets, potatoes, honey, olive oil, legumes, cereals, juices – orange, pumpkin, apple, green tea , as well as any berries and fruits . These products must be included in your daily diet.

Medicines to remove salts from the body

If excess salts lead to the development of complex diseases, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. In this case, to traditional methods cleansing the body, add medications, which promote the removal of excess salt.

The most common drugsUrodane, Atophan and Urosine . These medications should not be used for more than a week, as they can lead to dehydration and exhaustion of the body.

Can play a big role in getting rid of salts physical exercise . Often, excess salt is formed precisely from sedentary lifestyle life. Doing it daily physical exercise, you can reduce the amount of salt in your body.

The main condition for this is that the intensity and duration of the exercises must be such that the body begins to actively secrete sweat, along with which excess salt will be eliminated. We must not forget about sufficient water consumption. Together with sweat, the human body loses many valuable microelements that need to be replenished.

Salt deposition in the body is a problem that worries many people. Crunching in the bones, pain in the back and joints indicate a problem. Salts are dangerous not only for skeletal system, but also for the kidneys, intestines and heart.

How to remove salts from the body at home folk remedies so as not to harm your health and improve your well-being? In this article we will discuss the issue in more detail.

Why does salt accumulation occur?

Our body needs constant care. If you don't provide timely assistance, put it off, it will stop working normally.

The reason salts accumulate in the body is poor metabolism. This leads to the fact that the elimination processes various kinds“garbage” slows down and it is deposited in the kidneys, joints and spine. What helps accumulate salt deposits:

  • Eating large amounts of fatty foods greatly contributes to this process.
  • Inactive lifestyle, lack of exercise.
  • Excess weight.
  • Elderly age.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Diseases thyroid gland, diabetes.
  • Sports loads on joints.
  • Injuries, fractures of bones and joints.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Heredity.

Symptoms of excess salts in the body

Some symptoms will help determine the presence of salt deposits in the human body.

  • The main signs that the body contains extra salt, can be attributed to swelling. Feet may become persistently swollen, especially at the end of the day.
  • There is a desire to drink a lot of water.
  • An ultrasound examination reveals.
  • Hypertension.
  • Constant need to add salt to food.
  • Flatulence.
  • Impaired metabolism, excess weight.
  • Pain in joints, neck and lumbar regions spine.

Methods for removing salts from the body

Proper nutrition will help cleanse the body of salts. Many people think that it is necessary to completely eliminate salt from the diet. But this is a misconception. Salt is a very important mineral that takes part in the proper functioning of the body. Sodium is involved in the work nervous system, circulatory, helps muscles contract.

Depends on human nutrition correct exchange substances, which in turn affects quick cleansing the body from waste, toxins and salt deposits. If you constantly eat fatty foods, spicy food, processed foods, sweets, fast food, the body will begin to accumulate waste and toxins and over time will turn into a “gutter” that will be difficult to clean out.

Salt should be present in the diet in an amount of one to two grams. It is important to learn to eat under-salted food and not over-salt anything. The body receives greatest number valuable vitamins and minerals when food comes in small portions, but often. The habit of eating, for example, five or six times a day is very important and healthy. Fractional nutrition normalizes metabolism and prevents the body as a whole.

The most important thing is to combine products correctly, then all sorts of deposits will not form in the body.

How to remove excess salt at home

Juices should always be present in the diet; they perfectly cleanse the body of various harmful accumulations. Salads from a variety of greens and vegetables. Dairy products, porridges made from rice, buckwheat, barley, and wheat speed up metabolism.

Foods serve as good diuretics that gently cleanse the body. For example, apple juice, carrot juice, cucumber juice, green onions, zucchini, cucumbers, and watermelon wash out salts perfectly. You can eat regular products without taking any medical supplies, and drive out useless deposits.

Plain clean water or water with lemon and honey will also help remove excess salt from the body. In order not to forget to drink water throughout the day, you can prepare a jug of liquid and place it in a visible place, thereby it will remind you of yourself.

You can't rely on thirst. To get rid of salts you need to drink at least one and a half to two liters of water a day. Experts say that a person can develop a useful habit within 21 days. Then the habit turns into a reflex. There are many good habits and one of them is to drink water in the required quantity.

Medications for removing salts

You can buy medications at the pharmacy that help remove deposits from the organs. It is important to remember that before using any medication It is important to consult a doctor.

Basically, herbal diuretics are offered to cleanse the body. These products dissolve salts in the body and remove them with urine. This cleaning method is attributed to people suffering from osteochondrosis, arthrosis, and inflammation of the kidneys and the accumulation of sand in them.

Only a doctor can prescribe a particular drug, depending on the symptoms and tests. You should not trust the pharmacist at the pharmacy.

Removing salts from the body using folk remedies

  • Cleansing with boiled rice

In the evening, pour 3 tbsp. spoons of rice with one liter of water and leave overnight. In the morning, the rice water must be drained. Pour a liter of water over the rice again and cook for five minutes. Rinse the rice and cook again for five minutes in clean water. Repeat boiling the rice in new water twice. Eat the finished rice for breakfast, then take a break from eating for three hours. Rice is a sponge that absorbs all salts and removes them through the intestines. Perhaps this the best remedy, removing salts quickly and comfortably.

  • Wheatgrass

Wash and dry the wheatgrass root. Pour four teaspoons of root into 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse the product for ten hours. Strain the finished wheatgrass infusion and set aside. Place the roots again in an enamel bowl and pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for ten minutes. Add to the previously prepared broth fresh decoction. To remove salts, take 50 ml of decoction 3 times a day before meals.

  • Parsley root

Peel, rinse and place one medium parsley root in an enamel bowl. Boil in one liter of water for ten minutes. Remove from heat and leave overnight. Drink half a glass of infusion five times a day half an hour before meals.

  • Buckwheat and kefir

Buckwheat and kefir will help you quickly remove excess salt from the body: grind 100 grams of buckwheat in a coffee grinder. Pour buckwheat flour into a glass and add kefir. This remedy must be taken for breakfast for five days.

  • sunflower root

At home, you can prepare a remedy, after a month of use of which all salts are expelled from the body. Chop five tablespoons of dry and washed sunflower roots and pour into a thermos. Pour one liter of boiling water into a thermos and leave for half an hour. Pour the infusion from a thermos into a clean container and drink 100 ml all day before meals.

  • Spinach, aloe, carrot juice

Mix half a liter of carrot juice, 300 ml of spinach juice, 100 ml of aloe juice. You need to take the juice in small sips of 50 ml throughout the day.

  • Infusion of grape mustache

Pour two teaspoons of grape mustaches with 400 milliliters of boiling water. Insist ready-made product half an hour. Strain and cool the infusion. Use 50 ml three times a day for a month.

  • Strawberries

Strawberries are considered very in a good way removal of salt deposits. To prepare the infusion, you can use the stems, berries, roots and leaves of the plant. Place 100 grams of crushed strawberry leaves and roots in a thermos and pour one liter of boiling water. Leave overnight. Strain and take 100 ml three times a day.

  • Hot water

This method is very simple. It can be used without fear of side effects or allergic reactions. In the morning, as soon as our body wakes up, we need to drink half a glass hot water in small sips. The body is cleansed of mucus and salts. This cleaning method is quite lengthy, but comfortable. It can be used almost constantly.

Fans of cleansing the body know that due to the accumulation of salts, pathologies of the kidneys and liver occur, joints are destroyed, the bile ducts are affected, the state of health worsens and becomes deplorable. appearance. You and I need to figure out existing methods healing the body. It is believed that they are working in this direction special diets, drugs and folk remedies based medicinal herbs. Try simple ones for everyone available products and implement home cleansing. So, let's look at how to remove salt from the body to lose weight and protect against diseases.

Facts about salt deposition

Anyone who wants to free the body from harmful substances must consider the following.

  • It is known that healthy body capable of self-cleaning. Against the background of various failures, malfunction kidney, liver, poisoning of various etiologies, constant power supply junk food, drinking any alcohol, lack of physical activity, natural age-related changes, the body cannot neutralize harmful substances and get rid of them in time.
  • Urates, phosphates, carbonates, and oxalates can be deposited in the human body. It is generally accepted that each type of salt should be removed separately.
  • If you decide to thoroughly cleanse the body, then during such therapy you need to adhere to the correct nutritional system without overeating, reduce salt and sugar consumption, take care of proper drinking regime. Experts recommend drinking 6-8 glasses of clean water per day.
  • A salt-free diet for the treatment of diseases or for weight loss is developed by a specialist. As a supplement, you can use folk remedies; their recipes are given in this article.

Food to remove salt from the body

Strict salt-free diets should be practiced only under the supervision of a specialist. Everyone can organize proper nutrition. The following nutritional rules contribute to cleansing the body and losing weight:

  • often eat cleansing foods such as rice, potatoes, kelp, beets;
  • make up your menu from light foods, for example, the diet should be dominated by cereals, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, dairy products, bee products, eggs, natural oils, nuts, seafood, citrus fruits, different varieties of berries;
  • focus on healthy drinks, these include slightly alkaline mineral water, rosehip decoction, compote, natural juice from grapes, cranberries, citruses, lingonberries.
How to remove salt from the body for weight loss: eat right and include in your diet kelp, beets, potatoes, rice, cereals, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, dairy products, bee products, eggs, oils, nuts, seafood, citrus fruits, berries

Currants and strawberries to remove salts


  • strawberry leaves - 2 large spoons;
  • currant leaves - 2 large spoons;
  • knotweed grass - 1 large spoon;
  • water - 1 glass.

Mix all the herbs, measure out 2 large spoons of the dry mixture, brew with boiling water, leave to infuse for half an hour. The product is taken ¼ cup daily. A folk remedy helps remove urates from the body.

Grape mustache to dissolve oxalates


  • crushed young grape shoots and mustaches - 1 teaspoon;
  • water - 200 milliliters.

Take grape raw materials, pour boiling water and leave for about half an hour. The resulting infusion can be consumed ¼ glass every day. Herbal therapy leads to the dissolution of oxalates.

Rice and dried fruits to remove salts from the body


  • quality rice - 3 tablespoons;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • dried apricots - 300 grams;
  • raisins - 300 grams;
  • prunes - 300 grams;
  • half a lemon;
  • honey - a small amount.

To prepare the cleanser, take rice and soak it for several hours. After changing the water, cook the product for about 5 minutes. Next, rinse the rice, add fresh water, and repeat cooking for 5 minutes. Perform similar manipulations twice more. Eat the rice cooked 4 times warm and observe complete fasting for 3 hours. The sorbing potential of rice without additives allows us to call the product medicinal: it absorbs excess salt and naturally removes it from the human body. After eating rice and a 3-hour fast, eat in the usual way. You can survive completely safely in this mode for 10 days. With this cleansing, consumption of dried fruits is encouraged.

To prepare a vitamin cleansing mix, take the indicated dried fruits and grind them through a meat grinder. The finished dish is stored in a cool environment and taken in a large spoon during the day or evening.

Bay leaf to cleanse the body of salts


  • bay leaves - 5 pieces;
  • water - half a liter.

Figures traditional medicine They suggest using a cheap and easy-to-prepare bay decoction. When removing excess salt, moderate physical activity is needed. Hypothermia must not be allowed. Boil the leaves for 20 minutes. Take the resulting decoction three times a day, a single dose is equal to a sip. The course lasts a maximum of 5 days. It should be borne in mind that you are dealing with a powerful method of cleansing the intestines, so you must strictly adhere to the specified framework.

Buckwheat with kefir for removing salts and losing weight


  • ground buckwheat - 2 large spoons;
  • fresh low-fat kefir- 1 glass.

The kefir-buckwheat diet helps eliminate excess salts and effective weight loss. Prepare a cocktail in the evening, pour kefir over buckwheat, and use it instead of breakfast the next day. To thoroughly cleanse the body and eliminate fat deposits, it is enough to eat breakfast this way for 5 days.

If you suspect that your body is contaminated and has accumulated excess salts, then it is advisable to undergo examination by a doctor. In such cases, it is usually recommended to switch to active healthy image life, herbal medicine, proper nutrition, as well as the drugs Urozin, Atophan, Urodan.