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The baby's kidneys are not working. Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system in newborns, treatment. Types of hydronephrosis and the causes of its occurrence in a newborn child

The main task of the baby's kidneys is to filter the blood, removing toxins from it and maintaining water-salt balance. How important and responsible it is can be judged by the fact that the kidneys of a newborn weigh twice as much as those of an adult. Is it true, we are talking relative weight versus body weight. Making up less than 3% of it, the kidneys receive 20-25% of the child's minute blood volume, which is almost 20 times the level of blood circulation in his other organs. But the productivity of the kidneys of the baby (their filtration capacity) is only a third of the norm established for older children. Over time, it will increase, and the organs themselves will grow rapidly.

We wash the filters

In the first days, the baby empties the bladder very rarely: often after the first time the second happens only a day later. A two-day-old baby manages to wet the diaper 5-6 times, but already from the third day the number of urination increases, reaching the norm by the seventh day of the baby's life - 20-25 times a day. Why so often? Firstly, due to a more active metabolism, the crumbs produce more urine than an adult (in terms of a unit of body weight), and, secondly, due to the fact that the capacity Bladder very small (from 50 to 80 ml), and the walls are not sufficiently extensible.

In order for the kidneys to work well, offer your baby boiled water without sugar between feedings! During the day, he should receive as much of it as he eats milk or mixtures in one feeding. Doesn't want to drink? Don't force! This is a voluntary matter.

Is your child urinating less than normal? Tell your pediatrician about it! By the way, artificial babies produce more urine and urinate more often than breastfed babies.

By the year, the capacity of the bladder increases, its walls become more and more extensible, so the baby begins to empty it less often - 15-16 times a day, and diuresis (the volume of urine excreted) increases to 450 ml.

double threat

Kidneys are vulnerable to attack by viruses, bacteria, toxins, allergens, irritants (such as spicy seasonings). All these factors lead to the development of the most common kidney disease in kids toddler age: inflammation of the bladder - cystitis and renal pelvis- (the pelvis is located at the outlet of the kidneys and collects the urine filtered by them so that it can drain through the ureters into the bladder).

You will never miss cystitis - its symptoms are very noticeable. The kid grabs lower part stomach - it hurts a lot, and when urinating discomfort intensify. The temperature may or may not be there. Its increase often indicates the addition of pyelonephritis.

Pyelonephritis can occur on its own, without cystitis, and then it can be difficult to recognize it. After all, this ailment practically does not give itself away - nothing hurts the child, and the mother explains the rise in temperature possible cold, which is indeed often complicated by inflammation of the renal pelvis.

Unrecognized in time, pyelonephritis can turn into chronic form and lead to kidney failure! To prevent this, after every cold and any other illness, the child needs to do a urine test.


Handle your baby with care! Do not try to actively throw it up (as some dads like to do), and even more so - shake it, angry because of crying. Shaken baby syndrome (and there is such a diagnosis!) is bad for the kidneys. They are easy to injure, because in infants they are low and not protected by ribs and muscles. The right one is usually located below the left: in infants it can even be felt, which is never possible in older children.

Don't let in crumbs of intestinal dysbacteriosis and constipation! Lymphatic vessels intestines are closely connected with similar vessels of the kidneys, so toxins and microbes absorbed from the intestines can provoke inflammatory process in the organs of the urinary tract.

We reduce the risk

You are quite capable of eliminating the factors that contribute to the occurrence of cystitis and pyelonephritis:

  • do not allow hypothermia of the child;
  • after a year, start potty training your child. It is very important to keep this process under control. Then you will be aware of how things are going with urination. Pay attention to how often and how much the child urinates, whether he has an urge or not, whether he shudders when urinating or maybe cries;
  • make sure that the child goes to the toilet in a small way at least every hour and a half;
  • fight constipation;
  • dress the child so that he never stings and does not press.

The kidneys are a pair of organs that work effectively in purifying the blood, keeping the body in balance. But there are cases when a child has congenital anomalies from birth.

Kidney dysplasia is a disease that is characterized by a decrease in the size of one (unilateral dysplasia) or two kidneys at once (bilateral dysplasia). This is due to a developmental disorder. epithelial tissue that makes up the kidneys. As a result of this disease in children, there is a decrease in the functionality of the urinary system.

What happens under normal conditions?

Fist-sized kidneys responsible for fluid and acid-base balance child's body. They are located on either side of the spine behind the liver, stomach, pancreas and intestines. These organs are protected by the lower ribs and back muscles.

When a child's kidneys are healthy, they main function is to balance the main elements: for example, sodium and potassium, while providing the hormones necessary for the regulation blood pressure and formation of erythrocytes.

What are the symptoms of kidney dysplasia in a child?

According to the observations of experts, kidney dysplasia in the fetus is about 4% among other diseases of the urinary apparatus. Very dangerous stage is the case when dysplasia affects not one kidney, but two at once. In such situations, treatment is simply not possible. Bilateral kidney damage is distinguished:

1. Aplastic. In this case, the child dies within a few days. Of course, science does not stand still and modern development medical equipment and highly qualified doctors are working on this problem. And if in time to find this problem, there is a possibility that the newborn will be transplanted with a new kidney.

2. Hypoplastic. This type of disease reduces the functioning of organs and in most cases develops kidney failure, and chronic. In order to identify the disease, specialists use the biopsy method of these paired organs.

Signs of this anomaly:

  • The child feels severe pain lower abdomen;
  • Seizures are observed;
  • Headache;
  • The blood pressure rises.

Also, a child diagnosed with kidney dysplasia is significantly behind in development compared to their peers.

What causes kidney dysplasia?

Kidney dysplasia in children can be caused by maternal exposure to certain drugs or genetic factors. Pregnant women should consult their healthcare provider before taking any medication during pregnancy. Drugs that can cause kidney dysplasia include drugs to treat seizures and drugs to lower blood pressure called angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). Dependence on smoking, alcohol or drugs can also cause kidney dysplasia in an unborn child.

Kidney dysplasia can also have genetic causes. During kidney dysplasia in a child ultrasonography may reveal the same disease in one of the parents.

Some genetic syndromes that affect other body systems. A child with kidney dysplasia may also have problems:

  • with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nervous system;
  • heart and vessels;
  • muscles and skeleton;
  • other parts urinary tract.

Urinary tract problems that lead to kidney dysplasia can also affect a normal functioning kidney. Over time, if these problems that the abnormal kidney can cause are not corrected, it can damage the functioning of the normal kidney and lead to kidney failure.


It is very important that your child is examined by a pediatric urologist. Kidney dysplasia is often detected during fetal ultrasound during pregnancy. A fetal ultrasound uses sound waves to create images of a baby growing and developing in the womb. However, this condition is not always discovered before the baby is born. After birth, enlarged kidneys may be detected during testing for a urinary tract infection or other medical examination.

What are the types of renal dysplasia?

Kidney agenesis: Most people are born with two kidneys. But in 4000 babies (more boys than girls) come into the world with only one kidney, this is the main characteristic signal of renal agenesis. In some cases, ultrasound may show a very small second kidney located in an abnormal state.

Renal hypoplasia: A child is born with two normally functioning kidneys, but they are significantly small. Renal hypoplasia is not a hereditary disease and occurs in both boys and girls. If a child's kidneys are extremely small, their function declines as the child enters puberty.

Renal dysplasia may be associated with abnormalities of the ureter, as the urinary tube connects the kidney to bladder. This condition is characterized by the reverse flow of urine from the bladder to the kidneys.

How is kidney dysplasia treated in a child?

If the disease is limited to one kidney and the child is asymptomatic, pediatric kidney dysplasia may not be treated. Regular checkups should include blood pressure measurements, blood tests to measure kidney function, and urine protein tests. The child should have periodic ultrasounds to monitor both the affected kidney and to make sure that the normal kidney is developing without problems. Children with urinary tract infections need antibiotic therapy.

Kidney removal should only be considered when the kidney:

Many children with unilateral kidney dysplasia can grow up to be perfectly healthy, and during adulthood won't have any problems. Symptoms of the disease may decrease as the child grows. By age 5, the diseased kidney will no longer be visible on X-rays or ultrasounds. Children and adults with a single working kidney should have regular checkups and blood pressure measurements. A child who has trouble urinating needs either a kidney transplant or a blood cleanse called dialysis.

Actually there is no special treatment renal dysplasia. Everything will depend on the extent to which the development of the disease occurs.

The attending physician prescribes special diet, which should protect the working kidney. Restriction in sports will be recommended by your doctor. It will be necessary to give up riding horses, playing on trampolines. Your doctor should discuss appropriate restrictions with you.

To reduce the risk of infection and rapid decline kidney function, you need to follow the doctor's recommendations about the urinary tract. Unfortunately, this will not help restore health, but it is possible to prevent bilateral kidney dysplasia in a child.

If the results show complications, the abnormal kidney must be removed, this can be done through a small incision or laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic surgery consists of four small incisions in which the kidney is removed from one incision.

After the operation, the child remains in the hospital for a day for observation. He is sent home the next day to fully recover. Your doctor will give you detailed information about how to recover at home.


If your child has no other birth defects he will live perfectly normal life. Throughout life, a person will have to undergo check-ups with their doctor in order to make sure that the kidneys are still functioning. Your doctor may recommend limiting salt and protein in your diet.

Children are the flowers of life and their diseases seem to be the most terrible test for young parents. Kidney dysplasia is one of the most commonly diagnosed congenital anomalies. urinary tract. Treatment of kidney dysplasia should be started in a timely manner.

Nature laid down the development of the kidneys, as paired organs of our body. If a child was born with one kidney, the diagnosis usually sounds like a sentence. But this does not mean that a child with such a congenital anomaly will not be able to live a full life and will be disabled. What is the cause of such an abnormal development, what is the diagnosis and clinical formation of the pathology?

Types of pathology

The congenital absence of one organ or two at once in a newborn is called agenesis.

Agenesia can be divided into two types:

  1. Bilateral absence of organs, which cannot be combined with later life baby, he dies immediately after birth. There have been cases when in a similar situation a child was born at term, full-term, but died a few days later. The reason is renal failure, because with agenesis, there is no development of the ureter.
  2. Unilateral lack of an organ.
    • Congenital unilateral agenesis right kidney, occurs the most. Right by nature smaller and more vulnerable than the left. Left kidney compensates for the functions of the missing second organ and children do not experience any discomfort.
    • Agenesis of the left organ. This pathology is more difficult to tolerate, but it is seen much less frequently. According to its structure, the right organ cannot perform the functions "for two".
    • Unilateral deficiency of the organ with the ureter. Virtually no effect on full life, especially if the function of an unhealthy kidney is compensated by a healthy one. For a person healthy lifestyle life is the guarantee of his health.
    • Unilateral organ deficit without ureter. main feature anomalies - lack of the mouth of the duct, which is clearly visible on ultrasound, which threatens the pathology of the formation of the genital organs.

Causes of pathology

Pathology can be seen during ultrasound.

Organs are laid in the baby even before his birth, during the period of intrauterine development. It is this time that can be characterized by the presence of prerequisites for pathology. Pathology can be seen during a routine screening ultrasound, which is carried out every few months. Scientists cannot give a specific answer to the question of what causes an abnormal course. The only thing is that the doctors did not find any genetic predisposition in agenesia.

  • The reason for the presence of only one kidney, doctors see a failure in the formation of organs in the first months of pregnancy. The body of a pregnant woman is sensitive to different kind infections and bacteria. Such a danger will leave its mark on the formation of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother.
  • The risk of having a child with one kidney increases in a woman who has diabetes.
  • Uncontrolled reception medicines during pregnancy can lead to disruption in the formation of fetal organs.

The most dangerous for the onset of pathologies are the first and second months of pregnancy. The shorter the period in which there was a pathogenic effect on the fetus, the stronger the complication will be. For example, if in the first month the fetus was exposed to harmful factors, most likely, during the examination, agenesis is visualized, in the third month it threatens to disrupt the shape and structure of the organ. It is important to timely come for an examination to a specialist, conduct an ultrasound scan so that such a complication is seen in time.

Agenesis of the kidneys in the fetus

Recently, doctors have seen an increase in the number of pathologies genitourinary system and are concerned about it. According to statistics, boys are born with agenesis more often than girls. During the period of intrauterine formation, a stroke develops in the rudiments of the ureter. It is an obstacle to the normal formation of organs. As a result, unilateral agenesis developed, less often bilateral.

The unilateral absence of an organ is practically invisible and you can find out about it quite by accident. With bilateral agenesis, the fetus has obvious congenital signs that an ultrasound specialist sees:

  • wide nose;
  • wide-set eyes;
  • convex forehead;
  • deformation of the auricles;
  • puffiness of the face.

One kidney works in the fetus - this is more common than complete agenesis. Bilateral agenesis is more likely lethal outcome even before the birth of the fetus or in the first hours after birth. Unilateral agenesis is not a disability, children live with such an anomaly and their quality of life is most often violated by pathologies not associated with kidney deficiency.

Pathology in newborns

Constant regurgitation in a newborn is observed with kidney pathology.

As a rule, a newborn with a pathology is born prematurely. There is a compensation for the absence of the organ by the second kidney. If a deviation from the norm was not seen during an ultrasound examination, it will be visible a few days after birth, sometimes it takes a month or years. If the kidney of a newborn does not work well and cannot cope with the load, newborns suffer from dehydration from the first days of life, frequent urination, constant regurgitation. A newborn with one kidney is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sick look;
  • swelling on the face;
  • constant regurgitation;
  • pressure rises;
  • general intoxication.

Bilateral pathology is usually accompanied by side effects performing the functions of other organs. At present, medicine has reached high level, for the treatment of bilateral pathology, organ transplantation can be done. It is important that the pathology be seen in time, diagnosed and accepted. necessary measures, because with such a complication, there are also difficulties in the structure of the ureters. And while the newborn is growing, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the organ, because any infection or injury is dangerous and threatens with adverse consequences.

The absence of one kidney in a child

In the further growth of the baby, the pathology associated with deviations in the development of the ureter can affect the health of men (sexual dysfunction) and women (deviations of the reproductive system). In boys, the complication is expressed in the lack of testis, the vas deferens. In girls, the complication is expressed in the underdevelopment of the pelvic organs (uterus, fallopian tube or vagina).

In addition to complications that develop in utero, living children with one kidney may experience a large number of renal complications. Most often they are found with urolithiasis or inflammation of the kidney. Both diseases can provoke kidney failure, which is completely incompatible with pathology.

  1. some symptoms (edema, impaired diuresis, azotemia, changes in urine) may be manifestations border states for which no special correction is required;
  2. symptoms of kidney disease in newborns may be due to extrarenal causes (eg, edema in scleredema, sclerema);
  3. in connection with AFO of the kidneys in newborns, most of the laboratory parameters considered pathological at other ages, in early period newborns are not.

Kidney disease can be diagnosed if edematous syndrome progresses, enlarged kidneys are determined by palpation, persistent proteinuria, hematuria, leukocyturia, diuresis is impaired in urine tests.
Edema in kidney disease in newborns is usually mild, localized on the face, wall, limbs, their localization varies depending on the position of the child.
Violation of the nature of urination and a change in diuresis can only be detected when observing newborns. The absence of urination during the first 72 hours of life suggests a congenital gross anomaly or other pathology of the kidneys. Urinary retention can also be a sign of a disease of the nervous system.

Oliguria- a persistent decrease in diuresis to 1/3 of the norm. Oliguria is possible with kidney disease, may be associated with dehydration with diarrhea, if the mother has diabetes, against the backdrop of the SDR.

Polyuria- appears in the presence of a defect in the concentration ability of the kidneys. It can be detected by the end of the first month of life. The amount of urine in these cases is 1.5-2 times higher than age norm, the relative density of urine is low (1.001 - 1.004) and does not increase even with dehydration.

Proteinuria- in newborns, it is considered a deviation from the norm with an increase in the protein content in the urine of more than 0.33 g / l, since physiological proteinuria may be noted. In the process of adaptation to extrauterine life, the protein in the urine disappears. Persistent proteinuria is seen with congenital pathology kidneys, with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the kidneys.

Hematuria- at healthy newborn does not exceed 100 erythrocytes in 1 min. Erythrocytes in the urine appear with congenital pathology of the kidneys, with thrombosis renal vein, with DIC.

Leukocyturia, bacteriuria in the neonatal period, it is rarely possible to determine the level of damage to the urinary system. In healthy newborns, there may be single hyaline casts in the urine, but casts containing cellular elements, the so-called granular casts (erythrocytes, leukocytes, epithelial cells), are found only when the kidneys are damaged.
The study of kidney function in newborns is almost impossible due to the difficulty of accounting for diuresis.
Ultrasonography of the kidneys is widely used.

Kidney diseases in newborns are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Congenital and hereditary diseases.
  2. Acquired diseases (renal thrombosis, interstitial nephritis, urinary tract infection).

In the first month of life, congenital nephrotic syndrome and pseudohypoaldosteronism are more often clinically manifested.

congenital nephrotic syndrome(glomerulonephritis of newborns with nephrotic syndrome) is a hereditary disease, characterized by a clinical and laboratory picture of nephrotic syndrome. Children are born weighing less
3 kg with signs of intrauterine hypoxia, there is a large placenta. In the first days of life, an edematous syndrome appears, which is characteristic big belly due to flatulence and ascites. The child lags behind in development, malnutrition, anemia are noted. A large amount of protein is excreted in the urine in the blood. The level of urea, residual nitrogen, creatinine in the blood increases.
The disease is incurable, the prognosis is poor.

Pseudohypoaldosteronism(renal salt diabetes) - a hereditary disease in which the kidneys excrete sodium chloride from the body, clinically manifests itself in the first weeks of life - polyuria, arterial hypotension, adynamia, in severe cases collaptoid state, even against the background of dehydration, sufficient diuresis remains, the child lags behind in physical development. Hyponatremia is noted in the blood, and the concentration of sodium in the urine is high.
Treatment. The introduction of sodium chloride intravenously. If left untreated, death occurs from dehydration, collapse, or hyperkalemia.
Patients with congenital malformations of the kidneys and urinary tract are observed by the surgeon, if necessary, surgical treatment. These include: doubling of the kidneys, various anomalies in the shape of the kidneys - horn-shaped, horseshoe-shaped, hydronephrosis, polycystic, etc.

Interstitial nephritis. It is an acute non-bacterial nonspecific inflammation kidney tissue. The disease in newborns develops as a reaction of the kidneys to hypoxic and toxic effects against the background of drug, chemical, protein, and viral damage. Most often, interstitial nephritis occurs against the background of SDR.
Clinical manifestations: against the background of hypoxia, symptoms of intoxication are noted - regurgitation, refusal of the breast or poor appetite, weight loss, subfebrile temperature, in the urine a large number of red blood cells, that is, hematuria, a small amount of protein, white blood cells. There may be hidden edema in the form of weight gain.

Thrombosis of the renal veins. It develops as a result of severe perinatal hypoxia, significant dehydration. Complicated childbirth, rapid weight loss, septicemia predispose to thrombosis.

Clinical manifestations are nonspecific. After the child has had state of shock, he begins to palpate one or both enlarged kidneys. Erythrocytes are found in the urine. Rapidly developing acute renal failure. Leukocytosis and thrombocytopenia appear in the blood.
Treatment: administration of heparin.
The prognosis is unfavorable.

urinary tract infection in newborns, it appears as secondary pyelonephritis. Most common pathogen pyelonephritis is coli, but can be any gram-negative microorganism or staphylococcus aureus. With pyelonephritis, leukocyturia and bacteriuria are necessarily noted. The condition of the child can vary from a slight deviation to a toxic state. toxic form pyelonephritis may be accompanied by hepatomegaly, hemolytic anemia, jaundice. Vomiting, diarrhea, lack of weight gain are noted. In blood tests, inflammatory changes.
Treatment. Antibacterial therapy, drinking plenty of water.

kidney failure characterized by impaired ability of the kidneys to excrete water. In newborns, 2 types of renal failure are distinguished.
1. Renal failure on the background of congenital and hereditary diseases of the kidneys, is actually the end stage of renal failure, due to the congenital absence of 80% of the mass of active nephrons. Clinical manifestations: lethargy, refusal to eat, regurgitation, liquid stool, persistent oliguria, edema appears, possible convulsive syndrome increase in the size of the kidneys.
Treatment is aimed at restoring electrolyte disturbances, eliminating hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, azotemia. For this purpose, hemodialysis is used, intravenous administration liquids.
2. Acute renal failure develops as a result of ischemia renal tissue. It occurs in newborns with prolonged asphyxia, SDR, bleeding, thrombosis of the kidney vessels, DIC against the background of hypoxia or an infectious process.
Clinical manifestations: oliguria in combination with a rapid deterioration of the condition, adynamia, decreased tissue turgor, neurological symptoms appear.
Treatment in the shock period is determined by the cause of acute renal failure, respectively, the volume of circulating blood is restored, blood circulation is normalized, and asphyxia is combated.
Treatment. They limit nutrition through the mouth, only a concentrated 15-20% glucose solution and a 2% sodium bicarbonate solution are prescribed intravenously. To combat hyperkalemia, calcium preparations are administered intravenously, gastric lavage soda solution. Hemodialysis is carried out.
The prognosis for acute renal failure in newborns is extremely unfavorable.

Good day, my dear readers! I think that each of us, young mothers, heard unknown diagnoses from a pediatrician in the direction of her newborn. Often, they are mistakes, and sometimes they are just a forecast. However, it also happens that the diagnosis made by the children's doctor is absolutely justified and confirmed by the results of the tests, and then, unknowing parents turn to the Internet for help.

This happened to my friend, at the first examination after the results of the ultrasound, the doctor said that the child had pyeloectasia (such a diagnosis is made if the renal pelvis is enlarged in a newborn). What can I say: with any illness of the baby, young parents begin to panic. Fortunately, pyelectasis is not at all a cause for alarm, but only a reason to be a little more attentive to your baby.

The pelvis of the kidney is a kind of funnel designed to "collect and remove" urine from the body. Roughly speaking, the pelvis serves as a conductor - urine enters it from the renal cups, after which it exits naturally (by urination).

Here, the ureters play a significant role, because if the pelvis is enlarged, then they narrow, thereby creating an obstacle to the natural discharge of urine. In this case, we can talk about pyelectasis.

2. Causes of pyelectasis in a newborn

Initially, I would like to note that this disease can occur in the fetus while still in the womb. If a woman does not miss a doctor's consultation and attends all planned ultrasound examinations, then even at the stage of pregnancy, any deviations in the development of the baby can be established.

It is possible to detect pathology through ultrasound after 17 weeks of pregnancy. It is believed that the norm of the pelvis in newborns should not exceed 10 mm.

It should also be noted here that the following factors can act as the causative agent of the disease:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • unformed lumen of the ureters (with subsequent narrowing);
  • anomalies (for example, "detachment" from the ureter of the pelvis).

All of the above reasons are related to congenital pathology. However, it is worth saying that literally 40% of children are born with this disease.

Apart from physiological features the formation of the pelvis should also highlight the causes of acquired pyelectasis:

  • consequences of kidney disease;
  • infections.

3. Symptoms of pyelectasis

Often, the expansion of the pelvis of the kidney does not affect general well-being newborn.

In fact, there are several stages of the disease:

  1. Stage I. The disease is asymptomatic, does not cause any inconvenience to the child, so the parent may not notice signs of a deterioration in the infant's condition. Kidney functions are not disturbed and continue to "work" in the "normal" mode.
  2. Stage II. At this stage, there is an increase in the kidney, and subsequently the pelvis. The baby may cry when urinating because this procedure now makes him uncomfortable. The "performance" of the kidneys is reduced by 40%.
  3. Stage III. The kidney continues to grow, due to which its functions are reduced by more than 40%.

In any case, you should not panic, because this pathology treatable.

4. Diagnosis of the disease

If we are talking about congenital pyelectasis, then it is most likely that the pathology will be established during pregnancy. In this case, the doctor will decide on further treatment already a newborn baby, or will advise future mother about right image life for intrauterine elimination of the disease.

In some cases, small pyelectasis is normal and disappears some time after the birth of the child. Most often, this disease occurs in boys.

Again, after birth, the baby will be examined by a doctor. To establish (or refute) the diagnosis, you will need:

  • collect a urine sample;
  • do an ultrasound (to determine the size of the pelvis).

After the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment for the child. In our country, for example, during the second ultrasound during pregnancy, a diagnosis of pyelectasis was made, but the first ultrasound abdominal cavity the baby showed that the pelvis had disappeared. So don't worry too early.

5. How to treat an enlarged renal pelvis in an infant

Parents need to be prepared for the fact that the treatment of the pelvis is a long process. This does not mean that the procedures will take a huge amount of time and take energy. Not at all! For example, the baby of my friend was prescribed medication and ordered to undergo a course of physiotherapy.

By the way, this is the treatment that is prescribed for most children with a disease such as pyelectasis.

Many parents are interested in: what is the danger of this pathology. I hasten to please you! At the initial stages (stages I and II of the disease), the expanded pelvis of the kidneys does not require surgical interventions, and after undergoing a course of treatment, it completely “disappears” without a trace.

On last stage diseases, in addition to collecting urine and undergoing an ultrasound examination, the doctor may prescribe other procedures:

  • radioisotope research;
  • intravenous urography;
  • cystography.

After passing all the studies, the newborn will most likely be scheduled for an operation, but you should not be afraid of it, since it is carried out by a bloodless method and with the help of tiny instruments.

IN postoperative period the baby needs special care, about which the doctor himself will advise the parents.

For some time after treatment, the child should be observed by a nephrologist. Required:

  • regularly take a urine test (once a month);
  • conduct an ultrasound examination (to observe the size of the kidneys and pelvis).

Parents should not worry if a newborn has pyeloectasia, because after complete cure this disease does not lead to complications, and therefore does not entail any consequences.

Therefore, dear readers, you can not panic, but calmly deal with the treatment of your children! And I wish you get well soon! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!